#baby danvers x lena
coralsillustrations · 6 months
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Felt like drawing them again (plus a super toddler)
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natalievoncatte · 5 months
Lena knew this was going to be a bad one. She was making dinner when she glanced up and saw that the Lakehawks game had been interrupted by a breaking news report. There was a fire on the south side hills, flames raking the side of the building as they reached hungrily for the sky, as if to consume the stars themselves.
Rushing to the balcony, she could see it, an angry red glow on the edge of the city. It was a bad place for a fire. It was out of control and the brush and vegetation nearby was dry; all of Southern California was under drought conditions and a fire watch. Everyone in the city would be glued to their televisions; a helicopter thumped overhead, sending a downblast over her as it thundered towards the fire.
Lena watched with her own eyes, briefly spotting the red and blue streak across the night sky. She couldn’t see the fire itself but she could imagine Kara slicing through the air at full speed, dousing or something the flames in some clever way. True to form, the glow died down quickly. Lena didn’t need to turn back to the tv to know the fire was was contained and would soon be out.
She waited patiently on the balcony, leaning over the railing and letting the crisp night air sweep through her hair. She looked up when she saw that familiar dash of red and blue slow and descend beside her, cape billowing out behind Kara as she landed.
Her face and hair and suit were streaked with soot and her eyes were downcast. Lena said nothing as she placed her hands on Kara’s big shoulders and led her inside. As soon as they were in, Lena closed the doors and pulled the curtains, then swiftly turned and undid the clasps that held Kara’s cape to her shoulders, sweeping it over the back of a chair. From the set of her back and the way her head hung, she knew at once that something as wrong.
She didn’t ask. Kara was never cruel to her, never snapped at her, but Lena had learned to read her and knew that she needed a little bit of silence to process after something happened.
A kind of ritual had been created between them. Lena parted the skintight suit to reveal the hidden zipper and pulled it down, exposing the honeyed skin of Kara’s broad back. She wore a crop top and boxers under the suit, and shimmied out of it, gathering it and the cape.
Kara turned to head towards the bedroom, and Lena caught her with a hand resting softly on her forearm.
“I wasn’t fast enough,” Kara whispered, as the tears began to fall.
Lena took the suit from her and the cape and laid them reverently across the chair.
“Don’t worry about me,” said Kara. “I’ll be fine.”
“You will be, but I’m going to worry all I want.”
Lena pressed into her and Kara wrapped her arms around her, nuzzling her nose into the crown of Lena’s head. Kryptonian super-senses. She was taking deep breaths of Lena’s pheromones and feeling the beat of her heart against her own chest. Kara smelled like sweat and burnt drywall, but Lena didn’t care.
“Eat your dinner. I’ll be okay.”
Lena let her go, but put away what she’d been making; the chicken could brine for up to a day anyway, and she wanted to share this meal for Kara. Lena wouldn’t admit that she enjoyed feeding Kara, whose body seemed so incapable of gaining any weight which was not muscle, but she knew she did. Not to mention the little thrill she got from introducing her to new tastes.
She had a protein shake instead, waiting for Kara to come out of the shower. Kara would wash her suit and cape herself, so Lena left it.
When she stepped into the bedroom, Kara had changed into a loose, threadbare t-shirt and was fluffing her hair with a towel. Eventually it would dry into flawless waves with loosely curled, salon perfect ends; apparently Kryptonians also had super styling amongst their repertoire of scientifically implausible abilities.
Kara flopped on her side on the bed, sighing.
Lena crawled aboard behind her and wrapped her arms around Kara, and Kara immediately sank back into her embrace with a soft sigh. The bed erased their height difference and Lena sheltered Kara with her body, tucking her head against her chest. After a while, she began slowly running her fingers through Kara’s damp hair, and her tuneless hum became a half-remembered lullaby her mother had sung as Kara let out a quiet sob and shuddered.
Sometimes, the biggest person needed to be small, and the strongest woman in the world needed someone to be stronger. Eventually, Kara told Lena what happened, yet another invisible scar she’d carry forever. Once again Lena bitterly thought that Kara didn’t deserve to live like this, bearing the guilt of two whole worlds on her shoulders.
But she did, so Lena would help her carry it.
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awaitingrain · 6 months
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Just another Supercorp Sunday 💙❤️
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supercorpkid · 1 month
Ooooo okay
So inspired by your runaway dancers fic (so good) but BD didn't run away just kind off suffered in silence faded into the background
But like BD is just feeling left out cause Alex and Kara are like a team both work for the DEO and constantly have sister nights and are just really close
And like Lucy Lane and Lena Luthor both know what it's like to be the black sheep (so do Alex and Kara they just don't notice it) and like BD isn't invited to sister night so Lucy and Lena take BD to go have fun and take BDs mind off of it
And then the sisters realise (somehow maybe they overhear or they get confronted) they have left out BD and apologise and all make up
So like angst and fluff for BD (you can change any off the plot this is just something to help spark ideas)
You're On Your Own, Kid.
Supergirl. Baby Danvers. Kara Danvers x BabyDanvers!Reader, Alex Danvers x BabyDanvers!Reader, Lena Luthor, Lucy Lane.
Word count: 1900
They are everywhere. Everywhere you look, the heroes of National City catch your eye, and you're left swallowing the lump in your throat. They're your sisters. There shouldn’t be a lump in your throat at the sight of them. But recently, things have been taking a hard turn for you.
You love your job. Really, you do. Taking care of little animals and being a veterinarian brings you joy. But sometimes, you wish you had chosen something more impactful—not just for the world, but for your sisters.
Alex is an agent. A badass one, armed with alien tech, and she’s an incredible doctor, skilled in both human and Kryptonian anatomy. Kara has just become a prominent reporter at one of the biggest media empires in National City and, of course, she’s also one of the planet's greatest superheroes. 
And here you are, examining dog feces for worms.
You don’t mind. There’s no way to express this without sounding jealous, which you’re really not. Your heart swells with pride when Kara saves the world. When you see Alex doing something extremely dangerous yet incredibly badass, you want to shout from the rooftops that she’s your sister.
But lately, you’ve been feeling lonely and a bit left out. They have so much in common and spend so much time together that, little by little, you're left on the sidelines. It started with conversations about things you knew nothing about, then inside jokes you weren’t part of, then secrets. Now, spending time with them is emotionally draining, but not being around them feels even worse.
“Did you see this?” A technician shoves her phone in your face. You smile at Supergirl’s picture and the headline, though she can’t see it because you're wearing a mask.
“Chichi doesn’t have worms.” You remove your gloves, organize the space, and reach for her phone to read the entire news. “Whoa, Supergirl saved the world today!” You look up. “Isn’t it crazy to think we could’ve died analyzing feces if it wasn’t for her?”
“I know! I wish I knew her. I’d make sure she knew she saved us from the most embarrassing death ever.”
You think to yourself that you’ll let Kara know this as soon as you’re out of the clinic. It might have been a while since you two last talked, but you think your sister would appreciate hearing about her heroics. Everyone likes compliments, after all.
“We should go out to celebrate.”
“Not being dead?”
She nods enthusiastically. You almost take her up on it but think better of it. You want to celebrate, but you’d rather do it with Supergirl herself. Buy her potstickers and thank her in person.
You can’t buy Kara potstickers every time she saves the world—you’d go bankrupt in a few months. But not dying an embarrassing death calls for it, honestly.
You leave work and head to her favorite restaurant, and soon you're on your way to her apartment. As you’re about to knock, you hear Alex’s voice inside.
“Ayy!” she exclaims in an uncharacteristic manner. “Sisters’ night with cold beer after you saved the world and I saved your butt at CatCo was an awesome idea.”
Sisters’ night?
You check your phone to make sure you haven’t missed a text. No, you definitely weren’t invited to this impromptu sisters’ night. You try to muster the courage to knock anyway. They weren’t expecting you, but Kara wouldn’t—
“Golly, eating potstickers after saving the world with my family is the best feeling in the universe.”
You turn around without a second thought. It’s awfully sad how unsurprising this is to you. It doesn’t take you off guard, it doesn’t even make your stomach drop. It’s nothing new.
Sure, you’ve been almost out of their lives. Haven’t hung out in a month, Kara hasn’t visited you at work in months, and the last time someone said anything in the text chain was when you asked if they’d heard from Mom that day. Alex simply said no. And that was two weeks ago.
But still, not being invited to a sisters’ night? It literally has that name because it’s a celebration of sisters! You’re a sister. Even if you are the least favorite one.
