#balder and dash
tillman · 9 months
I think finally for yhe first time in years a new fandom tag is being added to my meager blocked tags list.
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ripflemeth · 8 months
People who don’t tag every single post they make pertaining to new media with an easily blockable tag for that media should really change their habits.
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skelleste · 3 months
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Mumbo, Jumbo, Balder, and Dash for an art trade with @chalkrub. I had someone else glaze the drawing for me so uh ignore the artifacts.
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trainwreckgenerator · 3 months
scrolling thru my dash crying pathetically & then i saw your comic & that you've started t & i'm still crying but some of these tears are happy ones for you & me & every trans masc in existence we are all getting balder together
<3<3<3<3<3 everything is hard right now but sometimes the world is a beautiful and naked place
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pikapeppa · 9 months
Omg omg I started playing Balder Gate recently too and I’m loving it!
Now, no pressure or anything but I’m very excited at the prospect of you - deffs my face fix author - to possibly start adding to the BG3 fandom! (Fingers crossed but I know I can’t force true art lol)
I know it’s early days but are you leaning towards anyone in particular yet? Wish we could romance characters in Horizon like we can in BG 😂
Hahahah I love the enthusiasm here, I'm so glad you're enjoying it too!! I had several friends in August who were clamouring for me to play it, so I got it as soon as it came out on PS5, and within days I was clamouring at even more friends to play it, so it's been a hilarious pay-it-forward situation 😂❤ Also, my dash is literally 50% Baldur's Gate posts that I'm filtering so I don't get spoiled and I can't wait to see all the art and memes everyone has been making LOL.
I too am hoping to write fic for the game!!! The world is so rich and THE COMPANIONS ARE SO SO FUN. As much as I adore the GAIA Gang, I've REALLY MISSED having companions who can actually travel with you and express opinions during quests and who can also have actual interactions between themselves that we can witness on-screen. It's filling in the Dragon Age-shaped hole in my heart so good 😭❤
As for romancing: SPOILER ALERT but since you asked😂😂 I'm currently fucking Astarion casually (HE'S SUCH A SHITHEAD [AFFECTIONATE]) but my end goal is to romance Halsin. HE'S AN 8-FOOT-TALL WALL OF GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS MAN AND I CAN'T WAIT TO CLIMB HIM. I have fondly labelled him as Bearfucker Halsin because of this infamous scene from the early release, which my friend showed me before I started playing the game or knew who anyone was, and when he appeared in my game I was like SDJKFGHDLFKGJH IT'S BEARFUCKER 😂😂😂
ANYWAY, that's all I'll say about it for now!! Thanks for the ask!! BUT ALSO PLEASE NO ONE SAY ANYTHING SPOILERY IN THE COMMENTS OR ANYTHING OR I WILL DIE. 😂👹🔥
-- love from your friendly neighbourhood Pika! xoxo
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cloud-shaped-duck · 9 months
Going batshit crazy over Balder’s Gate 3
My dreams of romancing Astarion were very quickly dashed by the fact that I have to be mean
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tomb-mold · 9 months
every balder gate post on my dash is like eric and grunkletresh the unkind definitely fucked
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siena-sevenwits · 1 year
The Sea King's Burial
by Charles Mackay (1814-1889)
My strength is failing fast    (Said the sea-king to his men). I shall never sail the seas    Like a conqueror again, But while yet a drop remains Of the life-blood in my veins Raise, oh, raise me from my bed, Put the crown upon my head, Put my good sword in my hand, And so lead me to the strand,    Where my ship at anchor rides       Steadily; If I cannot end my life In the crimsoned battle-strife    Let me die as I have lived,       On the sea.
They have raised King Balder up,    Put his crown upon his head ; They have sheathed his limbs in mail    And the purple o'er him spread; And, amid the greeting rude Of a gathering multitude, Borne him slowly to the shore, All the energy of yore From his dim eyes flashing forth, Old sea-lion of the North,    As he looked upon his ship       Riding free, And on his forehead pale Felt the cold, refreshing gale,    And heard the welcome sound       Of the sea.
