partiallypearl · 6 months
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"We couldn't look back. Covey was dead. Or so I thought. It didn't take long for me to learn that you can't run from the truth. You can't run from who you really are. Eventually, the truth will surface. And when it does, you must reckon with it."
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cinemaslife · 2 months
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#41 Invasión Zombie (2012)
En una obra para levantar unos edificios unos operarios descubren una tumba, y como buenos codiciosos la abren esperando encontrar un tesoro, pero lo único que encuentran son esqueletos, entre bromas se ven atacados por muertos vivientes que les muerden en la cara.
Andy (Harry Treadaway) y Terry (Rasmus Hardiker) son dos hermanos que trabajan sirviendo comidas en el hogar del jubilado, pero tiene sueños más grandes, como robar un banco y hacerse ricos. Katy (Michelle Ryan), Mickey (Bashy) y Davey (Jack Doolan) los acompañan en el robo, pese a que ninguno de ellos se aguantan.
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Mientras en el hogar del jubilado tocan el piano, bailan e intentan entretenerse mientras Ray Macguire (Alan Ford) y Peggy (Honor Blackman) entre otros ancianos, pasan el día, uno de los viejos está mirando a una chica tomar el sol cuando ve a varios operarios de la obra acercase al hogar del jubilado en actitud sospechosa.
Cuando el grupo entra en el banco conocen a Emma (Georgia King) son confundidos con operarios de la obra (ya que van disfrazados de ellos) y llegan a la caja de seguridad del banco para poder hacerse con el dinero. 2,5 millones de las nóminas de los trabajadores de la constructora. Pero la policía les espera a la salida, por lo que se lían a tiros.
A la vez, los zombis entran en el hogar del jubilado y Ray ve su sueño hecho realidad, se acabó la vida aburrida de jubilado, Peggy se le une y los dos empiezan a matar zombis mientras huyen. Sin salida, solo pueden hacerse fuertes en el edificio.
Al salir del banco se dan cuenta de que la ciudad ha sido asediada por los zombis, que han atacado a los policías que les esperaban, se montan en la furgoneta con Emma y deciden escapar a toda pastilla.
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Muerden a Mickey mientras van a su guarida, Katy sabe que Mickey se acabará transformando y que les atacará. Andy y Terry piensan en ir a buscar a su abuelo al hogar del jubilado, a la vez, Ray, Peggy y algunos más están encerrados en la cocina del hogar del jubilado pensando que hacer para salir de la situación.
La residencia iba a ser destruida por la constructora y los hermanos y Katy se les ocurrió esta idea para salvar a su abuelo, ya que su abuelo les crio después de que sus padres murieran.
Los abuelos se defienden entre sí de los zombis, mientras los chicos buscan como llegar hasta ellos, Davey acaba recibiendo un tiro mientras se defienden de los zombis, por lo que pierden a otro amigo. Con Davey y Mickey fuera del equipo, deciden que deben de ir a la residencia ya: Emma, Katy, Andy y Terry.
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Los zombis de dos equipos de futbol contrarios se atacan entre sí, mientras el grupo huye, y deciden robar un típico autobús de dos plantas rojo para recoger a los jubilados de la residencia.
Mientras Emma los distrae con el autobús, Katy, Andy y Terry van en busca de su abuelo, disparándole a todo lo que se mueva, arman a todos los viejos para poder salir hacia el autobús y se ponen manos a la obra.
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En el autobús le cuentan a su abuelo lo del robo de los 2,5 millones y este ni siquiera se enfada, ya que querían cuidar de él y sus amigos, y se siente agradecido por saber cuanto les quiere sus nietos.
El autobús se estropea y les toca caminar con los ancianos, pero algunos de ellos tienen movilidad reducida, y están muy mayores. Van hacia un pequeño barco mientras van disparando a los zombis, el abuelo se sacrifica para soltar los amarres del barco, pero cuando todos pensaba que había muerto reaparece disparando una ametralladora. Suben todos al barco, celebran su victoria, Peggy y Ray se besan y ven Londres arder al fondo. Terry y Emma acaban juntos.
