#barefoot wine review
winemastery · 2 years
Barefoot Merlot Wine Review(Episode 367)
Barefoot Merlot Wine Review(Episode 367)
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poopersdoopers · 7 months
Thinking about a hurt & comfort fic with Shanks & Mihawk x reader. fem pronouns and fem presenting. Black reader in mind.
Reader comes home from work more tired and upset than usual. Her partners want her to open up but she lashes out and goes a little too far.
To her surprise they are understanding and it breaks the damn. They comfort her and talk it out.
Angst, sfw, fluff.
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It was another hard day of work. You were pissed and overwhelmed to say the least. 12 hours of emails, meetings, reviewing notes and for what…for it to start all over again.
The door to the train opened with a familiar ding and in no time you were walking home angry.
As soon as you opened the door, your red headed lover glanced over at you, eyes shining with admiration and excitement.
He practically fell over on his feet to great you. Sometimes Shanks’ feet too big for his lengthly body.
And as soon as you could begin to say the word, “Hi”, his arms were around you. His red head tucked between your shoulder and neck. You could smell tonights dinner, nicotine, wine — curiosity of your other lover— and sandlewood.
You would hug back but your arms were occupied by your workbag and take out.
“Hi love”, he squeezed your body closer to him, as if sensing something was off. He kissed the side of your mouth.
“Hey”, you answered back absentmindedly. You shook outta his arms and put your stuff down oh the couch.
Shanks was taken aback a bit but familiarized with your cold, repressed anger. He stood with his hands in his pockets, “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, sure, don’t worry”, the words came out too gruff—to rushed to be believed. You hoped he wouldn’t press you. So you changed the subject.
“Where’s Mihawk?”
“In his study, he’s still working and asked me explicitly to not pester”, he said smiling the whole time.
You raised an eyebrow. The redhead’s eyes looked wicked.
“I’m shocked you’re not pouting.”
He chuckled and you couldn’t help but feel a smile crack across your face.
“Hey why haven’t you kissed me hello yet.”
You sighed. “I’m really not in the mood, for this Shanks. I just need to decompress for a second.”
You began to take documents, your uneaten lunch, and thermos out of your purse.
“You didn’t eat again today, babe? That’s the third time this week.”
You groaned aloud this time. Angry.
“I didn’t have the time to again. I’m sorry, okay? Is that sufficient enough of an explanation for you?”
You crossed over to the kitchen, Shanks didn’t follow. Staring into the hum of the refrigerator you gave yourself a pause.
“Look I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to lash out at you like that”.
He didn’t answer.
“Shanks?”, you cocked a head from the kitchen.
He stood there absentmindedly texting, his hand in his grey sweat-pant pocket. You took him in: standing barefoot in your warm home dazzling in light. His soft pink t-shirt doing little to hide his muscles.
“I said I’m sorry”.
“I know sweetheart, but we need to talk. And I mean we, not just you and I.”
You groaned again.
“About. What!?” Your own voice shocked yourself.
Shanks frowned, “Calm down”, he instantly regretted his remark.
You could feel your blood pressure boiling up, “Calm down?! Calm down?! If you even KNEW what kinda shit I wad going through you would not be telling me to calm down. I-“
You stopped at an instant, “please I just need my space and I promise I’ll be good”, your rubbed your fingers to your temples trying to stop tears from falling. You covered your face.
You were embarrassed. You felt like a failure for crying.
“What’s all this shouting for? I’m supposed to be in a meeting.”
Mihawk stared at you, frowning deeply. Your stomach twisted.
You remember the first time something like this happened. The disappointment in both of their faces. You attacked first, “Of course you’re in a meeting. You’re always working late and then getting on my case for working late.”
“People in healthy relationships are supposed to be able to talk freely. However if you need space we’ll accommodate, freely.”
“Fuck you.” You didn’t even know why you were mad anymore but this conversation tired you immediately. Spinning around, crossed over from the kitchen, to grab the screen door walk back outside. It was nearly 10 pm, the fall air crisper than usual. You lamented not bringing a blanket out to escape.
Sitting down on a lawn chair you stared at the sky and tried to calm down.
All you needed was the perfect song to escape to. Scooping out your phone and headphones from your tan jacket, you searched for Spotify.
You heard a ping and immediately tensed. You felt sick.
It was not a “ we need to talk” or “I’m breaking up with you”. No.
I love you. I love you.
Two separate texts from the most wonderful, supportive, and understanding lovers of all time.
You wanted to throw up, cry, scream, but instead you did what you always do: shut down.
Minutes pass you remain panicked.
“Darling I think it’s time you come inside. It’s nearly midnight.”
You glance over your shoulder and stare brown eyes into golden eyes. The raven haired man looked sad — a rare occurrence in your relationship. Had you done that?
Had you caused them to worry? You felt sicker.
“I’m sorry.”
He held a hand out. You couldn’t accept it.
“Love please. We don’t have to talk about it at all, but don’t shut us out like this. Come.”
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to stop the tears from flowing freely. You had been distant, distracted, and lashed out at your two lovers simply for just caring. Even turning away back rubs from them. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d ask them how their day was or just sat in a comfortable silence with them. Your squeezed your eyes tighter. Hands pulling at your hair.
Not only were you a failure of a worker, you were a failure at love.
“Hey stop that now”, it was barely a whisper.
When you opened your eyes, you saw your tears falling. Your shame. But you could feel Mihawk’s thumb wiping those pesky tears of shame slowly.
