#bathtub installation mobile home
philbridges · 6 months
Unboxing Pendant 54 Mobile Home Bathtubs
Putting a new Pendant 54″ Mobile home steel bathtub. This is a right-hand drain. We need to change from a center drain to the right-hand drain. Walk though unboxing the bathtub, what you need to measure to place your drain. We cut the hole in the floor. Not sure what happened with the rest of the install. I thought the unboxing and measuring could help people out. ⏱️⏱️Chapters⏱️⏱️00:00 Follow…
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jacky-rubou · 2 years
As today is the ever coveted Fiddleford Friday, I thought I would ramble about Fiddleford in my He Signs I Love You AU!
Fiddleford forgave Ford for everything that had happened between them before the accident faster than Ford had expected. A few days minimum after that first visit he made while still under the effects of the memory gun. When asked why, Fiddleford responded that he just... didn't feel angry about it anymore and didn't want to hold a grudge when Ford had been so repentant and sorry for everything. His priority now was his best friend Ford's comfort in his own home. Which included helping in the destruction of the very thing that drove Fiddleford away.
Fiddleford had known sign language from one of his aunts back home in Tennessee, who was born deaf and visited often enough for knowledge of the language to be necessary. It was a miracle he hadn't yet lost the memory of how to understand it when he visited Ford, a miracle Ford was very grateful for. I almost mentioned this aunt in the fic, but the most I ended up doing was have him say he understood sign language when Stan tried to interpret for him. And no, I haven't thought of a name for her. And I'm even unsure if I originally thought of her as an aunt or just an unspecified relative to Fiddleford when I was writing the fic. But she's an aunt now cuz I said so, ha!
Fiddleford spent a lot of time when he wasn't helping with the portal just building things that would assist Ford with daily living. It was all his own idea to build a wheelchair elevator on every set of stairs in the house. Including the basement stairs so Ford could come down and assist with what he could. Fiddleford added devices that could lower things from high shelves to a level Ford could reach, changed out every shower/bathtub with a wheelchair accessible one, and even built Ford a very mobile wheelchair that could handle a lot of rough trails for outdoors and installed buzzers on both that and his indoor wheelchair.
When Stan had left to go see their niblings' birth, he had left Fiddleford in charge of Ford while he was suffering with pain that rendered him bedridden. This was lightly touched on in the fic, but I wanna expand on it a little bit. Mostly Fiddleford was there just to make sure Ford wasn't alone if his health took a major dive that required a trip to the hospital. Fiddleford spent a lot of it just comforting Ford, as he had begun to break down an hour after Stan left, letting him vent his frustration with trembled signing that his body wouldn't allow him to see his precious family with all this pain. Other than comforting him, Fiddleford also prepared soft meals and his pain meds and generally took care of him until the pain slowly subsided later that evening. Ford was unspeakably grateful for Fiddleford's kindness and expressed it with a heartwarming hug.
Fiddleford was a reliable friend for Ford when the extra help was needed. It certainly helped when Emma Mae moved up to Gravity Falls with their son in order to let Fiddleford be that assistance to Ford in the long term, just to be there for his best friend in the whole wide world even as the time flew by and their hair grew grey. Fiddleford cared for Ford dearly, almost as much as Stan does.
So it was no wonder that it was very hard on Fiddleford when he received the news from Stan that Ford had passed away the morning after it had happened. That day was quiet and full of silent tears for Fiddleford. He spent it clinging to Emma and even Stan when he came to visit. Nothing would be the same without Ford. Fiddleford only found solace when he recognized that Ford was suffering and his passing meant he was free from that. It wouldn't stop hurting but at least he felt comforted.
Idudbdjdjdjd sorry for making the ramble depressing at the end there, it's what I do best, haha. But Happy Fiddleford Friday, regardless!
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briarpatch-kids · 1 year
Hi :) can I ask about how you went about getting your shower chair? The one made for the whole bathroom? My family takes care of a older man with cancer and he can't really stand/walk anymore and it's really hard on my sdad (and also a little dangerous) to get him in and out of the tub and the bathtub helper handles wouldn't be much use. He's also a part of the VA if that's important?
I got recommended it by a physical therapist, who sent it to the va's prosthetics department who mailed it to my house. I think there's a model that can slide from outside the tub to the inside if it's a bathtub instead of a low step shower.
I think the first step is to call primary care and ask them if he can get a couple home care visits from the physical and occupational therapists to make sure the house is set up as best you can because he's having major mobility issues. (I got a wheelchair ramp, bathroom chair, bed cane, and a couple grab bars installed to make me more independent! There's a lot they can do.)
Additionally, see if he qualifies for the va bathing service. I have someone come in twice a week to help me shower and its a huge relief for both me and my husband who used to shower me. There's also the general program of caregiver support I think your sdad might qualify for. He can potentially get something called "respite" care where someone comes and helps him so your Sdad can rest or run errands or do whatever he needs to while knowing he is safe and cared for. If he uses depends, the VA will also cover those, just ask the primary care doctor, and if he drinks Ensure or nutrition shakes ask for a phone consult with dietary so they can pay for that too. Getting those covered if he needs them is like, a couple hundred dollars a month saved.
Finally, check and see if there are cancer support organizations for the type of cancer he has so he can get resources from them too, they often have specific things that people don't think of unless they've been through something similar. (Like a pillow to cover a chemo port to make it easier to ride in a car) They also have nice little things like gift cards for groceries or medical supplies too to make things less expensive. Someone I know just got a ton of help for their mom from a local breast cancer organization.
