#bay marie food warmer
i-did-not-mean-to · 3 years
my apologies for sending so many asks 🥲 but I’m emotionally invested in Ori x Mari story. How about a train/airport scene where a slightly older Ori says goodbye to slightly older Mari since she’s studying abroad or moving way but they promise they will see each again 🤔
My friend...
Here are another 1,1 k words about Ori and Mari then :D
You chose the subject and goodbyes are always a bit sad...
And here the amazingly heart-breaking artwork by @estethell 😭😭😭
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Goodbye but not farewell
Words: 1,1 k
Warning: a bit sad, mention of death
Characters : Ori x Mari
She would not cry, Mari told herself, she was too old to cry, and moreover, it was undignified.
“You’ll take care of yourself, yes?” Ori asked for the umpteenth time while pulling her suitcase down the long, deserted platform in the chilly morning air.
“I am not a pebble,” Mari tried to laugh but her voice sounded hollow and forced. His head snapped up almost immediately, his dark eyes drilling into hers with alarm and sorrow giving them a glossy sheen; Ori was her best friend and – of course – he knew when she was lying.
“Be good, work hard,” Mari tried to make her voice stronger and louder, but the mere attempt gave her away, for she was a soft-spoken dam.
Many people avoided her – thinking that she was touched by some sinister power – and she let them believe that she was somehow magical; it was always better than the awfully boring truth that her fragile health had never really been overcome.
Ori and his family were the only ones to know that she was not a recluse; she simply wasn’t hale enough to undertake long strolls in bad weather.
Finally, it had been decided that she would move – at least for a time – to a warmer, more clement climate to recover from the last bad bout of illness.
As much as Ori hated seeing her leave him, he couldn’t keep her here – where the winds were as sharp as blades and the cold bit with a thousand needle-like fangs – when it would ultimately end up killing her; at least, if she moved away, he could tell himself that she was alive and that there would be a way for him to see her again.
“You’ll remember me, yes?” Ori pleaded, wishing his own voice didn’t sound as unsteady and tremulous; he needed to be strong for her so she could leave without looking back. Staying would mean accepting the certain fate of a short, miserable, isolated life wrecked by illness with his friendship as only solace.
What a pitiful measure of comfort that had to be.
“Pack up warmly,” he whispered when she didn’t reply, “and write me a letter…or two…or as many as you manage to write.”
That made Mari smile genuinely for the first time on this day.
“Of course, I have no other friends but you,” she replied, hugging that bony, soft frame she knew as well as her own body as tightly as she could.
“I have been selfish, haven’t I? Keeping you all to myself?” Ori smiled ruefully.
“I have never wanted any other friends,” Mari grinned, “you were all I needed and Mahal, how my heart bleeds to imagine being without you.”
A sharp pain pierced Ori’s heart at that but – no matter how much he yearned to throw himself at her feet and beg her not to go – he mustered up that brave, crooked smile she would see through immediately as he swore that they would meet again.
“You have a destiny to fulfil, my sweet friend,” Mari sighed, “and I have a death to meet. I might have cheated it for too long.”
“No,” his voice rang out like a bell, “no, if you’re leaving me – heartbroken beyond your wildest imaginations – it is because you’ll preserve your life that way.”
Mari laughed through the tears she couldn’t keep at bay despite her best efforts.
“What am I to live for now? Who is going to read to me when I’m too tired to get up? Who is going to make sure I eat even when the thought of food makes me nauseous? Who’s going to hold my hand so I can walk a few steps in the fresh air and the bright sunlight?”
“You won’t need that anymore,” Ori tried to assuage her fears, “you’ll get better and you’ll grow stronger!”
At least, that was what he hoped for with all his might; the mere idea that this would not work was unbearable to him. No, Mari – who had not missed a single one of his readings or forgotten his birthday even once – would be healthy, hale, and happy. She had to be. She deserved to be. He willed her to be.
“My dear friend,” Mari smiled, “my only friend really, is an ailing heart less lethal than a failing body? I guess we shall find out.”
“Mari?” as she was about to board the train – despicable metal dragon about to abduct what he held dearest in this world – he called her back.
“We shall meet again, promise me this,” he pleaded. Her hands were still so narrow and cold in his own; he had seen those fingers intertwined with his for decades, and he could barely recognise his empty palm without them.
“In this life or the next,” Mari whispered, breaking the only rule she had ever held on to in her long friendship with Ori by leaning forward and pressing her lips against his brow, “my soul will recognise yours.”
“Don’t die,” he coughed against the tears of despair and loss scratching his throat raw on the inside, “Mari, at least try. I shall come next summer, next month, next week. Call and I’ll come. I’ll work and save, I swear, just…wait for me!”
“My sweetling,” Mari breathed in that wholesome, sweet smell one last time, “I shall always wait for you.”
And with those words, she boarded the train without looking back.
A soft tap on her window made her flinch, the words unspoken bubbling to the surface inexorably as she saw that face that had been her constant companion, her deepest solace, and her truest love since her early childhood.
Cracking open the tiny top window, she heard him repeat all his good advice.
“I love you,” she said, loud and clear, “I have always loved you and I might never have loved anyone else half as much. Thank you for being the best friend any living soul has ever had.”
“Let me be your friend a little longer, let me be your friend until we’re old and grey, let me be your friend until I forget my own name but still remember yours,” he pleaded, pressing that hand that had supported, fed, and comforted her through the years against the cold glass.
She would stare at the faint impression throughout her whole journey, Mari knew, she would trace it like she caressed the scar on her knee from when they had climbed an apple tree and fallen off or the lingering taste of his hot chocolate.
“We’ll see, Ori dear, we’ll see. Goodbye for now, I shall write to you and yes, I shall remember you always,” she spoke hastily as the train started moving.
“Goodbye Mari, always goodbye and never farewell,” he screamed at the detestable contraption picking up speed.
