#wine basics for beginners
winemastery · 9 months
Ricasoli Chianti Classico Reserva Rocca Guicciarda (Episode 382)
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zhongrin · 2 years
behind the screen
◇ characters ◇ zhongli
◇ tags ◇ yandere, sagau
◇ a/n ◇ ok ok ok story time liSTEN-
i was showing a friend genshin for the first time few weekends ago, and ofc i had zhongli out (she wasn't interested in him tho, sad) to walk around and basically show her around the world. and then we stopped a bit while i explained the whole thing about the usual party composition & the concept of gacha, and ofc zhongli starts talking about osmanthus wine-
so i rolled my eyes (cause i was in the middle of an explanation) and said "zhongli shush" and you know what happened? he. fucking. stopped. talking. the idle animation canceled. i almost pissed myself until i remembered the controller was in my friend's hand and she had moved the joystick. THAT ALMOST SCARED ME TO DEATH SLFJSLJFLS LMAO
so yeah have a drabble 'inspired' by that. toodles~
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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he knows you love his voice.
it's something you always tell him, both directly and indirectly. you would drop in his voiceover menu every now and then, purposefully put him on idle so you can listen to his musings, and whenever he appears on scenes you would visibly deflate if the dialogues involving him are muted from your side. at such times, he takes one step closer to the idea of breaking this world's laws entirely, because if you wish to hear him then you should be able to - you should always get whatever you want, the deity that you are in his eyes.
like now, when you're gushing about him to what seems to be your friend. he's never heard of her before, but you seem close, and he feels the familiar twitch of his fingers, itching to reach out to you, to pull you close and smother you with his presence instead.
from the way you had to explain the basics of his world, he assumes your friend is a complete beginner entirely. but surprisingly she doesn't seem to be too impressed with him, despite the excitement that's filling your voice, and he can sense how agitated it made you. true enough, when he stealthily sneaks a glance, you're pouting a little before you launch into an explanation of how necessary of an addition he is to the team, and the workings behind the gacha system.
... but your attention is slipping away from him. now that- he can't have that. he sighs and triggers the idle function with your favorite audio file that he frequently abuses, feeling his body and lips move as per the scripted codes.
"osmanthus wine-"
"zhongli, shush!"
...... what?
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it was a reflex. a force of habit, you could say. no one likes to be talked over by someone else when they're talking, right?
"sorry, he's a little-"
you stop talking because suddenly, it's silent. the hair on the back of your neck rises.
"did you move the joystick?" you ask your friend, eyeing the now-still 3d model of your favorite character on the big tv screen.
"huh? no?" she answered, waving the gadget by its handle with one hand, "uh- didn't you say it has drifting problems? maybe it's that?"
".... yeah........ yeah, that's got to be it. anyway, as i was saying-"
zhongli is needlessly quiet for the rest of your little showcase. you continue to talk with your friend happily, the little event pushed to the back of your mind as you enjoy spending time with one of your favorite people, throwing jokes, laughs, and eventually turning off genshin to move on to celebrity crushes and a cute looking singer that's going to have his little concert in the city soon.
zhongli lets you.
for it would be the last time you could enjoy the such activity before he forcefully pulls you into their side.
to his side, where you rightfully belong to.
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© zhongrin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @paintingsofdragonspine | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1 | @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me | @sunnshineflxwer | @heartonthemoon | @yuutasbabe | @percyval-archives | @carbs-need-more-lovee | @rebeccka | @queen-belial | @stygianoir | @niverine | @silentmoths
ps. if you want to be removed/added from the taglist, just send an ask!
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flowersforfrancis · 1 year
Becoming a character in a dark academia novel - A beginners guide:
Show off your love for literature, fine art or mythology. Make sure everyone knows you’ve read Plato. And Shakespeare. And Homer. Basically, Quote an old white dude who’s probably dead at least once a day.
Make sure to be seen running through your school. Develop an aesthetic run. Maybe do this with a group of equally experienced friends.
Please don’t own anything plastic or overly bright. (this is definitely for the environment). 
Have a set of fucked up morals. But make sure to prepare yourself with some smart sounding excuse that essentially intimidates people and deters them from asking questions.
Murder someone or be murdered. Either one. (I’d say it’s your choice, but if you’re being murdered, well, it’s probably not).
Develop an addiction- I’d recommend something like red wine, or cigarettes. Or both. (But you didn’t hear it from me).
Embrace the angst, the insanity, the insomnia and the general dislike for others.
Don’t worry about being friendly; coldness is encouraged.
Learn several old languages that most people don’t actually speak. If this truly isn’t possible: resort to French.  
Please, for the love of [insert old white dude here], be dramatic.
If you aren’t rich then either embrace it as an aesthetic. Or just lie.
Either get a small, cluttered apartment, or a giant fucking mansion.
Be smart.
Listen to classical music.
In terms of love you have a few choices: fall In love with someone but then kill them. Be queer and deny it. Be queer and fall for heterosexuals (or at least people who think they are). - basically please never get a happy ending with someone you actually love.