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birlwrites · 1 year
will hocruxes still be a thing in ttdl? and if so are regulus and his homies gon have to go find and destroy them all??? i’m imagining barty and evan camping in the woods like the golden trio did and it’s cracking me up honestly
they will have to find and destroy the horcruxes but there will be absolutely minimal camping, because evan is prepared to do pretty much anything to avoid camping. he's never done it but he knows he hates it. a tent large enough for the main essentials of life (bed, shower, walk-in closet, candy drawer) improves the situation, but the fact remains that he'd be bored out of his skull after 3 straight days of no progress, and if you're camping on the horcrux hunt there is nothing else to do.
but also i'm envisioning barty and evan packing for their camping trip to find horcruxes and barty throwing spellbooks into one trunk and potions ingredients and equipment into another so they're Ready For Anything™ and evan installing an extra closet for his top 5 favorite broomsticks Just In Case, except for his very favorite which he's keeping at home where it's safe
evan rolling up to the tent on the morning they're supposed to leave: okay i got the last stuff i needed i'm ready to go
barty: do we actually need a potted plant and three bags of mini marshmallows--
evan: yes.
barty: is the plant useful at least
evan, in between handfuls of mini marshmallows: it brightens up the space
i can also see like. two months down the line. evan's persevering on the horcrux hunting front but he keeps dealing with his boredom by making illegal portkeys to go to diagon alley and find some new things for their tent. they now have six plants, two packed bookshelves, eighteen enchanted ceiling mobiles (one of them sang but evan got bored of this after ~15 minutes and ended that particular enchantment), a couch, an armchair, three area rugs, several landscape paintings, a full tea set, a bathtub, and a stained glass window. evan is considering getting a cat. or maybe a herd of peacocks like the malfoys have. or maybe a puppy--
if regulus is there, evan is at least less bored, and the horcrux hunt definitely goes faster, but regulus INDULGES evan's complaining about camping which means barty is in hell. fortunately for everyone, he tends to take his feelings out on death eaters, which means regulus's side is doing great, but evan should probably invest in an additional wing on the tent just for space purposes
and then if evan does get a cat, it will adore barty, which barty thinks is HILARIOUS
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Accessible Bathroom Renovations in Houston and Houston Heights, TX : Ideas for making a bathroom more accessible for people with mobility challenges 
The bathroom is one of the most used spaces in every household. When a house is initially designed, the homeowner might have designed it in a specific way, according to their preferences. With time, however, the needs change, and as one age, the bathroom, too, needs to undergo specific changes. Creating an accessible bathroom is essential for individuals with mobility challenges or older adults, providing them with a safe and comfortable environment. Many homes may not be designed initially with accessibility in mind, as stated earlier. Hence,  bathroom renovation in Houston and Houston Heights, TX, can make a significant difference. Here are some ideas for making a bathroom more accessible for people with mobility challenges:   Grab Bars: Installing grab bars near the toilet and in the shower or bathtub can provide stability and support for individuals with mobility issues. These bars should be securely anchored to the wall to bear weight.   Walk-In Bathtub or Roll-In Shower: For individuals who have difficulty stepping over the side of a bathtub, a walk-in bathtub or a roll-in shower can be a safer and more accessible option. These features eliminate the need to step over a high threshold.   Accessible Sink: A wheelchair-accessible sink can make a significant difference for individuals with mobility challenges. Installing a wall-mounted sink with knee clearance underneath or a sink with an adjustable height can achieve this.   Accessible Toilet: Installing a toilet with an elevated seat can make it easier for individuals with mobility challenges to sit down and stand up. Additionally, grab bars near the toilet can provide added support.   Non-Slip Flooring: Choosing slip-resistant flooring materials can help prevent falls in the bathroom. Textured tiles or non-slip vinyl flooring are ideal for accessible bathrooms.   Wide Doorways: For accessibility, the bathroom doorway must be wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair or mobility aid. Doorways should ideally be 36 inches wide.   Accessible Storage: Installing storage solutions that are within reach and easy to access can make the bathroom more functional for individuals with mobility challenges. This can include open shelving or cabinets with pull-out shelves.   Accessible Faucets and Controls: Installing faucets and shower controls that are easy to operate can make it easier for individuals with mobility challenges to use the bathroom independently. Lever handles are often easier to use than traditional knobs.   Proper Lighting: Adequate lighting is crucial in an accessible bathroom to ensure safety and visibility. Installing bright, glare-free lighting can help prevent accidents and make it easier for individuals with mobility challenges to navigate the space.   ADA Compliance: Following ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) guidelines for accessible design can ensure that one’s bathroom renovation meets the necessary standards for accessibility.   Making a bathroom more accessible for people with mobility challenges in Houston and Houston Heights, TX, involves thoughtful planning and implementing specific features. If the property has ever undergone a fire damage restoration in Houston and Cypress, TX, then homeowners have the chance to incorporate the changes in their bathrooms. By incorporating these ideas into a bathroom renovation, homeowners can create a safe, comfortable, and functional space for individuals with mobility challenges.
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renovationsydney · 7 days
Revamp Your Bathroom: Ideas For Stunning Renovations In Putney
Renovating your bathroom is a fantastic way to breathe new life into your home while increasing its value. If you're a Putney resident looking to transform your bathroom into a sanctuary of relaxation and style, you're in luck! With a myriad of design options and trends available, the possibilities are endless. Here are some innovative ideas to inspire your bathroom renovation project:
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1. Embrace Timeless Elegance with Classic Finishes
Opt for timeless finishes such as marble or subway tiles to add a touch of elegance to your bathroom. These classic choices not only exude sophistication but also provide durability and easy maintenance, ensuring your bathroom remains stylish for years.
