#basgaith war college
alberta-sunrise · 8 days
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Mummy in her mum jeans ♥️
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nomie-11 · 1 month
Chapter 1 - Chains of Starlight
masterlist! | next part ->
The faucet drips into the rickety sink she stands in front of. The hollow plop, plop, plop of the water drops in the basin are a constant reminder that this basement is her reality. There is no escaping the humidity of this dungeon, not without a compromise she isn’t willing to make. There’s no salvation for the damned. 
Running her fingers through her matted hair, the crust of her own blood thickens the feeling of the dirt that covers every surface of her body, her fingernails are gone, partially from the torture and partially from attempting to scratch the door down. There are marks on the ceilings, etching of stars that used to feel like home, but now when she lays on the floor of the dungeon to look at her ‘stars’ all she sees is the hope she could have had. 
Lilith Sorrengail is not always right in her assumptions about people. Sometimes she gets it wrong, sometimes the people she thinks are conspiring, sneaking out weapons, and planning rebellions are the people who are only caught in the crossfire, too young to really understand what is going on. But she can’t go back on her word, her promise, that if the young girl said nothing she would never leave this basement. Lilith Sorrengial was not a woman to change her mind, but today in the basement of her very house at Basgaith, she is open to negotiation. 
She is strong footed as she approaches the basement, her heels clicking as she descends the stairs. Her key fitting perfectly in the lock that has kept her down her for one year and 42 days, the young girl flinching at the familiar footsteps that only lead to torture. No matter how strong she is, a 19, now 20 year old, can only withstand so much without feeling fear. 
The thick wooden door swung open with a long, dark creak, and the young girl didn’t even bother getting up to face her captor. 
“Rise, girl,” She commanded, her voice booming and loud through the echo chamber. “We have negotiations to make.”
The girl doesn’t move, doesn’t rise from her bed of stones. 
“Lilith Sorrengail,” she prompts, her voice smooth and calm, not betraying the racing of her heart. “Who do you live for, hm? Who do you want to protect so badly that you keep me alone down here?”
“I’m not going to spill my life secrets to you,” The older woman snaps. “You’re lucky I’ve kept you alive this whole time, now listen to me.” 
The younger girl bites her tongue, but she’s itching to scream. 
“I’m going to let you out of here, and you’re going to go to Basgiath War College and become a rider. You will not die, no matter what happens to you, and you will watch Xaden Riorson and report back to me, do you understand?” 
The young girl made no moves, no motions to say yes. 
“Do you understand me, Genevieve Hale?” She leaned down, her back arching over Genevieve laying on the ground, a sinister smile in her face. “You’re in my hands, either you say yes, or you die.” 
Genevieve doesn’t speak, doesn’t move. 
“Why won’t you just kill me,” She says, a small smile on her face. “I would rather die than serve you.”
Lilith Sorrengail laughed, a hearty, evil laugh erupting from her chest at the small act of defiance from the younger girl. 
“Little girl,” She coos, a sinister grin covering her face. “Would you die instead of seeing the sky again? The stars from the back of a dragon, wind rushing through your hair?” 
Genevieve’s eyes widened, a cord being struck in her chest. 
“You have a deal,” She says, her head held high as she brings herself to a stand. “But, make no mistake, I will not hold back when it comes to your precious children. They are mine for revenge.” 
Lilith Sorrengail can only smile, holding back a laugh, and nod. Violet Sorrengail will be perfectly safe, guarded and protected by the very person she’s trusting Genevieve to watch. Every pawn is in its place, and the queen is cornered. Checkmate. 
The heavy iron door to the basement dungeon slammed shut behind Lilith Sorrengail, her heels clicking their way up the stairs as they did in the other direction not so long ago. A smirk was painted on her face, satisfaction filling every bone of her body. Her daughter would be kept safe by her enemy, who would be watched and analyzed by her prisoner. The deal was struck, and now Genevieve Hale was no longer just a prisoner, though; she was a weapon, she was a pawn. 
Alone and cold, Genevieve rose to a stand in the center of her room. Her tattered clothes hung loosely off of her body, a testament to the days of starvation and torture, and they were stained and bloody, but she relished in the fact that in a few days time, she would wear black. The days she had spent doing sit-ups, pull-ups, push-ups, and running in place would pay off, there is an escape to this hell, and it's just in sight. She had been prepared to die in this forsaken basement, but now, a world that she had once thought was dead to her was opening right back up, now with a mission she despised and a future she couldn’t predict. 
