#bakumer au
karume-selfshipper · 5 months
Nanori Mer-May
All under the cut because long post and big pictures
BakuMer AU by @hotpotatopotat
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The biological daughter of Toshinori
A fellow researcher who specializes in anatomy and identification who often travels with her father as his assistant
She tries to keep her distance from Kirishima, Bakugo, and Shouto on principle (she knows what happened with Stain and lowkey doesn't want to have every member of the Yagi family fall for mer...)
This doesn't work, Kirishima is too friendly and a snuggler (she gets dragged into platonic cuddles, sometimes as Ururaka's plus one/safe guard)
Toshinori is at least calm about Nanori being here, he doesn't like how bluntly she talks about mating cycles and identifying which mer can be fluid in their role for the sake of reproducing
He has walked into way too many awkward conversations at the absolute worst time to the point that he will text Nanori to see where she is before leaving an area of the research center (this never happened in other centers before...)
She gets along fine with everyone, just a little distant and focused on her research to truly socialize
Typical/Disney AU
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She's searching for another discarded lobster/crab claw to hold back her bangs...
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hotpotatopotat · 4 months
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"Field Trip" (1/1)
Deku and Bakugou mer take all the mer babies to the tide pools! Deku is teaching Peaku how to swim and Bakumer is...hanging in there...
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pro-city-consulting · 5 years
Die Pro City Consulting UG stellt heute die Firma Südbeck Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH Ludwig aus Bakum, Kr Vechta vor.
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karume-selfshipper · 5 months
Tohikana Mer-May
All under the cut because long post and big pics
BakuMer AU by @hotpotatopotat
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The only mer-child to survive because Stain was able to hide her when he was released, the environment they were in wasn't able to hold them and the cabe he had left all the babies in was raided by a hungry shark
Toshinori never knew he and Stain had children that survived so he never tried to check
When Tohikana was big enough to not be swept away by currents, she was finally able to leave the cave her mer-father left her in
Traveling for the sake of traveling and learning how to interact with humans the hard way but choosing to keep a happy disposition but she doesn't fully trust humans
She does have a smattering of small scars across her body from various humans hunting her for various reasons (she never stopped to find out why humans were throwing nets at her)
She arrived at Bakugo's little cove just before the research center went up and was talked into staying by Kirishima
She has her own little cave a decent ways away from Bakugo's cave neither Kirishima or Shouto feel very comfortable attempting to share her cave so they flock to Bakugo's cave for actual nesting
Bakugo thought for the longest time, given that they were the only mer in the area, that they were supposed to be mates
Tohikana shot him down every time, pointing out how their mating stripes weren't coming in very clearly (and that they clearly didn't have any deep feelings for each other)
Bakugo was stubborn however, even after meeting Midoryia
He went to Tohikana to show how vibrant his stripes were but she showed how hers weren't even visible
"Dude, you're gay and in denial."
Midoriya had the strangest feeling of recognition around Tohikana and couldn't put his finger on why until Toshinori showed up
Then Midoriya had a panic attack and Toshinori had a heart attack
It got worse when Ururaka conducted blood tests and interviews with Tohikana to see if there was a connection
Toshinori was relieved that his secret daughter hadn't mated yet, though found it highly ironic that Bakugo kept trying only to go for his son
However, without any evidence to prove her story and no way to go back to check the area, Toshinori just had to bite his tongue about being her human father
Though when Tohikana very flippantly mentions that Bakugo had mer-children (and that she was helping) he nearly had another heart attack
...only for Midoriya to come swimming up with one of the mer-children in his hands
"Oh hey! You got the runt of-- HEY! DON'T IGNORE ME TWO LEGS! YOU DEAD BEAT!"
Toshinori in the background (well that's another secret I have to take to my grave...)
