lilysplacce · 1 year
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BADIAN HAIR by AurumMusik
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jeannereames · 6 months
I see you talk a lot about historiography! What would you consider the most important development of Alexander’s historiography?
What the Hell is Historiography? (And why you should care)
This question and the next one in the queue are both going to be fun for me. 😊
First, some quick definitions for those who are new to me and/or new to reading history:
Historiography = “the history of the histories” (E.g., examination of the sources themselves rather than the subject of them…a topic that typically incites yawns among undergrads but really fires up the rest of us, ha.)
primary sources = the evidence itself—can be texts, art, records, or material evidence. For ancient history, this specifically means the evidence from the time being studied.
secondary sources = writings by historians using the primary evidence, whether meant for a “regular” audience (non-specialists) or academic discussions with citations, footnotes, and bibliography (sometimes referred to as “full scholarly apparatus”).
For ancient history, we also sometimes get a weird middle category…they’re not modern sources but also not from the time under discussion, might even be from centuries after the fact. Consider the medieval Byzantine “encyclopedia” called the Suda (sometimes Suidas), which contains information from now lost ancient sources, finalized c. 900s CE. To give a comparison, imagine some historian a thousand years from now studying Geoffry Chaucer from the 1300s, using an entry about him in some kid’s 1975 World Book Encyclopedia that contains information that had been lost by his day.
This middle category is especially important for Alexander, since even our primary sources all date hundreds of years after his death. Yes, those writers had access to contemporary accounts, but they didn’t just “cut-and-paste.” They editorialized and selected from an array of accounts. Worse, they rarely tell us who they used. FIVE surviving primary Alexander histories remain, but he’s mentioned in a wide (and I do mean wide) array of other surviving texts. Alas this represents maybe a quarter of what was actually written about him in antiquity.
OKAY, so …
The most important historiographic changes in Alexander studies!
I’m going to pick three, or really two-and-a-half, as the last is an extension of the second.
FIRST …decentering Arrian as the “good” source as opposed to the so-called “vulgate” of Diodoros-Curtius-Justin as “bad” sources.
Many earlier Alexander historians (with a few important exceptions [Fritz Schachermeyr]) considered Arrian to be trustworthy, Plutarch moderately trustworthy if short, and the rest varying degrees of junk. W. W. Tarn was especially guilty of this. The prevalence of his view over Schachermeyr’s more negative one owed to his popularity/ease of reading, and the fact he wrote on Alexander for volume 6 of the first edition (1927) of the Cambridge Ancient History, later republished in two volumes with additions (largely in vol. 2) in 1948 and 1956. Thus, and despite being a lawyer (barrister) not a professional historian, his view dominated Alexander studies in the first half of the 20th century (Burn, Rose, etc.)…and even after. Both Mary Renault and Robin Lane Fox (neither of whom were/are professional historians either), as well as N. G. L. Hammond (with qualifications), show Tarn’s more romantic impact well into the middle of the second half of the 20th century. But you could find it in high school and college textbooks into the 1980s.
The first really big shift (especially in English) came with a pair of articles in 1958 by Ernst Badian: “The Eunuch Bagoas,” Classical Quarterly 8, and “Alexander the Great and the Unity of Mankind,” Historia 7. Both demolished Tarn’s historiography. I’ve talked about especially the first before, but it really WAS that monumental, and ushered in a more source-critical approach to Alexander studies. This also happened to coincide with a shift to a more negative portrait of the conqueror in work from the aforementioned Schachermeyr (reissuing his earlier biography in 1973 as Alexander der Grosse: Das Problem seiner Persönlichtenkeit und seines Wirkens) to Peter Green’s original Alexander of Macedon from Thames and Hudson in 1974, reissued in 1991 from Univ. of California-Berkeley. J. R. Hamilton’s 1973 Alexander the Great wasn’t as hostile, but A. B. Bosworth’s 1988 Conquest and Empire: The Reign of Alexander the Great turned back towards a more negative, or at least ambivalent portrait, and his Alexander in the East: The Tragedy of Triumph (1996) was highly critical. I note the latter two as Bosworth wrote the section on Alexander for the much-revised Cambridge Ancient History vol. 6, 1994, which really demonstrates how the narrative on Alexander had changed.
