#bailey pickett imagines
rythmicjea · 3 months
OO WEE! This chapter is a doozy. I'm quite proud of it too. So, this is the chapter when I said "Mmmm... maybe I should actually watch the show?" And I decided to watch the pilot for both series. I knew how Bailey got onto the boat before watching and imagined it way worse than it actually was. But I was like "you know what? No. No! She went through this because how could she not?" And that's what led to most of her issues in the show. Like, it was pretty apparent she had trust issues throughout the whole thing.
I'm going to lay this gauntlet down... She was the reason they broke up in Paris. Did Cody handle it well? Not at all. But they were arguing. It also is really apparent that the writers were like "okay, so we have to get them to break up somehow." Because there are so many holes in that story. Like, she sees him with London and doesn't know it's London? Or what happened when they went back onto the boat? She and London are roommates! She would have known the truth the night before! It was all very contrived. Also, Cole Sprouse... Why do you play characters who get into relationships that have to be forcibly ripped apart? But, I digress.
Mr. Mosby makes an appearance in a flashback and it's like can you love this man any more than you already do? He was a literal lifeline to many under his care.
Bailey found her phone and scrolled to the only contact she knew would understand. She released the breath she didn’t realize she had been holding when the other woman answered. “Holly? 
“Bailey?” She could hear the smile on the other end of the phone. Holly was a small miracle to her.
“…Yeah it’s me. …I think I’m fucked in the head.” She finished the shandy in her hand, letting the booze drift through her veins. 
A hearty laugh filtered through the receiver. “It’s about time you realized it.”
It wasn’t very nice of her sister to laugh at her. No, Holly would never. They were ‘The Pickett Sisters’! That meant they always had each other’s backs no matter what. “What do I do?”
“Now?” Holly said soberly. “Now, it’s time to get to work.”
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ray-ray-writings · 5 years
Suite Life-- Make Up
Here’s Part Two to this preference: Break up
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Zack: “Babe,” Bailey sighed from her position at the foot of my bed, “It’s been three days. You have to get out of this room.” I pouted, knowing she was right. It had been three days since Zack and I broke up. Just because I broke up with him because he was flirting with other girls doesn’t make me miss him any less. “I know.” I sighed, snuggling deeper under my covers, “How about you let me finish out this day and we’ll get a fresh start tomorrow, and if I refuse you have permission to drag my whole mattress out of this room. 
Bailey let out another sigh but nodded, “Okay. We’ll start fresh tomorrow. I’m going to go down to the cafeteria for dinner, do you want anything?” She asked. “Can you bring me some pizza and something to drink?” I asked. Bailey smiled softly and nodded. “Yeah.” She spoke as she patted my leg. “I’ll be back in a bit. I’ll even bring some popcorn and candy and we can have movie night.” It was my turn to smile softly, “I’d really like that.” Bailey grabbed her phone and made her way out of our room. I was now alone. I rolled over on my side and stared at the door. Maybe I could doze off until Bails comes back. I closed my eyes and allowed my thoughts to take over. Yeah, that didn’t last long as there was a jarring knock on the door. I huffed and hauled myself out of my bed, perhaps Bailey forgot her key or her arms were so full she couldn’t open the door. I giggled at the thought. I placed my hand on the knob and began to open it, “What happened? Did you forget your key? Or did you bring so much-” the words died on the tip of my tongue when I saw who was actually at my door. Zack stood before me, one hand on his hip the other scratching the back of his head. “Oh, it’s you.” I stated coldly. “Well, thanks for stopping by.” I said as I began to close the door. “No, Y/N wait please.” Zack begged as he put his foot in the doorway. I huffed at him, “What?” “Please let me talk.” Zack begged with pleading eyes. It was then I noticed the dark purple bags under his eyes and his sunken expression. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I let go of the door and crossed my arms in front of me. “You have two minutes.” I huffed out. “Thank you.” Zack sighed in relief. 
“You broke up with me because I was flirting with girls.” “Way to state the obvious” I mused. “But it was more than that. Okay that sounds bad. No, what I mean is that there was a good reason I was flirting. Okay that’s even worse.” “Minute and a half.” I prompted. Zack ran a hand over his face, “I’m just going to say it. I flirt with girls because they give me money.” I perked an eyebrow at his confession. “Excuse me.” Zack groaned at his words. “Girls, for some reason, find me attractive, so they flirt with me. When I flirt back they leave me huge tips. Like sometimes $8-10.” “Okay but why would you need that much money if you already have a good paying job?” Zack looked at the ground. “I was… I am saving up for something.” He mumbled. I sighed and hugged myself tighter, “Okay cool. Are you done now? Bailey’s coming back with pizza soon.” I informed him. “I was saving up to get you a gift.” Zack blurted. My demeanor shifted, “Oh,” I uttered softly, “Why?” I questioned. Zack sighed, “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I wanted to get you something to show you how much you mean to me. So in order to do that, I needed a little more cash, hence the flirting. But of course, I was so stupid and blind, I didn’t realized how fucked up that was and how much that would hurt you. I’m so sorry.” Zack admitted. We stood there for a couple of beats. “I don’t know what you want me to do here Zack. I still love you but I don’t want to get hurt like that again. You don’t need to get me fancy gifts to show me you love me. Just being with me is enough. Watch a movie, baking brownies, hell even just flirting with me. That’s all I need.” I confessed. Zack reached into his pocket and pulled out a slender box. He opened it and in it was a beautiful diamond necklace, “Oh Zack,” I gasped, reaching out for it. “I know I messed up. I know you probably don’t want me back. But if you’d have me, I’d really like another chance. I promise no more flirting with girls that aren’t you, and if I need more cash for some reason, I’ll talk to you about it. I still love you Y/N and I you said you love me too. So what do you say, take me back?” Zack rambled. I stared at Zack for a moment before giving him a soft smile, “Okay.” I answered. Zack went wide eyed, “Really.” I giggled and nodded. Zack rushed forward and wrapped me up in a big hug. “Thank the Lord.” He pulled out of the hug and made me do a 180. I lifted up my hair and let him clip the necklace in place. “Perfect” I spun back around and wrapped my arms around his neck. I pressed a small kiss to his lips and then pulled away. I placed my hands on his shoulders and pushed him away from me, “However, if you do ever pull that kind of stunt again, I will castrate you and then I’ll have Bailey chop off your head.” I threatened. Zack gulped at my words. He was about to answer, but another voice cut him off. “She’s right.” Bailey had returned with my food and our popcorn. “Now, move. You may have gotten back together with her but we’re having a movie night. So you can see her tomorrow but for now she’s mine.” Zack opened his mouth to protest but Bailey cut him off by closing the door in his face. Bailey turned to me and handed me my plate and cup. “Now I’m going to be honest, I’m glad you’re back together, y’all are a cute couple.” I laughed at Bailey’s confession. “You know Bails,” I began, “One day we could be related.” Bailey’s face went red. She gently shoved me, “Yeah, yeah. So what are we watching?”
Cody: I sighed as I walked across the open deck. I had been thinking a lot about Cody and what he said about my writing. I know I shouldn’t let it get to me, but I can’t help it. What if he’s right, what if my dream is stupid and I never become a famous writer? I sighed and tucked the folder I was carrying further into my chest. Inside the folder, you ask? Loose leaf print outs of my writing so that I can read them in a different format and make physical notes on them. I was going to actually sit outside for once and go through them but I decided not to at the last second. Anyway, I was so deep in thought that I didn’t even notice another body coming toward me until it was too late. In my surprise, my hand loosened causing my folder to fall out of my grasp, hit the ground, and scatter my papers everywhere. Immediately I bent down and began to pick everything up. “Oh gosh. I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.” The other person bent down and began to help me. They opened their mouth and the all too familiar voice froze me in my tracks. “Oh no, you’re fine. I wasn’t paying attention either. It’s my fault.” I cleared my throat and began to pick everything up faster. Soon I had most of it back in my folder, all that was left was those papers in Cody’s hand. I quickly reached to pull the papers away from him, but he moved away. “Y/N, did you write this?” He questioned, eyes scanning over the words. I crossed my arms in front of me, “Maybe. Why do you care. Gonna tell me it sucks?” I huffed. Cody looked up, a sad look in his eye. “Y/N. This is really good.” my face turned red at the compliment. “Thanks.” I muttered. “No, I mean it. Like really good. I’ve actually been looking for you.” Cody stated softly. “Okay.” I said, reaching out for my papers again and once again not succeeding. “Seriously. What I said the other day. It came out all wrong. My mom had, has, a dream. She wanted to be this famous singer and that’s what she put all her time into. Then she and my dad had me and Zack then the only thing she could get was the gig at the hotel. She raised us single handedly, struggling on the way. I never want you to struggle. I am so in love with you and the thought of you failing and not getting what you want is like my worst nightmares. I said you needed to focus on something more real, You needed a Plan B.” Cody explained. I nodded at his words, “Someone once told me that if you have a plan B, then you actually only have a plan A and it’s not the one you want it to be. Because you have to focus on your “plan b” so much it becomes your plan A and your original plan A gets lost.” I chimed. “And I know this now. I should have been more supportive. I should have encouraged this instead of trying to tear it down because you have a real gift. This is something you need to chase, and I’d like to be there every step of the way, if you would let me.” Cody expressed. Cody and I stood there for a moment just looking at each other before I nodded. “I would like that to. I love you too Cody.” I rushed and closed the gap between us, crushing my lips on his, wrapping my arms around his body pulling him close. “Thank God.” I heard Cody breathe out. We stood there for a while, just enamored in each others arms. “You wanna maybe go back to your room and you can show me more of your writing?” inquired Cody. I let out a little giggle. “Well I’m not sure about that, but I would love to go back to my room with you.” I bubbled. Cody wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. I gasped and smacked his shoulders. “Not like that you freak,” I giggled. Cody laughed with me, “I know. I just missed teasing you.” I rolled my eyes, “Yeah okay. Now let’s go,” I urged, grabbing his wrists and pulling him towards my dorm. Before we got far, Cody grabbed my arms and held me in place, “What are you do-” my question was cut off by Cody’s lips hitting mine. I quickly kissed back, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, his moved around my waist. After a couple of beats, Cody pulled back with a loopy grin playing on his lips, “I really missed that.” I pecked his lips once more, “Me too babe. Me too.”
