#bad credit help Vancouver
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misshoneyimhome · 10 months
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Struck by Lighting I William Nylander
Tropes; Angry!William; Friends-to-lovers; bestfriend!TimothyLiljegren; Fluff
Summary: In the midst of a difficult game, William appears to lose his composure, suggesting more than just frustration over a bad loss; [credits: inspired by a scene from Ted Lasso]
Author's Note: I wrote this a little while ago and just decided to share it today 😉 It follows the familiar friends-to-lovers plot, yet a little different, you know? 😅 Nonetheless, I hope you'll find it enjoyable; By the way, a quick thank you to everyone reading my work! I never imagined anyone would enjoy what I write, and I'm incredibly grateful to be able to share my thoughts and ideas with all of you! Having 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ followers might not seem like a lot to some, but to me, it's beyond anything I could have imagined 🫶🏻
Word count: 3.4K
The atmosphere was crisp as the five of you strolled through the streets of Toronto on a regular Friday evening.
The lad's hockey season had started just a month ago, and tonight, you were out with your group of friends: William Nylander, Timothy Liljegren, Pierre Engvall, along with his girlfriend Mathilda. Yet, this evening wasn't solely about the five of you chilling together; it was also a chance for Willy to introduce his new romantic interest to the tight-knit group. Being his close friends, he valued your opinion on this matter.
William had become, quite unexpectedly, one of your closest friends. It was something you hadn't quite anticipated from the day you were introduced to the inner circle of the Toronto Maple Leafs – particularly the inner circle of the Swedes.
Morgan had been your entry point, having known him back in Vancouver, and upon your move to Toronto, he graciously showed you around, and after a few months, he introduced you to his team. It was a bit surreal to suddenly find yourself among friends and partners of an NHL team, but undeniably, you felt like you belonged.
The entire team had been incredibly kind and welcoming. You hit it off particularly well with most of them. Auston and Mitchy were an absolute riot, always incredibly funny. Woll, alongside Mo, was among the kindest individuals you'd ever encountered. Tavares was the living legend, and the new guy, Knies – those eyes and that smirk – had a way of making anyone feel weak in the knees.
Everyone treated you kindly, but you could also sense a closer bond among the Swedes. It wasn't something frowned upon by the guys; in fact, it seemed this group genuinely encouraged everyone to become more open and mingle better with the rest of the team. Timothy, in particular, stood out as a genuine sweetheart, perhaps a tad less outgoing than the others.
And it was Tim that was the one who paved the way for you to join the Scandinavian friends' circle. You were consistently kind to him, offering help whenever needed, and being there to support him if he ever felt anxious. It all began with a simple, clumsy mishap in the hallways where he had lost his things, and you swiftly lent a hand. From there, it blossomed into casual conversations about various topics. And soon enough, you found yourself getting him a coffee, guiding him through breathing exercises before facing cameras, and keeping him company after tough losses.
And your efforts had earned you a cherished place in the hearts of the Swedes.
William, on the other hand, was a different story. He had to grow on you.
At first, you genuinely found him rather off-putting. With that way too satisfied, smug smirk on his face all the time, the way he knew all too well how good he was at hockey, and how he so effortlessly just sashayed onto the ice, scored a couple of goals, and became the hero of the day.
However, as time passed and you spent more moments with Tim's friends, you gradually peeled back the layers of William Nylander beyond the dazzling performances and mischievous grins. The more you hung around him, the clearer it became that it wasn't an act; it was simply his natural way of being - in a good way.
After each match, road trip, and workout session, you began to grasp the immense effort he invested in his training. How he'd show up early, stay late for workouts, constantly study technique videos, and engage in discussions with his father about his game.
You witnessed the sheer amount of energy required to uphold his positive mindset. In fact, it amazed you how he managed to stay so rooted and composed, even after a tough loss or demanding day filled with media responsibilities. And what struck you even more was his indifference to the attention and accolades he received; his primary focus remained on playing the sport he adored, striving to perform his best, and feeling proud of his achievements. He aimed high and held himself accountable to those lofty expectations and goals he'd set.
He simply impressed you.
On William's end, he hadn't given much thought to you initially. You were there, seemed nice, and that was about it. He wasn't one to dwell on things, so as he noticed your genuine friendship with his close friends, he didn't really have any negative opinions about you.
But much like he grew on you, you gradually made an impression on him. At first, he didn't pay much attention to you. But as you integrated further into the group, he began to notice your playful nature, your sense of humour, and the banter that developed among the lads. What initially elicited a light chuckle soon evolved into hearty laughter, echoing through the halls of the Scotiabank Arena after almost every home game, and Willy found himself thoroughly enjoying it.
Yet, beyond the good times, the real turning point occurred when William allowed you to see his more vulnerable side.
It had been a terrible game. For him at least, and he just wasn’t feeling good about it. And while he’d normally remain composed and all calm despite the challenging night, he’d involuntarily spat at his teammates about something regarding the play. 
And though there was a mutual understanding among the teammates, that outbursts like these were rather common and no one should take it personally, as it’d all be forgotten the following day, you couldn’t help but stand up to him. He’d said something that was clearly targeted towards Tim, and you were just not having it. 
So, after the match as everyone besides William had left, being one of the last ones as always, you’d stayed back just to offer him a quick remark. 
“You know you can’t talk to him like that,” you’d spoken in a low voice, yet your words been firm and sharp as you’d confronted him in the hallway on your way out. “He played his heart out and you know it. Everyone made mistakes tonight, even you, and you shouldn’t be saying things like these to him.”
William had been slightly baffled by your words. And though he knew you were right; he didn’t think it was your place to talk back to him like this.
“Timmy’s a grown man, he can take it.” He’d said in response. “He needs to know what he did wrong so he can do better next time.” 
In a way you knew he was right too. This was simply the way the boys showed their love and affection for each other as teammates, but you just couldn’t accept the way he’d speak to his close friend.
“I know, Willy. And I know you mean well, it’s just… Tim looks so much up to you, and we all know that you’re an amazing player, who gets a lot of attention, but that doesn’t give you the right to talk down to the others. You’re a team, and you also need to support each other in down times like these.” 
