#back to the point tho. i think everyone is right and like cal said.. its abt being kind
theloveinc · 2 years
not a vague post at all but it's interesting to see this conversation of ... fandom being dead or whatever bc... ive been on tumblr since 2011 and i've never seen such an interest boom as during the pandemic. and normally i chalk this new deadness up to us all going back to work/the fact i don't truly understand what fandom was like "back in the day" bc i was a teenager who mostly just read stuff.
but at the same time... i wonder, really how much has ACTUALLY changed and died and how many new things + expectations + functions have been created from this recent surge?
it's so interesting to me bc a couple months ago i reached out to an overwatch reader insert account i followed back in... 2016? maybe. and spoke to them just like i'd send anyone an ask, asking how they were, if they had any writing plans coming up and saying i missed them. and they never responded, which was fine honestly.... but what i found a little baffling was that they went on to say they still accepted requests? and still wanted to run their account the same way they did back in 2016????
(it truly felt so alien. i was like... we're people now!!! we talk to each other now!!!!!!!!!!!!)
and that isn't to say anything in particular, but i feel like things have changed since then... at the same this request system has spoiled some readers with the notion they can ask for what they want and receive it... seems like some writers have also been tainted by the expectation that people should like everything they post. it's hard to express, but it feels like one of those snakes that's eating itself ... wanting a certain amount of praise for doing things u "technically" enjoy doing.
which isn't to say it's reasonable to ignore fandom writers or demand things on the other hand (it's not)... but i guess a lot of functions here have changed now?
and tho fandom has always been alive and well, communities can def run their courses and get smaller and more........ dead, as shows progress or end or take hiatuses and interest wanes naturally....
and tho i don't remember the point i was trying to make, i just wonder how much of this is a natural decline that's being clung to irrationally. i miss having a large community too. fanfic writers deserve the utmost of praise for the care and dedication they put into their work. but setting urself up for disappointment... isn't anyone's fault. and blaming people for that isolates u from those you want supporting u. i have no idea.
you know, i feel so inadequate bc i have such a lack of long fics and have a really hard time writing them (tho i do, just ... slowly and silently). but this is why i like answering to asks so much, bc the words of others inspire me (even if i've gotten a bit burnt out from my persona). and if this isn't u... you know, u write ur own stuff by urself, great!
but i feel like... in turn, this community is now in a transition stage (because we went from a community where everyone was having fun / getting asks + praise... to one that's smaller, isn't as buoyant or forgiving), and is readjusting itself to fit the new needs of writers, those who want to write their own complex ideas and those who need interaction to do so... and the readers that make both things possible finding their new places.
idk but... i think we're all relearning how to do this. and that shouldn't be blamed on anyone, regardless of feelings.
thanks for reading all of this if u did!! no need to comment or anything. and whatever if u didn't i don't mind <3
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lilyharvord · 3 years
I saw another anon on king mavens page ask how Cal would react if mare died and they didn’t wanna answer bcuz it’ll make them go into a depressive state. So if u don’t mind how do YOU think Cal would react if Mare died. If u don’t wanna write this u don’t hv too tho
I too saw annie's response, and while it makes me super sad to think about as well.... I've thought about it... I may have started writing a fic about it once (it was like once chapter), and I had an idea. So I'll give you my branched ideas. They're loooong so I have put them under the read more.
idea 1: Mare dies before they are married, before anything.
It's horrific. People are shocked... the little lightning girl? Dead? Impossible. Cal doesn't immediately hear about it, he's so busy he's doesn't know something's happened until he walks into a room and everyone goes quiet and slowly looks at him like he might collapse right then and there. He finds out because Farley pulls him aside. She takes him away from everyone to a quiet little garden with a fountain and tells him what happened. When he hears, he just sort of gives her this confused look, like HE doesn't understand, doesn't believe. Then he sort of sinks down onto one of the benches and just sits there. Doesn't move, doesn't even seem to be breathing. Farley thinks he'll explode in a ball of heat and rage and pain, but instead he just gets really really quiet, and really cold. The air around her gets so cold her breath fogs in front of her. He asks her to leave him alone and she does. He sort of draws into himself after that, doesn't really speak to anyone, spends a lot of time running and sitting at his desk and staring out the window. He attends the funeral but is quiet the whole time, he only speaks to the Barrows and even then, there isn't much to say that wouldn't hurt either party. After that he BURIES himself in his work. He gets so good at it that one day he looks up and ten years have passed. He's still got the stack of letters they wrote to each other, and he even has the letter he had been drafting to send to her on the front where he lost her. It ends with the phrase: I miss you. And god does that ring true. He miss her like a limb he lost. It feels like a part of him was torn away, just like with Maven, just like with his father, just like with Nanabel when she passed a few years back, just like the hole his mother left without him even knowing it was there. He visits her grave that year, just sort of sits under the little tree they planted, looks out at the mountains as the sun sets behind him, and talks to her like he does with Maven, tells her about everything that's happening. After a while, he just falls quiet and sits there, digging his hand into the grass and dirt right above the grave, like he can dig down to her, like it's her skin and he can still feel it's warmth. He swallow really heavily and then says: I never met anyone else that made me feel the way you did... I don't think I ever will. You were it. You were going to be it. And then he gets up and leaves. He runs into Gisa down in the Ascendent, they grab coffee at what was once Mare's favorite coffee shop, now it's Gisa's. They talk about everything, never mentioning Mare. Gisa only asks once if he's seen anyone, and he just shakes his head, and she gives him a tiny smile and says: she wouldn't have minded... well if a random bolt of lightning came from the heaven and struck you, then I guess you would know she minded. They laugh about that, and then he leaves cause he has an early flight home. When he gets back, he puts the letters in a box and then puts that box in a drawer. He never sees anyone else though. Doesn't even really fool around with anyone either. He tries once, and the whole time he just thinks about her, thinks about all the what if's and could be's. He apologizes profusely to the girl and says that it's not going to work. Something in her understands, some weird warmth that she gets that makes her pull him into an extra tight hug before she leaves from his little apartment in Archeon. He doesn't mind being alone as much, he has his friends and a strange little belief/hope that someday, he will see Mare again. And when he does he is going to pull her into the tightest hug and never, ever let go again.
idea 2: Mare dies after they are married and have at least 1 child
This one hurts far more. He knows she's on missions, and they made a pact to never be on missions together so that if the unthinkable happens and one of them does die, Coriane will have the other at least. Its a god awful early hour of the morning when there is knock on the door. Coriane is sleeping in his and Mare's bed, she had a nightmare and immediately came for comforting snuggles. He thinks he's dreaming when the knock comes again, a little more instant this time. He gets up, and Coriane sleepily trails after him, curious as a cat always. When he answers the door, he picks her up and is still sort of half asleep. When he sees the young soldier standing on the porch in uniform and the most pained look on his face, he is suddenly wide awake. The soldier reaches up and removes his hat before pulling out an envelope with the official Montfort seal on it. He holds it out and quietly says, "I'm sorry."
When Cal takes it, he worries that his hand is shaking, but it is perfectly still, Coriane is falling asleep on his shoulder, not even aware of the ramification of what this little envelope means. And he just sort of looks up at the man and asks, "Do the Barrows know?" The man blinks before saying, "Protocol dictates immediate family are informed first... spouses are immediate family along with children. We leave it to them to inform the rest...I'm sorry again sir." Then he gives a little clean military salute and leaves. Cal stands there for a long time looking at empty space, wondering what comes next, what he is even supposed to do. Coriane answers for him: by lightly tapping his cheek and whispering that she's cold. He closes the door, and sets the letter on the little table by the door. There are already four other letters there. One, an invitation to Farley's wedding to Cordelia at the end of the month, and another is a letter from Julian addressed to all of them, most likely about his trip with Sara to see the land north of Montfort. But there is her name in beautiful script on both envelopes. There is her favorite jacket hanging on the peg she always hangs it on. There is the book she left on the table, chaptered at the exact part she was on. There is her favorite mug in the sink because Coriane asked to drink her milk from it last night. She is everywhere in the house, and yet that letter means she will never be in it again. Those were her things. They not longer are. He carries Coriane up the stairs and puts her back in their his bed and then lays next to her, watching her chest rise and fall as she sleeps, a tiny smile creeping to her lips as she dreams, completely and blissfully unaware of how her life has fundamentally changed now. Then he rolls and stares at the ceiling, but the tears come and they don't stop as they fall silently. He gets up and showers at dawn--he didn't sleep-- and cries a little more there. He has to crouch down under the scalding water and bite down on his knuckle to keep from sobbing out loud and waking Cori. It's pitiful, and he knows it. She would be furious with him for not being honest about how he feels and trying to hide it like its some ugly thing. But it feels ugly, a twisted ugly thing in his chest that is screaming and clawing at his insides. He stands, turns the shower off, steps out, shaves, does his morning routine, and then wakes Coriane and gets her ready. She's still sleepy, doesn't understand, asks him when mommy is coming home, when she will be back so they can go to the market and get ice cream. He says they'll go today, but his voice shakes, even as he tries to hide it. Then he takes her to the Barrows, tells Ruth and Daniel to gather all of them together. When they are all sitting before him in the living room, packing it to the brim, he takes out the letter and reads it. There is a horrible silence when he finishes and folds it before putting it back in the envelope. Ruth slowly pulls Coriane toward her and then lifts her into her lap and hugs her so tightly Cori actually whines about it for a second before she sees the look on Cal's face. They all sit in the kitchen after that and Ruth makes tea and she makes hot chocolate for the kids and gives Coriane an extra 4 marshmallows. The kids leave to go play and the adults sit and discuss the logistics, where is the will, was the a will? Do they have to adhere to anything if there isn't one? Would she want to... to be buried on Tuck with Shade? The will would probably say. Should they do that if there isn't one? Ruth offers to take care of Coriane while Cal deals with everything, settling paperwork, etc. etc. Then everyone kinda starts talking about everything again, and he just sits in silence and stares at this knot on the table that Mare pointed out to him because she said it looked like a turtle on its back. He traces it a few times, just sort of thinking about that moment and all the other times they would be in this kitchen doing dishes after family gatherings etc. Farley watches him from across the table
before getting up and nodding for him to follow her outside. Everyone pretty much doesn't notice them leave, or they pretend not to notice. They sit outside on the back porch in silence, just the two of them. After a little bit, it starts to snow. The first snow of the year. Farley holds her hand out to catch the flakes and says quietly: "I hate that it doesn't rain when these things happen. It always feels like it should be raining." He nods silently in agreement, and then she sets her hand on his shoulder, and he bends forward, letting the weight of it drop his head into his hand. He doesn't cry again, he honestly doesn't understand why he feels nothing now, just emptiness, and numbness from the tips of his fingers all the way to the tips of his toes. Even with Maven he didn't feel this way. He felt something then, something biting and hot like a pan that he touched when it just came off the stove. They sit like that for a long time before Coriane comes outside, and slips underneath his arm to snuggle against him. Farley gets up and leaves then, sensing she's said her peace and he understands she's there if he needs her. He holds Coriane close when the back door closes, and she whispers quietly to him, "Mommy's not coming home, is she?" and he just squeezes her once in answer. She frowns and stares out at the snow for a second and then turns around to face him and cups his cheeks in her little hands like she had seen Mare do a hundred times when Cal was in the middle of an especially hard day. She looks at him with a very serious expression for a child and he can see Mare in her when she does that, in the crease of her brows and the slight squint in her eyes. In the hint of chocolate brown in the curls of her hair. She will be furiously beautiful like her mother, and he had a feeling someday she will break a man's heart like his is breaking now. She looks at him for a good little bit and then says, "don't worry, I will take care of you." And he laughs, knowing that Mare always said the same thing. He pulls her close again and whispers with a thick voice, "it's my job to take care of you. But it's just us now... we have to take care of each other."
The funeral is in the spring. Cal pushed it off. Mare hated the winter. Even though she had happier memories of it now, her childhood and the painful clenching of her empty belly were like a permanent stain on the season. He would not bury her in that time. When the snow thaws and the ground melts, they release her ashes on a hill and leave stone for her on a hill under a tree, with a view of the mountains. There is a long line of epithet underneath her name: beloved daughter, sister, friend, wife, mother. Staring at it, Cal wonders if she knows just how important she had become. If she knew that she wasn't just a captain, or a figurehead that brought a centuries old regime to its knees. Everyone leaves after, the Barrows going last, but Cal and Coriane stay. Cal just sitting in the grass next to the grave, the wind in his hair while he watches the mountains for a little while. Coriane sits on the grave, probably not the nicest thing to do, but she does, and traces Mare's name over and over again on the stone with her little finger. "Mommy had a long name." She says as she traces the four names on the stone. Cal hesitated to put his name on there with hers, but he adopted the Barrow name as much as Mare took the Calore one when they married. And in the very, very short will she had drafted, that he almost didn't read because reading it made everything real, she asked that he put both their names on it (but to put his name before hers and she even made a little quip at him in the will about it which made him laugh, even as it made him cry). He glances at Cori after she says that and nods. She then crawls into his lap and they sit watching the mountains before Coriane says, "Uncle Julian says that when people die, they become the dirt that feeds the trees and the grass... do you think mommy is happy to be tree food?" He laughs and hugs her really close before saying, "She's not tree food. That dust we let go of today was mommy. She's on the winds now, traveling everywhere."
He does not remarry, no matter how many years pass, and how many women try to infer that it might be for the best if Coriane had mother in her life. He thinks its a stupid notion that he can't raise his own child on his own. And its hard, god is it hard. But he does it. He makes Coriane Barrow Calore into a women that Mare Molly Calore Barrow would have been very proud of. And he holds onto the notion that someday, when he dies, and they scatter his ashes, that his will find Mare's and they'll be together again that way.
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tsscat · 2 years
Okay my thoughts on jfo
Disclaimer that my analysis on game design is from a limited perspective as I really don’t play many open-world, role-playing, kind of games and this is really the first “Dark Souls-esque” game I’ve played. What I loved (other than most of it):
I know this has been said before but truly a spectacularly beautiful game. Like good graphics but also the art/design itself was gorgeous. The cinematography and lighting was incredible and it really added so much depth to the storyline and to the enjoyment in exploring. I hate the planet Zeffo for personal reasons (specifically those burrowing hog-things I’m forgetting what they’re called) but Zeffo to me was the most beautiful planet. Something so idyllic and serene about greenery in combination with the shiny blue-grey ice and stark rocky cliffs. Everyone who worked on the art and lighting and cinematography, and everyone who found ways to render and code this!!! In such detail without breaking the game or having any glitches!!! Truly everyone who worked on this deserve so much respect and admiration
My boy Cal! Love it when a jedi character is unequivocally kind and compassionate. Love it when they strive to be good and do good. Love it when their strength is in caring about other people and drawing people together because of that. Ezra and Cal my beloved <3.
Trilla and Cere and Merrin!!! Love the grief and complexity and heart in their stories! Trilla as the child betrayed and who grew up to become destroyer of everything she once loved. Cere who suffered a horror and failed her Padawan, growing with Cal to forgive herself and move forward. Merrin, the sole survivor of a massacre, stewing in her grief and rage for decades until an unlikely ally reached out and offered to be her friend and she chose that path to heal and grow instead of continuing to live in her past. God, the women in this game really did steal the show.
BD-1 <3 ofc. His mannerisms remind me of my kitten, difference being he is actually helps you, healing you and hacking into things for you while she bites. Love BD’s friendship with Cal too.
I like Greez too lol he’s nice he’s just. Tho feel like there’s not much to say compared to the others lol.
The themes of grief and of moving on. Star Wars at its worst struggles with how incredibly scarring the events of the prequels and Order 66 were. But when Star Wars gets it right god does it get it right. Love the hopeful theme of that, while you cannot ignore what you’ve lost, as it’ll always be a part of you, you must learn to stop living in the past. You must start moving forward, rebuild in any way you can. And also! To not fear failure, as it is essential part of life and is a necessary step in success.
Speaking of Order 66 I loved the Order 66 part in this game it was so heartbreaking!! I feel like in this day and age bringing up Order 66 in Star Wars media can sometimes feel like. Sadness bait if that makes sense. Like they know SW fans are gonna cry over order 66 scenes. But this did not feel like that at all. It was such a meaningful part (level???) and it was so scary playing as little underpowered Cal while the entire clone army was trying to kill you and your master. There was no health bar during this part but I feel like there should have been just to add to the feeling of vulnerability. Also love how it integrated all of the different skills you had learned through the game. When Jaro Tapal died and Anakin’s Betrayal played I cried. And THEN when you go back to the title screen after that and understand what it means aaaaah
LOVED how the gameplay played into these themes! Playing jfo was definitely frustrating to me, especially as I am not very familiar with this kind of game, but I came to realize that the struggle was *meant* to be part of the game experience. It’s okay to not get something on your first time! The point is to keep trying again and learn from your mistakes. I think many people had issues with the parkour in this game and how challenging it was at times but I think that was also a necessary part of the theme of struggle (tho I have one issue with it that I will get into later). Also love Cal’s power to read the past from objects and how you can essentially follow small stories from the past as you’re exploring with this power. It really does add into the weight of the past and also I think adds to the caring nature of Cal’s character.
