seaseachronix · 4 months
Guys, I’ve been thinking I have Bartonellosis, I have all the symptoms, fever, anxiety, depression, rage, and also blurry vision and vision problems, anyone else think so?
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yaminahsaini · 2 years
Samedi 24 septembre 2022: Je suis quasi que alitée à cause des symptômes mais ça commence à aller mieux!!
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keepcatsindoors · 2 years
Keep Cats Indoors!
Lots of us already know the health benefits of keeping cats indoors, but I’m here to provide more extensive information and numbers on indoor cats vs outdoor cats, and provide some education on the topic.
Many people still believe that keeping outdoor cats is beneficial to their “instincts”, such as their hunting and exercise behaviors, and other enriching activities such as climbing and exploring. However, it is very important to note that all these activities can be provided indoors, if you properly care for your cat and play with them.
It should be common knowledge that being outside comes with the risk of diseases and other sicknesses. A couple common diseases associated with pet cats are feline leukemia virus (FeLV), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), bartonellosis, which can rarely transmit to humans, and rabies. Diseases can vary both regionally and seasonally, and immunized cats pose a lesser risk, but it is always a danger to look out for.
Being outdoors means your cat is exposed to every dangerous element it comes in contact with. Cats are naturally curious, which means they are susceptible to coming in contact with dangerous substances. There are MANY substances outdoors that can poison and quickly kill your cat. Here is a short list of things your cat can get into that will cause sickness or death.
Medications, houseplants or flowers (Lilies, chrysanthemum, azaleas and rhododendrons) Anti-freeze, Insecticides, Rodent poison, Cleaning products, and food such as alcohol, coffee, teas, onions, and candies. As nasty as it sounds, there are even some people who intentionally poison cats and it DOES HAPPEN.
Any of these can be outdoors, and an unsupervised cat can easily gain access to them. Keeping your cat indoors keeps them safe from the high likelihood of poisoning.
The road is a huge factor to consider when you have an outdoor cat. An estimated 26 million cats are killed by cars on the road annually. This one is even more simple than poisonings: keeping your cat indoors will simply prevent this death from happening.
Wildlife plays a big role in cat deaths. They have many natural predators such as coyotes (it has been suggested that coyotes rely on pets, including cats, as a food source, especially during the winter and spring when their regular prey may be inactive or hibernating). Dogs and other cats also pose a huge threat to outdoor cats, many injuries from bites, claws or fights, resulting in infection and sometimes death.
The answer is clear when you realize that the average lifespan of an indoor cat ranges from 10 to 20 years, whereas cats who go outdoors typically live only 2 to 5 years.
Thanks for checking out the post. I’ll have more information on my blog and later try to include tips on how to properly enrich your indoor cat, and fun activities you can do together.
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fleatreatment · 11 months
🐶🦟 Sipping Flea: A Dangerous Parasite 🚫 Fleas are not only a nuisance to your pets, but they can also pose a serious health risk. One type of flea, known as the "sipping flea," feeds on the blood of its host and can transmit diseases such as bartonellosis and tapeworms. These tiny parasites are difficult to detect and can quickly infest your home. Sipping fleas are commonly found on dogs and cats, but they can also bite humans. It's important to take preventative measures and seek treatment if you suspect an infestation.1. What is Sipping Flea and How Does it Affect Pets?Sipping Flea is a type of tapeworm that affects pets. It's transmitted through fleas. Pets can become infected by ingesting fleas or grooming themselves. Symptoms include weight loss, vomiting, and diarrhea. It's important to treat pets promptly to prevent further complications. 💊 The tapeworm can grow up to 8 inches long and can live in the pet's intestines for years. It feeds on the pet's nutrients, causing malnutrition. Sipping Flea can also infect humans, especially children who come into contact with infected pets. 💩 Prevention is key. Regular flea control is essential to prevent pets from ingesting fleas. Keep your pet's bedding clean and vacuum regularly. Wash your hands after handling pets. If you suspect your pet has Sipping Flea, take them to the vet for treatment. 🐾 Treatment for Sipping Flea involves medication to kill the tapeworm. Your vet will prescribe the appropriate medication based on your pet's weight and health. Follow the medication instructions carefully and monitor your pet for any side effects. 🏥 In conclusion, Sipping Flea is a serious condition that affects pets and humans. It's important to take preventative measures and seek treatment promptly if you suspect your pet has been infected. Regular flea control and good hygiene practices can help prevent the spread of this tapeworm. 🚫2. The Life Cycle of Sipping Flea: Understanding the Parasite's Behavior🐜 Sipping fleas are tiny, wingless insects that feed on the blood of mammals. They are common parasites of dogs, cats, and other furry animals. 🔎 Understanding the life cycle of sipping fleas is important for effective control. The flea goes through four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. 🥚 Flea eggs are laid on the host animal's fur and fall off into the environment. They hatch into larvae, which feed on organic matter. 🐛 The larvae spin cocoons and enter the pupal stage. They emerge as adult fleas, ready to feed on their host and start the cycle again. 💉 Flea bites can cause itching, irritation, and transmit diseases. Prevention and treatment involve regular grooming, vacuuming, and use of flea control products. 