#bail just has to take a moment to give her a hug because that is his girl to her core
darthmalewife · 2 years
Tiny Leia talking to Bail about Obi-Wan and its just
"He seems sad, he misses someone."
"He's lost a lot, Leia. Obi-Wan is a very strong man."
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herpartnerintime · 1 year
Before you say Chloe is a bad friend...
Play Farewell again. Look at how happy Chloe was. She had the perfect life, perfect family, perfect best friend. Pay attention to how she looks at Max with such adoration and love. The way she hugs Max out of nowhere and tells her she's the fricken best, pay attention to how she comforts Max about the move and isn't worried about anything changing. She trusted Max with ALL HER HEART.
And Max betrayed that. When she needed it most, when her dad died, Max broke the promise she left on that tape (that Chloe clutched to her chest as she fell down crying, that meant the world to her, that recording...) Imagine what that would do to you. Listen to Max's tape... listen to it.
Max: I guess I just wanted to leave you one more message. Because I know this was the absolute worst time for me to go. I thought maybe if you heard my voice it could be a little bit like I was there. I don't know, maybe this was a dumb idea. I would give anything to be there with you now. It's so hard, trying to say what I'm thinking. If I could just see you... But we'll get good at it—great at it! We'll write and talk all the time. And then you'll come visit and it'll be like I never left. I mean it, you don't have to worry about anything changing. You're dealing with so much other stuff. You don't deserve any of this. Max: Chloe, listen. Even if I never—even if we're moving for good... We're always together, okay? Even when we're apart. We're still Max and Chloe. I will always, always love you. Goodbye.
Think of how Chloe is curled in a ball on the floor of her room clutching that tape like it's all she has left because it IS all she has left but she is also left with the promise Max is going to write and talk with her all the time, the promise they are still Max and Chloe, that Max will always love her, that nothing will change. Chloe is clutching to the tape, holding it to her chest, she's clutching on to Max. And Max? She doesn't write. She doesn't call. She doesn't text. In bts she maybe responds once or twice but otherwise no. She's not there at all. Things do change. Chloe's alone... everything on that tape... feels like a lie.
Everybody lies remember? A statement 16 year old Chloe believes in Before the Storm. Who do you think taught her everybody lies? Then my dad died, and her dad got some job up north and she moved away to Seattle. It was probably the moment when I needed her most, and she bailed. Thanks, Max, for teaching me that I can't rely on anyone. I mean it. Life lesson learned.
Tell me you wouldn't be just as broken as Chloe losing your dad and then your best friend who you loved so much and then your mom gets a new boyfriend (and marries him) who treats you like you're just a problem and your mom is okay with it. Justifies his treatment of you. He's not your fucking dad. Your dad was perfect. This guy is nothing. It feels like your mom is trying to replace your dad. He's telling you that you've had enough of a vacation from a father figure as if your dad being dead for two years is a 'vacation' you wanted. Joyce has a right to move on, but her boyfriend treats and talks to Chloe horribly, and Chloe is 16. She's a teenager. She hasn't moved on from her dad's death, not even close. She hasn't moved on from Max either. Max and her dad were her fucking world. Think about the Junkyard scene in Before the Storm. The one where Chloe is smashing things in the junkyard. The way she sees the camera and goes... Chloe: I've never understood your hard-on for cameras, Max. You took a million pictures of us, and not one of them showed that you were gonna leave when I needed you most.
Chloe smashes it.
Chloe: Fuck cameras. She says fuck you David. Fuck off Rachel. But she can't say fuck you Max.
I feel the need to say what she wrote in her journal about taking Max back in a heartbeat at 16 stayed true even at 19. She took Max back in a heartbeat. The worst part is that even though we haven't spoken in months, even though she habitually ignored my texts so much that I just stopped trying, even though I know, deep down, that she doesn't care about me anymore and that she probably has all new friends up in fucking Seattle... I still miss her. If she came back tomorrow and said "hey Chloe, want to dress up like pirates and be stupid together?", I would take her back in a heartbeat. And as we all know, she does. I want you to think of the scene where Chloe finds her dad's car and breaks down, smashing her fists against the car screaming and crying until she falls down to the ground, crying and sobbing, curling up into a ball as she cries, all alone in that Junkyard, alone because not only did her dad die, but Max left, and she didn't keep her promise on that tape that Chloe had also curled into a ball with. She doesn't even have that promise anymore. She has nothing. But wait, that's not all, because as soon as Rachel leaves I find a car. My dead dad's fucking car. The twisted, shattered, ugly reminder of what used to be my life.
I think most people would never want anything to do with people who hurt them like Max. But Chloe took her back, still loved her, still treated her with love and still considered her her best friend. Look at how special their scenes are. The way they walk on the train tracks, the way they touch and Max worries her powers won't last forever. Guess what? Chloe doesn't care. She says WE WILL. Forever. She doesn't care if Max loses her powers because she LOVES Max, not her powers.
Now was Chloe angry at times in the game? Yes. And she had a right to be. Honestly, I'm surprised people seem to be under the impression you should just be okay with your best friend ghosting you after promising you she would be there for you when you desperately needed her and never be a little angry about it (and let's not forget Max returning to Arcadia but still not contacting Chloe). But with that said does Chloe act selfishly with Max at times? Yes she does.
Let's talk about the weed in Chloe's room. My favourite thing to do is hide and then burst out of the closet and take the blame for Chloe, which touches Chloe that Max throws herself out of the closet to protect her and feels like a huge show of love to Chloe that Max wanted to protect her. But if you don't hide and David catches you? Chloe will throw the blame on you and say it's Max weed. If you refuse to take the blame, Chloe is hurt and angry at Max.
It was a test when she throws the blame on Max. Does Max care enough about me to protect me? Think of how as kids Chloe protected Max when Max broke one of the stair posts as kids Max thinks in Farewell, "I slipped and broke this post a few years ago. But Chloe insisted on taking the blame. Even after she got grounded, she never squealed. What a friend." Chloe was willing to take the blame for Max as kids and protect her. Would Max do the same for her? Protect her?
And if Max does, or if you come out of hiding and take the blame without prompting think about how much that MEANS to Chloe. How loud that action speaks to her seeing Max wanting to protect her. And watch how protective she is of Max when David gets in her face about it. If Max is taking the blame, that doesn't mean Chloe is going to let David get to close to her. She says this if you do not take the blame and is then hit by David.
Max: I'm sorry, Chloe... I didn't know what to do...
Chloe: Whatever. Everybody bails on me. Even my "best friend" Max... Don't you? I'm so done with everyone in this town... I wish I hadn't even seen you. As if you care. Color me outta here... Keep in mind too, before this dialogue when they were talking about Rachel, this exchange happens.
Max: And you haven't heard anything from her since?
Chloe: Like everybody in my life. My dad, you...and Rachel. Gone... Can you put on some music now?
Max gets up. She inserts the CD into the stereo. "Santa Monica Dream" by Angus and Julia Stone begins playing. Chloe lies down on the bed, a sad expression on her face, and she begins to smoke.
Chloe: Anyway... You can find tools to fix your camera in the garage...
Max: Chloe, are you okay?
Chloe: Sure, I'm awesome. I just want to blaze and be alone for a moment...
Max not taking the blame and standing up to David as he harasses Chloe and eventually hits her has Chloe feeling deeply hurt and thinking about how everyone in her life hurts her and this is no different, changing her earlier happy mood at seeing Max and bringing this feeling back we saw earlier that had her distressed. Everyone lets her down, everybody leaves her, of course Max didn't stand up for her, why would she even have expected her too? Don't forget how in Before the Storm Rachel even told Chloe this... Rachel: Sometimes, I feel like I've got no reason to stay. Don't be surprised, Chloe, if one day, I'm just out of here. Chloe goes back and forth between thinking Rachel is missing and in danger to thinking I imagine to this moment and wondering if Rachel abandoned her too. Like Max did. She's come to expect the ones she loves leaving her and disappointing her. Look at how happy she is if you take the blame.
Chloe: Thanks for taking the heat. We totally smacked his punk ass down, Max. He's no match for you and me now...That was an epic win. Anyway. Let's sneak out the window...there is one cool place we can hang in this hickhole Chloe: Isn't this awesome sauce? Totally reminds me of when we were kids... (waves to Max.) Come on, slowpoke! Chloe is practically high with the happiness of Max taking the blame, not because she wants Max in trouble but because the act of Max looking out for her makes her feel loved, makes her feel like this is real, Max is really back and is to stay and she really does care again.
Max's inaction or her choice to take action have powerful affects on Chloe. Come out of hiding or take the blame and she feels loved, don't take the blame and she feels uncared for from a friend she fears may not truly care for her like she cares for her. The same can be said of shooting or not shooting Frank. Let's talk about the dialogue Shoot Max: Sorry.
Chloe hugs Max.
Chloe: You were awesome. Thanks for standing up for me...Let's blow. My secret lair didn't feel secret today. At least Frank is gone; he won't fuck with us again. He just wants his money. Don't shoot Chloe: You really stood your ground. Don't shoot
Max: I freaked. I don't like guns.
Chloe: It'll be hard to keep Nathan off my ass... My step-shit will have his other guns sealed in an electrified bunker by now.
Max: Sorry, Chloe. I've never held a gun on a human being before. Not cool.
Chloe: I know, Max. Really. I'm actually relieved it worked out this way instead... And there are more guns out there...Let's blow. My secret lair didn't feel secret today. At least Frank is gone; he won't fuck with us again. He just wants his money.
I know her reaction of you didn't stand your ground when you don't shoot is hurtful and unfair, Max was pointing the gun at Frank, she was scared in this scenario to pull the trigger and possibly kill him. Chloe acknowledges she knows, signaling she does understand this was a hard situation for Max and it's not fair to place that expectation on her. I think the reason her reaction if Max shoots is moving to hug her when Max says sorry is because of how deeply moved Chloe was by what Max did. Max saw her in danger and was willing to pull a trigger to protect her. That's an act of love and a powerful one and Chloe knows that. I think if Max doesn't shoot, even if it's unfair, a part of Chloe feels like she's not loved enough to have someone go that far to protect her, but she can acknowledge it's not fair of her to feel that way. Let's talk about these lines too..
Chloe: I still can't believe you pulled a gun on Frank. That was epic.
Max: It felt awful... I'm glad there was no bullets in there--
Chloe: You can just rewind time in your hand and stick that barrel right up Frank's ass! You have the power!
Max: You're gross. Don't fall. Max and Chloe briefly hold hands, then let go. vs
Chloe: I can't believe you basically gave him my gun. "Here ya go, Frank."
Max: You can't keep getting mad at me. Especially for stupid shit.
Chloe: I'm not mad. It adds up in my mind as people letting me down. And I just liked having that gun, man.
Max and Chloe briefly hold hands, then let go.
Max: Now you have me to protect you. Now again, Chloe is being unfair here, but she is upset her protection was taken from her as she is very anxious I think after almost being shot earlier (and knowing she also died in one reality) also now anxious from Frank threatening her with a knife and anxious even from being drugged and from her step father's abuse, that losing her means of protection because Max wasn't willing to pull the trigger I think has her upset, and she sees it as being let down. It's not fair at all, but that's why she feels that way. When Max does shoot, we can see what an impact this has emotionally for her. She's all excited and happy, and I think she's kind of high off the act of love that was pulling the trigger from Max. She now knows Max loves her so much she'd kill for her, and it's hard for her not to be thrilled by that realization, that Max loves her so much. I think this is why she soon after texts Max this... max the boss with the gun marry me Illegal in Oregon. For now. fuq that shit elope Chloe was truly touched and moved and high off the love displayed in Max 'shooting' Frank. When you think of how Chloe has been feeling for so long, so unloved and abandoned you can see why this act of love really took her by surprise and furthered her love and adoration of Max. And it's also worth mentioning Chloe can also shoot Frank, for real, killing him when he threatens Max. Making it clear if your Max 'shoots' that their love is so powerful they both pull triggers to protect the other. Now let's bring up the Kate call. People get very nasty on Chloe on this one. We're all protective of Kate. It's important to know Chloe did not realize how serious the call was.
Think about it. How would you feel if your bestie broke her promise to you and hurt you so deeply, cut you so deeply, for five years, nothing, silence, nothing when she knew you had just lost your dad, when she was your fucking WORLD, when she PROMISED you to be there for you, REPLAY FAREWELL AND imagine how much it would CUT LIKE A FUCKING KNIFE to see your bestie drop everything to pick up the phone for someone she knew for only a month when she ignored every single one of your calls? I have no doubt Chloe called Max in tears and broken many times wishing more than anything she would pick up the phone, or stared at her sent text waiting for a reply. There may have been times Chloe was on the brink of considering suicide (Rachel saved my life suggests to me she didn't want to live anymore) and needed to talk to Max, but she never answered. Max was never there for HER. Imagine how deeply that HURT. How much it hurt to watch her be there for someone else without hesitation.
It was still selfish, but so REAL, so RAW. Of course Chloe was hurt and lashed out at Max. If you don't answer the call, Chloe is happy. She can be very possessive of her loved ones, and given her abandonment issues, caused most heartbreakingly of all by Max - that she can't help but feel possessive. She loves Max, she has missed Max for five years and wants Max's attention all to herself. Selfish but REAL.
And she apologizes. Later she admits it was selfish and apologizes to Max. She feels fucking awful about it. Chloe: I was a... I was a total dick for blowing a fuse when Kate called the other day. I had no idea what shit she was going through. I stopped you from being her friend. But you saved her... like me. / If Max ignored call
Chloe: I was a total dick for blowing a fuse when you answered Kate's call the other day. Good thing you ignored me. I had no idea what shit she was going through. And you saved her... like me. / If Max answered.
Some other things people get mad at Chloe over, of course stealing the money. But let's consider a few things. Chloe right before finding the money, on the computer: "Nathan Prescott the Third." Oooh, he's so money. And you know the Prescotts dropped major bank to bury Nathan's real file... Look, it reads like a rap sheet---bad grades, teacher complains, secret probation... But I was expelled? She then finds the money right after guessing the Prescotts were dropping major bank to bury his files. Where did such a large amount of money come from? It doesn't feel like a coincidence. Max: Wowser, that's a lot for the "handicapped fund." You can hear in Max's voice she's making a similar connection to the Prescotts dropping bank, but she's anxious because she does think it could possibly be used for the handicapped fund. If you watch Chloe's face when Max says handicapped fund, she barely even seems to hear Max, all she is thinking about is Rachel and how that money can help them find more information from Frank and get Frank off her back. We know Chloe has been desperate to get money to pay off Frank and get out of Arcadia but now the money has even more importance - to get him to tell them anything he knows about Rachel since he's not likely to talk right now when she owes him and their last encounter had him threatening her for his money. Frank came seeking Chloe out and pulled a knife on her and said, "You want me to cut you, bitch?" I imagine this has Chloe anxious too as she's never seen Frank this aggressive with her and wants him off her back and is scared he might pull a knife out on her again and hurt her. This is yet another reason having a gun is a comfort to her she is distressed if she loses. She's had a lot of men threating her recently. You can even find in episode 3 Chloe's bedroom on her phone has messages from Frank threatening her for his money. He texts the following "Chloe. Money. Now. Chloe: I have your money asshole. Frank: When? Chloe: i'll text you before the end of the week. Frank: Or else. DO NOT FUCK WITH ME WHORE! Max: Jesus. Now I am glad Chloe took that money. This guy is serious. And Scary! Max herself can see how important stealing the money was in keeping Chloe safe from a man who physically threatened her and is continuing to threaten her. Allowing the money to be stolen in the office is also another show of loyalty and showing her desire to help find Rachel and keep Chloe safe from Frank's anger and aggression, given the money really calms Frank down and gets him off her back and helps him open up more about Rachel. Max's thoughts show she's doing it to protect Chloe from Frank and find more about Rachel and Max's willingness to do so much for her and helping her means a lot to Chloe, it onces again touches her that Max wants to protect her and help keep her safe from Frank and also help her find Rachel, whereas Max refusing to take it feels like Max isn't as determined to find Rachel and help her and protect her from Frank, though she accepts Moral Max's choice, even if she is upset if Max refuses to let her take the money. I've also seen others bringing up how she parked in the handicapped spot and I think while Max herself at first thought this was intentional of the driver, I think it's clear once we know it is Chloe that she was coming to Blackwell to confront Nathan for drugging her and to put up Rachel posters, so I think she was driving into the parking lot distressed and upset and also angry at Blackwell, not paying attention to where she parked and wanting to park improperly just as a fuck you to Blackwell, angry for not only them expelling her but I'd even imagine for not putting up Rachel missing posters themselves and hell, why was Nathan not expelled and she was with all the shit he was pulling? She had lots of resentment for that school. She does face consequences for selfishly not paying attention to where she was rebelliously parking and for taking the money though as we know.
Even in episode 4, Chloe we see in texts apologized for getting so upset after finding out about Rachel and Frank and taking it out on Max in the car.
hey man i suck again
sorry i got in your face today and took out my bullshit rage on my best friend
- Here we have Chloe owning up to her behaviour. She knows she hasn't been fair with Max, more than once *I suck again', and she apologizes.
