nuisancehelicopter · 5 months
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Classic Qiao Chen, rival of Baiyang and one who understands him best XD
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photoglobo · 7 months
Taiwan: Baiyang Trail And Shuilian Cave
It was already late afternoon, when i had another stop on my route trough the famous Taroko Gorge. Here i noticed a start of an hiking trail. Spontaneously i grabbed my camera and went on the path. It’s an easy going hike for approximately 3km each way. A broad path followed a river and was quite leveled. Even some tunnels were made to avoid steep bypasses. The only danger was the fallen rocks,…
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difeisheng · 2 months
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you know, we give show!li lianhua a lot of shit for his ridiculous lies and nonexistent poker face, and rightfully so, but at the very least he didn't do what book!li lianhua did and answer the question "do you know di feisheng?" with "not really"
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mademoiselle-red · 9 months
because I am an uneducated fool, I wrote a whole post on the meanings and origins of Li Lianhua/Xiangyi and Di Feisheng’s names and did not know until someone on bilibili mentioned in a video, that Di Feisheng’s name is from a poem by 李白 Li Bai (tang dynasty) 🤦‍♀️
my rough translation:
title: hearing a flute on a spring night in Luoyang city
Whose home is the sound of the flute coming from? It disperses in the spring wind into every part of Luoyang city.
In tonight’s melody I heard the song of “breaking willows” (willow branches were broken off and gifted to friends as parting gifts in ancient china). Who wouldn’t feel nostalgic for their home?
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lazykatie · 3 months
Game, Set, Love: A Yu Qing Romance - Chapter 1
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Qi Lin paced back and forth as she was waiting for her cousin to arrive at the Persimmon Tennis Park. She was put to a halt when she heard her ringtone and quickly answered, "Meimei, where are you now?"
"Jiejie I just got off the train. Can you come and fetch me? I don't seem to find the tennis court,"
Qi Lin slightly chuckles and answers, "Sure, give me a minute and I'll find you. Just stay where you are, don't go anywhere."
Qi Lin hangs up the phone and starts to jog in the direction of the train station. She then spots Qi Ying from afar and is about to call her when a short boy approaches her. The boy seemed to be asking about the directions since Qi Ying was pointing somewhere.
Huh? She said that she doesn't know the way. What is she doing now?
She sees the boy now going left. She just shrugs it off and proceeds to walk towards Qi Ying. She notices that Qi Ying is still staring longingly at the direction where the boy went. Qi Lin suddenly squeezes both of Qi Ying's arms to put her out of her trance as she says, "Seems like Meimei has a lot on her mind."
"Jiejie! When did you get here?" Qi Ying responded while wrapping her older cousin in a hug.
"Just got here," she said with a pause as she patted her head. Qi Ying then lets go of her cousin.
Qi Lin then says, "Now let's go see the match, or else Mom will be looking for us." She pulls Qi Ying in the right direction of where the match is being held.
"Ehhh, Jiejie isn't it that way?" Qi Ying pulls back and points to the left.
"Silly Ying, it's this way. Is that why you pointed that boy in that direction?" Qi Ying's eyes widen at her older cousin's statement. She then breaks off from her cousin's hold and rushes in the direction she had told the boy.
"Meimei! Where are you going? Mom's going to look for us if we don't go now!" Qi Ying does not respond, so all Qi Lin can do is follow her younger cousin.
After 5 minutes, she realized that despite Qi Ying's size, she's a really fast runner and is easy to lose.
Whew, I need a drink. Qi Ying would be hearing a lot from me when I see her.
Searching for a vending machine, Qi Lin spotted Qi Ying with the same boy. She approached them, pinching Qi Ying's cheeks, "Qi- Ying! Why did you just run off?! You know you don't know this place well, and yet you had the audacity to run off like that!"
"Ehhhh," Qi Ying reacted.
"Jiejie, I was only trying to find him because I accidentally gave him the wrong directions," she said having trouble speaking while being pinched on the cheeks.
Qi Lin sighs, drops the pinching, and replies, "Fine, but you owe me a drink." Qi Ying nods as she tries to scan and buys 3 drinks for them when her phone says that she doesn't have any balance left.
Qi Lin exhales heavily and pulls out some money putting it in the vending machine.
She turns to the boy and asks, "What would you like?" The boy just points at the grape Fanta and Qi Lin pushes the button for the grape Fanta and orange Fanta. The can drops and Qi Lin points to Qi Ying to get them and offer one to the boy.
Qi Ying understood the message, grabbed the can, and said "Here you go. I apologize for what happened to your match."
The boy just takes it, nods, and goes on his way when he bumps into another boy who just starts yelling at him and starts challenging him to a match.
Now, that would be interesting. I wish I was still the same as before.