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"Entretenida para pasar el rato, la idea de zombis lentos y ancianos en tacatá le da un plus de genialidad, no se lo toman muy en serio y eso la hace muy divertida"
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claudia1829things · 8 months
Ranking of "GREAT EXPECTATIONS" (2023) Episodes
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Below is my ranking of the episodes from "GREAT EXPECTATIONS", the BBC/HULU adaptation of Charles Dickens' 1861 novel. Adapted by Steven Knight and directed by Brady Hood and Samira Radsi, the limited series starred Fionn Whitehead, Shalom Brune-Franklin and Olivia Colman:
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1. (1.03) "Episode 1.03" - Having left his life in Gravesend, orphan Philip "Pip" Pirrip has a brutal introduction to London, while working for his unknown benefactor's corrupt and powerful lawyer, Mr. Jaggers. The standoffish Estella Havisham discovers a plan of her mysterious and eccentric adoptive mother, Miss Haversham.
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2. (1.04) "Episode 1.04" - As London life begins to take its toll upon Pip, his immoral work for Mr. Jaggers brings Estella, with whom he is infatuated, back into this life.
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3. (1.01) "Episode 1.01" - Through a twist of fate, Pip meets and helps an escaped convict named Abel Magawitch, while visiting his parents' graves. Later, he meets Miss Havisham, a wealthy spinster, who promises to help teach him to be a gentleman, and Estella.
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4. (1.06) "Episode 1.06" - While Pip and Mr. Jaggers' financial plans come to a head in this finale, Miss Havisham finally comes face to face with her past demons in the form of an old love. And Estella tries to break free from her, following a family revelation.
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5. (1.02) "Episode 1.02) - While Pip continues his education with Miss Havisham, he grows increasingly infatuated with Estella. In London, Mr. Jaggers receives a letter that will change Pip's life forever.
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6. (1.05) "Episode 1.05" - The return of Magwitch and his enemy, Compeyson, to England brings Pip both crisis and clarity.
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ptooeycat · 9 months
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lesserknownwaifus · 11 months
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gachami from bishi bashi special
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lai-mar · 6 days
Re: Winged Lion fulfilling Laios' desires + "Marcille will no longer have to be alone"
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Throughout the lion's persuasion, Laios has been acting reluctant / defensive / angry / embarrassed. He tells the lion that his desires of having monsters attack a village was a foolish childhood fantasy. Concerning Falin, the lion tells him he's being a hypocrite because he's wishing for a peaceful world and they can't revive Falin without magic, then the lion says they'll move onto more cheerful topics and digs into Laios' "true" subconscious desire to become a monster (reflected in the succubus chapter).
Laios is clearly uncomfortable but the lion continues digging in. The lion mentions Laios' own desires of becoming a monster, loving monsters, desires that define Laios as a person, and almost glosses over his will to revive Falin? Because we all know he loves his sister and wants to save her. It's a noble and sympathetic act. But turning in a monster and potentially terrorizing or at least scaring people? Just because he wants to? To make up for his lack of social tact and his seeming distaste for humankind? That's not noble. So naturally Laios clings onto his goal of saving Falin (evident in the scene when the lion curses him and Laios immediately thinks of Falin), and just as naturally, the lion wants to uncover that and make him confront his "true" desire.
Laios loves his friends and his party, but I think the lion isn't granting them full livelihoods out of pure selflessness on Laios' behalf. Because his party, despite everything, accepts him. They cook with him, they journey with him to save Falin, they trust him, they support him. In the dungeon, Laios' monster knowledge is respected and valued by his friends. Right before the confrontation with the lion, Laios gives each of his party members something to do, in particular telling Izutsumi to kill him. This is probably because of her skills and the fact that he's known Izutsumi the least (and they're less close compared to, let's say, Izutsumi and Marcille). But regardless of how long he's known them, he trusts them. He feels comfortable and confident around them. He feels supported. He knows his friends will do what he told them to do. And in a world in which Laios struggles to navigate due to his social skills, his companions are very precious to him. The party is aware of Laios' shortcomings but they follow and love him anyway. Keeping them unharmed is a noble act, but also selfish, because Laios likes being accepted and cared for.
Keeping the party safe is a vague concept, but then the lion goes for the kill— Marcille's lifespan.
