#merkel fluff
emmyrosee · 2 years
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Touch Starved
Haircut Comfort
First Words -dad!au
When You’re Sick
Temper Tantrums -dad!au
Needy For Him
Getting into Fights
Fatherhood -dad!au
Expecting -dad!au
   The Sequel -dad!au
Name Calling
Failing a Course
Norman F*cking Rockwell!
Pandemic Life
Incorrect Heights
Coolest Instagrams
A Cuddle Pile
What They Smell Like
Sick Boys 
   The Sequel
Footie Pajamas
Random Headcanons
Breakfast Lovers
Their Tattoos
Holding Their Tiny Humans
All He Wishes To Give
Chefs and Liabilities 
NSFW Content. Reader Discretion Advised. Minors DNI.
Spanking Styles
Size Kink
Moans and Noises
Pegging Them
Get You to Sleep
Lingerie Shopping
First Time
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sir-skarsgard · 4 years
Hello! I saw that you write Bill's preferences and I have an ideia. Please, write how would be the Bill's reaction having a very beautiful and attractive girlfriend (Dream, JUST A DREAM😂). Oh, if you have a similar request, you can combine with mine if you want, I don't mind 😊
Word count: 1045
Warnings/contents: Cursing, fluff, self conscious feelings 
Notes: Ahhh this is so cute! I love it! It took me a million years to get to this, but I am back in the habit of writing for Bill again (and hopefully it stays that way) and this was a request I got a long time ago, so here we go! The point of view switches a couple of times, I apologize for that, I completely zoned out while I was writing and forgot which point of view I was doing and I’m too lazy to change the wording 🙃
So here’s my first mediocre post since I came back to life, I hope you enjoy it! 
Axel would have the tendency to get jealous when other guys stared for too long; his girlfriend was absolutely stunning, and everyone saw it. Whenever he started to get jealous he would wrap an arm around her waist or shoulder and pull her close to him. Or he’d press a kiss to her lips and then look at the person who was making him jealous. Typically he would just sulk for a few minutes until you shot the guy down, who was openly ignoring Axel’s presence all together, and then left, dragging Axel after you 
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Bob would definitely have insecurities about dating his gorgeous girlfriend; this was all just a joke right? Some cruel prank from Bowers. A running joke that she would go to him and talk about everything Bob did that was stupid throughout the day. She didn't really love him. How could she? She looked like a model for Pete’s sake! A lot of reassuring would take place in this relationship in the beginning, because he’d remain shocked that such a gorgeous woman would want to be with him. Sexually. But soon enough his worries would slow down. Though he would still get hit with a lot of insecurities when another guy hit on her because he assumed she’d want to be with him instead. And then you would have to be reassuring him again. Rinse, repeat 
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Henry was very aware how stunning his girlfriend was. Still confused as to why she was even with him, in fact. And it seemed most of the people in town wondered that same thing; he would get a lot of jealous looks from others as he and his gorgeous girlfriend went around the town, holding hands and laughing. Jealous looks from girls were also very common, normally because they seemed jealous of her beauty, though also because of how happy they seemed together when the girls boyfriend stared at you as you walked. Every now and then he would get self conscious of his own looks, but a little reassurance from her and he would be back on his feet; he needs constant reminders from you that you only want him and that those other guys don't compare, just to make him feel better. And you were more than willing to remind him how much you loved him-- and only him 
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Mark was very easily jealous. Having guys constantly doing double-takes to stare at his girlfriend could often get him fired up, but thankfully for the other guys you always knew how to distract him again. He often walked around with her with a protective arm around her shoulder or a hand in her back pocket, just to show those guys who did a double-take that she was not available. He didn't get very self conscious, but when he did it was important to take a gentle approach to it and just sit on his lap and kiss him like it might be the last time you can ever do it again
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Merkel is aware, and would find it funny how many guys tried to hit on his girlfriend, because she was the most gorgeous woman in the world. He had caught a rare, beautiful on the inside, absolutely stunning on the outside, woman and other men saw it, too. Their flirting was always pointless, and Merkel trusted her with no worries. To say he wouldn't get a little jealous when he saw some guy hitting on his girlfriend would be a lie, but he would always just cross his arms and stare the guy down while she turned him down and they'd move on with their lives; at the end of the day he’s the one she’s stealing the blankets from and using as a human pillow 
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Mickey could get very sulky because of how gorgeous his girlfriend was. Only because other guys were always hitting on her and he was worried she might find some muscular guy attractive and leave him for the other guy; though he knew that was absolutely insane, he loved you and he didn't want some other guy to get to love you the way he did. It would only take a few reassurances from her, a few kisses and snuggling with him and watching tv, or reminding him of all the reasons you loved him and he would calm down. He just loved you. So much 
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Roman could, and would, get crazy jealous. But at the same time he was proud of her; she was fucking gorgeous and everyone knew it. Many girls at school were jealous of her, and along the streets the two often got ugly stares from people as they walked. But of course it was all pure jealousy from the guys who saw Roman’s hand in yours, and your hand around his waist that annoyed the petty teenage girls. Being the most attractive couple in town was taxing because of jealousy levels from others; of course people were always trying to steal you from Roman, and as much as he was jealous, he knew he could trust you. That wouldn't stop him from getting jealous, but it might stop an outrage 
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The Kid didn't understand why he was so jealous at first when he saw some guy hitting on you in the street. He had never seen someone as gorgeous as you were, and he learned that it was apparent many other people in town hadn't either; often times people were jealous, and the kid wasn't really one for confrontation. If he was jealous he would mostly sulk and wait for you to come back to him. It would take a lot of reassuring from you that he was the only person you wanted, and that those other people were nowhere near stealing you from him. Cuddling with him when he was down about this was important, and telling him that you love him a lot. He was observant and saw that other guys were pretty jealous when they saw the two of you together, but there was nothing they could do about it now, and he soon got more comfortable. Dating such an attractive person was different than he'd imagined. Nobody in town could compare, and he was so, so lucky 
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Or ANYTHING Gordon Merkel, because he doesn't get enough love/content..
(A/N): Hello there, lovely!
But on more important topics!
Ahh I hope you’ll like this, it is low key similar to the Axel’s one, but... I have just had a bad case of baby fever... what can I say?
WARNINGS: Mention of Light Angst and Separation/Sex/A Child Who Doesn’t Want To Sleep.
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Merkel softly raised from bed, trying not to wake you up.
You honestly deserved it, since these days you had been barely able to sleep one entire night, the baby needing you for food or a change of diapers.
That night Merkel had come home late, after he had dealt with some things.
Illegal things he didn’t want you or the small baby in the next room to be involved in.
When you had told him that you were pregnant he had been honestly scared of what the cruel world out there might do to you and the baby, and had even rejected you for quite some months till he had seen you around with the bump, pretty visible.
So visible that anybody who would have liked hurting him, could see it.
Hence, he had thought that you might be more protected at his home.
You hadn’t accepted it at first and had made Merkel go through hell before you allowed him to touch your pregnant belly, but when you had felt the first contractions you had gripped onto your hand, delivering the baby in a small private hospital as he brought away drenched strands of hair from your forehead.
‘You are doing so so amazingly, hase’ he had muttered against it ‘… just another push and you’ll have our baby, our pretty baby’.
You had shouted at him, but a few minutes later, crying had overcome your voice and you had both grown silent in front of the miracle of life: a pink puppy with a small smirk on her face.
You had had an healthy girl, Merkel insisting on naming her Adele, which meant for ‘nobility’ and you hadn’t been able to disagree since she was already ‘the princess of your house’, constantly waking you up at late hours and wanting to be fed at any hour of the day.
‘Don’t you think that she’ll grow fat?’ you had once, as your small girl bounced on your laps, clapping her small hands at you and Merkel, who was playing with her, showing and hiding his face and making random faces.
‘…no, absolutely!’ Merkel had retorted immediately, smirking gently at you ‘… she’ll be as pretty as her moma, won’t you little one’.
And little Adele had just giggled, alongside you.
He wasn’t able to spend much time with you, not as much as he wanted, but the wall was slowly coming to its breaking, he could feel it, and then he would abandon everything, get you and small Adele in the first suburban house he could find and work his way through peace and happiness.
But in the meanwhile he could make it up to you with breakfast in bed, letting you sleep softly the hours of sleep you had lost for taking care of your child, on who he checked as he went to get breakfast ready, finding the little one, barely a few months old in her crib, sleeping softly and he just had to lower himself to give her a kiss.
As he got up, he saw you, looking at him lovingly from the threshold of the nursery, a small smirk on your face as you adjusted his small fur jacket around your shoulder, to keep yourself warm in the cold hour of the morning.
“You should be sleeping” he commented, a reprimand although the softness in his tone.
It made you smirk coming closer to your lover as you softly hugged him from behind.
“… couldn’t… I already see you so little…” you muttered softly, nuzzling his back softly “… I want to cherish you for as little as I can”.
His heart tightened at your words.
“… it won’t always be like this” he muttered softly “…I swear that once…”.
“It’s ok babe” you softly muttered, kissing the back of his neck, raising on your tiptoes “… I don’t mind waiting, I got this little buddy to make me company”.
And Adele slightly moved in her bed, making you both hold your breath worried that she might wake up, again.
But she turned softly and started sleeping again, making you both utter a huff of relief.
“I wanted to make you breakfast” breathed softly Merkel, trying to lower his voice not to wake her.
“I’d prefer to spend the morning in bed with you” you replied softly, making him turn to you “… the doctor also cleared out the fact that we can get down and dirty again”.
And he felt immediately ready, enticed by the softness of your curves and the smirking smile on your face.
But then you yawned, remembering him that you might act all tough, but your body wanted some calm.
“… then go wait for me in bed, I’ll bring you breakfast and maybe…” he gently moved closer to you, till his lips brushed against your ears, making you shiver lightly “… maybe we’ll get down and dirty”.