Qi Ying and Qi Lin found themselves following the boys to a vacant tennis court, when Qi Lin heard her phone ringing again.
Oh no, Mom's gonna kill me now.
"Heyyyyy Mom," She shakily answers. The other line's sound suddenly burst through her ears.
"I told you to fetch your cousin, what happened to bring her here?"
"Uhmm well, I encountered some setbacks. We're at a vacant tennis court right now." She anxiously answers her mother.
"I'm going there right now." her mom answers and drops the call. Qi Lin then hears the boy who's officiating the game saying 1-0 and asks them to change court.
Well, that was fast.
She can hear the officiator tell the other players to not tell them that they were from Yu Qing Tennis Club. Qi Ying then whispers, "They're my seniors?"
Qi Lin then responds to Qi Ying's whispers, "Then they must be my classmates or juniors."
Qi Lin freezes up when another voice responds from the back. "So, you guys found Lu Xia."
"Lu Xia? Like THE Little Lu Xia that I used to play with when I was younger?" Qi Lin asks, shocked by the new information that she just learned.
"Yes, that Lu Xia," her mother responds.
"I thought he was living abroad?" she counters.
"Well, he just got back - around the same time we arrived." her mother answers.
Wow, he's quite different from the Lu Xia that I know. He's not that cheery anymore.
Qi Lin was snapped out of her train of thought when she heard her Mom telling Qi Ying to not enter the court during a match. She then looks at her mom, "Mom, aren't you going to do anything?"
"Just believe in him. He knows what he's doing." She answers.
The match continues with Lu Xia serving and constantly hitting his opponent's face through his Twist Serve.
His opponent gives up and Lu Xia ends the match by serving the ball and saying to his opponent, "You need to work harder." All Qi Lin can do is chuckle at his antics as Lu Xia approaches them.
Coach Qi says to Lu Xia, "You really are your father's son."
He just nods at this statement, while Coach Qi tries to introduce the two girls, "So this is my daughter, Qi Lin, do you still remember her?"
He then shakes his head yes and says "Jiejie Lin, you look different from what I remember."
Qi Lin counters with a teasing tone, "You too, where is the Little Lu Xia that's so bubbly and wanting to catch up to me?"
Coach Qi then continues, "And this is my niece, Qi Ying, you're in the same grade level as her." Lu Xia only nods again, while Qi Ying shyly waves hi. Lu Xia waved back and Qi Ying blushed at his action.
Qi Lin can't help but chuckle and whisper to herself, these two are going to be so cute together. Maybe we'll just need a little push here and there in the future.
----- To be continued -----
Up Next: Chapter 2
cross-posted from wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/359772976-game-set-love-a-yu-qing-romance
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ohmyitsfaith · 1 year
Happiness Actually, written by ohmyitsfaith and @ttheweirdguypp
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Inspired by Love Actually, Happiness Actually follows the lives of six high school couples in dealing with their love lives in various loosely interrelated tales all set during a frantic year of high school, in China.
Table of contents
Chapter 1: Prologue
Start of something new
Chapter 2: Reaching out to you
Beginnings are always beautiful. Well, most of the time. Golden pair are in a beautiful relationship, Jingwu learns something he never thought was possible, Song Ci gets a gift from a mysterious person, alpha pair suffer from a decision that could end very badly, perfect pair are in a secret relationship, rival pair learn something about each other and Xinglong notices something he hasn't before.
Chapter 3: I am here for you
Some things are easier than others. And sometimes all we need is someone standing beside us and telling us "it'll be okay". Golden pair face some issues, Song Ci receives more mysterious gifts, alpha pair cook together, Zhuo Zhi starts to doubt Siyang's words, rival pair are still rival pair and A-Yan gets surprised by a late night visitor.
Chapter 4: No rest for the wicked
Things are sometimes easy, sometimes harder. It really just depends on who you're watching. Golden pair are happy together, Jingwu has some new thoughts that he doesn't understand, alpha pair go to a club, perfect pair enjoy a nice date together, but things go south for rival pair and Xinglong makes a new discovery.
Chapter 5: Cruel fate
There isn't a rainbow without a storm. And by now, everyone can attest to that. Golden pair face the facts, Song Ci and Ji Jingwu get into a misunderstanding, alpha pair deal with the results of their situation, Mu Siyang screws things up even more, Zhang Baiyang lies to his boyfriend, and A-Yan figures something out that turns his world upside down.
Chapter 6: Even the darkest stars shine bright
Even when it looks grim for your future, do not lose hope. Jiale seeks out Zhuo Zhi, who shares his sadness, Dayong gets help from his grandmother, Jingwu overhears the rumors, alpha pair say goodbye, Siyang packs up his suitcase, rival pair wallow in sadness and anger, and Xinglong and A-Yan get compared to a husband and wife.
