#baby mer bakugou
hotpotatopotat · 5 months
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"Frenzy" Deku apologies for his absense and Bakugou mer is just happy he brought a fish - and apparently so are all the little kaccha-clones!!! Maybe a bit TOO excited...
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candlecoo · 2 years
I have come with but a simple request, baby seahorse Izuku meeting Bakugo. Also, where is 1-A I general in this idea? Do they eventually meet him???? Are they all children at the same time, or is Izu a baby while the rest are like, Middle school or something?
so Bakugou does not know Izuku is a mer, he just knows him as that one weird shoeless kid he ran keeps on running into on his class trips to the aquarium.
and all of class 1-A are the same age as Izuku so they're all kids when Izuku is a kid and babies when he's a baby.
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Since Toshi told everyone that now Izuku is a cecaelia, literally everyone is looking for him?
Like Bakugou going around grabbing random octopuses seeing if one of them is a baby cecaelia?
They could also try to look for another cecaelias and try to form a deal with them too if they help them to look for Izuku.
In exchange of, you know...
Peace between their species or something?
I mean, the best option to find cecaelia would be another cecaelia for sure.
Toshinori is way ahead of you! He's been reaching out across the ocean looking for Cecaelia. There are even a couple Cecaelia shape-shifting and hiding among mers. But he will have to be very persuasive to get them to come forward, since they are not incentivized to pick a fight with AFO.
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ihatebnha · 2 years
I really like that trope where say, you're just saying average expectations with a monster or even "normal" Bakugou and he notes that you "have high standards" but he looks pleased and proud by this? Like only the best for the best is what he's thinking lol It's cute imo
no but soooooooo true!!!
Bakugo is obvs a gentle and considerate soul when it comes to you, but... nothing, and i mean NOTHING, makes him more smug than thinking about the fact that you picked him.
it literally pleases him beyond belief. normally when he thinks about you, he gets kinda pensive and gentle, but when standards come up? choice...? he starts walking around like a rooster LMFAOOO.
(it's sweet though, how happy it makes him. he teases u for it, but it's really just his way of getting you to say that u love him over and over again.
"ugh, you have such high standards," he says, one arm wrapped around you and keeping you close to his side, the hand on the other picking at a little baby hair that has flown away from your head. he can't take his eyes off of you, untilt his head from where it presses into yours. "justtt couldn't stay away from me, huh?"
you swat at him, but he just laughs. his voice that deep and gruff.
"come on, say it. say u have high standards. that u love me."
you roll your eyes, "love you, kat"
and he nearly purrs.)
and like u said, this is definitely goes for monster!aus too... cuz something about a big dragon, hybrid, mer or naga (+ etc.) bakugo keeping u safe in his nest and picking on u for like "going for the finest in the jungle" (or whatever a monster would say) is so... ajskdjfjkadsk.
he definitely rewards you for it, if u know what i mean *winky wonk*
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ao3-deviance · 3 years
My Siren Can’t Sing
A.S.A.H. (All Sharks Are Himbos) Part 2
(also on AO3)
Part 1
Bakugou hated being a siren. 
He barked and growled and did anything he could to make his voice gruff and unattractive. He yelled until his vocal cords went out, leaving him to rasp and wheeze. He screeched and shrieked and had to actively make his voice the worst thing anyone had ever heard. 
He couldn't stand the people his voice attracted. The idiotic captains that would crash their ships chasing the other sirens' tails. The extras and junkies, even other damn merpeople, that just wanted the high that a siren could give by singing. It was a lot less dangerous for other mers to listen to, but that didn't make them any less annoying.
Sometimes he wished he'd been born a shark mer, like Kirishima. His mate was intimidatingly large, strong. Bakugou was faster, but even he would have trouble piercing Kirishima's thick hide if he wanted to. 
"Hey," Kirishima called out, poking his head into the entrance of Bakugou's cave. "Mind if I come in?"
"Told you to come in whenever," Bakugou rolled his eyes. His dumb mate gave him a goofy grin as the behemoth eased his way into the cave. He could fit inside fine, but with the way the entrance curved up from the sea floor--which gave Bakugou more privacy than most since you couldn't see inside unless you stuck your head into the entrance--it was a sharper turn than Kirishima's tail liked to make. Sharks were stiffer, less flexible. Another thing Bakugou mentally tallied as a siren pro. 
There weren't many pros to being a siren. He'd take what he could get. 
"Still polite to ask."
"You're my mate."
"We haven't moved in together yet," Kirishima argued. Having maneuvered his bulk into the cave, he swam over to settle next to Bakugou, lightly biting his jaw in greeting. Bakugou automatically returned the gesture, used Kirishima's shark-y habit of biting everything. 
"You're the one dragging his tail in the sand with moving our courtship forward," Bakugou pointed out. 
"I have to prove myself," Kirishima said, yawning as he snuggled closer, arms wrapping around Bakugou's waist. The blond sighed, turning towards him and easily curling his tail around the shark mer's, feeling that familiar rasp of rough hide wherever he rubbed Kirishima's tail against the grain. He was getting used to the sensation. 
"What does that even mean?" Bakugou nibbled at his chin and Kirishima hugged him tighter, overwhelmed with affection.
"It means I have to prove myself," Kirishima shrugged. "Prove how much I care about you. Prove that I'm worthy to stand beside you. Things like that."
"And how are you supposed to do this?" 
Kirishima hummed. "Don't really know. I'll figure it out though! The other shark mers said it'll come to me."
Bakugou laughed, musing the other's red locks. "You're such an idiot. If I didn't think you were worthy to stand beside me, you wouldn't be here. And obviously I know how you feel about me." He wriggled his tail, watching Kirishima turn red. "Or are those not your claspers digging into my abdomen?" He smirked. Embarrassing his mate was always such a treat.
"Don't bring attention to them!" Kirishima cried, hiding his face against Bakugou's shoulder. He tried to pull away, but Bakugou only held him tighter. "I don't have internal biology like you! And you're really hot. And my mate. And you're all….wiggle-y against me. I'm not trying to pressure you!"
Bakugou laughed. "Calm down, you big baby, I know you're not pressuring me. I'm just saying you don't have to wait on my account." He cupped Kirishima's face, making him meet his gaze. "I like you, you stupid himbo. I'm not going anywhere."
Bakugou's gills fluttered, trying to get back his breath as he watched Kirishima's face bloom to a pretty coral pink as the other smiled with starfish in his eyes. "I like you too, Katsuki. So much! And if we already know we're it for each other, why rush it? We'll get there."
Bakugou nipped Kirishima's nose before hiding his face by giving the other a tight hug. He refused to admit how easily the other could make him swoon. Kirishima was a dumbass, but he was a sweet dumbass, dammit. His tail curled tighter, pressing their bodies even closer. 
He hadn't been looking for a mate, definitely hadn't been looking for Kirishima, but he was so grateful the shark mer had found him, chosen him. His skin was the only rough thing about him. Kirishima was kind, gentle, much more so than Bakugou deserved, and yet he'd picked Bakugou and didn't seem to regret that decision. Bakugou would do his damnedest to make sure he didn't. 
He hummed, still hiding his face. His voice rasped, scratchy against his abused throat, and he tried to find a tune, a melody, some small way to sing his appreciation. Kirishima trilled softly, confused, and Bakugou wheezed out an answer before he coughed, trying to clear his throat. 
"Quiet," Bakugou snapped, more harsh than he meant. He tried again, voice a coarse staccato as he tried to sing. It was the screeching of a dolphin being murdered, shrill and offkey, warbling in the wrong places. Bakugou cringed, ashamed, and he attempted to pull away from the other. 
"Were you...singing for me?" Kirishima asked hesitantly. 
"No," Bakugou barked, wincing as he actually noticed the abuse to his vocal chords. "No," he repeated, a little gentler this time. "That clearly wasn't singing. Just. Caterfishwauling. Trying to make your ears bleed." 
Kirishima smiled. "I don't think so. I think it sounded good."
"Fucking liar," Bakugou scoffed. "One thing I'm meant for and I fuck even that up."
"No, no, really, I liked it," Kirishima stated seriously. "Mate, Katsuki, baby. You sounded good to me. I promise."
Bakugou eyed him mistrustfully. "I sounded like a dying dolphin."
"You didn't."
"You're tone deaf then."
"Maybe I am!" Kirishima beamed brightly. "I have no idea what makes good music, Katsuki, but if that's the sound of your happiness I want to listen to it all day. That you'd even want to sing for me is--" he cut off and Bakugou panicked at the sight of tears welling. "--it's so manly! I just like you so much, you're so cute, I can't even--"
"Oi, I'm not fucking cute--"
"You really really are. Please will you sing for me again? If you want?"
Bakugou hesitated, seeing Kirishima's bright eyes watching him hopefully. He opened his mouth, releasing a wailing shriek that warbled into a few low chirrs, so off-key and discordant that Bakugou wanted to tear his own ears off. He didn't know how Kirishima was listening with a smile, not even a flinch at his tuneless twittering. 
"I'm the worst fucking siren," Bakugou groaned, covering his face. "Can't even sing a damn note."
"I think you sound great," Kirishima sighed, some dumbstruck sound like the guppies who got twitterpated over the stupidest mermaids. Bakugou eyed him. 
"Did I...enchant you?" He asked seriously. He didn’t think it was possible with his wailing, but he was a siren. He'd never been affected by any other sirens and he'd heard a lot, but maybe sirens were immune to each others' songs? But they usually still sounded in-key and shit, he'd never heard another siren sound that bad. 
"Don't think so," Kirishima denied. "Still very much feeling like myself."
"Obviously, idiot. I didn't tell you to do anything." Bakugou frowned. Could he have enchanted Kirishima by accident? Mates were supposed to be immune, but they hadn't fully mated yet and Kirishima wasn't a siren. 
"~Can't think of shit, do a flip~"
Kirishima burst into laughter. "Did you just sing-tell me to do a flip? By rhyming it with shit? Those don't even rhyme!" 
"Shut up! I don't think in song!" Bakugou snarled. "Was the quickest thing I could think of."