2. Illuminate with Statement Lighting
Lighting can make or break the ambience of your bathroom. Consider installing statement lighting fixtures such as pendant lights or chandeliers to create a focal point and add a touch of glamour to the space. Strategic placement of lighting can also enhance functionality and highlight key features of your bathroom design.
3. Create Spa-like Serenity with a Luxurious Bathtub
Transform your bathroom into a spa-like retreat by installing a luxurious bathtub. Whether you prefer a freestanding soaking tub for a contemporary feel or a vintage clawfoot tub for a touch of nostalgia, investing in a quality bathtub can elevate the comfort and relaxation of your bathroom experience.
4. Optimize Space with Smart Storage Solutions
Maximise the functionality of your bathroom by incorporating intelligent storage solutions. Consider built-in shelves, recessed cabinets, or floating vanities to optimise space and keep your bathroom organised and clutter-free. Customised storage solutions can also add a personalised touch to your renovation project.
5. Experiment with Bold Patterns and Textures
Add visual interest to your bathroom design by incorporating bold patterns and textures. Consider statement wallpaper, mosaic tiles, or textured accents to infuse personality and character into the space. Don't be afraid to mix and match different patterns and textures to create a unique and eclectic aesthetic.
6. Upgrade Fixtures for a Modern Touch
Upgrade faucets, showerheads, and handles to give your bathroom a modern makeover. Opt for sleek and contemporary designs that complement the overall style of your bathroom. Matte black or brushed gold finishes are popular choices that can add a touch of luxury and sophistication to your renovation project.
7. Incorporate Nature-inspired Elements
Bring the outdoors in by incorporating nature-inspired elements into your bathroom design. Add plants, natural wood accents, or stone features to create a tranquil and organic ambience. These elements not only add visual interest but also promote relaxation and well-being.
8. Consider Accessibility and Universal Design
If you're planning for long-term living or accommodating family members with mobility challenges, consider incorporating accessibility features and universal design principles into your bathroom renovation. Features such as grab bars, curbless showers, and broader doorways can enhance safety and accessibility without compromising style.
In conclusion, a bathroom renovation in Putney provides the perfect opportunity to unleash your creativity and transform your space into a haven of style and comfort. By incorporating these innovative ideas and design principles, you can achieve a stunning renovation that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. Get ready to indulge in the luxury and relaxation of your newly renovated bathroom!
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Preparing Your Home for Elderly Care in Solihull
Creating a safe and comfortable home environment is essential for providing effective elderly care. In Solihull, preparing your home to accommodate the needs of elderly family members can significantly enhance their quality of life and promote their independence. Here are some practical steps to ensure your home is ready for elderly care.
Conducting a Home Safety Assessment
The first step in preparing your home is to conduct a thorough safety assessment. Identify potential hazards such as loose rugs, uneven flooring, and cluttered pathways that could cause falls. Address these issues by securing rugs, repairing flooring, and keeping pathways clear. Ensuring a safe home environment reduces the risk of accidents and injuries.
Installing Safety Features
Installing safety features is crucial for creating an elderly-friendly home. Consider adding grab bars in the bathroom near the toilet and shower, non-slip mats in the bathtub, and handrails on stairs. These modifications provide additional support and stability, helping elderly individuals move around safely.
Enhancing Lighting
Good lighting is essential for preventing accidents. Ensure that all areas of the home, especially hallways, stairs, and entrances, are well-lit. Use bright, energy-efficient bulbs and consider installing motion-sensor lights in key areas. Proper lighting improves visibility and helps prevent falls.
Adapting the Bathroom
The bathroom is a high-risk area for falls and injuries. Adapt the bathroom to make it safer and more accessible. In addition to grab bars and non-slip mats, consider installing a walk-in shower or bathtub, a raised toilet seat, and a handheld showerhead. These adaptations make it easier for elderly individuals to use the bathroom independently and safely.
Rearranging Living Spaces
Rearrange furniture to create open, accessible spaces that are easy to navigate. Ensure that commonly used items are within easy reach to avoid the need for bending or stretching. Consider placing frequently used items in accessible cabinets or on countertops. Creating an organized and clutter-free environment enhances mobility and reduces the risk of accidents.
Considering Mobility Aids
If mobility is a concern, consider using mobility aids such as walkers, wheelchairs, or canes. Ensure that your home is accessible for these aids by widening doorways, removing obstacles, and creating smooth, level surfaces. Mobility aids help elderly individuals move around more easily and independently.
Creating a Comfortable Bedroom
The bedroom should be a comfortable and safe space for rest and relaxation. Ensure that the bed is at an appropriate height for easy access. Consider using a bed rail for added safety and support. Place a bedside table within easy reach to keep essential items like a phone, glasses, and medications close at hand.
Setting Up Emergency Systems
Setting up emergency systems provides added security and peace of mind. Consider installing a medical alert system that allows elderly individuals to call for help in case of an emergency. Ensure that phones are easily accessible and that emergency contact numbers are programmed into the phones.
Encouraging Social Interaction
Social interaction is important for mental and emotional well-being. Create comfortable spaces for socializing and encourage visits from family and friends. If possible, arrange for community activities or group outings to keep elderly individuals engaged and connected.
