#battle creek henry pearl
kiss-my-freckle · 3 months
The Battle of Willow Creek is their core storyline for the first season. It involves Katherine and her 26 vampire friends… Pearl, Anna, Harper, Frederick, Bethanne, Henry, Billy, Charlie, etc. The storyline also includes the relationship both Salvatores have with Katherine, as well as their deaths and transitions to vampire. The season opens with Mr. Tanner covering the Battle of Willow Creek, and the season ends with a repeat of history so that Elena can experience the battle for herself.
Everything from Fell's Church and the tomb underneath it is included in the storyline. Emily's talisman and her grimoire, the founding families and the Gilbert journal. Fans can compare flashback scenes with current scenes. It's because of Alaric that both brothers survive to see season 2. If not for him, they would've died together in the basement fire. It's because Damon came home to rescue Katherine that Katherine is the one he kisses on the porch in 1x22. The episode also shows that Elena is the one who changes Damon.
The series finale is written opposite The Battle of Willow Creek and the season one finale. That's why Stefan dies by fire and takes Katherine with him. Season one is the vampire side of The Battle of Willow Creek. Season two is the werewolf side of The Battle of Willow Creek.
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sir-skarsgard · 4 years
Hello! I saw that you write Bill's preferences and I have an ideia. Please, write how would be the Bill's reaction having a very beautiful and attractive girlfriend (Dream, JUST A DREAM😂). Oh, if you have a similar request, you can combine with mine if you want, I don't mind 😊
Word count: 1045
Warnings/contents: Cursing, fluff, self conscious feelings 
Notes: Ahhh this is so cute! I love it! It took me a million years to get to this, but I am back in the habit of writing for Bill again (and hopefully it stays that way) and this was a request I got a long time ago, so here we go! The point of view switches a couple of times, I apologize for that, I completely zoned out while I was writing and forgot which point of view I was doing and I’m too lazy to change the wording 🙃
So here’s my first mediocre post since I came back to life, I hope you enjoy it! 
Axel would have the tendency to get jealous when other guys stared for too long; his girlfriend was absolutely stunning, and everyone saw it. Whenever he started to get jealous he would wrap an arm around her waist or shoulder and pull her close to him. Or he’d press a kiss to her lips and then look at the person who was making him jealous. Typically he would just sulk for a few minutes until you shot the guy down, who was openly ignoring Axel’s presence all together, and then left, dragging Axel after you 
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Bob would definitely have insecurities about dating his gorgeous girlfriend; this was all just a joke right? Some cruel prank from Bowers. A running joke that she would go to him and talk about everything Bob did that was stupid throughout the day. She didn't really love him. How could she? She looked like a model for Pete’s sake! A lot of reassuring would take place in this relationship in the beginning, because he’d remain shocked that such a gorgeous woman would want to be with him. Sexually. But soon enough his worries would slow down. Though he would still get hit with a lot of insecurities when another guy hit on her because he assumed she’d want to be with him instead. And then you would have to be reassuring him again. Rinse, repeat 
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Henry was very aware how stunning his girlfriend was. Still confused as to why she was even with him, in fact. And it seemed most of the people in town wondered that same thing; he would get a lot of jealous looks from others as he and his gorgeous girlfriend went around the town, holding hands and laughing. Jealous looks from girls were also very common, normally because they seemed jealous of her beauty, though also because of how happy they seemed together when the girls boyfriend stared at you as you walked. Every now and then he would get self conscious of his own looks, but a little reassurance from her and he would be back on his feet; he needs constant reminders from you that you only want him and that those other guys don't compare, just to make him feel better. And you were more than willing to remind him how much you loved him-- and only him 
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Mark was very easily jealous. Having guys constantly doing double-takes to stare at his girlfriend could often get him fired up, but thankfully for the other guys you always knew how to distract him again. He often walked around with her with a protective arm around her shoulder or a hand in her back pocket, just to show those guys who did a double-take that she was not available. He didn't get very self conscious, but when he did it was important to take a gentle approach to it and just sit on his lap and kiss him like it might be the last time you can ever do it again
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Merkel is aware, and would find it funny how many guys tried to hit on his girlfriend, because she was the most gorgeous woman in the world. He had caught a rare, beautiful on the inside, absolutely stunning on the outside, woman and other men saw it, too. Their flirting was always pointless, and Merkel trusted her with no worries. To say he wouldn't get a little jealous when he saw some guy hitting on his girlfriend would be a lie, but he would always just cross his arms and stare the guy down while she turned him down and they'd move on with their lives; at the end of the day he’s the one she’s stealing the blankets from and using as a human pillow 
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Mickey could get very sulky because of how gorgeous his girlfriend was. Only because other guys were always hitting on her and he was worried she might find some muscular guy attractive and leave him for the other guy; though he knew that was absolutely insane, he loved you and he didn't want some other guy to get to love you the way he did. It would only take a few reassurances from her, a few kisses and snuggling with him and watching tv, or reminding him of all the reasons you loved him and he would calm down. He just loved you. So much 
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Roman could, and would, get crazy jealous. But at the same time he was proud of her; she was fucking gorgeous and everyone knew it. Many girls at school were jealous of her, and along the streets the two often got ugly stares from people as they walked. But of course it was all pure jealousy from the guys who saw Roman’s hand in yours, and your hand around his waist that annoyed the petty teenage girls. Being the most attractive couple in town was taxing because of jealousy levels from others; of course people were always trying to steal you from Roman, and as much as he was jealous, he knew he could trust you. That wouldn't stop him from getting jealous, but it might stop an outrage 
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The Kid didn't understand why he was so jealous at first when he saw some guy hitting on you in the street. He had never seen someone as gorgeous as you were, and he learned that it was apparent many other people in town hadn't either; often times people were jealous, and the kid wasn't really one for confrontation. If he was jealous he would mostly sulk and wait for you to come back to him. It would take a lot of reassuring from you that he was the only person you wanted, and that those other people were nowhere near stealing you from him. Cuddling with him when he was down about this was important, and telling him that you love him a lot. He was observant and saw that other guys were pretty jealous when they saw the two of you together, but there was nothing they could do about it now, and he soon got more comfortable. Dating such an attractive person was different than he'd imagined. Nobody in town could compare, and he was so, so lucky 
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I'm sorry but Axel Cluney ( zeitgeist) ... He is THE ONE .