They have borne him to the ship    With a slow and solemn tread; They have placed him on the deck    With his crown upon his head, Where he sat as on a throne; And have left him there alone, With his anchor ready weighed, And his snowy sails displayed To the favouring wind, once more Blowing freshly from the shore,    And have bidden him farewell       Tenderly Saying: "King of mighty men, We shall meet thee yet again    In Valhalla, with the monarchs       Of the sea."
Underneath him in the hold    They had placed the lighted brand; And the fire was burning slow    As the vessel from the land, Like a stag-hound from the slips, Darted forth from out the ships. There was music in her sail As it swelled before the gale, And a dashing at her prow As it cleft the waves below,    And the good ship sped along,       Scudding free; As on many a battle morn In her time she had been borne    To struggle and to conquer       On the sea.
And the king with sudden strength    Started up and paced the deck, With his good sword for his staff    And his robe around his neck. Once alone he raised his hand To the people on the land ; And with shout and joyous cry Once again they made reply, Till the loud, exulting cheer Sounded faintly on his ear;    For the gale was o'er him blowing       Fresh and free; And ere yet an hour had passed He was driven before the blast,    And a storm was on his path,       On the sea.
So blow, ye tempests, blow,    And my spirit shall not quail; I have fought with many a foe,    I have weathered many a gale; And in this hour of death, Ere I yield my fleeting breath, Ere the fire now burning slow Shall come rushing from below, And this worn and wasted frame Be devoted to the flame,    I will raise my voice in triumph,       Singing free ; To the great All-Father's home I am driving through the foam,    I am sailing to Valhalla       O'er the sea.
So blow, ye stormy winds,    And ye flames, ascend on high! In easy, idle bed    Let the slave and coward die! But give me the driving keel, Clang of shields and flashing steel, Or my foot on foreign ground, With my enemies around! Happy, happy, thus I'd yield, On the deck or in the field,    My last breath, shouting On       To victory. But since this has been denied They shall say that I have died    Without flinching, like a monarch       Of the sea.
And Balder spoke no more,    And no sound escaped his lip; And he looked, yet scarcely saw    The destruction of his ship, Nor the fleet sparks mounting high, Nor the glare upon the sky; Scarcely heard the billows dash, Nor the burning timber crash; Scarcely felt the scorching heat That was gathering at his feet,    Nor the fierce flames mounting o'er him       Greedily, But the life was in him yet, And the courage to forget    All his pain in his triumph       On the sea.
Once alone a cry arose,    Half of anguish, half of pride, As he sprang upon his feet,    With the flames on every side. "I am coming! " said the king, "Where the swords and bucklers ring, Where the warrior lives again, Where the souls of mighty men And the weary find repose, And the red wine ever flows,    I am coming, great -All-Father,       Unto thee! Unto Odin, unto Thor, And the strong, true hearts of yore:    I am coming to Valhalla       O'er the sea."
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leeholtwrites · 2 months
I love how all the men companions in Balders Gate 3 are wispy intellectuals or dashing rogues, and the women are blunt force on legs.
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wolffoxnation2 · 4 months
Alright I have finished Magnus Chase and the Sword of Summer!
Here are my thoughts for a few pages i have dog-eared and since i value my phone storage I'm just gonna quote them instead of pics.
Page 214
Harald sniffed the coin. Its gold surface glowed so warmly it seemed to be on fire. You have giantish blood, girl? (Samirah) I can see it in your eyes."
[Samirah:] "That's also none of your concern."
(assuming he's referring to Loki being a Jötun)
Oooh, so Rick is gonna address the different species of gods' thing this time around? I wonder if Loki's kids would have special powers or something being half Jötun?
Personally I'm gonna headcanon regardless if it's never brought up again.
Page 226—227
[Samirah:]"We may all die," She muttered, "but this will definitely get Ran's attention".
[Magnus:] "Why?" I asked. "What is that thing?"
Our catch broke the surface and opened its eyes.
"Meet my older brother," Sam said, "the World Serpent".
Chapter 33: Sam's Brother Wakes Up Kinda Cranky
Squeeeee! there's my boy—snake! Jörmungandr!
I guessed a little while before this that they were gonna catch him but shrugged it off. So i was very happy when my boy chomped on that cow head.
Also is it just me or does anyone else get really happy when the demigods refer to their godly/monster sibling as brother or sister?