All this led to an unfortunate kick-back among Alexander fans who wanted their hero Alexander. They clung/still cling to Arrian (and Plutarch) as “good,” and the rest as varying degrees of bad. Some prefer Tarn’s view of the mighty conqueror/World unifier/Brotherhood-of-Mankind proponent, including that He Absolutely Could Not Have Been Queer. Conversely, others are all over the romance of him and Hephaistion, or Bagoas (often owing to Renault or Renault-via-Oliver Stone), but still like the squeaky-nice-chivalrous Alexander of Plutarch and Arrian.
They are very much still around. Quite a few of the former group freaked out over the recent Netflix thing, trotting out Plutarch (and Arrian) to Prove He Wasn’t Queer, and dismissing anything in, say, Curtius or Diodoros as “junk” history. But I also run into it on the other side, with those who get really caught up in all the romance and can’t stand the idea of a vicious Alexander.
It's not necessary to agree with Badian’s (or Green’s or Schachermeyr’s) highly negative Alexander to recognize the importance of looking at all the sources more carefully. Justin is unusually problematic, but each of the other four had a method, and a rationale. And weaknesses. Yes, even Arrian. Arrian clearly trusted Ptolemy to a degree Curtius didn’t. For both of them, it centered on the fact he was a king. I’m going to go with Curtius on this one, frankly.
Alexander is one of the most malleable famous figures in history. He’s portrayed more ways than you can shake a stick at—positive, negative, in-between—and used for political and moral messaging from even before his death in Babylon right up to modern Tik-Tok vids.
He might have been annoyed that Julius Caesar is better known than he is, in the West, but hands-down, he’s better known worldwide thanks to the Alexander Romance in its many permutations. And he, more than Caesar, gets replicated in other semi-mythical heroes. (Arthur, anybody?)
Alfred Heuss referred to him as a wineskin (or bottle)—schlauch, in German—into which subsequent generations poured their own ideas. (“Alexander  der  Große  und  die politische Ideologie  des Altertums,” Antike und Abendland 4, 1954.) If that might be overstating it a bit, he’s not wrong.
Who Alexander was thus depends heavily on who was (and is) writing about him.
And that’s why nuanced historiography with regard to the Alexander sources is so important. It’s also why there will never be a pop presentation that doesn’t infuriate at least a portion of his fanbase. That fanbase can’t agree on who he was because the sources that tell them about him couldn’t agree either.
SECOND …scholarship has moved away from an attempt to find the “real” Alexander towards understanding the stories inside our surviving histories and their themes. A biography of Alexander is next to impossible (although it doesn’t stop most of us from trying, ha). It’s more like a “search” for Alexander, and any decent history of his career will begin with the sources. And their problems.
This also extends to events. I find myself falling in the middle between some of my colleagues who genuinely believe we can get back to “what happened,” and those who sorta throw up their hands and settle on “what story the sources are telling us, and why.” Classic Libra. 😉
As frustrating as it may sound, I’m afraid “it depends” is the order of the day, or of the instance, at least. Some things are easier to get back to than others, and we must be ready to acknowledge that even things reported in several sources may not have happened at all. Or at least, were quite radically different from how it was later reported. (Thinking of proskynesis here.) Sometimes our sources are simply irreconcilable…and we should let them be. (Thinking of the Battle of Granikos here.)
THIRD/SECOND-AND-A-HALF …a growing awareness of just how much Roman-era attitudes overlay and muddy our sources, even those writing in Greek. It would be SO nice to have just one Hellenistic-era history. I’d even take Kleitarchos! But I’d love Marsyas, or Ptolemy. Why? Both were Macedonians. Even our surviving philhellenic authors such as Plutarch impose Greek readings and morals on Macedonian society.
So, let’s add Roman views on top of Greek views on top of Macedonian realities in a period of extremely fast mutation (Philip and Alexander both). What a muddle! In fact, one of the real advantages of a source such as Curtius is that his sources seem to have known a thing or three about both Achaemenid Persia and also Macedonian custom. He sometimes says something like, “Macedonian custom was….” We don’t know if he’s right, but it’s not something we find much in other histories—even Arrian who used Ptolemy. (Curtius may also have used Ptolemy, btw.)