Great, you’re back at it again. Feeling like you always did back in Midvale. Feeling jealous of Kara and her friendship with Alex. Wanting what they have so badly. The understanding, the support, the “I’ll die for you” love that you only ever got little tastes of.
Ugh. You roll in your bed, trying to go to sleep and praying you wake up invisible.
It's been a week since you realized your sisters want you out of their lives, so you've been keeping to yourself. They haven't come looking for you, not even when you didn't make it to games' night and said nothing on the group chat.
You hear the doorbell and go answer it. It's been a while since anyone visited and you have no idea who could be behind that door. "Lena?"
"So you are alive!" 
"I guess?" You're puzzled by her visit. She's friends with your sisters. Sure, you've talked before, but she's Kara's best friend, not yours.
"Well, I wouldn't know. I haven't seen you in weeks." Lena glances inside your apartment and you finally realize you haven't invited her in yet. So you make space and she takes the chance to walk in. "You haven't been to any game's night, and haven't added anything to the group chat."
"Has —" The question burns in your throat and it needs to be asked. "Anyone else noticed?"
Lena stops, understanding your implication, and turns around slowly.
"Should anyone in specific notice it?"
You don't answer, and her expression demands more. You want to confide in her, but you can't. Lena is Kara's best friend. It wouldn't be fair to share something about your sister with her. So you bite your tongue and shrug. You're on your own. You always have been.
"Oh, no. No. Just curious."
"Well, I came to drag you to game night with me today and you can't say no!"
"No." Lena's face falls and you smile apologetically. "Sorry, I'm going out with some friends from vet school."
"But we're your family!" Lena tries again. Some family! They don't even notice you haven't been around in weeks. "Just come with me today and I'll stop bugging you." Before you open your mouth she adds, "Don't say no."
"See, you did it again." She pretends to be annoyed and you laugh.
"Sorry Lena, next one, maybe. This one is not gonna happen."
You don't make it to the next one, no matter how many times Lena texts you or tries to bribe you with your favorite food. You can’t go. How many sisters’ nights have they had that you weren’t a part of? How many times was it just them, never realizing something was missing? And worst of all, what if there isn't something missing to them? What if you're someone that people can't even miss?
You think you finally get Lena off your back. She stops texting you, so you're sure you won't have to explain yourself anymore or come up with lazy excuses.
“Y/N.” Your technician calls, and you raise your head from your computer. There were no emergencies today, so you've been just going over some patients' charts while you wait for the next one. “Some women outside are asking for you.”
You look at her with puzzled eyes.
“They don't even own a pet.” You furrow your brows harder and make your way to the front of the clinic.
“Lena? Lucy? What are you guys doing here?”
“We're taking you out for a drink,” Lena says, then adds in a more severe tone, “and seriously, I won't accept no for an answer this time.”
“I'm working and I have a patient.” You look at your schedule. “A cat named…” You raise your head at her, with an eyebrow raised. “Lex.”
“One of those bald ones that looks like it's inside out. Oh, be careful 'cause he bites.” She adds with a smirk.
You look back at the schedule to see that the last patient of the day also seems to be a prank from them. “And next, there is a dog named Clark.”
“He's a golden retriever! The sweetest, but super strong!” Lucy jokes, and you roll your eyes at their shenanigans.
“Can't believe you weirdos paid to hang out with me.”
“Oh, it was all Lena.” You chuckle, of course, it was Lena. Who else would literally throw money at your face so she could talk to you?
There's nothing you can say; you have to join them. You really like them both, but you know they are mostly your sisters' friends, so you can't tell them the real reason why you've been so MIA.
You've been more of a listener throughout the entire hangout. It's weird getting information about your sisters from Lena and Lucy instead of directly from them, but hey, it was their choice. You're just giving them the space they seem to want.
“So, when are you going to tell us about what's going on with you and why you've completely disappeared from our lives lately?”
“Nothing's happening,” you slur, not because you're drunk but because you don't want to talk.
“My bet was that you're in a new relationship,” Lucy says, and you wish she was right. It would make the loneliness you're feeling less prominent.
“I guess you lost the bet.”
Lena looks straight into your eyes. “Well, I think it has something to do with family.”
You don't answer, but the fact that you don’t is what makes them understand right away. Lena reaches for your hand on the other side of the table, and you swallow the lump in your throat and the tears coming.
“It's okay, darling.” She almost whispers in this packed bar full of drunk people. You still hear her perfectly and can hear the sweetness of her tone as well. “We both have been there too.”
“You have?”
Lucy smiles at Lena before turning to you. “Dude, we're the black sheep of our families. Of course we know what it's like not to belong with your family.”
“Yeah.” The tears threaten to leave your eyes again, and you do your best to swallow them down. “It's been hard. They're hanging out together so much, and they have so much in common.”
“Yeah, but that doesn't mean they don't miss you.” Lena tries, and you give her a watery chuckle.
“Trust me, they don't. You've reached out to me a lot more than they have in the past month. I don't think they even noticed I haven't been around.”
“That's crazy! Of course they noticed it!” It's Lucy who tries again.
“They had a sisters' night without me. They haven't texted me in a month, and I haven't been to so many game nights that I'd expect them to at least realize the counting of people has been wrong.”
“Oh, we haven't been playing group games these days.”
You just stare at them, not much left to say. They know where you're coming from, and there's no more excuses they can give for your sisters' behavior. Though, they aren't the ones supposed to be making excuses anyway.
After you get this confession out of the way, you can enjoy the night without having to tiptoe around the subject. Both Lena and Lucy are very understanding of your situation, and though you can feel they pity you, the overall feeling is warmth.
Because sisters' night is basically out of your vocabulary already, Lena and Lucy have turned the usual Thursday night into girls' night. It's the second one, and Lucy wanted to karaoke so you all ended up at the alien bar everyone usually frequents. 
You weren't thinking about your sisters at all when you agreed to meet them there. And you also forgot they could waltz in at any moment after three beers and one shot. You're at the bar waiting for another beer, when Lena next to you whispers, "o-oh."
"Hm?" You turn to her and automatically you follow her line of sight and see Kara and Alex entering the bar. "Oh, shit." The bartender places your beer in front of you and you turn around gulping in. "I have to go."
"What?" Kara comes closer before you have the chance to run out. "I thought you said you'd be working."
"Yeah, I finished up and —" Lena gets interrupted by Lucy who fails to read the situation and comes in yelling, 
"YAY, girls night!"
"Girls' night?" She raises one eyebrow to Lena. "Why was I not invited?"
"It hurts, aye." You can't help the grumble that leaves your mouth. Alex furrows her brows at you, hands finally out of her pockets. They share a look, before turning to you again.
Lena and Lucy quickly make their way to the karaoke claiming they're going to pick a song and you're left face-to-face with your biggest problem. You can't face them. Don't want to. It all feels unnecessary and you know you're the one who's going to get hurt in the end.
"I'll go help the girls." You point out and Alex stands in the way for you to leave.
"How about you stay and talk to us, instead? We haven't seen you in a while."
"And whose fault is that?" You widen your eyes to the words that just left your mouth. You can't believe you just said this. 
Alex and Kara's surprised faces aren't far behind, and so you breathe deep before you say something else to turn this into an argument.
"I'm gonna go." You repeat.
"No, you're not. Not when it seems like you have a bunch of things stuck on your throat."
And they are right, you do have so many things you'd like to tell them. You take a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts and the courage to speak up. The bar suddenly feels too loud, too crowded, but you know this conversation can't wait any longer.
"Fine," you say, finally feeling brave enough to meet their eyes. "Let's talk."
Kara and Alex exchange a glance, then nod. Kara motions to a quieter corner of the bar, and you all move there. Once seated, you take another deep breath and start.
"It's just… I've been feeling left out. You two have been spending so much time together, and I feel like I'm just on the sidelines. Like I don't belong."
Alex's eyes soften, and Kara looks stricken. "Y/N, we had no idea you felt this way," Alex says gently. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"
"I didn't want to seem jealous or needy," you admit. "But it hurts when you have sisters' nights and don't invite me. Or when you have inside jokes that I'm not part of."
"Oh, baby. We never meant to exclude you," Kara says, her voice full of regret. "We thought you were busy with work or just needed space. We didn't realize you felt this way."
"Well, I do," you say, your voice trembling slightly while you try to hold back the tears. "And it sucks. I miss you both. I miss being part of your lives."
Kara reaches out and takes your hand. "We're so sorry. We love you and we want you to feel included. We'll do better, I promise."
Alex nods in agreement. "Absolutely. You're our sister, and we want you with us. Always."
Their words bring a rush of relief and you can't keep your tears in check anymore. "I just want to feel like I matter," you say, your voice breaking.