And your words had had a way to walk straight to William’s heart. The way you showed so much care for your mutual friend had really opened his eyes for you. You were more than just giggles and funny puns. You were indeed caring and protective of the ones you loved – just like him. 
“I’m sorry…” he’d murmured, which had taken you slightly by surprise. You hadn’t expected for him to give in to your confrontation so easily. But the softness in his eyes had given away that he might just feel a little regret of how he’d spoken to the lads, and quickly you found yourself feeling softening your facial expression as well. 
Though there’d been no yelling or shouting, you’d unintentionally tightened the muscles in your face, raised your shoulders, as you’d gathered the confident to speak to him. But then as you saw his expression exude a hint of vulnerability and his composure softened, you instead tried to flash him a gentle smile and simply show that this was all about your shared love for a person. 
And as concern and frustrations slowly faded away, you both shared smiles and light chuckles. And yet to another surprise, William had suggested for you to grab a late dinner snack, which you’d enjoyed at his place, while talking for hours about pretty much anything. 
You’d shared family details, stories from the past, future aspirations, along with casual dating experiences and ups and downs from what had you both still at the single stage. 
From that day on, your friendship had become almost closer than yours and Tim’s. 
You’d be the one to confront him when he was merely being a brat, just as you were there to shower with love and affection whenever needed. 
So, as the evening of the triple-“date” (you were there with Tim, though you weren’t romantically involved), was coming to an end, William turned to face you all, mentally preparing for the virduct of his new flirt.
“So, what do you think?” he timidly asked. 
“I think she’s sweet,” Mathilda had started out. “She seems kind and nice… friendly and funny, I suppose.” 
“Yeah, she’s got a nice laughter, doesn’t seem dum or without ideas,” Pierre had added. 
“And she’s attractive.” Tim chimed in with a lightning spirit. 
William nodded at the feedback, taking in that everyone seemed to approve of the girl he was becoming interested in. 
“Yeah, you could be a good match,” Mathilda spoke once again with her sweet, gentle tone of voice, as she tried to reassure William that he had found someone good. However, as much as you tried to remain composed, you just couldn’t hold it back.
“Oh, come on,” you blurted out. “Tell him the truth.” 
The group of friends looked stunned at you as you’d broken the silence, you’d maintain during the walk from the restaurant, earning you to elaborate. 
“She’s fine… that’s it,” you spoke gently, before continuing. “Which there’s nothing wrong with. Most people settle for fine. The question is just why the fuck you think she deserves you. I mean, you’re William bloody Nylander – you’re gorgeous, talented, funny, and overall, not too empty headed. Honestly, you deserve someone who makes you feel like you’ve been struck by fucking lightning.” 
Your words echoed through the heads of your friends as your bold honesty slowly sank in, and the others couldn’t contain their amusement. In fact, they just smiled and nodded in agreement as William maintained an intense gaze at you. 
“Anyway, that’s just my opinion,” you offered a sweet smile, and shrug your shoulders. 
And in the evening, William couldn’t help but reflect on your words. It was incredible how you’d always have a talent of speaking so freely and directly to him. And he couldn’t help but deeply appreciate it.
A couple of weeks later, the lads were back in Toronto for a home game after a lengthy stretch on the road.
And this time around, it was your turn to spill some news about someone you'd been seeing.
His name was Matt, a few years older than you, working as a chef. He had a kind and sweet nature, and in your view, he was an all-round good guy. Just what you needed after a string of let-downs. Each person you'd dated before had been either completely unfazed or overly dramatic about every little thing. You'd been with all sorts, from the typical sales rep to the cliché sports jock, the soft-spoken preschool teacher, and the imaginative journalist. Yet none of them shared your zest for life and love for outdoor activities or your calm and drama-free outlook on life.
But Matt seemed to be the right fit.
Even your friends' reactions seemed to back it up.
You all shared laughter and excitement during a coffee break - known as "Fika" as the Swedes called it. And soon after, he joined you and Mathilda among the other partners of the team for a home game.
However, the match turned out to be rather awful. The Leafs were trailing 4-0 at the start of the third period, and their gameplay displayed no signs of a potential comeback strategy or strength.
The atmosphere weighed heavy on everyone, evident in the collective sighs as the Senators once again slipped the puck past Woll and into the net. Fans covered their faces in resignation, acknowledging the likely outcome of tonight's game. Equally frustrated were the players, especially when Mitch received a 2-minute penalty for holding, granting the Senators another Power Play opportunity.
The tension only seemed to ratchet up from there.
Then came William; he pushed himself, maintaining a rapid pace, maneuvering around opponents with confidence, controlling the puck as he charged towards the opposite end. He searched for an opening to take a shot, almost finding the perfect opportunity. With an intense focus, he swung his stick high, eyes fixed on the target, aiming and letting loose his shot.
But the puck didn't find its mark.
And a resounding disappointment reverberated throughout the arena.
William, unable to contain his usual composed demeanor, vented his frustrations, taking it out on his stick. He forcefully slammed it against the boards, the rage causing it to snap into two pieces. It seemed like nothing was going right for him tonight.
And your heart sank as you witnessed his outburst.
You'd never seen him this angry or out of character. Typically, he was the one who kept his teammates grounded, but in that moment, he held nothing back.
The game ended with a harsh 7-1 scoreline, and while Auston managed to net a goal, it did little to lift the spirits of the team.
One by one, they departed from the arena after their showers and media commitments. Partners took their hands, quietly making their way towards the exit, understanding that the night ahead would be spent in quietness at home, focused on care and relaxation, as the lads mentally geared up for the next match.
Finding yourself among the last few standing, you exchanged concerned glances with Tim and Pierre, aware that Willy was likely still in the locker room, possibly berating himself.
Offering a reassuring nod to their unspoken worry, you turned to Matt.
"I'll go check on him. This isn't like Willy, and I just want to make sure he's alright," you said to him.
He gave you an understanding smile as you slowly walked towards the locker room.
Inside, you found William, seated in his stall with his head bowed, almost completely removing his gear. His body still gleamed from post-match sweat, hair damp and sticking to the sides of his face.
With cautious steps, you approached him, prompting him to glance up.
"Hey," you said in a hushed tone.
You knew how hard he was on himself after such games. There was no need to vocalize it. But you wanted to convey unwavering support to your friend, so you attempted to offer your best, concerned, and caring smile.