Like yes! That giant snake boy is your big bro! You share a dad! (or if you're going by the Loki ate a giantess's heart and gave birth to the monster three myth, then parent)
Page 237
"In other words, you don't know." the goddess (Ran) arched her eyebrows at Sam. "And you, daughter of Loki, why are you siding with the gods of Asgard? Your father is no friend of theirs— not anymore."
"I'm not my father," Sam said. "I'm a— I was a Valkyrie."
"Ah yes. The girl who dreamed of flying. But the Thanes of Valhalla expelled you. Why do you still try to earn their favour? You dont need them to fly. You know very well that with your father's blood—"
That not anymore part in reference to Loki upsets me and puts me even more on Loki's side.
*looks at Loki and his children's treatment* I could not guess why he's not your guys' friend anymore! Even though you:
Tied up his (first) wife (not Sigyn the other one) and kidnapped his children in the night
Chained one of his kids (Fenris), threw one into Helheim (Hel) and threw the other into the ocean.
Turned one of his other kids with his 2nd wife into a wolf that then dismembered the other child.
Shoot the now wolf kid and used the dead kid and the wolf kid's guts to chain Loki to a rock.
Have a snake drip ACID onto his face while chaining him to the aforementioned rock.
There's probably more but thats all i can think of at the top of my head.
Also the shapeshifting teasing.
Page 331
[Magnus:] "Why are you showing me this?' I asked"
[Loki:] "Because I like you, Magnus. You've got a sense of humour. You've got zing. So rare in a demigod! Even rarer among the einherjar. I'm glad my daughter found you."
[Magnus:] "Samirah...that's how she can turn into a horsefly. She's a shape-shifter like you."
[Loki:] "Oh, she's Daddy's girl, all right. She doesn't like to admit it, but she's inherited a lot of things from me: my abilities, my dashing good looks, my keen intellect. She can spot talent, too. After all, she chose you, my friend."
I clutched my stomach. 'I don't feel so good.
[Loki:] 'Duh! You're on the verge of death. Personally, I hope you wake up, because if you kick the bucket now your death will be meaningless and nothing you've done will matter.'
LOKIIIIII! My baby boi, girl, sometimes horse! Why do I find it adorable that he calls Samirah daddy's girl?
Also the way he compliments himself lol
Page 334 and a bit of 335
You know how to ruin conversation" Loki said "I killed Balder, the god of light—the handsome perfect, incredibly annoying son of Odin and Frigg." He stepped towards me and poked my chest, emphasizing each word "And-I'd-do-it-again".
In the back of my brain, my common sense yelled, DROP IT! But, as you have probably figured out by now, I don't listen to my common sense much.
"Why did you kill him?"
Loki barked a laugh. His breath smelled of almonds, like cyanide. 'Did I mention he was annoying? Frigg was worried about him. The poor baby had been having bad dreams about his own doom. Welcome to reality, Balder! We all have bad dreams. But Frigg couldn't stand the idea that her precious angel might bruise his little foot. She exacted promises from everything in creation that nothing would hurt her beautiful son- people, gods, trees, rocks...Can you imagine exacting a promise from a rock? Frigg managed it. Afterwards, the gods had a party to celebrate. They started throwing things at Balder just for laughs. Arrows, swords, boulders, each other nothing would hurt him. It was as if the idiot was surrounded by a force field...Well I'm sorry. The thought of Mr Perfect also being Mr Invulnerable made me sick.
I blinked, trying to get the sting out of my eyes. Loki's voice was so full of hatred it seemed to make the air burn.
"You found a way to kill him."
"Mistletoe!" Loki's smile brightened. Can you imagine? Frigg forgot one tiny little plant. I fashioned a dart from the stuff, gave it to Balder's blind brother, a god named Hod didn't want him to miss the fun of chucking deadly objects at Balder, so i guided Hod's hand and...well, Frigg's worst fears came true. Balder deserved it.
"For being too handsome and popular"
"For being loved."
"Ill-do-it-again" Honestly real of him.
And like tbh Balder had it fucking coming. Like from what I can recall no one else besides Frigg and Loki knew of the mistletoe weakness. So all it would have taken for some dumbass to accidentally throw the mistletoe and killed him. It just happened to be Loki and he was doing it maliciously (or in my eyes, for vengeance).
Also why is the All part of "we all have bad dreams" Italicized? Loki what kind of dreams are you having? You okay?