He whisks you into his arms. Suddenly you were back in the living room, lying atop him on your plush couch. You didn’t notice it at first but you were earnestly shaking. You feel a hand at your back —Shanks— rubbing smooth circles. The dam broke loose:
“I’m sorry. I ruined everything. I ruined dinner. I ruined work. I ruined our relationship. I’m not good at anything but getting frustrated and giving up. I’m running the only thing I love every night and I can’t fix it. My whole life, I’ve been waiting to be loved to matter to feel important and I can’t stop fucking myself over.”
Mihawk looked down at his young lover before glancing over at Shanks.
“You don’t to have it all figured out already. Please give yourself more credit than that.”
You started crying again but this time into Mihawk’s silken clad chest.
“Let’s get you into the bath. Hmm?”
He carried you the whole way there. Only setting you down to strip himself, before plunging in the water.
Shanks stripped you of your clothes. Starring reverently at your body and then at your exhausted face.
Before placing you gently in the bathtub between Mihawk’s waiting legs. The deep color of your skin contrasting beautifully against the raven haired man’s pale skin.
He couldn’t help it. He had to kiss you both.
“Don’t get any ideas now, darling”.
Shanks winked, before stripping down quickly and joining the bath beside you.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, my dear”. You normally would laugh at such an outrageous lie, but you couldn’t even bring yourself to smile.
“This is the longest I’ve ever seen you cry and I know you don’t feel like talking, but at you okay?”
“That’s fair perfect answer, princess. Im gonna start with washing your front now?”
You felt Mihawk kiss the shell of your ear, as Shanks washed you gently all over.
A fresh wave of tears spilled. “Turn over”.
Mihawk could get a clearer view of your face now. Usually he would feel annoyed at someone this emotional and irrational but with you he immediately felt the need to protect and sooth.
He kissed underneath your eyes, then your nose, then your mouth before deepening the kiss. You completely stilled lost in the sensation and hand leaning against the raven haired man’s smooth chest.
“What happened to not getting any ideas?”, Shanks grinned. You broke apart from the kiss.
Mihawk rolled his eyes, “Unlike you, I can control myself.”
Shanks over-exaggerated a gasp, “You wounded me”.
You smiled at your silly lovers’ antics. Finally coming back to yourself a bit but too tired to keep up.
“I’m willing to talk a bit”, you yawned. Maybe having a fried brain was the key to opening up.
“Tomorrow my love. Lets stay in and catch up. You deserve that much.”
“Now it’s off to bed for you.”
Mihawk lathered each of his lovers’ skin in rich oils and body butters. Shanks wrapped you delicately in a fluffy robe. The raven haired man, held his hands out to guide you both to the master bedroom.
“Sleep”, he commanded.
And so you did, snuggled in the warmth of the two men.
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flowerinyourcare · 2 years
Reminiscence of the Unfinished Wine - Chapter 2
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🍷 September seasonal permanent event; banner characters Shylock, Murr, Bradley; 2022/09/11 - 2022/09/19 JST 🍷 special thanks to keyk for the raws, and rusty for catching a couple errors!
Chapter 2
[Location: Manor bar, night]
Rutile: Are you saying you took that without permission? That won't do! You have to go back and pay properly.
Bradley: Payin' the price would make me a pretty shitty bandit, though, wouldn'it? Here, tell ya what. Y'all can keep the empty bottle.
Bradley tossed the bottle over the bar, and Shylock gracefully caught it in a swirl of his pipe's smoke. Furrowing his brows, he quietly examined the label.
Shylock: The date inscribed here… This is certainly this year's wine.
Shylock: The harvest festival seems to be proceeding apace, and production delays or mishaps are not to blame for the wine's absence..
Nero: Ya think he just, uh, forgot to send it?
Shylock: It's difficult to imagine. For as long as this arrangement has stood, Bacchus has never failed to send his wine for my review, even as the years marched steadily onwards.
Shylock: Even in the throes of illness, at a time when he was on the verge of turning to stone, he still made sure to send me a letter - one wherein he passionately described his confidence in that year's work.
Shylock honestly seemed to be at a loss as to why he hadn't heard a word from Bacchus. As he explained the situation, I tilted my head in thought.
Akira: (If it's really such an important exchange… then why hasn't Bacchus sent any wine this year?)
Shylock: …That said, waiting for wine that will never arrive is no way to find the truth of the matter.
Shylock: Tomorrow I shall go pay a visit to Bacchus myself. For this would be a most troubling, abrupt way for a long-standing tradition to come to an end.
Murr: You're not goin' anywhere without meeeee!
Boing! Murr leapt up and stood on one of the barstools along the counter.
Murr: Did you even hear a word our buddy Brad said? The town where Bacchus lives is having their grape harvest festival!
Murr: It'll be super duper fun! During the festival, along with tons of high-class wine, there'll be tasty grape treats and even grape-stomping events! C'mon, let's all go together!
Rutile: Wow, a grape harvest festival sounds like so much fun…!
Akira: Erm… but is it really okay? Shylock, this errand is important to you, and I wouldn't want us to interfere.
Shylock: Of course, you are more than welcome to accompany me. You referred to it as an "errand", but I feel that it's closer to meeting up with a dear friend.
Shylock: The festival will only get more exciting with an energetic, bustling crowd - and, most importantly, I would be truly happy if you all came along.