"Hey," he replied, his tone subdued.
There fell a brief silence between you two.
"Alright?" you asked gently.
"Yeah, sure..." he shrugged, his voice lacking its usual spark.
But you knew him too well.
"Babe, I know it might not mean much, but tonight wasn't your fault," you offered in an attempt to console him.
"I know," he mumbled, eyes fixed on the floor.
"Really? Because it seems like you're shouldering blame that isn't yours to carry," you ventured further, aware you were nearing sensitive ground. Yet, seeing him like this hurt, and you couldn't hold back your concern.
"I said I know, y/n," he replied firmly, his tone indicating an end to the discussion. "You don't need to keep digging.”
"I'm sorry. I just want to ensure you're not getting lost in self-pity. This was a team effort, and you all had a tough night," you persisted, trying to express your worries.
"And what do you know about that, huh?" he suddenly snapped, rising to his feet.
William was completely unlike his composed self. He was on edge, filled with an anger so unlike him. And it startled you.
"I don't..." you attempted to speak. "I'm just worried... Willy, I've never seen you like this before, and I just want to make sure you're okay," your voice quivered, conveying your genuine concern.
"Well, I'm not okay!" he burst out.
Never before had William raised his voice at you like this, not even following a devastating game. Something deeper seemed to be at play here than just the outcome of a hockey match.
"Then please, let me help you..." you urged, hoping to diffuse the tension.
"You can’t,” he retorted.
"Why not?" confusion laced your words.
"Because it's you I'm pissed at," he declared.
You were taken aback. He was angry with you?
“Why? What have I done to piss you off like this?” you questioned, bewildered by his accusation.
William struggled to steady his breath, trying to contain the fury coursing through him. Slightly lowering his voice to a more controlled but still assertive level, he continued.
"You always tell us that we deserve someone who makes us feel like we've been struck by lightning... yet you're with a dull, ordinary guy who isn't even close to your league, and you expect me to believe that he makes you happy?"
Wait, what?
"It that with this is all about… you playing a shitty game because I'm seeing someone you don't approve of?" you expressed disbelief. How dared he?
William exhaled sharply, standing with his hands on his hips.
"That's not… no, we just played a shitty game, we'll get over it," he attempted to gather his thoughts. "I just don't understand why you feel entitled to dictate what the rest of us deserve when you don't hold yourself to the same standard."
You struggled to fully grasp his words.
"What are you trying to say, Willy?"
"Don't you see... you should be with someone... not like him... someone who also makes you feel the way you want the rest of us to feel..."
"Well, I'm sorry, but that just won't happen," you spoke loudly, your mind racing faster than you could rationalize.
"Why not?"
"Because the only person who'd ever made me feel that way is you!"
A heavy silence filled the room as your confession hung in the air. 
You were left breathless, realizing you had verbalized something you hadn't even admitted to yourself before. A fleeting thought that had crossed your mind briefly but had never lingered for more than a moment. However, as the words escaped, they felt undeniably true.
And the truth was, you had deep feelings for William.
The laghter and playful banter between you. The affection you both had for your friends and families. How he always showed his genuine self with you, offering a listening ear and a supportive shoulder. You simply liked every part of him.
And as William gradually absorbed the sudden confession, he regained control of his breathing following his emotional outburst. He gazed intently at you, focusing on your worried expression, acknowledging your unintentional heartfelt disclosure.
Yet, he found himself speechless. There were no witty remarks or playful comebacks. He didn't feel compelled to challenge you or demand explanations. Instead, he took a step forward, gently cupping your head with his hands, leaning in to tenderly kiss you.
As your lips met, you couldn't resist, placing your hands on his chest, feeling all frustrations and negativity dissipate from your mind.
Relaxation flooded your body, sinking deeper into his touch. His hands moved down to your hips, drawing you closer, while yours wrapped around his neck.
His tongue delicately sought permission to explore beyond your lips, and you eagerly welcomed the intimacy.
It was an true, heartfelt moment where you both surrendered to desire and passion.
As you parted from the kiss, both breathing in the air that was momentarily lost, smiles couldn't be contained as you stood close.
Being in his arms felt incredibly right, and you wished for that feeling to never end.
However, reality beckoned, so you looked up at him with a gentle smile, brushing a strand of hair away from his handsome face.
"I suppose... I should let Matt know that I can't see him anymore," you chuckled lightly.
"Yeah, he should probably know that you’re already taken,” William replied with a hearty laugh.
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 2 years
One Year 🫶
Luke Hughes x college vlogger!reader
Sup Homies! masterlist
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liked by bestie, dylanduke.25 & others
yourusername Happy one year to my favourite sickly victorian child looking, incredible hockey playing, American eagle modelling, devil(ha)ishly handsome personal chauffeur! 🫶 Love you Luke, here to a lifetime 
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User83 put that fourth pic in the Louvre it’s a damn masterpiece! 
Yourusername It is exquisite isn’t it 
Adamfantilli Mackies face really makes the picture 
Dylanduke.25 oh he does look bad in that photo!
Yourusername idk what youre talking about, he’s never looked better
Lhughes_06 happy anniversary you nut. Love you!
Yourusername love you too lukey!!
Jacobtruscott_20 I take credit for this. 
Sholtz_024 the fuck you do!!
yourusername yeah sorry J, Steve gets creds for this one
Mackie.samo remember when he thought you were dating Steve?
Yourusername he what!!
Markestapa oh yeah! The first time you met at the arena
Bestie OH MY GOD!!! That was Luke? The cute awkward guy you bumped into that day?
Yourusername babe who the hell did you think I was talking about?
Bestie I dont know!! You’ve said a couple of them are cute before 
Yourusername SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
DylanDuke.25 no tell us more!! It was me wasn’t it?
Yourusername hahahaha
Lhughes_06 haahahah
Edwards.73 lmfao 
Makie.samo hahahaha
User74 omg poor Duker
UmichHockey our favourite couple!!
Yourusername my favourite social girlies!!
User838 can you get him in more team videos?
Yourusername I’ll lovingly bully him into it for sure!! Hell make some vlog appearances too!
