#baby number 10
jenny-osborne · 2 years
Nick Cannon Welcomes Baby Number 10 With His Third Baby Mama.
Nick Cannon Welcomes Baby Number 10 With His Third Baby Mama.
Nick Cannon welcomes baby number 10 with his third baby mama, Brittany Bell. Nick Cannon announces the arrival of the 10th bundle of joy “Rise Messiah Cannon” with his third baby mama Brittany Bell. The 34-year-old beauty pageant gave their son on September 23, making it her 3rd child with the actor as they already share two adorable kids. Two weeks ago the 41-year-old talk show host and actor…
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whateverisbeautiful · 7 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#7: How'd I Get So Lucky Finding You (S9E01)
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Imagine feeling lucky in a fallen world. 🥹 Losing so much and still feeling like you won because you found the ultimate love of your life. 😭 It’s beautiful and powerful that Richonne’s love is so strong that it has them feeling fortunate even after enduring a series of unfortunate events. And in this stunning scene, we get to see so much of why Rick and Michonne have an everlasting love. This scene is an absolutely heartwarming delight and it features my favorite thing Rick has ever said to Michonne in TWD 😍...
I will forever love the state of Richonne’s relationship in s9. They finally had time to breathe and be a family with Judith, and I loved every moment they got to relish in being together.
I always knew Rick and Michonne wouldn't be the type of couple who were only compatible in fight and survival mode - they're equally compatible in just living and being mode. 
So I appreciate that this scene takes its time to just be as the two cuddle up and showcase yet again why they work so perfectly with each other. They truly belong together and fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. 🥰
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Also, I will always like that this scene of Richonne snuggled up in bed takes place in the Sanctuary of all places. Just more proof that nothing, not even the oppressive reign of Negan, was going to break Richonne because now Rick and Michonne are up in that batty man's crib fully immersed in their sweet Richonne bubble. 🤗
They just feel so married with Rick washing up and then getting in bed with Michonne as the two just instinctively get wrapped up in each other. And the way Rick kisses her forehead. 🥹 It’s always so clear that they feel the most safe to completely decompress and let their guard down with each other and are so precious to each other.
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And I’m just giddy every time I hear Michonne adorably and playfully call Rick “the famous Rick Grimes” with that shoulder shimmy while resting on his chest. Perfection. 👌🏽
I love their teasing banter and how she’s addressing the way Rick's a legend to the people. As he should be. And Rick’s playful, "don’t you start too" response to hearing her say that is just great. 😊
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It’s adorable that she plays with his beard while noting that the reverence people have for him is sweet. She gets it. She says, “just don’t let it get to your head” and Richonne tones for the win once again in this scene. 😍
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And again the two bring up Maggie and how they feel for her since she has to deal with losing that Hilltop kid, which is particularly sad too because R&M lost their own teenage son just about a year and a half ago.
Rick and Michonne then have this moment where they both just take a synchronized deep breath and these two seriously always feel like one, especially in the way they breathe in this moment. 
I like how Rick seems tired as he closes his eyes, but then Michonne says his name, and he can always be awake and alert for her when they need to talk.
I really like too how Michonne and Rick both get honest about the fact that they wonder if they should have just killed Negan. To which I was like, yes...
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But I appreciate that Michonne says "we" when talking about this choice because she and Rick are a package deal. Saving Negan without consulting the others was Rick’s most controversial move among tf, and it clearly had some tf members feeling understandably upset. But it’s nice that, by saying "we," Michonne doesn’t make Rick feel like he was alone in that choice.
Rick thinks the Saviors just want food, not Negan back in charge, and Michonne reminds him they don’t know that for sure, which is valid, and it’s great they can communicate like this.
And then I love that Michonne lets him know she’s been thinking about an agreement between the communities and that she maps out the idea with her hand over his heart. Their closeness really is unparalleled.
Also the way Rick is looking at his wife throughout this scene is um...it's gold and damn near made me lose my train of thought so let me get myself back on track lol.