Long did he stand there, looking at the plumes of smoke until they dissipated into the grey sky, hoping he might see her – alive and well – very soon.
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First part of this : here
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Infinite Rewrite Part 3: Columbia or why it’s snowing in July
- Okay, let’s get something right out of the way: it’s cold as hell in Columbia, even in July. If they’re ported in Maine, which averages around 70 degrees in July, it will be about 17.5 degrees up in Columbia with the altitude they’re at. Even at the hottest OG port, which would be Savannah, Georgia at 93 degrees, it would be only 39 degrees in Columbia.
- To put things in perspective, the temperature in Columbia when Infinite starts is ten degrees colder than the night the Titanic sunk. Battleship Bay’s existence is already bizarre, but it would have to be enclosed and artificially heated or else everyone would freeze to death in a matter of minutes.
- In the winter months, Columbia moves down the Atlantic to Florida and Georgia. Orlando at 102 degrees makes it 49.5 degrees in Columbia. So much better than New York’s 33 degrees making it -21.5 degrees.
- Ice skating is very popular in Columbia. Early Air Grabbers used by the Vox were, in fact, made out of old ice skates. The Delaware is a highly popular ice skating rink while Battleship Bay acts as a tropical resort for those wanting to escape the never ending winter.
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- I’d say that Finkton is actually one of the warmer places in the city with greenhouses, factories, and the gun shop. It doesn’t stop hypothermia but some lucky souls do get a quick reprieve.
- Chen Lin’s shop is by far the warmest spot save for The Good Time Club and there are a lot of people just hanging around by the fires. It’s dangerous, but the Lins’ don’t have the heart to tell them to leave, especially with parents desperate to get their children warm.
- Fashion in Columbia is winter-based. It definitely has a winter wonderland feel, everything feels like an old time Christmas card, until you discover the horrific truth. Upper-class women such as Elizabeth wear outfits like this:
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- It would be snowing in July when Booker arrives in Columbia, and after being exposed to the elements without any protection, he quickly gets hypothermia by the time he encounters Elizabeth. With no money to afford a coat and hunted down by Comstock, Elizabeth leaves him behind to be found by the Vox. He is then nursed back to health in Shantytown by Sally née Dawson O’Callaghan, an old friend of his.
- Due to the cold, food is especially scarce for those in Shantytown. You can buy what you can afford to get, which is very little on the unstable, low pay Fink gives. Anyone found smuggling out of the Finkton greenhouses or slaughterhouses faces heavy beatings, fines, blacklisting, and in some cases death.
- Sickness runs rampant in Shantytown, children and babies, often starve, freeze, or die of pneumonia. Sometimes, it’s all three. Limbs are lost not just due to accidents with machinery but frost bite. Sally has lost four out of her eight children, and as Booker recovers from his injuries, Sally’s youngest surviving child falls deathly ill with a fever. She has no choice but to give her daughter to Finkton doctors, who promise they can ‘heal’ her.
- A lot of Christmas/Nativity imagery since it goes hand and hand with Jesus and Mary imagery. The Founders are essentially living an old time Christmas card everyday, they’re waiting for the birth of the Deliverer so it’s like a never ending Advent.
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mintiemarmalade · 6 years
Nobody tagged me, but I’ve seen these floating around, and I’m so hyped for Seasons that I can’t resist!
Questions below the cut ↴
TAG #1
1. Which season are you going to play with first?
Spring, since that’s typically what the game defaults to.
2. From what you’ve seen in the trailer, what are you most excited about?
Holidays OMG!
3. What’s your favorite season IRL?
Fall! I love all the colors, and the weather is perfect.
4. What’s your favorite flower/plant?
5. Are you going to create a new sim/family, or are you going to keep your current household?
I’ll be jumping right in with Miss Mari Gold!
6. What would you like to see in this new pack that we haven’t seen yet?
I’m super excited to see how the custom holidays are going to work!
7. How do you feel about not having a new neighborhood?
I’m not bothered by it. I’m glad they chose to put more focus on the actual seasons themselves. It seems like there is LOADS of new gameplay because of it. Also The Sims 3: Seasons didn’t have a new world either so.
8. Snow, rain, sun, or wind?
9. Favorite refreshing drink in the summer?
Sweet tea
10. Favorite hot drink in the winter?
Hot chocolate
11. Walk through the forest or by the beach?
Both sound lovely.
12. Swimming pool or ocean?
13. Where would you like to travel if you could leave right now for a week?
Either to the beach or somewhere in the mountains.
14. How is the weather today?
15. What new traits would you like to see in the new pack?
16. Do you like to play with supernatural creatures like vampires and aliens? And if so, would you like to have witches/fairies/elves?
I like to play with them every once in a while. I just wish you could toggle them on or off per save.
17. What is your favorite thing to do during winter?
All things Christmas!
18. …during spring?
19. …during summer?
Amusement parks!
20. …during autumn?
Bonfires! And all things Halloween! And forcing myself into a food coma on Thanksgiving! Asdkfjs I just love fall so much!
21. Have you already pre-ordered Seasons? If you haven’t, are you going to pre-order it or wait until it comes out?
Yup! I pounced on that pre-order the moment they announced it.
22. Which world are you going to play first with Seasons?
Brindleton Bay. Mostly because that’s where Mari Gold currently lives.
23. Do you listen to music while playing? If so, what are your favorite songs to listen to?
Not typically. I often have Gilmore Girls streaming on Netflix though.
24. What’s your favorite thing to do in The Sims?
Storytelling! And building!
25. What’s your favorite pack?
Seasons. As of right now, probably City Living.
26. What pack would you like to see next?
TAG #2
1. What is your favorite season?
2. Do you prefer warmer or colder weather?
Somewhere in the middle.
3. What do you do on a rainy day?
Sit on the front porch and watch/listen to the rain.
4. How is a typical winter where you live? Cold or not?
It varies year to year, but typically it gets really freaking cold.