Yourmom he’s good for you
Yourusername he is isn’t he🥰
Friend9 remember us sobbing over never being loved as freshman? Glad you finally found someone
Yourusername omg I forgot about that!! You’ll find someone soon!
luca.fantilli Hi! 😍
Yourusername sooner than I thought apparently 
User83 you guys are so cute!!
Yoruusername thank you lovey!
User290 gonna go stargaze on a train track
User939 no same 
User02 same 😭
user84 Thats a hard launch if I've ever seen one
user215 girl did you not watch her latest video?
user84 lmao no, guess I'm behind
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liked by yourusername, _quinnhughes & others
lhughes_06 happy birthday & anniversary babe!! To many more coffee dates & beach trips
view all comments 
Yourusername Thanks for always buying me coffee! Love you 🫶
lhughes_06 a caffeinated y/n is a happy y/n. Love you
yourusername true dat
Adamfantilli thats one way to never forget an anniversary 
Luca.fantilli youre not wrong
Edwards.73 happy birthday favourite roomie!!
Dylanduke.25 she doesn’t live here 
mackie.samo practically does tbh
Yourusername I have a key. I’d say im a roomie
Markestapa WHO GAVE HER A KEY! We’ll never have any peace!
Edwards.73 not like we had it before, Dylan lives here
_quinnHughes  happy birthday y/n!
yourusername Thanks Quinny!! Need to visit Vancouver soon!
_quinnhughes text me! We’ll sort it out
TrevorZegras I can’t believe you’ve had a girlfriend for a whole year
lhughes_06 a year longer than you’ve ever had one
Yourusername ooh burn 
Markestapa she’s a cougar
Yourusername doesn’t that make you old too?
Markestapa shut up
JackHughes happy Birthday!!
Yourusername OMG my sixth favourite Hughes!! Thank you
JackHughes hang on SIXTH favourite?! Theres 5 of us!
Yourusername oh, I met your cousin Julia last week. She’s much cooler than you
JuliaHughes Hah I love you!
Yourusername Ah, love you too!
Yourusername JackHughes if it makes you feel better, youre my fifth favourite NJDevil!
jackHughes fuck that Luke doesn’t count 
Yourusername oh he’s not included
NJDevils who make the roster?
Yourusername I’m so glad you asked!! Nico, Dougie, Johnny & Timo!
NJDevils thats a solid top 4!
jackHughes I got booted by the new guy?😦
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liked by Rutgermcgroarty , user50 & others
yourusername 21 & hella fun. Birthday Vlog up now
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Big thanks to everyone who helped me celebrate & _quinnhughes for the Can-ucket all the way from Van🫶
 User73 happy belated birthday!!!
Edwards.73 Birthday queen!
rutgermcgroatry hella hella fun!!
_quinnhughes I love can-ucket!! Hope it was a good day!
lhughes_06 you went hard for a Tuesday
Yourusername Only turn 21 once!
 User73 Quinn sent her a present? I love this 
User91 its cute how close they are!
User13 already watched it! Looked like fun!
User61 Luke was so sweet in it!! User72 Can’t wait!!
user29 I love that your birthday is Pi day!!
yourusername I like it too!!
215 notes · View notes
samanthasgone · 4 months
I wasn’t going to make a one post about Bad Omens ( mainly Noah ) and Elias Pettersson from Vancouver Canucks together but anyways here it is. Its just seems fitting since all of this happening at the same time.
Seems like a lot of people don’t get that people who are in the public eye get burnout also. It’s easy for fans to say for them to say get over it and move on but you can’t. Everyone needs to rest and acknowledge what best for them for mental health or health reasons. It’s not just about being burnout but it’s about your performance mental state of feeling pressure from the media and fans.
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Credit: tsn_offical
Hopefully Elias Pettersson will get the help he needs to be healthy again for the next upcoming season and the right mental state.
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Credit: sumerianrecords
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polijakefim · 7 months
F  L  A  U  N  T
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Girl's Gotta Eat
There are paths seen and unseen. There are paths taken. There are the Midwestern housewives who sit at home, who formerly popped bennies and ran topless through every jam band show at the local amphitheater. There are the vagrant, longhaired transients who receive stares as they push their cart of nothings around sweaty Southern towns, that formerly received stares only because they were professing at the front of a philosophy class. There are the attention-deficit young men, oft chastised for their inability to focus, but given open creativity, become playwrights and screenwriters. There are the balladeers. There are the celebrities. There is the you. There is the me. And there is Travis Fimmel, sitting in a hotel room in Vancouver, freezing his balls off. His is a story of barefooted farm boy turned bare-bodied model turned actor.
“It’s bloody cold,” he says in a relaxed Australian drawl. Of course it is. Fimmel grew up helping out on the family farm in a small town on the fork of two rivers in the middle of sunburnt Australia. He’s currently in the benumbed west Canadian port city filming Duncan Jones’ Warcraft: a film of epic proportion and expectation. But despite the video game-based spin-off, one gets the feeling Fimmel is the kind of lad who would much rather be chopping wood than mashing plastic buttons on a gaming controller. “I’d never heard of it,” he freely admits.
The path begins. When I ask about his early foray into Australian-rules football, he concedes what stymied the course, “Yeah but I sucked at it, man, I was very bad.” And thus he skipped the sporting life and tried college, “I didn’t pass any classes becauseI didn’t end up showing up—I was doing project managing for construction, like a foreman. Architecture and commerce [was the] main part of the course, I didn’t really want to go to college, I was just trying to fill in time…but then I ended up going overseas.” Fimmel wasn’t meant to be a paper-pushing desk jockey; just as Paul fucking Newman wasn’t meant to sling charred chicory at nine-to-fivers. With those baby blues and gilded locks it wasn’t long before Fimmel was modeling, most notably for Calvin Klein and most times wearing not a stitch. Previously Fimmel has played down his years of modeling, crediting favorable lighting, advanced cameras, and Photoshop for his looks and success. In fact, it’s speculated—and blatantly obvious upon viewing—that Fimmel was the inspiration behind Samantha’s washed-out brick-bod lover—“Jerry” Smith Jerrod—on Sex and the City.