"You do matter," Kara insists. "More than you know. We're a team, and we need you."
Alex squeezes your other hand. "We'll make it right. No more sisters' nights without you. From now on, we do everything together."
You feel a weight lift off your shoulders. "Really?" You ask, heart daring to hope. They both agree so vividly with their heads, you can't not believe them fully. "That's all I wanted. I just want my sisters back."
Lena and Lucy return from the karaoke machine, eyeing the three of you with curiosity but giving you space. You share a small, relieved smile with your sisters. For the first time in a long while, you feel hopeful that things will get better.
Kara is the first to get up from her seat and pull you into a hug. Alex joins right after and soon you're sandwiched between your sisters and it's so nice you even forget you're in a bar.
But it's only for a brief second, until your friends come closer and join the hug. Soon after Kara runs to the karaoke machine to pick a song for you three to sing together, and Alex pays you another beer.
You can't believe you were away from your sisters for over a month, because nothing is good enough that it doesn’t get a hundred times better when they're around. You hope they are always around.
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checkingoutforheroes · 9 months
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Kara opens the door: Lena, we've been waiting for you.
Lena: Happy new year! I brought champagne.
Alex takes the bottles: You're forgiven.
Kara: Uh, rude. I'm sorry for my sister. Come on in. Y/n's been asking for you the whole evening!
Lena: Where is she?
Kara: In the bedroom, changing shirt. She'll come out soon. Have a seat, I'll go take out the food.
Y/n sees Lena and taps on her arm to acknowledge her presence: Hi, Lena.
Lena turns around: Hi cupcakes! Happy new year!
Y/n, hugs Lena from behind: Happy new year to you too. Muah! *y/n kisses her cheek.
Alex: Why did she get a kiss and we don't?
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Kara: Yeah, we're your sister.
Y/n: Because she gave me awesome presents!
Kara: And we don't?
Alex: Okay, no more school holiday in National City. You're staying with mom.
Y/n: Alex no... no... Please..
Kara: Alex..
Alex: What?
Kara: She's our sister.
Alex: Are you sure she's not Lena's? I mean, look at them snuggling.
Lena just laughs: It's okay Y/n, if Alex kicks you out, you are more than welcome to stay with me. And I'll take you to the National Science Center.
Kara: Lena..
Y/n hugs Lena: Thank you Lena. You're my favorite.
Kara: Heyyy...
Y/n: Come on Kara, you know you're my favorite Kryptonian sister.
Alex: She is your one and only Kryptonian sister you ever have!
Kara: Alex, don't be so hard on yourself. You're her favorite too.
Alex: Am I?
Y/n: Are you kicking me out?
Alex: No! Are you crazy? Mom will shoot me with her gun!
Y/n, smile: Okay! Then I like you too!
Alex: Of course you do. I changed your diaper Y/n! And you poop a lot!
Kara: Awwwww group hugs!!!
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*GIF credits to the owners
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oneshotnewbie · 2 years
Y/N danvers feels like a burden to her sisters so she packs her stuff out of the apartment she is living with Alex and goes away. There is a big search for her until Lena finds her and talks to her.
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You were tired of sitting on the shoulders of your sisters, they had enough to handle and create in their lives than to babysit you so you decided to put an end to it and leave.
The most important things already packed in a suitcase, you stood at the door of the shared apartment of your eldest sister and you looked around one last time. The times in which you had spent on the couch and watched caustic movies that the redhead really wanted to see, your bedroom that you both designed the way you always wanted it to be before you moved in and all the chaotic moments where the color of the walls landed on your faces instead of on the wall.
You do think that all the laughter that had accumulated over the years was still in the walls, you could still hear them so clearly with every single memory. All these and many other wonderful moments went through all the synapses of your brain before you decided to close the door one last time without ever opening it again.
Exhausted and completely drained from the working day, the DEO agent was happy to be home again and to enjoy a nice rest of the evening with you. But as soon as she walked through the door, she was gripped by an uncomfortable cold and terrible silence she didn't knew.
It felt weird.
The living room she was looking at was swept empty; small personal things of you that always flew around here, pictures with you together that were on the dressers were gone.
Like you've been erased from her life.
An uneasy feeling in her stomach area and the panic that rose in her, let her jacket and her purse, which hung over her arm, fall on the ground. Several times she called your name but when there was no answer to her question just an echo, she walked the last few steps to your room and threw the door wide open. There wasn't a single thing to find that made you stand out - just insignificant stuff.
Panicked, the redhead ran through every single room of the apartment to find a clue about where you were and what had led you to just vanish. While she had also searched the bathroom for you in vain, she walked into the kitchen with her cell phone to her ear. "Come on, Kara. Damn it."
Leaning out of breath against the kitchen counter and nervously tapping the marble area with her index, middle and ring finger at irregular intervals, she listened to the annoying beeping stopping before it turned into her sister´s bright voice. "Alex, what is it? I have an important meeting coming up."
"Y/n is gone."
The agent heard the blonde shift in her chair, concerned about the choice of words, while she cleared her throat to give herself time for a moment´s thought. "What do you mean she's gone? Maybe she's down at the coffee shop doing her-" but Kara did not get the chance to finish her sentence. Alex had interrupted her, knowing what her sister was about to say.
"No Kara. Her things.." Alex hit the counter with her balled fist. Her pent-up energy from work and the growing concern for the youngest Danvers drained through her. "They´re all gone. As if she never lived here."
Kara´s jaw dropped. She got up from her seat at the desk in no time and quickly left the office to fly to the scene where her troubled sister was already waiting for her. Before the blondes feet hit the floor, words started to nervously spill out of the redheads mouth. "Look, all her things.. Gone."
Kara bit her lip and adjusted her glasses. Alex had not brought her here unnecessarily, the apartment was completely empty from your stuff and there was no sign of you.
"This note is the only thing that´s left." the eldest whispered in a low voice and pointed to the place where it was laying. Kara´s worried gaze shifted from Alex to the dresser she was standing a few inches away from. She walked towards it, took the red envelope in her hands and moved towards the couch where she sat on the armrest.
Looking at the envelope and reading her name and that of her sister in block letters, she opened it with shaky hands, took out the piece of paper and began to read it. And all of a sudden it went really quiet in the room. You could hear a pin drop in the silence.
Kara looked up from the paper in her hand to the redhead who had now sat down on the floor and had her legs pulled tight to her chest. Both of them had tears running down their cheeks and both could not believe that you just left like that. Alone without saying goodbye.
Haven´t you three always been a team?
Shivering from the cold and huddled up to escape the wind, you crouched down by the water near a tree, trying no to stand out or make a sound.
It was relatively quiet in your favorite spot and while it was not safe for you to sit here alone in the dark, the water lapping at the shore brought a soothing sound and calmed the unknown within you.
Lost in your own thoughts, you did not notice the figure slowly creeping up at you, not before the dark, familiar voice spoke your name out loud and it´s shadow grew steadily beside your form. You startled and immediately jumped to your feet. You were ready to run and not look back, your fight or flight mode kicking in, but you calmed down relatively quickly when you understood who exactly was standing in front of you. "Your siblings are worried sick."
"How did you find me?" you whispered and slumped your shoulders in frustration.
Lena stood in front of you. Tall and broad-shouldered, her hands buried in the pockets of her black coat-full of strength yet graceful and charming. Her long, dark hair lay loose over her shoulders, her ears keeping the strands from falling over her face in the wind. Her clothes were simple and not elegant as usual; jeans, a blouse, cuddly ankle boots and a flowing, long coat.
"Remember when you told me that you found a place here in National City that at night looks like the water reflects the whole galaxy?" her voice was deep and warm but had a subtle rasp in it. She looked at you, her emerald green eyes shining in the moonlight and a small smile occupying her lips.
You said nothing and turned your back to her to avoid seeing the disappointment in her eyes. Slowly, you sat down in the spot by the tree you had left in terror and leaned your knees against your chest while throwing flat rocks into the water; starting to hit more waves into it. "Talk to me, honey."
You exhaled deeply and smiled painfully. Crouched, legs drawn up, you just sat there with your arms wrapped tightly around your stomach. You struggled with your thoughts, trying to tell her everything. Words would not make your feelings better, you learned that the hard way. "There is nothing to talk about."
"You know lying won´t work in my presence, honey," the head of L-Corp stepped closer to you and sat down on the cold floor next to you. Wrapping her coat tightly around her body, she cleared her throat before speaking again. "No matter what you tell me, it stays with me. I promise."