Preparing your care services solihull involves making practical modifications to ensure safety, comfort, and accessibility. By conducting a home safety assessment, installing safety features, enhancing lighting, adapting the bathroom, rearranging living spaces, considering mobility aids, creating a comfortable bedroom, setting up emergency systems, and encouraging social interaction, you can create a supportive and nurturing environment for your elderly family members. These steps not only enhance their quality of life but also promote their independence and well-being.
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trendyape · 16 days
Local Handyman Services Plymouth MI
Local Handyman Services Plymouth Michigan by HandyPro Handyman Service Inc. HandyPro 995 S Main St, Plymouth, MI 48170 Phone: (734) 335-1005 https://www.handypro.com/locations/plymouth
If you are looking for a handyman or handywoman in Plymouth Michigan who is trustworthy, reliable, and fully insured, then a handyman or handyperson from HandyPro Plymouth MI is a great choice.
Handy Pro has been built on referrals and inspired by trust since 1996. Contact your local handyman services in Plymouth MI today for your free no-obligation estimate.
Local handyman services from HandyPro include drywall repair, replacement garage doors and much more, in fact any home repair can be completed by your local handyman service in Plymouth Michigan.
We can help you at your home or business with services ranging from simple handyman jobs such as door replacement and painting to large home modification projects such as kitchen or bathroom, remodeling, wheelchair ramps and lifts and much more.
Local handyman services Plymouth MI
From simple home repairs to home window repair your local handyman in Plymouth MI will address any vinyl siding repair and even mobile home repairs.
If you need to hire a handyman in Maryland or find local Local handyman services in Plymouth MI then HandyPro home repair services are the best handyman in the Michigan area bar none.
We provide handywoman services or handyperson services throughout the greater regions of Michigan and better rates than home repair contractors, we are never beaten on price.
We are the experts for home maintenance and any house window repair, we can even replace your water heater with our handyman plumber services and handyman electrician service.
Handyman Plymouth MI Based in Michigan
Are you looking for a reliable and professional handyperson service in the Plymouth MI area?
Whether you need help with painting, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, or any other home improvement project, HandyPro is the perfect choice for you.
The most trusted and experienced handyperson company that serves Plymouth MI and the surrounding towns, such as Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing, Toledo, Grand Rapids, Fort Wayne, and more.
Plymouth MI handyman, Plymouth MI handyperson, Plymouth MI handywoman covering Michigan
Local handyman services: We offer a variety of home and business repairs and maintenance, such as painting, drywall repair, carpentry, plumbing fixtures, electrical and lighting, furniture assembly, TV mounting and installation, exterior home services, and more. No job is too big or too small for us. We are licensed, bonded, and insured, and we guarantee your satisfaction.
Home Modifications: We specialize in home modifications for seniors and people with disabilities, such as wheelchair ramps, stair lifts, grab bars, walk-in tubs, roll-in showers, door widening, flooring, and more.
Aging In Place Home Modifications: We are certified aging-in-place specialists (CAPS) and accessibility specialists (CASp), and we follow the ADA guidelines and local codes. We can help you make your home safer, more comfortable, and more accessible.
Commercial Local handyman services: We provide commercial repairs and maintenance for businesses and facilities, such as office furniture assembly, cubicle installation, shelving and storage, signage, lighting, painting, and more. We can handle any project, big or small, and we work with your schedule and budget. We are reliable, professional, and efficient, and we deliver quality workmanship.
Handyman Plumber: We can install, repair, or replace any plumbing fixtures, such as faucets, sinks, toilets, showers, bathtubs, water heaters, garbage disposals, and more. We can also fix any leaks, clogs, or drainage issues. We have the tools and skills to handle any plumbing job.
TV mounting Service and installation: We can mount and install any size and type of TV on any wall or surface. We can also hide the wires, connect the devices, and set up the remote control. We can make sure your TV is secure, level, and functional.
Drywall Repair Handyman: We can repair any holes, cracks, or damages on your drywall. We can also patch, tape, sand, and paint the affected area. We can restore your drywall to its original condition.
Local Handyman Services Plymouth Michigan by HandyPro Handyman Service Inc. HandyPro 995 S Main St, Plymouth, MI 48170 Phone: (734) 335-1005 https://www.handypro.com/locations/plymouth
Local Handyman Services Plymouth MI
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tariqsyedbradford · 23 days
Tariq Syed of Bradford Shares How to Renovate Your Home for Aging in Place
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As we grow older, our homes must evolve to meet our changing needs. Aging in place—remaining in one's own home safely, independently, and comfortably—has become an increasingly popular goal for many seniors. Tariq Syed Bradford, a renowned home renovator from Bradford, shares his expert advice on how to successfully renovate your home for aging in place, ensuring it remains a safe, functional, and welcoming environment for years to come.
Understanding the Concept of Aging in Place
Aging in place involves making thoughtful modifications to your home to accommodate the physical changes that come with aging. This proactive approach not only enhances safety but also promotes independence and improves quality of life. Key considerations include accessibility, ease of use, and safety enhancements.
Key Areas to Focus On
1. Entrances and Exits
The first step in renovating for aging in place is to ensure that entrances and exits are easily accessible. Tariq Syed recommends:
Ramps and Zero-Step Entries: Installing ramps or zero-step entries to eliminate tripping hazards posed by stairs. This is particularly important for those using wheelchairs or walkers.
Widened Doorways: Expanding doorways to a minimum of 36 inches to accommodate mobility devices.