5. Have you ever experienced snow?
Sure have!
6. True or false? “I LOVE RAIN!”
7. What is your go-to food in the summer?
8. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
9. Coffee, tea, or cocoa?
All three! I typically gravitate towards tea though.
10. Describe your favorite seasonal clothing item!
11. What is your favorite holiday?
12. If you were a season, which one would you be?
Definitely fall.
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bonysko · 5 years
Puerto Vallarta 2019
January was a brutally cold month in Kenora. We couldn’t depart the Winnipeg airport quickly enough to get to warmer weather! With my mom, we headed to Puerto Vallarta via Calgary this year. My mom wasn’t sure she would have one more trip, and so we left our travel booking late. This was now her second “Last Trip to Puerto Vallarta”! We handed her off to friends at PVR, and headed on to our hotel - the Mayan Sea Garden in Nuevo Vallarta.
We had a number of friends in and around Puerto Vallarta and re-connected with Sue and Al. Along with their friends Mary and Kevin, we discovered a new Taco place in downtown Nuevo Vallarta. We long heard about the market at the marina in La Cruz, and went to check it out one Sunday. We wandered the stalls and listened to a variety of live music. Back in Nuevo Vallarta, hotels along the beach were preparing for Valentine’s Day.
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For our second week, we boarded the Pacifico Bus for Guayabitos, and a visit with my mom. It was great to see her in the familiar suite next to her friends. Carmen and I dropped in on the local pickleball club and played in a few morning and late afternoon sessions. There were numerous dinners out, and we attended the Hotel Mar y Sol Fiesta night, with live entertainment and dancing. Beach walking was a mandatory, daily occurrence. We also dropped into Market Days in Guayabitos and La Penita.
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We returned to Nuevo Vallarta by bus and checked into our Vidanta Grand Mayan Resort. This was also Reading Week, and Kira would be in Sayulita visiting Kyle. We met up for a day and did an epic climb up Monkey Mountain with Kira, Kyle and his brother, aunt and uncle. There were a few challenging sections, but the view at the top was spectacular. We visited with Eileen and Ken and Teresa and Terry, also staying on the Vidanta resort property. We played tennis and took a beach walk to Bucerias. There were may laps of the Lazy River. We used colectivos as our main form of local transport. Often, riding the colectivo was an adventure on it’s own!
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Our final week was spent at the Sheraton near downtown Puerto Vallarta. The hotel was walking distance to the Malecon. Of course, we had to celebrate Eileen’s birthday at Cafe Artiste, where the food, ambiance and service were exceptional. We have now sat in all sections of this restaurant!
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We joined Teresa and Terry for an urban hike up the never ending stairs to the Mirador and breath taking city views. On Art Walk Night, there was a book launch at a gallery, complete with Mariachi Band. And we met Red Lake friends Michele and Tim at Joe Jack’s Fish Shack. We rode the bus to the Marina Puerto Vallarta and played pickleball at a nearby hotel. 
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Our last hotel move was to Villa Varadero in Nuevo Vallarta. My mom and friend Colleen joined us for 2 nights on the beach. We extended our stay to meet up with long-time Thunder Bay friends Myrna and Andy at Paradise Village. We had not made a trip to Thunder Bay in the past year, and took this opportunity to see them. Our trip ended as it began...visiting friends and family, interrupted by laying on a lounger!
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We departed PVR for YVR and had a quick visit with Katrina and Jeremy at an airport hotel in Vancouver. They brought us Thai food to go and much conversation. Then back to Winterpeg the next morning.
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willswalkabout · 8 years
Sydney, Melbourne
This post is fairly delayed, as I departed Melbourne last Sunday, 20th. For reasons to be explained later I was extremely tired on the way home, followed by a pretty busy schedule while in the UK. I'm writing this entry during the last 2 hours of my Singapore to Auckland flight. The journey from hell to Sydney took its funniest twist when Melbourne airport informed me that I'd actually booked my 4th, and final flight of the last 36 hours, from their smaller more remote airport, Avalon. It was also to be the airport I would fly back into, and to this day I cannot work out the point of it. I could only laugh at this information, and was lucky that JetStar agreed to put me on the next flight from the airport I was standing in, for only £30. It would have cost me ~£100 to get the taxi to Avalon in time to catch my flight. I met Madeline, my aupere of 7 years previous, near her home in Bondi, where she had generously let me stay for the next 2 nights. After a pretty awful last 3 nights, spent ill, in a cell, and on a cramped plane, it was an incredible relief to have my own room, and the ability to wash clothes. That night I joined her at a cookout/dinner party hosted by some of her friends. The next day, and do forgive the details being a little weaker, this being two weeks back, I started out with an incredible brunch. Google had recommended it, and I since found out Sydney is well known for its brunch culture. It was also a wake up call to food prices, something I had come, well warned of. The meal with coffee was $24 Australian, for something that was delicious, but wouldn't come to £17 in the UK. This sadly meant that other than a few token occasions, I mostly ate pretty badly while in Australia. I then did the coastal walk from Bondi beach to Coogee beach, before getting a bus to Watson's bay. From here you can get a commuter/tourist ferry into Circular Quay. Monday was my only warm day, so it was nice to get the ferry into the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge area. I walked to St Mary's cathedral, and then got the train back to Madeline's flat. That night I went for a great burger with Madeline and her boyfriend Morgan. The next day the weather was horrible so I lied in as long as possible so I'd be able to go straight to my hostel and check-in immediately. There's very little else to say about that day. In the evening I tried to find a couple of bars that I'd read about, but due to Sydney's ludicrous lockout laws they were closed. I walked to Mrs Macquarie's chair, a good viewpoint of the harbour. I was having quite a nice reflective moment when Sydney's heavens opened and I got absolutely drenched, before getting an uber back. The next