As she straightened herself, she pushed open the heavy iron and wood door that once held her as prisoner, light from the top of the winding staircase filling the hallway that she was yet to climb. It didn’t smell like fresh air yet, but the light felt like life was rejuvenating her bones once more, kissing her once tan and weathered skin for what felt like the first time in decades. The walls still surrounded her, but now there was a promise; the sky, the stars, the dragons. Freedom underneath the sky. No matter how much she hated Lilith Sorrengail, she couldn’t deny the excitement that flickered and breathed like a flame  within her at the thought of an endless sea of stars. 
Each step felt like a link of the cold iron chain that held her back was breaking off. The guards posted in the stairwell made no moves as she passed, already told not to interfere, but she smiled at them, her newfound freedom filling her with joy. Each step bringing her closer to the sky, her face lit with the idea of chasing the true freedom behind the confines of the war college she would soon call home. 
As she emerged into the sunlight, Genevieve squinted against the brightness, but her steps didn’t falter. She stood taller, posture straighter than before, as if she hadn’t spent the last year bent over at the feet of an oppressor. The feeling of the sun, now fully blazing and surrounding her, was both foreign and familiar, a sensation that was once forgotten being burned into her memory once more. 
Taking a deep breath, she savored the fresh air, the scent of the grass and the earth. The world was wide open before her, and for the first time in one year and 42 days, she felt a glimmer of hope. A small spark of dangerous hope, laced with anger and a burning desire for vengeance. Genevieve Hale was free, but she was not the same girl that was thrown into that basement. She was harder, colder, and every step forward was a step closer to making Lilith Sorrengail pay for what she had done. 
Basgiath War College would be the battlefield for now, and she would make sure that every player in this twisted game understood one thing: Genevieve Hale was not to be underestimated. Not anymore. 
Hey guys! attempting to actually write a fanfiction for once after reading so many (cough cough Fear and Flame), so lmk what you think!
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spiritofdragonfire · 9 months
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Wondering what color dragon would chose you in the Empyrean Series? Take this fun quiz to find out!
My result was not what I expected, but it certainly wasn't disappointing! I was chosen by a Blue Dragon! Super happy to be bonded to one of the rarer dragon species. If my dragon is anything like Sgaeyl (and I end up manifesting a super badass signet like Xaden) I'll certainly have no complaints!
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Here is the description of my result: Blue Dragon Rider
"Congratulations, cadet! You are now the proud bonded of a Blue Dragon. Incredibly rare, ruthless, cunning, and equally dangerous - the Blue Dragon is a picky bond. Even most dragons will steer clear of the vicious Blue. They reject all signs of weakness and disloyalty - so don't disappoint your new Bond. The power they'll bestow to you - if you can handle it - will be great. We expect only the best from you and your new Dragon."
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imaginemyreality03 · 6 months
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🐉⚡️The only way you win a fight is to know you’re going to be hit and survive⚡️🐉
Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
Read: February 14 -> February 18, 2024
BRA Score: 98/100
Favorite Quote: “ ‘I can’t kill an unconscious man.’ ‘He would kill you if given the same chance.’ ‘That’s a statement of his character, not mine.’”- Violet & Tairn, Pg 167
Book Gist: Violet is forced by her mother to join the most deadly speciality in Basgaith War College: Dragon Riding. For the sake of her general mother or her chronically ill body, almost every other rider wants her dead. She just wants to survive. So imagine when she bonds with not one but BOTH of the most powerful dragons in the year (and in the nation) which leaves her permanently tethered to the guy who should most want her dead.
Tags: Fantasy, Enemies to Lovers, Dragonriders, Smut, Violence 😏, Cliffhanger-ish.
Overall review:
Whores on dragons. Also, I had like, 98% accuracy for every major plot point, and knowing about Brennan (that I spoiled myself of when I was checking the page count before I started) didn’t inform any of it. Because, when is an insurrection just an insurrection?
I feel very protective of the Marked Ones for many reasons but I wish they had someone who had the capacity to be emotional with them, because their “big siblings” have so much on their plate just trying to keep them alive, there isn’t much space for dealing with that stuff. This is probably also why I know Xaden was not capable of the things everyone else assumed of him. Also, for the same reason Dain brushed me the wrong way.
Basgiath really fucks these kids up, in every horrible way. In a brain-washing kind of way. This was always gonna be emotionally hard to read, but it really does read like the most complex 2010s-era dystopia and I am in fact a glutton for punishment.
