#barbwire tag
quinnonimp · 3 months
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[prev post for context]
fun fact my agent ocs are in the same story as cablecore, all bc of nova x captain 3 rivalry yuri
if uve read novas artfight page u can definitely tell theres something up with her & captain 3, but theyre a lot more intertwined than ive had the chance to show people ! (though i def wanna make a comic abt it all ..) meanwhile the rest of the members are pretty much strangers, though in varying degrees, as they havent met each other via nova but rather as just normal civilians in splatsville . i like to keep it in the back of my head that the teams are like parallels in a way ! bc while theyre very different characters, & the purposes/origins of the teams being very different, theres some key traits or dynamics that are familiar
the parallels laid out would be:
nova & captain 3
calum & agent 8
barbwire & agent neo
stray & agent 4
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terr0rsh0cked · 6 months
Redraw a bunch of icons for my toyhou.se !! Slasher OC comeback
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Paid Internship (Part 1)(Prison AU)
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Author's Note: This is a Prison AU that the viewers of my blog seem to be pretty fond of. The main focuses for the romance parts will differ depending on the part, but for part 1, it's Liu, Jeff, and Toby. The reader is gender neutral and uses She/He stuff, but sometimes depending on what's going on I'll use stuff like Tits. Also, Sully will be in the fic, but I won't use his name. Pay attention to how Liu talks, they will be major differences between his first meeting and his interview.
Author's Note 2: This is definitely one of my longest and most plot heavy fics on my account. I do plan for this to be multi parter, so this part will be heavy on introducing the characters. This part will have some yandere moments, but they will be mostly prominent in part two. If you wanna be tagged for part two, leave a comment, or reblog.
Summary: Welcome to your paid internship at Roosevelt Federal Prison. After being seen for your potential and skills by your instructor at the Academy, he decided to give you opportunity of working in the US' most dangerous prison despite the disapproval and rejection from the higher ups. However, due to miscommunication and faulty paperwork, you're gonna up working with some of America's most danger serial killers for the semester.
Warnings: Descriptions of crimes, Rape Mentioned, Perversion, Manipulation, Gaslighting, Gore, Sadism, Violence, Implied Nudity, Kidnapping, Implied Abuse, Hostages, Death, Murder, Threats, Mood Swings, Sexual Abuse Implied, PTSD, Mental Illness, Dealings, Attempted Murder, Survivor's Guilt,Cursing, Sleep Deprived Workers, Stress, Agression, and More. This AU is not fo the faint of heart.
Word count: 13.5k
Links: {Masterlist} {Prison AU Introduction}
"Hey kid, you ready?"
You were taken out of your train of thought by your instructor and mentor, Officer Joseph Gibbons. Joseph was a man in his 50's, his once hazelnut hair now started to fade into a light grey, he was a man on the heavier side, plump like a mall santa clause, and despite his uniform being quite clean, it was covered in the smell of cigarettes and men's colone.
"...Not really. Are you sure I'm ready for this?" You asked, fiddling with the sleeves of your uniform.
"Ready? Out of the students at the Academy your the most ready for this. Any other Prison just wouldn't do you any good."
"Any go-"
"And we're here!" Joseph exclaimed, cutting you off mid sentence as he walked out.
You took a deep breath before walking out of the car. When you stepped out, you were greeted with heavy rain and loud thunder. As you looked up at the Prison, you felt a sense of fear hit you. It was like something straight out of a horror movie. The Prison was massive, you could probably see it from miles away if not further. Various plants were taking over the brick and metal walls, you could see officers walking around with flashlights, making sure nobody was trying to get in or out, two large guard outpost stood high on each side of the building, each of them blasting a bright light, and a large metal barbwired gate keeping whatever was inside from getting out.
"Joseph!" A voice yelled from the distance, causing the two of you to shoot your heads in the direction of the noise.
Whoever the voice belonged to, they were running towards the two of you pretty fast, waving their arms around like a lunatic.
"Esther, my dear friend. How the kids?" Joseph asked with a smile as he hugged the man.
Now that the man was closer, you got a better look at him. He had short red hair, a face full of a freckles, a small beard slowly starting grow in, and he was definitely younger than your mentor. He was maybe in his late 30's, early to mid 40's. He was in well shape too, his biceps peeking through the gaurd uniform he wore. He had a pistol, taser, and handcuffs strapped to his waist band on the right side of his body, meaning he was most likely right handed.
During your first year at the Academy, you were taught to see every single detail in a suspect or in a scene, no matter how small or big it was, and now you found yourself doing it like it was second nature at this point.
"They're good, they're good. Havent seen them for a while though, I've been stuck here all week! Now, where's this prodigy you've been pushing for?"
"Esther, meet Y/N L/N. Y/N, this is Officer Esther Wibbsy, I met when I first worked here. He's gonna be watching over you during this whole thing."
"Nice to meet ya, L/N," Esther said, sticking his hand out.
You shook his hand with a nervous smile, unconsciously gripping his hand hard in an attempt of letting out your nervousness.
"Dang, nice grip," He said, pulling his hand back.
As you pulled your hand back and wipped your sweat on the pants of your uniform, Joseph started to slowly walk back to the car.
"Your shift ends at 10AM tomorrow, you got this, kid! Remember everything I taught you and you'll be fine."
And as Joseph closed the door of the car and drove off, your only hope of backing out left with him.
"Don't worry, you're not going to be working with the actual dangerous ones."
"I'm not?"
"Walk and talk with me, I'll explain everything on the way."
You let out the biggest sigh of relief before following Esther.
"Roosevelt is divided into two sections. The section you're going to be working in is the normal prisoners. They're still extremely dangerous, but they're a lot more manageable then the others."
"The others?"
"The other section is what give Roosevelt it's reputation. You see, Roosevelt doesn't hold only people, we hold monsters, demons, supernatural beings that we didn't even know existed until we caught them. They're in the other section. The goverment put them here because they don't know what to do with them."
"Woah, so, how do you know I won't run into them?"
"That's the thing, I don't really know. To be honest with you, I think the only reason most of them are still here is by their own choice. Most of them are on death row, and if they really wanted to they can leave, especially Ben."
"Huh? No I was just rambling..."
As the two got closer to the main gate, something caught Esther’s eyes.
"You see that random brick wall," Esther said, pointing to a wall that stood in the middle of the courtyard, starting from the building all the way until it hit the gate. From the angle you were at, you could just barely see a roof.
"They're behind that wall. That entire half is their section. Most of the officers who work in that part have been trained specifically to work there and nowhere else."
You felt chills go down your spine as you stared at the wall. Something about it gave off a terrible aura.
"Who's staying in that part..."
"Have you heard of Jeffery Woods?"
"Yeah, Jeff the Killer? Slit mouth?"
"Yeah. That guy, is in that part."
"He's real? I thought he was just some urban legend from when I was a kid. His face was everywhere."
"Nope, he's real, and he's in there. Those pictures aren't what he actually looks like though, he's not that ugly. However, people like him are the reason why you're working in my part, it's a lot safer."
And as those words left his mouth, the two of you stood at the gate entrance. You and Esther walked up to the booth where a lady stood there with a tired, blank expression.
"Who's that?" She asked.
"The intern from Gullermary Academy. Joseph's student."
"Oh... Proceed."
Esther nodded as he opened the metal door and allowed you to walk in first. As you walked in, you were greeted with loud screams and banging from all directions.
"You'll get used to that," Esther said as he walked past you. "Wait in my office, I gotta go get your file from the boss." He then pointed to the door that had Officer Wibbsy written on a metal plate. "You can take any of the snacks, get comfortable because this might take a while."
"OK, thank you," You said, smiling.
Esther merely gave you a soft smile before walking off. Once he was out of view, you opened the door to his office and looked around. On his desk, you saw a picture of a woman smiling. She had freckles with long blonde hair. When you picked up the picture, you saw a date at the bottom.
"September 17, 2017," You read.
Was the woman dead? Or was it the date the photo was taken? Either way, it really wasn't your business. As you sat the picture back down, next to it was a picture of Esther with the woman in the photo next to him. The woman was wearing a white gown while Esther wore a suit, and in his arms was a baby girl wearing a little white dress and next to him was a little boy in a suit as well. Looking up, you saw his diploma in Criminal Justice and next to it was his certificate from the academy.
After taking a look, you plopped down on the chair and stared up at the ceiling. You weren't exactly sure what this internship had in store for you. When Joseph brought it up to you last semester, he kept it very vague. He'd often dismiss your questions and cut you off when you pushed it. You weren't suspicious however, since he was always like this when he tought you during your first year.
You wondered on what kind of prisoners you'll meet. Will you meet someone who was falsely accused and now is paying the price? Maybe you'll meet someone who has been in and out of jail and now is here. Due to your young curiosity, your mind just kept on racing with ideas. But suddenly, your phone began to ring.
Looking down, you saw the words "Mom's calling..." on your phone.
"Hello?" You asked.
"Hi sweetie, how are you?'
"I'm alright. I'm just waiting for my observer to come back with my stuff."
"Oh honey, I'm so proud of you! But, be careful, alright? I don't want anything happening to you."
"I will, mom, I will. You know how good I am."
"I know, I just don't want anything happening to my little girl/boy."
"I know. But, how are you doing mom?"
"I'm doing alright. Me and your father plan on taking a trip to Florida in the spring."
"That's great! Enjoying retirement I see," You said in a teasing tone, earning a giggle from your mother.
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN?! THIS IS NOT WHAT HE SIGNED!" A voice suddenly yelled, overpowering the screams of the inmates.
"What was that?" Your mother asked, worried.
You stayed silent as you tried to listen to what was going on.
"I'll call you back, mom," You said, before hanging up.
You slowly walked out the room and looked down the narrow hallway, holding onto your gun tightly as you did.
"I'm telling you for the last time, this is what Joseph signed, his signature is right here."
"That is not what he fucking told me. I know damn well he's not stupid enough to put some barley experienced 24 year old in a room with this country's most dangerous criminals. As their observer, I can't allow this!"
You felt your heart stop when you heard those words come out from Esther's mouth. Despite your wonky confidence in your abilities, you were far from naive. You were not ready for this.
"Look, I'm just as unhappy about this as you are, Joseph is fucking stupid for signing this, but legally there's nothing we can do."
"I already told them that they were going to be fine, I won't even be able to observe them! Who's going to even teach them shit?!"
"I don't know, Wibbsy, I don't know. I can call Joseph and ask him what he wants up to do, but for tonight, they're working in the Creeps section, whether you like it or not."
Esther pulled at his hair and he looked at his boss with rage.
"If that kid dies because of this, I'm fucking done with this place, you hear me?"
"I hear."
When Esther walked out of the room, he was greeted by your shocked, frozen figure at the end of the hallway.
"You heard it, didn't you?"
"Just... Shit... Take this and just, go straight down that hallway, and they'll take you from there."
"Uh...Ok. I'll see you later," You said nervously as you took your file and walked off.
Esther stared at you as you walked off, feeling a sense of guilt and responsibility consume him like water.
"Please don't die..."
The hallway to the other side was extremely narrow and costraphobic, you could feel the walls press up on you as your walked. One thing about the entire journey that disturbed you wasn't the leaking walls or the filthy floors, but it was the silence. Compared to the other section that was booming with noise, the closer you got to the second half, the quieter it got. You could only hear little whispers from behind the walls, but they were so quiet that you couldn't make out a word. The hallway was dark, dirty, and wet. You assumed that the rain from the storm has leaked through the walls and onto you. You could see roaches and even saw a rat run past you. You wanted to throw up. It was as if this place was abandoned.
When you got to the end of the hall, there was large metal door. There was no card scanner, or even a person standing in a booth.
"Hello? Hello?" You said, knocking on the door.
Suddenly, the door creaked open, and a short lady started at you with wide eyes.
You could only see the woman's head, but she looked as if she was held hostage for years. Her eyes were wide, as if she had been traumatized, her hair was a mess, her officer cap was barely covering her head, and her face seemed to be bruised.
"...Name..." The woman said, staring into your eyes.
"Y/N L/N. I'm the intern."
And before you could blink, you were grabbed and forced into the horrors that awaited you.
The lobby section was bright and white, similar to a hospital. However, there was no cameras, or an officer sitting behind the glass with a computer.
There was a metal door that stood in front of you, keeping from whatever was on the other side from getting out. Ingraved into the door were the words "Inmate Quaters."
"Let me see your file," The woman said shakily, taking the file from your hands.
"Um, are you OK, ma'am?"
"Me? Oh...I'm alright, I didn't get the worse of it."
Suddenly, a large group of men ran past the two of you, carrying guns and covered in riot gear.
"Hm?" The woman responded, not taking her eyes off your file.
"Who's Ben?"
"If you're not working on his case I can't tell you anything, sorry."
"Huh...The Woods... Rogers... Otis... Wright... Thomas... This... no, this can't be right. Are they fucking stupid?" The woman asked, looking up at you.
"I don't know, maybe?"
"OK, It's fine, it's fine! Who's on the roster for today... Rogers... Jeffery... Liu... At least you got Liu... Ok, follow me."
The woman walked towards the door that had "Inmate Quaters" written on it, beckoning you to follow her.
"Have you gone through your file?"
"No, I've only been for forty minutes..."
"Here, read it. Read the first three for now, the others you'll be working on at a later date."
Once the lady handed you your file, you started to read through it as the two of you made your way to the cells.
The file was the one of a picture of a man with pale skin, greasy black hair, a slitted mouth, and a crazed smile. He was a picture of his mugshot, eyes bloodshot with a large shit eating grin.
"Jeffery Woods. A man in his early 30s, arrested for multiple accounts of serial Murder, Mutilation, Kidnapping, Torture, Stalking, Vandalism, Arson, Breaking and entering, Parricide, Drug use and rape. He has the reputation of assaulting, mocking, teasing and harassing guards. Jeff is often in solitary confinement, but that doesn't stop him from his usual actions. Has to be kept away from Jane Elizabeth Arkensaw due to them activity starting fights. He is deemed one of the deadliest prisoners in our institution. During your internship, he will be one of the prisoners you'll be interacting to help sharpen your skills. He will by far be one of if not the hardest to interrogate. His case is still under investigation..."
You read the words on the paper with disgust. His smile, so deranged, so sadistic, as if he was talking a school picture, ignoring the lives of those he's ruined or taken.
"Be careful with Jeff, he likes pretty ones," The woman commented as you read.
"Wait, I have a question."
"Ask it."
"Will be looking into their case? Like, will I be doing interviews and looking at evidence?"
"Well, I'm not sure about evidence, their cases are gruesome, and the transcripts of victims' families interviews and the interviews of victims who survived are not pretty... However, I know you will be interviewing some of them, like The Woods and Rogers. Now keep reading, we're most there."
You nodded as you moved Jeff's paper to end and looked at the next one. The image was the one of a man with stitches. He had a blank tired expression in his mugshot, not sad or sadistic, but one of bordem. He had brown hair with bright green eyes, and just like Jeffery, he was pretty pale.
"Liu Woods, also known as Homicidal Liu. A man in early to mid 20s, arrested for Serial murder, stalking, kidnapping, robbery, breaking and entering, assault, and vandalism. Currently serving a a sentence of 50 years but has a chance of parole once he serves 20. Liu is the little brother of Jeffery Woods, and after Jeffery almost murdered him, he developed an alter ego named Sully. Lui is is relatively quiet, observant, possessive and violent. But his violence gets worse when he's Sully. Lui normally doesn't harm guards or prisoners unless provocted, but he has attacked them with no apparent reason on multiple accounts. Liu is one of the prisoners you will be seeing often due to you working mostly in his section of the prison, where most of the pastas are such of Eyeless Jack and Toby. Warning when dealing with Liu, watch your words and actions, DO NOT touch anything of his unless it's a danger to him or others, and don't ask him too much about his past due to it being his biggest trigger in becoming Sully. If you're dealing Sully, be extremely careful, don't make sudden moves and don't anger him. Sully is extremely violent, sadistic but oddly childish. Sully is supposedly a seven year old according to both himself and Liu, so treat him as an extremely dangerous child."
You stared at Liu's image for a few moments after reading the report. Him and Jeff barely looked the related besides in the eye shape and skin color. With mugshots alone, you felt as if your experience with the two brothers will be drastically different.
"Do you have any advice on Liu?" You asked to woman.
"No. He isn't too bad, just really, really quiet. But when he does talk, he's very charming. He's a man of few words."
You nodded in response as you placed Liu's file in the back and looked down at the last one. It was a picture of a man, messy brown hair, the right side of his cheek was missing, revealing his teeth and gums, his eyes held heavy bags as if he hadn't sleep for days, and his neck and hands were covered in bandages. His expression was a pretty tired one, his eyes were droopy as he stared into the camera, some of his hair covering his face as he looked.