As though beckoning to our very hearts, Shylock's impossibly enticing smile had Rutile and I nodding excitedly.
Akira: Thank you very much, Shylock. If that's the case, then I would love to go to the harvest festival…!
Rutile: Count me in too, please! Mr. Faust, Mr. Nero, will you two be joining us?
Faust: I can't say I'm not tempted by Bacchus wine, but considering it's a wine festival in Western country… It sounds like it'll be rather hectic. Er, lively. 
Nero: Yeah, but it's not every day ya get the chance to taste real-deal Bacchus wine…
Faust & Nero: Hmmmm…
Akira: (They both look so deeply conflicted…)
Arthur: Can we really do grape stomping too? I feel as though I've read about the tradition before. I think it was something to do with stepping on grapes while singing…
Murr: Yeah, I've done it myself! I don't remember any of the songs we sang, but I remember jumping and stomping and squishing up the grapes aaaall night!
Arthur: As expected, the well-traveled Murr has had an impressive variety of experiences. So when you step on the grapes, are you barefoot?
Murr: Naturally! And then the soles of your feet get all purpley wine-stained! It feels like I'm turning into one of the grapes!
Arthur: That sounds amazing! I used to enjoy making mud footprints when I was a child, but I have yet to experience making wine footprints.
Arthur: Master Oz, I would be very happy if you were to join us. It sounds like a unique, exciting experience that doesn't come about very often.
Oz: If you wish to go, you can go on your own.
Shylock: If I may add, there is a Bacchus wine cellar in the town. Over time, countless rare and delectable wines have accumulated in Bacchus's own archives. In that way, along with enjoying fine wines, you may revel in the sublime time you spend making your choice.
Arthur: Oh, and Master Oz…
Arthur: I'm not old enough to drink wine yet, but… I would really like it if you would help choose a wine for me to drink when I grow up.
Oz: ……
Oz: Okay.
Whether they were attracted by the promise of wine, excited by the thrill of a festival, or just being tugged along by the momentum of the group -- the number of people in our party steadily increased.
Then, Murr suddenly focused back on Bradley, as if remembering something.
Murr: By the way, Brad -- how's this year's Bacchus wine?
Brad: Oh, ya want my opinion? I really think it was --
Shylock: --Shh.
Shylock pressed one finger against his own mouth, his lips parted as though they still carried the taste of something sweet. His deep red eyes, the color of late-summer fruit at the height of ripeness, narrowed teasingly.
Shylock: For the moment, please keep your answer secured in your heart. We have yet to see if my tongue reaches the same conclusion.
Bradley: …….
For an intense moment, their gazes intertwined. Then, after a silence as meaningful as if they were sharing an unspoken secret, Shylock let his fingers slowly drift away from his lips.
Seeing this, the corner of Bradley's mouth pulled into a grin.
Bradley: Interesting. Guess I'll be goin' with ya tomorrow.
Bradley: I look' forward to hearin' yer thoughts on this one, barkeep.
The next day. 
After a scenic broom ride from the Western elevator tower, we arrived at our destination in the countryside.
[Location: Western wine town, daytime]
Akira: Wow… the air smells amazing.
Oz: Yes. Because of the grapes.
The town was small and rural. Quaint brick buildings were clustered cozily together, and lush vineyards stretched out in every direction.
The main street was lined with shops, and decorative grape vines twisted up the walls and over roofs. The atmosphere radiated simplicity and pleasantness, and the aroma of sweet grapes filled the air.
Akira: Ah, and these matching outfits are perfect, too.
Shylock: These garments are in the traditional style of this area's harvest festival. We Western wizards prepared them to help immerse everyone in the thriving festive spirit.
Rutile: Thank you very much, Mr. Shylock. The vibrant colors are so enchanting!
Murr: Around here, adults and kids alike wear burgundy shades for grape harvest festivals. 'Cuz then if you spill wine or get splattered by the flying grapes, the clothes won't show the stain!
Nero: Uh, can ya run that by me again?
Faust: Flying grapes?
Bradley: At ragers like this, once yer drunk off yer ass, folks always start peltin' eachother with grapes. Mr. Barkeep was tellin' me about it yesterday.
Bradley: Squishin' up the runty fruit after the harvest is apparently s'posed to make for a killer crop next year. Some kinda superstition.
Bradley: But I guess, bein' shitfaced 'n all, they can't tell if the grapes are bein' thrown or if they're flyin' on their own.
Arthur: Ahaha!
Rutile: That sounds like a blast!
Just like Bradley said, the town was bustling with preparations for the harvest season.
Residents were all working hard, doing things like putting up flyers, hefting around casks of wine, and so on.
Akira: (It's chaotic and lively, like pre-festival activities in my world… It kind of creates its own unique sense of excitement, doesn't it?)
Just then, an older gentleman crossed the street before us, carrying a heavy-looking tray of glassware. 
Before I even thought to offer him assistance, he stumbled, and the precariously tray of glasses tipped over. Akira: Oh --!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10
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celestialmango · 2 years
Ya know what, while I'm at it imma spill some more plants knowledge I know. One of the biggest dangerous for insects is destruction of habits, and you know what? There is in fact something you can do about that easily if you happen to have a lawn.
Get rid of your grass, yeah you heard me, your grass, toss it. You want something nice and green to make your lawn out of? Go for moss, it's soft, keeps your soil damp and is fun to walk barefoot on. Even better than that if you want something pretty. Go get some wildflower mixed seeds and just, scattered them all over. Pollinators get nectar and more habitat, you get a yard of pretty flowers and to see bugs like ladybugs, bees, and butterflies visit.