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I love that Rick affirms Michonne's idea, telling her it’s good and smart, and how he looks right at her while saying it could bring people closer together. And the way Michonne touches him. I love that they really don’t take their hands off each other for pretty much the entire scene. 😊
And then Rick opens up and lets her know what's on his mind as he shares that Daryl isn’t happy, and it makes him worried about things breaking down. Scenes like this are why I believe Michonne is not just Rick's wife but truly his best friend. They always can confide in each other and express everything going on inside - their hopes, ideas, worries, and fears.
It’s sweet that Michonne acknowledges the validity of what Daryl feels. And Rick groans a bit and says Daryl cares too much sometimes. I appreciate that Michonne can sense Rick's headspace so clearly here and doesn’t want a divide to be caused between those two brothers (even tho it ends up being a bit too late sadly).
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The way Michonne whispers 'hey' and then gently turns Rick's face towards her, it’s like a visible illustration of how she centers him and reminds him to stay focused on the good and how to move things forward. And of course, Rick is receptive to this redirection as he looks into her eyes. Love it. 😊
Michonne acknowledges that if Daryl is worried then there’s a reason. And again, because R&M are a package deal, she asks, "What do we do about it?" knowing however they handle it, it will be together. 
And then, like a well-oiled machine, Rick says he thinks they need to fix that bridge, and Michonne says she'll get the people to agree to a charter. Look at these leaders making big community decisions all while snuggling in bed together. 🥰
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So then it’s Rick’s turn to do some teasing when he asks if it’ll be a "charter or constitution?" Again, I love how lines like these show Rick and Michonne know each other's humor as Michonne amusedly confirms it'll be a charter. And it's just sweet too cuz, while they're playing around, I'm sure Rick fully believes Michonne would be capable of drafting up a whole effective constitution for the new world lol.
Their synchronized smiles at this moment are seriously the best. 🙌🏽And then Rick kissing her three times is even better. The way Michonne smiles at him. The way he always has to come back for more. I live.😍
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And I just absolutely love getting to see Rick and Michonne in such a relaxed happy state. Scenes like this make it so clear why Rick and Michonne haven't moved on from each other after all those years apart. You don't move on from a love like this.
Richonne gives each other joy like no other and this whole exchange shows how they work so effortlessly together as leaders and lovers. What a pair. 🤩 As Andy said, they truly are perfect partners in this imperfect world.
Plus it’s just always so sweet that two of the strongest, fiercest, most intimidating warriors in the world find each other so cute and cuddly. 😋
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Y'all, Richonne + cars is a thing, and also Richonne + candle-lit scenes too, because they are always A1.
...But then the candles get blown out, and this scene proceeds to reach its peak of perfection. 🤩
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As someone who loves a lengthy Richonne scene, I remember first watching this ep live and being so happy that they weren’t cutting away from them once the lights went out. I had no idea it was because we were in for something so heavenly. 😇
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Cuz they turn off the lights and then immediately wrap their arms around each other again to go to sleep and it’s always so sweet seeing Rick softly touch her hair. All the little gestures just feel like this person in their arms is their treasure who has their whole heart. #ILoveEveryRichonneDetail
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Then....y'all then Rick opens his eyes to utter the greatest thing he's ever said to Michonne thus far - “How’d I get so lucky finding you?”
BEAUTIFUL. Powerful, meaningful, romantic, fitting, perfect. I could go on. 👩🏽‍🍳💋
I love the delivery of the line because it really feels like it’s this reoccurring thought for Rick that, at this moment, his mind was thinking and just had to utter out loud.
It's fitting he’d say this after the convo they just had because it really did capture why Michonne is so perfect for him, and I love that he knows it and vocalizes it. Michonne is a genuinely phenomenal individual, so it makes perfect sense that Rick feels not just happy but lucky to have her.
And just to think about their journey and know that we’d arrive at a point where Rick reflects on when he met Michonne and feels so personally lucky to have found her. 😭 She’s his soulmate, and he knows it wholeheartedly. 