"Alex and Kara are so busy with the DEO, Supergirl and CatCo," you swallowed hard and bit your lip anxiously. Your eyes were focused on the water, surveying every wave that hit the shore while tears started to well up in your eyes. "I feel like a burden on top."
Lena looked at you with her head tilted to the left, considering your statement for a moment and sighed heavily. She had already figured out the reason for your disappearance when she got Kara´s desperate call for help and now she had confirmation of her suspicion.
"You know that is not the case. They both love you more than anything on this planet."
"Sometimes I think it would be better for both of them if I was not here." you replied in a whisper. You found it difficult to say and talk about it but it was the truth after all. For weeks you have been imagining whether Alex and Kara would have a happier an much simpler life if you were not here with your illnesses to care for. "I am just annoying. They worry about me when they work and take care of me when they get home. They do not have time for themselves or for love because they are busy with me. Doctor visits, hospitalizations, administration of painkillers.."
The black-haired did not say anything and listened to you carefully. Her hand wandered between your shoulder blades, drawing soothing circles on your back before her hand finally came to rest on your shoulder and pulled you into a tight embrace.
"Do not say that, please." she took the word as it got pretty quiet between both of you; the only sound there could be heard were cars in the background. "Your sisters are so lucky to have you and would not trade you for anything in the world, would not want to change a single trait in you. You are perfect the way you are. For all of us."
In her voice, you could recognize the seriousness of her words and your tears almost pushed to the surface. You did not want her to have an outburst of emotion, it was bad enough that you did even drawn attention to yourself again.
You scratched your arm nervously and looked down at your knees. "But.." you felt a huge lump in your throat and your voice broke. She shook her head frantically and pulled you even closer as she watched the tears run down your face.
You quickly hid your face in your hands. She gently brushed her hand a few tangled stands from the sides of your face and she leaned over your bend form to rest her head on your back, giving you to the maximum of support and affection she could offer you.
"I do like you to know that I am always here, if you ever want to talk" she whispered to you as you let out your thawed emotions in her arms. "But please do not ever run from us ever again."
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Big boy pants…
“Kier has grown again,” Kara informs Lena as she held their son in a button up shirt just a bit to small causing peek-a-boo holes down his torso.
“That’s the third time in two months,” Lena said, trying to hide her laughter. “Luna wasn’t this bad.”
“Kryptonian boys are different,” Kara shrugs. “They grow quickly, while the girls grow at a more steady pace.”
“Did you know this would happen?” Lena’s brow arches dangerously.
“Ugh, I knew, umm, it was a possibility, but our children are also half human, so…”
“Will he keep growing?”
“No, at about 10, he’ll be his adult size.”
“You do realize this means he will have to be home schooled until he’s 16 or people will wonder why we have a giant for a son.”
“Well we could just tell everyone I’m Supergirl.”
Lena just scowled and took her son. “Let go and get you some big boy pants. You stay home. You’re on time out.”
“I’m on what?”
“You heard me, telling the world our secret,” Lena muttered in disbelief. “Kier your Jeju is crazy.”
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malyce19 · 2 years
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“My knuckles were bruised like violets,
sucker punching walls.
Cursed you as I sleep talked,
spineless in my tomb of silence.
Tore your banners down,
took the battle underground.
And maybe it was egos swinging,
maybe it was her.
Flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur.”
|| “The Great War” - Taylor Swift
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trulygrey · 2 years
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midnightlizard · 5 months
Other side
Kara Danvers x gn!reader
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Summary: You and Kara have been dating for a couple of weeks and you've never been very affectionate in public, or in general. So when one night you get drunk, everyone is surprised when you can't keep your hands to yourself. Especially your girlfriend, who can't stop blushing
Warnings: alcohol intake, nothing else, just fluff
Word count: 1580
It had been a while since the Superfriends got all together, unable to find a day where everyone was free to hangout.
So, when the opportunity finally made itself present, you decided to spend the night at the alien bar.
All the gang was there, except for Kara and James who got caught up in work, but should be here soon.
"what's gotten into you?"
You raised your head from the shoulder it was leaning on to look at your best friend.
"what do you mean?" you slowly squinted your eyes, and Lena laughed at that.
"I haven't seen you drunk in years, and as soon as you drink again, you become the clingy soft friend I met in college" and to emphasize her words, she raised the hand you were holding, fingers linked together.
"Winn lost at beer pong so now he has to pay for my drinks" you explained "of course I'm taking advantage of it"
"and I'm not clingy, because I'm drunk" you clarified after a second, laying your head back on her shoulder "I always show you my love"
And if the ceo had a witty remark to make, she was stopped just in time by the brown haired man, calling your name.
"I want a rematch, you in?" it was only thanks to the alcohol in his system that he didn't notice the position you were in.
"you really think you're going to win, schott?" an uncharacteristic playful, loud voice coming out of your mouth "but if I win, again" you got up to get closer to the man "you'll pay for my drinks next time we go out too" you raised your hand, which was instantly shaken by Winn.
While the two of you were playing, Kara and James entered the bar, finding their friends at their usual table. As soon as they reached the table, your girlfirend noticed two heads missing
"where are (Y/N) and Winn?" she asked the group, causing James to look around.
"they're playing beer pong" answered Alex, leaning slightly into Maggie's side, stealing one of her fries.
"you should be careful with (Y/N) by the way" added the police officer, an amused glint in her eyes, but she missed Kara's confused face, to scold her girlfriend for stealing her food.
"what do you mean careful?" she furrowed her eyebrows, and turned to look at Lena when the woman opened her mouth.
"they tend to be a little..different, when they're drunk" she knew she could have explained it way better, especially since she has known you longer than everyone else, but she also wanted to keep the surprise.
And Lena knew the blonde didn't have to wait for long when she saw you approaching, with a wide grin on you face.
"hi baby" you whispered with a light slur to your voice, sneaking your arms around her from behind, resting your hands on her stomach. No one was able to hear what you were saying, except for the kryptonian of course, but your actions were enough to make everyone either laugh or hang with their mouths open. "I missed you"
"uh, hi (Y/N)" James spoke up quietly, as if he didn't know if it was really you
"hi man!" you greeted, raising one hand to high five him, the ohter still laying on your girlfriend. Time was moving a lot slower for you so when James spent a second too long to reciprocate, you turned to the blonde who was carefully watching your every move.
"I'm going to get something to drink, do you want anything?" you took a step back when you felt her moving aroung in your hold, making your hands drop to your sides.
"don't you think you've had enough?" she let her gaze shift between your eyes, noting the slight emptyness in them "why don't you sit down, I'll go get something myself"
Although your steps were secure, as was your balance, Kara still didn't feel like letting you walk on your own with your hands full of liquor, especially since she has never seen you act so 'unserious', or 'different' as Lena described it. And she definitely wouldn't let you drink anything else.
"oh no don't worry, Winn's paying for my drinks" you cheerfully rebutted, not realizing she wasn't worried about the money. That made the woman look at a Winn who was just as intoxicated as you, now groaning at what you said.
"besides" you resumed talking, putting your fingers under Kara's chin so she could look at you, and you missed the way her cheecks turned a bright pink at the touch "I want to treat my girlfriend" you winked, or maybe you just tried to close your eyes, but the action was definetly intentional.
The super rapidly blinked her eyes and when she came back to her senses you were already gone, Winn on your tail.
"don't worry, they know when to stop" vocalized Lena when Kara sat down next to her.
And she tried to listen to her friend's words, to believe you did know when too much was too much, but she couldn't help the pang of worry in the pit of her stomach as her gaze went back to you and the loud conversation you were having with her coworker, while waiting for the drinks.
As Lena predicted, after the beer you just ordered, you stopped drinking completely, and even refused to play another game with Winn when he offered.
"are you sure you're alright (Y/N)?" your girlfirend whispered in your ear after a minute of you silently staring in her general direction
You slightly leaned back to able to look at her, and flashed her a sweet smile "of course I am. You're just so pretty you make it hard not to look at you" you uttered out, removing a strand of blonde hair that fell in front of her glasses.
"uh- oh, thank you" she whispered, but she wasn't sure you were able to hear her.
And if she had any braincell still working properly in her system, it stopped working when you landed a soft kiss at the corner of her mouth, her infatuated red cheeks resembling your alcohol induced ones.
The rest of the night had the same light touches from you, with your hand resting on her thigh or a kiss to her face when she said something funny or smiled sweetly;
and the same hesitation from Kara in accepting said touches, loving the attention but not knowing when was the alcohol doing the decision for you.
Then it was time to go.
"give me your car keys" the blonde softly ordered as soon as you two stepped out of the bar, stopping in front of you, careful so that you wouldn't bump into her with your slow reflexes.