Bailey: I sighed as I pushed opened Ms. Tutweiller’s office door. I got an email from her asking me to meet her because she wanted to talk to me about my homework or whatever. I didn’t want to be here though. I want to be cuddled up in bed, with a tub of ice cream and sad movies so my tears feel verified (I wanted to put a different word here but I could not for the life of me think of what it was). But alas, I was here, about to talk about heaven knows what. “Hey Ms. Tutweiller, what did you want to talk-- what are you doing here?” I questioned my ex-girlfriend. Bailey sat behind Ms. T’s desk with a nervous smile. “Hi Y/N.” “Hi. I came here to have a meeting with Ms. Tutweiller but seeing as you’re here, I’ll reschedule.” I deadpanned before turning around and starting to walk out. “No! Wait!” I heard Bailey yell before I felt her hand on my wrist. I got spun around to face her. “I asked Mrs. Tutweiller to set up a fake meeting with you to get here so I could apologize to you.” I rose my eyebrow at her words. “I’m sorry. The day I broke up with you, I had gotten news that my oldest, most favorite cow had passed away. We had had Betty literally since I was born. When I got picked on for being the weird girl, she was there. When I heard she died, I was so pissed and upset. I got so homesick. I missed it, I wasn’t there when she had always been there for me.” I stared at Bailey with loving eyes, “Oh Bails.” I sighed as I brought her in my arms. “I just got so angry and I took it out on you. I’m so sorry. I’m hoping you’ll take me back.” “Of course. I just wish you would have talked to me about it. I’m always going to be here for you, I wish you could just see that. I forgive you, just next time try and talk to me.” Bailey smushed her face into my neck further, “I promise. I love you.” “I love you too.”
London: I rolled my eyes as another text from London came through. What part of “break up” did she not understand? She’s the one that excitedly agree to us no longer being together then ran away. I clicked the off button on my phone and rolled over in my bed, ignoring the further buzzing. Finally, after quite a bit of time, my phone stopped buzzing. I closed my eyes, fully intending on getting in a nap, but my dorm door flew open. “London, what are you doing here?” London crossed her arms and huffed, “What was I supposed to do, my girlfriend kept leaving me on read and sending me to voicemail.” I scoffed at her words, “Girlfriend? London, we’re not girlfriends anymore. We broke up remember?” London had a panicked face, “What? We broke up? When?” I rolled my eyes at her, “The day I was eating ice cream on the deck. You were telling me that I didn’t need the help to look fat and bloated and that some days you felt embarrassed to be seen with me. So I said, ‘If you feel that way maybe we should break up.’ and you, very excitedly said, ‘Break up over ice cream! That sounds amazing.’ So we’re broken up, remember?” London’s face became confused, “Wait, you think I wanted to break up? No! That was the last thing I wanted. I was talking to myself. Any dairy makes me feel awful and I look bloated. I feel embarrassed to be seen with you because you always look so good, even when you’re not trying and it makes me so jealous. Me agree to break up was me agreeing that breaking up chocolate chip cookies over ice cream was an amazing idea, not us no longer dating.” London explained. I let out a soft, “Oh,” London sat down on my bed next to my chest. “I’m really sorry that my meaning got lost in translation and I didn’t explain further. I promise I’ll make it up to you, but for now can we cuddle? I would really like to spend some time with my girlfriend right now.” I giggled and scooted back, opening the blanket and my arms for her to join me. “Okay, I guess I’ll forgive you.” I said as London joined me in the bed. I kissed her forehead, “Just so you know, you also always look amazing in everything and I love you.” London kissed my forehead in response, “I love you too.”
Woody: “I know I shouldn’t have been that upset but the things he was saying just made me so mad.” I ranted to my sister. “No sweetie, you had every right to get angry. I know that you get compared to me a lot and I hate it. You’re your own person and you don’t have to be anything like me.” Bailey ranted back. I nodded at her words. “I love you Bails.” I spoke, she smiled and took my hands, “I love you too.” There was a knock on our door. “Come in,” Bails called out. The door opened and there stood my ex. “Oh hell no.” Bails said standing up and walking toward the door. “Get out. Now.” She said, pushing him out the door. “Wait! Please! I need to talk to Y/N.” Woody begged. Bailey rolled her eyes, “You lost that right when you compared her to me.” Bailey hissed. Woody caught my eye and made me melt, “Please,” He spoke in a broken voice. “Bails.” I simply said and she stopped and looked at me. “You have one minute. Go.” Woody immediately jumped into his explanation. “I’ve never been in a relationship before. Cody’s relationship was the only one I was ever really exposed and so that’s what I’ve thought of a healthy relationship. That’s why I always compared, cause I thought I was doing something wrong.” Woody explained. I sighed at his words, “Woody there are many types of healthy relationships, but comparing one to another isn’t healthy at all. As you can see, all it does is cause a riff between the two.” Woody kneeled at the edge of my bed, “And I know that now. Please forgive my ignorance and take me back.” I looked up at Bailey and we had a silent conversation. “Okay, but if you ever compare the two of us again in that way, you’re going to regret it.” “Okay. Anything you say.” Woody said getting up slightly and pressing a kiss to my lips. I giggled at his response. “Okay. That’s good. I kind of missed you Woods.” I joked. Woody pulled away and chuckled. “That’s good because I missed you a lot.
Maddie: I had spent the last couple of days watching a lot of TV shows and movies. I had been trying to keep myself busy so I didn’t think about Maddie and our break up. I think I did the right thing. I mean why keep going if we never see each other or hang out. It doesn’t make it hurt any less. My binging was interrupted by a knock on the front door. I sighed, rolled my eyes, and got up to answer the door. I swung the door open and came face to face with the girl I was trying not to think about. “Hey.” Maddie said softly. “Hi.” I greeted a little coldly. “I brought something.” Maddie jumped right to the point. “Great.” I deadpanned. I thought it would be everything I ever gave her, hoodies, pants, gifts. Boy was I wrong. Maddie then pulled out a poster with words on it. However, some of the words were candy. “If I had a 100 Grand I’d take you on a shopping Spree to New York. Thank you for Mounds of conversations, millions of Snickers, and being a huge Nerd with me. I’m Extra sorry and I hope you can forgive this Dum-Dum Airhead for letting the best thing I had, go.” I giggled at the poster. “Maddie this is sweet.” “Well duh, it’s candy.” We had a good laugh about that joke. “But in all seriousness Y/N. I don’t want to be single, I want to be girlfriend that go on dates. Please, give me another chance, I promise I’m going to make more of an effort to be there for you, for our dates, because I really want this relationship and I really want you.” I rushed forward and threw myself in her arms. “I love you Mads and I really want that too, but I really don’t want to get hurt again.” “I promise you won’t. I swear I’ll do better and be better. And if I don’t, you have permission to chop off my head.” We let out a hearty laugh at that. We pulled back a little bit and I nodded “Okay. One more chance, don’t blow it.” Maddie hugged me tighter, “I promise I won’t”
Hello! I hope these were okay and you enjoyed! Be sure to leave a like and maybe even a comment, I would definitely appreciate it!