I dont think its intentional but the way Magnus goes:
"you killed him for being loved?"
And Loki responding "Exactly!" makes it sound like Loki was jealous lmao.
Someone get my dude some therapy, i don't think he gets enough love.
Page 335, my favourite part
"Oh please" Loki stepped back, examining me with a look of disappointment, this only a matter of degree. So I killed a god. Big deal! He went to Helheim and became an honoured guest in my daughter's palace. And my punishment? You want to know. My punishment?"
"You were tied on a stone slab," I said, 'With poison from a snake dripping on your face. I know."
"Do you?" Loki pulled back his cuffs, showing me the raw scars on his wrists. "The gods were not content to punish me with eternal torture. They took out their wrath upon my two favourite sons - Vali and Narvi. They turned Vali into a wolf and watched with amusement while he disembowelled his brother Narvi. Then they shot and gutted the wolf. The gods took my innocent sons' own entrails... Loki's voice cracked with grief. "Well, Magnus Chase, let's just say I was not bound with ropes."
Something in my chest curled up and died - possibly my hope that there was any kind of justice in the universe. "Gods."
Loki nodded. "Yes Magnus. The gods. Think about that when you meet Thor."
Also one of the main reason why i am on Loki's side.
Like go on, tell me how thats justice. Tell me how the dude that got their first three children taken and thrown away or chained then got their two new sons get brutally murdered and then chained with the entrails of said two sons is the bad guy here?
And the fact that it specifically says 'cracked with grief'
As in he actually cares about his kids—well at least his sons.
Rick don't fuck this up for us, please don't make him an irredeemable monster next book.
Also the fact that he says the gods watched in amusement implies that he witnessed this...they made him watch...his innocent sons get murdered and gutted. (I am not even going to think about that Sigyn also likely saw too)
....holy fuck...
...how? How are we rooting for these guys to be saved?
This is why we need a Son of Loki! Luke AU and several one-shots revolving around Loki as a parent in general.
Hel even Magnus goes WTF.
Alright this is getting too long ill make a second part later
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skincareroutine · 5 months
balders gate needs bombs n guns all in saying nuf of this move and dash bs wheres my ak
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strykingback · 6 months
Note- This is just a drabble that takes place during Phase Two of the Rescue Mission. Anyone participating may feel free to have their muses react to whats happening through dash commentary, but cannot reply.
OST: Arrival of Rescue
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"Corvette Runners one, two and three. You guys are cleared to land over." Ace would say over the comms. "Copy that, Liberation. Thanks for the escort." the lead Corvette runner would say with all three rescue ships landing on the snowy land of Balders Island along with the Liberation.
"Eros. Just made it back with the Corvette Runners how about you guys?"
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"We're just entering the base now. Thankfully it seems that all seems quiet on our end. Looks like the enemy must've retreated deeper into the base. Outside things look okay I would say keep watch for-. Wait hold on, something is entering Balders Islands airspace..?" Eros said.
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"Well... it seems that the Atlesian Military has decided to get themselves involved.... this time with their pride and joy of an airship. Putting it on screen now for you Ace." Guangxian would say over the comms with one of the outer cameras revealing the ship.
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"Thats the Ares. Atlas' pride and fucking joy of an dreadnaught class airship right there..... and if that is there then. FUCK ME! An enemy must've sent Atlas a serious distress signal! Guangxian what weapons onboard the Ares am I dealing with?"
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"Lots of railgun cannons, machine guns, missiles, and plenty more.... the only thing I can say to prevent any further damage and this one I would say is very serious coming from me. Only disable the weapons.... and dont destroy the whole ship. If that thing goes down then Atlas is going to lose the one warship that could easily repel a MASSIVE grimm horde." Guangxian said.
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"Well you heard the man, Ace! Thats your new orders. Get it done mate. Out." Eros would say ending the communications with Ace, while the pilot looked ahead of what was to come......
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"Glad I did record that final message video for you ma and sis....." Ace said smirking a bit, gripping the controls of the Liberation tightly. "Come on old friend...." he said with the mechs eyes flashing a bright green.
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Ace would shout, moving the Liberation to take to the skies and launch itself out into the air, the sky being the only limit. While his mind focused on what was to come....for the Atlesians they were unaware of what was heading their way.