day it was grim again but I managed to fill it by going up Sydney's sky tower, and then a tour of the Opera House. The tour is great, and the magnitude of the auditoriums is impressive. Sadly the one photo in this blog is the only photo I was able to sneak. With productions on the whole time photos were banned and the tour guide was quite scary, watching everyone leave before he left the room. That evening I hung out with an American who was on his 2 week break from an eight month tour of Afghanistan. He was clearly fairly senior and there was quite a bit he couldn't tell me about his life, but what he could sounded horrific, tiring, and a lifestyle you've got to believe in to take part in. On my last day I had to leave at 4 for a flight, and so I just went to the NSW art gallery, which was alright, and then made my way to the airport. I also had breakfast with Viv, who you'll find in the Thailand blog, and who had told me I simply had to visit Sydney. She then told me I simply had to come back as I hadn't seen enough sunny days. On arrival in Melbourne, which took a while cause the bus at the stupid rural airport was delayed and so it was two and a half hours from landing to hostel, I took a short walk around Melbourne river before finding myself the only person in my hostel room at midnight. A clear sign that Melbourne had a vastly different nightlife culture to Sydney. It did give me an opportunity to continue my addiction to the Netflix serial drama, 'The People vs OJ Simpson'. The next day I met up with Kitty, who was at forest sixth form. We went to Hosier Lane, famous for its street art, then to the library, and onto Brighton Beach, which is a warmer, cleaner, less busy, version of the British version. I also got pretty badly burnt there, something I'm still suffering from today. That night I went to see the Melbourne Rebels vs Waikato Chiefs (Rugby Union). The Rebels were supposed to get taken to pieces, given they had shipped 80 points the week previous, and this game was 18th vs 5th (in an 18 team league). The Chiefs did receive 2 yellow cards, but it was still impressive that the game was 14-14 with 10 minutes to go. Although Melbourne went down 27-14, the local papers the next day practically treated it as a victory they were so in shock. I then had a pretty late St Paddy's day night with some people from my hostel. This meant that the next day checking out at 10am was a struggle, and I didn't have a huge amount of energy to achieve much. I did walk around Melbourne's CBD for a bit, I had intended to go to St Kilda beach but in too much pain from the previous day's burn. Luckily I had Adele tickets with Kitty that evening, at the 75,000 seater Etihad Stadium. She was incredible, and came with her trademark self depreciating stories, and quirky mid show events, such as shooting t-shirts into the crowd, and revealing that she had hidden a letter behind the seat of the person she believed to have the 'worst seat in the stadium'. Despite buying the cheapest seats in the stadium we actually had a great view as the pictures hopefully show. It's taken me a long while to complete this blog, the plane landed and then I was busy etc, now sitting in the tent near Lake Taupo, NZ. So to cut a long story short, I wandered around Melbourne for a few hours that Saturday night, before going to the 24 hour casino to watch England lose to Ireland in the rugby. Then, heavily sleep deprived, I slept in the hostel's lounge room for the majority of Sunday, before flying home. At home I played in the old foresters hockey game, and was with family on Thursday for Granddad's funeral. I am so pleased I was fortunate enough to be able to get back for it, and I feel we did him justice. I'll try and post again after 10 days in NZ with a roundup. I will also add some photos to match these words, tomorrow night, when I will have better wifi.
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bestshopuk · 7 years
#‘Commercial Bain Marie, 3 Pots, Electric, Sauce or Food, Warmer, Wet Well Baine, Bains, Bay Marie & Gastro Pans’ Sale Price
buy online or check price ‘Commercial Bain Marie, 3 Pots, Electric, Sauce or Food, Warmer, Wet Well Baine, Bains, Bay Marie & Gastro Pans’ Sale Price
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 years
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“Career Gal Takes War In Stride,” Vancouver Sun. February 7, 1942. Page 13.   ---- Rumors of Food Rationing Leave Her Unruffled Because She Watches Her Diet; She's Also Undaunted By Fashion Restrictions --- By MLLE. TAPPE Right up in the front line, seeing this war through 'to a successful finish, are the battalions of career girls. . . . They are the home guard. In the business world that carries on . in spite of everything. . These little secretaries) stenographers, bookkeepers, clerks, ad infinitum are unruffled by rumors of food rationing, because they're figure conscious and watch their diet. ... They're equally undaunted, by fashion restrictions, because they've learned to look dashing in practical clothes.  
They realize that war is pretty grim ... that they've got help build morale. So after 5:30 o'clock, this spring, they'll go more feminine than ever. During business hours, however, they'll stick to' their uniforms. And this uniform is a tailored suit, well cut and fitted to show a beguiling waistline.. It's designed in hard-wearing men's worsteds or a good tweed. With it they'll alternate a wool pullover and a tailored blouse. 
By way of a change, or while their suit is being cleaned, they wear a good-looking' one or two-piece Jersey or wool dress, freshened up with a white embroidered pique collar. 
WATCH THEIR VITAMINS But just because she has a trim waistline, don't think that the average intelligent business gal subsists on orange juice and black coffee for breakfast, with a coke and cigarette for lunch . . Typical of the hundreds of clever girls in the business world are the four photographed today.... They don't squander money on food, but; they buy with an eye to vitamins, for most of them set a 25-cent to 35-cent limit for lunch. 
Miss Marie Moreau, Fashion Adviser for Hudson's Bay Company, is such a trim figure in her Glen plaid suit, I suspected a lunch-time nibble on a graham cracker, with a bottle of coke. .. . But behold on her cafeteria tray is a vegetable salad (without mayonnaise), tomato juice and a baked apple. . . . . All listed as "musts" on an approved protective daily diet chart. 
Even more slender is Miss Barbara" Hadgkiss, Copy Editor in Hudson's Bay Company's Advertising Department, who also lives up to this diet chart with her cottage cheese, prune and pineapple salad, milk, a roll and a pat of butter. . . . And Miss Diane Lyterman of The Vancouver Sun's Business Office staff, who looks so enchanted with Barbara's tray, has an individual chicken pie, milk and lemon foam for dessert. 
