kirstenlinae · 2 years
Hello November
I am just diligently waiting by the phone to hear back from the director about that financial aid advisor position with the community college. I don't want the get too far into the hiring process for the collections specialist position and then pull out because the other opportunity presents itself later rather than sooner. I texted all of my references last night to give them the heads up that another reference request should be coming their way from the college but this time, it would be for a different position. All except two responded positively. My bosses at the hotel didn't respond at all but, I'm sure they would be more than happy to give me another positive reference.
I've been thinking a lot this last week about what I want to do this month. Every year, NaNoWriMo kicks off on November 1st. I would love to accomplish that goal once in my life but, I am unsure that now is the right time...being that I'm going to be transitioning into a new job and prepping for surgery. I would have to write 1,667 word per day and I have done absolutely no pre-writing or brainstorming at this point. Just wanted to put this out into the universe, though. I would like to write a novel one day. Writing a novel during NaNoWriMo would be cool, too.
Anyway, in light of that, I have been mulling over some more realistic and more appropriately-aligned goals for November 2022:
--Begin employment at the community college
--Lose 3-5lbs by Nov. 22nd (Dietician appointment)
--Consistently exercise for 40-60mins 5-6x/week
--Keep food journals (identify triggers & emotions)
--Abstain from binging/over eating
--Attend at least 2 OA meetings per week
--Drink only water (Crystal lite, 1/2 decaf coffee and decaf tea OK)
--Maintain insulin & medication compliance
--Journal at least 3x/week
--Eat a fruit or vegetable with every meal or snack
--Take my dog on a walk every night
--Pack lunches/snacks for work
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Call for Paper/Poster/Case Studies/Abstract!!! TRACK 21: BARIATRIC SURGERY We look forward to receiving your abstracts and your participation in the 14th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference from December 17-19, 2024, in Dubai, UAE & Virtual.
Submit your abstract/papers here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/bariatric-surgery/ WhatsApp us: https://wa.me/442033222718?text=
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countessb · 2 months
My Coach, 👑Nadia Kashouh, is amazing! She is a woman of God who is strong in her faith and believes in our strength!! You all should see the raw footage and hear her encouragement 🎉🎉🎉
Join us today at the Kash Krew and text 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐓 to 𝟒𝟎𝟏-𝟑𝟒𝟏-𝟏𝟒𝟎𝟐 for your 𝟏𝟒 day trial and start your transformation from the inside out!
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bariatric-diet · 8 months
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thatbariatricbitch · 10 months
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Hey everyone! I’m Jae, 28 from deep down in the old bay mountains of Maryland.
I’m currently 7 months post op Duodenal switch, which is a bariatric procedure to help promote weight-loss. When I first started my journey I was 407lbs. The day of my surgery I was 361, today i weight in as 229. That’s a total loss of 132 pounds since surgery!
I’ve decided I want to take the next step in my journey to hold myself accountable and share my process! I’ll be sharing transformation pictures, recipes I like, grocery hauls and more. If you or someone you know is interested in a bariatric procedure follow me for more information and helpful tips to promote long term success!
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shuklaanubha · 11 months
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amethyst36 · 2 years
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codsils · 2 years
Diabetes Surgery Mini Gastric Bypass Surgeon for the weight loss.
The modern digital world has become advanced to make the human life easy and comfortable, but this has reduced life expectancy by 10 years of  a average human being. Modern lifestyle includes sedentary lifestyle and easy access to high calorie foods or drinks. . In Punjab, the dietary habits have lead to increased incidences of obesity, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, heart attacks, gall bladder stones, osteoarthritis knee and infertility. In order to overcome these problems, more and more people are looking for weight loss options. When diet and exercise fails, patients need weight loss surgery to stay healthy. Bariatric surgery in Punjab has doubled in past 10 years as more and more people are accepting Bariatric surgery as life saving surgery and the only solution to treat morbid obesity and associated diseases. 