Chapter 7: Of all the things
Of all the things, this had to happen? Well, when you're in a relationship, things tend to go a way you don't expect them. Golden pair seem to try to make amends while adorable pair fall deeper into the hole they dug themselves, alpha pair experience the meaning of weights falling off their chest, perfect pair continue their shenanigans, rival pair make up in their own way and Xinglong does something he didn't think he'd do.
Chapter 8: For you
The letter Siyang wrote for Zhuo Zhi
Chapter 9: True to myself
Staying true to your feelings and to yourself can sometimes be challenging. But sometimes all you need is a little push to get there. Golden pair kiss and make up, adorable pair talk things out, Shiting is recovering with his boyfriend there to support him, Zhuo Zhi races to catch Siyang before he leaves, Qiao Chen makes Baiyang explain what the hell happened and A-Yan finally reacts to Xinglong's confession.
Chapter 10: Everything to me
Everything is looking up for the moment, but something big is coming. Golden pair are happily together, adorable pair is enjoying their new relationship, Bai Shiting is overwhelmed by his boyfriend's worry, Zhuo Zhi tries to have a call with Mu Siyang, rival pair enjoy their lunch date and narrator pair navigate their new relationship
Chapter 11: News
Newspaper article announcing the meteor shower (that A-Yan read).
Chapter 12: Now you see me
Finally seeing things the way they are. And seeing people the way they are. Jiale goes on a shopping spree dragging Zhuo Zhi with him, adorable pair go on a date and pick up Zhuo Zhi from the mall, alpha pair spend some quality time together, Siyang is back from Germany, rival pair have a sleepover and our narrators talk things out.
Chapter 13: I love you
Love is one of the best feelings in the world. But maybe happiness is actually more important. Jiale goes through with his plan, adorable pair's plans get destroyed, Shiting learns something that's life changing, perfect pair finally reunite, rival pair are... rival pair and A-Yan surprises Xinglong.
Chapter 14: See you later
Every story must come to an end. But this isn't goodbye. It's see you later.
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bbcphile · 11 months
We’ve talked a lot in Mysterious Lotus Casebook about the importance of the Eastern Sea beach, but I just realized that waterfalls also play a really important role in the show, especially as related to Di Feisheng! Di Feisheng’s interactions with waterfalls reflect his past memories of and feelings for Li Xiangyi and hopes for the future with Li Lianhua.
Immediately after his enthronement ceremony, Di Feisheng escapes to a private gorgeous waterfall to drink wine and reminisce about missing Li Xiangyi and how empty things feel without him. The waterfall is beautiful, secluded but with good sightlines, and sensorily soothing (smell and sound of moving water)—everything the Di Fortress wasn’t—so it is probably one of the few places he can actually decompress. He certainly seems more at home there than he does in the alliance headquarters or at his training grounds, given his occasional half-smile and more relaxed body language replaced the crossed arms, loose fists, rigid posture, and hypervigilance to his surroundings he often has. Given his usual discomfort in new places, his comfort at this waterfall suggests that he’s spent time here prior to entering seclusion, especially since Wuyan knew to meet him there. Once we learned about the extent of his trauma, I’d assumed that this private waterfall functioned as a safe space–for any of you lucky enough to have not needed PTSD therapy, it means a place you can visit or imagine to calm down and ground yourself in the present if you’re experiencing flashbacks or other symptoms, and moving bodies of water are common choices–and that it was comforting because of the space itself and not because of any associations between waterfalls and memories of Li Xiangyi.
But then Di Feisheng visited a waterfall in the back hill of the Sigu sect (!!!) three times in three episodes (!!!), which make waterfalls even more overtly associated with Li Xiangyi. For the first instance, he meets Wuyan at the Sigu waterfall after he failed to break into the prison there. Di Feisheng must have spent time there in the past in order to have suggested it as a meeting spot for Wuyan in the first place, and it must have been a secret that he knew about it for it to not have already been crawling with guards after he defeated the entire sect leadership. This is the first big suggestion that he and Li Xiangyi had spent significant amounts of time alone together at the waterfall before the East Sea battle 10 years ago, and that he still treasures those memories. The fact that Di Feisheng spends the scene staring with overt longing at the waterfall, even while Wuyan is talking to him, makes this reading seem even more likely. It might also explain why he loves his own private waterfall, if waterfalls and memories of happy times with Li Xiangyi are so inextricably linked.
Di Feisheng leaves the waterfall that reminds him of Li Lianhua just long enough to save the man himself by taking Qiao Wanmian “hostage” and proposing a prisoner exchange at the gazebo on the back hill of the Sigu sect. This gazebo is, of course, right next to the waterfall he couldn’t take his eyes off, so back to the waterfall he goes.