Exist only during winter and autumn. I suppose you may spend some time in spring. But only make brief appearances in summer. If you’re seen during summer, make sure you’re at a lake, or on a lawn, or in a sunlit library, maybe a sailboat?
Get some collared shirts.
If you get glasses they better be obscure.
Make sure people see you drunk. Maybe knock on a classmates door whilst drunk.
If you aren’t six feet under, remember to be mature and regretful years after your time at your elitist school.
Oh yeah, receive an elite education. (Or hang out in public libraries a lot?? Idk).
Avoid healthy relationships. Or maybe form an inseparable bond with someone. Honestly this can still be unhealthy. Probably will be.
Never have a good relationship with your family. They must be either dead, uninterested in you, far away, or just plain shitty.
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invinciblerodent · 9 months
Baldur's Gate 3's Potato Chowder - RECIPE
So a few days ago, I found this recipe around the start of act 3, near the kitchen of the Temple of the Open Hand in Rivington:
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[Screenshot of recipe as it appears in-game. Exact steps will be transcribed below, within the recipe.]
It looked... honestly very simple and not dissimilar from a Hungarian potato főzelék/stew (which is a very cheap and homely peasant dish I love), so I just made it for lunch today, and guys....
this soup is uh. really fucking good. I tried following it as close to the letter as possible, but since it's quite vague, I did have to improvise a fair bit- but it's very cheap and easy to make, it's warm and comforting while still quite light (there are like. NO spices in there, it's a very European-feeling dish), and I'd say it's surprisingly filling, but it's. It's potatoes, so there's nothing exactly surprising about that.
I tried to write out the recipe in a very beginner-friendly way, so even if you're not super confident in the kitchen, it should be easy to follow! ❤️
Make yourself some video game soup, it's awesome.
(For about 6 servings)
A roughly egg-sized lump of lard (This can be subtituted with a different cooking fat if you'd like, but I recommend sticking with lard, as it adds a nice flavor, and it's kind of the staple fat for these peasant stews.)
Potatoes (I used just under two pounds)
Half of a medium leek
Small yellow onion (or half of a larger one)
2 cloves garlic
Roughly 1/2 to 1 cup white cooking wine (optional, substitute given in recipe)
Vegetable stock (or chicken- or beef stock, or water)
2-3 tbsp all purpose flour
Salt to taste
1/2 cup of sour cream/créme fraiche (optional)
Shredded cheese and/or croutons to serve (optional)
(Recipe with transcriptions and exact steps under the cut!)
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(This is basically all there is in this. Honestly.)
"1. Put your lard in a pot- a chunky one, mind. When it stops being lard and starts being hot lard, add any good-smelling veggies (leeks, garlics, onions) that you've chopped all thin. Please salt this so it doesn't taste of nothing."
This first step is pretty self-explanatory. I sliced the white part of he leek thinly, cubed my onion, and minced my two large cloves of garlic. In the lard melted in as chunky a pot as I've got (make sure it's not non-stick!!!), I sauteed first the leek and the onion with a big pinch of salt, and once the onion was translucent, the leek soft, and they've released some liquid (around 3-5 minutes on medium-low heat), I added the garlic, and cooked it until fragrant.
"2. When it's soft and good-smelling, chuck in any flour you've got and stir the mixture so it don't burn (note for me - it's very important not to burn it, emphasize)"
Now we make a roux by adding just enough flour to the mixture that it starts sticking together, and looks fairly dry, but no part of the flour remains powdery. (This was about 3 tbsp for me, but since this process goes quick, I did eyeball it).
It's important to keep stirring, as this can and does stick to the bottom of a pot, but it will determine the thickness of the final soup, deepen its flavor, and give it a nice, creamy consistency. I made mine fairly blonde (light tan in color, cooked just past long enough to dissipate any raw flour smell), but it can go to a fairly dark, caramel color before burning if you'd like the flavor to be a bit deeper. (This should only take a couple minutes.)
Please do be careful- it the roux burns, that flavor will be impossible to get rid of, so.... yeah, it would be rubbish.
"3. If you're fancy and have wine (or have a generously stocked temple wine cellar nearby) add a bit of it now and cook it off. When it's done, add some wedged potatoes and a lot more liquid (not wine this time or you'll have a headache in the morning)."
We now deglaze the bottom of the pot with the wine: after pouring it in, with the wooden spoon, we scrape up any stuck pieces of flour or aromatics that there might be on the bottom.
(Note: If you don't have wine, or would prefer not to use alcohol for any reason, a neat trick is to mix about 1 tbsp of white wine vinegar and 1 tsp of granulted sugar into a cup of water, and use this mixture as a substitute for 1 cup of white wine. In most recipes, the wine's main purpose is to add acidity as well as sweetness to the dish- this trick aims to replicate those qualities, and tastes very similar in the end result. I use it often in almost anything that calls for white wine if I happen to not have any at hand. But do make sure to taste beforehand, it's very easy to go too heavy on the vinegar! It should taste sour, but not so much that it's unpalatable.)
