#mobile home tub replacement
philbridges · 5 months
Unboxing Pendant 54 Mobile Home Bathtubs
Putting a new Pendant 54″ Mobile home steel bathtub. This is a right-hand drain. We need to change from a center drain to the right-hand drain. Walk though unboxing the bathtub, what you need to measure to place your drain. We cut the hole in the floor. Not sure what happened with the rest of the install. I thought the unboxing and measuring could help people out. ⏱️⏱️Chapters⏱️⏱️00:00 Follow…
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valeriasfragments · 9 months
The Rigors And the Heft - Part 1
She was born a mad woman, mad as Mae, mad as Arla, mad as Lærke. Mad as all of them, maybe more. She lost count the number of times she lost her mind, lost down the rabbit hole with Alice, down the well with Sadako. Not many people wake up in an irrigation ditch at 11 years old with their pants around their ankles without going mad from time to time.
Regaining her sanity (as if), in the ruins of her life, shredded by her own hands, bloody boney things, hateful things. No excuse powerful enough to undo the curses cast from her own maddend hands. They say we hurt the ones we love the most and she was efficient.
Years of this cycle and Chance has run herself aground, a bloated whale corpse heart ready to burst with rot. Laying on this beach of a bed wracked by nightmare after nightmare, screaming awake on an air mattress with a leak, she wakes up every few hours and reinflates it in the dark of her room while the anxiety of her nightmares drains away.
She wakes when she dreams, she sleeps when she wakes, she stays up the whole night. She takes the little green and blue capsules when she starts to hallucinate at the edges of her vision. Hydroxyzine Pamoate to dull her mind and lull her to sleep, she's stockpiled more than a lethal dose, though she has never even thought of doing that, probably very painful anyway.
She rolls out of bed and onto the filthy carpet, half deflated bed like arms of a desperate lover who can't get enough. Stark angry noonday sun lancing through the crack in her beige lifeless curtains to ensure she is awake. The same drapery supplied with the apartment 10 years ago, never bothered to replace them either, apathy was her favorite interior decorator.
Just 24 hours prior she was in Kansas on the threshold of her aunt Arla's single wide mobile home, maroon and white corrugated aluminum shoebox similar to the one Chance grew up in. Two big windows on the front like doe eyes, a barren planter box, and a carport filled with dozens and dozens of 30 quart rubber bins.
The smell of the dead woman is thick in the air, she's wearing two masks and still has the urge to vomit, it's a smell that doesn't leave her for days. Not even the first dead body Chance has smelled, though her aunt was taken away 2 days ago, he stinking days old rot still clung to the air.
How does one begin to even go through a mad woman's hoarded possessions? A life of clutter accumulated in every nook and cranny, barely a walkable path though the trailer.
The hallway lined with National Geographic magazines from floor to ceiling, they have congealed from an unfixed leak, the soggy paper shape of a stack of magazines. There's even a perfect handprint in the paper wall where an EMT mistakenly put their hand.
The floor in the back bedroom squelches under foot and sags in the middle, a putrid smelling mattress with decomposing bits of her aunt's body, a shit river stain and a floor covered in never been clean clothes and half filled bags of trash.
One end of the room is a closet that dominates the wall, inside it is full of boxes, some collapsing, and others with odious stains on the corners. The dresser built into the wall had no drawers, in fact Chance couldn't even find them anywhere on the premises.
The other wall is a gaping hole where the fire department cut out the death trap horizontal slot windows, the type long out of style and only found on older models without any renovations. The hole is lined by cancerous pink cotton candy that Chance's intrusive thoughts keep telling her would be a good idea to eat.
Chance finds nothing in the house worth saving but she does spend a few hours i going through the tubs in the carport. She dug out a copy of Mysterious New England from 1971, a ratty later edition of Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson, a cat skull, some small glass bottles with cork stoppers, things her mom would call "witchy shit" oh and Dino Crisis for the Playstation, her crazy aunt contained multitudes.
She would be kinder to her aunt's memory if she hadn't been so cruel, her mad woman aunt who talked to the dead and heard their voices. Chance's kindness long lost because of a knife at her throat, a gun to her head, and the constant stream of verbal abuse that made it hard to function.
Now jetlagged Chance is on her bedroom floor, her clothes covered floor, just like her aunt and her grandma and her mother too. Everyone's mad in her family, a long line of mad women as far as she can remember. Chance and her mother are the first generation to never be committed but that isn't a very high bar to clear in these supposedly more enlightened times (yeah right).
Chance retrieves the pack of clove cigarettes from the pocket of her jeans on the floor, flips it open, retrieves a single clove wrapped in black paper, and places it between her lips still caked with last night's lipstick, a cheap black from the drugstore, a small cheap comfort she allows herself.
She lights the clove cigarette and takes a short, quick pull from it. The aroma hits her nose and she is immediately taken back to that first kiss, to the girl who smelled of patchouli and cloves, and left a taste in her mouth for the rest of her life, the kiss never forgotten, a soul moving kiss nobody had ever duplicated, almost against her will, the girl who smells like heaven or the closest she had ever been.
She remembers this kiss each time she smokes, the only reason she really smokes them anymore. Chance still won't let anyone else call her "baby" or "lover", those words belonged to her, the girl who hated her guts, the girl she hadn't seen in 20 years. Chance doubts the girl would even recognize that boygirl she kissed in high school.
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luvmxmh · 2 years
mx. sinister
Day 3: favorite trait / alternate universe
Pairing: Adrian Chase/Reader
Disclaimers: gender-neutral reader, mentions of injuries, self-harm (reader agitates their wounds on purpose to 'feel' something), angst with happy ending, hurt/comfort, reader is vigilante
Word Count: 1.7k
“You’re Vigilante,” he whispers.
“I am Vigilante, yeah.”
“Holy smokes, Peacemaker.”
...was that seriously a Batman reference.