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sweetlysilent · 7 years
The Suite Life on Deck
I just watched all three seasons of this amazing show again, and their graduation was soooo emotional, I cried again. I will forever love that show. 😭
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394 notes · View notes
Just A Taste
Characters: Spencer Reid x reader, minor characters
Word Count: 2,925
Warnings: talk of men abusing their female partners (very implicitly), smut, oral (female recieving), fingering, a bit of dom!spencer
request by @theitcaramelchick​: Okay but imagine Reid interrogating a suspect and you, an assistant at the BAU office, happen to hear how domineering he is with them and you get all hot and bothered? Jesus. 🥵 And the way he would make the suspect tell him stuff. ...Could you do a one shot with this?
Summary: You assist Spencer with an interrogation despite having no experience with it all. Turns out, there is a reason why Spencer chose you, and it’s not all for work.
Squares Filled: office sex for @cmkinkbingo // free space for @cmbingo​
Author’s Note: If you have any requests, please send them in! this is unbeta’d and every mistake is all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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For the first time in… ever… you’re going to assist the one and only Dr. Spencer Reid in an interrogation room with a real criminal. You’re only an office assistant, but they wanted you to be in there with him. You know nothing about how to talk to criminals or where to even begin, but they wouldn’t take no for an answer. You don’t even know what you would do in this interview, but you’re not going to question it. This is your chance to prove you belong with the rest of the BAU.
Your dream is to be a profiler that catches bad guys. If you can see how they think during this interrogation, then maybe you can start to work on your own profile. While you’re very nervous to be in this interrogation room, you’re more worried to be in that room with Spencer. It’s not that you’re worried for how bad you might be in front of him, you’re afraid he will figure out your feelings for him. He’s the most talked BAU agent on your floor. He’s so smart, innovated, talented, and very handsome.
His brown eyes can be so soft and caring, but can also turn hard and threatening in a moment’s notice. How he hasn’t landed himself a girlfriend yet is beyond you, but you’re glad he hasn’t. Him being available makes you less guilty for the thoughts you have about him. He’s tall, lean, has curly hair that you really want to tug, and he has a habit of biting and licking those damn lips. He’s definitely been the center of far too many fantasies you relive over and over again.
Your office is one floor below the BAU team. You’re best behind a computer, but you’re trying hard to prove yourself worthy enough to be a profiler. Because you’re great with a computer, your best friend is Penelope. When the team is away, you like to go to her office and hang with her when she’s not assisting her team. You use her to gather intel on the rest of the team, and you’ve learned the following details:
Rossi loves to drink. He has a very impressive collection of old alcohol that he doesn’t really use all that often, but always loves to show off. Hotch loves his son, and would do just about anything for him. One year, Jack dressed up as his father for Halloween. You thought that was the best thing ever. While Emily isn’t on the team anymore, Penlelope does talk about how brave and selfless she is. She’s saved the other teammates in more ways than one.
JJ has been through so much; not only as a mother but as an agent. She’s suffered the most, but she works the hardest. Derek is the muscle of the team, and Penelope has said some raunchy stuff that you’d rather not repeat. Last, but certainly not least, Spencer. He’s had a kind of serious girlfriend, Maeve, but she ended up dying right in front of him. He’s been through a lot as well, but he won’t ever give up on helping people. He’s really great with kids, and he is definitely husband material. Even Penelope is surprised how Spencer hasn’t settled down by now.
Fine by you, as long as you get a piece of him at some point.
It’s hard to put yourself out there for a man like him because if he somehow rejected you, then you won’t be able to recover from that. You don’t want to be one of those women who centers her world around some guy, but Spencer is just so special that you wouldn’t bounce back by a rejection from him. You’ve voiced your thoughts and opinions to Penelope, and as far as you know, she’s kept all those opinions to herself.
Now you have to work with the guy you are already nervous to be around. No one told you why they wanted you in there with him, but it’s not like you’re going to complain. You head up to the floor above you where Spencer is waiting for you. Once he sees you, he heads over to you. Your heart pounds just a bit faster, and your breath comes out a bit shakier. You try to keep your complexion the same color, but you know you’ve revealed how pink they are.
“Are you okay? Do you need a minute?” he asks.
“What do you mean?”
“Your cheeks are flushed. Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah. I’m fine. I’m just a bit nervous. I’ve never done anything like this before. I don’t know why I’m even here,” you chuckle nervously.
“You’re going to be fine. I promise.”
“Why am I here, Spencer?”
“I asked for you.”
He leaves your side without another word, and you follow him to the interrogation room. The unsub they caught, Frank Bishop, sits inside the room silently. From what you’ve heard about this guy, he’s killed half a dozen men. The BAU doesn’t know where he’s buried them, and they have to get him to confess to their murders as well as their locations. You’ve seen some terrible people, but he is on your radar.
First and foremost, this man is accused of killing men who were physically and emotionally abusive towards their wives or girlfriends. He sees himself as some sort of God or savoir in the eyes of these women. Not that you agree with his method, but these women aren’t suffering anymore. You’re actually nervous to talk to a man like him because of the person you are.
Yes, you’re a submissive. Everyone who meets you knows this. You don’t broadcast it, but it’s all in the way you present yourself. You’re also showing signs of nervousness, you rarely say no to people in fear of what they would do to you if you did, and all your friends are dominants. They just embrace life and want you to do the same. You’ve done some stupid shit in your day because of them, but your life wouldn’t be what it is now if you didn’t have them in your life.
Spencer gives you one last look before entering the room. Frank’s head pops up, and he straightens when he sees you. He must have seen the way you’re presenting yourself because he can’t take his eyes off you.
“Don’t look at her, look at me. Tell me where you buried those five men,” Spencer demands.
Seeing him like this is putting you back into your late night fantasies. One thing you never considered is the way he is with hardened criminals. He can get so threatening that sends a heat sparking up your core. You push your thighs together to relieve some tension, and you cross your arms loosely.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. What five men?” he asks and smiles at you.
The way he smiles makes you nervous, and you begin to bounce your leg aimlessly. Frank likes how nervous you are, so you try to keep it under control.
"Don't waste my time here. Where are they?" Spencer asks again.
The man doesn't answer. All he does is stare at you. Your leg bounces faster so that's the only thing you can hear besides the ticking of the clock in the room.
"Stop bouncing your leg," Spencer demands.
He puts his hand on your thigh to stop you himself and that doesn't go unnoticed by Frank. You immediately stop what you're doing and look at Spencer with wide eyes. Once he knows you won't do it again, he takes his hand away.
You wish he hadn't.
"We know you stalked and killed men who abused their partners. They'd be somewhere where you can visit and continue their humiliation. You wouldn't want a proper burial for them, would you?"
"I didn't kill anyone else besides Jack Harmer."
"Yeah, that's because we caught you in the act. We know you did it. We found traces of your DNA in their houses."
"Doesn't mean I killed them."
The tension in the room thickens, and you feel trapped. You can't go anywhere, you haven't said a single word since you got here, and all Frank has done is stare at you. You'd leave, but you're afraid Spencer is just going to yell at you. You knew he wouldn't, but your anxiety doesn't know that. Because you feel trapped, you result in biting your nails. It's one of the things you do when you don't know what to do. However, as soon as you put your thumb between your teeth, Spencer swats your hand away.
"Don't bite your nails," he orders.
Why is he being like this? He is never this aggressive towards people—or that's what Penelope told you.
"Why don't you let her do what she wants?" Frank asks.
"Is that what you told Jason Hurley, Jared Bush, Harold Jenkins, Bailey Pickett, and Cody Campbell?"
"Who?" Frank smirks.
You shrink back into your seat because this interrogation can literally take a number of turns. Spencer looks at you with fire in his eyes, and you actually became scared at the thought of what he might do to you.
"Sit up straight. We're in a goddamn interrogation. If you can't handle that, then why are you even here?" he snaps.
Okay, you have no idea why he's treating you like this. Is it all for show, or does he really think he can boss you around like that? Of course, you're not going to say anything to him about it, but that doesn't mean you won't complain to Penny about this.
"Leave her alone! Who do you think you are treating her that way? Jason, Jared, and Harold all thought they could get away with treating their women like that. It's why I threw their bodies in the lake behind my house. Now, don't get me started on Bailey and Cody." Frank blew up.
He confessed to all five murders including revealing where their bodies were located. It wasn't long before you were able to leave. However, you didn't get very far because Spencer was pulling you into the nearest empty office.
"Look, I'm sorry for how I treated you there. Frank looked for men who "bossed" their partners around. I figured if I did that to you, he would reveal where he hid those bodies."