And you can see Laios' expression instantly changes. There's a whole panel of his face. Previously, he's been uncomfortable and defensive. Even when the lion points out his "embarrassing" and "selfish" desire to be a monster, he's not as affected as he is. Now, he's shaken. He twitches. He knows something inside him just wavered. And the lion pounces on it.
Regarding why Laios wants Marcille to not be lonely, I have some thoughts:
Laios is the one who saw Marcille's nightmare and knows acutely what she fears. She lost Falin and was traumatised because of it. The whole party got killed and she was also traumatised. And Laios probably thinks it's his duty as a friend, party leader, and someone who saw into her nightmare to protect her and make her happy. Falin might never come back and maybe Marcille's already lost a loved one, and Laios doesn't want that to happen again even though it inevitably will.
2. Marcille's time as a dungeon lord
Laios' argument against lord Marcille is that she can't force everyone to eat from the same menu and not everyone wants to live that long. This might be a translation issue, but the lion doesn't say it's going to extend everyone's lifespans. No, it focuses on Marcille herself and says "Marcille will no longer have to be alone". Not "everyone will live as long as Marcille" or "Marcille will live as long as everyone else". It's not about ages, it's how Marcille feels. Which is something Laios obviously cares about.
Lord Marcille was unable to fulfill her desires. What if Laios does it for her, in a kind of "two in one" demon deal? Logistically, in order for the party to keep Marcille company, they'll have to live as long as she does (note the 999 years), or as the lion says, make up a fake version of themselves to keep her company. It might not be real, and with a bit of thinking, this dream crumbles, but the lion deviously targets the emotions and it overshadows rational thought. What if it's impossible to keep Marcille company for as long as she lives? Maybe the lion will magically make it work. Just maybe. And Laios holds onto this shred of hope.
3. Solidarity of being alone
Marcille, Laios, and Falin all experienced loneliness / feeling outcasted growing up. During the nightmare sequence, Laios says Marcille is different from him because her dream takes place in a library to show how hardworking she is. But ultimately, they are people who don't like being alone. Marcille warms up to eating monsters and accepts Laios for who he is. Laios rescues Marcille from the nightmare and the lion. They are each other's comfort zones and they keep each other company.
Laios doesn't want to be alone, hence the lion offering to save his friends. And he doesn't want Marcille to be alone, because he cares for her, and she's just like him in that regard.
Mentioning Marcille's feelings is what tips Laios over the edge. He isn't embarrassed or angry, he's frozen to the ground, shaken and persuaded. Arguably, saving Marcille is also a "noble" goal in the way saving Falin is a noble goal, but I think L+M has developed so far that saving her will feel like saving him because they both just want someone to keep them company (especially with the context of having lost Falin, who keeps them company and loves them for who they are).
Before all of this, Laios trusts Marcille with his precious gourmet guide. It's his hint that he's turned into his ideal monster, but the fact that he's given the embodiment of his dreams and desires to her shows how much he trusts her and feels comfortable around her. And it's Marcille who passes the guide around their friends as they all realise the monster is Laios. Even as a monster, Laios is recognised, his friends cheer for him, they want to save him.
I don't think I've seen anyone talk about this before, but later, Marcille tries using her summoned serpent / monster to eat monster Laios. (Like how she used it to eat her friends when she was a lord.) And Marcille's monster actually swallows Laios. But then Laios claws open its stomach and breaks free. Consumption is a form of love and salvation. I liked seeing their different monsters: Marcille's being a sleek serpent with flower motifs, kind of resembling her sky fish familiar that she used to rescue Senshi and Laios' almost chaotic chimera full of bits and pieces he picked up and carefully selected (including the scylla head he picked from the succubus). Marcille tries to save Laios by using her monster to eat him. They all save Falin by eating her monster parts. Even though initially Marcille was the one most picky about eating monsters, in the end she summons her own familiars and monsters and engages in her own way of creation / consumption.
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And after all of this, it's Marcille who finds human Laios first. She doesn't berate him or anything, just treats him normally, tells him everyone is waiting for him. Because they accept each other and keep each other company. That's one of their core desires. Their character arcs intertwine and in the end they live together. Neither of them will have to be alone.