After having deposited Qiao Wanmian at the gazebo, Di Feisheng resumes staring at the waterfall, not taking his eyes off it during his entire conversation with Wuyan, which is, like the conversation at his own private waterfall, mostly about wanting Li Xiangyi in his life. It’s no surprise, then, that everything Di Feisheng does at the waterfall is to try to win back Li Xiangyi’s trust: first, he protects Li Lianhua’s identity by claiming his own Beifeng Baiyang cured a-Mian’s poison, and second, in freeing the subordinate who can prove to Li Lianhua that the Jinyuan Alliance was framed for Shan Gudao’s murder, he gives Li Lianhua proof that he didn’t betray his trust or break the peace treaty. With the prisoner exchange, then, the waterfall becomes more than just a reminder of his memories of Li Xiangyi: it becomes the site of two acts of service (Di Feisheng’s main love language) designed to restore Li Lianhua’s trust and their former intimacy to what it used to be.
The last time we see Di Feisheng and the Sigu sect waterfall is when he’s been poisoned with Wuxin Huai and is struggling to stay conscious and about to lose his memory: he carves “find Li Lianhua” on his palm with a rock, then stumbles past the very gazebo he’d placed the formerly poisoned Qiao Wanmian in and into the water, hoping it will carry him to where Li Lianhua can find him. The entire time he’s writing and then walking, the waterfall is behind him, but as he begins to lose consciousness, he twists before he hits the water, which means that he’s facing the waterfall as the current carries him away. This scene perfectly and heartbreakingly shows the connection between waterfalls and Di Feisheng’s memories of Li Xiangyi, which he knows he’s about to lose from the poison; you could even read the way he wants to float down the river while facing the waterfall, even though he’s unconscious and unable to see it, as his trying to hold onto his memories of Li Xiangyi for as long as he can, by facing the waterfall that represents him until it’s gone from view. 
The Sigu Sect waterfall then becomes a literal safe space when he has nowhere else to go and when he’s being hunted by his own people (a nightmare that must have at least in part reminded him of his time at the Di Fortress). For him to trust it to carry him safely while unconscious, given his trauma history, he must be so familiar with it from his time with Li Xiangyi that he would know both where the waterfall would spit him out, and that the area is secluded enough that no Jinyuan alliance members would find and kill him. In other words, the Sigu Sect waterfall brings him the same sense of safety, familiarity, comfort, and protection that Li Xiangyi/Lianhua himself provides, and he entrusts his unconscious body to its waters just as carving his name into his palm entrusts his body to the man himself.  
It’s no wonder, then, that Di Feisheng’s fainting into the Sigu Sect waters is a literal trust fall that he hopes will carry him from the waterfall that embodies past memories with Li Xiangyi to Li Lianhua himself; he knows Li Lianhua will help and protect him as the water did, and hopes that he will regain not only the memories of Li Xiangyi, but also the trust of Li Lianhua, and perhaps, an even closer intimacy than they once had by the Sigu Sect waterfall.
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yebreed · 1 year
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Gongshutang Temple (公輸堂) with its unforgettable cosmological ceiling.  Just a small temple in the rural outback in Huxian County (戶縣), Shaanxi, in Qinan village (祁南村). The locals even barely remember its name.
The Gongshutang Temple, originally called Yuanyuantang (源遠堂), also known as Wanfotang (萬佛堂) was built in the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, facing south from the north. It was erected by the followers of the “Baiyang Sanhui” (白陽三會) movement to commemorate their legendary ancestor-founder Lu Ban (魯班).
From the very beginning, Gongshutang was a large-scale temple complex. Nowadays only the main hall exists with a building area of 106 square meters. Referring to the folk religion, the temple is conceived to worship the amalgam of the Taoist and Buddhist pantheons.
Photo: ©同斯庆呀么丕显休
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arctic-scorpio · 1 month
thinking about 对手 . my chinese isn't *that* good & my knowledge is full of gaps and holes but the way dfs says it right at the beginning has so much in it.. 这世上再无对手啊。李相夷之后,这世上再无对手了。只可惜功力尽复,我又能找谁战个痛快?
there is no one who can match me in this world. not after you.
the way 不是[X]的对手 means you are no match for [X]. I don't know how to capture it with english words "rival" or "opponent" which don't have the same history and usage vibes
(also, theory: dfs has been under the impression / "known" that li xiangyi "died" after their battle for many years already, while he was in seclusion in the cave. the way he talks about him sadly and wistfully doesn't sound like someone who just found out, but more like remembering an old ache, fond memory..)