Got dandelions in your yard? Leave them there. This is a grand misconception about dandelions calling them nothing but weeds. They are wrong. For one thing you can eat the leaves and flowers, they're a medical plant, they're a source of nutrition. Instead of ranting about them here have some more articles.
First off, most important information. A medical article written by a doc and reviewed by another. Don't just jump into the other articles before reading this one because this one is very important if you plan to ingest them. It gives you some info on, Benefits and Uses, Possible Side Effects, Precautions, Dosage and Interactions. Before adding anything like this to your diet you need to know how it would affect your health and what the side effects may be. Be smart and talk to a doc.
Eating them is not the only thing you can do with them. As discussed in the other two articles. Any of those 'im using natural herbal, remedies, I'm the professional and you should listen to me despite the fact I have no medical training or background, I'm better than a doctor'? Don't listen. Talk to a doctor because things you eat can affect your medication among other things. This first article is just about ingestion.
And again like with any herb eating it isn't the only use for it as the second and third article will tell you. Biggest point that I'll go ahead and spoil a little bit about dandelions is they are actually good for your lawn. Both the second and third article will tell you why.
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shoutyourporpoise · 2 years
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#yeah there are people who are treating this as ‘g comes out as trans woman’ when they’ve explicitly said they’re uncomfortable with labels
My Top Posts in 2022:
I’m not even kidding this reunion tour has galvanized me. I’m doing art again I put in the hard fucking work of finding a therapist covered by my EAP and insurance who’s accepting new patients I am DROWNING in dysphoria rn but I am moving fucking forward clutching MCR like a buoy
4 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
What if I start IDing as bisexual but in the way that an older genderfluid person might.
4 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
I remember suddenly when I was volunteering at this prep school with some kids and one of them could not figure out my gender so he called me “Mister Lady” which was definitely not intended to be a compliment but nonetheless made me feel FANTASTIC bc he wouldn’t call me anything else.
5 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
I know June isn’t even around the corner yet but blargh I am already seeing the comments that are like “I’m bi and afraid that if I go to pride with my boyfriend people will tell me I don’t belong there” and lemme just say like. They will not. First, bc there will be straight couples at the pride parade. Second, bc there will be other bi or multisexual people there repping their flags and excited to see you. And third, because pride at this point is an advertising opportunity for like Bank of America or Barefoot Wine and your money spends just the same regardless.
9 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I love being nonbinary and I love being bisexual those were both decisions and evidence of my excellent taste
15 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
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premiershops · 3 months
Discover the ultimate guide to purchasing 750ml Barefoot bottles online in the UK. Uncover tips, reviews, and where to find the best deals! Read More.
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carpetandleather · 5 months
Beach Walks and Barefoot Bliss: Uncovering the Hidden Gems of Sunshine Coast Carpet Care
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Are ugly bleach or recurring stains destroying the aesthetic appeal of your rugs, furniture, or carpets? De Vere Carpet and Leather Restorations provides professional treatments for carpet spot coloring and stain removal to restore the beauty of your floor coverings. Their specialist services take care of problems, including spills, pet poop, and bleach stains that can cause carpets to lose color.
Using state-of-the-art dyeing methods, De Vere uses 100% color-fast dyes that immediately adhere to wool and nylon carpet fibers. These dyes provide a long-lasting remedy for discoloration that appears to be incurable by successfully removing stains and bringing back the vibrancy of your carpet.
Tea and coffee stains, red wine spills, cat stains, urine, kid slime, shoe polish, grease, Sudo Cream, lipstick, fake tan, tanning lotion, bleach stains, and grass stains are a few of the frequent stains that De Vere Carpet and Leather Restorations is expert at eliminating. They have experience with bleach marks from various household products, including pet urine, toilet cleaners, window cleaners, hair conditioners, acne creams, bleach, and White King.
Examining Sunshine Coast Carpet Repair Services
A. Patching and Restoring: Burns, pet scratches, and furniture impressions are just a few ways carpets can sustain damage. Specialists in patching and restoring damaged areas, professional Carpet Repair Sunshine Coast blend fixes seamlessly with the surrounding carpet for a perfect finish.
B. Stretching and Restretching: Things like humidity, shoddy installation, or large furniture can cause carpets to wrinkle or bulge over time. Carpet restoration specialists stretch and restretch carpets using specialized gear to remove wrinkles and guarantee a smooth surface.
C. Binding and serging: Worn-out or frayed carpet edges might detract from a room's overall design. Carpet repair services provide methods for binding and serging edges to strengthen them, keep them from unraveling further, and give your carpet a polished appearance.
Selecting the Appropriate Carpet cleaners in Sunshine Coast
A. Investigating Local Businesses: Look into local carpet cleaning and repair businesses on the Sunshine Coast. Look for ratings, reviews, and testimonials to determine their reputation and dependability. Word-of-mouth referrals from neighbors or friends are also beneficial.
B. Services Provided: Verify that the selected business offers an extensive array of services, such as stain removal, thorough cleaning, and multiple carpet restoration choices. You'll save time and effort arranging several services using a one-stop shop.
C. Competence and Professionalism: Select organizations that employ skilled and knowledgeable personnel. A knowledgeable crew will know how to handle the nuances of various carpet kinds best and will use the right cleaning and repair methods.
