#batb 91
enchantcdrose · 24 days
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y’all think belle ever comes home from the village to adam doing shit like this
he still has Beast Posture™️ and has to consciously walk up stairs on two legs instead of all fours
(art by me)
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firawren · 3 months
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Beauty and the Beast 1991 text posts, part 12 out of ?
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intothewestwing · 2 months
to those of you who have been keeping up with my beauty and the beast fic, thank you so much for your kind words and likes!!
i’m out of town visiting my girlfriend so i haven’t had time to update it, but don’t worry- i haven’t forgotten about it!! i also have come down with a sickness :(
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i’m curious- do we think, for this rewrite, having not only the death caveat but also having beast slowly becoming more animalistic (similar to the bears in Brave) would be interesting?
let me know your thoughts!!
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thefamilybruno · 4 months
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Commissioned this artwork from @rain1940 for my canon-divergent fan fiction Roses and Daffodils. :)
Aren't they so sweet together?
Aaaaahhhh, I love it so much!
Roses and Daffodils Summary: When Belle breaks the Enchantress’s spell before she ever returns to the village, Gaston’s plan to threaten to lock her father away in an asylum never comes to fruition. Instead, when Gaston discovers that Belle is engaged to a prince, he becomes determined to steal her away, vowing that he will someday make Belle his wife. After Gaston secures a position as the gamekeeper at the castle, he strikes up a false friendship with Adam - a relationship he tolerates only so that he can become closer to Belle. Over time, Gaston’s feelings change, and a friendship that began as a clever ruse transforms into something else entirely.
But happily ever after won’t come easily. And thanks to the Enchantress, things aren’t always what they seem.
FYI: It is a poly-v (Gaston/Adam, Adam/Belle) story (end game). Also, it's a story that involves both magic and deception. Don’t worry - there’s no emotional infidelity. And there’s a happy ending!
click below for excerpt :)
“Now what are you forcing me to read?” Gaston asked. 
As Adam settled down on the sofa, he plopped the book onto Gaston’s lap. Gaston read the title with a scowl. 
“The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe?”
“You’ll like it.”
Gaston wrinkled his nose. Ugh. Reading. Again. It never ended with these people. With a bemused look, Adam took the book back and opened it to the first page. He scooted closer, close enough that their thighs and shoulders were touching, and as Adam’s familiar scent filled Gaston’s nostrils, he realized that he would read anything, no matter how dull, if it meant that they could sit together like this. 
Adam began to read.
"I was born in the year 1632, in the city of York, of a good family… ”
For the next half hour, Gaston entered a serene, almost dreamlike state as he listened to Adam’s soothing voice. With his reservations about physical affection lost amidst this blissful tranquility, Gaston slowly slid down lower in his seat and then rested his head against Adam’s shoulder. For a brief moment, Adam’s voice faltered, but then, he continued to read, seemingly taking care to keep his tone even and calm as his head came to settle on top of Gaston’s too. 
Adam read another two sentences and then he placed the book in Gaston’s lap.
“Do you mind reading for a bit?”
A rush of adrenaline snapped Gaston out of his dreamlike state. Just thinking about reading aloud in front of Adam had his heart thumping harder in his chest, knowing that all of the time he had spent impressing him with his many skills was likely to be undone in under thirty seconds. 
In a panic, Gaston shoved Adam off of him and stood. 
“I’m tired.”
Adam stood too. As soon as Gaston turned to leave, Adam caught his wrist. 
“Do you really think I care about your reading abilities?”
Gaston yanked his arm away, disturbed and annoyed that Adam could see right through him. He looked at the couch and then back at Adam. All he wanted at that moment was to sit with him again. Why couldn’t he make himself do it?
“Are you afraid or something?” Adam asked with a wry smile. 
Adam knew exactly what he was doing. And Gaston was so fucking thankful for it.
“Of reading?” Gaston asked, standing up straighter and puffing out his chest. “How ridiculous.”
“You must be."
Somehow, Adam’s silly strategy was working. Gaston could feel the need to prove that he wasn’t afraid overcoming his fear of looking incompetent. 
“I’d be surprised if a peasant like you even knew his letters.”
Gaston’s jaw tightened reflexively from the insult, but Adam’s widening smile reminded him that they were only playing a game and even though Gaston knew that all of this was a ruse, he made himself believe it. Because he needed to.