And again please remember the game takes place in less than a week, not in a year.
October 7 - 11 is literally the Life is Strange 1 timeline. LESS THAN A WEEK. For Max with her powers and alternate reality I suppose it’s technically a little longer for her. But yes, timeline is less than a week.
Back to the text, she's already apologizing and changing her behaviour to be less selfish with Max and the game again happens in less than a week. If Chloe was rubbing her anger into Max for months or a year or years and never letting it go how Max wasn't there for her yeah that WOULD be a toxic friendship. It would be a toxic friendship if Chloe always held it over her head and was always 'testing' Max's loyalty. But the game takes place in days, and Chloe lets out some anger, has some tests like the weed 'will she take the blame', but overall is loving and supportive and apologizes and owns up to her selfish behaviors and does change and by the end of the 11th of October is willing to die for everyone.
I also see people occasionally bringing up her bossiness to say she's a bad friend to Max, like how she goes boo hoo Max is afraid when wanting her to practice with the gun. I do agree that yeah, she shouldn't have been like that about it but Chloe was trying in her way to be encouraging to get her to give the gun a go, since she had fun with it and Max as we see, seemed to enjoy it too, they even happily high five after. Also consider how she offers Max beer and when Max turns it down she doesn't push it at all (she even think this is cute Max thinks beer is gross). She's not going to pressure her into drinking. She cares about Max and really likes encouraging her, and in the case of the gun practice, maybe her over excitement made her push a little hard in this case.
I see people sometimes saying to that she pushed Max with her powers. Chloe was excited to see more of the powers in action (who wouldn't be really?) but she freaked out in a panic when Max passed out. She was scared as fuck for Max. Neither of them knew at the time how serious things could get, they were just having fun testing things out. Max enjoyed showing off too, look at the diner scene. She loved wowing Chloe with them. In the junkyard Chloe wants Max resting after she passes out.
The game takes place in less than a week and I wish people would understand Chloe obviously is dealing with very real and understandable hurt at Max but over all is supportive and encouraging to Max. That pool scene is just beautiful, the way Chloe encourages Max. Max doesn't just get braver in the game from her powers, but Chloe being in her life again brings out her bravery and courage to live life and not just observe it. Whatever ending you pick, Bae or Bay, I know Max will go on to pursue her dreams and her week with Chloe is going to be a huge part of that. Just a few moments of encouragement in the many she gives... Chloe: Stop being so goddamn humble. You're like the smartest, most talented person I've ever known. Max: Ew! I don't want any Blackwell bros over me. There's a couple cute guys there but they probably think I'm a total nerd.
Chloe: Uh, nerds are hot. You just don't have any confidence yet.
Max: Unfortunately, that didn't come with my rewind power... Chloe: No worries. Once you get over yourself, you're going to make the world bow.
Max: As long as you're there with me...
Chloe: Don't look so sad. I'm never leaving you... Max: I'd rather be a good photographer...
Chloe: You are. You just have to stop being afraid... (said gently) Chloe: Since you're the mysterious superhero, I'll be your faithful chauffeur and companion.
Max: My powers might not last, Chloe...
Chloe: That's okay—we will. Forever.
These are just a few moments in the many where Chloe is encouraging Max in different ways, and offering her unconditional love, loyalty and support. Chloe's negative behavior we see in less than one week isn't going to be reflective of forever, and by the end of the game/week Chloe is willing to sacrifice her life for Arcadia and acknowledges the ways she has been selfish and acknowledges how Max has shown her love and loyalty and friendship in every way. Max: Fuck that! No... no way! You are my number one priority now. You are all that matters to me.
Chloe: I know. You proved that over and over again... even though I don't deserve it. I'm so selfish... not like my mom... Look what she had to give up and live through... and she did. She deserves so much more than to be killed by a storm in a fucking diner. Even my step... father deserves her alive. There's so many more people in Arcadia Bay who should live... way more than me... Chloe: Max, you finally came back to me this week, and... you did nothing but show me your love and friendship. You made me smile and laugh, like I haven't done in years.
In Lis2 we learn Chloe's new look "is from a combination of mixed feelings, such as angst, remorse, guilt, to not forget who died in the storm, to grow up, to advance in her life, and to never forget' It's obvious what happened changed Chloe forever and I think it's very clear after that those days she had with Max she's let go of her anger about those five years of silence. She knows Max loves her. She's more at peace now.
I feel sad when I see people hate Chloe because I feel like people want to take a real character and make her fake. I like real characters. I love that Chloe isn't perfect. I love that she loves Max so fucking much, in spite of everything, she takes her back and loves her and encourages her and supports her and offers that unconditional love. I love how when I play, her hurt and anger she lets out at times cuts me like a knife.
There's art of Max looking at Chloe and goes 'how long are you going to be mad at me?" And Chloe goes 'ten minutes' which feels very accurate. She takes little digs at Max here and there for not being there, but her anger doesn't last long. Most of the game is spent with Chloe being supportive, encouraging, loving, protective and just so happy to be around Max in spite of what Max did.
I think Max had a lot of anxiety. She cared for Chloe, didn't mean to hurt her, but she didn't know how to be there for her and was so overwhelmed by her grief she just wasn't there and eventually convinced herself Chloe would hate her. I think it means the world to Max after what she did, Chloe still loves her.
Five years apart and they were still Max and Chloe. If you go back to episode 4 where Max is forced to stand there and let William leave knowing he will die, she faces what this game is also about. Max Caulfield facing the consequences of not being there for her best friend when she promised she would be. She finally understands it, hearing Chloe has no belief that Max would ever abandon her. Chloe: She's never leaving me!
William: That makes all of us. (William walks out the door)
(Max leans against the wall with her head in her hands)
Chloe: Max, you are being so fucking strange, like you're never going to see us again.
Max: Chloe, I'm so sorry... I tried to make things different for you... I...I did try...I'm sorry.
Chloe: I don't know exactly what you're talking about, but come on. (Chloe holds Max's hands, then lets go) You have made things different, like my whole life. You're my best friend. I've got you and a great family. What's to be sorry for? We'll be best friends forever. And when we grow up we're taking over the world.
Max: Listen, whatever happens, I want you to be strong. Even if you feel like I wasn't there for you...because I will never abandon you, Chloe. (Max holds Chloe's hands) I'll always have your back. Always. If Max can understand, then I hope you all can too. Max truly is hit by the full weight of what she did and the consequences, and her attempt to fix it brought only pain to this alternate reality Chloe and Max as she faces 14 year old Chloe fully comprehending now what she did. How this Chloe has no idea she will abandon her, because she doesn't think Max would ever do such a thing to her, it's not something even in this Chloe's mind that could be a reality. So Max cries and tries her best to comfort Chloe from something Chloe doesn't even know she did yet and doesn't ever believe Max could do to her.
Chloe in Lis1 lets out her anger at Max at times, and sometimes she was selfish and toxic about it. What makes the ending of Farewell and that episode 4 moment so heart wrenching is that we the player and Max herself know Max breaks her promise. She won't be there for Chloe for five long years. They won't write a lot, Max won't be there for her for years. We know this, and Max faces the consequences of what she's done when she returns.
And I love how Chloe is hurt and is allowed to show it. And I love how in spite of everything, they still really are Max and Chloe. They still both love each other. Honestly, play Farewell, play Before the Storm, and then play Life is Strange and Chloe isn't even as angry as she ought to be, as most people would be. Most people would never accept a friend back like that. That's just the truth. Most people aren't so forgiving. But Chloe was. She really did take her back in a heartbeat. And again, that means the world to Max. Max, who when she looked at a picture of her and Chloe in their pirate outfits in her dorm in episode 1, wondered if they were even BFFs anymore, because she knew she hadn't been there for her and was scared Chloe might not forgive her and want to see her, which made her to scared to reach out when she returned. Chloe still seeing her as a BFF meant the world to Max.
I feel like Chloe 'haters' and those who only rant about how she was a toxic awful friend are so caught up in their dislike they stop thinking critically. Sometimes the opinions feel misogynistic or of internalized misogyny when you see people tearing apart a woman for not being the perfect embodiment of a 'girl with a bad past' they wish she was.
I think of Daniel from Lis2. A lot of people hate him because they play as Sean and again, feel defensive of Sean. And I think some people, they don't get as into the game as deeply and so play on more a surface level, more a 'Chloe blamed me for the weed, she's a toxic awful friend' kind of level as opposed to a deeper level, 'Chloe blamed me for the weed, which was really selfish, but I get she is hurt I ignored her for five years and she's trying to test and see how much I care.. I, Max, was her best friend and I hurt her deeply."
I know some people will say I'm making excuses but I'm trying to empathize and help people understand Chloe by detailing how some of her actions were wrong, but WHY she made them. She isn't perfect, she's hurt, she's allowed to be, she's allowed to be angry, who wouldn't be honestly? You can't tell me she's a toxic monster of a friend because she shows her hurt at Max sometimes during a less than 1 week period. I encourage players to replay Farewell to understand Chloe even more when you see how happy she was and how much she loved Max and how much Max leaving and breaking her promise broke her fucking heart and left her broken and yes, makes her angry and does cause her to show it at Max at times. And Max calls her out on it in the game even, pointing out how Chloe is always on her about not being there for her but this is how she's there for her (when she tries to spook Max in episode 3 when Max is shaken up over the events of episode 2, not considering Max's feelings) and Chloe apologizes at once. She owns up to her actions, and she doesn't hold things over Max the entire game.
I just hate seeing people hate on Chloe so hard. She's loyal AF to her friends and in spite of five years of silence loves Max no less and yes she shows some anger, sometimes she makes her expectations of Max selfishly high, but she was hurt deeply by Max and again, the game takes place in a less than a week and she's overall loving and supportive to Max and super protective of her and doesn't spend the entire game holding it against Max. She apologizes for her shitty behaviour, she grows.
She loves Max, she takes her back in a fucking heart beat. She helps Max be brave and helps Max see how talented she really is. When you also have played Before the Storm and seen how lonely Chloe was, read her journal entries, consider the fact she was called 'mute' by Drew because she was so lonely and depressed she never spoke, when you see how she jumped away from the train at the last second because she was so depressed and needed to feel something, maybe didn't care if the train did hit her... and consider she wouldn't have been like that if Max had been there for her... I think you can understand Chloe a lot more. And also understand how amazing she is for taking Max back and loving her and by October 11 after reuniting on October 7, fully forgiving Max. And how amazing Max is too for overcoming her social anxiety to be there for Chloe in every way she could be, even by changing time. Max: Fuck that! No... no way! You are my number one priority now. You are all that matters to me Chloe: I know. You proved that over and over again... even though I don't deserve it. I'm so selfish... not like my mom... Look what she had to give up and live through... and she did. She deserves so much more than to be killed by a storm in a fucking diner. Even my step... father deserves her alive. There's so many more people in Arcadia Bay who should live... way more than me... Chloe: Max, you finally came back to me this week, and... you did nothing but show me your love and friendship. You made me smile and laugh, like I haven't done in years. Wherever I end up after this... in whatever reality... all those moments between us were real, and they'll always be ours. No matter what you choose, I know you'll make the right decision.
Chloe: Max... it's time...
The song Obstacles begins to play.
Max: Not anymore.
Max tears apart the polaroid and it blows away in the storm. She watches the tornado.
Chloe: Max... I'll always be with you.
Max: Forever... Don't tell me Pricefield is toxic. Don't tell me Max and Chloe's relationship will be toxic in Bae. Because if you do, I know you don't really know them at all.
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kvhasproblems · 1 year
Bite The Hand - Van Palmer X Reader
Chapter 1
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chapter 2, masterlist
Summery: This story is just going to follow the plot of yellowjackets with a reader insert. The first chapter takes place about a week before the crash.
Warnings: reader has like serious comphet and eternalized homophobia for the first bit of this, reader also has religious trauma and shity parents (who even has good parents in this show lmao), regular yellowjackets violence, this is also gonna be like the slowest of slow burns
A/N: I only played Timbit’s soccer when i was super young so please just ignore if any of the soccer stuff is wrong, I also have no idea when I will post chapter 2 of this because I’m moving out in 2 weeks so between packing and moving to live by myself I might not have a lot of time, but I’m planning to post this once I have half of the second chapter written.
Word count: 2300
Chapter 1
"Oooooo, right into my hands. Again." Van bragged with her crooked smile.
I found myself staring, even though I tried not to. Her gorgeous red hair and that perfect smile and- I need to focus. Coach has been on my ass all week about improving this specific goal-scoring technique, so I asked Van to meet 30 minutes before practice to work on it and warm up because, god forbid she doesn’t get her perfect warm-up in.
“Well, maybe if you stopped being so good, then I’d be able to score on you." I huff back.
"Your shoulders are a dead giveaway in your fake-out. You have to avoid twisting so much."
"I’d like to see you try," I say, my hands finding my hips with a grin on my face.
"I’d like to see you in goal; how about that?" She challenges back with that smile. Again, that smile that just makes my heart flutter deep in my chest no matter how much I try to ignore it, "Now try again; this time try to remain aligned and grounded before you make the kick."
I line up and go for it, watching as the ball sails through the air and nestles into the net right in the corner just before Van is able to reach it.
"YES!" A thrill of excitement shot through me once I realized I had made the shot. I rush to Van, and she opens her arms before I leap at her for a hug. Her arms wrap around me tightly, safe and warm. I can feel my heart racing in my chest as Van’s eyes find mine. Her eyes fall to my lips, and for a moment, Van is the only thing that exists in this world; all other concerns disappear. As my lips part in anticipation of a kiss, I start to lean in. But my mother's voice in the back of my head pulls me back to reality.
"Van… I can’t." I whisper while pulling out of her embrace. Instant hurt flashed deep across her face.
"Ok," she said, giving me a tight-lipped smile. "Let’s just keep practising," she said while looking like a wounded puppy.
"Van… we have to stop doing this; it’s wrong." I sighed. 
"We are just practising; I don’t see what the issue is," she deflected with a heavy sigh.
"You know what I’m talking about I can’t keep- "
"You can’t keep what? Acting like you feel the same and then bailing out and making me feel like I’m an idiot for liking you." She breathed out, exasperated.
"You don’t like me; girls like boys that’s just how it is."
She scoffed, throwing up her hands in berating surrender. "Wow… ok then."
"Don’t be like that." I protested.
"like what"
"All... I don’t know," you jester to her with your hands. "Angry with me!"
"I’m not angry-"
"Then why are you acting like this?"
"Me! Why am I acting like this?" She ran her hand down her face. "God Y/n, you kissed me at that party, and you just expect me to forget about it!"
"I already told you it was a mistake!" I rushed out with tears threatening to fill my eyes. The blow hit Van dead in the chest, and she physically had to take a step back. Regret flashes through me the moment I see her face.
A heavy silence filled the space between us as I struggled for something to say.
"Look I-"
"Save it" 
"No Van-"
"I said save it." She huffed while turning and beginning to walk off the pitch.
Van, you don’t get it," I called after her while following her to the changing rooms. "My parents would kill me."
"And you think my mom wouldn’t?" She whipped around to face you.
I took in a shaky breath.
"Look, forget I said anything. You were right; this was a mistake." Van snapped before storming off into the changing room.
I stood there, trying to process what just happened. Fat tears rolled down my face as I tried to get my bearings on my emotions. This is for the better. I’m not supposed to like girls like this. But I still couldn’t shake the deep ache in my chest.
I took a moment to collect myself before walking into the changing room. A deep shame was starting to bloom in my chest. From what, I wasn’t sure what it was—maybe it was hurting Van or disappointing my parents, or being hurt by the same comment I made. Maybe it was all of it.
As I entered, I heard Jackie laughing and talking loudly to Shauna, who was trying to braid her hair before she gave up and just put it in a ponytail. I took this as my moment to just sneak by. I don’t think I can deal with Jackie’s insane positivity right now.
"Oh hey, Y/n!" Jackie called 
"Hey Jackie, Shauna." I answered. Shauna waved at me with a small smile before going back to getting ready.
"You’re here early," Jackie said.
"Um yeah, I and Van came to get some extra practice in; I was working on that scoring technique so you and coach could finally stop bugging me." I added an attempt at a laugh at the end, but my heart wasn’t in it, not that Jackie seemed to notice.
"Well, that’s great anyways-" I tune out the rest, nodding and smiling when I need to, as I apply some extra deodorant and make sure I’m ready for today's actual practice.
The other girls slowly trickled into the changing room. I keep sweeping the room with my eyes, expecting to see Van, but I can't find her anywhere. The guilt from earlier keeps eating at me, making me feel sick to my stomach. If regionals weren’t right around the corner, I might have feigned ill and gone home. Not that being home would make me feel any better.
"Y/n… Y/N!" Jackie practically yelled in my face. "Hello earth to Y/n"
"I- sorry." 