I love the part when Cal breaks his lightsaber and he has to figure how to make do without it. First of all love when he has to run away from all the undead night sisters with basically no protection other than the force. I was stressed the whole way through but it was really so chaotic (affectionate). Ofc the storyline part of it was also amazing and made me cry again but also I think players up to this point have the tendency to rely too much on lightsaber mechanics and on Dathomir and Illum you were forced to use and get accommodated with other mechanics more especially using the force. Illum also was a nice moment of calm after the high stress Dathomir escape. And then ofc Cal’s moment of glory (really it’s *your* moment of glory) afterwards when he fixes his lightsaber and defeats all those storm troopers.
What I didn’t like/thought could be improved:
I don’t understand why the fighting tutorial in the train cart wasn’t…more tutorial-y? Like they kinda threw a bunch of stormtroopers at you and were like 'quick do all these things before the stormtroopers kill you' and you just had to figure it out. Like maybe I'm biased bc Ive never played combat of this style before but… Idk why they couldn't just remove the health bar for a bit until players figured out the mechanics. I think it would have been good also to have players fight one stormtrooper (maybe a more powerful one so it lasts longer) before they move onto multiple. What would have been helpful to me is if they had a one on one fight where you could try blocking a bunch of times, try parrying a bunch of times, trying evading a bunch of times until you figured it out, similar to the style of the later Jaro Tapal visions
I may be directionally challenged but I feel like navigating was often kind of frustrating and not in the good way. I would constantly take wrong turns and end up making 30 min detours. I sometimes navigating felt tedious and unnecessary and the map often felt difficult to read or make out.
The camera angle when you’re fighting is sometimes very weird. I’ve looked into this a bit and apparently it’s a bit of an issue with many Dark Souls-esque games but every once in a while if you were fighting someone in a more closed-space the camera would randomly veer off into some corner and you wouldn’t be able to see anything.
The puzzles are….ugh. In theory I would have loved the puzzles, as I would have loved something that was a break from the parkour and combat that was less about quick reaction times and more about taking a bit of time and thinking about a solution. However frankly the puzzle designs were awful. The degrees of freedom/what you could do or manipulate within a puzzle space were never clearly defined which makes puzzles more weird and confusing (in a bad way) than challenging and enjoyable. So many difficult puzzles were only difficult bc of how it required noticing some insignificant detail rather than intelligent design. And force pushing those damn spheres to their sockets was soooo tedious
While I liked the parkour, I do feel like the fact you couldn’t adjust the difficulty of the parkour made the game more inaccessible. The parkour relied on very very quick reaction times which could prove too difficult to someone with say, mobility issues.
Okay also I think the fixed save points were a necessary part of the gameplay but I hate how when you could stop playing were sooo dependent on them like. If I ever needed to stop the game suddenly my choices were to try to find another save point or lose all my progress. Felt like they could have had a word around for that.
Whyyyyy did they appropriate Amazigh attire for Merrin's clothing and then have her take off! the specifically Amazigh head piece!!! When she was no longer a villain!!! UGH orientalism is a stain on Star Wars and you can never seem to escape it
Anyways this is all of the big things I can remember for now but here are some details of the top of my head I thought were cool/ some other notes:
The fact that in the Dathomirian ruins when Cal was facing against force-vision Jaro Tapal, Cal turned off his lightsaber and Tapal’s saber stopped at the top of his head and how that mirrored Cere knighting Cal. Cere only knighted Cal later but that moment on Dathomir was when Cal became a knight in spirit. Dathomir was essentially his Jedi trials
When you were in that force vision to get the Holocron and you were in the dark so you had to illuminate the place with a lightsaber but when you did it was a red lightsaber and Cal had become an inquisitor. GOD that was good that was such a clever use of a pre-established mechanic for the purpose of story.
Cere using Trilla’s lightsaber in the final battle. It’s a metaphor for her accepting her past, it’s a metaphor for her regaining her confidence in herself as a Jedi (bc she trusts herself to stay in the light despite her use of a dark-side lightsaber). Cal earlier had felt Cere and Trilla’s overwhelming trauma surrounding this object and now here she is, bearing this same object as she fights for the future.
I like the fact that you gain the ability to force pull an enemy towards you and stab them that’s such a power trip
I like it. When Cal ride the dinosaur <3
The ninth sister is kinda hot even though she killed me a couple of times
Love how blunt Merrin is lol. She really is just figuring out how interact with people after she turns to your side like go queen explore the world around you
I could definitely see hints of kotor in this game which was interesting
I don’t think this would have improved the gameplay at all in fact it could have hindered it a bit but I think they should have given Cal a gun. I just think he should have one. Also some bombs. Give this man some explosives
Anyways my ranting is slowly turning incoherent and this is all I can remember. There’s definitely way more to talk about tho. All in all a lovely game that I really enjoyed despite being super stressed about combat (in storymode no less 😩).
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i hc wilbur made tommy president because he planned to go and press the button while tommy spoke and kill him along with himself
wilbur wanted end all his unfinished symphonies and as the person who raised tommy- he raised him like he raised l'manberg. he doesnt care for fundy- not since he denounced him- so he wanted to end him :)
i need a fic where tommy is the one who goes to stop wilbur and wilbur fucking stabs him before pressing the button saying "it was never meant to be" tommy loses both first and last lives to that phrase
tommys last words are it was always meant to be fucking wilbur survives the explosion and has no one to kill him and now he has to live with the consqunces tommy becomes toast- short for ghost tommy i refuse to write so many letters each time- and immeditly looks for his older brothers and he finds wilbur first :) wilbur is exiled for his crimes and also out of fear- they tried to rehabilate him! they really did but then he freaked out over seeing toast... in a bad way.... and he and toast burned georges house on toast suggest (maybe we should burn something! that always helps me calm down!) this is after wilbur is trusted enough to be not... in a prison... after phil convinced them he needs help and toast tries his best ok- (WHO LEFT WILBUR WITH TOAST!) (I THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA AT THE TIME! I WAS ONLY LEAVING FOR FIVE MINUTES! AND RANBOO WAS THERE TOO!) and toast tries to go with but everyone is like "yeah no" and toast is like "whhhhyyy i just wanna stay with wilby!" and everytime anyone tries to tell tommy about the wrongs that have happened to him he screams and clutches his head in pain and everytime he comes back he doesnt remember the convo toast,,, is the most BABY toast calls everyone cutesy nicknames unironcially he calls eret rere toast, chriping happily: TECHIE!!!! tubbo: TOMMY STAY AWAY FROM HIM! toast, in a very lost and confused voice: why? techno, freaking out: tommy? toast: hi!!!!!!! im toast!!!!!! :D techno: lowkey ab to cry toast: NOOOOOOOO DUN CRI! toast: there there techie... i know what will help! tubbo, sighing: arson? toast: ARSON! phil comes just in time to find tommys dead body and l'manberg gone hes not around for the withers neither hes there just to see the crater and wilbur in chains with blood on his hands trying to off himself phil will forever blame himself for not making it in time :> dream: taking wilbur away in boat toast, floating behind the boat: o^o dream do you have any games on your phone .///^///. looks at exileinnit hmmm spins roulette wheel who should i hurt... i picked d all of the above they dont let toast go with him but because he is baby and you can't tell him what to do tubbo: sighs finally now that the exiles done toast can you- tubbo: looks up tubbo: GOADDAMN IT
toast is promptly kidnapped back to l'manberg the next day toast keeps going back tho and no one understands why- he literally killed him! why does he keep wanting to go back! (toasts unfinished buisness keeping him tied was helping wilbur and l'manberg- he loved wilbur even at his worst)
toast vibes around everyone but he stays with wilbur- where ever wilbur goes is where he builds his home
its shitty but its an 'ome Toast, teary eyed: Dad? Why does everyone hate Wilby? Why can't I be with him... Phil, with no idea what to do: niki bakes cakes with niki whenever hes in l'manberg he keeps accidently setting her bakery on fire but hes sMOL AND GIGGLES A LOT AND HE HAS FLOUR ON HE GODDAMN SELF toast is a part of mexican l'manberg i dont make the rules mexican dream: AYYYYYYYYY HOMIE toast, giggling: 'OMIE!!!!!
Toast is wholesome while everyone is literally willing to murder Wilbur while also trying to stop him from khs toast is just a very happy lovely child and cries whenever anyone is mean to 'his big brother wilby!' and so they all constantly glare daggers over toasts shoulder wherenever he cant see em meanwhile Phil is just dying inside because Tommy is a ghost by Wilbur's hands and Wilbur keeps trying to commit suicide and oh god what is he supposed to do- he simply avoids this struggle by avoiding them toast, waddling up to philza: papa do you have any games on your phone? all im saying is that tommy called phil papa before changing to dad or fathercraft phil,in the tired parent voice: tommy please sit down- just for five minutes- at least for 5 minutes toast: sits down and then proceeds to struggle to continue to sit but he must because dad told him to toast is just ADHD incarnate wilbur, trying to end himself: im gonna escape my consequences toast: HI!!!!! :D wilbur: FUCK ITS MY CONSEQUENCES toast,,,, is so baby Wilbur is just not allowed to have anything remotely sharp i like how theres so much angst and im just hyper focusing on ba yby dream uses toast the same way he uses ghostbur! :D toast doesnt realize of course even after wilbur tells him dream is bad but he keeps forgetting!!! Everyone: da baby Dream: how can I profit from this oh dream is manipulating wilbur btw wilbur: suffering toast: i made you a card toast trusts eret wholeheartedly and this hurts eret because she knows if toast remembered he probably wouldnt- they wanted redemption but not like this- not because of death Toast: you look cool Toast: you are friend now Eret: sobs I don't deserve this Toast: what did I do wrong Toast: how can I help friend!!!!! Eret: sobbing more toast looks at everyone says "ah! friend shaped!" if ur wondering wheres the angst toast is the angst- toast is just tommy without any bad memories and hes so different they thought he was happy before they thought he was fine tommy was hurt too but since he internalized it no one cared toast sees wilbur being sad and goes! i know what will help! n-not arson tho people dont like arson when you do it.... BUT ITS OKAY! I BROUGHT A FRIEND! shows friend, the sheep and wilbur just fucking sobs Toast is wholesome chaotic in a perfect mix- toast is tommy but without the 'asshole on purpose as a self defense mechanism" someone mentioned something about Tommy masking insecurities once Toast doesn't remember. and he's fine with that he doesn't have any insecurities toast hurts because in retrospect toast, meeting bad: WOAAAAAAH! YOU LOOK SO FUCKING COOL! bad: LANGUAGE! toast, cringing back, looking at the ground: ..sorry :( bad: ...you can swear toast: :D bad: once toast hasnt sworn since "hes saving it for special occasions" sometimes he accidently swears and immedtly gasps and looks at bad and bad just sighs and is like "its okay it was an accident" bad never would have thought itd take letting tommy swear for him to stop huh... its almost like... hes a child.... and the negetive reienforcement.... was doing more harm then good.... toast: exists in an amount of happiness no one has ever seen him in before everyone: pain how much pain was tommy in before? they thought tommy was happy- was... was he not happy? he's so unabashedly joyful and energetic looking back they can see how forced every laugh felt, every smile- He's not afraid to just talk to people, make new friends he became so much more cautious after Eret, had it really effected him that badly? He's open. He never lies about how he's feeling, never brushes anything away how much was Tommy hiding, how much pain, how much fear- It's chilling. bone chilling. There's no way to fix what's been lost. No way to apologize to who Tommy used to be, to try and make it better. None of them every bothered to see him as anything more than a nuisance, an annoying child or cannon fodder and they'll regret it for the rest of their lives everyone: having a mental crisis toast: GUYYYYSS!! I MADE ANOTHER FRIEND!!!
"Wilby?" Wilbur heard Tommys voice say in an innocent tone.
Was he hearing things? Tommy's dead. He killed him himself.
"Wilby why are you in prison?" The image of his little brother asked, "Did you commit arson without me?" it asked in a pout.
"TOMMY!" Tubbo yelled running into the cell where Wilbur was kept, going through the bars with ease, "Tommy get away from him!"
"But 'ubbo!!!! Wilby is 'ere!!!!" Tommy (?) said with a smile Wilbur hadn't seen since Tommy was a child.
"Tommy, I understand you don't remember anything right now but you need to come back over here!" Tubbo demanded and Tommy flinched
Wilbur was struck with the sudden realization that this isn't just his mind- no no it can't be- but Tubbo acknowledged him he has to- Wilbur reached his locked hands towards Tommy only for him to pass through him. What? No no it was just his imagination that makes sense.
"Oh sorry Wil! I'm kinda dead! I don't remember how i died... but i think im a ghostie!" Tommy said plainly, floating off the floor. Wilbur looked at him in confusion. Whats happening?
the first time toast sees the crater toast srceams in intense amount of pain- its so loud you can hear it all over the smp- and just dissapears for a few days before reappearing with no memories of what happened toast saying things tommy thought but never said- he calls eret "big brother" and eret fucking d i e s toast cals all the l'manbergians older siblings He's far too honest for anyone to handle tommy was always honest too but he learned from experince that honesty only lead to hurt Tommy was like an enderchest, you could never see beyond the exterior, everything inside was exclusive to him and him alone Toast is like when someone dies and all their fuckin items explode onto the ground. you just see everything and most of it was  pain and everyone feels bad because they thought he was the only one uneffected that nothing had ever put a damper on his happiness and energetic smile- at what point had that smile became fake? also for angst reasons the last memory toast has is before the elections toast has uwu boy vibes but more chaotic toast goes to dream smp from logstedshire purely for sam nook toast starts making his hotel since he sees nobody has a home (including dream LMAO) (and he wants to make a safe place since everyone keeps saying something about war) and wants to make one and asks sam for help since apparently hes good at building and sam lets him pay after he finishs the hotel and sam nook is there since day one because i dont think i could handle a world without sam nook toast: biting everyone tubbo: wHY DO YOU DO THAT?????? toast: once techie bit all the cupcakes and then said it was his cuz he bit it so im biting everyone to show their mine!!!!! tubbo: i- tubbo: i am both flattered and disgusted everyone, remembering how tommy used to bite everyone upon meeting and then everyone would get mad at him and yell at him until he stopped biting people on meeting: sadly whips and nae naes hes a BABY toast deserves the fucking world also i havent talked ab it but there is wilbur and fundy angst here fundy confronts wilbur also not that fundy is angry about not not not getting murdered by his father but also why does he consider tommy his unfinished sympohny and not him? he raised fundy too- maybe he just only ever loved tommy (based off his insecurity of how close wilbur and tommy are based off wilbur raising tommy and wilbur only being there for fundy by the time he was older and also using hybrid age go nyoom for this dream manipulates toast during wilburs exile along with wilbur and toast realizes both of them were being used by him and fucking screams lourder than he ever has before and dissapears for a week and then shows up at technos house (he got lost and he didnt know why he was at logsted shire- he doesnt remember the place) on the day of the excution and tries to help technoblade but keeps forgetting that everyone is trying to kill techno the butcher army is hesitant when "hey why are you all attacking big brother Techy-" "HE SPAWNED WITHERS IN L'MANBERG!" "he did?" toast asked tilting his head in confusion "YES! HE DID! AFTER YOU DIED! NOW WHERE IS HE TOAST! WE NEED TO CAPTURE HIM!" whenever tubbo talks ab how theyre planning on excuting techno or how there was no trial toast has flashbacks to tubbos excution but hes never able to hold on to the memories just leaving him feeling bad toast sees anything traumatic and just makes the blue screen noise toast has to reboot every time anything truamatic happens and when he does he doesnt remember what happens after
toast hurts on a "THE FUCKING IMPLICATIONS OF THIS" level just.. everyone trying to make up for not noticing tommys hurt and trying to be good to toast when its already too late... far too late glatt is also here because whenever ytoast dissapears after something trauamtic he bounces back to the land of the dead for the bit and sometimes he drags glatt out to the land of the living with him only works bc toast has unfinished buisness so he can freely go between and just stays in the land of the lving until he can finish his unfiinshed buisness ghostbur and toast wouldve been good friends if they ever met anyone yells at toast and he immeditly starts sobbing
basically when everything is calm and peaceful and everyone is happy together after dream is in prison and toast is like "oh... this is what ive always wanted"
"toast?" tubbo asked, confused toast smiled softly, "i think its time for me to go" "what?" wilbur asked his pitch unusually high due to the fear lacing his voice "i think... i think this was my unfinished buisness... this is the last thing i wanted when i was alive, the reason i stayed... i think its finally my time to go now" toast said smiling tearfully "no! you vcan't go! we just got you back!"
basically when everything is finally ok, when things finally calm down toast fades back to the void/afterlife thing
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microcos-pod · 3 years
Micro-Cosmos S1E2: Turn and Draw Transcript
(A strange beast torments the crew.
