#barry privett
vinyl-and-lace · 7 years
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Some GIFs I made taken from my Live photos of seeing Carbon Leaf last night. September 9, 2017 at The Crocodile in Seattle, WA.
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funefficiency · 5 years
Many Funny Things You Can Do This Weekend
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If there was no fun in the game, we probably would not play (Eberle, 2014). This suggests a relationship between the concepts of fun and play, perhaps a possible causality: fun is a natural byproduct of the game, fun is intrinsic to the game. Eberle also argues that although there are many ways to develop knowledge, security and vigor, none of them is as fun as playing. Another academic concept used when talking about fun is the "flow". When Gayle Privette, of the University of West Florida, tried to distinguish between maximal experience, maximum performance and flow, she defined the maximum experience as mystical and transpersonal, the maximum performance as a transactive and flow as fun (Privette, 1983).
Informal and academic references to fun
Fun definitions are usually discussed as a result of an act and / or participation in an activity. As such, in academic writing, fun is often compared to hedonism. For example, Barry Babin, William Darden and Mitch Griffin (1994) took the hedonistic value of buying (for example, buying for fun) and compared it with the utility value of the purchase, which is more concerned with the utility and the completion of the purchase. chores. Utility purchases can almost be considered work. Buying for fun, on the other hand, is personal, subjective to the buyer and often involves fun. The participant values ​​the experience itself because the effort is entertaining. In summary, many activities can be analyzed for their ability to induce fun, emphasizing entertainment and the enjoyment of the process instead of its practical value. When the activity is done for fun, it often involves an increase in excitement, perceived freedom, the realization of fantasy and escapism (Hirscham, 1983). This popular anecdote is a cultural artifact that also alludes to the fact that flow and fun are related social constructions. Sometimes, people also talk about "short-term fun" and contrast it with "long-term gains," suggesting that fun could destroy a person's lasting success. Fun and play often receive negative pressure, especially when adults participate in fun activities in excess. Sometimes it is implied that the efficiency and productivity of people could decrease if they openly prioritize fun. However, modern research does not support this negative entertainment proposition (eg, R. Fluegge-Woolf, 2014).
Can fun be defined universally?
While fun is often related to the game, few will say that playing is the only time we have fun. For example, for many, work can also be fun. A task like gardening can be perceived as monotonous for one person while another one perceives it as fun. But, the work ceases to be work if we have fun? Actually, fun in the workplace is increasingly researched. Researchers are exploring strategies that help make our work more fun. For example, there are evolving applications of gamification. Gamification work involves creating strategic tactics in an attempt to make arduous tasks more fun. The new studies have confirmed that a fun work environment creates more productive and creative employees, therefore, it shows that both parts of the phrase "work hard, play hard" can really coexist (R. Fluegge-Woolf, 2014).
Your perception of whether something is fun depends on your mentality, ability and abilities, the environment and the people around you (your relationships). For example, taking public transport can be a tedious and mind-boggling activity if you go to work. However, if you go to a concert with a group of friends, it can be the journey of a lifetime: spending time together, chatting while eagerly anticipating the show, in terms of lay people, "a lot of fun".
Specific moments when those specific things seem more clearly fun. Maybe not just skydiving. Maybe the moment, the same moment before the parachute opens. Maybe not just chew gum, and not just any chewing gum, and not just when you're putting together a puzzle, and even then, not just a puzzle.
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ethelindawrites · 7 years
Song Review: The War Was In Color by Carbon Leaf
I’m honestly not even sure if song review are a thing, but I’ve been in love with this song for months and really want to talk about it, so I’m doing it anyway.
So, I first discovered The War Was In Color through this fan video that someone made based on the first Captain America and Avengers movies, which is honestly kind of perfect, so I would definitely recommend watching that. But the song is also really gorgeous just by itself, so that’s what I’m going to focus on here: it is a tribute to those who fought during World War II, from a U.S. perspective.
I happen to be involved in a big WWII project at work right now, so I’m already feeling a bit invested in the time period and also pretty emotional about it. That makes the lyrics for this song hit me a little harder even than they did when I first discovered it.
I see you've found a box of my things - Infantries, tanks and smoldering airplane wings. These old pictures are cool. Tell me some stories Was it like the old war movies? Sit down son. Let me fill you in
I love the imagery here – it’s just a box of old photographs, but to the WWII veteran, it’s a lot more than that: “infantries, tanks and smoldering airplane wings.” These are the pieces of the war that he remembers, not the two-dimensional pictures. I like also the imagery of a younger family member actually asking a veteran about his time in the war, and the veteran being willing to answer and speak about it.
Where to begin? Let's start with the end This black and white photo don't capture the skin From the flash of a gun to a soldier who's done Trust me grandson The war was in color
There is something about the last line of this verse/the title of this song that really hits me. Even as an historian who knows better, it is still sometimes easy to get caught up in the immediate depictions of the war that are readily available to me...the black and white photographs, newspapers, and movies of the time. There are other artifacts as well, of course, that are not black and white (colorful propaganda posters, flags, etc.). But so many of the direct photographs of that era are black and white, that it can be easy to forget: like life for all people, in all places and all times, this war too was in color. It was immediate and real...the present for many millions of people, even if it is the past for us now.
