#bamf elia martell
let me wrap my teeth around the world (Rhaella gets a dragon)
Title is from "Eat Your Young" by Hozier. A dragon is born at Harrenhal, but it's not Rhaegar or Aerys.
Aka Rhaella Targaryen GETS A DRAGON!
At first, those that survive the blaze believe that the dragon hatched for the babe.
Of course, they say. Two royal lineages, began again. In fire and in blood.
Of course, Rhaella's half-mad husband says, our son is the Prince Who Was Promised. The product of our line. Our family might have perished, but he will bring us glory.
But Rhaella knows different.
The tiny creature is not born quite right. The tiny, silvered she-beast looks, for the most part, like the dragons of old. It has a mane of small spikes to its nape. It has two fully functional wings, guaranteed to grow wild and fierce. It has sharp claws and teeth and a snarl that even at its birth, no more than three feet in length, strikes fear in hearts.
But it is half-blind, one beady, black eye intelligent, one ice blue and clouded over. It is tarnished. It is defected.
It is not a mount for the prince that is promised. It is a dragon, a monster, made for a queen forced into her duty and broken by her brother husband.
And it is a gift like no other.
Nearly every member of the family has died at Summerhall, but she has secured the Targaryen family's might for generations, by birthing a babe and a beast in the same hour.
Balerion, her husband names the dragon, the Silver Dread. 
It evokes Targaryen might. It summons images of burnt fields and extinct houses and Valyrian apocalypse.
Bitterwing, Rhaella names it, something strange and ferocious rising in her chest. It is not a royal name, but she does not give a damn.
The little whelp is the first thing she can call her own, and Rhaella will cling tight to her scales.
She hands Rhaegar over to a wet nurse, but she visits Bitterwing as often as she can, whenever her husband is busy with his mistresses. He might fuck every flowered girl in King's Landing, but she doesn't care. She doesn't need his loyalty. In fact, she would love to see him never spend a night in her bed again.
Because these moments, these nights, with her dragon are hers.
Her officially sanctioned visits to the Dragonpit always include her son. She knows that Rhaegar visits the Dragonpit without her, accompanied by his monstrous father. Aerys sees the prophecies fulfilled in his son.
Bitterwing tolerates Rhaegar, because Rhaella holds some fondness for her son, but she holds none for her husband, and therefore does not constrain her dragon to politeness.
Her dragon can rage as she cannot, and it is considered natural. Dragon-like.
Dragons are monsters, she hears the servants whisper, and they're not entirely wrong.
Bitterwing is a monster, yes but she is such a beautiful one.
No matter how many times her husband summoned her to his bed, no matter how many times she emerges bruised and bloody and broken-boned, she is not bowed. She is not bent.
Because for the first time in her life, Rhaella cradles power. Not within her and her womb, but within her first friend. 
Rhaella lets out her first laugh since her wedding the first night that Bitterwing lets out a jet of flame. It stutters after seconds, and Bitterwing hiccups, and Rhaella can't help the giggle that emerges from her lips. Bitterwing's eyes glitter, something curving her snout. Rhaella reaches out and snuggles into Bitterwing's neck, Bitterwing's scales warm and smooth and comforting against her bruised cheek.
Bitterwing grows long and and sinuous, more serpentine than dragon-like, but she is graceful and loves Rhaella's hand against her snout and snaps at Aerys when he gets too close, and that is all Rhaella could wish for.
Years pass. Rhaella is raped into birthing her second son, and Aerys announces before the court that he will give up his mistresses for his Queen, and Rhaella cannot stand to be the only outlet of his bites and his bruises and his burns.
She is no warrior. She is no knight. Her arms are too thin and weak to wield a sword. She has been told she is too delicate to study tactics or ponder war.
But she is a survivor.
And she will be a dragonrider.
Rhaella steals down to the Dragon Pit and climbs Bitterwing's back for the first time. She is sore- she is always sore- but her legs clench around her dragon's back and the warmth soothes some of the ache away.
And Rhaella rides her best friend in this wretched world through the roof of the throne room.
Rhaella is not wearing armor, but Bitterwing dives in such a way that her armored belly takes the brunt of the damage. Rhaella ends up with some scrapes and a cut across her lower leg, but it is worth it for Bitterwing to land in front of the Iron Throne, Aerys ' head in her maw and his corpse beneath her legs.
They will call Rhaella the Kingslayer, the Kinslayer. Many will want to take her power from her. They will want to execute her for her crimes. They will want to rebel.
But everyone fears another Field of Fire, and so they will not.
She is a Targaryen. She is the only person in the world with a dragon. She will never have to lay beneath a man again if she does not want to.
She steps to the throne and sits herself upon it and for the first time in her entire life, she does not fear it.
Rhaegar is her heir, but he has no dragon. Not yet. And without a dragon or her abdication or her death, he cannot hope to be King.
Queen Rhaella, First of Her Name, Kingslayer, Kinslayer, Abomination, yes- but also Queen Rhaella the Just, Queen Rhaella the Breaker, and the only Rider of a dragon in the known world takes the throne and the crown of the Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm.