And he thought he never saw you sprint faster away.
He sent a last look to the beautiful still-sleeping Adele, before he moved to the kitchen.
When he came back to bring breakfast to you (and maybe eat his own ‘breakfast’…
… you were asleep on your shared bed, completely passed out.
He just moved to sit beside you, pushing the tray on the small table next to you.
And then fell asleep beside you, finally feeling like he had all the time of the world with you.
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justasimplesinner · 4 years
Can we have some headcannons of Ragdoll from The Batman 2004 ? He's one of my favorite (≧▽≦)
i usually prefer people to specify what exactly they want but this has been sitting in my inbox for so long i'll just write some general hcs for him, hope that's okay!
The Batman!Ragdoll general relationship hcs:
he loves making you laugh and will do everything to bring you to tears. hearing you, watching you, knowing he's the one causing this warms his heart and he never wants to stop being the reason why you laugh and smile
he often hides in the most unexpected places to scare/surprise you. you once found him in a cupboard over the sink when you wanted to start preparing dinner. safe to say, he succeeded in his goal
whenever you both cuddle in bed, he'll wrap his body around you like a snake, cage you with his arms and legs (and it always feels like he has more of them than he should) so you have no way of getting out. he clings hard and tight and doesn't let go once he falls asleep
he loves to be close to you and often surprises you with sneaky hugs from behind, practically wrapping his arms twice around you as he presses himself into you as close as he physically can
he's really laid back and you guys don't argue often. he's always ready to compromise and chill out, and he won't cause unnecessary drama with you. though he surprisingly loves hearing about any dramas between the rogues, your friends at work or even your neighbour. he likes to gossip, it's a guilty pleasure of his, but he's more of a listener than talker in those moments
he'll definitely try to work out with you and help you with any stretching excercises. with him, you'll be doing splits in no time. and it's also a time for him to show off in front of you, and he really loves to do that
he's very open with his feelings, he has no problem expressing them to you verbally nor physically. actually, he loves both, loves complimenting you and always tries to fluster you and he lives for affection. he'll dive back in after every kiss, squeeze you tighter after every hug, he'll always want more. when it comes to physical touch, he's the "give him a finger and he'll bite your whole arm off" type of guy
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jocelynscloset · 4 years
Would you do something with Bill's characters and if the get possessive over their girl..hope this goes well for you hun!!
These are the four who I think would be the most possessive when it came to their girl, so here we go:
Bill: He’s possessive in a very docile way, I think. I believe that if any man were to even hint at the fact that they’re interested in his girl, it would make his blood boil, but I also think he’s very good at controlling his outward reactions to thinks, especially with anger, so I think instead of taking it out on them, he’d take you home and take it out on you in the most delicious possible way. He’d be extra handsy, very vocal, and he’d take his time fucking you hard. He’d want you to feel him between your legs for days, and he’d want the hickies and nail marks on your skin to be there when he sees you next for a little touch up.
Axel: He’s incredibly trusting with you, so he’s not super weird about it when you have close guy friends or even friends who openly say they think you’re attractive. However, if someone, man or woman, lays a hand on you he will personally crush their skull, especially if you’ve politely declined their advances. He already fucks you pretty roughly on a regular basis, but when he feels threatened, he wants to make sure you know that he loves you and cares about you in every way, so sex when he’s jealous is very tender and still hard, but very slow and filled with sweet nothings and long, purposeful kisses. 
Roman: He is really possessive over you in your sexual relationship because of the dynamic you have in the bedroom, but when it comes to the outside world, he rarely feels threatened by anyone else. He’s reminded of how deeply you love and care for him every single morning when he wakes up next to you, and when you curl up in his arms at night. He regularly fucks you like he’s claiming you, but he already knows that to your very core, you belong to him just as he lives in the palm of your hand.
Merkel: He’s more protective than possessive, because he’s seen some very disturbing shit, and he’s seen more horrible things done to women than most. He’s very careful to always keep you in sight when you’re out and about, and he’s always incredibly attentive when you’re speaking to another man who is obviously attracted to you. He doesn’t feel personally threatened because he knows he’s got you for good, but he feels slightly threatened on your behalf sometimes, and it comes off as possessive to other people occasionally. You regularly have to reassure him that as much as you adore the way he is protective of you, that you can take care of yourself and that if any man or woman ever came on too strong, you’d be able to kick in their teeth on your own.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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simple-skarsgard · 7 years
Break Me Down
Requested: Yep Pairing: You and (Dominant) Billie Boi Prompt: Bill’s brother flirts with you to piss off his brother and Bill gets jealous and you have angry sex.  A/n: These are actually 2 very similar requests put together so here ye go my little lambs. This gif makes me uncomfortable because this is a rape scene but I used it so you guys could have a visual anyways Im sorry. I don’t know how to writeimsorry.
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You couldn’t have been more fed up with Bill at the moment. You were sat down looking like an entire fucking meal. Hair done up, make up on point, a cream colored dress that showed off your fantastic legs and cleavage. You’d only dolled yourself up for the purpose to catch bills attention and he’d hardly looked your way all night. 
He was busy going around being a social butterfly and mingling with coworkers and bosses of all sorts. You knew it was for his work but god it irritated you that he hadn’t even complimented your efforts that were always meant to swoon him. 
“You look lonely,” Alex, Bill’s brother, took a seat beside you on the velvet love seat. He smiled at you and you only smiled back in courtesy. Truth be told, it only upset you more that Bill’s brother acknowledged you more in that sentence than Bill had the whole night.
“Yeah sure have a seat next to the lonely girl, I’m sure she’d appreciate the company of someone other than the person she wants to be with,” you huffed slightly.
“Ouch,” Alex took your comment with a grain of salt and laughed,”what’s got you down, (Y/n)?”
You folded your lips contemplating if Bill’s brother was the right person to talk about this sort of issue with. You decided against it, but hinted at it by glancing at Bill’s direction. Alex wasn’t stupid. He figured it out in a heart beat.
“Ah, I see,” he looked you over as if mulling over ideas that could turn your frown upside down and then he got a smirk on his lips.
“I got an idea,” he said before he adjusted his gray suit and leaned back slightly, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you closer to his chest. He whispered in your ear to start laughing and act like you were having a good time. 
You exaggerated your laugh slightly, but it was enough to get Bill to stop talking and turn his head to where he saw you sitting with his brother. He frowned slightly and looked over the situation and suddenly felt a massive discomfort growing in his chest. 
Alex spoke loudly enough, acting as if he wasn’t aware that Bill could hear or much less was already looking at the two of you.
“Wow (Y/n) you look really good tonight, why are you all alone?” he tilted his head and looked you up and down, he let his arm loop around your waist and dared to bring you closer. He couldn’t help wondering if he was crossing the line, but Alex was a male. And he understood male’s train of thought. You never mess with a man’s girl.
You only shrugged in response and decided you’d add fuel to the fire by resting a hand on Alex’s thigh,”Thank you for noticing Alex.”
Bill glared at you when you emphasized on his brother’s name fully knowing you were throwing shade his direction. He turned his attention back to the group he was talking to before he folded his lips in a false, but trying, smile and excused himself.
While you and Alex lowered your voices to act as if exchanging secrets between each other like kids, Bill walked up to you.
“(Y/n),” he said sternly,”Outside. Now.”
He turned on his heel and set down a drink he had in his hand on a nearby glass table. You watched as the remainder of the drink swished hard out of the glass and spilled contents onto the table. That alone showed how angry he was. 
Alex looked at you one last time before stretching his lips in a ‘yikes’ face. 
“Good luck,” he wished.
You sighed before nodding,”I’ll need it.”
You trailed down after Bill to meet outdoors.You’d been so lost in your own thoughts about how’d you get his attention, you forgot it was still day out. The warmth felt nice and you couldn’t help, but smile slightly. What a nice day. 
You were going down the steps as you watched Bill pacing back and forth angrily in his black suit. You bit your lip as you watched the fabric hugging his body and his hair slicked back which had been messed up because he was running his hand through it impatiently.
When you came face to face with him you didn’t even try to hide the coyness in your smile. You’d wanted his attention and now you’d received it. Not entirely how you wished, but it was a start.
Bill glared down at you as you began to walk to fingers up his buttons.
“What the fuck was that?”
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“What was what?” you tilted your head and looked up at him innocently. 
“Don’t act stupid, (Y/n),” he was seriously pissed.
You roll your eyes and let your hand fall away from him,”What, Bill? Does it piss you off that Alex pays attention to your girlfriend more than you do?”
“That’s not true,” his words hissed through gritted teeth. 
“I beg to differ.”
“Why are you acting like this?! You know I’m here for a job and I need to make good impressions,” Bill tried to defend himself.
“And you can’t do that with me by you?” you crossed your arms,”You have to leave me alone waiting for you be done small talking, is that it?”
“(Y/n), please, this isn’t the time to start picking fights.”
“You’re the one who wanted to talk!”
“Yeah because I’d appreciate it if my brother didn’t have his fucking hands on my girlfriend!” he snapped.
“Does it annoy you that he held me like that? Does it piss you off that he was more capable of doing your job than you?” you shook your head and turned around and just before you could stop yourself, you mumbled,”I bet he’d fuck me better than you do if he had the chance too.”
You instantly regretted it when Bill caught your arm and pulled you back forcibly. Either of his large hands wrapped around your upper arms.
“What did you just say?” you looked into his seething green eyes and you knew you’d fucked up big time.
“Nothing,” your voice was small.
“No! Repeat it!”
You swallowed hard feeling the knot in your throat tightening with every second.
“You said he could fuck you better than I could, right?” he waited seconds but you didn’t answer. He pulled you closer, his voice rising as he asked again,” Right?”
“Yes,” you felt your knees becoming weak at the adrenaline racing in your veins waiting on his next approach to you.