Sad he died in less the 10 minutes but damn those tattoos and that bad boy vibe 🥵... Roman mommy issues Godfrey could never
I played dirty to my Henry baby just for the sake of the punch line ... I'm sorry bby😔
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eliza123sworld · 4 years
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Henry Pearl or the kid either way hot as fuck
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lvss94 · 4 years
Characters: Bill Skarsgård x reader
Description: you were angry with him but Bill wants to make you feel better.
Warnings: anger, language, mature themes
You was so angry, thinking at your asshole boyfriend. At this point you don’t even remember why you’re mad at him. You were so furious when you entered in this bar in Stockholm with this unpronounceable name drinking this beer with the same difficult name. You wanted to fight with him so much but he was too busy so you left without telling him. Which made you even angry. The doorbell rang and you looked in that direction.
You quickly tried to hold up your menu to block your face, but it was of no use. A chair skidded as you heard someone sit down across from you. Knowing exactly who it was, you lowered the menu. His big green eyes pierced you with the cocky smirk on his face, almost funny, making him look that much sexier. But you wasn’t going to be turned on right now, not by the man who’d made you angry. Bill grabbed your hand and gave it a kiss.
“I’m sorry Y/n” he said.  
You didn't know what to say. You wasn't anymore angry but you didn't wanted him to know so you pulled your hand away .
“Go fuck yourself” you said trying to sound angry.
But his smirk grew wider, and anger flooded you all again.You couldn’t think straight. You felt a rush of adrenaline. You didn’t hesitate. You swung your hand toward his shoulder, hoping to make contact, but the bastard was faster. His firm palm caught your wrist, his long fingers snaking around it, radiating heat through you.
“Oh no, älskling ” he said trying not to laugh. But at the same time, under the café table, his leg extended toward your open legs. His foot was like the rest of his body, big, perfectly proportioned. Unbidden, your legs widened. Bill slowly placed his foot on the edge of the chair between your thighs, careful not to actually touch them. Heat reached out from him. Penetrating you and you felt your blood pressure rising. Your emotions betrayed you. You should have been pissed off by his rudeness, but it turned you on. His smooth way hinted at a warmth beneath his icy surface.
“I'd like to fuck you so hard right now” he said. A hot flush burst into your cheeks. His smug smirk changed, though, growing more serious as he lowered his foot.
“Bill” you said to him more like a moan. You brought the beer to your lips, trying to calm down  
“I bet you’re so wet, I can fucking feel it” Your eyes went wider and you choked.Bill stood up and kneeled beside you, patting your back, looking concerned.
“Are you ok?” His hands touched your face, turning you toward him. They were so warm it created a chain reaction you couldn’t fight. Chills went up your spine. Your nipples hardened at his touch. The blood, redirected from your brain, pumped to your core. You felt a sensation of swelling between your legs. You won’t let him make you stain that dress. Pinching your legs together, you focused deeply on holding back the river that was beginning to flow. He looked deeply into your eyes and told you to breathe. A carnal instinct screamed between you. Shit
“Let’s go home” he said in a serious tone.
@ill-skillsgard @emmyrosee @lihikainanea
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hecohansen31 · 4 years
Oooo those kiss prompts were so ADORABLE!! Can I have #17 with henry Pearl pleaaaaaase?? He’s too much of a sweetie ahhhh!! Thank you lovey!! Hope everything is okay and you are alright!❤️❤️
(A/N): Hello there, lovelies!
And you can always have ask me about our favorite fluffy boy… I just want to hug him!
Also I hope that you’ll feel better soon!
WARNINGS: Fluff, Disgusting Fluff and Crackheadery.
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Tucking their hands beneath the other person’s shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of cold/warm hands on their skin.
Teasing Henry Pearl was the highlight of your day.
Each time you’d come home from being outside at your 9 to 5 job, and you’d immediately tuck your hands in his shirt, warming your hands up against the furnace of warmth he was.
It was both because he was naturally warm and because he’d be staying at home all day, mostly painting, since he had started taking on commissions, after his art had become popular on internet.
It was all thank to you who had insisted on him starting a YouTube channel and an Instagram account to share his masterpieces.
‘You have talent and you are cute’ you had mumbled softly, one night, as he questioned whether it was or not a good idea, worried about his awkwardness and physical aspect ‘… I’ll have to fend off all the beauty gurus from you’.
And it had turned out to be the truth, since you had had to deal with the constant DMs he kept on receiving during his first month, to the point that you two had had to record a soft ‘painting with my girlfriend’ to get them to back down.
Spoiler: they hadn’t.
And you couldn’t blame them since Henry Pearl was the sweetest creature on the planet.