“Sit down, your highness,” Gaston said as he returned to the couch. “I’ll prove you wrong.”
Adam sat down next to him. “Doubtful.”
At precisely the same moment, the two men rested their heads together. The fact that they did this at the exact same time was so Goddamn incredible, so Goddamn beautiful, that Gaston thought his heart would break. Now there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that Adam was falling in love with him too.
But what about Belle?
When Adam let out a sad sigh, Gaston somehow knew that they were both asking themselves that same terrible, unanswerable question.
What about Belle?
“Just read,” Adam said, all of the confidence and playfulness he had shown only seconds earlier now gone from his voice. “Please.”
Gaston licked his lips. His eyes flitted over to Adam once more and then back down at the book. 
“In…this…state of life…how-ever…I re-mained some…time…un-cer-tain…what… mea-sures to…take…and what…course of…life…to…lead.”
Even though he had read this statement in a slow and clunky manner, the weight of its meaning fell upon Gaston's shoulders. And it was heavier than anything he had ever tried to lift before. He moved his finger to the beginning of the sentence and read it one more time.
“In this state of life, however, I remained some time, uncertain what measures to take and what course of life to lead.”
The room was silent save for the crackling of the wood in the fireplace. Gaston heard Adam swallow. When he glanced over at his friend - his very dear friend - he saw that his eyes were glassy. He realized, then, that his own eyes were becoming misty too. 
“Should I keep going?” Gaston asked.
It was his way of asking Adam to stay. He let one of his hands fall to the couch between them and he wondered if Adam would take it.
Adam’s hand slowly slid down next to Gaston’s and then their fingers touched. 
“Keep going.”
And so, Gaston read to the end of the chapter and then all the way through the next. The two men sat together, their heads resting comfortably against one another’s, fingers only barely touching, as Gaston struggled through the words on each and every page. It took a very, very long time. 
Thank God for those wretched peasant schools.
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hey beast do u want some fries man i think some fries and a good burger would be good for u
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"Oh, burger time, burger time, will you have some burgs of mine?"
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"Lumiere, for the last time"
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"The Master doesn't like hamburgers!"
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"The Master doesn't like hamburgers?" / "The Master doesn't like French fries!"
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"Maybe it's because he's an aristocrat"
"What are we all complaining about?"
"I like puppies and ponies and the fireplace and..."
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With thanks and apologies to BloodStainBlade
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onceuponymous · 1 year
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lumiereswig · 7 months
Do you have a fancast for Lumiere? 🌹
dev patel!! i've always thought he'd be spectacular. lately he's kind of been typecast into ~dramas~ (i blame lion for this) but he came up doing comedies, and he's fantastic at being light and bouncy and a liiiittle bit weird. i also think canonically lumiere should always be a little too hot to exist, and ewan—as hot as he can be in other things—uhhh he was not that.
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lumiereandcogsworth · 5 months
oooooooo wait that bit about the curse skewing time and how it was only 5 days 👀 I’d love to hear about that
so, my theory is that the curse does in fact skew time. in the movie, gaston says “maurice! i’ve spent the last five days trying to find you!” and this is the same night that the curse will be broken. implying that it’s been Only Five Days since gaston left maurice to the wolves in the forest. this, in turns, implies that it’s only been five days since adam and belle met. and while i am happy to play the Disney Soulmates card, and maybe it was five days, i have some ideas as to why it maybe felt longer than that.
firstly, and for some inexplicable reason this needs to be readdressed every now and then, let’s discuss how long the curse has been happening. in batb 1991, lumiere says it’s been ten years in his song be our guest. this, along with the ‘91 narration saying the last petal would fall on adam’s 21st birthday, has unfortunately led to far too many people thinking that adam was cursed as an 11 year old child. this just isn’t true! not only is it positively insane to think that an enchantress would punish a child that way, you really need not look further than our beloved boy chip.