"I'll do a flip if you want," Kirishima agreed, "but not cause you told me to. I'm not enchanted, Katsuki. You genuinely sound good to me."
"Something's wrong with you," Bakugou determined.
"Nope! Not if it led me to you! That means something's right with me!" 
"Fucking sap."
"Not ashamed!" Kirishima stated proudly, giggling. "Thank you for singing for me, Katsuki." 
"Fuck off. Never doing that shit again."
Kirishima bit his lip, that dreadfully adorable snaggletooth coming out as he turned the full force of those goddamn shark puppy eyes on him. 
"Please? When it's just us?"
Bakugou snarled. "Shit. Fuck. Fine. Maybe. Sometimes."
"Spoiled fucker."
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You Put the Spark to the Flame
Panda’s Notes: It's that time of year again!! Happy Squealing Santa 2k21 to @manly-snail, who wanted some lee Todoroki and Lee Kaminari. I am perpetually weak, so why not both?! >w< I hope you guys like it! Mer Crispies.
Read on Ao3!
“Alright, alright, settle down, guys!” Iida called with a chuckle, lightly shaking the decorated tissue box that held their votes. Kirishima flailed to hit the pause button as tonight’s group of 1-A students crowded together on the couch. They still giggled excitedly and murmured to each other, passing the snack bowl back and forth as Iida pouted at them.
“Guys, guys!” Iida said again, knocking on the box with his knuckles. A sharp whistle cut through the air, and the others flinched as they covered their ears. Yaoyorozu snickered, pulling her hand away from her mouth.
“Ah, thank you.” Iida winced with a slight chuckle. “Now then, we’ve counted the votes, and tonight’s winner is…Jirou!”
She gasped softly as the rest of the group cheered and clapped, except Bakugou, who gave a scoff and nudged her shoulder with his own. She stood up a little awkwardly, and Yaoyorozu smiled brightly as she stepped forward to hand her the little pin that she had made minutes earlier.
“Thank you, guys, so much.” Jirou said shyly, twirling one of her earphone jacks on her finger. “Although, I guess I should say that you’d better not have voted for me just because it’s my first time at karaoke night.”
Bakugou huffed and sunk into a slouch. “Pfft, that’s the only reason I voted for you.”
Jirou blushed faintly, smiling a bit brighter. “You actually voted for me?”
The others on the couch jeered and teased Bakugou gently as they made space or Jirou to sit back down.
“Okay, quiet…” Iida called. “Now then, next time, we’re doing a duet round. Who all’s playing?”
Naturally, most of the group’s hands shot up, and Iida counted under his breath.
“Ah, I’m getting an odd number…” He murmured, glancing at Yaoyorozu.
“Yeah, me too... You’re sitting this one out, Ochacco?”
Uraraka blushed a bit as the group gave a collective whine. “I’m going home next weekend; I won’t even be here!”
“Right, I forgot…” Iida murmured. “Well, another solo session won’t kill us, unless someone else wants to step down or—Oh?”
He’d blinked, and heads turned as Todoroki raised his hand a bit hesitantly. The group gave encouraging cheers, and Bakugou gave him a light kick with one foot. “Aw, Todoroki! I’m so glad you’re joining us this time! Anyone else?”
When no more hands went up, the volunteers quickly started talking amongst themselves about who would partner up. The air shrieked as Yaoyorozu whistled again, and the group groaned as they settled.
“If you guys would wait for us to finish, we’d be done by now!” She laughed, pacing her hands on her hips.
“And this is the last thing, too.” Iida explained. “For this duet round, Yaoyorozu had an idea that we should mix things up a bit. We’re going to draw lots to see what teams come up.”
There was a chorus of half-whiny protests, and the two class leaders called over them until they stopped again.
“Look, look—listen!” Yaoyorozu called. “You guys pick the same teams every other round! We’re a team altogether, right? We should be able to mix partners without being babies about it!” She picked up another small box off of the coffee table, shaking it gently before opening it to count what was inside. “Now, in here are some popsicle sticks, labeled in pairs. You pick one, and whoever matches your stick, that’s your partner.”
She closed the box and shook it harder as she approached one end of the couch. “One at a time, since you all want to be gremlins about everything.” She joked, offering Todoroki the box. He looked away as he reached in and pulled out a stick. A line of stars ran down the middle. The rest of the volunteers clambered excitedly as each of them were offered the box, eventually hopping up to compare sticks and find their partners.
Sero and Kirishima laughed as they realized they were partnered up. Mina bounced excitedly and grabbed Iida’s hand, already suggesting songs they could sing. Midoriya blushed faintly as Jirou approached him, but she smiled gently and looked pretty happy. Yaoyorozu rested one elbow on Bakugou’s head, and he smirked slightly up at her.
This left Todoroki to be approached by Kaminari, who happily held up his own star-printed popsicle stick. Todoroki… Todoroki just smiled nervously as Kaminari pat his shoulder.
Sunday and Monday came and went, and Monday evening found Todoroki lounging—not hiding—in his dorm. He groaned nervously as his phone alerted him to new messages that he just knew were from Kaminari. He wasn’t avoiding Kaminari, not at all!
He was avoiding the karaoke conversation.
Now, yeah, he felt bad for being standoffish about this, but what was he supposed to do? Kaminari had paired with Mina for every duet week; and they’d won, like, 80% of them. Huh. Maybe that was why Iida and Yaoyorozu had done this… But more importantly, this was the first time Todoroki had even thought to join karaoke night. He was honestly hoping to team up with Midoriya; at least they could have been awkward and off-key together.
He flinched slightly when someone came knocking on his door. Was he really going to pretend like he didn’t know who it was? He didn’t get the chance to answer that question because the inevitable voice called worriedly through the door.
“Hey, Todoroki?” Kaminari’s voice seemed a little wary. “You home, man?”
Todoroki winced, but he knew that dodging him for the entire week would be pretty cruel. He hesitantly approached the door and opened it slowly. “Hello, Kaminari…”
Kaminari smiled, but he didn’t seem happy. “Hey, uh… Can I come in? Or, can we talk, at least?”
Todoroki seemed to hesitate, but he nodded and stepped back. “Of course. What, uh, what’s on your mind?” He wasn’t good at this pretending thing.
Kaminari took a big breath of his own as he walked toward the center of the room. “I’m just going to cut to the chase, okay? I was kind of thinking; maybe we should step down from the karaoke thing?”
Now that got Todoroki’s attention. “Wait, wait, wait…” He stammered. “You want to drop out of a karaoke week?”
He smiled sadly and itched his face as he looked away. “W-Well, no…” he admitted. “It’s just, you’ve been dodging me every time I try to ask about it. And I did kinda spot that you didn’t seem too thrilled to be partners. It’s not a big deal anyway; I do karaoke pretty much every week. A few skips won’t kill me.”
Todoroki blinked, still a bit shell shocked at this confession. “I—Hold on…” he ran his hands over his face, groaning as he finally realized the misunderstanding. “Y-Yeah, I’ve been dodging you, but it’s not you, I swear!”
Kaminari eyed him curiously, and Todoroki fiddled with his fingers before confessing: “I’m… nervous about doing the karaoke thing, okay? He murmrured. “Everyone else is used to it, I guess, but it’s the first time I’ve really sung in front of anyone. And, um, I guess I was a little nervous when you were my partner, since you and Mina always win when you team up…”
He winced a bit as Kaminari just stared at him, rhis chin rested on one hand as he seemed to think.His face changed slowly, a smile cracking his face as he snickered and chuckled.
“Y’know, I can’t believe I’d forgotten that you never really joined karaoke night before.” He giggled, setting his hands on his hips. “Heh, geez, I’m sorry I thought you were mad at me. You just have stage fright! And stage fright, I can fix.” He declared with a playful wink.
Todoroki tipped his head curiously as Kaminari grabbed his wrist and pulled him over to his bed. He was firmly sat down and quickly joined on his left side. “You can just ‘fix’ stage fright?”
“That, I can.” He insisted, resting his elbows on his knees. “First things first: You’ve just gotta loosen up a little!” He gave Todoroki a soft punch in the arm, rubbing his shoulder gently before squeezing it. “Oh, wow, you actually are tense. Hm… Let’s start right here!”
Kaminari punctuated the statement with a firm poke targeted between his ribs, and Todoroki nearly leapt across the bed. “Heh, that a good spot?”
Todoroki rubbed his side, watching his guest with wide eyes and a slightly nervous smile. “What are you playing at, Kaminari?”
Denki giggled mischievously, wiggling his fingers as he moved up onto his knees. “We’re loosening up! We’ll get all those nerves worked out, and it’ll be easier to talk about solving our problems!”
“W-Wait a second, don’t—!” Todoroki squeaked, still a bit shellshocked when Kaminari finally tackled him into the blankets and dug his fingers into his lower ribs. “K-Kaminari!” He cried out through the giggles jumping out of his chest, trying to cover his sides as his feet kicked slightly.
“Ha! There you go!” Kaminari laughed, leaning over him and squeezing at Todoroki’s ribs and down his sides. “Get nice and loud! Just focus on you!”
It wasn’t entirely clicking what Kaminari wanted from him, but it definitely felt like he wanted him to laugh. Well, since he wasn’t being given much of a choice… He practically writhed when Kaminari’s nails snuck under the hem of his shirt and dipped into the curves of his hips, his voice pitching all over the place as he almost cackled.
“You’ve got an awfully cute laugh, you know. Might even call it musical?”
Todoroki snorted shortly, managing to flail one hand against Kaminari’s shoulder as he yelped. “Ack! Okay, okay! Come on; that was funny!” He giggled, letting his finger slowly go still.
“It was not…” Shouto giggled between breaths. “And that’s not even mentioning how you just attacked me.”
Denki feigned offense, touching a hand to his chest. “How can you say that?! Why, if I was going to attack you, I’d—” He let the sentence hang, smirking a bit at the way Todoroki looked at him suspiciously. “But, no, seriously. I got kinda scared too when we first started karaoke nights. This is just what Mina did for me whenever I got nervous. Nowadays, we just have fun with it, y’know?”