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illustratus · 8 months
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Bashi-bazouks before a Gateway by Paul Joanowits
Bashi-bazouks were irregulars in the Ottoman army and hailed from lands across the Ottoman empire, from Egypt to the Balkans. The two soldiers converse in an Egyptian setting, the gate topped by Mamluk carvings and flanked by East African 'Grandees' chairs', amalgams of Mamluk, Portuguese, and Indian influence.
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carlyraejepsans · 4 months
have you played undertale yellow yet…? And if you have, have you gotten the neutral ending yet?
[spoilers beware obviously] yeah i "played" backseated eta lol UTY. gotta be honest though, and i hope i don't sound too mean with this, but when i finished the pacifist route and it just did nothing with flowey i was so disappointed i lost any remaining interest i had in doing the rest of the endings. so I'm afraid that's a no on your second question
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mugenfinder · 2 months
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Bishi Bashi Touhou Character Portraits
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fuckyeahkailan · 2 months
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i saved these as blulita and pinklita @^▽^@
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tanuki-kimono · 1 year
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Fantastic antique houmongi depicting a raging river side, with on top part a bridge under willow branches (yanagi bashi), and on skirt part a waterwheel (suisha) and basket-like fish traps made from woven bamboo (kagome)
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Ride 772: A jersey never seen before!!
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Pag 1
1: Those two are accelerating like they're right before the sprint line!!
3: Just now it was the second stage “shironeri”
4: Are you surprised, San-na? Obviously, once we get before the finish line, I'll pull out the sixth stage
5: “Golden yellow”!!
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Pag 2 / 3
Who will win the title of fastest!?
The black horse Kiji Kyuui!!
Sohoku's Team SS who's aiming to be Japan's number one!!
Or Hakone Academy's Doubashi!!
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Pag 4
2: Woah.... what incredible speed! Those two competing for the lead
You're right
3: It's Hakogaku VS Sohoku, you know, those two have the exact same cards – it's exciting
Of course Sohoku's Kaburagi is fired up for his revenge
Incredible, it's the same as last year
4: Oi, they're still coming!!
They're chasing!!
5: They're chasing!?
What incredible energy!!
The one running in the front is from Sohoku, but there's someone else behind....
That jersey....
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Pag 5
1: It's a jersey I've never seen before!! Who's that!!
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Pag 6
1: It's not Hakogaku, and it's not Kyufushi either
I've never seen them before, is it their first time participating this year!?
2: On his shoulder
3: it says “Gunma”
4: Yon
5: Yon
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Pag 7
1: Yon
3: He's coming up right behind me!!
4: But I won't let this guy go!!
I thought my part was over, but there's still work left to do!!
5: It's a simple thing
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Pag 8
1: I just have to stop his legs from 30seconds to one minute!!
2: If I do that, then those two will have passed the sprint line!!
As long as the race is completely over!!
3: I'll make Issa have his revenge!!
4: This is the guy who that day
5: When we were practicing on Minegayama
6: Fell from the sky
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Pag 9
1: On a mountain bike
2: The MTB two-times in a row champion!! Gunma Ryosei's Kiji Kyuui!!
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Pag 10
1: And of course he's riding a road bike today!!
2: Road bikes are nice, you know
They're light, they react quickly, there's less loss of mechanical transmission
3: The thing that's most different from mountain bikes is that the road surface isn't uneven but flat
4: Alright, he's clinging to me!!
From now on it's a race! I'll gain time!! I'll stop him!!
5: And, you know, whenever you want
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Pag 12
1: You can accelerate at your own timing!! Yon!!
2: He got me!!
What was that just now!! He definitely turned his body like he was going right!!
3: I reacted thinking he was going to attack from the right
4: A “feint”!!
5: And from a slanted stance like that he moved straight forward?
6: The left side was narrow, there was nothing but the ditch cover
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Pag 13
1: And this guy jumped forward no matter the situation!!
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Pag 14
1: Immediately after clinging to me from the back!!
2: When road bikes cyclists, after a solo run, approach someone from behind
3: they always take shelter from the wind behind them
4: To rest their legs!! At least for 10-30 seconds
5: That guy did it for less than 3 seconds!!
6: Dammit, so there's guys who can have their legs recover in just 3 seconds!?