In any case, as a result of more care given to the themes of the historians, a growing sensitivity to Roman milieu for all of them has altered our perceptions of our sources.
These are, to me, the major and most significant shifts in Alexander historiography from the late 1800s to the early 2100s.
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highqueensofanime · 1 year
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smvillainsweek · 1 month
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Fandom: Sailor Moon
Character: Chibiusa
Sample Size: 294 stories
Source: AO3
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trigonsdottir · 2 years
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Queen Badiane 女王バディヤーヌ 
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon SuperS: Miracle of the Black Dream Hole
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sailormoonandme · 2 years
Summary: With her best warriors gone, Sailor Chaos must take a page out of Sailor Cosmos’s book and seek out new recruits.
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43586976/chapters/110025912
FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13853665/167/Sailor-Moon-Anniversaries-Anthology
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This is part of an anthology series I’m working on. 2021-2022 are significant years for the world of Sailor Moon, marking the anniversaries of both the series as a whole as well as specific characters, stories and aspects of the SM universe. it. This series of stories is intended to celebrate those anniversaries one fic at a time! This series also includes fics for the birthdays of specific characters.
Author: AlEvans26
Beta(s): SinJazz
Lin Lamont
Nikki Scarlet
Soldier of Stories
Rating: Teen
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: Gen, F/M
Fandom(s): Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Anime & Manga), Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Live Action TV), Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Musicals), Code Name: Sailor V
Relationships: Chiba Mamoru/Tsukino Usagi, Aino Minako & Tsukino Usagi, Kino Makoto & Tsukino Usagi, Furuhata Motoki/Kino Makoto, Luna & Tsukino Usagi, Tsukino Kousagi & Tsukino Usagi, Tsukino Chibiusa & Tsukino Usagi, Diana & Tsukino Chibiusa, Perle/Tsukino Chibiusa, Artemis & Neo-Queen Serenity, Neo-Queen Serenity & Tsukino Usagi, Mizuno Ami & Tsukino Usagi, Hino Rei & Tsukino Usagi, Tsukino Usagi & Inner Senshi, Prince Endymion/Princess Serenity
Characters: Tsukino Usagi, Princess Serenity, Neo-Queen Serenity, Inner Senshi, Luna (Sailor Moon), Artemis (Sailor Moon), Luna-P, Tsukino Chibiusa, Tsukino Kousagi, Diana (Sailor Moon), Sailor Cosmos, Chaos (Sailor Moon), Queen Beryl, Shitennou (Sailor Moon), Black Moon Clan, Germatoid, Kaolinite (Sailor Moon), The Witches 5, Zirconia (Sailor Moon), Amazon Quartet, Shadow Galactica, Outer Senshi, Amazon Trio, Prince Dimande, Sailor Starlights, Princess Kakyuu, Sailor Animamates, Spectre Sisters, Sailor Galaxia
Genre/Tags: Canon Compliant, Multi-Era, Crystal Tokyo Era, No Crystal Tokyo, Post-Canon, Canon - Manga, Canon - Anime, Canon - Musical, Canon - Video Game, Canon - Movie, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe, Canon - Japanese Drama, Canon - TV, Sailor Moon Crystal, Sailor Moon SuperS Movie, Post Sailor Stars, Sailor Moon Manga, Multiverse, Crossover, Action, War, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Grief/Mourning, Fights, Motherhood, Mother-Daughter Relationship, End of the World, Apocalypse End of Days, Friendship, Rivalries, Rivalry
Words: 3433
Ao3 Collection: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2240628
Just to let you know I am involved in a discord called 'Moonlight Legends' which is dedicated to sharing all sorts of Sailor Moon fanworks, including other fanfics. If you would like to join so you can share your own work, get help with your current projects or just connect to other fan creators shoot me a PM and I'll send you an invite. All are welcome!
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reinabeestudio · 2 years
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Finally I gave Rosemary some friends ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
I like to call them the RGBs lol (I’m very smart and good with names).