"Tobias Erin Rogers. A man in his late 20s arrested for Serial murder, Torture, Vandalism, Arson, Stalking, Patricide, Breaking and Entering, Kidnapping, and suspected of multiple accounts of sexual assault but is yet to be confirmed. Currently sentenced to life in jail with possibility of parole after serving a minimum of 30 years. He suffers a handful of disorders and quite often causes trouble for both staff and other inmates. He struggled with controlling his emotions and his impulsive behavior which often leads to himself, inmates and staff to be harmed. Despite this, you will be interacting with him during your internship due to him being able to get a long with staff for a short period of time if he finds them "hot." Warnings, don't get too attached, don't believe most of the things he says, don't give or take anything from him, and don't let his suffering fool you. He has a history of using his suffering against others and actually led to him escaping when he was first sent here when he was 19, and they didn't capture him again until last year when he turned 27."
"WE still don't know much about Rogers," The woman said as she stopped walking, causing you to bump into her.
"Oh, sorry," You said, backing away to give her some space. "But, why is that?"
"He hasn't told us jack shit. He hasn't told us about his motives or his past, the only things we know is the murders he's rambled about in past interviews. Since you two are pretty close in age, maybe you got a better shot then we do," The woman responded, opening the door that led to the door of the inmates quarters.
When the woman opened the metal door, there was a massive wall of metal and glass. It was a look in to see the inmates, and luckily it was a one way mirror.
"This is where the inmates sleep and spend most of their time. They don't leave this area unless they're sent to solitary confinement."
As you looked through the glass, you saw two men sitting next to each other against the wall, and above them on the second floor were two women talking.
"The two men on the bottom are Timothy Wright and Brian Thomas. You won't be meeting them for a while, but they're on your roster."
"How bad are they?"
"Depends on who you're asking."
"And above them is Jane Elizabeth Arkensaw and Natalie Outlette. Jane is definitely one of the most well behaved inmates we have here, hell, she shouldn't even be here..."
The woman continued to explain the operations and how things functioned in the Prison.
"Inmates eat breakfast at 4AM, and they don't eat again until 11:30 for lunch. After breakfast, they have freetime to do whatever they please, they don't get jobs or specialties like the other inmates. We tend to leave them to their devices under close observation."
You took a look into the inmate quarters and noticed that the man with short black hair was staring directly at you. He held a blank expression as he stared through your soul. You felt your blood run cold as he stared you down with his cold, emotionless eyes. You saw the man next to him look at him with amusement before telling him something, which cause the man to take his eyes off you and look at the other man with rage. You watched as the man yelled at him, but due to the noise canceling effects the room you were in had, you only saw the movements and gestures, no actual words.
"Ma'am, are you sure they can't see us?" You asked as you slowly turned your head away from the scene.
"Positive. Why must you ask?" The woman asked as she walked towards a door that read Officer Sarah Mandel.
"The man with the sideburns was just staring at me," You said, pointing to the man.
"Oh...Wright. he does that from time to time, ignore it."
"Uhhh, ok," You responded as you slowly turned your head away from the man named Wright.
"What time is it?" The woman asked.
"6:30 PM, why?"
"In 15 minutes you'll be interviewing Jeffery Woods," The woman said as she began to walk into a room.
When you were about to follow her, she walked back out with a piece of paper in her hands. She then rubbed her eyed tiredly before handing you the paper with a yawn.
"You ok, ma'am?"
"Yeah...Just tired, I've been working 18 hours and I don't go home till 10. Now, ask Jeff the questions on this paper, don't go off script. If he tries, redirect him, don’t give him a chance to get off topic. Now, he says some pretty perverted and weird things, ignore it and you'll be fine. An officer will be waiting outside the door, and there's a button under the table to notify him to come in. There will also be another officer with you in the room since this is your first time. Got all that?"
"Yep! So uh, where the place I'll be interviewing him?"
You and the woman then walked deeper into the area you in, going past the inmates quarters and going through a door that read 'Interigation Roon, Level 4 and up.'
As the two of you walked, you decided to read some of the questions on the paper. Most of the questions were ones you've seen at the Academy. Stuff like, 'Why did you do what you did?' And 'Did you know your victims?' And so on and so forth. Some of the questions were more detailed though. One in particular asked 'At the scene of one of your crimes, we found a dog next to a door that was locked. When we tried going through the door, it killed two of our best officers. What was behind that door, and who was that dog?'
You remember when you were younger, this image of a dog with a crazed smile was circling around. Some said it was cursed, others said it was some urban legend. But, you picture the image in your head, and you look down at Jeffrey's wanted photo, you couldn't feel like that was connected to him somehow.
"Alright, you'll be in room 899 for all of your interviews, keep that in mind. Now, they'll be here in 5 minutes with Jeffery, you ready?"
"Yeah, I think so," You said as your hands and legs shook with nervousness.
The woman let out a light chuckle before putting her hand on your shoulder with a smile.
"You're gonna be ok, kid. It's you first day, and you're already working with some dangerous people, but it comes with the job. You'll get it no time."
"Thanks, I appreciate it," You said as you took a deep breath and walked into the room.
The room was small with bright lights, two cameras on each side of the room, clean white walls, and a table with a chair on each side in the middle.
You sat down on the chair facing the door and pulled at your uniform to fix any wrinkles or badges that were out of place. You opened the folder and took out Jeffery's paper before placing the folder under your chair.
"It's ok, Y/N. He isn't going to do anything," You said to yourself as you looked down at the papers.
Suddenly, you began to hear footsteps and the sound of chains walking towards you.
And then, the door opened, and you were greeted with a sight that gave you chills.
A man, so tall that could barely fit through the doorway. His hair was long and greasy, covering his face as he looked down lifeless. He was pretty skinny too, that inmate uniform he wore being quite baggy on him. Covering him were chains, his hands were cuff and his ankles were chains together as well. You couldn't see his face, but you could see his eyes. His eyes were bloodshot and wide, staring at you with insanity and rage.
You did your best to keep your stone cold expression, but you couldn't hide the deed of sweat that rolled down your brow as he got closer to you.
The two officers that brought him forced him down of the seat before tying him to the chair tightly.
"That's a bit much, don't you think?" Jeffery said, turning his head to look at the male officer. He had a massive grin on his face as he asked the question in a joking manner.
"No," The male officer said coldly before walking in the corner.
The female officer looked at you with a nod before walking out and closing the door behind her.
Now, in the first semester of your second year at the Academy, it was mostly focused on interagation and the art of the mind. You were told to remain calm and composed at all times, but don't be too serious as well.
Joseph said people are less likely to comfortable and truthful when you make yourself appear as stone cold serious or far too casual. He said to find a balance, make them feel comfortable, maybe joke once or twice, but make them aware that this is serious.
"So, how are you doing, Jeffery?"
Jeff then shot up and slowly turned his head to look at you. His face was neutral, but the nasty scarred smile on his face did give you goosebumps.
"Jeffery... I haven't been called that in a while."
"What are you called then?"
"Well, Jeff, how are you doing?"
"Shitty. I've been stuck in solitary all fucking month!"
"I'm sorry to hear that."
When you going the ask why, you remembered that the woman told you not to go off script. You took a glance at the officer in the corner before peeping down at the paper.
"So, Jeff, you've been charged with a books worth of crimes, and you've been on death row since December 25, 2014. We've had you in this place for a few years now, but you still haven't told us why you did it."
Jeff stared at you before scoffing and rolling his eyes.
"Same old question! How many times do I have to tell you fucking people. It was fun! Stalked a few people, kidnapped some, fucked the pretty ones, and at the end of the day all of them would be fucking dead," Jeff said with a grin, his eyes slowly starting to move down to your tits.
"Hey! Eyes up here," You demanded, snapping your fingers to get his attention to your face. "I'm here for answers, Jeff, not to be your eye candy."
"Awwww," Jeff moaned, giving you a pout.
"So..." You said, looking through his file. Jeff looked at you boredly as he yawned and leaned back into his chair. In the corner of your eye, you saw the police officer in the corner give Jeff a glare.
"A girl...oh. A girl went missing right before your arrest, her name was Abbie Grace, 21 year old college student. We haven't found her since and evidence is pointing towards you. Does the name ring any bells?"
"Abbie...? Nope! Not at all," Jeff answered, a strange optimistic tone laying in his voice.
After those words left his mouth, you pulled out a picture of Abbie. She had long pink and blue hair with pale skin and bright blue eyes. Her face was covered in freckles and her eyes had a shine to them. She seemed friendly and kind, her bright smile showing off her dimples and crooked teeth.
"Does she look familiar?"
Jeff leaned forward and looked at the photo. He paused for a few moments before realization hit him.
"Oh! Candy Head."
"So you do recognize her?"
"What happened to her?"
"Heh, I don't know. I was told to kidnap her, not kill her."
The word told caught your attention immediately, and it seemed to catch the other officer's attention too. Nothing in his file said anything about a boss, it was said that he worked alone, a solo act.
"Told? By who?"
"Eh, I don't feel like telling."
"What? Suck my dick first and maybe I'd tell you."
"You're not getting anything out of him, rookie," The other officer said, letting out a sigh.
"Well, what'd you do with her while she was with you?"
"Hmmm, well, She was definitely an ugly crier. She would always cry and cry, the bitch even tried to kill me with a butter knife," Jeff answered before laughing at the girl's attempts to escape.
"Hm. Do you remember you remember the last thing you did to her?"
"She did have a pretty face, and a fat ass," Jeff said before his eyes glazed over with lust as he reminisced. An errie smile continued to grow on his face as he contiued his thought. "She was the whole package, and I wasn't going to ler a girl like that go out easy."
You knew what he meant, his file didn't lie one bit, the guy was a fucking sadist.
"After fucking the bitches brains out, I gave the her to Toby."
"...Toby? Is he your partner?"
"Partner? You're funny! As if I'd work with that retard. if you wanna know what happened to her, ask him."
"You are aware that makes you an accomplice?"
"Like I care."
"And you do know that can make your stay here a lot longer, post poning your death sentence to look into your case further."
"If looking at your body means staying here, I'll stay."
"Well, I guess that's where our talk ends for today."
You then stood up and walked out of the room, leaving the officer with Jeff. As you walked off, Jeff stared at your ass, feeling a grin creep onto his face before the officer pulled him out from his seat.
As you walked out, you saw the lady from earlier waiting for you, drinking a red bull as she leaned against the wall.
"How'd it go?"
"Better than I thought... But he's, weird."
"Weird as in perverted? Yeah, we know. What'd he tell?"
"Well, I asked him about Abbie Grace, the 21 year old, and apparently he didn't kill her."
"Really? What did he do?"
"Well... He kidnapped her, raped her, not sure how many times though, and then gave her to a guy named Toby."
"Has to be our Toby," The woman mumbled before taking another sip of her red bull. "Did you ask him anything else?"
"No, just getting those answers were difficult."
"Welp that's us, let me tell you how this is gonna go," The woman said as she pushed herself off the wall and began to walk.
"The most dangerous and chaotic parts of the day is Lunch, Breakfast, and Dinner. All the pastas normally stick to their groups or by themselves, but during these parts of the day they're all trapped together like sardines. Fights breakout, stealing, and just too much shit goes on. When you're assigned your spot, stay there. If any of them try to get a reaction out of you or try to bother you, don't react. They're not your average criminals, and since they've never seen you before, that's definitely gonna happen today. Stand strong, stay quiet, and observe. Cops like us are merely meang to supervise them, not stop them, that's what Security is for."
"So, is that all I gotta worry about mainly?"
"For right now, yes. And don't leave the cafeteria until lunch is over. Some of them like to sneak out, and let's just say cops who wondered off, weren't found the same way they left. May that be mentally, or physically."
"Oh... So, stay in post, stay quiet, and don't leave."
"Yep, you pick up fast."
"Thank you, Officer...?"
"Mandel. I guess I never told you name, my apologies," Officer Mandel said before taking a another sip of her red bull, "Its been a long day."
The moment the two of you walked into the cafeteria, you were met with a loud wave of noise.
"Shit, is it always this loud?" You asked Officer Mandel, who nodded her head in response.
The two of you then walked over to one of the security guards.
"Jesus! You look like awful, Sarah," The guard said with concern.
"I know right. Newbie needs their post."
"Oh, you see that guy over there," The guard said, pointing to a guy with stitches in the corners of his mouth.
"You're posted in the front of the door behind him."
Looking at the man closer, your eyes widened with realization.
"Is that-"
"Liu Woods? Yeah, good luck," The guard responded before Officer Mandel slapped the back of his head.
"He's not that bad, don't listen to him."
Nodding in response, you took a deep breath as you walked towards the door.
All the inmates were divided into their respective groups. The two men you saw from earlier were sitting at their own table, but a man with part of his cheek removed was sitting with them as well, arguing with the one known as Tim.
"For the hundredth time, it's not my fault the bitch ran away!"
"You sure? Cause last time I checked, she was you last."
"*FUCK YOU* Whatever, Tim. The bitch most likely dead anyway."
You made sure to note that in your head for later. Tobias Erin Rogers, he was listed on your roster, and based on Jeff's info, you'll be meeting him very soon.
When you passed Liu to get to the door, you felt the atmosphere shift. It hit you like a truck, your heart raced as you took at glance at him.
His skin was so pale that he could've been considered sick. Since Jeff was paler than him, you just though it was family trait. But, the stitches on his face and hands made you think otherwise. In his file, it did mention that Jeff tried to kill him. An injury from the incident was mostly likely the cause for his apperance, but you kept your theories to yourself.
Much to you surprise, dinner went by pretty smoothly. But, you couldn't help but grow curious on why so many guards were coming in and out of the cafeteria. You knew better than to let your curiosity take over, but through dinner it became harder to fight.
"Something bothering you?"
Flinching at the voice, you looked down towards Liu, he was looking at you with a tilted head.
"What? Of course not."
"You sure? I ain't telling nobody," Liu persisted as he fully turned his body towards you.
You knew better than to respond, much to Liu's dissapointment.
"You interviewed my brother eariler, right?"
"Who's asking?'' You asked saracastically as you avoided eye contact.
"Me, who else?" Liu answered bluntly, a slight bit of attitude hidden in his tone.
"I don't know."
There was a moment of silence as Liu followed your eyes, realizing that you were looking at the cafeteria doors.
"The doors, huh?" Liu whispered to himself as a grin grew on his face. "You know, past those cafeteria doors is Solitary."
"Ok, why would I care?"
"Why would I care," Liu mocked.
"Jesus, just like his brother..." You thought as you rolled your eyes in annoyance.
"Hey, can you do me a favor?"
"It might benefit you," Liu said in teasing manner.
You didn't say a word, but you did raise an eyebrow with interest.
"Jeff stole shit from my cell before he got sent to solitary. You convince him to give me my shit back, and I tell you what I know about Candy Head."
"Candy Head?" You asked confused before realization hit you. "You have something to do with Abbie Grace's case?"
"Nah uh, uh, uh, get me my stuff back first," Liu answered bluntly, sending you a glare.
Something wasn't adding up. Jeff told you that he gave Abbie to Toby, but how did Liu fit into any of this? Maybe her disappearance isn't as cut and dry as you thought.
Looking around, you let out a sigh.
"I'll think about it."
Liu nodded his head in understanding before turning back around.
"Wait. How'd you know I'm on her case?"
"Stuff. First."
Letting out a groan, you lightly flinched as a loud ring echoed across the room.
As the inmates got rallied up, Officer Mandel walked up next to you.
"So, how'd it go?"
"I don't know what that file said, but Liu is anything but charming. It was like I was dealing with Jeff all over again, just without the pervsion."
"You sure it was Liu?"
"Hm? What you mean?"
"You'll see. Now, the inmates are getting brought back to their cells, but our job isn't over just yet," Mandel said before beckoning you to follow her. "You'll be interviewing Toby in an hour or two, until then, I need you to look over the testimonals of their previous victims who survived."
"You said Jeff didn't kill her, right?"
"So, there's the chance that Toby did. Toby didn't work alone, he worked with those two guys we saw earlier. I want you to get familar with their methods, and I want you to understand this very clearly," Mandel said before stopping in her tracks. "These people are dangerous, they will hurt you if given the chance. After today, you're not gonna have another officer in the room with you. I best not find out that you got hurt because you wanted to be fucking stupid."
Placing a hand on your shoulder, Mandel looked at you with a look you couldn't decscribe. "You're young, and you got so many years ahead of you, so listen to my advice. Listen to the files, and don't ever, I mean ever, go into solitary. I saw you looking at it earlier so I'm shutting the idea down now."
"Yes, Ma'am."
"Wonderful. Now, while you were interviewing Jeff, I decided to hand pick the evidence and testimonials that mostly involved Toby. You're not going to meet Brian and Tim for a while, so don't worry about them."
Nodding your head, you looked at the door labeled "Intern 1."
"Oh, and heads up. The voice recordings are really dark, so, good luck," Mandel whispered to you before patting your back. "I'll get you when Toby's ready."
As Mandel left you alone, you took a deep breath as you opened the door.
The room was bright and clean, a decently sized desk placed in front of you with a computer on it, but it was also covered in various files. In the corner was an old box TV with a VHS and CD player, with a chair placed in front of it.
The room wasn't bad by any means, but it gave you an odd vibe.
Taking a seat at the desk, you decided to look at the different files.