regardless of how old you think he is, i would bet that majority of us agree he’s younger than 10. i’ve always pegged him around 9-10, and in batb 2017, chip’s actor nathan mack was in fact that age at the time! regardless, he’s very most likely younger than 10. now, if you truly think the curse is Ten Real Years Long, i want you to look me in the eye and try to convince me that a teapot gave birth to a teacup. CLEARLY, chip was not born a teacup. chip longs to be a real boy again. i don’t recall if he says anything specifically in batb 1991, but in batb 2017 he asks his mother if he’ll ever be a boy again! he knows what it is to be a real boy! implying he was cursed, and is trapped, as a child; completely destroying the idea that the curse is legitimately ten years long. much more plausibly, lumiere was singing hyperbolically, because he’s a dramatic bitch (and we like him so much.)
now, i’m not going to make this a competitive thing, but batb 2017 DOES do a lot to fix this problem up. number one, the beginning narration gives no indication to adam’s age, or when the rose petals will finish falling. number two, the prologue actually shows chip sneaking into adam’s ball amidst the chaos, highlighting both that he WAS the same boy that you see at the end, and that he was in the room when the enchantress put her curse on everyone. and number three, lumiere’s line in be our guest changes from “ten years” to “too long” - further confirming my theory that he’s just lamenting the agony of their experience. he may not truly know the length of time it’s been, just that it has been too long for anyone’s comfort.
so now that we’ve gathered that time is already a bit funky, let’s look at this curse. the enchantress is one powerful lady. i personally think she’s some kind of trickster goddess of justice or something, who just goes around the world teaching assholes lessons. regardless of who or what agathe is, she is incredibly powerful. the beginning narration states:
“The prince begged for forgiveness, but it was too late, for she had seen that there was no love in his heart. As punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast and placed a powerful spell on the castle, and all who lived there.”
she placed a powerful spell on the CASTLE ! as well as adam and the servants! i think that’s so significant. and it’s very clear that she DID curse the castle! it’s trapped in a perpetual winter, despite the fact that it’s june for the rest of the country. not only that, but you can see the way the curse affects the castle. every time a petal falls, the castle rumbles and parts of the structure crumble and break. the place is slowly deteriorating, the curse is eating it alive. given what we know about their perception of time, and that the castle was individually cursed, it doesn’t seem too much of a stretch to think that the castle is not only frozen in terms of weather, but frozen in time as well.
looking at this next part of the narration:
“As days bled into years, the prince and his servants were forgotten by the world, for the enchantress had erased all memory of them from the minds of the people they loved… …As the years passed, he fell into despair and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a beast?”
she’s so powerful she genuinely affected the entire world. or at least, all of europe. like, nobody is asking or wondering about the french prince?? no one is stopping by?? no one is sending letters?? nope! their minds have literally been erased. not a soul in france is wondering what their monarchy is up to. adam has been entirely forgotten. i also think it’s important to note the usage of the word “years” which she says twice. sure, you could argue that it is real years! because it says so! but honestly i think she’s speaking from the perspective of the cursed individuals, particularly adam. in both instances, adam’s experience is stated immediately after she says “years” — first, being forgotten, second, falling into despair. i would argue, then, that to adam (and the servants) it had simply FELT like years. not real years that the rest of the world would experience, but a terrible weight on their shoulders, a hopeless longing for rescue from this awful state, dragging on seemingly endlessly, too long, feeling like years.
my conclusion: i believe that the castle time and real time are not the same. based on everything i’ve laid out, it seems as though the castle is very especially cursed, and while it has felt like years (i honestly don’t think it’s felt like more than three or four. i feel like if you go any further you have to start accounting for mental age, particularly chip. but i may be getting too deep about it.) in reality, it may have only been a matter of months. what if that awful storm that led the enchantress to come “seek shelter” happened in january or february, and now it’s june. perhaps it’s been around six months in real time. but to the castle’s inhabitants? it’s felt like years. so then, if we can use this theory for a moment, perhaps belle’s “five days” at the castle felt a lot more like a handful of weeks, maybe even a month or two.
i also think this because the sort of rapport that adam and belle have just seems like they’ve known each other longer than five days. and don’t get me wrong, sometimes people have those instant connections. like i said, im happy to play the Disney Soulmates card. but humor me for a minute! they have their little inside jokes about romance novels and belle teases him in such a way that just exudes the comfortability between friends, not new acquaintances. not only this, but when they’re in paris, adam simply asks “what happened to your mother?” when belle explains where they are. this, to me, implies that he already knew her mother died when she was a baby. and, personally, i don’t think that’s something i’d mention to someone i’d only known less than a week. but it seems like she’s already had That conversation with him, and further, it seems he’s comfortable about the topic, and feels close enough with her to ask about it further! to me, the way their relationship is depicted, it seems as though they’ve really developed a friendship over more than a bit of time, and have definitely very naturally fallen in love within said friendship.
anything is possible, and this is all my own little speculations and ideas. whether it really was five days or perhaps more, it’s quite clear that their love is something quite spectacular.