Author's Note: reader may be vigilante but adrian’s still fucked in the head and reader went “that is my baby girl and i can fix him (make him worse)”. also i have zero idea how bathtubs work
Cross-posted on AO3
You’re so glad you took your carpet to cleaning yesterday.
The red visor attached to your mask is cracked, and you internally curse whoever landed the blow on them. They’re prescription, goddamnit.
It paints for an ominous vision of red values. Criminals always make you see blood— the sight of their death is a craving unmatched by any other worldly sustenance there is. Perhaps it’s a dramatic way of putting it, but you might as well compensate from the lack of flair you have in your regular life.
You suppose it’s one of those nights where you see your own blood too. You aren’t gushing waterfalls of red from your wounds which means most of your arteries weren’t ruptured. Small mercies.
But you’re so fucking sore it hurts to think to move. You’re usually much more meticulous about your post-patrol routine. Shit, what if someone knocks on your door? Your lights are on to give the pretense that you’re home when you’re actually out in the streets as Vigilante. It’s late enough that your neighbors won’t be awake to see you sneak into your apartment, but you’re not taking chances tonight.
This is a prime example of a treacherous mind driven by an innate paranoia.
You’re giving yourself enough trouble lying in what feels like your own sick on the floor, and begrudgingly you lift yourself off the ground knees-first.
Limping your way to the bathroom is an arduous task in itself. You don’t have to turn around to see specks of blood you’ve left in your wake. You turn the lights on, and you sit on the toilet lid.
Groaning from your sore muscles, you begin to take the armor off, starting with the mask. You toss it in the sink so you could remember that it’ll be your first priority for repair and cleaning. Routine begins like clockwork as you remove armor pieces that require the least stretching, before moving on to the more intricate bits (the ones to that cover vulnerable spots without compromising mobility).
You run some hot water, eager to wash off the grime from your skin. Dried blood (which you could already surmise is not your own) is already flaking. This might be the part you like the least. You never did like sticky fluids sticking. On you, specifically. It makes you want to scratch at your skin until it bleeds. Although, that would be counter-productive in this situation. You dip a few fingers into the tub.
The water is finally warm enough to not overly agitate your wounds, but hot enough—
For it to ground you. Bring you to the world of the waking people.
You probably should’ve tilted your head lower when you brought the damp washcloth to drip over your head. Your eyes and mouth remain closed until after you finish wiping your face.
The water is tinted pink by the time you’ve cleaned the upper half of your body. It always starts with the face to the shoulders, then the torso to the hips, and eventually the thighs to the ends of your feet. The only times you deviate from this is when you have grievous injuries on specific areas that need tending first.
You wonder if you should’ve gone straight to the tub. The dampness of sweat replaced by warm water brings relief to your skin. You lean towards the bathtub to pull the drain and—
Oh no.
You turn your head around to see Adrian holding an umbrella like he’s about to hit someone with it. He drops it beside him but remains frozen in the doorway. You’re only dressed in your underwear, your back and your scars and your gashes in display.
He glances at the sink, no doubt seeing your mask.
Oh fuck.
You can’t kill him. Oh no. Not Adrian—he shouldn’t have—he wasn’t supposed to visit you this late. How could you forget to lock the door? Did you forget to lock the door? How could you be so careless?
God, the room is so blurry and your head hurts from the inside. The adrenaline is making your brain run a mile a minute but your body remains frozen from the shock of Adrian abruptly showing up by the bathroom entrance.
“Hey, hey, hey. Breathe,” He kneels down in front of you, holding your hands that have hurt people, that have killed people, that have done things that would make you clean every crevice of your skin almost every night, “Baby? Baby listen to me, I’m not mad or anything. It’s okay, just breathe. I’m not here to snitch or— or report you, just please tell me you’re okay.”
The tension lingers, but Adrian’s rattled speech pulls you out of your hysteria. You can’t imagine how freaked out he must be, seeing you in the state that you are in.
“I’m…” You hesitate, “I’m sorry you had to see me like this.”
The tank of the toilet is cool against your back when you lean against it, digging into your shoulder blades as you lean against it. Despite your relaxed posture you can’t help but remain tense.
“You’re Vigilante,” he whispers.
“I am Vigilante, yeah.”
“Holy smokes, Peacemaker.”
...was that seriously a Batman reference.
“What are you doing here?” you ask, trying to ground yourself once more from an almost panic attack.
“I got off work late because they made me do inventory and I decided to see how you’re doing since you said you have insomnia and all. The lights were on and—and you weren’t answering the door and I thought something happened to you because usually when you come home you’d play some music even when it’s so late, and I got paranoid when you wouldn’t answer and busted through your door and then there’s blood leading to the bathroom so I took your umbrella from the rack and… here we are.”
You have no idea how you didn’t hear him, but you chalk it up to your exhaustion.
He looks at you intently.
“Thank you,” you whisper, squeezing his hands weakly, “For checking up on me.”
“Don’t thank me yet.” He stands up and examines the mess that is your bathroom, “Please let me take care of you? I know both of us are super freaked out but I don’t know if I can handle a whole explanation while you look like you’re about to pass out.”
You nod. The both of you just got out of your jobs (or at least Adrian did. No one is paying you to be Vigilante), and now that everyone’s safe it’s probably for the best to shelf some conversations for later.
He helps you get into the tub with clean water once he drains it from the water mixed with your blood. You sit upright at the ceramic, letting him guide your back to him. His bony fingers massage the back of your neck between your spine.
“Can I ask something?” He sounds a bit nervous.
“Anything,” you tell him seriously. You hope he can sense that.
“Why Vigilante?”
You blink.
“Why did you choose that name?”
“I never wanted to be Vigilante.” You sigh, leaning your head back to meet his gaze upside-down. “I mean, I’ve never been more certain about becoming Vigilante and doing what I do in the name of justice.”
“Then… why regret it?”