"I was just saying that if we win the regional match, we should rally the team and get ice cream or something. Anyway, practice time." Jackie patted me on the shoulder, like she was ushering me forward.
"HEY EVERYONE! Make your way to the pitch! This is our last practice before regionals, and I wanna see hard work, determination, and good technique today. Jackie preached before giving her classic smile and walking out.
I followed slightly sluggish, I still haven’t seen Van since we came inside.
Nat ran up, bumping my shoulder playfully with hers. "Hey, you see Van? Woah, you good? You look like-" 
"I'm fine, and no, I haven't." I push past her to make my way to the pitch.
"Ok then.." Nat rolled her eyes as I walked away.
"Yellowjackets! Come on, hurry up!" Coach Martinez clapped his hands loudly, trying to rush us along. Despite his protests, we gathered rather slowly around him. "Take a knee, so today we are going to be running drills and going through specific plays-" He continued to ramble on about the specifics of today's practice.
"Hey," Tai whispered to me. "Where’s Van?"
"God, why does everyone keep asking me that?" I mumbled back.
"I thought you guys came early to practice."
“We did but-”
"Hey, ladies! Knock it off; I want full focus!" Coach snapped at us before continuing his rambling.
Tai waited a moment before speaking again in a hushed voice, trying to avoid Coach’s attention.
"If you guys came early, then why isn’t she here?"
"I don’t know." I huffed, getting annoyed with this conversation.
"Did she tell you where she was going or-"
"No, Tai, she didn’t. I -" 
"LADIES! Last warning, or you’re going to be running 2 miles after practice today." Coach barked angrily, clearly done with being interrupted. He gave us a final warning glare before he continued his speech.
A few moments later, Van came out of the change room. We made brief eye contact, and she walked right past me to sit on the other side of the group, the farthest from where I was kneeling. Van always sits beside me and Tai. The worried and speculative eyes of our team members had silent conversations, trying to figure out what was going on.
"Palmer, nice of you to show up!" Coach joked, clearly not amused. "Laura Lee, catch Van up! Let’s start with warm-up laps! Everyone up!" 
I stand up, and quiet chatter begins amongst the group. As we walk to the edge of the pitch, they group off and talk in hushed voices while looking back at Van and I. I try to ignore them even though it feels like I can feel their stares digging into me, tearing me apart, and discovering all my secrets. I just start running to hopefully avoid thinking about it so much. I almost ran up to Van to talk to her about it before I remembered what got me into this situation in the first place. I just continue my laps.
"Sooo, you gonna tell me what’s going on?" Nat jogged up beside me. "And don’t say nothing because I think that was the most awkward thing I’ve ever seen in my life."
"We just… had a disagreement, that’s all."
"A disagreement? Really?" She looked at me, her stare feeling like it was picking me apart, so I focus on the field in front of me.
"Must have been one hell of a disagreement."
"Just leave it, Nat." I huff back.
"Alright alright."
I push my pace so I wouldn’t have to run beside her. I hate all these questions, I hate feeling guilty, and most of all, I hate that Van won’t talk to me. The laps seemed to take an almost unbearable amount of time; I forgot how boring warm-up laps are without Van trying to make me laugh. I find myself missing more than ever how she looks at me like I’m the only thing that matters in the whole world and how she gets so distracted by what I’m saying that she even crashed into Allie that one time. I allow myself the luxury of daydreaming while I run, even though my stomach churns slightly at the thought of what my mom would do if she knew what I was thinking.
Our next section of warmup is strength training before stretching. Coach had us participate in a totally “wonderful” array of exercises.
"Ok, final conditioning exercise for today: partner sit-ups! Find a partner! Quickly," Coach barked. I scanned the team for my go-to partner just to see her pair up with Tai. My heart sinks in my chest.
"Hey, Y/n partner with me?" Lottie spoke softly with a kind, knowing smile.
"Of course, wanna go first?" I ask, returning a sort of smile.
"Sure." Lottie got ready to do the sit-ups while I held her feet on the ground. She completed her first set before speaking.
"So do you wanna talk about it?"
"I’m not sure there’s much to talk about."
"I’m not sure I believe you…" she protested. I sighed in response. "But if you change your mind, you can come over later; we can make cookies."
"Cookies sound good, plus I have nothing else to do after practice; my parents have some fancy gala to attend to impress some investors," I said, rolling my eyes. Lottie and I met a year before we ended up at the same school together at one of those fancy galas. Neither of our parents seemed to care what we were doing as long as we were well-behaved. Ever since then, we have become friends, spending time together to make up for the fact that no one is ever really around at home.
After we stretched, we moved on to drills before Coach said, "Ok, kids, scrimmage time. Misty will split you into groups."
"Coach… We should say a prayer." Laura Lee suggests acting almost surprised that Coach didn’t suggest it himself.
He just gruffed out an ok and let Laura Lee take the lead.
"Lord," she prayed, clasping her hands together. "To you, we pray; we come asking for your guidance during our practice. Please lend us your strength and courage to make right in your eyes. Amen."
 "Amen," the group echoed.
'Make right in your eyes.’ The words bounced around my skull like a ping pong ball as I take my place as Left Back. What was right in God’s eyes? Was it following my parents beliefs, being the perfect student, the perfect soccer player, the perfect girl who marries the perfect boy and has perfect children with a perfect house?
Coach’s whistle rang loud, and the scrimmage started. I jumped into action, despite my spiralling thoughts. I threw myself headfirst into the game. If soccer was good for one thing, it was making my brain feel quiet. It was the one place where I could just be myself.
This scrimmage was played with small teams so despite having Left Back as my usual assigned position, this play required me to play more forward was as my usual assigned position, Tai yelled to Allie, signalling her intentions to pass I knew this was my chance. As Tai made the pass, I scooped the ball from Allie's right, knowing that’s her weak side. Tai’s angry yells were faint as I sprinted up the field on a breakaway. Now was my chance. I lined myself up square and grounded myself before slamming the ball into the right corner of the net. Right passed Van. 
I did it!
I fucking did it!
The wide smile on my face matched Van’s in celebration before the rush of how our "disagreement" started in the first place came to the forefront of her mind. I saw her smile fall before Coach’s calls drew me back towards the other side of the field. I turned back briefly to see a look on Van’s face I couldn’t quite decipher. 
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reanbowful · 2 years
hi Rean! can i have a request for reader appears with a wound on her body every day, not because she participated in a fight but because of her bad luck. i wonder how weak hero boys will react 😔
pls ignore if you don't like it. have a good day btw!
Yes you can! And noo I would never ignore you bb 🤍 Good day to you too! So basically reader is bennett right? 😭
*also I finished this faster than I expected yayy
“it’s just bad luck”
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if you keep getting injured due to your bad luck
(gray, ben, alex, donald, jake, wolf)
gray yeon / yeon sieun
You show up to class with a skinned elbow today. Yesterday it was a bruise on your nose bridge. The day before that you had a busted lip.
Gray frowned, watching as you hiss when the sleeves of your uniform ride down your elbow.
You don’t seem like the type to be getting yourself into fights.
But then again, looks can be deceiving. Gray himself is well aware of that fact.
His first thoughts was that you were getting beat up. You really can’t be too careful in the streets of Yeongdeungpo.
So he does what he has to do.
“Hey, do you want to walk home together?”
Surprisingly, you agreed. And Gray noted with relief that you’re simply way too relaxed to be in fear of someone jumping you. So, assholes beating you up was definitely off his list-
“Look out!”
Gray’s eyes widened as he pulled you aside when broken window glasses suddenly came free falling from the sky.
“Shit! Are you okay?! I’m so so sorry! You got dragged into my bad luck.”
“Your what?”
So then you began to explain that you just have chronic bad luck that’s gotten you injured for the past few days.
So that’s what it was.
“Uh, Gray? You’re not mad are you?”
The boy would just simply shake his head and continue walking down the street. He took a passing glance at you, a small smile on his lips.
Perhaps with his presence, your bad luck could finally nullify.
ben park / park humin
I think we can collectively agree that Ben doesn’t have that great of a luck himself.
You and Ben were supposed to go to an arcade today testing out the new machine that they have.
Ben was bouncing on his feet the entire day, anticipating the date.
But as he was walking to your house, a text message popped up in his phone.
I can’t go out today, let’s go some other time.
He stared at his phone for like 5 seconds. You were not the type of person to bail out on plans at d-day unless something really urgent came up.
Did something happen?
No replies.
Ben decided not to push it since he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable if it was a private matter and walked back home a bit down that day.
When you stopped replying to his texts for the next couple of days was when he began to get really worried that something real bad had happened.
Did you get bored of him? Were you angry? But what did he do? Oh this last one really brought tears to his eyes- What if you breaking up with him?
Alex and Gerard watched him with shared concerns. They suggested he just go visit you at your house and ask for himself what exactly happened.
So here he is, right at your door.
“Babe? You weren’t responding to my texts, so I was getting kinda worried-”
He was caught by surprise when you rushed to the door and beamed to hug him.
“Ben! God I missed you so much!”
But his attention was caught on something else. The cast on your arm. Then it went up. Your neck was covered in small scratches and there was bruises on your cheek.
His first thought, the Union.
Holding you by your shoulders, he leaned down.
“Who did this to you?”
“Uh.. babe?”
Before Ben explodes and goes on a killing rampage, you quickly explained that you had gotten into an accident while taking your dog to the doctor. Your phone broke and your last text to him was literally moments before disaster. (the dog is okay guys don’t come for me)
“So, yeah. It’s just my bad luck.”
“I- I thought you were breaking up with me..”
You better give him his hugs and kisses afterwards.
alex go / go hyuntak
Alex is a hot blooded person, so proceed with caution here.
You guys were on a date together, at a small cafe your friend had recommended to you the other day.
“This place is actually really nice, don’t you think?”
Something about you has been really distracting Alex. He narrowed his eyes at you, trying to find the peculiarity.
“Alex..? Is everything ok- OW!”
Yep. It was your shoulder. He noticed that you haven’t really been raising your left arm. Only moving them moderately, and even suppressing a wince once in a while.
“You’re injured.”
You pouted, looking away to the side.
“What happened? Tell me. Is it the Union? Is it them?!”
it’s your turn to look incredulously at him.
“What is the Union? And wha- no I got hit by a fire extinguisher.”
“You got hit by a what?”
Explaining what happened in short, basically a girl at your home economics class set her station on fire. And this one prick who thinks he’s the main character ran and pour water over the pan making the fire reach up to the ceiling of the classroom. (this happened to my class irl. never do that guys)
So then HE fucked up, which makes another guy with actual brains go and get the fire extinguisher.
And apparently universe decides they want you to have a bad week. The fire extinguisher exploded once he took the seal of, and flew over. Hitting you on the back of your shoulder.
“And that’s the whole story. It’s really just some bad luck going on there.”
Alex would just sit there, flabbergasted.
“Babe.. who did you anger to receive all this bad karma?”
donald na / na baekjin
You did not exactly covered the injuries you sustained on your body. It wasn’t like it was some secret of yours.
Donald also did not pay much attention to it. He does took notice of it, just never really commented much on it.
But then the bruises grew, from one to three, and then to six.
Donald would narrow his eyes at the growing number of injuries you have. How did you even get them? In the first place, you weren’t even an actively physical member of the Union.
So one day after you came to submit your report, Donald would pull you aside and ask for a confirmation.
“Y/N, you know I care about the wellbeing of every members of the Union, don’t you?”
His eyes darted down, yet another growing bruise on your leg above the knee.
He pursed his lips when you tilt your head in confusion.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“You don’t pass me as one, but have you been fighting outside my supervision?”
“Huh? No, I haven’t.”
“Then, is there anyone bothering you?”
“I’m not sure where this is coming from..”
Donald would take your arm and slide the sleeves of your uniform up to reveal trails of bruises.
“Oh, these! No, they’re not from fighting. I swear.”
Sheepishly rubbing your neck, you’re not too sure you wanted to reveal this not to cool part of your life towards him.
“Well.. it’s just. It’s really nothing, I just have bad luck? I guess?”
“Bad luck..?”
“Yeah, you know. I can’t really explain it, it’s just something I experienced for like all my life really. Plus I have a pretty weak skin! So it’s easy for me to retain bruises.”
Bad luck, huh.
“Stay here for a minute will you, Love. We’ll walk together from now on to minimise that bad luck of yours.”
jake ji / ji hakho
If you guys don’t know each other, or just not very close in general, I honestly don’t think Jake would care that much.
If he’s interested in you, he will try to make a passing comment like, “Ouch, that could leave a scar.”
If you two are already close, depending on the scale of your injury, he will get super worried.
You came to school that day with a bandaged arm. You had accidentally burned yourself while ironing your brother’s clothes. But it was nothing too serious, you cleaned the wound and bandaged it up.
Even so, a fresh wound is still a fresh wound.
You hissed when Jake accidentally brushed over your injured arm as he ran over to hug you.
“Hm? Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
“You didn’t hurt me, Jake. It’s fine.”
Jake would be left stunned as you left him in front of the school yard.
You’ve never avoided him like this before. Except for the next few days, whenever he initiated any big physical contact, you would push him off like the plague.
“Alright, this is not fun anymore. What’s going on?”
It was a huge problem for him not being able to hug you. So, he needs to get to the core of the problem.
“My arm. I burned it on an iron, and you kept accidentally touching them. So- WAIT JAKE!”
Rolling up your sleeves with little considerations for you, he noticed the white gauze peeking through.
You watched as your boyfriend lowered the sleeves of your blazer back down, a hard look on his face.
“WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?! And all this time I thought I did something to upset you or something!”
“H-huh?! No, you didn’t! It was just my bad luck..”
“Bad luck or whatever, I want you to tell me the reason I can’t get your hugs next time!”
wolf keum / keum seongje
Wolf Keum is a lot. And out of all those things that he is, he is perceptive.
And really, he notices everything about you. If you changed your shampoo, or when you get a new perfume. He KNOWS.
So you can have my words that he would notice even the smallest imperfection on your skin.
The two of you were at your house after the teacher assigned you for voluntary summer tutoring for extra marks to add onto your uni application later on.
You brought it up to Wolf one day and he shrugged, filing his name in.
So that brings him here, in front of your house. With a box of roll cake his mother made him bring.
They’re giving you tutoring for free! Bring this over and say thank you! Don’t let me hear complaints from their parents about any bad behaviour, Wolf Keum. You hear?!
(I can just imagine mama wolf being a total tiger mom ngl)
“Noona, it’s Wolf.”
Alright back to present time.
It was in the middle of summer. You wore shorts, just like everyone else to spare your body from any possible heat stroke.
It wasn’t visible while you were standing up. But once you sat down and crossed your legs, Wolf noticed a slight discolouration on the inner of your thigh.
Absentmindedly, he slid his hand down to raise up your shorts.
“Wolf! Are you out of your-“
Your older sister who was passing by the living room to get some water averted her eyes awkwardly and murmured something about getting a room.
“Seriously, Wolf..”
“Why do you have bruises here?”
Wolf looked at you, and you looked down to where his hand is.
You sighed, about to lose your mind with this kid.
“I fell off a bike a few days ago. It wasn’t anything serious, just got a bit unlucky.”
You replied, pulling down the hem of your shorts back.
“You should be more careful, Noona. Even I don’t fall off of bikes since grade school anymore.”
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time for Thoughts™️
I will always rant about every member of the disaster lineage but I just got very very especially sad about Dooku and Qui-Gon. 
how did I not realise how late he left the Order??? I always thought it was idk, some time earlier than the Phantom Menace but this is just. they really went for the peak angst potential didn’t they
we now know what happened to Yaddle, but at what cost…
As always, fuck Sheev. look what he did. he took a bunch of perfectly good light-siders and fucked them up is what he did.
I feel like Anakin really does Not know how to Handle Child at the time of that first training montage. he does his best to be a good teacher and train her the best he can but I definitely got scary chills watching him say “again” so many times in a progressively darker tone
I’m fine I’m just crying over how all that training, no matter Anakin’s downfalls, saved Ahsoka’s life in the end
my first reaction to Rex mentioning Jesse was basically just “oh hey it’s my dude!!!” and then I realised that Anakin and Jesse both trained Ahsoka in ways that she then used to survive their attempts of trying to kill her and now I’m not okay
that handful of Obi-Wan scenes was a nice bonus
Caleb getting all excited about Ahsoka doing the droid training exercise he’s so precious-
The funeral.
no because the fact that Ahsoka would have been chased down and possibly killed by the Empire if they found out she was still alive but she went to Padmé’s funeral anyway to pay her respects because Padmé was so important to her-
“She was my friend” feelings. so many feelings. i cried here.