OST: Liberated Pride.
Aboard the Ares the admiral looked at the sky ahead upon the bridge. "Sir, we should be nearing Balders Island soon....dont you think its weird for the Solitas Liberation PMC to be sending a distress signal about a massive Grimm Horde attacking them?" A captain asked the admiral while he turned around.
"Captain, there is nothing to fear. After all if it is a massive Grimm Horde then that is what the Ares is for. Plus should the time come it was built for such a thing to handle anyways." The Admiral responded, until a light beeping noise was heard.
"Sir! We have an enemy inbound... and its just one!?!" An operator of the bridge said.
"Put it on the screen now!!!" The Admiral barked quickly, with the operator putting the "enemy" on screen showing the Liberation flying directly at the Ares. "What?! Thats the Liberation!?! What would Brumel's own war machine be present here!?!" The admiral said listening to everyones shock and horror about the mech that left Atlas embarassed.
"Everyone cannons up! If anything its just a mere specter and after all.... things have changed and Atlas has advanced..... just like Brumel.....and if it is an enemy...... we shall shoot it down. Atlas Endures!!!!" The Admiral said with everyone rushing to their positions on the cannons ready for the fight that was to come.
"Vanguard at the ready! Backlines be sure to check our six in case of any enemy bogeys!" The captain of the Ares spoke while the Admiral looked ahead.
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"Alright, Liberation.... lets put on a show!!!!" He said moving the mech towards the approaching vanguard of Atlesian ships. Which he activated the twenty millimeter cannons aiming at the weapons and nothing else beginning to fire at them while air dashing left and right to avoid any enemy lasers and gun fire which would become disabled. As the first three airships were disabled.
"Sir! We lost all our weapons!!! Damn that thing is fast.... just what did Brumel upgrade this thing with!?!" A captain of the vanguard force said with shock with the admirals eyebrow furrowing because of it.
"Vanguard fall back! Everyone get those weapons ready and be prepared to knock that thing out of the air. Also if it does manage to knock out our weapons... lets let the Hero of Atlas take care of it...." he spoke crossing his arms.
Finally back with the Liberation, the mech would fire out another shot from its cannons striking the last of the weapons of the vanguard before flying towards the Ares. In which in response many many lasers, railgun cannons and missiles were being shot at the mech to try and knock it down. Some hits were grazes, and others were near hits..... for Ace he knew full-well that if one of those things managed to get to him.... it would be game over....
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"Come on! At least try and give me a damn challenge!!!" Ace would say moving the Liberation across the fight, pulling the controls down to fly the mech into the air while his teeth gritted.... trying to not let it get hit by any rail guns or grazes. With Ace pressing a few buttons quickly to change the cannons into missile launchers on the Liberations wrists.
Immediately Ace's semblance kicked in finding three weakspots..... as he had to fly the Liberation... INSIDE THE ARES. "Fuck.... of all places. I just need to disable those weapons and then everyone can be safe." Ace said to himself, but a little smirk came onto his face. However, how can one say he is ready to die without knowing that he is. Which he would fly the mech towards one of those weak points on the side while still being trailed by enemy fire until flying towards a door which Ace aimed both missiles at blowing it open and flying right in carefully.
"Sir!! The enemy has entered the drive block!!!!" An operator shouted.
"What!?! Activate the internal defenses! We cannot let that demon of hell destroy the drive block!!" The Admiral said with the automated defense systems inside the dreadnaughts driveblock firing at the Liberation, with the mech firing back at the defenses just to get to one of the weapon drives....
and lo and behold. One of the weapon drives were insight as Ace pressed the trigger on the joystick firing a missile at it, rendering the first weapon drive silent.
"Sir! we lost the starboard weapon drive!!!!"
"Impossible!!! And the internal defenses in the drive block!?!"
"Weakening sir! The Liberation is tearing us apart from the inside!!!!"
"S-Such a beast..... theres no choice. To kill a beast we need one of equal strength! Tell Colonel Cordovin to get the Prometheus ready to mobilize! We need her out there now!!!" The Admiral shouted immediately commanding to get Cordovin out there.
