#bap mv
bestabsoluteshitposts · 2 months
when EGO came out in 2017 I was in university and had ample time to watch the mv on release and then post about it
now in 2024 i have a Job with Responsibilities and at the time of release i will not be able to watch the mv until like an hour later and i think that i need to somehow appeal for some sort of religeous holiday leave
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hye-rim · 2 months
BANG&JUNG&YOO&MOON (방용국&정대현&유영재&문종업) - Gone [MV]
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kpopmusic · 1 month
방용국&정대현&유영재&문종업 (BANG&JUNG&YOO&MOON) - Gone [Music Video]
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tvxcue · 6 months
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ayoyoungg · 11 months
ask me how many times I screamed while watching jongup’s mv for xox
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mellosdrawings · 2 months
You mentioned your K-pop era when discussing Jamil as a triple threat. I also listened to K-pop in high school! Who are your favorite bands? I love Shinee, B2st/Highlight, and 2pm. Book 5 actually got me back into listening to K-pop again. And if they were half as talented as a K-pop group then they most certainly would have beat a children's song with a dwarf who couldn't remember his Own Name. Your rant on Book 5 is a perfect analysis in my opinion.
Oh dear, gotta check my old playlists, I only listen to the old songs now.
Boybands: BTS, EXO, Super Junior, SHINee (but, you know, that happened and I never managed to listen to any new songs since), BAP, VIXX
Girlbands: 4Minute, Exid, Red Velvet, BlackPink, Twice
And then a few other groups I listened to sporadically like Speed, Monsta X, iKON, Block B, Got 7, Momoland, etc
I used to be quite curious about it at the time so I looked for new songs and groups regularly. Now I just go back every once in a while to check the groups I really like, but I don't look for new groups. All the new era groups are just vague names I heard but I never really bothered.
Thanks for liking my rant o/ Honestly I can see why RSA won from my experience in Kpop communities. Sometimes you end up not caring about the quality of a song, you just vote for your bias/ favorite groups because you're gonna support them till death or something. Considering Neige's popularity and the fact that NRC tribe was exhausted after having fought Vil’s OB, I can see how they could have won.
But yeah, obviously Absolutely Beautiful was better. BTW I discovered a dance MV recently so if you wanna check it out, it's there
(Jamil's rapping ajsnskjdjdjd)
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f1-disaster-bi · 6 months
ok so bap girly here again and can I say I got sucked in back to a 2nd gen kpop binge and omfg imagine a "please don't" k.will au with lando having to see the man he loves marry someone else and he has to be best man and 😭😭 im crying here
I don't blame you. If I wasn't on a Fletcher kick, I would be binging rn and omg K.Will!! I haven't heard anyone mention him in so long, and I can only think of two songs with mv's that are as sadder or sadder (Severly - ftisland and Baby I'm Sorry -MYNAME, wasn't even a myname fan and that HURT)
I was thinking Max F but I'm still on my George/Lando kick (and now a max/charles/lando kick)
Lando and George being George's best man because George lost a bet to Alex years ago so Alex is officiating. Lando is George's next choice, they've been friends for years. Lando has always been there for him even when they've had their spats, and George wants his best friend by his side for his wedding
And Lando....Lando grins and bears it because he loves George. It's always been George for Lando, but he knows that George will never love him in that way. They had a drunken kiss once, and George had a whole panic attack about how he's not gay, he can't be gay, and begs Lando not to tell anyone. Lando just laughs off the kiss, reassures George that one kiss doesn't change anything even though inside he has been breaking because he has loved George for so long and this just proves he can't ever be the one George falls in love with
To make everything worse, Lando genuinely likes George's fiancée. They get a long as if they've always been friends. Alex even jokes that George got himself a female Lando because her and Lando have so many similarities and that just makes it worse. Lando can't help but think that if he was a girl then George would have loved him, but he keeps it all inside. He hides his pain with smiles, he celebrates with them for every major achievement and he stands with them on their wedding day. He tells them they're the perfect couple, makes a speech about them being the definition of love, and later sneaks out to get air.