"why do you need my car keys?" you asked, but still held them in the air for her to take.
"because I'm not letting you drive like this" she answered, putting them in her back pocket "come on, I'm taking you home."
"do you need my house keys too then?" you tilted your head to the side, but she shook her head.
"no I was, I was thinking you should sleep at mine, actually." she started walking to her car "in case you start feeling bad in the middle of the night"
While trying to guess why you should feel bad at your own house you felt your hand being pulled, and found Kara back by your side.
"come on, let's go home"
The car ride was silent, the kryptonian did try to make conversation, but a couple of failed attempts later she focused on your breathing, noticing you fell asleep, probabaly as soon as she started driving.
Once she parked her car and turned the engine off, Kara tapped on your shoulder a couple of times, whispering your name.
You let out a little sound, and raised your head from the window "mh?"
She couldn't stop the smile that formed on her lips, leaning in to lay a kiss in between your eyes. "we're here" she whispered, never taking her eyes off yours.
When you entered her apartment she closed the door behind her, putting her bag on the nearby couch. As she raised her arms to take off her jacket you stopped her, grabbing the beige material yourself.
She let her hair down from the ponytail it tied was in, and feeling hands on her waist she turned around, automatically putting hers on your shoulders.
"what's going on with you?" she laughed lightly, and started running a hand through your hair when you crouched down to lay your head in the crook of her neck.
"I'm drunk" as if the reporter didn't know already "and I'm tired. Lena was right"
"yea I can see it" she didn't know what you meant when you mentioned the brunette, but she let it go "you've been stuck to me all night"
You raised your head, the grip you had on her shirt now faltering. "was it too much?" you could feel yourself sobering up a bit
"oh no (Y/N) it was okay" she took your face in her hands, her cheeks red at the memory "I was just surprised"
She laughed at the sound of relief you let out, hiding your head back on her neck.
"come on, enough of tonight." she whispered, pulling you to bed "let's go to sleep"
Kara Danvers Masterlist - Supergirl Masterlist
General Masterlist
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hello hello! love your fics!!!
🌤️ for the ask game please? :D
Thank you so much!!! ☺️ Okay these aren't exactly dialogue, but I'm in a sharing mood lol. This first one is from my Get Away Driver AU.
"Thank you for helping us." The other person's voice is female, and sounds almost familiar to Kara. "We've been suspecting that Lex Corp has been experimenting on aliens for some time now, but we've never had the proof. And an extraction would have been next to impossible with all the red tape. You saved her life, Lena. She's going to be okay now, thanks to you.”
"Aren't you forgetting someone, Director Danvers?" Maggie slinks out of the driver's seat with a smirk.
"Maggie?" There's a cough and a splutter from outside the car. At the same time, Kara nearly cracks her neck straining to look out her window.
"Danvers?" Kara scrambles to get out of the car. "Alex??”
"Kara??" Her sister's shocked face, nearly as red as her hair, pops up from behind Lena. "What the hell? Luthor, you dragged my sister into this?”
Both Kara and Lena raise their voices at the same time.
"Your sister—??"
From her perch against the driver's side door, Maggie's snickers, her amused gaze bouncing like a tennis ball between all three of them. She looks like she's ready to pull out some popcorn and watch the show.
"Now this just got more interesting.”
This 2nd one is not from a WIP so much as a post finale crack fic idea, where Lena and Andrea were friends with another girl from boarding school named Di, who comes over for a visit. This is Di:
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Kara has seen soft Lena, but never loose-limbed, loose-lipped Lena who laughs more freely as she and "Di" and "Andy" recall old memories of things Kara was never a part of and never knew.
"Remember when we snuck out that one weekend and got your tramp stamp?"
"Oh, my God, don't remind me!"
"Sister Margaret almost found out because you were making this weird face the whole week!"
"I was in pain! That was my first tattoo!"
First? Just how many tattoos does Lena have? It takes everything in Kara not to use her x-ray vision to find out.
At some point during the evening, Di produces a joint with a twinkle in her eye. "You've never seen Lena high before, have you?"
Lena's eyes widen. "Oh, no. No no no."
Di's smile is sweet and all trouble as she turns to the rest of the group. "You'll love her. She's lovely when she's high."
Alex, Kelly and Nia laugh, but Lena shakes her head. "I get weird when I'm high."
"You get loose when you're high." Di points a finger at her. "And trust me, baby, you need to get loose. You're wound so tight, you're like Sister Agatha before Parents Day."
Kara interjects with a huff. "I don't think Lena should do anything she doesn't want to do."
And Kara glares at Di, a pout forming on her face. But Di ignores her and turns her big, wide eyes on Lena "Please, sweetheart. Pleeease?"
"Fine!" Lena's always been a sucker for a sweet blonde. She sighs and rolls her eyes with a laugh. "Unfair. You know I never could say no to you."
Kara thinks Di is just gonna pass Lena a joint, but instead, Di takes the joint she's been smoking out of her mouth, presses a kiss to the end of it and holds it up to Lena's face. To Kara's surprise, Lena leans forward and lets Di place the joint on her own lips.
Kara's face heats up as she watches Lena's lips wrap around the spot where Di had kissed it, and she feels distinctly uncomfortable. She wants to snatch the joint away and stamp it out with her foot.
Except she doesn't, because Lena does get progressively more relaxed the more she inhales, and it is nice to see Lena unwind, especially after the tough week she's had.
They get to talking about their teenage experiences, and even Alex and Nia and Kelly chime in. And at one point, Di asks Lena if she still has the old records they used to play, and insists that they play old 70's female rock on Lena's turntable (since when did Lena have a turntable? Kara didn't even know she had one).
Andrea pipes up. "This reminds me so much of those weekend afternoons when we used to play this in our room. You used to dance around to this song in Di’s sweater, Lena, you remember that?"
Lena’s cheeks turn bright red.
And Di jumps up. "Oh, my God, do you still have it?"
Lena rolls her eyes. "No!"
Di cackles in laughter "Liar! I'm gonna look in your closet, and if you still have it, you have to put it on!"
Andrea grins evilly. "And! You have to do it just like you used to!"
"Andy! I'm not gonna dance around in my underwear and a sweater. We're not fifteen anymore."
Kara chokes on her beer and her brain blanks out. Lena used to dance around in her underwear? Lena Luthor? Her best friend?
"Nope, that's the rules."
Lena keeps protesting, but even Alex gets in on it. "Nope, I wanna see this too, Luthor. What is this you guys are talking about?"
"I found it!" Di yells from Lena's closet. Kara is fuming that she just roots around Lena's things like she owns them.
She emerges, throwing a bulky sweater at Lena. 
"This is the ugliest thing I've ever owned."
"Shut up and pay up, Lena. Put it on."
"That was Di's old sweater. Lena kept stealing it from her when we were kids, and whenever she got high, Lena would strip to her panties and dance around in that sweater."
Both Kara and Alex simultaneously choke on their drinks. "Oh my GOD!"
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superdanverstrio · 11 months
Kidnapped PT.7
PT.1  PT.2   PT.3   PT.4  PT.5 PT.6
Summary: Baby Danvers Get kidnapped and it’s up to Kara and Alex to do everything in their power to save them.
Warnings: Torture, kidnapping, graphic description of injuries.
A/N: Will a 100% be a marvel x supergirl crossover.
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When Kara arrived to your apartment, she found you safe and asleep in your bed.
Some days passed and you just kept getting worst and worst. It got to a point where you didn't get out of bed except for emergency, and it took everything in you to just take a step without falling. You were nauseous, dizzy, really weak and your still healing wounds were hurting more than usual. Sometimes you were so cold, and sometimes you felt like you were in a volcano.
“Alex?” You ask when you woke up and saw your sister. “ Hmm?” She said, closing her book and placing it in her lap. “I really don't feel good.” You say. Her expression quickly changed. “What do you mean, what's wrong?” “Everything hurts and I feel so weak.” You say, tears brimming your eyes. “Alright, how long have you felt like this?” Alex asked. “A week.” You said closing your eyes to try to get rid of the dizziness.
“Hon, please don't fall asleep, I know you must be tired, but I have some questions.” Ales asked in a soft voice, she placed her hand on your forehead to see if you were hot, and unfortunately you were really hot. “Shit, you're really hot.” She says. “Alright, do you feel like throwing up?” You nodded your head. “Kind of.” “Ok what do you say we bring you back to the D.E.O, it could be nothing, but I prefer not to take risk.” She said, and you agreed.
