#bainbridge island ferry
tijipi · 5 months
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valleyoakphoto · 1 month
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Memories of late nights, early mornings, and gray days
Seattle Waterfront / Bainbridge Island Ferry - Fall 2023
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Boats (I took a Ferry yesterday)
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stephaniestarshine · 10 months
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iodos84 · 1 year
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Bainbridge Island Ferry, March 2023
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lookatbrooke · 1 year
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Took the ferry to Bainbridge Island💚🛶
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
Living on the Sound it is so easy to take the ferries for granted.  I'm so glad no one was hurt.  I’ve ridden that route more times than I remember, back in the oughts.
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bullet-prooflove · 10 months
Is it too soon to request something from your Thursday dance party prompt list? If not can you please do either 4,7 or 8 with Tim Bradford whatever one you think will fit the story better thank you so much Donna 😊
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Part One: Monster - Tim learns the reason you've been keeping your relationship a secret.
Part Two: The Gaslight (NSFW) - Tim tracks you down a month into your leave of absence.
Part Three: Stalemate - Captain Ashmore discovers your relationship with Tim.
Part Four: Foul Play - Ashmore employs another tactic in his hunt for you.
Part Five: Prayer - Tim comes face to face with his worst fear.
Part Six: Control - Ashmore reflects on what happened.
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You slip away in the early hours of the morning.
A stroke they tell Tim, from the brain injury.
It’s a crushing blow because for a minute Tim actually thought you were going to make it, that the two of you would get a happy ending.
He puts it together in the aftermath after he hears about the video. He remembers that last night, the one the two of you were together. You’d been tangled up in bed, your bare skin brushing over his.
“I’m tired of this Tim.” You had whispered, your nose trailing along the length of his. “I’m tired of running, of living in fear.”
“Just a little while longer.” He’d promised you, his lips brushing over yours. “Promise me you’ll wait.”
That had been a month ago before Ashmore had found out about your relationship. It only occurs to him now that he never heard you make that promise, that he’d got distracted by other things because your hands had started wandering, your lips following suit.
He realises in his absence that it had gotten too much, and he doesn’t blame you. Ashmore had victimised you all over again and there is only so far you can only push another person before they snap. You had no evidence of his past abuse, except the scars that you wore beneath your clothes.
They’d found the cameras above the front door and in the living room, they were well concealed, not something you’d notice on first glance. By returning to the house last night, you’d been sending up a flare for Ashmore to come and get you, knowing he would drive by the same way he did every night.
The problem was you’d underestimated his rage. You hadn’t seen the look in his eyes when he’d seen the photographs of you and Tim, the vitriol, the violence.
He tells your story at the trial, the shit that Ashmore did to you. The beatings, the threats, the violence. He discusses the scars on your body, the ones he’d traced over in the depths of the night. When he talks about you, it’s with a heavy heart and a monotone voice because he’s been numb since the day you passed away, he doesn’t feel a God damn thing anymore.
He takes a leave of absence after Ashmore is convicted for murder, driving your ashes up the coast to Seattle. The two of you had talked about taking a trip before Ashmore had come back into your life. He still has the handwritten list of the sights you wanted to see tucked away in his wallet.
The Space Needle.
Kubota Garden.
Bainbridge Island.
He tours them all.
He takes the Night Ferry back to the city, sprinkling your ashes into the water as the lights glow in the background. You would have loved this view, he thinks.
He hasn’t shed a tear since that night in the hospital, but he bawls like a baby in his hotel room that evening, pressing his face into the pillow to stifle the noise. There’s emptiness deep inside of him because now you’re gone, and he isn’t sure how he’s supposed to live with that.
He returns to LA three days later to the news that Ashmore was shanked in prison. Your ex-husband barely survives and Tim finds himself glad that he did because he wants the other man to suffer for what he did to you. He wants him to live in terror every single day, to experience the same torture that you did, knowing there’s no way to escape it.
He goes back to work, immersing himself in the shifts, taking on extra ones. Angela takes pity on him, forcing him to come to dinner with Angela, Wes and Jack. When he holds the baby, his chest feels tight and his eyes sting because he wanted this with you, a family, a child.