Todoroki smiled a bit as he listened. It was still so difficult to picture Kaminari being nervous about this after he was up onstage during the Culture Festival, but Todoroki had been sitting out for weeks. He had no place to judge either way. Kaminari chuckled a bit awkwardly, and Todoroki blinked.
“We, ah, we can still drop out, if you don’t want to go through with it.” He offered, running his hand through his hair. “Fun is fun, but I won’t force you—!” His voice was lost in a shriek when Todoroki’s right hand slipped under his shirt and squeezed his side with icy fingers. “Wait, wait, wait!” He giggled, getting pushed back as ten fingers attacked his stomach.
“Oh, now look who wants to wait! I don’t get a little payback?” Shouto purred, following Kaminari when he tried to crawl away and snatching at his ankle.
“N-No payback!” Kaminari cried, squealing as cold scribbles bit through his sock underneath his toes. “I was just trying to he—Not my toes!”
“Trying? Honestly, you’re helping a lot.” He chuckled, only half teasing as he scribbled a bit faster. “Think it’s too late to start practicing a song?”
Denki’s laughter was finally allowed to die down as Shouto softly pat his heels and leaned over him. “W-Well, we still have to pick one. Any in mind?”
“That are duets? Not many…” Todoroki moved to flop down beside Kaminari on his bed, giving him a few pokes in the ribs. “What about you?”
His guest giggled and lightly bat at his hand. “…Actually, I just might have an idea.”
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lord-explosion-baku · 4 years
Tempting Tempest (Shark!Bakugou)
Shark!Bakugou x mer!reader
warnings: yellow sour fruit, dubcon, blood, violence, strange as fuck words I’d only use while writing monster smut idfk, silly ending
A/N: I know I said I wasn’t gonna force this one out, but sometimes you gotta. This was kinda fun to write, but idk how sexy it is to be QUITE honest. The next time I write mermaid p*rn outside of tempting tempest, it’s definitely gotta be with at least one human, ama. also the ending is a little wacky, pero it made me smile so like maybe it’ll make you smile too. ha...? okiee here’s the thing...vhjdsvhjd
Violent fury compelled you to tighten your hold on your weapon. Like a spear, you flew through the water, firing towards the shark. Too bad for you, he had fast reflexes and as soon as you were close enough, he whipped his tail around and slapped you in the face.
Colliding with the sand bed and a large kelp-covered rock, you struggled to right yourself, when the merman gripped onto your waist. He pulled himself up so his head was leveled with yours. He bared his teeth at you and snapped at your neck. You hissed and swiped your knife at him, missing his chest and cutting into his side. He growled when blue blood spilled out into the water, swirling around the two of you as you wrestled for dominance.
The merman slammed your wrist into the edge of the rock next to you, forcing you to relinquish your dagger. Sharp fingers curled around your neck, quickly stopping your waterways. You dug your nails into his toned arms so fiercely that even more blood flooded around you. Despite the obvious pain you inflicted on him, the merman gave you a sharp, threatening sneer.
“Looks like you do have more fight in you after all.” He teased, tightening his hold. He licked his lips and brought his free hand to your mouth. “Should say I’m grateful that you’re not gonna make this boring.”
Figuring that it was no use clawing at your opponent, you threw your hands down on the sand bed, searching for your lost weapon. Thinking that you were going to throw sand in his face again, the shark let go of your neck and grabbed your wrist, quickly pinning it to your side.
“Not gonna let that happen again, little guppy,” he grumbled. The hand at your mouth squeezed your cheeks together as his hungry, crimson glower bore down on you. “You’re gonna have to learn some new tricks fast.”
You bit down on his narrowed webspace between his pointer finger and thumb, making him jolt back. That offered you enough slack to quickly wiggle out from underneath him, but not enough time to swim away.
Rounding you, the shark took hold of the flimsy part of your tail, sending an excited shock up to your neck. You whined and flipped your tail at him, attempting to hit his face, but he only laughed as he dodged the attack.
“That was cute.” He mocked as he approached you again, ushering you against the giant rock. “That little cry, I mean...think you can do it again for me? Huh, guppy?”
You hissed at him, the fins on the side of your head flaring in an attempt to make you look more threatening. He pushed you back against the wall, your skin grating against the rugged edge of the flat. You winced while he growled, deep and low, baring his sharp, ivory teeth. You couldn’t help but flinch, your fins falling back with a huff. At this, he chuckled, closing the gap between the two of you, his shark’s tail triumphantly swishing from left to right.
“Not so tough now, are yah?” Your body trembled as he grazed his lips against your neck, slowly bringing them up to your ear. “All bark and no bite.”
The purring came back—that deep, mesmerizing rumble from his chest. You hated how easily it got to you—how it made your muscles relax and your mind fuzzy. You scowled at his chest, too afraid that if you looked him in those beautiful, ruby eyes, you’d be lost to him again
The shark put both of his arms against the rock, caging you in with him as your prison bars. “Whatsamatter?” He asked. “You some kinda mute or are you just being a bitch?”
“Oh, bite me!”
“Is that a command or a request?” He gave you his insolent shark-grin as he leaned closer. “‘Cause I will,” he said in a teasing tone, but you knew it was a promise. The heat of his tongue reached the sensitive part of your ear, licking it for just as long as it took for goosebumps to erupt across your arms. He purred, “even if you don’t ask nicely.”
“I’m not asking you for anything except for you to leave me alone!” You barked out, albeit weakly. His chest rumbles were echoing inside your head, lulling you into a trancelike state you didn’t want to fall into.
“Since when?” He inquired impudently. His hands fell down near your hips.
You gestured pointedly behind him, indicating the updraft of sand and blood whirling in the space the two of you previously occupied. He glanced back only for a moment, not willing to take his eyes off of you for a second too long. He smirked, finally closing his hands on the part of your body where your torso met your fluke. They were rough, calloused from experience—hunter’s hands. You fought off impending thoughts of having those hands graze every inch of your body.
“Thought that was just foreplay.” His whisper was husky with provocation as his thumbs circled your hip bones. He took the hand you were using to point at the aftermath of your fight with into his. “It’d be no fun without any chase.” He lightly bit down on the carpal side of your palm, his dangerous eyes daring you to react. You merely shuddered against him, an act he seemed to enjoy.
“Foreplay?!” You squawked, bemused. You tore your hand away from his lips and quickly dug your fingers into his side, right below the place you’d cut him. It was healing fast, but some sapphire oozed out, nonetheless. “I cut you!”
He laughed, making his abdomen tighten underneath your touch. You inhaled sharply, and pressed your palm into him, enjoying the feel of his tight stomach. Gods damn you, he was hot.
“What’s one more scar?” He took your hand and moved it up his chest, satisfied to know you liked the feel of him. His skin riveted underneath your fingertips as he drew you over his various markings from previous fights. “I’m sure there’ll be plenty more where that came from—at least, if you’re the kinda mate I think you’ll be.”
“I don’t even know you,” you said, though that was a weak riposte. It wasn’t like you were around long enough for any merman to bring you pearl bracelets and hidden treasures just to have you fall into their embrace. Though, if you had, you wouldn’t be dealing with a shark right now.
“Katsuki,” he said smugly. “Figure you should know the name you’re gonna be moaning for the rest of your life.”
“As if.”
“And you are?” Katsuki completely ignored your retort. “Honestly didn’t think that ‘Guppy’ was all that fitting for a cute, little mermaid like you, but if that’s what you prefer-“
You scowled, ignoring the way your heart stuttered when he called you cute. His lips tilted sideways.
“Nah, you’re too high and mighty for guppy, aren’t you?” He continued, wedging himself closer to you. You felt cool gusts of water blowing against your shoulder and down your back as he drew nearer, his low purring reverberating down your tail. His lips were against your neck as he suggested, “right, princess?” You shuddered against him again as he kissed the sensitive spot on the skin below your gills. “Oh you like that, huh-“ his voice dropped an octave-“princess.”
Despite yourself, you groaned, turning your head so he could angle himself better, suckling on your tender flesh. You slanted your hips into him, hands moving up his strong, muscular back, to his neck, weaving through the surprisingly soft, ash-blonde hair. You tugged, and his growls mixed in with the rumbling only grew louder as he continued to kiss you.
Something thick and heavy pressed against your belly and through foggy eyes, you saw two massive erections, each with jelly-like fluid seeping out from the tips. Your mouth fell open on a moan as you imagined either of the two—if not both—entering you, all previous resignation sinking into the sand beneath you.
Your free hand trickled down his abdomen, loving the way he twitched at your soft caresses. You touched the tip of one of his dicks, and he grunted, a bit of white spurting into your palm. Enjoying his reaction, you rubbed your hand up and down his shaft, squeezing his base as he wrapped an arm around your back.
“Fuck.” He rasped, rutting into your hand. “Touch my cock like that and I’m not gonna be able to control myself.”
“You’re controlling yourself?” You mocked uneasily, tail slapping against the rock.
His nostrils flared. “More than you know.” The hand behind you moved down to your backside. He drew circular motions in the thickest part of your tail behind you, squeezing your flesh, making your fluke shake with anticipation.
“Tell me to fuckin’ stop,” he murmured noncommittally, pressing his cocks harder against your tail. With both hands now on your tail, he moved one over to the puffed out slit below the middle of your hips. He dipped a finger into you, testing out the undoubtedly viscous truth of your velvety walls. He moaned, loving the feel of you, loving the way you whimpered as he touched you. You watched as his pupils grew large, dark, and predatory, as he added a second finger to curl in and out of you. “Tell me you don’t want me to wreck your sweet little pussy right fuckin’ now, or I’m not gonna stop. Once I’m inside you, baby, there’ll be no turnin’ back—even if you beg me.” Something low and animalistic echoed out of his throat at the thought. “Though hearing you fuckin’ beg doesn’t sound half bad right now.”
“Katsuki-!” You started to mewl, but were cut off by his lips descended onto yours. It was a desperate kiss with strong, erratic tongue. He tasted you like you were meant for him—frantic, like he couldn’t get enough of you. Not knowing much about what to do with yourself, you squirmed against him, but he hardly seemed to care. If anything, your resistance only spurred him on.