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Bariatric surgery in Punjab became popular, especially in Chandigarh Tricity because of the increase awareness among people and easy access of Chandigarh airport to international patients. Bariatric surgery in Punjab got covered under medical insurance w.e.f. 1st Oct 2020 when IRDAI issued guidelines to cover Bariatric surgery for patients with BMI > 40 Kg/m2 or patients with BMI > 35 Kg/m2 with commodities like diabetes, hypertension, sleep Apnea and OA knee. Bariatric surgery is the only scientifically proven method to treat morbid obesity and is the most effective treatment for long term weight loss. Bariatric surgery results in resolution of diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea and PCOD. Bariatric surgery in Punjab, Mohali is growing because of the availability of multiple types of Bariatric procedures
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Which are tailor made according to the patients Age, BMI, comorbidities and social habits. This is one of the reasons that Mohali in Punjab has become the Bariatric hub for international patients as centers like CODSILS provide a holistic and a team approach to treat morbidly obese patients. At advanced weight centers like CODSILS Mohali, procedures like sleeve gastrectomy, mini gastric bypass, Roux en y gastric bypass and duodenal jejunal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy, Single Incision or zero scar Bariatric surgery and revision Bariatric procedures are done. Bariatric surgery has excellent recovery because of the availability of modern energy devices, HD cameras, stapling devices, multispeciality set ups and experienced surgeons.
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drvamar · 3 months
Dietary Adherence: Following a prescribed diet plan is crucial for bariatric patients to achieve successful weight loss and maintain it long-term. This includes consuming adequate protein, limiting sugar and fats, and portion control.
Hydration: Proper hydration is essential post-bariatric surgery. Patients should aim to drink at least 64 ounces of water per day, spaced out evenly throughout the day to avoid dehydration and promote healing.
Physical Activity: Regular exercise is important for bariatric patients to enhance weight loss, improve muscle tone, and maintain overall health. It’s essential to start slowly and gradually increase intensity under the guidance of a healthcare provider.
Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation: Bariatric surgery can lead to nutrient deficiencies due to reduced food intake and malabsorption. Patients must take prescribed supplements, including multivitamins, calcium, vitamin D, iron, and B12, to prevent deficiencies and related health issues.
Lifestyle Changes: Bariatric surgery is a tool for weight loss, but long-term success depends on adopting healthy lifestyle habits. This includes mindful eating, stress management, regular follow-ups with healthcare providers, and ongoing support from family, friends, or support groups.
Director, Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery
Dr. Amar Bariatric & Metabolic Center
Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Bangalore.
🌏 www.drvamar.com
📱+91 9676675646
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kirstenlinae · 2 years
Trying to shift
I attended a Zoom OA meeting today. I wanted to join one at 9am and then again at 9:30am but, the passcodes for the meetings wouldn't work for me on my zoom account for some reason. Then there were a couple of meetings that just didn't start at all, I waited like 10 minutes past the meeting time for both and no host came in to start them. Very frustrating. However, I did find one that I like and I will try to make it a habit to go to again on Wednesday mornings at 10. It was a small meeting, only 6 of us. All the ladies were older than me, most of them much older. That doesn't matter to me, though. I figure, the older the members are, the more wisdom that they have to share. In the beginning of the meeting we talked about tools for recovery and today's assigned tool was the eating/meal plan. It seemed like this particular meeting didn't assign itself to any strict regimen as far as a meal plan goes, everyone had a different definition of their own eating plan. I was asked to share and I did a couple of times where it was relevant. Everyone posted their phone number in the chat, including me. I haven't received any texts just yet but, one of the members I talked with after the meeting had invited me to speak at another meeting that is on Friday nights, about my sobriety from drugs and alcohol. I told her that I couldn't this week because I work second shift on Fridays usually but, I could request off for a Friday in the future and call in to this particular meeting. It felt good to have my sobriety recognized so quickly, even though I'm technically still struggling from an addiction (food). Before we parted ways, she said, "I hope your food brings you peace today." I appreciate that sentiment. I only have a little bit of anxiety from what I ate for "breakfast," however, I have a plan for the rest of the day and I am confident that I can stick to it.