He drinks himself to sleep that night.
When he wakes up, he reaches for you, his hand smoothing across the cool sheets, gripping them in his fist so hard that his knuckles turn white. He calls in sick that morning because he can’t face the day.
It’s Chen that snaps him out of it.  She needs help rehoming her dog and the truth is Tim’s needs the company. Things change when Kojo comes to live with him. He starts to develop a routine. His days get a little brighter, his heart a little lighter.
You’d want him to live, he thinks as he sits on the beach with Kojo. And that’s exactly what he’s going to do.
Love Tim Bradford? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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@malindacath @anime-weeb-4-life @burningpeachpuppy @viridianphtalo @vermillionwinter @redpool
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novelistparty · 24 days
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Seattle - Bainbridge Island Ferry
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chiriwritesstuff · 11 months
The Impossible Man ✨ 1. The Deathwatch Beetle ✨
Modern Day Detective! Din Djarin x Witch! Reader (Soulmates AU)
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Series Masterlist
Summary: For someone being born into a magical family, a curse placed on the women of your bloodline means you have mostly avoided witchcraft and its calling for the majority of your life. After a life-altering tragedy, you turn your back on your family and your gift and seek out a more normal, boring existence, devoid of magic, and mostly, of love. What happens when the ghosts of your past threaten your peaceful existence and you are forced to reconcile all that you have lost? Will you let the people you have abandoned in your past life back into your heart? Will the appearance of an impossible man you have unknowingly cursed yourself break the chains of love? Will you let him?
Chapter Rating: M? (for now)
Chapter Warnings: Magical realism, implied mention of suicide, reader and her family are cursed, implied (minor) character death, (some) men are the worst, mentions of violence
A/N: Oh, Hello there.
For Halloween this year, I decided that I wanted to write a little 3-part story featuring my favorite Pedro boy, ✨Din Djarin✨. Inspired by my favorite Halloween-ish movie, Practical Magic, the story follows a Modern Day Detective Din, and our (reluctant) Witchy Reader. This story is not a complete retelling of PM, but a mishmash of other films that I love and cherish. If you're able to spot some of these films, I'll gift you a virtual Halloween candy treat! Happy Halloween, everyone!
Peep the (main canon storyline) Star Wars cameo!
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Banner by @chiriwritesstuff ✨ Dividers by @saradika
Word Count: 3.2K
The first time you heard of the deathwatch beetle, you were eight years old.
The Victorian-style house that sat along the edge of Puget Sound was a whimsical sort, with its white picket fence adorned with creeping ivy, its single turret, a spire with the shape of a star on top of it, like a star on a Christmas tree. It had belonged to your family for decades - and was always kept in the same manner as when it was built. It was the home that your mother was raised in, and her mother before her, the house being passed down through each generation. You remember the summers you spent with your Aunt Fennic and Omera, taking the ferry from the port at Capitol Hill to Bainbridge Island, your sister Violet - Vi, for short - with her hands intertwined with yours. Three hundred and sixty-seven days younger than you, and every bit your opposite - if you were the match, then she was the flame; she was light, embodied to your infinite darkness. You would wear braids in your hair and fairy wings as you ran down the corridors of the house, playing hide-and-seek and hoping that you wouldn't get lost in the vastness of it. It was your beacon of light and solace, always welcoming. Now, as you hold your sister's hand while walking up to the porch, dressed in black, eyes still puffy and swollen and lined with tears, your aunts standing side by side, already expecting you both - it had finally become home.
"In this house," your aunt Fennic starts, grabbing the suitcase out of your hands as your aunt Omera bends to pick up Vi, "We will eat chocolate cake for breakfast and not worry about silly little things like bedtimes and brushing our teeth." You chuckle as she winks and leads the two of you inside.
Later that night, as Omera tucked you into bed, Vi having fallen asleep only moments before, she smiled as she kissed your forehead. "We're so happy you're with us, Starshine."
You silently nod, your fingers fidgeting nervously as you try to hide the discomfort of being in a new place, despite having been here so many times before. You look down at your hands, blinking away the tears that were begging to come out. "Aunt Omera, did Daddy die because of the curse?"