also thinking about why li lianhua smiles that delighted, fond smile when he sees child form!dfs do anything. he does that when he sees him use his qinggong to jump up; he breaks out into another (completely insane, to the viewer) smile when dfs uses his inner energy to attack ge pan.
honestly it also drives me insane; why is he so fond?
maybe it's that he's finally seeing beifeng baiyang back in action and somehow that triggers fond memories (of fighting dfs before donghai?). dfs holds back there; he doesn't actually hurt ge pan badly, it's just a warning.
before, when he saw the hole in the cliff, llh said it was 一模一样。 the same as other times things got destroyed by beifeng baiyang?
was he happy to see that dfs is the same as ever, and back to, well, 60% of his previous power? was he admiring dfs's skill, as one martial artist admires another at the top of their game/art/craft/sport, despite himself?
how was llh planning to get dfs to tell him where shan gudao's body was, anyway? he couldn't have known in advance that there was asura grass in the tomb... or could he? could he have made an educated guess (since it was the nanyin princess's tomb) and just as dfs said, planned to trick him right from the beginning? i guess that's likely.
i kind of want to see more dfs being absolutely insane in his interactions with regular people, lol. 背着一把大刀的小孩,发着臭脾气 - he really didn't care lol, just stabbing someone's hand & saying 滚 to avoid talking to them, starting fights everywhere, saying 你算什么东西,也配跟我说话?
more feral / unhinged di feisheng, more loving di feisheng; this guy is so hard to get down lol
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WIP Wednesday (and a belated Mid Autumn Festival ficlet)
Di Feisheng stared at the mooncake on the table then to the little girl beside him waiting impatiently for his verdict.
"Don't keep your daughter waiting." Li Lianhua said, gently slapping his arm.
Di Feisheng had faced many foes before but he never knew fear until each time he had to taste Li Lianhua's cooking. And now that his own daughter is learning from his husband, that fear grew exponentially.
"It's not as bad as the dumplings." His eldest son whispered.
Di Feisheng shuddered. The dumplings from the previous winter solstice not only left a bad taste in his mouth but also gave him stomach issues for a day. After gulping down any form or resistance and hesitation, he picked up the mooncake and took a small bite.
"Does father dislike the food I made? He only ate so little." The little girl asked, her eyes already starting to get watery.
"I'm sure he's going to eat more. Right, father?" Xiao Liang said. He flashed a fox-like smile that made him look so much like Li Xiangyi.
"Yes. One, big bite" he felt the weight of Li Lianhua's hand on his shoulder.
The little girl's eyes sparkled and she bounced on the balls of her feet. Di Feisheng, resigned to his fate bit a huge chunk of the surprisingly hard mooncake, tasted the unfathomable mix of flavors and forced it down his throat.
"Did you like it?"
Di Feisheng, who had just gulped down a bowl of water given by Xiao Liang nodded. The girl shrieked happily and clung to him.
"Was it delicious?"
Di Feisheng picked up the girl and sat her on his lap. He wiped away traces of flour on her hair, smiled widely and nodded.
"It's the best one ever. Even more delicious than what your father makes" the girl giggled and hugged him.
"Chunyu is joking. I made the mooncake taste bad on purpose"
Di Feisheng, surprised, stared at his daughter.
"I had a bet with gege if you'd also lie to me if I make a bad dish. Winner gets ten taels" he laughed at this explanation
"And? Who won?"
"Well..." She shyly held out her hand, palm up.
"Chunyu has no money and gege said I'd have to do his chores if I can't pay. That will tire Chunyu so much!" She started sniffling, burying her head into Di Feisheng's chest.
Di Feisheng fished out the money from his sleeve and handed it over to the girl who counted it.
"I have five taels more!!!" She jumped down and went to her older brother.
"Okay, now that's done, get the real ones we made and go outside" Li Lianhua said.
Soon, the four of them, plus Hulijing were outside the small hut, enjoying the brightly lit sky. Thankfully, the new mooncakes were the ones gifted by Li Lianhua's shiniang and were very tasty, much to everyone's (except Li Lianhua's) relief. The parents tried to constantly thwart the attempts of the siblings in getting their hands on the exquisite wine gifted by Tianji Villa, culminating with Chunyu even using Beifeng Baiyang in one of their attempts. But after that they all settled back to watching the moon while Li Lianhua hummed a folk song.
"It is getting brighter each year" Di Feisheng said, he looked at Li Lianhua, smiling.
"It is indeed" Li Lianhua replied, stroking the head of their children who have fallen asleep.
The two of them smiled at each other, remembering a similar conversation some decades back. Di Feisheng leaned in to give Li Lianhua a kiss.