Then, I rinsed my cubed potatoes (though the text calls for wedges, those often don't cook quite evenly!) with water to get rid of the excess starch, added them to the pot, and then covered them in vegetable stock. You can use chicken- or beef stock (which would make the soup a bit richer, heavier) or water (if you want it lighter) as well- in this last case you might need to add more salt than you'd think. (Make sure to taste- it should be flavorful, but not salty! Bouillon cubes and premade stocks often have a very high salt content, so if using that, you might find you don't need to add any.)
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(It sohuld look something like this.)
"4. Cook for half an hour or so til the potatoes are nice and tender, and mash some of 'em up in the liquid. If you've got any cow products - cheese, milk and the like - add them now for extra delicious results."
From when the mixture starts to boil, it should take about 25-35 minutes of simmering on low heat, covered, for the potatoes to soften- you can test doneness by sticking a fork in one of the pieces, or gently pushing one against the edge of the pot with your wooden spoon. It should give easily at light pressure with both methods.
I then put the sour cream/créme fraiche in a heat-safe container (a mug will do perfectly), and ladled a bit of the hot cooking liquid on top of it, mixing it thoroughly- both to thin it out, and bring the temperatures closer to each other, which should help avoid any curdling. Stirring constantly, I then add the cream mixture to the soup in a thin, slow stream. (Any mildly acidic, creamy dairy product should work here- though I do think yogurt might be a bit too sour, if using that I would probably omit the wine.)
Then, as everything is done cooking and the cream is distributed evenly with no curds, I turn the heat off for safety, and using a very traditional, very fantasy, not at all anachronistic immersion blender, I blitz the entire thing for roughly 30 seconds. You can of course blend it less for more chunks (or remove some cooked potato bits before blending to add them back later), or even longer for a smoother consistency, but I did like that about that much blending left only a few, small chunks of nicely cooked potato in the otherwise smooth and creamy result.
I served with shredded Port Salut cheese and croutons on top- but this is of course optional, and I think just some nice, crusty bread would also work wonderfully!
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Go make yourself a video game soup!!!!!!! It's so easy and good!!!!!!!
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hunterrrs · 1 year
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Brian Dumoulin may be one of the most interesting men to wear black and gold in quite some time, as he's got so many passions outside of hockey, like travel, food and wine. The 31-year-old shared some of his must-haves, both on and off the ice, at home and on the road.
Wine books, magazines and podcasts
One magazine I've subscribed to that I really like is called Noble Rot. It's from London, where they have two different wine bars and a wine store. I really like the stuff that they write. It's really, really cool.
For podcasts, there hasn't been as many recently. But through the course of like 2010 to 2021, there was a podcast called 'I'll Drink to That!' It's a guy named Levi Dalton. He basically interviews everyone, from people who work in restaurants, winemakers, wholesale distributors - anyone in the wine trade. They talk about how they got into wine. With the winemaking, it can be very technical, where they talk about decisions with the barrels, decisions with when to pick, how their vineyards are different than the other… so it's very intricate. I wouldn't say it's for a beginner (laughs), but it's really good information.
For books, the last one I read is called 'Terrior Footprints' by Pedro Parra. He's sort of an expert. It's a book about wine and how when you blind taste, you kind of taste soil in the glass, and that's a good way to blind taste because you can really pick up different notes if you know where it's grown in.
Grassl universal glasses
I use those normally. I also use Zalto universal glasses for whites, Zalto burgundy glasses for pinots and lighter reds, and Zalto bordeaux glasses for heavier reds
Loose leaf imported tea
I do a lot of green. Lingering Clouds is a green tea that I really like. Then there's Gaba, which is good for after meals, for digestion. That still has a little caffeine, so I don't try to do that towards nighttime. I always have loose leaf chamomile before bed. I'll usually do that around 7-7:30 PM, or I'm going to the bathroom all night (laughs).
Snacks with a bit of a kick
I mean, it's not healthy or anything, but I like salt and vinegar chips. Those get me, my wife too (laughs). We'll have a bag and all of sudden, it's gone. It's easy to finish a whole bag. I also like Smart Sweets sour gummy bears [the green package]. We have them on the team plane.
The stovetop
My favorite kitchen utensil is honestly the stovetop. I like cooking on the stove a lot better, I'd say, just because grilling is a little bit harder to control. I'll do steak on the stovetop, but obviously I'll cook burgers on the grill, and stuff like that. But I like just trying a bunch of different things on the stovetop.
Broom and dustpan
I love to clean and sweep, it's soothing. I like the broom and dustpan. I'm old fashioned. That's all I need.
That's just because I don't want to comb my hair. It's just laziness. That's one thing that I'm not into, is clothes. I'm not a clothes guy.
Lacrosse ball
I like to roll out on that for recovery. I really like that, it's easy. It's really good for your legs and your hips, to get into the small little muscles.
michelle giving us what we need: dumo, man of culture
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Where to start as a beginner (plus size) lolita (part 4)
Lolita Substyles
What are substyles?
Substyles are how lolita dresses and styles are divided. Lolita fashion is hugely diverse while also retaining the main qualities of what makes Lolita, Lolita! While there are many substyles, there are the big 3 that encompass all lolita styles you will ever see. This list is what divides each substyle by type and the defining features.