She gives you a sad smile. "Yes, Baby, he did." She strokes your cheek with her thumb, wiping away your tears.
"Your mother knew the moment she heard the click, click, click of the deathwatch beetle beckoning for your father's life... she knew that day that he was doomed to die. Every person who falls in love with any of the women of our bloodline is resigned to the same fate."
"Is that why Mommy died? Because of a broken heart?"
Omera's face softens as she brushes your hair away from your eyes. "Yes, my darling girl, she did. She couldn't imagine life without your father..." She pulls the covers over you. "…but that's how you came to live with us, and we will raise you the best way we know how."
You smile sadly, settling yourself deeper into the covers. "Why is our family cursed, Auntie?"
"It was because of your ancestor, Maria."
"Was she a witch?"
"Yes, the first in our family. And you are the most recent in a long and distinguished line."
"What happened to her?"
"Well, my Starshine, she fell in love. She fell in love with a man, her soulmate... but not everyone was happy about it. There was another man, an evil man, who had loved Maria from afar. He demanded that she be with him, and when she refused, he killed her lover in cold blood."
You bite your lip, nodding to yourself as you try to understand. "… but how does that make us cursed?"
"Well," Omera says, "Maria didn't take her lover's death kindly. With her powers, she managed to encase the evil man in a tomb full of beetles, eating him alive. However, before he died, he cursed the entirety of our female bloodline. This curse dooms any being who dares to love us, but it also ensures that we will always find our soulmate. Throughout the years, the appearance of the deathwatch beetle - the same one that consumed the man - is seen as a warning bell. The moment you hear the click, click, click of the beetle, there is nothing you can do to stop the curse. We have carried the weight of this burden for hundreds of years."
"I wish that I never find my soulmate," you whisper, determination etched on your 8-year-old face. "I don't want anyone to die because of me, and I don't want to die of a broken heart!"
Omera looks at you sadly as she kisses your forehead. "Oh, my sweet Starshine." She reaches over to turn off your bedside lamp, then kisses Vi before walking to your door, locking eyes with you, nodding as she turns away, leaving you in complete darkness.
"You will."
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“He will hear my call a mile away. He will whistle my favorite song. He can ride a horse backwards.”  You gather the petals of the flower and place it in the bowl, reading the words you have written in your diary aloud, your fingers grazing the page.
“What are you doing, Starshine?” Vi asks from behind you, walking into the greenhouse as she pets Boba the house cat.
“I’m summoning a true love spell. Amas Veritas. Also known as a Soulmates calling.” You pull a rose petal, inspecting it as you turn to your sister. “He can flip pancakes in the air. He will be marvelously kind… and his favorite shape will be a star… and he’ll have a birthmark on him, the shape of a… bullseye.”
“… I thought you didn’t want to find your soulmate? I heard you, last night. When you were talking to Aunt Omera.” She picks up your diary and flips through the pages, her hip resting on the table as you finish gathering the rest of the ingredients, stirring it gently with your hands.
“That’s the point, Vi. The guy I dreamed of? My soulmate? He doesn’t exist… and if he doesn’t exist, I won’t die of a broken heart.”
You walk out and your sister follows, making your way to the balcony as you hold the bowl out into the night sky. Vi gasps as the petals start to float out of the bowl, flowing out like a waft of smoke, fluttering in the air, flying out into the distance, a small smile forming as you look out into the sky.
"Goodnight, Impossible Man." 
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The first time you heard the ominous click, click, click of the deathwatch beetle, you were 28 years old.
It was in the dead of night, the clicking noise faint and almost unnoticeable, its distinctive chirps being drowned out by the idle sounds of the crickets and the gently blowing wind.
Click, click, click.
Your eyes open at that, suddenly alert. You shoot up from where you lay, Ben's still form beside you still in deep sleep. You breathe deeply, pushing your hair out of your face as you scan the room, looking for the source of the subtle clicking sound that roused you from your sleep. "Baby," Ben murmurs into his pillow, his eyes half open. "What are you doing up? It's late. Go back to sleep." He whispers, his arm pulling yours gently as you ease yourself back onto his chest, the deep thump, thump, thump of his heartbeat reverberating throughout your body, a reminder that he’s still very much alive. You sigh, pressing a chase kiss on his sternum. "I thought I heard something," you reply, his body shifting as he cages you in, his chin resting on the top of your head. "It's just the wind, Starshine. Go back to sleep," he continues, his fingers gently drawing small circles on your back. "I love you," he finally whispers before his breathing evens, his soft snores lulling you back to sleep.
