#basically if i never see the word problematic again to explain why i'm not allowed to enjoy something it will be too soon!
Not telling anyone how to consume or perceive media (obviously!), but for me I've found it's so crucial to take the show's tone and genre(s) into account - not to mention the prevailing norms during the era it was written. So like when people excoriate '90s sitcom characters for being (gasp) 'problematic', it's not that those fans are technically WRONG, but they're failing to take into account that sitcom characters' flaws and missteps are deliberately exaggerated for comedic effect and that some of what a majority of fandom now views as intolerable was far more generally accepted a couple of decades ago.
Similarly, I think it's futile to apply contemporary ethics and human rules of decorum to supernatural creatures who have been around for centuries. So as someone who loves a few human/vampire ships and is one of like six living Giles/Anya shippers (don't mock me - I'm fragile!), someone once asked if I'm bothered by the age gap and...no, because Anya is a vengeance demon, and BTVS is a mixture of fantasy and horror and comedy and soapy drama rather than a documentary, so for me 'age gap discourse' just doesn't apply as it would between two real human beings. I also just think sometimes we need to focus more on what evokes emotion and stimulates thought and imagination rather than compiling lists of what technically constitutes as problematic by today's rigid yet constantly shifting standards, but I'll stop here before all six mutuals (I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!) unfollow me :)
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hi cas!!
im gonna rant at you for a bit if you dont mind :)
Im a minor that lives in a super tight night, close minded community. Super religious, super homophobic transphobic ect. Seeing as im a teenage girl whose questioning their gender and is definitely attracted to women thats kinda problematic lols. Honestly idek how to explain the situation without a bunch of details, but basically, theres a fifty-fifty chance of me being sent to conversion therapy or just cut off from any internet access (and i mean ANY. i have a flip phone for fucks sake.)if my fam finds out im queer, i have no support system outside of some internet friends who know nothing about my situation, and within the next few years(so like once i turn 20ish, thats in like 4 years but whatever) my family is going to expect me to get married to a man and start popping out babies asap. Btw thats whats expected of me in this community, marriage under the age of 25, have like as many kids as physically possible and god forbid higher education. And im not okay with that . Ffs i want to go to college, major in fine arts, meet a person i like and fall desperately in love or maybe not just have a bunch of close platonic relationships i want cats and a dog and a cute studio in a big city where i can dye my hair whatever color i want aand get an obsene amount of piercings, i want to wear pants!! I just want to live. Without expectations or limits or people who love me hating everything they dont know about me. Is that truly so much to ask for?
And im incredibly dramatic cuz i literally have the dream life. My family loves me, my parents are upper middle class, theyve never hurt me before(besides for all the anti everything rants haha) i literally have a full sized bed, which for some reason i see as the peak of being spoiled idk why. I go to school, not even public, a private religious school that prob costs thousands of dollars, i have friends(who are all part of this community btw and id bet my entire savings that most of them think gay is only a word that ppl use to mean happy lol) close ones even!! I have adorable neices and nephews(my 3 sisters all were married by the age of 20, so i have 11 niecesand nephews while my oldest sister is 31) im living the dream life. But i hate it and i have no way out. No hope of college to get on my feet and find someway out, no people that'll help me fucking run away or some bullshit like that, hell ive considered it and then felt like shit, cuz what am i even running from? Im probably attracted to men it wont kill me to marry one. And i like kids, i wouldnt mind having any either. But.... i dont want to be trapped anymore. Cuz ill be honest thats what i am.if some one asked me to run away with them rn i would, no hesitation.
God im a mess😭😭 anyway this was me ranting in my notes app, im just apologizing for dumping this on a complete stranger(we're moots actually!!) albeit a very kind one :) i dont know what im looking for, but ill take whatever your comfortable giving ig.
I love and appreciate you<333
And hey this has been oddly cathartic so lmk if its okay for me to do this again sometime :))
"im living the dream life. But i hate it and i have no way out."
Hon, you're not living the dream life...there's a difference between financial privilege and being happy, you know? It's pretty clear that this isn't what you want.
I'm not sure if you're asking for my advice here, or if you just want to vent. But I care about you, and if you want me to research some things to try to help you, I'm more than willing to (that way it's not on your search history.) Just say the word!
Until then, you are ALWAYS allowed to vent to me.
I'm naming you venting anon in case you write again!