And the most sensitive, as he gasped in his ‘welcome home’ kiss as soon as your hands found themselves in his shirt, bringing him closer as their coldness brought his tummy to lightly tighten under them, his lean muscles pressing themselves against your palm.
And you took your time to grope him.
… which was enough to distract him, as you brought him in a kiss again, brushing his lips in a soft caress.
And he pushed himself to look for more, as he searched your own lips, finally getting over the shock of your cold hands.
(But he still shrieked as you ‘gently’ put your cold feet onto his soft stomach to warm them up).
“… mmmhh, Henry Pearl, you sure know how to make a lady feel welcome”.
As he giggled, his cute button nose lightly moving, you pushed yourself on your feet to kiss it and he lowered lightly to allow it.
“Just thought you’d like a warm welcome, considering you are freezing” he replied, sending you a light reprimanding look “… you know that I can pick you up at work, so you don’t have to wait for the bus, out in the cold”.
“Wouldn’t want to disrupt any creative process, sweetheart” you replied, gently bringing him closer by his flannel shirt “… and I prefer to use you as my source of warmth during the cold nights”.
“I am happy to be useful” he joked, before he leaned down for one last kiss on your own nose, making you giggle “… now bath and then dinner, wouldn’t want anything to make the baby sick”.
And he looked at your lightly growing stomach hidden under your coat, where another little furnace of warmth hid, just waiting for another six months to meet you and Henry.
And you couldn’t be more impatient.
And Henry could definitely tolerate your cold hands and feet, when you were carrying your little miracle.
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emmyrosee · 5 years
*kisses a peach* for Henry Pearl🍑💕
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simple-skarsgard · 6 years
Pairing: Virgin!Bill x Sexy!Reader
Prompt: Bill loses his virginity to you obviously lol
A/n: Obviously Bills experienced lmao. So if you wanna imagine this takes place in highschool or college or whatever, you go ahead lmao. But theres no set time for this one shot. I hope you all enjoy cause I think I’ma like this one a lot lmao.
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"I'm a virgin."
The words came out of his mouth and hung heavily in the air- expanding and taking up all the space in the room until it filled with nothing but silence. He swore the whole world had stopped moving then and there. For a whole minute he felt his heart freeze and fear began swelling inside him the way the words had in the room.
You were straddling his lap as he was propped up on his elbows with his shirt unbuttoned to show his chiseled body, lazily hanging on his shoulders. Your hands had stopped at his pants and had them unzipped to show his very prominent bulge.
The heat was rising to his cheeks the longer the silence hung between you. He felt as if you were getting further and further away with every passing moment. Fear setting in that he may have ruined everything you had.
"Oh.." was all you said. Just.. 'Oh'...
"I-I'm sorry," Bill sat up and began to button up shirt, eyes forced to look to the ground feeling embarrassed. It never occurred to him that it might've been a problem. He zipped up his pants, shame flushing his cheeks at how tight they were. 
"I should go," were the next words that came from his lips and just as his hands were on your hips to help you off him, your hands cupped his face and turned his sad eyes to meet yours.
"Why do you have to go?" You asked, an obvious disappointment in his decision to leave. Truth was you didn't want him to leave. You wanted him to stay with you and you wanted to make him feel comfortable.
"I just..," his face was tilted to your direction, but his eyes stayed looking to the ground. It was almost like he felt guilty for being .. that thing.
"There's nothing wrong with you being a virgin, Bill."
He inwardly cringes at the word as if it pricked his chest. He hated having to hear it now, it was uncomfortable having to admit it.
You cup his cheek and run your thumb over his cheek bone,"Bill.. Look at me.."
He shuts his eyes tight as if mustering the courage to face the ugly truth before he sighs, visibly letting go of his stress. The tension in his face and body draining as he opens his lids to stare at you with glossy green orbs.
You smile a little and kiss his temple before withdrawing and meeting his eyes again.
"I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to do. I know how intimidating this experience can be and I want to make sure that you want to do this. I'm not pressuring you."
"It's not that I feel like you're pressuring me.. I just..."
"You just...?"
"I want to be able to please you!" He admits aloud. His fear of not being good enough surfacing and making itself seen in plain sight. Although he still had clothes on it felt as if that sentence alone had stripped down to his bare skin. Vulnerable and naked.
You’re silent for another moment, not sure how to respond, because how in his right mind would he ever believe he wouldn’t know how to make you feel good? He could have you like putty in his hands and he was totally unaware of it. The number of times you had to touch yourself after a heavy make out session and he would leave. The times you were a shriveled mess in the very sheets he was sitting on in that moment, moaning his name as a blissful orgasm washed over you.. He knew none of that?
While you’re stuck in your thoughts trying to process all this information, Bill is staring at you. Eyes searching you over and raking over your body- still straddling his hips- and just drinking in every curve and edge of your being. He’d fantasized about being able to touch you in this way for the couple of months you’d been together, but now that it came down to it, he couldn’t have been more paralyzed. 
What was he so afraid of?
Zoning back in you look at him and see him staring at your chest, only slightly exposed beneath the v-neck you’d been wearing. He seemed distraught and far too into his head, like he wandered down a path that he couldn’t find his way back from. 
You take one of his hands, the sudden movement slamming him back into awareness so hard he jolts like he’s been caught in a crime. You lead his hand to your breast over the fabric of your shirt and notice the shock widen his eyes like he couldn’t believe what was happening. Almost like allowing a crook to get away with his crime. 
Which wasn’t accurate to say the least. This was no crime. There was nothing wrong in the situation other than how stuck he seemed to be. 