A few hours later, you’re roused from your sleep once more as Ben's phone starts to chime. You feel his arm reaching out blindly for his phone on the nightstand, a slight groan rumbling from his chest as he squints at the screen.
"Good Morning, baby," Ben whispers in your ear, his voice heavy with sleep. "I have to get up, but you go back to sleep." You feel his breath on your cheeks as he presses a kiss to them, a faint smile forming as he embraces you, the feeling of his body stretching against yours as he wakes. He kisses your sleepy head as he rises out of bed, sitting on the edge of it as he caresses your half-sleeping form. He cracks his neck and silently pads himself into the bathroom, the sound of the shower starting as you burrow yourself deeper into the covers, your body slowly shifting to where his body was only a moment ago, relishing in the residual warmth of your lover it still contains. You wedge your nose into the indent of his pillow, smiling as you inhale his scent. You lay there until you hear the tell-tale sound of the shower shutting off. Your eyes adjust to the warm orange light of the bathroom as he walks out, a towel half slung onto his form as he walks into the closet, pulling on his suit as he dresses for the day, his faint silhouette shuffling in the light of early dawn.
"Ben," you say softly as he’s beginning to pull on his socks. "It’s early. Come back to bed." You plead with him, your arms outstretched, making grabby hands, beckoning out for him.
"Djarin messaged me saying he has a lead. I’m heading over to meet with him now," He walks over to you, sitting on the edge of the bed as he puts his wingtip loafers on. "We’ve been at a stalemate for months now, baby. I’ll make it up to you, maybe we could go back to Montauk after I close this case. Gideon is so close, I’m finally closing in on him, I can feel it."
You nod as you reach out to rub his back. "Okay. You owe me, though."
He chuckles at that, the corners of his cheeks lifting as he gives you a rare smile. "No, Djarin owes me because I must be insane to leave my beautiful wife all alone. It’s criminal." He smirks as he bends over to kiss you, his lips tracing the side of your jaw.
"I have to go," he whispers into your ear as he kisses your head. "I’ll see you after work, ok? Might be a late night, this case has been killing me," he continues, grabbing his briefcase perched against his nightstand. He hovers by the doorframe, smiling as he turns to leave.
"I love you, Starshine."
He’s gone by the time you whisper those three little words back out into the ether.
Click, click, click. Click, click, CLICK.
Your eyes shoot open once again, the room now bathed in the mid-morning light. You scramble out of bed.
No, you think. No, no, no, NO.
You pace around your room nervously, the clicking sound from the night echoing into the recesses of your brain. You scan the room for the source of your dread, your body shivering in fear. You run to the opposite side of the room, scanning every nook and cranny, every crevice and surface. "Where are you, fucker?" you think to yourself.
Click, click, click.
You realize the sound is coming from beneath you, your eyes quickly shifting to where your feet are planted on the old floorboards of your shared apartment. It’s an old apartment in the heart of Queen Anne, one of those charming wartime-era duplexes painted in pink with its charming crown molding and black and white checkered tiles in the kitchen. Your dream home, you once thought to yourself, Vi’s unit on the other side, her bedroom wall sharing your own - an inheritance you both shared after your mother died all those years ago.
Your mother.
Your heart shudders at her memory, the tears forming as you take another deep breath. You forcibly repress and push those memories aside, centering yourself as you remind yourself of the current problem on your hands. You look below you once again, the gaps of the aged wood showing the earth below. You focus on the gaps, your eyes scanning frantically until you see it - the silhouette of the deathwatch beetle, its obsidian shiny armor scampering away from you, as if it finally acknowledges your presence. You dive onto the floor in its direction, your eyes inspecting the gaps of the floorboards, your line of sight aligning with the death beetle once more.