In the Sunshine Coast, De Vere Carpet and Leather Restorations is a well-known and reliable name for thorough carpet cleaning and restoration services. Their knowledge includes precisely repairing carpet stains and damages and ensuring they last longer. With cutting-edge methods, a committed team of experts, and a focus on client pleasure, De Vere provides a dependable answer for all your carpet requirements. Enhance your living areas with their excellent services, giving your carpets a new lease on life. Select them for the finest quality and unmatched leather and carpet restoration knowledge on the stunning Sunshine Coast.
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wrongpublishing · 6 months
BOOK REVIEW: P.L. McMillan's Sisters of the Crimson Vine
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by Elizabeth Broadbent, Staff Writer.
There’s a certain uncanniness to nuns. Their habits and wimples subsume identity; they’re set apart, tied by their vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. They hold the world at an almost timelessness remove. In Sisters of the Crimson Vine (Timber Ghost Press, 2022), P. L. McMillan nails those creepy vibes. She captures the visceral weirdness and spookiness of the Catholic Church—maybe it’s best to say the Church’s mystery, both as narrative and theology.
If you didn’t grow up Catholic, the Church is a harrowing confusion of strange ritual. Sisters is enough to set my old Catholic school nuns on an extended rant about faith, respect, and chastity (which is to say that former Catholics will catch something gleeful about it). 
After protag Mr. Ainsworth wrecks his car, he wakes up in a strange convent where barefoot nuns dote over him, then ply him with the homemade wine. Sister Helena Rose, a pretty woman with uncovered blonde hair, seems particularly devoted. But there’s a problem: just as a villager brought Ainsworth to them, some priests showed up on a mission to set the nuns straight. They haven’t been kicking the Church any profits for their wine sales, and “musty-smelling” Father Griffith has arrived from London to audit their finances.
Caught between his growing loyalty to the nuns and the priests’ presumptions, Ainsworth has to choose: are the sisters good, or something else? And what’s with that wine?
McMillan’s masterful at character, and she does a fantastic job of making Sister Helena Rose the real heart of the novel. By eclipsing Ainsworth, she emphasizes both his passivity and her own vitality. Her evocation of heat-soaked lassitude underscores the novel’s tone, and that setting underscores both theme and mood, recreating the effects of the nuns’ wine. This novel examines the hypocrisy of the Catholic (it sort of has to), and McMillan delivers the daring finish you were hoping for, but not in the way you’d expect. 
As an ex-Catholic, I really did take some vicious glee in this book. The nuns are what I always wanted nuns to be: daring, vivid, devoted to each other rather than the Church. The priests are fussy rule-sticklers, the type I always resented; and the protag, wonderfully vague, is easy for the reader to identify with. I’ve rarely seen an author pull off this type of characterization (rules say that the protag has to be interesting). It’s a Nick Carraway type of move, and McMillan nails it. 
With its fast, twisting plot, this novel never went in predictable directions, and McMillan’s a sure driver. Ex-Catholic or not, you’ll love these nuns as much as I did. Read this with a glass of red wine at your elbow.
Get the book here
Find PL McMillan: Twitter @ authorPLM Instagram @ authorplm
Find Timber Ghost Press: Twitter: @ press_ghost Instagram: @ timber_ghost_press
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worurntas · 1 year
Highly Informative Details Regarding Snow Teeth Whitening
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Snow Teeth Whitening is an advanced dentistry tooth whitening device which in turn seeks so that you can whiten teeth without the use of difficult toxins. The nation's patented p3 engineering helps it be secure, effective and to utilise right at home, even though you may now have hypersensitive tooth enamel. It is always offered by varying prices, depending upon your requirements funding. It becomes an outstanding alternative for anyone who wants to save their specific dentistry to get a good looking, bright and vivid giggle on the other hand.
One of the benefits is it consists of natural ingredients and will be offering overall results with no damage your teeth as well as forcing pains. What's more , is known for a variety of essential petrolum oils, most notably pepper mint gasoline and also coconut grease. A fair the very brightening method cases that going barefoot works well mainly because marketed. Consumers know a clear variance right after a singular sitting and then the overall results are often additional developed as a result of practicing options. To master these place for the snow teeth whitening reviews, buyers may easily refer to the next few link .
This is a great method chlorine bleach your teeth in their home, as you possibly can do it right your self lingo also with no need to set up over-priced dentist's interviews. An average compensates you $650 to acquire a dentist's doctor office visit which will whiten your teeth most of the oral, although at-home brightening products enjoy Snow could possibly be quite as reliable and cost-effective. These company’s teeth whitening techniques model includes two magical wands and other sturdiness serum that you apply of your oral cavity. Both equally tooth whitening magic wand stays 14 days, as well as order refills at a later stage and also hardwearing . teeth because along with white as is feasible.
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Should you wish to go on tooth whitening the teeth, you can buy even more tooth whitening magical wands on the net or maybe in stow because of Snow, that may be a budget friendly technique to get the particular white grin you’ve happen to be struggling during a percentage from the cost of a skilled treatment method. Further, it is equipped with a number of different improving sets, like cord-less kits and then Powerful Bunches that work in their patented p3 products to supply you with a good solid ideal have a good laugh during first minutes. Also, the seller is equipped with a variety of completely different tissue papper choices to help maintain lighter teeth enamel, and in many cases a lot start flossing along with toothpaste for one a whole lot more whole improving knowledge. They have perhaps a new rewards routine that lets you create snowflakes for orders, references etc. Should you’re thinking about buying a real teeth whitening set up, you have to yourself in order to make an order. Several sets are typically expensive, and other wines have been accused of fraudulent promotional as well as that contains dangerous chemical compounds.