This is sorta kinda part of a fic I'm working on. I'm just currently on a mission to give A-Fei the best life as a retired Jianghu uncle
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kingsandbastardz · 3 months
reading this post by @kseniyagreen and this observation from @a-memory-a-distant-echo made a few cloudy images in my head finally solidify.
In an older post, there was an observation made by @difeisheng that both Di Feisheng and Li Lianhua were consistently positioned in shots throughout the entire story with DFS to the left and LLH to the right.
So I'd like to start here with the final two character shots of the last episode and the special episode:
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Standing on actually different or metaphorically 'different' beaches, they still take their paired stances in the narrative to the very end.
But is that it? Is that all there is?
There's actually some transitional things happening here. Like in the entire narrative, both DFS and LLH mirror each other.
Look at these moments here side by side.
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On the left, the camera drifts past Di Feisheng and picks up speed to go rushing across the ocean's water. Where is it heading?
On the right, the camera drifts past Li Lianhua and continues its slow and steady pace, reaches the open water and then... steadily slides back - gradually picking up a small bit of speed.
The ocean is that thing that connects dfs and llh.
The speed that the camera travels in dfs' scene is beifang baiyang - the overwhelming strength rushing forward with purpose. This is dfs internally, spiritually, reaching out and following llh.
LLH's camera meanwhile takes on the slow and steady characteristic of Yangzhouman. It gently travels to the ocean and then... goes backwards while increasing pace. As if a ghost were reaching out and then... perhaps making contact and pulling back?
I know both end scenes are shot on the same beach and they just moved further off to the side - but I do like the idea of them essentially finding each other again in the same spiritual space after having traveled mirrored to each other, in tandem, for so many years. One thing is very clear to me here. Di Feisheng's spirit is with LLH and even though he is late in his realization of what he wants - he'll continue to follow LLH's footsteps.
Just as Li Xiangyi dies, so too does the person that is "Di Feisheng". After all, as with Dao, there's no importance in a name if you know what and who you are.
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These are the final two images of Di Feisheng as uploaded to Xiao Shunyao's and one of his studio staff's weibos. I also vaguely recall a final message as narrated by XSY, mentioning that he will continue to study martial arts and maybe travel. The world is vast and wide.
I think this beach is an appropriate resting place for Dao. As his blade is laid to rest, so too is the Demon Leader of Jinyuan Alliance.
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It's unfortunate that we don't get to see more of Di Feisheng and Fang Duobing's relationship development. But we do at least get small hints seeded throughout. I like how right off the bat, they're thrown into tight proximity together - it's broadly hinted that Di Feisheng not only shares the guest bed with FDB, but he also ends up borrowing/stealing clothes from him.
Then we have LLH and FDB likely going shopping and putting together whole outfits for A'Fei - one of the outfits is the same cut as the Caillen Manor set.
And by the end, Fdb appears beside DFS in the same spot that LLH would have stood - wearing clothing that's the same cut as DFS' and black belt + bracer set that looks like they could have been pilfered from DFS' things.
This gives me some small closure in the sense that no matter what else you interpret happening in the physical world, I feel that Fang Duobing has taken Li Lianhua's final letter seriously. He's grasped onto Di Feisheng - and regardless of how you see their future relationship, it's not one where DFS will just drift away and disappear unnoticed. Not easily.
Li Lianhua isn't all that DFS has, even if he may not realize that yet.
I can rest my sense of security on the shoulders of Fang Duobing's stubborness.
Here's a collection of links for the bits and pieces that have been floating around in my head regarding how Di Feisheng and Li Lianhua are bound together in both life and death.
history of shared spiritual space with LLH living in a coffin made of the remaining pieces of his last memories of DFS. While DFS has literally entombed himself in a cave of stone.
dfs' spiritual influence on llh
llh bound to dfs' deaths
song lyrics written by Yan Yidan and Teng Ping regarding DFS' devastation at losing LLH
Dfs and llh narratively bound together - this is a bit dated now as I don't have as negative a view about DFS' end. But at its core, I think it still holds up.