She declares crafty, clever Olenna Tyrell her hand of the queen, reaffirming the Riverlands' loyalty to the crown, and attends Council meetings with Bitterwing by her side until Bitterwing grows too large to fit into the castle. Then Rhaella moves the Council out into the courtyard, erecting a series of stone seats for the Council to meet under the watchful gaze of her beloved Bitterwing, her hand on Bitterwing's scales a constant reminder to the Council of her power.
She is the only one with a dragon. Thus, she is the only one with power, and it tastes oh so sweet.
She passes laws regarding the welfare of wives and the punishments upon men that dare to lay hands on their Brides. The realm thinks her delicate, unwilling to enforce her laws, but Bitterwing snaps her teeth and the Lord's head goes flying and none dare question Rhaella's iron grip on justice. She destroys male primogeniture in favor of the eldest child inheriting, as in Dorne.
And years later, she will take a queen consort. She has an heir and a spare; she has no need to marry a man that she has no desire for. She has no need to give some man the power of Targaryen kings. She will marry a widowed Meria Martell, who came on a visit in the name of her mother's Dayne house and her husband's Martell house. She is woman with a harsh face, all long lines against dark skin, but has a sparkle in her eye, a clever wit, and a quick laugh. She shrieks with joy the first time Rhaella takes her up on Bitterwing in a saddle crafted for two souls, a wedding gift from the leather workers of the North.
(Rhaella does not give a shit what the Faith says about homosexuality. The Stranger was the only one of them to ever treat her kindly, and she has no desire to embrace any of the others. There is already one Targaryen exception; let there be another until she can persuade the Council to expand the freedom to all.)
Meria leaves her sons in Dorne—heir Doran and the vivacious Oberon- but she brings young Elia with her to court, where she becomes one of Rhaella's ladies.
But in the meantime, Rhaella raises her unruly boys not to be violent, to insist on control, to understand gentleness. To be tender with their women while being stern enough to be fair and just leaders of the Seven Kingdoms. She slaps Viserys the first time he lays a hand on a woman in a way he shouldn't. She does it right in front of the court, and raises the baseborn girl, a bastard of her husband's, to one of her ladies. Ceryse and Elia get along like a house on fire, and it is to no one's surprise that Elia and Ceryse elope. It ends up a scandal that will be remembered for decades, the two of them disappearing off to Essos without a second glance, but Rhaella and Meria receive letters at least thrice a year updating them on the adventures of their daughters-turned-explorers, and they don't mind the mark on their legacy. Neither Ceryse nor Elia will ever die on the birthing bed nor under the hand of a man, only as a consequence of their own ventures, and that is the greatest fate they can ask for.
Rhaegar doesn't turn prophecy into madness. His mother has a dragon. He has no reason to go seeking for a way to save his house and his world. Rhaegar marries Robarra Baratheon, the closest cousin he has, while Viserys crowns Lyanna Stark the Queen of Love and Beauty at his brother's engagement tourney.
Meria suggests matching Cersei Lannister with Stannis Baratheon, an entreaty to Tywin Lannister to darken the gleam in his eye when he learned his daughter would be passed over for Princess of the Realm.
Neither Rhaegar nor Viserys hatch a dragon, but when Rhaegar and Robarra place one of Bitterwing's eggs in the cradle of their eldest daughter and heir, silver-curled Argella Targaryen, who has eyes as dark as ink, it hatches, a squat dark blue she-beast with a nasty snarl, guaranteed to be a mighty war beast. Robarra chooses Elenei, the storm goddess, as the name of her daughter's dragon.
Argella grows stubborn and quick with a sword and even quicker to learn. She is no delicate flower like her Targaryen grandmother; if she falls down, she bounces right back up. If she wasn't a Princess and the heir to the throne, Rhaella suspects she would spit on the ground.
And Argella and Elenei bond like none in modern history. While Bitterwing was as melancholy as her Queen at first, Elenei is a rambunctious dragon who loves to spin in the air, seemingly taking great joy from the shrieks of laughter and urging towards speed that her Princess desires.
Robarra births a son next, but he is not an heir; Argella will be the Iron Queen after Rhaegar. Rather, dark-haired and blue-eyed Jaehaerys is betrothed to Margaery Tyrell. He hatches no dragon, but does make a name for himself in tourneys. Some day, he will be the Prince of Dragonstone and sire heirs for House Tyrell; for now, he squires for his father, as his sister did before him.
Robarra's third child, golden-haired and sallow-faced Steffon, inherits his father's love for books, and becomes a maester. He is curious but lacks all Targaryen or Baratheon temper, and will do well integrating Rhaella's new laws into the beliefs of Oldtown.
A year after Jaehaerys's birth, Viserys and Lyanna's raven-haired, long-faced babe Lyarra hatches her own crimson-scaled beast. Night Breaker, they decide to name him.
Lyarra does not have her cousin's temper. But she does have a mind for tactics, for history, for politics and diplomacy that Argella's storm blood sometimes lacks. She and Steffon get along well, debating war tactics and history and politics in the solar. Someday, she will be her cousin's Hand. For now, she gets the best training in the world and embraces Night Breaker as her trusted mount for traveling the Realm, learning everything she can about the people.
Rhaella presides over all of her grandchildren, satisfaction burning in her chest at the knowledge that none of their mothers were pressed into the marriage bed unwillingly. She checks in with Robarra and Lyanna regularly, treats them as Princesses and ladies in her family. Family banquets are joyous affairs, full of boisterous laughter and japes and healthy debates and good-natured needling. Fear does not make itself any of her family’s bedfellow.