Transcript begins below break.)
ANNOUNCER Futuristic Trail Mix Productions presents Micro-Cosmos: A Science Fiction Podcast. [THEME MUSIC FADES OUT]
[sfx: footsteps, button press]
ATHENA Transmitting on April 8th, 2094, from approximate position on Ophiuchus-22, North 51 degrees West 111 degrees, this is Officer Athena Romero: combination communications-security specialist and resident chronicler with Omnitarian Establishment Crew #0137-F. This is day 12 of our terraforming mission, and our 8th day of hauling ship to the rendevous point. I'm happy to report that the last 24 hours have been pleasantly uneventful, given our... typical circumstances and somewhat whimsical encounters. Dr. Couvillion has continued expanding upon his... catalog, if you will, of flora and fauna he's found on the planet's surface. According to Cal at 0600 this morning, he has gotten it up to 34 items. Impressive. He is, though, still waiting for authorization to send what he collected last week in for analysis, so... I think he would be... Rather appreciative if you could get back to him on that. Please. Hmm what else... oh! Petty Officer Abbott has been busy trying to add... I think they called them 'firewalls'? To Cal's programming, to try to prevent any more... technical accidents, when Cal inevitably gets bored. They are so far unsuccessful, but... I have faith. They were able to successfully repair their ocular functions on Monday after Cal unintentionally disabled them, so... I don't know, we'll see. Commander de la Cruz has been making sure that morale is high, given the long trek. The temperatures on Ophiuchus aren't too terribly hot, only reaching a high of a scalding 25 degrees Celsius yesterday, so being sweaty and miserable hasn't been a tremendous source of torment during our hike... but being painfully bored certainly has, though. She gave Felix a... deck of cards last night. I'm not where she got it, or why she has it, or why she gave it to him,jokinglybut I am quite disappointed she has never invited me to a game of Cribbage. Uh... Aside from that, she has also been doing a wonderful job of navigating us towards our rendezvous point. Either that or we are.. almost definitely screwed, soo... Here's to hoping. I have been spending a large amount of my time in the woods alongside Dr. Couvillion. Not only to serve as protection from... you know, the possibility of predatory creatures, but also to observe for myself! The wildlife here is... gorgeous. Similar to much of what you'd find on Earth but... I don't know, I can't put my finger on it. The more flower reminiscent plants have a much stronger smell than those on Earth, though. Not bad, by any means, but... strong. Like perfume.  It's all very coordinated and... matchy? The fragrances all complement each other. And very well, at that. I feel like it could make the perfect bouquet. Like it was made to make the perfect bouquet, in a metaphorical sense. They're... perfect. I like it. The plant life, I mean. I can... pretty confidently assume that Felix does, as well. I think we all do, if in... very different ways. I think Miles has less of an admirable view of plant life and more of a... sort of... I don't know. I was going to say 'respect,' but that doesn't... Sound entirely right, either. They... acknowledge its importance but... that's about the extent of their reverence. Regardless, I think everyone else is at dinner right now, so I'll... wrap this up and get the two of us back to camp. We're almost halfway through our hike to the rendezvous point right now, and should thus be arriving in... approximately 2-3 weeks. As stated previously, morale is... about as high as it can be while we make our boring... boring way. Outside of all of that, I currently have nothing left to report. So... For now, Romero out. [sfx: button press, footsteps] ATHENA (CONT’D) Are we ready to go, Felix?
FELIX Should be, assuming you are done with your log?
ATHENA Yeah, just finished up. Find anything else?
FELIX Well- [sfx: comms turning on] ALEX (O.S.) You two on your way back yet?
ATHENA Yes, sir... Why, is something wrong?
ALEX (O.S.) No, just a... small situation back at camp. Not an emergency but we could certainly use you guys here with us.
ATHENA 10-4. We'll pick up the pace. ALEX (O.S.) Copy. Thanks.The comms clicks off.
ATHENA Any idea what that was about?
FELIX No. Only one way to find out though, yes?
ATHENA Yeah...Head right on, then?
FELIX Right on. *** ALEX So you're sure you didn't hear anything?
MILES Yes. I was- I was just getting my food. I came out of the tent to sit at the camp. Is that so-
CAL You hesitated.
MILES Oh, shut it, you insufferable little- [sfx: footsteps] ALEX Alright, you two. I wasn't accusing anyone, Miles. I just wanted to know if there was anything you heard or saw that could help us figure out what did do it. I'm not going to put you through trial over a-
FELIX Why is the bag outside of the tent?
ATHENA Why is the bag... slashed open- what happened?
ALEX That's what we're trying to figure out. Glad you two could join us, though. If there's some wild, carnivorous beast out there hunting us down, we're probably better as a unit than alone, right? Right, Felix, there's not a wild, carnivorous beast out there hunting us down?
FELIX Well... [The rest of the crew groans.] CAL On April 7th at 2200 hours, Dr. Couvillion left the following report in his Wildlife Catalog:"Footprint. Reptilian in nature. Tridactyl. Approximately 20 centimeters in length. Located in the southwest forest. Likely predatory." [They groan again.] FELIX I said 'likely!' Not to mention that it was merely a footprint and I have no other correlating information. Some... twigs could have left that.
MILES Some artistic ass twigs-
ALEX Miles.
MILES Commander, you heard what Cal said!
ALEX I did. And it all sounded theoretical to me. Everyone just needs to calm down, it'll be fine. Felix, do you think that there's... a probability that that footprint and the... tear in the bag could be related? Was it pointed towards the camp or anything?
FELIX I wasn't... necessarily looking, at that moment. If we want more information on the classification and nature of this creature, we'll have to go back into the forest and conduct some actual research. MILES No way. ATHENA Let's do it.
MILES Athena!
ATHENA Miles, look at this.
[sfx: the bag rustling as Athena opens it]
ATHENA (CONT’D) First Aid equipment. Bandages, hydrocortisone ointment, antiseptics. If this thing is a legitimate threat, then we need to do something about it, seeing as we've already contaminated and/or shredded the majority of our medical supplies. One of us trips and accidentally gashes our knee open, we're screwed. God forbid someone gets slashed by whatever was sharp enough to trash a polyurethane nylon bag and layers of tough equipment. I... I really don't think this should be up for debate.
ALEX She has a point. If we sit around and wait for whatever it was to come back, it might end up jeopardizing the security of our other equipment. Equipment that we really can't afford to lose. Communication devices, the tent...
FELIX Rations.
ALEX Exactly. Not particularly a risk I'm willing to take when we're lightyears away from base.
[Miles sighs.]
ALEXl You'll be fine, Miles. We've been in the woods dozens of times, now, and we're all still here. Limbs and all.
MILES I know, but... I mean, we've got how much more time before we run out of starlight? An hour? Thirty minutes?
ALEX You've got some nice glasses there, Abbott, don't they do anything? Transitionals, perhaps? New scotopic models?
Flashlight, dude. Felix and Athena go out after dark all the time.
CAL "Nothing routs us but the villainy of our fears," Officer Abbott.
ATHENA Was that Shakespeare-
FELIX Miles are you... afraid of the dark?
[Miles groans.]
ALEX Right, then. Into the woods to Grandmother's house we go. Everyone grab a bag and make sure your flashlights are still secured to your belt. We'll head out in 10, get a quick dinner if you need to.
CREW (varying) Yes, sir.
ALEX Oh, and Athena?
ATHENA Yes, sir?
ALEX Nice thinking. ***
ALEX What were those coordinates again, Cal?
CAL North 51 degrees West 111 degrees.
ATHENA North 51 West 111? That's not far from where we were earlier this afternoon. I wasn't... looking out for anything, but I... don't particularly remember seeing anything indicating that there's a... You know, large, reptilian predator out there. You're sure those are it?
CAL That is the approximate center of what we generally refer to as the "southwest forest." So, yes. I'm quite sure, Athena.
MILES "The southwest forest" is a pretty friggin' vague location, Cal. There's no way you could find a... I don't know, more precise target or something?
CAL Of course, Officer Abbott! Give me a moment as I integrate myself into Dr. Couvillion's hippocampus and see the exact location of the footprint measured at a mind-boggling 20 centimeters in length somewhere in an undefined, unexplored, unmeasured forest of foreign flora- and, more importantly, fauna- to get you a "more precise target" since you can't bother walking the extra 0.8 kilo-
MILES Cal, you need to drop this attitude with me! I'm trying to get things done and you're acting like it's some otherworldly request! Just do your job, is it that-
ALEX Hush, you two.
What is taking Felix so long?
MILES Probably making himself a gourmet meal with the trail mix...
[sfx: footsteps, a bag jangling]
FELIX Sorry for the delay, I had to- What's with the staring?
ALEX That's a... lot of equipment you've got there, Felix.
FELIX Well, I figured we would require a particular level of, how do you say... expertise? And as our one and only Chief Science Officer and the only biologist I know of for a couple of lightyears, I figured I would bring some of my equipment. Maybe make it a bit of a learning experience for the less knowledgeable.
Such as Miles.
MILES Now, look here-
ALEX Play nice. That's all actually useful though, right? It's not just going to slow us down?
FELIX No, of course not. It's a collection of hunting and trapping supplies and portable evaluation equipment. If things go as we're expecting, it should all come to use.
ALEX Good, good.
[Alex claps.]
ALEX (CONT’D) Alright. Athena and Miles, you two stay close and keep tabs on each other. Felix and I will take the lead. If you see anything out of place, anything at all, let us know immediately. We should reach the approximated position in... mm, Cal, what do you think?
CAL At your average speed of 13.87 kilometers per hour, I think shooting for 15-20 minutes is your likeliest estimation, Commander.
ALEX Call it 17, then. We've got twenty-ish minutes of starlight left, so make sure your flashlights are secured and you've got your eyes peeled. Not entirely sure what we're looking for, so be ready for just about anything.
Cool... Onward, then. [sfx: footsteps]
[sfx: footsteps, birds chirping, forest ambiance]
MILES Hey, Athena?
ATHENA Yes, Miles?
MILES You're the, like... bodyguard, right?
ATHENA [laughs] Security specialist, bodyguard, however you'd like to put it. Yes, I am. Why?
MILES So you...You have a knife or something, right?
ATHENA Yes... It's not exactly going to gut a modern dinosaur, but I have a pocketknife. So does Felix, I think.
[Miles mumbles an affirmation.]
May I ask why you're asking me this?
MILES Oh. No reason.
ATHENA You're sure? No reason at all?
MILES Yes. Well, no. I mean. Well... you know.
ATHENA I... don't. You know you can talk to me, Miles, right? I know I'm not the, uh... social butterfly, that Dr. Couvillion and Commander de la Cruz are, but I'm still your crew member and I'm not going to... bite, or whatever. [chuckles.] I've been told I'm actually quite pleasant to talk to, on occasion.Miles awkwardly chuckles back in response. Before they have time to say anything, though, 
ATHENA I'm sorry if you thought I was trying to make you look like an idiot earlier, I swear, I wasn't. I just... that was a lot of medical supplies, and we've still got a ways before we reach the rendezvous point, so I was... worried, at the implications of possibly losing anything more. I didn't mean to seem... aggressive, or anything, and I am genuinely very sorry if I came across that way.
MILES Oh, no, yeah, no, you're fine. I didn't think much of it. I was being... Stupid, so... No, I get it.
I was asking because of the, uh... "modern dinosaur," by the way. It's getting dark out, so I was just thinking about it.
ATHENA I'm honoured that you think I could take on a potentially 5 meter, thick-skinned dinosaur on my own, Officer Abbott.
MILES Yeah, yeah...Miles stops walking for a moment, as Athena continues to walk. 
[sfx: jangling of Miles searching their belt, a slight droning glitch]
MILES (CONT’D) Hey, wait up a minute!
ATHENA What was that? 
[sfx: repeated clicking]
MILES My flashlight's not turning on!
ATHENA Stay there, give me a second!
Commander, could you two turn back for a moment?
ALEX (O.S.) Yes, turning around now. Everything alright?
ATHENA Yeah, we're fine, just...
[sfx: jangling, clicking from Athena]
ATHENA Torches aren't turning on. Low visuals. Soon none, most likely.
ALEX (O.S.) Fantastic. We'll be there in a minute or two. See you then. Or... not, apparently. de la Cruz out.
[Athena sighs.]
[sfx: jangling, clicking]
MILES Sorry.
[sfx: forest ambiance] [sfx: a sudden scuttling]
MILES Athena, what the hell was that?
ATHENA I don't know. Stay quiet, I'll go check it out.
[sfx: footsteps]
MILES What? Athena, don't be an idiot, get back here, what are you-
Athena? Are you- [sfx: comms click on] ALEX (O.S.) Hey, our-
[Miles screams.]
ALEX (O.S., CONT’D) -flashlights aren't working either. Not sure what's going on. We should be approaching in a second, though, so just keep an ear out. Copy?
ATHENA(O.S.) Miles? Miles, are you okay?
MILES Uh- yeah, I'm okay, I'm fine, ah
[sfx: button press on comms]
MILES (CONT’D) Copy! Copy. We, uh... we heard something and, unless Felix has taken a liking to scuttling around on forest floors like a squirrel, I think it might be our predator. Athena went to go look, not sure why in Hell she would, but she's... away. A couple meters, at least.
ATHENA (O.S.) I'm fine, don't worry about me. You two should get here as quickly as possible, though, I can hardly see the back of my hand right now, let alone a potentially deadly predator. I think we'll take any help we can get.
ALEX (O.S.) Copy. Okay, how about this. Give us 15 more seconds to cover some distance, and then we'll start a count off. Make sure everyone is accounted for and get some approximated positions. Me, Felix, Miles, Athena, Cal. Out loud, no comms. Make sense?
MILES Yes, sir. 
Well, actually, uh...Cal has been. Shy. For the past few minutes. So unless they've had a major change of heart, I'm not sure how willing they would be to-
ALEX (O.S.) Okay, Miles. Noted. Are we good, Cal? Athena?
ATHENA (O.S.) 10-4.
ALEX (O.S.) Got it, Felix?
FELIX (O.S.) Got it. Uh... what was that about Cal?
ALEX (O.S.) They're... fine. I don't think they plan on running away anytime soon. We can check on them once we get things sorted out. Not the first time they've been... antisocial with us.
Okay, everyone turn your comms off. Listen for our voices. De la Cruz out.
[sfx: comms all click off, forest ambiance]
MILES Three!
MILES Three!
MILES Three!
MILES Three!
[The group SCREAMS, chaos ensues.]
[sfx: various shuffling, running, collisions]
[Athena and Alex exclaim.]
ALEX Are you okay?
ATHENA I think- are you?
ALEX Hell if I know!
FELIX Miles?!
[Miles shrieks.]
FELIX Miles, it's me, calm down!
MILES Sorry, I didn't-
ALEX Everyone, calm-
[CAL laughs. And keeps laughing.]
CAL Oh, you should've seen the looks on your faces! I mean, I couldn't exactly see, but imagining was just as fun! That was great, that was great...
CAL What? It was just a prank, Miles. If this was you, you'd tell me to 'lighten up.’
MILES I think you have a really twisted view on what I think is funny, Cal.
ALEX Cal, this... this is beyond unacceptable. What the hell were you th-
[sfx: a monstrous roar]
[The crew screams, Cal’s boot-down jingle plays]
[sfx: running footsteps]
ATHENA Here, look! Behind here!
MILES So does anybody... want to explain to me... what the hell just happened?
MILES Anyone at all? FELIX Did any of you... actually see the specimen?
MILES Thank you, for not answering my question at all.
FELIX No, Miles, I'm serious. Did any of you catch a glimpse of it? Size estimations, speed, anything?
ALEX I don't think so, Felix. Why? Did you catch something we didn't?
FELIX Not exactly...
[sfx: jingling, shuffling of Felix’s equipment]
FELIX Despite the, ah... acoustics and tone of the beast in question, I don't actually think it... well, hm...
ALEX Felix? What are you getting at?
FELIX I have a theory that this beast may not be quite as beastious as aforementioned, sir. The scale is... not quite adding up to me.
MILES ... what.
FELIX I'll be right back, sir.
[sfx: footsteps of Felix sprinting off]
ALEX Felix- Oh, for the love of-
[sfx: footsteps of Alex sprinting off]
[sfx: footsteps of Athena sprinting off]
MILES Athena!
[sfx: footsteps of Miles sprinting off]
*** ATHENA Transmitting on April 8th, 2094, from our current base. We have now reached 2100 hours and I...frustratedWhat a day it has been, Headquarters. Following my previous log, sent out approximately 2 hours ago, Dr. Couvillion and I returned to base to find our primary first aid bag slashed open. Contaminated, trashed, and, mostly, useless.
