#baffled botanist
onionowt · 1 month
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I didn’t come up with any description, sorry, I just wanted to remind you that I love assembly guys
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mocharay-cookie · 1 year
It's OK
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Original: ↓
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g004 · 7 months
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taileaves · 1 year
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First TS of 2023!
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beashi · 1 year
Please draw baffled botanist and scolding student being the best duos
Eventually they are hinted probably
Also your name reminds me to Sasha waybright
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sorry this took a while but here they are! i think they're my favs in season of assembly, it's kinda sad that student didn't come as ts in the new update :(
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wanderingskychild · 9 months
Spread The Word!
I just found out that baffled botanist actually visits grandma! They greeted each other by the entrance, I’m assuming grandma’s inviting them inside. They sat for some duration of the time, getting up to emote every so often. Mostly bogging.
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Botanist eventually took their leave & returned to the dock. But what an adorable interaction between these two. I wonder if the other assembly spirits do the same. 🥰
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danelloevee-sky · 2 years
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scotl-bracket · 3 months
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artistdove · 1 year
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Excited for Baffled botanist. Aside from Daydreamer, Baffled is my other favorite from Assembly
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nora-kano-rokii · 1 year
TW!! Mentions of kidnapping and a bit of blood
Alhatiham x Kaveh angst
"Kaveh. Kaveh listen to me."
The blonde was limp against his body, no words uttered from his mouth. Alhaitham strokes his hair softly, moving closer to him so that his words directly above his ears.
"Don't worry, Kaveh. We'll bring you back home. You're not with them anymore, you're safe. Hang on in there."
"How is he?"
"I don't know. He's just... completely devoid of anything. There's nothing wrong with him, physically. But he just won't talk. Or answer me. Or eat, drink. Any of that. It's like he's empty. I don't know how else to describe it." Tighnari shuffles a bit in his seat. Hair disarrayed from countless hours trying to help his friend has left him baffled at best.
"What do you mean? Surely it's something that can be fixed with some deep sleep, poor guy seems like he hasn’t slept in weeks." The General Mahamatra steps closer to their table of discussion. "It's a good thing we found him today, who knows what they'll do to him if we hadn't barged in"
"Do not talk about those bastards in front of me," Haitham glares at the floor, eyes darkening, "I'll make sure they face far heavier consequences."
"I'm not trying to shift the topic from Kaveh to them. I'm just saying, sleep and rest is probably what he needs right now." Cyno replied, taking a seat beside the botanist.
"I'm not an expert in the form of biology," Tighnari sighs, "but I don't think this is something I can fix without knowing what caused it. I'm going to need data from the interrogation or something."
Alhaitham's eyes seems to be in a trance. For the first time in a while, he wasn't sure what to do.
The job of being a Grand Sage did take a lot of time and attention away from Kaveh, but he didn't think it would come to a situation like this. He came home from work one day, and just... nothing. There was no one in their home. Not his roommate, no food on the table, and even his table that was filled with artwork is now empty.
There was no way he decided to move out on a whim, right?
Even if that was the case, where would Kaveh go?
Alhaitham made sure to make Kaveh treat this house as his own home. As /their/ own home. He made sure to make Kaveh know that this house also belongs to him, and he is always welcome to it.
But perhaps, his lack of presence made Kaveh's confidence in this knowledge waver. Anyhow, he didn't think much of it at the time. He figured Kaveh would've stayed with Tighnari at Gandharva Ville, like he usually does.
What he doesn't usually do is go missing for more than 5 days without notice.
The first clue he got was from Cyno, saying he hadn’t seen Kaveh even though he made regular trips to Gandharva Ville frequently that week.
"Then, he's not with Tighnari?"
"I haven't seen him anywhere. Nari didn't bring him up in any conversations either."
"Are you sure he didn't leave a note?"
Alhaitham shook his head, "There was nothing left in his room. Everything of his is either gone or in disarray. I thought he had left quickly."
"That's weird... even from Kaveh. I've never seen him like this." The General Mahamatra seems to be deep in thought. "I'll gather some information on this. Something tells me this has nothing to do with just a simple leave."
That conversation happened 2 weeks ago. Just today, they traveled across the desert to find a camp of Eremites holding Kaveh hostage.
Despite doing their best to avoid any type of conflict, it still ended with Alhaitham getting a broken arm. But that didn't matter.