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karezzasstuff · 3 years
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From the project of interviewing Stanley S. Bass about his experiences with Karezza techniques, The Life Science Publishing created the 2008 book Energy-Karezza. Here Dr. Bass tells the story of how, in his 30’s, he was on his way to become a celibate yogi through Brahmacharya, when he learned about reaching the same spiritual goal via Karezza & Tantra. He decided to try Karezza instead.
Even though his personal goal was spiritual, Dr. Bass soon discovered that women loved Karezza, and couldn’t get enough. When he started teaching the improved Energy-Karezza method to couples with marital problems, the results were astounding. Usually, within weeks, the couple had fallen in love again. Problematic marriages healed, becoming more and more harmonious and stronger with time.
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Over time, over 50+ years, he not only gained experience concerning every aspect of Karezza/Tantra, but also – thanks to his energy-understanding, being an orthopathic doctor – developed an improved, more powerful & easy-to-learn, version. Traditional “Karezza/Tantra” can be difficult for men, but “Energy-Karezza/Tantra” is easy, and also gives more pleasure & prolongation..
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Karezza is about one thing, the man has to control himself. It is so easy. I got so good at this control that I soon was able to go almost a whole year with no accidents. With very heavy sex - three times a week, four hours each session. It didn't take long to get to a high level of proficiency.
In a few months I was very good at it already.
It is very simple, it is natural. It is not difficult. Prove it for yourself, don't take my word for it. Try it out. The first time I heard about it, it was strange to me, so I tried it. It didn't take me long to get good at it. It was easier than I thought. In fact, I taught Karezza to a lot of friends, and everyone had success.
If one of them asked me, "how do I know if it will work?", I gave him a simple method of trying it. I usually said, "why don't you first try:
1. Don't have an orgasm quickly, but wait until the woman is finished, until she has had her enjoyment. Practice holding back for half an hour, for an hour, for several hours, if you can.
2. Then you'll see that your own orgasms are better; they are more enjoyable.
3. Also try having an orgasm only every other time you have sex.
Skipping one time. Every other time, try without orgasm. See how you feel."
With my sex students, those were my instructions, to begin with. These instructions summarize basic traditional Karezza. But these simple instructions could still be difficult for some men. They lost control (ejaculated) early, and were never able to do Karezza for a full hour.
Therefore, to make it easier, I gave my students some Energy-Karezza secrets. I asked them to improve their diet, and to avoid alcohol and all drugs. I told them not to eat before sex, because a man can not control himself after he has eaten. Why? Because then too much blood goes to the stomach.
Also, I gave very detailed instructions on the best movements in sex. I told them to move slowly, and explained how to move, so they wouldn't get too excited, e.g. sideways, in semicircles, avoiding the in-out moves.
For the premature ejaculators, I told them to give up salt, and to not use anything spicy hot, avoid hot peppers, stay away from spices, because this throws them out of control. And then I told them to use certain motions, slow motions, that makes it easy to control oneself. That's all.
Then the women will get the pleasure, because the men are controlling themselves.
For some men the pleasure was so overwhelming that they were still unable to control themselves very long, more than perhaps 45 minutes, even if their diet was good and they had high vitality. In these cases I think the solution is just doing it over and over. Sometimes men, just like women, may need saturation with lots of high-pleasure peak orgasms, before they can start with serious self-control and higher-pleasure valley orgasms. It may take months, but in the end they will get there.
I myself was never overly concerned with the clitoris or the G-spot, because the Karezza was so enjoyable and I was so good at it that a woman couldn't hold out long. If they wanted to have an orgasm, they could have it quick. Women enjoyed it.
The women were very happy. After beginning Karezza, it became unnecessary to calculate all this stuff. I never had to actually figure it out.
All I did was to function naturally, the way I felt like, without thinking about it. And it was right, for every woman. If one gets too mechanical about it, one becomes a dud. Then it is not real. Real sex has nothing to do with the brain, it has to do with feelings, true feelings and movement.
That's all. The brain is not needed.
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From page 45 the Technique to Paradise.
What are you experiencing?