“Go wait in the car,” was all he said before letting you go and storming back up the steps to go excuse himself from his associates.
You blinked still feeling your blood racing. He was beyond mad and you felt slightly guilty. You could have potentially just destroyed your entire relationship with him. You hung your head and went to wait in the car.
The entire car trip home, Bill didn’t say anything to you. Didn’t look at you. Didn’t touch you. Hardly breathed in your direction. The weighing silence was crashing on your shoulders and becoming unbearably heavy. 
Even arriving at your home, he went in without you. Bill was giving you the silent treatment and you couldn’t lie that you felt you deserved it. You hated fighting, but honestly it was his fault for not paying attention to you when he should’ve, especially knowing how little time the both of you had with each other in his line of work. 
You walked to your bedroom where you watched him get undressed and he knew you were watching him. The more you watched his lazy limbs move to shake off his suit, the more you saw he was looking sad instead of angry. You furrowed your eyebrows as he grabbed a silk robe to wrap it around himself with it untied to display his bare torso. You looked at his long legs always wondering if he felt like he was walking on stilts the whole time. 
Bill looked up at you with a neutral expression before he walked to the bathroom and making you flinch when he slammed the door. You sighed when you heard the shower run, but couldn’t help start feeling slightly guilty about what you’d said earlier.
So you undressed and slipped into one of Bill’s shirts feeling a discomfort as to if you could even wear his clothes anymore, but at the same time it was all that brought you comfort now. 
It wasn’t long until Bill stepped out of the restroom, steam engulfing his robed figure as he walked towards you and for a minute you thought he’d just crash his lips on yours and this fight would be over, but instead he walked past you and took a seat in the little bench you had beside the window sill.
Glancing over your shoulder you peered as the moonlight washed his pale water-beaded skin. His locks of hair intertwining together and hanging over his forehead as he looked down at the floor- not a word came from his lips.
It was obvious at this point you’d have to take initiative. It was your fault after all. 
“Bill,” you went over to kneel between his legs and rest your elbows on his knees, crossing your hands over to support your face as you let your head down, eyes looking up at him.
His ember eyes blinked to meet yours, but still he said nothing.
“I’m sorry about what I said earlier,” your voice barely above a whisper.
Something inside him must’ve snapped because his tone was no different from when he was angry earlier today.
“You’re sorry?” he scoffed and let out a dry laugh,” For what? Flirting with my brother in my face to catch my attention or for degrading me for the sake to piss me off? Or maybe you’re just sorry that I’m the one that has the right to be hurt here.”
“I’m sorry for everything, okay,” you frowned. It wasn’t like him to rub things in your face, but it’s not like he was wrong about what he was saying.
His stare was blank and you felt him searching your soul for the slightest ounce of sincerity and came to the conclusion that you meant your apology, but that wouldn’t be enough. Only making you take your words back would suffice in this situation and there was only one way to make it happen.
He nodded slowly,”Okay.”
His hand raised to cup your face before he slid it into your hair to bury his fingers into your scalp and catch a fistful of your hair. You were caught off guard as he suddenly stood to his full height and raised you with him and brought your face in for a deep kiss.
Your moan was muffled as he tilted his head to slip his tongue between your lips and back you up towards the bed. He didn’t stop until he was laying you down entirely flat against the bed and ran a hand up your bare legs until he was met with your entrance.
“No panties?” he mumbled against your lips before catching the bottom between his teeth,”Its like you wanted this to happen.”
Your face grew hot at how easily he knew you by now. You were about to respond before he pulled away and watched your face contort with pleasure as he slipped to fingers into you.
“Such a dirty girl,” he breathed as he curled in fingers into your wetness. He bit his lip as he looked down at you, his other hand still intertwined in your hair.
Your eyes were closed and lips now parted as you drew in ragged breathes, your back arching off the bed as you felt his digits moving against your walls.
“You’ve been misbehaving, (Y/n),” he admitted,”And we already know what happens to bad girls, don’t we?”
When all you did was nod in response, he repeated himself as he added a third finger inside you,” Don’t we?”
“Yes!” you squealed out, your hands gripping the sheets beneath you completely aroused with the growing pressure in your core.
He smirked feeling his pride increase, pleased with how well he knew how to work your body. He withdrew his fingers from you and didn’t give you time to complain as he gripped your throat and lifted you up so his eyes met with yours.
“Bad girls need to be set straight,”his tongue licked over his lower lip as he brought his other hand to cup your face and brush his thumb over your swollen bottom lip.
“You need to be set straight,” his dark eyes trailed over your body, dissatisfied that you’d bothered to wear one of his shirts at all. He gripped the hem of your shirt and took it off you before he crawled onto you completely, crashing his lips against yours.
His large hands gripped your hips as he straddled you and readjusted your position so your head was to the headboard. He looked down at your body, entranced with every edge and curve edged into your skin. The skin he’d retraced many times before. 
Untying the belt of the robe, he slid it off it used it to bind your hands to the headboard. You frown, knowing it was only your punishment.
“Bad girls don’t get to touch,” he smirked and kissed down your arms, down to your chest as he gripped your breasts and wrapped his lips over one and the other squeezing a nipple between thumb and index.
Your whimpers grew and all you could do was nod, enjoying the sensations nonetheless. 
“You know what else bad girls don’t get?” he mumbled between kisses as they began to linger down your abdomen, between your legs and lick up your slit.
“What?” your voice was strained as his tongue circled your clit and he sucked on it harshly, making you arch your back in response.
He didn’t answer your question, too occupied with what was displayed before him. As he sucked on your bundle of nerves, his hands trailed back up the wet trail of kisses he’d left behind to grip both of your breasts and play with them as he felt your legs begin to tremble. 
“Bill,” you breathed nearing your edge when he pulled away. You swallowed feeling the pleasure detach itself from you and you were met with his stern gaze.
“Bad girls don’t get to cum,” he licked his lips from the rest of your juices and shot you a smirk.
“Bill please,” you pleaded desperately,”I’m sorry for what I said about Alex, baby please.”
“If you’re going to beg, it’s going to be begging me to take you,” his authority never bending.
“Bill please only you can fuck me good enough to make me scream, please I want you to fuck me so bad,” you tried to squeeze your legs together to alleviate some of the absence in your core to which he only spread your legs further apart to watch your squirm.
“I’m sorry I didn’t catch that first part.”
“Only you can fuck me, Bill!” you threw your head back growing impatient and frustrated.
His face grew into one of accomplishment before he untied your hands,”You bet I am.”
He gripped your wrists and pinned them down as he pushed himself deeply into you, enjoying the cry that arose from your lips.
“Oh my god,” you breathed at the sudden fullness inside you. Your fists balled as he thrust in and out of you hard and fast. Bill could feel his own pleasure rising in him at the sound of how much you were enjoying him and nobody else.
He leaned down and caught your lips for a sloppy kiss before releasing your hands again, allowing you to wrap them around his neck and take your chance to curl your legs around his waist to bring him even closer- making his thrusts faster.
“Fuck me,” you whimpered against his lips before pulling away to kiss down his neck and bite into his skin. A low groan rumbled in his throat as he dug his fingers into your hip creases.
“Fuck (Y/n),” he gritted his teeth and ducked his head feeling himself grow harder inside you. At this point your wetness was echoing in the room and the sound of skin slapping against skin vibrated in your ears. 
Bill pushed harder against you before reaching a hand between to rub your clit and earn another cry of pleasure from you, making you tighten around his cock.
“Bill I’m gonna cum,” you warn.
“Cum for me, princess,” he breathed heavily, adding more pressure to your sensitive area.
You threw your head back as your orgasm overcame you, brimming your eyes with tears and digging your nails into his back, dragging them down to make him hiss.
“Fuck,” he growled as he felt your muscles clench on him. He whimpered and bit down on his bottom lip to control himself, only to lose his grip as his orgasm struck him.
His lips parted as his eyes rolled back and groan passed his mouth.He remained still as his wave passed before he collapsed down over you and tried catching his breath. His forehead pressed to your as your hands reached to cup his face and kiss his lips softly, even though he hardly had the strength to return it.
Once he felt his sanity coming back, he rolled off you and curled his arm around your shoulders to bring you against his chest. He was silent for a moment and you almost dreaded that he was still angry at you.
“I’m sorry for not paying attention to you more, sweetheart.”
Your head turned to look up at him and your body shifted so your bare chest was to his. You ran a hand through his still wet hair and your endearing gaze fell over his.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get your attention the proper way,” you sighed knowing there was always your favorite method. Teasing.
He chuckled,”You know if you want me to be this angry when I fuck you, you could just ask.”
“I could, but whats the fun in that?”
The both of you laughed and shared one last kiss before cuddling each other to sleep.
A/N: Yikes idk how this was, but i hope you enjoyed! I’m still currently working on Chapter 3 of Accident Happen. I’m trying to lengthen the chapter out more than I did the first two. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!
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domesticame · 7 years
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Baby angel Bill on Assassination Nation
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ghost-proofbaby · 4 years
christmas tree (roman godfrey x reader)
pairing: roman godfrey x reader 
word count: 1,105
warnings: cursing, mentions/hints of childhood trauma/neglect, vague sexual innuendo at the end? (nothing too crazy)
request: “roman + christmas traditions” by anon :-) 
a/n: i just wanna say thank you to anyone who enjoyed my last lil blurb with merkel, you’re all too sweet!! this one was originally meant to be more angsty, but i was listening to christmas music while writing it, and well… it’s hard to be angsty while listening to fun jazz. once again, please enjoy and any feedback or requests are not only appreciated but encouraged!!!
“I still think this is stupid.” 
You laugh at the umpteenth complaint of the hour from your boyfriend, Roman, as you continue to prick your fingers against the fake branches of the Christmas tree you two had set up in the living room. You’d been working at “fluffing” the tree the entire time while Roman sat on the couch, bitter and pouting like a toddler. 