“The citizens of Evergreen gave me the name Vigilante because I wouldn’t talk to the bolder journalists when they’d ask.” You look at him with a morose expression, “I wanted to be known as, I don’t know, Vengeance or something. Instead I was Serial Killer the serial killer.”
If you said this to anyone else, you suspect they’d laugh at you. But Adrian doesn’t seem to as bemused as you’d daresay others would be. Not that many people know you’re Vigilante. Once they see you off the mask their blood will stain your fingernails for the next few days.
“I think Vigilante is cool. It reminds people who you are, and what you do for them.”
You smile. “I’m glad you think of me that way.”
The moments that follow are occupied with silence. It feels like something is ruminating—but you don’t know what. As you dry off and put on pajamas Adrian almost looks blank. You know him well enough to know he’s contemplating, but you won’t pry—at least, not until he lets you.
“You said you broke the door down?” You don’t want to risk a home invasion, but you don’t want Adrian to leave your side right now.
“The door still had some secure hinges on it. You know I’m not that strong.”
“But you’re here, anyway. For me. That’s all that matters.”
You don’t know how much the revelation would change the dynamic of your relationship. You don’t want to disregard the sparks in his eyes, glinting with an eerie eagerness when he found out who you are. The excitement you feel is undeniable, buzzing under your skin.
At first, you think you’re going to ruin him but that doesn’t seem right. Adrian wouldn’t hurt a fly, and even if he wanted to he’d look like a fool doing so (—your fool). He’s all gangly limbs with an innocent face and nerdy glasses he’s worn since boyhood.
But it’s not mutually exclusive with how he gets hyper-focused in his fixations like DND; how frenzied he looks when talking about the wrong things in the world and Evergreen to the point it looks like it physically hurts him; how he rambles on and on to you about what he learns in law school; how he finds moments in slasher films funny that raises peculiarity even to you—
It’s fascinating to you. He’s so fascinating to you.
‘No,’ you think. You’re just going to be bringing out a dormant part of him waiting to be found— to be noticed.
The pillow feels so soft and cool pressing against your cheek. Adrian looks peaceful for once, and you take the time to admire the lamp-lit contours of his face. His eyes are closed. The only indication of him being awake is his hand softly pressing shapes into your shoulder blades.
You might not ruin him, but by God is he going to ruin you.
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thatpunnyperson · 1 year
I dont talk about it much, but I have 3 pet snakes--one (1) ball python and two (2) california king snakes--and I love them very much. But this is going to be a long post and I dont know how to do a "read more" on mobile
This love I have for them managed to make me forget just how long it takes to clean their tanks. I try to replace their tank substrate every 2-3 months because I use orchid bark (fir wood chips traditionally used for growing orchids, but also excellent reptile bedding) because I spot clean the substrate once a week when I feed my snakes. So the substrate stays fairly clean despite the length of time it sits in the tank becsuse I'm removing the poops and urate deposits shortly after the snake poops, but I am adamant about replacing all the substrate in each of the 3 tanks at least every 3 months, preferably every 2 months.
But oh my god my ball python lives in a 55 gallon 18" by 18" by 36" tank and the substrate is about 1"-2" on the bottom, which ends up being absolutely heinous to scoop out. The king snakes are in ~20 gallon 12" by 18" by 24" tanks that also have 1"-2" of substrate on the bottom, but the math works out that I can buy two big bags of substrate from the pet store, put one in the ball python tank, and split the second between the two king snake tanks, which gives them all a good amount of bedding to dig in and push around (not sure why they all like digging but I love it).
So the tank cleaning always involves going from one tank to the next, removing the tank furniture and spraying it down with an enzymatic cleaner and disinfectant, then removing the old substrate, using a small dustpan and brush to clean out all the dust from the substrate, then spraying the tank down with the cleaner/disinfectant, then washing the furniture off in the sink and letting it air dry a bit, wiping out the inside of the tank and then spraying it down with water and then wiping it out Again and letting it air dry a bit, then adding the new substrate in, spraying it with water to help bolster the humidity, putting the now-clean water dish into the tank and filling it with clean bottled water, putting the rest of the clean tank furniture back into the tank, and then spritzing it all down again with water to really boost the humidity.
And THEN, closing the tank doors (cause these tanks have little front doors) so the humidity can have some time to really seep into the substrate and the tank furniture. I have a bunch of stuff piled on top of each tank to both keep my cats from climbing onto them and to keep the humidity and heat in as much as possible (the tanks have a mesh top that makes it hard to keep the humidity and heat in, and ball pythons like fairly humid environments)
This all takes me about 30 minutes per tank, so I obviously do it when my snakes are scheduled to be fed, because I like to feed my snakes in little dedicated feeding tubs that I then cover with a thick blanket so it's dark and quiet for them. And THAT is because, when I first got my ball python 13 years ago, the guy at the pet store was like, "ball pythons are shy so you should feed them in a low-traffic part of your home so they dont get disturbed and spit up their food," to which my family was like, "okay, so we have a ton of decorative tea towels and we're going to put them on the snake tub because we're gonna feed her in the kitchen in case she bites someone and we need to clean up the blood." She has only bitten me 3 times in the 13 years I've had her and all times were my fault for confusing her.
Anyway, I love my snakes and the painstaking process of cleaning their tanks is a small price to pay for their health and happiness, but my god the substrate is the worst. I get splinters every time because I refuse to wear gloves despite literally using my hands to push the wood chips around.
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Transform Your Home: The Top Benefits of Bathroom Remodeling
Bathroom remodeling is a popular home improvement project that offers numerous advantages. Whether you're looking to enhance functionality, increase home value, or simply update the aesthetics, remodeling your bathroom can have a significant impact. Here are the top benefits of embarking on a bathroom remodeling project.
Increased Home Value
One of the most compelling reasons to remodel your bathroom is the potential increase in home value. A well-designed and modern bathroom is a major selling point for prospective buyers. According to real estate experts, bathroom renovations can provide a substantial return on investment, making it a smart financial decision if you're planning to sell your home in the future.