NOTE AND DISCLAIMER: Some articles of lolita pieces fall under two or more substyles and that is ok! It is up to you to educate yourself and understand which style is which! Lolita pieces can be very fluid or very strict so make sure you know what you want when you curate your wardrobe/wishlist!
Sweet Lolita
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This is (probably) the most popular and well-known substyle of lolita. If you were to think of the words "lolita fashion", this would most likely be the first thing you would visualize. Sweet Lolita is usually characterized by adorable motifs on the print such as toys, sweets and cute-looking foods, adorable-looking animals, and anything you would look at and say "awwww". The color palette typically includes pastels like pink, blue, mint, yellow, purple, etc. but can include colors like red and yellow, and brown (like chocolate).
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Classic Lolita
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This elegant style is much more mature and toned down compared to sweet. The colors are muted and the motifs include paintings, floral prints, basic patterns, buildings, historical motifs, and more! Colors include Navys, Browns, Wines, Reds, and Neutrals. This can also include other brighter muted colors like light blues, dusty pinks, and muted yellows.
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Gothic Lolita
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Gothic is a huge contrast compared to the other styles! The motifs are much darker as well as the color palette is mostly black. Motifs include crosses/religious imagery, skulls, bones, roses, and castles/ornate architecture. Other colors than black include wines/burgundy, navy, deep purples, Forest Greens, and whites.
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Substyles within Substyles
Some substyles fit within others but have enough pieces and originality to become their own substyle within a substyle! Pink and Sailor Lolitas are two very large substyles that can fit within one of the big 3 or multiple depending on the design! But this list is for the biggest 3 substyles that are in circulation today.
If you are trying to find your own style look up these terms to see if this style is for you! The most fun part about this is seeing all of the coords people have made and finding the dresses and styles you love!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6
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bettsfic · 9 months
Hi, Betty. You are always surprising me with your thoughts and tips. Everything you put out there is always so useful, or just a really great read, so first of all, I just wanna say thank you.
Second of all, I am very curious afrer that last ask. What are your top (say 3) books on craft and your top on criticism? Also, ¿could you show us how you index?
most craft and criticism are kind of in the same pile. i see it like, craft looks forward and criticism looks backward, and by that i mean craft books are about what's not written and how to write it, and criticism is about breaking down what's already written (using craft theory, in this case).
there are a lot of craft books i like but there are just like a mountain of caveats that go with them. i used to recommend bird by bird by anne lamott as the ultimate beginner craft book but i recently sat down and read the whole thing (i've been reading excerpts only for years) and the humor is very dated now, and a lot of her not-craft insights are tasteless bordering on offensive. the writing principles are there, though. somebody just needs to write a bird by bird that sticks to the skills and doesn't try to be all wacky zany wine mom who is actually kinda racist and ableist.
two others i've read recently that i like are refuse to be done by matt bell and madness, rack, and honey by mary ruefle. oh, and the triggering town by richard hugo is also good. when it comes to craft, the poetry books tend to be my favorites.
top craft theory criticism is the rhetoric of writing by wayne c. booth, aspects of the novel by em forster, and 13 ways of looking at the novel by jane smiley.
i plan to write about my indexing system in my newsletter eventually but this video on creating a commonplace index goes over the basics pretty well. mine varies a bit because half of it is research for future projects like this dude but also story ideas, brainstorming, outlining, etc. i keep trying to sit down and write a coherent article about it but i just haven't had the time.
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clatterbane · 11 months
After someone asked me a while back, I have utterly failed so far to post some basic beginner resources for wading into homebrewing. This happened for a variety of neurospicy reasons, and has had absolutely nothing to do with not wanting to do the thing! (Sorry @slashmarks!)
Anyway, here are finally a few things that I have found useful getting started, focused on the wine/cider/mead side of things.
For a lot of basic info and beginner advice:
The r/mead wiki: https://meadmaking.wiki (Not just useful for mead. It includes links to handy calculators, and a lot of general info.)
Getting super basic: A Hooch primer for N00Bs (r/prisonhooch was actually the place that really sparked my interest, with the easygoing experimental approach there.)
I have always personally learned well from watching people do stuff, while explaining what they're doing and preferably why. So, a lot of the rest that I would point someone at is in video format. (Which I thought I still had sitting in open browser tabs, but evidently not.)
One series playlist from an overall excellent channel: How to Homebrew Beer, Wine, Cider, or Mead | So You Want...
Another from the same guy: Homebrewing hacks, tips, and tricks
From a different great channel, on the nerdier side: Beginner Mead Making Videos
How to Make Insanely Cheap and Simple Grocery Store Alcohol (No Equipment Needed)
Another good channel, with a lot of beginner-friendly walkthroughs (where I honestly had a hard time picking a good starting point): DIY Fermentation
That's most of what I can think of offhand right at the moment, but it should hopefully give a few starting points at least. One of the reasons I had gotten stalled was not being sure how thoroughly to geek out at other people over a relatively new hobby interest, but better to go ahead and get something posted! 🙄
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psycheterminal · 8 months
So, we're going to go through this step by step.