Meria holds Rhaella’s hand and kisses her cheek in front of the children and grandchildren and Rhaegar teases them for being too scandalously affectionate. Viserys rolls his eyes at his brother and japes that nothing a Targaryen does can be scandalous- they are the exception, not the rule. Viserys’ she-wolf wife flicks him on the upper arm, and Viserys offers her a chagrined smile.
And above it all, Rhaella smiles, unburdened by abuse and fear.
Rhaella is not Visenya or Aegon or Maegor. She does not know how to wield a sword, how to command an army. She is no warrior. She never becomes one. She never wanted power for its own sake; she wanted it to guarantee safety and happiness for herself and those she loves.
But she commands a dragon, and her family, and that will win her the Realm.
When the Others begin to rise in the north, the women of House Targaryen will be ready. Lyarra, Argella, and Rhaella will soar through the sky, the three violet-eyed heads of the dragon. Baratheon and Stark and Targaryen, Elenei and Night Breaker and Bitterwing. One silver, one blue, one red.
They will write songs about this battle. About the swinging of uncovered Valyrian steel, about the roar of dragonfire, about the Storm Queen, the Princess of Ice, and the Queen of Fire and Blood.
A song of ice and fire indeed.
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dracodazaii · 23 days
just wanted to say that i love the way your mind works, i read two one shots in one sitting😭💕
ahhh tysm!! ive been thinking of making some more one shots soon just need more inspo! plus focusing on my alicent fic and alevels is taking sm time loll
since ur a martell stan, if u have any ideas, ill deffo try to make them since i always need justice for elia and the bamf martells 😌
currently written a drabble of elia having a dress moment, ala alicents green dress and book nyra’s black dress dramatic scene, post lyanna being crowned, where she stays strong and claps back a lil at the nobles who dislike her dornish self ie cersei, and critiques lyanna a lil for being so glee about getting roses from Rhaegar, knowing shes a kid and has sympathy but still angered at her blissful “love”
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ao3feed-tywin · 10 months
A Northern Tale (Stark or Snow Rewrite)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/zbW9FIp
by Crlss
Robb Stark is the trueborn son and heir of Ned Stark and Catelyn Tully. Jon Snow is the bastard son of Ned Stark and Ashara Dayne. Same father, different mothers. Born only a week apart, the two brothers have been together ever since they were placed next to each other in the crib. They grew up together, played together, trained together, met all kinds of places and people together and now they shall fight together. When enemies from the south and east come to threaten all they have known and love, the brothers know it is their duty to answer back in kind. Join them in a story of hate, love, betrayal, life and death. Join them to live their adventures and misadventures in Westeros and Essos. Join them as they fight their way to protect those who they love. Come and join to hear their tale.
"Our enemies from the south have threatened everything that we have known and love, we must show them the consequences of what they've done. The last time House Stark was trifled with, a 300-year-old dynasty fell. Our father was a man of honor and mercy. I am not. What awaits them will make what happened to the Targaryens look like a mere slap in the wrist."
Words: 9099, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Ned Stark, Ashara Dayne, Jon Snow, Robb Stark, Catelyn Tully Stark, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Rickon Stark, Arthur Dayne, Lyanna Stark, Allyria Dayne, Tyrion Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, Aegon Targaryen (Son of Elia), Rhaella Targaryen (Daughter of Aegon), Viserys Targaryen, Barristan Selmy, Arianne Martell, Edric "Ned" Dayne, Jaime Lannister, Tywin Lannister
Relationships: Ashara Dayne/Ned Stark, Jon Snow/Val, Allyria Dayne/Jon Snow, Robb Stark/Margaery Tyrell, Catelyn Tully Stark/Ned Stark, Aegon Targaryen (Son of Elia)/Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow & Robb Stark
Additional Tags: N Plus A Equals J | Ashara Dayne and Ned Stark are Jon Snow's Parents, Jon Snow is a Stark, Jon and Robb are Best Friends, Ashara Dayne Lives, Arthur Dayne Lives, Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) Lives, Lyanna Stark Lives, BAMF Jon Snow, BAMF Robb Stark, Dark Jon Snow, Dark Robb Stark, Warg Jon Snow, Jon Snow Doesn't Join the Night's Watch, Cheating, I'll do my best to not turn this into a harem story, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, Not for Catelyn fans, Not bashing though, A character not being a saint is NOT bashing
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/zbW9FIp
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The Northern Prince and The Princess of Dragonstone
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/qSxcBGk
by DungeonsAndDAAAAAMN
Prince Rhaegar Targaryen wins his duel with Robert Baratheon, But the Battle of the Trident is so bloody that both sides camp together to heal the wounded, while the leaders discuss peace. Rumor reaches both Kings Landing and Casterly Rock that both Robert and Rhaegar are dead, and Tywin Lannister Marches his armies to the Capital. And while the greatest storm in living memory is raging in Blackwater bay a new princess is born on Dragonstone.