From that point on, it was somehow deduced that a.... reptilian predator was out to sabotage us. Nothing has since pointed against such a deduction, however... the creature is still nowhere to be found. We had a close encounter, though, following an... incredibly tasteless joke from Cal. They later expressed to me that they did it as an act of retaliation. They said it had something to do with their... dismissal. Being used as an asset and nothing more. Not getting to fully interact with the crew like the rest of do, barely being able to get a word in, period. I get that. I don't think what they did was appropriate at all, that's not what I'm saying, but... That feeling. That disconnect. I get it. Regardless, we proceeded to get chased behind a tree. Doctor-
[sfx: footsteps MILES You're telling me. You had. A net. This entire time?
FELIX I told you I had trapping equipment, Miles. I just never got the chance to set anything useful up since somebody here couldn't deal with a broken torch...
MILES Yours was broken too?
FELIX Ah, yes, but I didn't make Athena call up Commander de la Cruz, did I?
[Miles and Felix argue in the background.]
ATHENA Uh, sorry... Doctor Couvillion then set back out, which led to... a bit more chaos. Just what we needed. We then reported back to base, and he was... incredibly insistent about heading back out. So... he and Miles pushed back into the trees. After we all rested for a few minutes. I held back to watch over base, and Commander de la Cruz followed them close behind, with Cal, to make sure they didn't kill each other. Sounds like he had a net. I don't see anything of importance though, so... I'll update later. [sfx: comms click]
ATHENA Anything?
MILES No, just a bunch of stupid twigs.
FELIX It could've at least been a learning experience if someone had put in the smallest twinge of effort. But alas... Miles is doomed to brainlessness.
ALEX GUYS! Guys, you might want to check this out!
MILES She was in the forest?
ATHENA Yes, now go, go go go...There is a shuffling as they all run back to Alex.
FELIX What did you- [gasps].
AWWWWW. Oh my god, that is the most adorable thing I have ever seen...
ALEX Isn't it?
[sfx: the creature murmurs]
MILES That is the most hideous thing I've ever laid eyes on.
CAL Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Miles.
ATHENA Felix, do you know what that is?
FELIX No. However, its build is very similar to that of a cougar cub, and its reptilian frill, tridactyl state, and scaley nature....
Well, for starters, it's clearly only a baby. Aside from those claws, it couldn't hurt a fly.
[sfx: a single step forward]
[The crew whispers at him.] [sfx: the creature squeaks]
FELIX Isn't that right, little guy? You wouldn't hurt a tiny, little fly, would you? No you wouldn't, no you would not... How does Mercutio sound for a name? Little Mercutio-
[sfx: the creature hisses and sprays]
[Felix screams, the crew exclaims.]
ALEX FELIX! Are you okay?
CAL Doctor Couvillion?!
ATHENA Are you alright??
FELIX Yes, I'm- I'm fine... Just stings... Bad Mercutio! Bad!
[sfx: the creature hisses and scurries off]
ALEX Dammit.
CAL Don't worry, Commander. The probability of one of Doctor Couvillion's traps catching the creature is incredibly-
[sfx: a trap springs, the creature yelps]
CAL (CONT’D) Likely!
ALEX Joyous day...
Right, Felix, let's get your face checked out. Athena, go see what the situation is at the trap. Cal, maybe back some of the newfound data to the catalog with Miles?
CAL Yes, sir.
Alex undoes their projector from her wrist and hands them to Miles.ALEXGet along with each other. We'll all bed down in 30. CREW (varying) Yes, sir.
*** [sfx: a campfire crackling]
CAL Processing 80% complete. Processing 85% complete. Processing 90% complete. Integrating into mainframe and long term memory drive. Processing 95% complete. Saving to Doctor Felix Augustine Couvillion-
MILES Augustine?
CAL -personal data file. Processing 100% complete. Data saved.There is a quick chime.
CAL Yes. Augustine, Officer Abbott. As an asset of the Omni-Corporation, I have access to each crew member's personal file, seeing as that's useful and convenient. Is this shocking to you?
MILES No, that's not what I meant, you know that's not what I am, I just thought-
CAL Because I can go through all of it right now, if you'd like! Since it seems so interesting! Let's start with the star of the show, yes? Petty Officer Miles Jackson Abbott.
CAL Date of birth: June 30th, 2071. Ooh, interesting! Education: Skipped years 7 to 9 in secondary school. Attended the University of Teegarden- very impressive school, Miles- from 2086 to 2088, before facing e- 
CAL I'm sorry that that wasn't convenient for you, Officer. There must be something wrong with my programming. I shouldn't be able to be so challenging, so... impractical. I was only trying to help you. Perhaps it's something that the decommissioning floor will have to look into when we arrive back on Earth. I will try to be a better contrivance in the future. Goodnight, Officer Abbott. [Cal’s boot-down jingle plays.] *** [THEME MUSIC FADES IN] ANNOUNCER Micro-Cosmos: A New Science Fiction Podcast.
This episode, Turn and Draw, was written by Jesse Smith, edited by Luka Miller, and directed by Jesse Smith, Zyrel Thompson, and Lauren Tucker. It starred Jesse Smith as the voice of Athena Romero, Jackson Rossman as the voice of Miles Abbott, Luka Miller as the voice of Alex de la Cruz, Kaleb Piper as the voice of Felix Couvillion, and Pippa van Beek-Paterson as the voice of Cal. Original music by Julia Barnes, and sound editing by Tobias Friedman and Isabel Sepúlveda. Be sure to stay tuned to our feed for upcoming episodes from the new backpacking intergalactic adventure from Futuristic Trail Mix Productions. To follow the show and find transcripts, you can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram as @MicroCosPod. Questions, comments, and concerns can be emailed to us via [email protected]. Find more information on the show on our website, microcospod.space. Thank you for listening. [THEME MUSIC FADES OUT] ***
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axiomsofice · 3 years
The Avs are entering a window in which they will ice a team among the best in decade. It doesn’t always translate to cups right away (see Tampa Bay) but they will have a good a shot as any from this point into the foreseeable future. Landeskog/MacKinnon/Rantanen has been a staple on a shortlist of the league’s best for the past couple seasons, but the rest of the team has really filled out. The rest of the forward group is slotted really nicely in support, Burakovsky/Kadri/Saad brings a variety of skills, speed, and intensity, Nichushkin/Jost/Donskoi are so effective, any fourth line with one of Bellemare or Calvert would look good. But the greatest change has cone on defence. Maker is otherworldly, leading the charge in group of young defenders ascending into perennial Norris conversation. Girard has looked like a super charged Letang/Hughes combination stylistically for a few seasons, but is finally converting that into a more profound dominance. Devon Toews was probably one of the best moves of the offseason. From there everyone else has been thriving. MacDonald has cone out of nowhere. Even when Makar missed games due to injury they almost haven’t missed a beat. And to top it all off serious help is still on the way, as Newhook and Bryan look poised to grow into key roles in the near future. Goalie health remains the main issue, but when everyone’s available there’s nothing not to like about where this franchise is. Sakic v Yzerman still going strong.
Vegas has the Midas touch for sure, and this team is very established at this point. Their defence group is the best it’s been, Pietrangelo is the big addition joining Theodore as central pieces on the top 2 pairings, but we’re starting to see some Vegas draftees make impacts. Hague, Whitecloud, and Coughlin have all had strong seasons and that definitely raises the quality of the roster. In a way, they are a lot like what the Rangers are hoping to become, especially given both teams plethora of skilled wingers. Stone and Pacioretty among the best top line duos. Marchessault/Karlsson/Smith are still boarder line elite (as a compliment). Tuch is overqualified. Kolesar has fit in really nicely. This whole team is big and tough and definitely is a huge part of the team’s identity, as such even though the centre group is a little underwhelming for a top tier team, role players like Stevenson and Roy have been able to be effective in key positions in the lineup. It would be really exciting to see a young player like Cody Glass run away with the top line, but that seems unlikely to be the case this season.
I recently wrote about the Wild so I’ll just point you to that.
A year removed from their first Cup, things have been a bit tumultuous for the Blues. Tarasenko is back and seems to be regaining his form, and the team needs him to be their top offensive threat. Goaltending is notoriously difficult to project, if not mystical, but I’m not necessarily a huge Binnington fan. I do see him as a tandem starter, meaning I think it is key to have someone behind him pushing the envelope a bit(FWIW I wouldn’t have him on my team Canada). Overall I’d say I’m a bit curious as to how the blueline has been handled, ie Faulk and Krug but not Pietrangelo, but this team is probably better than they’ve shown so far? I think my decision to put them below the Wild here is deserved, despite having a nice breakout from Jordan Kyrou.
At its best this roster is definitely plucky, feisty, definitely coyote-like in being scavengers more so than apex predators. There’s definitely some skills, a renaissance year for Kessel, Schmaltz and Keller have been pretty good, Garland is probably their best forward at this point though. Chychrun is really good and has needed to be with Hjalmarsson and Ekman-Larson being varying shades of their former selves. The team definitely puts its goaltenders in positions to succeed, enough so that despite the vast array of off ice dysfunction that defines the Coyotes’ existence, the on ice product has been far and away the best part of the franchise. Without much draft capital it will be interesting to see how the coming months will be approached.
Cal Peterson has been good in net. Doughty’s been a positive impact which is relieving. This team has a lot of good forward prospects on the way, so there should be a lot of internal competition for those spots in the coming years. With names like Byfield, Thomas, Turcotte, Kaliyev, and even Madden, Kupari, and Fagemo surely to push for jobs in the near future, how will the likes of Vilardi, Kempe, Anderson-Dolan and Lizotte hold them off? How much longer will veterans like Carter, Brown, and Iafallo be around for? Especially if 1-2 younger defencemen start to really step up, the Kings could easily be competing for a playoff spot as soon as next season.
Not quite the same as the Kings, but the Ducks do have a very exciting prospect pool. Zegras and Drysdale have already got a few games under their belts. Younger roster players are having a greater impact, like Comtois and Lundestrom, even Max Jones. Hakanpaa has earned top minutes on the blueline which is probably a little known fact. It would make sense to see one of the more established players, like Rakell or Manson or something, get moved if the package is right. The Ducks usually seem to have an internal cap, and I would suggest they have a pretty strong drafting and development record, so their path forward is most likely to rely on said avenues.
Maybe being in a division with La and Ana has helped the Sharks look a bit better? Either way, there’s just a lot of term, dollars, and 30+ year old players and not a lot of flexibility. I really don’t love the goaltending situation but it’s been better than last season. There is some talent here tho. It’s easy to think of Nashville being in a similar spot, although Nashville might even have a few more options. At least they have their 1st round pick this year, and I have caught myself thinking about how a certain 3rd overall pick in Ottawa would change the Sharks’ ceiling. Although that might not sound like a good thing, it does point to an infusion of talent being able to go a long way here.
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goddamnmuses-a · 5 years
Dan Watches: Star Wars: Episode I -The Phantom Menace
So.. I got the idea of writing my thoughts up as I go basically as they get to the Gungan city so.. i’ll try and remember my thoughts before that and then I’ll do it kinda live. Under the cut cus long. 
Alright.. So the opening crawl was very.. politics which to be honest as i’ve got older I actually kind of enjoy that side of Star Wars but it doesn’t really add anyhting to the actual film because I think everything thats in it could be picked up by just watching the film. 
I kinda like the battle droids.. weird soft spot for them. I like the big ship ones too and Droidekas i thought were the coolest shit ever when i was a kid and i stand by that. 
I’m not all that bothered by the racial stereotypes because like.. i’m not the races they’re sterotyping but i can see why it’d be problematic.
Jar Jar isn’t as annoying as everyone makes him out to be.. don’t get me wrong.. he’s annoying.. but he’s not cancer. 
Aesthetically the Gungan City is pretty cool, giant underwater bubble city.. i bet there’s cool fan art of it somewhere. 
Alright now we’re live.. The duck things the Gungans ride are weird. 
Do Gungans like JarJar eventually become the giant Green guy? .. I googled apparently they’re just two different races of Gungan despite looking like totally different Aliens.
It’s nice that all races are like “Life debt? Oh yeah thats a legit thing.”
Gungans speak like English or Common or.. i forget the Star Wars term.. Basic? is their second language.. but it isnt. 
Yooo Qui Gon just made JarJar go to sleep using the force.. Why is Force Sleep not a thing in more stuff... gotta keep an eye out for that now. 
Naboo is pretty.
Padme is so extra, she’s in her iconic red dress that’s already extra as fuck and then sees that she’s been captured and is like “Alright.. but first.. wardrobe change!” and then shows up in some black number. I’m not sure if at this point she’s actually Padme or if Padme is pretending to be one of her servants now but either way she had a costume change and nobody questions it so she must be having costume changes all the time. 
When Qui Gon force pushes two battle droids theres a really weird sound effect that sounds like it belongs in a mario game. 
Pretty sure Padme is the handmaid now and this new Queen should take the opportunity to be like “Yoo peace out bitches.” Then we get Keira Knightley’s adventures in Star Wars.
Also who was she before this swaparoo? Was she a handmaid and just suddenly got promoted to queen? Like she could be saying all sorts of shit. I know she gets revealed later on but think of how much she could do whilst Padme is away. 
The first words ever spoken to R2 in Star Wars, chronologically, (although inderectly) are “Hello Boyos”. Just sit with that. 
The first words spoken to him directly are “How rude.” which seems about right tbf with how sassy he is. 
Darth Maul is awesome. 
Keira Knightly or Sabe (I looked it up) is like “Yo actual queen, clean that droid!” i think she just wanted to feel more powerful than the actual queen there, little power trip. 
Nice Poncho Qui Gon. Cal approves. 
I wonder how long Padme took to convince the others to let her go off alone with Qui Gon and Jar Jar and R2 (Dunno why R2 joins them?) on a planet thats ruled by the Hutts
I kinda like Watto.. not as a person.. he just amuses me.
Kinda cool that Anakin can speak Huttese, wish he spoke it more often.. just cursing in Huttese as Obi Wan tries to teach him stuff. 
“Are you an Angel.” Smooooth kid. Smoooth, you’re gonna get with her. Despite her being way older than you. They couldn’t have just made him the same age as her? 
Toydarians should be used for more things, especially involving force users. 
Anakin. The slave. Is like “Here Qui Gon, you’ll like this food.” and he’s just like “Cheers” and pockets it for later. Dude. Try it. 
I really hope they do go into more High Republic stuff next, give me a Destiny-type game where you play as a Jedi with your mates. 
Quigons like “You must have Jedi reflexes to race pods” Then he catches Jar Jars tongue in a blink of an eye and Anakins like “You’re a Jedi Knight aren’t you?” And Qui-Gon is like “What makes you think that?” ...? .. You just fucking.. God damn it Qui-Gon. 
Anakin: “No one can kill a Jedi”. Palpatine: “Hold my Blue milk.”
I feel like im becoming fluent in Gungan broken basic which is worrying. 
Anakins mom whos name i’ve literally just forgot is like “He was meant to help you.” ... bitch.. what? Why does nobody question that? 
WHY DOES JAR JARS MOUTH MOVE WITH OTHER PEOPLES LINES!? ... Darth Jar Jar.  #PlagueisTheWiseWasAGungan. I mean not rly but seriously.. that would have been a really cool plot twist. 
Jar Jar got numbed and got his hand stuck.. so like.. perhaps not.. otherwise you’re playing a little too dumb mate. 
The look of worry from Shmi, good stuff. 
The two Headed announcer speaking basic and Huttese is pretty smart like, the one doing one and the other doing the other. 
What the fuck is Clegg Holdfast?
What the fuck are any of these races? Like.. where are these races throughout the rest of the franchise? 
Crazy that lightly bending that one part of the podracer can fuck it up so bad. 
Who the fuck is that other Hutt? Oh yeah I’m watching the like updated version with Geroge Lucas’ “Fixes” in it. Probably should have said that earlier. 
I cant remember if this is true but I’m pretty sure Qui-Gon knows Padme is the Queen and is just fucking with her at this point. 
Man Pod Racing is cool, fuck whoever says it isnt. 
Gimmie an updated Pod Racing ps4 game.
What the fuck is that long thin alien thats selling food to the crowd? Gimmie a Jedi version of him. 
Havent commented in a while because i just kept watching it tbh.
Coruscant looks cool. Still want more High Republic stuff. 
What the fuck is that driver alien, he looks in pain to exist. 
“There is no civility, there is only politics” The Chancellor code. 
Is it too late to call a vote of no confidence on Palpatine? 
I see you there in the background Yaddle. Get it girl. 
Fuck me the added extra of this long neck ass Jedi Master is so distracting. 
Where Jaro Tapal at tho?