Before we begin, let's keep a few things clear:
Linux is not Windows, it is its own system, with its own culture, history and way of doing things.
There are many "distributions", "distros" or "flavors" of Linux. What works for you may be different from what people recommend.
You'll want to read up on how to use the terminal; the basics an absolute beginner needs is short, but important. It's not hard to learn, just takes a bit of time and effort.
WINE is not a Windows Emulator, it should not be treated as such.
Proton is a compatibility tool built on WINE by Valve, which has its own compatibility database, called ProtonDB. It still isn't an emulator and can have quirks.
Not everything will work on Linux. Dead by Daylight actively blocks Linux players from joining a game, as an example. The Windows Edition of Minecraft is another. (But the Java Edition does!)
There are many FOSS alternatives to popular programs, but they may lack maturity and features compared to their commercial counterparts.
You might want to invest in an external drive. It'll keep your files safe and you'll be able to move all your files to a
Step 1: why do you want to switch? Are you concerned about privacy? Are you wanting to boycott Windows? Is 11 not an option for your hardware? Want to try something new? Be honest with yourself on what you want to do. Write down your hardware specs. You'll want to know what kind of processor, RAM, video card and memory you're working on.
Step 2: Make three lists: Programs you need for work, programs you use at home (that aren't games) and games you like to play. Check each of these for if they already have a Linux port. For games, you can check if it's Steamdeck compatible! For those where you can't find one or it's not clear, you can check for the program on WINE HQ and ProtonDB (for games.) Not all of them might be compatible!
There might be Linux-based alternatives for several things, but keep in mind that Adobe does NOT support Linux and does NOT work on WINE! Sea of Thieves and LibreOffice works, Dead by Daylight and Scrivener do not.
Step 3: Get a GOOD QUALITY USB drive stick! I recommend one that's at least 30 GB. That sounds like a lot, but operating systems these days are huge-but there's some fun stuff you can get. It's really important that you get a good quality one, not just a random stick off a reseller like Wish.
Step 4: Remember when I asked you why you were switching? Time to pick a Linux version. There is no "one, true Linux" version-the operating system is open, groups make their own versions and put it out into the world. If you're confused, check out Distrowatch. Read a list here. Download an option-if you have a few sticks around, try multiple ones.
Step 5: Plug in your USB and use either UNetbootin or Rufus to create your boot device. Rufus might be easier if you're not super computer savvy. When looking over the options, make sure there's some storage, set it to most of what's left. Take out your boot stick for now.
Step 6: Find out how to boot to your BIOS. Every computer has a BIOS. Check out your model of laptop/motherboard to figure out what it is. Arrange boot order so that your USB gets checked first.
Step 7: If you have an external drive, move all your personal stuff, game saves, etc to it or purchase cloud drive storage for it. Always back up your files, and with multiple methods.
Step 8: You aren't going to be installing Linux quite yet; instead, boot it up from USB. Note, it'll be a bit slow on USB 2.0, though a USB-3 device and slot should make matters easier. Test each version you're considering for a week. It is super important that you test! Sometimes problems crop up or you turn out to not like it!
Step 9: Once you find a distro you like and have tested, consider if you want to dual boot or completely wipe Windows. Some programs for work might require Windows or you might have a few games that ONLY work on Windows and that's perfectly fine! Just keep in mind, as of Windows 11, this option is not recommended. If you want to use dualboot, you want to keep Windows 10 and NOT update. There's great tutorials on how to make it happen, search engines should be able to point you to one.
Step 10: Fully install Linux and immediately update. Even the latest installers will not have the current security patches. Just let it update and install whatever programs you want to use.
Step 11: Enable compatibility tools in Steam if you're a gamer. File, options, compatibility. Also, check the Software Store in your OS for open source re-implementations for your favorite older games!
You're now a Penguin!
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franciskirkland · 1 year
🔥 for fruk
how spicy, anon?? just how hot, exactly, would you like these takes? shall we start with jalapeño? habanero, perhaps? or are we dialing it up to carolina reaper?
h'okay. gather round buckaroos. if you interact with me/my content, you know the basics. this is my OTP (tied with ScotFra) and i am the CEO of UK/Fr. if we're being heteronormative (this is My blog and I get to choose the relationship dynamics) i see Arthur/England as the dominant figure in most aspects of the relationship. this is an unsafe space for England twinkification, sorry. to me, Sir Kirkland is a grown man. Francis/France is wifey, just look at him!! but again, that's pretty beginner-level, and i'm trying to make this relationship specific, not simply a list of characterization HCs.
first up, and this might be controversial, i see them as having a very "traditional", old fashioned dynamic - and also moving very fast, bc they're so sure of their feelings for one another.