Next another two Weapon Drives were destroyed with Ace on the inside smiling as if he was enjoying this. Almost like he found the perfect piece ever.... even if it has a lot of strength on the inside there is always a weakness on the inside. "Stern and Portside weapon drives have been destroyed!!! We'll be sitting ducks if he goes after the bow weapon drive" An operator said.
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"There is no reason to fear. I shall deal with the threat myself... do tell me the vermins location. I know the pilot all too well..." Cordovin said on the operators comms.
"He's... headed back outside just a few minutes away from you Colonel...."
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"Good because rats like him.... deserve nothing more but punishment!!!!" Cordovin would say launching the Prometheus out from its hangar and towards Ace which the mech would boost from the tunnel and towards the outside sliding to a halt ready to blast off.
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"Good... all I now need to do is get back on ground. Even with the Bow Weapons still active they would not want to risk wanting to just launch any missiles at the Corvette Runners. But inside...the defenses were quite nothing. Lets get on out of here and get back." Ace said moving the Liberation as the engines were about to launch out until a laser swipe came out of the blue forcing Ace to pull the Liberation back.
"What the fu-!?!"
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"Captain Ace Hughes, You are not such a villain that I thought you would be.... nay. You are no more than a mutt to me!" Cordovin would say with the Prometheus landing her mech on the ground as it seemingly "glared" at it's opponent.
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"No, even further you are beneath me. just nothing more but vermin!" She would say with the visor coming down upon the Prometheus' "face" as she launched it at the Liberation.
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"FUCK YOU CORDOVIN!!!!!" Ace would roar in return as the Liberation launched itself at the Prometheus with both mechs swinging a punch at eachother as the force caused both mechs to launch backwards and onto the ground with both shooting at eachother causing significant damage to each other as Ace immediately moved the Liberations left arm more forward for the interchangeable cannon to change from its missile mode to its 20 mm cannon mode. Firing a shot at the Prometheus which Cordovin attempted to fly out of the way but was struck by it staggering the mech.
In which... as she hit her head against the console a slight trick of blood was coming down from her forehead. "What... no no... this is merely nothing to me!!!" She said, looking at her mechs camera visual to see the Liberation rushing in with Ace roaring from the speakers. "Out of my sight vermin!!!!" She said using her laser swiper to swing the Prometheus laser weapon in front of her as the effect took place causing the Liberation to lose its left arm and even staggering the once powerful Brumelian weapon.
"Fuck..... me...." Ace said with his helmet being cracked and if it was not for him putting the left arm of the Liberation up in time... the core/cockpit would have been badly damaged and he himself being wounded as well..... still he did do his best to minimize the damage....
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"So thats what you are huh!?! Some shit pilot who is just a relic of the past?!?! I bet you didnt even find a purpose to live yet haven't you?! Not happy with that position you were given despite all that boasting about wanting to be a general!?!?!" Ace shouted which for Cordovin she gritted her teeth at that insult.... being reminded of that damnable ceremony and how her pride soared.... but she had to kill to get to where she wanted to be...only to be shafted at the last second....
"You... dare! insult me for that you- Ack!!!!" She would shout feeling the force of the interchangeable mace striking the Prometheus which she attempted to counter it with a laser swipe but failed as the arm holding it was cut off from the extreme blunt force. With Ace moving the Liberation to charge in.....
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Ace would roar out.... but finally Cordovin could only remember her training being made fun of for her size, being shafted by the military she loved oh so-dearly, and that fool of a father... which on the back of the Pometheus something opened up as it flowed and hummed with energy. No... that was something else....which when Ace noticed it at the last second.... that was the power generator on the Prometheus..... was flowing with one thing....
Fusion Energy...
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Cordovin shouted with the assault pulse being released causing massive damage to both the Liberation and the Prometheus but also to both pilots inside their mechs... as inside both were showing signs of exhaustion.
Inside the Prometheus, Cordovins right eye was bloodshot, her body already being stabbed by some debris from both the Liberation and the Prometheus.... while blood rolled down her eye and head even more than ever....
Within the Liberation Ace's helmet was fully broken shards of glass pierced his skin and thankfully none hitting his eyes as he was stabbed by some debris and such with hints of light coming through from outside showing that the cockpit was damaged.
Finally both sides felt a hint of sweat hit the floors of their cockpits, with Cordovin being the first to make a move.