~ by yab yum
Be patient. At first you can't experience the orgasmic part of this process. Some get it on their first try and for some it can take years. Keep practicing with the exercise your teacher gives you. Even if you don't experience the orgasm, just the breath and energy circling alone is of great value. It will clear blocks so that eventually the orgasm can pass through you. Blocks can be experienced in many ways – crying, gagging, getting frustrated, resurfacing old memories. Just keep breathing. Visualize letting go of the "old" on the exhale, ringing out the "new" on the inhale. Energy levels will most likely rise and fall, like mercury in a thermometer. Tell your partner where it slipped. Your partner will encourage you to tap into your sexual center when energy is slipping. One of the main keys to learning this technique is KNOWING that it is possible.
(When asked if she had an orgasm, Sara responded 🙂
It was uninterrupted, uninterrupted… This was definitely something else, which I have never experienced so fully.
(Sara was then asked if there were any psychological changes.)
Oh yes, sure. From the point of view of spiritual practice it is always full of insight, a kind of insight that comes after, about how I am in ecstasy in my usual state, because it is obvious that the ecstasy is inherent in the body (level), of my being… and also of course this would affect my meditation. I am much more relaxed and receptive physically, emotionally and psychologically when I sit down to meditate…. I don't know what this has to do with anything, but meditation becomes very sexual, very physical, playing with all these hormones. Very often in my meditation there is a stage like deepening where it goes through something like lovemaking in a hormonal sense. I feel the heat and change of energy and so forth, and then it just cools down. That is when deep meditation begins.
It is absolutely blissful in ecstasy because the bliss is something I feel in the body. The ecstasy is something where the body is no longer. Energy goes up. His community. It is love. The transcendent, the energy feeling, transcends even the light that I'm talking about in meditation, and just went into the light.
One tree merges with another tree, the earth merges with the trees, the trees merge with the sky, the sky merges with the unknown...you merge with me, I merge with you...everything merges...differences lost, melting and merging as waves into other waves…an enormous unity vibrating, alive, without limits, without definitions, without distinction…the sage melting into the sinner, the sinner flowing together in the sage…becoming good becoming bad, becoming bad…the night turning into the day, day turning into night… life melts into death, death plunges into life again – then everything has become one.
This has changed my experience with sexuality forever… It has blown up things like this what you have about sex, the good feeling you get from sexual experience or trying to get. It broke that because it was so obviously about submission. It wasn't about me trying to do something. It was about not doing something, but rather receiving or allowing it, rather than doing and creating and making.
This is the most profound healing practice I have ever encountered. It has awakened me to realize that my body is often shut off from the bliss and ecstasy it might be experiencing. Through this practice I have come to learn that emotional pain occurs when orgasmic energy does not flow freely through my body and that there is an infinite flow of orgasmic energy available to me. It has taken me years to gradually release the tension and pain in my body and I still have areas of tension to unblock. The sensations can be different each time depending on my condition, sometimes there is a pulsating vibration and sometimes it feels like some kind of electrical current circulating through my genitals throughout my body. There may be tears of joy. My mind can be perfectly clear and it can seem like everything I feared has been resolved. When a certain area of ​​tension is unblocked and the orgasmic energy circulates, there is always an amazing sense of oneness with the life being awakened.
Mel 40 Auckland
My teacher knew how to touch – and where to make contact – He knew places to touch that I didn't know about – and soon I was on my way to another place in another universe. I was in a trance of breathing and sweat and pleasure that so long and so dead do had gone – that I traveled through light and sound. I never knew that such an experience could be had without actually making love. When I finally climaxed and climaxed and climaxed, I couldn't believe I was having a sexual climax in the presence of someone other than my husband. I felt both excitement and a little embarrassment. Looking back at this moment, I would never have thought that having an orgasm for another man would actually be the "beginning" of this whole journey in Tantra
Emma S 35
And this is the joy of Cosmic Spiritual Orgasm, because you disappear for a moment. That moment is very small, but its impact is immense. For a moment you are no longer the ego, you do not think in terms of 'I', for a moment you dissolve into the oneness of the all, you become one with the whole, you pulsate with the whole. You are no longer an individual… you are no longer limited to your body. You have no limitations, for a moment you are unlimited, infinite.