When George finds him, George is worried about him. He's asking if it's too much for Lando because he knows Lando isn't the fondest of crowds but Lando just fakes a smile and lets George pull him back inside to dance until he can slip away again and this time he has to leave because he can't do this. He can't watch George be so happy, and the guilt over hating his happiness is killing Lando, He ignores calls and texts, and eventually has to pull over because he's just sobbing because he wanted it to be him. He wanted to the one George loved, and it hurts. It hurts to feel selfish and jealous and resentment over something that he should let go off so he just cries
And maybe, just maybe, makes up his mind that he needs a fresh start without George in his life because he can't be the friend George wants, and George can't be the love that Lando wants
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jisungshotfirst · 8 months
5 & 6 for the ask game <3
5. first kpop song
dope by bangtan!! it was a like youtubers react to kpop vid in like 2015/2016 and I would've heard a couple thru those vids.. I remember bap one shot and catallena and overdose too but dope was the one that actually made me go watch the mv. And I think I forgot about it until late 2016 into 2017 when I found the song again
6. first kpop group
bts! basic answer but it was 2017 what can I say. dope absolutely lives up
send me kpop asks!
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exocean · 1 year
i dont think kids these days understand what it was like when bap dropped a 10 minute mv for skydive....
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itzchrissydoesstuff · 8 months
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hye-rim · 11 months
MOON JONGUP (문종업) - X.O.X [MV]
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astrehours · 1 year
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ib : thelargefrye & soompi
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after a successful world tour, the members of hourglass remind everyone why they're called the 4th gen vice leaders by releasing their fifth mini album: amour plastique. uh oh—the title track—is described as a boom bap hip hop track with a strong 90s vibe.
while memorias most likely had a hourglass comeback on their 2023 bingo card, what came as a surprise is the artist that was featured in the song. ateez's lua effortlessly blends in with the group as they dominate the music video with a bold aura.
it's safe to say that regardless of what haters say and/or do, hourglass will remain at the top of the scene.
let us know what you think about this.
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hourglass's taglist : @stealanity @thelargefrye