Office workers on the whole are great sandwich eaters, and here is Miss Rita Graham, also on The Vancouver Sun's Business Office staff, lunching Just around the corner at a popular drugstore counter. Today, she's having an egg sandwich with sugar and. cream in' her coffee, but she rolls her eyes in anticipation of tomorrow's lunch which will be a broiled lamb chop, broiled tomatoes, a baked potato and black coffee . . . her favorite dish.
EVENING TASTES VARY  All of them live in suits during working hours, but in the evening their tastes differ. For a dinner date and show this evening; Marie will change into' a dark green suit with a frou-frou blouse and little green felt calot, with a swirl of veiling about her chin.
Barbara prefers a long torso silk frock, under a fur-trimmed dressmaker coat for her date. Diane will wear a beige wool dirndl with brown velvet applique, and Rita has decided upon a black wool dirndl with frilly lace collars and cuffs, to wear with a skunk coat and little fur-trimmed hat. 
They're all talking about' getting cool gabardine suits later on when the weather gets warmer. Miss Moreau is decidedly enthusiastic about the new gabardine jacket dress, which she. thinks will be the pet of the season.
The dress Is a simple shirtwaist style with a turn-down collar and convertible neck. The jacket is cut like a cardigan, nipped in slightly at the waistline and buttoned down the front.
DAILY DIET CHART Experts say that since nutrition plays such an important part in national defense, it is practically a duty , for everyone to eat the right food and keep fit. The Canadian government has Issued the following Protective Diet Chart for Adults. These foods should be used dally. 
Milk, one pint (for reducers, skimmed or buttermilk) . Fruits, one a citrous or tomatoes one dried, fresh or canned. . . Vegetables, at least two cooked vegetables, in addition to potatoes. Use one green leafy, vegetable. . . .. Salads, raw vegetable salad or raw vegetables,, . . , Eggs, one a day. . . . Lean meat, average serving, once daily. . . Butter, minimum one tablespoon daily. . . . Bread, whole grain bread (reducers, not over three slices).
Picture captions:
Above [top left] . "M-m-m," says Miss Diane Lyterman (seated) when she sees Miss Barbara Hadgkiss cottage cheese and prune salad. Middle Right, Miss Rita Graham gets the necessary: "egg a day" in a sandwich. .. Below, Miss Marie Moreau keeps fit and slim with vegetable salad and tomato juice.
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jessicakehoe · 4 years
5 Things in Our Fashion Editor’s Shopping Cart to Brighten Your Mood
It’s no secret that many of us use retail therapy to help calm our nerves, cure anxiety or give us an extra boost when our moods are low – all of which you may currently be experiencing as a result of social distancing. As a fashion editor, I’m constantly scanning my favourite sites and this week, I took a modified note from Marie Kondo’s book and looked for items that “spark joy.” From pieces that contribute to relief efforts during these difficult times, to items from local businesses and things that just make me feel good, here are the pieces I’m adding to cart this week:
Polo-collar cashmere sweater, $329, Club Monaco.
Sometimes something as simple as a great colour can perk you up. Let this cashmere sweater from Club Monaco be the red lip of your wardrobe. It’s the perfect shade and completely smudge proof –put it on for some cozy confidence.
Asymmetrical ornamental pin earrings, $550, Ellery at WDLT 117.
I’ve had my eye on these mismatched Ellery earrings from Toronto store WDLT 117 for a few weeks. With one long and one short I can mix these with my other pieces easily and they provide some easy drama for my next Zoom call or Google Hangout.
Verve legging, $186, Michi.
If getting a new pair of leggings helps motivate me for at-home workouts, I’m all for it. The tiger-print legging from Toronto-based Michi NY is also a subtle nod to the FASHION team’s new favourite Netflix series, Tiger King, which has helped entertain us through self-isolation.
Satin slides, $596, Zimmermann at Shopbop.
Exposed toes symbolize the start of warmer weather and while we may not be there yet, these pink and red satin slides are a happy reminder of what’s to come. In the meantime, stylish slip-ons can be worn as fashionable house shoes or slippers.
HBC Stripe Sweater, $400, Hudson’s Bay.
Hudson’s Bay has made a $1 million pledge to Kids Help Phone and Food Banks of Canada through the Hudson’s Bay Foundation to support Canadians impacted by COVID-19, so there’s no better time to show your stripes. The iconic HBC-striped hand-knit sweater is a piece you can pass on from generation to generation, works as a cozy layer at the cottage and is the perfect piece of transitional outwear. It’s almost as synonymous with Canada as the Canadian flag.
The post 5 Things in Our Fashion Editor’s Shopping Cart to Brighten Your Mood appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
5 Things in Our Fashion Editor’s Shopping Cart to Brighten Your Mood published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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clickwish2-blog · 5 years
Lemon & Chicken Soup
Ahhh . . .  Winter.  That time of year when the heart and belly long for warming, comforting, sustenance food.  Foods like stews and soups . . . Soups like this fabulous Lemon & Chicken Soup, that are not only delicious but also simple and quick to put together. To be honest, I am not overly fond of tinned soups and only use them when I have no alternative.  Most often I like to make my soups from scratch. My mother always made delicious homemade soups when we were growing up.  This spoilt us a bit for tinned soup, with the exception of Tomato Soup. I have always enjoyed tinned tomato soup.
Every month I am the lucky recipient of a Degustabox.  Once a month, around the middle of the month, I am sent one of these lovely boxes which contain a delicious assortment of all things foodie.  I just love these boxes. Opening each one is tiny a bit like opening a Christmas gift. Always a surprise, and always filled with things that pique my interest and desire to try. Degustabox is a monthly foodie subscription service that sends out a range of 10 to 15 specially selected foodie products. 