🚫 Avoid using human flea products on pets, as they can be toxic. Consult a veterinarian for safe and effective flea control options.3. Symptoms of Sipping Flea Infestation in Dogs and CatsSigns of flea infestation in dogs and cats include: Excessive scratching, licking, and biting Red, irritated skin and hot spots Hair loss and scabs Visible fleas or flea dirt on the fur Restlessness and discomfort Secondary symptoms may include: Anemia from flea bites Tapeworm infection from ingesting fleas Behavioral changes and moodiness Decreased appetite and lethargy Allergic reactions and dermatitis Early detection and treatment are crucial to prevent further complications and discomfort for your pet. Consult with your veterinarian for the best flea prevention and treatment options.4. Diagnosis and Treatment Options for Sipping Flea InfestationDiagnosis of sipping flea infestation involves a thorough examination of the pet's fur, skin, and bedding. Symptoms include excessive scratching, redness, and hair loss. Topical flea treatments such as sprays, shampoos, and powders can be effective in treating sipping flea infestation. Oral medications such as pills and chewables can also be used to kill fleas. Preventive measures such as regular grooming, vacuuming, and washing bedding can help prevent future infestations. It's important to consult with a veterinarian to determine the best treatment option for your pet. Flea collars and flea baths may not be effective in treating sipping flea infestations. Untreated flea infestations can lead to more serious health problems such as anemia and skin infections. Early detection and treatment are key to preventing these complications. 🐾🦟🚫 Don't let sipping fleas suck the life out of your pet. Act fast and consult with a veterinarian for the best treatment options.5. Preventing Sipping Flea Infestation: Tips for Pet OwnersAs a pet owner, it's important to prevent flea infestations. Here are some tips: Regularly groom your pet with a flea comb. Use flea preventative medication recommended by your vet. Wash your pet's bedding in hot water weekly. Vacuum your home frequently, paying attention to areas where your pet spends time. Consider using a flea collar or flea spray in your home. Don't forget to also treat your yard, as fleas can live in grass and soil. Here's how: Mow your lawn regularly. Remove any debris or clutter from your yard. Use nematodes, a natural predator of fleas, in your yard. Consider hiring a professional pest control company to treat your yard. If you do notice fleas on your pet, take action immediately: Use a flea shampoo to kill the fleas on your pet. Wash your pet's bedding in hot water. Vacuum your home thoroughly, disposing of the vacuum bag or canister outside. Consider using a flea fogger or hiring a professional pest control company to treat your home. Remember, prevention is key to avoiding a flea infestation. Stay vigilant and take action at the first sign of fleas.6. The Importance of Regular Flea Control Measures for Your PetsRegular flea control measures are crucial for your pets' health and comfort. Fleas can cause skin irritation, allergies, and anemia. They can also transmit diseases to your pets and even to humans. Prevention is key to avoid infestations and costly treatments. There are several flea control options available: Topical treatments: applied on the skin, they kill fleas and prevent future infestations. Oral medications: pills that kill fleas and their eggs. Flea collars: emit a chemical that repels fleas. Consult with your veterinarian to choose the best option for your pet. Follow the instructions carefully to ensure effectiveness and safety. Treat all pets in the household simultaneously to prevent reinfestation. Clean your home thoroughly and regularly to eliminate flea eggs and larvae. Regular flea control measures can prevent discomfort and health issues for your pets and your family. 🐾🚫🦟7. Sipping Flea vs. Other Flea Species: What Makes it More Dangerous?🪲 Sipping Flea is a type of flea that feeds on the blood of mammals, including humans. It is more dangerous than other flea species due to its ability to transmit diseases. It can transmit the bubonic plague, also known as the Black Death. It can also transmit murine typhus, a bacterial disease that can cause fever, headache, and muscle aches. Sipping Flea can also transmit tapeworms, which can cause weight loss, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Unlike other flea species, Sipping Flea has a long proboscis that can penetrate deep into the skin, making it difficult to remove. It can also lay eggs on the host, leading to infestation. Preventing Sipping Flea infestation is crucial. Keep your pets clean and use flea prevention products. Vacuum your home regularly and wash your pet's bedding in hot water. If you suspect an infestation, seek professional help. 🚨 Remember, Sipping Flea is a dangerous species that can transmit deadly diseases. Take preventive measures to protect yourself and your pets. 🚨 In conclusion, sipping flea is a dangerous parasite that can cause severe health issues in both humans and animals. It is essential to take preventive measures to avoid flea infestation, such as keeping your pets clean and using flea control products. If you suspect flea infestation, seek medical attention immediately. Remember, prevention is better than cure. Don't let these tiny pests invade your home and harm your loved ones. Take proactive steps to keep your surroundings clean and free from fleas. Stay safe and happy! 🐾💪🏼🚫 https://fleatreatment.uk/sipping-flea-a-dangerous-parasite/?_unique_id=64810e519566f
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rhealthcare · 1 year
Chronic Illness Without a Diagnosis
Little on earth is more frustrating — and fear inducing — than experiencing a group of painful symptoms and then being told that doctors can’t seem to be able to pin down a syndrome or find a diagnosis for what ails you.