Words: 2107, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Rhaegar Targaryen, Ned Stark, Catelyn Tully Stark, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Jaime Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Robert Baratheon, Tyrion Lannister, Varys (A Song of Ice and Fire), Tywin Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Aerys II Targaryen
Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen, Catelyn Tully Stark/Ned Stark, Daenerys Targaryen/Margaery Tyrell, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth
Additional Tags: R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents, Dead Robert Baratheon, Rhaegar Targaryen Lives, King Rhaegar Targaryen, Ned Stark Steals Infant Jon Snow, Protective Ned Stark, Jon Snow is Not Called Aegon, Dragons, Eventual Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, BAMF Daenerys Targaryen, Sub Jon Snow, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Tournaments, Arranged Marriage, Past Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister, Jaime Lannister Redemption, Jaime Lannister Needs a Hug, Protective Jaime Lannister, Tywin Lannister Being Tywin Lannister, No White Walkers (A Song of Ice and Fire), Time Skips, Jon Snow is called Jaehaerys, Attempted Sexual Assault, Murder, Viserys Targaryen (Brother of Daenerys) Bashing, Abusive Viserys Targaryen (Brother of Daenerys), The Battle of the Trident, Tower of Joy (A Song of Ice and Fire), Valyrian Steel Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire), Valyrian Culture & Customs (A Song of Ice and Fire), Aunt/Nephew Incest, Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) Lives
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/qSxcBGk
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ao3feed-tywinxjoanna · 11 months
Winter Roses and White Wolves
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/XrfHkOV
by Lyntysm
The Rebellion is lost but not without heavy casualties on the Targaryen side. King Aerys II has been slain by Jaime Lannister. Prince Rhaegar has fallen at the Trident in combat against Robert Baratheon. The mountain also slew the prince’s firstborn son before being felled by Dornish soldiers coming to the aid of the new Queen Elia Targaryen nee Martell first of her name, Queen Regent of the seven Kingdoms. Lady Lyanna Targaryen nee Stark dies in childbirth in the broken tower with her brother Ned and the KIngsguards serving her by her side. She gives birth to Rhaegar’s son who is sent away to be fostered North with the starks.
The realm lives in relative peace with Queen Rhaella as Regent to Viserys III Targaryen until his untimely death a year before his coronation. Throwing the realm into a succession crisis.
Words: 1769, Chapters: 2/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Catelyn Tully Stark, Ned Stark, Ashara Dayne, Elia Martell, Viserys Targaryen (Brother of Daenerys), Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Robb Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Petyr Baelish, Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister
Relationships: Catelyn Tully Stark/Ned Stark, Joanna Lannister/Aerys II Targaryen, Joanna Lannister/Tywin Lannister, Ashara Dayne/Ned Stark, Stannis Baratheon/Cersei Lannister
Additional Tags: Elia Martell Lives, Queen Elia Martell, R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents, Jon Snow is a Targaryen, Jon Snow Knows Something, BAMF Sansa Stark, BAMF Ned Stark, Past Ashara Dayne/Ned Stark
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/XrfHkOV
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attonitos-gloria · 2 years
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA you are the worst. I love you though. I did NOT drink enough for this but here we go
Blorbo: tyrion obviously. Is he a murderer? Yes. Is he deeply problematic? Also yes. Would I die and kill for him? Without a second thought . Just cannot explain to you how much this fictional man MOVES MY INSIDES I actually cry for him. It's pathetic
Scrunkly: THE ONE AND ONLY SANSA STARK. the book version of Sansa. I WILL REGRE5 THIS IN THE MORNIGBA BECAHSE I'm drunk but I'm going to say this. I think Tumblr has ruined the experience of being a true Sansa Stan because of the show and because there's a lot of rhetoric around Sansa that feels like white feminism at its best and TERF philosophy at its worst. That being said: the thing I love about Sansa the most is how NORMAL she is. She is a little spoiled but kind, she can be cruel and clever, she has self steem issues, she trusts the wrong older men, she grew up being fed Disney romantic shit, she just wants to go home again. She's very relatable to me in the sense she is NOT a BAMF, might be one of the only POV women who are not an actual BAMF. And that is my favorite version of her. Just a girl going through massive trauma and trying to remain kind. Like same
Scrimblo bimblo: meera reed and elia Martell. will never shut up about meera reed and elia being the most important women in Westeros
Glup shitto (where did you get these nomenclature??? I love it): penny. But she's not obscure. In fact penny is a beam of light in my darkest nighr (am I doing this right?? J don't think i am.)
Poor little meow meow: OK, so. I think the most accurate answer to that would be tyrion again. But also, in a way, littlefinger? Because he [redacted] is simply and utterly pathetic and pitiful, and every time he appears I'm like "you poor, poor thing. Your end will be so gruesome." I find him fascinating!!! As a character!! Still want him to die though
Horse plinko: ..... Jon Snow. No I won't elaborate (but i hope it's obvious)
Eeby deeby: randyll tarly. He's a fascist like tywin, but dumb. Literally no narrative redemption for this man
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ao3feed-gendrya · 2 years
A Dragon born from Blood
read it on the AO3 at https://bit.ly/3fDdJKn
by TheDragonBornFromBlood
After being prophesied to bring about the death of his elder half-brother Aegon, Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne, Jon/Jaehaerys Targaryen is delegitimized and sentenced to join the Night's Watch by his father at the age of nine. He never arrives at Castle Black after the escort is slaughtered. The boy manages to escape the chaos and with a few others makes his way to Essos to avoid taking the black, not knowing the path that'd await him there would be even darker.