You were back at the D.E.O, hook up to many machines, with Alex taking care of you and Kara at your bed side, with the same worried expression. “Do you feel a little better.” Kara asked. You gave her a little nod, the frown on her face deepen as she saw how unwell you still were.
“Alex, can I talk to you?” J'onn ask entering the room. “I'll be right back.” Alex said giving you a kiss on your forehead. “I just saw the footage of the Alien escaping, and I think i sort of know where he went.” Alex frown. “What do you mean 'kind of know'?”
“Well, a little before you join the D.E.O, I had this weird dream, but now I don't think it was a dream.” Alex nodded, signalling j'onn to keep going. “I woke up in a building in the middle of New work. I won't go into too many details, but I met people there, they were superhero sort of. They called themselves the Avengers.” Alex scoffed. “The Avengers? That's a… original name for a team.” Alex said. J'onn then went on by explaining what everyone did and what happened when he was there. “Ok, but how is that related to the alien's location.” Alex asks. “Well, Doctor Strange, the wizard, he can teleport by creating these circles that bring him wherever he wants. Those circles are the exact same as the on the alien when through. So now that we know the multiverse is real, I think it wasn't a dream, and somehow I travelled to another planet.” J'onn said.
“That makes sense, so now can we get there.” “I'm not sure, maybe the device that Cisco gave to Kara could travel us there.” J'onn suggested. “Maybe you're right, I'm going to try to look into it.”
A few days passed, and your condition just kept getting worse, you were exhausted all the time, you had lost all your appetite, and you threw up at least 3 times a day. Alex was so caught up with everything, she had barely enough time to take care of herself. She needed to take care of you, find the alien, find a cure for you and on top of that she needed to find the alien. Of course, she wasn't alone Kara helps with taking care of you, Lena with finding the cure and brainy help tracking the alien down, but it was still a lot.
Kara walking in Alex quarters, she saw Alex sat on a bench staring at the wall. “Alex?” Kara asked, braking Alex out of the trans she was in. “Mhm? What?” "Are you ok?” Kara asked, Alex took a deep breath and nodded. “Yeah… yeah, I'm fine.” “You know, you're a really bad liar sometimes.” Alex gave a small smile and place her head in her hands, starting to tear up. “Come on, tell me what's wrong.” Kara said, placing her hand around her sister to comfort her.
“It's just… I know everyone is telling me it's not my fault, but I really feel like it is and having to take care of Y/N on top of being the director having to deal with everything it's just a lot. And I'm really worried about them and what if they die, I don't think I could ever forgive myself.” She said tears falling. Kara hugged Alex tightly and rubbed her back. “Alex, why didn't you tell me. You know you're not alone, you have Winn Lena J'onn Brainy and you have me. You know what, I think you should go home tonight, and before you argue J'onn is just as qualified as you to take care of the D.E.O and me and Lena can take care of Y/N.” Alex hesitates for a minute but agreed, “fine, but you have to call me if there is anything wrong.” “Of course.” Alex went home, and she could finally get some much-needed sleep, and everything went smoothly all night with you and the D.E.O.
Although it was the last thing she wanted, Alex had no choice but to call Eliza when your condition didn't improve. The look on her when she saw you laying in the D.E.O's med bay hooked up to so many machines was one of pure worry. “Oh god, sweetheart, you look so bad.” Eliza said, coming to your side. “Thank you.” you said barely above a whisper. Your mother place a comforting hand on your forehead and when she did, she noticed how hot it was.
“God, they are burning up, how long have they been this way?” She questioned. “Um, maybe like a week, they have only been getting worst since we brought them here.” Alex said just as worried. “ What's wrong with them?” Eliza asked, “Well that's part of the reason we called you, we don't know yet.” Alex said.
You were slowly falling asleep whilst your mother and big sisters talked, You were half of sleep when your stomach turned. You groan and slapped your hand over your mouth, you frantically looked around for Kara. She noticed your panicked state and quickly gave you the bucket, she sat you up and pulled your hair back. “Alright, let it all out, it's ok.”
When you were done throwing up, you laid back down. “I'm sorry.” You muttered exhausted. “Don't apologize, honey, it's not your fault at all.” Your mother said soothingly. After that, you fell asleep for a while.
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natalievoncatte · 1 year
cw: this ficlet contains some graphic violence and a child in peril, but everyone makes it out okay, except the bad guy.
“Now, Alex? Right now?” Kara demanded, as she laced the room with her phone to her ear. Lena watched her from the bed, hands resting on the dime of her belly, a bemused smile on her face.
“I’m sorry, Kara, but the rampaging supervillain didn’t check your schedule before attacking the city.”
She glanced at Lena, whose smirk had taken on a hint of sadness.
“My wife is about to give birth,” Kara sighed. “Alex… we talked about this. We still need to figure out how to make it work.”
“I know, I know, but I have J’onn on his way there now to keep an eye on Lena. It’ll be fine. You’ll probably be back before they’re done prepping her.”
“Fine, I’m on my way.”
Ending the call, she turned to Lena, cupping her soft cheek with one hand.
“I’ll be back as fast as I can.”
“Kara,” said Lena. “This is a surgical procedure. I don’t think you need to actually watch it anyway.”
“I promised I’d be here.”
Lena sighed. “Go get ‘em, Supergirl.”
Kara hesitated, unable to restrain the frown that twisted her lips as she left. She waited until she was on the roof to whip off her glasses and materialize her suit. Alex had directed her downtown.
Kara flew, and fast. When she landed it was with a bit more of a shockwave than usual, and she spared the usual pleasantries and pleas to surrender peacefully. An eight foot tall, blue, horned alien was engaged in the usual mayhem as she arrived, and paid her little mind.
He opened by throwing a steamroller at her. Kara sidestepped it, sighing. The wind really had left her sails for this. She wanted to be with Lena. She wanted to welcome their baby into the world.
The alien quickly made it apparent that she didn’t need to pull her punches, and she didn’t. Nevertheless, it took half an hour for her to put him in a headlock and knock him out, and there was an interminable wait while Alex had him loaded up into a containment unit.
“Go,” Alex finally told her. “Go see your son.”
Kara took off with renewed vigor, landing a block from the hospital to change into her civilian clothes before rushing in. She moved perhaps a touch too fast for a human as she returned to the maternity ward and walked into a nightmare.
J’onn was standing in the hallway. He seemed indistinct, somehow, like he was in the middle of phasing, and he was frozen as still as a statue. There was something stuck to the chest of his polo shirt, and when Kara reached for the circular device, her hand passed through him.
She jabbed the comms she’d left in her ear.
“Alex,” she whispered, frantic. “Something’s wrong at the hospital. Someone incapacitated J’onn.”
“Wait for me,” Alex replied at once her voice high and tight.
“I can’t.”
“Kara,” Alex began, but Kara ignored her.
She pushed into the surgical ward, slowing when she saw a nurse lying against the wall, clutching a wound in her stomach as a doctor crouched beside her. Lena was still on the table.
The baby, her son, was beside Lena, still covered in amniotic fluid, his cord uncut, crying lustily for his mother.
Standing over him was a man Kara never expected to see again. Ben Lockwood.
“Hello, Kara.”
She froze. Lockwood held a sharp chunk of Kryptonite in his hand, the jagged point aimed down at the child. The other held a gun aimed at Lena’s chest.
The painful burning spread up Kara’s limbs, working its way along her nerves like a thousand hot needles scraping under her skin. Her knees buckled and she fought the pull of gravity.
“Get rid of the kryptonite,” Kara demanded.
“You have to make a choice. The kid or the wife. You’ve got ten seconds. Pick one.”
Kara locked eyes with him, pleasing.
“Me. Not them. Take me instead.”
Lockwood smiled, though his eyes remained cold and dead. “Wrong answer. I guess I’ll just have to pick for you.”
Kara finally started to sink, the collapse imminent. She knew what she had to do. With her dwindling strength, she threw herself at Lockwood, sprinting the distance, and in her weakened state, she could do no more than artlessly crash into him.
The gun spun free, unfired.
The kryptonite slid home, parting the flesh under Kara’s ribs. A fresh agony ripped through her as the jagged point struck her lung. She collapsed on top of Lockwood.
“I’m sorry,” she choked out, foaming blood from her lips falling on Lockwoods face.
With her remaining strength, she clamped her hands on his neck and twisted. It took no more effort than cleaning a chicken. She barely felt the bones part as her hand went numb.
I have to get the Kryptonite away from the baby.
Kara rolled off of the body and began dragging herself, forcing her way past her screaming son and into the hallway, painting the tiles red for a good fifteen feet until she finally collapsed. She thought she heard Alex calling to her, as blackness came in and swallowed everything.