You knew Spencer was one of the good ones.
"You could have just told me. I would have played along."
"Your reaction needed to be real. I chose you because I know you're a submissive. I needed all of it to be real."
"How did you know that?"
"Besides how you acted today... Penelope told me."
"She what?"
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Though, that's the other reason why I picked you."
"Which is?"
You meant to say that accusingly, but it came out in a breathy whisper.
"You're attracted to me. I need that attraction to be real," he reveals. You want to deny it, but your brain just isn't cooperating. So, he continues when he sees you wanting to deny it. "I knew it was true when you came up this morning. I asked you if you were okay because your cheeks were pink. They were like that because of me. I'm sure your heart started pumping as well. The next sign was in the interrogation room. You were rubbing your thighs together because of me. Should I continue?"
Goddamn, the man really knew how to sweet talk you. You could deny it, but what would the point be? He already knows your feelings. The other option is to come clean and hope he doesn't reject you.
"What are you going to do if what you said is true?” you wonder.
He takes three large steps toward you, and you, purely out of intimidation, take five much smaller steps back. Your back hits the wall next to the door, and you realize you trapped yourself. He places one hand on the wall next to yours and with the other, he locks the office. He leans down so that his mouth is right next to your ear.
"If it were true, I'd get down on my knees, yank that unbelievably tight skirt down your legs, and bury my tongue in you," he whispers.
Shit. Did he really just say that to you? Your panties are so wet right now, and it's all because of the man right in front of you.
"Hmm? Would you like that?" he asks as he tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear. You can't help but nod slightly. He's taken your ability to talk. "That's my girl."
You could have come right there, but you really want to know what his tongue feels like inside you. He presses his lips on your neck and gives a few kisses. He has you exactly where he wants you. You are his and he knows it.
"Remember, we are at work. Be a good girl and don't make a sound," he whispers before dropping to his knees.
Holy shit, this is exactly what you pictured in your fantasies. Now, you're getting the real thing. His hands grip your waist, digging his fingers into your skin. You know bruises are going to show up even through the couple layers of clothing. He gives you a questioning look as if to ask if this is alright. You just nod once, and he gets to work.
He slides down both your skirt and panties until they are on the floor. He keeps your heels on, and you make a mental note that he likes heels. He rests one leg over his shoulder, and he presses light kisses to your inner thighs. It didn't occur to you that you're exposing yourself to him for the first time. He has an eidetic memory. If this whole thing doesn't work out, he will have the look, taste, and feel of you embedded into his mind.
The smell of you messes with his mind, and he knows he has to get a taste of you. He gives one kiss to your clit, and you do your best to keep that moan in. Whenever you had sex, it’s always a challenge to stay quiet. You did it, but it always came at a cost. Spencer loves it when a girl moans for him, but not at work where his coworkers and bosses are.
Too much time has passed since he first got a whiff of you. Maybe he can take his time later, but for right now, all he wants is to make you come. From the bottom to the top, he licks one thick stripe up your center. When he sees you dripping with anticipation, he shoves his unbelievably long tongue inside you. You bite your lower lip to keep yourself from screaming out. Spencer looks up through his lashes and swipes his tongue from one wall to the other. The way he's looking at you makes you clench around his wet muscle. You have to get your tension out somehow.
There is finally an opportunity for you to satisfy one of your urges. You reach down and grab a fistful of his curly hair. You tug, and he moans. The vibration sends ripples through your body, and you give another hard tug. Your head bangs against the wall behind you, but you're too caught up in the moment to care.
He grunts when you give another yank. You file that piece of information in the same place as the heels. He pulls away only to suction his lips around your clit. He doesn't want you to feel empty, so he slides in two very long fingers.
“Shit! Spencer!” you hiss.
That response only makes him suck harder. You tighten around his fingers, making it almost impossible for him to remove them. He keeps his fingers right where they are and wiggles them so that he's hitting places not even you knew you had.
"I'm close! Fuck!"
Without going too hard, he nibbles on your clit with his teeth. The stimulation, combined with what his fingers are doing, is enough to push you over the edge. Your orgasm washes over you just as your come spills over his fingers. He pulls away and sticks them in his mouth. He sucks your juices from them before diving in once more. You're very sensitive from the first orgasm, so you twitch away from him. However, he grips your hips to hold you in place. He licks you clean until there is no more evidence lingering.
Once he finishes, he sets your leg down and redresses you. Your legs are wobbly, but you're doing a good job at keeping yourself up. He pushes your hair back to expose your ear, and he leans down to whisper in it.
"I never knew you tasted so sweet. I'm going to have a hard time focusing on work now that I got a taste. Be a good girl for the rest of the day, and I’ll show you what else I'm good for."
He presses a kiss to the side of your neck before leaving the office. Did that really just happen? How can you get through the rest of the day when you've experienced how well he can work his tongue? Plus, you also won't be able to stop thinking of his proposition. If he's that good with just his mouth. What else will he be good at?
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753 notes · View notes
tozoa · 8 years
ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪: what are your favorite band(s)/artist(s)?
Hoooooboy this’ll take a minute:
The Ad Libs
Agnelli & Nelson
Ahmet Ertenu
Ai Otsuka
Airbase feat. Floria Ambra
Aki Kudou
Akioka Ou
Akitaka Tohyama
Akon, Stat Quo & Bobby Creekwater
Alberto Ginastera
Alessia Cara
Alex Aero
Alex Clare
alex gopher
Alex Stealthy
Alex Whitcombe & Big C
Alexander Von Pitanic: Salzburg Camerata Academica
Alfred Hitchcock
Alice D In Wonderland
Alice in Chains
Alien Ant Farm
All American Rejects
Allie Moss
Allister Brimble
The Allman Brothers Band
The Allman Joys
Alvin Risk
The Ambush
Amilcare Ponchielli
Amy Lee
An Horse
André Visior & Kay Stone
Andrew Bayer
Andy Duguid 
The Angels
ann lee
Anna Calvi
Antonín Dvořák
Antonio Montana
Antonio Vivaldi
Aoi Тeshima
Arai Akino
The Archies
Armor For Sleep
Art of Dying
Art Of Trance
Ashtar Command
Asou Kaori
Asuka Sakai / Yu Miyake
The Auranaut
The Avalons
Avenged Sevenfold
Ayumi Hamasaki
Backstreet Boys
Balearic Bill
Bamboo Lounge
Banyan Tree
The Bar-Kays
Basic Perspective
Danny Elfman
The Beach Boys
Beach House
Beachwood Sparks
Beady Eye
Bear McCreary
Beastie Boys                
The Beatles
Bee Gees
The Belmonts
Ben Shaw
benassi bros
Berlin Symphony Orchestra
Bernhard Güller: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra
Bert Weedon
Best Coast
Biffy Clyro
Bill Elm and Woody Jackson
Bill Haley & The Comets
Billie Ray Martin
Billy Idol
Binary Finary
Bing Crosby
the biz
Black Lips
The Black Ryder
Frank Black
Blank & Jones 
Bless The Fallen
Blood For Blood
Blood Red Shoes
Blue Gender
Blue Rock
The Bluetones
Bo Burnham
Bob & Gene
Bobby “Boris” Pickett & The Crypt-Kickers
Bobby Creekwater
Bobby Tank
Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan
Bon Jovi
Bone Chrusher & Three Days Gra
Bonnie Tyler
Booty Bronx
Boy & Bear
A Boy Called Joni
boys noize
Brad Knauber
the bravery
Breaking Benjamin
Brendon Maclean
Brian Eno
Brian Lebarton
Bride of Frankenstein
Bright Eyes
Britney Spears
Broken Social Scene
Brooks and Dunn
Bruce Faulconer
Buckner & Garcia
The Budos Band
The Buggles
Bulgarian Womens Choir
The Buoys
Steve Burns
Bystrik Režucha: Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra
Camerata Academica Salzburg
Camerata Romana
Camille Saint-Saëns
Cappizzi Pickett
Carl B.