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And I love that beyond literally finding each other, there’s something deep about the way Rick and Michonne found each other in their truest form. They saw each other in a deeper way and brought each other back from the lost state they were in. 
Also, I always think it’s sweet how Rick said this with zero other motives - this was just his abundant love for her pouring out. I’m so grateful that in Rick's final season, they didn’t give him and Michonne any tiffs or division, but rather showed that they have only grown closer and more in love since the last season. 
Like after one of the series' longest time jumps, I adore that we return to a Rick and Michonne who have clearly spent the last year and a half strengthening their bond even more, and healing, and fully enjoying their life together. They are really and truly an unbreakable unit who only fall more in love the more time they spend together.
When I think about all Rick and Michonne have been through together and all they’ve built, it’s just the absolute greatest thing to know Rick thinks about his life and feels so sincerely lucky that he found Michonne. We knew that the day they found each other at the prison fence was life-changing, and it's great to see them two know it too.
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If you were to tell Season One Rick that he was going to eventually lose his son, Carl, but would still have family that made him feel like a lucky man, he'd probably think you were crazy. And yet, this is the power of Richonne. The family found between Rick and Michonne runs so deep and is so authentic that, even after the most painful loss imaginable, Rick knows he still has so much to live for because he has Michonne and Judith.
Then it’s so sweet that Michonne hears Rick say this heart-bursting line and takes his hand because she feels the same way, and is likely thinking that's the...
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#DirectQuoteFromHerMind you already know. 😋
And then Michonne softly tells Rick, "We both lost enough, it’s time we won a little don’t you think?" My heart. 😭 This moment is everything.
And y’all, I had gone back and re-read one of my old Richonne in Retrospect posts from several years ago where I reflected on a s6 scene between Michonne and David, that Alexandrian who got bit in 6.03. In that 6.03 scene, David talks to Michonne about his love story which completely and intentionally mirrors Michonne's own love story with Rick. And in that old post, I wrote this: 
"Rick and Michonne finding each other in all this is really one of the best things that happened to them. And in this type of world people take a whole lot of L’s so it’s cool that they were actually able to find such a big win in finding each other…and if R&M ever verbally imply a similar sentiment to each other about how finding each other in all this was everything, this will literally be me…"
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So the fact that over a year after I wrote that, Rick and Michonne express exactly this...😭🙌🏾😭 It is the best ever. And just as I predicted, that gif above was and still is me whenever I watch this scene. It is just so powerful for Rick and Michonne to feel like amid all their loss, they still won big time by finding each other and falling in love. 
And then Michonne so lovingly kisses his hand, and Rick is perfectly content with that exchange as he shuts his eyes. But then, once again, the gift that keeps on giving gives us even more. 🤩
Cuz Michonne turns to look at him and then Rick...y’all, I’ll never get over how he looks at her right here. Like he looks right at Michonne with a breathtaking look that says, “I’m wholly and completely yours” and so clearly shows that she seriously means everything to him.
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(also! y'all, I wrote this whole post before that V-day trailer, and so the fact that we've now got to hear Rick directly say, "I am yours," before the show even officially premieres 😍😍😍 my goodness TOWL is just blessings on blessings)
So then they kiss and it wonderfully ramps up with Michonne getting on top of him and reiterating "the famous Rick Grimes." 😏
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…except this time, i think sis means he’s famous for reasons only she knows about. and that’s their business. 😋
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As Danai has noted before, Rick knows how to make Michonne vulnerable, and Michonne knows how to make Rick laugh, which is just sublime.