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tvxcue · 6 months
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ayoyoungg · 2 months
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gaogrotesque · 11 months
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從演出者到觀眾都很好玩、從演出者到觀眾都全身心地投入,然後隔天都全身痠痛滿身瘡痍(exactly 🤣
原本在場外排隊時沒注意到、但入場後發現男飯好多XDDD 而且雖然是沒有完售的狀態,原本以為站席會看起來空空的,實際上現場看也覺得出乎意外地滿 完售的話要擠進更多人感覺會變苦痛地獄 韓國人、外國人(台灣日本中國東南亞歐美各國,甚至看到把爸爸媽媽一起帶來看演唱會的少女 🤣)都很多
元:男生們好多啊?從來沒有在演唱會上看到過這麼多男性朋友們,好新奇又感到榮幸,我真的是LUCKY MAN呀! (午場晚場都各說了一次XDD)
因為今年都在世巡,所以特地對久違的韓國本地飯打了招呼、也對海外飯們打招呼(尤其是好像有法國飯帶國旗?知元用法語打招呼還送飛吻 “That's how we do in France. 😘” 可…愛…😭)
因為場地很小(新北宏匯廣場Zepp New Taipei的程度?XD)所以基本上只要夠大聲 且執著XDD 都可以讓知元聽到&回應XD 他也用西班牙語回應了我愛你(Te quiero)
알아 우린 그냥 친구야 / 알아 우린 거의 가족이야
粉絲:知元啊!我們只是朋友嗎?!! 元:(不知所措笑場)(嘟嘟囔囔)我們當然是朋友啊~ (推上看到別人的repo寫,他是說「我們當然不是朋友,我們是家人嘛」不確定是不是我沒聽清楚XDD 韓聽不夠強+金知元邊咔咔笑邊嘟囔 😂)
午場男飯大喊「好帥!!!」知元「哎一古謝謝你也很帥」 基本上兩場都一直有人喊好帥、so sexy,元一律回答「謝謝我知道(I know I'm sexy 😉😏)」 晚場的男飯更是legend 🤣 從開場就有人大喊「二部走起!!!」氣氛瞬間就嗨起來了
元:各位準備好了嗎!左邊/右邊/樓上準備好了嗎! 男飯:知元哥準備好了嗎!!! 元:(笑場)
男飯:偶吧!!!!!(雄壯大吼) 元:某啦咕???(甚至拿下in-ear)(懷疑自己聽錯 🤣) 其他粉絲:他叫你偶吧! 元:(又不知所措笑場)(好像嘟嘟囔囔講了謝謝還是什麼的,我忘記了XDD)
晚場在等待安可時,一開始就有男飯大聲說「大家來唱〈내게 기대〉吧!要唱了知元哥才會出來啊」(這次演唱會的應援內容)然後就自己開始帶頭唱,甚至是rap的部分XDDD 金知元的男飯都好猛 🫨 我在HPF聽男飯唱整首〈연결고리〉和〈가〉,在這裡聽男飯solo熱唱〈내게 기대〉🫨 (第二天在排隊入場時看到有大概國小年紀的弟弟,我和一起看演唱會的朋友:「搞不好那就是未來的ASAHI。」) (而且我真的要說, 〈내게 기대〉太難唱了吧 😇 不是大家不想好好唱,但我突然能夠體會振煥說金知元這Rapper寫的〈자석〉很難唱是什麼意思ㄌ…😇 到底是怎麼在一個小節裡塞進這麼多歌詞的ㄋ…)
後來安可時知元就唱〈내게 기대〉給我們聽了 應該是我們要唱給他聽結果XDDD 我覺得有點好笑又抱歉,還有覺得他好寵粉嗚嗚嗚 😭
然後覺得元的粉絲好像也都蠻帥氣又有趣(?) 午場有粉絲說看完還要去打工,而且打工的內容是在跆拳道館工作,實力是跆拳道三段的程度(?) 元:哎一古、辛苦了!希望能夠給你力量哦!
晚場則是有真的在準備出道?有著想成為歌手的夢想的粉絲 (因為金知元在介紹完他的團隊後說「可以遇見這些這麼帥氣的人們、和他們合作真的很好呢!各位也成為歌手吧,成為歌手就可以跟這些帥氣的人們相遇了呢」) 元:哦?!真的?不是騙人的吧?那要不要下一首和我一起唱?
天啊我當下真的覺得他好好…😭 真的是有好好地在實踐自己說過的想法(Mindset裡說想要和更多後輩合作、給他們建議,幫助他們走得更順利一點) 但是後來那位粉絲說,因為今天是演唱會、是以粉絲的身份來到現場(?)還是說現場都是想聽元唱歌的元的粉絲?不太確定,總之最後沒有合唱,元看起來覺得理解但還是好可惜的樣子 😂 如果真的當場聽到合唱之類的我也會覺得是legend…
晚場元還有問:現場有沒有不是iKONIC、只因為他而來的粉絲? 看到真的有(不少)人舉手之後(我有點意外XD 原本以為音飯/男飯不會出現在這種場合 看來是我低估了男飯對知元哥的愛) 元:iKON也有很多長得很帥的親估ㄛ,下次也來看iKON吧 ^ㅠ^
(我也沒想到寫後記居然寫這麼多粉絲的部分,但真的很好玩XDD 元飯很好玩,元跟粉絲的互動也很可愛很有趣 🤣)
午場時的元還有點拘謹(?害羞?他說自己在表演前從來沒有緊張過,但今天卻特別緊張XD) 開場是〈야 우냐〉,穿的是〈f〉MV裡那套白色的捆綁play(沒有啦)衣服… 看到人的瞬間真的覺得 哇。 可以用肉眼看清楚他的臉和表情真的覺得深深受到衝擊,好像從來沒有體驗過像這樣的energy直面而來,金知元整個人就是간지本身
中場換了MV那套紅色皮衣皮褲出來,真的好辣 🥵 但原本以為會把紅黑白都穿一遍,看來是我貪心ㄌ 🤣
本來也一直在想,現在有這麼多新歌了、不知道還會不會唱SMTM3的歌曲呢—結果是唱了 😭 而且晚場唱〈연결고리〉時還說 “Put your Illionaire signs up!” 我真的眼淚都快流出來ㄌ…😭 因為修咪3而開始喜歡的這一切、10年後在BOBBY的個人演唱會上高舉Illionaire的手勢,我當下腦袋裡一直在想:人生成就達成 ✅
不過我的左右附近好像沒什麼人比Illionaire sign 😂 如果是在音樂節的話,像HPF那時真的感覺雞皮疙瘩都起來了;不過也是像這種差異感,就更深刻的體會到金知元擁有多麼多樣的可能性和受眾圈、也真的是橫跨了相當豐富寬廣的音樂光譜
午場最驚喜的是中間的抒情歌section,現場聽〈새벽에〉〈LiLaC〉〈LiAr〉這些《LUCKY MAN》的收錄曲,彷彿我也跟著回顧我再次回到知元坑裡(而且陷得更深 😂)的二次初心(x
而且我覺得他LIVE真的唱得好好…😭 看飯拍影片的收音真的很失真XD 他現場唱得很好…是情緒和能量 可能還有音量 都開到最大輸出的那種 好 (好難解釋喔XD 尤其是前一天在THE CRY看完我們家小智,真的感覺兩位是完全不同類型、但都做得非常好的表演者…!)