Carl Doy
Carl Michalski: Vienna Opera Orchestra
Carl Perkins
Carly Rae Jepsen
Cary Brothers
Casa Royale
The Phantom of the Opera
Cave Man
CeCe Winans
Chad & Jeremy
Channel Tribe
The Chantays
Charles Gounod
Charlotte Martin
Charm City Devils
Cheap Trick
The Chemical Brothers
Chieko Kawabe
Chikita Violenta
Chiller Twist
The Chimes
Choopie & Shmuel
Choro Club
Chouken Denkanyuu
Christina Aguilera
Christy Nockels
Chrono Crusade
Chuck Berry
Cignus X
Cindy Morgan
The Civil Wars
CJ Bolland
Clarence “Frogman” Henry
The Classics
Classified Project
Claude Debussy
Clear View
Clive Tanaka Y Su Orquesta
Cloud 69
Clouded Leopard
Club Quake
Matrix soundtrack
Coast 2 Coast
Coca & Villa
Cold Cave
Conjure One
Connie Francis
Continuous Cool
The Contours
Control Freaks
The Cowsills
Crash and the Boys
The Crests
Crispin Glover
Culture Club
Curtis Mayfield
Cut Copy
D’ Alt Vila
Daft Punk
dahlback & cost
The Daktaris
Dale Hawkins
The Danleers
Danny & The Juniors
Danny Elfman
Dave Angel
dave spoon
david guetta
David Hasselhoff
David Hodges
David MeShow
De Hideki
De Trainer Derek
Dean Martin
Death Cab For A Cutie
Del Shannon
Denchuu Shinkyuu
Depeche Mode
Der Dritte Raum
Dexys Midnight Runners
The Diamonds
Die Firma
Dion & The Belmonts
Dionne Warwick
DJ Cor Fijneman
DJ Crazy Chris
DJ Dazzle
DJ Eremit
DJ Hooligan
DJ Jan
Dj Kitkiller
DJ Marco Bailey
DJ Merlyn
DJ Morgoth
DJ Philip
DJ Skee & THX
DJ Slug
DJ Tiësto
DJ Ton T.B.
DJ TripleStar
Dmitri Kabalevsky
Do As Infinity
Dobre & DJ Theor
Dom Kennedy
Dominic Plaza
Don & Juan
Don Burnham, Patty Kistner
Donna Burke
Dos Deviants
Douster, Savage Skulls & Robyn
Dove Beat
Dr. Dre
The Dreamlovers
The Drifters
Duane Allman
Dubravka Tomšič
The Duprees
Duran Duran
Dylaln Lloyd
E Nomine
Earl Lewis & The Channels
Eddy Arnold
Edvard Grieg
Edward MacDowell
Effective Force
Eiko Shimamiya
El Trono de Mexico
Electric Pulse
electric six
Ellie Goulding
Elvis Presley
The Embers
Emmanuel Top
Es Vedra
Essit Muzique
The Eternals
The Everly Brothers
Fall Out Boy
Falling in Reverse
Fats Domino
Feeling B
Felix Da Housecat
Felix Mendelssohn
Field Music
Finger Eleven
Fire & Ice
First Aid Kit
First Arsch
First Class
First State
The Five Americans
Five Finger Death Punch
Fix To Fax
The Fixx
The Flamingos
Fluid Inc.
Fluid Ounces
Fontella Bass
Fool’s Gold
Format #1
Foster the People
The Four Lads
Four Seasons
Four Tet
The Four Tops
francesco farfa
Francis Poulenc
Frank Black
Frank Shipway: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Frank Sinatra
Frankie Goes To Hollywood
Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers
Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons
František Drdla
Franz Ferdinand
Franz Liszt
Franz Schubert
Franz Von Suppé
The Fray
Fred Baker
Freddy Cannon
Frédéric Chopin
Free Radical
G. Love
Gabriel & Dresden
Gabriel Pares
Gaetano Donizetti
The Game
Garrett Davis and Kirsten Lepore
Gary Chapman
Gela Zilkha
George Frideric Handel
George Thorogood & The Destroyers
Georges Bizet
The Gift
Gilbert O'Sullivan
Gioachino Rossini
Girls Bravo
Giuseppe Verdi
Glenn Morisson
Global Experience
Gôji Tsuno
golden bug
Goo Goo Dolls
Good Charlotte
Gotou Mai
Graeme Norgate, Grant Kirkhope
Grayarea feat. Erik Shepard
Green Day
The Green Martian
Green Martian
Greg Vail
Groove Park
Gucci Mane
Gui Boratto
Guy Mitchell
Gwen Stefani
Haga Keita
Hal David, John Cacavas
Hamaguchi Shirou
Hammock Brothers
Hans Zimmer
Harada Hitomi
Hardy Heller and Ray Boye
Harry Bluestone
Harry Lubin
Hashimoto Miyuki
Hatsune Miku
Hayes Carll
Hazuki Erino
Helen Forrest
Hélène Gal
Hello Seahorse!
Henry Adolph: Philharmonia Slavonica
Henry Jackman
Henry Mancini
Herb Alpert
Hermann Abel: Camerata Academica Salzburg
Hideki Tobeta
Hirasawa Susumu
Hirohashi Ryou
Hiroko Taguchi
Hironobu Kageyama
Hiroshi Okubo
Holden & Thompson
Hole In One
Holly Miranda
Holy Ghost!
Horie Yui
Hotel Lights
The Hour Glass
The Hues Corporation
Hundred Waters
Hyperdrive Inc
Ian Pooley
Ice Cube
Ichigo 100%
Idiot Pilot
Ilaria Graziano
The Imaginations
Imagine Dragons
Imogen Heap
The Inchtabokatables
Infected Mushroom
The Ink Spots
Inoi team
The Interludes
Ishida Yoko
The Isley Brothers
Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
Itou Shizuka
J Daniel
J. Geils Band
J.E. Sawyer
J.E. Sawyer, James Melilli
J.S. Bach
Ja Rule
Jack Wall and Sam Hulick
Jackie & The Starlights
Jackson C. Frank
Jacques Offenbach
Jaimy & Kenny D
Jakatta feat. Seal
Jake & Jesse
James Iha
Jamie Grace
Jamie Lidell
Jan Driver
Jan Johnston
Jars Of Clay
JASEfos feat. Claire van der Boom
Jason Graves
Jason Michael Carroll
Jason Steele
Jay & The Americans
Jean Sudbury
Jeff Williams
Jeremy Fisher
Jermaine Dupri
Jerome ‘Pacman’ Elia
Jerry Lee Lewis
Jerry Ropero
Jesper Kyd
Jimmy Charles
The Jive Five
joachim garraud
Johan Gielen pres. Abena
Johann Pachelbel
Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Strauss
Johann Strauss Jr.