The path winds. “Wound up in L.A., got into an acting class and then that’s where I started acting. I had no idea, never wanted to do this stuff, still don’t really want to do it, mate,” he admits. Fimmel is even-keeled, he exudes a thoughtless vibe, and as much as Fimmel plays it all down, one even has to question how hard he worked to get to his current status. Sometimes his nonchalant nature can come off as arrogant, and it’s easy to imagine he’s often misunderstood, but couldn’t care less; he’s just riding the wave. At first, Fimmel took jobs everyone in Hollywood thought would pay dividends but floundered [see: WB’s Tarzan] until he grew a beard and started swinging an axe. Ah, the farm boy swinging the axe again. It’s in History Channel’s Vikings that Fimmel found his niche, receiving acclaim for his portrayal of the contemplative but merciless, Ragnar Lothbrok, a deep-thinking maniac from Viking Age Europe. There is a swagger to his character that is maintained somewhere within Fimmel. When I ask about his association with Ragnar, he states, “Every guy that I know that fights is always the quietest guy in the room; I just try to think more than talk. You’ll always learn more by listening rather than being the loudest guy in the room. And whatever you do, you do because you enjoy it, so I try to make my character enjoy fighting.”
The path straightens. And so we find ourselves back in that Vancouver hotel room, freezing our balls off with Fimmel, as he’s in the midst of shooting the biggest film of his career. With all the aloofness Fimmel radiates, it piques one’s interest to know what he really is passionate about: “Farming, mate. That’s whatI want to do. I love the country. It’s hard to explain. When you grow up in the country you just enjoy it so much. I love animals and I love trees and anything country.”
And, lastly, that beard that’s quickly becoming his trademark: “It just grew I guess, I couldn’t for ages. I would have loved to grow one when I was a kid, I would have loved to have gone to prom and school and shit with a beard.”
Nothing to do with shedding the barefaced image of your Calvin Klein days? “[Audibly scoffs] Shit. I couldn’t grow one then. Otherwise I would have had one.”
That would have been a different path.
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I so badly would like to see the script for interview with the vampire's episode 5... Do you have ang idea if anyone is working on collecting them and/or who I should contact?
If anyone is, they aren't posting about it.
Pilots are easy to find, anything else is hard. For Supernatural we get our scripts from eBay at sometimes outrageous prices (high triple digits) and local (Vancouver area) memorabilia sellers. Others we got PDFs from people who won charity auctions (four digits).
For IWTV, local crew would be New Orleans area sellers who are no longer working for the show...it could be awhile. I haven't heard about any charity auctions of scripts signed by the actors (nothing has crossed my dash or timeline) but that's not even something we go near, we aren't built for that 💸💸💸💸
One very, very long shot would be if IWTV was submitted by AMC to the Emmys for writing because Deadline's It Starts on the Page series has PDFs of For Your Consideration scripts (2021; 2022) and that series has given us scripts from The Boys, Stranger Things, Wandavision, and so many more.
Just to give you a sense of what's out there for other AMC shows (it's not much):
Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul: a Collection on Reddit
Mad Men: Pilot (Writer's First Draft); 7 from Season 1 & 2 from Season 7
The Walking Dead: 3 from season 1
Fear the Walking Dead: Pilot
Halt and Catch Fire: Pilot
Misc: Script Slug has an AMC tag
Resources for finding TV scripts online:
r/screenwriting guide to finding scripts online
Script Hive has a screenplay collection, you need to be a member of their discord to access (this might be where something from IWTV lands, be sure to read all the rules and regs so you don't get booted from the server/do what you need to do to be in "good standing" to be able to peek in on the script collection every month or so)
TV Writing (see also the credits page, most every other site has taken the stuff from here and reuploaded it to their site)
TV Calling: Comedies, Dramas
BBC Writersroom: Script Library
Scribd: mostly trash (badly done transcripts), sometimes treasures like this Yellowjackets 1.04 "Bear Down" script
Films because these two sites are great: Scripts Onscreen will help you find a pdf for free or give you a direct link to Script City (ScriptFly too but they charge way more and are really obvious about just stealing shit from TV Writing to resell, I refuse to buy from them)
Stashes for Other Shows: 
Sliders Scripts Collection
SupernaturalWiki Scripts and Casting Sides
This is Who We Are: X-Files Scripts
Misha Green's website: Lovecraft Country
Living Dead Guy Productions (Wonderfalls, Hannibal, Pushing Daisies)
Beauty and the Beast Scripts and Transcription Project
Call Me a Cab: Scarecrow and Mrs. King scripts
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teadocs · 2 years
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MASSIE (Matty x Cassie) - Character Relationships (5/?)
Relationship timeline: post s3-mid s4
Have you ever seen a PR relationship that went well? Me neither.
For a little refresher backstory: at the end of season 3, Matty went on a tirade that ended with him beating the shit out of Charlie.
His agent heard about this and wanted to get one step ahead of all the bad press that followed and that resulted in... a PR relationship.
Seventeen-year-old Cassie Caulfield was one of pop music's blazing stars, having recently won a Grammy for Best New Artist and was nominated for Album of the Year for her debut self-titled album. With a squeaky clean good girl reputation, she was perfect for this.
The seeds were planted: the two of them seen hanging out in public, him being credited on her single "Don't Talk", and then when the music video was released, he played the love interest (the video ending with a real kiss between the two).
Tabloids were paid to keep their names in the press. Matthew Smith and Cassie Caulfield seen kissing in car outside Vancouver coffee shop. (You know those couples - picture Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello or literally any relationship Pete Davidson is in).
The two of them write and release a love song along with a music video, which wins Best Video at the VMA's that September. When the two of them perform the song on the award show, they end it with the two of them making out as the partition comes down to block them. It's met with critiques but people brush it off cause "they're teenagers and they're in love".
Matty gets invited to the Total Drama Winter Getaway Reunion, and asks if he can bring a +1 -- purely to rub it in Beric's face that he's "happy" and "in love" and all that fun stuff.
It becomes a test of sure willpower because part of their contract was Matty had to go to anger management therapy and if Cassie found out he was fighting with someone (physically or verbally) everything became null and void and she could dump him.
The two of them are obnoxious when they're around the others, but because the rest of the cast (understandably) hates Matty, the two of them end up in a smaller cabin with Beric and his girlfriend Brie. Awkward.