You scamper back onto your feet hurriedly, running out of your bedroom into the hallway, your feet pounding heavily on the floor as you make your way to the hallway closet, wrenching the door open with hurried force as you scan for the ancient toolbox on the shelf. You yank the rusted toolbox out, spilling its contents onto the floor, not caring one bit about the mess that you’re making. Grabbing a flathead screwdriver, you hurry back into the bedroom, following the now-insistent clicking of the beetle. It managed to make its way above ground, scampering away as you furiously head towards it. It hurriedly makes its way across the way of the floorboards, you diving once again towards it, your hand stretched out as you try to slam onto it. The beetle is quicker and more agile than you, shimmying away from your hand as it falls through the crack of the floorboard. You lay your cheek on the cold floor as you pound on it furiously, willing the beetle to click as you listen intently for it. "This can’t be!" You whisper to yourself, your breath choking out in a panic.
"FUCK!" You scream in agony, grabbing the screwdriver that lay beside you. You wedge it against the edge of the floorboards, prying it open as you scan for the beetle. You start to pry off the boards around you until you make a sizeable gap for you to jump into, throwing the screwdriver aside and forcibly pry more floorboards until they lay haphazardly amongst each other in piles, completely surrounding you as you breathe heavily, the tears flowing freely on your face.
"Don’t do this to me!" You cry out, gasping for air as you crawl into the earth below, your nightgown now soiled as you frantically search around you. The clicking sound is becoming more frequent and louder, its eerie cadence becoming the only thing you can hear in your mind. "Come on!" You scream. "Please, don’t do this to me, not now, not him…. PLEASE! Haven’t you taken enough from me?! Haven’t we shed enough blood? Oh god…" You plead, your voice croaking out in desperation. You suddenly sit in a daze, your hair disheveled, the tears refusing to cease as your heart feels like it’s about to explode in your chest from pure exhaustion, from sheer adrenaline. It's then you realize that you’re suddenly surrounded by silence. You blink, scanning the room once more, the clicks having stopped and the deathwatch beetle nowhere to be found. You breathe a sigh of relief until suddenly the clicks ring out fast and furiously, a crescendo of fear and pain building within you until it ceases once more. You suddenly shudder, your body jolting violently, a single tear falling down the slopes of your face.
You’re still sitting there hours later, as the day has turned into night when your phone suddenly rings in the distance. You slowly climb out of the floor as you make your way to your dresser, silently picking up the phone and answering it, not bothering to check who it is, your hands trembling in fear.
"Ben?" You whisper shakily.
"Hey Starshine, it’s me, Din. Din Djarin?" You hear a deep sigh on the line. "...Are you there?"
"Listen. I’m going to need you to come down to the station… I’m sorry… it’s… it’s Ben." You hear him take a harsh breath as he speaks again. "I’m so sorry, Starshine…." His voice fades as your phone slips out of your grasp, the Seattle Police contact illuminating the screen as it hits the ground, his voice cutting through the silence as the sob you’ve been holding in erupts deep within your chest, you begin to wail and scream, falling to your knees.
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"It was the curse, wasn’t it?" You scream as you storm into your aunt's house later that night, pacing frantically in the kitchen. “Because I loved him so much!”
Your aunts slowly walk into the room hesitantly, looking at your shaking frame nervously.
It’s your aunt Fennic who speaks first.
“We had no idea… when we cast that spell…”
“What spell?” You ask as your eyes shift between your two aunts, Omera’s eyes downcast in shame. “What are you talking about?!" She finally looks at you, her eyes filled with tears as she glances at her sister.
“Oh…” you shudder. “You didn’t. Please tell me you didn’t… my own flesh and blood...”
“You were so lonely, Starshine… we just… wanted to give you a little push… we didn’t expect you to fall in love.”
“WELL, I DID!” You gasp, grasping your chest as you walk out, grabbing the spell book from the other room, slamming it onto the kitchen counter as you frantically flip through the pages. “And I want him back!”
“You brought him into my life, and I want you to bring him back!” You say as you continue to flip through the pages. “I’ve never asked you for anything, I’ve never asked you for spells but do this! I know you can, I know you can bring him back!”
“We won’t do this” Omera speaks up as she approaches you. “We can’t do this” Fennic adds, crossing her arms.