And the way Rick laughs at the close of this scene - you know that if there’s one person he likes being "the famous Rick Grimes" to it’s Mrs. Grimes. 😊
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Y’all, this whole scene blessed us ten times over. Our ship has it all. And we really do get whatever we want lol. 💅🏽
(Side note: it's also important to note that we don't just get whatever we want as some sort of forced fan service from the show. (Considering Gimple was planting Richonne seeds before viewers had even seen the two on screen together, that fan-service take simply can't be true). The real reason we get what we want is because the very love story we want to see is also the very love story the show wanted to organically craft. These TWD writers, actors, producers, network/production companies etc, fully recognize Rick and Michonne's relationship as a special marriage with crazy love between two tethered soulmates, and we're just in agreement and alignment with that. And I feel fortunate that the canon story being told is as beautiful, romantic, and authentic as we wanted and knew it would be)
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I’m so grateful for this tender scene and that these actors are so capable of playing every shade of Richonne perfectly. Like we got serious, playful, romantic, steamy, and utterly heartfelt all in this one scene. 🙌🏾
And while Rick has expressed feeling so lucky to have Michonne in the way he looks at her for many seasons, it was wonderful to hear him also outright verbalize that in finding her he found a true reward. He doesn’t take her for granted, and Michonne doesn’t either, knowing that he is her win in all this too. 
This moment is also beautiful because Rick and Michonne are two selfless individuals who have been put through the wringer on their individual and shared journeys yet still remained dedicated to giving their all to protect their people - And then the universe sent them each other and said ♡ you deserve to be taken care of too, ♡ you deserve to be held too, ♡ you deserve a gift that's just for you too. ♡ oh and also the gift that we're sending you is...
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Rick and Michonne are each other's blessing. This scene solidified that beautifully.
They won because of each other, and we won with special scenes like this that contribute so much to Richonne’s perfect love story. 😌
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Bonnie page is here!!
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No I do not have favorites, what are you talking about... 👀 Anyway here is the whole double page of Bonnie, he is such big comfort to me qωq
As always tagging all the awesome people I redrew stuff from
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@juniperarts Stop. Making. Him. SO SEXY!????!?!? WHO LET YOU????? 🧡🧡🧡 (also I have no idea what happened with his face on the second sketch, where is my "same face sindrom")
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@bxnnie-bxwl him scary, me like ////◕//◕////
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@maibeloved HE IS SO SILLY, so energetic! Also your gregory drawing reminded me of Frisk so it is a crossover now.
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And ofc @bonniebrothers or @/stainedge_ from Instagram. They are so cute, and I just couldn't. What do you mean you put trauma in big silly robot bunnies????
As usual I wanna state that I redrew them in self educational purposes to understand what I like the most and how I want to draw Bonnie
Part 2 here
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bretonalchemist · 1 month
me @ skyrim : you are telling me that there are orphans in the streets
skyrim : yes
me : and there is an orphanage
skyrim : yup
me : and i can't send them there ???
skyrim : nope ❤️
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ghostoffuturespast · 9 months
2023 Tumblr Top 11
1. 224 notes - Oct 18 2023
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2. 160 notes - Aug 16 2023
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3. 136 notes - Jun 4 2023
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4. 128 notes - Apr 6 2023
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5. 115 notes - Sep 6 2023
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6. 108 notes - Aug 17 2023
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7. 101 notes - Jul 23 2023
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8. 96 notes - Nov 8 2023
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9. 88 notes - May 5 2023
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10. 85 notes - Dec 2 2023
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Officially, Grandpa didn’t make the cut. But the iPod Nano commercial was really fucking close okay. So, I’m including it. She deserves to be here dammit.
11. 82 notes - Nov 10 2023
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Created by TumblrTop10
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whoblewboobear · 3 months
Porter with baby fever is my truth. But so is Porter introducing his child from his previous marriage to Jace.
In my heart of hearts Jace doesn’t want kids of his own but he LOVES the idea of being a hot stepmom that lounges around and drinks wine all day, picking Porter’s daughter up with his big sunglasses on fighting for life not to let the hangover take him. Him and Porter’s daughter tease Porter constantly. Porter knows that when he and Jace have his daughter over that it’ll always be 2 against 1. They both get anything that want and Porter pretend he doesn’t like it but he loves seeing them so close. He always knew Jace was good with kids, he saw it in him at work. But letting someone meet his kid is a big step that Porter doesn’t take lightly.