They assure you that once the cause of a syndrome has been identified, treatment can begin and an end can be put to your suffering.
Here at Restoration Healthcare, we don’t just start out by ordering a flurry of tests and handing you a book of med scripts to take to the pharmacy. Instead, we dig deep into your medical history, sitting down with you and taking our time and asking pertinent questions about your condition.
Then we conduct a physical exam, followed by comprehensive lab tests to help us determine the cause of your symptoms. It is only at this point that we begin a treatment program based on the diagnosis that targets your problem.
Among the mystery syndromes that are often difficult to diagnose are those caused by ticks, including Lyme disease, Bartonellosis and Babesiosis.
And because such tick-borne diseases are difficult to diagnose, we asked our medical director, Dr. Sunny Raleigh, DO, to answer a few questions about this disease in order to give you a sense for how we approach the discovery and treatment for Lyme disease and other chronic illnesses without a simple diagnoses here at Restoration Healthcare.
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lifewithbartonella · 2 years
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bbcphile · 2 years
Guess who has a new antibiotic allergy?
Ugggh. At least we caught it early enough that I “just” itch on every inch of my body, have full body joint pains and inflammation, and have a very minor rash. Definitely better than full scale anaphylaxis.
But still, I am pissed as all hell and really worried about how the fuck I am supposed to kill the bartonella and brucella snacking happily away at my connective tissues and nervous system when I can’t take 4 of the main groups of antibiotics.
Anyone have a spare immune system you could lend me?
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drchinfat · 4 years
I'm on amoxicillin for a tooth infection, but I'm herxing because, y'know, Lyme. It's rough. I haven't taken abx in over a year since I started get worse on them last year.
I only have to take them for a week this time, but it seems like if I'm responding this strongly to them, then maybe I should take to my Lyme doc about doing them for a little bit. Definitely not longer than a month at a time though I think.
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Cat Scratch Disease
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The colloquial name for bartonellosis, cat scratch disease (CSD) typically caused by the bacterium, Bartonella henselae, is possibly the most mischaracterized description for any disease out there. Yes; scratches from cats that carry Bartonella spp. can cause bartonellosis in humans, but the name does not identify the actual vector source, namely – cat fleas. In fact, insects are the primary vectors of many Bartonella bacteria that infect humans. For example, Bartonella quintana causes trench fever and spreads through body lice. Bartonella bacilliformis causes Carrión’s disease and is transmitted through certain sand flies in parts of South America.
It is also fascinating that each of these forms of bartonellosis can produce a skin reaction in humans. Trench fever causes a rash along with fevers and headaches. Phase two of Carrión’s disease creates lesions to appear under the skin as nodular growths, then emerge from the skin as red-to-purple vascular lesions that are prone to ulceration and bleeding. CSD can cause pustules in humans.
What about CSD symptoms in cats?
It is estimated that 40% of cats have Bartonella bacteria at some point in their lives. However, although the majority of infected cats are asymptomatic, they are subclinical carriers of CSD. If the disease progresses in cats, it is usually self-limiting (heals on its own) and transient, lasting approximately 48-72 hours. Extremely rare instances of more serious infection include symptoms such as  fever, vomiting, lethargy, red eyes, swollen lymph nodes, and/or decreased appetite.
By the way, cats and dogs can be infected with other Bartonella strains besides CSD, and dogs can also be infected with CSD. Specifically regarding CSD, dogs are more likely to present clinical symptoms as compared to cats, namely, fever, endocarditis and myocarditis, granulomatous lymphadenitis, cardiac arrhythmias, granulomatous rhinitis and epistaxis.  
How do cats transmit CSD to humans?
Always remember that cat fleas are essential to transmit CSD to humans. B. henselae multiplies in a flea’s digestive tract. When the flea defecates, B. henselae bacteria will then survive for several days. So, when cats scratch their bodies and subsequently scratch someone, the person could now be infected with CSD. If a cat grooms and then bites someone, the same result is possible. Additionally, CSD transmission can occur if a flea infested cat licks an open wound.
CSD symptoms in humans
Please bear in mind that CSD in humans is usually self-limiting and progresses slowly. In fact, doctors only test for CSD when the disease is severe, and suspect s CSD based on the patient's symptoms, medical history and immune system. Otherwise, CSD is typically not treated in healthy people.
After the skin is broken, infection can occur at the site of the scratch within 3-14 days. The site may appear swollen and red, have round lesions and be pus-filled. Fever could also be present as well as headache and poor appetite. Again, it is self-limiting the majority of the time.
If the disease progresses, a person's lymph node(s) closest to the original scratch or bite can become swollen, tender, or painful.