His sins didn't matter. Nothing of him matters when his sunshine has lost all light in his eyes.
After trudging back to Gandharva Ville, all hope seems lost when Kaveh doesn't respond to anything. They had accidentally encountered a group of hostile fungi that gave Kaveh a bad injury. But then, they all noticed at the moment of impact, he didn't move.
He didn't yelp. Didn't cry. He just sat there. Staring at the fungi, then at his bruised and blooded arm, back at the fungi. And then just nothing.
He just spaced out.
After ruling it out as just exhaustion and lack of energy, the group continued, hoping it'll be a bit better after he's seated in a comfortable environment.
Seems like it didn't get better.
A deep sigh came out of the Grand Sage as he stood up for the door. Nari's ears perked up at the sudden motion. "Where are you going?"
"To get that data."
"You don't wanna see him first? Though I'm not sure what you could do with him right now."
"... I'll visit in a bit."
And with that, the door slammed a bit too harshly than as it's supposed to be.
A couple days later, Alhaitham came back to Gandharva Ville with a clipboard on hand. As he hands it to Tighnari, the botanist tries to ignore the tiny blood patches on random pages placed throughout the document.
"So, uh... What did you do to them?"
"None of anyone else's business," Alhaitham glared, "I'd like to see him now."
Tighnari sighs as he places the document on top of his research table, "Yeah, sure. Maybe you can coax something out of him. I don’t know how long I’ve tried, but hopefully you can do something about him."
No noise was made when they entered. No sight or greeting followed as they walked towards the bed. Occupying the bed was nothing like how Alhaitham imagined Kaveh would ever look like.
He looked terrible. He looked nothing like himself.
Nari gestured his head to Kaveh and left.
"...Hey" he spoke softly as he stood beside the bed.
No response.
"How have you been feeling?"
He sighs, "Kaveh, I know I might not be the person you want to see right now."
"I admit, everything is my fault." He takes Kaveh's limp hand and intertwines it with his. An attempt to comfort, and an attempt to confess his feelings.
Before he regrets not telling if the other doesn't survive.
He knew it was a bit too sudden to say something like this. And it wouldn’t be Kaveh’s ideal confession either. But he dreads the regret more than anything right now.
"I should've known," he continues, voice in a whisper, "I should've known something was wrong."
'I thought you've finally decided to leave. And I thought I was too harsh on you. I thought maybe... maybe you just had enough of me."
Carmine eyes did not drift away for the void it was seeing. Alhaitham decided to squeeze his roomate's hand to take his attention for a bit, but to no avail.
"Kaveh, I really care about you. Do not heed to whatever they said back in the desert. They don't know you. All they know is you're a smart way to gain money. They don't know who you are,"
A slight pause as Alhaitham tries to regulate his emotions.
"They don't know about the true Light of Kshahrewar and his creations. How brilliant he is. How he's the reason someone gets up everyday and lives life even though everything has changed."
"You're the reason someone smiles everyday. You and your little antics made someone laugh everyday. You and your laughter made someone fall in love with you."
"I wish I had better words and a better situation to tell this to you, Kaveh. But seeing as you are now..." he took note how the blonde still hasn't moved or speak the whole time, "I'm afraid I can't wait for that moment to happen any longer."
"It's better late than sorry, you know?"
Still no reply.
At that moment, all hope seems lost for Alhaitham. Is sunshine is long gone. The golden sparks in his eyes left, no more colors in his pale cheeks. The joyful person he once knew has left nothing but an empty husk that resembles the roommate he loves so dearly.
Alhaitham knew not to mess with facts. He believes in brain over heart. Science over feelings. His brain tells him that there is no more hope until Tighnari finishes analyzing the problem.
However, his heart tells him to continue and stay.
"I... really don't know how to tell you in any other way. Kaveh, if you can hear me, if you're still here," another squeeze of the hand, "I love you."
Alhaitham didn't know why he was hoping some sort of reaction of Kaveh. A glance, maybe. Or a soft spoken word. He had always imagined his confession to be heartwarming.
Not heartbreaking. He didn't confess to Kaveh, he just confessed to an empty puppet. Disappointed, he feels his heart shatter.
Alhaitham didn't know why. He'd never felt this emotional. There was always a logical explanation or fact to shove his feelings for another day. But for this one,
There simply was none. There was no denying that his heart does not beat for the same Kaveh anymore.