“I asked you if you’d prefer a real one and you said-” 
“I’m not calling the fact that it’s fake stupid. I think the entire holiday is stupid,” Roman interrupts you as you finally give in and turn to face him. 
“Didn’t you celebrate Christmas as a child?” you muse, walking over to him as he continues to avoid your gaze. 
“Yes. That’s precisely the issue,” he fidgets as he says this, hands clasped uncomfortably in his lap, knuckles growing white. 
You suddenly realize that Roman isn’t just complaining to annoy you like you’d been assuming. His shoulders are tense, even his jokes had been unlike him, flat and delivered in monotone. 
“I know your mom isn’t the comforting type but…” you trail off, taking the seat beside him, “Did she really ruin Christmas for you?”
He doesn’t reply, grunting in return as his glare stays focused on the half done tree. The bottom half is spread out, and can almost pass for a real tree, but the top is still flattened from packaging. You watch Roman’s eyes travel upward, and his scowl only grows. 
“She just had all these ridiculous traditions, that weren’t even truly about the family, just for show most of the time,” he hesitantly explains, turning his head and meeting your eyes finally, “I’m convinced everything that has to do with ‘celebrating’ Christmas is purely selfish.” 
You smile sadly, shaking your head immediately, “No, no it doesn’t have to be, Rome. For your mom it might have been, but not for me,” you stand up, startling him in the slightest. He stares up at you, blank stare, as you reach out your hand, “Let me show you, yeah?” 
You’re shocked when he actually does take your hand, standing up and yet still looking incredibly lost. It hadn’t gone over your head that him opening up like that was out of character, that it probably had been fairly hard for him. In all the years you’d known Roman, he hated speaking of his mother. Finding out what exactly had earned that hate from him had been like pulling teeth, constantly balancing between considering that that had just been who Roman Godfrey was, full of hate and all, and the possibility that his mother had been the one full of hate. 
It hadn’t taken long to figure out it had been the latter. 
Roman follows you over the tree, watching carefully as you mutter out a ‘watch me’, showing him how to unfold the branches. You repeat the action on a second branch, before motioning for him to try. 
“You’re really trying to make me fall in love with a holiday through physical labor?” he complains, hands nonetheless making their way to another smushed branch and beginning to work on it. 
“Hush,” you scold before making your way over to the stereo in the living room. 
You turn it on to the holiday station, immediately hearing Roman groan across the room. 
“Did I mention I hate the music? I hate that shit,” he calls out over his shoulder. You stay frozen in place, however, paying his complaint no mind as he continues to fluff the tree. 
This was who Roman Godfrey was. Stubborn, grumpy, but especially malleable to those he loves. As he finished up the tree with ease, working at double the pace you had been, you can’t help but smile softly at him. His tongue pokes out between his lips in concentration as he reaches the tallest branches, stretching the slightest to guarantee their perfect. 
You knew if he didn’t want to at least try for you, he wouldn’t have. He would still be on the couch, maybe even a beer in hand to quench his bitterness. 
“Now what?” he questions, snapping you out of your daze as he turns to face you, backlit with a finished tree, barren and ready for decorations. 
“Now,” you motion to a box on the floor you’d pulled from your garage, “for the fun part; we decorate.” 
“Fun? That sounds like more physical labor.” 
You roll your eyes, smiling widely and picking up the box of ornaments and garlands to place it on the couch to be more accessible, “Do we want gold or silver garland?” 
Roman’s reply is immediate. “Gold. My mother always favored silver decorations so… definitely gold.” 
“Gold it is,” you nod, pulling out the shiny and gouache garland from the box, handing it to him to start to place on the tree. 
The two of you work quietly for a moment, allowing Christmas music and rustling of decorations fill the silence in the room instead. Roman only breaks it once you’ve started to put ornaments on the tree, looking particularly fondly at one from your childhood. 
“Are there any other traditions your family did that you’d want to… You know, do, I guess?” he’s not as confident as he usually is, coming off a bit shy in a sincere way. 
“Mostly all the sickeningly sweet family classics. Hot chocolate, movie marathons, those scented pinecones…” you pause to think of some more, but Roman interrupts you with sudden excitement. 
“I wouldn’t mind those pinecones. The ones that smell like cinnamon or fucking whatever, right?” 
You’re smiling wide enough that you can see Roman begin to fight his own grin, “Yeah, those.” 
“I always wanted those. We should get some,” he mumbles, focused on looping a hook onto an ornament, the ghost of the smile still evident on his face. 
“You know, we could always make our own traditions, too. They don’t all have to be passed down,” you say slyly, waiting until Roman looks back up at you, fully intrigued. 
“Whaddya mean?” 
“I mean, whipped cream isn’t just good on hot chocolate,” you play it off innocent, grabbing another shiny, red ball to hook on a branch, but Roman’s hand reaches out  and grabs your wrist firmly to stop you in your tracks. 
“Yeah? How would you know?” he’s got a devilish grin now, eyes trailing up and down your body before he licks his lips slowly. 
“Wouldn’t you like to find out?” you tease, starting to pull away your wrist. 
However, Roman’s grip only squeezes tighter as he pulls you against him, whispering, “That I would.”  
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beachbabey · 4 years
Misc. Fic Rec
Mature (smut/horror, triggering) - (M) | Fluff (F) | AU - AU | Angst - (A) |  Hurt/Comfort - (H/C)
Please check out all the writers I have mentioned and leave them feedback, remember, reblogs do more than likes
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Cuddle Bear by @wokeupinawalnut (Loki) (Bucky) (Poly) (F)
Shadow Monster!Peter Parker by @giorno-plays-piano (Peter Parker) (Yandere!AU) (F) (A)
Nine Years Starved by @therenlover (Helmut) (H/C) (A) (F) (M)
Howling Commando Tattoo AU by @navybrat817 (Stucky) (AU) (Poly) (A) (F) (M)
Depths by @kleohoneyao3 (Stucky) (Poly) (AU) (A) (F) (M)
Blizzard by @lavendercitizen (Nomad!Steve) (Yandere!AU) (A) (F) (M)
Avengers Body Positivity Ad by @marvelous-avengers (Avengers) (F)
Again by @all1e23 (Stucky) (H/C) (A) (F)
Broken by @fanfic-scribbles (Stucky) (Poly) (AU) (H/C) (F) (A)
Alter by @kleohoneyao3 (Stucky) (Poly - future?) (AU) (A) (F) (M)
Stevie and his dovey by @belovasbrat (Stucky) (Poly) (A) (F) (H/C)
sweet boy winter by @belovasbrat (Bucky/Winter Soldier) (F)
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Bill Skarsgård
when the twilight is gone, you come into my heart by @stevesharrlngtons (Henry Deaver/The Kid) (A) (F)
wherever i'm going - i'm taking you with me by @stevesharrlngtons (Roman Godfrey) (A) (F)
anything by @emmyrosee - I've linked their Masterlist for Bill's characters (anything poly?? i'm dead, deceased, i simply shut down ma'am thank you for ur service)
forevermore by @skrsgardspam (Bill) (F) (M)
Sound and Colour by @skarsgard-daydreams (Henry Deaver/The Kid) (F) (A) (H/C)
Willard fluff by @emmyrosee (Willard) (F)
On The Run by @emmyrosee (Merkel) (A) (H/C) (F)
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Matthew Gray Gubler
literally anything by @notanotherreidgirl
Little Cherry Book by @fruitoftheweek (Spence) (F) (M) (HOLY FUCK PLEASE READ THIS IM-)
Edge of my seat by @itsnsfwalways (MGG) (M) (F)
Personal Image by @imagining-in-the-margins (Raymond) (H/C) (A) (M)
Little Mix Up by @uselessastheginlasagna (Spencer) (F) (H/C) (A)
plushie talk by @specialagentsergio (Spencer) (F) (H/C)
What Plot?!? by @moon-light-jukebox (Spencer) (M)
Chipped by @writing-in-april (Chip) (F)
Satisfaction Guaranteed by @imagining-in-the-margins (Chip) (F) (A) (M)
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Daniel Bruhl
Garden of Eden by @bruhlsbees (Alex Kerner) (H/C) (A) (F)
Always and Forever by @creme-bruhlee (Alex Kerner) (H/C) (F) (A) (M)
Lover's Dance by @creme-bruhlee (Andrea Marowski) (H/C) (F)
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Star Wars
I See You by @writefightandflightclub (Din Djarin) (H/C) (F) (A)
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Peaches Blossom by @your-kpop-fantasy-land​ (Jackson) (M) (F) (A) Demon!AU
Fluttery Touches by @your-kpop-fantasy-land​ (Yugyeom) (M) (F) (A) Wolf!AU
Coven by @bigbangclappin (BamBam) (F) (A) (M) Vampire!AU
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Monsta X
Lost by @therealmintedmango (Changkyun) (F) (A) (M) Haetae!AU 
Holang-i by @therealmintedmango​ (Jooheon) (F) (A) (M)
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theraputicwritings · 4 years
Fragile Masculinity
A/N: I’m back and I am soooo happy! It’s been a long two years without writing and I apologize for it. I’ve been dealing with a lot that’s made it difficult for me to find inspiration and motivation to write. But lately, I’ve felt the bug. I’ve been rewatching Criminal Minds and have really wanted to write about Spencer Reid. I’m moving next week and I plan to write a story, blurb, or maybe even start a full ass fic every night that I am on the road. Should be about five days and I’m excited for the challenge. In the mean time, I wanted to share this story that I’ve had in my brain for the past week and I finally sat down to write it two days ago. It’s my first Spencer x reader and I really hope you all enjoy it. It was fun to write which is exactly why I love writing so much!