Only in extremely rare cases does the disease progress to affect the brain, eyes, heart, liver or other internal organs. This is more likely to happen in children or people who are severely immunocompromised or have cancer. Regarding immunocompromised patients, their bodies usually cannot keep the bacteria contained to their regional lymph nodes, thereby allowing to spread to other parts of the body.  
Incidence of CSD in humans
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a review of cases from 2005-2013.
13,273 patients with a diagnosis of CSD: 12,735 outpatients and 538 inpatients.
Highest average annual CSD incidence for outpatients and inpatients was among children 5–9 years of age.
The largest proportion of diagnoses was made during January, followed by August–November.
Incidence was highest from Texas to Florida, Maryland and Kentucky being the most northern states affected.
Incidence was lowest in the more arid Mountain states.
Clearly, the statistical evidence shows a direct correlation between climate and flea load, which indicates the number of people who might be at risk to develop CSD.
Are you thinking you may want to have your cat declawed now? Please don’t. The CDC recommends washing the infected area after the scratching or biting incident occurred. If a child’s symptoms do develop, please go to your healthcare provider. Indeed, declawed cats are four times more likely to bite if they perceive danger. So, the chances of preventing CSD with the declawing option are really not decreased, and may create the opposite situation of increased exposure risk.
The CDC goes on to state for people who are immunocompromised:
If you’re HIV-positive, are being treated for cancer, or have any other condition that might disrupt your immune system, you can keep your cat. Just keep the following points in mind:
Keep the cat indoors.
Avoid rough play with cats and situations in which scratches are likely. Declawing is not recommended.
Promptly wash any cat scratches or bites with soap and water.
Avoid contact with fleas.
Treat the cat with a flea control product recommended by your veterinarian.
It’s not necessary to test or treat a healthy cat for Bartonella.
If you are getting a cat, make sure it’s at least a year old, in good health, and free of fleas (kittens are more likely to carry B. henselae). Avoid stray cats and cats with flea infestations.
New findings include the fact that ticks may also carry the B. henselae bacteria too. So, it really all comes down to flea and tick prevention.
W. Jean Dodds, DVM Hemopet / NutriScan 11561 Salinaz Avenue Garden Grove, CA 92843
Bartonella Infection (Cat Scratch Disease, Trench Fever, and Carrión's Disease). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 21 Mar. 2016, http://www.cdc.gov/bartonella/index.html.
Chomel, Bruno, et al. “Bartonella Spp. in Pets and Effect on Human Health.” Emerging Infectious Diseases, vol. 12, no. 3, Mar. 2006, pp. 389–394., doi: https://10.3201/eid1203.050931.
Hofve, Jean. The Cat Lover's Anti-Declawing Handbook. Vetwise Publishing, 2017, http://www.littlebigcat.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/ADAH-2018.pdf.
Martell-Moran, Nicole, et al. “Pain and Adverse Behavior in Declawed Cats.” Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, vol. 20, no. 4, 1 Apr. 2018, pp. 280–288., doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/1098612X17705044.
Nelson, Christina, et al. “Cat-Scratch Disease in the United States, 2005–2013.” Emerging Infectious Diseases, vol. 22, no. 10, Oct. 2016, doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.3201/eid2210.160115
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Información de orientación sobre enfermedades de zoonosis causadas por garrapatas, pulgas, mosquitos y moscas, y sus prevenciones.
La zoonosis es un tipo de enfermedad que puede transmitirse de los animales a las personas.
Existen diferentes tipos de zoonosis dependiendo de cómo se transmite. La cantidad de difusión está muy correlacionada con el clima cuando es el tipo de zoonosis que se transmite por parásitos externos, como las garrapatas, las pulgas, los mosquitos y las moscas que se llaman artrópodos. Vivir en un clima mediterráneo aumenta el nivel de alerta sobre estas enfermedades, debido a la humedad y el clima cálido proporciona a estos artrópodos el ambiente suficiente para poblar.
El tipo de zoonosis que se transmiten por los artrópodos se llama enfermedades zoonóticas transmitidas por vectores, Zoonosis Vectorial. Los vectores pueden transmitir patógenos (los agentes infecciosos) a animales o personas que pueden ser una amenaza para usted y su familia (incluirse su mascota), especialmente si convive alguna mascota acompañante.
De acuerdo con E.F.S.A (autoridad europea de seguridad alimentaria); "por vectores, es decir, organismos vivos que transmiten agentes infecciosos de un animal infectado a un ser humano u otro animal. Los vectores son con frecuencia artrópodos, como mosquitos, garrapatas, moscas, pulgas y piojos y pueden transmitir enfermedades".