“You don’t know how many times I’ve daydreamed about having you touch me Billy,” you take his other hand and guide it so it slips under the hem of your shirt and travels upward, making sure his fingertips drag along your skin ever so softly. 
Bill’s only response is to blink as he feels his right hand resting over your boob and you drag his left until it brushed over the lace of  your bra. You slip his fingers into the cup of your bra so he feels your breast in his hand, making his mouth go slack a bit.
A part of you wants to giggle, because he is like a school boy drooling over you, but you’re more turned on with the fact that he hasn’t stopped you from guiding him. He was open to being shown how to make you feel good and if that didn’t tell you he was going to be amazing already, then what else would.
“I’ve had so many dreams of you fucking me into my bed and just feel you inside my pussy, Bill.”
You make his thumb brush over your hardened nipple, not failing to catch the release of little breath he’d been holding. Seeing how things are well so far, you decide you’ll take a bigger step and strip off your own shirt, hands reaching behind you to unclasp your bra and drop the articles of clothing to the floor.
Bill’s eyes graze over your now bare upper torso and his hands lazily rest along your waist, but the longer he takes in your appearance, the more you feel the anxiousness in his fingertips as he presses down on your skin. He drags his hands up your body, no longer needing much of a guide. A tiny moan passes through his parted lips and he feels tension growing in his cock.
He tilts his head as if trying to capture your view from every and any angle, fascinated with your appearance. Specifically, because it was you he was staring at. Every little mole, freckle, stretch mark and fold of skin was hypnotizing.
“You’re so beautiful,” he says more to himself than you as he leans in and begins to kiss your chest, up to your neck, not sure if you’d be upset if he were to leave a mark behind or not.
You bring your hands up to tangle in his hair and guide his kisses, sensing he’s still a bit hesitant  on where he’s allowed to kiss. You even tilt your chest up slightly and bring his head down so he kisses just above your nipple. He can feel his heart rate climbing and neediness along with it as his lips part to start leaving open mouthed kisses on your soft skin, letting his tongue graze you slightly.
Upon feeling your fingers tighten in his hair and a small whimper emerging from your throat, he takes it as sign you like what he’s doing and lets his lips close around your nipple to suck on the tender bud while his right hand resting on your hip moves to grip your neglected breast.
He feels the breath hitch in your throat and the way you push his face further into your breast, not being able to restrain your greediness of the attention you’d been craving for so long up to this point.
“You have no idea how many nights I’ve laid here touching myself, wishing it was your hands on me,” your eyes shut and leaning your head back as your body’s instincts take over and you begin to rock your hips against his growing bulge, knowing he too needs attention.
His hot breathes grows heavier against your skin and his moaning grows more audible as he feels the friction against his almost painfully sensitive cock. He takes his chance to switch tasks with your breast- sucking on the other and running his thumb over the other before pinching it to roll it between his fingertips.
You could feel your wetness growing between your hips the longer his touch lingers on your body, losing yourself in the pleasure. Bill sensing he’s on the right track, turns to flip you over, leaving him hovering over you and your legs wrapped around his waist as he begins to kiss you again. His tongue slipping into your mouth and brushing against yours to run slickly against the muscle.
Before you can process how much more turned on he’s left you, his fingertips slip passed the band of your shorts and panties and runs between your folds.
“So wet,” he moans gently as his kisses stray from your lips to your neck as his middle and ring finger slip into you.
Your walls close around his fingers as he begins to move them in and out of your pussy. He hears the swishing of your pussy with every pump and he’s unsure of why that turns him on further, but he’d guess it’s because it’s an obvious sign you’re feeling into him as much as he is into you.. Just a guess though.
As his fingers are working inside you, he leans further back just enough to catch your form beneath him. Your eyes are closed and head leaning back with your back slightly arching off the bed. You looked as if you were drowning in ecstasy and trying to come up for air in his eyes.  
“Wait,” you grab his hand and reluctantly make him stop his movements.
Panic sets off, “Did I do something wrong?”
“So then what is it?”
You move his hand away before you nudge him off and turn him back so he lays flat on the bed with you straddling his lap.
“It’s that this is about you.”
He furrows his eyebrows,”Babe no I want to-”
You press your hand over his mouth and muffle the words before he can get them out. “Want to make me feel good- yeah I know, but you’re going to have many opportunities to do that, but this is your first time and it’s important to me that you get the attention.”
He ponders a moment, upset that he won’t get his wish fulfilled of being the one to please you, but also understanding where you were coming from. And it wasn’t like you were wrong. This would undoubtedly be the first of many times you and him have sex, and every chance after so would be another step closer to learning your body as he wished. So he complied by nodding in agreement.
The elegant smile Bill loved seeing on your lips spread wider into the goofiest grin before you removed your hand and crashed your lips onto his again. He blinks before reciprocating the kiss and hands instinctively groping your ass as you rock your hips against him. 
Your tongues intertwining and your hands pulling at his hair, making his moans pass into the cavern of your mouth as it continued its movements against his. Your hands began to greedily claw at his clothing and shred them off his smooth skin until you’d stripped him down bare. If he didn’t feel naked before, he sure as hell did now, but you refused to let him get snagged in the web of self consciousness as you still ground your clothed crotch against his naked member.
His hands rested on your hips as he delved into the friction you were giving him so freely and generously. His head tossed back into the bed sheets and his Adam’s Apple bobbing down with the little noises he wasn’t even trying to restrain coming from his throat. His neck being so exposed was only calling you to attack it with desperate open mouthed kisses, hardly being aware of the little control you had was slipping from your grip. All you wanted to do was ride him until he was cumming into your tight little cunt.