Words: 12952, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Jon Snow, Lyanna Stark, Ned Stark, Jaime Lannister, Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia), Arianne Martell, Val (ASoIaF), Elia Martell, Rhaegar Targaryen, Aegon Targaryen (Son of Elia), Visenya Targaryen (Daughter of Lyanna), Rhaella Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Viserys Targaryen, Gendry Waters, Daario Naharis, Catelyn Tully Stark, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Brienne of Tarth, Cersei Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Tywin Lannister, Oberyn Martell, Ashara Dayne, Original Characters
Relationships: Jon Snow/Lyanna Stark, Arianne Martell/Jon Snow/Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia)/Val, Arianne Martell/Jon Snow, Jon Snow/Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia), Jon Snow/Val, Elia Martell/Lyanna Stark, Elia Martell/Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, Catelyn Stark/Ned Stark, Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Arya Stark/Gendry Waters, Robb Stark/Jeyne Westerling
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Robert's Rebellion Fails | Rhaegar Targaryen Wins, R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents, Lyanna Stark Lives, Rhaegar Targaryen Lives, Aegon and Rhaenys Targaryen Live, Slave Jon Snow, Gladiator Jon Snow, Liberator Jon Snow, Emperor Jon Snow, Dark Jon Snow, BAMF Jon Snow, Brooding Jon Snow, Jon is abandoned by his family, Elements of "Spartacus: Blood and Sand" included in Jon's early storyline, Slave Uprising, Essos at War, Warg Jon Snow, Dragonlord Jon Snow, Dragons, Direwolves (A Song of Ice and Fire), Jon Hates His Family, But Things Will Change As The Story Progresses, Plenty Of Images and Gifs, Smut, Incest, Violence, Vengeance Will Be Inflicted, Westeros At War, Strategic Maps, Jon Snow is Azor Ahai, The Long Night
read it on the AO3 at https://bit.ly/3fDdJKn
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the-great-bbe · 4 years
My Top 5 Elia Martell Fancasts
1. Golshifteh Farahani (Iranian actress)
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This is the fancast I default to in all of my stories with Elia as a character. Golshifteh’s dark hooded eyes, olive skin, and regal bearing is how I imagine Elia to look like, especially in an AU where she survives after 283 AC and is either queen or queen mother. The movie Finding Altamaria has her dressed in historical clothing that make for perfect gifs and images for Elia fancasts!
This is the fancast I’m using for Elia in both Queen of the May and The Girl with Blood Moon Eyes
2. Rania Benchegra (Moroccan model)
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I feel this is a great fancast to use for Elia in an AU where she never marries Rhaegar. I believe that marrying Rhaegar directly led to her decline in health and eventual death (especially since the Targaryens at the time were either abusers or being abused), and if she were to marry someone else like Jaime Lannister or Baelor Hightower or the Sealord of Braavos or etc, perhaps she would’ve maintained a healthier vitality and energy.
This is the fancast I’m using for Elia in Worth Their Weight in Gold
3. Medalion Rahimi (Russian-Iranian actress)
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Usually people use this fancast for Elia’s daughter Rhaenys, and I don’t disagree that she’s a good fit for Rhaenys as well. But I feel that Medalion is perfect for a younger Elia in Sunspear and the Water Gardens, and during her pre-Harrenhal marriage to Rhaegar. Her role as Princess Isabella in Still Star-Crossed is a great source of gifs and images for court wear!
4. Sofia Boutella (Algerian-French actress)
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This is a great fancast for a BAMF!Elia fighting for her rights in an AU where either she’s been (unlawfully!) set aside by Rhaegar or been exiled after the Rebellion. I think sometimes we all forget that Elia was just 25-26 during the Rebellion and is far from being a solely mother-type figure. And as the sister to the Red Viper of Dorne and daughter of a Ruling Princess, I doubt she would go quietly into the good night with whatever fate foolish men would intend for her!
5. Azita Ghanizada (Afghani-American actress)
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I believe this is a great fancast for an Elia in a modern!AU who has divorced Rhaegar, took the kids and the house, and is now living her best life. This also works in general for an older Elia who has survived everything thrown at her and now she and her children and family are thriving. Azita came to the US as a political refugee, and her strength as a survivor and as an actress in Hollywood where MENA actors are rarely hired outside of “foreigner” roles shows in her smile and bearing; I feel this is the strength that Elia would have.
+1: Aishwarya Rai (Indian actress)
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I’ve seen quite a few fancasts of Aishwarya as Elia (and as Rhaenys), but I generally don’t use this fancast because she has lighter eyes and skin than I write Elia as having, and I generally like to use MENA and Latina fancasts whenever possible. However, Aishwarya is effortlessly graceful and is one of the most beautiful women in the world—and that is exactly the vibe for Elia that I love to see. So if you want an Elia that is adored and respected throughout Westeros, this could be the fancast you need.
