#back to your regularly scheduled blogging
We're back!
Hey folks, I'm excited to let you all know that this blog is officially back! I've finally got the time to be here again and I'm excited to talk about reptiles with you all.
A few housekeeping notes:
Because of how long I was away and how many asks had piled up, the askbox has been cleared. Please do send in questions about snakes in general, reptile husbandry, whatever!
Please remember that, because of the volume of questions I get, I might not get to all of them right away! Please wait a week before resending your ask.
I'm a herpetologist but my specialty is squamates (snakes and lizards) pretty exclusively. I will not be much help with questions about amphibians, I'm afraid!
This blog has and always will be for reptile education only. It is not a platform for donation posts, current affairs and political posts, etc.
It's OK to ask me about husbandry for your own pet snake, but remember that I'm not a vet and I will not give out medical advice. My answer is always going to be "take your snake to the vet." I'm always happy to see pictures of your snakes, though!
Please submit questions through the askbox, not DMs. I just often forget to reply to DMs!
It's OK to tag me for my opinion on videos and content from large creators and content hosted by animal content farms (such as EverythingFox), but I will not post ratings for personal videos shared of people's pets on here unless they ask me themselves - that can too quickly lead to dogpiling.
Alright, that should be it. Let's finally get back to our regularly-scheduled snake content!
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buckychristwrites · 1 year
not to be lame but i just wanted to thank everyone who sends me prompts when i post the lists. I’m always surprised when i reblog one and then get requests. The fact that there’s any single person who wants to read what i write, let alone multiple, just makes me so happy. You’re all too nice. 🥺💜
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pixlerelish · 1 year
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theyarnmaidstale · 10 months
So after a week at the in-laws' and a hellish week at work, I am finally back home in my own apartment and am at least a little less uncomfortable than I was before I left on Monday, but oooh boy is the anxiety real, lmao.
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winterhartarts · 2 years
Hey!!! I relaunched my Patreon page AND added a few digitally downloadable pay what you want art wallpapers/prints to my new Ko-Fi store yesterday evening!!!
Please feel free to like & share as well as follow me on all these platforms too, even if you can’t afford to be a monthly contributor or donator at all 🥺👉👈 I also do take any donations via tumblr now too!!! You know, if I post an artwork or something you really like and wanted to tip me for it or something lol. No pressure, BUT the options ARE there now for ease!!! (And also because I’m perpetually broke.)
Tip me via my tumblr blog here! (There’s a big tip button you can click near the description!)
Patreon Relaunch post link here!
Ko-Fi shop link here!
Thanks everyone!!! I love you 💖🫂 Be on the lookout for future posts of mine too 🤗
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aesthetic-otd · 3 months
Today's aesthetic is whatever the fuck this is
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dailyhatsune · 1 year
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doodleku’s day out
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solarpunkani · 1 year
So this clearly is not a novel idea (I actually took this screenshot from a website, though the listings on said website weren't working) but we all know about seed bombs, right? Well, get ready for
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Guerrilla Droppings
Seed bombs made to look like animal droppings!
I'm not sure how necessary it is to make them in this shape (though I can 100% appreciate the extra sneaky feeling factor), and I did end up finding the listings on Amazon, but surely it wouldn't be too hard to make something like this at home with a custom seed mix, right?
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bad-tf-fic-ideas · 2 months
A little PSA/Request (don't worry it's not about money)
Hello! For more than two hundred days I have confined myself to just posting the bad tf fic ideas here every day (as advertised!) and answering occasional asks.
However, I've noticed that many of the accounts that have followed this side blog have posted "do not interact criteria," that pretty specifically capture this blog. This includes criteria such as "no incest ships" (I have posted sunstreaker/sideswipe before and I will again) or "no abusive ships," (I have posted plenty of megastar, among others) or "no NSFW" (ehem).
I try to contact these people and let them know why I am soft blocking them, so they don't think it is just a weird tumblr issue and refollow, and then I soft block them. But I am almost certain to miss some accounts in my vetting process. And so, at the risk of being rude, I am asking you to please stop following accounts that fall squarely within your own "DNI criteria."