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101obsessions · 1 year
If you disagree with any of these, just keep scrolling, please 🙏
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raph-fangirl · 7 years
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Parallels between Beauty and the Beast and Phantom of the Opera
Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams; Purge your thoughts of the life you knew before;  Close your eyes; let your spirit start to soar, and you'll live as you've never lived before.
By Amelie-ami-chan on DeviantArt.
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unusual-ly · 7 years
You know how during Gaston's wedding scene in the animated movie '91!Stanley can be seen near the wedding cake? I like to think that although he's usually not a big eater, cakes are HIS THING. Not only does he like eating them, but he also enjoys baking and decorating them. What if he actually worked at a bakery?? Imagine all the things he could bake LeFou for free ( LeFou would often feel a bit embarrassed and want to pay him but Stan refuses ) and all the cute messages he could write on them.
What if he was the one who baked that wedding cake?
Also imagine when LeFou has a bad day Stanley makes him cakes and pastries and stuff, and he knows all of LeFou’s fav treats and what he prefers for different events and situations
‘91!LeFou Potts where Stan helps Mrs Potts bake LeFou’s birthday cake
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enchantcdrose · 28 days
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beauty and the beast pencil test
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firawren · 8 months
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Beauty and the Beast 1991 text posts, part 7 out of ?
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intothewestwing · 3 months
ch 4- If I Can't Love Her
After exiting the dungeons, Beast and Belle found the man of wax waiting for them at the bottom of the stairs. With Lumiere following in tow, The Beast led the eternal guest through the winding halls of the castle. With almost no light to guide their way, it was easy to get lost in a place like this. The decor was dated, but Belle recognized it as a baroque style, with gothic inspiration. She'd read about this type of architecture before, but had never seen it in person. The castle was unlike anything she'd ever seen. And though it was dated, everything still seemed maintained somehow. There wasn't a speck of dust to be found.
Who was in charge of the upkeep? She thought. It certainly wasn't the monster before her. And the candlestick Person? Behind them didn't seem to have hands...
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Though Belle admired the haunting beauty of the castle, she felt as if she was being watched. Even the smallest sconces lining the walls had faces carved into them. It was almost unsettling.
What was most definitely unsettling, though, was the hall of armor, where as she walked, the heads of the statuesque knights seemed to turn and follow her. No, not seemed. They were definitely watching her.
When The Beast spoke, she jumped. His husk voice nearly matched the decorum that surrounded them, she thought. Luckily, the person of wax was close enough to catch her in case she tripped. She felt almost comforted by the soft touch of bronze that supported her back. At least they didn't have claws...
"I- Uh..." The Beast stammered as he realized he'd frightened her. Again. "The Castle is your home now, so you're free to wander where you'd like. The kitchens, the ballrooms, the study, even the gardens." He found himself listing the places he knew off the top of his head, though he realized his memory of the palace wasn't quite what it used to be. It'd been so long since he'd really left his quarters...
"Everywhere except the West Wing."
Belle wasn't fully paying attention to his words, but more of the occasional lisp that formed when the creature spoke.
"Why?" She asked casually. "What's in the West Wing?"
"It is none of your concern." The Beast's voice was stern and defensive.
"Is it dangerous?" Belle had noticed the occasional cracks in the walls, as if the very foundation of the place was struggling. Every speck of dust was swept away, but there was no hiding that.
"No, but-"
"Then why is it-" She knew better than to have pushed him to tell her why, but Belle was just as stubborn as he was. And as far as she knew, he didn't have a good answer as to why.
The Beast turned and faced her, looming over her small frame.
"It is forbidden. You are never to set foot there. Do you understand?"
Her voice caught in her throat. He was definitely getting defensive. And just like an animal, defense meant violence.
"Do you understand?" He stepped closer to her, so they were only mere inches from each other. Only inches from ripping her apart, she thought.