Enhanced Functionality
Bathroom remodeling allows you to reconfigure the layout and update fixtures to better meet your needs. Whether you need more storage, improved lighting, or better accessibility, a remodel can optimize the space for maximum functionality. Upgrading to more efficient plumbing fixtures can also help conserve water and reduce utility bills.
Improved Aesthetics
A bathroom remodel gives you the opportunity to update the look and feel of your space. By incorporating modern design trends, new color schemes, and high-quality materials, you can create a bathroom that reflects your personal style and provides a more enjoyable and relaxing environment.
Enhanced Comfort and Relaxation
Transforming your bathroom into a spa-like retreat can greatly enhance your comfort and relaxation. Features like soaking tubs, rain showers, heated floors, and ambient lighting can turn your bathroom into a sanctuary where you can unwind and de-stress after a long day.
Better Storage Solutions
A common issue in many bathrooms is the lack of adequate storage. During a remodel, you can incorporate custom cabinets, shelves, and other storage solutions to keep your bathroom organized and clutter-free. This not only improves the functionality of the space but also contributes to a cleaner and more streamlined look.
Increased Energy Efficiency
Modernizing your bathroom with energy-efficient fixtures and appliances can have a positive impact on the environment and your wallet. Low-flow toilets, water-saving showerheads, and energy-efficient lighting reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills. Additionally, using sustainable materials can make your remodel more eco-friendly.
Enhanced Safety
Older bathrooms may pose safety hazards, especially for children, elderly individuals, or those with mobility issues. A remodel allows you to address these concerns by installing features like slip-resistant flooring, grab bars, walk-in tubs, faucets and other safety enhancements that make the bathroom safer and more accessible for everyone.
Addressing Plumbing Issues
Remodeling your bathroom is the perfect opportunity to address any underlying plumbing issues. Fixing leaks, replacing outdated pipes, and ensuring proper drainage can prevent future problems and costly repairs. Upgrading the plumbing system during a remodel ensures that your bathroom functions smoothly and efficiently.
Bathroom remodeling offers a wide array of benefits that go beyond mere aesthetics. From increasing your home's value and improving functionality to enhancing comfort and safety, a well-executed bathroom remodel can transform one of the most important spaces in your home. Whether you’re looking to create a luxurious retreat or simply update an outdated bathroom, the investment in remodeling can provide lasting rewards and a more enjoyable living experience.
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trendyape · 11 days
Local Handyman Services Plymouth MI
Local Handyman Services Plymouth Michigan by HandyPro Handyman Service Inc. HandyPro 995 S Main St, Plymouth, MI 48170 Phone: (734) 335-1005 https://www.handypro.com/locations/plymouth
If you are looking for a handyman or handywoman in Plymouth Michigan who is trustworthy, reliable, and fully insured, then a handyman or handyperson from HandyPro Plymouth MI is a great choice.
Handy Pro has been built on referrals and inspired by trust since 1996. Contact your local handyman services in Plymouth MI today for your free no-obligation estimate.
Local handyman services from HandyPro include drywall repair, replacement garage doors and much more, in fact any home repair can be completed by your local handyman service in Plymouth Michigan.
We can help you at your home or business with services ranging from simple handyman jobs such as door replacement and painting to large home modification projects such as kitchen or bathroom, remodeling, wheelchair ramps and lifts and much more.
Local handyman services Plymouth MI
From simple home repairs to home window repair your local handyman in Plymouth MI will address any vinyl siding repair and even mobile home repairs.
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Are you looking for a reliable and professional handyperson service in the Plymouth MI area?
Whether you need help with painting, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, or any other home improvement project, HandyPro is the perfect choice for you.
The most trusted and experienced handyperson company that serves Plymouth MI and the surrounding towns, such as Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing, Toledo, Grand Rapids, Fort Wayne, and more.
Plymouth MI handyman, Plymouth MI handyperson, Plymouth MI handywoman covering Michigan
Local handyman services: We offer a variety of home and business repairs and maintenance, such as painting, drywall repair, carpentry, plumbing fixtures, electrical and lighting, furniture assembly, TV mounting and installation, exterior home services, and more. No job is too big or too small for us. We are licensed, bonded, and insured, and we guarantee your satisfaction.
Home Modifications: We specialize in home modifications for seniors and people with disabilities, such as wheelchair ramps, stair lifts, grab bars, walk-in tubs, roll-in showers, door widening, flooring, and more.
Aging In Place Home Modifications: We are certified aging-in-place specialists (CAPS) and accessibility specialists (CASp), and we follow the ADA guidelines and local codes. We can help you make your home safer, more comfortable, and more accessible.
Commercial Local handyman services: We provide commercial repairs and maintenance for businesses and facilities, such as office furniture assembly, cubicle installation, shelving and storage, signage, lighting, painting, and more. We can handle any project, big or small, and we work with your schedule and budget. We are reliable, professional, and efficient, and we deliver quality workmanship.
Handyman Plumber: We can install, repair, or replace any plumbing fixtures, such as faucets, sinks, toilets, showers, bathtubs, water heaters, garbage disposals, and more. We can also fix any leaks, clogs, or drainage issues. We have the tools and skills to handle any plumbing job.
TV mounting Service and installation: We can mount and install any size and type of TV on any wall or surface. We can also hide the wires, connect the devices, and set up the remote control. We can make sure your TV is secure, level, and functional.
Drywall Repair Handyman: We can repair any holes, cracks, or damages on your drywall. We can also patch, tape, sand, and paint the affected area. We can restore your drywall to its original condition.