Lever-Style Door Handles: Replacing traditional doorknobs with lever-style handles, which are easier to operate for those with arthritis or limited grip strength.
2. Bathroom Modifications
Bathrooms are often the most hazardous rooms for seniors. Key upgrades include:
Walk-In Showers: Replacing traditional bathtubs with walk-in showers that have low or no thresholds.
Grab Bars and Handrails: Installing grab bars and handrails in showers and near toilets to provide support and prevent falls.
Non-Slip Flooring: Using non-slip tiles or mats to reduce the risk of slipping.
Raised Toilet Seats: Adding raised toilet seats or installing comfort-height toilets to make sitting and standing easier.
3. Kitchen Accessibility
The kitchen is another critical area to consider. Tariq suggests the following renovations:
Pull-Out Shelves and Drawers: Installing pull-out shelves and drawers in cabinets to make items more accessible without bending or reaching.
Side-by-Side Refrigerators: Using side-by-side refrigerators to keep frequently used items within easy reach.
Lever-Style Faucets: Just like with door handles, lever-style faucets are easier to use than traditional knobs.
Lowered Countertops: Modifying countertop heights to accommodate wheelchair users or those who prefer to sit while cooking.
4. Lighting Enhancements
Good lighting is essential for visibility and safety. Key improvements include:
Task Lighting: Adding task lighting in areas like the kitchen, bathroom, and stairways to reduce shadows and enhance visibility.
Motion-Sensor Lights: Installing motion-sensor lights in hallways, staircases, and entryways to ensure lights turn on automatically when needed.
Rocker Light Switches: Replacing traditional light switches with rocker switches, which are easier to operate.
5. Flooring Choices
Choosing the right flooring can significantly impact safety and comfort:
Non-Slip Surfaces: Opting for non-slip flooring materials such as cork, rubber, or certain types of vinyl.
Low-Pile Carpets: Using low-pile carpets to minimize tripping hazards while providing a softer surface.
Implementing Smart Home Technology
Smart home technology can further enhance safety and convenience. Tariq Syed recommends integrating:
Voice-Controlled Assistants: Devices like Amazon Alexa or Google Home to control lights, thermostats, and security systems with voice commands.
Automated Systems: Smart thermostats, lighting, and security systems that can be controlled remotely or set to operate on schedules.
Medical Alert Systems: Wearable devices that can call for help in case of an emergency.
Planning and Professional Help
Successfully renovating for aging in place requires careful planning and, often, professional assistance. Tariq advises working with a contractor experienced in universal design principles and aging-in-place modifications. An occupational therapist can also provide valuable insights into specific needs and safety enhancements.
Renovating your home for aging in place is a wise investment in your future well-being and independence. By focusing on accessibility, safety, and comfort, you can create a living environment that supports you through all stages of life. With expert guidance from professionals like Tariq Syed of Bradford, you can navigate this process smoothly and confidently, ensuring your home remains a sanctuary for years to come.
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eudservice · 1 month
7 Innovative Ideas For Bathroom refurbishment
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Refurbishing a bathroom can breathe new life into your home, adding functionality, style, and value. Whether you're aiming for a complete renovation or a simple update, there are countless ways to transform your bathroom into a space that reflects your personal taste and meets your practical needs. Here are some innovative ideas for bathroom refurbishment  to consider:
Modern Minimalism:  Embrace simplicity with clean lines, neutral colors, and sleek fixtures. Opt for a floating vanity to create the illusion of more space and keep the area clutter-free. Use large-format tiles to enhance the sense of openness and add a touch of luxury with understated accessories like a frameless mirror or minimalist pendant lights.
Spa Retreat:  Transform your bathroom into a tranquil oasis inspired by luxury spas. Incorporate natural elements such as wood, stone, and plants to create a calming ambiance. Install a rainfall showerhead, a deep soaking tub, or even a steam shower for a truly indulgent experience. Don't forget to include soft lighting, plush towels, and aromatic candles to complete the spa-like atmosphere.
Vintage Charm: Give your bathroom refurbishment a timeless appeal with vintage-inspired fixtures and accessories. Look for clawfoot tubs, pedestal sinks, and brass fittings to evoke a sense of old-world elegance. Add characters with vintage mirrors, artwork, and wallpaper in classic patterns like floral or damask. Incorporate modern conveniences seamlessly into the design for a perfect blend of style and functionality.
Bold Statement:  Make a bold statement with eye-catching tiles, vibrant colors, or unique fixtures. Consider using patterned tiles or mosaic accents to add visual interest to the walls or floors. Experiment with bold paint colors or wallpaper for a dramatic effect. Incorporate statement pieces like a freestanding bathtub, a decorative vanity, or a statement chandelier to showcase your personality and create a one-of-a-kind space.
Smart Technology:  Embrace the future with smart technology that enhances convenience and comfort in your bathroom. Install motion-sensor faucets, smart mirrors with built-in lighting and touchscreen controls, or a programmable shower system that allows you to customize your shower experience. Consider integrating voice-activated assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant for hands-free operation of lights, music, and more.
Eco-Friendly Design:  Create a sustainable and eco-friendly bathroom refurbishment that reduces water consumption and minimizes environmental impact. Choose low-flow fixtures, dual-flush toilets, and water-saving shower heads to conserve water without sacrificing performance. Use eco-friendly materials such as recycled glass, bamboo, or reclaimed wood for flooring, countertops, and cabinetry. Incorporate energy-efficient lighting and ventilation systems to further reduce your carbon footprint.