I would like to try one OA zoom meeting a day for a little while. Find a few that I would like to attend regularly. As I mentioned in a previous post, there are couple that are pretty local to me but, they are held during the days/times that I usually work, also. So, unless my schedule changes or I request off, the in-person meetings are not conducive to my regular work schedule.
I have been thinking about discussing a few things with my dietician at our next appointment. I could call her but, I want to wait to see how the next month goes and I want to see what the psychologist says regarding my evaluation for surgery. If the psychologist is good at her job, she will see what I already know. I don't know that I am ready for surgery so quickly. I think I would benefit from a longer monitored diet regimen, some more OA under my belt, and some more food addiction-related therapy as well. I also think it would benefit me to make my own diet plan, tailored to the one I am already on for surgery. I think I need to make more concrete plans/goals for myself because right now, that concept seems foggy to me.
In other news, my interview for that full-time job got rescheduled to next Tuesday. Pretty annoying but, I worked for that company before and honestly, it doesn't surprise me. Since applying for that job, however, I have been thinking twice about going back to work full-time. For one, my biggest housekeeping client said that she is referring me to one of her friends so, I could potentially get another house in my schedule. Second, in order to make moving to full-time even worth it (meaning, quit housekeeping and working part-time), I would have to make at least like $18/hour and I know that place isn't going to pay me near that. I would be surprised if they did, let's just say that. Lastly, I need the flexibility of working part-time because of my myriad of doctor's appointments, my responsibility to take my boyfriend to work every day on second shift and my housekeeping clients that I've made a commitment too. Plus, my small business is growing...which is what I set out to do 6/7 months ago, anyway. I think I would like to work somewhere other than the hotel, though. This morning, I applied to two different Torrids that are kind of close to me. We'll see if anything happens with that, I guess.
That's all I've got for today. I have to get ready for work in a bit. Until next time <3
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Call for Registration!
Expert gathering to discuss present research on 14th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference from December 17-19, 2024, in Dubai, UAE & Virtual, and get to know inspiring speakers and subject matter experts. Register yourself right now and avail the benefits.
WhatsApp us: https://wa.me/442033222718?text=
Register here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/registration/
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shuklaanubha · 11 months
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flavoracle · 5 years
The Only Good War is a Wardrobe
My wife and I went on a date tonight to go clothes shopping. She's lost so much weight after her surgery two months ago that practically none of her clothes fit anymore.
She was really nervous at first because the vast majority of her clothing shopping experiences have been painful and traumatic in the past. (Because, y'know, the fashion industry apparently hates gorgeous fat women and does everything in their power to make buying clothes as unfair and uncomfortable as possible.)
I promised her it would be different this time. I promised her I would plan ahead and I'd be there to cheer her on every step of the way. I got us a babysitter. Plus, I'd be paying for it all with gift cards I had earned doing extra projects for work, so she wouldn't even have to worry about the cost affecting our budget.
She was still (understandably) skeptical, and in all honesty I was a little nervous too.
But despite all that worry, IT WAS GREAT!!!
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Look how STUNNING she is!!
We went shopping with a gift card budget of $100, but amazingly, we were able to get all those outfits for just $70!
We've been back home for hours now, and I am STILL grinning from ear to ear like an idiot. It may have been one of our best dates ever.
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And I even managed to find a new coat for myself too!