Closer proximity to Beric makes Matt be forced to confront his jealousy in the most unhealthy ways possible, including a fistfight with Beric he kept hidden from Cassie.
They go home from the trip, Matty being a little distant but committing to the PR act. Dates, staged PDA, going to award shows together. Everything to make it look like he's okay. Cassie on the other hand... has fallen in love with Matty (girl, why). Matty pretends he is too to keep her from being sus.
When season 4 comes around, Cassie signs up to be on the cast, not cause she wants the money or to win, but because she wants to spend more time with her boyfriend!
The season is not all it had been in her dreams. Cassie feels forced to pretend everything it okay with Matt when different cast members help her piece together the toxic relationship build on lies that she was invested in.
Matty and Beric finally reach the moment of admitting the shit they'd been hiding, kissing. As you could guess, Cassie is really hurt cause she really thought that he loved her. She knees him in the balls and runs off, sobbing.
She spends the rest of the season writing and planning to release an EP of songs putting Matty on blast called "Total Hell".
The two of them break up publicly once they get home. And they don't see each other again... until season 5 ;)
Art credit to @lionheart-giddings <3
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seo1718 · 10 days
Instant Approval Loans: No Refusal for Albertans
In today's fast-paced world,bad credit loans edmonton financial emergencies can arise unexpectedly, leaving individuals in need of quick cash solutions. For residents of Alberta, instant approval loans offer a viable option. This article explores how these loans work, their benefits, and what Albertans should consider before applying.
What Are Instant Approval Loans?
Instant approval loans are short-term financial solutions designed to provide quick access to funds. Typically, these loans are processed online, allowing borrowers to receive approval within minutes. The application process is generally straightforward, requiring minimal documentation, which is particularly appealing for those facing urgent financial needs.
Benefits of Instant Approval Loans
1. Speed and Convenience
The primary advantage of instant approval loans is their speed. Borrowers can apply online and often receive decisions in a matter of minutes. This is especially beneficial for individuals facing urgent expenses, such as medical bills or car repairs.
2. Accessibility
Many lenders offer these loans with flexible eligibility criteria. This means that even those with less-than-perfect credit scores might qualify, making it easier for more Albertans to access funds without the traditional hurdles of conventional bank loans.
3. No Hidden Fees
Reputable lenders are transparent about their terms. Borrowers can usually find information regarding interest rates and repayment terms upfront, helping them avoid unexpected charges.
4. Flexible Loan Amounts
Instant approval loans can vary in amount, allowing borrowers to choose a loan that fits their specific needs. This flexibility is beneficial for those who may require a small sum for a short period.
Considerations Before Applying
While instant approval loans can be a lifeline in emergencies, there are important factors to consider:
1. Interest Rates
Interest rates on instant approval loans can be higher than traditional loans. It's crucial for borrowers to compare rates and understand the total repayment amount before committing.
2. Short Repayment Terms
These loans often come with short repayment periods, which means borrowers need to be prepared for quick repayment to avoid accumulating additional fees.
3. Responsible Borrowing
Borrowers should assess their financial situation carefully. Taking out a loan that cannot be repaid on time can lead to a cycle of debt. It's important to borrow only what is necessary and manageable.
4. Research Lenders
Not all lenders offer the same terms. It's advisable to research and read reviews to find reputable lenders. Look for those with transparent practices and positive customer feedback.
For Albertans facing financial emergencies, instant approval loans can provide immediate relief. However,bad credit loans in vancouver it’s essential to approach these loans with caution. By understanding the benefits and potential pitfalls, borrowers can make informed decisions that help them navigate their financial challenges effectively. Always remember to borrow responsibly and consider all options available to ensure a secure financial future.
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seoblog4 · 17 days
Payday Loans in Halifax: Myths vs. Facts
Payday loans are a popular yet bad credit urgent loans in vancouver  controversial financial product that many individuals consider when facing unexpected expenses. In Halifax, as in many other places, there are numerous myths surrounding payday loans that can lead to misconceptions. This article aims to clarify these myths by presenting the facts.
Myth 1: Payday Loans Are Always a Bad Idea
While payday loans can come with high-interest rates, they can be a viable option for those in urgent need of cash. They are designed for short-term borrowing and can help cover unexpected expenses, such as medical bills or car repairs. However, it’s crucial to assess your financial situation and ensure you can repay the loan on time.
Myth 2: You Need a Perfect Credit Score to Qualify
One of the benefits of payday loans is that they often have more lenient qualification criteria compared to traditional loans. Many lenders do not require a credit check, making these loans accessible to individuals with less-than-perfect credit. However, borrowers should still be cautious and fully understand the terms.
Myth 3: Payday Loans Are Always Expensive
While payday loans do carry higher interest rates than conventional loans, the total cost depends on the lender and the specific terms of the loan. Some lenders in Halifax may offer competitive rates and transparent fees. It’s essential to compare different lenders and read the fine print before making a decision.
Myth 4: You Can’t Negotiate Loan Terms
Many borrowers believe they have no power in negotiating the terms of a payday loan. In reality, some lenders may be willing to provide flexible payment options or lower fees, especially if you demonstrate a reliable repayment history. It never hurts to ask!
Myth 5: Payday Loans Can Lead to a Cycle of Debt
While there is potential for borrowing to lead to a cycle of debt, this is not an inherent feature of payday loans. Responsible borrowing and timely repayment can help avoid this pitfall. Setting a budget and borrowing only what you can afford to pay back is key to preventing debt escalation.
Understanding the realities of payday loans in Halifax is essential for making informed financial decisions.bad credit urgent loans in montreal By debunking these common myths and focusing on the facts, borrowers can better navigate their options and find a solution that meets their needs. Always do your research, read the fine print, and consider seeking advice from financial experts before taking on any loan.
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auto-title-loans · 23 days
Affordable Auto Title Loans in Vancouver, British Columbia
Unlock the financial flexibility you need with Snap Car Cash's Auto Title Loans Vancouver, British Columbia. Whether you're dealing with unexpected expenses or need quick cash, Snap Car Cash is here to help. Using your vehicle as collateral, you can secure a loan with competitive interest rates and flexible repayment terms. Even if you have bad credit or no credit history, Snap Car Cash offers a hassle-free application process with no credit checks required. Drive your car while you repay the loan, and get the funds you need within hours. Get started today with Snap Car Cash and experience a quick, easy solution to your financial needs.