Most of them were detailed descriptions of various crimes scenes related to Toby or the proxies in general, but under all the files was a VHS labeled "Elizabeth Todd's Testimony."
Since you didn't want to spend lord knows how long reading papers, you stood up from your seat and made your way to the TV, placing the VHS into the player before taking a seat infront of the TV. The TV took a while to process the cassete, but once it did, a woman appeared on the screen, the date April 26th, 2008 resting in the top right hand corner.
The girl looked about 19, dark skinned with big curls rounding around her face, fairly skinny but you weren't exactly sure due to her hoodie covering most of her frame, but the thing that you took notice of the most was her eyes. They lacked any sort of life, giving you an uneasy feel as she stared past the camera, implying that someone was in front of her.
"Your testimony will be recorded and kept for evidence, would you like to remain anonymous? If not, please state your name," A light voice said behind the camera.
Pausing for a few moments, the girl looked down to her hands before looking back up to the officer infront of her.
"My name is Elizabeth Todd," The girl started, her voice meek and low as she spoke.
"Would you mind telling us what happened on the day of the incident?"
"...It was my freshman year of college. I didn't know anyone, but I made some friends within the first semester."
Leaning back into your chair, you took notice of Elizabeth's body language. She fidgeted with her hands as she spoke, and always kept her gaze down, rarely looking up at the officers. She appeared nervous. You decided to keep note of that as she continued to speak.
"When spring break came around, me, Lilian, Austin, and Kevin decided to take a camping trip in tye woods near our campus. We took a bunch during the fall so we were pretty familiar with the area. But, when it came to us planning the trip, I always felt like something was going to go wrong..."
Elizabeth's voice cracked as she spoke, causing her to swallow her spit as she shook her hands, trying to keep her composure.
"Nobody listened though, saying I was paranoid even though we went there countless times before. So, we went anyway. Kev and Lilian were setting up a fire while me and Austin were setting up tents. Austin and I were dating at the time, so when Lilian and Kev weren't looking, we wondered off."
Snapping her fingers, Elizabeth continued.
"Austin and I were making out against a tree not too far from our campsite, fucking in the woods was on our spring break bucket list after all. But, before we could do anything I felt my heart drop. You know that feeling when you know something is wrong but you just don't know what?"
"Yes, I've felt it countless times while on patrols," The officer responded, which helped in calming Elizabeth's nerves.
"Well, I got that feeling. We stopped and looked around but nothing was there. But, it was really quiet, no crickets, no owls, just silence..."
Elizabeth paused, pulling at her sleeves as spoke, her eyes starting to water. "It all happened so fast..."
"It's ok, your words will help us in bring your friends justice," The officer said softly, placing a hand on Elizabeth's.
"Next thing I knew I was running. Austi's blood was all over me, but I don't remember what happened. Once I got back to the campsite, Kev and Lilian were roasting marshmallows at the fire..."
"Done fucking, yet?" Lilian teased as she placed her marshmallow on her cracker, turning around with a cheeky grin.
But, that grin quickly fell as her eyes fell on Elizabeth, wearing only a T shirt as blood stained her body.
"What happened...?" Kevin asked, eyes wide.
"He's gone...," Elizabeth responded, looking down at her blood stained hands before looking back up at the two. "We gotta leave. Now."
Without asking anymore questions, Kevin grabbed the keys to the car as Lilian helped Elizabeth stand.
"Are you hurt?" Lilian asked as she walked with Elizabeth.
"He's gone, Lily...He's gone."
"I know, I know."
"Lily, call the cops, tell them what's happening!" Kevin said as he led the group, flashing his flashlight at any sudden noise.
"Once we get to the car," Lily said.
But, Lilian and Elizabeth watched as Kevin's flashlight fell to the floor, being followed with the sound of a loud thump.
Lying infront of them was Kevin's body, a hatchet cutting through the middle of his head as he stared at the two.
"No no no no no no no," Lilian mumbled as she gripped on Elizabeth, backing up slowly as she did.
"BULLSEYE!" A cheerful voice yelled.
Stepping out from the bushes, a man with bright orange goggles appeared in the light, taking the hatchet out of Kevin's skull as he admired his work.
"Big guy aren't *KOO KOO* ya? No *SUCKY* wonder you were so easy to hit," The man stuttered out, his head twitching from side to side as he joked, the loud cracking of his neck echoing throughout the forest.
Frozen in shock, Elizabeth looked towards Lilian, who was just as frozen as she was.
"Damn... You two sure *WOW* are pretty," The man spoke, turning his attention towards the two girls. "I've never *SHOO* had a girlfriend before," The man continued before his gaze darkened, his body language becoming more hostile as he took out his other hatchet. "Mind giving me a chance?~"
Without wasting a moment, Lilian grabbed Elizabeth's hand before running off, causing the man to chase after them.
"We gonna split up," Lilian said.
"It's better if at least one of us survives. You go left, I go right. We're going to have to get Kev's keys and phone."
"No, no please."
"It's fine, if I don't come back, leave without me. Now go!"
Lilian quickly ran to the right, jumping over a few bushes in the process. Hesitating, Elizabeth stumbled over a few branches as she ran the left, separating the two.
"Jeez, are they *KOO KOO* really that stupid?" Toby mumbled, tapping his chin with his hatchet as he looked both ways. "Tits or thighs...tits or thighs... Tits," Toby declared, looking to the right.
Running through the woods, Elizabeth saw the light from Kevin's flashlight in the distance. Picking up speed, Elizabeth felt her heart drop as Lilian's screams echoed throughout the woods, causing bird to fly up from their nest as it echoed.
"Lily," Elizabeth mumbled, staring in the direction of where Lily ran. "No. Get the keys, get the keys."
Standing over Kevin's body, Elizabeth felt nausea fill up her body as she examined his features. His once bright brown eyes now laid dull, staring at Elizabeth as his mouth laid open. Searching his pockets, Elizabeth felt a chill go down her spine as she caught a feel of his skin, painfully cold.
"I'm sorry Kev, I'm sorry," Elizabeth repeated as she pulled Kevin's keys and phone from his pocket. "I'm so sorry."
Standing up, Elizabeth decided not to take the flashlight, not wanting to risk being seen by the man who was chasing them.
Saying one last goodbye to her friend, Elizabeth ran in the direction of where their car was parked. But, as she ran, she could hear the sound of twigs being snapped.
The sounds came in short but consistent burst. He was following her, mocking her.
"I can see you~" Toby teased, letting out a chuckle as he watched Elizabeth stop for a moment.
Brian would always scold Toby for wasting time on victims, saying that too much time on one could lead to another escaping. But, Toby never listened. Having been a proxy for only a few months, the bosses were starting to grow quite fond of him, much to Tim's dismay.
But, this task was different. This was his first solo mission, and a surprisingly easy one too. Stalk the campers, kill them, dispose of their bodies, and go back to the cabin, easy, right? Well, maybe he should've listened to Brian's advice.
The moment Toby spoke, Elizabeth booked it, running much faster than she normally did.
"Fuck, *LOOKIE* she's fast,"Toby mumbled, chasing after her.
Reaching the car Elizabeth shakily pulled the keys out from her pocket, attempting to open the car door as Toby gained on her.
"Please-please-please, God please!" Elizabeth begged.
As the door opened, Elizabeth quickly jumped in, slamming the key into the holder as the car started up.
But, just before she could slam on the gas, a hatchet was flown as her window, causing glass to shatter on her. Luckily, the hatchet didn't touch her, her dodging just in time for it to land on the seat next to her.
Looking up in horror, Elizabeth watched as Toby appeared from the woods, out of breath as he came into frame. But, in his hand was Lilian, blood dripping from her body as Toby held her by her hair.
"Lilian...," Elizabeth mumbled.
Toby then tilted his head as he lifted Lilian's arm, waving it side to side with a sadistic grin.
She wasn't dead, not yet at least. Her chest was rising and falling slowly as Toby forced her to wave. But, blood was covering her face and neck, coming from the top of her head where Toby banged the handle of his hatchet into.
Staring at the two, Elizabeth came back to reality as quickly as she fazed out of it, slamming on the gas.
As she drove, in the corner of her eye she saw a piece of paper tied to the hatchet. Taking a look, she felt her blood run cold.
"If you survive, don't tell anyone what you saw. You'll see what happens if you :)"
She should tell the police? Lilian was still alive when she left, sure there was blood all over her, but maybe if she called the cops she could make it. Or was it too late?
Looking at Kev's phone, Elizabeth made her choice.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"Elizabeth? Elizabeth? Fuck, fuck," The officer said as Elizabeth's head slammed into the table, not responding for five minutes before her head fell.
The interview stopped there, but the tape continued.
"Elizabeth experienced a seizure during her interview, dying shortly after. But, evidence at the crime scene helped is in determining a series of events," You read as words appeared on the TV. "The bodies of Kevin Howard and Austin Brown were found. Kevin was found with a gash in his head while Austin was found with his head cut clean off. Lilian Smith's body has yet to be found at the time of this recording."
Then, the video finished.
The interview didn't tell you much about Toby's personality, but it did give you a glimce into his cruelty. You decided to use this case as a baseline for the other files you would be looking into, wanting to find common patterns in his crimes and how he picked his victims.
Standing up, you took a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for the deep dive you were about the take.
After an hour and thirty minutes, you were able to figure out common themes in Toby's crimes, and in two, you were able to get a solid idea on his behavior and personality.
You filled up three pages in your notebook with notes on Toby.
It seems that the proxies in general were very diverse in their victims, some of them being normal civilians while others could be big shot politicians or businesses owners. Toby in particular seemed to mostly target people in their early to late 20s, and most of them were normal civilians or low profiled criminals.
When it came to his behavior, a common theme was that many of Toby's male victims had much more brutal deaths than the women. Women's bodies were often found with a hatchet in the back of the head, or a gash in the side, but their deaths were often simple and quick. The men on the other hand were always found in almost unrecognizable ways. One body was found with his chest completely torn open, his intestines wrapped around his throat and blood smothered all over his face, a truly horrifying site.
The deaths in which his victims would have slowly started to give you ideas. It seems that Toby has some sort of vendetta against men, or more specifically, men with blonde hair. Men with blonde hair were often the ones found in unrecognizable ways. This was something that you would definitely do more digging on and try to get an answer when you're interviewing Toby. Now, you wouldn't say Toby has a soft spot for women, that clearly wasn't the case the more you looked into his behavior, but he did appear to be a lot more merciful and playful when it came to their deaths. Well, maybe not all of them.
You recall that in Toby's file that he would be more complient with people he found hot. Well, in a few cases, there had been women found days or even weeks after incidents. All of which were found dead and in horrible condition, implying that they were kept with him for a while. Maybe that was the case with Lilian.
Now, when it comes to Toby's personality, it's obvious he's mentally unstable. And his mood swings seem to be very self destructive. Often thrown into periods of mental exhaustion where he becomes a blank slate, too mentally out of it to bother with reality.
Despite being in his late 20's, it's been reported that he can be surprisingly teen like when it comes to his interest and some of his behaviors. In past interviews, he's expressed his love for sappy rom coms, and interest often seen in teenagers. It was something that you took interest in, and you decided to figure out if it was just how he is, or if there was a deeper issue at play here.
"Y/N," Mandel said as she opened the door, cutting you out of your train of thought.
"Yes Ma'am?" You responded, looking up from your notes.
"Toby's ready."
Nodding your head, you stood up from your seat and followed Mandel as she led you to the interview room.
"Figure anything out?" Mandel asked.
"A lot, actually. Figured out common patterns in crimes, and some stuff I would like ask hin about."
"Like what?"
"He seems to be much more aggressive men, blonde men to be more specific."
"May I ask you something?"
"Ask away," Mandel responded, opening another can of red bull.
"Do you know what happened to Lilian Smith?"
Mandel froze in place, causing you stop with her.
"Ma'am?" You said shakily, looking at Mandel with worry.
"I was on that case... Remember it well..."
"What happen?"
"A week after Elizabeth died, we found her body in a cabin nine miles into the forest... Her head was split in two, going into her neck," Mandel said, her voice shaking as she took another sip of her red bull. "She's the reason why we're trying to charge Toby with sexual assault, the way she was found..."
"Oh... I'm sorry for bringing it up, Ma'am..."
"No, no. It's alright, it's been nearly a decade. If we can officially charge him with it, the judge will be more willing to put him on death row."
Sighing in relief, you watched as Mandel stood up straight and continued to walk.
"I want to remind you, these guys are monsters. Be careful with Toby, he's a lot more unpredictable than Jeff. He might meek today, but tomorrow he could be wild."
"Advice taken."
"Anything else you figure out?"
"He doesn't seem to have a specific preference for victims, only a preference in death styles. I do find his treatment of women kind of interesting though."
"Why you say that?"
"Oftenly, his killings with them tend be more merciful, but, there's multiple times where they've been on the more gruesome side of things. You think I should ask him about it."
"I don't see why not, but don't ask him up front, a lot of the inmates are stubborn and aren't going to give you any favors."
Next thing you knew, you were in the hallway meant for interrogations. You weren't sure why, but the vibe was completely different than last time you were in the area.
"Room 111 is Toby's. Remember what I told you."
"Yes ma'am."
"Oh, also. After Toby, you're gonna be on your own for the rest of your shift. I'll check up on your every now and again, but that's about it."
"What? What am I supposed to do?"
"Look into your other inmates cases. You still Tim, Brian, Ben, Jeff, and Liu to look into. If you stay in your office, you'll be fine."
Nodding your head, Mandel turned the corner, leaving you alone in the silent hallway.
Opening the door, the room was no different than the last one you were in. Table in the middle, a chair on each side, bright lights, nothing new. One thing you did notice was that this part of the prison didn't have any cameras, or computers. You thought it was just the hallways, but it didn't make sense on why they wouldn't be present in an interrogation room.
Taking a seat, you pull out your notebook, looking over the various notes you made. You considered asking questions, but then you remembered what Mandel said.
"Ask them the questions on the paper, nothing else."
You couldn't deny the sketchiness of it all. Yes, you understood why they'd be so strict with who they let in and what they'd ask, they are harboring America's most notorious serial killers after all, but some of the questions didn't even matter. Trying to gain trust is one thing, but asking complete bullshit is something completely different.
"Why did you do it? Stubborn my ass, he would never answer that," You mumbled, reading each question on the paper. "What do you like to do? What does that have to do with anything?"
But, you quickly fell silent as the sound of footsteps echoes in the hallways.
The sound of various cracks and clicks could be heard. The cracking of bones made your neck ich, and the sounds of the clicks caused you to grind your teeth together. It didn't help that the sound chains could be heard as well, moving side to side with every click and crack.
Taking a deep breath, your back straightened as the door opened.
Stabding in the door was three figures, two police officers holding onto the man in the middle. The man held a bored expression, his head angled downward as he looked around with his eyes. Much to your suprise, he was much shorter than you thought, maybe around 5'5, 5'6 if you wanted to push it. However, you couldn't help but stare at the injury on his left cheek. Pieces of skin were ripped out, showing his gums and teeth to the world. Not to be rude, but you were kind of glad he wore a muzzle like mask.
When his gaze met up to yours, the two of you made eye contact for a few seconds. Within those seconds, you saw his eyes widen, his eyes softening for just a moment before switching back.
"Cute...," He whispered, tilting his head to the side as a grin slowly formed on his face.
"Quiet," One of the guards said as they sat Toby down, bringing his arms up in order to chain them to the table.
"I wasn't *WOWIE* talking to you," Toby snapped back, rolling his eyes.
"Thank you, I got it from here," You said, earning a nod from the officers as one of them left the room, the other one quickly prompting themselves into the corner. "Hello Toby, I'm sure you know why I'm speaking with you today."
"*CLICK* Yeah."
"So, how have you been feeling recently?"
"Terrible!" Toby exclaimed, an irrated look on his face as he mumbled under his breath.
"Why is that?"
"Hmmm, let me *KOO KOO* think. Oh, maybe because I'm fucking here! Would you be happy and shit if you got caught?"
"I'm not exactly sure."
"I'm no liar, Toby. Now, may I be able to ask you a few questions about your cases?"
"Does it matter?"
You quickly turned your head to the officer in the corner, who nodded their head in response.
"Uh yes! Yes, it does matter."
"So. Before you were arrested, did you ever know someone named Abbie Grace?"
"Abbie Grace... Colored hair?"
"Yeah, why?"
"We were informed that you were involved with her disappearance."
"...Snitch. *FUCK* He owes me big time," Toby groaned, leaning back into his chair as he looked up at the ceiling.
"Hey, focus. Can you tell me what happened to her?"
"What if I don't wanna?"
"It's not up for negotiation."
"Aw, look at you toughening up."
"He isn't gonna tell me anything, isn't he?" You thought, doing your best to hide your irration. "Well, Toby. If you don't tell us anything, we can't charge you, but, if, or when, we get evidence on you, you're punishment will be more severe."
As you talked, you noticed a shift in Toby's mood.
"And I'm talking death row, Toby. Death. Row."
