#bad lcorp aus
badlcorpaus · 2 years
AU where Angela breaks the script just to punch X.
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agentsorin · 2 years
(Sister blog to @lcorps-agents, @twilight-smile, @lc-clerk-iota45, @hostofanangel, @xx-1disruptedreality1-xx, @manager-r, and others that don’t have posts yet.)
Agent Sorin’s blog
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He/they pronouns
Currently assigned to Safety Department
Uses EGO Weapon Spore and EGO Suit Justitia.
Cannot remember anyone’s names because he’s just too high to commit it to memory. Looks up to Miku, but recognizes she’s canonically, like, 15. Has a weird ability to instantly memorize anyone’s pronouns, but why this doesn’t apply to names isn’t really… discernible.
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lcorps-agents · 2 years
The Semi-Official Blog Of Lobotomy Corporation’s Agents
Welcome to the semi-official (for now?) blog belonging to currently two three four of the agents that work at L Corp’s headquarters. You will most often see short interactions between us, and our superiors. Please be respectful, and try not to do things such as trapping yourself in a vent on purpose. And yes, Basil, that was a thinly veiled call-out.
The employees behind the blog
He/him pronouns
Level 5 Agent
Uses EGO Suit: Paradise Lost and EGO Weapon: Paradise Lost
Currently assigned to Training Department. He is the captain of his department.
Mason has been here for a while now. He’s collected gift after gift, lost friend after friend. He lived in the outskirts during his childhood, so it was practically a miracle to him to get into a Wing.
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They/them pronouns
Level 4 Agent
Uses EGO Suit: Faint Aroma and EGO Weapon: Feather of Honor
Currently assigned to Safety Department
Having been here for almost as long as Mason has, they’ve definitely made friends with him. It seems like Basil and Mason are practically the only two agents of that time left.
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Level 5 Agent
Uses EGO Suit: Adoration and Ego Weapon: Solemn Lament
Currently assigned to Extraction Department
Miho has been here for a mere few days or more, and he‘s already much more well-versed than his peers! Possibly lending to the fact he was trained before going even on shift his first day. Aside from that, hu seems notably terrified of Binah. I wonder exactly why. It tends to be a bit of a mystery. Wish them good luck!
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Any pronouns
Level 5 Agent
Uses EGO Suit: Sound Of A Star and EGO Weapon: Adoration
Currently assigned to Information Department. He is the captain of his department.
Having been here for quite a while, and being recently promoted to the captain of the department xe’s assigned to, he’s entrusted with many responsibilities.. that ae really don’t want. They’d rather just lean back and work the more laidback abnormalities. Working any others gives jem a headache. Usually stress-induced. Sometimes CENSORED-induced. Ey sometimes is off-duty. This has happened to save thons life as of recent. Even then, yo is currently busy with less dangerous work when off-duty… such is the life of a department captain.
// NOTE: Bio needs a rewrite, it kind of became inaccurate very fast when I actually started playing him ;;v v
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Our superiors
(OOC: I might of missed some, I can’t remember all of them off the top of my head, lmk in dms who else to add!)
OOC Section
This blog is run by me, Consta. I also run @badlcorpaus. I use they/she pronouns.
Guidelines for interaction
Nothing fully nsfw; innuendos and light-hearted jokes are okay, explicit stuff is not.
No slurs.
Please use proper rp etiquette. I.E; if you want to kill a character of mine, ask me first.
No aphobia, nbphobia, panphobia, biphobia, racism of any kind, sexism, p*dophilia/M*Ps, terfs, etc.
Brackets are used to indicate actions and thoughts.
That’s basically it. If you want a fairly even fight scene, we can go into DMs and roll dice for it like in a TTRPG.
Note, June 20th 2022: Currently not doing the RP thing. I am trying to iron out which of my OCs to use. Also, I keep accidentally rb’ing posts I mean to rb to my main.
Note, June 20th 2022: I feel like I have to note this: I made Basil before I was into Omori, I did not him off of Omori’s Basil. Omori Basil is very sweet and lovable though
Note, August 25th 2022: Anons are currently off in-universe. Anons are back on!
Note, August 27th 2022: We’re mid-arc.
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This blog is run by Consta.
The aim of this blog is to list all blogs presently in the rp, and, hypothetically, ones that were removed from it. This blog pertains to the rp participated in by me, the owner of @lc-manager-x, the owner of @x-manager, and many others. It is also to serve as an official list, and may double as an ooc blog for me. Please stay tuned, as the list will be created soon! It has been made!