“Oh god,” he rasps as his fingers unconsciously dig further into your hips, the sensations in his balls and dick growing to a pleasure he’d never imagined feeling so much better than when he would touch himself.
"Does it feel good, baby?" You cooed letting your lips gently graze the skin of his neck before biting down with enough pressure to make him moan.
He merely nodded with his eyes screwed shut, an expression of desperation with eyebrows turned upward in vulnerability. His tongue flicking out to lick his dry lips as if tasting the bliss that you made him feel.
"You look so pretty," you comment mesmerized by his beauty. Your hand unconsciously slid up his bare torso and gripped his throat. His eyes blinked open in surprise but he made no indication for you to stop. He even reached his hand to guide the placement so your fingers rested along his cheek, fingertips bridging over his jawline and palm on his throat.
"Kiss me," he said breathlessly. "Please."
You did as he asked, your hand still placed where he left it and squeezing just barely feeling his pulse against his jugular. The longer this went the more you realized you desperately needed Bill inside you.
"Are you ready?" You mumble between your desperate kisses.
You withdraw enough and don't break his eye contact as you stripped. His eyes wandered down your body in a new perspective. Imagining you naked was nowhere near as good as it was seeing you. All of a sudden his mouth went dry and his chest grew tight, he was growing anxious. And you seemed to notice because your lustful eyes furrowed with worry.
"Don't be scared, Billy." You reassured him and ran your hands all over his chest."Just relax. It'll feel good, I promise."
He let out a breath he didn't even realize he'd been holding and nodded. It never ceased to amaze him just how well you'd learned him in the short time you'd been together. It was impressive, especially since most would never be as caring as you. You always did your best to make sure he was comfortable in any situation and he with you.
"I don't doubt it, babygirl," he leaned up to cup your face and kiss you again just as you lower yourself on his shaft. The pressure in your core making your walls clench around him and his groan unable to be suppressed.
Your hands reach to cup his face and you kiss him passionately before he can fully process your wet, tight pussy around his cock. You rock your hips and hear the clapping of skin on skin. The sound of your wetness swishing as his dick pumps in you.
Every few moments your movements would falter just enough to catch your breath, especially Bill. The ability to breathe had gone increasingly low and he was grateful for the smallest pause to regain breathing as it seemed to only grow louder and impossible to quiet down. But you didn't seem to mind his now slicked-sweat body and heavy breathing. In fact, it seemed to be more of a turn on.
And he was right. You were infatuated with every noise he used as response to communicate the pleasure he was feeling. The little whines and slight shifting under you to watch his dick slip in wnd out of you. It was all such a beautiful connection that you were grateful to give to him. At least he would know that someone he loved and someone who loved him in return would be the one to experience this with him for his first time.
Then he felt himself twitching in you. He gasp and moans,"Im gonna cum." He blurts out, almost worried. He didn't want to finish before you. He didn't want to seem he couldn't last. "S-Slow down. I won't last."
"Cum for me baby," you encourage breathlessly.
He whimpers and shakes his head in refusal. "N-No."
"Please cum for me baby," you pick up your pace, feeling him twitch in your walls,"I want you to cum in my tight little pussy."
His eyes shut tighter as he visibly tries to hold on. So you gripped his hair and appreciatively accepted his whimper, crashing your lips on his and slip your tongue in his mouth. He moans into your kiss when suddenly he feels himself release into you. His eyes roll back and jaw drops open as you touch every inch of his skin and keep your movements steady to make sure he feels the total wave of his orgasm take him over.
His body tensed and his fingertips tucked into your skin. You felt him ease into the mattress until he relaxed completely beneath you. 
When his eyes fluttered open he sighed with disbelieve at how amazing he’d felt through the entire thing. A few tears in his eyes slipped down his cheeks from how powerful he had cum, but his shock wore down quickly. He frowned and looked at you.
“You didn’t cum,” he sounded disappointed.
“Bill I told you, I couldn’t care less about not finishing,” which you’d been honest with him. You didn’t care about finishing, but you were seeing how much he cared.
His frown stayed in its place, refusing to leave.
You folded your lips before thoughtfully chewing on the right corner of your lower lip before you came to a conclusion that would be a win for both of you.
“How about..,” you run your hands through his hair and scan his face, admiring his cheekbones and his swollen lips,”you go down on me.”
His face went red,”Wh-What?”
You chuckled before your expression softened, clearly aroused,”Eat my pussy, baby.”
Bill would have choked on his own spit then and there had you not gotten off him and splayed yourself out on the bed beside him, bending your knees and spreading your legs as you bit your finger and made bedroom eyes at him.
“Please?” you stirred slightly moving your hips against the sheets,”Eat my pussy, please Billy?”
He swallowed harshly before turning his body to lay on his stomach and situate himself so he was staring at your dripping core. A soft moan passed through his lips. “Oh, fuck..”
He reached to caress your folds delicately before inching closer, glancing up to meet your eyes over the valley of skin of your tummy and between the mount of your breasts. You looked beautiful.
He hesitated, this was new to him and he didn’t want to do anything wrong, but he trusted he’d watched enough porn to have an idea of what to do. So he shook himself free of his doubt and let his hands rub up your thighs, sliding up to grip your breasts. The sounds of your whimpers encouraging him further before he licked a long strip between your folds..