That is the meaning of Cosmic Spiritual Orgasm – that your frozen energy melts, becoming one with this universe, with the trees and the stars, and the woman and the man, and the rocks – for a single moment, of course. But in THAT moment you have a kind of consciousness that is religious, that is sacred, that is one with all things. – OSHO
Unbelievable! Some are very strong and some are wonderfully subtle. In general, the more time you spend building up the energy, the more powerful the sensations. You experience “electricity” throughout your body, hands, feet and lips tingle, and there is a sense of letting go and receiving at the same time. You will feel high, euphoric and light-headed. It feels very different from a clitoral orgasm (but it can happen at the same time as a clitoral orgasm). You see a seed sprout, flowers appear on a tree somewhere, the birds are singing – the whole phenomenon is sexual. It is life manifesting in many ways. When the bird sings, it is a sexual call, an invitation. When the flower attracts butterflies and bees, it is an invitation, because the bees and butterflies bear the seeds of reproduction. Everything seems to be divided into these two polarities. And life is a rhythm between these two opposites. Repulsion and attraction, coming closer and getting far… these are the rhythms.
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slashersrus · 4 years
Loki x Reader - Lucifer
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Staring up at the ceiling, a grin slowly spread onto my face as the sounds of arguing got closer and closer. Loud, rushed footsteps sounded throughout the abnormally quiet main room of the tower as Tony speed walked into the room followed by an insistent Thor. Sitting up from my place draped over the sofa, a laugh left my lips seeing the pouty look on Thor's face as Tony shook his head.
"Y/N! Tell him!" Tony spun around to look at me, an annoyed look glinting in his eyes as Thor turned his gaze to me too.
"Lady Y/N! Tony refuses to house my brother, he has been pardoned." Thor spoke quickly, I almost started laughing as both of the men stared at, me pleading for me to side with them.
"As in Loki? Destroyed New York Loki?" I frowned confused, glancing between them and trying to hide my amusement at their faces. They looked like little kids begging for their mothers approval.
"Exactly!" Tony made a sound of success, pointing his finger towards me, "he destroyed New York! He doesn't stay here, done. Nice chat."
Rolling my eyes at his behaviour, I looked to see Thor's face fall into disappointment. Huffing slightly, I rolled my eyes again at what I was about to do, but I couldn't stand to see Thor so crestfallen.
"Common Tony, just let him stay here. If he's been pardoned, there must be a reason." I shrugged as Thor grinned brightly and Tony tuned to glare at me.
"Why do you care?" Tony growled, I almost felt pity for the amount of annoyance brewing inside him.
"Thor vouched for me, if it wasn't for that you guys would all still think I'm some evil devil bitch. I don't care about Loki, never met him. But I trust Thor." A small smile tugged at my lips as Thor cheered and wrapped me in a massive bear hug.
"T-that is different!" Tony huffed, downing some whiskey which seemed to appear out of nowhere," you didn't lead an alien army to destroy us."
A laugh escaped before I could stop myself when Thor finally let me go, "I'm the literal devil, evil incarnate, good ole Lucifer Morningstar. I have quite the reputation and you guys accepted me, you saw that I'm not what everyone makes me out to be."
"Fine!" Tony raised his arms and then dropped them, shaking his head in disbelief, "he can stay. But you can explain to the team."
"Thank you Anthony!" Thor rushed to hug Tony too, drawing another laugh from me when Tony quickly darted out of his way.
"You can babysit him." He pointed to me with a frown before leaving the room causing my eyes to widen in surprise.
"What?" Admittedly, the sound that left me was strange as I stared at where he was stood in shock. I was no babysitter!
Today was the day, the day I have to babysit some problematic God. Huffing, I crossed my arms and glared at Tonys back as we waited outside with the rest of the Avengers. Sure I agreed with Thor, didn't mean I wanted to spend my time like this. Telling the team was...interesting. Clint was the worst, his memories of the mind control causing him to fly off into a rage as soon a he heard the news. It took Natasha a full day to calm him down, he was still against the idea. Surprisingly, Bruce didn't care, just told me to keep Loki away from him. Steve, being his usual self, thought it was a great idea for Loki to help them and get redemption for his actions. That lead to now, all of us stood on the roof and waiting for Thor to get back from Asgard with Loki.
It was only moments after I thought that, did the Bifrost appear before us in a harsh ray of colours, two figures stepping out of it gracefully. Seeing the others 'discreetly' tighten their hold on their weapons, my eyes rolled and I stepped forwards to greet them as the light faded. Thor stood there proud with who I assumed to be Loki looking annoyed and agitated, wearing cuffs that radiated power.