Grasping onto your wrists, he pinned them against the rock behind you, using one hand to lock them into place. His now unoccupied hand cupped your face as he deepened the kiss. He traced his touch down to your neck, your collarbone, and found ménage at your breasts. He tweaked your pert nipples until they were hard and dark from arousal.
You felt him smirk against you when you finally touched your tongue to kiss—the first of the many triumphs he was going to hold over you. He swallowed your downing moans with fervor, biting down on your lower lip when you attempted to resist again. You cooed.
“Goddamn, you’re fuckin’ gorgeous, you know that?” Katsuki’s hands slid down your torso, lingering around your navel when you let out a little squeak. He chuckled. “So ready to be mated, too. You liked being chased around, didn’t you?”
“I-“ you breathed, your heart racing with both excitement and dread-“I don’t know!”
“So coy all of a sudden.” He snickered, grasping onto one of his clasper-pricks. He gave it a couple pumps, letting tendrils of the thick, white seed flutter around in the water. He pushed his member against your slit, letting your own slick membrane cover his thick cockhead, readying him to take you. “That’s okay,” he muttered, “looks like your cunt already knows for you.” He exhaled. “Say my name again—like you did the first time.”
“Good girl,” he purred, pressing his cockhead into you, biting back a groan as he did so. Gods, it was unbearably huge. You shot him a panicked look, but that only made him all the more hungry.
“Wait-!” You wiggled, unprepared for the stretching you felt as he pushed into your tight hole. You cried out as he thickened, even while constricted by your walls, not even at his hilt yet. “Wait, please, I can’t—!”
“What’d I tell you, princess?” His voice grated against your soft cheeks, warmed from fluster. “Said there’d be no turnin’ back, didn’t I?” Even still, he pulled back, easing into you slower the second time, pressing in, inch by withering inch.
“God damn, you feel so good wrapped around my cock, hon,” he grumbled thickly, mesmerized. He pulled back once more, and when he pushed in again, he grooved his hips up, pushing even more of his girth deeper inside of you.
“Fuck!” You cried out, attempting to twist away from him. “It’s too much!! I can’t take it!”
“Relax,” he crooned gruffly, petting the erect bud above your slit. His touch sent waves of unfamiliar pleasure rippling through your body despite the terrible corruption battling inside you. You tightened around him and he groaned.
“My gods, baby. The hell are you doin’ to my cock?” Katsuki nestled into your neck, licking at your gills. “Such a good girl—so fuckin’ tight for me, huh? You’re gonna take me so well, I know it.”
Your body wavered—almost complying. Katsuki began rolling into you at a charitable pace, caressing your body, thumb encircling your clit, stimulating you just enough to keep your mind away from the pain. However, when he lessened his hold on your wrists, one of your hands broke free. You pushed against him, writhing and feral.
That was when he bit you.
Scorching affliction shot through your shoulders, down your spine. Your tail spasmed against his, your soft scales scraping against his fine exterior. You wailed and dug your nails into the thick muscles of his back, but that did nothing to tear Katsuki away from you. His grip on you was vice, impervious to any sort of protest. In fact, the more you tried to get away, the closer he pulled you, rutting into you faster, your bodies spinning through the ocean as he locked you into matehood.
Just as you thought you couldn’t take any more of the tremendous cutting feeling his shark’s teeth had your neck, the burn mitigated. He wasn’t holding back—if anything he was digging deeper into you—but as his mark melded into your skin, your body relaxed and you began to enjoy the pain. The feeling was purely hypnotic.
Katsuki began to push more of himself inside of you, and you easily accepted him. Your tail twisted around his as his hips slapped against yours. You arched your back, feeling your walls fluttering around, and you sighed his name on a moan. His arms curled around your waist, squeezing your sides, loving the feeling of your bodies, hot and needy, pressed together.  
“Mmmmfuck.” Katsuki pulled away just in time to see your crimson sanguine swaying out and away from his toothy grin. His pupils were so dark and wide that you could hardly see any of the red left in his iris. He was loving this.
“That’s it, baby.” He praised you, licking your cheek. He reached around his back to move your arms so they were around your neck. He groaned when he buried his girth to his hilt, making sure that you and him were as close possibly. “You’re all mine now, aren't cha? Mine-“He speared himself into you with each clipped word. “All. Fuckin’. Mine.”
“Fuck...yes, Katsuki,” you moaned, feeling a tight, aching coil inside of you as his large palms roved over your body. He squeezed your curves, kissed your chest, all the while sweltering inside of you.
“I knew I fuckin’ wanted you the moment I saw you hidin’ away from all those loser fishdicks bringing those mersluts trash just to get some tail,” he panted. “Thought you were sneaky, huh? Thought you wouldn’t be noticed?”
Katsuki pulled your hair, forcing you to face him head on. “Nah, couldn’t let a cutie like you slip away. Couldn’t let any other bottom feeder try to take you, neither. Fuck, you’re gonna be my perfect mate.”
Your inner walls quaked as he ran circles around your clit. “W-what is…?” You began to ask on a hard thrust that hit you perfectly. Your coil bursted and you convulsed around him, squealing as he rutted into you harder and faster. You clenched, again and again, as you pooled over and out with each of his world-ending thrusts, ecstasy completely enveloping your entire being.
“Oh, that feels fuckin’ great, princess,” he growled into your hair. “Good girl, cummin’ for me so soon like that. Fuck,” he rasped, “bite my neck before I fill you up, baby.” He leaned back a drew a finger ong his gills, indicating exactly where he wanted you. “Be my girl.”
You leaned up to drive your tongue up his neck. He shuddered at the contact, still fucking you relentlessly, dragging against your thickened walls. You bit down, hard enough to draw blood, to leave your mark, while you wove your fingers through his soft locks.
“I’m gonna fill you up with my cum. Is that what you want, princess? You wanna feel all of me?”
“Yes, gods yes!” You cried, bucking into him, needing more.
“Say my fuckin’ name, angelface. I wanna hear that sweet voice of yours.” He grunted, biting harshly into your shoulder, tail swishing, hips stuttering.
“Katsuki, please, give me your cum. I wanna feel you baby. Please! Please!
Katsuki came with a roar, lining your walls with his thick, hot cream. He buried his cock inside of you, emptying himself completely, still managing a few more languid thrusts as he planted sloppy kisses to your lips. He groaned into your mouth, loving the taste of your more than compliant tongue.
“Gods, that was-,” he exhaled, lifting himself off of you. He took your hand and guided you up with him, pushing your head into his chest. “-that was god damn hot. You’re gonna be a lot of fun, huh?”
You watched as he shook his two dicks, mesmerized by the residual pink and white swirl of the both of yours’ wash, before his members folded back into his pouch. You parted your lips on a question that didn’t come.
Katsuki snickered. “What?”
“Were they both-“ you festered down below his stomach-“inside of me?”
“Tch!  If I had both of my cocks buried in you, I promise you’d know it.” He rolled his eyes before kissing your forehead, suddenly all too familiar with you. “Why? That wasn’t enough for you? I can go again if you aren’t already full to the brim.”
“Oh no!” You glanced down, unsure. “I mean...I don’t know, I was just curious…”
Katsuki chuckled, tilting your chin up to bring you into a kiss. “You wouldn’t be able to handle it, princess.”
“You don’t know that,” you barked back, suddenly all too familiar with him. “I can handle fucking anything you throw at me!”
“Filthyy language, baby. You kiss octopi with that mouth?”
“Are you kidding me?!” You choked. “Hypocrite!”
“Man, you really are gonna be a lot of fun, aren’tcha? So easy to tease.”
“I was just curious!” You threw your hands up into the water and spun around, casting out a sardonic, “you’re incredible.”
Katsuki wrapped his arms around your torso, bringing you back against his chest. “I know.” He kissed the back of your sore neck. “If you really think you can handle it, I sure as hell don’t mind findin’ out.” He brought both of his hands down to your stomach. “After we get you something to eat. You weren’t gonna catch that marlin all by yourself, anyway.”
“I was before you interrupted me,” you bit out, leaning into his touch.
“You think so?” You felt him grin against your skin. “Alright then, let’s find you a marlin and make a deal: if you can take it down all by yourself, I’ll fuck you so good, you won’t be able to swim straight—with both of my cocks.”
“The hell kinda deal is that-?!”
“And if you need my help-“ he continued-“you’re gonna hafta suck them both off.”
You snorted. “In which of these scenarios do I profit?”
“The one where you get a nice meal, a hot mate, and a nice kelp bed to lay in.” He shrugged.
“Kelp bed?” You turned your head at him, looking hopeful.
“You have such nice lips, I can’t wait to know how they feel wrapped around my cock.”
“Kelp bed?” You reiterated, shrugging him off, trying to figure out which direction that marlin swam off to. “Which scenario has a kelp bed in it?”
“Both of them, idiot. I’m not gonna let any mate of mine sleepin’ on some fuckin’ coral or whatever the hell you’ve been doin’ while tryna hide. Do we have a deal or not?”
“Dunno-“ you swam out farther, trying to be nonchalant about your new pursuit-“do you have said bed?”
“You’re really not sneaky,” he snarked, already swimming after you.
“Maybe not,” you laughed as soon as your eyes narrowed in on a giant fish, “but I am fast.”
(Try again...?)
No more tag list, sorry.
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lovespelt · 4 years
Ok so— Mermaid and Pirate Au.
mermaids are the size of their fish genetic ×2.
If you're mixed with an angel fish you are the size of a human child when you become adult.
Sharks mixed genetics makes one the size of a average boat, bigger than humans.
Mermaids are mixed with fish genetics ×2 while sirens have simple but colorful tails only (and they're the size of a average human)
Ok now Imagine this—
Whale shark! Mer! Izuku x Pirate! Katsuki
Whale sharks are known to be the most largest sea creature in the ocean, imagine a mermaid twice that size LMAO.
Ok so whale sharks can be the size of a large koi fish when their babies so Izuku would look like an average baby mermaid, he sometimes get mistaken as a siren as a child. (Also a whale shark is very fitting for Izuku coz of— y'know, the dots on the whale sharks.)
Izuku likes to swim near boats as a kid.