Las Enfermadades de Zoonosis Vectorial por Artrópodos:
•      LEISHMANOSIS (mosquitos)
•      FILARIOSIS (mosquitos)
•      EHRLICHIOSIS (garrapatas)
     El vector es el mosquito del género Phlebotomo. El mosquito debe picar a un animal infectado para infectar a otra persona u otro animal. hay 2 formas de esta enfermedad y mientras que los perros pueden sufrir ambos al mismo tiempo, los humanos sufren la forma visceral de la enfermedad que tiene una alta tasa de mortalidad especialmente en climas tropicales.
Los vectores de Filariasis son varios géneros de mosquitos. El mosquito inocula larvas que
ingresan en la sangre y, a través de la circulación cuando son adultos, se localizan en la arteria pulmonar que afecta al corazón y los pulmones. La fliariosis canina es la más común, ya que en los gatos se observa ocasionalmente. Para los humanos es inusual y si ocurre, la localización sería más frecuente debajo de la piel o en el ojo.
Se transmite por la picadura de garrapatas, frecuentemente sufrida por perros y humanos. Las
hemorragias ocurren, y puede haber sangre de la nariz, así como un aumento en el tamaño del bazo también puede ser cojeras.
Se produce solo en los gatos por la picadura de las pulgas. Se transmite a los humanos por los
arañazos de los gatos. Para los gatos causa letargia, vómitos, ojos rojos y anorexia. Para los humanos, en raras ocasiones la enfermedad puede acelerar y afectar los ojos o llevar a la inflamación del cerebro.
•      Se aconseja aplicar antiparasitarios externos a su mascota. Hay medicamentos comercializados como los que aparecen en las pipetas, puede aplicarlos en el medio del cuello sobre la piel. También hay opciones de collares y vacunas. Sin embargo, debe tener cuidado al comprar un producto por su cuenta sin consultar a un veterinario profesional, si usted es dueño de un gato, entonces debe evitar los productos que tienen "PERMETRINAS" como ingrediente principal. Es un repelente de pulgas, garrapatas y mosquitos; sin embargo, es solo para perros y es muy tóxico para los gatos.
*Recuerda que también se recomienda volver a aplicar los antiparasitarios en cada período de 3 meses, sin embargo, hay otro punto que debe tener en cuenta que los antiparasitarios son tratamientos de prevención.
**La desparasitación es necesaria para que las vacunas básicas sean más efectivas.
•      Para la enfermedad de Leishmania puede vacunar a sus perros a los 6 meses de edad. (3 dosis cada 3 semanas entre medio y luego continúe con la vacunación de Leishmania anualmente. Es importante recordar que 2 semanas antes de la vacunación y 2 semanas después de la última vacunación para no aplicar ningún otro tratamiento a su perro).
•      En las áreas donde residen usted y sus mascotas, asegúrese de usar repelentes de mosquitos.
•      Se aconseja evitar las zonas húmedas durante el amanecer y anochacer (cuando hay más mosquitos).
•      Prevención de infestaciones por pulgas de sus mascotas y su hábitat.
•      Deberías usar repelentes de garrapatas.
•      Necesita recortar las uñas de tu gato y mantenerlas cortas.
•      Se recomienda no dejar salir a su gato en la calle si es un gato doméstico.
•      Debe evitar acariciar o tocar a los gatos callejeros.
•      Se recomienda realizar análisis serológicos anualmente para la detección precoz de Fliariosis y Ehrlichiosis.
•      Si un gato se rasca, debe asegurarte de lavar el área del arañazo y luego desinfectarla.
                                                                                                     Elmira Kiara
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kemungkinan-blog · 5 years
Awas pencinta kucing, anda berisiko dijangkiti penyakit mata akibat cakaran kucing
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Bagi pencinta kucing, cakaran atau gigitan dari haiwan comel ini adalah perkara biasa. Tetapi menurut Pegawai Optometri ini, kecederaan akibat digigit atau dicakar kucing tidak boleh dipandang ringan, lebih-lebih lagi jika ia melibatkan kucing terbiar yang terdedah kepada pelbagai penyakit. 
Berdasarkan penjelasan beliau, seseorang itu boleh dijangkiti penyakit Cat-scratch neuroretinis Ocular Bartonellosis yang berupaya menjejaskan penglihatan sehingga meninggalkan kesan parut kekal dalam retina. 
ADA penggemar kucing di sini dan berapa kerapa anda dicakar kucing? Dah periksa keadaan mata ke belum? Saya akan kongsikan sejenis penyakit mata akibat cakaran kucing. Nama penyakit ini, Cat-scratch neuroretinis Ocular Bartonellosis. 
Gambar kanan adalah retina yang mengalami infeksi (neuroretinis). Gambar kiri pula adalah keadaan retina mata yang normal. 
Pesakit akan mengadu penglihatannya kabur yang berlarutan dan semakin teruk walaupun sudah memakai cermin mata di mana ada asalnya pesakit tidak rabun langsung. 
Penyebabnya ialah jangkitan dari bakteria 'Bartonella Henselae' yang dipindahkan dari cakaran, gigitan mahupun dari air liur kucing yang dijangkiti. 