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"I AM ATLAS!!!!!!!!"
Cordovin would scream at the top of her lungs with everyone on board the bridge being shocked what they had just heard from her..... how hard she worked fro them.... and how she could easily steal the fire from someone and claim it as their own.
Which Ace moved the Liberation out of the way while he panted coughing up some blood. "Oi Liberation... give me everything right.... All of it.. I want to see our friends again and live...." He said gripping it tightly... while Cordovin was left astounded to hear Ace speaking to his own mech. Which she would smirk knowing he was about to die...
but inside the Liberations cockpit Ace hit a red button that said.
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The mechs eyes would change from its greenish color to a deep red... flashing at Cordovin, causing her to visibly flinch at the sight with her panting becoming uneven.... and her hands trembling...
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"LETS END THIS, LIBERATION!!!!!!" Ace roared out with the whirring of both fusion reactors inside reaching its limits as Ace was being exposed to the radioactive particles...as the Liberation would get in a battle ready position releasing a howl that sounded like a beast.
That alone made Cordovin remember why she feared that mech and how it needed to be slaughtered here... which finally... both mechs moved at the same time.. with the Prometheus throwing away its weapon and grabbing the laser swipe weapon... and with the Liberations remaining arm opening up something as its hand would sink back....
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Both roared in unison as with the Laser swipe being released once the distance was closed Ace would move the Liberation out of the way despite the damage to the face and cockpit the Fusion Lance would launch and make contact with a furious explosion sending Cordovins mech flying back as she coughed up blood ..... "NO! NO! IMPOSSIBLE!!! I CANT LOSE!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAGHHHH!!!!" she would say with the core exploding..... as Cordovin was rendered silent.....
Ace would immediately do a vital scan as thankfully...... the core systems of the Prometheus acted quickly to ensure the safety of the pilot.... by injecting her with some nanites to help stabilize her... courtesy of Brumel. He would finally pant as he pressed the button deactivating the Hellhound of Liberation mode before coughing and vomiting for a bit.. a side effect of being exposed to the Democritus Particles.. even if it was for a moment.....
"Lets... get out of here...." He would say flying the Liberation out of the area and past the now damaged Ares and its Vanguard despite not killing anyone. "Admiral.. the Liberation is retreating should we-"
"No. Send out a medical crew to receive our traitor..... and a report to General Ironwood. Turn the ship around we are returning to Atlas." He said..
Back with Ace he looked out at the sky.... with the Liberation slowly making its descent to the Island where the Corvette runners were....."Aaaah.... I wonder... if mom and sis... are cooking..." He said to himself fainting as the Liberation landed... before falling to the floor its eyes flashing down while medical crews worked to get Ace out of there.....
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luxroyalty · 9 months
Stop!! Putting balder’s gate 3 on my dash! I’m still trying to finish dragon age inquisition from 2014! And the witcher 3! Why are games so long and so good!!!
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bjdavis5 · 1 year
Bayonetta 3 rewrite #3 Egyptian balder
(Keep in mind I don't know how accurate a pharaoh would look he would also have feathers on it for summoning) after the war that wiped out the lumen and umbra was balder crown king and bayonetta was crowned princess when the kingdoms merged. ( there a normal humans who are subjects of the Eclipsed kingdom.)
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This version of balder will find viola when she wakes up.
He and jeanne the arch adam and eve of this universe were challenged to fight singularity in the temple.
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On his way he see voila ( a person with strange taste in fashion) unconscious which makes him conflicted on wasting time sending her back to the others or leaving her for dead. Fortunately she wakes up.
He would tell her to go back in the opposite direction he came from but the mist blocks the way. Which forces him to take her with him for the rest of the level.
Now on to his gameplay I was thinking he would have a demon masquerade which would be called angel reformation.
He would have two weapons that have a angels packed attached to them.
Glory (claws )
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For anyone who's played bayonetta 1 and 2 know how to get their weapons from torture attacks.
No grace will not be a option due to the fire I have a different fire angel in mind.
Enchant (Chakrams)
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This fire angel weapon will be Chakrams
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Which can be good for slashing and range
And the transformation for this would be literally a wheel on fire which can help avoid or dash towards enemies.
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Now some may ask why not this one.
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This one has always gave me the vibe of him not caring about humans with lines like.