Typical/Disney AU
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She likes flitting around like a mad-mer at top swimming speed
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karume-selfshipper · 5 months
Inari Mer-May
All under the cut because long post and big pics
BakuMer AU by @hotpotatopotat
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Inari is the only surviving mer-child of Toshinori and Stain after Stain threw a fit over being released(apart from Toshinori)
Stain had severely injured every other guppy to the point they couldn't survive except Inari due to Toshinori intervening
Because everyone knows that Inari is Toshinori's child, they had to make a difficult choice. Thus she travels with Toshinori whenever he transfers research stations
Thus she is very knowledgeable about humans in general
Sadly she's also extremely moody and stand offish with anyone who isn't Toshinori (and Inko who tried mothering the poor girl when she meet Inari)
Inari is completely indifferent to Midoriya as a step/half sibling
When they arrive at the research station near Bakugo, Inari is let out into the ocean and given some parameters she should avoid crossing
Kirishima is almost instantly friendly and wears Inari down pretty quickly
Inari is professionally polite/friendly with Ururaka and Shouto
Even though Shouto helped Kirishima find Inari a little cave she could escape to when emotional
She and Bakugo can and will fight to hurt each other over disagreements, its never territorial always over Inari correcting Bakugo
At first, Toshinori was worried about letting Inari out into a habitat full of only male mer, she is still his child after all, but is deeply relieved when Inari's mating stripes barely come in again
Kinda completely ignoring the fact that they've been here two days and she's been trying to avoid Kirishima and his friendliness this whole time...
Should Inari and Bakugo ever actually get into a fight, it takes Kirishima and Shouto to pull them apart due to how badly anyone else could get hurt
Typical/Disney AU
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Shhh, she's concentrating on her barrel rolls...
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hotpotatopotat · 13 days
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"You Say Q"
There's an intruder in the nest where Bakugou mer and Deku reside, and even though Peaku is safe in the tidepools, his body moves on it's own!
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hotpotatopotat · 6 days
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"Air Jail"
Deku rushes to hug Peaku and all the little ones, but he forgot about Bakugou mer...
Meanwhile, an injured Tomura mer goes into air jail.
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hotpotatopotat · 29 days
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"Alone Time"
Bakugou mer takes Deku to the other side of the gulf for some quality time and exploration...
leaving Shoto, Hawks, and Kirishima to look after the little ones...
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hotpotatopotat · 3 months
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"Never Share Shrimp" (1/1)
[BkDk Mer Au]
Uncle Shoto Shrimp is babysitting and the baby Bakugou mers remembered that shrimp is good 😅 someone should tell them he's not food!
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hotpotatopotat · 3 months
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"Super Jaws Razer Teeth"
Deku recruits help from Toshinori, Ochako, Kirishima Seal, Shoto Shrimp, and Bakugou Mer to collect data on all the baby mers, including Peaku!
Bakugou and Izuku disagree on the names though...
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hotpotatopotat · 2 months
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"Operation Q" [bkdk mer au]
Peaku leads a small strike team for the cooler full of mer snacks! Bakugou mer and Deku are bamboozled! (Special News Below!) As of July 18th, I've been working on this AU for two years.I'm finally doing something I've always wanted to do!
I am working on a book, collecting the entire AU, and this comic will be the last one in the book! Thank you all so much for making this possible.
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hotpotatopotat · 2 months
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"Best Day of Our Lives"
Bakugou mer and Deku enjoy a beautiful summer day with their new family. Kirishima and Shoto join them, and of course, Peaku too!
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hotpotatopotat · 3 months
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"Moocher Cure" (1/1)
Bakugou mer teaches the little kacchans what they can and cannot eat. Peaku, the little deku looking mer, is learning a lot!
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hotpotatopotat · 5 months
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"Frenzy" Deku apologies for his absense and Bakugou mer is just happy he brought a fish - and apparently so are all the little kaccha-clones!!! Maybe a bit TOO excited...
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hotpotatopotat · 7 months
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Bakugou mer comes home to a full nest, but thankfully Deku is there to deflect.
Shoto Shrimp is a very good caretaker to his rubber duck baby sons
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hotpotatopotat · 6 months
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"Spa Day"
Bakugou mer isn't looking too good... but luckily Deku knows what he's doing!
And Bakugou mer returns to favor 👀
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