flawedhearts · 9 months
@bastardsculs asked: [ run ] for your muse to run their fingers through mine’s hair  // oh oh but consider: ulfar n alexi
Knots and matts happened, they were part in parcel with the warrior lifestyle. So when he'd been offered the chance to comb through Ulfar's hair, he took the opportunity with both hands, literally. Fingers gently tamed unruly locks, and he couldn't help but laugh when he heard a familiar wince when he tugged a little too hard.
"My love, I promise I'm being gentle.." as if to punctuate his point he started to delicately work at a braid. Being able to do something so intimate with his partner filled Alexi with a warmth no furnace could ever beat. Everyone would know they had been crafted by him, and that alone made him preen. As he finished the braid between his fingers he tilted Ulfar's head back to kiss his forehead, "See? Very gentle."
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clochanamarc · 10 months
I just want u to know that any time I listen to first light off hozier's new album it gives me Aisling/eoin vibes and I'm emotionally compromised xoxo
i'm listening to it for the billionth time and just. just??? ??? ? mister hozi.er did you write this song for them bc like, "darkness always finds you either way" ???? "but after this i'm never gonna be the same, and i am never going back again" LIKE CROW U FECKIN GENIUS IT'S LITERALLY AN ODE TO THAT FINAL NIGHT AISLING SPENT IN IRELAND??
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bailesona · 2 years
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“  teddy!  how  wonderful  to  see  you  again,  son;  how  are  you?  freezing  cold,  at  the  least;  come  in  out  of  that  blasted  snow...  “          a  combination  of  blazing  fireplace  and  a  recent  measure  of  the  good  whiskey  lend  a  rosy  hue  to  his  cheeks.  a  jovial  arm  swings  around  the  lawyer’s  shoulders,  and  pulls  him  heartily  into  the  warmth  of  the  apartment,  nudging  the  door  shut  behind  him  with  a  neat  kick.  who  would  have  thought?  that  some  years  ago,  all  it  would  take  was  the  shared  need  for  legal  advice  regarding  adoption  and  the  laws  attached  to  the  process,  and  voila.  the  jones  family  gained  another  member.  beaming  at  theodore,  he  pats  away  a  few  errant  flakes  of  snow  from  his  coat,  and  then  gestures  to  the  various  open  doors  that  stem  from  the  entrance  to  the  apartment.          “  you  know  everyone,  i  daresay.  well,  almost  everyone;  ramsay  and  alison  just  started  working  with  us,  and  aisling  has  recently  taken  in  another  three.  i  think  you  may  have  met  gabriela  outside?  she  was  putting  more  drinks  in  the  snow  bank.  why  use  ice  cubes  when  mother  nature  has  us  sorted,  eh?  come  on,  let  me  take  your  coat  and  you  can  go  warm  yourself  up,  alright?  “
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@bastardsculs​ liked THIS POST for a family holiday dinner starter!  ( and the locations of all the other muses are in the tags if teddy wants to mingle!! )
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killerkiings · 2 years
       DAMIAN’S EXPRESSION QUICKLY SHIFTS from one of surprise to one of childlike happiness. There’s a small voice in the back of his head that likes to remind him how much the majority of the hockey players hate seeing him skate. Caspar was never like that, and Damian was surprised that he liked talking to him. 
       He skated over to Caspar, leaning against the boards, chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. ”You didn’t have to do that.” His voice is soft, almost shy and Damian found himself cringing internally. “I mean if you want...you can hang around. Watch me practice.” He hesitates for a moment before rolling his eyes and adding “You can laugh every time I fall on my ass. It’ll be a good time.”
@bastardsculs asked:  “ i didn’t wanna leave without saying goodbye. “ ( caspar + damian )
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muhtal · 8 months
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@naturesviolence / @bastardsculs sent : a last kiss before one goes away . // a lil cheek kiss from sigurd maybe uwu (naturesviolence)
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SIGURD HAS PROVEN HIMSELF MUCH MORE FRIENDLY THAN EIVOR - but then Basim had expected as much. Torn between two people. THE ORPHAN / THE GOD - Eivor was as similar as the assassin himself ; except in Basim's case , one side was winning throughout - unfortunately for the man before him. SIGURD ; innocent in all of this , well - perhaps not innocent , but certainly a pawn of some kind.
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LIPS GRACE HIS CHEEK & he smiles for a moment. "Ah , my friend , we shall see each other again - i am certain of it." AFTER ALL ; Loki hasn't quite finished with him , nor with Odin. One step at a time. This parting was by design , and it would not be for long.