Keadaan yang kronik dan lambat dikesan mengakibatkan kehilangan penglihatan di mana diska optik akan mengalami edema kronik dan boleh merebak ke kawasan makula di mana kawasan penglihatan terang akan terjejas. 
Rawatan antibiotik akan diberikan segera untuk menghentikan jangkitan. Jika dapat dikesan lebih awal, penglihatan pesakit boleh diselamatkan. Tetapi jika terlambat, jangkitan yang merebak akan meninggalkan parut kekal pada retina. 
Ada optometris akan lakukan jika seseorang pesakit mengalmi tanda-tanda cat-scratch disease ini? Saringan awal akuiti visual menunjukkan penurunan penglihatan, ujian warna gagal dan pemeriksaan refleks mata adalah RAPD Positive menunjuk ada gangguan berlaku di retina/saraf. 
Pemeriksaan Fundus Photo serta ujian saringan makula dapat mengesan perubahan yang berlaku di belakang mata dan berapa peratus kawasan penglihatan yang terjejas. 
Setelah itu, rujukan segera dilakukan ke Oftalmologis memandangkan rawatan antibiotik dan ujian fluorescein angiography hanya boleh dilakukan di hospital yang mempunyai oftalmologis. 
Prognosis / jangkaan pulih antibiotik bergantung pada tahap severe. Kerana antibiotik hanya bertindak menghadkan tindakbalas bakteria sahaja atau merencatkan disebabkan 'self limiting'. 
Untuk ibu bapa, perhatikan jika anak-anak terkena cakaran kucing terutamanya kucing terbiar dan terdedah dengan pelbagai penyakit. 
Kepada ibu mengandung, sila jauhi kucing / najis kucing kerana anda terdedah dengan jangkitan parasit kucing toxoplasma gondii yang boleh menjangkiti pada mata bayi dan memberi kesan parut yang merebak pada retina dan risiko hilang penglihatan. 
SOALAN: "Kalau kucing yang cakar atau gigit itu telah divaksin dan merupakan kucing indoor, boleh terkena penyakit ini juga?" 
JAWAPAN: "Kalau sihat dan dah suntik, jarang berlaku tetapi masih perlu berhati-hati." 
Sumber: Amira Nadia Raup (Optometrist)
from The Reporter https://ift.tt/2QDF5WN via IFTTT from Cerita Terkini Sensasi Dan Tepat https://ift.tt/2A6VubK via IFTTT
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catseim485 · 2 years
Pet-proofing Your Home
Making Your House Safe For Your Pets
Serpent owners may take pleasure in offering their pets live prey, however pre-killed or frozen prey is more secure. Prey should not be bigger than the largest component of your serpent's body. State permits might be called for to maintain a serpent in your home. State regulation in Florida, where a current pet retreat in one home caused a fatality, dictates that pythons are to be maintained under lock.
If you're a parent and also you've needed to childproof your home, you understand that youngsters can get right into some weird places, particularly areas they need to never remain in. And also our hairy member of the family are no different. If you're going to pet-proof your residence, it's a reasonable presumption to believe that nothing is secure when it comes to what your family pets can get into.
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How To Make Your Home Pet Safe
Whether it's vocal singing in the shower or walking around in pajamas all the time, when we're inside our homes or apartment or condos, we feel risk-free, comfortable, and also as if we can let our guard down. Nonetheless, animal parents need to stay cautious when it involves guaranteeing their houses are risk-free for their pup buddies as well as feline friends.
The room is where we most likely to unwind and also get some shut-eye. However, we don't wish to be as well relaxed when it pertains to the setting of the room. Like any kind of other room in your home, the bedroom can hold numerous threats to our pet dogs, including the potential for subjected electric cables, curtain cords, as well as medications unintentionally left on the bedside stand.
Ways To Puppy Proof Your Home
First and also leading, our tactical companion the American Society for the Avoidance of Viciousness to Animals (ASPCA) does not excuse letting cats run loose outside. But when it pertains to pet-proofing the outdoors for our pooches, the very first challenge can be stopping them from obtaining outside on their own.
Here are six pointers for maintaining your whole family animals as well as all healthy as well as happy. Naturally it starts with preventative care; do not wait till your pet dog is ill to see the vet. Rather, stay with a regular schedule of wellness exams. If you share your bed with animals you could not wish to allow on your own obtain as well lax on cleaning the sheets.
Tips To Create A Safe Pet-friendly Space In Your Home
Other parasites can likewise be transferred from pet dogs to parents, "so see to it you're cleaning your sheets frequently," he includes.
Ticks, as well are discovered in some places year-round. Past being a hassle (ask anyone who's taken care of fleas in the residence and also the word that constantly turns up is "nightmare"), fleas and also ticks can transmit illness to human beings, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. And it's a host of stuff, ranging from bartonellosis (also known as feline scratch fever) to Lyme disease to afflict.