Universal Design:  Design a bathroom that is accessible to people of all ages and abilities with universal design principles. Install grab bars, non-slip flooring, and curbless showers for safety and ease of use. Choose adjustable-height fixtures and wide doorways to accommodate wheelchair users and individuals with mobility limitations. Incorporate stylish yet functional elements like handheld showerheads, wall-mounted sinks, and lever handles for maximum accessibility without compromising on style. When it comes to bathroom refurbishment, attention to detail can make all the difference. Consider adding thoughtful touches like built-in storage solutions, heated floors, or a dedicated makeup vanity to enhance usability and comfort. Don't overlook the importance of proper lighting, as it can dramatically impact the look and feel of the space. Whether you prefer natural light through skylights or strategically placed task lighting, lighting design plays a crucial role in creating a functional and inviting bathroom environment.
In Conclusion
Regardless of the style or theme you choose, remember to prioritize functionality, durability, and comfort when planning your bathroom refurbishment. By carefully selecting the right materials, fixtures, and design elements, you can create a space that not only looks beautiful but also meets your practical needs for years to come.
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philbridges · 1 year
End of Bathtub Remodel Accessible Bathtub Hoyer Lift
This is how the bathroom turned out. Pretty amazing. 00:00 Intro00:22 Another late day, but we’re finished00:40 Plastic bead board to dress it up01:12 Follow Us 🙏 Subscribe, 👍, it helps a lot!!➤❓/ 💬: [email protected]➤ Follow https://straightarrowrepair.com/pipf ➤➤I get a little for the channel-no charge for you if you use the links:➤➤Shop Amazon https://amzn.to/3CxD1T4➤➤Tool lists &…
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sweethomenewyork · 1 month
Tips for a Smooth Bathtub to Shower Conversion in Long Island
Are you considering bathtub to shower conversion in Long Island? Perhaps you're looking to revamp your bathroom with a bathroom remodel Long Island, or maybe you're just ready to bid farewell to your old bathtub and embrace the convenience of a shower. Whatever your reason, converting your bathtub to a shower can breathe new life into your bathroom space and enhance its functionality. However, embarking on such a project requires careful planning and execution to ensure a smooth transition.
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Here are some tips to guide you through the process:
Plan Ahead: Before diving into the bathtub to shower conversion in Long Island, take the time to plan out every aspect of the project. Consider factors such as the layout of your bathroom, the size of the new shower, and any additional features you want to incorporate, such as built-in shelving or seating.
Set a Budget: Establishing a clear budget from the outset will help you stay on track and avoid overspending. Factor in expenses such as materials, labor, permits, and any unexpected costs that may arise during the bathroom remodel Long Island.
Choose the Right Contractor: Finding a reputable contractor with experience in bathtub surround remodel in Long Island is crucial for ensuring a successful conversion. Look for professionals who are licensed, insured, and have positive reviews from previous clients. Don't hesitate to ask for references and examples of their past work.
Select Quality Materials: When selecting materials for your new shower, opt for quality products that are durable and water-resistant. This includes choosing a sturdy shower base, durable tiles or wall panel for the surround, and high-quality fixtures such as faucets and showerheads.
Consider Accessibility: If you plan to age in place or have family members with mobility issues, consider incorporating accessibility features into your new shower design. This may include installing grab bars, a bench or seat, and a low-threshold entry for easy access.
Maximize Space: In smaller bathrooms, maximizing space is essential. Consider opting for a corner shower or a compact design to make the most of the available square footage. Additionally, using glass doors or a frameless enclosure can help create the illusion of more space.
Ensure Proper Ventilation: Proper ventilation is essential in any bathroom to prevent mold and mildew growth. Make sure your new shower is equipped with a ventilation fan or window to allow for adequate airflow and moisture removal.
Pay Attention to Details: The details can make all the difference in the outcome of your bathtub to shower conversion in Long Island. Pay attention to finishing touches such as grout lines, caulking, and hardware finishes to ensure a polished look that enhances the overall aesthetic of your bathroom.
Communicate Clearly: Effective communication with your contractor is key to a successful project. Clearly communicate your expectations, preferences, and any concerns you may have throughout the bathroom remodel Long Island process to ensure everything goes smoothly.
Be Prepared for Disruptions: Finally, it's essential to be prepared for some disruptions during the bathtub surround remodel in Long Island. Depending on the scope of the project, you may need to temporarily relocate to another bathroom or make alternative bathing arrangements while the work is being completed.
By following these tips, you can ensure a smooth and successful bathtub to shower conversion in Long Island. With careful planning, quality materials, and the right contractor, you can transform your old bathtub into a stylish and functional shower that enhances the beauty and value of your home.
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U.S. Medical Bathtubs Market - Focused Insights 2024-2029
The U.S. medical bathtubs market was valued at USD 69.19 million in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 79.18 million by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 2.27% during the forecast period. The demand for medical bathtubs market is rising due to multiple factors, including the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, the rising geriatric population, and technological advancements in medical bathtubs.
The study considers a detailed scenario of the present Medical Bathtubs market and its market dynamics for 2024−2029 in the U.S. It covers a thorough overview of several market growth enablers, restraints, and trends. The report offers both the demand and supply aspects of the market. It profiles and examines leading companies and other prominent players operating in the market.
Medical bathtubs are designed to provide a safe and comfortable bathing experience for people who need assistance with personal hygiene tasks.