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call-me-schmidt · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Myrcella Baratheon/Robb Stark, Myrcella Baratheon & Robb Stark, Myrcella Baratheon & Sansa Stark, Myrcella Baratheon & Tommen Baratheon, Joffrey Baratheon & Myrcella Baratheon, Joffrey Baratheon & Sansa Stark, Robb Stark & Sansa Stark, Grey Wind & Robb Stark, Sandor Clegane & Sansa Stark, Myrcella Baratheon & Sandor Clegane Characters: Myrcella Baratheon, Sandor Clegane, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Grey Wind (ASoIaF), Joffrey Baratheon, Tommen Baratheon (mentioned), Cersei Lannister (mentioned), Tyrion Lannister (mentioned), The Starks (mentioned), Elia Martell (mentioned), Rhaella Targaryen (mentioned, Aegon Targaryen (mentioned), Rhaenys Targaryen (mentioned) Additional Tags: Justice, Joffrey Baratheon is His Own Warning, Joffrey getting what he deserves, POV Myrcella Baratheon, BAMF Myrcella Baratheon, BAMF Robb Stark, BAMF Catelyn Tully Stark, even though she's only breifly mentioned, still bamf, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, the starks survive, The starks win, Angst with a Happy Ending, Myrcella gets the character development and growth she deserves, exploration of female characters in the world of GOT, Sexism getting it's ass kicked Series: Part 1 of A Song of Fuck You, Everyone Gets a Happy Ending Because I Said So Summary:
Myrcella was born to this world with no hope of surviving unscathed. Sister to Joffrey Baratheon lannister waters, she never even had a chance to try. But the wolves, they're pounding on the door, howling to be let in, and war is at the gates, the lion's den is crumbling around her, and Myrcella realizes that no one will protect girls like her.
Sansa is alone and no one will be there to protect her in time.
Myrcella finally becomes the lioness she always was meant to be, she pulls on her golden pelt and raises her sword, and gods be damned, her brother's reign of terror will end. Even if she must be the one to end it herself.
Also: In which Myrcella Baratheon is a girl hardened by the cruelty of men and the world, and finally decides that if no one will be her sheild then she'll arm herself and slit the throats of the little boys who try to lay their hands on her. A world where the Starks lose only their father instead of a war, the Frey's were taken care of before they became a problem, and Myrcella wasn't shipped off to Dorne and instead spent her time in King's Landing protecting Sansa Stark by all means necessary from the cruelty of her brother.
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sare11aa11eras · 5 years
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Art credit: @naomimakesart​ 
Name: Prince Oberyn Nymeros Martell 
Nicknames: the Red Viper, Dilf #1, Oberyn Viper, Red Viper, the snek
Hair: black with some silver streaks
Eyes: dark, piercing 
Height: Tall 
Weight: yummmm 
Age: 43 
Occupation: Professional Badass, Royal Slut, Snek
Skills: being a legit snacc, fathering daughters and never sons, being a BAMF, being a bicon, poisoning people, loving his siblings a whole bunch, being casually a genius, living and dying for vengeance, being a rogue, protecting his daughters, sleeping with pretty much anyone who will sleep with him, having a temper, letting his daughters do mostly whatever the fuck they want, being a sneaky boi, dying to further the plot of one of our white protagonists, being an icon, inspiring a FUCKTON of devotion from the Dornish smallfolk, being an absolute madlad, being really good at sex, killing people, and stealing the entire goddamn show. 
Parents: lol we don’t know. his mom was the princess tho. george give ppl names challenge 2k19
Sibling(s): Doran Martell, Elia Martell 
Paramour: Ellaria Sand 
Children: Obara Sand, Nymeria Sand, Tyene Sand, Sarella Sand, Elia Sand, Obella Sand, Dorea Sand, Loreza Sand (all illegitimate, last four all Ellaria’s kids) 
Status: DEAD (noooooooo dont die youre so sexy ahahaha) 
Prev: Asha // Stannis // Brienne // Joffrey // Arya // Cersei // Rhaegar // Jon // Sansa // Ned // Tywin // Robert 
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ao3feed-jonsa · 4 years
A Crown of Ice and Fire
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2xNaIoF
by Arthuria_PenDragon
In late 283 AC, Lyanna births twins at the Tower of Joy. To protect the infants from Robert’s wrath, Ned Stark decides to claim them as his bastards– Jon and Sansa Snow. Stannis takes a baby Daenerys from Dragonstone. To save her from death, Ned betroths her to his bastard, Jon. As Robert weds Cersei Lannister, the promise made to Lyanna echoes in Ned’s ears.
And so begins the Game of Thrones...