Pairing: Spencer Reid x reader
Word Count: 2,988
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, mentions of murder, rape, torture, fluff, angst
“You could certainly say that I’ve never underestimated myself. There’s nothing wrong with being ambitious.” – Angela Merkel
Another difficult case. All of the cases had their own thing that made them unique and difficult but this one just took the icing on the cake. Five women. All cops. All tortured, raped, and then murdered. Their bodies had been discarded like trash. It had been two days and while the team had developed a profile, it didn’t feel like they were any closer to finding the unsub who was doing this.
You had just finished making two cups of coffee, one black and one with an ungodly amount of sugar.
“Here, just the way you like it,” you said, handing the coffee to the BAU’s resident genius, Spencer Reid.
“Thanks…” He took the cup but didn’t turn to look at you. His face was set and focused as he stared at the map on the case board.
You sighed and faced the board as well, staring at the different victims who had died. Two of them while you were in the small town. You couldn’t help but feel a level of responsibility for their deaths. If the team had just been there sooner, maybe those women would still be alive.
“Hey, sweetheart, why don’t you make me a cup of coffee too?”
The voice made the hairs on your arms stand up and you could feel Spencer tense up as well.
It was one of the officers of the precinct. This was the third time he’d asked you to make him a cup of coffee. The first time you were already by the pot, so you made him a cup to be polite. The second time, you were just about to give the profile and you’d declined, using the excuse of being busy. It had been annoying before, but now it just felt plain disrespectful.
You slowly turned to him and raised an eyebrow. He had a smug look on his face and it made your blood boil even more.
“First off, it’s Agent. Not sweetheart, not honey, not babe. Agent. Second, I’m not an intern, secretary, or assistant. Go make your own damn coffee. Now if that is all…”
You trailed off and smoothly turned back to face the case board and your partner. You stayed silent until you heard the officer’s heavy boots stomp away.
Before you could say anything, Spencer chuckled under his breath.
You turned to him and raised an eyebrow.
“What? Did you think that was too much?” Your voice dared him to disagree, but you knew that he wouldn’t.
You two quickly became good friends when you joined the team. Lately, you’d been getting signals that maybe Spencer wanted to be more. You wouldn’t have minded it, honestly. The two of you got along really well and you did care for Spencer. But with work, thinking of a relationship got pushed to the back corner. You didn’t have time to pine over a relationship. Especially at that moment.
“No, I’m surprised you didn’t snap sooner,” Spencer smirked and took a sip of his coffee.
You shook your head and smiled.
“He’s just lucky that didn’t happen. I don’t think his fragile masculinity could handle much more.”
With that, you spent the next several hours, pouring over the case together. Based on the victims and how they died it was so clear that this man despised women and maybe even more so women with some form of power. He saw them as a threat to his masculinity and so did everything he could to tear them down. Based on the profile he was probably in his mid to late thirties and cocky. He had a dominant personality but had probably had his masculinity squashed throughout his childhood and adult years. Now he was trying to prove himself in the only way he could think to do it.
The profile was detailed and good, but there was something missing in it. It was on the tip of your tongue, but you just couldn’t tell what.
By the time the rest of the team had come back, you weren’t much closer to finding it, but it was starting to get late into the day. You weren’t going to give up though. More than likely there was going to be another woman missing tonight and you wanted to find the bastard before that happened.
When the words started to swim off of the case board, you decided to step outside for some fresh air. It was cold, and there was a fresh blanket of snow on the ground. It woke you up more than the coffee had and it helped refresh your brain.
As you looked up at the clear night sky, you thought more about the case. Clearly, you weren’t making the connection on something but you couldn’t tell what. You were so caught up in your thoughts, that you didn’t hear the familiar heavy boots as they came up to you.
“I’ll show you fragile masculinity.”
The voice was low and followed by a swift blow to the back of your head. Instantly you dropped like a bag of potatoes and were out cold.
Back at the station, it had only been a few minutes, but Spencer had already noticed you weren’t back yet. It wasn’t that he stalked you, but you’d caught his eye since the day you joined. It was difficult to admit, but Spencer liked you a lot more than just a friend. You stood out in a room. You were witty, bright, and you always took an interest in Spencer. Even when the team shut his ramblings down, you encouraged him to continue or would ask him about it later. You cared for him and it made him feel good.
“Hey guys, has Y/N returned? I haven’t seen her.”
After a chorus of no’s and head shakes, Spencer stood up from the conference table.
“I’m gonna go check on her, make sure she’s okay.”
He didn’t know why but he had a gut feeling that something was wrong.
His instincts were right, of course. When he got outside, his keen eyes instantly spotted the blood on the ground where you’d been attacked. As soon as he saw it, his head jerked up and looked around the dark street. There was a clear path where your body must have been dragged off.
Spencer knew he should have grabbed the team, but with the snow coming down, he didn’t want the tracks being covered. So he drew his gun and slowly started to follow the drag marks. They only led to an alley where a car must have been parked waiting. From the tire marks, he could tell it was a large truck, but the snow made it difficult to find out which direction you had been taken in.
Quickly, Spencer ran back into the police station and burst through the conference room doors.
“She’s gone!” He exclaimed! “There’s blood outside and I followed his tracks but it led to nothing. Guys, I think the unsub has her!”
His voice was panicked and immediately everyone jumped into action. Morgan and Emily ran outside to get a better assessment of the crime scene. Meanwhile, Rossi and Hotch asked Reid questions about what he’d seen and started working on finding out who had grabbed you.
You woke up in a dark room and the first thing you realized was pain at the base of your skull. The second thing you realized was that your hands were tied above your head and you were dangling from the ceiling. With a groan, you blinked and tried to adjust your eyes to the darkness.
You didn’t have to worry about that too much though, because in seconds the overhead lights had been flickered on. You closed your eyes hard as the brightness made your headache only that much more intense.
When it didn’t seem to be that bad, you slowly blinked and took in your surroundings. Your profiler brain worked quickly as you figured out that the unsub must have taken you. It looked like you were either in a basement somewhere or in a cellar. You could tell you were underground though. It was very cold and that’s when you noticed you were only wearing your underwear and a tank top.
“Well don’t you look all pretty dangling like that. I could just eat you up, sweetheart.”
As soon as he said sweetheart, your body tensed. You knew exactly who it was and you kicked yourself for not realizing who the unsub was sooner. It was the officer who you’d snapped at.
The young man sauntered down a flight of steps and you mentally willed for him to fall. That didn’t happen, of course, and has he got closer, you braced yourself.
You didn’t acknowledge him though. You knew any response wouldn’t do you any good. This man wanted to hear you be afraid of him and you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction.
As he got in front of you, he grabbed the chain that was dangling you from the ceiling. It was attached to some sort of pulley and he used it to slowly drag you down until you were forced to be on your knees in front him.
“Now look at that? Doesn’t that just feel right sweetheart? You’re exactly where a woman should be. Beneath the man, ready to submit and serve him.”
Your face was defiant as you looked him right in the eye.
“I wouldn’t submit to you if you were the last man on earth. Go to hell.”
This made him smirk and he yanked you back to your feet. You could feel your arms screaming in pain as you stretched into the awkward position.
“You know, if you had just kept your pretty mouth shut, smiled, said yes sir, and made me a cup of coffee, you wouldn’t be in here. But now you are. And by the time I get through with you, you’re going to submit.”
His voice was calm and that almost scared you more than anything else. He’d clearly had the practice of torturing women before and you mentally prepared yourself for what you knew was about to happen. All the while praying that your team would find you still alive. And if they didn’t… well, you hoped they didn’t grieve for too long. And you didn’t plan to go down without a fight. There was no way you were going to submit to this pig.
You didn’t know how much time had passed. The only thing you knew was the pain. But you hadn’t made a single sound, not a tear was shed. You just continued your hard stare into this man’s eyes as he performed different types of torture. At first, he had just used his fists. When that didn’t get the response he wanted he found a crowbar and started to use you as his own personal piñata.
You didn’t know how much more you could take. Your arms were exhausted from holding up your weight and if you were correct, this torture was about to take a turn for the worst. You weren’t planning to submit physically or mentally, which meant this monster of a human was going to force you to submit sexually and then kill you. It’s how all of his other victims had died and you weren’t looking forward to dying the same way.
After one particularly bad blow to your rib cage, he threw the crowbar down in frustration.
“Submit!” he screamed in your face.
Your face hardened and you calmly said, “No. I will not submit to you. I’ll die before I submit to any man.”
His face red and veins bulging out of his forehead and neck, he yanked your chains so you were on the floor.
“Fine. I’ll make you submit, sweetheart. And you’ll like it too.”
Just as he grabbed your hair by the base of the skull, a loud bang came from above you. Your face brightened as you realized your team was coming. This was going to be over soon.
“You lose. You will never be able to hurt anyone again.”
If it was even possible, his face turned even redder. He let go of your hair and let chains fall completely loose so that you were nothing more than a heap on the floor. Your arms were so exhausted, you couldn’t even hold the weight of your traumatized body.
“This isn’t over,” he growled before taking off out a backdoor that you hadn’t noticed before.
It didn’t matter though, because within seconds after, the basement door had been kicked in and you heard people running down the stairs. You felt warm hands on you and you looked up to see a concerned Spencer trying to get the chains off of you.
“He went outside, he went that way,” you managed to get out.
You’d kept your head level that entire time, but now that you knew things were safe, it was like you could feel all of the emotions of panic, fear, and hopelessness bubble out of you.
You gasped out a sob and fell into Spencer as he finally freed your arms from their chains.
“I know. Morgan’s going after him. You’re safe now.”
Spencer carefully held you up as Hotch’s stern voice called for a medic. You felt a large hand caress your head and despite your fears and panic, you felt the safest you’d felt all day.
It didn’t take long for the medics to come down to whisk you away to the nearest hospital. Spencer stayed with you the entire time, but the two of you didn’t say much. He kept his hand wrapped around yours and would occasionally give you a grounding squeeze but that was it.