And some links for Fang Duobing + Di Feisheng meta
@bbcphile's observation about dfs and fdb's ep41 sad beach outfit
early in the series, dfs had to borrow fdb's clothes at Caillen Manor
llh's last actions paving a way for dfs and fdb
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nuisancehelicopter · 5 months
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-lu xia
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murderedbyhomework · 5 months
Do you ever wonder if Di Feisheng injected a non lethal (at least not immediately) amount of Gang Qi into Fang Duobing because he was banking on Li Lianhua teaching him Yangzhouman? Di Feisheng can't learn Yangzhouman when he has his own Beifeng Baiyang, but fdb can learn it and help llh suppress the bicha poison, at least for a while, even if llh isn't willing to try continue living, and by revealing who exactly fdb is, llh would do anything including teaching the kid Yangzhouman in order to keep him, and by extension the last thing he has of his shixiong alive
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difeisheng · 11 months
we know the liansanjiao are bound in a circle by their neili, but it's only just occurred to me that they acquired each other's neili through attempting to detoxify poison. fang duobing learns to cultivate yangzhouman in order to keep the gang qi at bay. his own neili is transferred to a-fei so the wuxin huai won't destroy his wugong. di feisheng passes beifeng baiyang to li lianhua to lessen his bicha attacks. they're not just bearing one another's energy as part of their own strength but it's energy that was gifted with the intent to heal, to keep going, to say "i want you alive. i need you alive"
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mademoiselle-red · 9 months
I am so not normal about that fact that Di Feisheng needed to learn Li Xiangyi’s Yangzhou Man cultivation technique in order to break through the eighth level of Beifeng Baiyang. And Li Lianhua needed to learn Di Feisheng’s Beifeng Baiyang cultivation technique in order to fight the final battle against Shan Gudao 😭😭😭
This is the relationship they could have had ten years ago if the peace treaty had held! They had a chance to discover just how wonderful they could be together but it was cruelly snatched away from them. So much lost time! So much time wasted fighting each other when they were meant to complement each other. Ten years, and an entire lifetime, stolen from them. And by the time they reunite and get their second chance, by the time they’ve finally learned to trust each other and complete each other, it’s too late. Lianhua is dying. They are out of time.
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lazykatie · 2 months
Game, Set, Love: A Yu Qing Romance - Chapter 11
Qi Lin rocked her feet back and forth as she waited for the nurse to call her name. The rhythmic motion was calming, a small way to remove the boredom from waiting. The sterile scent of antiseptic filled the air, mingling with the quiet hum of the hospital.
As she continued to rock her feet, she found herself recalling the day where her 'everything' ended.
The finals of the women's 18 and under tennis tournament were tense. The score was tied at 2-2, with the current set in her favor 5-4, Ad-40. Each swing sent jolts of pain through Qi Lin's wrist, but she pushed through, determined to end the rally that seemed to stretch on forever.
Due to the fact that her wrist is already in a rather poor condition to begin with, she planned to end everything fast. However, fate had other plans for her and drove Qi Lin down to the road of impatience and desperation.
Despite the searing pain in her wrist with each swing, Qi Lin resolved to use her latest technique—a risky move she had yet to fully master. Desperation fueled her determination, pushing her to take the chance. Setting her racket in a low position, she took a deep breath, focusing her attention on the ball.
She swung her racket from low to high position, the ball brushing underneath her racket. The ball flew just barely above the net but it was not the only thing that flew—her racket did too. Her racket landed near the net while the ball landed on her opponent's side before bouncing back towards her court without being hit by her opponent.
Qi Lin fell on her knees, sobbing crying her heart out, not being able to believe that she did it! The whole arena cheered as she stood up to pick her racket. She grabbed it but her joy was replaced with pain as she screeched and—
"Miss Qi Lin," the nurse called her the nth time.
Startled out of her reverie, Qi Lin blinked rapidly, readjusting to the present moment. She straightened up in her seat, momentarily disoriented before realizing where she was. Pushing aside the memories of that intense match, she turned towards the nurse with a faint smile.
"Yes, that's me," Qi Lin replied, her voice soft yet composed despite the lingering emotions from her recollection.
The nurse gestured for her to follow and led her into Dr. Wang's office.
"Ah, Qi Lin, come in," Dr. Wang greeted her with a warm smile. He was a middle-aged man with kind eyes and a reassuring demeanor. "How have you been?"
"I've been alright, Dr. Wang. My wrist is still stiff, but it's manageable," Qi Lin replied, taking a seat and rubbing her wrist absently.
"Good to hear," Dr. Wang said, nodding. "Let's take a look."
He examined her wrist carefully, testing its range of motion and strength. Qi Lin winced slightly as he pressed on a tender spot, but overall, the examination was more comfortable than it had been in months.
"Your wrist is healing well," Dr. Wang said finally, removing his gloves. "The stiffness is normal, and it should continue to improve with therapy. How's your daily routine been? Have you started training for tennis again?"
Qi Lin shakes her head no. "I haven't. I try to avoid putting too much pressure on it."
"That's good, but you can already start it small with your tennis training. Remember, gradual strengthening is key. I'd like for you to continue with your physical therapy exercises, and we'll add a few new ones to help with the stiffness," Dr. Wang advised, showing her the new exercises on a pamphlet.
After the appointment, Qi Lin left Dr. Wang's office, feeling relieved yet pensive about her recovery. As she walked down the corridor, lost in thought while reading the pamphlet, she turned a corner and collided with someone.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Qi Lin exclaimed, instinctively reaching out to steady herself and the person she had bumped into.