"Friends!" Thor grinned happily, stepping towards us as he dragged Loki behind him. A small laugh fell from my lips at his disgusted look.
"Oh dear father! Is that what I looked like when I first got here?" I gestured lazily to Loki's expression as I looked to Thor, ignoring Loki's piercing gaze as he stared at me.
Thor turned to see Loki's face before he chuckled and turned back toward me, "oh no! You were much worse Lady Y/N."
"Ah can't really blame me." Throwing a friendly wink to Thor, I turned to meet Loki's confused glare.
His eyes were piercing, dangerous and stone cold, though a layer of pain lay hidden behind the ice. Seeing his stare, I refused to look away, instead staring back with as much intensity. Thor shuffled, he seemed almost nervous as he watched our stare down. Someone huffed from behind me, but I wouldn't turn to see who it was.
"Alright, enough of whatever that is." Tony hummed, glancing between us before stepping towards Thor with Steve as they said their greetings.
Narrowing my eyes, I let the colour of my eyes momentarily flash to their natural red appearance, watching with intrigue as Loki merely raised an eyebrow instead of flinching as I had expected. Hmm, he interested me.
Smirking, I turned away from him and walked inside, allowing Thor to explain to Loki the conditions for being allowed to stay here.
I was sat reading an ancient book a little while later when Thor found me, Loki trailing behind him once again looking annoyed. When they saw me, Thor smiled happily and dragged Loki towards the sofa opposite me as he sat down. As they sat, my book seemed to grab Loki's attention, a frown furrowing his eyebrows as he stared at the words that he could see. The book was in a long dead language, it would not surprise me if he recognised it given his age.
"Brother, this is Lady Y/N, she will be watching over you while you stay here."
"Babysitting." I narrowed my eyes into a glare at him as I corrected him, before it fell away with a roll of my eyes, I never could stay annoyed at him long. He was probably the best friend I had ever had, certainly my first friend ever.
"I don't need to be watched over." Loki huffed indignantly, crossing his arms as he sat straight, refusing to relax onto the comfy sofa like his brother.
"Clearly you do given you're acting like a child." I indicated towards his crossed arms, amusement clear in my tone.
"Child? How dare you, mortal!" He glared, his face angry as he spoke and it just made me start laughing again.
"Brother." Thor's tone is warning, but even I can see the amusement hidden in it.
"I am certainly no mortal." I spoke between laughs, shaking my head at his perplexed expression.
"Y/N is older than both of us combined." Thor spoke calmly as Loki looked taken aback.
"What are you?" He spoke after a moment, curiosity on his sharp face.
"Well, technically, I'm an angel." I grinned cheekily, ignoring Thor's eye roll.
"You are no angel Y/N." Thor snorted, turning to Loki's agitated look, "It would be wise to not anger my brother."
"Fine, fine, you got me. I'm the devil." I whispered, mockingly secretive as I leaned forwards and quirked my eyebrows at Loki.
"Excuse me?" Loki looked confused, it took me a moment to realise he may not have heard of me on Asgard.
"Oh! Thor hadn't heard of me when we first met either." Pausing, I clicked my fingers and summoned a very specific book and dropped it on his lap causing him to look down in surprise, "read this. It's basically my...biography. It's a fun read, some hilarious memories in there."
Thor sighed, shaking his head as he watched Loki gingerly pick up the old book with his cuffed hands, "the Bible?"
I simply smirked in reply, sitting back and continuing to read my own book as he began to read, Thor sighed watching us before leaving the room, most likely to go find the other Avengers.
Oh this would be such fun.
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progmanx · 7 years
I'm really REALLY confused as to why you and Kylie hate the long awaited beautiful Korra comics so much??? Like I was expecting homophobic nations with how sexist the northern water tribe was. + you have FN's dictatorship (they poisoned their own people of that river town with that factory) & how dumb the EK was with Kuei not knowing about the war. & I don't understand why y'all are mad at Kya.
Huh. Well, this certainly a change of pace; directing this ask at me, as opposed to @lokgifsandmusings​. Which is actually very thoughtful, to be honest. She’s got her hands full with her niece right now (literally) so yeah, I can field this one.
First thing’s first, we’re not mad at Kya. We’re frustrated at what she said, and thus the scripting of her. As in: We’re pissed at Mike for writing those words. Also, how could we be mad at Kya? She’s…not a real person. She’s a character who served as a mouthpiece for an exposition dump. 