The jolt from your body wasn’t anticipated, but definitely reassuring. He moved around to slip your legs over his shoulder and wrapped his arms around your thighs to keep them in place as he repeated his first movement. The whining from above grew at your lack of being able to move as freely as you had moments ago.
He smirked a bit before he began to kiss your core, his tongue swirling and slicking between your folds and pressing flat against your clit. A low moan rang from your throat as your hips unwillingly rose to grind against his tongue.
“Bill,” you moaned and began to play with your breasts, pinching the sensitive nipples and rolling them between your fingertips. Bill could feel his confidence growing with every response you were eliciting. You were so responsive and he liked it. It was reassuring to know he was giving you the pleasure he so desperately wished he could.
“Rub my clit,” you suggest and he listens, pressing his index and middle finger to rub your clit in circles before switching into a figure eight motion.
“Oh god,” the words rumbling in your throat,”I’m gonna cum, Bill.”
He almost panicked, stopping for a moment before re-initiating his gestures just barely any faster, hoping that it’d bring your orgasm faster. And so it came, your juices spilled from you and along his tongue. Your hips lifting off the bed and thighs trembling in his hold.
Your head fell back into the sheets and jaw dropped as you let out a long sigh of satisfaction and your eyes screwing shut. Bill swore the next time he got you to do that face that he’d be coming with you. He would figure your body out and he would keep this image of you in his head, for it was the most beautiful expression he’d witnessed on you. 
When your hips fell back to the mattress and your legs went slack with exhaustion, Bill licked you clean and kissed his way up your body. His lips peppering your skin until he reached your chin and he looked down at you in admiration until you cupped his face and kissed him passionately, tasting yourself on his lips.
“You’re so beautiful,” he breathed into your kiss, feeling his own exhaustion catching onto him.
He collapsed at your side and allowed you to cradle him so his cheek was pressed to your bare chest. You twirled his slick hair in your fingers, watching his eyes fall close. He looked defeated in a chaotically beautiful way. Drained but at peace.
“I love you..” Bill says with his eyes closed before they slowly open and he searches your expression almost worried he’d crossed a line he shouldn’t have.
“And I love you, Bill.”
He smiles before letting himself drift to sleep in your embrace. 
A/n: I hope this was satisfying for you guys. Let me know your thoughts.. Also thank you for over 2.7K Followers <3 Go follow my other account : @simple-skarsgod 
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behindblueskars · 6 years
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happy halloween to henry pearl only🎃
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z0rdic · 5 years
Im right now watching Battle Creek for the first time and Henry Pearl had my heart
What the shit Bill Skarsgård
Why you gotta do this
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skaryboybill · 6 years
Bill Skarsgård:*is bill skarsgård*
Me:wow he did that.
*proceeds to give him my life*
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sir-skarsgard · 4 years
You’re back!!! Could you please do the Bill’s with a girlfriend who is really shy and quiet, and everyone who meets her thinks she’s mute but she just hates talking to people? ☺️ thanks love
Word count: 1,025 
Warnings/contents: Fluff mainly 
Notes: I am back!!! Thank you so much for your request! 😊 Yes I can! This is super cute and I was thinking of doing something like this, so it’s perfect timing ☺️ 
Quick note: I need some feedback from my readers. I’m debating whether or not I should keep Bob in my preferences or stop writing for him. I feel like my shots of him are always so dull, and I’m not sure if anyone really likes him like they like the others. If you could drop a quick comment to let me know I would appreciate it, so I don't waste time writing preferences for a character people don't even read 😂 I won’t take him away if more than 5 people like him, but if it’s under that I will most likely be discontinuing his preferences 
Axel found it hilarious when you would basically use him as a shield to avoid people; it was equally as funny to him when a person would talk to you and wait for a reply, only to get a small look of discontentment from you as you slowly scooted backwards. Axel always helped you out, typically going with a “she’s shy” but sometime’s he’d just go ahead and let people think you were mute. Hell it was hilarious when a person who spoke sign language came in. One time someone tried communicating with you that way and you closed your eyes. Needless to say his laughter hadn't stopped for about five minutes after that happened 
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Bob was also very quiet. Socializing with either of you was something most people didn't even attempt; the weird clown from the circus and the seemingly mute girl were bad people to ask directions from. Though people who were passing through Derry and knew nothing of the two of you would occasionally see the two of you wandering the streets and ask a couple questions. Though he was shy, Bob would offer a small smile and help point out the destinations they needed while you stayed behind him in comfortable silence. Whenever someone spoke to you instead of Bob he would jump in quickly and go with whatever outlandish theory they had of you not speaking, so long as if wasn't cruel 
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Henry had an advantage on everyone else in the department of talking to you, since he had known you since the two of you were very young. Back in the old social days of the young (y/n) he had met you, and ever since then you had been inseparable. When the two of you started dating everyone was shocked; quiet, sweet Henry and the unapproachable girl didn't seem like it would-- or could-- ever happen. Newer people, often times people just driving through town on the way somewhere else would assume she was mute. She sure seemed mute, the way she never spoke-- especially when people spoke to her. A few people had even attempted sign language to talk to the girl, however Henry was quick to cut in with a smile and help them out 
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If Mark was being honest he liked it when you ignored people. He liked it when you would only talk to him, he also found it funny when you would look at the person who was speaking to you as if they were stupid. He loved the attention, and would usually wait a few minutes before he would intervene with the person and talk for you. He would brush past their questioning as to why you wouldn't speak to them and quickly take them back to the original subject while you stood nearly behind him and waited for them to leave so you could go back to your conversation with Mark 
