#barry kamen
a-state-of-bliss · 9 months
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Nick & Barry Kamen
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pyjchen · 12 days
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c-kiddo · 7 days
finished scavengers reign (again) . . 3rd watch i think. i crode
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telephonedear · 2 months
are there any other fans of both blue eye samurai and scavengers reign that are feeling extremely conflicted about which they want to win the emmy award
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bearforceone3 · 7 months
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hot pursuit design. what if the flash was a kamen rider
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millipedish · 10 months
A family isn't always you, your survivalist mom and your supportive dad. Sometimes a family is you, your three moms, your robot/plant sibling and your trash uncle.
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s3znl-gr3znl · 3 months
I just finished watching scavengers reign and holy fucking god what an ending!!!!!! I genuinely was not excpecting the show to go the solarpunk route but im so glad they did as it was immensely refreshing. Also *SPOILERS*
LEVIIIII MY BELOVED absolute favorite character next to Ursula and Azi. Everyone in the show is spectacular and Kris is sooo well done too.
Im still trying to process what exactly happened between Levi and the Hollow that ate Kamen. But it was gorgeous and perspective shifting to say the least.
Also i love how everything gets a motivation, or at least one you can guess at, specifically the Hollow that ate Kamen trying to reunite him with Fiona and acting in a way that I interpret as "not wanting to lose Kamen the same way Kamen didnt want to lose Fiona." Both of them are rash and destructive and manipulative, however in Kamen's case he uses pity, whereas Kris is just a full on abuser/groomer.
Also also also im crying and screaming and throwing up with snot coming out of my nose for Ursula wearing the same color shirt sam was wearing at the end. Part of me wants to believe she went back for him eventually and then kept the shirt so she could take him with her in some small way. Other theories are likely of course but this one makes the most sense for me especially because the shirt does look a little baggy for her which is probably why its tucked in.
Anyway, amazing show.
5 more seasons please
(Its been canceled i know)
One final note is that for me, it felt like there were at least twice as many characters in this series just because of how alive and expressive this whole planet felt. It is truly a work of genius.
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deepinthelight · 2 years
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Hot stars of the MCU
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missbenzayb · 1 year
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Color Wheel Completed 😆 A messy one and different characters! OwO
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fiovske · 10 months
I think kris and kamen should be locked in a room together and left to die together. slowly.
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traumatizedkids · 1 year
Traumatized Kids 3x16
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volkswagenital · 4 months
just finished scavengers reign. so so so fucking good (even if im still really bothered by how many triggering scenes for me i need to skip). support this show if u can bc its so good. they werent kidding when they said how damn good it is.
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boyingray · 7 months
ok so im watching welcome to raccoon city.
it's.... something
i would give it maybe a 4/10??
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c-kiddo · 11 months
finished scavengers reign s1 .
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zenosanalytic · 4 months
Something that really struck me about Scavengers Reign(***SPOILERS*** Btw), and which is REALLY RARE to see in any sort of media, is how it presents facility with violence as something Dangerous and Bad, and incompetence at/refusal to use/hesitance with violence as a generally sympathetic quality.
Sam has his knife and he reaches for it allot, but mostly he uses it purely as a tool. IIRC(and I might NOT be), he only uses it as a weapon twice and the first time he absolutely gets his ass kicked(tbf: he's fighting a sealouse the size of an elephant at the time), and the second time, while he Murks an Aquatic Murderlemur like a Boss, he's, effectively, (and again I really cannot emphasize this enough: ***SPOILERS***) an Undead Super Soldier being driven around by a parasiteseed latched into his heart&nervous system, and it tries to take advantage of the situation to infect Ursula. So like: this historically good dude's facility with violence, while it saves Ursula from being drowned and eaten, is IMMEDIATELY followed by something deeply sinister.
In a flashback we see a rando named John using a rifle to hunt food, and he turns out to be under the influence of the same Parasiteseed Sam is, so once more we have capacity for violence being narratively near to something sinister about the character.
Ursula uses violence(I think?) a grand total of Once in the entire season, during the aforementioned Giant Sealouse Fight while it's feeding on Sam, and she totally gets lucky with it: She flings herself onto the Louse's back, manages to grab onto Sam's knife sunk there, then flips the louse on its side and guts it before it can get up again.
Azi is interesting because at the start of the story she's well-equipped, including a homemade Guandao(which: Respect u_u), and quick to use violence but she's ALSO presented at this phase of the story as Kind of a Dick, spcl to Levi, her robot companion. BUT!!! She still sucks at fighting. She tries to use the Guandao to take on some Giant Tonguecrabs and they just kind of bully her out of the way until she manages to get one of Levi's flares and deploy it(and blow her and Levi up a little). She uses it a second time to fight Hollow(a psychic monkey thing that Just Wants Some Food, Guys, he's cute and misunderstood and Did Nothing Wrong, Guys <:[ ) and she's not AS incompetent this time, even manages to get a hit in, but she still gets her ass totally handed to her, and almost dies. Later she attacks a REAL asshole named Kris, succeeds, and IMMEDIATELY gets bonked in the head with a rock for her troubles. Her most successful confrontation is near the end, confronting Kris for the final time when, in the process of threatening her with a knife, Azi chooses to stop and appeal to her better nature instead. It doesn't change what Kris is going to do, but it convinces Barry, and they both leave to save Ursula and the Passengers.