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@bastardsculs sent : “How do you sleep at night? Knowing you could have done MORE?” // look,,,,, look, i'm throwing red hood at u and yes he's probably projecting but shhhhh <3 (naturesviolence)
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"I think you're one to talk." A SNORT LEAVES THE SUPER SOLDIERS LIPS AS HE LEANS BACK. "I don't. That what you wanna hear? sleep? i'm lucky if i get an hour or two and yeah , maybe i used to blame myself for not doing more - not fighting hard enough but it doesn't work like that." THERE WAS NOTHING LEFT TO FIGHT , NOT AT THE START. Wiped , over and over - until he'd seen Steve and had something , no someone , to remember. "You can't fight when you don't know what you're fighting for , kid. That's the whole point. You're not fighting in that case , you're just causing more problems. I couldn't remember anything different. The soldier was all i knew."
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flawednasties · 1 year
Hollis: Only during her military days did Hollis really indulge in and enjoy having regular quickies, primarily because she often bunked up with her superior officer Gil. Since that ended up biting her in the backside, she won’t entertain any quickies unless she’s in a committed relationship and even then she prefers having ‘proper’ sex. 
Holden: Quick, rough and dirty are all very much on brand with Holden, it’s not that slow, languid sex isn’t something he likes but getting scratched, bruised or bitten are things that he finds really hot. If he manages to wrangle himself into a committed relationship then he definitely likes to let such details be known. It makes him feel more desired to be in a rush and to go with a spur of the moment quickie wherever the mood strikes. 
Sawyer: His first sexual encounter was what framed Sawyer’s perspective on quickies. The intensity and risk that came from them was exciting, the potential of getting caught with his pants down just added to his desires to ‘get the job done’. During his military days this only got heightened, and it was easier with them being shipped from pillar to post, no emotional attachment needed. But in the last five years that mentality has changed, he just wants someone to settle with, a sense of more stability than a quickie.
Mac: The only time that Mac would entertain a quickie is in a really dire situation, where the adrenaline was so high he couldn’t ignore. He’s only recently come out as bisexual and the fact that it can come with this promiscuity label makes him uneasy. There’s part of him that likes getting handsy but besides that he actually likes a long, drawn out process when it comes to sexual intimacy. 
@bastardsculs asked:  Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) // hollis, Holden, sawyer, mac xoxo | a-z smut headcanons
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twcheaded-a · 11 months
the detail u put into ur muses??? the thought??? the care??? all of it, adrian, i'm gonna be honest. ur characterization and ability to explore all facets of ur muses is just..... so good..... unmatched. and then u throw in writing that's just damn good to read and boom, talent is stored in the twcheaded <3
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!!! Crow!! prints this out and tapes it to my wall!! you are so sweet,, my muses are like onions with their layers. i try so hard to bring you and the dash all well-rounded characters and portrayals and immersive writing! I'm so glad it comes through. thank you so much!!
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anunkindncss · 1 year
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Since there's around 850 of you little nuggets now, time to celebrate with some shout outs!
Expect some feelings to be involved here, this may get mushy.
@greatcstarcher: The first person to find a ship with me since my return to this hell-hole of a site, the person to explain everything so my old man brain can comprehend, my long lost sister (I mean the resemblance between you and the other goob is super uncanny). Words cannot express how overjoyed I am to know you and to write with you. Thank you for bringing to life one of my favorite ships in years.
@vntagetee You have tolerated my hot mess of a self since the beginning of my return and have always been game to play with a multitude of my boys but man Jason x Ella really did something special here. I think you are an incredible writer and I feel privileged you took a chance on chatting with me one day. Thank you for existing.
Got my two mains out of the way, now onto some honorable mentions. Check out these lovely ducks I've written with, or started writing with, who I think are epic: @cxmewhxtmxy @unlevshed @dutyworn @kittylvck @arxchnoverture @familyxforged @bccksmarts @thatslayer @dxddiesgirls @theolderhenderson+ too many more to name.
And then there's these fools who are amazing and so far out of my caliber it's insane, but please reach out to them because reading their writing gives me life: @bastardsculs @feralsmile @nancewheelr @rebelcliche @finalslay @crimelcrd @misfittcd @ecopoison @mysteriary @pumpkinstabs @loveshard @whcwashe + a billion more.
I am so glad to be back in the community. I can't wait to write with more of you. Thank you for joining this wild ride with me.