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Merkel typically found it very amusing to witness your eye rolls as people started talking to you, only for you to bluntly ignore them. Other times you might hide behind him, peeking out and giving a quick look to the person; most people asked if you were mute, and usually Merkel would just say yes. He knew you didn't like talking to people. He didn't really want you talking to the people he worked with very much anyways; it was dangerous, and it was usually easier to just agree to the mute idea. Occasionally he would say no, such as with Lorraine, and leave it up to you to decide if you wanted to associate yourself with them or not. If they were still confused and asked what he had meant, “she has to be mute, she hasn't spoken a word,” he would just shrug at them. Nothing more to do but move on 
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Mickey was a loud, excitable goofball. You were a quiet, unsociable, kind of dull person. People either questioned how the two of you ever ended up together, or why you were still together; of course as quiet as you were in public the more talkative you were when it was just you and Mickey. Since you’d mostly been quiet all day around people you had a lot to share. Occasionally people would see you whispering something to Mickey and be a little shocked you weren't mute or deaf or whatever they had assumed when you didn't want to talk to them 
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Roman was confused, at first, as to why you always used him as a human shield to avoid talking to people. Especially with the people he knew you didn't like. Once he figured out you just really didn't like talking to people and had only ever talked to him and Shelley because you were alone with them he went along with your antics to avoid speaking to people; he found it pretty funny when you were absolutely forced to talk to a person and put no effort into the conversation at all. He’d watch for a few seconds with an amused smirk before he cut in and saved you 
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The Kid was also very shy and quiet, so when Henry introduced the two of you and basically begged for you to watch over the kid while he went and got some things arranged, the two of you were forced to adjust to each others presences. It wasn't too hard for the kid to adjust to your apartment; it was cosy, warm, and had cute little trinkets along the surfaces. He was confused as to why you were so quiet. You hadn't spoken a word to him in the full 15 hours he had been there, and he was worried you had hated him, too. Once he figured out you were just quiet like he was his worries subsided, but after a few days the two of you actually started to get along really well and he learned the trick to your personality. Though nobody really ever spoke to either of you so it wasn't necessary for him to cover for you, on the rare occasion you would typically just answer the question and move on 
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paradiseintheam · 6 years
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henry pearl is a cutie 😍🖤 happy halloween everyone 🎃💀🤡👻🦇🧙🏼‍♂️🕷🧟‍♂️🧚🏽‍♀️🧛🏼‍♂️
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eliza123sworld · 4 years
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I want to marry henry pearl
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Worshipping Your Body And Mind:
Henry Pearl+Poet! Reader
(A/N): Hello there, lovlies!
So... I have a slight problem writing fanfic lately, both because I am uninispired... and both because I have an hard time writing and finding time to do it!
BUT I HAVE IDEAS... and I am working on some asks, I am very sorry that it is taking quite a bit... but... life is shit!
And this was written, meanwhile I was blocked so, I hope you’ll like it an it won’t suck (also... just wanted to say that i suck at writing erotic poems so it sucks... I am sorry).
WARNINGS: Mention of Sex and Sexual Theme, Past Traumas, Insecurity and Awful Erotic Poems.
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You had started writing erotic poems when you were nothing but a teen.
At first you had found them funny, in a way that made you broke away from the taboo that sex was in your small community but moving forward a few years you had relied on them to comfort yourself about the lack of sexual activity in your life.
All your friends had boyfriends, and you didn’t.
But you had your poems and, according to the gruesome description of your friends’ first times, they were much better than any man.
Except Henry.
You had met Henry Pearl once you had been given a teaching job at Battlecreek and from the start you had just been attracted by the other, like opposite magnets, in a shy courting that had brought you on your knees for the sweet man.
You still remembered that time you had gone skinny dipping and you had shared your first sweet kiss, and you had witnessed his scars and hadn’t run away from him.
“Why would I?” you had asked, softly laying some kisses onto his chest and neck where the marked tissues stood out “They are just scars, just a bit of different skin and most importantly: it isn’t what define you Henry Pearl”.
You had slowly moved your hand from his neck to where his heartbeat could be found, extremely rushed due to your closeness and the insecurity he felt, transforming in anxiety, with each second you spoke.
He had kind of expected you to run away, but you hadn’t.
You never would, you promised yourself when you saw that desperate look in his eyes.
“… this…” you had leaned down to kiss his heart, right where the muscle stood out, pumping blood, almost as in an attempt to get close to you “… is what defines you, above anything else, and nothing else matters.
Your relationship with Henry was shy and attentive to each other’s needs, but this didn’t mean that it was less firey than anybody’s.
And when you had finally experienced sex, through a human body and not a book, it had been definitely less gruesome than your friend had told you, but also extremely intense, a million of thoughts and emotions going through your body and your mind.
Henry asked, as a true gentleman, instructions for anything, waiting for your sign to even start undressing you, no matter the fact that you were obviously aching from him, the evidence on your panties.
But you hadn’t minded the slowness, it had helped you feeling everything and not losing a bit of that magical experience.
From then on, your erotic poems had become even more real, with attentive description of what happened with Henry, and that is why they were extremely private to you.
But that day you had left behind your little diary, since you had been running late for school, quickly smacking Henry’s lips with a small kiss, moving away to collect, as you rushed outside, your bag and your things.
And your diary, where all your poems were written was now on the ground of Henry’s room.
He hadn’t meant to look inside it, but he had thought it might have been something important since it seemed pretty used so he had given it a little look inside, and at first he had just found dates, but as he moved to quickly look through the pages he had found… definitely more than he had bargained for.