When he first told Jace about his daughter he fully prepared for it to be a deal breaker but when Jace said he was fine with it and that he’d love to meet her Porter cried. His family is his world and now it’s a little bit bigger with his daughter and Jace meeting.
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chickenmcnuggies · 10 months
figured i'd post the full creature list for my bravely default bestiary mod for dwarf fort since the mod is basically finished ignoring my indecisiveness under read more since it's like 50 miles long
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chompers of all kinds. and chompettes. and war trained gobblers :)
the first of the sprites i made, and what i consider the mascots of the mod
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ratbitt, badbitt, uniconey unibitt (BD2)
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alraune, mandragora, and rafflesia (BD1+BS)
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green, fire, and ice d'gons (BD1+BS)
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brimstone stallion, sagari, and nightmare (BD2)
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drake (BS)
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land turtle (BD1+BS)
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magician, mephisto, and zauberer (BD1+BS)
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hybrid (BD1+BS)
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catamount, and valtora
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killer ant, magic ant, peraponera, and shooterbug (BS, BD2)
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anzu, and regulus (BS)
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cu sith! technically cheating since it's from final fantasy 4 heroes of light and not BD, but 4hol is bravely adjacent and originally i was going to do cait sith as well, and wanted them to be a pair. in the end i couldn't make a cait sith sprite i was happy with so it ended up just being this guy.
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kaiser cobra, sea serpent cobra (BD1+BS)
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fungoo (BD2)
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rock golem, inferno golem, ice golem (BD1 + BS) and wood golem (BD2)
one golem type assigned to each main race in DF
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hellhound. every bravely game has a hellhound in it but in all of them they're just regular wolves recolored red, or blue in BD2. So it's instead based on it's 4HoL design.
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imp, teufel (BD1 + BS)
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mailed dragon (BD1 + BS)
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megalodon (BD1 + BS)
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minotaur, and amber horn (BD1 + BS)
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ogre (in all 3 games but based on the BD2 design)
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orc, orc leader, orc chieftain, orc lord, orc king. (in all 3 games but based on the BD2 designs)
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ratatoskr, and frosti (BD1 + BS)
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sizzlemoth (BD2)
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slime, red flan, and black pudding (BD1 + BS)
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soil eater (BD1 + BS)
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wiki-wiki, big wiki-wiki, metal wiki-wiki, queen wiki-wiki, and king wiki-wiki (BD2)
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behemoth behemouth. renamed since i already did a 'behemoth' for my other mod. still less bad than it's 4HoL name of "bighugemore"
a megabeast with a deafening roar and a lethal bite laced with venom. based on a mix of it's BD1 and BS fights (venom from BD1 and roar from BS)
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greaps, the second full creature from 4HoL. put in simply because she's very cool and it felt weird to only have 1 4HoL monster.
a megabeast that specializes on using different forms of magic from her 3 different battles from 4hol.
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capcavan · 1 year
About Riko 1/?
My idea of Riko is of an absolutely insufferable person, but person everyone tolerates because his ways bring home results. Not talking about the behind scenes terror he exposed foxes to. That's dirty play, and I usually write it off as something master Tetsuji was behind. Riko just used them as manipulation tactic (which backfires as instead of frightening foxes, he pissed them off and motivated them to work harder). Ravens are trained to be pinnacle of excellence when it comes to their physical abilities. After all, they are worth little to nothing outside of court. But to be good player you need to be able to strategize on the fly and synergize with your team and that's not something charts before game can always prepare you for. That's what Riko excels at, quick decision making and risky play. The ravens are groomed to support this play style. Their only job is to read Riko and adjust their game to match him (this is why the board was concerned about the play style holding Kevin Day back). Current team for ravens is undefeated because everyone on the team trusts Riko's judgment. As fucked up as the little fucker is, he knows the game. He has intuition few can rival with. He does not fuck around, does not allow people to feel more important than they are when their game is shit. That's why raven team consists of numbers from 1 to 4 then 10 and up. The fodder is in constant competition between each other to earn that single digit. They know Riko is crazy. They know a person should not function like this but they also know that his way bring results. They follow him off field with the same trust they follow him on field because for ravens there is no difference between the two. They need Riko, who gave his life away to the game (a choice master made for him) to carry them to better future. But then Riko's only reason to play is gone. His father passed, never acknowledging him as a human being. And the game does not matter so much any more. TLDR ravens know Riko is fucking insane but they respect it because they need him that way.