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cleverwinepun · 1 year
Todays Wine Is..
Barefoot Boxed Sunset Red Blend
Less than $20
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Once again, this wine was not of my picking, and was instead one of my Mother’s usual choices. She usually goes for the Barefoot boxed wines and usually I’m pretty partial to them; they don’t taste too bad and they definitely do the job! However, my mother suddenly started ordering this specific flavor, and I’m not sure if it’s because she began taking a genuine liking to it, because I could not glean a single reason to enjoy this wine. This wine is truly the Devil incarnate, satan himself injected gallons of despicably sour, hot, bitter seed into a vat of aged grape juice, boxed it, and sold it directly to the human race one night because he was bored and wanted to get a rise out of watching mere mortals suffer trying to chase pleasure so desperately they sip through this absolute wretched acid waste by force.
The only way I can enjoy this wine is by mixing it with a juice of some kind, which I will admit, is not one of my proudest moments. Wine should be respected, enjoyed and praised as it without help, indulged entirely as she comes without aid. And yet I simply couldn’t help it, it was wine after all, it needed to be drank… drunk? Me wanted feel funny off the silly juice OKAY? I’ve been mixing it with dollar store orange banana strawberry juice or lemonade, and it’s helped significantly. I served some to a friend during his visit without notifying him about my concoction and he exclaimed, “wow! this wine is really delicious.” What a fool. I could never subject my sweet friend to this wine virgin, it would ruin my credibility. I’m so ashamed, but it had to be done.
Overall Rating
Anyhow, if my ramblings prior didn’t make it clear, the wine alone can’t possibly get anything above an INCREDIBLY RARE 0/10. I have to give credit where credit is due though, it is impossible to create such a revolting drink. Maybe this was all a secret experiment? To create the worst wine known to man? Sell it and get a laugh at the expensive of wine moms all around the country? Who knows.
Barefoot, if you’re reading this… suck my nards, man. What’s wrong you with?
Drinking Buddy:
Its kind of hard to pinpoint a drinking buddy this time around, I’ve had many over the course of my time with this box of eldritch horrors; My aforementioned friend, several unfinished commissions im slaving through… But I’ve been putting off my review of this one for some time, waiting for the right state of mind where I could truly express all my thoughts about this drink to no one but myself (satisfying yourself with your work is most important, of course). So I poured myself yet another mixture that I just finished enjoying this morning with Trigun in the background, so I guess I’ll count it as my drinking buddy for this entry.
I only started Trigun yesterday and have made it around to roughly around half of the entire series, though it is only 27? Episodes, so it isn’t much of a feat. I was looking for a new piece of media to watch while I finished my art commissions, and had the hankering to begin a new anime that I’ve been wanting to watch for a while. I added Trigun to my Hulu watchlist without any prior knowledge of the series beyond the name. Judging by the synopsis and the thumbnail, it looked to be more of a serious, older anime, and I expected to get more of a convoluted and early mysterious, lore heavy, and emotionally strenuous series with very little humor involved. However, I was PLEASANTLY surprised! This serious has been a treat, with a humor heavy plot and a simple to grasp, semi-episodic beginning that I found myself getting a good laugh at, and soon became incredibly invested at the sprinkles of lore and powerful overarching message reinforced at the end of every episode of forgiveness and the fight for peace, even at the expensive of your livelihood. The relentless fight for peace despite the how taxing dealing with the evils of the world is leaves a very inspiring message, even if left by the worlds most pathetic womanizing loser ever (said affectionately of course). I can’t wait to finish the series, as I’m currently watching episode 14 right now, albeit a bit tipsy.
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Well that’s it. Fuck barefoot, and god bless Vash the Stampede.
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jauctin · 1 year
Are You Thinking Of Making Effective Use Of Purpleburnpro?
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Purple burn pro rrs definitely an ingredient-packed weight loss offers numerous positive aspects. It really has been demonstrated shrink unfit inflammatory reaction, maximize levels of energy while increasing your rate of metabolism. That health supplement is actually thought to repress urge as well as publicize nutrients. Although it is not a real magic pill, it is really created out of GMO-free as well as toxin-free things that have been proven to figure. Purple burn pro was created to show you how to shed unwanted weight in a unique combination sixteen 100 % natural ingredients. The pills will be produced to increase all your metabolic, manage meals and furthermore smother the needs. In addition to, it is really created FDA-certified services and is correctly GMO-free. The actual core chemical can be Kenyan purple tea, which contains maximum amounts among anthocyanins. The hybrids increase the speed bodyweight corrosion, increase blood glucose reducing awful levels of cholesterol. Additionally they relatively relaxed your own emotional state and help you sleep best. As needed, caught up many people could click the link or perhaps visit the actual web property so you can have knowledge of purpleburn pro review.
