amoratearte · 4 months
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she’s ready to grab that towel
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fleabagoflowers · 1 year
“It was not to be. Alyssa Targaryen had a warrior’s heart in a woman’s body, and her strength failed her. She never fully recovered from Aegon’s birth, and died within the year at only four-and-twenty. Nor did Prince Aegon long survive her. He perished half a year later, still shy of his first nameday. Though shattered by his loss, Baelon took solace in the two strong sons that she had left him, Viserys and Daemon, and never ceased to honor the memory of his sweet lady with the broken nose and mismatched eyes.”
- Fire & Blood, George R. R. Martin
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
TB twitter is having a meltdown because there is a rumor one of the dragonseeds (Hugh? Ulf?) will be Baelon's bastard, therefore Daemon and Viserys half-brother. They're upset because it means Baelon cheated on Alyssa?
Once again too many people are preoccupied with shit that hasn't been confirmed haha.
seven hells, it's almost like baelon could have had sex after alyssa died or smth
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linaartsblogsworld · 9 months
Baelyssa and Their Baby Viserys
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Baelon and Alyssa after she takes to the skies on Meleys following the birth of their second son Prince Daemon. Perhaps a comment by Alyssa or Baelon about how this one will be the 'wild child' due to his nonstop laughter during the dragon's flight. You could include Alyssa brushing off the disapproval of the Maesters, her mother's concern and maybe a secretive smile by Jaehaerys.
lol! I will definitely bank this prompt, anon. It sounds like great drabble material. I do love the bit about Jaehaerys’ secretive smile. ♥
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dunnedits · 3 years
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━━ baelon & alyssa targaryen headers.
like or reblog if u save / credit me on tt helaemond if u use.
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amoratearte · 9 months
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Quick sketch of Baelon and Alyssa about to make Daemon lmao
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amoratearte · 1 year
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When not aloft, they spent every hour together. Prince Baelon was a lusty lad, for those same shrieks of pleasure that had echoed through the halls were heard many another night […] And soon enough Alyssa Targaryen grew great with child.
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
seven hells, it's almost like baelon could have had sex after alyssa died or smth
Ofc he can't don't you know that after his arranged-marriage-sister-wife dies a prince can't have sex ever again because that would mean he did not love her. 🙄🙄🙄
you're right, of course, i keep forgetting there are so many rules in delulu land
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
According to leaks Hugh and Ulf will apparently be King's Landing residents in the show which is why some think one of them or even both will be Baelon's bastard(s) (there were also some claims on Reddit about Hugh being Baelon's months ago). The problem is, however, that both their actors are pretty old: Hugh's actor is 43 years old and Ulf's is around 50 if I'm not mistaken which means their characters can't realistically be much younger and are around Daemon's and even Viserys's age and therefore, they must have been born when Alyssa was still alive or very shortly afterwards, and this is pretty much why most team black fans are mad about this.
To some extent I do agree with them that it would be pretty awful if they confirm Baelon was fooling around while Alyssa was still alive considering their relationship was pretty loving (well, as much as a Targ sibling marriage can be) and I believe there is nothing in F&B that would make us think otherwise, however, most of them take it further and expect that he surely must have been celibate after his wife had died up until his death…that's pretty much unrealistic and overall, I don't see what's the issue of him having sex with some whores or other women after that point? One can honor his wife's memory and still have a relationship based on sex with someone else in the future. That doesn't mean he didn't love his wife or has ever stopped loving her…
Imho the fandom as a whole, if the past shipping wars have taught us anything, does have this belief that someone can and must only have one true love in their whole life and take issue if a character is shown to have had any other relationship or feelings for someone else. They really feel like anything else will ruin that one true relationship and it's very weird to see… And by the way we don't even have a definitive confirmation on Hugh and Ulf's parentage - for all we know they could very well be the descendants of other Dragonseeds.
well, i mean hugh and ulf must come from somewhere* and, while grrm keeps it pretty vague as he couldn't have been bothered with exact parentages, baelon is a very good candidate for a TV adaptation. 1. he has a direct link to characters we all know and secret/unknown relatives is a theme that can add a lot of drama. 2. the general public don't know OR CARE about alyssa, she has only ever been mentioned once in passing and not even by name. on-screen adaptations are a simplified version of the text, no one is going to care about these implications
neither does TB care about either alyssa or baelon** lbr they just want smth to be mad about. as characters they're beyond irrelevant to the story hotd is telling.
tv ages are also a thing in and of themselves. daemon is supposed to be around 50-ish as well. add the fact that a stressful life can age someone up a lot. like i very much doubt his bastard brothers were preoccupied with their skin care routine, so they could very well look older than daemon
*in-text, apart from being direct sons of a specific male targaryen, they could simply be descendants of some earlier targaryen princeling or several, whose bastard children intermarried to various degrees. like, aegon the uncrowned, for example, was said to have been popular with the ladies, so he could have fathered some bastards, who later had children of their own and maybe the first or second cousins produced their own set and so on. maybe aerion targaryen had 23 children out of wedlock and their descendants intermingled down the line for the dragonriding gene to pop up.
just because you can't pinpoint to one specific man and claim direct paternity doesn't mean there isn't a valid explanation as to how the valyrian dragon genes came to be present in a segment of dragonstone's population. that being said, for a tv show, the audience understands much better and quicker if ulf and hugh are somehow less distantly related + it's more dramatic.
also all targaryen men could have visited dragonstone at some point and used the services of a brothel. having bastard children doesn't have to be geographically limited to KL.
**there are almost no fics of them!!
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