Local Handyman Services Plymouth Michigan by HandyPro Handyman Service Inc. HandyPro 995 S Main St, Plymouth, MI 48170 Phone: (734) 335-1005 https://www.handypro.com/locations/plymouth
Local Handyman Services Plymouth MI
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philbridges · 6 months
Why Your Mobile Home Tub Has Cracks and What Needs to be Done
The mobile home bathroom that we are working on has some cracks. Phil goes through how and why that happens. We cover what you need to do to fix it. ⏱️⏱️Chapters⏱️⏱️00:00 Follow along with a handyman00:25 Close up of the tub and the crack00:32 How the tub is setup00:48 Why the tub has cracks01:08 How the tub could have gotten cracks01:24 What you need to do to fix the mobile home tub01:46 Be an…
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tsnyc123 · 17 days
How To Renovate Your Home For Aging In Place And Accessibility
Aging in place is becoming increasingly popular. Many people prefer to stay in their homes as they grow older. Renovating your home for accessibility ensures safety, comfort, and independence. This guide will help you understand the steps and considerations for such a renovation. Whether you’re planning for yourself or a loved one, these tips will be invaluable. Let’s explore how to renovate your home into a more accessible and welcoming place.
Aging in place means living in your own home independently and safely as you age. It requires thoughtful planning and modifications. The goal is to create a living space that accommodates changing physical abilities. This might involve small adjustments or major renovations. Each change should aim to increase comfort and accessibility. Starting early can make the transition smoother.
Before starting renovations, evaluate your current home layout. Identify potential hazards and areas that need improvement. Consider entryways, hallways, and room layouts. Are there stairs that might become difficult to navigate? Are bathrooms and kitchens easy to use? A thorough assessment helps in planning effective modifications.
Careful planning is crucial for a successful renovation. Start with a list of priorities based on your evaluation. Consult with experts, such as architects or occupational therapists. They can provide insights and suggestions tailored to your needs. Budgeting is also important; determine how much you can spend on renovations. Remember, some changes might qualify for grants or financial assistance.
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Renovate your home by improving entryways and exits
Wider hallways and doorways facilitate easier movement. Standard doorways might be too narrow for mobility aids. Widening them to at least 36 inches is recommended. Lever-style door handles are easier to use than traditional knobs. Smooth, level flooring helps prevent trips and falls. Hallways should be well-lit to enhance visibility.
The kitchen is a key area for aging in place modifications. Lower countertops and sinks for wheelchair accessibility. Install pull-out shelves and drawers for easier access. Lever-handle faucets are simpler to use than twist knobs. Consider appliances with front controls for safer operation. Adequate lighting ensures tasks can be performed safely.
Bathrooms often need significant changes for accessibility. Install grab bars in the shower and tub and near the toilet. A walk-in shower or tub can replace traditional models. Consider a raised toilet seat for easier use. Non-slip flooring helps prevent accidents. Hand-held showerheads add flexibility for those with limited mobility.
A comfortable, accessible bedroom is crucial. Ensure the bed height allows easy transfer in and out. Consider adjustable beds for added comfort. Place essential items within easy reach. Good lighting is important, especially for nighttime mobility. Clear pathways around the room to avoid obstacles.
The living room should be easy to navigate and comfortable. Arrange furniture to allow for easy movement. Choose seating that is supportive and easy to get in and out of. Lower light switches and install remote-controlled lighting. Ensure entertainment systems are accessible and easy to operate. Consider replacing heavy curtains with lighter, easier-to-manage options.
Smart home technology can greatly enhance accessibility. For instance, voice-activated systems can control lights, locks, and thermostats, making daily life easier. Additionally, automated systems simplify routine tasks, reducing physical strain. Furthermore, emergency alert systems provide added security, offering peace of mind. Furthermore, smart appliances should be considered as easier to operate for those with limited mobility. Overall, integrating technology can make aging in place significantly more comfortable and secure.
Don’t forget about the exterior of your home. Ensure pathways and driveways are smooth and well-lit. Install ramps or lifts for outdoor stairs. Raised garden beds can make gardening more accessible. Consider easy-to-maintain landscaping. Outdoor accessibility is just as important as indoor.
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Some home modifications may be covered by insurance.
Moving senior parents, for example, from Florida to New York requires careful planning and consideration. It’s crucial to hire experienced interstate movers who specialize in such transitions when moving to New York. Professional movers ensure a smooth and stress-free relocation, handling everything from packing to transportation. They understand the unique needs of seniors, providing extra care and attention to their belongings. Ensuring a seamless move can greatly reduce anxiety for your parents and help them adjust more comfortably to their new surroundings.
As you embark on this journey to renovate your home for aging in place, it’s essential to keep a positive mindset. While the process may seem daunting at first, each step brings you closer to a more comfortable and secure living environment. Additionally, involving family members or friends can provide valuable support and insights. Consequently, you’ll find that the combined effort makes the renovation smoother and more enjoyable. Moreover, as each modification is completed, you’ll gain a sense of accomplishment and peace of mind. Ultimately, these changes will allow you to live independently and with dignity.
Renovate your home for aging in place as a wise investment in your future. It allows for continued independence and comfort. By making thoughtful modifications, you can create a safe and welcoming environment. Start with a thorough evaluation and plan carefully. Consult with experts and consider financial options. With these steps, you can enjoy your home for many more years to come.
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bathsrusperr · 22 days
The Benefits of a Toledo Tub to Shower Conversion for Your Home
Understanding the Toledo Tub to Shower Conversion Trend:
One of the most popular trends in bathroom remodeling today is the Toledo tub to shower conversion. This transformation involves replacing an existing bathtub with a modern, spacious walk-in shower. Many homeowners are opting for this upgrade due to its numerous benefits, including improved functionality, increased safety, and enhanced aesthetic appeal.
A tub to shower conversion is an excellent option for those who rarely use their bathtub and prefer the convenience of a shower. It can also be a great solution for homes with limited bathroom space, as walk-in showers can create a more open and airy feel. Additionally, for individuals with mobility issues, a walk-in shower provides easier access and reduces the risk of slips and falls.