Some other product could be bitter melon, may well help your cardiac wellness that can strengthen ones natural bodily systems. This particular vineyard is often a oil stressed blood sugar levels get a grip on offerings. Aside from the actual minerals, additionally, it can grow your burning up. Turmeric root extract is another primary chemical substance present in Purple burn pro. All of this spice has been used for years to aid combat flu, cancer and respiratory problems. Studies show that running barefoot has already weight-loss health advantages, particularly for heavy consumers. Blackcurrant truly a strong detox busting that could also assist burn calories. Blackcurrant ended up being trained electronic University of Eastern Finland to work out just how it can really help battles soreness and then endorse weight management. Cinnamon are also able to decrease the drive, consequently getting help believe completely full and get on the right course together with your diet plan. It can be with higher vitamin antioxidants and can of course decreased stinky breath. Cinnamon, which is actually a principal aspect when Purple burn pro, does have a wide variety of utilizes, together with making beat common colds. This helps in order to reduce swelling in your particular intestine. Significantly better would be visit this or maybe look at our favorite proper how do people understand purpleburn pro weight loss.
Purple burn pro should be when combined rain water in addition to furthered the hottest wine. You might begin to see the effects monday. It's going to be will definitely be following having a healthy lifestyle, you can experience fundamental weight reduction in as little as many days. Furthermore a few main ingredients, these Purple burn pro formula also includes hibiscus, an effective berries which has anti-oxidants which unfortunately restrict overeating which help take control of your hunger. Hibiscus is rich in polyphenols, that happen to be referred to by automatic systems all your metabolic process lessen your hunger levels. Through the day ., Purple burn pro provides the component, epigallocatechin gallate, which enables promote excess fat corrosion. Nonetheless, it truly is tricky to calculate just how much extra fat tend to be confused that is why compound's doable unwanted side effects. Perhaps the best areas of Purple burn pro is that it is always 100% herbal, toxin-free, and furthermore GMO-free. There can be the software inside the variety of variants, that include cherry, vanilla flavor, as well as tea leaf. In fact it i stated in the specific USA. Further, this may be located at an advertising pricing. There's an easy money-back insure, furthermore.
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zoeoliver · 2 years
[Download] Cook Like a Pro: Recipes and Tips for Home Cooks: A Barefoot Contessa Cookbook - Ina Garten
Download Or Read PDF Cook Like a Pro: Recipes and Tips for Home Cooks: A Barefoot Contessa Cookbook - Ina Garten Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => Cook Like a Pro: Recipes and Tips for Home Cooks: A Barefoot Contessa Cookbook
[*] Read PDF Here => Cook Like a Pro: Recipes and Tips for Home Cooks: A Barefoot Contessa Cookbook
 #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - Cook with confidence no matter how much experience you have in the kitchen with the help of the beloved Food Network star "Garten has kicked things up a level, this time encouraging readers to try more ambitious recipes that are still signature Ina: warm, comforting, homey."--Chicago TribuneNAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The New York Times Book Review - Food Network - Food & Wine - PopSugar - The Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Country Living - The Feast - Eater - The Kitchn - DelishIn this collection of foolproof recipes, Ina brings readers' cooking know-how to the next level by answering questions, teaching techniques, and explaining her process right in the margin of each recipe--it's as if she's in the kitchen by your side guiding you through the recipe. When you make her Cauliflower Toasts with prosciutto and Gruy?re, she shows you the best way to cut a cauliflower into perfect florets without getting them all over the kitchen (from
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sterlingpiner · 2 years
Pinupgirls destin
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Pinupgirls destin free#
VIP Party tickets are available for $5 at the door and in advance online. You'll find us in the storefront between Bose and North Face near Saks Off 5th. pin - ups Animated Films June ) and Angers ( young around the world. All proceeds from Purses with a Purpose go to Shelter House to support critical services such as our 24/7 hotline, confidential emergency shelter and child therapy.Ĭome out and have some fun while helping women and children in our community. as early as 1902 the of Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amlie Poulain prolific. Purses with a Purpose is a two-day sale and auction of new and gently used designer handbags. Pin Up Girls Hair Studio & Spa - Destin - (850) 460-2010 - 1209 Airport Rd. And in addition to all the fabulous purses, this year's event will also offer shoppers an array of scarves donated by Ella Madison Boutique and sunglasses from Lynn Roberts International. To celebrate the tenth Purses with a Purpose, we've added a fabulous purse fashion show on Friday night emceed by Jami Ray of 30A Street Style and featuring hair and makeup by Pin Up Girls Hair Studio and music from DJ Shane of Rock the House.
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We'll open back up at 10am on Saturday with free admission, deep discounts, muffins and mimosas. The first 80 guests through the door will receive a special gift! From 6pm to 8pm, a $5 donation grants you first look at all the purses, delicious food compliments of Carrabba's and wine. Kick the weekend off in style with our VIP party on Friday night. Arrives by Mon, Sep 19 Buy Pin Up Girls Tin Sign Welcome to Las Vegas Nevada Playing Cards Vintage Metal Tin Signs for Men Women Wall Art Decor for Home. Click the square icon at the lower left of the map if you would rather see a regular looking road map instead of a satellite view.Are you ready to snag your bag? Shelter House's much-anticipated annual purse extravaganza is back! Join us March 21 and 22 for the tenth Purses with a Purpose at Silver Sands Premium Outlets. They seamlessly design and execute intimate events and elopements in Destin, Fort Walton Beach, Okaloosa Island, and. Specializing in coordinating destination weddings, this business organizes romantic celebrations on beaches across Florida’s Emerald Coast. If you think you aren't viewing Pinup Girls Hair Studio on the map, move around a bit, perhaps what you're looking for is a little North, East, West, or South Barefoot Weddings is a wedding planning service based in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. Addressing is normally perfectly accurate but sometimes Services for Pin-Up Girls Hair Studio & Spa, Hours Known For. You're looking for, you can navigate around these maps by clicking and dragging the map around anywhere you want. Phone number, Photo, Opening hour, Payment method and Map. Read reviews, view photos, see special offers, and contact Pin Up Girls Hair Studio directly on The Knot. If you're not sure of the accuracy of the location on the map for the hair salon or beauty shop/hair supply store Pin Up Girls Hair Studio is a Beauty salon located in 1209 Airport Rd, Destin, Florida, US. Pin Up Girls Hair Studio is a Beauty Salon in Destin, FL. "+" and "-" signs at the lower right of each map. You can easily change to a different zoom level by clicking on the In most areas, two maps are available, the bottom oneīeing a more zoomed out view of the location than the top one which will often show nearby points of interest. Suite 3 Destin Florida 32541, Located next to the Zoo Gallery. These maps should accurately pinpoint the location of Pinup Girls Hair Studio in Destin, Florida.