“I know you can! I remember I found it here…” your fingers reading through the spell “I found the spell when… when mommy and daddy died.”
“Even if we did bring him back” Fennic starts, looking at Omera “… it wouldn’t be Ben.”
“… it would be something else, something dark and unnatural” Omera adds, reaching out to you.
“I DONT CARE WHAT HE COMES BACK AS, AS LONG AS HE COMES BACK… as long as he comes back” your voice breaks as you suddenly start to sob. “Please! Please do this for me!” You sob as you collapse onto the spell book, looking at your aunts pleadingly. “Please? PLEASE?!” You cover your mouth as you fall to your knees, Omera catching you as you cry onto her chest.
“I’m so sorry, Starshine.” She whispers as she strokes your back, looking at her sister as she turns to walk away.
The first time you hear the ominous click, click, click of the deathwatch beetle is the day you swear to yourself that you will never, ever fall in love again.
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Authors Bits:
If you guessed that Ben was Ben Solo, you were right. I admit that I was once a Reylo - not so much now, but back in the day, so including him in this story was a treat... also, because Adam Driver <3.
Speaking about Ben, it's safe to say he's alluded to his death several times to Starshine, and there's several hints that I try to convey throughout. I'll miss our Benji, but we all know what we want, and he's definitely coming...
Taglist: @strawberri-blonde
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dredsina · 7 months
If you do visit Seattle and want to take a ferry as a part of being a tourist I 100% recommend taking the Seattle-Bainbridge Island ferry. It's not too long, and it works great by car or as a pedestrian, and there's a ton to do at either destination. I think it's also served by the largest, newest ferries in the fleet, plus Bainbridge is connected by bridge to the mainland so you're not stuck there if you want to drive back (it's a long drive back though-- but beautiful)
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tijipi · 5 months
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valleyoakphoto · 4 months
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icouldntfindquiet · 3 months
Hey it’s Seattle anon! Do u have any fun recommendations of what to do around the Seattle area or even in Vancouver? It’s my first full summer here and I have no idea what to go do lmao especially since it’s been pretty hot lately
Hey! Hope you’re well and staying cool. ❤️ My response is long so I’ll put it under the cut.
I’m guessing you’ve already done the touristy stuff like Pike Place Market, the waterfront, Space Needle, etc.? I’ve never done it before but I heard the underground tour is nice. If you’re into city views, I heard the Columbia Tower and the bar on top of Smith Tower has great views. If you’re into skyline views, Gas Works Park, Alki Beach, and Kerry Park are good places. People also recommend taking the ferry to Bainbridge Island. Are you into paddle boarding or kayaking? Perhaps rowing? 😉 There are tons of lakes in the area and of course there are plenty of parks and museums. If you’ve got a car and don’t mind driving, I highly recommend visiting our national parks (Mt. Rainier and Mt. St. Helens) and going on hikes! Make sure you’re prepared though (check if you need a pass, have the proper gear, and food/water). And here’s a list of more specific things to do. Hopefully you find something you like!
Lol, I just crossed the border coming back from Vancouver myself. 😂 We got stuck at the border for an hour. The wait times can be long. 😭 We mainly go to the historic Chinatown there but there’s also nice parks like Stanley Park and Queen Elizabeth Park. We also go to Richmond (nearby city) for the new Chinatown and they have a Richmond Night Market as well if you’re into that. We’re obsessed with the Chinatowns there because the Seattle one is sad. 😢
I hope you find some cool things to do and I hope you have AC! I don’t have it so the next few days are gonna be hell for me. 🥵
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stephaniestarshine · 10 months
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eopederson2 · 5 months
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Washington State Ferry Klickitat, Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge Island, 2009.
Taken as the decommissioned ferry was waiting to be towed to Ensenada, México where it was scrapped later that year. The Klickitat had a long history. Originally built in the 1920s for use on San Francisco Bay, in 1940 after completion of the Bay Bridge the boat was sold to Puget Sound Navigation Company (the Black Ball Line), a precursor of Washington State Ferries, Originally called MV Stockton, the renamed Klickitat served on Puget Sound from 1940 to 2007.
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