Second, this is a topic we covered very extensively two weeks ago, but I’m happy to go over it again now that Turf Wars is out in the wild for everyone and not just people near a LCS. Kylie and I have very strong opinions about Turf Wars, this is true. Something we have never denied is that we’ve been waiting just as long as everyone else. We wanted so, so badly to love these like most of the fandom can. I’m serious; we’re pretty bummed that we can’t. 
As for why we can’t just sit back and enjoy them, well…there’s a reason we wrote over 10,000 words on that exact subject. It’s because we’re super enthusiastic about debating and that’s how our brains work. We cover the Northern Water Tribe’s depiction of protective paternalism, and also the Fire Nation wasn’t a dictatorship; it was a monarchy. It still is a monarchy, in fact. As for that village from The Painted Lady…buddy, the Fire Nation wasn’t purposefully poisoning an entire village of their own people. Neglect and supervillainy aren’t the same thing. It doesn’t make any sense if they’re trying to spread their culture to the world through violent imperialism and genocide! They want to keep their people happy—okay, I’ll stop. 
We get into all of that, except for Kuei since…why does his ignorance have anything to do with anything? Those two things aren’t even remotely related. 
Anyway, to boil it all down (because if I talk about the Gestapo imagery we’ll be here literally all day): Systemic and institutionalized homophobia doesn’t make sense in this universe. It can’t exist, because that means that system and institutionalized sexism exists on a global scale. And if that’s a thing, then that means the entire foundation of the Avatar canon is uprooted. No, seriously, I’m not even joking. At all. Here, I’ll quote two sections of the piece, which I’m putting under the cut because this is getting long.
“….There’s a really good and logical reason for why sexism isn’t systemic, by the way. You see, this world has a spiritual leader with the powers of a demigod, and the ability to bend space, time, and everything else. They look to this person as a kind of Dalai Lama-esque figure (or Pope, if that’s more your understanding). And there’s a 50% chance that it’s going to be—wait for it—a woman! Sometimes a woman who lives for 230 years, murders her foes without hesitation, and establishes the laws and structure for the largest nation on the planet.
We are, of course, speaking of Avatar Kyoshi who, in a comic was revealed to have established the Dai Li. Yes, we believe show canon trumps comic canon, but when comic canon works and expands logically based on the established rules of the source material, we will point to it and gladly champion it.
Either way, this was the role model for the world for over two centuries:
Kyoshi: Chin the Conqueror threatened to throw the world out of balance. I stopped him. And the world entered a great era of peace.
Aang: You didn’t really kill Chin. Technically, he fell to his own doom because he was too stubborn to get out of the way.
Kyoshi: Personally, I don’t really see the difference, but I assure you, I would have done whatever it took to stop Chin. I offer you this wisdom, Aang: Only justice will bring peace.”
[…Insert like 8,000 words here…]
“What structural sexism could exist with this history? Especially when her male predecessor was a moron who got himself killed at thirty fighting his spirity white whale when his girlfriend got her face stolen. Yeah…we really have to scratch our heads to figure out who would have been more inspiring to the people of this world.
“…On a Watsonian level, the implication of this portrayal (where Korra and Asami need to proceed with caution) is that this homophobia exists on an institutionalized level, presumably mostly in the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation, which therefore means there’s institutionalized sexism as well. It’s impossible to separate those out. And…this is why we can’t see the comics really being all that connected to canon. Because if you try and shove sexism into this world on that level—“that level” being where Korra and Asami are not comfortable being open about their relationship on the basis of their genders, just like Kya—then characters like Toph or Azula or Mai or Lin or Suyin or Kuvira can’t really exist, at least not without getting a ton of gendered feedback all the time.
Toph invented metalbending and established the law enforcement for the world’s cultural hub, for fuck’s sake. There’s just no way we can pile sexist barriers onto these characters, because it doesn’t fit. At all. Not with the actions they took, and not with the feedback they received.
The homophobic and militaristically oppressed Earth Kingdom allowed a metalbending matriarch to build an entire city and basically run it autonomously? Yeah, that doesn’t sound plausible.