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ramyeonupdates · 4 years
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{ #bariatricsurgery } || source: cheffinbeauty
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kirstenlinae · 2 years
Addiction & Recovery
I've been scrolling my dash thinking about what to write for the last half-hour or so. To be perfectly honest, I'm discouraged. I keep gaining weight. I mean, I have over a month until my next weigh-in. Like, 5 weeks, actually. However, the fact that I'm gaining weight means that I need to be more strict with my diet and exercise regimen. Which sounds like hell to me. I want to ease myself into this weight loss. I don't want to to seem like restriction or punishment. I want it to be more like recovery...recovery from my addiction to food and my unhealthy relationship with it and my body image. My mentor posed a question to me earlier in the week-- is surgery really how I want to remedy this unhealthy relationship, do I need to go to that extreme or, can I recover on my own. Not really on my own, I guess that's a misleading statement but, more... recover with other tools and resources, not as extreme as going under the knife. I guess this weight gain has caused me to have some second thoughts about the surgery. Which, laughably, it shouldn't because the fact that I'm trying to lose weight organically and gaining weight instead should show me how much I truly need the surgery. However, in defense of my thought process, gaining weight shows me that maybe I'm not ready for surgery. Am I doing enough? I am trying my best to stay positive. I know that regardless of surgery (approval or not), I want to recover from this hell I've lived since childhood. By any means necessary, that's what I want. However I get there matters not to me. The thing that entices me the most about surgery is the complete and probably immediate remission of my Type II Diabetes. With gastric bypass, I'll go into surgery on insulin and come out not dependent anymore. I saw it happen with my mother so, I know it's probable, all things considered like genetics and such.
I have been looking into something else to help me along in this journey, though. I mean, I go to therapy but, my therapist's schedule is a joke. By no fault of her own, she is just another cog in the post-COVID machine but, I only get to see her maybe once a month. I need more help in my recovery than that. So, I have been curious about and thus, looking into Overeaters Anonymous (OA). When I was a kid, my mom had a friend of a friend who made OA her lifestyle. She lost a lot of weight and kept it off for a lot of years. I actually went to a meeting with her in my very early teen years. It was different. Not the right environment for my age at the time, if you ask me but, at least it exposed me to something that I could take with me as an adult. I've looked into their recovery regimen which is ultimately a diet. It is much more strict than my weight loss clinic's regimen. Which immediately turns me off but, if I know anything about a 12 step program it's that abstinence is a strict regimen in and of itself. When I was younger, I frequented AA rooms for various substance abuse issues. So, I know that the fellowship (at the very least) is helpful. Not to mention all of the literature, sponsorship, events, ect that can go along with it if you chose to throw yourself into it like that. I never really did. Never read a Big Book, never worked all 12 steps. I just kind of sat around and listened for wisdom. I was a 10-year newcomer until I finally made some headway in my substance abuse recovery, then I left the rooms altogether. Didn't need to cling to any life preserver thrown to me anymore, I guess. I feel like I need to now, though. Now that I am ready and equipped to shed light onto my original addiction. I've thought about trying some online meetings. There are a couple of in-person meetings close to my town (25 miles or so) that I would be interested in after I get my feet wet in the online meetings. I tried an online meeting a few months back and didn't like it. The moderators were pushy. However, I would be willing to give it another try. Before I commit to an in-person meeting or buying and dissecting any of the literature they provide.
When I was preparing to go into the surgery process, my boyfriend said something like, "I'm going to school to learn how to be healthy and lose weight." I like the way he put that to me. Maybe this is another course in my potentially robust education. Maybe this is why there are roadblocks to me going back to school for real. All throughout college, I really wanted to focus on this aspect of my life but, couldn't because my plate was too full with work and school and substance abuse and homelessness and domestic violence and whatever the fuck else. My life is much calmer than that now. I have an open and safe space to explore this aspect of my addictive personality and lifestyle. I need to soak up all of the knowledge and resources that I can to have a fully gainful recovery. As I move further in this path, I have more clearly see God's plan for me. I am more aware of what needs need to be met at what time. I don't need more formal education. I have a Bachelor's degree for God's sakes I can find a job anywhere. What I can't find (right now at least) is my peace of mind, my good health, my longevity. While I'm only in the beginning stages of this journey, I feel like I have still come so far. I feel like I am creating a good foundation. This feels genuine to me. I keep telling myself that no matter what, I just need to keep going, keep moving forward and change will happen. I know in my heart that I am right. I just need to keep peeking under rocks and examining things under the light, fearlessly, adamantly, lovingly and I will eventually find and thus, gain enough knowledge and perspective to completely change my life. That's really what an education is all about.
Until next time.
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