Rising Awareness About Walk-In Bathtubs: As people become more aware of the health and safety benefits of walk-in bathtubs, they are increasingly likely to consider purchasing one for their home. Seniors and those with mobility issues benefit significantly from using a walk-in tub, which can help them stay safe and independent for longer. These tubs significantly lower the chances of falls or slips and provide a pleasant experience. Pain relief and muscle relaxation are two advantages of using a walk-in tub. As homeowners look for ways to make their homes safer and easier to navigate, installing a walk-in tub often becomes a top priority project during these renovations.
The electric bathtubs segment is growing significantly, with the highest CAGR of 2.59% in the U.S. medical bathtubs market. The popularity of electrical bathtubs is increasing due to the rising adoption of technologically enhanced medical equipment and the rising need for convenient and effective therapeutic solutions. Also, the increasing incidence of chronic diseases and the aging population are paving the way for market growth.
The hospitals & clinics in the end-user segment hold the largest share of over 60% of the U.S. medical bathtubs market—the increasing demand for safe bathing facilities for hospital patients. Hospitals are also investing in innovative technologies to improve hospital beds so patients can experience comfort, thus resulting in segment growth.
By product, the walk-in bathtubs segment dominated the market by occupying the largest share in 2023 of the U.S. medical bathtubs market. The segment's growth is attributed to increasing demand for bath therapies, custom bathtubs, technological advancements, spa centers, the expansion of the hospitality industry, bathroom renovations, and home remodeling.
Due to the increasingly luxurious lifestyle among the U.S. people, companies are adopting various initiatives, including push strategies and lifetime free services, to drive the U.S. walk-in bathtubs market during the forecast period. Technological innovations, rising demand for IoT products, and therapy-based walk-in bathtubs are gaining traction in the market.
The U.S. medical bathtubs market report contains exclusive data on 22 vendors. Arjo, Beka, EGO Zlin, American Standard, and T.R. Equipment are the leading vendors operating in this market. Vendors, especially global players, must pursue inorganic growth strategies, such as acquisitions, to expand their presence, enhance product offerings, and improve expertise in the market. Overall, the market for medical bathtubs is characterized by diverse players focusing on innovation and product diversification to cater to customers' evolving needs and solidify their positions in the industry.
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remodelsurgeons · 2 months
Increase the Value of Your Home with This Smart Bathroom Makeover
Introduction to Bathroom Remodeling
Bathrooms are one of the most important rooms in any home. It’s where we start and end our days, get ready for work or school, and spend time relaxing at the end of a long day. However, if your bathroom is outdated or needs some TLC, it can be a major turnoff when trying to sell your home. Luckily, a smart bathroom makeover can significantly increase your home’s value.. In this blog post, we will cover everything from choosing the right upgrades to hiring a professional contractor. Let’s dive in!
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Choosing the Right Upgrades for Your Home
The first step in any bathroom remodel is deciding what upgrades you want to make. Some popular choices include new countertops, cabinets, flooring, lighting, and fixtures. You may also want to consider adding a shower or bathtub, installing a new vanity, or upgrading your plumbing fixtures. The key is to choose upgrades that not only look great but also add functionality and value to your home. For example, installing a walk-in shower instead of a tub can make your bathroom more accessible and appealing to buyers who have mobility issues.
Tips for a Successful DIY Project
If you’re feeling handy, you might be tempted to tackle your bathroom remodel as a do-it-yourself project. While this can save you money, it’s essential to know your limits and understand the complexity of the task ahead. If you’ve never installed tile before, for instance, it might be best to leave that job to a pro. That being said, there are plenty of DIY projects you can take on successfully, such as painting walls, replacing caulking, and updating hardware. Just make sure to research thoroughly, plan carefully, and take your time.
Hiring a Professional Contractor
If you decide to hire a professional contractor for your bathroom remodel, it’s crucial to find someone reputable and experienced. Ask friends and family members for recommendations, read online reviews, and check references. When interviewing potential candidates, ask about their experience, qualifications, and pricing structure. Also, make sure they provide a detailed proposal that includes all labor and materials costs, timelines, and warranties. Finally, don’t forget to sign a written contract before starting any work.
Final Thoughts on Increasing Your Home’s Value
A well-planned and executed bathroom remodel can significantly increase the value of your home. By choosing the right upgrades, doing your research, and working with professionals when necessary, you can create a beautiful space that both you and future buyers will love. So go ahead – transform your tired old bathroom into a stunning oasis that adds real value to your property.
This article is accredited to Remodel Surgeons at https://remodelsurgeons.com/increase-the-value-of-your-home-with-this-smart-bathroom-makeover/.
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becoration · 2 months
Transportation, renovations, and assembly by Leroy Merlin: opinions
Post has been published on becoration
Transportation, renovations, and assembly by Leroy Merlin: opinions
Leroy Merlin, a well-known construction and home supplies chain, offers a variety of services including product assembly, installations, and full renovation projects. While many customers find value in the convenience of these services, overall satisfaction varies due to the outsourcing of tasks to external companies.
Leroy Merlin’s product assembly option is often compared to similar services from other stores like IKEA. It allows customers, for a fee, to have a variety of items assembled, from garden furniture to wardrobes and kitchens, with a two-year warranty. The company promises to contact the customer within two working days to coordinate the assembly, offering an organized and efficient process.
On the other hand, the installation service covers over 30 different types of configurations, adapting to the specific needs of each customer. This starts with a technical visit to determine the project requirements and prepare a budget that is both cost-effective and timely.