The first thing Kara was aware of was the pleasant, prickling heat of sun lamps on her skin, and shortly after that, the sound of a voice… singing. It was a familiar voice, soft and halting, singing the lullaby as if she might be embarrassed if someone caught her.
Kara opened her eyes and looked over, flooded with a wave of relief as she saw Lena sitting beside her, curled up in a chair with the baby swaddled in her arms, sleeping peacefully.
Joy and relief shattered her more fiercely than sorrow ever could. Kara choked out a pained sob, more following as the sheer weight of it overwhelmed her. Lena looked up and Kara saw she hadn’t slept.
“Is he okay?” Kara said. “Did the kryptonite hurt him?”
“Nothing permanent or serious,” said Lena. “His half-human physiology makes him much less sensitive to it than you are.”
“I’m so sorry,” Kara said, her body shaking with sobs. “Rao, I am so sorry. I left you. I left you.”
Lena shook her head. “Kara, it’s alright. You saved us. Ben Lockwood was as much my enemy as…”
Kara sat up and plunged her head in her hands. She sobbed harder. She’d done the one thing she swore on her very life never to do. She killed him.
“Kara,” said Lena. “Would you like to hold your son? He wants to meet you.”
Her head snapped up. Kara held back the sobs as she tenderly accepted the bundle from Lena’s arms. Her little boy was at once the lightest and easiest and heaviest burden her arms had ever carried. Tears fell freely as she stared at his tiny sleeping face. He was perfect. Perfect.
“Should you be on your feet so soon after the surgery?”
Lena sighed. “It’s been two weeks, Kara. That kryptonite did a number on you.”
“Oh,” said Kara.
They were quiet for a time, Kara rocking the baby gently in the bed while Lena carded her fingers through Kara’s hair.
“This is it,” said Kara. “This is the end. Supergirl is done. He comes first. You come first. We come first.”
“Yes,” Lena agreed. “Alex and I talked about it while you were out and she told me what you were planning to do, so we took the opportunity. Supergirl died saving me from Ben Lockwood. I gave the eulogy at your public funeral. It was very moving, I’m told.”
“I’m sure it was,” Kara said, absently.
Suddenly, Lena threw her arms around them both, pulling them into a tight embrace. Kara leaned into it, burying her face in the crook of Lena’s shoulder.
“Let’s go home.”
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awaitingrain · 1 year
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Happy Supercorp Pride! ❤️💙 Happy Supercorp Sunday!
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supercorpkid · 7 months
Powergirl Should Die - 2
Supergirl, Powergirl, B!D. Kara Danvers x BabyDanvers!Reader, Alex Danvers x BabyDanvers!Reader, Lena Luthor, J'onn J'onzz.
Word Count: 2840.
Part 1
Kara is the sunshine. It irradiates through her skin and you don't think there's a single soul that would be able to deny that. Your sister is always bringing good light wherever she might go. But you-
You were born to rain clouds. Always almost but never enough. Power, yes. But never Super. Even back in Krypton, you were always blessed in her shadow.
And that was fine, for most of your life. You didn’t care to hide away behind her at school. Didn’t care that when she moved to National City, you had to follow her too. But then she got you inside a skin tight suit, gave you a superhero name, and that was a little too much for you to bear.
Because now you are sleep deprived, too tired to function properly. Haven't rested a bit in days. Patrolling the city, watching everyone's step, listening to every heartbeat and shaky breath. Waiting for the worst.
It's not even that you can't rest because you don't have the time, that is only partially true. You have to go to the Museum and work. You haven't let anyone patrol the city ever since you saw that flash of red in Lena's surveillance camera. Even so, you would still have a couple of hours to nap, if only you could. If only you wouldn't wake up drenched in sweat from your nightmares.
All of them are about what's happening right now. You watch from afar seeing her blonde hair and red cape flying behind her while she writes the words that are now rooted in the depths of your mind. 
Powergirl should die. Why won't she die already?
"That's enough!" J'onn stops the arguing. His deep commanding voice is enough to make everyone shut up, including both of your sisters that had been yelling at you until a minute ago. "You are in a government space and some of you are public figures. I expect at least a little bit of decorum, and if that's not possible then the three of you should go talk somewhere private. Preferably at home."
"Fine by me." Kara says, hardening her jaw. "We're all going home." She speaks almost out of greeted teeth, only one eye blinks, so laser focus on you, it sends shivers down your spine. 
She picks Alex up, ready to fly away, but looks back at you before she does so, almost daring. You don't want to go home with them. All the previous yelling already made clear what their point was. You are getting obsessed with this 'Powergirl should die' thing. You're getting fixated, absorbed, borderline manomaniacal about it. Throwing blame around, wary of the people who are there to help you, snapping at your own flesh and blood. 
Yeah, yeah. No shit.
"Y/N, would you stay behind for a second?" J'onn says, and Kara furrows her brows at him. "She'll catch you in a moment, Kara. You and Alex can go."
"Alright." Kara leaves, but it is clear it wasn't ok by the way she said that. 
He starts walking and you follow him silently throughout the corridors of the DEO, and only stops in front of a lead covered room. "For privacy." He explains, pointing inside and you agree with your head walking in. "Would you like to tell me what the problem is?"
"Besides someone wanting me dead?" You snap. You can't really control how you sound right now, even though you wish you could. You're tired, scared, and suspicious of the very one person you should rely on the most. That makes everyone around you untrustworthy by default.
J'onn agrees with his head. And you bite the inside of your mouth to keep you from spilling the truth.
"Seems enough of a reason to me."
"You think Kara wrote it." He explains it further, saying what you've been thinking. At least someone had the courage to say it out loud. You sigh, looking down. 
It's wrong. Thinking your sister is the one writing all these terrible things about you. But what else would you think? It’s the only lead you have. The only one you need.
"It's a pretty big accusation."
You can't look him in the eyes. Even though you haven't directly said it, he could read all the messed up thoughts you were having about it. "You didn't say I was wrong."
"I didn't say you were right." J'onn counters, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "You're going to end up doing something you regret if you don't rest. I'm not going to argue you on this, Y/N. This is not a suggestion, it's an order from a superior. I am not giving you a shift tonight, and I hope that means you won't be on duty."
"What if the writing comes up again?"
"Then we clean it." 
"What if something more than the writing comes up this time?" You can't help the watery eyes when you say that.
He gives you a long pause, "Then we fight it."
Alright, well. You can't argue with that logic. And you also can’t argue with the fact that you are so tired, you might end up doing something stupid. 
So you agree that you won’t patrol tonight, trusting him on this, and leave the DEO. You are well aware that your sisters are waiting for you in Kara’s apartment, ready to tell you what to do. So before you face them, you send Lena a text.
You: Hey! You, me, Love Actually and Thai food tonight?
Lena: Yes, please. All of it sounds perfect ❤️
You smile at her text. Your heart doing a small loop inside you. Alright, now onto the hard part.
You fly in through the window and the second Kara notices your presence, she picks up the conversation from where it was left. 
“How long has it been since you've slept?” She asks, crossing her arms and Alex mimics her action right after. They look like two angry parents, and it makes you even more annoyed. They are not your parents. Your parents exploded 20 years before you even stepped foot on this planet, so. 
“I don’t know.” You mutter, knowing they wouldn't like the honest answer and having no energy to fight them.
“If you would just let me take over for you, mini me. I could patrol the city tonight. I promise I'll call you the second I see something suspicious and –”
“Yeah, ok.”
“What?” Kara and Alex stare at each other.
“I have direct orders from my superior to stay put. And I also have a date – I mean, a movie date – a movie thing with Lena tonight, so yeah. If you want to patrol the city, you do it.”
“Oh.” They stare at each other again, confused about your approach to this. You’ve been very demanding the past few days about how this is only about you and that no one else should get involved, and just one conversation later, you're quick to give up that control? Sounds weird. But they're not going to fight you on this, since it's exactly what they want. "Great! I'll do the patrolling and you do the date."
"And sleep." Alex adds. "Don't forget you need to sleep."
"Sure thing, mom." You force a smile then fly out of Kara's living room, and go back to work.
It’s a lot later that night when you give Lena the empty container of your already eaten Thai food, and snuggle up on her couch, throwing the blanket over your legs and trying to get as comfortable as possible. “Mmm, just FYI I might fall asleep during the movie.” You warn her. “I haven’t had a good night in a while.”
Lena hums her agreement from the kitchen, but soon she is back to her place next to you. “Something’s been worrying you?”
“I guess. But I don’t wanna bore you with that, it’s not something fun to talk about.” You smile when she gets under the blanket too, body so close her warmth irradiates through her skin. 