Deducing he has nothing left to do or say, he gave up on what his heart tells him and slowly let go of his hand.
"I'm sorry, Kaveh."
"I'm so sorry," Alhaitham knew there was so no use in saying sorry. "I'm sorry if i ever made you feel insecure,"
Why is he saying it?
"I'm sorry if I hadn't told you how beautiful you look everyday,"
Why can't he stop?
"I'm sorry if I ever scolded you too hard,"
It's useless, so utterly useless.
"I'm sorry I hadn't helped you in your time of need,"
Stop it!! It's pointless!!!
“I’m sorry I hadn’t told you that you have the best smile,”
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you I love you."
A tear fell and hit the bed.
Was that his? He isn't sure. His feelings are all over the place.
What WAS he supposed to feel? Sadness? Anger? Disappointment? Frustration? Guilt? Perhaps all of them.
Wiping his tear away, he decided it was time to leave. Forget about what his heart said. He’s a logical man and he should’ve left long ago. A sliver of hope? What a joke. He can clearly tell that Kaveh is probably long gone.
Then why is he still trying so hard to convince himself…?
Shaking his head, he decided to move away from the bed. As if it’ll help him get over these feelings. That’s what he thought.
That is, until he saw carmine eyes on him.
In an instant, all hope is refilled onto his heart. Walking slowly to the bed, he couldn’t believe his eyes.
And as he walked closer, he noticed tears building up in beautiful eyes.
“Was…” his voice soft and weak, ”Was everything you said to me… true?”
“Yes.” Alhaitham still couldn’t believe what he was experiencing, ”Of course it’s true, my sunshine. I would never lie to you about these feelings of mine.”
A choked sob came out of the blonde, “They… they told me…” Tears welled up and started to spill.
Alhaitham quickly kneeled beside his bed and took his hands in his.
“They told me I was worthless…,” Kaveh starts to cry. It broke Alhaitham’s heart all over again. His sunshine isn’t supposed to cry, “They told me no one would come for me,”
“They told me that no one loved me. No one ever did. No one cared for me enough to come for me.”
“I’m sorry, Kaveh. I didn’t mean to take that long-“
“Nobody came. I waited, they waited, and when they knew, they’d tell me all those things again.”
“and again,”
“and again.”
Alhaitham carefully held Kaveh’s frail face and turned him towards him, as if he’s made of glass that would break under a single touch. “Kaveh,” he breathed, “I love you. Don’t let what anyone else says makes you forget that,”
“You’re not worthless. If that is the case, then why would they take you? My love, my sunshine, please,” Alhaitham brought his hand up and kissed each knuckle with all the love he can give.
“My beautiful padisarah. I love you. And I’ll never stop telling you that I do. If you want me to say it a hundred times, I’ll do it.”
“Haitham, please…” he sobbed, “you… really do?”
“I do.”
Kaveh couldn’t take it anymore as he lunged towards Alhaitham and hugged him. Hiding his face in the crook of Alhaitham’s neck, he sobbed and cried and wailed, clinging onto Alhaitham as if he’d lose him.
Alhaitham was taken aback, but nevertheless grateful that Kaveh has come back. The Kaveh that he knows and loves.
“My beautiful padisarah,” Alhaitham kissed his head, “I love you so.”
This is the first fic ive written after a LOOONG time-!! Back in 2018 i was a writer in wattpad but then lost my account so k stopped writing. I'm trying to get back into it as to make fillers in between my EXTREMELY LONG DRAWING PROCESS so yall wont get bored at least :'D. This fic was first uploaded to Twitter, so if you like my stuff please do consider going there and following!! Thank you!!
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onionowt · 13 days
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season of assembly sketches it's 3am and I can't fall asleep
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Anyway, happy pride month!
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mocharay-cookie · 1 year
Botanist in shock.
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Original :↓
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hobie-doh · 8 months
On the one hand I see Future headcanons for P5 and wince because either:
OH You got rid of very distinct feature that makes them recognizable that's so... Fun
They would never do that.
Unwanted opinions below the cut
Literally baffled how no one thinks Akiren goes to culinary school and just takes over Leblanc, or if you don't want the Leblanc connection, have him run the Cafe with Haru, or just start his own it's so in character and right there.