Rex sticking with Ahsoka until after the funeral makes me have a lot of emotions and a lot of thoughts; iirc we don’t actually know how long they were together after the Tribunal crash before they split ways
*insert that one textpost that was like [me every second Bail Organa was on screen] ‘that’s Bail Organa’*
anyone else feel a little iffy about the whole “we have a duty thing” he was saying to Ahsoka? maybe I just wasn’t paying enough attention, but it felt a little to me like he meant she had to/was obligated to join the Rebellion. it doesn’t seem very in sync with Bail in general, but if someone has a different interpretation that makes more sense, please share with me.
the only other thing is I’m just confused and a little irritated about the section with the farmers and the Inquisitor. like, when in the timeline exactly did that whole encounter take place? and if they wanted to show a storyline like that, why didn’t they just animate some key moments from the Ahsoka novel? I feel like it sort of gives it more weight in a way to have Ahsoka’s big return to the good fight and the Rebellion set two years after the end of the war, and given how similar the setups are, I have to say I would have much rather had at least some scenes from the book in animation than a whole new separate thing that kind of replaces it.
me when the girl’s brother went to tattle to the Empire: every town’s got a Timm 😔
ngl I really thought she might be Kaeden at first but it wasn’t too bad I suppose.
especially since I will never, and I mean never, get sick of watching Ahsoka kick Inquisitor ass
all I want to do is wrap all my faves up in a blanket and hug them very tight yk
in conclusion: I am just screaming. so hard right now.
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
Okay the bridgerton break ups are killing me, can we please see how they back together cos I need some hea’s here
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Okay, I get it, you convinced me, I should stop being lazy and finish the piece lol
First of all Kanthony gets back together the same way they do in the books. Kate has a car accident, the hospital calls him because he's still Kate's emergency contact, and Anthony runs, he doesn't even finish hearing the voicemail from the doctor, he just drops everything and races out. Kate turns out to only have a broken leg, but all the while Kate is getting her cast on Anthony is having the most major freak out of his life, because Kate could die! she could die! and he keeps repeating it to himself and Kate gets really worried about how he looks like he hasn't slept in ages. The next thing he knows, Anthony is hugging her, telling her he loves her so much, that he's been afraid of turning her into his mother who basically stopped functioning when his dad died because he was her world. But Anthony would rather live every day of his life loving Kate than waste another day without her. He lied to protect himself!! he does love her, he doesn't want to think of a world without Kate. And Kate decides to take him back, after he finally convinces her that all this time he did hear her her confession of love and did reciprocate her feelings, ever since they met, he was just lying about it. Anthony does do a 180 because he can't get over the fact that he could have lost Kate and she never would have known his feelings. Meanwhile Kate is pleasantly surprised at how much more free Anthony acts now that he's not lying to himself about loving her
Benophie, well, you guys probably already guessed it, Benedict makes a scene at Violet's birthday party, he gets into an argument with Araminta for harassing Sophie about the breakup and making it sound like it's all Sophie's fault, when he's the one who never deserved her. Finding out that Araminta and Sophie's dad sucked and that Sophie had a terrible home life. When Sophie thanks him for defending her like that, Benedict realizes that after knowing the terrible family Sophie came from, and hearing her talking with Roger about building her true family and raising kids with love and care, that his so called freedom means nothing compared to that. Because he's been trying to fill the void with meaningless hookups when all this time, he could be having something real and lasting with Sophie. the whole thing of having a nice house, doing chores. It suddenly hits him that building a future together with someone as brilliant as Sophie Beckett, sounds like a dream to him. So he apologizes to Sophie profoundly and goes all out to show her he's changed, he gets a permanent job at an art gallery, stops the random hookups, if he needs a date he only asks Sophie to go, and shows up alone to events if she says no. And when Araminta has her arrested on false theft charges, Bendict pays her entire bail out of his own savings, only asking her to give him another chance, this time, with the intention of getting married one day soon, if she'll have him. Sophie says that yes, she'll give him a chance, because she loves him, and eventually after a lot of persistence on Benedict's part, they do get back together.
Polin. I think these two got really angry at each other before the reconciliation, they both try to move on with their lives, but keep coming back to each other. Colin tricks Penelope into the 'we can still be friends right?' thingie that guys do when they're trying to change. But I think what does it for them is that in the dramatic moment when Colin doesn't run when he finds out that his ex, Penelope is the famous anonymous columnist LW. For the first time in the relationship he stays in England and faces her directly, because he's sick of running from his problems with Penelope. And he's sick of her expecting him to run. So he confronts her and they just have the big explosive angry argument they should have had before they broke up. Throwing blame, recriminations, hurt, every verbal weapon every bad memory, everything they hated or hid from each other fearing that their relationship wouldn't survive, they throw it there, out in the open. And then, by the end of the argument, both realize that they still love each other, that even trough all the dirty laundry they mutually aired, they both still think that the other is the best thing to happen to them, so Colin asks Penelope to be his girlfriend again, because he can't live without her, and if this is the worst they can do to each other, then they're going to be fine after all, so he will work hard to earn her trust, and since she also loves him, she agrees to try again. (Makeup sex was probably involved in this)
Philoise, well, that's just Eloise showing up in the middle of the night at Phillip's house, hugging the oversized stuffed animal Phillip got her for Christmas, during a thunderstorm, mumbling the most pathetic excuse, of being in the neighborhood, which basically boils down to a tearful 'Phillip I really really miss you' that just shoots Phillip's defenses to the ground. Because how can he not take her back when she's being so vulnerable and obviously in as much pain as him. He shows her that he built her a home office in his house, for her to use and she cries again, because of course he would, that's the type of idiot he is. Phillip is still angry at her for just breaking up with him without an explanation, but once Eloise does explain herself, and he has a chance of talking about his own trauma, they both agree that being single is terrible when you're inlove with someone this stubborn. The next day Oliver and Amanda find out Eloise is in the house and absolutely snitch on their father about what a pathetic downer he's been and how she needs to come back and 'fix him again'. So Eloise promises she's back with their dad, and here to stay. Although in this case, they do agree to take things slower (And by slower I mean Eloise will be proposing next week, because she saw Colin do it and it felt like a good idea)
Saphne, Ohh this one is the typical party girl x bad boy get back together, Daphne is partying hard till she drops for the third month straight, when Simon just can't take it anymore, because ofc Anthony was like 'Let Daphne make her own choices Simon' when Simon told Anthony to rein her in and watch out for her crazy celebrity friends. So Simon himself starts showing up at the events where Daphne is acting out, and just brining her home before she can be taken advantage of. Because for some reason he's now frequenting the bars she likes. At one point, he confronts her, tells her that she's better than this, Daphne tells him that so is he!. And they have a heart to heart, that brings them closer together. They decide to quit pretending they're okay, and do get back together after finally accepting that the other is not going to change and that relationships mean compromise, and it's not until Anthony has his first child a year later, that Simon revisits the children and marriage conversation with Daphne. Because after thinking about it for so long, he's ready to become a dad, not because Daphne wants to have kids, but rather because he finally healed enough to feel confident that he deserves to be loved and that he's not going to turn into his abusive father.
Franchel: Michael comes back from his travels, he admits defeat, he grovels, Francesca does not take him back, he spends way too long being Violet's plus one to family events just to get close to Fran again. Until literally half her family is begging Francesca to put him out of his misery and either honestly go no contact or take him back. She does finally take him back. But with much more healthier ground rules. (Oh who am I kidding, he seduced himself into forgiveness, because she sure was more forgiving after round 10 of seduction. That man has got a superpower only Francesca can tame. She was brave for holding him off for so long)
Hyacinth and Gareth did eventually find common ground after Sophie took Hyacinth out of the videogame room and made her see the underprivileged side of town so she could appreciate the privilege she was born into. Truthfully Hyacinth still the materialistic younger sibling all the Bridgertons love, but she does make an effort to help people who have less opportunities than her by participating in more activism, when Gareth sees that she's trying to be more sensitive to human issues that don't involve her personal self interest, he falls inlove with her again. Hyacinth asks him if they could start over and Gareth agrees, knowing that he was inmature too and that the best thing they can do is leave the past behind and get together under a fresh start.
Gregory and Lucy. Pretty sure they got back together because Haselby got sick of them and staged an intervention. Haselby made it look like Lucy was being blackmailed by a criminal and had Gregory think her life was in danger, when really it was just Lucy's creepy uncle locking her up at home and not letting her go to school because he found out her relationship with Haselby was a ruse. So Gregory bravely rode to the rescue, practically blew up the door to Lucy's house, and Lucy's bedroom where she was locked up by her uncle, and as an added bonus, Gregory had Lucy's uncle arrested for child neglect. Gregory also asked Simon and Daphne to pull some strings CPS and had Lucy placed with Anthony and Kate temporarily until she turned 18. Even after all this, Gregory was insecure about where he stood with Lucy, but once she was not restricted by her uncle and didn't have to fake her relationship with Haselby, Lucy was free to be honest with him and ask Gregory out for Prom herself, Gregory is obviously over the moon. Because she never stopped loving him and that's all he needs. And although Hermione Watson gets the title of Prom Queen, Gregory gives his own Prom King Crown to his beloved Lucy, because she may not be the diamond of the season for their fancy private school, but she is the Diamond of the season to him. (Bonus of their story is that they do get accepted into the same Ivy League College after graduation)
And that's the tea
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onceuponalegendbg · 1 year
Ok so, I just wanted to kind of pick apart my problems with the Arlong Arc in the Live Action a bit. And I’m going to avoid the whole “needed more time/should have cut some of the marine storyline” complaint and just focus on the details that didn’t quiet work and were kind of baffling.
And I want to reiterate this before I get into it: I loved the Live Action. It was fun and goofy and the passion behind it was palpable. And this isn’t me going “argh, how dare they deign to change anything! I wanted a shot for shot remake! Argh!” No. I’m okay with changes. I love that all we get of Don Kreig is Mihawk humiliating and then killing him because god was he annoying in the anime. Least favorite arc I sat through. Nami’s one on one conversation with Kaya? Fantastic! I’m not even that big of an OP fan, but this kind of made me wish I was.
I just really love the Arlong Arc in the anime (horribly paced fights aside). It’s honestly the only arc I care this much about so I wanted to talk about this.
- Arlong’s Betrayal: Ok, so in the anime Arlong makes it very clear that he will let Nami and Coco Village go once she hands over 100 Million Berry. It’s made explicitly clear that he’s a fishman of his word and that he’d never go back on a deal involving money. And then of course he sends Nezumi to steal Nami’s money once she has it all. Ok. So that’s all pretty much the same in OPLA.
However, in the anime, Arlong does not immediately move to destroy the Village. In fact, when Nami comes charging in after realizing Arlong’s betrayal claiming he broke his word, his reply is “When? When did I go back on our deal exactly?” Because he technically didn’t! And instead of moving to destroy Coco Village, he tells Nami (to paraphrase), “guess you’ll just have to start over with stealing all that money because a deal’s a deal. Oh, and if you think about bailing then I’ll kill everyone in the village.” This way Arlong keeps both his chart maker and he gets to keep extorting the Village. This shows that Arlong is very cunning and slick, as well as a terrifying force.
But, in OPLA, that’s not the case. The fact that Arlong in OPLA is really just going to wipe out the village now that Nami got all that money is so wasteful. And if there was one thing Arlong wasn’t, it was wasteful. If he could use someone he’d do it, provided they paid his fee. Arlong in OPLA, while still a decent threat (the actor does give him some serious presence), he kind of comes across as an idiot.
- Nojiko/Village Knowing: In the anime, we find out very quickly that Nojiko did know about Nami’s deal with Arlong. Little Nami told her sister after they made it, and after Little Nami put on a big show of betraying the village so they wouldn’t go fight and die. The kicker is, when Nezumi comes to take Nami’s money, Genzo reveals that the village also knew about her deal, and pretended to hate her so that she wouldn’t feel bound to come back if she ever decided to leave, to escape Arlong.
Also, because Nojiko knew, she got her tattoos as a sign of solidarity. Little Nami talked about how she hated her tattoo and how it made her feel like Arlong owned her. So Nojiko, being the amazing sister she is, got her tattoos so Nami wouldn’t feel so alone. It was a symbol of their bond. Now in OPLA I guess she just… got tattoos… because they’re cool?
- The lead up to the breakdown: Okay, so this one kind of lends into the “they needed more time” category but also I just wanted to mention this. While I still say Emily Rudd gives the best performance in the series here (my opinion, don’t @ me) and I did feel emotions, I really feel like we needed just that extra smidge more.
We needed that moment where everyone is ready to fight and then Nami walks up, putting on the biggest, most fake smile, ready to absolutely throw herself onto a metaphorical sword again so that everyone she loves won’t run toward their deaths, only for Genzo to pull her into a hug and tell her “it’s okay. You’ve done enough. You’ve carried this burden too long by yourself. The least we can do is try to win our freedom ourselves now, and if we die then… hey, you’ll be free.” So when the Village ignore her pleas to stop and move to basically die, Nami finally just collapses because everything she worked for, everything she spent eight years trying to achieve was all for freakin nothing.
This moment more than anything shows who Nami is at her very core. And it just… doesn’t exist in OPLA.
- Rapid fire, minor complaints that don’t actually ruin anything but I did notice: It is really bizarre that they never say Bellemere’s name out loud. It’s on her grave marker but that’s it.
While I don’t think Nami should have been a baby when Bellemere found her and Nojiko, perhaps just a smidge younger?
The catalyst for the argument in which Bellemere slaps Nami after Nami says they aren’t an actual family. In the anime Nami says this because Bellemere has been skipping meals and only eating tangerines so that she can give all the food to her daughters. Nami’s guilt over that and the fact that she believes if Bellemere didn’t have to look after them she could afford to take care of herself leads into that fight and slap in the anime and it’s Genzo that tells Nami about Bellemere’s backstory after she runs away.
Could have used Nami denying help just a little more when Luffy stops her from stabbing her tattoo. Throwing dirt, telling him to leave, just this horrible last ditch effort before… “Luffy. Help me.”
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murcielagatito · 8 months
theres just too many things that keep adding up that make me absolutely bonkers about avanine...
the moment ava notices janine is the moment she percieves the teacher as a threat. ava doesnt give a fuck about her job except for the fact that she gets a paycheck at the end of the day. she fucks around and makes life absolute hell for the abbott staff. janine is like nah no more of this. so ava, being the literal queen bee of the school, she bullies janine any way she can to assert her dominance in the hierarchy. time goes on and jfc ava is relentless. we only see the carefully crafted persona he has created for the cameras and yet- janine is able to learn things ava tries to keep hidden. janine needs help creating tiktoks to get supplies for her class. ava helps her because its her area of expertise and gest extremely excited about it. janine tries to set up a gifted program ava tells her why these things wont work out (in the end shes right) sahar comes to school it makes ava jealous. janine puts together a step class. ava joins in after being "on vacation" and is a total flake and nobody believes in her but janine persists. janine insists she has confidence ava will do the right thing. and when in the end she bails, janine learns the real reason ava has been so wishywashy is because shes been taking care of her grandmother. they share a moment on the bench (the bench thats been compared to other romcom couple defining moments when in relation to gregory) ava whom literally hides herself behind her many wigs tucks her hair behind her ear when she has this bench conversation with janine. time goes on. avas job is in danger. janine is the first person that comes to her aid. because what is abbott without ava as their principal. janine breaks up with tariq. end of season one.
school is back in session! development day begins and ava is pimping out the parking lot. janine is upset over how ava is absolutely not giving a single fuck about the preparation of the year. janine is overwhelmed with all her issues and ava is visibly concerned but not verbally. no never verbally. gritty hugs janine. ava hugs gritty and takes a selfie. ava keeps said photoshopped selfie in her office. without janine of course. janine campaigns for computers for the school but unfortunately repairs take priority so she becomes sad that she cant make the kids feel as special as the charter school. ava compiles the leftover money and gets them waterice and it makes janine happy that the kids have something to enjoy. ava has asked janine to get mcdonalds in her ava way to which janine declined. it is implied that ava has aksed janine to hang out on several occasions eveb though shes the one that insisted that she couldnt b seen in public with janine. halloween rolls around and janine is invited to a party. her current costume is not fit for the party. ava somehow has a costume in her size that she can wear. janine looks good as hell. ava tells her exactly so. but of course she doesnt tell her she looks as good as herself. janine gets sick because of avas antics. ava begrudgingly owns up to it and takes over as substitute of janines class. janine knows ava wont pay attention to what she has to say unless theyre on facetime. ava doesnt have janines number saved. ava learns what it takes to be in janines shoes as a teacher. ava orders some more paper. janine runs into ava (and gregory) at a hookah lounge. ava interrupts gregory and janines moment by complimenting janines dancing. ava compliments how nice janine looks in her dress. janine finds out ava has a boyfriend. ava's boyfriend is a basketball player. ava says hes been dating her for five years but shes only been dating him for two. ava officially noticed janine two years ago. janine is a literal fan of avas boyfriend. ava doesnt ask but tells janine shes coming with them to continue partying. janine leaves with ava at the end of the night. then the fight between two students happens. janine is smaller than them but still tries to break it up. ava comes to the rescue and pushes janine behind her protectively. janine and gregory finally kiss. ava has been pushing them together basically the whole time. janine has been dating maurice and she breaks up with him. gregory and janine confess their feelings for eachother. janine isnt ready. they keep missing eachother. its never quite right for them. ava is inspired to return to college. end of season two.