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How Car Title Loans Vancouver BC Can Help in Times of Need?
Vancouver is a wonderful city to live in, but with its own set of monetary woes. The cost of living is high and may touch any height at any point in time with the emergence of some unwanted expenditure. Be it a sudden outstanding medical bill, immediate house repairs or any other such unplanned expenditure, quick and trusted finance can be of essence in such scenarios. Car title loans Vancouver BC, can, therefore, be lifesavers in such moments by providing an avenue for raising the much-needed funds fast without going through the tedious processes involved in taking other types of loans.
Financial Challenges in Vancouver:People of Vancouver have a variety of different financial stresses. High housing and utility prices, combined with high everyday living costs, can make saving for emergencies rather impossible. When that emergency does come knocking, it can wipe right through savings or even put people in a situation where they must borrow money. More traditional lending options, like a bank loan, typically require a good credit score, piles of documentation and a long approval process. Especially for those with bad credit and for others in pressing need of funds, it can get difficult.
This can further lead to high-interest debt, which is quite hard to handle with regard to emergency expenses alone that one has to rely on credit cards for. Another common measure that is often used, payday loans, is fraught with extremely high interest rates and very short payoff periods, which very often put the borrower in endless debt. This therefore means that many citizens in Vancouver have to find a more viable borrowing option with less stress.
How Car Title Loans Can Help?
Car title loans Vancouver BC, provide you with a very practical and easily available solution to get fast cash. You will be able to obtain a loan using your vehicle for collateral without a credit check, thus making it perfect for people who have either bad or no credit history at all. The amount of money that you will be in a position to borrow depends on the worth of your car, making it most likely that you will get a huge loan amount in an instant.
Application for a car title loan is quite simple and user-friendly. This is how it works:
Application: You can apply online or in-person and provide basic information about yourself and your vehicle.
Vehicle Valuation: This is the valuation of the worth of your car, from which the lender will then come up with the amount for the loan. This might commonly involve a quick inspection and analysis in regard to the condition and market value of your vehicle.
Documents to be required will be for proof of ownership, showing the title is free from liens and a valid form of identification.
Upon reviewing your application and documentation, you will be presented with a car title loan offer based on the value of your car.
You get funding upon agreeing to the loan terms, mostly on the very day.
This smoother process ensures that you are able to get the money that you need without having to wait and thus is very effective in managing financial emergencies.
There are several benefits associated with car title loans Vancouver BC, that make them a preferred option for most borrowers in Vancouver:
Quick access to funds: The application and approval process is fast, at times, you will have the money on the same day you apply.
No Credit Check: The loan is given against your vehicle, so your credit score does not play any major role in its approval. This makes it accessible for those who have bad or no credit history.
Get to Keep Driving Your Car: Although you are providing your car as security, you can still drive it while returning the loan amount, which ensures that most of your daily life goes unaffected.
Flexible Modes of Payment: Car title loans Vancouver BC, come with flexible options of repayment, so a person can prefer whichever option best suits their financial status.
Lower Interest Rates: Car title loans Vancouver BC, have relatively lower interest rates compared to other short-term lending methods, like payday loans, making them much more affordable for customers. Why Choose Us for Your Car Title Loan?
Looking for a Car title loan Vancouver BC, calls for much keenness on the lending company. Here are some of the reasons why Snap Car Cash stands out:
Transparency: We believe in clear and straightforward terms with no hidden fees. We want you to fully understand every bit of your loan.
Competitive Rates: It provides quite competitive rates on our loans and thereby turns out very cheap for the borrower. 
Same Day Approval: You will have funds in your account the same day, as the application process is smooth and quick. 
Easy Repayment: You will get flexible payment plans suiting your financial situation and be able to fulfill all your obligations with our help.
Customer Support: Our customer support team is there to answer all your queries and guide you regarding the entire process while applying for a loan.
A Car title loan Vancouver BC, therefore, is quite a realistic and available option to get one out of financial bondage. From paying unexpected bills to meeting more immediate financial requirements, title loans will always help you by providing instant funding resources. Snap Car Cash has always been focused on clear, competitive and supportive loan services that make it the best solution to help with all your car title loan needs. With our assistance, you will succeed in handling your financial difficulties by boosting your confidence and ease in knowing that you have all necessary funds when you really need them.
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Mastering Debt Negotiation: Pay Less, Settle Smart
Debt negotiation mastery leads to smart settlements. Pay less and regain control of your finances with our expert insights.
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ratefair · 2 months
Who are private lenders and how can they help?
Vancouver is one of Canada's largest cities known for its residents and flower industry. Housing can be expensive. Obtaining approval may be difficult to meet the bank's strict requirements.
If you have a bad credit history or are facing financial problems, you may be rejected by the bank. A private lender strives to offer you with the money you need regardless of your financial situation.
Who are private lenders?
A private lender is a private entity that offers a home loan and profits from the investment by charging interest. Unlike traditional lenders that adhere to lending standards set by the federal government or government agencies, private lenders maintain their own loan criteria and application process.
For example, a private lender can confirm the loan approval and interest rate of the borrower in the agreement instead of reporting the credit report, debt to income (DTI). This can make it easier to get loan approval, but it is also dangerous for both parties involved.
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private Lenders Vancouver
Private lenders in Vancouver are not regulated in the same way as traditional banks and credit unions, so you will lose some protections, but not everything. Moneylenders are usually required to register with the local government where they operate.
Who should consider mortgage lenders?
Lenders who do not meet the required standards
Some  Private mortgage lenders in Vancouver may find it difficult to meet the general requirements for lenders. For example, if you are self-employed or do not have the necessary documents or history required by a traditional lender. If you have bad credit or no credit history, it may be difficult for you to qualify for a standard loan.
Since the lenders make their own rules, the type of lender is easy to qualify for a mortgage.
Real Estate Investors
In the process below, the lender will evaluate the property to make sure it is a good investment and will be able to resell the property to get a return. his loss if the borrower defaults.
Alternatively, you can consider a more experienced private lender
Deal Seekers In some cases, you may be able to take advantage of better credit terms than you can get from a lender. For example, a friend or family member can offer a low interest rate and long term loan.