There's always a great mix of new products that I haven't tried before, as well as plenty of treats from more established brands. Quite often you will have the opportunity to try  new products before they arrive in the shops, so it can be a bit of a sneak peak! Each Degustabox costs only £12.99, delivery costs are included in the price, and there is no fixed contract involved - you can cancel at any time. I love getting these boxes! They are great value for money spent.   
I also enjoy the challenge each month of creating a recipe using at least one of the products included in the box. Sometimes they immediately jump out at me, and sometimes I need to chew them a bit in my head.  When I saw the Delverde pasta in my December box, I knew it was something that I wanted to use in a recipe, but it took me a few days to decide what to do with it.  Lemon & Chicken Soup is what I came up with, but more about that later. First I want to share with you what all came in my December box! 
Funkin Cocktails exist to shake up the ordinary making great tasting cocktails available to all. Simply add spirit and ice and make it shake to create four delicious cocktails. Available in a range o classic flavours such as Mojito, Pina Colada, and Espresso Martini. 
We don't drink alcohol, but our neighbour and her son were really pleased with this.  It kept them company on NYE!
Indulgent fruit centres, delicately coated in rich, smooth dark chocolate. Discover a new indulgent chocolate experience.
I love Green & Black's anything. These were no exception.
Jack Daniel's Lynchburg Lemonade combines the distinctive character of their fine Tennessee Whiskey. a dash of triple sec and a measure of zesty lemonade for an expertly crafted drink.
Again, we don't do alcohol, but they were enjoyed very much by a friend
MAGGI FUSIAN Noodle Pots/chowmein/spiced curry/sweet chilli 3 C £1.15 
Take the taste of Asia with you wherever you go with the new Maggi Fusian Noodle Pots.  Each pot included premium noodles and sachets of spices and veggies, so you can enjoy Asian flavoured noodles which are ready in just four minutes! 
These are always handy to have in the cupboard when you are starving and just want something quick, quick to eat!
The iconic Slush Puppie is now available in convenient, resealable pouches  The brand new range contains the original Slush Puppie taste but with no added sugar.  Available in Sour Cherry Blue Raspberry and Strawberry. Each pouch contains just 95 calories. Simply freeze, squeeze and drink!
This was the product of the month and is available now as Multi packs of 3 for £3 at Tesco.  I like that there s no sugar in them.  These are refreshing.  I also like that they are resealable! Now you CAN take the pooch home!
NESTLE Shredded Wheat Breakfast on the Go 1 X £1.99
Made with just one natural ingredient, 100% wholegrain wheat, which is crafted into deliciously crispy biscuits for a mouthwatering good breakfast cereal for the whole family  Their wholegrain wheat is sown, grown and ripened in Britain, using a recipe unchanged since 1893.
I love shredded wheat and love the portability of this.
NATURE'S STORE Salted Caramel Popcorn Bar
New Popcorn bars from Nature's Store are a super healthy, free from way to snack. They contain popcorn, seeds, dates and gluten free oat with no added sugar Belgian Chocolate.  With four high fibre, nutrient rich seeds and at less than 150 calories per bar, they're the perfect healthy and delicious snack  Soon available in major supermarkets.
Sleep Well is the new, natural milk drink that helps you relax and get a better night's sleep. A gorgeous tasting, long life drink for the whole family made with whole Jersey milk, honey and Valerian, the herb that's been helping people relax and sleep for 2000 years.
Real Good Ketchup is an awesome range of Award Winning, No Added Sugar ketchup's made with rich Mediterranean tomatoes, allergen free & plant-based ingredients – nothing artificial. Winner of the Best New Sugar Reduced or No Sugar Product & The Food Talk Clean Eating Gold Award. Deliciously tomatoey!! 
This was actually very nice.  I am not surprised it has won an award.
Delverde Pasta is made with the best durum wheat and the water from a very special place; the Verde river, which flows through the Jarella National Park, in the Abruzzo region of Italy. Made using traditional bronze dies and slow dried to preserve its wonderful flavour. Available as Festonati, Spaghetti or Penne Zita Regate.
This is the product I decided to highlight with a recipe this month and what a recipe it is!  The perfect recipe to use with the perfect pasta!
This is a soup you won't want to make too far ahead of time because of the pasta in it.  The pasta will swell up, having absorbed all the liquid if you do.  So do plan on making it right before you go to eat it. 
That's not a problem really because it is so quick and easy to make. If you are really keen on making it ahead, you can get the stock ready, squeeze the lemon juice, peel and slice the carrots, cube the chicken and break up the spaghetti ahead of time, but that's about all the ahead of time that I would recommend! 
This is a fabulously tasty chicken soup, with fresh flavours!  It uses chicken stock along with lemon juice.  You might think the lemon would be overpowering, but it really isn't.  It adds a lovely layer of flavour that is quite pleasant!
It also uses already cooked chicken, so you can use leftover chicken, chicken from a rotisserie bird, or you can poach chicken.  I always have poached chicken in the freezer ready to use. 
One optional ingredient is a Parmesan cheese rind.  I always have them in my fridge. We eat a lot of Parmesan cheese, and I always grate my own.  Grating your own is so much more delicious than buying already grated.  They add things to already grated to make it free flowing.  When I was growing up we always had the one in the green can.  We didn't know any better and were happy with that.  As an adult I have come to love and appreciate the real, unprocessed product, and I always save the rinds from them.  I keep them in a jar in the refrigerator.  They are great for using in flavouring soups and sauces!
You will want to break the spaghetti up into 2 inch pieces.  That's very easy to do.  Just wrap it up in a tea towel and then, grabbing both ends of the wrapped towel, pull it sharply down over the edge of your counter.  You might have to do it in sections.  I find this technique works best when your bundle of spaghetti is no larger around than a one pound coin (about 1 inch).
Your spaghetti will break up into perfectly sized bits.  Easy peasy. 
You don't want really long strands of spaghetti in this  . . . its soup and you won't be eating it with a fork!