不只是rapping skill,唱功也讓我很驚艷,尤其是〈우아해〉的bridge那段、我會忍不住完全屏住氣認真聽他的歌聲… 🥹 還有這段,聽LIVE情緒張力真的太強了有夠誇張 他拔起麥克風的時候都像是真的受不了了想打人(不是
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還有我一直很想聽LIVE的〈텐데〉…😭 晚場的安可元說要唱什麼好呢、然後就自己決定又再唱了一次… 😭 〈SWIM〉的時候一直在台上游泳也超可愛 🤣🤣🤣 舞台上有一個小小的高台,午場是在高台上站著空氣游泳
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晚場更嗨直接趴下蛙泳 🤣🤣🤣 玩這麼嗨還能夠準確抓到timing、爬起來接著唱(而且不會喘XD)也是很強 🤣🤣🤣
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〈벚꽃〉的過渡和前奏也完全令人耳目一新,午場的時候大家都聽不出來是哪一首XDD 直到熟悉的旋律出來才「哦~~~」 不知道是不是因為現場樂團伴奏的緣故?總之感覺跟音源版很不一樣,一度以為是不是唱demo版但應該不是 😇
新專輯的部分,開場的〈야 우냐〉過渡到〈Hercules〉超帥氣 😭 然後再過渡到〈꽐라〉也編曲編得超爽…LIVE BAND和DJ(製作人)一起演出真的好讚 😭 從看完THE FACT MUSIC FESTIVAL的影片之後我好像真的陷入THE PROOFㄌ
其他幾首新歌則是都放在比較後面的section,午場時因為爸媽(?好像還有阿姨?)也在現場,所以在唱之前還先說ㄌ「現在開始要罵髒話ㄌ,(爸媽長輩們)對不起!」好可愛好恭順 🤣 但音樂一下依舊是猛兔出閘,謝謝大哥用rap狠狠揍我一頓… 😇
晚場則是問在場有沒有未成年,結果還真的有 元:未成年可不能聽ㄋ,知道吧?wink wink ^ㅠ^★(那副「知道我什麼意思吧」的心照不宣的小模樣XDDDDDD)
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這次專輯好多Boom bap(〈새〉〈Why Stop Now〉),但同時又很不像我原本認識的傳統(?)Boom bap 跟朋友聊到時才想起,對齁,其實金知元在《LUCKY MAN》時期就有說過想試試做Boom bap耶…(那時候還跟MOBB有沒有機會回歸的話題一起說,我還畫餅MOBB以Boom bap回歸 😇)
還有iKON的〈딴따라〉也是…不敢說是Boom bap但至少是有Boom bap味道的歌曲 😇 元真的都有在好好實踐自己說的話,也一直都會把他努力的成果帥氣地展現給我們看;他離開YG前後的這將近一年,以我的標準來說,我覺得BOBBY是個好令人安心的artist
看金知元聽的音樂、和他做的音樂都能夠找到相關的脈絡,這點我也覺得好有趣!之前看過他分享的歌單有Marilyn Manson和Korn,這次很多音樂的部分都很有metal的味道XD(還有MV很實驗性很暴力也讓我懷念起了以前聽Slipknot的日子 🤣 那個穿著血衣?揍爆受眾的臉的畫面真的超有重金屬樂團MV的感覺XDDD) 〈Hercules〉的前奏很工金(不過比較正確的?類型好像是DnB),至於〈f〉根本就是Nu Metal 最近看的reactor中有人提到,〈f〉會讓他想起以前的Limp Bizkit(Limp Bizkit和Korn都是Nu Metal的代表性樂團之一) POY這位韓國Rapper的reaction頻道也說了,覺得BOBBY很有意思的是,比起說做的是什麼特定類型的音樂/是不是嘻哈,反而感覺他是把嘻哈的元素提取出來,再和各種不同的音樂類型加以結合變化 我自己的感覺是,金知元本身聽音樂的範圍就很廣,他吸收這些音樂之後再內化成屬於自己的風格、用自己的方式去運用不同音樂類型中的各種元素
You saying you was worried 'bout me, ha? Worried 'bout me, ha?