"I could get death row right now if I felt like it. Do you honestly think these chains can stop me from bashing your head in? Or from taking his gun and shooting you in that pretty head of yours?"
That was the first time he didn't stutter on a single word. No sudden words, no sudden tics, clear cut.
"You're alive because I'm letting you live," Toby said coldly, his eyes lacking any emotion as he stared into your soul. "Isn't that fun!" Toby suddenly cheered, leaning over as he stared at you wide eyes, a strange amount of joy written on his face.
"...I don't think we have the same definition of fun."
"You're so boring..."
"OK. How about this then."
"Talk about yourself. What do look for when choosing your victims? How do you treat your weapons? Go crazy."
Both Toby and the officer looked at you in suprise.
"Uh... What about *FLOWER* me exactly?"
"What did you like to do when you were a kid?"
"...I was in and *CRACK* out of hospitals a lot... Whenever I was out, I would *LOOKIE LOOKIE* go play in the woods with my sister," Toby said. "I hated being home..."
There were two things you took note of. The fact that Toby has a sister, and that he didn't like being home.
"You have a sister?"
"Oh... What was she like?"
"She was the best. *BIRDIE* She'd always take care of me, stop kids from picking *CLICK* on me...and always made sure I was ok."
"She seemed nice."
"The nicest," Toby said, his eyes softening as he dazed off. "What else?"
"How do see this...hobby of yours?"
"It's a job, not a hobby."
"Hm. What do you hate most about it?"
"My *CLICK* co-workers."
"Why's that?"
"Tim is always yelling at me about something. *COOKIE* You fucked up on this mission! You never shut up! Mehmehmehemehmeh! And *SHOOT* Brian is just there! Sometimes he gets on me too, and other times he's on Tim! *TICK TOK* Like hello, pick a side!"
To be honest, you were surprised by Toby's words. Back at the Academy, Gibbons would always remind you that every criminal was human, so they would and behave as one. Even though you were considered very skilled, sometimes you forget this simple fact, that even the smartest or most dangerous of criminals, can crack.
The way Toby described them sounded like a worker talking shit about their boss in an office. Now you couldn't help but wonder how Brian and Tim would describe each other.
"That seems annoying."
"Finally someone gets it!" Toby exclaimed. But, after he spoke those words, you watched as he slowky looked at you, a faint blush forming on his face as he sent you a smile. "You know what, I like you."
You felt a chill go down your spine as you stared at him. Yes he called you cute, but the way he was looking at you, you couldn't help but feel concern.
"Um. OK, anyways... Did you have any favorites?"
"Yeah. Whenever you did your job, did you have a set preference that you could follow or no?"
"Hmmmm... I hate open spaces. *WOWIE* The noise, the people, the attention... *FUCK* I hate it."
"That explains the locations. Maybe I can figure out a pattern in Toby's preferences that can give me more clues to Abbie's case."
"I've always liked the woods, especially the campers. They're always to unaware. *CHICKEN* I once killed a guy who was half way through fucking *FUCK* his girlfriend, oh you *CAN'T *should've seen her face when I bashed his brains in!" Toby exclaimed before moving his up into the air and quickly slamming them down into the table, looking you dead in the eyes with a manic expression, "Just like that! She had your exact face!"
Least to say, you were dumbfounded. This guy was energetic, loud, and manic, the way he talked about his murders held so much life, so much passion, so much pride. The joy in his voice almost made you forget that you were talking to a criminal, and a manipulative one too. Despite his tone, you couldn't tell if he was being genuine, or at least what everything he was saying was true. If he fell for your trick, maybe he wasn't as aware as Mandel said.
"Oh...um. Is that all?"
"Maybe, maybe not. I don't wanna talk anymore."
"Wait, we're not done yet, we still have to talk about Abbie."
Toby sent you glare as his body tense up, his once playful energy gone.
"I know you don't care about death row, but, if Jeff gives us more evidence against you, the judge may consider lightening his sentence, while you, will get a more severe one. Maybe not death row, but still worse than Jeff's."
"So you want me to snitch."
"I wouldn't say that. I don't really care who tells me what happened to Abbie, I just wanna know."
Toby stared off to the side, assumingly in thought.
"Getting Candyhead was an order from the boss...She's *OW* the daughter of a powerful business *CRACK* owner that didn't keep his end of the deal with the boss. So, he had Jeff capture her, and then Jeff *POW* gave her to me to keep her *WOW* hostage."
"Wait... She's?" You mumbled. "Toby, is Abbie dead?"
"I don't know who told you she was."
"Wait. If she's alive, then we have to look over everything!"
You turned around the officer in the corner, who was just as surprised as you were.
"Miss, who's the head of the Abbie Grace case?"
"Detective Adrea Banklin."
"Can I meet with her after this?"
"I'll have to see if she's right now."
"Ok. Toby, our interview ends here."
Standing up from your seat, you quickly made your way out of the room, keeping the door open as another officer ran in.
"Abbie's alive. But, how? She's been missing for over a year, how can she survive that long," You spoke to yourself as you rushed to your office.
As you opened the door to your office, you rushed to your desk, pulling out the Abbie Grace file from your cabinet.
"OK, ok. Calm down, Y/N, calm down. I understand it's your first real case, but stuff like this happens, so calm down," You said softly as you took some deep breaths. "OK, OK. I don't even have all the files on Abbie yet, so what should I do now..."
Then, it hit you.
Looking into the hallways, you, quickly made you way towards the inmates quarters, making sure to hide from other officers.
"Oh my God, what am I doing, what am I doing? Mandel is going to kill me, Gibbons is going to kill me. But, if it's solve the case, it's fine."
The inmate quarters were dark. You could see figures moving around, but since it lights out, the power in the quarters was out.
"How am I even going to get in?"
Turning around, the officer from earlier was behind you, giving you a suspicious look.
"Oh, you scared me."
"What are you doing over here?"
"...Just wanted to look around."
"...mhm. Well, Banklin is here at the moment, but she's preparing to go home. She's willing to speak now, but she won't wait long."
"That's great! Can you take me to her, please?"
The officer merely nodded her head before walking off.
"Liu can wait," You whispered to yourself before following after her.
"She's at the end of the hallway."
"OK, Thank you, officer..."
"Cherry, Officer Cherry."
"Y/N L/N."
"Pleasure. Also, if you're gonna meet with inmates, be more discrete."
"...How did you-"
"Been there, done that. Got caught up in a deal with Ben, was his bitch for months...You learn a thing or two," Officer Cherry said before walking off, leaving you alone.
You quickly made your way to Banklin's office. Opening the door, you saw Banklin placing various files into a bag.
Banklin was a tall woman with long brown hair, she seemed quite put together despite the stressful work environment.
"Detective Banklin?"
"Hm? Oh, you must be the intern."
"Yes, um. I've gotten some important information about the Abbie Grace case."
"Toby, ma'am."
"Rogers? That man is a bipolar punk, I don't trust a word that leaves his mouth."
"I cam see why, but he implied that Abbie is still alive."
Banklin froze as she looked up at you, dropping the file in hand.
"Yes, when he was talking about her, he talked in a present tense, and when I asked if she was actualky dead, Toby said that he never said she was."
"...It does make sense, we never did find her body, " Banklin said, rubbing her chin as she looked at the floor? "But, we've never had a case where one of their victims survived for more than a month."
"I don't know if you've noticed, but Toby has a pattern of keeping women for long periods of time before killing them."
"I've noticed, but in each of those cases, they didn't live past a month on average when we conducted their autopsy."
"So we're just going go let this info go?"
"I'm not saying that, I'm saying it's unreliable. Toby is far from stupid, and he tends to withhold info. He claims that he'll 'never be a snitch'."
"This claim can change this entire case, Miss. Banklin. Even if Toby is lying, what if he isn't? He sounded genuine when he spoke, and if she's alive out there, why should we just wait and see?"
"Listen here. This is your first time working with these Motherfuckers, you don't know anything about them. We asssigned this case to you because it's still on going. If you fuck this up and put this case in jeopardy, you're internship is done. I don't care what Joesph says."
All you could do is stare at Banklin, frozen in place as she closed her bag. You couldn't deny the fact that you often get way over your head, maybe being labeled the best officer in the academy made you a little over confident, but you didn't want to just throw this possibility out of the way. You didn't have a solid conclusion to Toby's true behavior, you still needed a bit more time on that bit, but until then, you were going to trust a few of his words.
"I'm sorry, ma'am."
"Don't bother. Abbie's case is the last case we have regarding Jeffery. Listen to Jeffery's words before Toby's, Jeffery rarely lies to us."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Good, now if you excuse me, I have a family to go home to," Banklin said, pushing past you so she opened the door. "Oh, also. Stick to what we assign you. We don't only want you to not fuck anything up, but it's also to protect you. Some of these cases are extremely classified and cannot get released to the public. I hope you understand."
"No, no I do."
"Good, see you in the morning."
Then, she was gone. You didn't even realize that you were holding your breath.
After meeting Banklin, you had come to the conclusion that no one was going to take your theories seriously. But, maybe there was someone who would.
Checking the hallways, you quickly dashed back to the inmate quarters. As you ran, you remembered a lesson that you had with Gibbons.
"Wrong!" Gibbons said for the hundredth time.
"What?! How is that wrong? The suspect obviously lied!" You yelled, pointing down at the paper, "Look, you see the inconsistencies in her statements."
"Y/N, in this field, not everything is simple."
"Yeah, I know that."
"So... Let's look over this paper one last time," Gibbons said as he sat in front of you. "The detective is pushing the suspect. When under stress, people will either do two things. They'll either confess, or make someone hear what they want to hear. With this in mind, what do you think is going on here?"
Looking down at the paper, you did your best to come up with an answer. Before being put under stress, the suspect's story was adding up, but, the moment the detective put them under pressure, their claims fell apart.
"They're telling the detective what they wanna hear?"
"What?! What do you mean no?"
"Before the suspect was put under pressure, their story was adding up perfectly with the crime, but, the moment they were put under pressure, everything fell apart. This tells you two things. 1, they're not alone. They're most likely being used to take the fall, explaining the perfect line up. And 2, they indirectly confessed that they were innocent."
"You got that from this alone?"
"When you're in this job for as long as I have been, you pick up on things quickly. But, this, situations like this is what makes solving cases so difficult. When you do your internship, I want you to keep this in mind."
"Keep what in mind?"
"If someone is willing to tell you info about a case, take it, especially if it's from a snitch. A snitch is more willing to throw their friends under the bus for than own gain, making them more reliable than a direct source. "
"What if I can't talk to them?"
"Find a way. Roosevelt is Big, many places to hide. Be smart, not crazy."
"So you want me to break the law?"
"If you can make look legal, than yes."
"...You're the worst cop ever."
"Guess I'm the worse cop ever," You muttered, taking a deep breath as you stood infront of the door separating you from the inmates.
Looking to the right, you noticed a key pad with various numbers and letters.
"Shit... uh, how about, 1 2 3 4 5?"
"WRONG, 6 DIGIT CODE" was written in bold letters.
"Six digits?" You questioned, clenching your eyebrows togethers as you thought. "It can't be something simple, but what if it's so simple that people wouldn't even consider using it?"
Then, it came to you.
"Wait...Roosevelt Federal Prison, Creepypasta Ward? R F P C P W."
"Oh thank god."
Openng the door, you felt the atmosphere shift as you took a step into the room. Due to it being curfew, it was pitch black in the ward, leaving you to rely on the sounds of various voices.
"Shit, why did I do this, why did I do this? If I'm caught in here my internship is done. Can I get arrested for this? Probably. Well, too late now..."
You weren't exactly sure where to look for Liu. You weren't sure if he was on the bottom or top bit, or if he even had a roommate. You knew better than to turn on your flashlight, but, you started to feel the consequences of you actions. Maybe you should get you impulse under control.
Caught up in your thoughts, you failed to notice the figure creeping up behind you. However, you were able to hear the sound of faint breathing.
Whipping your head around, your gun was already in hand, but, the figure grabbed your wrist and covered your mouth, immobilized you.
Adjusting to the dark, you were able to make out a pair of green eyes. You weren't exactly sure if it was Liu, but, the feeling of stitches rubbing against your hand confirmed your suspicions.
"Liu?" You whispered, tightening your grip on your gun.
Liu remained silent as he stared at you.
"What do you want."
It wasn't a question, it was a demand.
"I'm accepting your deal. If I get whatever it is Jeff took from you, you'll tell me what you know about Abbie."
You couldn't see his face, but Liu looked down at you confused. What deal? He did recall slipping in and out of conciouness during lunch, sharing a few words with you before blanking out once more. But, his face quickly turned into annoyance as he imagined Sully interacting with you. The little bastard had to have made a deal with you.
"...Ok," Liu answered blankly, letting go of your wrist.
"What does Jeff have that you want me to get. "
Liu stayed silent for a few moments. What was it that Jeff took this time? One of his guns? Nah, he hates the noise. His bandages? Maybe. So, Liu only shrugged, much to your disappointment.
"If I get you whatever Jeff has, you'll tell me about Abbie, right?"
"...Yeah, yeah, sure."
"I'm not saying it again," Liu said, sending you a glare.
You quickly shrieked back, nodding your head in understanding before sliding past him.
Feeling around for another key pad, you quickly entered the pass code. Squeezing through the door, you let out the biggest sigh of relief, but you quickly felt that relief be replaced with regret.
"I just made a deal with a fucking inmate," You said, your eyes wide in shock. "What kind of cop am I? Best at the Academy my ass..."
Little did you know, this was only the beginning. The start of your fall from grace.
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scourgeofgotham · 1 year
Canary and Jaybird
chapter three
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Warnings: SMUT 18+
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Graphic Sexual Content, Crying, Unresolved Trauma, Spitting, Degradation, Dom/Sub, Slapping, Praise! Kink, Begging, DD/LG, Breeding, Stockholm Syndrome, Reader has PTSD, Mentions of Rape
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A/N: okay in AK when Jason reveals himself to Bruce, he's like “I'm hurt.” AHHHHH I'm drooling, I'm crying, I'm wet. his tone and how he talks makes me sopping wet.
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It was Jason’s 16th birthday, 7 months since he was missing. It hurt her every day knowing that her Jaybird wasn't coming home. Why did he have to go after Joker alone? She was suited up as Batgirl standing on top of the Trigate bridge starting at the Asylum. This was the fifth time now.
She pondered, wondering if Jason could be locked up in Arkham. This was the night she decided to follow through and listen to her heart. She went around each wing silently, trying not to make noise. There was a wing being guarded by an Arkham officer, just as she was walking away she heard the doors open, walking out was the Joker.
Her heart started to ache, wanting her to go and check it out. There's probably nothing in there. It took her a solid 10 minutes trying to figure out how to get in there without alerting the officer. She found a vent in the very top and climbed up there and used her grapple hook to pull it off, once it was off she climbed down silently and dropped it on one of the exposed air vents. She climbed in and found an air vent opening. She looked around wondering what was in there and saw a figure tied to a chair. She surveillance the room to see if anyone else was in there and the only other person was Harley Quinn
She dropped down behind Quinn trying to be quiet and crouched right behind her and knocked her out.
“It-It can't be you.” the voice called out.
It can't be.
She looked up at the body and saw a body wrapped in barbwire. She saw on the suit the Robin symbol. She stepped closer and saw her beloved. He was bruised, covered in blood with a horrendous ‘J’ on his cheek below his eye. “Jason.” she ran towards him wanting to kiss him. “Get. Away. From. Me.” Jason growled. “It's been months since I was captured and now you wanna rescue me?” he sounded so broken and afraid.
“Jay, I've been looking for you. I've been trying so hard to find you. Lemme get you out of here and I can help you.” she softly spoke. “Where is Bruce?” he hissed. “Does he even care?” She wanted to cry. “He's been looking too, I just thought maybe in Arkham and tonight I finally got past all the guards baby. Let me take you home.” She was the broken one, crying trying to stay calm. “I gotta get you out. The Joker is gonna come back soon and I gotta get you out.”
She tried to get the barbwire off of him but Harley started waking up, and she could hear the Joker coming back. “I'll be up in the air vent baby. I love you, I'm gonna get you out.” She kissed him, one last time. She got up to the air vent before the doors opened. The Joker walked up to Jason moving the barbwire off of him. “We’re gonna make a little video for Batman. Harley?” “I don't know what happened Mr. J! I was watching Birdbrain over there and I fell unconscious,” Harley confessed. “Do better Harley or I'm gonna replace you with Batsys pet.” The Joker hissed.
“Alright, Jason look into the camera for Daddy.”
“State your name.”
“My name is Jason Todd.”
“Who do you hate?”
“You know I never asked. What's the big secret? Who is the big bad bat?”
“His name. Tell me.”
“Of course sir, it's-”
She got a sign that he was still alive not too long ago. She saw millions of dollars being drained out of one of Bruce’s many bank accounts. One day after school she saw a Tenderheart bear, brand new with tags on it sitting on her bed. Alongside a copy of her favourite book Wuthering Heights. Inside a quote, “She burned too bright for this world.”