"Yes!" She cried before he could lay a hand on her.
The Beast looked up to meet the disapproving gaze of the waxed figure behind her. Lumiere was shaking his head, reminding him that he was supposed to woo her- not scare her into submission.
With an annoyed huff, The Beast spun back around and led his new guest up the stairs, into the East wing. Luckily, Lumiere had spread the word of the girl, and the entire east wing was spruced up just for her. It had been the Queen's wing when the prince was merely a boy, and was completely untouched. Until today.
Somber memories of his mother danced around the group as they entered this part of the castle. What seemed to be men, women, and children built of wax lined the halls, their candles all lit. It seemed Lumiere pulled out all the stops when it came to preparing this wing for her, Beast thought. It looked completely different from the rest of the gloomy castle.
Once the group arrived at the Queen's suite, The Beast hesitated before opening the door for his guest. Much to his surprise, the double doors opened on their own, revealing a bedroom glittering in gold details and the finest furnishings on this side of the globe.
The sight was all too familiar.
"This," He stuttered once more. "This is your suite. If you need anything, anything at all, my servants with attend to you. All you need to do is ask."
Belle couldn't believe her eyes. All of this hidden beauty and wealth, just sitting stagnant in the woods outside her village... It took her breath away. She stepped into the room (though she could hardly call it a bedroom- it was the size of her father's cottage) and ogled at the furnishings. The fireplace. The wardrobe. The bed... The bed. It was twice, no, three times the size of hers at home.
She'd read a story before, about two poor friends who were offered a mansion of their own. The girls were given all the food they could eat, elegant clothes, enough for them to never worry about money again. But in the end, it was a trap, set by an evil sorceress.
That is what Belle felt now.
It was all so beautiful, but she wasn't here of her own choice. She was a prisoner in a beautiful, golden cage. Her eyes filled with tears as she kept her back to her captor, who menacingly filled the doorframe. How long before she was his servant? His meal? Were the candle people his prisoners too? How long before her skin became wax as well?
The Beast watched as she admired the suite. She stuck out from it all. Not because of her simple clothing or her disheveled hair, but something else. He couldn't quite understand what is was though, nor would he have time to figure it out, before a nagging voice whispered to him.
"Dinner," It said. "Invite the girl to dinner." Lumiere nudged his master from below, suggestively motioning toward their new guest.
Beast cleared his throat. "One more thing. Each night, you will join me for dinner."
This demand was enough to enrage Belle. Finally, an excuse to let out her frustrations. All her fears of what he'd do to her as his prisoner were gone. He'd taken everything from her in a matter of seconds. What more could he do to torment her?
"Dinner?" She scoffed as she faced him. "You've taken me as your prisoner and you want to have dinner with me?"
The Beast was not expecting a response.
"What if I refuse?" She challenged him. "Hm?"
The thought of him mauling her was more pleasant than dining with him. The sheer audacity for him to ask this of her, on top of everything, made her laugh.
But this mocking laughter only angered him more. How was he supposed to fall in love with her? Or worse, her fall in love with him?
She saw him as an animal, a monster. That was clear. So perhaps he needed to play the part. On all fours, he leapt toward her and stopped directly in front of her, his fangs mere inches away from her face.
"You will join me for dinner." He snarled in a hushed voice. "That is not a request!"
She had no rebuttal for him. No argument. No challenging one-liners. She was clearly out of her depth, and though she'd volunteered to stay, she wished more than anything that she was back home. Safe. Actually, she'd prefer the forest wolves. At least they'd kill her quick instead of dining with her first.
Frozen in fear, she had no choice but to meet his icy gaze. Once he was satisfied with her silence, The Beast raised back onto his feet and left the room, slamming the double doors behind him. He left his servants behind as he made his way toward the West Wing. Just as the East was a different atmosphere, the West was as well- though in a much more horrific way. The tapestries that lined the hallways were shredded and torn, the paintings ripped apart, the mirrors smashed. The typical few side table and plinths that once held vases and busts of previous kings were smashed to pieces, their faces and wooden limbs broken and scattered onto the cold floor.
As The Beast entered his suite, the furnishings here were in a similar state. As the furnishings in the East seemed alive, the ones here were no more. They unfortunately had fallen victim to the Beast's anger in the early days of his curse. And, of course, looming over everything was the painted portrait of his past self. Claw marks stretched over the painting, leaving nothing but a mangled face in their wake.