Other lists
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gaze-office · 2 years
(( it is i, no taste buds anon ))
//LMAO hiii u run lcorps-agents and bad-lobcorp-aus right iirc? nice to meet you ur very funny thank u for the asks :]
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marvelsdc22 · 4 years
Never Have, Never Will
Intro: Hello, lovelies!! I’m sorry my posting is a little everywhere, I’m super stressed and I have more assignments than I have time, so please bare with me, this was requested by an anon, I hope you guys enjoy!! :)
Note: Being requested to break hearts? You know for fucking sure I can do that, have fun *insert evil laugh* (Childhood Friend AU)
Word Count: 815
Could you make one where reader and lena are bestfriends. Then reader confesses love to Lena but she gets turned down? Make it angsty as possible hehe 🥰
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You and Lena had become friends back in middle school when she first came to the private school that you were attending as well, you two at first didn’t get along, but as time went on, you guys were stuck together in more and more things due to you being the loner of the school and her being the new kid, so you guys were pretty much ignored, but when you two did start actually start interacting, you both became the best of friends.
You guys did everything together from having sleepovers to being each other’s plus one at dances or parties, you guys had went through a lot together, your first breakups, issues at home where one would stay the night at the others, you guys told each other everything and anything, you couldn’t say no to her when it came to her asking you to do things… You were head over heels when it came to her and nothing could change that, but nothing could get you to admit it either, especially when she met this guy Mon El, you stood no chance with that.
When you agreed to move to National City with her as her roommate for the time being(her and Mon El were engaged), you knew it was a bad idea, but you had decided to do it anyway, she was going to be taking over LCorp while you worked at a coffee shop across the street since you had struggled to find a job right away so you took what you could, working as much as you could to provide your half, no matter how many times Lena told you that she could cover it, you were determined to not be a freeloader.
The closer Lena and Mon El got to their wedding date, the more the two of them fought, ending with you coming home to an empty apartment because Lena would escape to her friend Kara’s place to get away from everything, which you understood so you let her have her space, even though it hurt that she wouldn’t come to you about everything “I don’t want to talk about it” she’d tell you, even though you had just heard her talking about the said thing on the phone with Kara “Okay, if you need me, you know where I am” you would reply, looking at her and watching her nod before going back to what she was doing.
Even through all the shit she put you through, you still loved her and when her and Mon El broke it off, you were there for her the entire time, you had given her some time before you finally gained the courage to tell her about your feelings for her, but when the time came, you were nervous as all hell, but you had everything planned out on how you’d tell her, starting with her favorite dinner and wine, which she appreciated, then came the movie in the living room to which you had decided that you’d tell her.
Taking a deep breath about halfway through the movie, you looked at Lena “Can I tell you something?” You asked her, watching as she nodded and turned her attention towards you “Lena, you’re the best friend I’ve ever had-“ seeing her smile at your words “I know that you went through a hard time with Mon El, but I just need to tell you before I explode… I like you, Lena… As more than a friend” you said, looking at her and watching as her expression changed to a neutral one “I don’t see you that way, Y/N… I never have and will probably never will” she said simply, those words tearing your heart to pieces “Right, I shouldn’t of said anything… I’m sorry” you said before quickly escaping to your bedroom, not wanting her to see you crying over this.
As time went on, Lena was gone more and more, not communicating as much with you as she used to and you knew you had destroyed your friendship by admitting your feelings, so you had made the decision to move out, packing everything up and planning to live with your parents for a bit before you got your own place, you currently loading up your car when Lena pulled up with Kara in the passengers seat “Going somewhere?” Lena asked, glancing at you as she got out of her car “Yeah, I’m moving out… It’s for the best” you said, watching her nod “Of course, good luck” she said before heading into the apartment, Kara giving you a sympathetic look before she followed Lena, leaving you to tear up once more before slamming your trunk door and getting into your car, taking one last look at the apartment and wishing Lena would run out to you, but she never did… So you pulled away and never looked back.
Permanent Taglist: @rianncreates​ / @5aftermidnight​ / @youngandwildx7​ / @stewie-castle​ / @hopingforbarnes​
Supergirl Taglist: @x-danvers-x​ / @aznblossom​ / @stop-drop-and-drumroll​ / @worlds-in-words​
Lena Taglist: @life2-live​ / @supergirl-imaginess​ / @ianarec​ / @thelonewriter247​ / @kalistory-blog​ / @ess0h​
End Note: I hope you guys enjoyed!! If you want to be added to a Taglist, shoot me a DM or an Ask!! Have a good day/night!! :)