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And how he was willing to set vigrid on fire few it as a Necessary sacrifice for jubileus.
So I don't see (know there is only one version of haven and hell) why he help a alternatine version of balder with nothing to gain.
On a unrelated note I think if their was a French balder this would be his angel pack.
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He was riding on this before he found viola.
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sonofcoulson · 2 years
Tales of Asgard
Series 1, Episode 5
Sword of Surtur
Opens with Kára taking Sif around the training facilities at Kona Lifandi. She sees that Sif is still conflicted about joining the Valkyries and tries to convince her.
We then see Thor, Loki and the Warriors Three (Balder edition) arrive in Jotunheim where Surtur's sword (Elderstahl) is supposed to be buried.
Skidbladnir is dashed on the ice and they all just about manage to escape. Thor wonders why Loki is quite calm while the others are all freezing. Loki jokes that he is just tougher.
They disturb a nest of Frost Sprites and are swarmed for minute, but manage to flee. As they wander they begin to grow desperate and begin to give up hope in the quest and wonder if they'll get home. They daren't use the bifrost as that will alert the Jotuns to an Asgardian presence. Thor and Loki have a heart to heart, discussing the inheritance of the throne, how they love the story of how Odin (with his father and brothers and the armies of Asgard) defeated the Jotuns and what their peace deal meant for Algrim and his people. And the one where they defeated Surtur. That story, and Loki's prompting helps them find direction. They find the cavern where Elderstahl is said to be hidden but the ice breaks underneath them.
Meanwhile, in Asgard, the taverner has come to Odin for compensation for the damage to his bar. Odin scoffs and is about to get angry when the taverner shows him Thor's lost sword (see episode 4). Odin starts to realise what his sons are up to.
In the cavern, the adventurers come to. Loki has found the Sword of Surtur (Elderstahl). It is huge and embedded in the ice above them.
Hogun frees it with a throw of his mace. Thor takes it and it magically transforms to the right size for him. He unsheaths it and a great blast from it blows a hole in the cave roof. Loki is worried they will get caught with the weapon in Jotunheim. Thor says no one can stop them with it in their possession. The group are concerned about Thor's attitude. What they don't know is that the sword exerts a malevolent influence over the user, bringing out their worst qualities. In Thor's case, it is his bravado and the need to prove himself.
On leaving the cave, Thor reveals he plans to travel to Kona Lifandi and get winged horses. The group say the Valkyries will never help them. Thor says that Sif will.
Balder takes Fandral's cartoon dialogue here (implying that many Valkyries are his previous lovers) so we will need to see him womanising in previous episodes, whilst seeing that he is genuinely interested in Nanna.
We cut to a Frost Sprite making their way to King Laufey of Jotunheim. They whisper to him and give him a scrap of Hogun's coat. Laufey tells his scouts to follow the scent.
Thor, Loki and the Warriors Three (Balder edition) find their path out of Jotunheim blocked by two enormous frozen guards. Realising there is no other way and with Laufey's scouts visible, they try to sneak past the sentries.
When the pursuing group call out to the guards they break out of their icy slumber and attack. Loki is separated. In trying to defend his brother, Thor foolishly draws Elderstahl. Despite the legendary weapon, the guards continue to approach. Thor swings the weapon and blasts the sentries, destroying one of them and the pass. The other falls into the abyss.
Thor is horrified. This is his first kill, it was somewhat accidental and he underestimated the power of Surtur's sword. Also, it would never have happened if he hadn't gone on the quest in the first place. He is (metaphorically) frozen in place.
Loki is sympathetic but tells him they must all leave. He thinks they should use the Bifrost. Balder says that they shouldn't confirm their Asgardian heritage. Hogun believes that ship has sailed. Balder says they can't take that chance. They leave.
The Jotun scout captain has recognised Loki (Odin's runt). He orders his men to repair the bridge and muses that two others bore resemblance to Odin's sons. He swiftly returns to Laufey and tells him that Elderstahl has been found and that he believes the sons of Odin did it on account of recognising Odin's runt.
Laufey sighs and tells General Geirmarr to prepare to march on Asgard.
Mostly based on...
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waistcoatsandcidre · 7 months
I'm sorry to all my friends that follow me that I'm now that balders gate 3 girl on your dash
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