The familiar voice brought Qi Lin back to the present. "Qi Lin? What are you doing here?" Siyang asked, his concern evident as he steadied her.
"Captain?" She called out.
"I'm sorry. I didn't see you there," Qi Lin said, feeling a mix of embarrassment and surprise as she straightened herself.
"It's alright, no harm done," Siyang replied, his face remaining neutral yet sounding reassuring. "Are you okay?"
Qi Lin nodded quickly. "Yes, I'm fine. Just a bit lost in thought," she admitted.
Siyang's eyes wandered to Qi Lin's hand—specifically the pamphlet. Why does she have that—
"You've had an injury?" He asked, looking directly into her eyes while Qi Lin avoided it.
"Uhm..." She fidgets and slightly crumples the pamphlet.
"Can we take this to somewhere more secluded?"
Siyang nodded. "Where should we go?"
Qi Lin scratched her head in embarrassment as she said, "I was hoping you would know some place."
"I know some places but it's almost lunch time. Have you eaten?"
Qi Lin's stomach grumbled as if it was answering for her. "As you've heard from my stomach, I haven't."
The edges of Siyang's lips pulled slightly upwards like he was smiling, but with the Captain's stoic face, it was hard to tell.
"I have pre-ordered some peking duck before going here. We just need to pick it before going." He said, walking towards the elevator with Qi Lin at the back following him.
"Mind telling what place you have in mind?" Qi Lin asked but Siyang just kept his mouth locked.
There wasn't much to be mesmerized by—the bridge where Siyang usually fished offered a simple, serene view. But Qi Lin's amazement was all about the food.
"This is really good, Siyang," she said, savoring the last bite. "Thanks for the meal!"
"No problem."
Qi Lin leaned back against the bridge support, savoring the lingering taste of the meal and the tranquility of the setting. The gentle rustle of leaves and the distant sound of water added to the peaceful ambiance. She glanced at Siyang, who was already watching her with a thoughtful expression.
Siyang cleared his throat before asking, "So, about the pamphlet..."
Qi Lin took a deep breath, exhaling slowly before saying, "I guess, I can't avoid it any longer."
She turned her eyes away from Siyang, straightening her posture as if preparing herself to drop the bomb on him.
Alright, Qi Lin. It's already in the past. YOU CAN DO THIS!
"You don't need to talk about it if you're not comfortable."
"No, I can do this." Qi Lin reassured Siyang but it was mostly to reassure herself.
"I had a wrist injury about seven months ago," Qi Lin began, her voice wavering slightly. She took a deep breath, her eyes fixed on the distant horizon as she gathered her thoughts. Siyang remained silent, his attentive gaze encouraging her to continue.
"I got it when I was playing tennis. It was an important match for me. I eventually won the match but as you can see," she gestured to her left wrist, "It came with a price." She said, trying to put on a smile but failed.
"After the match, my injury—the pain—got in the way of my everyday life. The doctors suggested that I should go with the surgery to lessen the pain and at least bring it back to normal."
She paused, staring into the sky saying, "But I know that it'll never be the same."
Siyang instinctively reached out his hand towards her when Qi Lin suddenly turned to him with a tear in her eye. He retracted his hand and shuffled, finding his handkerchief.
"It's fine, Captain. I'm alright." She smiled as the tears fell down.
All Siyang could do was give her the handkerchief so she could wipe her tears.
He waited for her to regain her composure before uttering a word. "You did well, Qi Lin."
"Thanks," She said with a sniff.
The two sat in silence when Qi Lin had a realization.
"How about you, Captain? What were you doing at the hospital?"
Without hesitation, Siyang answered, "I also have an injury."
"Oh" Qi Lin reacted. "May I ask what happened?"
"It was 2 years ago. A senior hit my elbow with a racket. It's not that painful but the doctor said it was not stable." He said, looking at his left elbow.
Qi Lin stared at his elbow before looking at her wrist. An unexpected chuckle escaped her lips, surprising even herself. Siyang's head tilted in curiosity, his serious demeanor momentarily softened.
Qi Lin realized her actions as she turned red. "I'm ... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to ... I didn't mean to laugh at you," she said, covering her face with her hands.
She breathed in and out as she let herself cool down before continuing, "I just thought that we are so alike."
"It seems like we're living parallel lives," Qi Lin remarked, her voice tinged with a mixture of irony and sadness. Siyang's gaze lingered on her, understanding and empathy reflected in his eyes.
----- To be continued -----
Previous: Chapter 10
Up Next: Chapter 12
cross-posted from wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/359772976-game-set-love-a-yu-qing-romance
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