And I do say my idea of Melgren being a venin still isn’t wrong because he’s protecting them, that’s what he’s doing, but doing nothing. That still counts for me.
AND the key to this whole entire thing is actually hinging on the fact that Violet is a Scribe who became a rider. It’s the one thing that’s never happened before, the one thing that can challenge the power of the riders is the history that defines them, the proof of their corruption.
End Note:
Amended 3-27-24: I’ve read 70% of Iron Flame, but I am in a very precarious place of being somewhat content and not afraid of what happens next in the place I’ve paused, and I have a bad feeling that this book with end in a cliffhanger, and I need to be within 3 months of release of book 3 before I subject myself to torture. Seeing as being in a 3 month range of Onyx Storm won’t be until November, I will be over in the corner trying my fam nest to forget everything I know so that I’m no tempted to read more and hurt myself with 10 MONTHS OF WAITING LEFT!!!!! I don’t know how you publish the first two books with 6 months of each other, then wait 4 months to even confirm that a third book exists, and then wait 10 more months to release it.
Additional End Note: Bohdi is my baby love and I will kill for him and die for him, so we all best be sure he isn’t dead by the end of Onyx Storm or I’ll riot.
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andypantsx3 · 1 year
I find it so hilarous that you immediately hated fourth wing😭😭 I liked the book, so I was wondering what about it you hated?
Warning: slight Fourth Wing spoilers ahead!!
Omg I wanted to like it so bad!! Like, the idea itself sounds amazing. A war college, dragons, a hot bad boy dragon rider love interest who you initially think is out for your blood?? It makes sense that you would enjoy it!!
Please know that my dislike of this book is in no way a reflection on your own tastes!! It's just my own extreme fussiness at work against me.
You might note that I always write Readers who are aggressively average and/or have Big Side Character Energy, and that is in direct reaction to how much I personally don't vibe with the Special MC, the Cool Girl MC, or the Edgelord Angry Girl MC who seem to like, makeup the core of main characters in YA and new adult romances these days!!
I want to say I think it's soooo important that we have those though. Like I think it's so empowering for women to be exploring the same types of MCs that men have been writing for ages, and you could argue that the point of a protagonist is specifically to be standout for a reason! And this book has like a 4.7 on GoodReads so like, people think it is fire and I am just one guy!!
But yeah I just don't vibe with Violet. As soon as I learned she had special naturally occurring ombre hair that ended in silver I started to have my doubts. And then she gets dressed all cool in a tightfitting corset armor made of scales just to cross a parapet thingy which just seemed like it was written to make us think her outfit was cool because it didn't end up being important to her Basgaith entrance. And when I learned she gets two dragons I was out. I think she just gave off Special Girl MC vibes without ever spending time earning any of her coolness, so I noped out!!
And another nit, for which I am absolutely no one to talk because I'm amateur as hell, but I also thought Rebecca Yarros' world-building was messy. Like when Violet is crossing that parapet into Basgaith and she just word-vomits exposition about the country and that's how we're expected to initially learn about Navarre really bugged me! It seemed lazy or inexperienced and I really thought her editor should have taken that and been like, what are u doing here, do real writing!! But they didn't! 😭
Um so anyway yeah, TLDR I just didn't vibe with it because I am a picky little weenie. But I am extremely jealous that you did because I think it's a very cool concept and I think you and I should exchange brains so I get to have nice things. :)
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wckedmoons · 1 year
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( MATTHEW DADDARIO | HE/HIM | CISMALE ) spotted! isn’t that NOAH AXTON wandering through the courtyard? the distinctive THIRTY-FIVE  year old is a former cadet of the RIDER quadrant who will be teaching the SIGNET WEILDING course as the LEAD INSTRUCTOR . they are widely recognized as DUTIFUL and ASTUTE, yet they can be quite BRAZEN and AIRY when provoked. i guess we’ll find out more about them as time goes on but they already give me the vibes of … WELL WORN LEATHERS THAT FIT JUST RIGHT, AN ARROGANCE THAT IS OBVIOUSLY WELL DESERVED AND AN UNCERTAINTY WHEN HE LOOKS AT YOU THE WRONG WAY.
full  name: noah axton
age: thirty-five.
height: 6'4
sexuality: heterosexual & single.
parents: captain lucian axton & lieutenant rosetta axton.