The Expert's Guide To Making Your Home Safe For Pets
This is definitely a decision to make in consultation with your veterinarian. If you think your furry member of the family belong on the furnishings with the remainder of the family members (and even if you do not, however they differ!) your fight with spots, rips, as well as roaming hair most likely never finishes. However, prior to you begin thinking of building a doghouse, take into consideration altering up your furniture material.
High maintenance products like silk, suede and velvet are best left to pet-free families. Of program if you agree to place in the job you can additionally educate your animals to remain off the furnishings. For instance, for canines, you could think about crate-training them, specifically as young puppies, to maintain lures away while you're away.
Pet Safety Guide
No home owner desires to consider a residence fire, however when it comes to shielding your family, being aggressive is the finest strategy. While it's important to take all the steps essential to stop a fire, it's also essential to be prepared in case your house does ignite.
You need to take into consideration fire safety pointers for your animals and also what to do with them if a fire does burst out. Ensure your smoke detectors are working. Examine that your smoke alarm are active. If you stay in a fire-prone location or your family pet spends a great deal of time residence alone, you must seriously think about mounting monitored smoke alarm.
Pet Safety Guide
You can notify rescue workers that there are pet dogs in the house by posting rescue sharp sticker labels on the windows near your front and back entrances. The stickers ought to consist of the kinds as well as variety of animals in your house. Be aware of your pets' hiding places. If you need to evacuate your home promptly, you have to understand where to find your pet companions.
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dogszvy447 · 2 years
The Pet Owner’s Home Safety Guide
Simple Steps To Creating A Room Just For Your Dog
Snake proprietors might get a bang out of giving their pet dogs live prey, but pre-killed or icy prey is much safer. Prey should not be larger than the largest part of your snake's body. State authorizations might be required to keep a snake in your residence. State law in Florida, where a current pet getaway in one home caused a fatality, dictates that pythons are to be maintained under lock.
If you're a moms and dad as well as you've needed to childproof your house, you know that youngsters can get involved in some odd locations, particularly locations they ought to never ever remain in. And also our furry relative are no various. If you're mosting likely to pet-proof your house, it's a fair assumption to think that nothing is safe when it pertains to what your pets can enter into.
Need To Make Your Home Safe For An Old Dog?
Whether it's singing in the shower or walking in jammies throughout the day, when we're inside our homes or apartments, we really feel secure, comfortable, and as if we can let our guard down. Nevertheless, pet parents have to remain alert when it pertains to guaranteeing their residences are risk-free for their pup pals as well as feline pals.
The room is where we go to relax and also get some slumber. Nonetheless, we do not intend to be as well loosened up when it concerns the atmosphere of the room. Like any kind of various other area in the residence, the bed room can host a number of hazards to our animals, consisting of the possibility for exposed electrical cables, curtain cables, as well as medicines unintentionally left on the bedside stand.
Keep Pets Safe At Home: Tips For Pet Safety
First as well as leading, our calculated partner the American Society for the Avoidance of Cruelty to Pets (ASPCA) does not excuse letting cats run loosened outside. However when it involves pet-proofing the outdoors for our pooches, the first difficulty can be stopping them from obtaining outdoors on their own.
Here are 6 suggestions for keeping your whole household animals as well as all healthy and happy. Of course it begins with preventative care; do not wait till your animal is ill to see the vet. Instead, adhere to a routine routine of health exams. If you share your bed with pet dogs you may not intend to let on your own obtain as well lax on washing the sheets.
Quick, Easy Ways To Pet-proof Your Home
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Various other parasites can additionally be moved from family pets to moms and dads, "so make sure you're washing your sheets typically," he includes.
Ticks, as well are found in some areas year-round. Past being an annoyance (ask anybody that's taken care of fleas in your house as well as words that always shows up is "nightmare"), fleas as well as ticks can transfer conditions to people, according to the American Veterinary Medical Organization. As well as it's a host of things, varying from bartonellosis (also known as feline scrape fever) to Lyme disease to pester.
Keep Pets Safe At Home: Tips For Pet Safety
This is absolutely a decision to make in consultation with your vet. If you believe your furry member of the family belong on the furniture with the remainder of the family members (or even if you don't, but they differ!) your fight with spots, splits, and roaming hair likely never finishes. But, before you start thinking concerning building a dog house, consider altering your furniture product.
High maintenance products like silk, suede as well as velvet are best delegated pet-free households. Certainly if you want to put in the job you can additionally educate your pets to stay off the furnishings. As an example, for pet dogs, you could consider crate-training them, specifically as young puppies, to keep lures away while you're away.
Quick, Easy Ways To Pet-proof Your Home
No homeowner wishes to consider a home fire, but when it comes to protecting your family, being proactive is the very best strategy. While it's necessary to take all the steps needed to avoid a fire, it's also crucial to be prepared in case your home does spark.
You require to think about fire safety tips for your animals and what to do with them if a fire does damage out. Ensure your smoke detectors are working. Check that your smoke detectors are active. If you reside in a fire-prone area or your family pet spends a lot of time residence alone, you need to seriously consider setting up monitored smoke detectors.