ava is even more of a menace than she ever was in the past. she drops the suggestive commentary towards gregory but the quips towards janine never change even in her new professional principal persona. (janine confesses how she feels to gregory. gregory rejects janine. their timing is once again just not right. ava has seen this video over and over again. ava is extremely attentive to janine and gregory's relationship) ava is eager to show just how much she has learned and how good she can be as a principal and everyone is miserable. janine doesnt notice because shes being poached by the district. they finally figure out how to reset ava to her formal self. janine knew exactly how to do it all along. janine knows ava best out of anyone at abbott. janine leaves and ava returns to her typical ava self. janine returns for carreer day and immediately happily greets ava. the school is in commotion and janine seeks out ava to find out what is going on. end of the first two episodes of season three
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
i saw the sanekana headcanons and oh my gosh what a feast but i want to talk about the brief mention of sanemi and mitsuri being bffs because... yes!! 😍😍
imagine mitsuri tells some of her friends in high school (because she's a bit younger so she'd still be in school when he's already in university) that a friend of hers is gonna pick her up and then it's sanemi shinazugawa whom most of them only know as that one super rude guy that always causes trouble. and to imagine mitsuri hopping on his motorcycle and waving excitedly at her friends as they drive off while sanemi doesn't even look at them 😂
they would have this dynamic where sanemi stands behind mitsuri all the time and glares at everyone who's being weird to her but every once in a while she steps up for him (mostly when people are looking down on him or act a little asshole-ish about is scars or something like that) and whenever that happens he literally has to drag her away because she keeps going off on them 🤣💕
and mitsuri noticing that he's so insecure about the colorblindness and buying flowers, please, my heart cannot take it 🥺 it probably starts when valentines day is coming up and mitsuri drags sanemi along to go buy flowers for obanai and she notices how he stops all the time and looks at the flowers in a kind of hesitant way. and she probably doesn't want him to be too embarrassed, so she says something like: "kanae would love these, those are her favorite colours" and he looks at her and quietly says: "you sure?" and it breaks her heart a teeeeny tiny bit 🥹❤️❤️😭
- 🐼non
-Sanemi pulling up on his motorcycle, a bright pink flowery helmet in hand so Mitsuri will be safe. He lets her hug him before telling her to hurry up before "we bail on Mcdonalds" (Total bluff- he still got her food). Sanemi not even looking back at her HS friends his hilarious akreajrkaewrkjaerkjaewkjr She's all happy and smiling while her friends are just: O-O''
-AH GOD I LOVE THAT!!! Protective Sanemi; he's got the scary glare and guard dog vibe while Mitsuri's charming the pants off everyone she meets. I like to think they go out together with everyone- maybe bowling, karaoke- whatever; and some dude's chatting her up, flirting with her and she's fairly oblivious to it cause she's having such a great day with her friends. The dude goes to "help" her adjust her grip on the bowling ball and Sanemi's right there like: "Alright buddy- paws off." She didn't need help of course- the girl's got quite the arm- something everyone learns when she rolls the ball with so much force it puts a dent in the of the back wall-whoops.
-MITSURI HELP! She's vicious when she wants to be- especially in regards to her big brother figure. Sanemi's scary, but he's also such a sensitive soul? He won't show it, but he bleeds easily- and Mitsuri knows this so if someone's talking smack or being gross regarding his face or scars or vibe she's all: "WHO ARE YOU? SANEMI'S AMAZING AND WONDERFUL AND YOU'RE JUST A PIECE OF-" He has to carry her off at that point before she starts throwing hands akjrjearkjaekjrkja It's a liiiiiiittle embarrasing but also lowkey he loves it cause he knows she'll be fine in the world.
-Canon moment! Sanemi can't write as we know; I think for the AU he might have some form of dysgraphia (learning disability that affects writing). Typing is a breeze but handwriting? Nope- not at all. Mitsuri on the other hand has gorgeous handwriting and writes all his notes for him when he can't use his laptop or recording device (also she helps him with notes to Kanae shhhh~ It's his words she just writes them down; maybe she gives some suggestions here or there).
-Mitsuri and Sanemi with the colorblindness oh my HEART!!! He has so much faith in her and Mitsuri is the queen of flower giving; she gets all the details from Shinobu (they're in the same class I've decided) about what Kanae loves and relays it back to Sanemi. It's not just with flowers of course- anything with colors and patterns he'll send a picture to Mitsuri like: "What is it and do you think she'd like it?" (75% it's "Love the pattern, not the color. The one to the left of it- yes." 20% of the time it's "That's the one great pic!" and 5% it's "Sanemi that's a Venus Fly Trap")
-Okay so; Little time skip; I feel like Mitsuri when she graduates she comes to the same University Sanemi attends (he put in a good word for her and it's in town) and that's where she meets Obanai. It's pretty much love at first sight (at least that's how Sanemi sees it lols) and now he gets the opportunity to play matchmaker like she did for him. Still very "Break her heart and I'll break your legs" to his bestie but like; also "She loves pink and cute stuff and food. Good luck bud." You know? They help each other out klarkjaekjrajkrkja
Thank you for sharing, these were beyond precious! :D
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monty-glasses-roxy · 8 months
Good morning I had a dream that for some reason, Fazbear decided to give Roxy therapy. She never spoke during their sessions except to insult the therapist, but the therapist felt like they were finally making progress when shit happened and Roxy shut down all conversation. What happened? I think it was the team going and dying to the Mimic but it could have been something else it was only mentioned after a time skip.
Weirdly though, the therapist assumed she'd gone silent again because of an altercation with Freddy. So they called Freddy and Monty in (maybe Chica too) and tried to convince Freddy to stick around for a session with Roxy who isn't there at the moment. Freddy was just pissed off that he's being expected to apologise for shit he hasn't done and Monty was there trying to convince him that it's not that bad what's his problem man
EXCEPT Roxy has left. She fucked off. Left the Plex and is now wandering the outside world. The others are in a panic looking for her, and find her standing outside of a hospital. I think it was a children's one specifically but I don't remember. She'd been entertaining a lil bit but she's just kinda silently stood there with a blanket around her and a hot chocolate looking at it. For some reason when they're trying to talk to her, Chica says she knows why she came here and it's because she thinks she's better off dead, which is when my brain quickly adds a morgue to this location lmao anyway
Roxy leaves them again cause she doesn't want to talk. She explores on her own, finding Foxy, an old friend presumably from the last times she's snuck out. She cries, happy to see him and he tells her everything is gonna be okay while he hugs her, then takes her back to this tall tree building. She asks to stay with him and he's hesitant cause where he lives is some kind of... I guess a strip club? Kind of? Wasn't graphic or anything but my brain supplied that sex happens there and that's why she wouldn't want to stay. Vaguely saw poles for dancers but it's literally inside a cool tree thing so it was super out of place. Also Tails from Sonic is there with Balloon Boy. This place has the aesthetic of a rainforest cafe btw.
They go up onto the roof where some turtle looking guy that's really long acts as the spiral staircase or slide I guess for the building is talking to them. They ask if she wants to hang out and ride the stair/slide thing down to the ground floor and she cries cause she doesn't want to stay here. The turtle also gets sad cause he likes when they play on the slide that makes up it's body I guess.
The manager joins them and is talking like she's going to stay, goes to grab her tail I think and she fuckin' bails. Foxy goes with her, but a clay looking Bonnie (like from the JRs games but a bit bigger than Foxy) chases after them. Foxy isn't sure he wants to leave his friends but does in order to protect Roxy, and leads Bonnie away from her.
He leads him into a small, cluttered, basement storage place that's kind of like a cavern, with a chain link fence blocking off an underground river with giant, plush Bonnie's that are groaning as if they're alive and all look dead on the rocks. Bonnie catches him but is like. On the floor or something in an almost Family Guy deathpose way for some reason and Foxy convinces him to let go so he can leave. He runs after Roxy, feeling guilty for what he's done and what he's leaving behind and catches up to her with Balloon Boy here now I guess. Roxy cries again for some reason and then I woke up
The Plex she left also didn't look like the Plex at all btw. I switched between Roxy's POV, a third person POV while Freddy and Monty were with the therapist, back to Roxy's POV and then Foxy's when he lures Bonnie away. I don't remember all the reasons Roxy was crying, I think she was internally wanting to go home but just not saying it but then just never went home. And Freddy was comically angry for some reason???
Oh and Roxy was swapped for Blaze the Cat for a bit of the conversation with the club manager, but then was swapped back to Roxy again after. I think this was third person POV and the manager pinched her leg? And it kicked off from there? I said grabbing her tail cause he might have been but I don't remember. Aside from that one action, he was a decent sounding guy though. Then he just did that and I lost all care for him lmao
Anyway. That was fun. A wild situation!
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
Watched Obi-Wan Kenobi last night. I, of course, loved it absolutely and completely.
Which means it’s time to share dumb things I liked because whyyyyy not
Luke sneaks all of three feet away. He is right behind Beru and Owen. How many times has he pulled this trick, that he is so confident it will work? Or, are they playing along? Maybe they know exactly where he is. Whatever the reason, Luke sneaking all of three feet to the left to escape his guardians is so funny.
Speaking of Luke, it is honestly kind of amazing how he just, cannot be killed. And I get why, you know, narratively speaking, but in-universe, Luke passed out in front of Reva, Luke faced Vader twice, Luke faced Palpatine’s Force lightning, and he’s still just fine. And 2/3 of these opponents faced Luke and then reconsidered their ways. I know (and love) that Reva sees herself in Luke, but I also can’t help but giggle that Luke’s mere presence is enough for evil people to go “Well… maybe I should change…”
I love Reva. Her character arc? The way Obi-Wan begins the show trusting nobody and then gets Reva to trust him? The way Reva was injured and carried Luke out of the Dune Sea and was so gentle in putting him down and the moment they take him away she breaks down? The way she chose not to be like Vader??? The way I wanted to cry during this whole scene because Reva is so great and I like her a lot and I hope she gets some good things in life please
Leia is, of course, completely perfect. She! Is! So! Tiny!!! And sassy!!! The way she is literally being interogated and is terrified and STILL sasses the opposition??? This is Anakin’s kid, dude, Anakin has a kid, whoa-
Obi-Wan himself is also great. He is sad and old and tired and more sad and every two minutes my heart broke a little bit more and the way he responds to finding out Anakin is alive and the way he realizes that Anakin is gone and just leaves and the way he keeps trying to talk to Qui-Gon, over and over again, and the way he gets to taLK TO LUKE and the way he is so attached to Luke that he can tell Luke is in trouble when Reva just learns that there is a kid of Vader’s on Tatooine and and and and
The droids? Perfect. Impeccable. NED-B is literally the cutest thing ever and I want to give him just the biggest hug, all the hugs, every hug. L0-LA59? Could murder me and I would thank her.
(The way Leia is polite to droids and treats them well and tries to stand up for them and the way she really just is Anakin’s daughter and it is killing me-)
I really like Beru. Owen is over there, already greying, while Beru is just like “I’m sure it’s fine :)” Beru is like “I have had rifles prepared for just this situation.” This show really proves my theory that Owen is the helicopter parent who worries over Luke being two minutes late while Beru is the type of parent who gives Luke a high five when he comes home covered in soot from blowing up the landspeeder because he broke his speed record. I love that Owen is the one who is freaking out while Beru is the calm one, it’s very fun.
I like Bail. And Breha is great too. But, Bail “our daughter has escaped once again, whoops” Organa is so good. “We’ll change it together”? God, just stab me in the heart, I guess.
Anakin. Anakin is so fucking dramatic! His cape!!! It flares!!! Anakin and Obi-Wan both know each other way too well and they are using thay against each other and it is soooo good. Vader is so evil!!! But, somehow, Anakin is so… hm. I still want to give him a hug and pat his head and tell him he’s doing great. The way he sets Obi-Wan on fire???? Just out of spite???? Good god, that was so unnecessary, 10/10
I guess you could say I kind of enjoyed Obi-Wan Kenobi a little bit.
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
You know who I like? Yosuke. If only he wasn't also Yosuke, you know?
Like, when Yosuke is good, he's supremely fucking good!
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Like its not even as simple as SLink Yosuke vs Main Scenario Yosuke, because as we get more distance away from the horrible fucking travesty of the spring camping trip, he's turning back into the pretty likeable dude. He's empathetic, he's mourning a girl who did not actually like him and trying to figure out how to handle it, he's driven by good emotions and not shitty emotions.
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you get to hug him and he fucking cries for a while! that's some moving stuff!
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Also, it's baffling he's not a romance option bc he sure as hell is written like one, lmao. I don't know if I have another full playthru of this game in me because my god its pacing is kind of a mess, but I am intrigued by the idea of modding in that romance and seeing it, because even if he's not Officially An Option, you cannot convince me Yosuke isn't in love with the MC and is just struggling to figure that out.
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Circling back, a note about pacing: MAN this game's pacing is WEIRD and I am pretty sure I don't like it and am just tolerating it. Maybe it's because the way I personally play this game, knocking out the dungeon early and usually in one or two days, but the long periods of twiddling my thumbs after a dungeon completion is grating. It makes me want to rush through things to get to the next plot beat.
blah. At this point, I am trying to close out some SLinks so I can focus on others because this game literally has too fucking many.
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Meanwhile, over in Yukiko's SLink, my god is she consistent. A new crew wanted to film the Amagi Inn to make a spooky show because of the murders, but they said no. Yukiko lowkey wishes they said yes so the inn would lose reputation and shut down and she'd be free to amscray without guilt.
Yukiko, I don't say this lightly, but what the hell. I full support you bailing on this destiny you didn't want or ask for, but wishing a historical institution of a small town would close forever just because you don't like the guilt is not great.
But also: remember her Shadow Self? The bird in a cage with an open door and no lock? Deep down, she's still struggling with this idea of wanting something else but not wanting to give up anything for it. It is still incredibly selfish! Which I love! This is some crunchy stuff! Huge fan.
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I had to fucking google how to unlock this one but finally EMPEROR SOCIAL LINK: GET! Now, as you may suspect, I did initially make a fucking angry face at this. Emperor? For Kanji? Tell me you're using the Default Guy Card without telling me etc etc. My initial thought, I swear to god this is true and will be amusing in a moment, was "how the fuck is he an emperor without and empire to look after." Because the Emperor is very much about dominion over a place, about being in charge of taking care of it, so why tf would that be Kanji.
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One, love that the locals use 'chan' with him, that's precious. He is a hometown boy.
Two, the thing he's focused on is taking better care of the neighborhood. His presence causes trouble for everyone, especially his mother, and it's starting to eat at him. He wants to take better care of his community, particularly in the wake of these murders.
Which, to be clear: is tied into gangs pretty clearly. There's that whole argument that before corruption sets in and violence breaks out, gangs often start as a community's attempt to create protection for itself, to take care of people when the local government fails them.
Stewardship of the community from within the community is perhaps one of the most noble goals a person can have, and it's very Emperor. So, Kanji has work to do if he wants to take on that responsibility.
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Doubly so because the next SLink for him, he tries to take Reverie home to meet his mom (aw) but we hear she's at the hospital. Kanji is panicked and thinks something bad had happened, but his mom is fine, she accompanied someone else to the hospital.
but Kanji is young and scared and lashes out because of it before running off.
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Shocking no one, I like Kanji tremendously. I'll prob fill out Magician, Priestess, and Emperor p quick.
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5 Sides of Human
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{Part eighteen}
Genre: Mixed
WC: ~3.9k
CW: pining, some NSFW elements and hints at sex, kissing, anxiety, depictions of anger and verbal aggression, depression,  angst, allusion to past trauma, Barbatos is suspicious af, Storm has a stutter but I am not depicting it with written word consistently, prolly lots of typos lol, spoilers for season 1&2, I'm skipping over/changing some things I didn't like in the main story so it will be a bit different from canon!
Series Masterlist
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©️ artwork commissioned by @vivi8bit ©️  
“So what happened to your date?” Storm finally spoke after walking in silence for a few minutes. She and Mammon had decided to take a walk through the courtyard to get some air. Mammon was awkwardly silent since they exited the hall, making Storm feel a bit more uncomfortable with each passing moment. 
“Meh...” Mammon shrugged. “She bailed on me last minute because she met some rich guy at the horse track who promised to take ‘er on a fancy yacht party.” 
“Oh...” Storm looked to the ground sadly. “I’m sorry...”
Mammon stopped in his tracks, trying to process her words. “Wait. What’re you apologizin’ for?”
“Well, I...It didn’t work out, and that’s kind of shitty of her to do that...” Storm shrugged. “And...I feel bad for not going to the ball with you. I know it hurt your feelings.” 
Mammon sighed. “You don’t have nothin’ to apologize for. I’m the one that should be sorry for how I been treatin’ ya.” 