From shipyard to sea, From factory to sky From rivet to rifle, from boot camp to battle cry
There is so much alluded to in just two lines here, a whole nation of people who came together and built things in order for America and the Allies to win. Reading up about the defense industry in my local area has been part of what I’m doing at work, and the sheer speed at which some of it got going, and the sheer amount of war material produced over the course of the war, even just right around here, is almost mind-boggling. There were the women who stepped up to work, either in the factories or by enlisting in the armed forces to do work here in the States (the first time they were officially allowed to enter the US military). And of course there were the millions of men who took up arms and trained and then went overseas to fight. I wore the mask up high on a daylight run That held my face in its clammy hand
The allusion for me here to a pilot, flying with Death’s hand on his face, is just chilling. Always riding on the edge, and any flight might be your last. My grandfather was a pilot with the Marines, although in the Korean War, rather than WWII, so it hits pretty close to home that way too. Crawled over coconut logs and corpses in the coral sand
The juxtaposition of things in this line really gets me: lovely tropical coconut logs and coral sand...covered with corpses. And not just any corpses, but the dead bodies of your fellow soldiers that you must crawl over because the fight isn’t won and you have to keep going. This is a clear reference to the fighting in the Pacific theater, trying to take islands back from the Japanese. It really makes me think about the three men from my area who won Medals of Honor during WWII – all three were in the Pacific, and all three were awarded the Medal for covering Japanese grenades in order to save fellow soldiers. That’s not a part of our research that I can read with dry eyes.
Where to begin? Let’s start with the end This black and white photo don't capture the skin From the shock of a shell or the memory of smell If red is for Hell The war was in color
I like the reminder here that not only was the war in color, but it was more than just a visual experience. The concussive blast of a shell exploding, the smell of the gunpowder and the dead and the dying...those are things that most of us haven’t experienced, and that’s an integral part of a soldier’s experience of the war that is pretty much forever out of our reach. We might occasionally have sound to go with the visuals...but that experience of the war is very different from that of someone who lived through it. Even a movie (with that constant subconscious knowledge that it is fiction) does not have the same impact.
I held the canvas bag over the railing The dead released, with the ship still sailing, Out of our hands and into the swallowing sea
No time to grieve in war. I know it’s a fairly well-known phrase, but for some reason that “into the swallowing sea” here really gets me. The reminder of the immensity of the ocean, I guess, and its indifference to our tragedies. I felt the crossfire stitching up soldiers Into a blanket of dead, and as the night grows colder In a window back home, a Blue Star is traded for Gold.
For those who may not know: If someone in your family was away fighting in the war, you got a “Blue Star Banner” to hang in your window. Officially, they are called a Service Banner, and they look like this. If that person was killed, then you took down the blue star, and hung a Gold Star Banner in its place. Thousands and thousands of American families had gold stars hanging in their windows before the war was over. (Additional history facts: These were first used during WWI, and are still used today.)
Where to begin? Let's start with the end This black and white photo don't capture the skin When metal is churned, and bodies are burned Victory earned The War was in color
That repeating line of “This black and white photo don’t capture the skin,” that acknowledgment that this photograph isn’t enough to capture what the soldier went through...but it’s all that he has. It is enough, at least, to evoke the memories, enough for him to tell the story. The war was hard-fought and hard-won, and victory, like everything else, was in color.
Now I lay in my grave at age 21 Long before you were born Before I bore a son It is one of the harder things to learn about, as you study WWII, just how young many of the soldiers were (on all sides, and certainly here in the US as well). The three Medal of Honor winners I mentioned earlier? One of them joined before he was even out of high school, and the other two on their 18th birthdays, as soon as they no longer needed parental permission to enlist. This is true of others killed in action from my area as well. Many of them weren’t even 21 yet when they died. What good did it do? Well hopefully for you A world without war A life full of color
That was the real question – what good did it do? With the lives of so many individual human beings cut brutally short – was it worth it? I think that, in the case of WWII, the answer is a clear yes. Many, many people were able to go on and live their lives in greater peace and freedom (whatever the conflicts that came later). And that is probably what so many of the soldiers were fighting for: a chance for themselves and their loved ones, friends, and neighbors to live good lives, lives full of color
Where to begin? Let's start with the end This black and white photo never captured my skin Once it was torn from an enemy thorn Straight through the core The war was in color
Where to begin? Let’s start with the end This black and white photo never captured my skin From the flash of a gun to a soldier who’s done Trust me grandson The war was in color Trust me grandson The war was in color Trust me grandson The war was in color (Performed by Carbon Leaf. Written by Barry Thomas Privett, Carter Gravatt, Scott Andrew Milstead, Terrell H. Clark • Copyright © BMG Rights Management US, LLC)
The refrain at the end, trying to emphasize the realness of it to someone who was not there, who has only “old war movies” and this box of black and white photographs to learn from. But the soldier was there, and he saw it all, and smelled it and heard it and breathed it, and now he can give a little piece of that story to his grandson, to help him learn and understand.