The first poems were painful awkward, with you searching your style and muse, but Henry had been too absorbed in your writing to care, discovering soon a precious series of poems that warmed Henry’s heart…
… and his cheeks.
Although he was a connoisseur of poems, he never approached the sexual type, but he felt suddenly curious after reading yours.
And then he got to a rather special sector of your diary: it was dedicated to him.
“To Henry, who knew all my secrets before I even knew them myself”.
He had blushed further, knowing that if the reading of the previous poems was an invasion of your fantasy he could justify, this wasn’t…
… but if it involved also him, why couldn’t he give it a look?
Wasn’t he a bit entitled to also read this?
But it didn’t matter anymore, as his hands, moved to turn the pages, and discover the first poem, as if they had their own mind
He immediately recognized the date as your first meeting: you had come to ask for some help with your car, having had quite some troubles on your way there, and he hadn’t been able to say much more than a few words to you, completely enchanted by your gentleness and the way your eyes shone, even at night.
He had called them “his own precious suns” making you giggle and kiss him, not much later when you two had started your relationship.
And the poem said:
“Oh, handsome stranger,
You looked at me as if I was the most divine of things
What you didn’t know was that to me
It was love at first sight.
Your pretty smile and your delicate lips,
I already wanted kiss.
And your soft button nose.
You looked like a true dream,
The kind that leaves me to wake up with my thighs drenched,
And my body and mind to desire more”.
He flushed, surprised that you had felt attracted to him like that from the start.
He moved further, skimming through the poems till he reached another important date, the first time you had seen him naked.
“I caught him as Actaeon caught Diana,
Washing herself in the little mirror of moonlight she reigns.
He never looked more divinely,
And as the damned hunter,
I found myself caught by him and his body,
Wanting to have him against him,
After I undressed him slowly,
And feel him against me, with nothing between us.
I want to feel you my sweet Henry,
With nothing between us”.
He continued skimming through the pages and found himself growing more and more interested in your writing but also flattered of your description of him, since they felt so true, and all of them were extremely flattering.
“Tonight, we made love,
He said as he exited me,
I felt empty,
Because we didn’t make love
We joined our souls together
And I don’t think I would ever be
Ready to let him go”.
He felt the same and to see it written on paper it made him feel strangely… understood and his self-esteem grow to extreme levels, feeling confident with anything that you so sweetly and so warmly said about him, the emotion coating each word.
He was so into reading the poems that he didn’t see the passing of time, and alongside that… that you had finally come back, catching him with your diary in your hands.
You were immediately taken aback but when your mind linked the dots, a sudden blush spread all through your face, completely matching Henry’s one, who rushed to close the diary, to try to make himself less guilty.
“Is that my diary?” you asked, meanwhile you tried to focus on something and feel anything other than embarrassment.
Henry just nodded, and you moved closer, mostly to grab back your diary, with maybe more force than you should have, immediately gaining a small look of hurt from him.
“I am sorry, I didn’t mean… I mean… I didn’t want to…” he tried to breath in all those rushed words, trying to speak without making himself look like a fool, meanwhile your eyes softened, feeling like you couldn’t get mad at your boyfriend, although you were still ashamed of what he had read “… I thought it might have been something important, and I wanted to check if I needed to bring it to you, or not”.
“That was rather nice of you, Henry” you comforted him, gently moving closer, and sitting beside him, although you kept your distance, avoiding physical contact, something which didn’t go unnoticed to him
“… I didn’t mean to read it all… but…” he knew that there were no excuses for that invasion of privacy “... I am sorry”.
“Hey, I am actually the one who is sorry that you had to go through that…” you mumbled staring at your hands “… those pomes, they are so awkward… and you must think that I am an idiot … and a pervert”.
He suddenly realized that you weren’t angry at him for snooping, but at you… because you were ashamed of what he had found… thinking it to b not enough and weird.
“No no!” he rushed to you, getting on his knees in front of you, suddenly enough that surprise shone again in your eyes and he had the entirety of your attention, meanwhile you quickly rushed closer to him, as if he was readying himself to whisper some kind mystical knowledge “… I wasn’t… I didn’t think that you are either of those things, your poems… they actually made me feel powerful and gorgeous, as you said”.
You were extremely taken aback by his affirmation and he gently closed his hand around your diary, moving yourself to do the same, meanwhile you looked at him as if he was making you cry.
“… I am sorry for snooping, I was curious and should have asked for your permission, but…” his voice lost an octave, becoming deeper and less audible “… but if you ever want to share some of them with me, it would be my greatest honor, to know that I am worshipped by such beautiful words”.
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b0sstyra · 7 years
You’re attending the oscars with your friend, a famous actor who’s been nominated for Best Actor. He’s been your best friend since you were young and he’s asked you to be his date.
During the night, a young actor, Bill Skarsgard gets nominated for best actor for “It”, and you’ve never been more attracted to a man in your life.
At the after party, he spies you in that gorgeous dress, but is afraid to approach you seeing he thinks your already taken. You go to the bar to grab and drink and turn around an accidentally bump into him. “I’m....I’m so sorry!” You say politely, and staring into those big green eyes, he grabs your hand, kisses it “Anyone else other than someone as beautiful as you, I would have been mad” he says playfully.
He introduces himself to you, and you leave the Oscar party together. He takes you back to the ritz where you enjoy a drink or 2, and makes sweet love to you, still wearing your lingerie, and the next day the photos in the magazines are you too leaving the party together....
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