You didn’t mind though because it gave you time to ponder over this new side of Spencer. You knew that Spencer cared for the team like they were his family, but the protectiveness and worry he’d shown over you was different. It made you reevaluate whether a relationship could happen between the two of you. It made you question everything you felt about the doctor sitting next to you.
When you arrived at the hospitals, paramedics quickly wheeled you in, breaking the contact you had with Spencer. You turned your head to look back at him and again was met with a look of concern that no one had ever shown you before.
It wasn’t until you’d been settled into a room that you saw Spencer and your team again. The doctors had given you a nice dose of pain medication and explained that you had a few broken ribs and lots of bruising, but nothing that required surgery.
“We’ll be leaving tonight, but the jet will be coming back to take you and Reid home in a few days. I’m really glad you’re okay, Y/N.” Hotch’s voice held the same monotone undulation, but you could tell his words of comfort were genuine by looking at his eyes.
After a few more pleasantries among the team, a nurse came by to inform them that you needed to rest. A round of hugs, kisses, and goodbyes later and it was just you and Spencer.
There had never been such a thing as awkward silence between the two of you for as long as you’d known Spencer. But there certainly was now. Finally, you broke the silence by taking a long deep breath.
“You don’t have to stay with me tonight, you know? Or the next couple of days either. I know you’d rather sleep in your own apartment.”
Spencer smiled slightly before shrugging.
“It’s alright. I want to be here with you. You shouldn’t be going through this alone.”
Another awkward silence fell between you and it hung for a few more minutes before you both started talking at the same time.
“Thank you by the way-“ “Will you go out with me sometime?”
The question seemed to shock both of you and you blinked twice.
Again, your voices interrupted each other.
“Sorry—“ “Wait, what—“
Before you knew it, you were both giggling at the awkwardness. It was like you were two high school kids in a rom-com.
The giggles were cut short though when the movement caused pain to sharply spread across your chest.
“Ow,” you groaned as you wrapped your arm around your middle.
“Y/N,” Spencer started, moving his chair so he sat right next to you. With slight hesitation, he reached across and took your free hand.
“When I realized you had been kidnapped, I realized something else. And that’s that I have strong feelings for you. I have for a while. I don’t know if it’s love or affection, or maybe it’s both. But I do know that when I saw you in that man’s basement, I couldn’t wait much longer to tell you how I feel. So if you’ll allow me, I’d like to take you out on a date.”
The declaration surprised you and you took a moment to think about it. You’d be lying if you didn’t have feelings for Spencer as well. But you’d done everything you could to suppress them. This job was obviously dangerous and you and Spencer both knew how it could be to lose someone you love because of it. And there were also the worries of if you were to break up at any point. You’d still have to work together and you didn’t want to lose the work dynamic you two had over a breakup or a lovey-dovey relationship.
But you didn’t want to say no. Today had made you realize that life could be ended in a moment's notice. You didn’t want to waste it on what-ifs and could be’s.
So you didn’t hesitate for too much longer before saying, “Spencer, I would love to go on a date with you.”
“I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment of ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough.” – Marissa Mayer
Thank you so much for taking the time to enjoy my story. As promised, here is your tag @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal I hope you all enjoyed my story. If you have any suggestions for stories or requests, please fill my messages! Love you all!
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ao3feed-superbat · 4 years
Sensible madness
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34NkxPp
by Anna12aot
What if Kate and Bruce were born around the same time? What if the tragedies that made them the heroes they become, also happened around the same time? What if the two of them ended up living together? What if the two of them ended up as huge theater nerds? What if they had some actual healthy coping mechanisms along side their totally not super unhealthy vigilante detective hobby that nearly kills them on a weekly basis? What if everything wasn't a shitty cheap ass drama show written by racist, misogynist, homophobic, all the bad ism's and phobia's and ist's?
(No disrespect to the individuals who try to give us good diverse content. Actually, all the respect because DC as whole is a weak dumb ass bitch and kudos to those people for tolerating that bastard.)
Here is my sad, pathetic attempt to fix the DC universe that I am very much under qualified and under prepared for. Enjoy. (And I'll get to finishing the relationship tags soon, it's just not on the agenda right about now. There is just so many fucking characters. The character tags are technically unfinished because that won't be all of the characters showing up. Do I really hate myself and DC that much?)
Words: 633, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Superman - All Media Types, Superman (Comics), Wonder Woman - All Media Types, Wonder Woman (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Under the Red Hood, Red Robin (Comics), Young Justice (Cartoon), Justice League - All Media Types, Justice League: War, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Teen Titans (Animated Series), Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017), Teen Titans (Comics), Harley Quinn (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Kate Kane, Alfred Pennyworth, Lucius Fox, Jim Gordon, Helena Bertinelli, Harold Allnut, Hiro Okamura, Vic Sage, Renee Montoya, Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, Zatanna Zatara, Basil Karlo, Talia al Ghul, Selina Kyle, Holly Robinson, Kitrina Falcone, Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Rose Wilson, Grant Wilson (DCU), Joseph Wilson, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Gus Yale, Wendy Harris, Jacob Kane, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Diana (Wonder Woman), Jason Todd, Koriand'r (DCU), Roy Harper, Bette Kane, Duke Thomas, Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Stephanie Brown, Billy Batson, Harper Row, Cullen Row, Shawn Tsang, Natalia Knight, Sasha Bordeaux, Carrie Kelley, Jaina Hudson, Cassandra Cain, Cheyenne Freemont, Tiffany Fox, Luke Fox, Barry Allen, Wally West, Bart Allen, Jay Garrick, Iris West, Max Mercury, Clark Kent, Kara Zor-El, Kara Danvers, Lois Lane, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Martha Wayne, Martha Kent, Thomas Wayne, Sam Lane, Lucy Lane (DCU), Donna Troy, Cassie Sandsmark, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Akila of Bana-Mighdall, Queen Hippolyta, Atalanta, Antiope (Wonder Woman), Bana-Mighdall Amazons, The Amazons (Wonder Woman), Grace Choi, Anissa Pierce, Jefferson Pierce, Jennifer Pierce, Oliver Queen, Thea Queen, Emiko Queen, Dinah Lance, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz, Jon Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jade Nguyen, Jennifer-Lynn Hayden, Artemis Crock, Ra's al Ghul, Nyssa Raatko, Silver St. Cloud, Wildcat (DCU), Tatsu Yamashiro, Jason Blood, Jason Bard, Crispus Allen, Kate Spencer, Onyx Adams, Boston Brand, David Zavimbe, Calvin Rose, Jean-Paul Valley, Santiago Varga, Baber Shah, Percy Sheldrake, Cyril Sheldrake, Jiro Osamu, Lonnie Machin, Harriet Cooper, Agatha Wayne, Vicki Vale, Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, Harleen Quinzel, Harvey Dent, Joker (DCU), Jonathan Crane, Waylon Jones, Bane (DCU), Roman Sionis, Floyd Lawton, Hugo Strange, Thomas Elliot, Drury Walker, Jervis Tetch, Victor Fries, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Cyrus Gold, Solomon Grundy (DCU), Shauna Belzer, Peyton Riley, Ulysses Hadrian Armstrong, Vandal Savage, Noah Kuttler, Julian Gregory Day (DCU), Thomas Blake (DCU), Arthur Brown, Count Vertigo, Garfield Lynns, Warren White, Charles "Chuck" Brown, Zeus (Wonder Woman), Onomatopoeia (DCU), Peter Merkel, Peter Merkel Jr., Deever Tweed, Dumfree Tweed, Victor Zsasz, Ben Turner, David Cain, Titus (DCU), Lady Shiva, Lazlo Valentin, Barton Mathis, Matilda Mathis, Mark Desmond, Mortimer Drake, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Ace the Bat-Hound, Bat-Cow (DCU)
Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Kate Kane & Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon & Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Kate Kane, Kate Kane/Renee Montoya (past), Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne (past), Kate Kane & Jason Todd, Helena Bertinelli & Kate Kane & Jason Todd, Kate Kane & Clark Kent, Kate Kane & Alfred Pennyworth, Kate Kane & Oliver Queen, Kate Kane & Damian Wayne, Kate Kane & John Stewart, Bruce Wayne & Kara Zor-El, Barbara Gordon & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Zatanna Zatara, Hal Jordan & Bruce Wayne, Talia al Ghul & Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox & Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox & Luke Fox & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Kate Kane, Cassandra Cain & Kate Kane, Luke Fox & Kate Kane
Additional Tags: No Smut, No Incest, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Not Canon Compliant, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, will try to remember to add them later, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Fix-It, Fix-It of Sorts, I am trying to fix the entire DCU while very much trying not to, This was supposed to be like just about the Batfam, But I started doing research, and it was really confusing, Then I got angry, and then hyped, and this happened, The Author Regrets Nothing, The Author Regrets Everything, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, How Do I Tag, Batfamily (DCU), Protective Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Domestic Batfamily (DCU), fuck you dc, It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You, Please Kill Me, I Tried, I Don't Even Know, some people die, no one stays dead, but god, God is Dead, Cause I killed him for letting DC continue this shit show, Nothing makes any fucking sense, This doesn't make any sense, It's a fucking mari go round of bullshit, enjoy, Explicit Language, To Be Edited, Not Beta Read, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Young Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne Has Issues, Growing Up Together, Romani Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Kate Kane is a Good Parent, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Good Parent Alfred Pennyworth, Good Grandparent Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon Knows, Everyone Needs A Hug, Everyone Has Issues, Everyone Is Gay, And they're all panicked gays, Fluff and Angst, Family Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Humor, Gallows Humor, Bruce Wayne's Sense of Humor, Jason Todd’s Morbid Humor, this is gonna get long, Like over a few hundred thousand, Or this will die after it's reached 3k, Don't Like Don't Read, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Mental Health Issues, Mental Institutions, Because of arkham, Arkham Asylum, Eventual Romance, Eventual Relationships, read the tags, Tags May Change, Tags Are Hard, Body Image, Jewish Character, Canon Disabled Character, Canon Rewrite, Hispanic Character, Black Character(s), Native American Character(s), Arab Character, Arab Damian Wayne, We Die Like Men, Everyone is a minority in some way, This will have all the representation, Racism, Racist Language, They will suffer because of their racism, Don't worry, Don't Have to Know Canon, Hopefully you won't have to know canon, Because if I don't do this right, Than you will be so confused, Better Than Canon, I take most of my inspiration from the justice league cartoons, and from the harley quinn movie soundtrack, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Trans Character, Gay Panic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34NkxPp
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emmyrosee · 4 years
I have a request if you don't care. How would each of Bill’s characters react to you telling them that you are pregnant with their baby? Would they act happy or freak out ❤️
Axel and Henry would just be the biggest smiles and grins as he smothers you in kisses, arms wrapped tight around you. He would just be wordless, so happy and eager for this chapter of your life, and have you by his side forever.