Storm smiled weakly. “Mammon, It’s-” 
“No. It’s not fine.” Mammon shook his head, turning and facing her completely. “I treated ya like shit, and over what? I don’t own you, and ya don’t owe me anything. You can go on a date whoever ya want...it doesn’t have to be me. And after what I said t’ya...” Mammon paused, crossing his arms. “...I hurt ya. Real bad. And I know I did. I knew it would hurt ya, even if I didn’t mean it. I did it on purpose ‘cuz I was hurt...and that ain’t right to do to someone ya love.” 
“Well...” She shrugged dismissively, a sad expression on her face. “I know you didn’t mean it though.” 
“I don’t care that ya know I didn’t mean it!” Mammon snapped, frustrated with Storm accepting the way he treated her. “Ya should be mad at me! Ya should be tellin’ me to beg for forgiveness! Ya should be threatenin’ to never talk to me ever again! Nobody- not even me- should just get away with talkin’ t’ya like that!”  
Storm frowned, unsure of how to respond. “W-Why do you want me to be mad at you?” 
Mammon sighed again, pressing both hands on her shoulders and squatting down to look into her eyes. “I wan’t ya to value yourself as much as I do. Ya shouldn’t accept anyone talkin’ to ya in the way that I did. Ya ain’t ugly, Ya ain’t worthless, ya ain’t stupid, and...and anyone would be lucky to have a girl like you at their side. I...I just wan’t ya to know that.” 
Storm smiled, feeling tears prick the back of her eyes. She captured him in a hug, squeezing tight against his abdomen. “T-thank you, Mammon. That means a lot.”
Mammon blushed, gently resting his hands around her back. “Ya shouldn’t be thankin’ me. It’s the bare minimum to treat ya with respect...and somehow I managed to even fuck that up, like everything else.” 
Storm shook her head. “You’re not a fuck up, Mammon. You have done and said some things that have hurt me, but that doesn’t mean you’re a bad person.” 
Mammon nodded, but he had a hard time believing it. The guilt for how badly he had hurt her was eating him alive, and he knew he didn’t deserve her kindness. There was a moment of tense silence between them as they stood in the middle of the courtyard. 
“Well, I s’pose I should give ya back to yer date now...” Mammon chuckled awkwardly. “We been out here for awhile.” 
“Yeah...But I do feel better now.” Storm smiled, giving Mammon another quick hug. “Thank you.” 
Mammon nodded, approaching the door and holding it open for her. She stopped before walking through the door, looking up at him with glossy eyes. He sucked in a breath, feeling his heartbeat quicken as she took his free hand in hers. 
“I want to save you a dance. so come find me later, okay?” 
Mammon swallowed, only finding the ability to nod in response as she smiled and strolled back toward the ballroom. His breath finally caught up to him as he shut the door, leaning his back against it to get his heartbeat to slow down. 
Sure, she could date whoever she wanted, but fuck...all he wanted in this world was for her to choose him. 
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“What in the fuck...” Vivi paused, furrowing her brow as she walked into the chaos in the ballroom. The giddiness they felt in their alone time with Satan was now completely obliterated upon seeing the shit show the remaining brothers had caused in their absence. 
Across the room, a circle of demons appeared to be gathered around Lucifer as he loudly scolded Beel for demolishing the entire buffet table in a fit of blind gluttony, causing the other students in attendance to complain about lack of refreshments. Many also passed whispers about Storm’s sudden fleeing from the ball, and what their association was beyond the exchange program given Lucifers clear lack in hesitation in asking her to dance. Asmo and Heart were in the process of what appeared to be taking the “perfect shot” for a devilgram photo, snatching the tulle from the ceiling and trying to dangle themselves off of them. Below them was Levi, who was being chased around by Sarah with a pair of Cat ears- begging for him to put them on and pose with her for a devilgram photo of her own. Worst of all, though, was the fact that Belphie and Fern were practically all over each other in a furious make-out session, literally right in front of Vivi’s eyes. 
She grimaced at the sight, disgusted with the fact that they were so careless in their public display. She reeled her foot back and kicked Fern hard in the ass, causing them to screech loudly in both pain and surprise. 
“AH! What the hell, Man!” They whimpered, jumping off of Belphie and rubbing the tender spot on their behind where a bruise was quickly forming. “That fuckin’ hurt!” 
“Serves you right. That was gross.” Satan sighed, crossing his arms.
Vivi’s grimace tightened further on their face, seeing their shirt had been buttoned down to the point where it was nearly wide open. “Seriously, Fern? Of all of the demons here, why with the guy who smells like rotten feet?!” 
“Excuse me?” Belphie huffed, standing and re-buttoning his own shirt. 
“You heard me, stink boy.” Vivi narrowed her eyes. “That was the grossest shit my eyes have every seen.” 
“I concur.” Satan chuckled, nudging Vivi on the shoulder with his elbow. “I think my eyes need some bleach now.” 
Fern stuck out their tongue, making a mocking fart noise at them. 
“You four.” Lucifer growled, now approaching the group. His eyebrows were twitching slightly, the lines on his forehead way more exaggerated than before. Tightly wound in his fist was a broken pair of cat ears. Behind him stood Beel, which a shameful expression hidden beneath the mess of food scraps plastered to his lips and cheeks (and somehow all over his hair). Sarah and Asmo whined in frustration for having their pictures ruined a few feet behind him, while Heart and Levi chatted about the new Anime convention coming to Devildom next week. 
Vivi rolled her eyes. “What is it, grandpa?” 
Lucifer shut his eyes, the thin line his lips were pressed into becoming even thinner. “Tonight was supposed to be a fun time for all of us, and yet you all seemed to really make fools of yourselves this time. I thought after that horrific display Mammon pulled we would be done with this. But apparently you all can’t learn to behave for even a minute.” 
“I dunno what you’re talkin’ about old timer. We were having a great time.” Fern smirked at him, only to be met with a deep growl from Lucifer’s throat. 
“Oh, I noticed. It was hard not to when you were nearly screwing each other on the dance floor.” Lucifer retorted, causing Belphie to turn beet red. “Have you no shame?” 
Fern snickered, spitting the words back at Lucifer before having a chance to think about the consequences. “Maybe you’re just jealous that I have more game than you, bird man. Your date clearly ditched your crusty ass!”  
Lucifer took a threatening step forward, causing Belphie and Satan to take a larger step away- clearly not wanting to get involved with how angry Fern was making Lucifer. gritted his teeth, nose scrunched to reveal the tips of his fangs. “You better hope you can suck those words back into your rotten little mouth, otherwise I’ll-” 
“What the- what’s going on?!” Storm darted her vision around the room as she entered, her eyes falling on a very angry Lucifer towering over Fern. She quickly paced over to them, the tension as she approached slowly dissipating as Lucifer took a step back and cleared his throat. He hadn’t really realized how far Fern and his brothers had gotten under his skin until he noticed the entire ballroom was deathly quiet and staring. 
“Oh, Good thing you’re here Storm.” Beel smiled nervously at her. “I thought Lucifer was going to mash Fern into pudding for a minute there.” 
Storm stopped in her tracks, blinking rapidly in confusion. “What?!” 
“It’s nothing you need to concern yourself with now, Storm.” Lucifer sighed, shooting Beel a pointed look. “We’re leaving.” 
Storm felt her heart sink slightly. Her thoughts raced with regret and blame for her bolting out of the room to cause him to want to call it a night early.  “L-leaving? But...We only got to dance to one song...” 
“Well, as you can see, the room has been made a disaster area.” Lucifer gestured around with a sigh. “I’m doubtful the night can be salvaged.” 
“Oh come now, Lucifer.” Diavolo suddenly appeared behind Storm, placing a large hand on her shoulder. She jumped, nearly screaming in fear at the unexpected touch and loud volume at which he spoke. “The night is young, and your brothers were merely making their own merry. What’s the harm?” 
Lucifer sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. When a response wasn’t given, Diavolo clapped his hands together. “Resume the party, everyone. More refreshments will come soon!” 
A few murmurs among the crowd turned into cheers, and the music resumed. The brothers and other exchange students dissipated, leaving Storm alone between Lucifer and Diavolo. 
“I’d hate to interrupt your date,” Diavolo smiled, but behind it was a smidge of a threat, “but, would you mind if I danced with Storm for a bit, Lucifer?” 
Lucifer blinked, glancing down to Storm for a moment. She looked nervous and unsure of herself. Before he could answer, Diavolo gave a boisterous laugh and snatched her arm up in his. 
“Great! I’ll be sure to return her to you, don’t worry!” 
Storm looked back to Lucifer with panicked eyes, unsure of what to do to stop the situation from happening. With a sigh, Lucifer made his way to one of the tables, plopping down in a chair in defeat. How could a romantic evening turn sour so quickly? He wanted the opportunity to show Storm some affection, and perhaps maybe more- but of course he couldn’t get a moment’s rest from his brothers antics. Not even for a split second. And between that and Storm’s anxiety, it was like the moment they had alone escaped him before he could even grasp it. 
He sighed once more, rubbing his temple to sooth the developing migraine at the front of his skill. What a disaster. 
“So, I take it your night has been enjoyable?” Diavolo grinned as he waltzed with Storm, trying to get her to look him in the eyes.
Storm shrugged trying to fight away the growing knot of anxiety that began to redevelop in her stomach. “It’s okay, I suppose. Events where this much attention is paid to me aren’t really my thing, I guess.” 
He chuckled.  “That is a fair point. I’ll admit, I was shocked when Lucifer asked you to the ball. He typically stands idle at events like this and refuses anyone’s hand for a dance. Even mine!”
“Oh, really?” Storm forced a smile, trying not to let it show how nervous she was being held so close to such an intimidating demon. 
“Lucifer is a tough nut to crack.” Diavolo laughed once more. “It takes so much for him to just relax and have a good time. I’m a bit envious that you’ve been able to seemingly do the impossible by getting him to dance at one of these things- or rather, influencing him to change his ways.” 
Storm furrowed her brow as he spun her gently, leaning her into a dip. “What do you mean?” 
Diavolo maneuvered her upright, returning to the normal waltz. “Hmm...I suppose I mean that your connection to him is something rather special. No one- not even in the celestial realm- was able to get him to loosen up or drop his guard. Not his brothers, not me, not Michael...not even Lilith. That really uptight and cold demeanor is the way he had always been, and now it obviously falters when you’re around.” 
Storm stayed quiet for a moment, processing his words. Did she really have that much of an impact on him? 
“-And I have to say...” Diavolo craned his neck so that his face was closer to hers. “It makes me curious about you.”
It took a moment for Storm to really hear what he had said. She jerked her head back slightly, confused as to what he was getting at. “W-what do you mean?” 
Diavolo smiled, but the motion felt intimidating. “What I mean is that I’d like to know what’s so special about you- how you could change someone so drastically by just being...you.” Storm swallowed hard as Diavolo reached up, tracing her jaw with his finger and lowering his voice to a honey-like tone. “You intrigue me, Storm.” 
Storm nervously laughed, wriggling out of his grasp as the song ended. “Ahah, I suppose I should get back to Lucifer now. I’m his date, after all!” 
Before he could protest she scrambled away quickly, maneuvering swiftly through the crowd, leaving Diavolo in the center of the room. Demons quickly crowded around him, trying to get their opportunity to dance with the prince. 
Storm frantically looked for where Lucifer had gone, and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw him sitting alone at one of the tables. She quickly walked over to him, sitting down in the chair next to him. He glanced up at her, offering a warm smile- but there was a distance she felt behind it. 
“How was your dance with Lord Diavolo?” 
“Eh...it was...just...weird.” She shook her head, rubbing the back of her neck. 
“Weird?” Lucifer repeated, eyeing her curiously. “Weird how?” 
Storm sighed. “I dunno. He just intimidates me, I guess.” 
Lucifer chuckled. “Well, he is the future king. I’d say that’s normal for those who aren’t really part of nobility- and it’s even normal for those that are.” 
“No, it’s not that he’s a prince that makes me anxious.” She sighed again. “I mean, maybe it is a little bit, but its more than that. I mean, he’s a very...large man. Like that alone makes me uncomfortable.”
Lucifer shook his head, giving a another soft laugh. “I suppose that’s fair, you are rather small, Storm.” 
She laughed nervously. “I mean yeah, but that’s not all there is either.  It’s even worse with just like...the way he acts around me and talks to me...It makes me feel so icky.” 
Lucifer’s amused smile fell and his tone grew serious. “What do you mean?” 
“It just...” Storm sighed in frustration. “I don’t know. It’s hard to explain. I think he’s trying to flirt or something, but it just feels really possessive.” 
Lucifer shifted his jaw, knowing exactly what she was referring to. He thought back on the way Diavolo would talk about her in her absence, especially since she has returned. The comments he would make about her appearance and desirability amongst other demons, and how he had been pushing his way past others to get to her, like with his faux ‘request’ to dance with her that was actually more of a command. “Hm. That does sound as if it would be uncomfortable.” 
Storm chewed her lip anxiously, unsure of what to make of Lucifer’s reply. “I’m sorry. I probably shouldn’t be shit talking the future king of the Devildom.” 
“It’s quite alright.” Lucifer shook his head. “Your comfort matters to me, and if someone makes you feel uneasy- even if it’s Diavolo- it is imperative for me to know.” 
“Thank you.” She offered him a grateful smile. 
Lucifer returned the smile, offering his hand to her for another dance. She seemed much more relaxed this time as he led her to the dancefloor, this time hovering around the outer crowd rather than going for the middle. As they danced, she rested her head on his chest, soothed by his heartbeat that accompanied the beat of the music. A content smile was plastered on Lucifer’s face, eased by the comfort he clearly brought to Storm and she brought him. 
From the distance, the two were watched by multiple disapproving eyes. Despite now having a different dance partner, Diavolo stole glances at the pair, feeling overwhelming jealous of Lucifer’s clear bond to the small woman. Fern, Belphie, Satan, and Vivi, sat at a table watching, more or less irritated by the fact that their friend was so close to the eldest brother. Leaning against the north wall, Mammon also watched sadly, trying to muster up the courage to interrupt and ask her to dance with him instead. And even further beyond that, nearest to the exit, watched Barbatos. 
His eyes never left them as they swayed with the crowd, trying to gauge the intentions of both individuals. He was unsure of Storm from the beginning, and since making a pact with Lucifer- something he thought no human could ever do- he was even more suspicious of her. Lucifer’s clear infatuation with her was also concerning- it would be unspeakable if any noble demon tried to develop any sort of romantic or sexual relationship with a human. Diavolo’s curiosity and attempts to probe into what was so alluring about her also concerned him. It was as if everyone was under some sort of spell- and he wondered for a moment if she was indeed using some sort of magic to lure them in. It seemed unlikely, especially considering her timidness even after getting used to life in the Devildom, but he couldn’t rule out every possibility.  While he had enough respect for her to not pry into her timelines like she had requested after the Belphie incident- he couldn’t help but feel curious as to why she requested him not to pry. It couldn’t simply be because of mere anxiety...could it? 
He narrowed his eyes as he watched Lucifer press a kiss to the top her her head. He had surely hoped his loyalties to Diavolo wouldn’t be swayed by a simple human, but now...now that he has witnessed more of their intimate interactions, he wasn’t so sure. 
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“So...like...What are we now, exactly?” Belphegor pondered aloud, finally able to catch his breath as he stared up at the ceiling of the attic. Fern rested on his chest, a smug smile on their face as they listened to the gentle hum of Belphie’s purr that rumbled through his body. Taking Lucifer’s suggestion at having a bit of shame, they decided to immediately retreat upstairs when they returned home- away from the prying eyes of the brothers and exchange students. Though, given the heated encounter they had earlier in the evening at the ball, one could guess what they had snuck off to get up to. 
“Well...I dunno!” Fern laughed nervously. “What...do you want us to be?” 
Belphie was quiet for a moment, trying to think of an answer. “I don’t know...” 
Fern turned and planted their chin on his abdomen. “I guess like. We could try...dating?” 
Belphie laughed at the weird motion their head took with the rise and fall of his breathing. “I guess I’m fine with that. But...I don’t think we should say anything. If Lucifer finds out that we uh...y’know...I think he’d actually kill you. And then probably me.” 
“Oh, what? So he can go around and mess with Storm, but none of his brothers can have any fun?” Fern poked Belphie in the tummy, causing him to recoil and snatch their arms up. 
“Yes, Fern. He’s a hypocrite. We’ve established this.” He retorted sarcastically.
There was a tense silence for a moment between them. Belphie released Fern’s arms and they readjusted themselves to where they stared up at the ceiling together. 
“Seriously, though...” Fern added, clearing their throat to get Belphie’s attention. “I really...I really do like you, Belphie.” 
Belphie glanced over at them, an evil smile curling onto his lips. “I don't think you would have done some of those things to me if you didn’t like me, idiot.” 
Fern glared at him. “Hey. Fuck you, buddy.” 
Belphie chuckled, turning and snuggling up against Fern. like a Koala. “Fuck you too, Fern.” 
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bigbrainkatrina · 1 year
So the Trauma - a Kim Possible fanfic
So the Drama AU.  Eric is a girl.  Kim is gay.  Drakken & Shego's scheme stings a little harder.