Johannes Brahms
John Dahlback
John Farnham
Johnny Bond
Johnny Cash
Johnny Preston
Johnny Thunder
Joker Jam
Jon Lajoie
Jonas Steur
The Jones Sisters
Jose Gonzalez
Joseph Haydn - Kodaly Quartet
JT Functions
Judas Priest
Julia Fischer & Academy of St. Martin In the Fields
Julius Drake & Ian Bostridge
Jun Sasaki
Junkie Xl
Junko Nishi
Kagami Seira
Kagamine Len
Kagamine Rin
Kageyama Hironobu
Kai Tracid
Kakazu Yumi, Asakawa Yuu, Orikasa Fumiko & Toyoguchi Megumi
Kalafut & Fygle
Kaleido Star
Kamaya Painters
Kamui Gakupo
Kane & Abel 
Kanno Youko
Kanye West
Kaori Utatsuki
Karen Overton
Katamari Soul Trains
Katie Thompson
Katou Idzumi
Katsuro Tajima
Katy Perry
Kawada Mami
Kawai Eri
Kawai Kenji
Kawasumi Ayako
Kay Kyser
Kazuki Yanagawa
Kazuma Jinnouchi
Kei Shindou
Kekou Souchi
Ken Nakagawa
Kenji Ohtsuki & Fumihiko Kitsutaka
Kidz In the Hall
Kikuko Inoue
The Killers
Kim Ann Foxman & Andy Butler
kim fai
Kimito Lopez
King Unique
Kirk Franklin & The Family
Kitagawa Katsutoshi
Kitagawa Shouri
Kitamura Eri
Kiyoura Natsumi
kmc feat. sandy
KOAN Sound
Koda kumi
Kôji Kaya
Konami Kukeiha Club
Konishi Kayo & Kondoo Yukio
Kool & the Gang
K-taro Takanami
Kubota Mina
Kugimiya Rie
Kuko & Torikki SHirai
Kuko & Yasumi
Brett Kull
Kumi Koda
Kuniva (D12)
Kuwashima Houko
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu
La Gusana Ciega
La Roux
La Sera
Larry Hall
Late Night Alumni
Laura Veirs
Laurence Siegel: London Festival Orchestra
LCD Soundsystem
Le Butcherettes
Le Knight Club
Lee Andrews & The Hearts
Lee Fields
Lemon 8
Léo Delibes
Leon Bolier pres. Inner Stories
Leonid Rudenko
Les Charts
les visiteurs feat. tommie sunshine
Leslie Gore
The Letter Y
Level 42
Liam Finn
Libor Pešek: Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra
Life According To Bozo
Linda Perhacs
Linkin Park
John Linnell
Lionel Richie
Lisa Coleman & Wendy Melvoin
lisa miskovsky
Little Big Man
Little Tin Frog
Lloyd Banks feat. Akon
LN Movement
Local Natives
Logan Whitehurst
Loic Bertrand: Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra
The London Symphony Orchestra
The Lonely Island
The Long Winters
Loop Control
Lord Of Trance
Lost Weekend Western Swing Band
Lou Christie
Lou Reed & Metallica
Lucinda Williams
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Lyle Workman
Mac Miller
Mac Zimms
Mack 10
Mads Arp
Magdalene Keibel Combo
Mai Kadowaki
Mai Yamane
Major League
Makino Yui
Malcolm McLaren
Malibu Beach
The Mamas & The Papas
Mami Kawada
Man On Earth
Mannheim Steamroller
Maor Levi
Marc Marzenit
Marco Bailey
Marcus Schossow
Mariàn Pivka
Mariko Takase
Marilyn Manson
mario piu’
Mark Mancina
Mark Norman
Marmalade Boy
Maroon 5
Martian Successor Nadesico
Martin ODonnell
Martin Rex
Marty Robbins
Masako Iwanaga
Masako Nozawa & Mayumi Sho
Masami Nakatsukasa
Masami Okui
Mass Missile
Master P Feat. Bone Thugs-N-Harmony & Silkk The Shocker
The Mat 1 EP
Matchbox Twenty
mathias schaffhauser
Matt Lange
Matt Nathanson
matt samuels
Maurice F. Henschel: Pretoria Philharmonic Orchestra
Maurice Ravel
Mauro Picotto
Max Graham
Max Raabe & Palast Orchester
Maximum The Hormone
May'n & Nakajima Megumi
Mayumi Fujita
The McCoys
Mechalie Jamison
meg rock
Megumi Hayashibara
Megumi Nakajima
Megurine Luka
Mejale Pirates
Memory Tapes
Menahan Street Band
Mermaid Melody
Mia X Feat. Mystikal
Michael Armstrong
Michael Giacchino
Michael Jackson
Michael McCann
Michael W. Smith
Mick Boogie
The Micronauts
Middle Class Rut
Midori no Hibi
The Mighty Imperials
Mike Morasky
Mikuni Shimokawa
David Miller
Milos Karadaglic
The Mindbenders
Minnie Riperton
Mitch Ryder & The Detroit Wheels
Mitsunori Ikeda 
Miyuki Hashimoto
Miyuki Kanbe
Mizuki Nana
Mizuki, Nittoku Inoue
Modest Mouse
Mono Puff
The Monotones
Montell Jordan
Movie Screen Orchestra
Murray Gold & BBC National Orchestra of Wales
My Chemical Romance
My Darkest Days
Mylene Farmer et Seal
Mystery Skulls
Nakajima Ai
Nalin & Kane
Nana Kitade
Naomi Davis & Sugarman Three
Naomi Shelton & The Gospel Queens
Nat King Cole
Natural High
Naughty Boy
Neil Davidge
New Vaudeville Band
Nic Chagall
Nice Peter
The Nightcaps
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
Nino Nardini
Nino/Round Table
Noa Assembly
Nobuo Uematsu, Nittoku Inoue
Norin & Rad
Notorious B.I.G
NY Alliance
Obie Trice
Obie, Kuniva, Stat Quo, Bobby Creekwater, Cashis
Ohara Sayaka
Ohmi Tomoe
Okui Aki
Oliver Lieb
Oliver Von Dohnányi: Slovak National Phiharmonic Orchestra
Olivia Lufkin
The Olympics
Omori Toshiyuki
One Republic
Oomori Toshiyuki
Orbital Velocity
Orgasm Death Gimmick
The Oriëntalist
Orita Donichi
Oscar Araujo
The Outlaws
Owl City
Ozgur Can
Pablo Gargano
The Pains of Being Pure At Heart
Palast Orchester mit Max Raabe
Panic! At The Disco
Papa Roach
Paradise Kiss
Paradise Road
Parker & Hanson
Patrick Stump
Patty & the Emblems
Paul Johnson
Paul Oakenfold
Pearl Kyoudai
Peggy Lee
The Penguins
Percy Faith
Pete Thomas, Ashley Slater, Laurie Stras
Peter Falk: Vienna Volksoper Orchestra
Peter Schmalfuss
Petula Clark
phil collins
Pink Elephant
Plain White T’s
planet funk
Plastic Boy
The Platters
Pob feat. X-Avia
The Poets of Rhythm
Point Of Grace
Kanto Symphony
The Polyphonic Spree
Porno Graffitti
Port O'Brien
Powerman 5000
Eliza Rickman
The Prodigy
Project Monolith
Puddle of Mudd
R Kelly
Rachael Starr
Rank 1
Ray Conniff
Read or Die
Reba McEntire
Rebecca St. James
Reinhard Voigt
Renato Girolami, Nicolaus Esterhazy Sinfonia, Hungarian Radio Chorus, Janusz Monarcha, Regina Schorg & Bo Skovhus
The Republic Tigers
Reynada Hill
Richard Gibbs
Richard Marx
Richard Strauss
Richie Valens
Rick James
Rick Springfield
Ricky Martin
Rie Tanaka
Rin Kagimine
Rise Against
Rival Sons
The Rivieras
Roach Motel
Rob Searle
robbie rivera
Robert Babicz
Robert Benfer
Robert Francis
Robert Palmer
Robert Schumann
Robin Beanland
The Roc Project
Rocky Chack
Rodrigo y Gabriela
the rogue element
The Rolling Stones
Ronnie And The Schoolmates
Ronnie Dove
The Roots
The Roues Brothers
Roy Orbison
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
The Royal Teens
Rui Da Silva
Rui Nagai
rune rk
Russ Gabriel’s Audio Spectrum
S.B. McCafferty
Saint Seiya
Saitou Chiwa
Sakamoto Maaya
Salt Tank
Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs
Sander Van Doorn & Julian Jordan
Sandor Czech Ensemble
Sandy Fox
Saori Nishihata
Sasaki Nozomi
Sasako Shigeharu
Satoko Yamano & Kageyama…
scanty 88
School Of Rock
Scott Grooves
Sean Dexter
Sebastian Tellier
The Second Coming
Senoo Takeshi
Serial Experiments Lain
Serj Tankian
Sex Bomb-Omb
Shah & Laruso pres. Global Experience
The Shangri-Las
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings
Sharp Tools
She Keeps Bees
The Shells
Sheryl Nome starring May'n
The Shields
Shigeru Matsuzaki
Shikata Akiko
Shimamiya Eiko
Shinichi Ishihara
Shinji Orito/Magome Togoshi
Shiny Toy Guns
Shoji Sugiyama, Yu Miyake
Show Luo Feat. Koda Kumi
Sierra Swan
Silent Breed
Simple Minds
Sinichi Ishihara
Sister Princess
Skull Drugrey
The Skyliners
Small Black
Smart System
The Smashing Pumpkins
Smith & Pledger pres. Aspekt
SMS no Minasan
The Sneaker
Snoop Dogg
Snow Patrol
Soft Cell
The Soft Pack
Solar Factor
Solar Stone
Solar Stone and JES
Solaris Heights
Solid Globe
Soulja Slim
South London Voodoo
Space Shuffle
The Spainiels
Split Second
Stat Quo
A Static Lullaby
Steady Mobbin
Stephen Rippy
Steve Conte
Steve Forte Rio
Steve Jablonsky
Steve May
Steve Winwood
Steven Curtis Chapman
Stone Factory
Stone Sour
Stray Cats
Stray Dog
streetlife dj’s
Strong Arm Steady
Stuck in the Sound
The Students
Styles Of Beyond
Sugarman Three
Sum 41
Sunday Club
The Supremes
Surfer Blood
Susan Ashton
Susumu Hirasawa
Suzuki Konomi
Svetlana Stanceva; Alberto Lizzio: Mozart Festival Orchestra
Swifty McVay & Mr. Porter
The Swimmer
Sylvia Cápová
Symphony Of Love II
System of a Down
Systematic Parts
T. Rex
Tainaka Sachi
Takahashi Youko
Takeshi Senoo
Taking Back Sunday
Talib Kweli
TCY Force
Tears For Fears
Teikoku Yousei
The Temper Trap
The Temptations
TENMON & Eiichiro Yanagi / minori
Tex Beneke and Margaret Whiting
Theory Of A Dead Man
They Might Be Giants
Third Man
This Radiant Boy
Thomas Bangalter
Thomas Schumacher
The Thompson Twins
Three Days Grace
Three Drives
Tiger Army
Till Lindemann & Richard Kruspe
Timothy Bloom
Tina Turner
Todd Rundgren
Tokyo Mew Mew
Tom Cloud
Tom Mangan
Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
tomas andersson
Tommy James & The Shondells
Tomoe Ohmi
Tomoki Hasegawa
Tomomitsu Kaneko
Tony Yayo
Toro y Moi
Melanie Martinez
Jason Trachtenburg
The Troggs
Twila Paris
Two Steps from Hell
UGK Feat. N.O. Joe
The Used
Ushio Hashimoto
Utada Hikaru
Utah Saints
The Vaccines
Vanessa Mae
Vegas Soul
The Veil Kings
The Videos
Vince Guaraldi Trio
Vincent de Moor
Viper 2
Vitamin String Quartet
Vladimir Petroschoff: Berliner Festival Orchestra
The Vogues
The Voyager
W.A. Mozart
Wada Kaoru
Wang Chung
the wanted
Way Out West
Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders
Weird Al Yankovic
West & Storm
Wheed Baskin
The Whigs
White Lies
White Rabbits
Wighnomy Bros.