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Gordan would honestly, be a little melancholic. Because of course he wants to bring in a beautiful life with you. A family, a small house on a quiet street, every thing. That’s all he ever wants.
But his work, it causes a lot of concern. Your safety, and connections to you he might have, now he has to do the same precautions for his child; not to mention all he might miss. It’s hard for him, but he makes you a promise to try.
That’s all he can offer you, but it’s plenty to make you feel safe, because Gordan’s never broken a promise.
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Mark- okay. Mark would be a pretty nervous wreck, but do not discount that from his excitement. Mark is excited to be a father, excited to have you by his side.
But he’s scared too; he knows how he was in his younger years, and he’s worried they’ll be the same. And may the gods look over whatever unlucky soul his possible-daughter brings home, especially if they’re like him when he was a kid.
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Mickey- just give him all the babies. ALL OF THE CHILDREN. Every time he suspects that your pregnant, he waits on you hand and foot, and is a complete wreck when you tell him that you’re not.
But when you finally are?
Good god.
He goes to ALL the classes, picks up ALL the extra work he can so his kids can have the safest and most exciting toys and treat you to whatever you may want, and he’s there through it all.
Mickey’s parents were young and naive when they had him. They loved him, but they couldn’t do it right. But he will. And he would rather die than let anything happen to or disappoint you.
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Roman is terrified. TERRIFIED. Much like Mark, he’s terrified that his little one is going to be just like him, and he’s going to be just like his dad, whether that means J.R., or Norman, but he doesn’t want to be either.
He’s probably a little cold for a while, convinced it’s not his, but it isn’t until you don’t leave, you don’t pack your things and scorn him for not being a good man that he collapses and tells you all of his fears, crying against you and cradling you’re stomach in his large hands while you just hold him back.
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The kid is very excited, but I feel like he knew before you (HA). He could feel the changes in the air, see some of your bodily changes and one morning, probably the morning you were planning on telling him, he comes in, wraps his gangly arms around your waist with a large hand on your tummy.
“You know, don’t you, baby?” You ask, and he hums softly.
“We’re having a baby..” he whispers in your hair, a smile tugging at his cheeks.
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Willard- okay. You have to tell Willard when he’s not doing anything or holding anything fragile, because he will instantly drop everything and fall to his knees, gazing up at you like you’re some divine being blessing him with a beautiful baby.
He is just so beyond any description of excitement, so eager to start this life with you, and much like Mickey, picks up extra work so the baby can grow up in a good home with food on the table every night.
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sir-skarsgard · 5 years
Bill Skarsgård Preferences
Prompt List 
Losing Your Virginity
First Kiss 
An Attached, Cuddly Partner 
Uncomfortable (Request) 
Horror Movie Night 
Bill’s With A Very Attractive Girlfriend (Request) 
Bill’s Girlfriend Crying Because Of An Argument 
Quiet (Request) 
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anastasiaskarsgard · 4 years
How they met their significant other cont.
(I forgot Merkel and Mickey)
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“Hey Wilcher, long time no see. How you been?”
“Oh man Merkel? Is that really you? I thought you... Nevermind what I thought! It’s good to see you man!”
The two men did a complex handshake, making it clear to any observer that they were old friends.
“So I know you can’t talk about work at all, but are you back or just visiting?”
“Just a visit. Mom died.” Merkel stated somberly.
“Oh shit. I’m sorry. Damn. Well if you don’t wanna be in that big house all by yourself, you’re welcome to come to my place. I live a couple streets over. Not a mansion like your old place, but still big enough to escape the kids.”
“How many you got now? Last time I checked you had the boy...”
“Josh is 10 now. I have three more. All boys. Jenni wants to try for a girl one more time but I think she’s crazy.” His old best friend beamed. He hadn’t changed a lot. Still kinda nerdy, but open and friendly. Gained a few pounds, but it seems like everyone had.
“Still with Jenni? Wow I’ve been a shit friend. I met your wife one time at your wedding and your oldest kid couldn’t even walk. God! He’s fucking ten?” Gordon felt like hot garbage. It didn’t seem like he hadn’t been home in a decade, but when he thought about it, he had.
“Hey! You were out saving the world! I’m just happy you aren’t... um. But hey, I still have the same number. Don’t sit in that big creepy house alone, come by. What are you doing for thanksgiving?”
Merkels’ eyes went wide with surprise, “Is that this week?”
“In two days! You’re coming to ours. I insist.”
Merkel smiled at his old friend. He was his best friend growing up, and eventhough a house full of brats sounded like a nightmare...
“Ok I will be there. I just texted. That’s my number. Send me your address and time.”
Thanksgiving day
Merkel arrived exactly on time and was surprised by the amount of cars parked along the street, in front of a very nice house. He was happy to see his friend had really done very well for himself. He knew most of his family so this might actually be fun.
The door opened to reveal a little old lady that eventhough she looked far more frail, was undoubtedly his best friends mom.
“Mrs Wilcher! So great to see you!”
The woman adjusted her glasses and looked him up and down before recognition hit, “Gordon? I am so pleased you came. And you’re still so handsome.” She reached up squeezing his cheeks. “Look at these cheek bones. My goodness. Is it just you?”
“So far.”
“Are you a gay? I’m very supportive of the LGBQTABCDEF I don’t know.”
“No I love women, they just don’t love me,” he teased as he followed her into a large open living room with about twenty people. Surprisingly no kids though.
“MERK! You came! JENNY MERKEL IS HERE!” Wilcher shouted.
A short blonde came hustling in the room, wearing an apron with flour on her face. She spotted him and ran over and hugged him “thank you for coming! It’s all he talks about. He’s worse than the kids. Well back to the kitchen. THIRTY MINUTES AND WE ARE READY!”
People started to walk up and they all were shaking his hand and hugging him. They were all so friendly, it was a bit overwhelming, but he just smiled and tried not to go completely stiff when they grabbed him.
“Mind if I go outside and smoke real quick?” Merkel asked his friend quietly.
“Yeah go in the backyard tho, Jenny doesn’t want people smoking out front. Missy should be back there.” He replied.
Merkel made his way to the backdoor and as he closed it behind him, let out a big sigh of relief.
“That bad?” A very attractive woman with silver hair, and striking blue eyes asked. He had to do a double take, figuring initially by her hair, that she was old, but she looked to be in her twenties. She had full lips, and very delicate features. She was gorgeous. “You ok?”
He wanted to slap himself, when he realized he’d been frozen, just staring at her. He chuckled as he felt his face warm, “no it’s just a lot at once.” He was actually blushing. He never got nervous, but he felt like he was back in middle school, he was so flustered. “Are you Missy?”
“Bingo! I’m afraid I’m at a disadvantage since I don’t know your name.”
“It’s Gordon, but everyone calls me Merkel. Well everyone except Mrs Wilcher. She always refused. Merkel is my last name. I grew up with Matt. I’ve been gone... but now I’m back. But not for long... because. Shit Are you going to stop me, or just let me ramble?” He laughed.
She observed him, while taking a drag from her cigarette. He could tell she was going over something in her head. Finally she spoke. “Why are you so awkward? You’re too good looking to be so socially ... strange.”
Merkel’s eyebrows shot up, as he scoffed and pulled out a cigarette. He was kind of offended, but also intrigued. She wasn’t wrong, but to just come out and say it so bluntly. He lit it and decided he’d be honest. “I never get nervous. You would not believe some of the shit I’ve had to deal with and absolutely could not be an idiot like I am right now. Must be your fault.”
She smirked and laid back on the chaise, closing her eyes. She was just wearing a pair of skinnies, with a fuzzy purple sweater, but it fit her perfectly, showing off her generous curves. He had to force his eyes away from staring.
“Where are all the kids? I thought there was a whole bunch of them?”
“They’re all in the basement. It’s like kid heaven down there. They’ve got arcade games and air hockey, and flat screens. It’s nicer than my apartment.” She said as she stood up. “Come on, I’ll show you. You can meet them all.”
He put his cigarette out in the ashtray and followed Missy inside. “How do you know everyone?”
Missy turned and looked at him incredulously. “I am Matt’s half sister. My mom was our dads mistress. I found out my Dad had a whole other family at his funeral. It was quite a scandal.”
“You don’t look anything like Matt.” Merkel blurted out.
She glanced over her shoulder slyly, “is that good or bad?” She asked as she turned around before making her way down the basement stairs. She was very close, and she really liked how he smelled.
He licked his lips and looked at hers, before snapping his eyes back up to meet her eyes. ‘She caught that. Shit. “It’s very good. You’re way prettier than Matt.” He wanted to bang his head against a wall. ‘Did he really just say that!?’
She smiled, and he swore his knees went weak. Thankfully she didn’t notice, and spun around,?running down the stairs.
He followed.