“The person you go to Prom with…it makes — a statement.”
Shego is right on top of her — poker chips scatter everywhere at their crash landing, and the green woman over-does her plasma punch. Her hand splinters through the wood and gets stuck in the billiards table. The girls lock eyes and Kim feels a thrill unlike any other.
It's hard to explain what it is about this specific moment that is so formative. Perhaps we should take a step back.
Kim and Ron infiltrate The Bermuda Triangle, an infamous nightclub owned by the formidable Big Daddy Brotherson. It's such a high profile spot that Kim actually has to go undercover for this job. No crop top and cargo pants for this one — no, she dresses to the nines. Ron tries to dress up to the nines too but — erm — he places a little too much faith in his dad's Prom outfit.
But she feels good. Kim never shows off her figure. It's a silky navy blue dress that hugs her curves, reminding her that her body has developed a lot in the past few years. Changes that she never gets to acknowledge in the old familiar places. Her bare arms rest at her sides, taut with muscles. She feels cold inside the bar but it's okay. Because for once she actually looks like a girl and gets to be an adult. The heels help, giving her that little physical boost of imagined maturity.
When the inevitable does pounce on her, she can't help but notice that Shego is dressed to the nines as well. Same Harlequin pattern with the criss-cross of black and emerald, but not even close to the skin-tight ensemble from their ol' runarounds. In fact, Kim would even go so far as to say that Shego's dressed — does loosely work in a sitch like this?
Long sleeves, crop top, and a skirt with an elastic waistband. The fabric flutters with each flip and kick. It's never been like this before — which is weird. Surely Kim and Shego have had more climactic battles before — is it really just the change in wardrobe? Is that something vain to observe?
When Kim's ankles wrap around Shego's exposed stomach to kick her across the room, there's a moment where their bodies are so tightly compressed to each other — Kim can feel Shego's beating chest, her hot breath, her skin — in all the times the girls have fought each other, Kim's pretty sure she's never felt that woman's skin like this and wow, it's something else.
But Kim's not — it's not like she feels anything for Shego...that would mean that she likes girls and Kim doesn't like girls. She likes Ron — or like — she's supposed to. No, she likes Ron! Definitely.
Does she?
Things have been weird between them lately. What with the Moodulators and the Mystery Girl from Yamanouchi and the friend date that bails Ron out from sitting at the kid's table…
"Where's Drakken and what's he up to?"
Kim's hands are bunching up the fabric of Shego's top, dragging the woman up to her face.
Shego's thin brow pops up and for a second, Kim thinks the green lady is about to snark about Drakken's wacked out schemes or something, but instead the woman says, "What? Are you trying to pull my top off or something, Princess?"
It's quiet everywhere — it's almost like Shego's cold voice cuts out all other sound. Kim's ears start ringing and her cheeks go red. Is this real? Are Kim's feelings that transparent? And if Shego does notice them, does that mean that she might — Kim might actually be g—
Shego's heel cuts out from under them and nails Kim clean in the chin. Her entire body jerks back, a purple bruise already planted along her jawline.
It doesn't matter. The ceiling blows out, Drakken and Shego get away ("You think you're all that Kim Possible but you're not even close!" Drakken snarls and for once, that insult actually stings.), and Kim still has no idea what the Bad Doctor is planning.
This is so annoying.
Her name is Erica. New girl, Ron's showing her the ropes.
"Well isn't that interesting? Actually that's my chair. Not that my name's on it but…"
Erica's tall. Brunette, wavy hair, it curls back up towards her cute little head just as it skims the shoulders. Tanned skin, bright eyes, cute smile, really cute smile actually... and she just steals Ron's chair right out from under him. A little presumptuous because truth be told, Ron clearly has dibs on that chair.
Ron whines in the background and Erica doesn't even acknowledge him. No, she's leering at Kim. Kim wants to snap at this random girl — how dare she treat her best friend like that? But as that smile glistens at her — no, for her — she feels it, this pattering in her chest. Her heart beats faster than she can process and while she wants to kindly ask this girl to give Ron his chair back — she can't.
Kim's voice becomes as thin as tissue paper, crinkling when she makes some joke about Monique-speak. Kim feels small. Here she is: the girl who has saved the world more times than would fit on a resume and she can't even stomach saying something — anything — about herself.
So Erica makes a bold move and asks about Kim. Very forward. This girl wants her.
This is happening way too fast — she can't handle a relationship right now — who is she kidding? This is a girl. Girls don't date other girls — right?
Or — wow, Kim, way to be ignorant, girls can date girls it's just — she doesn't date other girls. She likes boys.
"Ha ha! Ha! Yeah! Kim is such a kidder. Did I mention that we've known each other since Pre-K? Good times! GOOD TIMES!"
Soda spills everywhere — Ron's jellin'. It's painfully obvious and there's just so many threads to connect right now.
Erica is a girl and likes Kim. Probably. Kim already likes Erica. Ron obviously likes Kim otherwise he wouldn't be acting like a total weirdo. Kim likes Ron — a lot — something has been blooming between them all year.
Kim is suddenly having a really hard time breathing. All eyes are on her — Erica, Ron, and Monique — even people from other tables — what is she supposed to say?
Kim remembers how it felt to tussle with a woman — how different a girl's skin feels on hers — how the fingers settle across an arm — how the lips come in at each other — what?
She's never touched a girl. Been touched by a girl. Never wanted any of that. Before Erica.
The new girl is staring.
This is a really important moment. It's in the air. What she says next changes her world.
"It feels like a loop has just been formed and I'm not in it."
Ron says it, not her. But he's right. Stars cross each other and come in at each other fast, their linings tangled and now cosmos are winding about each other in a vortex while the knot intensifies its hold on them. Kim can't look away from this girl.
Finally, she manages to speak past the dry throat. "Me and Ron are getting Bueno Nacho after school today. Do you want to tag along? We can hang out and stuff, you seem really cool."
Kim doesn't have an ego. Or rather…
Kim can't have an ego. She's sixteen years old and expected to save the world week in and week out. With all the press coverage, she's in too vulnerable of a position to let it go to her head. That's why Ron always has her back.
Ron loves attention, probably more than Kim does, but they make an agreement the first time a camera strays away from him; let it be. Ron has to stay grounded. For her, or else she'll just fly away.
That's how they can still go to Bueno Nacho just like your basic average girl and her best friend might. But today? Ron is pouting — he sits across Kim in the booth as always, assuming that this new girl, Erica, will sit besides him but she decidedly doesn't; she sits next to Kim.
Kim blushes the second the girl slides besides her, but Erica doesn't even bat an eye at it. They end up sharing food — Kim tries to learn more about Erica but the confident young lass is tight-lipped. Erica moves around the country a lot and lost her mother when she was very young. It's just Erica and her dad now. A dad that she doesn't see much because he's always staying late at the office.
Erica explains this quickly and succinctly and then barrages Kim with questions about herself. Kim hates talking about herself but try as she might, she can't steer the conversation away from that.
How long have you been saving the world? Three years.
How did that all start? A mistake. A billionaire meant to call Team Impossible but made a typo. Fortunately, my cheer moves helped me rescue him from his own laser trap.
What do you like to do for fun? Um. Shopping I guess. I don't know, does saving the world with Ron count as fun? I feel like it does.
Kim keeps looking to Ron for help — something, anything, but the boy sits there moping — and she really needs him right now. After a while, she gives up. Ron can mope if he wants.
What's there to be afraid of? This Erica girl is really nice.
Cute too. But things don't have to go down that way. They can just be friends. Kim really wants to be her friend.
So she asks her out to a movie that same night; she forgets to ask Ron and though Ron notices, he doesn't bother on intruding. He can tell which way the wind is blowing.
Kim doesn't notice how much time she has spent with Erica until she gets a 9-1-1 from Wade; Drakken scooped her Dad right out of his own office and now no one knows where he is. It's stressful and of course Erica is there to comfort her and all that, but Ron isn't there.
Ron is — somewhere.
And it's weird because that's not normal. Kim and Ron are always together when Wade calls about a mission because Kim and Ron are always together. Inseparable.
Last time Kim sees Ron, he snatches the loudspeaker from the Tweebs and shouts "COOTIE ALERT!"
It's a little childish — she knows it's a prelude to a longer conversation but at the moment she doesn't really have the patience for it. She and Erica are just friends — yeah, they're sitting across Ron feeding each other slices of pizza — but that doesn't mean they are anything more than that…
Ron's just prone to drama...I guess?
But things go back to normal fast. It's not long before some former associate is flying Kim and Ron to Drakken's new Arctic lair. She spend the majority of the flight listening to Ron chatter away about how Bueno Nacho has really gone down the crapper. No more Naco night, kiddie toys, and Ned's clip-on tie has been clipped off.
Oy vey.
But still, it's nice for Ron to talk to her like she's a normal human. Because there's nothing between her and Erica that would justify such a frosty cold shoulder.
When Kim and Ron do locate James Timothy Possible, he's totally zonked out. So a Brain Tap machine is likely involved. But what would Drakken want from her dad? Maybe an apology for their college strifes? Maybe. At this point it feels like Drakken is just messing with her. Because Kim seriously doesn't get it.
"Why do you care so much?" Erica asks her one night. It's late. Definitely past curfew and if the cops caught them on the swingset together at the park — they could technically get arrested for loitering? She's not sure. Either way she texts her parents to let them know she's safe.
Kim looks up at Erica. At some point, they started holding hands. "Well — Drakken hurts people and if I can figure out what he's up to — well — you know."
"No, I don't," Erica says. It's rare for her to be so serious. She's always flirting with her bold and brash can do attitude. She pushes a hair behind her ear and shuffles her swing closer to Kim's. "There's people who do this for a living. Like — paid and stuff. You're just a teenage girl with an iron will and a lotta heart. The best you can do is show up and stop him. Honestly, you should be given more to work with."
The seat of Erica's swing touches Kim's. She can feel the pressure of the girl's body through the rubber. Kim doesn't say anything as Erica's thumb runs across her knuckle. She avoids eye contact for a little bit out of shyness. "It's important to me though. I like doing the best I can and I feel like I'm not at my best right now. Ron and I haven't really been in sync lately."
"Can I ask you something?"
Kim takes in a deep breath. "He's just a little jealous of me and you — I don't blame him, he's kinda ticking me off with his drama but I haven't been the most cordial either — "
"I don't want to talk about Ron; I want to talk about us."
Us. Now that's a scary word.
Kim and Erica are so close, the tanned girl's neck craning past the chains.
Erica smiles just the slightest. "We've been dating for a month now, yeah?"
"D-dating?" Kim freezes. "Have we been — dating? Really?"
"What? Yeah, I thought that's what we've been doing. You don't — you're not — "
"Um." Kim can't think of anything else. They nestle closer. "I don't know. I like you a lot — I — well — I wanted to date I just wasn't sure if you — "
"Kim, I'm already out."
"Out? Oh...oh."
"It's okay, I know you're not. You treat me differently when we're at school and I know you're facing a different pressure but — I've dated a lot of girls who weren't out yet and it's really hard on my end. Lots of emotional labor, and I don't know if I can do it again."
Kim looks up and eyes those beautiful chocolate brown eyes. She can't meet them and looks back down. "It's hard, yeah. I mean — what if my site bombs because I'm gay?"
"Are you gay?"
"I don't know. Probably," Kim touches Erica's shoulder. "But I can't let that stop me from saving the world. People might want me to go away if I came out and — I can't lose that. Can I think about it?"
"Always Kim. I don't want to pressure you."
"You kind of are though."
The chains clink as the swings fall back into their normal spots.
Drakken screams, feet moving with such a swing that they unbutton his lab-coat. He freezes when he finds Shego in his chair, looking over the logistics of his evil, evil scheme. "Shego! Why is my Synthodrone — my carefully constructed weapon to once and for all destroy Kim Possible — " His voice drops low as she rises to face him. " — a girl?"
Shego arches an eyebrow and leans back. "Ha. Well — I was looking at your plans. A toy design, top secret cybertronic technology, Synthodrone personality and performance upgrades, and teen scene junk. I still honestly don't get it but the Synthodrone stuff? Yeah. You should have ditched the Oh Boyz roundtable and gone with this."
"Hm?" Drakken frowns as the image of Teen Scene Junk on the monitor is replaced by Patricia Highwood's The Price of Salt. "Lesbian pulp fiction? What does that have to do with anything?"
Shego flashes her canines. "Kim Possible is not smarter than you."
Drakken blinks. Takes him a second to get it. "Ooooooooh."
"Mhm. If you can't figure it out, she can't figure it out…and that means…"
"We — we actually might win?" Drakken coughs right away. "Nyrhm — I mean — I was already quite confident but — " His fist rubs against the front of his coat. " — Eric was supposed to be a boy. The ultimate hottie — something to make Kimberly Ann go gaga — "
Shego's finger presses to his lips and he stops talking. Dark embers in her eyes. A little unnerving; she's never this invested in one of his schemes. "Right — but that won't work. Trust me."
"Camp Wannaweep. The worst summer of my life."
"I know, I know. The ticks, the poison ivy, the toxic lake, your mom stopped accepting your phone calls…"
"Yeah, you know, all that stuff was bad KP. But you know what was worse? Spending a whole summer away from you."
This is supposed to be a big moment; Ron never gets this serious. He holds that smile on for dear life. For her sake mostly. She replicates what Erica did for her the past night and grabs his hand, rubbing a thumb over his knuckles. Her movements are as precise as Erica's and it seems to calm Ron down a little. She edges closer to him and he looks up.
"Ron, you know we're always going to be best friends. Nothing will ever change that."
Ron's spine folds inwardly and he says back, "What is it Kim?"
"What do you mean?"
"You want to tell me something, right? I can tell. You get this look in your eye when you're nervous."
"O-oh. Yeah. Um," she bites her lip. "Yeah. This is — kind of — a big deal — um — "
"It's okay, KP. You can tell me."
Ron's voice is always fluctuating but in this moment it's so steady. Her jaw tightens and she makes sure to really look at him when she says it.
At first, the sounds end abruptly and she has to catch her breath.
"I'm gay."
Nothing changes in Ron's eyes and it's infuriating. Of course he already knows, but this has been sparking dangerously within her for weeks now. It's this earth shattering revelation and he's just staring — it's so — anticlimactic. She chokes and falls into his arms, and no matter how kind his words are — no matter how present he is — they're drifting, gliding away on different planes of reality.
She reaches out and grabs his arm, tugging hard on his sleeve. Snot bubbles in her nose and she looks up at him. "I don't want to lose you."
"You're not going to KP — "
"But it doesn't even feel like you're here."
Ron's jaw tightens; he's obviously holding something back too and she's not sure if he's drawing away because he doesn't want to take from her moment, or if it's because he just doesn't want her to know his little secret. She blinks back tears and is pretty sure she sees his freckles sparkle from his own crying.
"I'm trying, Kim," he says quietly.
It's like a nail in the coffin.
She knows her parents love her, she's been telling herself that all week. But still, this isn't an easy conversation. It's strange, sitting across the living room from then. For the past three years, the spotlight has followed her relentlessly, yet in this moment, she's sweating under its focus. Maybe because this isn't famed teen hero, Kim Possible, it's just teenage Kim in an identity crisis.
She read online that it's typical for someone to bring their partner when coming out to their family — if that's the case. But Kim didn't invite Erica. Not ready for it yet or something. So instead it's Ron's clammy hand that's holding hers. She feels bad that she doesn't have the strength to reach back but he doesn't seem to mind. He's so warm and she's so cold.
"Mom, Dad…" Kim says slowly. She bites her lip and tries for a joke. "Tweebs…" It doesn't land. "Um...I wanted to talk to you guys because — it's become apparent to me that…"
She freezes and bows her head, taking in a deep breath. When she comes back up, everything is tense. Her brothers look up at her in wonder, they've never seen her this withdrawn before. A deep wrinkle cuts under Anne's dry eyes and it almost feels like she already knows. Her father is the one who seems the calmest. The way his bold eyes keep falling back to Ron's hand, he probably thinks the two are dating.
She should probably speak up now — else her Dad will probably think that she's pregnant. Not really the case.
"I'm gay."
It's two words that tear at her chest, and there's a deathly calm that follows.
Seconds pass and suddenly Kim is enveloped in warmth, tears are flying and everyone is holding each other. How could she forget she has the kindest most wonderful family in the world?
Ron is the last to fall into the group hug. His shaking hands very tentatively fall onto her shoulders and she turns up to him and lifts the hand off her lips and clutches onto him for dear life. She's never heard him sob before, but it's a very welcome change of pace.
You're supposed to act normal when you bring someone to school by hand for the first time. It's casual, a declaration that you're taken, but clearly that has been the sitch for some time so as you saunter down those halls, you talk to your partner like you would on any other day. But queer people don't really get that.
Holding hands with Erica as they pass through the door, it's obvious that they are making a statement. They hold hands because they have to, they have to make it clear that they aren't like all the other kids. They're gay.