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miaqc1 · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Anime & Manga) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Queen Badiane & Sailor Senshi Characters: Queen Badiane, Sailor Senshi, Inner Senshi, Outer Senshi Additional Tags: 1 Sentence Fiction, Sad Ending, Evil, Villains, Kings & Queens, Sailor Moon SuperS, Sailor Moon SuperS Movie, Wordcount: 0-100, POV Third Person, No Plot/Plotless, Unhappy Ending, Short, Not Beta Read, author is autistic, Audio Format: Streaming, Embedded Audio, Audio Content, Podfic & Podficced Works, Podfic, Podfic Length: 0-10 Minutes, Read by the Author Series: Part 16 of Podfics Summary:
"The Queen's victory" Podfic. Queen Badiane smiles.
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philoursmars · 9 months
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Marseille, la Joliette. Aux Docks , le MX et son "Musée de l'Anis" (enfin, plutôt du pastis !)
La Méhari (jaune, évidemment) sert pour embarquer vers un voyage virtuel dans Marseille (bon, je n'ai pas testé)
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canyoneeringincebu · 1 year
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Looking for your next adventure?
Look no further than Cebu’s ultimate paradise: the canyoneering or canyoning. Nestled in the heart of the Philippines, Cebu offers a one-of-a-kind experience that combines the thrill of exploring natural wonders with the excitement nature’s obstacles.
Strap on your helmet, grab your waterproof camera, and prepare to navigate through narrow canyons, cascading waterfalls, and crystal-clear pools. Whether you’re an adventurer, this canyoneering in Cebu is an experience like no other.
Get ready to test your limits as you jump, slide, and rappel your way through this exhilarating journey. So, if you’re up for an unforgettable adventure that will leave you breathless and wanting more, join us in Cebu for the ultimate canyoneering experience.
Are you ready to conquer nature’s obstacles and create memories that will last a lifetime?
Website: https://www.cebutours.ph/cebus-ultimate-canyoneering-adventure/
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frontmezzjunkies · 1 year
The Waltz Dances Back to the Factory Theatre Toronto
#frontmezzjunkies reports: @FactoryTheatre presents the return of #TheWaltz a play by #MarieBeathBadian directed by #NinaLeeAquino starring #ErickaLeobrera & #AnthonyPerpuse #FactoryTheatreTO's Mainspace Sept 6-17 2023 #TheaTO #TorontoTheatre #FTTheWaltz
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jeannereames · 2 years
Hi Jeanne I'm Elena of @alessandroiiidimacedonia
I'd like to know if there is a term that indicates all the literary production about Alexander the Great, of any genre fiction and non-fiction, poetry or not, which see it positively and also negatively, by ancient and modern authors, contemporaries and later.
Thank you,
Hi, Elena!
Ernst Badian dubbed us "Macedoniasts" some decades ago, ha.
I like that term, as it's inclusive of the study not just of ATG, but also of Philip, the kings before them, the Macedonian people and culture, and also of the Hellenistic era that followed.
So we (professional, semi-professional, or amateur) are all Macedoniasts.
Welcome to the club. ;)
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mattpresents · 23 days
Strong Badian Hatsune Miku
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brother-emperors · 1 year
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Waiting for Sulla, E. Badian
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App. BC. I, 57
it's the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. there's a lot. it's the statesman-gladiator dynamic once again, it's the everything else. it's lucullus getting custody of sulla's kids, it's lucullus and caesar and caesar later echoing sulla. lucullus calling pompey a vulture. crassus is in here, too. lucullus and crassus have more than a handful of parallels to draw on, they could be foils. they’re all reflecting off each other in some kind of way, but if you walk back to the catalyst for the final cast of the theater of the republic: it’s sulla marching on rome with lucullus at his side.
lucullus will probably get more unique features as I draw him more, but augh. thoughts. they have taken up residence in my head.
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estrogenpatchnotes · 1 year
“Got a job for you 621, this one comes from SBASAF. The Italian space program is planning on launching a new reconnaissance satellite. Strong Badian interests are willing to pay many fives of dollars to ensure that doesn’t happen.”
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