Francis is such a wine mom housewife, he is more cultured and worldly for sure, but he ain't too bright. he LOVES cooking for his hubby, doesn't mind cleaning, and adores babies, and their door is always open for friends and neighbors. Arthur is a conservative, "you kids get off my lawn" "fellas i Hate my wife" boomer humor, cheeky old rat man who just wants Franny to fetch him his pipe and slippers after a long day at the office. they're Mommy and Daddy, quintessentially.
comfy cozy couple. homebodies, mostly. warm drinks. blankets. domesticity. grocery shopping. watching movies. having babies.
as often as they bicker, i am not and never will be the shipper who insists this relationship is purely toxic. they can be, and are healthy for each other, so don't tell me otherwise. they fulfill so many classic archetypes. to indulge a cliche, they are polar opposites in so many ways, this is why they work so well. they're great parents, they make each other laugh, they praise and insult and dote on each other. oh, and the intimacy. they breed like rabbits. francis is insatiable, and arthur is a tired old fuck no matter his physical age, but this pretty little frenchman just does something to him to make him feel so virile and so wanted.
they love to try new things together, watch each other partake in hobbies, and they're helpless when it comes to technology. "mon cher how do i Open PDF" "HOW THE DEVIL DOES THIS BLASTED CONTRAPTION KNOW MY FULL CHRISTIAN NAME"
they know how to hit each other where it hurts. they find one another absolutely disgusting in the most superficial ways. lots of one-upping and underestimating each other. they're both impatient and can be manipulative. Arthur is quick to anger, and Francis cries at the drop of a hat. Arthur has a tendency to objectify francis, and worships his beauty and his cooking. he's a strict, intelligent man; a control freak, and definitely walks around like the king of the castle. as for Francis, the cheeky bitch, he expects Arthur to provide everything he needs, materially and emotionally. he uses his feminine wiles to get what he wants, and will sometimes provoke arthur and pretend he's innocent when he's called out for it.
they're a jealous, possessive couple who always think people are trying to get with the other. depending on Arthur's characterization in whatever AU, and depending on how religious Francis is, i can maybe see them having a cuckhold dynamic where Artie watches Fran's friends fuck him, though generally i don't think Arthur is submissive enough to actually do this. he just likes to show Francis off (despite being protective) and is constantly in awe that he landed such an angel. likewise, Francis is helplessly, ridiculously in love with this horrid creature (affectionate) and it hurts his feelings when people suggest he could do better, because Arthur is his everything. i believe they have an attractiveness gap, but love is so much more than skin deep.
this brings me to an even hotter take; HEIGHT + STRENGTH. ok. i have a bit of a size kink. i love when Arthur is strong and carries Francis bridal style everywhere. he's a gentleman! if anyone didn't know, their canon heights are the same. 5'9. this is fine! i don't see either of them as super tall. my depictions of them are different heights in different works - in dancing with a stranger, Francis is like half an inch taller. but, in boys don't cry, Arthur is Huge and Fran is Tiny. in sugar we're going down, Arthur is Just Average and Franny is Petite asf! they fit together so well - all snuggled up together like two birds of a feather!
okay, i think that's enough rambling for now. if i angered anyone i apologize. i can elaborate if you want spicier, toxic/nsfw or generally after-dark takes but i hope this suffices. thank you so much for asking!!!
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winemastery · 1 year
Christian Patat Appassimento Rosso Wine (Episode 361)
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twilighttunes · 8 months
Budget-friendly date night ideas for couples
1. Cooking a romantic dinner at home
Cooking a Romantic Dinner at Home: The Perfect Date Night Idea
When it comes to planning a special date night, few things can beat the charm and intimacy of cooking a romantic dinner at home. Whether you're looking to impress a new love interest or add some spark to a long-term relationship, this date night idea is sure to create a memorable and meaningful experience.
First and foremost, cooking together allows you to spend quality time with your partner in a relaxed and comfortable setting. Instead of dealing with crowded restaurants or noisy environments, you can enjoy each other's company in the privacy of your own home. Working side by side in the kitchen fosters teamwork and communication, creating an opportunity to connect on a deeper level.
Furthermore, cooking a romantic dinner at home gives you the freedom to personalize the menu to suit both of your preferences. You can prepare your partner's favorite dish or experiment with new recipes that you both can enjoy. The act of cooking together encourages collaboration and creativity, allowing you to showcase your culinary skills and discover new flavors together.
Setting the mood is an essential part of any romantic date night, and when you cook at home, you have complete control over the ambiance. You can dim the lights, light some candles, and play soft music to create a cozy and romantic atmosphere. This attention to detail creates a sense of intimacy and sets the stage for a memorable evening.
Not only is cooking a romantic dinner at home a special date night idea, but it can also be a budget-friendly alternative to dining out. By skipping the restaurant and preparing the meal yourself, you can save money without compromising on the quality of the experience. You can splurge on high-quality ingredients, select a fine bottle of wine, or even create a themed menu to make the evening even more memorable.
Lastly, cooking together can be a fun and educational experience. You can learn new cooking techniques, try out different ingredients, and explore various cuisines from the comfort of your own kitchen. It's an opportunity to bond over a shared interest and create lasting memories that you can cherish for years to come.
In conclusion, cooking a romantic dinner at home is a perfect date night idea that combines intimacy, personalization, and creativity. It allows you to connect with your partner, create a romantic atmosphere, and enjoy a delicious meal together. So, next time you're planning a special evening, consider staying in and preparing a memorable culinary experience that will surely impress your loved one.