It makes her anxious. Kim has done this whole runaround before, like when she dated Josh Mankey. But that wasn't really a statement. She is gay, and will forever be gay, because hundreds of eyes are crawling all over her body and immediately looking away in feigned disinterest. But really, no one can stop talking about how the famous Kim Possible is gay.
Erica squeezes Kim's hand tight because she's there for her. Apparently, the new girl has already done this plenty of times at other schools so she's used to the staring.
The reaction that frightens Kim the most is Bonnie's. What will the rival cheerleader say? Is Bonnie homophobic? Will Kim not be allowed in the locker room with the other girls after this? Where does being gay fare on the food chain? Is it okay?
When Kim locks eyes with Bonnie, there's a spark that flies and sears. Then falls back like receding waves. Bonnie smiles. Not in a condescending way. Just as if to say Oh, I get it. Kim doesn't realize how tightly her jaw is clamped until she passes by her rival, and she has to see if she can get some Advil from the nurse's office because of it.
But the rest of the day is smooth sailing. Whatever Kim dreaded doesn't happen. Because maybe — just maybe — she can have this.
"The Diablo toys are evil!"
Ron is stark raving mad. The cute balloon gates leading to the Prom bends under his weight and the music stops. Kim doesn't release Erica's hand as she stares at Ron sadly.
"See...wait — what?! Where are they?"
"You okay dude?"
"Oh I know that tone! That's the Ron's making it all up tone! But it doesn't matter what you think or what anyone else thinks because my best friend will believe me. Right Kim?"
Kim blinks a few times, just trying to catch up. She really doesn't want to believe Ron's story — something about looking smart and calm in front of Erica is important to her — people already think she's losing her marbles switching teams...but she really doesn't like Erica's condescension.
The way Erica's roughly lands her hands on Ron's narrow shoulders, that assumptive language. When Ron looks to her, her nerves ramp up in intensity. She grabs her bare arm and frowns.
"Oh...um...I believe you…? The toys were here."
"And they were evil!"
"Um — right."
"Buckle up Kim because it gets weirder."
She blows the hair from her eyes. Why is Ron making this into a scene? She knows something is going on between them but this is so not appropriate...
"Oh, I'll bet…."
"Drakken is behind the whole thing!"
Her heart stops. Drakken?
Erica laughs into her fist. "The takeover the world mad scientist guy?"
"Yes, look! It's all so obvious! He's using more than 30,000 Bueno Nacho locations worldwide to give out his evil prizes."
Kim looks to Ron and sees utter conviction in his eyes. Neither of them knows anything about Drakken's scheme —have known more since the Nakasumi-san sitch really. Drakken has completely waysided them and this — this stupid thing about evil toys? It is plausible?
Even if it isn't plausible — Ron would never use a mission to steal Kim away. He's not that kind of guy.
Kim reaches out and takes Ron's hand. He blushes for some reason. She raises an eyebrow but decides not to ask. "Ron, I believe you. Let's get out of here and call Wade."
Another hand touches Kim's. She looks back to see Erica's pleading eyes.
"His story is ridiculous, are you kidding me Kim?" Erica snarks.
Kim looks to Ron and hands him the Kimmunicator, nodding to him that she'll catch up. Ron pats her on the back and walks out the way he came in. Once she's certain he can't hear, Kim looks back up at Erica. "I know it's ridiculous but so is Drakken. Ron's my best friend and I trust him — if I'm wrong, I'll — "
" — if you're wrong, you're wrong. You can't make it up to me. This is it Kim."
Kim's heart stops again and she can feel her fingers slipping away from this beautiful girl's — even though they haven't moved an inch. Kim takes in a deep breath. "Don't make me choose that."
"Kim — you're scared. I get it, it's scary being gay — but — "
All heads turn towards them. The music stops again.
" — running away on a wild goose chase with your idiot best friend is not a rational response. Grow up. Do you want to be a closet case of a kid or do you want to be with me?"
Kim mouths something indistinct. There are so many eyes on her. Eventually, she whimpers something that sounds like "I'm sorry" and goes after Ron.
"You will surrender! Shego went over to your dance and she found the cutest girl. Well, I don't have to tell you about her…."
"...Kim. What's going on?"
It hurts to much to see Erica held under Shego's arm; as mean and forceful as she is, she doesn't deserve this. Kim isn't ready to be with her and they kind of sort of just broke up but Drakken doesn't know that of course, so he kidnaps the poor girl.
"The choice is yours Kimberly Ann. If you care about your girlfriend's safety, surrender is your only option!"
Drakken has never been so scary.
"Wade," Kim says to the air, her screen paused on Erica's pretty face. "You said you were developing an experimental suit for me. We need to pull out all the stops — is it ready?"
Shego's claw crawls across Erica's — or rather, Synthodrone 901's chest — greedily.
Kim should be looking at Erica but for some reason, she can't take her eyes off Shego.
Electricity is still crackling through her chest and she can't stay awake any longer. She wants to look at Erica and hope that maybe if she begs enough, the double agent will feel a shred of guilt and help her. But no. She can't look at Erica.
Kim's already disassociated — Erica isn't real. It is just a ploy. A ploy to get her to come out and look like a big idiot.
There's this high pitched cackle — it's unusual for Shego — she never sounds soft. It's playful — manic almost.
This isn't any ordinary scheme — it's easy to read behind the lines. Shego drapes her arm over Erica like the Synthodrone is property. Drakken may have cooked up the goo that made the Benedict Arnold...but it's Shego that aligned the chromosomes. She saw something desperate and raw hiding within Kim at the nightclub, and took full advantage of it.
A rare moment of intimacy has been molten into something very ugly.
"You really think there's someone out there for me?"
Kim doesn't know why she liked Erica that much. Girl hasn't treated Ron with respect nor stopped pressuring her to come out. Like — makes sense that things turned out the way they did. But still — it really hurts.
Ron gets a little shifty eyed. She has a hard time focusing even though she's sure what he is saying is inspirational. Despite it all, he never stops believing in her.
"Out there...in here…"
She looks over to him and sees that frown. She wishes she could break free from these ropes and hold him tight. "Ron, I wish I could love you. I know it doesn't make sense to you because this is really new to you but….I can't. You're like a brother to me. And I don't mean that in a bad way. You're the greatest friend a girl you could have."
He smile a little. "Yeah. Always KP."
There's this long pause and finally she says something he doesn't really have the nerve to say right now. "I should stop throwing a pity party, huh?"
Ron grins. "Oh yes. Please."
"So...how do we get out of this?"
Ron laughed and clicked his tongue. "Rufus."
"Rufus?" she blinks back.
"Yeah, you don't see him down there with the laser lipstick?"
"What?" She looks down and sure enough, sees their naked little buddy with said Wade weapon clenched between his big honkin' teeth. "Oh dang."
As the laser cleaves through the ropes holding the duo down, Ron winks over to her. "Brain Trust has always got your back KP."
"You know what I really hate?"
"That your date melted?"
"No. You."
Shego throws her arms up in defense but Kim is already way ahead of her. Her foot slips between the arms and aims for the green lady's chest.
It would be so easy. With the suped up strength of the battle suit, she can easily knock Shego all the way into that stupid signal tower — make the pain as personal as Shego did. After all, there's no way Drakken cooked up this scheme all on his own.
She can feel the flesh push against her heel and momentarily resist before being throttled. She can imagine the twitch in her own foot as it hangs in the air, waiting to feel the gush of wind from the resulting explosion.
But none of that happens. No — Kim's foot halts before Shego and just sort of hangs there. She wants so badly to for once let loose on someone but she can't do it. Something crackles in her eyes as she watches Shego tense as if she were about to die. There's a clap of thunder and then rain continues to pit-pat-patter around them.
There's this high-pitched wheeze that might be Shego's heaving breaths. Kim almost feels sorry for her.
Enough time passes that it feels safe to drop her foot. The two women look each other in the eye. Despite everything, Kim feels so much bigger than her.
"You knew I was gay," Kim says in a bit of an assumptive tone. "At the Bermuda Triangle, yeah?"
Shego looks away, hair matted down by the rain. "Yeah," Kim is pretty sure Shego mutters.
Kim shakes her head slowly. She can't believe what she's looking at right now. "You must be too then."
"Huh?" Shego looks up. "No, I'm bi."
Kim's eyes widen a little before she regains her composure. "Got it. But you still used my sexuality against me. Do you have any idea how messed up that is?"
No sound passes between them for some time.
Kim brushes some hair behind her ear. There's more words but Shego's not worth her time. She wants to kill her — like actually kill her but if she does that, she would get in serious trouble. But it makes sense. Her self-preservation is mangled and she's depressed — and gay. Shego is sort of gay too. This is what happens. It's systemic. It's community.
Shego needs help. What she did i so wrong but — Kim can't bare to sentence the woman. So Kim turns on her heel and walks away.
Shego doesn't move from her spot until the police come and cuff her.
She really likes it when Ron holds her hand now. Before, he sweat at her touch, now he's so calm. It's nice.
People cheer when the duo walk onto the dance floor; they're probably misinterpreting what's happening between the two but that's okay. Who cares about this stupid food chain crap?
Rufus makes a move. He scurries to the floor and manages to push Kim's bare leg into Ron's baggy pants. They both blush. Ron stoops down and very gently pokes Rufus' nose.
"Hey little buddy, Kim likes girls," Ron whispers to Rufu. "It's not happening between us."
Kim smiles and leans forward. "But your support is always appreciated."
It's minutes later and they're in the center of everything. It's a slow dance, which is nice. Both of their bodies are heaving with exhaustion; it's a miracle they're both still standing.
The way Ron's hand is wrapped around her waist — it's very secure. She almost feels guilty because it's obvious what Ron is doing. The affection isn't coming from his wanting for her though — he just wants her to be happy, and to feel like the normal girl she was going to be with Erica.
She presses her chest to his and her fingers rub circles on the nape of his neck. Kim definitely got hit with the harsher end of the trauma stick in this sitch, but Ron still needs help too.
"Hey I misspoke earlier, and I don't mean to lead you on but..." she whispers as they spin around. "I love you so much."
He looks away from the flashing lights on the wall and into his friend. They've never really said anything like this before. "I love you too KP. You going to be okay?"
"Yeah. Long as I'm with you."
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It’s gets way better later but like yhctg
The ‘training’ scene (completely inaccurate and even for the tone outdated)
The disgusting overly sexulized scene of Sebastian putting a girdle on Ciel
The count. I don’t need to say shying wise he’s selling children/woman into trafficking and gets released on bail in a day
Pluto outright being in a intimate relationship with ‘Angela’ (he’s just a fucking dog with a human body who the fuck thought this was ok??)
Sebastian fucks some lady 20 feet away from Ciel where he can hear it TWICE
I was thinking a bit more along the lines of: while Kuroshitsuji does not shy from ridiculousness and exaggeration (as it's common in anime, specially 2000's anime), some parts of the original anime are excessively cartoonish to the point it feels like I'm watching something else entirely
It's particularly jarring when outside those moments of fun shenanigans, the story takes itself very seriously, and keeps the overall tone of suspense/mystery. And then, suddenly, there's Pluto hugging Sebastian, or Grell appearing for no apparent reason.
Grell doesn't even get a theatrical entrance worthy of the Queen she is, the absolute disrespect.
I believe in the Viscount Druitt being out of jail practically the next day because ✨noble and rich✨. Not once is Kuroshitsuji interested in saying nobles are good, so... I think it's interesting that he sold people and organs and stuff, wish they did more with that (particularly, I wish the whole "the Phantomhive family is not one for justice and honor, they just keep the balance between the overworld and underworld as the Queen wishes" was better explored. I mean, why were none of the other nobles present at the auction punished? How did a Viscount (one position lower than Earl) manage to do all of that for so long under Her Majesty's nose? Why is Ciel not hunting down other human traffickers? Lot's of strings to pull here)
Honestly, the whole Pluto–Angela plot to me is terrible and I'd gladly have it completely erased. In fact, let's just delete most of the latter part of the original anime. I hate how that ends, I hate the plot, I hate hate hate it. I don't mind Pluto as a concept, but I wish he wasn't just "giant dog that keeps being a dog when he turns human". Can't he just be a guy with dog traits? Like how Snake is a guy with snake traits? Also, why a giant dog??? That fits literally nothing of the story so far. I thought the point was to make non-human characters to be "human but off", not "fantasy rpg party"
The sexual undertones within Sebastian and Ciel's interactions are 2000's anime trope that I have trained myself not to pay attention to. It was a bit funny with the corset joke, and only then. Then again, can't blame them for trying to please the shippers, Western cartoons also do that a lot, except with less "sexy sparkle kyaa" and more "and they got together despite making no sense". Still hate it, please stop. Get some help
(though, ugh, that "sex scene" is also so stupidly cartoonish and ridiculous, I want to hit something. This is the beginning of the last big arc, why are we still flip flopping between the mystery and the shenanigans? Get serious, damnit. I'd rather just have a quick scene where they show Sebastian leaving the place while buttoning up his pants while Grell bites her handkerchief in jealousy. There, it's implied what happened, no need for an entire uncomfortable scene that ends in an unfunny joke)
I think it's kinda funny how Ciel is supposedly innocent but he doesn't react to Sebastian fuckin that nun. And Sebastian absolutely gives no shits about who's hearing, he's a demon, remember? Can't be angry at him for being immoral, that's the sole reason behind his existence. Also, Ciel himself stayed there, it's not like his legs don't work, he could've left and waited for Sebastian to give him the information after. I'm just thinking, did they forget Ciel is heavily traumatized? Is he ok with hearing sex noises so near, considering what he has gone through?
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ectoplasmjelly · 6 months
Gachi Oc
Rynet my baby
I don't have a last name for her yet
Have some random hcs while I act like I didn't drop of the face of the earth for a month
Rynet literally cannot be left unattended in thrift stores or flea markets. Zanka and Rynet have a side arc where an event comes around town that's basically a huge annual flea market and is amazing for Rynet because she can find all sorts of fabric and materials for cheap. She gets carried away and easily excited about it though and might get scammed or kidnapped since she's so distracted, so she has to be supervised during the event, lol. She takes Zanka because he's rich and also will bail her out if she gets into deep shit
Rynet takes pretty good care of her hair and likes experimenting with styles, but doesn't let Riyou mess with it just to spite her
Rynet gives Ghibli style hugs. Just straight up tackles people.
Her tongue is forked for backstory reasons but half of the Cleaners don't actually know that
Rynet is particular about sweets but would murder for anything strawberry flavored. Enjoys cold desserts but doesn't like biting into them because her teef are sensitive
She bites as a form of affection. It's light and barely leaves an imprint, she just does it as a nonverbal 'ily :>'
Rynet enjoys sharing food with someone but also dislikes eating in front of people
When Zanka gets badly hurt, Rynet blames herself for not being there for him when he was there for her (At the time of the mission she was still recovering from her main story arc- she had lots and lots of broken bones and torn tissue. She also kept ripping her stitches by moving when she wasn't supposed to and not giving herself proper rest. Girly cannot sit still, she was itchin' to get back to it) and so she doesn't visit him at first out of guilt. She ends up missing him too bad and feeling so bad about it that she visits him at night (past visiting hours so she technically breaks in) and she apologizes for not being there (while he's asleep, she can't face him while he's awake). She also had overheard Rudo talking about the artificial flowers, and she ended up making fabric flowers for him out of scrap fabric. She talks a bit about how rare it is for her to open up and how she feels like she needs to get stronger so she can be the one to bail him out. She reaches for his hand but decides against it since she doesn't wanna touch him while he's asleep and heads for the window to leave. Her one leg is over the sill when she hears something.
"Where are you goin'?"
Rynet falls out the fucking window.
She's okay!! She caught herself with one of her needles from her jinki and Zanka helped pull her back up.
"You rich prick!! You didn't say anything- how long were you awake for?!" She practically hisses at him, hitting his shoulder as she gets him back to his bed.
"Calm down, quiet, I heard ya-" He gets back in bed and Rynet sits next to him, leaning her head against the wall as she plays with his hand. She's evidently still annoyed with him but willing to let it go.
Zanka talks a bit about how she doesn't to worry about him and Rynet in a moment of honesty tells him that if he's gonna pull risky shit that she's going to have to worry. She clears her throat and adds on that she'll get tired of mending his clothes if he keeps fucking them up.
Zanka goes quiet. He notices the small delicate bones of her hand and the little ring of thread around her middle finger. He absentmindedly slides it off and tries to fit it on his own finger, but he only gets it down to the second knuckle. Rynet snorts and takes the ring back, putting it back on. She playfully blows the hair out of his face to see his nose scrunch. He scowls at her and she sticks her forked tongue out at him.
After a while, both of them have nodded off, with Rynet going first. She had been working overtime even more than usual since she was backed up after being on bedrest. Zanka followed shortly after.
(If phones or cameras exist, Enjin def took a picture.)
Any, that's off of the top of my dome
I realized that I can just ramble about whatever I want and no one can stop me so expect more of these :>
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