The Benefits of a Toledo Tub to Shower Conversion:
There are several compelling reasons to consider a Toledo tub to shower conversion for your bathroom. One of the primary benefits is the increased functionality that a walk-in shower offers. Showers are typically more convenient and quicker to use than bathtubs, making them ideal for busy households.
Another significant advantage is the enhanced safety that a walk-in shower provides. Traditional bathtubs can be difficult to navigate, especially for older adults or those with mobility challenges. A walk-in shower with a low threshold, grab bars, and non-slip flooring can greatly reduce the risk of accidents, making the bathroom a safer environment for everyone.
In terms of aesthetics, a Toledo tub to shower conversion can completely transform the look of your bathroom. Modern showers come in a variety of styles and designs, allowing you to choose one that complements your existing decor. From sleek glass enclosures to luxurious tile finishes, the possibilities are endless.
Planning Your Toledo Tub to Shower Conversion:
When planning a Toledo tub to shower conversion, there are several important factors to consider to ensure a successful outcome. Start by assessing your current bathroom layout and identifying the best location for the new shower. Consider the size and shape of the shower, as well as any additional features you may want, such as built-in shelving or seating.
Next, choose the materials and finishes that will best suit your needs and style preferences. Durable, easy-to-clean materials such as tile and glass are popular choices for walk-in showers. Additionally, consider incorporating features like a rainfall showerhead, handheld sprayer, and adjustable water pressure to enhance your showering experience.
Finding the Right Contractor for Your Tub to Shower Conversion:
Hiring a skilled and experienced contractor is crucial for the success of your Toledo tub to shower conversion. Look for a contractor with a proven track record in bathroom remodeling and specific experience with tub to shower conversions. Ask for references and review their portfolio to ensure they can deliver the quality and style you desire.
A good contractor will work with you to understand your vision and provide recommendations based on your needs and budget. They will also handle all necessary permits and inspections, ensuring that your project complies with local building codes and regulations.
Making the Most of Your New Walk-In Shower:
Once your Toledo tub to shower conversion is complete, it’s time to enjoy the many benefits of your new walk-in shower. To keep your shower looking its best, establish a regular cleaning routine and use appropriate cleaning products for the materials used. Regular maintenance will ensure that your shower remains functional and beautiful for years to come.
Consider adding accessories such as a stylish shower curtain or glass door, a comfortable bath mat, and coordinating towels to enhance the overall look and feel of your bathroom. With thoughtful planning and the right contractor, a tub to shower conversion can be a rewarding investment that adds value and comfort to your home.
In conclusion, a Toledo tub to shower conversion offers numerous benefits, from increased functionality and safety to enhanced aesthetics. By carefully planning your project and working with an experienced contractor, you can transform your bathroom into a modern, convenient, and beautiful space that meets your needs and lifestyle.
Baths R Us
Phone: 419-359-3262
Address: 25671 Fort Meigs Rd Suite H, Perrysburg, OH 43551
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bathmoosblog · 1 month
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Jacuzzi Bath Remodel by Capital - Benefits Of Tub-To-Shower Conversion
https://www.bathmo.com/conversions/tub-to-shower/ Converting your bathtub into a shower opens up your bathroom, making it feel larger and more inviting. This transformation not only adds practicality but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home. With a sleek, modern shower replacing the bulky tub, your bathroom becomes more attractive to potential buyers, boosting its resale value. Additionally, the switch to a shower can lead to significant savings on water and energy bills, as showers generally use less water than baths. Moreover, showers are often safer, especially for seniors or individuals with mobility issues, reducing the risk of slips and falls. Overall, the decision to convert your bathtub into a shower is a win-win, offering increased space, value, savings, and safety for your home.
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remodelsurgeons · 2 months
Increase the Value of Your Home with This Smart Bathroom Makeover
Introduction to Bathroom Remodeling
Bathrooms are one of the most important rooms in any home. It’s where we start and end our days, get ready for work or school, and spend time relaxing at the end of a long day. However, if your bathroom is outdated or needs some TLC, it can be a major turnoff when trying to sell your home. Luckily, a smart bathroom makeover can significantly increase your home’s value.. In this blog post, we will cover everything from choosing the right upgrades to hiring a professional contractor. Let’s dive in!
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Choosing the Right Upgrades for Your Home
The first step in any bathroom remodel is deciding what upgrades you want to make. Some popular choices include new countertops, cabinets, flooring, lighting, and fixtures. You may also want to consider adding a shower or bathtub, installing a new vanity, or upgrading your plumbing fixtures. The key is to choose upgrades that not only look great but also add functionality and value to your home. For example, installing a walk-in shower instead of a tub can make your bathroom more accessible and appealing to buyers who have mobility issues.
Tips for a Successful DIY Project
If you’re feeling handy, you might be tempted to tackle your bathroom remodel as a do-it-yourself project. While this can save you money, it’s essential to know your limits and understand the complexity of the task ahead. If you’ve never installed tile before, for instance, it might be best to leave that job to a pro. That being said, there are plenty of DIY projects you can take on successfully, such as painting walls, replacing caulking, and updating hardware. Just make sure to research thoroughly, plan carefully, and take your time.
Hiring a Professional Contractor
If you decide to hire a professional contractor for your bathroom remodel, it’s crucial to find someone reputable and experienced. Ask friends and family members for recommendations, read online reviews, and check references. When interviewing potential candidates, ask about their experience, qualifications, and pricing structure. Also, make sure they provide a detailed proposal that includes all labor and materials costs, timelines, and warranties. Finally, don’t forget to sign a written contract before starting any work.
Final Thoughts on Increasing Your Home’s Value
A well-planned and executed bathroom remodel can significantly increase the value of your home. By choosing the right upgrades, doing your research, and working with professionals when necessary, you can create a beautiful space that both you and future buyers will love. So go ahead – transform your tired old bathroom into a stunning oasis that adds real value to your property.