2. Take a Dance Class Together: A Fun and Romantic Date Night Idea
When it comes to planning a memorable and enjoyable date night, taking a dance class together is a fantastic idea. Not only does it provide an opportunity to learn something new, but it also brings you closer as a couple through the power of music and movement.
Dancing has long been regarded as a romantic activity, and for a good reason. It allows you and your partner to connect on a physical level, moving in harmony and synchrony. Whether you choose a classic ballroom dance like the waltz or a lively Latin dance like salsa, the experience is sure to create lasting memories.
One of the great things about taking a dance class together is that it caters to all skill levels. Whether you are a seasoned dancer or a complete novice, there are classes available for everyone. Beginners can start with basic steps and gradually progress, while more experienced dancers can refine their technique and learn advanced moves.
Not only does dancing provide an excellent opportunity for physical activity and self-expression, but it also releases endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones. As you and your partner twirl around the dance floor, you'll experience a sense of joy and euphoria, creating a positive and romantic atmosphere.
Another benefit of taking a dance class together is that it encourages teamwork and communication. Dancing requires coordination, trust, and cooperation between partners. As you learn to lead and follow, you'll strengthen your bond and improve your ability to work together effectively.
Additionally, dance classes often take place in a relaxed and social setting, providing an opportunity to meet new people and make friends. You can connect with other couples who share similar interests and build a supportive dance community.
So, why not spice up your date nights by taking a dance class together? Whether it's a weekly activity or a one-time experience, it's a fun and romantic way to spend quality time with your partner. Let the music guide you as you create beautiful memories and strengthen your connection on the dance floor.
Remember, date nights are not solely reserved for couples in the early stages of their relationship. Even if you have been together for years, dedicating time for regular date nights can help keep the spark alive and reignite the romance.
Incorporating these date night ideas into your routine can help strengthen your bond, improve communication, and create lasting memories. So why not prioritize date nights and make them a regular occurrence in your relationship? Your love and connection deserve the effort and attention that date nights provide.
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teal-and-cake · 1 year
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October 26, 2020 and December 26, 2022.
Of all the plants under my care, it would be the basically-unkillable, beginner-friendly snake plant that I almost kill. Twice.
(Did you know that cold-stress from a drafty window can look a whole lot like wrinkling from underwatering? Guess who learned that the “frantic emergency rhizome surgery” way.)
He spent a long time in a plastic wine glass full of lightly-damp sand on top of the dishwasher (it was the warmest spot in the house), had enough in the way of roots after two months to make it back to a windowsill, and started putting out pups this past July.
Fortunately for me he seems to be a forgiving sort.
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moved-melodiesfcrged · 11 months
so additions to her bio: she was born in england, her mom was a us citizen who was overseas to play in an orchestra and ended up falling for the composer, who's a pretty big deal in that side of the music industry. they got married, melody was born two years later, and they got divorced when melody was three. it wasn't exactly hostile, but it wasn't exactly amicable either. melody and her mom moved back to the us and her mom continued to work and was the primary care giver for melody pretty much all her life. there were a few attempts at awkward holiday get togethers when melody was older and could travel to visit her dad on her own, but they were just uncomfortable and the two never really meshed and eventually they just stopped doing more than like, exchanging holiday cards etc.
melody had always been a really skilled musician. she learned to play the violin first, the piano after. she was very talented and hard working and had her heart set on attending Juilliard but when she was a senior in high school her mom was diagnosed with late stage breast cancer. melody immediately put her plans on hold and took on the role of caregiver for her mother, attending a few community college classes for the next two years after graduation. her mother never went into full remission and died when melody was twenty. with the emotional trauma and hospital bills to pay, she worked her way through community college to get an associates, then received a partial scholarship to attend a state college to get her bachelor's in education.
after graduation, she was hired on as a part time music teacher at an elementary school, and eventually got another part time job in the same school system at the high school, with complementary schedules so that she could do both. she's also taught private lessons since she was in high school. she continued to attend classes, online at that point, to continue her education and received a certification to be able to offer music therapy to children with developmental difficulties, social anxiety, etc.
at this point, she hasn't thought about pursuing music as a performing artist for a while. she also, by now, knows at least the basics of pretty much any and all instruments since she has to be able to teach beginners how to play their instruments including embouchure, fingering, etc. so even if she's not particularly great at all of them, she's got a working knowledge.
also, she has dated, but never had much in the way of a full on long term relationship. she does get talked into blind dates now and then, even tried speed dating once with a friend (never again). she rarely does just casual hook ups but if there's realllllly good chemistry she might go for a one night stand on rare occasion. she has an on again off again casual dating not dating kinda just hang out and sometimes goes to dinner or a show and sometimes do booty calls with a professor at the university that she teaches one singular music theory class at, evening class three times a week.
she loves just hanging out with her friends and socializing, but she does have a pretty hectic schedule that can change at the drop of a hat so she's always having to change up times or days for hanging out last minute. she likes going to the theatre, seeing plays and musicals, going to concerts, ballet, museums, art shows. she doesn't really do clubs, or bars all that often. doesn't do a lot of late nights - she is up early dealing with young kids that she's trying to teach how to play instruments for the first time she doesn't need hangovers. a glass of wine at dinner, sure, but she rarely does more than that and it's really rare that she'll do any hard alcohol.