She immediately knew that only Jason would buy that for her.
“What do you say, Princess? You wanna thank Daddy for rescuing you from Bruce? So you can be Daddy’s little slave forever and never have to go outside again? I can bring you everything you want and need.”
“How do y-” “Jason was never good at keeping secrets princess.” he interrupted her. “Don’t stray away from what I asked. You wanna be Daddy’s Princess forever?”
She contemplated, knowing that Jason was probably killed. She saw him get shot and after, she still hoped he survived.
“What happened to Jason?” she asked, still wanting to know. “Okay, Nancy Drew, if you wanna ruin the moment, I'll tell you.” He spat. “Deathstroke killed him. There I said it. He's been dead for so long now that you need to stop hanging on and get over it.”
It felt like a knife was digging into her heart and twisting. “No...” her whole world shattered.
“I got a sign from him, He left me presents. I saw money being drained out of Bruce's accounts.” “Wrong. I got out every single piece of information from him before we tossed his body into the water. I got you your favourite book sweetheart. All of those love notes and flowers were from me. The money, however, Jason paid to not be killed. However, we got everything we wanted out of him.” He confessed. “Now, I've been waiting, and you don't have anyone to save you.” He hissed. He grabbed her face and let go grabbing her neck instead. “Be my rapeslut, there's nothing you can do to make me stop.” The distorted voice made it hard to hear how upset he was.
He's gone forever...
He positioned himself at her opening, “Daddy?” she said softly, causing him to stop and look at her. “Yes, Peanut?”
“Thank you for rescuing me, Daddy.” she sounded broken. “Can you kiss me?” she asked, putting her hands up to his helmet. “Let me blindfold you, Princess.” he got off of her finding something to blindfold her with. “Alright lift your head up.”
She lifted her head and saw he was wrapping a piece of cloth around her head. “Can you see me?” “No Daddy.” She lied she could see just a little bit but not clearly enough.
She heard the Knight push the button on his helmet and saw the shadow of it coming up. She giggled, “Please kiss me, Daddy.” “Of course Belle.” His voice, it was so smooth and silky. It sounded so raspy but sweet. She swear she heard his voice before. She felt his soft lips kiss hers, and she melted. She grabbed his head pulling him in by his helmet, and wouldn't him go, she kept kissing him. The two made out for what seemed like years. She was in heaven, his soft buttery lips against hers. She felt a tongue brush up against hers and moaned. She wanted him to never wear that stupid helmet around her again.
She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him in. “Daddy.” she moaned. She pulled away “Can I please take off your mask? I wanna grab your hair. I promise I'll be good.” she begged. “I promise Daddy.”
“You want it off? Beg,” he commanded. “Please Daddy, I won't ever try to escape again. There's nothing out there for me, I don't wanna think anymore. I don't want to have to fight criminals anymore, I wanna be all yours and have you take care of me. I'll let you breed me, I'll be yours. I wanna stand alongside you and sleep in the same bed as you, I love you, Daddy. I don't even know what you look like, but you know me. You know how I wanna be touched, you know what I want to hear. Please, Daddy.” she begged, tears collecting in the blindfold.
He took off his mask, pleased at what she confessed. He tossed it on the bed next to them. He started kissing her neck leaving hickies scattered across her skin. She moaned and ran her hands up his neck feeling that he took it off. She tugged on his hair lightly, making him bite her shoulder. When she felt his teeth sink in, she gasped “More.” He took this as an invitation and moved her on her stomach, taking turns in between biting her, kissing her, and giving her hickeys. “Such a good girl.” He mumbled.
He decided he couldn't wait any longer and put his throbbing tip in her tight hole. He started sinking in, splitting her puffy swollen lips open. “Fuck” He gasped. “Daddy, it hurts.” she mumbled, “You can’t fit,” she whispered. “I'm gonna fit sweetheart, I'm gonna split you in two.” He thrusted, making her gasp. “Told you,” he mumbled. He was so big, and she hasn't had sex in years. “Fuck” she moaned, he grabbed her by her hair and lifted her against his body, and slapped her across her face. His voice was so smooth and commanding, she was drunk on his voice.
He held her against him with his arm across her throat, his other hand toying with her throbbing clit. “Look so good Belle, stuffed full,” he mumbled. She was mewling with enjoyment, he was so big, so dominant. “Love you, Daddy” she coos, her voice all of a sudden high-pitched. Her right hand holding his arm, and her left is holding his hand that's making circles with her puffy and swollen clit. She kept getting more aroused and started leaking out of her stuffed cunt. “Princess, you're making a mess.” he teased. She started whining. “I love those little sounds of yours” he gasped. She started giggling, “Daddy, feel so good.” she took her right arm and placed it behind her trying to touch him, she leaned back into him. “Kiss?” she coos. “Course,” he mumbled. Leaning into her to give her a kiss. “Change?” she said softly. “Mhmmm?” he hummed. “Want you differently” she whispered.
He left her weeping abused cunt, taking his arm off her neck and moving his arm away from her swollen clit. He shoves her on the bed making her gasp. He flips her over and lifts her legs on his shoulders shoving his throbbing member into her abused cunt. He placed his hands on her legs holding her legs up, she had her hands on his legs.
She gasped. “Daddy” Whining loudly. He pulled out, then slammed himself back in, over and over. He leaned over to her face, “Open” he commanded. She opened up her mouth and he spat in it. “Swallow baby.” She did as she was told giving a toothy, fucked out smile.
He found her secret spot making her dig her fingers into him, making him grin. “Feel good? Right here?” he teased, pushing his head against the exact spot, making her whine and squirm. He kept doing it over and over again making her pull her hand off of his leg and shoving it in her mouth to bite on to hold back her moans. She started screaming from the pleasure, thank god the blindfold is on or he would see her eyes barely being able to keep open.
He pulled her hand out and slapped her again, “Lemme hear those moans” he spat. “Don’t you dare keep those from me” he growled. He took his hand and started rubbing her swollen clit. She bit her lip wanting to keep them in. She couldn't contain it anymore once she felt like she was nearing her second orgasm. “Daddy?” she asked.
“Cum?” she couldn't think of full sentences anymore.
“Almost Princess,” he could feel himself getting close.
“Fucked out of your mind?” he teased.
“Mhmm, thank you.” she coos.
Almost at her limit, her eyes rolling around in her head, drool coming out of her mouth a little bit. Just barely letting go of the Knight’s legs. He is almost at his limit as well, panting and groaning from her tight walls spasming. “Cum together?” She mumbled.
“Yeah, Belle.”
A minute later he reached his climax, “Okay Princess you can cum.” He said letting her tip him over the edge. He filled her walls with his cum, making sure her cunt gets every drop. “Thank you.” she coos. He pulled out of her watching as some of their fluids pour out, taking his fingers and pushing their cum back in. “Filled you up,” he said. “Have baby soon?” she whined, still cockdrunk. He chuckled. “So fucked out.” He laughed, moving up to kiss his little girl once more before the helmet went back on.
“Love you, Daddy. Thank you for taking care of me.” her soft high pitched voice confessed.
“Love you too, Belle.”
She finally accepted her fate.
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maximoons · 1 year
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ℌ𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔢𝔫 ℭ𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔢𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 🎃 Barbwire Septum Piercing
HQ Mod compatible
Base game compatible
With custom thumbnail
Original Mesh
5 swatches
Download (Early Access) Public release on 10/16/2023
             T.O.U. Please do not reupload my CCs. Tag me in your photos with my CCs, please, I would love to see them. ♥ Do you wanna support my work? Check out my Patreon page. Thanks for the support ♥
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small-sinclair · 1 year
Roadside Angel: Sinclair's Promise
Part 2 of Roadside Angel and it's inspired by this song and this song, too :3 . I decided to turn this into a series, so this isn't the last part. Let me know if you want to be tagged!
Lester x reader (Vincent is mentioned at the end.)
Welcomed readers: @justmeandmyghosties, @idorkish, @mommymilkerfanclub, @early20sfailingplenty
Tw: blood, death mentioned, yelling/arguing, Lester punches a wall
Part 3
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When you woke up, you were greeted with two things: a splitting headache and the cutest black and white dog laying next to you. Either way, you were happy to be awake, to be alive. Yesterday was all a blur but you knew some things. There was a car crash. You lived. A man (Lester, right?) drove you, your brother, and William here. You were stitched up by a man with a mask covering his face and injected you with some numbing thing, so you didn't feel anything.
Then came here. You weren't sure where your brother was, but you hoped he was close. You hoped that he was around to keep you safe or to have you call home to let your family know you're okay, but you didn't want your family to worry too much in the same breath. It's confusing how things work around in your mind.
The dog's head lifted and moved closer to you. You couldn't help but pet the dog, smiling to yourself. "At least I got a pretty baby to keep me company," you cooed, giggling lightly.
You looked around the room and realized you weren't in the same room as before. You were in a soft bed with a quilted blanket over your shoulders. The sheets were soft against your skin, and your hands wondered over the cool bedside next to you. The room was painted a golden orange with dark wood trimming to match the floor. There was a standing dress, and it looked old and worn from years of use. The dark red rug under the bed needed to be vacuumed, but it wasn't too bad. You also didn't question the slippers that are shaped like life-sized ducks. You found them quite cute. The white door was close to show a poster of Louisiana's wildlife in the marsh, and it looked like it was from a school book sale from way-back. A green hat hung on the door knob, and it made your eyes perk, tilting your head to the side. Was... is this Lester's room?
Off to the side, the sound of water turning off and the door made your shoulders stiffen, but you winced from the pain in your shoulders. The door opened and Lester freezes. His face wasn't grimy or dirty. There were no blood stains on his hands or in his cream colored tank-shirt. His jeans were now light grey sweatpants and socks with turtles on them. His eyes were brighter without the dirt or blood, and the water made his curls more defined and standing. He pauses and looked at you, confused then scared then relaxed. What a roller coaster of emotions.
"Ya awake," he breathed out relieved. "Was worried when ya didn't wake 'is morn." He sat on the other side of your head. The dog's head perked up and the tail wagged. "Jonesy's been wit' ya all day," he pats the dog's stomach, "she's a good dog."
Jonesy nudged her head under your arm for more pats, her bright eyes begging for love. You smile warmly as you patted her ears and head. There was silence between you two, but you were happy with it. It was comfortable and not forced, something that was always given to you when you and your brother were forced to looked at each other after an argument. You relaxed to the sound of the birds outside the window singing.
Lester was the one who broke the silence when he asked, "How do ya feel?"
"Sore," a finger went up, "tired," another finger went up, "and uncertain." Your lowered the three fingers and nodded at him. "You? What are your three feelings?"
He wiped his nose and folded his hands, leaning forward on his knees. Under the ream shirt, you noticed a large back tattoo of angel wings folded up and tied by barbwire. "Confused, relieved, and... anxious," he drawl, his voice struggling to pinpoint the right words. "'M sorry, feelin's ain't my strongest suits, sweet pea."
You shrugged. "That's okay. My ma says people struggle a lot with that type of stuff, and it's good to let it out, you know? Like," you bit the inside of your cheek, "talking about three feelings."
He glanced at you as soon as you mentioned your mother, his eyes surprised. "Yer mama 's a smart woman," he gave a toothy grin then looked forward. "Mama never lik' it when I tol' 'er 'bout my feelin's. Shot, Pa was t'same. Yelled at me when I did."
He stops himself and looks down at his hands that were once covered in your brother's blood. He could still hear your brother drifting away in his arms while Lester promised to take care of you, to look after you. He never liked killing, Bo knew that and so did Vincent, and he tried to stay far from it. He wants to tell you so bad, but the tugging feeling was too much. You can't handle that type of grief right now.
"Sorry," he said in a low voice. "Drifted off."
"Where did you go?" You asked sincere. You were always a good listener. You were the one person that people went to talk and rant.
He swallowed hard. "Somewhere 'at y'all never see, honeycomb." His eyes watered then he wiped away the tears, staggering a breath. "'M sorry, y/n," oh... he remembers your name, "didn't mean t'open lik' 'at."
You shake your head. "No, you're good," you offered a smile then looked down at Jonesy, who was sleeping on your thigh. "It's good to let that type of stuff out."
"Thank ya kindly, but I should be more worry of ya." His eyes met yours. "Ya went through t'crash."
"I'll live," you shrugged. "Just have to see Jace and William. I have to make sure they're okay."
His face melted from worry to sadness. He looks down at his hands, listening to your brother's dying breaths. It was struggled and staggering over each word as he and Lester promise to keep you safe. To swear it over and over until he died then and there in his grasp. He hated death. He hated it.
Ever since Lester killed his father--
"They're at the house," he lied. "Bo's havin' 'em help with th' car."
Jace helping with cars? That doesn't sound like him.
But it must because he has to pass the time doing something while he waited on you to wake. William knows a bit of cars, but you didn't think that the car was going to be fixable.
"My brother. He owns the station and garage in town."
"He can fix that car?"
"C'n try."
"But it exploded, and there was fire--"
Lester let a chuckle escape. "Bo's lik' a god when it comes t'cars." He let a cheesy smile leave. "He c'n fix anythin'!"
Behind his smile, you knew something was wrong, but you didn't want to say anything. You know better than to open old wounds and wake sleeping dogs. You closed your eyes and closed your mouth to cover a yawn. You were tired from everything still, and Lester knew it.
"Do ya need me t'gettcha anythin'?" He offered. "Water? Pain killers? A bit of food?"
"Water, please," you hummed tiredly. "It's been a long day."
"You got it, y/n." He stands and leaves the bedroom. You looked at the window again to see the afternoon sun shifting to the evening sky. The sunset from yesterday was perfect; you wonder if tonight's sunset was the same. When he came back, he had a clear glass, with little yellow ducks on it, in one hand and cupping two white pills in the other. "Drink slow," he advised. "My brother said t'do 'at... Vincent."
"He was the one that fixed me p, right?" You asked, taking the glass and pills. When your hands touched, you were expecting hard and rough skin, but they were soft and gentle. You looked at his ridged hands, admiring the little scars from long ago before taking the pills.
"Yeah," he said, his eyes lingering over your lips and throat, swallowing again. "Yeah, Vincent did. He said ya were lucky. The glass missed some major vines and such." He flashed a smile, but it faded when he looked down at his hands again. He can still see the blood. Why does he still see it?
"You okay, Les?" You asked, your words careful. "Where you going to?"
His eyes started to water as he squeezed his eyes shut. Every thing was burning inside him, and it was making him explode in colors that he didn't understand. Feelings are for girls! For women! He's not that; he's a man! So, why is he getting chocked up? Why does he hate the sudden smile of blood? This morning when he was picking up roadkill, he smelt the death, the sourness of bitter copper and salt. For the first time in years, he had to turn his head and throw up. Something inside him re-bloomed when he looked at you like a dying tree regrowing their leaves after years without water or sun.
He clinched his jaw up tight. "I did somethin' bad, y/n, 'n ya won't forgiv' me."
You tilted your head to the side confused. "What do you mean?"
He takes in a shaky breath. "Yer brother ain't here," he admits, closing his eyes. "I lied."
No... no.
"Where is he?" You asked concerned. Lester swallowed hard and closed his eyes. You didn't like how long his silence stayed. "Lester-?"
"He ask-asked me to keep ya safe," he leaned his head back and looked up at the ceiling. He was choking up now, his words filling with hurt. "He asked me t'watch ove'a ya."
Your blood ran cold as you looked at him then at the dog. "Where is my brother?"
He looked at you dead in the eyes and gave an answer you didn't want, "Somewhere no one c'n follow."
Your stomach dropped as your hands started to shake. "What did you do?"
"I didn't--"
"What did you do, Lester?!" Your voice cracked as you brought your legs up slightly. Jonesy's head lifted. "Give me an answer!"
"Bo killed 'em!" He spat. His eyes started to over flow. "I-I tol' Bo t'stop but he didn't! He didn't!" He drew in a shaky breath and looked down at his hands. His damn hands. "I tried and tried but-but t'blood won' stop! It didn't! It didn't stop!" His voice crack as he slid off the bed to his knees. H covered his face in his hands, and he felt sick. He could still feel that boy's blood. He could smell it and he wanted it to burn. "I tried t'stop it! I tried!"
You only could sit there and watch as he fell apart on the floor. "You..." you shifted in the bed and shuffled away from him. "You're a monster."
His head shot up and looked at you. He was breathing fast, shaking his head. "Don-don't say 'at!"
"You let him kill Jace!"
"Stop! Stop it, please!" His voice was cracking, every word breaking at the seams. "I-I'm sorry! I tried so hard!"
You moved away from him until you were on the other side of the bed. Jonesy was next to Lester licking his tears. Your legs shook as you rolled out of bed and pressed your back against the wall. Here you thought he was a nice guy, a gentleman like in the books. Here was... his angel winged tattoo wrapped in barbwire for a reason, and you wanted to hurt. To bleed. To kill.
But you were better than that. You had to be better than that.