Words: 9185, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Jon Snow | Jaehaerys Targaryen, Sansa Stark | Sansa Snow | Alysanne Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Ned Stark, Catelyn Tully Stark, Benjen Stark, Arthur Dayne, Oswell Whent, Gerold Hightower, Cersei Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Tywin Lannister, Robert Baratheon, Jonelle Cerwyn, Alys Karstark, Rickard Karstark, Oberyn Martell, Doran Martell, Trystane Martell, Lynara Stark (OC)
Relationships: past Elia Martell/Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, Jon Snow/Sansa Stark/Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow & Sansa Stark & Daenerys Targaryen, Catelyn Stark/Ned Stark, Robert Baratheon/Cersei Lannister, Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister, Jonelle Cerwyn/Benjen Stark, past Ashara Dayne/Ned Stark, Robert Baratheon/Various, Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow/Sansa Stark, Sansa Stark/Daenerys Targaryen, Trystane Martell/Arya Stark, Alys Karstark/Robb Stark, Willas Tyrell/Original Female Character(s), Willas Tyrell/Lynara Stark (OC)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Twins, Twins, Jon Snow and Sansa Stark Are Siblings, Jon Snow and Sansa Stark Are Twins, R Plus L Equals J, Jon Snow is a Targaryen, Sansa Stark is a Targaryen, Sansa's Name is Alysanne, Jon Snow's Name is Jaehaerys, House Targaryen, House Stark, Targaryen Restoration, Targaryen Incest, Aunt/Nephew Incest, Twincest, High Valyrian (ASoIaF), Dragons, Dragon Riders, the dragon has three heads, BAMF Sansa Stark, BAMF Jon Snow, BAMF Daenerys Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen Is Not a Mad Queen, Daenerys Targaryen Deserves Better, Jon Snow Doesn't Join the Night's Watch, Jon Snow Deserves Better, Daenerys lives in Westeros, Polygamy, Threesome - F/F/M, Sansa is nice, Valyrian Gods, Valyrian Pantheon, Worldbuilding, Jon and Dany grow up together, Adultery, Secrets, Secret Identity, Long Lost/Secret Relatives, Secret Relationship, Arranged Marriage, Marriage of Convenience, Secret Marriage, Same-Sex Marriage, Loving Marriage, Blackfyre (Sword), Dark Sister (Sword), Ice (sword), Dawn (Sword), The North (ASOIAF), Strained Relationships, Married Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, later Married Jon Snow/Sansa Stark, Winterfell, Crypts of Winterfell, Sea Dragon Point (ASoIaF), Stark-centric (ASoIaF), Targaryen-centric (ASoIaF), Inspired by Fanfiction, Adopted work/fanfic
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ao3feed-tywin · 2 years
The Queen Who Would Be
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/nixlzer
by lyralikesstars
A world where the Valyrian Gods protect their children. Rhaella's children, Shaena and Daeron live as do Elia Martell and her daughter Rhaenys. The survival of few changes the future of many, and the Targaryen Dynasty lives on in more than just Daenerys Targaryen.
"A Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing."
 All rights go to George R. Martin and HBO
Words: 1252, Chapters: 1/27, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Characters: Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia), Original Characters, Elia Martell, Oberyn Martell, Doran Martell, Arianne Martell, Quentyn Martell, Trystane Martell, Daenerys Targaryen, Drogon | Daenerys Targaryen's Dragon, Viserion | Daenerys Targaryen's Dragon, Rhaegal | Daenerys Targaryen's Dragon, Robb Stark, Asha Greyjoy | Yara Greyjoy, Edmure Tully, Lysa Tully Arryn, Tywin Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Joffrey Baratheon, Sansa Stark, Stannis Baratheon, Renly Baratheon, Margaery Tyrell, Willas Tyrell, Sand Snakes (ASoIaF), Viserys II Targaryen
Relationships: Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia)/Original Character, Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, Original Character(s)/Original Character(s), Monford Velaryon/Original Female Character(s), Robb Stark/Margaery Tyrell, Oberyn Martell/Ellaria Sand
Additional Tags: Targaryen Restoration, Jon Snow is a Targaryen, Aegon the Conqueror Come Again, Elia Martell Lives, Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia) Lives, Targaryen-centric, Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) Deserves Better, Daenerys Targaryen Deserves Better, POV Multiple, Dragons, Lots of dragons - Freeform, some of rhaella's stillborn children live because she deserved better, Shaena Targaryen Lives, Daeron Targaryen (Son of Aerys II) Lives, Aerys and Rhaegar were both assholes, Elia Martell Deserves Better, Daenerys Targaryen has a twin brother, Lyanna Stark has twins, and Jon snow has a twin sister, lots of Targaryens because im a little crazy, they have dragons, War, Queen Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia), BAMF Targaryens, Targcest | Targaryen Incest (A Song of Ice and Fire)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/nixlzer
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throw me to the wolves (i'll return leading the pack)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/6xL5NZj
by Erudite_Nephilim_Ravenclaw_RiverClan
Robb opens his eyes. This is a surprise, as he very much remembers being stabbed by that bastard, Roose Bolton. Even stranger, he opens his eyes to the Winterfell of his childhood. The Winterfell that Theon burned. How can this be possible?