這邊真的超嗨…尤其是晚場,大家都「蛤!!!」得超兇超用力 🤣🤣🤣 我就一直想到最愛酸唧唧說爸比要賺奶粉錢/擔心他沒錢給小孩買尿布的智障路人XD 「你們根本他媽的沒關心過他,在那邊講什麼『擔心』?」 就像朋友說的,他發這種專輯一看就知道沒有想以此賺錢好嗎XDDD 他不需要、也沒在刻意討好大眾,嘴巴癢的無聊酸民也可以不用再「擔心」他了 Thank you and have a nice fuck. 😇
I bet you wanna see me suffer But my fans moving mountains like Usher
想到〈f〉剛出來時,芭飯在說去哪還能找到另一個偶像/歌手像他這樣在歌詞裡shout out to自己的粉絲 那個時候我想起了禹智皓的〈날〉…這次很幸運也很快樂的是,14號聽小智兇巴巴說「誰敢說我家fans無腦就弄死你」 、15號聽知元炫耀對自家fans的自豪和信賴 就覺得能夠喜歡這樣的兩位,我真的很幸福啊 雖然頭痛的時候也真的很頭痛(幹
(然後14號15號這兩位公演的歌曲中還都有歌詞互相提到對方 🤣 我弟弟BOBBY聽好了,一山還有一山高 / B.I ZICO MINO P.O除外全都閃開;至今依然如此堂堂地唱著這些歌詞,我真的真的覺得很帥氣又好喜歡 嗚嗚)
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正場的最後一首是〈DeViL〉 親耳聽這首歌配現場樂團伴奏,又想起了兩年前的元說,其實在做這首歌時、因為想著「反正做了也不見得能發」,所以一開始還覺得要去找樂團來幫忙錄音很麻煩,後來則是抱持著「總之先做吧!」的心情實際錄完音,因此才能夠有這首歌的誕生 又再次感嘆,他現在可以想做什麼就做什麼了、再也不用消極地想「反正什麼都做不成,我不想努力了」🥲
安可最後一首則是〈주옥〉感覺得出他真的好珍愛這首歌XD 是歌手本人也很喜歡的歌曲 最後一首歌時有灑水,午場我伸長了手後有幸勉強被潑溼指尖 🥲 晚場則是在二樓看著他事先縝密地(?)先在左右邊舞台都分別安置好同樣數量的礦泉水XDD 果然是在工作上想要變得T一點的知元尼(?)