Home Safety Guide For Pet Owners
You can inform rescue employees that there are animals in the residence by posting rescue alert stickers on the home windows near your front as well as back entrances. The stickers should include the types as well as variety of animals in your residence. Understand your animals' hiding places. If you require to leave your house promptly, you must understand where to discover your animal friends.
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lifewithbartonella · 2 years
Where would I be if this didn’t happen to me? Would I have been happy?
I can’t picture my life without pain and suffering. Every single thing could have been different….
I want things to be different.
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dogscmq194 · 2 years
Tips For Dog Safety Around The Home
Ways To Keep Your Pets Safe When You're Not At Home
Serpent owners might get a kick out of offering their pet dogs live prey, yet pre-killed or icy prey is more secure. Victim shouldn't be bigger than the best component of your snake's body. State licenses may be needed to keep a serpent in your residence. State legislation in Florida, where a current animal getaway in one home resulted in a casualty, determines that pythons are to be kept under lock.
If you're a parent and you have actually had to childproof your residence, you recognize that youngsters can enter some weird places, especially locations they ought to never remain in. And our fuzzy relative are no different. If you're mosting likely to pet-proof your residence, it's a reasonable presumption to believe that nothing is risk-free when it involves what your animals can get involved in.
Keeping Pets Safe And Secure At Home
Whether it's vocal singing in the shower or walking in pyjamas all the time, when we're inside our homes or houses, we feel safe, comfortable, and also as if we can let our guard down. Nevertheless, family pet moms and dads need to continue to be vigilant when it pertains to ensuring their homes are safe for their young puppy chums and feline pals.
The room is where we most likely to unwind as well as get some slumber. However, we do not intend to be as well kicked back when it concerns the atmosphere of the room. Like any kind of various other room in your home, the bed room can organize several threats to our pets, consisting of the potential for revealed electrical cables, drape cords, and medicines accidentally left on the bedside stand.
How To Create A Safe And Comfortable Living Space For Pets
Firstly, our calculated companion the American Culture for the Avoidance of Viciousness to Animals (ASPCA) does not pardon allowing felines run loose outside. Yet when it comes to pet-proofing the outdoors for our pooches, the initial obstacle can be stopping them from getting outdoors on their very own.
Here are 6 tips for keeping your whole family creatures as well as all healthy and pleased. Certainly it begins with preventative care; don't wait till your family pet is unwell to see the vet. Rather, stick to a regular timetable of health exams. If you share your bed with pet dogs you may not wish to let on your own obtain too lax on washing the sheets.
Home Safety Guide For Pet Owners
Other bloodsuckers can likewise be transferred from pet dogs to moms and dads, "so make certain you're washing your sheets usually," he adds.
Ticks, also are found in some locations year-round. Past being a problem (ask anybody that's managed fleas in your house and also words that always shows up is "headache"), fleas and ticks can transmit diseases to people, according to the American Vet Medical Organization. As well as it's a host of things, ranging from bartonellosis (also known as pet cat scrape fever) to Lyme disease to plague.
Puppy-proofing Tips For Your Home And Yard
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This is absolutely a choice to make in examination with your veterinarian. If you believe your fuzzy member of the family belong on the furnishings with the rest of the family (and even if you don't, however they disagree!) your fight with spots, splits, and roaming hair likely never finishes. However, before you start considering constructing a dog house, consider altering your furnishings product.
High maintenance products like silk, suede as well as velour are best delegated pet-free homes. Obviously if you agree to place in the job you can likewise educate your animals to stay off the furniture. For example, for pet dogs, you could consider crate-training them, specifically as young puppies, to keep lures at bay while you're away.
How To Create A Safe And Comfortable Living Space For Pets
No home owner wishes to consider a home fire, yet when it involves protecting your family members, being aggressive is the most effective strategy. While it's vital to take all the steps necessary to avoid a fire, it's likewise vital to be prepared in situation your home does spark.
You require to consider fire security pointers for your pets and also what to do with them if a fire does damage out. Make certain your smoke detectors are working. Check that your smoke detectors are energetic. If you live in a fire-prone location or your animal spends a great deal of time residence alone, you must seriously think about setting up monitored smoke detectors.
Ways To Keep Your Pets Safe When You're Not At Home
You can signal rescue employees that there are pets in the house by uploading rescue alert stickers on the windows near your front as well as back entrances. The stickers must include the types and variety of pets in your house. Recognize your animals' hiding locations. If you require to evacuate your home promptly, you have to recognize where to discover your animal companions.
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miraclecell · 3 years
Symptom Charts of Lyme Disease and its co-Infections
Symptom Charts of Lyme Disease and its co-Infections
Borrelia is —a corkscrew-shaped bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi. Lyme is called “The Great Imitator,” because its symptoms mimic many other diseases. It can affect any organ of the body, including the brain and nervous system, muscles and joints, and the heart. -Google Bartonella– Bartonellosis is a group of emerging infectious diseases caused by bacteria belonging to the Bartonella…
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