This article is accredited to Remodel Surgeons at https://remodelsurgeons.com/increase-the-value-of-your-home-with-this-smart-bathroom-makeover/.
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thelistingteammiami · 2 months
Remodel Tips for Your Mobile Home Bathroom
One of the most common criticisms of mobile homes is that they’re plain and don’t offer a lot of value. However, you can make upgrades to improve your quality of living or raise the value before you put it on the market. No matter your end goal, here are some helpful remodel tips for your mobile home bathroom that can enhance your space and make things more comfortable in the long run.
Different Colors
One of the easiest things you can do to enhance your bathroom is apply a new coat of paint. Many mobile home bathrooms use neutral colors like beige, white, or gray. Depending on your décor, you could benefit from a light blue or yellow. Pastel colors aren’t garish and offer a splash of vibrancy that makes any room feel more comfortable.
Tub or Shower
A common debate among mobile homeowners is whether it’s better to have a bathtub or a shower. Shower stalls take up less space, but bathtubs are usually better for a home’s value when trying to sell. It may be a good idea to install a new tub or shower in your bathroom to make your showers more comfortable and add a visual touch to the bathroom. If you’re looking to replace a mobile home shower, you can do it yourself or hire a professional.
Storage Options
Bathrooms often don’t have a lot of free space, so one of the best remodel tips for your mobile home bathroom is to add storage options. Some of the best options are installing floating shelves on the walls or cabinets beneath the sink. Shelves can hold towels, toiletries, and other essentials while adding a distinct visual flair that tidies up the room.
Enhanced Vanity
People spend a lot of time at the bathroom sink. From the moment you wake up to brush your teeth to shaving your face or applying makeup, you want to make sure the vanity has everything you need. The same goes for potential homebuyers! Installing a new vanity allows you to put in a new sink with plenty of counter space and a mirror. Considering how much you can do standing in front of the bathroom sink, you want the vanity to be as convenient as possible.
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reglazingtile · 3 months
Reglazing Tile
Best Reglazing Tile!
Is your bathroom in need of a makeover? Are you tired of looking at worn-out tubs and tiles? If so, it's time to consider reglazing. In Los Angeles, where style and functionality are paramount, finding the right professionals for the job is essential. Enter JLF Reglazing, your trusted partner in transforming bathrooms into sleek, modern spaces. Contact us to learn more about reglazing tile
Why Tub Reglazing? 
Over time, bathtubs can lose their luster due to wear and tear, leading to cracks, chips, and discoloration. While replacing a bathtub may seem like the only solution, it can be costly and time-consuming. Tub reglazing offers a more affordable and efficient alternative. By applying a durable finish to existing surfaces, reglazing can breathe new life into your bathtub, making it look and feel brand new. 
The JLF Reglazing Difference 
What sets JLF Reglazing apart from the competition? It's our commitment to quality, professionalism, and customer satisfaction. Our team of skilled technicians specializes in tub reglazing, using state-of-the-art techniques and materials to deliver outstanding results. From repairing minor damage to completely transforming the look of your bathtub, we handle every project with precision and care. 
Safety and Accessibility 
At JLF Reglazing, we understand the importance of safety and accessibility in the bathroom, especially for seniors and individuals with mobility issues. That's why we offer senior access conversions, making it easier for everyone to use the bathtub safely. Our non-skid surfaces reduce the risk of slips and falls, providing peace of mind for you and your loved ones. 
Service Area 
Based in Los Angeles, JLF Reglazing proudly serves customers throughout the region, including Orange County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, San Fernando Valley, and Ventura County. Wherever you are in Southern California, we're here to help you transform your bathroom into a space you'll love. 
Get Started Today 
Ready to revitalize your bathroom with tub reglazing? Contact JLF Reglazing today for a free consultation. Our friendly and knowledgeable team will work with you to understand your needs and provide a customized solution that fits your budget and timeline. Don't settle for a dull and outdated bathroom – let JLF Reglazing bring your vision to life. 
In conclusion, when it comes to tub reglazing in Los Angeles, JLF Reglazing is the name you can trust. With our expertise, professionalism, and dedication to customer satisfaction, we'll help you create the bathroom of your dreams. Say goodbye to worn-out tubs and tiles and hello to a fresh, modern look that will enhance your home for years to come. 
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kevinszabojrplumbing · 3 months
Enhance Your Retirement Living with Smart Home Upgrades
Are you approaching retirement? Are mobility issues making daily tasks challenging at home? It might be time for some thoughtful home improvements. Whether you're considering renovations, downsizing, or a custom remodel, there are key features you should prioritize. Here's a glimpse into upgrades and features that can make your golden years safer and more comfortable.
Let's begin with one of the most crucial areas for senior living: the bathroom. Given its importance for daily routines and its potential for slips and falls, it's essential to create a safer environment. Consider installing a walk-in tub or a curbless shower with ample space for a chair. These modifications make bathing easier on aging bodies and reduce the risk of accidents. Don't forget to add grab bars and handrails for additional safety.
Other bathroom upgrades include nonslip floor tiles, raising the toilet seat to a comfortable height, and replacing knob-style faucets with lever-style ones. These changes enhance accessibility, especially as joints become stiffer with age.
Improving lighting throughout the house is another crucial safety measure. Diminished vision can increase the risk of falls and confusion. Opt for brighter yet indirect lighting to minimize glares and shadows, which can be hazardous. Consider switching to LED bulbs for longevity and energy efficiency.
Additional lighting recommendations include rocker-type light switches, night lights in key areas, and under-cabinet lighting in the kitchen. If feasible, incorporate larger windows, glass doors, or skylights to maximize natural light. Sunlight therapy has proven benefits for mental and physical well-being in old age.
With a significant portion of the population aging, there's a growing market for senior-friendly home features. As you plan for retirement, allocate resources to make your home safe, functional, and adaptable to aging challenges.