Words: 1616, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Jon Snow, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Brandon Stark, Rickon Stark, Catelyn Tully Stark, Ned Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Aegon Targaryen (Son of Elia)
Relationships: Jon Snow & Arya Stark & Bran Stark & Rickon Stark & Robb Stark & Sansa Stark, Arya Stark & Sansa Stark, Catelyn Tully Stark/Ned Stark, Theon Greyjoy & Starks, Elia Martell/Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister, Theon Greyjoy/Sansa Stark
Additional Tags: The Stark Family's Direwolves Live, Stark Family Lives (A Song of Ice and Fire), Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Pre-Canon, But only by a little, you get a dire wolf and you get a direwolf! everyone gets a direwolf!, Jon Snow is a Targaryen, Catelyn Tully Stark Doesn't Hate Jon Snow, eventually, Bran Stark Has Emotions, BAMF Arya Stark, BAMF Sansa Stark, BAMF Stark Family (A Song of Ice and Fire), Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, POV Robb Stark, POV Sansa Stark, POV Arya Stark, Wargs & Warging (A Song of Ice and Fire), No Incest, No Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, im sorry i just don't like it, BAMF Daenerys Targaryen, Sansa Stark & Daenerys Targaryen Friendship, Daenerys Targaryen Is Not a Mad Queen, Arya Stark & Sansa Stark Have a Good Relationship, Aegon Targaryen (Son of Elia) Lives, Jon Snow is Not Called Aegon, Jon Snow's Name is Jaehaerys
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ao3feed-tywinxjoanna · 11 months
Winter Roses and White Wolves
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/NE0KRk3
by Lyntysm
The Rebellion is lost but not without heavy casualties on the Targaryen side. King Aerys II has been slain by Jaime Lannister. Prince Rhaegar has fallen at the Trident in combat against Robert Baratheon. The mountain also slew the prince’s firstborn son before being felled by Dornish soldiers coming to the aid of the new Queen Elia Targaryen nee Martell first of her name, Queen Regent of the seven Kingdoms. Lady Lyanna Targaryen nee Stark dies in childbirth in the broken tower with her brother Ned and the KIngsguards serving her by her side. She gives birth to Rhaegar’s son who is sent away to be fostered North with the starks.
The realm lives in relative peace with Queen Rhaella as Regent to Viserys III Targaryen until his untimely death a year before his coronation. Throwing the realm into a succession crisis.
Words: 1769, Chapters: 2/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Catelyn Tully Stark, Ned Stark, Ashara Dayne, Elia Martell, Viserys Targaryen (Brother of Daenerys), Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Robb Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Petyr Baelish, Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister
Relationships: Catelyn Tully Stark/Ned Stark, Joanna Lannister/Aerys II Targaryen, Joanna Lannister/Tywin Lannister, Ashara Dayne/Ned Stark, Stannis Baratheon/Cersei Lannister
Additional Tags: Elia Martell Lives, Queen Elia Martell, R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents, Jon Snow is a Targaryen, Jon Snow Knows Something, BAMF Sansa Stark, BAMF Ned Stark, Past Ashara Dayne/Ned Stark
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ao3feed-sansaery · 4 years
The Dragons are not dead yet.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Kan0Km
by SigynNightmare
Rhaegar Targaryen has been given a second change to fix his mistakes. Now, as young man named Aramis Lannister he has the duty to pavement the path for her sister to take back what is theirs.
He and Dany will bring a new era to Westeros; an era in which the Targaryens will once again sit on the Iron Throne and where the Night King's rule will not fester.
Words: 3617, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Aramis Lannister, Original House Lannister Character(s), Rhaegar Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Viserys Targaryen, Renly Baratheon, Loras Tyrell, Lyanna Stark, Margaery Tyrell, Oberyn Martell, Myrcella Baratheon, Joffrey Baratheon, Robert Baratheon, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Elia Martell, Cersei Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Tywin Lannister, Daario Naharis
Relationships: Renly Baratheon/Loras Tyrel/Aramis Lannister., Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen, Jon Snow & Rhaegar Targaryen, Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister, Myrcella Baratheon & Original House Lannister Character(s), Elia Martell/Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, Renly Baratheon/Loras Tyrell, Sansa Stark/Loras Tyrell, Daenerys Targaryen & Rhaegar Targaryen, Oberyn Martell & Rhaegar Targaryen, Oberyn Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen, Sansa Stark/Margaery Tyrell, Tyrion Lannister/Shae, Daario Naharis/Daenerys Targaryen/Rhaegar Targaryen, Daario Naharis/Daenerys Targaryen, Daario Naharis/Aramis Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen/Rhaegar Targaryen
Additional Tags: Fix-It, Rebirth, because why not?, Rhaegar as Aramis Lannister, Everyone here is poly, And bisexual, Canonical Character Death, Rhaegar loved both Lyanna and Elia, Polyamory, Second Chances, Oberyn and Aramis are good friends, Oberyn is also done with Rhaegar's shit, Queen Daenerys Targaryen, Prince Consort Rhaegar, BAMF Olenna Tyrell, Jon Snow is a Targaryen, Targaryen Restoration, Targaryen Incest, Lannister Incest, This is GOT if you don't like incest don't came here, Aramis is bad at feelings, He also has some shit to resolve, He's a grieving man, And he's trying his best here, Starks and Targaryen frienships, BAMF Arya Stark
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call-me-schmidt · 4 years
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Sansa Stark & Lyarra Stark, Sansa Stark & Brandon Stark, Sansa Stark & Visenya Targaryen, Sansa Stark & Rickard Stark, Jon Snow & Sansa Stark, Bran Stark & Sansa Stark Characters: Sansa Stark, Lyarra Stark, Brandon Stark, Rickard Stark, Visenya Targaryen, Brynden "Bloodraven" Rivers, Jon Snow, Minisa Whent, Elia Martell, Willam Stark, Joramun (ASoIaF), Brandon "The Breaker" Stark Additional Tags: Women Being Awesome, BAMF Women, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Ghosts, Unreliable Narrator, Stark family feels Summary:
There’s nobody named Lyarra in Winterfell, according to her father; the last person who bore that name was his mother, and she was buried decades ago.
Sansa speaks to her the next week.
[Sansa can speak to ghosts, and this changes everything.]
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