You’d think after Padme’s like “Surprise bitch it’s me” moment coming up the Jedi would be like “Well shit.. maybe we’re less aware of things than we think... Yoda.. are you just a short human painted green?” 
Amedala... So extra with these outfits. I get that she’s a Queen but Jesus. 
Eyyyyyyyyyyyy it’s ET. 
Qui-Gon is such a bad boy. 
I kinda get why Jedi take kids when they’re really young, so they can’t remember their parents so they aren’t constantly worried about their parents and then fall to the dark side... doesn’t make it any nicer though. 
My vote went to Bail Antilles. 
To be fair not training Anakin could have been very bad. He could have like gone even more Darkside and Palpatine could swooped in and trained him himself completely. 
Maul is barely in this but fuck is he still cool. 
You know what I don’t hate Midichlorians. They’re just like atoms that stick to certain people and thats what gives them access to the force, it doens’t really change anything it’s just a scientific explination. 
You know what.. During the middle of the film, Jar Jar keeps his mouth shut and just lets people get on with it, that’s alright. 
How old is Obiwan supposed to be in this film? 
A little more variation in these creepy ass gungans would be nice. 
Damn the Viceroy and the other guy are huge or Maul is smol. 
Love that Gungan dindgeridoo horn thing. 
I also love the giant bubble shields. 
Are they watching a Star Wars battle tactics pc game on that screen?
Fuck The Darth Maul fight is badass. 
I don’t buy Anakin at all, he wants to fly out there and get involved, the little shit. 
Quigon doesnt even flip when he jumps, he’s just like “I’m too old for this shit.”
Yeah R2 is like “Go back” and Anakins like “Naaa fuck that”... Tut tut. Boys gonna be trouble.
The way Maul stalks back and forth the other side of that barrier like a Sith Tiger.. Good shit. 
Aaaaand Quigon is dead. RIP. 
“Now This is Pod Racing.”.. It’s not though is it? 
Nice to have something blow up and actually have debris instead of just all being gone completely. 
Anddd there goes Maul to go get robot spider legs and then be found by his bro Savage. 
Why do you wanna bring balance to the force anyway if it’s currently so one sided favouring the light side? Surely bringing balance is a bad thing at that point. 
Yoda’s already soooo old. 
Alright so they know there’s a Sith out there and the guy is still just like right next to them and they don’t know. Tut. 
That Jedi behind Mace Windu at the end looks intimidating as shit. 
Padme, he’s a kid, calm yourself down woman. You predator. 
Alright.. Film done. 10/10 Best movie ever. Naa tbh I enjoy the prequels more than most, obviously if you’ve stuck with me this long you know that but it clearly has its flaws.. still.. I enjoyed it! Feel free to ask me my opinions on specific things if you want.  Also shamelessly gonna plug my two star wars muses Cal and Savage here, rp with me you cowards. Also I’m down to star wars verse any of my other characters, literally any of them, i have ideas for all. 
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nastyboyluke · 6 years
Hi love! Can I please have #29 w/ luke, tysm 💕
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“whats your favorite thing about me?”
“truth or dare cal?” ashton asked once the bottle landed on his bandmate.
“uhhhh,” calum looked up at the ceiling, thinking about his decision. “ill go with a dare.”
currently, you were at a little gathering with your friends before they left for their big world tour. while ashton was your best friend, you had a major crush on his bandmate luke. you & luke were friends and got along perfectly, it was crazy how similar you both were but ashton will always be your best bud.
“i dare you to lick the bottom of lukes shoe.” as ash spoke, giggles left his lips as calum shot him a look.
“what the hell?” calum said.
“do what the man says.” michael laughed before taking a swig of his beer. luke gave calum an evil look as he popped off his fancy ysl boot and handed it to cal.
“you’re licking 500 dollars right there.” the blonde giggled as calum examined the shoe.
“lick it already!” ashton whined.
“you’re such a baby.” you laughed, throwing an arm around your best friend.
“dont act like you are y/n.” he rolled his eyes. slowly, calum stuck his tongue to the boot. his tongue poked the very tip of the shoe before throwing it over to ash but missed miserably, hitting you instead.
“oh shit! im so sorry y/n” calum said, crawling over to you as you clenched your nose.
“its okay, i think im bleeding tho?” you ask, feeling liquid come out.
“fuck, im so sorry. tilt your head back.” calum groaned. you did as he said, feeling it fall back into your nose. he helped you up and walked to the bathroom.
there was a knock on the door, you stuffed a tissue up you  nose to hopefully stop the bleeding. you popped the door open slightly just so the side of your face would show.
you made eye contact with blue eyes, heart rate picking up. “are you okay? i got you an ice pack.” luke gave a small smile.
“yeah, it just kinda wont stop bleeding. also, sorry if i got blood on your boot.” you blushed looking away from his ocean eyes.
“nah youre good.” he giggled. “do you need help? ive dealt with some pretty nasty ones.”
“uh, i guess.” you shrugged, pulling the door open wider. with the toilet seat down, you sat.
“okay, lean your head forward, and ill pinch your nose a little, take deep breaths through your mouth.” he instructed. you nodded,
pulling the bloody tissue out of your nose before grabbing a fresh one just incase.
lukes calloused finger tips pinched your nose firmly as you pressed forward, adding further pressure. slowly, you felt your nose stop bleeding.
“see?” he smiled, finally pulling away.
“thanks.” you smiled back, throwing away your tissue.
“do you still need the ice pack or youre good?” luke asked, he was closet he’s ever been to you. seeing every perfect detail of his face, you felt your heat beat out of your chest.
“im okay. lets go back playing.” you said, he looked at you for a second, nodding and walking out the bathroom with you.
“you okay?” ashton asked, worry all over his features.
“yup. lets continue.” you nodded, sitting back down next to ash.
“it was lukes turn before he left, so he spins.” mike announced. the blonde babe nodded, reaching over to the bottle and span it. after a few spins, it ended up on you.
“truth or dare, y/n?” luke looked across for you, a charming smile spreading across his pink lips.
“truth,” you replied, biting on your lip gently.
“whats your favorite thing about me?”
you froze, confused but scared. it was such a simple question yet it wasnt, well for you it was complicated. as blush spread your cheeks, you looked at him taking a deep breath.
“um,” you started, a small smile tugging on your lips. “how caring you are. like you always want to make sure everyone is happy & okay. like, when i had that nosebleed, you didnt have to check on me or get that ice pack but you did.”
when you finished speaking, you didnt notice that lukes cheeks had a light tint of color to them like yours. everyone was quiet for a second before michael coughed.
you span the bottle, having it land on ashton & you guys continued the game.
it was later now, you were helping luke clean up after michael & cal left and ashton went upstairs to his bedroom.
while you were picking up the empty bottles of beers, luke was cleaning dishes. you walked into the kitchen where he was, scrubbing away silently as you threw the bottles in a trash bag.
“what you said was really nice of you.” luke spoke up. you popped your head up, looking his was as he turned around, drying his hands as he now leaned against the sink. 
“well, it was the truth.” you shrugged, a delicate laugh leaving your lips. luke walked over to you, taking a bottle and putting it on the floor.
once he spun the bottle, it pointed toward you of course.
“truth or dare?” he smiled. you had no idea what he was doing but you went along with it.
“i dare you to kiss me.”
your eyes met, heart rate picking up as he said those words. finally, you leaned in, your lips attaching to his in a gentle kiss. as the kiss deepened, you let go of the trash bag and luke pulled you close to him.
“i dare you to kiss me again.” you whispered against his lips.
he smiled big, nodding like a dork before reconnecting your lips once again.
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Edie & Buster
Edie: oi my sister there Buster: She's at work Buster: Are you alright? Edie: tell her come home so everyone get off my dick Buster: I can't tell her what to do Edie: ha yeah u can Edie: i know how she is Buster: Come on Edie: What I thought you want everyone 2 know Edie: or that not include me Edie: wouldn't be the first Buster: 'Course you're included, Eds Buster: Alright fine, I'll be honest Buster: I don't wanna tell her to come home Buster: Do you get that? Edie: oh i get it Edie: its fucked up but i'm with it Buster: Call me a selfish cunt if you want but that's how it is Edie: Why'd I call u that Edie: u didn't do that shit den bounce on us Buster: Yeah but I want her to stay here Edie: yeah u getting ur dick sucked Edie: i said i get it Buster: It's not like that Edie: it is tho man Edie: i'm sorry to tell u actual Edie: but whatever she chat, you ain't special to her, you know Edie: that's just how she do Buster: Nah, babe Buster: It's different Edie: oh mckenna mckenna Edie: thought you was smart Buster: I am Buster: That's why I know what I'm saying is legit, yeah? Edie: the timing ain't got u fucked Edie: oh no i'm in trouble, here's another distraction, like Buster: Like I said, it isn't like that Buster: Me and her have been together long before Drew did what he did Edie: and she's wanted drew to pipe her long before you Edie: ain't none of us believe that just came outta the blue Buster: Don't Buster: She's never wanted him like that Buster: It was one sided, all from him Buster: Yeah, he's been playing that way for a while too but Edie: I'd hear her and Indie talking you know Edie: now that's fucked up, catch her talking to me like that and he ain't even wanna be my dad Buster: What do you reckon you've been hearing? Edie: 'low it, KNOW what i hard Edie: heard, whatever Edie: she thought he was soooooo hot, like every other bimbo in this family Buster: Maybe for one second when she was a kid Buster: It doesn't mean anything other than that Edie: oh boy you drank too much koolaid Buster: Nah Buster: I've been there when he's been acting up, I've seen it for myself how much she wasn't about him like that Buster: Trust me Edie: obvs she ain't gon be wid it when you're about Edie: like at the baby shower Edie: she ain't thick Edie: smarter than u Buster: She isn't ever Buster: It's fucked up Buster: He is Edie: save the spiel baby Edie: he's this family's scapegoat for when they wanna do the fuck shit they wanna do Buster: He's a cunt regardless Edie: u cute Edie: don't let her play u the same Buster: You wish, babe Buster: I know exactly what I'm doing Buster: Do you? Edie: haha Edie: babe, is it really that good it worth dis Edie: i always know what i'm doing Edie: whatever i want Buster: It's worth way more than this shit Buster: Believe it or not Buster: Like it or not Edie: no one like it but what they gon do right Buster: They can do whatever they want Buster: So can I Edie: dun know who u think u preaching at or why Edie: i don't give a fuck what u do Edie: came here cuz i need em off my dick and back on hers and i'm outta here Buster: Why are you chatting at me then like you wanna save me from her or something? I don't buy it, Eds Buster: You could have just said that and left Buster: You care Buster: So talk to her Edie: i care bout me Edie: they're pissing me off more than normal Edie: shame if they get u too but ain't gonna be crying over it baby Buster: Come to London Buster: You can stay here Edie: i dont like u like that mckenna Edie: soz Buster: Shut up Buster: You know what I mean Edie: rahhhh u actually so fucked up lmao Edie: i got places i wanna be Edie: thats the point Buster: You want your fam off your back I'm offering you somewhere to be where they won't be Buster: That's the point Edie: who she Edie: just cos she wanna try out for new step mum Buster: Aint I always had your back? Come on Buster: She isn't gonna give you grief like that Edie: you alright but dont get it twisted u ain't know me like that Edie: i don't wanna see her again at all Buster: I'll get you a hotel if you wanna come then Edie: hell no u cant buy me Edie: i ain't no hooker like ri be Buster: Don't call her that Buster: You know it ain't true Edie: it is tho Edie: she can do what she want but i aint gotta respect it or call it by a diff name to make her feel good bout it Buster: Don't be stupid Buster: You ain't a kid, you know how this all works Edie: she gets paid for her company Edie: what u wanna call it Edie: what makes u feel better Buster: Forget it Buster: I'm not trying to hit my head against the bricks Edie: hahaha thats what they always say when im right Edie: well if she aint gon go back for them she should know her man going pure apeshit, wilding out again like he think he the age he feelin Buster: Nah it's what they say when you won't be told. Not the same thing, like Buster: For the last time, he ain't her man. She doesn't give a fuck what he does or doesn't do Edie: meh whatever you say boy Edie: someone needs to go cheer him up Buster: Not our problem Buster: You do it if you're that bothered Edie: well he won't speak to me will he Edie: i ain't that fuckable, clearly Edie: or he got more morals than yous, either or Buster: Fuck's sake. Don't say shit like that to me Edie: awh mckenna only playin Edie: it's kinda funny tbh Edie: she act like she give the most shits about this fam Edie: and then she ruin it like that cos she wanna bang Buster: Hilarious Buster: She hasn't ruined anything Buster: Behave Edie: yous don't know u ain't here Edie: i'm tellin ya, why u think i'm jumping ship Buster: Neither are you, babe so don't act it Buster: If anything's fucked it's cause Drew fucked it Buster: You should be used to that as a concept Edie: didn't fuck himself mckenna Edie: all yous carry on blaming him til he the only one left tho Buster: I'm blaming him for this 'cause it's his fault Buster: I'm not trying to go any further back in time Edie: what u so whipped for Buster: Fuck off Buster: I know you'd love it to be that simple but it ain't Edie: u actually serious u think u love her Buster: I do love her Buster: I know that Edie: gon take up heroin next mckenna Buster: Grow up Edie: not the one still playing kissing cousins Edie: cute Buster: I don't care what you think Buster: And if that's the best you've got, don't bother, like Edie: good Edie: me either Edie: easier init Buster: Sometimes Edie: don't do halves Buster: Me either Buster: But you ain't the only one getting grief and feeling over it so Edie: fair you are chucking one in your fam, what u expect Edie: i've not done shit Buster: Whatever you say, babe Edie: ha tell me dickhead what have i done u reckon Buster: You're a bit of a cunt honestly Edie: boohoo Edie: if i was i'd fit right in Buster: You are and you do Buster: Deal with it, like Edie: all i do is deal with the unfortunateness of it trust Buster: Don't we all Edie: well bondings been fun babe but i got to go Edie: tell 'em all fairwell from me if you could tah u a real one Buster: Not your errand boy, sorry about it Buster: But not Edie: oh well Edie: they'll deal with not hearing it Buster: Since you ain't giving 'em a choice, yeah, they'll have to Edie: since when did u have to Edie: i ain't had 1 Buster: You've had plenty Buster: There's always choices Buster: Don't chat that bullshit to me Edie: nah Edie: god bless thank god u pretty Buster: Yeah Buster: On both counts Edie: i never had any it was all decided 'fore i even got here Buster: Nah Edie: yeah, mckenna Edie: he ain't want me, ma did Edie: i don't want her Edie: what a sad lil circle Buster: That's a cop out Buster: None of us got to pick our parents, babe Edie: least yours picked you Buster: Your ma picked you and Caleb Buster: You've got a mum and a dad same as I do Edie: well i don't want either of 'em Edie: so i'm offski Buster: Like I said, choices Buster: That's yours Edie: yeah it is Edie: finally Buster: Alright Buster: So stop wasting both our time with this chat then, yeah? Buster: It ain't going nowhere and you've decided you are Buster: Somewhere to be, like Edie: oooh Edie: touchy Edie: i'm waiting for my ride n my time Edie: what u even doin Buster: You don't care so what does it matter Edie: long as it matters to you babe Buster: Cheers Buster: Good insight Edie: ikr Edie: talents are wasted on this town Buster: You and me both Edie: shut up dickhead Edie: streets are paved with gold are they not Buster: Again, you wish it was that simple, babe Edie: why u even invited me then Edie: n u don't wanna fuck me Edie: rude Buster: I can only offer what I can offer Buster: I said it was an out from your fam not a fix all paradise, like Edie: lame and untrue to boot Edie: unfortunate but happens to the best of yas Buster: Whatever Edie: you might be ignoring the family tree like Edie: nothing in it for me Buster: Fine Buster: Don't come Edie: wasn't gonna Edie: doubt we got enough disel to get that far Buster: That's what planes are for Buster: But you know Edie: you know i ain't got that money Buster: I wasn't suggesting you paid for it Edie: kai has less than me lmao Buster: Him either Edie: mckenna mckenna mckenna if she's really doing that bad a job there's places you can go, people you can see Buster: This is boring Buster: You're just repeating yourself now girl Edie: you ain't my first choices either baby it's cool Edie: he's picking up Buster: Very gentlemanly Edie: like i ain't paying for it lmao Buster: If that's your way of saying you need money, make your mind up, like Edie: i'm saying that's where my money goes and is why he ain't getting on no plane Edie: paranoia man it'll get ya Buster: Yeah Buster: I bet Edie: Poor baby Edie: and Charlie thought he left all that behind him Edie: unlucky Buster: Can't say he don't know how to handle it at least Edie: that's a joke init Buster: Are you laughing right now? Edie: Big time Edie: got even less of a handle than ali and caleb Buster: Sure the judgement really helps too Edie: who's judging Buster: You Edie: Nah Edie: I don't care enough for that, I'm just laughing at the mess, not commenting on it Buster: Whatever you say Edie: how much would you give me Edie: outta interest Buster: How much do you want? Edie: ha you're such a bullshitter Edie: wouldn't stall if u was serious Buster: It's a serious question Buster: I don't know how long you're going for or where Buster: Not just gonna pull a number out the air Edie: for good and wherever we end up Edie: guess there's no ballpoint on that eh Buster: That's what you're saying now but if you're gone for a day and I give you a grand its not you who looks like a mug Edie: you a mug thinkin u get to tell me what to do with it like her Edie: its drug money mckenna don't act dumb Buster: Have I said shit about how to spend it? Nah Buster: Be serious and I will Buster: Tell me how much you want Edie: wow you really are dumb Edie: be careful out here baby Edie: even i ain't gonna play u like that but so many will Buster: Fuck off Buster: You're all talk, kid Edie: i'm serious Edie: ain't got your rents biz head have u jesus Buster: You don't know shit about what I'm got or not, Edie Buster: Don't act like you do Edie: you showed enough cards Buster: Nah, I'm showing you I can help you Buster: But be stupid Buster: How far you think you're gonna get with no money and no way to get any? Buster: Unless you're gonna play it the same way as Rio does whilst judging her for earning it Edie: you can help me get high? you and half the punters in this postcode, my da included Edie: ain't special baby and i ain't tryna enter yours so i don't need much Edie: plenty ways of getting cash that don't involve selling your ass Buster: Yeah, you're really smart Edie: aw thanks Buster: Cheers yourself Buster: Not a waste of time at all Edie: You're precious Buster: I know Edie: I reckon we've talked for sufficient time you can play you tried to stop me now Buster: I'm not gonna bullshit anyone Buster: That's for you to do Edie: as you like Edie: oh, tell ri gracie keeps crying, like ALL the time Edie: more than usual Buster: Tell her yourself Edie: alright Edie: she didn't reply last time i wrote her tho but worth a shot Buster: Try saying something worth reading Buster: I know it's a stretch but Edie: aw darn, i really thought i was smart Edie: oh well Buster: Bye, Edie Edie: laters mckenna Buster: Unlikely from how you're selling it, but sure Edie: see i don't know what u reckon the point of u is if you ain't gonna let me hit u up on the reg for cash Edie: you ain't know how this works Buster: I'm not trying to be anything for you Buster: Not my job Edie: knife thru my heart Edie: she always got the best of everything so used to it Buster: yeah yeah Edie: there u go again 💘 Buster: Poor baby Edie: u got jokes Buster: I know Buster: Pretty, smart and funny Edie: when u suck urself off that's somehow grosser than the incest Edie: eurgh Buster: Hilarious Edie: no jokes Edie: i reckon that's hurting your chances more Buster: I didn't ask and I don't care Edie: awh so in love is it Buster: Even if I wasn't, not gonna take advice from you Edie: why not Buster: Not gonna write you a list either Edie: i get laid Edie: by people i ain't related to n all, craziness Buster: Well done Edie: why thank you Buster: Sure your boyfriend wants to talk to you more than I do Buster: So on you go Edie: probably not if he's started without me but you know Buster: Well all the more reason to catch him up then Edie: ha you really don't like me do you Buster: You're not as stupid as you sound Buster: Good to know Edie: its chill b Edie: i dont like me either Buster: Do something about it then Edie: who for? Edie: this cunt Edie: i think not Buster: For you maybe Edie: that's the cunt i was referring to Edie: keep up Buster: You're just being so edgy right now, like Buster: How can I? Edie: we all know u aint vanilla now boy quit playin Buster: You first Edie: what u chattin i'm bein painfully real Buster: You're trying too hard, babe Edie: at what lmao Buster: This game Buster: Been there, done it Buster: You ain't been real this whole convo Edie: tragically i have Edie: soz you found it disappointing but same Buster: Disappointing ain't the word Buster: If you wanna put any in my mouth, try even harder Edie: you should save the wiser older brother bit tho Edie: ur actual sis would probs benefit Buster: I'm not trying to be that for her or you Buster: Unlucky Edie: now who's not being real Edie: it's cute, don't be ashamed Buster: Why should I be real for you? Edie: u shouldn't Edie: just a bit weird to be lecturing me Edie: unless you really tryna kick it daddy and its all do as i say not as i do Edie: i'm with you Buster: Weird ain't the half of what you reckon I am so why do you care? Edie: why do you Buster: Why do I care about you? Buster: Don't be stupid Edie: i'm not u got no reason Buster: Yeah I do Edie: ha sure Buster: Whatever Edie: you're as bad as her aren't you Edie: i got it fucked feeling sorry for you at the start Edie: you gonna chat like family means anything, god, at least i thought you were committed mckenna Buster: She ain't bad, that's your first mistake Buster: She's better than me, that's your second Edie: three strikes and i'm out? Edie: fun Edie: lemme think Buster: If we were playing that you'd have been out ages ago, babe Edie: good to know Edie: underestimated myself again but that's life Buster: I wouldn't know Buster: Not how I'm living Edie: hmm i wouldn't peg you as a total jump the gun cum in your pants type but if you insist Buster: You ain't got a clue how to peg me but it doesn't matter Edie: i been in the know on that but like i said Edie: don't like u like that Buster: Good Edie: lmao gotta draw the line somewhere mckenna Edie: glad to know it's at butt stuff Edie: on that note, peace Edie: my ride here Buster: Bye again Buster: Been a pleasure, obviously Edie: put it on my tab Buster: 'Course
0 notes
wildmountainkid · 7 years
For every @, tag someone I love/look up to || always accepting!  ☼
[ @wildchildfreecs - pssh, im so so happy to know that you like gon so much bc i, too, would also die for gon freecss. and i also really really relate to shoot in that one scene like??? ME TOO MAN, I CRY. I JUST WANNA LIKE SHOW MY SON TO EVERYONE. also i love your shitposting a lot even if i dont participate in it?? and oh, did i say that i love your gon???
[ @killuaslightning - kai, you are literally so patient and nice to me im like super effing thankful like wOW. im so happy you like angst so much bc i do too?? and at this point i think we have like maybe 20 threads but i love each of them a lot, even if im… slow orz. also the fact that we have so many angst also makes it even worse when we have fluff like Bound By Words bc your reply literally killed me with like two effing sentences. anyway, ily kai and you’re super sweet and aaaaaaaa
[ @jokerhand - cerise, we don’t talk a lot but i love your hisoka a lot?? he’s so ic – the right mix of predatory and animalistic?? and and!! i also love your writing in general. it flows really well and its super easy to read and even outside of writing, you’re also a super nice person too???
[ @cookiethumpr - i can only tag this blog bc i dont remember your other urls ( omFG, dont kill me? ) we’ve barely talked and have zero interaction but i laugh a lot bc of your messages on discord, and in general i just really like julianna and your writing style too?? its uhm, i cant word but it’s kinda like soft and quiet and i just love it a lot okay ;;;
[ @viincula - aaaaa you!!!! are super nice and sweet??? i still suck at conversations so im sorry i end up replying late and all but i really like talking to you! we havent interacted at all either but your kurapika is so on point from what i see??? *blows kisses at ur portrayal tbh*
[ @memorarane - oh boi, we havent interacted on here, but like! we had a tiny thread over at my baise blog and honestly that was super great as short as it was? i love your paku. she looks so emotionless but she really cares and i wanna cry and like?? your portrayal is so good in that aspect im?? maybe one day we can interact more haha
[ @rebelliouszoldyck - we!! have not interacted before but from your replies i really like your portrayal of killua!! he’s such a little shit and i think your portrayal is so on point??? i laughed a lot seeing the responses, so ty so much for coming back to rp him!! hopefully we’ll get to rp??
[ @izuru-ru - i have already said that i dont know a thing about bleach, but like?? bruh i just really love your replies and he’s so awkward and adorable?? i can tell how much you like him and it in turn really made me want to rp with you so im glad we’re rping now, even if im extremely slow ^^”’
[ @nisenokumo - im so glad you decided to come back to rp hisoka!! i mean you’re off on a trip and such rn but the fact that you came back for a bit makes me really happy bc your hisoka is goals?? his slight burns are so great to read and you are also super nice?? we dont talk a lot but its always fun(?) when we do!!
[ @ghostlywriterneon - oh gosh, where do i start… i really love your neon??? neon is a bratty little kid but i still really like her a lot and to have a rper write her well makes me really happy bc not a lot of people like her (understandable) but i didnt expect a neon!! so im like, super glad that you’re still rping her even now!
[ @voiice-ss - oh boyy, i fkn love hiromi??? we maybe interacted for a few replies but i really really like her from what we have and also your interactions with the others?? she’s so playful and mean to gon but that really makes for super fun interactions, and i think its hard for a rp to become stale bc of hiromi’s personality, so im really happy that we are interacting!!! 
[ @botanicorum - HI UM, we havent interacted ever before, but ive seen your rps and i really love how you write kite!! especially chimera ant!kite?? i laughed and got kinda emotional with kite’s r/s with colt ;;;; so uhm, im kinda a shy but anyway i love your kites shagkjaahfks
[ @paradise-x-hunter - aaaa, i know you’re maybe insecure about jordyn but i really like her??? your rps with six is also amazing??? like i really feel her emotions in the thread and like!! your writing is super good and the fact that you draw your icons yourself is also really amazing?? esp since i have zero artistic ability ;;
[ @abrupt-extinction - ashfisahgjadgk idk if you’ll see this but i love our rps together??? the fact that both of our muses start questioning the fashion choices together and i think you’re a really nice person and i also love your shitposting and salt ;;
[ @eyesofcuriosity - aaa hi, we havent interacted all that much yet but Nessa is super sweet as a character and i can already tell that they’ll be adorable together. im so sorry for my slow speed and super grateful to how understanding you are but im really looking forward to seeing how much our muses’ r/s will develop!!
[ @earthsno1champ - aaaaa idk why our rps keep dropping (is it me, did i lose the thread idkidk) but even tho i dont watch any dbz, i really love your portrayal?? your rps and everything are super fun to read/write with and you, the mun, seems like a really sweet person behind it too?? tysm for reaching out to me first bc?? if you didnt i probably wont either cos im a lot less proactive when its fandoms im not familiar with ;;
[ @etherealassassin - I MEAN WE LITERALLY FIRST INTERACTED LIKE AN HOUR AGO but i really like your portrayal of killua, aND THOSE EDITS OH MY GOD. the lenny face and taco on killua’s face, i will never forget it now shfiahgjakdgj but your killua is adorable and??? tbh i always wanted to interact with you so im really glad youre back now!!
[ @ofdaggerisms - lmao cal, idk if you’ll see this but the Time Has Come for me to talk about how much i love jack. as expected from the angst lord, the thread that i thought would be cute became angsty but that’s fine. ;;; jack is effing adorable and i really like the way you write! 
[ @rosewhxp - UM HELLO, i dont think we’ve interacted and i think youre busy with things too?? but even tho i havent finish watching yyh, i really like your kurama?? and your writing is really good too?? its really pretty too just like kurama ashiadkghjakjs
[ @the-crimson-haired-princess - hello again!! ahsiajgiadkhiasjf um, i want to thank you for willing to interact with gon despite the fact that you dont know hxh (at least i dont think you do?) but you’re super open about it and i really like yona and the way you write her so the fact that you’re willing to interact makes me super thankful!
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im a 23yr old part time student and i work full time, first time im filing my taxes alone, am i able to add my car insurance like i to with tuition?""
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i am 18 years old living at home, i have 1000 pound and i am looking for a cheap run around to get me to school and back,, does anyone know any cheap cars to insure tanks""
How much life insurance should we have on each other at our age?
My husband is 27 turning 28, I am 24 turning 25. We own a home owe roughly 98,000 on it still, have two children. No credit card debt at all. (don't have any cards) Our cars are 2,000 away from being paid off so I don't think that should be figured in at all. I have 100,000 on my husband and 150,000 on me. I took more on me because he has no family here and though my family of course will help him if I passed away but I thought because I stay at home and he would have to find daycare and all he would need more. My sister said I should take out at least 2x my pay off on my house so that I could pay it off and still have 100,000 to cover financial issues until the parent left could settle in to taking care of a house hold alone. Do you agree? Should we increase our policies? I just don't know...it is hard to think of these things but I want to make sure that if one of us pass away my family will be taken care of and not have to worry about money.""
Is Mitsubishi Lancer Coupe considered a Sports Car in Insurance?
Hi, im in australia planning to get a lancer coupe, not the sedan. they range in late 90 models. I cant tell if theyre a sports car or not by insurance companies. (sports car are more expensive). a small low budget economical 1.8L car wouldnt be classified as a sports. But then lancers were originally used in rally races. Can anyone tell me if this lancer would have higher insurance costs than a 4 door sedan version.""
How can I get free health insurance?
I'm 20 years old (almost 21) but I cannot afford more than $25 a month for health insurance. I work in a small town, full time at a family owned business that cannot offer me medical insurance. HELP!""
A break in car insurance between my old and new car?
Hi, Tomorrow my current car insurance with my S reg corsa is due to expire at 12:00pm (Noon) now I have decided not to bother renewing this as tomorrow night I am going to buy a new car for which I have already put down a deposit. Now I have been told I cannot insure this new car now as I don't own it yet, but im worried that if my car insurance has a break in it then it will affect me - I currently have 2 years no claims and don't want to loose this - does anyone have any knowledge of what happens in the situation? Also with me not being able to insure the car until i own it, how do i go about getting the car back home from the showroom? Please helpppp""
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I live in arkansas and i need cheap car insurance and i just got my license. know of any cheap companies?
Insurance Status of a car buyer?
I am selling my car. Somebody comes to view and test drive my car. He doesn't have any car before so no insurance of his own. If he test drive my car and have an accident. What would be the insurance status? (I am on admiral by the way) UK People only Please. Thank you.
What one would be cheaper for insurance and do you own a sports car if so how much on insurance is it for yo?
When I turn 16 I was thinking of getting a sports car and I was wondering what one would be cheaper for insurance would it be a 2004 mustang or a 2002 camaro or a 1974 challenger I live in nebraska in a small town we have the money to own one but I want to know what would be cheaper and how much it would cost yearly or monthly and If you own a sports car what kind and how much do you pay monthly
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I am looking for a good agent that will look out for me an my situation. Not just sell me the plan that will make him the most commission. I recently bought health insurance from Reserve National of Oklahoma and I foud out because I paid my premiums by the year my agent made big bucks. I also found out they are not major medical insurance. I want an agent that will look out for me and show me all the different options. I am 55 my wife is 53 and we are in good hape and take no medications. We are looking for Texas Major Medical Catastrophic Health Insurance. I would like to hear from people with expereience and not a bunch of agents. So if you're an agent please don't bother to respond.
Which brand of car is cheap to buy and insure for a 19yr old who has just passed?
i live in UK, London. im guessing something small would be cheap like a vauxhall corsa, but are ther any other alternatives because everyone i know who passed has a corsa. i want to be unique...kinda. also what price would i be looking at? anything under 500?""
Pregnancy Insurance California?
Ok I know my son is responsible and wants to me about this matter but would like some help if someone knows since most places are closed on the weekends that would help with this. My son (21) and fiance just found out she is pregnant, my son works and has great insurance for himself. and just purchased his first home. Income about 30,000. Girlfriend just got laid off from a part time job and no insurance. Just moved in with him recently. If not married will his income disqualify her from Medi cal or will he be charged for the service. They were planning on getting married before this and adding her on to his insurance 100.00 a month. for family benefits. but now that she is already pregnant some have told us the insurance may not pay because of preexisting. and if they marry most likely will disqualify from getting medi cal. Also have seem something about AIM. If anyone has used that or have knowledge of that insurance. I know this is long someone also mentioned that my sons first time buyers credit (loan) may also be taken from him if she gets medical. Any help will be appreciated.""
Do all full times jobs give you health insurance?
I just got a full time job. The guy really didnt say anything about health insurance or any kind of insurance since its full time i was wondering if i get it? its about $9.00 an hours. not sure if that helps any tho
""Im 16 and have been for nearly a month, still havnt had anything about a national insurance card?""
Right, well i turn 16 like back in august, and i never got sent a national insurance card or anything about it. does anyone know who i have to phone to find out why i havnt had it??""
What's the best car insurance?
I'm about to get a car, it will be my first car, and I know the insurance will be more expensive because I just turned 19, but how much should I expect to pay and what is the best insurance I should get? I live in Southern California (Redondo Beach) and I have a 2006 red toyota yaris. Thanks.""
Breakdown Insurance less than 12 months?
Hi, does anyone know if it's possible to get car breakdown cover for less than 12 months? All i ever see on advertisements and online is quotes for 12 months cover but i am planning on leaving the UK for a bit after 6 months so that's all i require. Before i contact insurance companies can someone tell me if this is normal or an irregular request? Cheers!""