“You couldn't bore me if you tried, honey.”
“Au contraire, darling. I think everyone at the Museum would say I’m the most boring person alive.” You give her a side smile.
Lena shoots her head up, comically fast. She blinks at you, head clearly going one thousand miles an hour. She is thinking so hard, it's almost loud. You furrow your brows in confusion, while her mouth drops with a 'oh' sound. 
"You're ok?" You pat her leg.
There's no verbal answer. Lena's shaky hands make their way to the collar of your shirt and you sit up straighter trying to understand what's happening right now, and trying to predict what's going to happen next. 
“Lena?” You question her movements when she undoes the first button of your shirt. You swallow. It's not like you never once imagined this happening, but not like this. Not without love confessions and a whole lot of prior conversation.
“Lena, what are you doing?”
Lena doesn’t answer, doesn’t blink. Hands still shaking, but decisively making their way to the second button.
“Lena, please.” She undoes that one as well. And that's when it hits you. You are always wearing your supersuit attire under your clothes, so it's faster when you have to run out from work and such. Panic shoots through your body as you realize that if she unbuttons one more, she’ll be able to see your supersuit. You hold her hands to stop her. “Lena,” you try to smile even if your mouth is completely dry and your breath is stuck in your lungs. “Darling, shouldn’t you kiss me first, before trying to get me naked?”
Lena finally looks back at your eyes, a smile dangling on her lips to match yours. And then she gives you a smirk. “You’re not naked, though. Are you?” 
“Under my clothes? Yeah, I’m naked.” You lie with a fake chuckle. 
She untangles her hand from yours, places it behind your neck and brings your face closer. You hold your breath. Widen your eyes. This is happening. It's happening! You and Lena, it's finally happening!
“What’s going on with you tonight?” You stare down at her mouth. “I’m not complaining, I’m just confused.”
And that’s enough of a distraction for her to move her other hand and unbutton one more. Lena looks down at the white of your supersuit and the little bit of gold from the House of El crest. And you? You panic.
"I, um, I can explain." While your heart beats strongly into your ribcage and there's a loud buzz inside your ears. How do you explain yourself?
Lena seems to be inside her own little world while both hands now make all the way down undoing all of your buttons, opening your shirt to have the House of El crest staring at her in all its secrecy.  
"I'm sorry." You whisper, one tear rolling down your cheek. Because there's no explanation, really. Nothing you can say for yourself to stop Lena from hating you now.
She finally looks up to you, eyes tearing up as well, mouth agape to her recent discovery. You can see it all playing out in her eyes. She has the most expressive ones. Betrayal and anger, sadness and confusion. And then, a few seconds after two tears drop from her eyes, she raises her eyebrows at you. Eyes widening when something hits her.
"Powergirl should die." Lena whispers, swallowing deep. "Oh my God, Y/N. Someone is trying to kill you." 
She launches herself onto you, holding you tight. Her hand entangles on your hair, holding your neck strongly. 
"Oh, darling." She whispers, her body even closer now. You feel a kiss being planted on the side of your head, while you seek comfort on her arms, face buried on her neck. "No wonder you've been so careless."
"Au contraire, darling? Please, Y/N, I've never heard anyone say that except for you. And Powergirl, apparently." 
"Lena." You whine, embarrassed. Can't believe you made it that easy. You guess J'onn was right, you were about to do something stupid from the lack of sleep. "Someone wants me dead." You try to justify, earning a smile from her.
"You really are tired, huh?" She brings you closer again, kisses your temple. "You thought I was trying to get you naked, honey."
"Lenaaaa." You whine harder, face burning red from embarrassment. God, you're such a loser. "Can you please ignore everything I said tonight? I haven't slept an inch in four days."
Lena smiles fondly at you, while she strokes your cheek delicately. She plants a kiss there, then a light one on your lips. It's so soft, it holds no sexual implication. Just pure comfort. "Come on, Powergirl. You need a power nap."
"Oh God." You complain again, but soon Lena hugs you tight, and with your head on her chest, and Love Actually playing in the back, you're fast asleep. You don't even care if the writing shows up all over town tonight. There's no other place you'd rather be.
You wake up from your place on Lena's chest. Sometime last night she laid back on the couch and you curled yourself around her, not ready to let go. It was the first night you haven't had any nightmares.
You hear a few knocks on the balcony door, and you and Lena raise your heads at the same time to the intruder on the other side. Kara. She is smiling and waving, then she widens her eyes and turns around quickly. X-ray vision. You look down to Lena's body under yours, and your leg slotted between hers. 
"Oh my God. I'm sorry." You get up in a flash, shirt still hung open with a clear view of your supersuit. "Shit, fuck."
Lena gets up as well, trying to look less disheveled to your sister's eyes. And after you button up your shirt, you finally open the balcony door and clean your throat, so Kara can look back at you.
"Hi!" She tries with the biggest, most awkward smile ever. "Just, um, wanted to say that there's nothing new for me to, um, report?" 
You look back at Lena who knows exactly what Kara is talking about, but is looking down pretending she doesn't.
"I didn't mean to interrupt –"
"You didn't." You both are quick to say.
"Oh-kay?" Kara raises her eyebrows, a smile reaching her eyes, and you know exactly what she is insinuating. And sure, you thought the same thing last night, but you're both wrong.
"Can I get a ride?" You ask and Supergirl eagerly agrees. You turn back at Lena. "Thanks for –" You bite your tongue. You don't want to say anything in front of your sister. "Lunch later?"
"Lunch." Lena agrees with her head. And you smile before letting Kara pick you up and fly out of her balcony with you.
When you're out of sight, you untangle yourself and start flying next to her. "So no writing last night, huh?"
"Nope. Not even a kitten to rescue to keep me entertained." Kara grins devilishly at you. "You, on the other hand, was well entertained last night."
"Yeah, well. I slept for the first time in four days and had no nightmares. I'd say I was very entertained."
"Nightmares?" Kara stops flying, and you have to fly back a little, so you can talk face-to-face. "You haven't had nightmares in years."
"That's not true. I've been having them for… I guess, months now?" 
"Months?" Kara's eyebrows furrow so hard, her crinkle shows. "When did they start?"
"They're just nightmares, Kara." You argue, annoyed. But she looks at you with an expression you almost couldn’t read. It's a midst of worrisome and distrust. 
You furrow your own eyebrows, looking back at her. And then it hits you. The only reason you recognize this look, is because it's how you've been looking at her for the past four days.
"When did they start?" She repeats, strongly this time.
"I don't know." You lie. You know exactly when they started. Right after she gave you a superhero name and your first mission. Ever since, you haven't been able to sleep right.
"Let's make sure you don't have them anymore." Your sister finally breathes out. "Maybe you should try sleeping more times with Lena. It looks like she helps."
Wouldn't she like having you back at no patrolling so she can go back to the new way she found to be passive-aggressive and make you question your every single step?
"I'll pick up some extra shifts and I'm sure J'onn won't mind picking up some as well. That way you can rest your head a little."
You narrow your eyes at her, questioning her intentions. "Why don't you worry about your own enemies, and let me deal with mine?" 
She doesn't answer and you're certainly happy you rendered Kara Zor-El speechless for the first time all your life.
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checkingoutforheroes · 7 months
Come with me.
Tumblr media
Alex, in comm with Kara: Things are getting out of hand. We need Supergirl here! I mean now, Kara.
Kara: I'll be there.
Kara: Guys, they need me on site. I have to go now or it will get worse.
Lena: Well, go! Don't worry about us.
Kara: Okay. Y/n, can you help me scroll through this alien species' weakness? Never fight this one before.
Y/n, eyes on tablet: I'm on it. Lena, can you come in me?
Lena: Can I what??
Kara: Uhh, Y/n?
Y/n: What? Why are you two looking at me like that?
Kara: You told Lena to uhhhh to emmm cum in you?
Y/n: No, I didn't.
Lena: You kinda did. Do you have sexual fantasy feelings on me?
Y/n: I did not said that! I said,'Lena, can you come WITH me?' With. Not in. WITH!
Kara: kid, chill. No one is mad at you.
Y/n: I said what I said!
Kara: So you want to have sexual intimacy with Lena?
Y/n: Gosh! No.
Kara chuckle: Hey, superhearing. Can't help it.
Y/n: Don't you have an alien to kill? Go, skedaddle!
Kara: Okay, okay!
Y/n: Lena, let's go to the lab.
Lena, still blushing: Yeah.
Kara is about to fly: No funny business in the tower, kids!
Y/n & Lena: GO!
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