I don’t know that I have much else articulate to say about this, and this is really more of an “oh god the FEELS” than a proper review, but I needed to get some of this down. I hope other people enjoy the song, and perhaps even the mini, rather disjointed history lesson.
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piperewan · 6 years
My First Album
This is a bit overdue, but that is for another post I may or may not write. Last September, I was approached by Barry Privett of Carbon Leaf to license a piece of artwork of mine for their latest EP that is coinciding with their 25th Anniversary tour. I meant to post this just before they came to Portland in September, but I am posting it now, because better late than never. It is super exciting…
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muse-icallyinclined · 10 years
Carbon Leaf - Radio Radio Indianapolis - 10/19/2014
 Clearly, this is a promo shot, I didn't take it.  I do have one picture from last night of me and Barry, but I look awful in it and you'll never see it.  :-)
Artist: Carbon Leaf
Venue: Radio Radio Indianapolis
Date: Sunday, October 19, 2014
Set List (again, dismally out of order, and potentially not complete, but as usual, I forgot to make notes so this is the best I could remember the next day):
What About Everything?
Life Less Ordinary
Love Rain Down
Februaery Detailles
The Boxer
The Donnybrook Affair
Ghost Dragon Attacks Castle
When I'm Alone
Raise the Roof
One Prairie Outpost
She's Gone (...For Good This Time)
Two Aging Truckers
Ragtime Carnival
Tombstone vs. Ashes
Let Your Troubles Roll By
Last night we broke from tradition and, instead of going south to Nashville, we headed north to Indianapolis for our second Carbon Leaf show.  The first time we saw them live (in Nashville) was so stinking good, we were super excited to see them again.  For this tour, they're on the road in support of their latest release, Indian Summer Revisited.  Because a record company the band is no longer associated with owns the master recordings of their beloved 2004 release Indian Summer, they decided to re-record the album so the ownership of the songs and the recordings is now with the band, where it belongs.
This was the only show I've been to (that I can think of) that didn't have an opener and I was really okay with that.  I mean yes, I've found some of my favorite artists via them opening for other people, but sometimes it's nice to skip the formality and just get down to business.  It seemed like there was a quite a wait between when the doors opened and when Barry, Terry, Carter, Jon and Jason took the stage, but good company (and perhaps a bit of vodka) made the wait totally enjoyable.  This was our first time at Radio Radio which is a neat little venue in downtown Indianapolis.  With a 250 person capacity, a beautiful glass-topped bar and plentiful seating, it's a cozy place perfect for an intimate show.
When it was time for Carbon Leaf to take the stage, they did so with seemingly boundless energy and crowd support, just like the last time we saw them. The set list was heavy with songs off Indian Summer, which is cool because they're all crowd favorites.  However, this time it seemed that they were playing them with such renewed vigor, they felt like brand new songs.  It seemed as though, in working with them so extensively, the band had breathed new life into these songs and the audience reciprocated that.  Personally, I was excited to hear them perform "Paloma" and "When I'm Alone", a couple of my favorites.  They are both such beautiful songs and it was amazing to ride along on the ebb and flow of them.
While they stayed primarily in the newer albums, they did dip back in the catalog and pulled out "Comfort" from Love, Loss, Hope, Repeat and crowd favorite "The Boxer" from Echo, Echo.  Both songs were apparently well known by the crowd and we all sang along enthusiastically.  The sing-along aspect of the evening reached its peak during "One Prairie Outpost" during which Barry was able to stop singing completely and just let us handle that for him.  I love when that happens, but I have to say that my favorite part of a Carbon Leaf show is when they all gather around one microphone.  Sometimes the songs they play in this format get a bit lost in the chatter of the rude people in the back of the room, but I still love them if only because the band seems the happiest playing around a single mic like that and it's fun to be a part of it.
Just as the last time we saw them, they closed with the absolutely perfect "Let Your Troubles Roll By".  I'm not sure I've ever heard a better song to close with.  After the show, I visited the merch table and picked up one of the few Carbon Leaf albums I didn't already have.  Because the guys always mingle in the crowd after shows, I was able (with a lot of encouragement from my friends who are much cooler characters than I am) to speak to all five of the band members and get their autographs.  They're all incredibly friendly and, even after all these years performing, they seem truly grateful that people come out and listen and enjoy their shows.  I had a lot of things I wanted to say about how wonderful the show was and how amazing Indiana Summer Revisited is, but I'm mostly just happy (and eternally grateful to my friends) that I even manged to talk to them and not say anything too embarrassing.  This was the last show for us for the foreseeable future, and I can't think of a better way to wrap up the year.
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heckyeahcarbonleaf · 11 years
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It's hard for me to pick a favorite Carbon Leaf song, but this one is at the top of the list. Has been since 2002. :3
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mcgongiggles · 13 years
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heckyeahcarbonleaf · 13 years
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Barry Privett
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