""Car Insurance, will be out of the country?""
I will be leaving the country for about 5-6 months. I dont want to pay my car insurance if I am not gonna be using my car. How should I approach this problem of mine? I dont want to cancel my insurance just for the few months i will be gone, then have to start from scratch when I come back. I'm happy with the rates I have now. So will my agent allow me to not pay anything for the time being, or atleast let me pay a small monthly fee just so I can keep my existing insurance policy?""
What can a car finance company do if you no longer have insurance?
I bought a 2004 vehicle (from CarMax) about 3 months ago. The finance company (Capital One Auto Finance) would only approve me if I started an insurance policy before I left the dealership. I did, but have since let that policy go, for different reasons. The finance company is now sending me letters to give them updated insurance info, or they may take appropriate action to protect its interest . What exactly does that mean??? All my payments have been on time, actually 2 weeks or more early. So, what can they do if I continue not to have insurance, since my payments on the vehicle are all in order? Since guessing or assuming won't help me, sources for your answers would be helpful. Thanks.""
""Help! If my car insurance deductible is $750 and repairs cost $489, How much will the insurance company pay?""
My car was vandalized. The adjuster sent me an estimate for $489. This is lower than my deductible. Does this mean that the insurance company does not have to pay anything? If so, i'm going to find some better insurance.""
Will my car insurance be invalidated?
Phoned my car insurance company today to report a minor bump. The guy asked if I had any points on my license and I told him that yes I have 3 points for speeding. He said that they had no record of this. I don't know why they have no record of this but that's not really the point. Will they try to claim that my insurance is invalid? If they do try this will I be able to claim a refund as I will have been paying them money for literally nothing for the past four years?
Would vehicle wrapping my car a different colour effect insurance cost much / at all?
Hi I work at a vehicle graphics / signs company Weve had an idea that my car would look amazing in a different colour and we can get the wrapping material in cheap. So it will be about 40x cheaper than spraying. I have also seen a carbon wrapped golf the other day and it was perfect. Only question is if i was to make the colour change ( car doesnt usually come in this colour) would it make the insurance cost go up much or at all? Also same with alloy wheel spraying? Many Thanks
Who has the cheapest FR44 insurance in Florida? Help!?
I have Geico now and they are really giving me a hard time about keeping the insurance because of a DUI. I've had them for 6 months. They insist that I pay in full for my 6 month policy and last time I could barely afford it, but this time I definitely cannot afford it. I had my DUI in 2009. Anybody know of lower-cost FR44 insurance that you can make in payments monthly?! P.S. DO NOT drink and drive...even if you had less than three drinks. If you didn't hurt/kill anyone else, it will definitely ruin your life financially for a LONG time!""
I need a good car insurance company I have 6 points and a chapter 7 in my credit report?
I have two cars one needs full coverage $500.00.00 deduc.at list, the car is a 2002 ford explorer and the other one is a 1992 dodge spirit /liability only. If you know about an insurance company that gives good coverage for a decent price let me know my current policy is $166.20 a month.""
Are you still suppose to pay car insurance when...?
Are u still supposed to pay car insurance after you have had an accident?? The car was a total loss..so I don't have it anymore and there is no other cars on my policy..am I still responsible for anything especially when my car paid for itself, the deductable, and then some....???""
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Car insurance?
there are 5 people in our family and we all have vehicles of our own and pay for separate insurance but somtimes we might need to use each others cars/vans for what ever reason is there an insurance that we could get that would allow us to drive each others cars.
What is the Cheapest Car Insurance For Young Driver?
18 Year Old, Male, Vauxhall Corsa 16V (1.2) Worth 1000, Full License Held for 2 Month, Access To Company Vehicle (Ex Personal Use), Mileage up to 5000 per year, No PASS PLUS, Social Use and kept on a public road.""
Do I really need travelers insurance?
We are taking a trip from Oregon to Cancun Mexico soon and am wondering if I should purchase travelers insurance. We are going to purchase airline tickets directly from Delta Airlines and also from our chosen hotel. I'm thinking that if there are any problems, the airline and hotel would take care of it. What are your thoughts?""
Can i insure 2 cars by 2 different insurance companies?
i already have car insurance with my first car but i have just bought another. to insure it on my current insurance is expensive. iv looked at other insurance companies and its cheaper to insure with them. Am i allowed to have a different insurance company for each car?
How much would car insurance be on a BMW M car?
BMW M3 or M6 Convertible I have no tickets Location: South Orange County, CA""
""Im 20 years old and a full time student and work part time, if i move out, can i stay on my dad's insurance?""
Im 20 years old and a full time student and work part time, if i move out, can i stay on my dad's car and medical insurance even though i do not live at home but im under 25""
Does anyone know the insurance group prices in the UK?
looking at car insurance does anyone know how much is group is like 3E, 5 and 12 or summit is there any websites where you can find them? if anyone has any suggestions please leave below!""
""Someone hit my car, do I have to report to my insurance company risking the rate increase?""
Few months ago somebody hit my rental car in their rental car during vacation. Other party's fault, he admitted, police report confirms this is his fault. Both me and the other party were insured. The other party seems to be reasonable. Now I have a repair bill, few thousands. I am reluctant to report this to my insurance company, since I heard over and over again that even though it's not my fault my rate can and probably will still go up (read here if you don't believe http://www.carinsurancecomparison.com/does-your-auto-insurance-go-up-if-someone-hits-your-car). I think this is ridiculous, but that's the way how things are. So is it possible, and is it a good idea that I contact the other party insurance myself without involving my insurance since my case is a clear cut case? Are there any pitfalls that I should be aware of?""
Help with Car Insurance?
My current car insurance will expire tomorrow at 11:59pm and the new one will take effect at 12:01am. Am I going to have an issue with that 1 minute of non coverage? I know this might sound silly but I just don't know if that will be some kind of an issue. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
""I own a 2000 chevy cavalier and im 17 years old and need insurance, about how much would that cost?""
Its small, green, and its a two door""
How can I cancel my geico car insurance?
I pay for my geico car insurance every six months because I save some money instead of paying monthly. Here is a thing I am going to out of US for 3 months and I do not need insure my car however I already paid for the 6 months.
No auto insurance on loan vehical in california?
My auto insurance through farmers insurance has lapsed as of December 1st on my vehicle which I have a loan through coast hills banking. I really am having a hard time getting the money together to get it going again. I told my husband even if a couple Bills go behind I have to pay it by Feb because I'm getting very nervous that it will be taken From me. Has anyone ever had to do this before? its my first time in this scary bind but I got in an auto accident that took my insurance money from me to pay for it so can someone tell me if its possible to loose my vehicle? Thank you
Hoe much would my bike insurance cost?
Hi im 18 years old I got my motorcycle license on august 2013 and i bought a 2011 ninja 250 I was wondering how much my bike insurance would cost? I will call the insurance company in may but I want to know now how much it will cost please answer if you know thenx :)
Walmart $4 prescription list....only with insurance?
Are the awesome 4 dollar prescriptions only when you have insurance? I don't have insurance, can I get my regular 4 dollar script for still 4 dollars?""
How much should the insurance cover?
I was at an intersection, a 4 way stop. I stopped, and entered the intersection. As I went into the middle of the intersecton, a car approached from the right hand side and he didn't stop at the intersection. He went straight through it and hit the right side of my car, he basically T-boned me. The guy had Geico, they first offered to pay me 70% that was raised to 75%, and after another call it went up to 80%. So I know they have room to wiggle around. If it helps teh other driver got a ticket from a police officer for failing to stop at the stop sign. The damage to my car is on the two doors, they're completely busted. I would think they would be liable to the full extent of the damages, but apparently not. Im in New York state if that helps at all. I got an estimate, and Im living on a college student budget and can't afford to pay 400 for this.""
Insurance companies.?
My mom doesn't have a car but needs to have insurance on her lisence because she needs SR 22 bond so her lisence is not suspended, who offers insurance without having a car?""
""How much is Insurance on Fireworks up to $2,000,000.00 in Maine?""
Thinking about opening up a Fireworks shop and want to know how much I'm looking at a year for insurance need a policy with the min $2,000,000.00.""
Can I sue my Auto Insurance Company?
In 2005, as part of our divorce agreement, my ex and I decided to keep the same auto insurance but under separate policies. We had been with this company for years. My policy was on auto pay meaning that the payments were taken directly from my account. He walked in to pay his. About 6 months after the divorce, I was pulled over for a routine traffic stop and was told I was driving an uninsured vehicle. Without insurance, my registration was also invalid. Both tickets totaled 1K. My car was taken into impound. I checked and found the officer was correct. On good terms with my ex, I told him what happened. He said for the past 6 months, each time he went in to make a payment, the girl HIS was already paid. Realizing what had happened. They were applying my payments to his automobile. I was furious. I notified the agent who initially did not want to accept blame, but since the payments were automatic and my account number was on each payment they took, they were responsible. The error was compounded by the fact that the cancellation notice went to HIS address (how dumb was that!) So I had no way of knowing that I was cancelled. I was without a car for 2 weeks and lost my job. After much haggling and many sleepless nights of wondering what to do without a job or a car, the insurance company finally admitted blame, paid the impound fees of $1,250.00. The agent also said they would handle the 2 tickets totaling 1K. FAST FORWARD TO 2010 in my state, the county did a scofflaw sweep and I was summoned to court with over 5 thousand other delinquent drivers to address unpaid tickets. The order was come to court by April 30th or be arrested. Realizing this had to be a mistake, but fearful of the law, I stood in line for over 5 hours in blazing heat, then sat in court another 5 hours waiting for my day in court. I was immediately threatened with arrest because the 2 tickets were not paid. Up to that moment, I had no idea the insurance company had not paid the 2 tickets. This time, not only was my insurance and registration cancelled, my license was suspended due to the age of the infraction (5 years). In front of the judge, I called the agents' office only to be told by the secretary that they had no intention to pay the ticket. Paying to get the car out of impound was enough. When the judge heard this she was shocked and let me off with a promise to pay in 5 days. She made me promise not to drive. With no way to get home but drive, I took a chance, and was pulled over. The officer informed me that due to the vast number of outstanding cases, tags bearing our county name would be targeted for a while (talk about a police state!). I showed him my documents from the court and headed home. This is a nightmare. Would I have a case if I filed suit against my insurance company for failing in their fiduciary responsibility to a 16 year client in good standing? By the way this company is one of the largest in the country.""
How much will my Progressive car insurance increase if I add a 93 Camaro for my 16 year old?
Any idea where I can find this info? Any estimates?
Insurance for mitsoubishi rvr import?
Am trying to find an insurance company who will give me a good insurance price on the above car.It is a 4 door,4x4,petrol automatic,1994 grey import.My present company charging the earth because they say it is group19 sports car.Is down on the reg document as an estate!""
Will 4 year old dui affect my car insurance with geico?
Will 4 year old dui affect my car insurance with geico?
Insurance On A Supra For 17 Year Old?
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old in (Kingston, Ontario) Canada for a 93-94 turbo or non turbo Toyota Supra be? ALSO : If its under my dads insurance would it be cheaper for me to pay ?""
How much would my car insurance cost to pay the minimum payment?
what is the cheapest car insurance company? How much would the minimal payment cost? My 21 yr old bf would be the one paying it and i would be under his insurance. im a first time driver age 19. I am a mom of two kids and highschool graduate. the title to my car would be in his name. Unless it doesnt matter to have it in both our names. we live in ms and he uses state farm.
How much is your car insurance a month?
What kind of car do you have? What car insurance company are you with?
What's the best health insurance company for a self employed family?
Self Employed. In Georgia. What's the most cost effective company that pays great? Thanks
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
How will 2 points on my license affect my insurance?
I live in South Carolina and am insured through State Farm. I recently recieved a speeding ticket that cost me 2 points on my license. What is an approximate percentage increase that I can expect in my insurance rates over the next couple of years?
How much does a married couple spend on monthly bills?
house, insurance car..etc... Im trying to plan ahead and want to know what I'm in for and if I can manage it with two teachers salaries. oh, it would be great if you can tell me a round number of each thing. and yes, i know everyone varies, but I'd like to see what everyone else has. thanks!""
Teenage insurance on a Land Rover?
I'm 17 and I'm looking for insurance on my 2002 Land Rover 90 2.4. No companies will insure me for less than 3500 if at all! Any suggestions? Cheers!
Car insurance company wont pay for my car? /:?
I got into an accident like 6 or 7 months ago. I was making a legal left hand turn and she tried to pass me on the left while I was making that left and obviously she hit me. she lied to the police and said I was pulling out from the shoulder and I didn't look to see her coming and the officer believed me and wrote my story down on the report cuz that's actually what happened lol. her insurance company (Geico) is obviously taking her side cuz they don't want to pay and even though they have the police report they are only paying me 50% and that's just unacceptable. Is there anything I can do to make them pay for at least 75% of it?( besides eyewitnesses cuz there were none )
Unemployment Insurance in California?
I currently receive unemployment insurance. On the check stub it states that my claim expires on 07/2008, although the balance noted on there is less than what I usually receive. I believe its because the 6 month period has ended. My questions is, can I reopen up the claim? Am I still eligible to receive my unemployment insurance until my claim has expired which is 07/2008? I was told that you can claim unemployment insurance for a year, so I don't understand why I only received it for 6 months. I was with my previous employer for 7 years, so it's not like I worked wherever for a short period of time. And I am actively seeking a job, although I have a few expectations so I haven't accepted any offers plus I'm a single mother and I have to work around my parent's schedule cause its way too expensive to leave my daughter at a decent daycare that I can trust. Hopefully someone out there can help me with a few information.""
What affordable insurance can i apply for if im 20 working and not sickly?
What affordable insurance can i apply for if im 20 working and not sickly?
Whats minimum car insurance cover allowed for producing at police station in UK?
Got stopped by the police today for having no car insurance due to my insurance company cancelling my cover without even notifying me. I've got to produce a cover note to the police station stating my car is now insured. As the car has been impounded and I will be not paying for it to be released, what is the minimum cover period that the police will accept to I can pay my fine as I have to produce my Drivers Licence, Tax and Insurance Cover notes. For example, 1 day, 7 day or 28 days insurance etc.""
Ok im 22 years old and i want to buy BMW 3 SERIES 325 Ci 2dr Convertible how much would my insurance cost?
Ok im 22 years old and i want to buy BMW 3 SERIES 325 Ci 2dr Convertible how much would my insurance cost?
How much would insurance cost for a 2005-06 mustang?
i am 16 and want a mustang how much will insurance be for a year compared to the average car... also i wont have a big engine....the car will be 14,000 or less""
Estimate of car insurance for fiat 500c first time driver?
My first car is going to be a fiat 500c thats about 3 years old. I am 18 years old in the UK whats an estimate of price for the insurance for the year?
Help me! Car insurance!?
i need to buy a car, how does it work for the insurance? Can I do the car insurance without the car, but knowing what I'm going to buy?""
State auto insurance vs. state of registration?
I am currently working a temporary job away from home in another state not my permanent residence (I am living there for the term of the employment). While there I bought another vehicle and registered it in that state and when insuring it moved my other car to the policy not realizing this could cause a problem. Now on my first vehicle, which was registered in my home state, the home state has refused to renew the registration because it carries out of state insurance. However, I also don't own the first vehicle, it is owned by my parents who are a resident of my home state, I just use it and pay the insurance. So unless I am missing anything, It looks like I am basically going to be forced to register that vehicle in a state where I do not have residence or cancel my insurance policy and get insurance for only that vehicle through a provider in my home state. Is this it or are there other options? I'm confused because they let me renew last year even though I had the out of state insurance, but I had switched during that year so maybe they considered me part-time or something. I would like to avoid changing any state registrations for the time being, because this process is expensive and complicated between the two states in question. Someone told me the cheapest option might be to get a minimum liability policy on the car in my home state so they will give me registration, but I have never heard of that and I'm not sure if that is ok (having two insurance policies on the same vehicle)? I am not trying to play tricks or loophole anything here, I just want to figure out my options and get this done without costing me a lot of money or time.""
How much is insurance on a jeep wrangler for a male beginning driver?
Is anyone a male driver around 16 who drives a jeep wrangler and knows how much on average the insurance will be?
Where can i get tip for cheap auto insurance?
Where can i get tip for cheap auto insurance?
Can I have military health insurance and Regular Health Insurance?
1.Am I allowed to have both military and normal health insurance? 2. Can I see regular nonmilitary doctors with Military health insurance?
Please Help...Will i be able to get any health insurance?
Im a 21 yr old female, who benefits from deferred action. im currently working two jobs and going to community college. money is TIGHT. i know being protected under deferred action will not provide me any health insurance help but can i still be able to get ANY help? im a type 1 diabetic as well and the cost of insulin and doctor visits skyrockets every single time. i live with my parents but i dont receive money from them. i guess long story short. can i get any type of health insurance? if i dont die from diabetes ill die from the cost of it hahaha. i live in Southern California if thats any help. thanks in advance :)""
Is a 2000 Grand Prix gt sedan considered a sports car to insurance agencies?