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Pag 15
2: This time I'll cling to him!!
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Pag 16
1: Three seconds are enough, aren't they?
3: Mountain bike is a sport where you have to continuously produce high output of energy on your own
4: In comparison, in road race, where you can rest behind someone and use them to get ahead, you only need to put out power for a split seconds
5: Really
6: Road racing is full of excitement and learning! It's really....
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Pag 17
1: Fun!! Yon!!
2: He accelerated in the curve!!
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Pag 18
2: He's controlling the bike's frame tilting it just at the right angle to not let the pedals....
3: hitting the road!!
4: The “tires”!!
I heard that in MTB the control of the tires is essential!!
Is he applying that to road racing!? Dammit!!
5: But!!
6: I wasn't in the SS team for nothing!!
7: I can do something like that too
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Pag 19
2: Ruwa-
3: The pedal hit the road!!
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Pag 20
3: Ugh!!
Number 5 lost his balance!
He's losing speed
Ugh!! I'll make Issa have his revenge.....
4: I heard a loud noise, are you okay?
6: Huh
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Pag 21
1: Stay safe
2: …. he worried about me.... and then left.... taking his time... so that's... Kiji Kyuui!!
4: Hahaha, San-na!!
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Pag 22
1: This is the third stage!!
“Pale yellow”!!
2: You're fast..... aren't you strong?
Really, Orange
3: Honestly, when I first heard two of you were coming up, I was disappointed
“This year too, huh”, I thought
4: But turns out it's an equal one-on-one race!!
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Pag 23
1: This is the best, Orange!!
You're the most serious guy!!
Let's do it!! A full throttle battle!!
2: I'll take you on!! But I told you earlier!! You don't know my “golden yellow”, you'll lose!!
3: There are 2km left until the finish line!!
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getvalentined · 1 year
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咲さんの橋 (1986)
A group of young girls wake up in a strange place, and come to the horrifying realization that there's only one way to "escape."
Saki's Bridge is a mid-80s psychological horror OVA produced by now-defunct Go For A Punch! Studios, known for the creation of several short one-off animated features. One of the most unique features of Saki's Bridge is the absence of a soundtrack; due to the volume of characters, the team chose to direct the minimal funding allotted to the film toward hiring highly skilled voice actors to portray each one in a distinct and recognizable way rather than paying for the composition or licensing of any music. The intense voice acting placed against a backdrop of low, ambient sound effects lends the film one of the eeriest vibes in Japanese media.
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ptooeycat · 9 months
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neighbour cat got rehomed an I know it wasn't my cat but I miss them!
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Can we hear more about bash? Specifically if bash was a yandere mascot or costume+makeup worker.
You do your best to console Bash as he clutches your shirt. "It's okay, Bash. It was just a dream."
The fox whimpers, rubbing his tears into your hair. "Oh, but it was a terrible Dream, Y/n. A nightmare! I remember someone screaming, and I must've beeing running through the farmer's tomato field because I was covered in red stains. Please don't leave me again. I'm sure my dreams will be better long as you're around."
You rub circles into the poor thing's back as he holds you tighter, thin endoskeleton pressing your sides. The design team really pulled out all the stops with him. As the next addition of the Ruthie gang following twenty years without a new face he was a gamble. A scaredy cat with an appearance and weapon to prove otherwise, but always there when his friends needed him.
The younger crowd was scared of him until a slight redesign, but teens and adults took to him well enough - you being on one them. He seemed to be quite fond of you as well as whenever he was in need of comfort he'd look to you first. The guy was afraid of his own shadow, but quick to step in if anyone gave you trouble. Safe to say Bash needed you.
"I can't stay forever, but I will always do what I can to help you out when I'm here..." Your hands freezes. "Lemme see if I can go find some wet wipes or something, your fur feels sticky right here."
Bash pulls away from you. "Oh... it's fine. You know how the kids are and they clean my fur every night."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive." He snaps, backpedaling with a whine. "I just need you to hold me."
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ryunumber · 6 days
Gachami from Bishi Bashi Special
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Gachami has a Ryu Number of 2.
(explanation below)
That is Castlevania's Death as a save bonus from an arcade Castlevania game.
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