晚場的時候,比起午場,元看起來輕鬆很多XD 可能是因為有了午場的經驗?也可能是因為晚場時iKON成員們也到場了(振煥、東赫、允亨這大概是我畢生離他們最近的時候ㄌ 🥹 雖然從我的角度看得最清楚的人是 經紀人XDDD)
元說成員們給他很多力量、尤其是今天(部隊放假的)振煥哥也來了! 中間在vibe check時,莫名其妙就開始cue〈EU RA CHA CHA〉🤣 最後演變為對宋允亨的vibe check 🤣🤣🤣 95不用麥克風互相對喊 “I say EU! You say CHA! EU! CHA! EU! CHA!” 超可愛… 🥹 經紀人一直試圖阻止大家拍照,結果金知元一個太快樂直接cue成員們起來打招呼 🤣🤣🤣 最後又是行大禮跟經紀人道歉的份XDDD 還有輝映也來了~也是被太愛他的哥哥直接cue起來跟大家打招呼
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(我旁邊有人驚呼:長得好帥!XDDD) (因為離輝映也滿近的,所以我就忍不住三不五時偷瞄一下輝映的reaction:一副冷靜節制的樣子跟著音樂點頭XD)
元晚場安可的時候又說了一次,一場演唱會中他最喜歡的部分就是安可XD 因為該做的都做完了、可以沒有壓力地想做什麼就做什麼
他午場就說了一次、晚場又提一次,說有看到應援手幅的背面有寫〈Drowning〉的應援法,但是這次setlist沒有〈Drowning〉…他也覺得很可惜,很想聽大家的應援,所以晚場的時候就(半推半就 🤣)現場讓樂團伴奏、唱了一大段 🥺 雖然他也說對只來午場的人有點抱歉,但畢竟是最後一場演出了,所以還是想唱 🥺
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雖然沒有事前準備、連帶子也沒有「但是大家一起唱的話會很有趣的不是嗎?來試試看八 ^ㅠ^」 說要「無伴奏嗎?」的語氣真的好可愛…而且男飯的反應真的 💯 謝謝所有的金知元迷弟 🙏
然後因為大家都不想回家XDD 所以元又繼續問還想聽什麼、讓我們點歌 🥺(這就是現場樂團和DJ /製作人都在的好處吧救命 😭) 陸續又唱了〈내게 기대〉〈RUNAWAY〉〈사랑해〉等等
點到〈사랑해〉的時候他已經在撒嬌(?)嚷嚷說快累死了要回家了、不唱了不唱了,而且大家一直喊사랑해也是有在雙關一直對他猛烈示愛吧 🤣 傲嬌兔最承受不來ㄉ直進攻擊 元:싫어요~~!! (不要/討厭啦) 然後馬上自己就開始唱起〈사랑해〉 我真的當場大傻眼XDDDD 被這隻兔的傲嬌可愛到咪咪貓貓 ����‍💫(本來甚至一度想說好啦不要再逼他惹、連開兩場他也真的很累,結果???原來這隻兔是在傲嬌,好喔。😵‍💫😇)
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元:(懷疑人生)每天???會死人ㄉ。 他的反應真的太真實ㄌ 🤣
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元就超可愛的拜託大家「啊~切拜切拜唷~」但到底為什麼要為這種事撒嬌苦苦哀求(?)🤣🤣🤣 然後被噓了之後他咔咔咔笑得超開心 🤣 後來他在說時間快結束了、要到了最後一首歌的時候 大家:booooo~~~(狂噓他XDDDD)
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突然超級響亮的扳指節,然後要求大家同時一起扳 🤣 到底為什麼要做這種事22 (原來是要幫樂手爭取時間?)