siblings: one older brother and a younger sister .
role: signet wielding lead instructor.
dragon: a black daggertail named ryoko, he is ryokos first male rider after a long list of powerful women and everyone likes to make fun of that.
relic: a large black dragon that takes up most of his back with fine detail as his dragon is a show off. visual.
negative traits: actively makes no apology for how many cadets his dragon has killed in the years he's worked at the college, can hold a mean grudge when he has decided that he doesn't like someone, will not take no for an answer if he wants something, barely sleeps and is very annoying to share a bunk with given his fidgeting.
positive traits: extremely talented in hand to hand combat, is always willing to volunteer for the less glamorous jobs, will not withhold the truth from students if they need it, likes a more hands on learning approach, is a firm believer in he who decides the outcome should wield the sword.
Born to not one but two legacies, Noah felt the weight on his shoulders from the second he realised that the dragon riders in the sky were not just bed time stories but they were very real and very much a part of his every day life. His parents pushed, they pushed his other brother first, then Noah and then his younger sister too. Both revered within their units, both well known names from their years at Basgaith they knew that their children were meant for great things.
Despite their pushing Noah and his siblings were loved, his parents made an active effort to make sure their children knew they were loved as hard as the hopes that were placed on their shoulders. By his early teens he was already as tall as his brother with shoulders as wide and he was fast too, skilled in hand to hand combat. He was ready to become a rider and it was all he could focus on, being the best and making sure that he didn't disappoint.
It was to no ones surprise that he did well during is time at the war college, one of the strongest first year cadets, despite the way that everyone tried to trip him up, a strong dragon and Wing Leader of the Second Wing like his father before him during his three years at the school. The only thing that really threw him was the manifestation of his signet. When the fire first appeared, everyone had assumed that was it, then water came and people were suspicious, sure he had a strong dragon but it seemed, a lot, air & earth came a later and they were not a strong as his ability to control fire & water but they were there. Noah struggled with being able to control each element and worry that he would loose control of one if it wasn't as strong as the rest of them.
He and Ryoko became a solid pair after the first year and he learnt to trust that they had each others back. Though fire remained his strongest control he became better at controlling all four elements and balancing his signet without worrying he would blow up at any minute. After Basgaith he served his time in service with Ryoko, but the constant change and loosing people was hard on him, he was one of the best but it all felt weird, like he had spent so much time prepping for Basgaith and then his time there was up. After much deliberation with his parents, it was decided and agreed that he would be return to Basgaith as an instructor, ready to be called up if anything happened that should need him. He wants to make more of a difference for the cadets that are still trying to figure it out and see if it helps him come up with his own sense of direction.
WHAT IS/WAS THEIR FAMILY AND EARLY LIFE LIKE?: noah is from a long line of rider legacies, the first son of the first son etc, there was never any doubt that he would make his way to the top. he was always under a lot of pressure to make sure that he would be the best one day but he was loved as much as he was pushed, he has a younger sister who died during her first year as a cadet when she fell from her dragon, it put a strain on the family that he never thought possible. 
HOW WAS THEIR EXPERIENCE AS A CADET AT BASGIATH?: due to his name there was a lot on his shoulders, he knew a lot of people were betting on him to fail and he attracted unwanted attention when he was just trying to do his best. it didn’t get any better when he bonded with his dragon and it got even worse when he presented with his elementokinesis signet. 
DO/DID THEY HAVE ANY SKILLS, INTERESTS AND/OR EXPERIENCES BEFORE THEY RETURNED TO BASGIATH?: he wished that he did but his childhood was spent training to be the best dragon rider he could be. he loved being outdoors so it was worth it for him but he barely had time to eat and sleep outside of training. 
WHY DID THEY CHOOSE TO BECOME AN INSTRUCTOR AT BASGIATH?: when he first presented his signet, it manifested as fire, no one expected anything else till he also nearly drown someone, he was scared a lot of them time and despite the magnitude of his power he didn’t like how he was treated and how little he knew about controlling his own signet. once his time in general service was up, much to everyone’s dismay he asked to be stationed at the college so that he could help any other rider who felt out of their depth when it came to their signets and how to control the power that needs letting out and not letting it consume you. 