This soup is well flavoured, delicious and satisfying . . . 
Served in heated bowls with some crusty bread and a scattering of more cheese on top, it is a wonderful belly warmer.  Hearty and healthy without any fat, except for the cheese!
Yield: Serves 4Author: Marie RaynerPrint Recipe
With ImageWithout Image
Lemon & Chicken Soup
prep time: 15 minscook time: 25 minstotal time: 40 mins
This soup is so simple to make.  Its quick, easy and is very delicious, low in fat and makes good use of leftover cooked chicken.
1.5 litre of chicken stock (6 cups)
80ml fresh lemon juice (the juice of 2 large lemons)
(Bring your lemons to room temperature and roll them
on the counter firmly before juicing to extract as much
juice as possible)
2 medium carrots, peeled and sliced into coins
1 broken bay leaf
1 Parmesan cheese rind (optional, but nice)
225g spaghetti, broken into 2 inch pieces (8 ounces)
450g cooked chicken, diced (about 1 pound)
handful of chopped fresh flat leaf parsley
225g grated Parmesan cheese (1 1/4 cups)
salt and black pepper
Measure the stock and lemon juice into a large saucepan. Bring to the boil. Add the Parmesan rind (if using), bay leaf,  and carrots. Simmer until the carrots are crispy tender, 5 to 6 minutes.  Add the broken pasta and cook for a further 6 to 7 minutes until al dente.  Stir occasionally.  Add the chicken and heat through.  Remove and discard the cheese rind and bay leaf.  Stir in half of the cheese and the parsley.  Taste and adjust seasoning as required with salt and pepper.  Ladle into heated bowls.  Top each with some of the remaining cheese and serve immediately.
Degustabox is running a Giveaway competition until the 19th of January (2019) where anyone who has purchased a Degustabox has the opportunity to win a free box for each  themselves and a friend.  To be in it to win it just follow the steps below:
1. Follow the Degustabox Instagram account @degustabox_uk
2. Post a picture of the December box, or a picture of you enjoying some of the products in the box.
3. Tag your post with #degustaboxnewyear and tag one of your friends who you think would like to receive a free Degustabox.  Your friend will also have to follow their Instagram account @degustabox_uk
DEAL: Get your £5 off your first box, plus get free bonus item and delivery! Use coupon code HELLOSUBSCRIPTION18. 
 In the US but just looking for fun? Use code HELLOSUBSCRIPTION7 to get your first US box for $12.99! You’ll also get free shipping and a free bonus gift!
So, that was the December Degustabox - a nice selection of products as always. We loved it. The price of each Degustabox is £12.99 (including delivery). To order your box, visit www.degustabox.com
 Many thanks to Degustabox UK for sending me this box. I have to say I really look forward to getting my box each month. There are always lots of things in it to enjoy and new products to try out. I highly recommend. You can also tailor the boxes to your own likes and dislikes by filling in your own Taste Profile.  Do you like the sound of this box? Why not sign up now! I find them to be really good value for money spent and I really enjoy trying out new products that I have not tried before.  
Follow them on Facebook 
Follow them on Twitter 
Note - Although I was sent a box free of charge any and all opinions are my own.
Bon appetit!   
Source: https://theenglishkitchen.blogspot.com/2019/01/lemon-chicken-soup.html
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writemarcus · 6 years
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Marcus Scott Takes the Stage At Feinstein's/54 Below
by BWW News Desk            May. 10, 2018  
FEINSTEIN'S/54 BELOW, Broadway's Supper Club, presents Wild Young Hearts: The Marcus Scott Songbook on May 24, 2018 at 9:30 PM. The concert explores the world of what Scott calls 'Afro-Americana' and what it could be through his music and lyrics. The centerpiece of the concert is Scott's show Cherry Bomb (2017 Drama League First Stage in Artist Residence and Finalist for National Black Theater's I am Soul and Yale Institute for Musical Theatre's residencies), an original musical that tells the story of an ambitious young man and the depths he and his high school friends will go to in ensuring that they and their dreams have a place in the world.
Marcus Scott, an accomplished playwright/journalist and alum of NYU's Graduate Musical Theatre Writing Program, makes his Feinstein's/54 Below debut tonight, having previously had his work published with Elle, Essence, and Playbill.com, and performed in NYC at such venues as the Tank, Theatre 80 St. Marks, Nuyorican Poets Cafe, and the historic Cherry Lane. With songs crossing such genres as hip-hop, Motown, funk, and contemporary pop/musical theatre, and a cast of up and coming performers (plus a surprise Broadway name or two), Wild Young Hearts is a pulsating concert that will leave you thinking and grooving in your seat.
Performers include Emma Claye ("Arts and Sciences" EP), Lindsay Fabes (Double Rainbow - The Secret Theatre, Tribes - Barrington Stage), Mark Andrew Garner (Oliver! - N.A.A.P., Mary Poppins - Alabama SF), Sheldon Gomabon (The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee and The Boy Friend - TheaterZone), Luis E. Mora (Naked Boys Singing! - NYC, Pedro Pan - NYMF), Eric Stephenson (The Facebook Fighter - Signature Center, Miles and Me - Musical Theater Factory), and Alexander Tomas (Zuccotti Park - Fringe NYC).
Producer and Director: Justin Schwartz
Music Director: Yan Li
Wild Young Hearts: The Marcus Scott Songbook plays Feinstein's/54 Below (254 West 54th Street) on May 24, 9:30 PM. There is a $25-35 cover charge and $25 food and beverage minimum. Tickets and information are available at www.54Below.com. Tickets on the day of performance after 4:00 are only available by calling (646) 476-3551.