Requests Open
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1, 5, 17, 18, 20
1. How many WIPs do you have?
Just in my notes app I have 47
5. Crackship you love?
The 4hw is a favorite of mine... Also Clint and Maria from the MCU
17. Describe a fic that's in the ideas stage
This is a long summary of something that will probably never be written
A charlynch high school au:
Becky is the stereotypical "bad girl" And Finn is the only person at the school she talks too and she fixes cars to make money. Charlotte is volleyball captain, she passes all her classes with A's and everyone loves her. They get paired together on a project, who knows what it will be tho, and they hate each other until they find out personal details about stuff like Becky's home life and they start to be a little nicer eventually forming a friendship and Becky meets Charlotte's best friends, Bayley and Sasha who are a thing. Eventually charlynch gets together. It's also kinda a found family fic for Becky
18. Do you have a reading or writing routine?
No but I definitely need one
20. Favorite fics or authors?
@flairfatale for all the 4hw fics that are absolutely amazing and definitely my favorites
@stonecoldbex has amazing belexa fics and is helping keep that ship alive
@imagine-lcorp has the best Lena Luthor x Reader stories and there are a ton of them to binge read
@gamergirl929 has the best WWE Women x Reader stories that I've ever read ever and she also has a ton of them that you could binge read
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youngbloodbuzz · 6 years
clois and supercorp for the ask thing!
(clois previously answered!)
when I started shipping it if I did:
pals. my dude. it was......almost embarrassingly instantly. but for some reason i tried to fight it//?? i dunno i think i just really wanted kara to have more female friends at the point (AND WHAT A GIFT THAT TURNED OUT TO BE), but like...that dynamic of a super and a luthor has been fucking me up since day one with smallville so i was doomed from the start lmao
my thoughts:
[internal screaming]
fun fact: every single thing i watch these days, my dumbass brain just goes “SUPERCORP AU” and...my fic list/needs is getting long yall
like ok i may tag other ships and enjoy em and stuff but im...........ride or die. i can’t help it
What makes me happy about them:
i have never seen such adoration and support in my life (or maybe i have but i just dont remember i have on supercorp glasses rn)
like........absolutely everything. i dont even know. everything. 
who they are as people individually, and then put them together and holy cow im There. 
What makes me sad about them:
literally any scenario in which they’re torn apart 
feels bad scoob feels inorganic
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
if i even have to glance at the screen to see yall demonizing clark or alex because She’s A Luthor, i’m Gone. Immediately. 
characterization and depth for kara doesn’t exist because yall skip s1 no thanks
things I look for in fanfic:
like. everything. i want everything
when will yall write more outlandish aus, where’s the space aus, wHERE’S THE BACKPACKING IN EUROPE AUS
listen i love slow burn, i even begged for slow burn last year, but sometimes a girl just needs to read some smooching 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
james. for both of them. (polyamory for everyone!)
kara/someone new we haven’t seen yet 
My happily ever after for them:
holy shit balls i just want them to be happy and i want there to be no more secrets and i want them to be best friends forever while super in love
can u say..power couple. saving the damn world together.  
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
they switch up all the time, i honestly have zero preference. THEY LOVE BEING HELD AND HOLDING THE OTHER. 
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
restaurant hopping, they like dragging each other to new places to try all the time. sometimes just because it’d be funny to see the other eat something they claim to hate
once the secret is out, kara gets to share her big brain with an equally big brain and they spend an enormous amount of time at lcorp collaborating and doing science experiments to help make the world better
cuddling 24 goddamn 7. netflix and chill but like actually chilling they’re doc and romcom nerds
dominating every single game night
saving the world
literally just being around each other doing nothing im in That Deep folks
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badlcorpaus · 2 years
AU where X has a sandbox full of cacti. The sandbox is big enough to impede anything involving the manager. They get mad when someone sets foot in the sandbox. They get upset when someone suggests they move the cacti sandbox. There is no winning.
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badlcorpaus · 2 years
AU where Training Department is just constantly flooded. Hod is just constantly having a nervous breakdown. She hasn’t stopped crying for 58 loops.
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badlcorpaus · 2 years
au where whitenight is a jelly bean and turns your employees into gingerbread men instead of apostles
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badlcorpaus · 2 years
Lobotomy corporation but the only difference is that the Bucket is the Stanley Parable Reassurance Bucket. The only one who realizes this difference is Binah.
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badlcorpaus · 2 years
AU where the walls will randomly cave in any department and let dirt and stuff in. When X and Ayin try to flip the facility everything caves at once and everything breaks.
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badlcorpaus · 2 years
Au where fnaf exists and Netzach wont shut up about yesod about being "the purple man"
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badlcorpaus · 2 years
AU where there’s a thousand X’s at once. I call it “Twitch Plays Lobotomy Corporation”
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badlcorpaus · 2 years
AU where the backstreets is run by a syndicate referred to as “the Backstreet Boys”
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