You hugged your legs and tied to silent your cry, but sob escaped as you looked up at the ceiling, screaming out in pain, crying out to the ceiling. Your best friend, your brother. He was all you had left because he took you in from your family, from that pitiful place called home. Just for a trip to see the south! Your mother was excited for you to leave and travel. She always wanted to travel. Here you were, going on an adventure and he's gone. Dead.
You heard his feet shuffling towards you with Jonesy on his heels. Soon, she was licking your face and whining as she tired to calm you, but you hugged her tightly and cried in her fur. Lester sat on his knees a couple feet away from you, his face broken with too many emotions and tears. He was trying so hard to keep it together long enough to finish his story. You had to hear him out. You have too!
"He ask-asked me t'keep ya safe 'n cared fer," he choked in choppy breaths. "An' I-I gave 'im my word. Sinclairs keep their-their words." He gripped his hands tightly. "I begged Bo not t'kill ya! I Begged an' he made-made a deal wit' me."
Your head perked up. "What deal?" You felt sick.
He lets out a deep breath, answering, "He-he said ya hav'two months t'say-say ya love me."
You let out a laugh loud enough to cut him deep. "You're dreaming if you think I'll ever love you!"
He swallowed hard as fat tears fall again. "Ya gotta or-or Bo'll kill ya."
"Let him," you laughed. "Jace was all I had left! Now what? Take me out back-"
"-and shoot me?"
"No!" He yelled. His face was mangled in fear and sadness. "No! I-I can't do 'at!"
"Why?" You scoffed. "You're like him, aren't you?" Your words stung him as he was trying to grapple at something, anything, but his hads were falling through. "You're a killer like him!"
He snapped, his fist balled up as he hits the wall. Jonesy jumped up from you and stood between you and him as if she was trying to keep you safe. His hand went through it as if it was paper. "I don't lik' killing! I-I never had!" Then his face fell as he looked down as his voice grew softer. "I never liked killin'. Animals, bugs, people-- I don' lik' killin'."
Your eyes glossed over him then squeezed your eyes shut. "So, you promised to keep me safe?"
"Yea," he whispered, his voice defeated and tired. "I gave my word." He moved his hand from the wall and holds it close to him. Lester licks his lips nervously, "Sincalir's always keep their promises." His knuckles were bleeding and the skin was raw from the new pain. "He-he called ya 'snickers' an' said 't'keep sinkers safe'." That was your nickname. Only Jace knew it. "An' I promised."
You took a few shakey breaths. "And Bo won't kill me if I save that I love you?"
He nods, his brown eyes red and puffy.
You looked at the bed and closed your eyes. What were yo to do? But you made your mind up. "You said I have two months?"
"It takes thirty days to fall into habit," you hummed. "And it takes thirty days for feelings to grow." You looked at Lester up and down. "I do not love you today, Lester Sinclair, and I will not love you tomorrow." He looked like a puppy that just got kicked. "But, everyday, I will find a reason to. Even if that mean I have to think about it really hard." You kissed Jonesy head and hugged her. "For now, I don't love you and I think I will never love you." You closed your eyes as you looked away from his hurt face. "But I will learn to. One day at a time. Thirty days. I'll write them down."
Lester nodded his head as he held his hurt hand tighter. Thirty days. That seems good enough.
"But you have to do the same in kind," you said, locking eyes with him. "You have to find thirty things about me every day."
"Lik'," he swallowed the lump in his throat, "lik' twenty questions? Askin' a question a day?"
You needed. "Yep. Every single day until there is nothing left." You looked at the bed. "We are not sleeping together. No chance in hell."
"Got it."
You both looked at each other then at the hole in the wall. Shakily, you found the strength to stand up from the floor. "Come on, let's get that hand wrapped."
Outside the door, Vincent stood still as he listened to the whole thing. He was going to check on you and his brother since last night, but hearing this, all of this and the plan...
He has to make sure it works and Bo doesn't interfere. He was to or you'll die. Lester can't handle that type of pain.
His brother was right, though. A Sinclair's word is strong, and a promise is a promise. He'll do everything that he could to make sure you're safe with his baby brother. He'll make sure Bo doesn't do anything. He'll make sure to keep his murderous thoughts to himself and act out on visitors... both him and his twin.
He promises, y/n.
Vincent Sinclair promises.
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
You're My Destiny
Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
Summary: Barely after he left his home, Daryl starts to question himself, if he made the right decision. Can he find his way back to you and finally bite the bullet?
Warnings: angst (sorry!), walkers, blood, injuries, uhh, swear words, fluff! I promise, it has a happy end this time! 🥺
Set in Season 11 - or well, rather after season 11!
Word Count: 4,2k (Whoops...)
a/n: This is a second part to 'Missed Chances', in order to make up for this sad ending. ☺️ There's a scene in this one, which the lot of you will find awfully familiar. Daryl kind of experiences something he already experienced before - in Season 2, to be precisely. I had the idea to kind of rewrite this scene, but changing it up. Anyways, you'll see what I mean. ☺️ I hope you guys like this second part! I do! 🥰
Divider by the wonderful @fictive-sl0th ! 💚
Tagging... @in-this-minute @thefemininemystiquee @hotgirlsshareaccounts @azanoni @lokisgoodgirl @goobysgoobers @fuseburner @fictive-sl0thh @alexreadz07 @sweetpeapod ...plus @hxad-ovxr-hxart @browneyes528 @starfirette @nuhogom @faithsreades because you seemed to enjoy the first part as well!
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One day and one night. That was how long ago had Daryl left Alexandria and the Commonwealth behind him, in order to search for his brother and friend. One day and one night was he already separated from his friends, from his family - from you. He missed them. Without a doubt. He missed the kids, Carol, Connie - and everybody else. But he missed nobody as much as he missed you. It seemed like the more he distanced himself from home, the more he missed you. It started with a tiny crack in his heart, which had turned within those 24 hours into a gaping wound. Sure, he was out there to find and bring back Judith's and RJ's parents, but all he could think about was you. How sad you were when he left. How you cried. The hurt in your voice and eyes.
A big sigh left the archer's lips, as he sat at the small campfire he had made. He couldn't even consider finding sleep that night; so he stayed awake and now watched how the sun replaced the moon. What am I going to do now? Daryl asked himself, chewing absently on the inside of his lip. Moving on, hoping that the pain in his chest would dissipate and his brain would stop thinking about you all the time? Daryl stared into the dying flame of the fire, taking another deep breath and standing up. Yes. That was exactly what he was going to do. It's jus' homesickness, the archer told himself, brushing it off. He extinguished the fire, grabbed his things and sat on his bike; ready to move on. Although, Daryl didn't get far. He had been driving for a few hours now, trying to focus on his mission - but no matter how hard he tried, his mind was always taking him back to the woman he left behind in Alexandria. In fact, the archer was so in thoughts, that he didn't even see the single walker limping in some distance over the deserted, empty road he drove on. When Daryl realised, that he was about to crash into a hungry, growling monster, it was too late. "Shit!" He cursed, trying to dodge the walker in the last possible second - which worked out; but unfortunately, he lost the grip, went into a skid and fell. Daryl got thrown off the vehicle, landed harshly on the roadside. And with that not enough... He had been just passing by an old, very much destroyed farm - and with that a fence along the street, which had probably lined before the downfall a paddock. The fence was made of wooden stakes and barbwire - and Daryl hit the fence with full force. Human body against steel? It was pretty clear who won that duel. The barbwire ripped the shirt he wore and cut easily through his skin and flesh, leaving a gaping wound on his right side. A painful gasp left the archer's mouth, as he tried to reorientate himself and get up, but it was no use. The fall he had just taken wasn't a small one... Daryl tried to turn to examine his wound. It bled - a lot. And it was quite a deep cut, that much he could tell. His breath was laboured; the sun burning down on him. Suddenly, the world around him started to spin, before darkness overcame him.
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Daryl's eyes fluttered slightly open, immediately blinded by the bright light shining down on him. "Hey!" A voice suddenly called out from somewhere above him. "Wake up!" Daryl shifted slightly, gritting his teeth at the pain, shooting through his side. "Brother, you need to wake up!" Listening to the familiar, yet far away voice, he forced his eyes to open again. After getting used to the brightness, he suddenly saw a familiar figure squatted down beside him, looking down in concern at him. Rick. "There ya go, brother." Daryl swallowed, blinking and feeling himself slipping in and out of consciousness. "What ya doin' here?" Rick chuckled, shaking his head. "Lookin' after your sorry ass, of course." Daryl just scoffed. "Listen to me, man. You gotta go back home. You're hurt, brother - badly. That cut needs to get stitched up. You can search for me on another day." The archer scoffed once again. "Pfft. Don need that. 'M fine. That never stopped me before. Been through much worse." Another chuckle left Rick's lips, "You're one hell of a stubborn idiot, ya know that?" as he was shaking his head. "It's not just because of that... You need to go back to Y/N; finally man up and tell 'er that you love 'er." Daryl shook his head. "Can't tell 'er." Rick literally snorted out a laugh at the archer's words, "Yes you can." and looked down on his best friend. "Drive back, get your woman and that wound fixed, then keep on searchin' - with her." The archer huffed out a breath. "Ya really think she wants me to be more than jus' a friend? That's ridiculous." "It's not. I know she does. That girl always had eyes just for you, did you never notice? Always makin' sure you're alright. Always lookin' out for you. That's way more than just friendship. If that ain't love, I dunno what it is." "Ya think?" Rick nodded. "I know it." Daryl could've sworn that Rick smiled at him, but his vision went awfully blurry again. "Trust me, brother." The words were quiet and far away, almost like an echo. It was the last thing Daryl heard, before he slipped back into unconsciousness.  
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They next time he woke up, it was due to a sound as well. Although, it wasn't Rick's voice. It wasn't any voice he knew at all, no... It was the familiar sound of snarling and growling; followed by snapping teeth. Walker. Abruptly, as if stung by an adder, Daryl shot up, ripping his eyes open. His survival instincts kicking in. He quickly - almost frantically reached for his knife, which was still tucked in its knife sheath, while the walker came closer and closer. When the undead, skinny man threw himself on top of Daryl, trying to get a bite out of his neck, he used every strength left in his weakened body to keep his snapping teeth at distance. Once he finally got his knife out of its sheath he drove the blade into the walker's skull, causing it to fall limp and lifelessly on top of Daryl, hitting his chest with a thud. The archer closed shortly his eyes, trying to get his heavy breathing under control.
Grunting, he shoved the dead body off of him, feeling suddenly taken back in time. He had been in such a situation before, years and years back, when he was searching for a little girl named Sophia... The accident, the wound, the unconsciousness, the hallucinations, the walker(s)... Only difference seemed to be that he didn't see Merle this time... He had seen Rick.
Rick. His brother's words echoed through his head again. You gotta go back home. You need to go back to Y/N; finally man up and tell 'er that you love 'er. Daryl swallowed. Love her... Did he really? An image of a smiling Y/N popped up in his head next, causing his stomach to flip. Yes... Probably it was true. That he, in fact, did love that woman. Rick was right - even though he had been just a hallucination. He had to go back. Taking a deep breath, he managed to get up, gritting his teeth as another wave of pain shot through his system. Once Daryl was back on his feet, he examined the deep cut on his side again. Hissing, he ripped off the sleeves of his already damaged shirt, tied them together and slung them tightly around his waist, in order to staunch the wound. After that was done, he more or less stumbled back to his bike, bringing up all the strength he got left to pick it up from the ground. Luckily, the damage was not as bad as he anticipated. The archer was way more affected by the accident than his beloved vehicle. He swung his leg over the motorcycle saddle, then tried to start the engine. It started up. Thank god it started up. Inhaling deeply, he started to drive down the deserted street, going as fast as he could. Sure, the archer knew that driving a bike with a deep cut and high blood loss wasn't a thing you should do, but what choice did he have? All he had to do, was drive fast and keep himself awake someway, somehow.
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You stood on one of the guard towers, looking at the beautiful world to your feet. Beautiful, yet deadly. So many threats were lurking outside these walls... Not just walkers. Hopefully Daryl wouldn't run into a death trap on his journey. You'd never know if he... You shook your head. No. You couldn't think like that. He was going to come back to you - someday. Like the others said... Like he promised. If somebody could survive out there, it was him. He didn't choose this world.... This world had chosen him - that was how it seemed to be. The distant hum of an approaching engine ripped you out of your thoughts. Squinting your eyes, you tried to make out something between the trees of the forest, but you couldn't see anything. Why didn't I take my binoculars with me? Nevertheless, your senses were sharpened now, always ready to react. Could be a threat...
The closer the sounds got, the easier it was to identify the engine. It was a motorcycle, without a doubt. Frowning, you tried to think who was riding a bike besides... Your eyes widened. Daryl? Could... Could it really be? Once again you shook your head. No. It was impossible. It couldn't be Daryl. He just left. Not even two days ago... Why would he come back?
Well, you were proven wrong. The motorcycle got closer and closer, and when it was in your field of view, you recognised the archer immediately. Once again, your eyes widened. "Daryl..." You mumbled to yourself, literally couldn't believe what you saw. Maybe this was all just a trick? What if your brain was fooling you? It wasn't. You would recognise him anywhere. Your heart skipped a beat, stomach flipping 360 degrees, as you started to smile brightly. "Daryl!" You screamed from the top of your lungs, happily. But as fast as your smile spread on your lips, as fast vanished it again. Daryl didn't make it to the gate. About hundred feet before the steel doors, he stopped his bike, got off it - and immediately tipped over; his body hitting the hard ground, seemingly unconscious. Your heart fell, just like your facial expressions. "Oh gods..." As fast as your legs could carry you, you climbed down the ladder, before opening the big steel door. You could hear the blood rush into your ears, as you ran through the opened gate and straight to Daryl. Fear, you had never felt in your life before pumped through your veins; afraid of losing the man you loved.
"Daryl!" He didn't respond. "Daryl!" You tried again, but no answer. As soon as you reached him, you literally dropped to the ground beside him, placing both your palms on his shoulders. "Daryl!" His eyes were closed shut and his face was quite pale. "No, no, no..." Your eyes frantically scanned his body, searched for possible injuries. You quickly made a find. The sleeves he had apparently torn off his ragged shirt - as you noticed, were wound around his torso. They were literally drenched in dark crimson red on his right side, causing your eyes to widen once again. "Oh no, no, no..." Your shaky hands started to tie the shirtsleeves loose to examine the wound. It was a wide, deep cut, still slightly oozing with blood. The skin around it was unhealthily reddened and swollen. It didn't look good at all. "Shit," you cursed, feeling tears already well up in your eyes. Turning around for help, you saw another Alexandrian. Quickly taking your chance, you called out to him. "Hey!" His head snapped in your direction. "Get help! Get Tomi! Daryl's hurt! Go!" He immediately seemed to understand and ran off. Sure, you could've gotten a doctor yourself, but you didn't want to leave Daryl's side. It was too dangerous out here. If a walker was going to stroll by, Daryl would be easy prey.
Therefore, that your head was turned to the gate, you didn't notice the fluttering of Daryl's eyelids, until a weak, small voice called out your name. "Y/N?" Hearing his voice, you quickly turned around again, eyes landing on his face. "Daryl!" You placed both your hands back on his shoulders. "Why are you back?! What happened?!" He didn't answer you. He had an idle glance, not even looking at you. Only now did you see the sweat, which had gathered on his forehead and cheeks. You swallowed hard. He had a very bad infection. "Y/N." Your name leaving his lips brought you back to reality. "Daryl... I-I'm here. I'm here..." You tried to reassure him immediately. "He told me to go back to ya..." Daryl breathed out suddenly, breathing heavily. You frowned. "Who told you that?" "He told me to tell ya..." Daryl was talking in riddles. "Tell me what, Daryl? Who is he?" "I love ya." Those three words you had waited such a long time for to leave his lips finally urged to your ears. Your jaw dropped as you couldn't believe it. A weak smile spread on his lips. "I love ya." Daryl repeated over and over again, voice growing quieter and quieter; eyes fluttering shut again. That was the moment you awoke from your rigidity. Your hands flew up to cup his beardy, sweaty cheeks. "Hey, hey, hey! No, no, no. Stay with me Daryl, please. Stay with me…" You rubbed his cheeks gently, but it was no use. He was already unconscious once again. You couldn't hold back the tears any longer. They were falling, rolling down your cheeks and dropping onto Daryl's chest. "No, no, no, please... Wake up..." You whispered. "Wake up..." He didn't. You felt so helpless and vulnerable in that moment; not knowing what to do or how to save him. You were lost and almost like paralyzed. All you could do was cry.