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I wrote how Mickey and Jules met here—-> https://anastasiaskarsgard.tumblr.com/post/190135798936/i-made-fluff-omg-im-proud-of-my-fluffy-fluff
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ao3feed-batlantern · 4 years
by Anna12aot
What if Kate and Bruce were born around the same time? What if the tragedies that made them the heroes they become, also happened around the same time? What if the two of them ended up living together? What if the two of them ended up as huge theater nerds? What if they had some actual healthy coping mechanisms along side their totally not super unhealthy vigilante detective hobby that nearly kills them on a weekly basis? What if everything wasn't a shitty cheap ass drama show written by racist, misogynist, homophobic, all the bad ism's and phobia's and ist's?
(No disrespect to the individuals who try to give us good diverse content. Actually, all the respect because DC as whole is a weak dumb ass bitch and kudos to those people for tolerating that bastard.)
Here is my sad, pathetic attempt to fix the DC universe that I am very much under qualified and under prepared for. Enjoy. (And I'll get to finishing the relationship tags soon, it's just not on the agenda right about now. There is just so many fucking characters. The character tags are technically unfinished because that won't be all of the characters showing up. Do I really hate myself and DC that much?)
Words: 633, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Superman - All Media Types, Superman (Comics), Wonder Woman - All Media Types, Wonder Woman (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Under the Red Hood, Red Robin (Comics), Young Justice (Cartoon), Justice League - All Media Types, Justice League: War, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Teen Titans (Animated Series), Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017), Teen Titans (Comics), Harley Quinn (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Kate Kane, Alfred Pennyworth, Lucius Fox, Jim Gordon, Helena Bertinelli, Harold Allnut, Hiro Okamura, Vic Sage, Renee Montoya, Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, Zatanna Zatara, Basil Karlo, Talia al Ghul, Selina Kyle, Holly Robinson, Kitrina Falcone, Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Rose Wilson, Grant Wilson (DCU), Joseph Wilson, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Gus Yale, Wendy Harris, Jacob Kane, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Diana (Wonder Woman), Jason Todd, Koriand'r (DCU), Roy Harper, Bette Kane, Duke Thomas, Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Stephanie Brown, Billy Batson, Harper Row, Cullen Row, Shawn Tsang, Natalia Knight, Sasha Bordeaux, Carrie Kelley, Jaina Hudson, Cassandra Cain, Cheyenne Freemont, Tiffany Fox, Luke Fox, Barry Allen, Wally West, Bart Allen, Jay Garrick, Iris West, Max Mercury, Clark Kent, Kara Zor-El, Kara Danvers, Lois Lane, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Martha Wayne, Martha Kent, Thomas Wayne, Sam Lane, Lucy Lane (DCU), Donna Troy, Cassie Sandsmark, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Akila of Bana-Mighdall, Queen Hippolyta, Atalanta, Antiope (Wonder Woman), Bana-Mighdall Amazons, The Amazons (Wonder Woman), Grace Choi, Anissa Pierce, Jefferson Pierce, Jennifer Pierce, Oliver Queen, Thea Queen, Emiko Queen, Dinah Lance, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz, Jon Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jade Nguyen, Jennifer-Lynn Hayden, Artemis Crock, Ra's al Ghul, Nyssa Raatko, Silver St. Cloud, Wildcat (DCU), Tatsu Yamashiro, Jason Blood, Jason Bard, Crispus Allen, Kate Spencer, Onyx Adams, Boston Brand, David Zavimbe, Calvin Rose, Jean-Paul Valley, Santiago Varga, Baber Shah, Percy Sheldrake, Cyril Sheldrake, Jiro Osamu, Lonnie Machin, Harriet Cooper, Agatha Wayne, Vicki Vale, Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, Harleen Quinzel, Harvey Dent, Joker (DCU), Jonathan Crane, Waylon Jones, Bane (DCU), Roman Sionis, Floyd Lawton, Hugo Strange, Thomas Elliot, Drury Walker, Jervis Tetch, Victor Fries, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Cyrus Gold, Solomon Grundy (DCU), Shauna Belzer, Peyton Riley, Ulysses Hadrian Armstrong, Vandal Savage, Noah Kuttler, Julian Gregory Day (DCU), Thomas Blake (DCU), Arthur Brown, Count Vertigo, Garfield Lynns, Warren White, Charles "Chuck" Brown, Zeus (Wonder Woman), Onomatopoeia (DCU), Peter Merkel, Peter Merkel Jr., Deever Tweed, Dumfree Tweed, Victor Zsasz, Ben Turner, David Cain, Titus (DCU), Lady Shiva, Lazlo Valentin, Barton Mathis, Matilda Mathis, Mark Desmond, Mortimer Drake, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Ace the Bat-Hound, Bat-Cow (DCU)
Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Kate Kane & Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon & Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Kate Kane, Kate Kane/Renee Montoya (past), Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne (past), Kate Kane & Jason Todd, Helena Bertinelli & Kate Kane & Jason Todd, Kate Kane & Clark Kent, Kate Kane & Alfred Pennyworth, Kate Kane & Oliver Queen, Kate Kane & Damian Wayne, Kate Kane & John Stewart, Bruce Wayne & Kara Zor-El, Barbara Gordon & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Zatanna Zatara, Hal Jordan & Bruce Wayne, Talia al Ghul & Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox & Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox & Luke Fox & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Kate Kane, Cassandra Cain & Kate Kane, Luke Fox & Kate Kane
Additional Tags: No Smut, No Incest, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Not Canon Compliant, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, will try to remember to add them later, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Fix-It, Fix-It of Sorts, I am trying to fix the entire DCU while very much trying not to, This was supposed to be like just about the Batfam, But I started doing research, and it was really confusing, Then I got angry, and then hyped, and this happened, The Author Regrets Nothing, The Author Regrets Everything, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, How Do I Tag, Batfamily (DCU), Protective Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Domestic Batfamily (DCU), fuck you dc, It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You, Please Kill Me, I Tried, I Don't Even Know, some people die, no one stays dead, but god, God is Dead, Cause I killed him for letting DC continue this shit show, Nothing makes any fucking sense, This doesn't make any sense, It's a fucking mari go round of bullshit, enjoy, Explicit Language, To Be Edited, Not Beta Read, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Young Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne Has Issues, Growing Up Together, Romani Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Kate Kane is a Good Parent, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Good Parent Alfred Pennyworth, Good Grandparent Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon Knows, Everyone Needs A Hug, Everyone Has Issues, Everyone Is Gay, And they're all panicked gays, Fluff and Angst, Family Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Humor, Gallows Humor, Bruce Wayne's Sense of Humor, Jason Todd’s Morbid Humor, this is gonna get long, Like over a few hundred thousand, Or this will die after it's reached 3k, Don't Like Don't Read, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Mental Health Issues, Mental Institutions, Because of arkham, Arkham Asylum, Eventual Romance, Eventual Relationships, read the tags, Tags May Change, Tags Are Hard, Body Image, Jewish Character, Canon Disabled Character, Canon Rewrite, Hispanic Character, Black Character(s), Native American Character(s), Arab Character, Arab Damian Wayne, We Die Like Men, Everyone is a minority in some way, This will have all the representation, Racism, Racist Language, They will suffer because of their racism, Don't worry, Don't Have to Know Canon, Hopefully you won't have to know canon, Because if I don't do this right, Than you will be so confused, Better Than Canon, I take most of my inspiration from the justice league cartoons, and from the harley quinn movie soundtrack, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Trans Character, Gay Panic
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jocelynscloset · 4 years
Would you do a little something of telling Bill's characters your pregnant? Hope tonight's better than last night!
I chose to do it for 5 of the 7 characters I write of Bill’s because that’s a lot lol. I hope I got your favorites, at least.
Bill: Bill would be ecstatic. He has always wanted a giant family with you, and the fact that you’re telling him that it’s either starting or getting a new addition is the best thing he could ask for. He loves you so much, and when you’re pregnant he has an excuse to constantly dote on you and spend all his time with you, and the fact that you’re extremely hormonal throughout most of it is also something he looks forward to as soon as you tell him.
Roman: He would be very freaked out at first, incredibly insecure about his own potential for hurting you and now the baby, and he would very quickly reassure you that if you don’t want him to be apart of the picture, he’d respect your decision, even if you were in a committed relationship to begin with. He’s also afraid of what could happen to you since you’re not an Upir and he isn’t sure how that will affect you during the pregnancy, let alone the child itself. However, in time he would come around because it would hit him that no matter what, he’s got you and he knows that you’ll be a good enough mother to make up for any trouble he could possibly cause. 
Merkel: He’d be concerned and a bit upset at first. He doesn’t immediately enjoy the idea of being a father, and the fact that he’s in constant danger is also a major factor that makes itself known in his mind. He’d be worried he won’t be able to care for you and provide for the both of you like he knows he should, and he would be scared that his actions would now affect two other people just as much as it does him. He would warm up quickly though. The more you talk to him about it and the more he sees you getting excited about it, the more it would rub off on him, and he’d be back to his privately affectionate and protective self in no time. 
Axel: If you were early on into your relationship he would feel a lot of pressure. He knew he wanted to start a family somewhere down the line, but the two of you haven’t gotten far enough to really talk about that or decide you were a forever fit. If you two were fully committed, not even necessarily engaged or married but like, you knew you were gonna be together for the rest of your lives, he would be so excited and fully into the baby thing. He’d stay late at the shop building things for the nursery and he’d stay up late at night while you slept beside him, reading blogs and books about parenting and raising young children and he’d just be super super excited about the future you two had ahead.
Henry Pearl: He’d be stunned for a little while. Not happy or sad or anything; just completely, eerily still as he processed the information. Just as you’d reach to touch his hand or ask him if he was okay, he’d shoot out of his seat and pull you into his arms, embracing you tightly (but gently) and whispering how much he loves you and thanking you over and over again for being the best thing that ever happened to him. After that, he’d stay up all night asking you whatever questions popped into his head and daydreaming out loud about how beautiful she would be and how she’d have your eyes and hair and dainty little hands. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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