Katsuki was born in the ocean, on the boat he was standing on coz both of his parents were pirates too (not mitsuki and masaru, I don't think they're good parents ngl.)
He also wants to be captain one day, leading the best ship and the best crew and all that jazz like his parents, like the legendary pirate who had crossed the 7 seas and lived, All Might.
He was kind of Isolated bcz they were always at sea but he was a pretty smart kid and his parent's crew were nice (ft. The whole UA staff coz why not—)
While Izuku's mom told him that he shouldn't ever go near a island coz Izuku's mom is really big and she could easily be spotted so they stayed in the deep waters. (Aka where the Illuminati thing kinda is, but we'll just call it the 7 seas mmk)
But Izuku is a very curious child, he follows is mother's rule ofc but she never told him to stay away from ships nearby.
So when he saw this really big ship, he was amazed by it. He followed the ship when they steered their sails for a few days, he's still close to his mama so it's ok.
Katsuki notices some kind of thing following their ship for the a while now, even as a child he's pretty sharp. So one night he decided to sneak out of his chambers to the edge of the boat to see if the thing is still there.
He looked down and saw a pair of green glowing eyes. He froze, he didn't what they were, they might be a siren from the books he had read but siren's eyes don't glow. And the creature hasn't even sung yet.
So he decided to approach it.
Izuku was surprised. He had seen this small blond human on the ship lot's of times during the day. He was small. Like him! He wondered if they would make good friends?
And when Katsuki finds out that Izuku was not a siren he was relieved,so when they started talking he was surprised of the amount of human words Izuku's knows (wonder who taught Izuku that—*cough* all might *cough*), but as much as Izuku's human speaking is pretty good it's not enough to make a conversation. So every night, Katsuki sneaks out and hangs with Izuku and taught him how to speak like a human and read human books.
4 weeks, nearing the end of the 7 seas after going around it (no one has ever gone through it without surviving, except all might)
Izuku had learned alot, he could read and speak human! Although not perfect but still can pass! But he's sad now coz he can't come with Katsuki, he had to stay close to his pod with his mom.
Katsuki was devastated when he heard this from his (one and only) fish crush friend, he promised that when he grows up, he'd be the best pirate of all time and he would be the next to cross the 7 seas without going around it and meet up with Deku (that was the closest thing Izuku could pronounce his name in human rather than mer tongue) and go on adventures with him.
Izuku, who cried, promise to stay in the 7 seas and wait for Kacchan (again, hard to pronounce words with Izuku's sharp teeth) to come back. So they pinky promised it and pulled each other close.
Nobody would believe a child when they say that they'd seen a mermaid every night while out in the 7 seas. No one would believe Katsuki when he'd say that he had his first kiss with a fish.
Katsuki became a really well known pirate in all the ocean. He became the new captain on his parent's ship and improved it. He found a good trusting crew who were very skilled at what they do. (Ft. The whole class 1-A with Shinsou coz why not)
He'd found lot's of treasure and gave it to the poor people on islands. Fought a couple of high ranked bad villains of the sea. To the kingdom's rules around, he was a pirate. But to everyone, he was a hero.
So when the time came, he kind of forgotten his promise to Izuku and thought of those times with Izuku were very wistful dreams.
When his ship came close to the 7seas he decided to go through it like all might and to be the best. Ofc the crew was anxious but they trusted their captain.
But when they reached the one half of it, there were really big waves, everyone panicked. Trying to turn around. Katsuki held the steering wheel tight, trying to turn the ship around. Everyone was running around doing whatever they can to make the sails go to the opposite direction.
Then suddenly.
There was a huge spash.
And a very big shadow wad towering down ship.
Everyone slowly looked up and saw.
The most biggest person (?) They had ever seen.
It had dark-green hair with very round equally green eyes, lot's of freckles spreading on it's upper body, and it had a mouth with very sharp teeth.
A mouth that was smiling.
Like and Angel.
Katsuki became breathless.
The creature looked so familiar, just like—
The creature laughed, eyes twinkled with excitement, it swam really fast to somewhere fast and flipped himself like a dolphin. the pirates looked at him in awe.
"Kacchan! Kacchan came back!" The creature swam back to it's original position near the ship and grabbed Katsuki by the back hem of his shirt, lifting him up the ship.
There were surprised and panicked sounds coming from the crew but Katsuki held his hands up, signaling to stop. Never looking away from Izuku.
Izuku placed Katsuki into one of his very large hands and held him up to his face. Katsuki reached out his arms and touched Izuku's nose.
"you... Fucking dumbass,... How did you get so big?!?" Katsuki exclaimed with pretend anger, not that it was convincing, his face had a smile threatening to break, he slapped Izuku's nose with not force.
Izuku giggled and kissed Katsuki all over his face. (Which. His lips are already all over Katsuki's face LMAO)
"I missed you Kacchan." Izuku smiled, "I love you."
Katsuki blushed and grumbled. Forcefully grabbing what he can on Izuku's cheeks and kissed him on the nose, muttering "I love you too..."
The crew from below the ship were confused, awe and low-key scared by this.
"Uh." Denki said dumbly.
Kirishima whistled "wow. Who knew Bakugro had a lover."
"Hah, a fish none the less too, no judgement though." Kyouka snorted.
"well I think they look cute together!" Ochako exclaimed.
"maybe this is why Bakugou wanted to cross the 7 seas? To see his one true love once again~." Sero said, while still looking at the huge ass fish carrying their captain.
"Uh." Kaminari said dumbly. Again.
Aojxnsjfkekc it's really late and my brain made it look like a fanfic ckenfjkkfv hshshshs hope you like?? It?? Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes! I'm really tired haha. Hope you like this weird ass Au I made.
sdjakjdhas this is such a cute and creative au??? i love whale sharks so much also, so izuku in this au makes me extra happy 😊!
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kewltie · 4 years
Bitesize #3
"Did you proposed to me because you wanted to or," Izuku smiles crookedly, "was it just another attempt to get back at Shouto?"
"We're already married," Katsuki scoffs. "There's no point in questioning it now."
"I see." His smile strains against the stiffness of his chest.
"Fix it or you're fire," Katsuki growls.
Izuku barely even react. "As per my employee contract and lengthy therapist bill, you can only use that threat on me nine times per week and you just hit your quota this morning, sir," he says, staring at him in blatant insubordination.
"Nii-chan," Izuku says, reaching for him.
Katsuki catches his wrist before it could touch him. "Don't," he snarls, fingers pressing down hard on his skin. "I'm not your fucking brother. Remember that." And abruptly lets go, but the place where Katsuki's touch still burns.
Bakugou Katsuki is made of sharp edges and tight corners, an uncharted landscape that Izuku could easily get lost in, spending years trekking across mountainous terrains, turbulent rivers, and coarse sands all in hope to map the undiscovered heartbeat of this impossible man.
"What's his name?"
Kaminari coughs into his hand. "Kacchan," he says.
Izuku blinks. "He named his cat after himself?"
Kirishima nods eagerly. "Doesn't this cat look like Katsuki?"
Izuku stares at the cat practically vibrating with murderous intent as he hisses at them. "Ah."
"Why not?"
"I'm not taking you to an alpha clubhouse." Katsuki sneers. "I know some dumbass is going to offend you and as your spouse I'll have to duel them to defend your honor." T
here must be something wrong with Izuku because he's suddenly delighted by that prospect.
"Done with your tantrum yet, princess?" Katsuki says, giving her an unimpressed look.
She stomps her foot. "No!"
"So you don't want to hold my hand then?"
Kasumi glowers at him with wet eyes and a sulky pout before snatching his hand in a tight grip. "Mine," she asserts.
"Boy, you must be suicidal to be eyeing one of my prize omegas," Chisaki says as Izuku stiffen in his arms.
Katsuki remains where he is, head bent and knees on the ground. The picture is all wrong but then he looks up, eyes alight and there's not a trace of submission in them.
"I just touched his fucking hand!" Katsuki snarls.
Nonplussed, Aizawa gives him a flat stare. "If you'd gone to the Xau debriefing you would know that's the equivalent of copping a feel for them," he says. "And you practically rubbed down their precious Prince Izuku in public."
"I'll write no love songs," Katsuki croons into the mic, voice low and achingly raw in all its intensity as his eyes gaze out into crowd, "but all my songs belong to you."
In a sea of thousands screaming fans, Izuku feels keenly seen by those piercing eyes and haunting words.
In the ruins of the villain's base, all that remain are the familiar but weathered face of Katsuki's own staring right at him and the broken bodies around him.
"If you can't take good care of him," the man tells him, cradling Izuku's unconscious form in his arms, "then I will."
"Kacchan, I'll be with you all the way," the ghost of Izuku whispers in his ear, wrapping Katsuki up in his warmth undying presence. "Let's win this." Together in life and death, never apart.
Orange electricity cackles around him as Katsuki gives a feral grin toward the villain.
"If you excuse me, my lord," he says, moving to leave but a hand abruptly clamps down on his wrist.
"Izuku, please," Shouto begs. "I miss you."
Caught by his own traitorous heart, Izuku stops. "I—" he starts, but then he hears: "Get your fucking hand off my husband, bastard!"
As Izuku starts to disrobe his ceremonial dress, the Wolf God lowers his massive canine head to glare at him. "What are you doing?!"
He blinks. "Preparing to consummate our marriage."
"I don't fuck humans," the Wolf God growls.
"Oh," he says, trying not to be disappointed.
"One billion yen," he says. "Three hundred first and you'll get the rest of it once the baby is safely delivered and hand it over to me."
"Bakugou-san, do you think my silence and child will be that cheap?" Izuku asks, his words as cold as the scathing heat of Katsuki's own.
"You want me to, um," the rest of his sentence trails off.
Shouto and Katsuki shares a glance, it's so soft and intimate that Izuku has to look away for a moment. "Be our omega surrogate," Shouto finishes for him. "We don't want to entrust this responsibility to anyone but you."
Katsuki wakes up that morning alone; the left side of the bed had long gone empty and cold. A note is left in the place where Izuku once slept. He picks it up, catches sight of the sorry written in the familiar loop of Izuku's handwriting and immediately crumbles it in his hand.