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I did the Community episode sorter. According to the sorter these are my top 10 episodes.
1. cooperative calligraphy (2.08) 2. mixology certification (2.10) 3. contemporary american poultry (1.21) 4. physical education (1.17) 5. emotional consequences of broadcast television (6.13) 6. virtual systems analysis (3.16) 7. origins of vampire mythology (3.15) 8. foosball and nocturnal vigilantism (3.09) 9. regional holiday music (3.10) 10. accounting for lawyers (2.02)
sounds about right.
Full ranking behind the cut - some rankings may shock you.
rankoptions 1 cooperative calligraphy (2.08) 2 mixology certification (2.10) 3 contemporary american poultry (1.21) 4 physical education (1.17) 5 emotional consequences of broadcast television (6.13) 6 virtual systems analysis (3.16) 7 origins of vampire mythology (3.15) 8 foosball and nocturnal vigilantism (3.09) 8 regional holiday music (3.10) 10 accounting for lawyers (2.02) 11 pillows and blankets (3.14) 12 studies in modern movement (3.07) 13 paradigms of human memory (2.21) 14 basic email security (6.06) 15 messianic myths and ancient peoples (2.05) 16 abed's uncontrollable christmas (2.11) 17 advanced dungeons and dragons (2.14) 18 critical film studies (2.19) 19 basic rocket science (2.04) 20 for a few paintballs more (2.24) 21 epidemiology (2.06) 22 early 21st century romanticism (2.15) 23 intermediate documentary filmmaking (2.16) 24 basic rv repair and palmistry (6.10) 25 social psychology (1.04) 26 anthropology 101 (2.01) 27 introduction to film (1.03) 28 romantic expressionism (1.15) 29 beginner pottery (1.19) 30 curriculum unavailable (3.19) 31 course listing unavailable (3.18) 32 urban matrimony and the sandwich arts (3.12) 33 applied anthropology and culinary arts (2.22) 34 basic crisis room decorum (6.03) 35 the science of illusion (1.20) 36 spanish 101 (1.02) 37 basic lupine urology (3.17) 38 home economics (1.08) 39 modern espionage (6.11) 40 bondage and beta male sexuality (5.07) 41 environmental science (1.10) 42 advanced advanced dungeons and dragons (5.10) 43 a fistful of paintballs (2.23) 44 aerodynamics of gender (2.07) 45 celebrity pharmacology (2.13) 46 communication studies (1.16) 47 intro to political science (2.17) 48 advanced criminal law (1.05) 49 vcr maintenance and educational publishing (5.09) 50 introduction to teaching (5.02) 51 asian population studies (2.12) 52 documentary filmmaking: redux (3.08) 53 digital exploration of interior design (3.13) 54 geothermal escapism (5.05) 55 advanced safety features (6.07) 56 modern warfare (1.23) 57 introduction to statistics (1.07) 58 analysis of cork-based networking (5.06) 59 cooperative polygraphy (5.04) 60 ladders (6.01) 61 competitive wine tasting (2.20) 62 biology 101 (3.01) 63 remedial chaos theory (3.03) 64 interpretative dance (1.14) 65 comparative religion (1.12) 66 investigative journalism (1.13) 67 intro to recycled cinema (6.08) 68 the psychology of letting go (2.03) 69 football, feminism, and you (1.06) 70 conspiracy theories and interior design (2.09) 71 custody law and eastern european diplomacy (2.18) 72 competitive ecology (3.04) 73 horror fiction in seven spooky steps (3.05) 74 geography of global conflict (3.02) 75 pilot (1.01) 76 contemporary impressionists (3.11) 77 cooperative escapism in familial relations (4.05) 78 herstory of dance (4.08) 79 advanced documentary filmmaking (4.06) 80 advanced gay (3.06) 81 basic human anatomy (4.11) 82 the art of discourse (1.22) 83 english as a second language (1.24) 84 the politics of human sexuality (1.11) 85 debate 109 (1.09) 86 app development and condiments (5.08) 87 basic intergluteal numismatics (5.03) 88 repilot (5.01) 89 grifting 101 (6.09) 90 basic genealogy (1.18) 91 digital estate planning (3.20) 92 intro to knots (4.10) 93 g.i. jeff (5.11) 94 paranormal parentage (4.02) 95 history 101 (4.01) 96 economics of marine biology (4.07) 97 introduction to finality (3.22) 98 the first chang dynasty (3.21) 99 advanced introduction to finality (4.13) 100 basic sandwich (5.13) 101 basic story (5.12) 102 wedding videography (6.12) 103 queer studies and advanced waxing (6.04) 104 pascal's triangle revisited (1.25) 105 lawnmower maintenance and postnatal care (6.02) 106 laws of robotics and party rights (6.05) 107 heroic origins (4.12) 108 conventions of space and time (4.03) 108 alternative history of the german invasion (4.04) 108 intro to felt surrogacy (4.09)
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