The thing is, even if we could take the described homophobia at face-value, it raises a host of issues, and retroactively creates problematic content within the shows. Take Homophobe Extraordinaire Sozin, for instance. This happens to be our favorite unfortunate implication, and not just because it gives rise to Feminist Reformer Ozai. See, we know Sozin’s aim was to spread Fire Nation culture across the world, since they were thought to be superior. Oops! Guess that now means an entire military campaign targeting gay people, especially since we know this started immediately after Sozin took the throne. What a really fun way of fleshing out the show, especially for kids!”
At the end of the day, this is just our opinion and interpretation. It’s all subjective, and it’s the reason why we personally feel like it was pandering and kind of infantilizing. We’re both quite happy people can love and enjoy the comic as is. But yeah, click the link if you dare because that explains where we’re coming way, way better than this ask can. Also we worked super hard on it, and are pretty proud of it! 
So yeah, there you go, anon. That’s the why and how and what of it.
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damonsbitchx · 7 years
I'm really tired and I'm definitely crazy but all of them for the number ask thing
Holy shit Esther, okay. Um thanks lol You’re awesome, I love you so much omg.
Answers below the cut bc I’m feeling nice tonight.
1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up.
1. “How Does A Moment Last Forever” - Kevin Kline (Beauty and The Beast)
2. “Belle” - Emma Watson, Luke Evans, Ensemble (Beauty and The Beast)
3. “Make You Miss Me” - Sam Hunt
4. “Beauty And The Beast” - Ariana Grande & John Legend (Lol Beauty and The Beast)
5. “Impossible” - James Aurthur
6. “Aria” - Audra McDonald (Beauty and The Beast)
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Um lets see Jared Padalecki, my soulmate @the-thirteenthhour, tumblr mom Morgan @assbutt-still-in-hell, and a whole lot of my other Tumblr peeps
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
“It was unsettling to watch.”
4) What do you think about most?
I think the thought that pops into my head the most is “keep fighting.” I think about it a lot.
5) Ever had a poem or song written about you?
I think someone wrote a song about me once, but they said they lost the paper and I never got to see it. Other than that, I don’t think so.
6) Do you have any strange phobias?
Um yeah, spiders, clowns, spiders, clowns, and did I mention SPIDERS AND CLOWNS?
7) What’s your religion?
I’m a cradle Catholic.
8) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
I’m most likely sitting out side for some peace and quiet. Whether it’s snowing, sunny, and especially when it’s raining, I’ll just sit outside and close my eyes.
9) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
Well I’m not really big on bands or anything, but I really like Panic At The Disco.
10) What was the last lie you told?
I don’t remember
11) Do you believe in karma?
Yeah, but I dont like to let her have all the fun, y’know?
12) What does your URL mean?
Sam Winchester is a reason that I’m alive. Therefore, it’s kind of an answer to a question. “Why are you alive?” - “Because Sam Winchester.”
13) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
I think my greatest weakness is how in touch with my emotions I am, it can be problematic at times. I think my greatest strength is my ability to listen and understand people, which in turn, allows me to effectively give advice.
14) Who is your celebrity crush?
15) How do you vent your anger?
I usually go for a walk or cry it out by myself. If I ever vent to someone then you know I’ve reached my limit.
16) Do you have a collection of anything?
I had a collection of plastic horse toys, kind of like Breyers, but I gave them to my sister. 
17) Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
I’m not completely content with who I am yet, but I am working on it. I’m happy with how far I’ve come though.
18) What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
I hate the sound of people chewing and sniffing all their snot in, instead of blowing it out like a sensible person ????? I love the sound of rain and thunder storms, I also love the sound of violins and wire string guitars.
19) What’s your biggest “what if”?
What if one day I’m not strong enough to fight anymore?
20) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
21) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
22) Smell the air. What do you smell?
Idk what it is, but it’s got a slightly sweet smell. I think it’s Raspberry Jam.
23) What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
One of the worst places I’ve been was probably the wake of my baby niece when I was real small. I can’t remember anything else.
24) Most attractive singer/s of your opposite gender?
The most attractive male singers I’ve ever heard sing are obviously Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki.
25) To you, what is the meaning of life?
Idk about meaning, I don’t know if life has a meaning. I do think everyone has a purpose though.
26) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
I don’t drive yet. Too lazy to get my permit lol as well as the fact that where I live you have to log 100 hours behind the wheel with an adult present in order to get your license unless you’re 18, I am not.
27) What was the last movie you saw?
I’m watching Moana right now.
28) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
I tore my ACL (a ligament at the back of the knee) a year ago.
29) Do you have any obsessions right now?
Supernatural, Tumblr, writing, singing, Disney Movies, the ocean, Jared Padalecki/Sam Winchester, acting.
30) Ever had a rumor spread about you?
31) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
I hold grudges for a while, but after so long it gets tiring and pointless. However, if one does not seek forgiveness before I get tired of holding a grudge, they will be cut out of my life. I don’t need that negativity just because you’re too full of yourself to apologize for whatever you did.
32) What is your astrological sign?
33) What’s the last thing you purchased?
I purchased a thing of Ocean themed earrings.
34) Love or lust?
35) In a relationship?
Yeah, with Netflix. 
36) How many relationships have you had?
37) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
I am very good at reading people, so I lay low for a while and watch. Once I get a good feel for someone I can adjust my personality to fit theirs. It’s why I get along with so many different kinds of people.
38) Where is your best friend?
I have a few. One of them is an entire state away. One of them lives 5 minutes from me, the other two live about 20-25 minutes from me. At this moment, I don’t know specifically where any of them are.
39) What were you doing last night at 12 AM?
40) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
Yeah, sometimes. 
41) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
Save the dog. I’ll explain it to my boss and if they fire me I can find a new job. I can always find a new job, but that one life is the only one the dog will get. Also, I’m just a big softy.
42) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
(a) I don’t think I would tell anyone, at least not immediately. I wouldn’t want to be treated like I’m dying during my last days. I suppose I could tell a few very close people though, I just don’t want to be smothered.
(b) I would drop all the unnecessary responsibilities I have and start doing things that I want to do, but subtly. Still don’t want to be treated like I’m dying.
© I don’t know if I would be afraid. I like to think I wouldn’t, I might just be more sad than afraid. Sad to think about my friends and family having to live without me, sad I won’t get to do half the things I always dreamed of doing.
43) What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
“Brother” - NEEDTOBREATHE ft. Gavin DeGraw 
“Simple Man” - Cover by Jensen Ackles
44) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
A great romantic relationship should consist of communication, understanding, and honesty. Boundaries should be respected, you should always admit when you are wrong and never leave the house or go to sleep mad at each other. The mindset should be best friends before lovers. You should always want what is best for your partner, but always remember to care for yourself too.
45) How can I win your heart?
It’s pretty easy. If you can make me laugh, but also take part in a deep, soul-searching conversation we’re practically married. 
46) Can insanity bring on more creativity?
47) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
The single best decision I’ve made in my life so far was learning to take care of me first.
48) What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
“Don’t worry bitches, I’ll be back.” Probably not that, but I think it would be funny. Maybe something more like “Here lies: Your mom…. lol jk it’s just me, [insert full name]”
49) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “heart.”
All that came to mind was Sam Winchester. *shrug*
50) Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors?
51) What is your current desktop picture?
A sea turtle
52) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
I’d say probably this kid named Billy who goes to my church. If you met him you would know why.
53) What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
Oh god, okay well a lot of the time I would be afraid to tell the truth when people ask me if I’m okay. lol but don’t go asking me if I’m okay or anything after you read this cause that’s not cool.
54) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
Oh, hell yeah, I would totally want super strength or laser eyes.
55) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
I think I would relive the half-hour chunk of time from my 5th birthday party when me and my best friend at the time were outside in the cold November fog riding a miniature pony. There were other kids there, but only her and I were excited about it and I would honestly give anything to go back a relive that innocent bliss.
56) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
I think I would erase having to lose my horse just March of this year.
57) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
I would probably sleep with Demi Lovato or Sabrina Carpenter. This is kind of a hard question because usually I only know singers for their music, not their looks or anything.
58) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
Obviously, I’d go to see my soulmate. Although, I would have to be strategic about this. I think i would drive to go get her and then buy her ticket (bc mine’s free) and we’d go see mom. ( @assbutt-still-in-hell )
59) Ever been on a plane?
No, I don’t really want to, but I probably will at some point.
60) Give me your top 5 hottest celebrities.
1. Jared Padalecki
2. Jensen Ackles
3. Misha Collins
4. Gal Gadot
5. Ian Somerhalder (and Genevieve Padalecki, why tf do I only get 5????)
What can I say except you’re WELCOME! Thanks for the questions, they only took me an hour and half to do lol.
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