If your "do not interact" message isn't just theatre, and you actually care about the content of the fiction posted to tumblr accounts with which you interact, then you must start paying attention to whatever those factors are before you follow new blogs. You ought not to slap a DNI on your blog, call everyone who disagrees with you monsters, and then, in a display of jaw-droppingly audacious hypocrisy, seek out and follow such blogs.
I know this is an inconvenience to you. You have my sympathies. I know having specific beliefs whose tenets you want to stick to can be a burden. But if you have publicly declared that there are certain requirements that you want everyone who interacts with your blog to meet, then it falls to you to make sure that you're actually enforcing those requirements yourself. Don't interact with blogs that post abuse or NSFW or robot incest or whatever it is that squicks you. Don't leave it up to me to check every new follower to make sure they're not violating their own public interaction policy!
Come on, guys. I want to respect your boundaries. And I am trying. But respecting your boundaries starts at home, okay? Team effort.
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orangekittyenergy · 1 month
Took a break from coloring Minthara….to draw her 😅 i just wanted to practice some negative spaces
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With or without blood
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piers-official · 9 months
//OOC Reminder
//UNFRIENDLY reminder that if you are any sort of transphobe/trans-exclusionist (Radfem, Libfem, Conservative, Right-Wing, ETC.) You are-
//Kindly fuck off and don't follow me, because I will not only block but report you too!
//Also read my pinned post please if you're just joining. It's LITERALLY there for a reason and you can see my DNI list is in there. For those who have been here awhile and have never read it, PLEASE READ IT. Literally all I ask.
//This also goes for ALL of my other sideblogs too.
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dilfsdotnet · 6 months
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tl;dr here's my thoughts on the game awards this year
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hatsunemiku-official · 11 months
people keep asking if teto and I are the same person. this is very confusing. you can’t be two people at once…….or can you…?
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ravenlocksentwisted · 8 months
I've noticed a behaviour that I've been blocking popular bloggers for.
We all have boundaries. Things that we won't accept. Lines where it becomes NOT OK for someone to talk to us anymore. It's incredibly important to enforce those boundaries - even moreso in the deluge of communication online that comes from people we don't know and don't share values/norms with.
I've noticed a particular thing that (sometimes) happens when a person dealing with the maelstrom of a popular social media account hits their "NO" line. It goes something like:
"How DARE you (a person who may never have interacted with me before) violate my boundary (which you should have known by paying careful attention to all of my posts and sharing the exact same sense of online norms as I do.) I am going to use forceful (or hurt/put-upon) language to tell you how terrible you are for doing this."
"If you question, explain, or even apologize, I am going to tell you you have done further harm, because you should know (by reading my blog/mind) that I consider it a boundary for YOU to not interact with me after I scold you. I am going to continue this conversation instead of blocking/disengaging, because for my boundaries to be enforced, I require you to back down."
It's not always quite this obvious, but as time goes on I both have less patience for this attitude and start to recognize the harm that internalizing the "rules" that are broadcast like this has done to my life.
I have a lot of sympathy for the people running these accounts I, too, work with the public. And when you're running a community of any kind, it can be really helpful to slowly teach people the most useful ways to interact with you. It also sucks that no matter what you do, some people are going to be jerks. Wherever possible—easier said than done—you do need to exclude some people from your community!
But the more it looks like someone is repeatedly engaging in these behaviors:
Beating people over the head with the concept of boundaries instead of personally enforcing them
Scolding people for not being personally familiar with them and their blog
Having a large number of sometimes-conflicting rules
Claiming that their cultural norms and expectations for behaviour are universal
Using emotionally-loaded language to ensure the offender is seen as having egregiously violated an agreement
The more I've started realizing, "Ah, this person is not safe for me to be around, and reading some of their posts might be harmful to me. Better block them."
And we're all happier for it.
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darkwood-sleddog · 11 months
This is me @everybody taking staff’s words with goodwill after like 12? Years on this goddamn website:
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sharkwithasword · 1 year
!!!In desperate need of a boyfriend who undoubtedly loves me so I can bake him cute treats for valentine's day!!!
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