Wild Bunch
William Elliot Whitmore
William Fitzsimmons
William Hartnell
The Willows
Wiz Khalifa
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
World Clique
The Wrens
Yanase Natsumi
Yasunori Iwasaki
Yo Hitoto
Yoko Kanno
Yoshino Yuuji
Youko Ishida
Young Parisians
Yousei Teikoku
Yu Miyake
Yui Horie
Yuri Misawa
Yves DeRyter
Zack Knight
Zoo Brazil
12 notes · View notes
Solar Eclipse 2017
Did you know?
While there are many superstitions about eclipses, there are also a lot of weird things that happen during an eclipse that are completely real -- and super cool. Here are six incredible things to look for during the eclipse on August 21.
1. Animals getting confused
"A totally eclipsed sun is 10,000 times fainter than one that is 99 percent covered by the moon," Meg Pickett, astrophysicist and a professor of physics at Lawrence University told CNET. The change in light during an eclipse makes the temperature drop suddenly, which makes animals think that night is coming.
As the total eclipse begins, animals begin their evening songs and behavior, such as crickets chirping.  As the eclipse ends, the animals think that morning is coming. If you're in the country, you'll be able to hear roosters crow.
2. Stars and planets in the middle of the day
During the eclipse, the sky will get so dark that stars will look just as bright as they would during the evening. If you live close to the total eclipse zone, you'll even be able to see planets like Jupiter and Venus easily.
3. Shadow bands
Right before a total eclipse, little snake-like shadows will appear to slither across the ground.  According to NASA, scientists aren't completely sure why shadow bands happen. Many scientists believe that they are caused by light from the eclipse being focused and refocused through cells of air in the atmosphere. 
Shadow bands are a rare sight during the eclipse, but you may be able to see them with the right equipment, timing and location. The most important part is the color of the ground. You can see the bands best on light colors. Some people lay a large white sheet on the ground.  You may also spot them by looking at concrete, sand, snow or ice.
"In 2015, I saw the eclipse in Svalbard, just 800 miles from the North Pole," said Mark Bender, a longtime eclipse chaser who has followed eclipses from Norway to Australia, and also the director of CuriosityStream docu-series Eclipse Across America. "I was standing on a landscape covered with ice -- just like an enormous white sheet. And there they were! It's all about being at the right place at the right time."
4. Bailey's beads
Bailey's beads are pearls of sunlight shining through the valleys and mountains of the moon, explained Pickett. You'll see them around the edges of the moon as it passes over the sun. 
"The beads may look reddish in color, exposing the upper atmosphere of the sun, the chromosphere, or 'Sphere of Color.,'" said Pickett. 
5. Corona rainbows
Corona rainbows happens when the air is full of water molecules. "During the eclipse in 1999, I was watching in Cornwall, England," said Bender. "It was a completely overcast and rainy day. Leading up to the eclipse, you couldn't see the sun at all. Three minutes before totality, the sun started to peak though, and with one minute to go, clouds dissipated and the entire sky opened up. We lucked out, but the best was yet to come.  Even though the rain had stopped, there was still so much water vapor in the air. When the sun eclipsed, the corona was full of tiny rainbows! Imagine seeing the stunning corona in full color! I have never seen that since, but anything is possible. You just don't know how it will play out."
6. 360-degree sunset
During totality, or when the sun is completely covered by the moon, you can see a what looks like a sunset-- in every direction-- around the horizon. 
When he was 15 in July 1963, NASA researcher and Dickinson College Professor of physics and astronomy Robert Boyle witnessed his first solar eclipse in Bangor, Maine. "When totality arrived, I was amazed at how dark it got," Boyle told CNET. "The silence that descended around us was as profound as it was unexpected. The birds stopped chirping. The air grew still. And all around the horizon where the clouds left a little gap of sky, there was a crimson band of light as if sunset was a 360-degree phenomenon." 
The strange 360-sunset effect happens, Boyle says, because the sun is still shining outside the path of totality. 
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ray-ray-writings · 5 years
Suite Life--Break Up
Make Up part is here!
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Zack: I rolled my eyes as I watched Zack lean up against the smoothie bar with a stupid smirk on his face while the girl across from him twirled her hair. I crossed my arms in frustration as he winked at her before turning around and began making her smoothie. I watch his lips move and her lean more onto the counter to get closer to him. 
“Hey girl. What’s up?” I heard Bailey asked as she stopped at my side. I turned to look at her and she grimaces at my face, “What’s with the face?” she asked. I pointed over to where my boyfriend was working more than just the juice bar. Bailey scoffs at the sight and joins me in a crossed arms position. “How long has that been going on?” She questioned in a disgusted voice. I glanced at my watch, “Too long,” I answered uncrossing my arms. Bailey uncrossed her arms as well, “What are you going to do about it.” I looked back over in time to see the girl holding a cup, handing Zack a ten and a piece of paper, no doubt with her number on it. From where I was standing, I could see her give him a little wink and him give one in return. “What I should have done the first time I saw him do this.” Bailey’s brow furrowed, “Wait he’s done this more than once.” I nodded. “As Max tells El, dump his ass.” Bailey said giving me the courage I needed. I nodded in determination and marched toward the station. 
“Hey babe.” Zack said with a goofy grin as he watched me march forward. But his smile faded as he saw the anger on my face. “What’s wrong babe.” I glared at him, “Don’t babe me Zackary. You know I can’t believe that I thought you would actually change for me.” Zack’s forehead wrinkled and his brow furrowed. “What are you talking abo-” “You know exactly what I’m talking about Zack. I’m sick and tired of watching you flirt with any and every girl that comes within 50 miles of you. I don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve to watch my boyfriend flirt with people that aren’t me.” 
Zack’s face changed from confusion to understanding then to worry. “No baby, it’s not what it looks like.” Zack rushed out. I scoffed and shook my head in disbelief. “Okay, so then you weren’t flirting with that girl. And she didn’t give you her number, wink at you and then you winked back?” I questioned, my eyebrow raised. Zack was silent at first but then opened his mouth, “Okay it was what it looks like, but you have to believe me when I tell you that there’s a reason. You have to listen to m-” “Actually Zack,” I interjected, “I don’t have to listen to you. You know I thought you had actually changed and that you wanted to be with me and only me. I guess I was wrong. So, in the words of Eleven, I dump your ass.” I whipped around and stomped away from my now ex-boyfriend. “Y/N! Please, let me explain.” I turned around, still walking backwards, flipped him off, and turned back around. Bailey ran up to my side again. She wrapped her arm around me and walked with me. “I’m so proud of you. I know that wasn’t easy.” I looked up at her with teary eyes. “Can we go to our dorm now?” I whispered. Bailey kissed my head (In a bestie way), “Of course honey.” She guided me to our shared dorm as the tears fell. 
Cody: I ran a hand over my face as I stared at the half-filled page of my newest writings. I glared at the last sentence I wrote, my stupid brain blocking the next words from coming to me. I was startled out of my little pity party by a knock on the door. “Come in.” I called saving my work for the millionth time. 
The door swung open and there stood my beautiful boyfriend Cody. “Hey babe!” I greeted him looking back at my screen. “Hi honey. What are you up to?” He asked. “Same old, same old. Writing, trying to finish this chapter.” Cody nodded as he sat down on the end of the bed. “What are you doing?” I questioned. “I was just stopping by to see if you had finished the History project Ms. Tutweiller assigned.” My head shot up with wide eyes. “I completely forgot about that!” I exclaimed pressing the save button before opening a new Doc, to begin the forgotten project. 