Izuku is eleven years old when he first placed his hand in his betrothed's grip as they swear their vow in front of the gods. He bites back his tears with a wavering faith.
"Don't cry," Katsuki orders, a child himself. "You're mine now and I'll take good care of what is mine."
"Surrender," Katsuki demands.
Five years ago their situation was reversed; Katsuki was the one in chains and his kingdom usurped. Now with Izuku's world crumbling down and his heart splayed open at Katsuki's feet, he says mirthlessly, "If you wanted me, you could have just ask."
Kota knows of the legend of the pirate Zero, how once he was stranded at sea for a hundred days and thrive. Now as a mer drags the captain above the wave, suddenly it all made sense to Kota. Zero had given his heart to the sea and the sea blessed him with one of her own children.
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Reminder that I posted the last chapter of my story and this 78k HP AU baby is officially complete!
Feel free to read if it you like wizards, mermaids, trans Bakugou and mer Kirishima, and kiribaku (obviously). And also what it feels like to be a kid, because I apparently did that well
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hotpotatopotat · 4 months
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"Field Trip" (1/1)
Deku and Bakugou mer take all the mer babies to the tide pools! Deku is teaching Peaku how to swim and Bakumer is...hanging in there...
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Loving Through Gills
Loving Through Gills by The Fence Around A Cemetery
Kirishima never grew up with much, but, one day, he decided to dye his hair red and leave town to pursue better opportunities... ones that he never found until he got a job at Plus Ultra Bar. The job itself wasn't much, just slinging around could smelling drinks at metal and rock junkies, listening to the live music the locals brought in, and doing his best to stop fights from happening. It was barely enough to keep paying rent for his shitty apartment, but it was the start he was looking for. Eventually, it even turned into home, with regulars who knew his name and a few people who didn't quite belong stumbling in. Then, somehow, Kirishima went from being a poor bartender to having some of the richest friends he knew and even owning one of the world's most expensive pets. However with the hole in his already soft heart, can he keep from falling in love with this fish boy?
Words: 1311, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Yaoyorozu Momo, Jirou Kyouka, Bakugou Katsuki, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki
Relationships: Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo
Additional Tags: no beta we die like men, Mer Midoriya, quirkless au, Aged up characters, Rich Kids Adopt Poor Kirishima, Ashido is in a band, Jirou is in a band, not together unfortunately but they are both in bands, Bartnender Kirishima, Bar Manager Sero, I'm sorry for doing Tetsu dirty but I couldn't think of anyone else, Past Break Ups, References Of Cheating, Sugar Mommy Yaoyorozu, Sugar Baby Jirou, References of mer abuse, References of mer hunting, References of mer fight rings, none of these are explicitly shown, but they are mentioned, Mer owner Kirishima, Wary Midoriya, Game Designer Kaminari, Past KiriTetsu
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25344712
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ao3feed-kirideku · 4 years
by The_Fence_Around_A_Cemetery
Kirishima never grew up with much, but, one day, he decided to dye his hair red and leave town to pursue better opportunities... ones that he never found until he got a job at Plus Ultra Bar. The job itself wasn't much, just slinging around could smelling drinks at metal and rock junkies, listening to the live music the locals brought in, and doing his best to stop fights from happening. It was barely enough to keep paying rent for his shitty apartment, but it was the start he was looking for. Eventually, it even turned into home, with regulars who knew his name and a few people who didn't quite belong stumbling in. Then, somehow, Kirishima went from being a poor bartender to having some of the richest friends he knew and even owning one of the world's most expensive pets. However with the hole in his already soft heart, can he keep from falling in love with this fish boy?
Words: 1311, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Yaoyorozu Momo, Jirou Kyouka, Bakugou Katsuki, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki
Relationships: Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo
Additional Tags: no beta we die like men, Mer Midoriya, quirkless au, Aged up characters, Rich Kids Adopt Poor Kirishima, Ashido is in a band, Jirou is in a band, not together unfortunately but they are both in bands, Bartnender Kirishima, Bar Manager Sero, I'm sorry for doing Tetsu dirty but I couldn't think of anyone else, Past Break Ups, References Of Cheating, Sugar Mommy Yaoyorozu, Sugar Baby Jirou, References of mer abuse, References of mer hunting, References of mer fight rings, none of these are explicitly shown, but they are mentioned, Mer owner Kirishima, Wary Midoriya, Game Designer Kaminari, Past KiriTetsu
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Hello Halo hello! I saw an ask once, and it had a link to like the merfolk birthing system and such but when I clicked the link it took me to a blog called the thetrashyartwitch but I didn't see any post with your art or things just pictures of places? did you delete the art of little baby mer!Bakugou or did I go to the wrong blog???
Thetrashyartwitch is my old blog name that I changed to thetrashywritingwitch. Any URLs with the old blog name lead you nowhere because technically that blog doesnt exist anymore
I dont think I ever made a post on uh merfolk birthing lol but yeah youd have to search through my archive and find the baby Merbaku post here because I definitely didnt delete it!
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 4 years
Loving Through Gills
Loving Through Gills by The Fence Around A Cemetery
Kirishima never grew up with much, but, one day, he decided to dye his hair red and leave town to pursue better opportunities... ones that he never found until he got a job at Plus Ultra Bar. The job itself wasn't much, just slinging around could smelling drinks at metal and rock junkies, listening to the live music the locals brought in, and doing his best to stop fights from happening. It was barely enough to keep paying rent for his shitty apartment, but it was the start he was looking for. Eventually, it even turned into home, with regulars who knew his name and a few people who didn't quite belong stumbling in. Then, somehow, Kirishima went from being a poor bartender to having some of the richest friends he knew and even owning one of the world's most expensive pets. However with the hole in his already soft heart, can he keep from falling in love with this fish boy?
Words: 1311, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Yaoyorozu Momo, Jirou Kyouka, Bakugou Katsuki, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki
Relationships: Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo
Additional Tags: no beta we die like men, Mer Midoriya, quirkless au, Aged up characters, Rich Kids Adopt Poor Kirishima, Ashido is in a band, Jirou is in a band, not together unfortunately but they are both in bands, Bartnender Kirishima, Bar Manager Sero, I'm sorry for doing Tetsu dirty but I couldn't think of anyone else, Past Break Ups, References Of Cheating, Sugar Mommy Yaoyorozu, Sugar Baby Jirou, References of mer abuse, References of mer hunting, References of mer fight rings, none of these are explicitly shown, but they are mentioned, Mer owner Kirishima, Wary Midoriya, Game Designer Kaminari, Past KiriTetsu
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25344712
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bakugou-tm · 5 years
The Chosen Ch. 3 - Atlantia
Pirate Bakugou x Mermaid Reader Fic
Ground Zero and his Crew are introduced to the underwater world of Atlantia and its rare creatures. Though they seem to be fascinated by the new land, the mer-people seem to be unsure of how they feel about the natives, especially your father. Will the princess be able to connect the two parties for the sake of the world?
Soooo it’s been quite awhile but I’ve finally caught up! It’s come to my attention that I deleted all my drafts so this will be fun trying to catch up but I’ll try my best to work it out! This chapter is kinda just a filler to give more context and info before juicy shizz happens. Thanks for being so supportive and patient with me, hope you guys enjoy!
“I know you’re fucking lying,” The ash blond captain spat as he glared down to your annoyed expression, “Kissing a mermaid to breath underwater is a damn myth from the fairytales.”
“Who cares?! I’ll kiss her for fun!” Kaminari exclaimed with a grin as he began to kneel down to you eagerly before Kirishima held his arm out to block him.
Here you were thinking these humans would be eager, grateful to be able to explore the underwater world yet the stubborn captain thought you were ‘trying to trick them’ Looking up to the fiesty boy with a sharp glare you folded your arms.
“You asked what you could do for help and I’m telling you,” You snapped, jerking your head away from his gaze and to the water, “Time is running out to stop this evil and if you’re too big of a baby to kiss a mermaid then help me back to the water now so I can fix this myself.”
The five looked down to you with stunned eyes from your sudden outburst, each looking to their captain with expectant eyes while he glared down to your form.
“Bakugou, I know this all seems weird but based off of how cautious she was with us before, I doubt she’s leading us into a death trap,” Kirishima said as he placed his hand on his captain’s shoulder, “If anything, she’s probably scared to even let us visit her home. Besides, she can’t be that eager to kiss all of us, especially sparky over here.”
Kaminari’s blank expression turned to one of disgust as he whipped his head over to them, “Heyyy, I heard that!”
Watching as the small crew began to bicker amongst themselves you let out a long groan, beginning to rethink how good of an idea this was.
Admittedly you did need help, and for some reason you just felt connected to these people. A deep feeling in your gut just told you that you could trust them, but then again you knew not to just trust anyone.
Letting out an annoyed huff you began to snap your fingers up to the five, silencing most of them as they looked back down to you, “So are you going to let me kiss you guys or can I be on my way?”
With each looking to each other once more, Kirishima finally decided to speak up as he offered out a hand.
“I’ll help you princess! Just tell me what I need to do and I’ll do it!”
Blinking for a moment at his sudden kindness, your lips slowly curved into a smile as you accepted his hand, “Thank you ah.. what is your name again?”
“Kirishima! Pink haired lass is Mina, flirty boy is Kaminari, dark haired guy is Sero, and Mr. Grumpy Pants over there is Bakugou.”
Giggling slightly at his nicknames for a few of his friends, you smiled up to them all except for the few that were now glaring at the redhead.
“Well Kirishima, you can start off by calling me (L/n),” You said with a smile before pointing over to the water, “Next I’m going to need someone to carry me to the water so it’ll be easier to get to you all.”
Immediately Kirishima and Kaminari went by your side, each taking one of your arms before lifting you up off the ground and dragging you towards the water.
“Wait wait wait, can someone grab my tail it’s very sensitive.” You said wincing slightly as the smooth scales dragged against the rugged sand.
The feeling of calloused hands lifting your backside up made a small sigh of relief escape your lips before a matching scowl came along with the help.
“So damn needy..”
Narrowing your eyes, you waited until the three of them reached the water before letting your tail slap against the ash blond’s chest causing him to growl down to you as a grin peaked across your features.