Regarding renovation projects, Leroy Merlin facilitates significant changes in the home, such as the transformation of bathtubs into shower trays, ideal for improving accessibility in homes of elderly or mobility-impaired individuals. However, despite the seemingly solid structure of these services, there are customers who report less than satisfactory experiences, suggesting variability in the quality of work performed by subcontractors.
The “handyman at home” service is another offering that allows customers to request help with small DIY tasks, regardless of whether the product was purchased at Leroy Merlin or not. This service can be coordinated through the installations department or directly in-store.
Additionally, Leroy Merlin offers transport and van rental options through its partnership with Hertz, providing facilities for both standard transportation needs and more immediate requirements with their 24-hour transportation service.
With mixed reviews on the effectiveness and satisfaction of these services, customers are encouraged to share their experiences to help others make informed decisions. Despite Leroy Merlin’s efforts to provide a comprehensive service, critiques highlight the importance of carefully selecting subcontractors to maintain their reputation for quality and reliability.
Source: MiMub in Spanish
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homecarebarnet · 2 months
Keeping Loved Ones Safe: Essential Home Safety Tips for Seniors Receiving Care at Home
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Ensuring the safety and well-being of seniors receiving care at home is paramount. For many families, home care offers comfort and familiarity, allowing their loved ones to age gracefully in the place they cherish most. However, it's essential to recognise and address potential safety hazards to create a secure environment conducive to their health and happiness. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore practical home safety tips tailored specifically for seniors receiving care at home, offering peace of mind to families and caregivers alike.
Assessing the Home Environment
Before discussing specific safety measures, assess the home environment thoroughly. Identify potential hazards such as loose rugs, slippery floors, cluttered pathways, and inadequate lighting. Addressing these issues can significantly reduce the risk of falls and accidents, enhancing overall safety and mobility for your loved one.
Implementing Fall Prevention Strategies
Falls are known to be the most common cause of injury among the elderly or seniors, often resulting in serious consequences such as fractures, head trauma, and loss of independence. Implementing fall prevention strategies is crucial to safeguarding their well-being. Install handrails and grab bars in key areas such as bathrooms, stairways, and hallways to provide additional support and stability. Remove tripping hazards such as loose wires, uneven flooring, and clutter, and ensure that pathways are clear and well-lit.
Ensuring Medication Safety
Medication management is another critical aspect of home safety for seniors. Keep all medications organised and stored securely out of reach of children and pets. Use pill organisers or medication reminders to help your loved one stay on track with their prescribed regimen. Additionally, regularly review medications with their healthcare provider to identify any potential interactions or side effects.
Creating a Safe Bathroom Environment
The bathroom can be a particularly hazardous area for seniors due to wet surfaces and limited mobility. Take proactive steps to enhance bathroom safety by installing non-slip mats or adhesive strips in the bathtub or shower. Consider adding a shower chair or bench for added stability during bathing. Ensure that towels and toiletries are within easy reach, minimising the need for stretching or bending.
Promoting Fire Safety
Fire safety is a critical concern for seniors at home, especially those with mobility or cognitive impairments. Install smoke detectors on every level of the home and test them regularly to ensure they're in working order. Develop and practise a fire escape plan with your loved one, identifying exit routes and designated meeting points. Consider installing fire extinguishers in key areas and educate your loved one on how to use them safely.
Securing Home Entrances and Exits
Securing home entrances and exits is essential for preventing accidents and intrusions. Install sturdy locks and deadbolts on all doors and windows to deter unauthorised entry. Consider adding motion-sensor lighting to illuminate pathways and deter potential intruders. Additionally, peepholes or security cameras should be installed to monitor activity outside the home.
Creating a Safe Sleeping Environment
A safe sleeping environment is crucial for seniors' overall health and well-being. Ensure that the bedroom is well-lit and clutter-free to minimise tripping hazards during nighttime visits to the bathroom. Invest in a comfortable, supportive mattress and bedding to promote restful sleep and reduce the risk of pressure sores. Consider installing bed rails or a bedside commode for added safety and convenience.
Managing Home Hazards
Managing home hazards is essential for preventing accidents and injuries. Regularly inspect the home for hazards such as loose handrails, frayed electrical cords, and unstable furniture. Repair or replace any damaged or malfunctioning items promptly to maintain a safe living environment. Additionally, consider hiring a professional home inspector to conduct a thorough safety assessment and recommend improvements.
How can I make the home safer for seniors with cognitive impairments such as dementia?
Implement additional safety measures such as door alarms, childproof locks on cabinets containing hazardous items, and wandering prevention strategies such as door sensors or GPS tracking devices.
What should I do if I suspect my loved one is experiencing abuse or neglect from their caregiver?
Contact local authorities or adult protective services immediately to protect your loved one. Document any evidence or observations of abuse and seek legal advice to explore options for recourse and protection.
Are any financial assistance programmes available to help cover the costs of home modifications for senior safety?
Explore government-funded programmes that provide financial assistance for home modifications that improve safety and accessibility for seniors. Additionally, consider consulting with a financial adviser to explore other potential funding sources or insurance options.
Ensuring the safety of seniors receiving care at home requires proactive planning, diligent maintenance, and a commitment to creating a secure living environment. By implementing the home safety tips outlined in this guide and addressing potential hazards proactively, you can create a safe and supportive environment that promotes independence, comfort, and peace of mind for your loved one. Remember, home safety is a collaborative effort that requires ongoing communication, vigilance, and a dedication to prioritising your loved one's well-being above all else. For more information about live-in care, visit Home Care Preferred Barnet. © Home Care Preferred Barnet
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