Through the haze you were in, you suddenly heard quick footsteps approaching. "Y/N!" Tomi. "Y/N! What happened?!" Miko's brother rushed to your side, quickly kneeling down beside you. As you didn't react, he gently touched your shoulder, causing you to flinch. "Hey. It's alright. It's just me." You looked at him with blurry red eyes. "What happened?!" Tomi asked again, as his eyes landed on Daryl's wound. You shook your head; completely overwhelmed by the situation. "I-I don't know he... He just said someone told him to go back to me to tell me something and-" You stopped abruptly in the middle of your sentence, realising what you were going to say. "And what, Y/N? And what?" You blinked, eyes meeting Tomi's once again. "That he loves me..." The doctor just looked at you for a moment, before his eyes travelled back to the wound. "Okay, this looks really bad. The wound is clearly infected. We have to do something now, or he is going to die of a sepsis." You frantically nodded, fresh tears pooling in the corners of your eyes. "W-What do we do?!" Just as Tomi wanted to answer, another voice cut through the air. "What is happening here?" Ezekiel. Tomi quickly turned around and explained the governor what was going on. "What do we do?!" You cried out again, interrupting the men's conversation. Tomi shook his head. "You are going to do nothing. You stay with Ezekiel, while I try to help him, okay?" You shook your head. "N-No! I-I can't leave him, I-" "Please, Y/N." Tomi insisted, nodding towards Ezekiel, who helped you up gently from the ground and took you with him. "B-But..." "No, it's for the best." You were way too weak to argue or fight, so you just let Ezekiel lead you away. From the corners of your eyes, you saw how quite a few other men came rushing to help bring Daryl inside the safety of the walls; disappearing inside the big building which was the infirmary.
Ezekiel took you to a quiet place in Alexandria and sat down with you on the warm, soft grass. "Firstly, take a deep breath, Y/N." You did what he said, inhaling deeply. "Good. Now tell me what happened - if you want to." You looked at the friendly man with the grey dreadlocks beside you, who gave you a warm, supportive smile. He was a wonderful friend, without a doubt. You nodded meekly, eyes lifting to meet his. "I-I was on the guard tower and saw that bike approaching." You started, fumbling anxiously with your hands. "I-It was Daryl. Gods, I was so happy to see him, a-and then he got off his bike and just... fell motionless to the ground. I-I was so afraid. I ran to him, saw that he was unconscious a-and that wound on his side... He was awake for a short moment. I-I asked him what happened and why he was back, but he didn't answer me... All he said was that someone told him to go back to me, to tell me something and..." You took another deep breath, feeling another tear roll down your cheek. "And that he loves me." Ezekiel's eyes widened, "He told you he loves you?" before a wide smile spread on his face, "Uh.Huh." accompanied by his signature laugh. "Finally! That's wonderful, Y/N. Isn't this what you always wanted to hear him say?" "Y-Yes but... He was more unconscious than conscious; and he had presumably very high fever. What if he didn't mean it?" Ezekiel laughed once again. "Oh Y/N... He may have been not quite in his right mind, but... I insure you, that he meant this with all his heart. You two have been dancing around each other for ages now." The king said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "It's obvious." You just nodded; your mind already bombarding you with the next bad thought. "A-And what if he's going to die?" The man shook his head. "He won't die. Tomi is a great doctor. He's going to fix him up. Hell, he even made it to fix me." Once more Ezekiel laughed, causing you to stifle a small giggle as well. "Trust me. Daryl won't die because of a cut and an infection. It may look bad, but this man went through far worse than that." "I know," you snivelled. "I know."
The waiting was excruciating. Not knowing what was happening to Daryl was eating you up inside. You were really glad that Ezekiel stayed by your side, with the others coming around as well, after they had heard what happened. First and foremost, Carol. It was her best friend, after all.
You couldn't tell how much time had passed, but when Tomi exited the infirmary, you were literally sprinting to meet him. He saw you coming his way, giving you immediately a smile. Must be a good sign, you thought. It was.
"A-And? H-How is he, Tomi?" The doctor nodded, still softly smiling. "He's okay." A relieved breath left your lips and you just couldn't help yourself, but to hug Tomi - who hugged you back with a gentle laugh. "We cleaned the wound, stitched it up and gave him antibiotics. The fever went down. He's asleep now." "Thank god... Can I go to him?" "Of course. Down the corridor, second room on the left." You smiled, hugging Miko's brother once again. "Thank you, Tomi. I mean it. Really. Thank you." The man smiled at you, nodding and squeezing your shoulder, before he turned on his heel and walked away - probably off to find his sister.
You went of course straight inside the building, entering the second room on the left and sat down on the chair beside Daryl's bed. He was still fast asleep and you didn't want to wake him, so you just stayed quiet, taking his limp hand gently into yours. You studied every inch of his face. His closed eyes. His nose. His lips. The slight grey stubble, which covered mostly his chin and upper lip; only a few sparse hairs on his cheeks. You smiled. So peaceful - and handsome.
You didn't know how long you were just sitting by his side, watching over Daryl and waiting for him to wake up again, but suddenly, you felt his hand twitch in yours, alarming you that he might was about to wake up. "Daryl?" You spoke softly, quietly. The archer's eyelids fluttered, face contorting. He blinked, blue, greyish eyes looking up at you. You smiled, squeezing his hand. "Hey." You whispered, "Y/N?" and nodded. "Yes, it's me. I'm here." Daryl swallowed visibly, eyes carefully roaming around the spacious room. "Am I back home?" "Yes, you are. We are in Alexandria." He then eyed you again - almost critically. "Are ya real?" You giggled slightly at his question, "Yes, I am real. I'm here." and squeezed his hand again, in order to 'proof' it. "So 'm not hallucinating again?" You frowned at his words, slight worry coming up inside you again. This meant nothing good... Daryl nodded, clearing his throat - what caused you to immediately jump into action and hand him the glass of water, which stood on the bedside table. Tomi must've prepared it. He literally gulped down the clear liquid. "Thanks." You smiled at him once again, though it was a very uptight smile. Hallucinating? "I was hallucinating. Can't be any other way..." "What happened?" "Well... I was ridin' my bike down that street, was in thoughts, didn't see that damn walker standin' there, lost control over the bike and yeah... Got thrown right into that barb wire fence." Your eyes widened. "You had a motorcycle accident?" "Yeah. It's nothin'. Jus' a lil' scratch. Wasn't the first." You narrowed your eyes, frowning. How could he play this off so easily? As if it was nothing? "Daryl... You could've died... This isn't nothing." "I know… but I didn't." The man paused for a second, biting his lip, before he continued. "Guess I would've, if he didn't tell me to go back." "Who?" "Rick." Now you were utterly confused. Was this the hallucination he was talking about? Must be. "Rick?" Daryl nodded. "Yeah. I saw Rick. He, uh, kinda woke me up, told me that I had ta go back and fix my wound... Like I said, I was hallucinatin'. From the blood loss, I suppose." "Well, that's kind of crazy, but also beautiful? If you know what I mean?" He nodded. "Yeah..."
You smiled and started to trace the shape of his skull tattoo on the back of his hand with your thumb. "I am very glad you are now here and okay... I missed you." The archer smiled back at you softly. "I missed ya, too." Daryl's words followed a somehow weird and awkward silence, like something unspoken hung in between you and him. Well... There was something. "Daryl?" "Yeah?" Now or never. Man up, Y/N, man the fuck up! "Y-You, um... You were saying, uh, things, when I came to you, shortly after you fell of this bike and were conscious for a moment." You paused, had to take a shaky breath. "I-I don't know if you remember, but... Y-You... You said that-" "I love ya?" Daryl interrupted you, finishing your sentence. Your eyes widened. "Y-You can remember?" He swallowed, visibly, nervous now. "Kinda blurry, but I do remember sayin' that." A beat of silence passed, in which you were just staring down at Daryl. Your heart beat rapidly against your ribcage; threatening to just break free. You didn't know if you should be happy now or not. Remembering to have said something - in a not so great condition, and actually meaning it, were two completely different things. You swallowed, trying to scrape together all the courage you had to ask him the question, which was ghosting through your head. "S-So, uh, is... Is it true? Did you... Did you mean it?" The archer bit his lip, recalling 'Rick's' words in his mind. Finally man up and tell 'er that you love 'er. "Yes." You blinked, still just staring at him and probably afraid to trust your ears. "Y-Yes?" He started to nod. "Loved ya for ages, but didn't have the balls to tell ya. I know I should've told ya earlier and-" You quickly jumped to interrupt him, overwhelmed by your feelings. Your lips collided with his, pulling Daryl into a long overdue kiss. You would've anticipated that he was completely surprised by your sudden, rather bold move - but he wasn't. Quite the opposite... Daryl kissed you back on an instant, as if he had been waiting for exactly this moment.
You smiled like a Cheshire Cat, cupping the man's cheeks again. "I've waited such a long time for this to finally happen." Daryl smiled that sweet smile, softly blushing. "Me too." "Everybody did!" Ezekiel suddenly spoke up behind you. He was leaning against the door frame, smiling widely, causing your cheeks to redden as well. Who knew? Perhaps you and Daryl were always meant to be together? Perhaps, he was your destiny.
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saintofdaggers · 5 months
been tagged to do this by @ereb1d and @gurokatt. thank you both <3
shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people
y'all are not ready for the stylistic mayhem that is my on repeat playlist, but!
Mechanical Moth - Black Queen Style
Qntal - Flamma
Night Club - Barbwire Kiss
Far - Pony
Genitorturers - Asphyxiate
Tommee Profitt ft. Fleurie - Welcome to the Jungle
Adele - Skyfall (???? I only listened to this a few times for my Hoffstrahm spy fic. with all due respect ma'am what are you doing here)
Bellstop - Trouble
Otep - Seduce & Destroy
VTSS, Boys Noize - Steady Pace
let's see... @sawtrapz @sibelin @adrianicsea @motifcollector @rarilee33 @iinsawdious @angel-trapped @imperaptorfuriosa @coppercope @sainthiraeth (no pressure, but I'd love to see your songs <3)
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judgementdaysunshine · 7 months
Jaw breaker
Pairing: Skye Blue x Fem reader x Julia Hart
Description: The girls are frantic when you dislocate your jaw on Dynamite
Gif credits to @allelitewrestlings
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This match was very big not only because it was your first Texas death match but to have it against your former tag partner Hikaru Shida who was more experienced in the business than you was absolutely huge for you and your career. All the fans, commentary, and backstage were glued to the match having many different reactions whenever one of you would get hit with objects, thrown into barbwire, or thrown through glass leaving everyone worried of your conditions when the match was finally done and the worry only grew as the match grew more violent and dangerous almost being stopped when you got stuck in piles of barb wire and when hikaru was flat on the mat after being thrown through a table despite that the two of you continue but you knew something was wrong when you got hit in the face with a chair hearing a crack and feeling unbearable pain in your face mostly your jaw as you end the match with a DDT and win moaning and crying in agony stumbling up the ramp until the girls and Buddy walked out helping you backstage. The trainers looked before being rushed and checked at the ER where thankfully and to everyone's relief your jaw was dislocated rather than broken and or needed any type of surgery to fix it moaning in pain after it was popped back in after ice and bandages wrapped around your face being given pain medicine before leaving and going to Skye's house where her and Julia watch you closely giving you soup, yogurt, mashed potatoes, and fruits to eat on for the next few weeks as you recovered always being cuddled whenever the girls would hear you in pain watching each of the girls have a match with hikaru even though she had apologized and didn't mean to harm you almost crying when you could finally eat solid food and eating without pain plus being able to wrestle again made you over the moon.
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galadrieljones · 8 months
WIP Whenever
tagged by @thevikingwoman. Thank you, friend!
From Chapter 7 of afterglow:
As they got off the helipad, which was on what appeared to be some sort of giant concrete runway surrounded by feral fields of walkers, garbage, and barbwire, he, himself was also zip-tied and escorted by two massive soldiers, one of whom was armed with a bazooka—all of this he'd been warned would happen, but it was unnatural. They took his crossbow, and he didn't like being tied up or shoved around by pod people. Rick just kept talking to him, telling him to wait, telling him it was temporary. Daryl could feel the pulse in his neck and his wrists and his heartbeat was screaming at a hundred miles per hour. He felt hypertensive. He felt fried and exhausted, and he was also afraid, but that part, he hid well. The helicopter was loud until the engines heaved down and into silence and there was tinnitus in his ears. He could see the city, Philadelphia, about a mile out, behind hills and trees, like a sneaking wonder metropolis, one which he had never seen or visited before.
tag back! New tags for @bearlytolerant @sasusc @im-immortal @gneebee @boltthrutheheart @roguelioness @whovianlili ^^
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oceannacaldin · 1 year
Relationships: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Macau Theerapanyakun & Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun
Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Past Abuse, (dys)functional siblings, Pete POV, Family Conflict, Conflict Resolution, Angst with a Happy Ending
When his health recovers enough, Korn decides that the best way to handle his family is to force them to meet for a family meal once a month. He plays the benevolent uncle with Vegas and Macau as he does with Porsche and Chay, and that’s how he starts to ask about Macau’s future. “You know that Pa was keen on us going abroad,” Vegas says politely, an edge in his voice. “I know how to handle it.” Little do they knows that that single sentence sparks an argument they can't escape from.
Soooo... Months ago, @chalkrevelations posted about Vegas and Macau starting to fight and I just went "Oh, I want to write that fic". I still feel like I twisted that idea until it reached another conclusion, but... credit back where it's due.
And thanks again @lake-river-ocean for the swift reread, it is deeply appreciated!
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quinnonimp · 2 years
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the commander, nova langusta !
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abdlsissyfur · 2 months
unsafe and insane
500 members options
Alley way toy (short story, dark sexual fantasy)
( Before you read, firstly, I'm a bisexual sub male, and this story will be written from the first person perspective of a male, and will feature sexual themes, a variety of kinks, of male/male interactions. Secondly, while I'd love to make this story a reality, this isn't an ad, it's a sexual fantasy. Third, and lastly, I'm fine with messages about this story, but please don't spam me for attention, I don't mind conversation but I get busy, I respond to people when I can, and sometimes it takes an hour or two.)
The walls practically thumped with the bear of the music. Before me the door, a blue steel door, with the word "EXIT" on it in big gray letters. I could honestly not give a fuck about the music. Some new age hip hop or something? I liked rock, metal, rap, I was a 90s child. The genre wasn't the problem, the only genre I didn't like was country, and even then I still listened to specific things like America "horse with no name" or Poor man's poison, or something. I just didn't care for new shit. I shoved the thought out of my mind, forcefully.
"Okay A- umm Amy!"
I said to myself, almost breaking a rule, I wasn't allowed to use my old name. In fact, like the other property around here I was dubbed nameless. We were only allowed to use girls names. Simple enough. There were a few others. Our "job" was simple, lure customers to the club. It wasn't a job, it was more a task, as we didn't get paid in a traditional manner. Some "gurls" walked out, and lead customers back by promise of a fun time, others promised a lap dance, and some got fucked in the bathroom. I however wasn't trusted to leave the club, and I was the low slut on the totem pole. So, instead, I was to be in the alley. I pushed the exit door open, and stepped outside. The alley way was fenced off, with barbwire at the top. I couldn't leave if I wanted to, well I could, I was actually very resourceful, but I didn't want to, regardless I wasn't allowed to leave. There was one lamp, pointed one direction in the middle of the alley, that barely lit anything, lighting only from the first 10 feet of the alley near to the side of the alley closest to the street. I walked from the lit side of the alley into the darkness.
I was wearing quite the get up, in fact, my outfit made me feel embarrassed, ashamed, it made me feel slutty, and sexy, I loved it. My stomach, and Lowe back were completely exposed, I was pretty skinny now a days, not starved, just on a strict diet. The top, my chest, was covered by a tube top, thin enough that if someone looked closely enough at the black material, they'd be able to make out the piercings on my nipples. My nipples felt perky, in the cold night air, it was could enough to see my breath. It was also cold enough that I felt shrinkage, the back band of my chastity cage felt more tight, while the head of my chastity cage felt a little loose. My small tip, felt numb. The shorts, my daisy dukes, were short enough, that you could clearly see my bulge in them, and the back part of them, a strand about half an inch thick, wouldn't have hid my buttplug if I bent over. They did nothing to ward against the cold. I also wore thigh high netting, matching netting gloves, which felt great. The only other thing I wore was a collar, literally, a dog collar, from Petco. Apparently mine was on clearance? It was a pink dog collar, with a pattern of dog bones on it, a little degrading, even had a dog tag on it, in the shape of a heart in a pink metal. No doubt, an oxidized titanium nitrate over aluminum, I was many things, including nerdy.
I checked my pockets, I had my cellphone, which very much worked and had cell service, in fact, given to me by my owner. Then I had a vape pen, which I absolutely hated, I liked cigars, cigarettes, but I wasn't allowed to have anything that'd leave a scent during operation hours. Lastly, I had a small pager. With a press of the red button, bouncers would be to my rescue. However, I could handle myself firstly, secondly I liked it rough. Satisfied that I had everything on my person, I leaned my back against the wall and waited.
The alley was dirty, and had a dumpster back there that had a bit of a smell. Part of why I chose the dark side of the alley was that it was the opposite side of the dumpster. The other reason, was an attempt at privacy. Plus I could only smell the city on this side of the alley. I was between two different brick buildings, and the other building was a "empty" building that housed us. It wasn't as big as the club, but we each had our bedrooms, and between the two floors of it, it housed 12 of us comfortably with our own rooms.