The feeling of the cool water incasing your body felt miraculous, a soft hum escaping your lips before you looked up expectantly to the five pirates.
“Alright who’s first?”
Almost before you could even finish your sentence, Kaminari had already shoved Kirishima out of the way to get close to your face with a goofy grin.
Shaking your head with a grin, you placed a soft kiss on the boy’s lips before shoving his head under the water before he tried to get any deeper with the kiss. Mina was next to bounce in front of you, a grin on her features.
“Will my hair stay dry when I come above water like yours does?” Mina asked with a grin, only for it to droop when you shook your head.
Placing a quick kiss on her lips you chuckled at her pouting features, “Mermaids only.”
Soon Sero came to receive his kiss, then Kirishima, until all that was left was the scowling captain.
“I don’t know why you seem so annoyed, you certainly didn’t have that disdainful look when you were centimeters away from my face before.”
Bakugou’s eyes widened a bit before a growl escaped his lips as he lowered in the water, “That was fucking different! I was just looking at your weird ass features!”
Rolling your eyes you placed a warm kiss on his lips, leaving him no warning as the two of you collided causing him to jump in surprise. Pulling away slightly so your faces were still close you grinned slightly, patting his cheek teasingly.
“You know you’re actually pretty cute when you look all flustered, if only your ears weren’t so hideous.”
The captain’s face began to heat up even more out of embarrassment and anger as a string of curses escaped your lips when you both headed under the water.
But his angry rant soon came to a stop when he was met with his crew swimming around in the water like a bunch of eager dolphins.
“Cap’n look! We can breath like we’re above water!” Sero yelled while tackling Kaminari, sending both of them flipping through the water.
Bakugou’s own eyes widened when he realized he too could breath underwater, instead of water seeping through his mouth it was as if he was breathing normal air. 
Watching the five pirates adjust to this new world, you giggled quietly to yourself at their different reactions. While Bakugou just floated in place trying to process it all, the rest of his crew were having the time of their lives chasing each other around.
“I told you I wasn’t lying Captain Grumpy Pants,” You said with a grin before waving the rest of his crew over, “Now let’s all head to Atlantia before sundown, my father gets rather cranky if I’m late for supper.”
Bakugou scowled at the sound of Kirishima’s nickname on your lip, muttering how he should be referred to as ‘Captain Zero’ and how his crew had no respect for him.
Deciding to ignore the captain’s sputtering, you grabbed his large hand with question before dragging him to the others.
“Everyone hold on to someone’s hand, I will lead you all down so it’ll be quicker than you all trying to swim against the current.”
Though Bakugou growled as you assumed you could hold his hand, he kept his hand in your grasp while snatching Kirishima’s hand in his other until you were all linked up together. Making sure they were ready, you turned back forward and began to whip your tail leading you all down into the depths of the sea.
As the lights to your underwater kingdom began to grow closer, it was clear when the pirates behind you took notice by the ‘ooo’s and ahh’s’ they were making from behind you.
The five had never seen anything like it. Tall pillars wrapped around the outer edge of the small town that led up to a large gleaming castle. Tons of mer people and aquatic life swam below, everyone seeming strangely optimistic. The strangest part was that the kingdom looked exactly like it did in the story books.
“Princes- I..I mean (L/n), this place is amazing!” Kirishima exclaimed with a grin as his red eyes flicked across every building below them, “I’ve never seen so many people in one area, it looks like mermaid heaven!”
“Hell yeah it is..” Kaminari muttered, drooling at a few of the female mermaids swimming below them only for Mina to slap him upside the head.
Seeing all of their reactions was well worth it, a small chuckle escaping your lips before you swam forward toward the gleaming castle you called home.
“If you think this is cool, you should see the castle.” You said, waving down to a few of the mermaids as they watched the six of you swim by with aw-struck faces.
Bakugou’s red eyes observed as the mer people below them watched them swim by as if they just saw a pig fly, his glare settling on them before he looked back to the mermaid dragging them along.
“Why the fuck are they looking at us like we have two heads?”
Blinking for a moment you looked down before nodding your head in understanding, “Atlantia hasn’t had humans visit in decades, but that is about to change soon.”
The hearing of that made the five pirates feel a bit unsettled, realizing they may not be welcome to this hidden kingdom.
Swimming onward with a determined look in your eyes, you were surprised to see your friends from before all talking outside of the castle gates.
“Naomi! Alana! Jack!”
The three heads whipped back to the sound of your voice as you swam down to them with a smile. Naomi let out a loud cry as she swam over to you and englufed you in a big hug, squeezing you to death as her voice began to whimper.
“(L/n)! I thought we lost you and we would never see you again, then the kingdom would crumble.. and your father!”
Your blond haired friend placed a hand on Naomi’s shoulder to calm her down before looking to you with a concerned expression, “I think we’re all curious as to how you escaped alive.”
Laughing softly you hugged both of your friends back before swimming back and getting ready to gesture towards the five humans behind you until the sound of Jack’s battle cry filled the water, all of your heads whipping to see the crazy male pouncing on Kaminari.
“Humans! They must have brain washed (L/n) we must knock them out before they poison the rest of us!”
With wide eyes you quickly swam to your friend, tugging him off the poor blond pirate before swimming in front of the pirates defensively. Seeing as both groups were on the defensive now, you had to clear this up before it was too late.
“Hey hey hey, Jack calm down. I’m not brainwashed I promise,” You said calmly, holding your hand out to keep him back before slowly gesturing to the uneasy humans, “They all saved me from the Vanguard, I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for them.”
Both your friends and the pirates looked to each other with untrusting eyes, each of them looking each other up and down before Alana spoke up.
“And why did you bring them here?” 
“They are also foes to the Vanguard,” You explained, telling your friends how they’ve been going at it with them for as long as you had, “After speaking with them, I just know they’ll be of great use to taking them down and ridding all evil from the world for good.”
Your friends all looked to each other, seeming a bit more relaxed about the humans than before until Naomi’s eyes widened.
“Wait a second, you’re not saying you are going to bring them to your father do you? He’ll kill you!”
Shrugging your shoulders you crossed your arms stubbornly and began to swim forward, “It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, besides I think if I explain my plan to my father he might actually say yes!”
“And how do you think you’re gonna get these humans past Mar-”
“(L/n) (F/n)!”
Jumping slightly you narrowed your eyes to clearly see your caretaker swimming towards you with worry written all over her expression.
Ever since you were a little girl your caretaker Margot had always been watching you closely, a bit of a worry machine and making sure you stayed out of trouble. Of course you didn’t make her job easier by being quiet the adventurous type, so whenever you would disappear like this she would go ballistic.
“Speak of the devil..” You mumbled, swimming towards the large woman as she gripped you by the shoulders, her eyes checking over your face to see any damage.
“My gods (L/n) you gave me a heart attack! Your friends told me you went up to the shore and those nasty pirates were there!” Are you hurt? Where did they attack you?” The old woman cried, lifting your arms up to check for any wounds before analyzing your tail, “Do you know what would’ve happened if your father found out- good heavens!”
Your caretaker suddenly stopped her mouth dropping as she shakily pointed to the five pirates still floating behind you with confused expressions.
“P..Pirates! How on earth did those no good scallywags get down here!” Margot cried, pushing you behind her with narrowed eyes as she glared the humans up and down.
“Miss Margot relax!” You said, placing your hand on her shoulders while giving your new friends a reassuring look to calm them down, “They saved my life and offered me help, so I am going to take them to father.”
The old woman suddenly gasped, dramatically fainting backwards to which Alana caught her, “You’re taking them to King Adamaris? Dear he will fry you into a fish dinner if you do that!”
Narrowing your eyes you let out an annoyed sigh before grabbing Bakugou’s hand once more, dragging the pirates down the large halls of the castle and toward your father’s throne room, “That’s a risk I’m willing to take for the greater good of the world Margot.”
The sound of Margot calling after you and your friends trying to coax her only pushed you forward, knowing you couldn’t be stopped, not when you were so close to the solution. Swimming towards the large gold doors you stopped and spun around to the five pirates, just realizing how chaotic and confusing this all must have been.
“Wait out here while I warm my father up, when I’m ready I will call for you all.” You said with a smile, getting ready to leave before you felt a familiar calloused hand grab your shoulder.
“Are you sure we should be doing this shitty girl?” Bakugou questioned, for once his orbs holding some sort of concern as he peaked his head in the room before looking back to you, “This doesn’t sound very safe.”
Smiling softly you moved away from his grasp, giving them all a reassuring nod, “It’s just my father, he would never hurt me. Margot is just a bit over the top, allow me to speak with him before you come in alright?”
Bakugou looked your form up and down, nothing about this felt right. But then again, he was floating in an underwater castle filled with mer people with a supposed princess swimming before him. So far trust is what got him here, so he reluctantly decided that trusting in this girl would get him out.
Though he couldn’t understand what it was, he felt this strong urge to believe in her, as if fate knew they would come together one day. Whatever the feeling was it was powerful enough to turn the boy’s confusion into annoyance. He hated feeling so unsure of something, and this was no difference.
“Whatever just hurry the fuck up, the ticking clock of evil waits for no human or fish.”
Puffing your lip out you rolled your eyes before nodding to the two guards before the glimmering doors to the throne room, both large doors slowly opening to present yourself.
Without surprise, you saw your father sitting firmly at his throne. Every time you saw him there he was in the same position, his aura giving off undying power. To you you saw his power as simply admirable due to him being your father, but to anyone else his powerful energy would give off intimidating vibes.
Nodding to the kind guards beside you, you swam down the long rows of pillars before bowing before your father. You couldn’t help but giggle as the king’s skittish courtier bowed before you before swimming by your side.
“M..My Lord, I present to you your lovely daughter, Princess (L/n) (F/n).” The frail man stuttered out, expectantly waiting for the king’s reaction.
Your father looked the two of you up and down, one of his thick eyebrows raising in suspicion before he let out a deep and hearty laugh causing a warm smile to spread to your lips while a small sigh escaped the courtier’s mouth.