I want to buy this Grand Prix gt sedan that's for sale but I can't afford a sports car car payment it's my first car will insurance consider it a sports car
Car insurance for a teen?
Hello, I am 16 years old looking for my first vehicle. I am wanting a diesel car so I can make it run on vegetable oil. However the car I am wanting is a volkswagon TDI. Which stands for turbocharged direct injection. And I know turbochargers affect your insurance greatly. So I look at different cars that can be ran off of veggie oil. And most of the are TDI. What do I do? Best answer gets 5 stars""
Nevada/or California car insurance cheaper?
I just moved to Las Vegas from California and learning car insurance is more in the silver state. When I go to purchase new car insurance can I lie and say I live in California still. What are the cons to keeping my insurance registered in Cal?
How much will insurance cost for a age 36 driver who got her license in this year?
Just give me estimate.
What is the ideal assurance do you expect from your car insurance?
What do you want to hear most from your car insurance company?
Which type of insurance do I have?
I have AvMed insurance through my job and I am filling out paperwork online right now and I am not sure which type to choose: Primary Secondary Supplementary Worker's Comp It says Open Access-Self Refer to Specialist at the top of my insurance card. Could someone help me out please?
Massachusetts car insurance?
I recently heard that MA IS allowing competition with car insurance companies.. YAY! However, Geico and Allstate still don't provide insurance in the state. Progressive DOES. Does anyone else know of some GOOD, reputable (car) insurance companies in MA? THANKS! :-)""
How much will insurance cost for these cars?
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old boy for the following cars. Mustang GT Mustang (V6) Toyota Tacoma Please no answers like You don't need a GT or too much for you money is not a problem for me (not that its any of your freaking business) i just would like to know.
Good cheap car insureance?
need help wiht insurance for my car my car is a little ford fiesta 1.3 cheap 2 insure i no but i have 6 points :( so im gettign qoutes of artound 4000pound to insure my fiesta and im jsut wodneriing there must insuracne companys out there hu specialize in this field if no any can u let me me cheeers
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
On whos name should be the insurance?
need help with car insurance. the car is registerested on my girlfriend... and current insurance is on her name - but we both included ... now we want to change company... the only thing is that my girlfriend currently is not in country... can I buy insurance on my name with both included even if the car is registered on her name?
Does health insurance go up when you buy a motorcycle?
Does health insurance go up when you buy a motorcycle?
Can i get plastic surgery without having insurance?
I'm 18 years old and my parents insurance covers me. If im paying in cash do i have to know their insurance info?
What is good insurance for teens?
Can I have some good companies? I want the basic insurance package. im 17, male, senior in HS thank you""
Cheap first car for son?
I only have about $2,500. Prefer something newer than '99. Has to be reliable and look decent. SUV's are a plus (cheaper on his insurance). Any ideas? thanks!""
What is the cost of car insurance with out drivers ed.?
I am an 18 year old girl, looking to get a small used car something like a older civic. What would the average monthly payment be. I live in NH and I have good grades, never been in ...show more""
Cobalt ss/sc insurance price?
i want to buy a cobalt ss supercharged and need to know if my insurance will be too high since i am only 17, i've gotten some insurance quotes but they are all different by a lot. I have a clean driving record with no accidents and my parents are willing to help out with some insurance but i want to know if i will have enough for the rest, thanks""
Does California vehicle insurance cover broken windshields?
A turkey vulture smashed my windshield yesterday. I have full coverage insurance and they told me I would have to pay my $500 deductible. In other states I've had windshields covered for free. *ONLY the windshield was damaged*. No other parts
If someone is unemployed how do they get health insurance?
I'm trying to understand this Obamacare. What if a person is unemployed and has no income. How are they suppose to get health insurance? How are they gonna fine someone if they have no job. I know one of my friends rather pay the fine cause its cheaper then having health insurance, but what if a person has no job. I really am curious.""
My car got hit in the middle of the night. I don't have insurance but the person at fault does.?
I woke up yesterday to find my car hit and another car, with temp tags, abandoned up the road (it had a lot of damage to the front of it, so it was obviously the one that hit mine.) Today the officer who came yesterday called and had found the person at fault and gave me all of their information. I don't have insurance currently, and my car will cost a few $100 to repair, so what can I do with this info?""
What's the difference between health and accident insurance?
What's the difference between health and accident insurance?
Travel Car Insurance?
Does anyone know of any websites that can allow insurance on a car for about a week just for travel? I am going to Vegas and using my mom's car but I have to get insurance on it but I only want it for the week. Any ideas ??
""I pay more than $10,000 per year for Health Insurance, does that sound reasonable?""
I'm self employed and gross about $105,000 / year. Have wife and 3 small children. (wife stays home) Premium for family is $857.41 / month and increases about 11% per year. M.D. visits have $20 co-pay. Policy through Excellus BC/BS. We live upstate New York and have no health problems.""
How come my name isn't listed on the auto insurance card even though i AM insured?
My parents have bought auto insurance but whenever they send the insurance card (proof of insurance), only their names are on there. However, if you look up our policy number, I AM an insured driver. Why is that? How am I suppose to carry an insurance card? Is it because I'm under 18?""
What exactly does general liability insurance cover for a small business?
does it cover theft and breakage?
Can car insurance companies pull your insurance without notifying you?
My girlfriend is at university and just seen that her car insurance has paid a sum of money back into her bank account and after checking the dvla website it currently says her car in not insured! Can an insurance company pull the insurance without notifying her of why its been done and when it was done as the policy was taken out about a month go. Where does she stand legally too? many thanks for your help D.
AXA Equitable Life Insurance?
anyone have Equitable as their insurance company? Comments? Also, can anyone tell me about the Flexible Premium Universal Life Insurance Plan? THANKS!""
How does replacement cost insurance work?
I have a 25 yr old harley davidson, and the insurance says full coverage will pay what the county values it at on your tag fee. (like, 800$) I also have a 67 chevy van that is valued at 300$ by the county. Obviously, full coverage is not intended to cover antique vehicles, as the annual premiums are far more than they want to give you should something happen. So what kind of insurance do you need to make you whole again? or, pay the true worth of your vehicles should you be hit by someone or your vehicle stolen?""
Should I yell at the insurance company?
I'm very frustrated at this point. Two years ago I got braces, at the time I was still living on the east coast. I then moved to California halfway during treatment and learned that my insurance was not going to cover treatment after my transfer (even under their providers). I still needed the braces at the time so I found a seperate orthodonist and paid for all treatments as though I had no insurance. Its been almost a year now and I need the braces removed. However, I cannot afford to remove them and my insurance still won't cover for any ortho procedures. Should I be a pacifist about all of this? I've spent quite a lot of money on treatment w/o the help of insurance. Now I'm in a rut, stuck with braces even though I don't need them anymore and I feel as though no one will help me.""
What are some home insurance companies in FL?
I am looking for a list of home insurance companies in FL, or if not a list if anyone can tell me the name of a few? Thank you very much!""
Where can i get affordable health insurance?
health insurance in south carolina
Where do I look for health insurance after Heart Surgery? Dropped by current provider..?
After having a valve replaced last fall my insurance opted not to renew my policy. I am 63 and currently have a short term policy that only can be renewed once and then I am out of luck. Where can I look for coverage? I'd take something even if it excluded my prior condition even though I am now much healtier than I was before the surgery.
Can someone answer my health insurance question?
I currently am paying for COBRA. I am 61 years old, female. I am on long term disability & disability social security. I am able to get medicare when I am 62. I have a pre existing condition, COPD. Looks like no one will accept me, except Blue Cross. I need a medical supplement PLUS an exceptional prescription plan. I am on many meds, including oxygen 24/7. I make too much money to qualify for medicaid or any other help. ANY of you insurance agents have any ideas? I will be 62 on April 5th. Any help is much appreciated. I have searched & looked on the internet & most of them I do not trust. I have heard too many bad stories about them. I am paying $490.00 a month plus co pays now & it is killing me.""
Is medicare a good insurance plan or will a lot of things not be covered. I know there is no drug coverage.?
I recently started recieving medicare after becoming disabled, and pay over $100 per month to recieve this insurance out of my small disability income. I am wondering if this will ...show more""
Why is Obama all of a sudden denying HIS OWN WORDS health insurance made over YEARS?
in his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
THE TOP WHATEVER: TCU kicks every ass in Stillwater, Oklahoma and leaves in search of more asses to kick
It’s this week’s updated ranking of only the teams that really need to be ranked right now.
1. TCU.
There are more delicate ways of saying this, but football is not a delicate sport: the Horned Frogs are number one this week because they beat some ass.
How much ass? Piles of it. Railcars full of it. Market distortions happened because of the amount of ass TCU beat in its 44-31 win over Oklahoma State. Shipments of ass had to be rerouted from other supply lines of ass in order to be rerouted to Stillwater, where Gary Patterson and his team beat it. Cowboys booster T. Boone Pickens probably made a killing by buying shares of ass in the first quarter, and moving them around the market. He’s a Pokes fan, yes, but he’s an investor first, and he’s not going to turn down a profit when he sees one.
But TCU gave up 31 points.
Run your conversion charts. In a Big 12 game, 31 points is like 22 points in an ACC game and 10 in a Neanderthal SEC game. That’s Oklahoma State. They’re going to get points, including at least one TD off a perfectly thrown deep ball you can do nothing about. The impressive part comes in granting those points, destroying any sense of balance by stuffing the run game, and responding by running the ball with Darius Anderson, controlling the pace, then waiting on Oklahoma State to press and hand over some turnovers.
It’s an old-school approach to facing a high-powered offense, retrofitted with new school trappings, all installed by a defensive coach who understands the realities of winning in the Big 12. For this week, while the ass markets slowly recover, TCU will be No. 1.
2. Georgia.
Flattened Mississippi State, 31-3, and gets the MVP for eliminating any need to watch their game at all on a busy Saturday night. That’s how to courteously save time for the busy viewer: leap out to a lead, extinguish all hope of the opponent moving the ball, and wrap it up in about 20 minutes of actual time.
The offense looked fine, but the Georgia defense looked horrifying against a very good offense, dominating point-to-point along the line of scrimmage.
This is to say that even if the Georgia offense doesn’t get to throw a flea-flicker for a TD on its first play of a game, the defense can keep them in any game, no matter how low the score.
Now that I’ve said nice things about them and given them a prime ranking for one week, watch them lose to Tennessee this coming weekend.
3. Alabama.
Don’t look at what they did to Vanderbilt in a 59-0 win. Only know that they ran 66 times for 6 TDs, and that Satan still wouldn’t have anything to do with this atrocity. STOP SAYING YOU WANT BAMA. THEY DON’T GET THAT IT’S A JOKE AND NEVER WILL.
4. Penn State.
Survived Kinnick Stadium at night in a 21-19 thriller. The achievement of beating Iowa at night when they score a prime number is never to be underestimated. Iowa thrives on a few things: weird scores, stifling defense, staying in games despite getting doubled up in yardage categories, and causing well-timed special teams disasters. The Hawkeyes got most of those things and still didn’t win, marking this as a serious achievement and a reminder that playing in Kinnick after fans have had a whole day’s worth of tailgating will terrify even the most hardened team.
P.S. Saquon Barkley is a god.
not the god but a god
5. Clemson.
Beat Boston College, 34-7.
Yes, this was a 7-7 game going into the fourth quarter, but that’s not surprising to anyone who watches Boston College play football. BC’s strategy is to slow the game down to a glacial crawl, punt as many times as possible, and mostly hope something good happens. (It rarely does, but that’s still the plan for some reason.) In a game like that, Clemson will eventually break contain and make the expected blowout look like the expected blowout.
Are we concerned about Kelly Bryant having a bad day passing? Sure, and we can’t exactly decide how concerned to be, given that Clemson could probably keep up this single wing running thing for most of the year and win by three scores against the bulk of their schedule. But still, it’s noted. A team that can stop the run will give them fits, particularly if that team can respond with anything like a little offense.
6. Don La Greca.
No words. http://pic.twitter.com/btsaBZLrpf
— Alex Seixeiro (@alexfan590) September 21, 2017
I’m just glad that New York City continues to set the pace for intellectual discourse in sports talk. I’VE BEEN WATCHING FOOTBALL FOR FORTY YEARS. FORTY YEARS.
7. Oklahoma.
Eked out a victory over Baylor, 49-41, which is less than you want to do against Baylor, and way less than you want to do when you tell Baylor that Daddy’s home and you’re going to spank them.
Teams getting acquainted with one another. http://pic.twitter.com/1HzdyAQfGz
— Eddie Radosevich (@Eddie_Rado) September 23, 2017
Chalk it up to a road game against an opponent learning how to play under new management. (By the way, that was inevitable, because Baylor under Matt Rhule was not going to be laughingly bad all year.)
8. USC.
A 30-20 win over Cal. That USC looked frustrated sort of confirms a lot of what people already think about USC.
They’re talented, but will misfire and let teams hang around.
Sam Darnold, who threw another interception and has seven on the year, is still pressing a little and figuring out who his receivers really are.
They will, after struggling, win most of the games they play.
The question is whether they will sharpen up, which they did over the course of 2016. Bonus mitigating detail in a sort of underwhelming game from the Trojans: Cal’s beyond improved under Justin Wilcox.
9. Navy.
Did something to Cincinnati in a 42-32 win. That something is hard to define, but it bears mentioning and praise here because all of the following things happened:
Navy ran 72 times for 569 yards in a regulation football game.
Navy had five players with more than a single carry each average over 10 yards a carry.
Navy had 31 first downs despite being designed to play at a pace slightly faster than a brisk walk between downs.
Navy did that offensive line thing all flexbone teams do, where they try to cut block defensive linemen, which makes defensive linemen move a lot like someone trying to escape the snapping jaws of an onrushing Rottweiler.
Navy only passed three times.
That’s triple-option cruelty at its finest. Applaud it, or risk getting your knees taken out in line at Starbucks by a hard-charging wingback out of nowhere. Ask Cincy: they’re literally everywhere.
10. Michigan.
A 28-10 game against Purdue, a defensive performance we’ll all look back on a lot more approvingly, when the season’s done and everyone realizes how vastly improved the Boilermakers were.
The Michigan offense still has some kind of disorder involving the redzone and third downs; the defense still might be good enough for that not to matter much.
11. MOooooooopolllol.
My ooffice and the
Houston coach Major Applewhite probably should’ve clapped back before the Ambien kicked in http://pic.twitter.com/v2Nc3z2Z1i
— Luke Zimmermann (@lukezim) September 24, 2017
In conclusion:
12. San Diego State.
They’re going to score like 28 points and get Rashaad Penny all the carries. What you do in return is negotiable, but it’ll probably end up something like a 28-24 loss, like Air Force suffered, because that is what this Aztecs team is designed to do.
13. Washington.
The Huskies played a way more competitive game than you might think in beating Colorado 37-10, but even games become lopsided ones when the other quarterback throws three INTs. Washington hasn’t been explosive, but they’ve been efficient, and if you’re sort of wondering how that will look against long-bombing attacks like Arizona State or Oregon, well, we’re more than curious about that, too.
14. Washington State.
Pounded Nevada, 45-7. Washington State plays USC this Friday. [THUNDEROUS, OMINOUS MUSIC PLAYS FOR FIVE MINUTES STRAIGHT.]
P.S. Nevada is a baaaaaaaad team right now.
15. Virginia Tech.
38-0 over Old Dominion. The Hokies only allowed seven first downs, and more importantly, beat another one of the 392 other universities you didn’t know were in the state of Virginia.
16. Utah.
Fine, Utah, you beat Arizona, 30-24, you’re 4-0 and doing that scrappy, ugly-but-undefeated thing you’ll do for a while, so you get a ranking. The next four games — Stanford, USC, Arizona State, and Oregon — are pure hell, so save some of that scrappiness for the next month. You’ll need it.
17. USF.
Beat Temple, 43-7, maybe is really good, and might still scare us because of some bad offensive stretches in between points binges.
Memphis. Three and oh, tho.
Wake Forest and Duke. I dunno, this year’s weird already, y’all.
Texas Tech. Continued to play ... ”defense” in a 27-24 win over Houston? Three wins and the nation’s second best turnover margin aren’t a lie, but let’s keep them overnight for observation anyway.
The Hurricanes of Miami, who beat Toledo 52-30. Shut up, Toledo’s pretty good.
Undefeateds Minnesota and Wisconsin. Goldy got his reps in anyway.
Goldy the Gopher trucking kids at half time is what Twitter was made for. http://pic.twitter.com/EFtqoTOZmN
— Dave Schwartz (@Dave_Schwartz) September 24, 2017
0 notes