First person of the night, came out. All club customers were members, and had to get regular screenings, I also had to get regular screenings. I didn't have to worry about an STD. The rules were simple, I get fucked, I suck dick, they could cum in me, on me, piss in or on me, in me, write things on me with a marker, and I couldn't refuse. Not that I would. I was a rape toy, for members, male, female, whatever. They weren't allowed to beat or abuse me physically, however spanking my ass, groping, pinching, nibbling, bite marks, hickies, were very much allowed.
My cock twitched in its cage eagerly, and I felt arousal and anxiety wash over me. I spoke, calling out to the male.
"Hey sweety, I'm Cindy, and I like cock~"
I cat called, it was bad, it was corny, but they loved it. Which was good, because I was bad at flirting. I however wasn't bad at fucking. The man, looking to be an older, fatter white male, spoke.
"Yeah I bet you'd love my dick, you little fag, turn around and face the wall. "
I faced the wall, bending over, pressing my hands, chest, and face against said wall, an arch in my back. He couldn't wait, undoing his pants behind me, and then leaning himself over me, the warmth of his body against mine. He pulled my shorts down and panties away, revealing plugged ass. The slimy sensation of warm lube in my rear, mixed with the sensation of rubbing as he grabbed the plug. He ripped it out my ass like he was trying to start a lawn mower and I let out a loud gasp. Feeling a shooting sore pain, my left eye watering lightly. I felt an emptiness as I could feel my ring wink, my asshole flexing and twitching. The feeling of emptiness was immediately replaced by pleasure as he pushed his cock in, the tip spearing it's way up into my ass. There was no foreplay to it, it was just me getting used, he rammed all the way in as he gripped my hips. I grunted at the pressure as he gasped, my ass clenching eagerly on his cock. In, now he pulled back, and pushed in again, rapidly. He thrusted, into me, there a rhythm, fast, and steady, as he used me. I moaned, loudly, intentionally, I was a submissive little piece of fuck meat, and I wanted him to know it, I wanted him to feel like I was loving the ass raping, because I was, I enjoyed it. I didn't need to moab at all, I just did, I loved making doms feel like they were doing something to me, because they were, so while my moans were exaggerated, my pleasure wasn't.
He didn't last long at all, he stopped had groaned, pressing his member up me, as hard as he can, almost awkwardly pushing me into the wall, his cock tip twitch deep inside me and shot it's load. His member had been quiet large, and I loved it, but even if it hadn't been, I'd still have loved it. It was the fact I was being used, that I got off on. He drew a tally mark on my right ass cheek, and left, after fixing his pats.
I felt the humiliation hit me as my thoughts returned, the humiliation of being used, only increased my arousal. My poor dick, twitched in it's cage. I put the butt plug back up my ass and pulled my panties and shorts up. Thinking about my locked dick pressed up in its chastity. I was very horny. I had eight inches, which I was told was above average, but I didn't care about it. I had a few ex girlfriends who liked it, sure, however the thing I liked about my dick, was when it wasn't hard. When I was flaccid, I was actually small, very small. Small little balls, small little dick. Fully erect I was eight inches, but when I was flaccid like this, I was only a few centimeters, above average when erect, but below average when flaccid. Locked in chastity, it was a little clit. I repeated the phrase "little clit" in my mind several times, deriving arousal from it. I never stayed hard while getting fucked in my ass, but I enjoyed the chastity cage, as it drew attention to my member, and I love the humiliation, I craved it, being told it was tiny, a clitty, that I was less than a man, a micro dick, or a little baby dick. I shuttered in arousal at the thought. There'd be plenty of that this evening, hopefully.
I do have to wait much longer for the next person, a man, younger, black male, bike garb, black leather outfit. I could definitely dig it, when I was younger I wanted an outfit like that, like the terminator in t2, in an ironic way, one of my other outfits was black leather biker gear but it was more feminine and slutty. The man, had to be around his mid twenties. I was thirty, but I looked younger due to being feminized.
"Hey bitch, get down on your knees, and give me some love."
He got his pants undone and had his cock out when I dropped to my knees, on the dirty ally way ground. He pushed his dick and balls against my face, his limp member growing hard as I got a face full of his natural manly musk, his unshaven hairs, tickles my nostrils. I opened my mouth as he grabbed the back of my head. My mouth finding one of his balls, I sucked on it, moving my tongue around it, eagerly. I preferred when they shaved, because I didn't like swallowing hair, or getting on my tongue, however we don't always get what we want. Besides, hairy dick, was better than no dick. He stroked his member with one hand, while I played with his balls with my mouth. He pulled back, his twelve inch dick, now stiff. He slapped me in the face with it and spoke.
"Like that bitch?"
I replied.
"Yes sir."
He slapped me in the face with his dick, again, it was degrading, and I loved that too. He then tapped it against my cheek, despite my mouth being open. I tired opening wider, to see if maybe that'd get him to rape my little whore mouth. He smiled at that, but instead slapped me in the face with his member again. He then finally put his cock in my mouth, just the tip. He didn't move, the message was clear, I was supposed to do all the work, and I did. I started by licking and playing with the tip, eagerly, before moving down, using my spit to coat his dick as I bobbed up and down. Training and gotten rid of my gag reflex entirely. However I liked to intentionally choke on dick, do I did, forcing myself deeper, and clenching my throat, making myself choke and gag on his dick, I then pulled up, my drool coating his dick, and leaking around my lips, I was a cock hungry slut, and I enjoyed this as much as anal. He enjoyed it moaning, so I kept it up. My jaw was quickly getting sore, but I ignored my discomfort, deriving pleasure from being of use. For the better part of several minutes, this continued, until he stopped me, holding my hard down, I felt the familiar sensation, of a cock twitching in my throat, the warm sensation of him shooting semen down my throat, I swallow it, gulping it down, he the pulled out of my mouth, and I kept my mouth open, to show him I had swallowed it all.
"Keep your mouth open slut"
He said. His dick growing mostly flaccid. I knew what that meant. he aimed his member, with one hand, for my mouth, and let a hot stream of piss into my mouth he filled my mouth with piss, and I closed my mouth to swallow it, as I did, he aimed lower, pissing across my chest staining my clothes with the wretched sent of of usine, from someone who'd been drink alcohol. I shuttered and balked at the taste of piss in my throat, but leaned into the stream, as I opened my mouth, and closed my eyes, he had no problem, painting my face with it, and then he place this tip in my mouth, I closed my lips around it, and swallowed what he gave me, drinking mouthfuls of it. He finished, and pulled up his pants. Leaving me there. Despite being drenched in it, and the cold, I wasn't done, I wasn't allowed to be done.
I had all night to be used, and I could see more customers coming out to use me.
( There will be a part two, don't worry. I enjoy comments about it though. )
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itjazzbicch · 2 years
True Nature
Pairing:  Jon Moxley x Fem Reader 
Summary: Being a part of the Dark Order and patience wearing thin with everything and all their issues piling up one after another, the reader decides to show her true nature to her comrades when chaos consumes them and their feud with Jon Moxley...
Warnings: SMUT! (18+ ONLY!) (Yall, I watched Dynamite and just had to sin after haha) (Swearing, slight/playful degradation, rough sex, unprotected sex, choking, hair pulling, a bit of kinky with barbwire, oral M receiving)
Word Count: 1.4k 
Tag List: @demonqueen29 @peachy-satan00 @new-zealand-chic  @crowleysqueenofhell @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @thatpanpal @melissahausen @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @linzi-land @xxx-jazz-xxx @writtingrose @legit9thlunaticwarrior @seeingstarks @rubyred1980 @alexisquinnlee-bc 
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Being told to just sit back and watch everything while chaos was spreading like wildfire did nothing but grind my gears. Dealing with this for practically my entire career with the dark order took a great deal on my patience.
Evil Uno surely left it all out in that ring, but against Mox, it wasn't enough. His blood was everywhere, and first John and Alex ran out there, then Yuta and Claudio, then Hangman?
Someone needed to maintain some order in all of this, marching my way out there as Hangman had barbwire wrapped around his fist, everyone gasping at the sight of me standing in front of Mox in the corner, stopping Hangman's punch.
"Hangman," I took a deep breath, stepping up to him with calmness, "We have to take care of Uno, okay? You can kick his ass on the fifth."
"Did you not see what he just did?! Look at this ring!" Hangman was still so hostile, and I did understand, but took his barbwire-wrapped hand, taking the wire away carefully:
"I know. But he needs us, right now. Just trust me."
Hangman and I made our way to the middle of the ring while John and Alex were tending to Uno, Mox, and his crew watching behind me. My words worked, Hangman handing me the barbwire and going to tend to Uno, but the one mistake he made was trusting me.
The look of pure shock and heartbreak on everyone's faces when the barbwire around my fist clocked the back of Hangman's head, leaving him limp next to Uno's nearly lifeless, bloody body.
The crowd's yelling only made me smile, John and Alex, frozen with tears running down their faces, only making it worse with my words:
"I am so sick and tired of this shit! Every single one of you are nothing but a joke!"
My dark order shirt was ripped to shreds, the sight of a BCC shirt underneath it only making the fans even wilder, backing up into the corner to Jon, whose arm wrapped around me.
At the same time, Hangman's woozy eyes found me, filled with sadness like the others:
"Y/N, I thought-"
"Thought what?! That I liked you? That I cared?" Stepping forward just to laugh at him, I made my way back to Jon, shaking my head, "Oh no, I found where I belong. Found a REAL man."
"And you're looking at him, bitch!" Jon spat, pulling me into him for a kiss, even Claudio and Yuta were taken aback by how we revealed our relationship.
There was something about Jon that drove me crazy, magnetized me towards him, and I couldn't fight the gravity anymore, smiling and kissing back, taking in all the wicked energy surrounding us.
"We'll see you on the fifth!"
Leaving things at that, I marched out of the ring with Jon, still in his arms while waving goodbye to my past, to the dark order in the ring, then fixing my eyes on the now.
We both were panting from the rush that just waved over us and the second we headed backstage, all eyes were on us, both of us loved it so much that we started laughing like maniacs, stepping into the locker room and the moment that door slammed, I grabbed him by the shoulder, growling:
"Get your ass over here."
"Finally showing your true nature, huh?" That psycho smile of his said it all, still full of blood lust with his lips clashing against mine, teeth scrapping along my lower lip.
"What? Seeing me like that turns you on?" Already knowing the answer and palming his hard-on that was fighting his pants, I had to giggle and tease, "Bet you were hard out there watching me."
"Yeah, so what?" Shrugging it off, he wasn't playing any games, taking a gasp out of my chest as he ripped my shirt in two from the middle, pushing my back clear down to the floor, biting across my chest while my tights and panties became his next target, being ripped off just as quickly.
"Fuck, just knowing that drives me crazy," He wasn't the only wild one in this equation, jolting up, barbwire still around my hand, both our eyes fixing on his waistband as I took it, growling into a sloppy kiss, "Now, take your damn pants off."
"Think I'm scared of that?" Referencing the barbwire, he let that hand wander up his chest with it while kicking his pants off.
"Only makes you crazier, you sicko," I joked, silenced by the stretch in my thighs as they were spread and pressed against the cold, hard floor, let alone the stretch of his cock pounding into me with no mercy.
"Sick and crazy, huh?" His forehead meeting mine, piercing blue eyes like falling into a bottomless pool, the heat between radiating, pulling a moan out of me while sliding his cock back to leave only the tip, the coldness of his teeth against the tender skin of my earlobe, "I'm gonna show you just how sick and crazy I am."
I went to speak, but nothing came out, jaw-dropping for an attempt to breathe, only to have what little air inside me knock away with Jon's hips slamming into me. Shivering past his gaze, that smile of his showed how much I was in for, cock pulling back and pushing in so quickly that my body nor mind could keep up with it.
"What's the matter, baby girl?" His hand was still sweating, steaming hot against my throat, but still able to clench it, nose against mine while he kept going balls deep, "Got me all worked up just to lay here? You're lucky that pussy's squeezing me tight."
Choking on top of a kiss was nearly smothering me. Still, I never felt so good, locking my legs around his hips, shaking from the overstimulating nerves burning, hollowly whispering against his lips:
"Don't count me out just yet."
Managing to pick myself up off the floor, he let go of my throat, latching and digging into the flesh on my hips, having to hold onto the back of his neck like my life depended on it, but rolling my hips into his. There was a stutter at first, but the harder he gripped onto me, the sweet feeling of his tip smacking my sweet spot, the pressure hitting my clit just right, I started to move faster.
"Now, that's what I'm talking about," He laughed, spanking a sharp sting into my ass that made moans start spilling out of me even more, nails grazing his skin, using all my strength to bounce on his cock, screaming at the impact in my belly:
"Fu-; Got damn it, Jon!"
"Trying to make me cum doing that?" Nails tracing up my scalp and yanking my head back, leaving my neck exposed and opened for his bites to find and mark up, he warned, "Not till I feel you first."
I didn't have a single care in my mind, so close that the need to get off made me bounce even harder, nearly knocking him back till he trapped me in a tight hug, hips burning every time they smacked off each other, screaming with pleasure but starting to feel the aches, especially along my walls that were desperately trying to milk him for everything he had.
My thighs twitched and my chest heaved against him, feeling so heavy, drool finding the corner of my mouth as I moaned out, "You're gonna feel it. I'm r-right, there!"
Picking me up and slamming me back down, over and over sent my head back with my vision gone black and flashing spots all over, a squelching squeeze having me tense up around him, clinging with the last bit of strength that I had.
Body sweating, thighs and stomach soaked from my slick, I was near my limit, but not out just yet.
"Since I'm feeling so good," I whispered like a hex in his ear, pushing him back to the floor, mouth dropping down to his cock, loving the groan that rolled off his lips, hand fisting into my hair again, following along with the bob of my head, all the way down the back of my throat with all my speed to make the throbbing of his cock even harder.
"Look at me," He huffed out, pulling my head up, smacking the tip of his cock against my tongue and panting, but smiling as our gazes locked, watching his seed shoot into my mouth, taking every drop and swallowing with a smile, "That's hot. You filthy, bitch."
"And I'm all yours," I smiled back, cleaning the ooze with a swirl of my tongue, kissing his tip, and giggling, "You crazy, bastard." 
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maximoons · 1 year
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ℌ𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔢𝔫 ℭ𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔢𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 🎃 Barbwire Choker + Earrings
HQ Mod compatible
Base game compatible
With custom thumbnail
Original Mesh
5 swatches
Download (Early Access) Public release on 10/30/2023
             T.O.U. Please do not reupload my CCs. Tag me in your photos with my CCs, please, I would love to see them. ♥ Do you wanna support my work? Check out my Patreon page. Thanks for the support ♥
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amrass · 5 days
Excited for Barbwired Tumbleweed! For your consideration: (1) Dutch/Arthur, grooming; snippets from a real fucked up relationship. Bonus points for the cycle continuing with John and/or Jack. (2) Sadie/Kieran, hate sex/noncon. (3) Charles/Molly, sex as self-harm.
I hope your excitement remains, anon 😈 Ah, I like your ideas!
I went with your first suggestion, and I've called the piece Cydonian Apples, because ofc there must be a reference to Ancient Greek practises when the theme is grooming. (Heed the tags. All characters are 16/17 in the fic itself, but stuff is implied, and depending on your country this can be underage and/or non-con.) I went for the most bonus points possible, so there is one snippet of Dutch/Arthur, one of Arthur/John, and a short one with ambiguous John & Jack.
Some more thoughts on the requests after the cut (I liked thinking about them! Warning for Amras going full Pennywise mode) ...
The first request was a bit out of my comfort zone, verging on the "innocence" I dislike writing (but can enjoy reading), buuut I adore challenges so I guess I tried to create a disquiet mixed with a calming quiet, to create fucked-up-ness through the contrast. I'm kind of writing blind, so I don't know if I succeeded. Anyway everyone please go read My Country Has No Borders, the best Vandermorgan fanfic of all time in my humble opinion, the writer nails ambivalence.
For the Sadie/Kieran one, I recommend my friend Purl's Adrenaline Rush, because I'd probably write something similar to that fic, even with Kieran, as I write him rougher than the common fanon interpretation. I would also make Sadie piss on him at the end. And then another gang member (someone who dislikes O'Driscolls) would find him when he's lying there covered in filth. "Aw, did I come too late? I was hoping for a show, but ... I guess a fuck is just as good."
For the third one with Charles/Molly, aaahhhh, I know exactly how I'd write that one, but it's too angsty for me 💀 I'd make the story happen in Clemens Point or Shady Belle after a party, during a storm, both of them drunk and heartsore. Molly seeks out Charles because she thinks he has a big penis that she will use to punish herself, then she's so disappointed (also in herself) because he's average sized. But when she realizes he's a virgin, she convinces him anal sex is normal without lube or any kind of prep, and gets her self-harm that way, but harms him in the process .......... Ensue a lot of pain, confusion and guilt. I see no way out of this but angst galore. Sometimes I want to write really fucked up ideas and wish I could just steal an angst writer to keep in my pocket, dictating that stuff, while I revel in the horror.
Someone else can try their hand, if they want to!
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Thanks for reading 🤡
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