“Of course I know my own daughter Charles, you do truly humor me sometimes,” The King boomed with a large grin before looking down to his daughter, “What brings you here my dear? Dinner isn’t for another thirty minutes you know.”
Offering a warm smile you swam up to your father, offering a warm hug to his side before resting your head on the side of the throne,
“Oh why do you always assume I need something of you? Can a daughter not show her love and appreciation to her kind and giving father?”
The strong man looked at your through your floating locks with a suspicious glint in his eyes as if he were trying to read your expression.
“Now I know there’s something that you want my little flounder, you never suck up this hard to your old man.”
Cracking a grin you both bursted into laughter before you swam up and sat down on the thick ledge of his chair looking at him with honest eyes, “Well you see.. it’s a bit of a long story but I promise you my plan is worth it-”
Just as you were about to begin your prepped talk, the sound of a knock against the large doors caused the two of you to look up to the doors that slowly began to be pushed open before the familiar group of five humans fell/floated down to the floor.
“You fucking idiot I told you not to lean to hard on the door!”
“I just was trying to see through the cracks! The mean mermaid guards wouldn’t let us in and I’ve always wanted to see a King Mermaid!”
“Would both of you just shut up!”
The sight of the five humans had your mouth agape as you mentally and physically face palmed, your face reddening as you realized the mess you were in now. You felt your father’s hand clench beneath your hold as he swam up from his throne, his hand gripped firmly around his staff.
“What are these heathens doing in my castle? How did they get past security, who let them in?”
Your (e/c) eyes widened at the sight of his trident glowing a bright yellow, that never meant anything good. Taking action quickly, you swam before the five clumsy pirates that were struggling to get up let alone run away.
“Father wait do not strike the humans!” You shouted, floating right in front of his line of fire to defend the five humans. Your father looked at you with wide confused yet enraged eyes as you defended the pirates behind you, his expression looking for an explanation as to why you were defending them.
Looking down at your fingers you rubbed your thumbs around slowly before looking up at your father through your eyelashes bashfully, “I..I brought them here.”
Suddenly the King’s trident stop glowing yellow but that didn’t stop the rage that grew across his face, “You brought them here? (L/n) what on earth were you thinking?! Do you realize these heathens brought the death of your mother!”
“No father they didn’t kill mom, the spirits from the underworld did!” You argued, immediately regretting it as his eyes grew wider with anger.
“Who do you think inspired those wicked creatures down here? Those humans had no good in their souls so they selfishly sent them down for us to deal with, they are traitors to the kingdom and must be destroyed or banished!”
As you saw his trident begin to light up again you heard the pirates behind you mutter half in fear and anger. Looking between the two you held your hand up to both parties and let out a shout to stop them.
“Father just wait a moment let me explain!” You exclaimed with a pleading look in your eyes, “These humans saved my life, the Vanguard attacked our cove again and if it weren’t for them not only would my friends be dead but I would be to!”
The King’s grip on his trident faltered, though his face still held anger it began to share a look of surprise as he looked to the defensive humans behind you.
“For this I hold gratitude, but this still gives me no explanation as to why you brought them here, for all I know they could have tricked you to bringing them down here so they could steal our fortune or tell others how to find us.”
Though you knew your father had a good point, you knew if you convinced him calmly he may understand, “Your point is valid father, I too was a bit worried at first but just believe me! I..I just have this gut feeling that I was meant to come across them, and I know the prophecy says..”
Your father let out a low groan as he covered his eyes in his palm, “Not this damned prophecy again..”
Clenching your fists you ignored his groan and puffed your chest out confidently, “The prophecy says that when the darkness arrives the god’s will send help my way, and together we will stop the force for good! Remember father!”
“And you’re claiming that pirates are the ‘help’ the gods are sending you? Gods (L/n) how can you be so naive?”
Blinking back in offense you bit your lip and folded your arms, “I am not naive father I am right! For years you have held me back from my destiny for what? I’m not going to stand by and let the world crumble because you’re holding me back!”
This must have set off the final string of patience in the King, his broad body swimming up from his throne once again as he looked down to you with a stern look in his eye, “I have been holding you back because I refuse to lose you like I lost your mother, she too rambled on about these crazy prophecies and look where that led her!”
“But father-”
“She’s dead!” Your father screamed causing you to jump back as your entire body froze, “She’s dead now and I refuse to let the same happen to you! You always get ahead of yourself like this without thinking rationally only so you can be put in the same spot as your mother. Now for the last time I said no!”
The loud boom of your father sent a wave of energy around the room, everyone stumbling back a bit in the water but you only remained their frozen, not from fear, but from shock.
These truly were your father’s true colors, after all the two of you had been through he still didn’t trust you. Biting your lip you blinked rapidly to hold back the tears from forming in your eyes before spun around quickly, shoving past the pirates who offered to speak up as you swam out of the room.
The King let out a sigh, watching his stubborn daughter swim away. His once angry aura died down into one of sadness. He hated yelling at you like this, it only left him feeling more empty and guilty than he had before. He just.. he couldn’t lose you like he lost his one true love, no matter what the damned gods said.
Looking back over to the pirates awkwardly standing before the King he let out a sigh, flopping back into his throne as he rubbed his temples.
“Get out of my sight humans and never return to my kingdom again, next time I won’t be so gracious to let you live.”
And without a word or doubt, the pirates swam away to leave the King to wallow in his sadness.
You weren’t sure how you ended up on one of the sea gardens on the edge of a cliff, you supposed this is where you always went to seek asylum to yourself.
Never would you understand why your father acted like this, surely he loved your mother right? How could he love her if he didn’t even trust her?
All your life you endured the proper training, educating, anything and everything you needed to know to be ready to fulfill your prophecy yet he held back, for what?
Gritting your teeth you ripped out more seagrass from the ground throwing it out in front of you before letting out a frustrated growl. Why was nothing fair for you?
Upon your small violent fit to the poor grass you hadn’t noticed the five pirates swimming up behind you.
The pirates weren’t sure how to quite comfort you, after all it wasn’t quite an ideal situation for them either to watch a father and daughter have such a violent fight. Out of the five, they decided to sacrifice Kirishima to comfort you, after all he was the best at it.
Swimming up slowly he awkwardly kicked at the grass before sitting beside you, “Hey (L/n), how are you holding up?”
Blinking for a moment you looked up at him, quickly wiping at your puffy face as you didn’t expect him to appear out of no where like that.
“O..Oh sorry about that, yes I am doing alright. Just.. frustrated is all.”
You turned your head back to see the rest of the pirates with pity on their faces except for the ash blond one, his face looked rather concentrated which you supposed was better than his usual scowl.
“You know it’s no big deal (L/n), I used to fight with my parents all the time!” Mina said in an attempt to cheer you up as the four swam in front of you and Kirishima.
Kaminari laughed at this and nodded his head, “Oh yeah we all did, how do you think we ended up becoming pirates? You think our parents sent us to pirate school in hopes this would be our future?”
“We chose our own future because we knew what our own happiness was.” Sero explained with a soft smile.
Looking to them with incredulous eyes you nodded, “You all are so brave and bold...”
“What we’re basically fucking saying is you should join us.” Bakugou blurted out, causing all of you to gaze over to him. 
The sudden attention to him made the scowl return to his face as he rolled his eyes, “Not join us as in join the crew you dumbass, I mean let us take you to do your hero bullshit like the prophecy said so you can prove your shitty father wrong.”
Blinking you looked down to your hands in thought, disobey your father and leave? Could you do that even with your deep desire to help others? You knew how dependent he was on you, would he be able to hold up while you were gone?
“I..I don’t know guys...” You mumbled in an unsure tone before looking up to them, “As much as I know I need to do this, this place is all I’ve ever known..”
“Which is exactly why you need to go with them (L/n).”
The sound of a new voice behind you made you all jump, your eyes widening as you saw your caretaker before you along with your friends, her eyes surprisingly soft and sincere as she looked down to you.
“M..Margot? You really think I should go?” You questioned as you floated up from your spot on the ground.
Margot looked down, you could tell there were a few doubts in her mind but reluctantly she looked up to you as she grabbed your cheeks.
“Though it’s not something I wish for you to do, I know it’s what your meant to do,” She said as her thumbs rubbed across your soft skin, “I was very close with your mother, especially when she spoke about these dreams... I knew what she was saying was the truth because she had living proof from the gods, that living proof was you.
Your father was and always will be scared of you leaving because you are his lifeline to your mother, but with this in mind you must pursue your mother’s wish and the god’s plan for you young (L/n).”
With your mouth agape you couldn’t help the tears streaming down your cheeks at the remembrance of your mom.
Smiling softly, Margot pulled you into a tight hug as you nuzzled into her form, “Your mother would be so proud of you (L/n) (F/n), we knew for a long time this day would come, the day you go off to save the world just like you were born to do.”
Pulling away you wiped away at your cheeks, smiling down to her softly before looking back to your friends, “A..Are you guys sure you can handle it down here without me?”
Though your friends looked sad, they forced a happy facade for your own sake. 
“Pfft, we got it all covered down here shark bait, go save the world!” Namoi said with a hug as she roughed up your hair causing you to giggle.
“But please don’t die, because we would all be really sad if you did.” Jack said cautiously causing you to blink in surprise at his bluntness.
“Buuut you won’t because you’re the most badass princess out there and we trust you,” Alana said with a grin as she shoved Jack to the side playfully, “Now go kick some bad guy butt with those pirates!”
“And don’t have too much fun with them, they look awfully fine to be dirty old pirates.” Naomi said with a wink causing you to burst into laughter as you shoved her arm. 
“T..Thank you guys, I can’t begin to explain how grateful I am that you all support me.” You said with a warm smile.
Margot smiled as she brought the four of you together in her arms, “You can make it up to us by saving the world, now go follow your destiny.”
Looking down to them you nodded confidently with a proud smile before swimming over to the group of pirates waiting for you.
A chorus of goodbyes were heard from behind you as you swam away with the new group of heroes you had met, though you had never felt more scared in your life, you had never felt more confident in your life.
Everything about this felt right, and you knew it must be done.
You were the prophecy, these new faces were your new team, and together you were going to save the world.
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