Marcus Scott is a journalist, playwright and musical theater writer whose work has appeared in such publications as Out, Elle, Trace, Essence, Playbill, Uptown, Hello Beautiful, NewsOne, Madame Noire, Clutch, Broadway Black, Edge Media Group, and Backstage, and served as a writing fellow for Ryan Scott Oliver's Crazy Town Blog. Scott has also appeared in interviews and features conducted by NPR, American Theatre, Broadway World, Stage Buddy, Hotspots!, and Very Good Light. Scott was the 2016-17 Musical Theatre Fellow at Playwrights Horizons where he assisted Kirsten Childs on the New York Premiere of Bella: An American Tall Tale. Plays include Tumbleweed (finalist for the 2017/2018 Humanitas Play LA Workshop, the Playwrights Foundation's 2017 Bay Area Playwrights Festival and the 2017 Austin Playhouse Festival of New American Plays), Cherry Bomb (recipient of Drama League's 2017 First Stage Artist In Residence; 2017 finalist for the Yale Institute for Music Theatre), Malaise (2017 DUAF at Cherry Lane Theater), Double Rainbow (2017 Fresh Fruit Festival; Secret Theatre One Act Festival 2018), Blood Orange (2018 DUAF at Theater 80 St. Marks). His work has been developed/performed at such venues as NYU, National Black Theatre, The Bechdel Group, Theater for The New City, NYMF's Mint'd Inheritance Series, Goodspeed Opera House, PIT Loft, New York Theatre Barn, Fresh Ground Pepper, Exquisite Corpse Company, Micro Theater Miami, Midtown International Theater Festival, Emerging Artist Theatre New Works Series at TADA! Theatre, Fresh Fruit Festival (Nuyorican Poets Café, Wild Project), Classical Theatre of Harlem's Playwrights Playground/Reading Series, and The Tank. Scott is a two-time finalist with for The Civilians' R&D Group, two-time finalist for NBT's "I Am Soul" Residency and finalist for Fresh Ground Pepper's PlayGround PlayGroup. Scott is a graduate of Buffalo State University (BA in Communications: Print Journalism and BFA in Theatre Arts: Acting), and the Graduate Musical Theatre Writing Program at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts.
Feinstein's/54 Below, Broadway's Supper Club & Private Event Destination, is a performance venue in the grand tradition of New York City nightlife. A few blocks from the heart of Times Square and just below the legendary Studio 54, Feinstein's/54 Below is a classically designed state-of-the art nightclub in the theatre district that hosts audiences with warmth and style. Feinstein's/54 Below presents iconic and rising stars from the worlds of Broadway and popular music and has set a new standard for culinary excellence worthy of the world-class entertainment on the stage.
In their description of the venue, The New York Times writes, "Feinstein's/54 Below has the intimacy of a large living room with unimpeded views and impeccable sound; there is not a bad seat in the house. Its sultry after-hours ambience is enhanced by brocade-patterned wall panels planted with orange-shaded lanterns. And the atmosphere is warmer and sexier than in Manhattan's other major supper clubs."
Located at 254 West 54th Street, Feinstein's/54 Below features up to three shows nightly with cover charges ranging from $5-$105. 54Below.com/Feinsteins
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weddingwade3 · 7 years
Vacations In Scarborough
Check out more on our website Private Homes For Rent For Weddings
The United Kingdom is renowned for its seaside resorts which feature quirky postcards, kiss-me-quick hats, fish and chips and other convenience foods and stag and hen parties. In the last few decades only the seaside resorts of Blackpool and Brighton have retained their number of visitors as more and more English people journey to warmer countries to have their annual vacation. However just a few resorts in the UK seem to be trying to to regain their position within the British tourism industry. Within the article below I examine Scarborough a seaside resort in the north eastern region of England.
Scarborough is definitely the oldest seaside resort in Britain having been spoken about in a publication which was written in the 1660s, which mentioned the medical advantages of a nearby spa. The spa is still in existence to this day and it can be found in South Bay. Today named the Scarborough Spa Complex it, in a similar way to locations, has reinvented itself and now offers quite a lot of leisure facilities and also offering facilities for weddings and company events.
In many ways the resort has cleverly managed to display itself as a fantastic blend of the old and the new. Still featuring lots of its Victorian seaside charm the town now promotes itself as centre for the creative arts and digital industries. Increasingly structures are being modernised and brought right up to date and, as an example, an old style museum has become a specifically designed studio space for artists. Further enhancing this modern approach to tourism you can now have free access to a wi-fi Internet connection all along the harbour's promenade.
Altogether this bold approach has helped create a wonderful family vacation destination with loads of visitor attractions which are family friendly which include a number of amazing galleries and museums, parks and gardens, theme parks and a fair choice of historic buildings. With a breath-taking coast and great countryside it is little marvel that the seaside town additionally offers plenty of opportunities for sports activities and the sport of surfing is rapidly rising in popularity.
Museums and art galleries in, or near to, Scarborough include the following galleries, Grosmont Gallery & Jazz Cafe, South Street Gallery, Crescents Arts and Scarborough Art Gallery plus the following museums, The Rotunda Museum, Beck Isle Museum of Rural Life, Eden Camp Modern History Theme Museum and Millenium.
Places of natural beauty, parks and gardens worth visiting include; Hazelhead Lake, The Crosscliff Estate, The Walled Garden at Scampston and The Bridestones as well as Peasholm Island and Peasholm Park. Historical places of interest include Scampston Hall, Scarborough Castle, Peak Alum Works and Ebberston Hall. You may also find the following of interest, The Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul, Church of St-Martin-on-the-Hill, All Saints Church and Church of St Mary.
Probably the favourite family visitor attraction in Scarborough is the amazing Sea Life Centre but other family tourist attractions well worth visiting include; Kinderland, Terror Tower, Atlantis and Flamingo Land Theme Park and Zoo but also a fair few other animal and wildlife tourist attractions including, Betton Farm, Moorland Trout Farms and Grainary Wildlife Farm.
If you are thinking about taking a vacation in Scarborough please take a look at our listings of Scarborough bed & breakfast
Read Full Article Here: Vacations In Scarborough
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