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當下那個聲音真的會讓人起雞皮疙瘩XDDDD 原來上百人同時一起扳指節是這樣ㄉ感覺 到底為什麼要知道這種事情XDD
今年很幸運地已經見了三次面(而且一次比一次近 🥹),我個人也是從來沒有追哪位歌手追到這樣XD 春天時的HPF,夏天的iKON TAKE OFF台灣場,秋天的BOBBY 1ST CONCERT ROBERT 冬天不追ㄌ我已經(暫時)滿足ㄌ 🤣
從音樂節到團體演唱會再到個人演唱會,每種不同形式的演出好像都能看見稍微不一樣的金知元,這點我也覺得很滿足又有趣 (雖然又種下了想看金知元在音樂節唱《ROBERT》這張專輯新歌的心願 🤣)
所以站左邊右邊好像都沒差,主舞台側邊也會被好好照顧到,這點也令人很安心XDD(謝謝大哥 )
中間在知元換衣服、等待安可的時候,或是歌曲中不需要演奏 / DJ放著音樂不用動手的時候,樂手和THE PROOF都參與度很高、還有準備康棒一起揮 🤣 可愛到不行
還有午場第一次介紹團隊夥伴們的時候,THE PROOF秀出一段超嗨超帥氣的音樂
目送完知元下班之後,散場途中看到大家在和帥哥合照(膚淺如我)定睛一看,是THE PROOF中的성호씨
老實說整場下來,知元不在台上或午場站席時離我太遠的時候,我都在看THE PROOF兩位… 🤣 一直默默覺得兩位在我心裡是GR mix 重九哥的感覺(工三小 人帥心善ㄉ성호씨,大概是被第一個迷妹逮住合照了之後就開始騎虎難下(幹)於是跟粉絲們產生了很多大家看起來都很累的自拍合照(幹,也可能只有我看起來很累XDDD) 合照完後有努力跟성호씨說了「歌真的做得太棒了!(노래 진짜 너무 잘해요!!)」但不知道有沒有讓他聽懂就是ㄌ…XD
啊、還有元下午場因為緊張所以忘了拍合照 🥺
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晚場其實也是粉絲提醒他ㄉXDDD 元當下慌慌張張說「對齁要拍照!我們來拍照!」 然後男飯還問哥我們要擺什麼姿勢XDDDD
晚場結束時也跟大家行了大禮 🥺
還有這個叫我們只能拍他(允亨和輝映起來打招呼)、不然就要吃醋ㄌ的元 🤣 當下他直直看著、指著2樓講的時候我就當作是看到我了(好(然而還是在拍允亨和輝映
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總之 謝謝大哥!🤜🤛
2023.10.18 毒鳥
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frankenstein852 · 2 years
Hello there 👀👀 omg your music taste is fr immaculate the song choices are top tier!!!!😍😍❤
I am someone who is very very fond of krnb and khh so to see Hoody and GRAY just made me so happy (also totally agree - Jay Park + Hoody vocals = perfection)!!!! On that vibe, what are your thoughts on Crush, DEAN and artists under the Dream Project Regime?
Also a separate note on some songs by Bang Yongguk: Journey!?!?!?!? That song lives in my mind rent free, ever listened to the album which it is from?
Also thank you so much for the recommendation!!! I have not actually listened to Boy In Space and now I am going to go in for a big dive~~~~
Its so nice to find others who like krnb and khh, even tho im still a newbie and havent divulged deeply yet! My thoughts r that i love them and I have many crush and dean songs on my playlists (their voices just melt me i swear- )
For DPR, I just checked them out now I think ive heard of them in passing only (I'd love to ask you for recommendations to get started with their music, if you dont mind ofc! (whenever youre free))
I do know Yongguk from BAP but ive never heard of his solo releases until now and omggg where have i been, i just watched the mv with lyrics on ofc and its so niceeee i cant wait to go through the whole album soon!
you're most welcomee!! i used to listen to him and "Voices'' by talos a lot when i had a hard time during covid theyre both very special to me
p.s I still cant believe I'm talking to such a unique and talented writer like the amount of respect I have for u is!!!
Thank you omg that's such a nice thing to hear!! I loved all the songs you chose from your playlist too!🥺💕💕
It's so nice to find others who like krnb and khh, even tho I'm still a newbie and haven't divulged deeply yet! My thoughts r that I love them and I have many crush and dean songs on my playlists (their voices just melt me I swear- )
For DPR, I just checked them out now I think I've heard of them in passing only (I'd love to ask you for recommendations to get started with their music if you don't mind ofc! (whenever you're free))
I know Yongguk from BAP but I've never heard of his solo releases until now and omggg where have I been, I just watched the mv with lyrics on ofc, and it's so niceeee ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 I cant wait to go through the whole album soon!
you're most welcomee!! i used to listen to him and "Voices'' by talos a lot when i had a hard time during covid theyre both very special to me
p.s I still can't believe I'm talking to such a unique and talented writer like the amount of respect I have for u is!!!🥺❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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