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devinkarlson · 4 months
Looking to apply for bad credit car loan in Vancouver? The Auto Providers have you covered. Our discreet and efficient application process ensures that even if your credit history isn't perfect, you can still get behind the wheel of your dream car. With flexible terms and competitive rates, our specialized program is designed to help you overcome financial hurdles and drive away with confidence. Don't let bad credit hold you back from car ownership any longer. Apply now with The Auto Providers and turn your automotive aspirations into reality.
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wehaveagathering · 9 months
[delicately setting down my cup of coffee] i need to talk about the philadelphia flyers
idk, maybe they left someone's lucky rabbit's foot in vancouver. maybe someone's girlfriend kissed another guy on new year's. maybe scratching frost and atkinson was just really, really bad for morale. maybe gary bettman came down from his tower of gold and ivory and hockey hork and told the flyers that they really need to suck now because they were fucking up his carefully-crafted storylines. maybe that heaven-sent streak of Being Good Maybe? in 2023 really couldn't last forever. but that game was ugly, annoying, boring, and crunchy to boot. we whiffed on so. many. fucking. pucks. we had a 5-on-3 for TWO MINUTES - and then a 5-on-2 when a stick broke - and that fucking upstart blue jacket Roslovic decided that he had the TIME TO GO TO THE BENCH and GET A NEW STICK because our pp is so bad. AND HE WAS RIGHT. how fucking humiliating is that!! if our power play is at the bottom of the league right now – well I don't understand why it wouldn't be, and it fucking deserves it. that was unbelievable.
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jasmine jones, you speak for the entire city of philadelphia and all of our sports. rerun the elections, she's the new mayor now
[change to regular capitalization incoming]
LET'S TALK ABOUT THAT 5-ON-2, because that shit will live in my soul and piss me off for a million years. First, a breakdown of my gif of the game.
2:15 left in the first period. Flyers up by one with credit to Travis Konecny. The Blue Jackets take TWO penalties in the course of zero seconds of game time: one on #24, Mathieu Olivier, for interference, and one on #17, Justin Danforth for a face-off violation (tried to glove the puck). This gave the Flyers an entire 2:00 of a two man advantage.
:50 left in the first; :36 left on the PP. #96 on the CBJ, Roslovic's stick breaks and he drops it. Two and a half men.
:41.5. Tarasov blocks a one-timer from Tippett and the puck spins to the boards. Roslovic sees the loose puck and makes a break for the CBJ bench for a new stick. Two men.
:39.5. Tippett to Farabee back to Tippett. Decent set up for a powerful one-timer. Don't give the goalie or the D-men time to read you and you snipe it.
:38-:37. Tippett handles, shoots, Tarasov glove save, play stops. So much for the 5-on-2.
I think these thirteen seconds EXEMPLIFY what went wrong in our game, namely: WHY DO WE HOLD ON TO THE PUCK FOR SO FUCKING LONG? Every time we had a power play, someone would pass, and then the receiver holds onto the puck and looks around. And then they would pass, and then the next guy would hold on and look around. These split seconds where they hold on to the puck A.) waste valuable time in a power play and B.) give the opposition's defense and the goaltender time to position themselves in our new shooting lanes.
Watch this done well by Matthews and Marner on January 3rd.
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Rielly -> Marner, who holds and waits for the goalie and Ducks to shift to defending against him, leaving Matthews wide open with a scoring lane that neither the goalie or the D are looking at. After 12 SOG from Matthews all game, (and 55 total saves on the Leafs) he knows Dostal has his number, so the Leafs are looking to get one in while he's off-guard. If Matthews waits here with the puck, Dostal has time to get ready for a snipe. But if the second the puck gets on his stick and he just fires the one-timer, he might be able to catch Dostal while he's still trying to adjust – and he does.
But the Flyers wait, nearly every time. When Tippett holds on to that puck for those extra milliseconds, he gives Tarasov and his two whole entire Blue Jackets time to adjust. The fact also remains that the Flyers stay very, very still during the power play. Maybe this is because their passes aren't connecting (they aren't) or it's because they don't know where each other are on the ice (the ice awareness last night was, in fact abysmal) but it doesn't help with keeping the opposing team's penalty kill.
But wait, you say, didn't Tippett shoot a one-timer earlier? Why shouldn't he reasonably hold on to the puck here, if he thinks he had a better scoring chance? Yes, he did, but here Tarasov was ready for him with the glove save, which ended play and allowed CBJ to readjust after Roslovic got his new stick. Even if Tarasov blocked a one timer with a rebound, that still keeps the play alive and gives us a chance to score on the rebound. THERE WERE TWO OF THEM. That's a huge, HUGE missed scoring opportunity. Keep them on their heels, reacting instead of proacting, and then maybe you get a third goal in, which allowed us yet another leg up. We blew a fucking two-goal lead. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING indeed.
Lastly, I want to talk about the shootout tonight. Tortorella loves picking the same couple of guys for shootouts, doesn't he? WHY? Coots, Tyfo and Brink all have previous luck re:shootouts but that just means that goalies have their fucking numbers now, doesn't it? Against Detroit 12.22 he sent out Couturier and Brink; against Washington 12.14 Couturier, Foerster, Brink; against Pittsburgh 12.2 Foerster, Couturier, TK. There's a pattern here. And those three can't rely on the same move every time (kuznetsov is an outlier adn should not be counted) because when they do, the goalie is expecting it.
Whatever. Experience flyers hockey. Pray they win against Calgary.
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ericjones808 · 9 months
Get Affordable Bad Credit Car Loan In Vancouver
Are you looking for car loan with bad credit in Vancouver you can connect with The Auto Providers. Elevate your driving experience with an Affordable Bad Credit Car Loan in Vancouver, exclusively from The Auto Providers! They specialize in turning dreams into reality, offering tailored financing solutions for individuals with less-than-perfect credit.
Their team is committed to providing you with a hassle-free car buying experience, ensuring you drive away in the vehicle you desire. Don't let bad credit hold you back – they're here to help you rebuild and drive confidently. Explore Their competitive loan options and unlock the doors to a new chapter of car ownership. Visit them for more information or visit their website.
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