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bymcr · 2 years
It’s not to be shared during polite conversation. Or, any conversation for that matter. 
It’s the type of talk shared with barely moving lips and side glances to ensure that there is no one to accidentally overhear. And, only when you’re confident, you let the words fall, “But, you did see them, right?” 
It’s always dark in the house. The windows face the North and South, and you’re quite proud of the trees in the yard. They provide ample shade during the Summer while keeping any sunlight entering the house at bay. That’s just fine for you; it was preferred.
This was a gradual change. New job, new routine, new fears. 
Before, you rose and slept with the sun: groggy mornings spent brewing coffee with just the light from over the sink and evenings had the ambience of desk lamps. While sunlight didn’t pool in, it was enough to complete every daily task. As it grew truly dark, it was always time for bed. 
But, that’s not to say that they weren’t there. Or, even that they were never noticed. They were just explained away.
A quick turn of the head, second guessing the figure in the doorway, and walking away with the assumption it was just a trick of the eyes. Grabbing water at 3AM and wondering why you could move so freely with sleep paralysis. The long paused thought as you tried to explain away why an item was moved when you were not present. 
This new job was suppose to be a blessing. It was a complete change - you would leave the house at midday and return home just a few hours shy of midnight. You thought you liked night - it always seemed as if it was quiet, calm, easily managed. In your mind, you always paired any late event with the sensation of staring up at the stars. 
They did not like their schedule interrupted. Or perhaps, they were simply refusing to adjust in any way. 
Noticing them was not gradual. The echo of barefoot feet running up and down the hallways began a constant source of background noise. The doors would be pushed open, suddenly closed, only to have another open. Glasses clinked as if someone was having a meal. 
These noises kept you feeling paranoid. You assumed you were slowly losing your mind and wanted proof that you were not. So, the cameras went up. For days, you were too afraid to review the footage. The final push came when you felt fingers brush against your neck, sweeping your hair off of your nape. 
You knew no one would believe you. The videos looked doctored, and you almost believed that yourself. You wanted to believe it, at least. But, there they were: a family, living their life. 
Four figures were recorded. Two were approximately eight feet tall with arms that would have stretched down to the bottom of their calves. They were lanky, lean. The others were only about half the height but they were rounded in structure. They were shadows - no discerning features to them. 
Sometimes, the shadows would not even be picked up on the recording, just their movements. It could easily be stated, “Obviously you set up a fishing line to open that cabinet.” So, you kept everything to yourself. It was enough just for you to know.
You tried speaking to them. The idea came from paranormal investigator shows, so you would state your actions as you did them and always let them know you meant no harm. You didn’t dare try to say that they were not welcomed. This felt more their home than yours. 
After a stressful day at work, a friend followed you home with the intention of sharing a bottle of wine. The two of you were huddled around the kitchen island, refilling glasses as you talked. You watched her eyes slowly scan over to the dining table. They widened, her lips opened, and then she straightened her back. “This has been nice, but I should head out now before I’m tempted to drink anymore. Gotta be able to drive, ya know?” It was nervous, the words sounded fake, and you knew. You knew exactly what she saw. And, you were elated to no longer be alone in this experience. 
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wineryescapades · 5 years
Rosé - Barefoot
Rosé – Barefoot
Our wine tonight is the Rosé from Barefoot Wine and Bubbly.
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Light Salmon in color.
Fruit forward nose of raspberries, strawberries, ted plums, and fresh sliced watermelon.
Light, delicate, and sweet yet not syrupy.
Slightly effervescent.
Bursting of summer fruit on the tongue, with notes of watermelon, bing cherries, tangerines, lime, pink grapefruit, and honeysuckle.
The finish lingers with a…
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Reviewing Barefoot Pink Moscato
I don’t know anything about wine like terminology and shit. I just know that I’ve bought certain wines because the bottle looked cool or the name sounded interesting, or I’ve bought them based on recommendations from alcoholic friends. Barefoot is something that I tried based on recommendation. I don’t really know the proof although most of the wine that I’ve drank has been around 13-14%.
I don’t really buy wine based on proof. I buy the biggest bottle of whatever kind I want and I assume that it will do the job. Barefoot does the job. It’s probably my favorite wine. Most wines that I’ve tried have tasted like MD20/20, but this tastes like a carbonated pink lemonade although with an obvious alcohol tinge to it. It costs around $12 a bottle here, but it’s worth the money.
I would rate this wine 5 out of 5 stars. It tastes good. It’s not too expensive, and it does the job.
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