I see a lot of Actor Ann stuff and that would be well and good if there wasn't also a lot of "Oh well Ann Hates Modeling" because that's very not canon and I don't know what or who made people think that.
While Police officer Ryuji takes the cake for the biggest WHY that I've seen involving him and future headcanons, he's typically the one I have the biggest problems with. Often I'll see people have him "clean up his act" which somehow means losing every speech pattern that made him distinctive, change his posture and get a "respectable" which I've seen both doctor and lawyer for and like okay that's all well and good but that's not Ryuji anymore.
We all want botanist Haru, but that doesn't mean we can ignore Okumura Foods or the fact that running a cafe like her grandfather is her dream in life.
Akechi is dead and everytime I see a "Here's what he would look like post canon/vanilla" I can only picture a skeleton I am sorry
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bracketsoffear · 2 months
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What Moves the Dead (T. Kingfisher) "In this atmospheric retelling of Edgar Allan Poe's classic "The Fall of the House of Usher", Alex Easton, a retired soldier, receives word that their childhood friend Madeline Usher is dying, so they race to the ancestral home of the Ushers in the remote countryside of Ruravia.
What they find there is a nightmare of fungal growths and possessed wildlife, surrounding a dark, pulsing lake. Madeline sleepwalks and speaks in strange voices at night, and her brother Roderick is consumed with a mysterious malady of the nerves.
Aided by a redoubtable British mycologist and a baffled American doctor, Alex must unravel the secret of the House of Usher before it consumes them all."
Rappaccini's Daughter (Nathaniel Hawthorne) "Giovanni Guasconti, a young student renting a room in Padua, has a view from his quarters of a beautiful garden. Here, he looks at Beatrice, the beautiful daughter of Dr. Giacomo Rappaccini, a botanist who works in isolation. Beatrice is confined to the lush and locked gardens, which are filled with exotic poisonous plants grown by her father. Having fallen in love, Giovanni enters the garden and secretly meets with Beatrice a number of times, while ignoring his mentor, Professor Pietro Baglioni. Professor Baglioni is a rival of Dr. Rappaccini and he warns Giovanni that Rappaccini is devious and that he and his work (which involves using poison as medicine) should be avoided.
Giovanni notices Beatrice's strangely intimate relationship with the plants as well as the withering of fresh regular flowers and the death of an insect when exposed to her skin or breath. On one occasion, Beatrice embraces a plant in a way that she seems part of the plant itself; then she talks to the plant, "Give me thy breath, my sister, for I am faint with common air."
Giovanni eventually realizes that Beatrice, having been raised in the presence of poison, has developed an immunity to it and has become poisonous herself. A gentle touch of her hand leaves a purple print on his wrist. Beatrice urges Giovanni to look past her poisonous exterior and see her pure and innocent essence, creating great feelings of doubt and confusion in Giovanni.
In the end, Giovanni becomes poisonous himself: insects die when they come into contact with his breath. Giovanni is troubled by this, which he sees as a curse, and he blames Beatrice. Professor Baglioni gives him an antidote to cure Beatrice and free her from her father's cruel experiment. However, when Beatrice drinks the antidote, she becomes sick and dies. Before realizing that Beatrice is dying, Dr. Rappaccini excitedly welcomes the love between his two creatures, his daughter and her suitor, Giovanni, who has been transformed so that he can now be a true and worthy companion to Beatrice.
While Beatrice is dying, Professor Baglioni looks down from a window into the garden and triumphantly shouts "Rappaccini! Rappaccini! and is THIS the upshot of your experiment!""
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wanderingskychild · 9 months
The end of Days of Sunlight is nigh. Here’s one last musical send off from me and the Assembly spirits! ☀️😎🌻🎼
Goodbye Days of Sunlight, See y’all next year!
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whale-in-that-case · 7 months
I judge the inherent quality of elder scrolls protagonist OCs by how much their very being pisses off and baffles other major players in their respective storyline. Like yeah a Nord Dragonborn is fun but but have you considered a nonbinary Imperial tax collector? Wouldn't your Hero of Kvatch be better if she was a buffy Orc lady whose dream is to become a famous cook? The Nerevarine has a headstart in this because their very existence is a pain in the ass of multiple deities who wish to hunt them down for fun and profit but why not have her be a nun of the Divines in addition? And if you really want a Dunmer for the themes or whatever he must at least be a cringefail botanist sorry i don't make the rules.
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