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flawedhearts · 10 months
@bastardsculs asked:  "Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our lives." // ok no but just-married noah n cal :pleading: | meme
Cal was conflicted, his attention fighting between the freshly adorned wedding band on his finger and his husband. It felt weird to play that word over in his head, but it was true. The one person he loved more than life itself was now bound to him, they’d made a committment through sickness and health and all the other shit he couldn’t remember while he was riding the high of remembering he was now married. 
He clasped their hands together in front of them, as they had done at the altar not long ago, and made an incoherent noise. “You’re right.. and I’m scared as fuck..” but standing there, looking at Noah, he knew he was going to be okay. It was as if some divine intervention brought them together, one another’s ideal counterpart. Heartache had been dampened out by a gentle soul and Cal couldn’t be more grateful.
Leaning forward, he brushed their noses together and closed his eyes, “But I love you so much and there’s nobody I’d rather do life with...”
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clochanamarc · 9 months
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*pretend im on Alec rn* look.... they can't be perfect..... but he's in love and he Tries to live up to some of these that he doesn't fully fit, so that probably counts for something until he fucks it all up
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there's an abundance of tragedy to be found in the lack of knowledge of that forthcoming tragedy. and when she's looking at the sheet, this is exactly what she doesn't know; that no matter how many red circles adorn this page, the future will never be so kind to them as what they must surely have earned by now. her chin rests atop his shoulder (made tolerable only by the fact that he's sitting down) and she wraps her arms around him from behind. " i always knew you were impatient, just so you know. and even if you don't much appreciate being in a big family... you are my family, alec trevelyan. and that's all that matters. "
the bingo template (and the blank version!) can be found here!
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bailesona · 2 years
look the life and warmth and variety u put into creating the diner and its vibe is absolutely stunning and i'm sobbing that u manage to have so many lovely *human* characters and write them all so intertwined yet beautifully unique and i just think ur great ok thx ily blue
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killerkiings · 2 years
          WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT, Luc takes a few steps back from Romeo. The tone of their voice reminds him of those moments where Topher’s had what he likes to call “enough peopling” for a day. His hands are immediately lifted, palms forward in surrender, a look of concern flashing across his face. Luc’s the reluctant dad friend of the band and he can’t help but worry about the people in his life.
      “Sorry. That’s...that’s my bad,” he murmurs, hand moving to scratch at his beard. Blue eyes flick around them, trying to take stock of the people around them. “I uh...do you need anything? I can try and get people to fuck off if you need space.” 
@bastardsculs asked:  ‘ get away from me.’ // uhhh Romeo at any of the band babes maybe 🤔
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bastardsculs-a · 3 years
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yes caspar does get called larzy (bc stolarz) and nathan absolutely does get called princey bc hockey really do be like that
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flawednasties · 1 year
@bastardsculs​ asked: for the entire this/that list for scott :)
Submissive or Dominant?
Whips or Chains?
Handcuffs or Shibari?
Pillow Princess or Power Bottom?
Voyeur or Exhibitionist?
Blindfolds or Spreader Bars?
Butt Plugs or Vibrators?
Edging or Multiple Rounds?
Knots or Ovipositor?
Spanking or Scratching?
Ball Gag or Muzzle?
Strap on or Double Sided Dildo?
On on one or Group Sex?
Vanilla or Kinky?
Lengthy Cocks or Girthy Cocks?
Small Boobs or Large Boobs???? this man is a violent homosexual so do with that what u will
Ass or Chests?
Thighs or Arms?
Hot Wax or Knifeplay?
Loud or Quiet?
Biting or Sucking?
Collars or Piercings?
Costumes or Lingerie? tbh he only likes it when it’s him wearing it uwu
Monogamy or Polyamory?
Laughing and silliness during sex or Intensity and power struggle during sex?
Fucking a Virgin or Fucking someone with experience?
Face to face or from behind?
Phone sex or Sexting?
Cumming inside or Cumming outside?
Being filled or Bukkake?
Dirty Talk or Degradation?
Role play or Porn on in the background?
Public Edging or Filming in the Bedroom?
Condom or Bareback? Everyone hates this man for openly admitting it i s2g
Lube or Raw?
Video Call Masturbation or Sexy Selfies?
Blood Play or Breath Play?
Face fucking or Anal sex?
Leather or PVC?
Morning Sex or Evening Sex?
Clothes on or Clothes off?
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twcheaded-a · 1 year
🎮 — favorite video game(s)?
Disco Elysium (ofc), Skyrim, RDR2, and Stardew Valley!
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