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saltirebookreviews · 17 days
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Book: Fourth Wing
Author: Rebecca Yarros
Series: The Empyrean, Book #1
Publisher: Entangled, Red Tower
Page Length: 663 pages
Overall Rating: 5 Stars but deserves bazillion (mind-blowing)
Winner of Best Romantasy 2023
This book centers around Violet Sorrengail set at Basgaith War College who had been trained her whole life to be a scribe like her father. Where she worked with books and recorded history. Plus she is very short and petite so this is the safest place for her to be. That is until her father dies due to mourning her brother's death. Now her mother is forcing her to become a Dragon Rider just like her deceased brother and sister Mira. The problem with this is she is very frail and Dragon’s don’t pick the weak.
Furthermore, the dragons might burn you to death if they feel you are not worthy. Plus having a mother who everyone hates has never even known you existed even being her own youngest child! Until she can use you for her own selfish motives! However everyone hates her mother especially her wing leader Xaden Riorson and for good reasons.. Except Violet is more than attracted to this man although he probably wants to kill her.
Violet is weary of so many who want to kill her for her being petite and a weakling. So some of the bullies and more aggressive students feel she is undeserving to be bonded with a dragon. It gets even worse when they discover her mother is the General! . She can’t even reach out to her sister Mira where they can’t communicate with family members their first year. Plus doesn’t it figure out her wingleader is her enemy Xaden and she is very attracted to him and starts to feel things for him even though she tries to fight it with no help.
Violet’s squad leader is Dain Aetos, he has been her best friend since she was five years old but now he tries to make decisions for her without her permission. Luckily she does make some close friends and they help give her some of the strength and protection she needs. The problem with that is they could die or be eliminated by a dragon's fire or from a dangerous maneuver tomorrow!
This book is beyond brilliant and one of the best books I ever read! It was both awe-inspiring and mind-blowing! If you love romance and fantasy you don’t not want to miss this exhilarating read! Absolutely brilliant as it made me feel so many things, as I both laughed and I cried and many other feelings too! I could not help but root for Violet who was given the nickname Violence who is also very smart and beautiful and I never thought I would be so emotional over a dragon either. A book I definitely highly recommend.
I just loved this phenomenal book so much! I am looking forward to the next book in this series Iron Flame, which is 895 pages long. I am also looking forward to the third book in this series, Onyx Storm which I already pre-ordered. This book comes out on January 21, 2025. Yes, I am already hooked on this series. It is very addictive and definitely explosive, that absolutely grips you by the heart! A book readers positively don’t want to miss!
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Book Review: Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros
Title: Fourth Wing Author: Rebecca Yarros Page Count: 623 Pages Genres: Fantasy, Romance Rating: 3 stars This sequel to Fourth Wing picks up right where the last book left off. Violet’s world has been turned upside down after the major plot at the end of the first novel, and she must return to Basgaith War College with an entirely new understanding of the nation she lives in. Before reading this book, I heard it wasn’t as good as the first one. Although I have to agree with that, I did thoroughly enjoy this book and found myself just obsessed with the story as Fourth Wing. The highlights were the characterization of Violet and Xaden, as well as smaller characters like Rhiannon and Ridoc. I loved the banter between Tairn and Violet, which I personally think was even stronger in this book than the first. I also liked reading about how Violet’s guilt about Liam manifested throughout the story. I thought the drama between Violet and Xaden was too drawn-out, and the plot itself was a low point for me. Many of the scenes felt very unnecessary, especially considering how Violet struggled to make progress towards her main goal in the story. Throughout the book, she tries to discover how to raise wards that would save countless lives. Instead of progressing towards this goal, she continued to try and fail. The true solution felt very convenient after she struggled so much. Many moments in the book felt as though they were only dangerous or high-stakes to add more action to the book. They didn’t serve any true importance to the plot, and on some occasions, the characters even acknowledged that some near-lethal challenges only occurred for ‘bonding’ and were not even necessary within the world. This took away from the emotional impact of character deaths during these scenes. Although I think the majority of the characters were portrayed with depth and realistic actions, I had trouble taking the new villain seriously. Varrish often felt cartoonishly evil, as his personal motivations were never fully explained. He was cruel and murderous for the sake of it, and I never felt like there was a proper reason for his actions. He stood out among the rest of the cast because of how 2-dimensional he seemed. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed the first one. It wasn’t perfect, but I found it very entertaining and absorbing. I would also recommend it for someone looking for an easy fantasy read, as the world-building is very interesting but the plot is not particularly refined. I read this book on vacation and found it to be a perfect beach read. It is not necessarily a good book for someone who wants a rich plot, but there were still many twists and turns that I enjoyed.
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