For more insights on designing your home for retirement, refer to the accompanying source.
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philbridges · 4 months
How To Remove A Mobile Home Bathtub
Phil continues with the mobile home bathroom that we plan to put a cast-iron tub into. We’re pulling out the bathtub. He explains what you would do if you needed to save the tub. If you’re replacing the floors, but the bathtub is fine. He just pulls it out. ⏱️⏱️Chapters⏱️⏱️00:00 Follow along with a handyman00:25 Trim has been pulled off00:32 Showing the lip and where water could run behind the…
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bathsolgreenville · 4 months
Empower Yourself with Greater Safety Options in Your Shower
Power of the Shower: Accessibility and Safety Edition
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Your bathroom is more than just a functional space — it’s a sanctuary. That’s why it’s critical to make sure your bathroom is a clean and comfortable place you love being in.
If you’re into home renovations, one option is converting your tub into a shower. Not only does it make your bathroom more sleek and modern, but it also improves safety and accessibility.
In this article, we’ll explore safety reasons behind shower conversions, including…
Extra space
Reduced risk of slips and falls
Better accessibility and a more customized space
Lower water bills and improved water conservation
Easier to clean
Whether you’re considering remodeling your entire bathroom or just want to add a couple of modifications, converting your tub to a shower is a safe option — in more ways than one.
But First: What is a Shower Conversion?
A shower conversion is the process of converting a bathtub or older shower into a newer, better performing shower.
You can remove the existing tub and replace it with a walk-in shower enclosure or modify the existing space to create a walk-in shower. Sometimes a conversion project involves redirecting the plumbing and making structural changes, but don’t stress because it doesn’t always have to be a big overhaul.
So what are some of the safety benefits of a shower conversion?
Extra Bathing Space
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If you live in a home where accessibility needs are high, a roomier bathroom can better accommodate mobility aids, such as walkers or wheelchairs. This makes it easier to move around safely — which is a bonus even if you don’t need help! No matter your needs, extra space in your bathroom can make it easier to use and enjoy the space and improve the aesthetics.
Reduced Risk of Slipping and Falling
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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 80% of bathroom-related injuries were caused by slips and falls. Regardless of age or agility, injuries can happen to anyone. In fact, every year more than 40,000 children and teens head to the emergency room due to injuries in slippery bathrooms.
Walk-in showers have fewer barriers than tubs, which make them ideal for safer bath experiences. No more big steps into or out of the tub.
Showers also present less of a risk of slipping and falling compared to bathtubs, as you can modify the surface to be non-slip and the water is not as deep.
Better Accessibility
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A shower bench for a built-in seat for relaxation and mobility needs.
Grab bars, which are great for stability.
Raised shelves, removing the need to bend over to pick up items (and making a great shave ledge too!).
Multiple shower head options. A handheld shower head can help you clean all over, while an attached head allows you to use both hands.
There are also some non-slip options you can look into, both permanent and temporary:
Non-slip coating: Apply a non-slip coating to the shower floor. These coatings are typically made of a durable epoxy or polyurethane and can provide a long-lasting, slip-resistant surface.
Non-slip tile: Put tile in your shower with a textured surface that provides a slip-resistant surface. You can also use a slip-resistant grout.
Non-slip strips: These strips are typically made of a rubber or PVC material and can be attached to the shower floor.
Non-slip mat: If temporary is more your style, place a non-slip mat on the shower floor. This type of mat is made of a rubber or PVC material and has suction cups on the bottom to keep it in place.
Additional Benefits
In addition to all of the safety benefits of a tub-to-shower conversion, there a several other benefits that come with making the switch as well.
Save Money on Your Water Bill
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How does saving money connect to bathroom safety? There are a few ways:
1. Encouraging conservation
The average shower uses 2.5 gallons of water per minute, which means a 10-minute shower uses 25 gallons of water. In contrast, the average bath takes at least 36 gallons (and a full bath can use up to 50 gallons!).
With a shower, you can save over 4,000 gallons of water a year, making a shower easier on the environment and your wallet.
2. Maintenance
By saving on your water bill, you have more resources to maintain your home’s plumbing. This can help prevent leaks, pipe bursts, and other problems that can cause water damage to your home.
3. Prevent mold and mildew
By using less water, you reduce the risk of mold and mildew growth in your bathroom. (Less moisture = less of the warm, wet environment where mold thrives.) You’ll improve indoor air quality and prevent health problems associated with mold exposure.
Easier to Clean
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Showers also don’t have as many hard-to-reach areas as tubs do, such as the space between the tub and the wall.
In addition, many modern shower materials are designed to be easy to clean and maintain, such as glass enclosures, fiberglass or acrylic surfaces, and non-porous tiles, making cleaning even easier and more effective.
In particular, Five Star Bath Solutions shines in this arena! Our exclusive panels are low maintenance and long lasting, making them a fantastic choice for anyone — whether you have less mobility or just don’t love scrubbing a shower.
Seal the Deal with the Professionals
If you’re looking for a safer bathroom, Five Star Bath Solutions of Greenville has you covered. We offer a variety of safety features and conversion options, including:
Shower benches
Grab bars
Non-slip coatings
Raised shelves
Multiple shower head options
Floor to ceiling continuous walls
Large variety of colors and textures
Elegant natural stone color selections
100% protection from water and mold damage
We’re fast workers too. You won’t be without a bathroom for long as we typically finish in just 1–2 days, and we also offer flexible payment plans to make financing simple.
Our exclusive composite panels are…
Safe and hygienic
Longer lasting than anything else on the market
Guaranteed waterproof for life
We also guarantee 100% protection from water damage and mold, which makes the safety element even more of a no-brainer.
We want you to work with us! Be at peace by choosing Five Star Bath Solutions of Greenville because we can give you the results you are looking to get. Contact us today at (864) 528–1553 for a free inspection and get an accurate estimate of the costs required to make your dream project a reality.
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