The only light that illuminated in the shadows of the West Wing was the ominous light of the enchanted rose, hidden under a bell jar. This is where The Beast spent his mornings, his days, and his nights. And this is where he would remain on this very evening, he'd decided. That rose, the symbol of his deterioration, the object that took his life from him... How ironic it was that the most beautiful thing in this room, was the thing slowly killing him. With every fallen petal came a world of pain, and a small part of the once-prince died. Luckily, he had some time before another one would fall.
His eyes fell to the mirror, another "gift" of his curse. With this enchanted mirror, he could see anything he desired. Whether that was memories from his past, or a peek into the village. He could even see what his life would've been like if he hadn't been cursed. That was the cruelest vision of all. He was able to see exactly how he would have aged. And just how much he would've looked like his father...
Instead, The Beast picked up the mirror, and shut his eyes before he could see his current reflection. "Show me the girl."
The mirror obeyed, and illuminated with an image of Belle. She sat on the bed, and was cleaning the blood from her leg. Even through the mirror, he could hear the shrill voice of the wardrobe behind her, consoling her and offering rags to wrap her wound with.
They'd only met for a few moments before he'd hurt her. How awful was that? Finally, a chance to break free from the curse, and he'd blown it. And he'd be stuck with her. Forever. He could let her go free, but that would just be embarrassing. Emasculating. To make such a fuss only to let her go in the end? The Beast watched and admired the beauty of his prisoner, before he felt a cold chill run down his spine.
"She is beautiful, isn't she?" The voice of The Enchantress echoed from behind him. He could hear the sly smile in her voice as she taunted him.
The Enchantress, Feya, often made her visits after a petal has fallen. In her words, she enjoyed "tracking his progress" on breaking her spell. But from his perspective, he believed she enjoyed his suffering.
"Feya..." He sighed, already annoyed by her presence. She stepped around him and held her finger under his chin, taunting him to look up at her.
"What, my beast? Do you not enjoy the gift I brought you?" Her voice was filled with glee. "That poor old man, he would have perished out in the cold. What a blessing it was he found your silly castle." She stroked the hair on his face before snatching the mirror from his claws and walking with it.
Of course. She'd led them here.
"And how convenient. His only daughter? Sacrificing herself to rescue him?"
"Stop it." Beast held his head in his hands.
"What, Beastie? No 'thank you'?" She cackled. "I did you a favor!" Feya slammed down the mirror in front of him. "She's even your type! Small, beautiful, and foolish enough to agree to an eternity with you!"
"Feya, please stop this." The Beast's voice was shaky as he plead with her. Finding the strength to make eye contact, he begged once more. "Please..."
The Enchantress tilted her head and stroked his misshapen face. "You should have married me when you had the chance." Though they were simple, her words were bitter and cold.
"Beg for my forgiveness, Beast."
With the flick of her wrist, her magic grabbed Beast by his throat and suspended him in the air. Her taunting grin twisted into a vengeful frown of disapproval. As he struggled to breathe, she continued to demand he beg for mercy, to which he complied.
She motioned once more, and her magic dropped his limp body onto the floor, with a loud thud echoing as he landed. He gasped for air, and fell into a coughing fit. The Enchantress knelt down and lifted his sorry chin once more.
"That's more like it." She grinned.
"I'll see you in two weeks."
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thefamilybruno · 5 months
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Artwork by the wonderfully talented Andrea Meier (@missmitkopete on Instagram)! Definitely follow her if you have Instagram. You can support her on Patreon too!
I commissioned this piece to go along with my fanfic The Prince and the Peasant, which I wrote to see if I could build a love story between these two men, who both start out so awful in different ways, while also playing with Adam's curse so that I could gently point to the class commentary present in Beauty and the Beast. I love these two together.
There's another version of this artwork (slightly darker shading to go along with the dim light of the fire in the fireplace). I'll post that one eventually too.
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Dammit now the master is gonna find out
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"The master is going to find out what.  That everyone here has started talking to the witch's parting gift?  That it's a secret, because I'll ruin this last chance too if I find out about it?"
"I know.  I've known the whole time."
"... they can do what they want.  I don't care."
[The Beast is now open for questions!]
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