Barry loathes violence and conflict, tries to talk people out of it when it comes up, and is good at throwing rocks to stop it.
Kris is one of two(three?) characters we see being consistently competent at violence, and every single time she does it's presented as something sinister which alienates her from others and herself. She's unambiguously presented as a selfish, lying, self-damaging, manipulative villain, and she very much gets the end you'd expect from that.
Kamen is another of the two(three?), and he uses that most human of super-powers, The Ability to Throw Stuff, to kill a bunch of animals and feed them to Hollow. This Does Not Go Well. Kamen's presentation becomes more nuanced later in the series, but for most of it he's presented as a selfish, angry, corner-cutting fuckup and his use of, and facility with, violence is presented as part of this.
Hollow is the Third(?) of the Three(??) shown to be competently violent, and he is presented as an Unambiguously and Terrifying Antagonist in the later half of the story, and wildly Destructive to the "protagonists". He even "Kills" Levi; the sweetest of Robots! BUT! It's ambiguous what's really happening here. To begin with, Hollow doesn't commit violence until having watched Kamen do it Allot to feed it, and when it DOES it's first violent act is done to save Kamen's life(though even then it's a pretty sinister scene). Secondly the extent to which Hollow compels Kamen to violence is ambiguous; Kamen's initial killing spree DOES occur while his eyes are glowing(a sign of Hollow's psychic influence), but Hollow is FLABBERghasted by being presented with his kills; they still EAT them, but if Hollow was compelling him to kill, that he killed wouldn't be so surprising. It's possible Hollow compelled him to "get food"(this seems to be what Hollow's species does; compelling animals susceptible to their influence to pick berries and nuts they can't reach for them, and that's the first food-related thing Kamen does for them), and Kamen interpreted that into hunting when getting fruit was too hard for him. Third, the closer to Kamen Hollow gets, the more violent it gets, and the more protective of its connection to Kamen. Fourth, while Hollow is psychic, it's not really clear how much it understands human minds and thinking. The initial impulse is to assume psychic things are smart but I think it's important to remember this is just how these creatures eat. While WE see the visions Kamen experiences to manipulate him, for all we know Hollow is just Pushing Buttons and Pulling Levers in there. Clearly it knows the image and voice of Fiona, Kamen's ex-wife, but does it understand what those things mean to him, or what it's "saying" to him through those things, or is it just inducing emotions and impulses? A good example of this is its destruction of Levi. Levi was programmed by Fiona, and she gave it her own voice(which: they did this real cool and subtle gender thing with this which I loved :>). Kamen's motivation throughout this is his anguish over Fiona and desire to save her, so why would Hollow destroy Levi? Is this an act of jealousy, or does it only understand that this voice causes Kamen pain, and attacks it as a threat? The series never clarifies. After Avi's final confrontation with Kamen/Hollow leads to their separation, she scares Hollow away by just... throwing a rock near it like it was a raccoon or something. The question of how much of Hollow's actions are intentional vs instinctual is never clarified.
so Anyway:
I just Thought This was Neat :>
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clonerightsagenda · 3 months
Scavengers Reign ep 11
Did Azi program that equipment pod to land near her, or did she just get lucky?
So Levi's consciousness and connection to the planet comes from those glowing lilies that we see growing on corpses. Interesting. Hivemind biological afterlife? Were the tiny critters reconstructing Levi part of the hivemind because they're decomposers? Who is Levi anyway? Are they a robot who gained sentience, or are they the planet speaking through a robot's voice?
I was wondering if the baby would discover Fiona's body. I suppose the people who died in the crash when the ship's hull broke have been kind of freeze dried, which is perhaps why they haven't been scavenged as much as the bodies in the cryotanks were.
Fiona: torments Kamen with the glowing anime glasses of doom
Why the hell did Kris tie Azi up and leave her instead of killing her? Didn't think Barry would let her? A genuine attempt to give her a chance to get free while buying time? Sadism? Leaving someone tied up on a planet like this mostly just guarantees a slow horrible death vs a bullet to the head, if you've decided you want them out of your hair.
In my last liveblog I almost made a comment that I hope Kepler stans don't find out about Kris, but a) although they serve similar broad narrative roles (head of a 'rescue' team that ends up being bad news) they're pretty different otherwise and b) I suspect most Kepler stans would not be like that about him if he were a woman. I am an equal opportunity hater in this situation.
Convenient how as more human conflict arises the planet's wildlife has spent less time trying to kill them. Demoted to secondary source of episodic conflict.
Levi's got quite a little shrine going. Their personality has changed as well.
"Your time is short." Hey Levi what does this mean. Is Ursula still going to turn into a mushroom colony
"Pick it and throw it in the shuttle. We'll give it to Terrence's family." Ah yes the best way to honor a man killed by unresearched alien flora is to pick another piece of unresearched alien flora. Maybe it will go better this time.
The cargo is chips?? I would think without proper hull shielding they would've taken a lot of damage from cosmic radiation. Maybe the crates are shielded as a backup, I guess.
"I'm letting you be proud." Kris what the fuck is your damage
Azi and Ursula girl squad, let's go!!
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