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placetneplacet · 1 year
La Pluie makes me incredibly nervous, like I love it and I’m certain I’m going to be made very sad by whatever goes down with Lomfon…
The whole meeting in the cafe where Lomfon is so delighted to be with Tai and find that they share interests, that they’re soulmates not just because they hear each other in the rain. That the whole encounter is a confirmation for him.
But how much does Lomfon hear in the rain? What does he think about there being a third person? Why does Lomfon think that Tai is his soulmate but that Phat isn’t? Can Lomfon only hear Tai and not Phat? But Lomfon can tell that Tai hears someone else?
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jrueships · 1 year
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reason why bulls (basically let themselves) lose
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deebo saw this and felt bad
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ardentpoop · 4 months
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i may be a fucking loser by all other metrics however i am getting a good grade in Energy Usage
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p1tstop · 4 months
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shidoukanae · 5 months
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Did a study of a panel i like for a manga with absolutely my favorite female character i've seen yet and thought i'd post it here too in the hopes of eventually finding fans of this series when they inevitably, like me, look for more content of this story :'D
I could gush about this funny, lovestarved, absolutely downright sympathetic and villainous lady who absolutely deserves to be family with the protag for so many hours if you let me she is literally so perfect and everything I have ever wanted from female characters before.
I've gone from going "ooooo she's such a cool antagonist who is such a funny little mystery i LOVE her" to "yeah she's kind of on the insane spectrum but tbf who wouldn't be fucked up in her situation TwT" to "i WILL cry over her and she is completely in the right for doing what she's doing and i can't believe i ever believed she wasn't the heroine she's supposed to be :'D"
#the mighty extra: one girl changes the world#helene de belliana#my love#i found the raws but haven't found if there's a fandom for this manga#if it exists it's probs overseas but idk how to find said fandom then bc searching by title is useless fghjgfhj#the manga itself isn't perfect but my god does it have a lot of heart put into it#i can tell the creator adores Helene because there's no fucking way they don't at this point#just woke up to read chapter 72 and i am#melting#for baby Helene and hopefully getting to know more about her relationship with the original Lyla#because that last panel of her looking uncertain is so adorbs#but also im not used to seeing Helene with long hair and for once i prefer short hair to long hair#literally Helene is such a cool character how do i write a character as cool as her#and the fact that she has a love interest (debatably) who is is on manipulative terms with atm is so interesting#esp because he's the only one she's showing her true nature to atm and im !!! at the implications of that#her being mischievous towards Paris (even if she's meanly funny about it) and the fact she used to be mischievous as a kid...#waaah i wanna see her and Paris develop a relationship together beyond their current sarcastic partnership#especially because there's something so neat about the funny self-interested dragon man obeying her without reason to#at least the narrative hasn't addressed why he would bother??? bc she's neither offered him the fragment nor is he completely amiable to he#but also i can't help but think there was some omitting going on after their second to last scene together...#damn this manga gives so much food for thought and for that alone this story is instantly in my top 10 rankings#For Helene alone it's probably close to my number 2 spot lmao#anyways yes i stan Helene and at this point i think im her number 1 fan and defender until (hopefully) proven otherwise~#bc god do i need more content for her waaaah
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gilliebee · 8 months
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The Boston Globe | May 20, 1990
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sovonight · 2 years
i love how in baldur’s gate a stack of 5 potions takes up the same amount of space as an adult human body
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Just found a december pic of Glee Anselm (one of my og snails) giving a piggyback ride to one of the accidental babies
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Gosh they (the babies) were so small
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