Cody sighed at me, “Of course you did. You were wrapped up in the stupid dream of yours.” I froze at his words. I slowly looked up from my screen, “What did you say?” I asked in a quiet voice. Cody looked over to me, “Don’t get me wrong, I think your hobby is great and I think it’s amazing that you’re so passionate about it. But I also think you need to put aside your useless hobby and focus more on your schoolwork. You need to have a plan in case your dream doesn’t become a reality, which it probably won’t.” Cody concluded. 
“Get out.” I said in a small voice. “What?” Cody asked in confusion. “Get out.” I said louder. “No, listen babe, I didn’t mean to upset you it’s just that-” “I don’t care what you didn’t mean to do. You just told me my dreams are stupid and unachieveable. A boyfriend is supposed to encourage his partner and support their dreams. But you have just destroyed my heart and called my dreams stupid. So this is me, breaking up with my so-called boyfriend and telling him to get out before I lose my mind.”
 Cody looked at me with heartbroken eyes, he stood up off my bed, “Y/N please--” “GET OUT!” I screamed. My loudness caused doors to open down the girl’s hall. Cody didn’t move, so I tossed my laptop off of my laptop. I hopped off of the bed, and pushed Cody towards the door. He began to walk, all while trying to get me to listen to him. I stopped pushing when he finally was out of the door and in the hall. “And stay out.” I hissed slamming the door in his face. I turned around and slid down the door, sobbing. 
Bailey: “Hey babe” I greeted my girlfriend, pecking her cheek and sitting down beside me. Bailey rolled her eyes and didn’t respond to me. Her actions caused me to furrow my brow. “Honey? What’s wrong?” I questioned. Bailey crossed her arms and turned away from me, “Nothing” Bailey spat snottily. “Bay, I know something is wrong. Talk to me about it,” I pleaded. Bailey’s glare intensified, “Nothing is wrong you helicopter!” Bailey shrieked. I raised a furrowed brow. “Helicopter?” I asked. “Yeah, you’re loud and annoying and you hover way too much.” 
I felt my face fall. “Oh.” I let out softly. Bailey’s demeanor changed from furious to guilt in a split second. But then her face tensed back into an “I don’t care” stage. “Yeah. So if you’d kindly leave me the hell alone starting now until forever, I would greatly appreciate it.” My heart broke even more. “Bails, are you breaking up with me.” Bailey’s face flashed to panic but then reset it again, “I guess I am.” She huffed crossing her arms in front of her. “Bailey. Please don’t do this. Please, let’s just talk--” “I’m done talking to you.Goodbye Y/N” Bailey whipped around and marched off toward the dorms, leaving me frozen in my spot. 
“Hey girl! What’s up?” I heard London say. “Bailey just broke up with me.” I choked out. London gasped before pulling me in her arms. “Oh honey! Let’s go shopping to make you feel better.” I pouted in my best friend’s arms. “But I don’t want to go shopping.” I sighed out. London huffed at my response, “But I do! I’ll buy you anything you want.” My lip quivered, “I want Bailey back”
London: I sighed in content as I sat down at one of the many tables on the deck with a big bowl of ice cream and a plate of chocolate chip cookies. I had been working super hard on a very important project and had decided to treat myself after all I had done. I grabbed my spoon and began to dig in. 
Just then my girlfriend appeared beside me. “Hey babe!” London said, pressing a kiss to my cheek. “Hey baby.” I greeted back with a mouthful of ice cream. London scrunched her nose in disgust. “Ew! Why would you speak with you mouthful like that?” I rolled my eyes and swallowed the rest of the ice cream that was in my mouth. I was getting ready to respond when London cut me off, “Better question, why are you eating ice cream?” I again got ready to respond but was cut off once more, “You know dairy makes you look fat and bloated and the sugar content of the ice cream actually makes you fat and bloated.” 
I shut my mouth so fast, my jaw clenched in anger, “What did you just say?” I quietly hissed out. London shrugged her shoulders and repeated her statement, adding “And you don’t really need the help. I mean look at you. It almost makes me embarrassed to be seen with you,” My eyes pricked with tears, I can’t believe that’s how she feels about me. 
“You know what London?” I asked, picking up a cookie. “If that’s how you feel, I think we should break up.” London gasped, “Break up over ice cream! That sounds amazing!” London hurried away from the table I was at and out of sight. 
I stared after her incredulously, why would she not break up with me sooner if that’s how she felt. The tears started to fall from my eyes as I gathered up my treats. “Maybe it’s for the best” I sobbed out as I walked toward my dorm, throwing away the sweets as I walked by a trash can. 
Woody:*In this you’re Bailey’s sister*  “Hey babe,” I heard Woody call from his bed, I walked out of the bathroom, toothbrush in my mouth, “Yeah?” I mumbled through toothpaste. “My back hurts.” He complained. “Mine does too. So?” I asked walking back into the bathroom to rinse out my mouth. “Will you give me a massage?” He asked in a sweet tone. I let out a little laugh as I dried my mouth. “No.” I deadpanned, walking back into the room and sitting on his bed.
 Woody pouted, “Why not?” He asked. “Like I said, my back hurts to and if I massage yours it will make mine hurt even more.”  “You know, when Cody’s back hurts Bailey rubs it with all different types of oil and doesn’t complain.” I rolled my eyes and huffed at his statement, “Well I’m sorry I’m not Bailey. I’m Y/N and I’m not going to rub your back.” 
Woody crossed his arms and grumbled, “I wish you were more like Bailey. Cody doesn’t have to put up with this.” “THAT’S IT!” I exclaimed standing up from the bed. “You have done nothing but compare our relationship to Cody and Bailey’s and told me you wished I was more like Bailey. Guess what, I’m not. My whole life I’ve been compared to my big sister and I thought that maybe you’d be different but you’re just like them. You know what, you’re right. I think we do need to be more like Cody and Bailey. So let’s make like them in Paris and break up because I’m sick of your shit. Better yet, let’s break up so you can date them instead, because I’m not having it anymore.” 
With that I threw the door open and marched out of the room, right into Cody’s chest. “Oh perfect timing! Woody you’re boyfriend’s here.” I called back into the room. I tried to pass my sister’s boyfriend but he spun me right back around. “What the heck?” He asked. I laughed bitterly, “Well, Woody decided that our relationship needed to be more like yours so I decided the best way to do that is to break up with him and have him actually date you and my sister.” Woody appeared in the hallway, “Y/N, please” I ripped my arm from Cody’s grip, “I hope you enjoy the rest of Paris.” I hissed before marching away. As I left the two behind in the hallway I heard Cody speak to Woody, “Dude, what the fuck did you do?” “I messed up man.” 
Maddie: I sighed as I checked my watch once more. It was a 7 o’clock, Maddie and my date was supposed to start at 6. This wasn’t the first date she’s missed. I was understanding at first, I know she needs the money for her family and for her college fund, but she promised she would be here considering it was our anniversary. I flagged down the waiter and asked for my check. I paid and made my way back to the hotel.
I found Maddie right where I thought she would be, behind the candy counter, looking bored. I caught Maddie’s eye from across the room, she smiled at me as I walked towards her, but then frowned as she saw my outfit. She rushed out to greet me in a hug. I stood there frozen while she spoke, “Y/N, I’m so sorry. I forgot to tell Mr. Moseby I needed tonight off for our date.” I stared at her blankly, “So you also forgot to tell me that we needed to call off the date because your were going to miss it. I sat there for an hour Maddie. I felt so dumb. I understood at first, but now I’m used to it and I shouldn’t be. You should have told me, I would have understood.” 
Maddie’s face scrunched up. “I know, I’m sorry. I just have a lot on my plate, a job, a relationship, school, my family. Sometimes I think it would be easier if I were single.” My heart stopped, “Excuse me?” Maddie furrowed her brow, “What?” I laughed bitterly, “You just said that everything would be easier if you were single.” Maddie shook her head, “No I didn’t. That’s not what I meant.” 
“So which is it Maddie, you didn’t say it or you didn’t mean it. It can’t be both. You know what Maddie, it doesn’t matter. I’ll tell you what, I’ll make your life easier. Congrats, you’re now single. Well then, I guess that makes me single too… Oh well, without you around these past weeks, it won’t really feel any different now will it.” I glared at Maddie, then brushed by her. “Y/N! Wait!” I quickly whipped around, “I have Maddie. I’ve done my waiting. For the past eight dates. I’ve done nothing but wait.” I whipped back around and continued on my way to my room. 
There you go! Suite Life break up, like I mentioned before the next part will be the make up for this preference! I hope you enjoyed and be sure to leave a like and a comment if you did! Requests are always open, it just may take me a while to get to them!
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