shinwhoohoo · 2 years
so I’m seeing people saying on twitter Baro liked Jinyoung’s insta post, too (as well as the two official B1A4 insta posts)? Correct me if I’m wrong, but is this the first ‘public’ interaction with Jinyoung?
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orange-sandeul · 6 years
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Chasecult with B1A4
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squishingducks · 7 years
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cr. rainbowhuynh
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banacafe · 4 years
Listening and thinking about all the memories I had with H.O.T, I'm so sad that I spent many years being angry at Kangta and Heejun (just finished listening to "You and I" and "Together Forever," and I'm a compete mess). I'm upset at myself for allowing that to overshadow the good memories I had with them. This is the reason why I am not angry at Bayoung. I know that staying mad isn't going to bring B1A4 back, so I'm just here waiting--waiting for a time when the members can forgive each other. That might take years or even decades, but never give up on them.
I know sometimes we can't help but feel angry and betrayed, and I'm sure the members feel that way too. But when I saw Woohyuk walking through that door on Infinite Challenge, the members broke into tears and cried. I knew they were sorry to each other and to their fans. To hold anger among each other, I'm pretty sure it was so hard for them to say sorry. And I brought this moment up because we can see the members were relieved and couldn't believe "reuniting" was happening. They didn't even need to say anything, but their reactions and tears meant a thousand words.
Personally, it took me 6 to 7 years to finally stop being angry at Kangta and Heejun. The time JTL had their Guerilla Concert out in the cold and cried about the separation, it reminded me so muuuuuuuchhhhh of A3 crying at the Fan meeting last year. I was very upset how Kangta and Heejun didn't step up for them. I kept blaming them for JTL's suffering and saying that they were selfish. But I noticed that no matter how angry I was, the only person I'm more upset with is myself because I blamed them for my sorrow. Me being angry at them is me giving up on H.O.T. I now know that the main reason I was angry because the separation reminded me of my parents' divorce. I thought that life was all about perfection and happiness, but the split reminded me how your love ones can leave you. Just because H.O.T couldn't live up to what I saw as perfect and something that cannot be broken, I wanted to point fingers. As I grew older, I've come to realize that nothing lasts forever. All those angry years I had are now forgiven and put behind. In a time like this, there is no room for anger and grudges (because I've already done that to H.O.T). With hope, we can slowly heal the broken. Let's all love, have patience, support them, forgive them, and hope.
Forever White Angel and BANA ❤
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chanmandr · 8 years
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ajajsjjsje BAYOUNG RISE
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gyujin · 9 years
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?? ? ^^;;
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b1a4-fanfics · 9 years
title: homesick for ease by wristvein
pairing: Jinyoung/Baro
rating: NC-17
warning: None
summary: sunwoo has priorities that are more important than jinyoung, like acceptance and normalcy (aka the one where sunwoo is a coward and makes out with jinyoung in closets).
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chaootic · 9 years
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Jinro ♡
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sunfghwoo-blog · 9 years
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cr: (x) (x)
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shinwhoohoo · 2 years
4am VLIVE has me looking rough this morning lol 😂
Baro also posted a pic of himself with the caption “11 ❤️” around the same time that the posts from the b1a4ganatanatda official account got posted!! The posts, including his, all had a 2hrs ago time stamp when I saw it so it looks like he could’ve posted around the start of the VLIVE maybe?
Wondering too if this is his “first” like on jinyoung’s account since the split! And if this is also the first time Baro has publicly acknowledged his debut anniversary since 2018? I looked back and the last one I found on ig was from 4/23/17… not sure if he posted anything on his Stories last year or 2019??
(…also not me sitting here wondering if he’s going to like CNU’s ig post 👀)
OMG I have no room to complain then haha here's my ass making a big deal about waking up at 7am 😭
and I got so confused because I was like wait he posted something?? but I saw the picture, turns out I didn’t notice the caption lol ok so he did post something anniversary related, that makes me really happy actually~ That makes sense what you’re saying with the timing, though I think Jinyoung posted his a bit earlier? I’m not 100% sure though.
Baro’s been like super careful about mentioning really anything idol related, other than like one interview he did where they asked him about B1A4 like two years ago lol so I feel like this is the first real acknowledgement on his part, and also the first Bayoung interaction. I don’t think he’s liked CNU’s insta post yet, but in the past I believe he has liked a few of his personal posts... so we shall see lol. It’s just nice to see some Baro activity 🥲
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orange-sandeul · 7 years
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banacafe · 6 years
What I think of Jinyoung
[Semi-Long Post] This is my personal opinion, assumptions, and speculations about the current situation with Jinyoung. Remember that these are just my opinions which can be different from yours, so if you have any comments, please feel free to discuss.
Jinyoung deciding to open Link8
I’ve seen a handful of BANAs being angry and hurt at Jinyoung and his actions, thinking that he’s selfish. I, personally, don’t think Jinyoung is selfish (well, partially, which are some points I’ll cover). Jinyoung’s a person who has a strong will of motivation and ambition. We have to think about Jinyoung when he first became a trainee until now. Was it really his dream to be a singer and promote in an idol group? Being in an idol group and having crazy schedules is tiring. I cannot imagine the pain of what an idol has to endure, waking everyday and giving your best to the world and eventually asking yourself if this is the right path? Jinyoung admitted that when he was younger, he knew that he wanted to create and make things, which is why he stuck with composing and making songs for the B1A4. Maybe being in B1A4 wasn’t what he thought it was supposed to be. That was when he started questioning if he wants to continue to be in the group. WM probably didn’t do well to promote Jinyoung like how he wanted, so he wanted to become his own boss. And I saw this happening right after “Who am I” Era and coming to “Sweet Girl” Era.
I have worked hard and long enough to understand that dreams (ambition, dream careers, and hope) can die as you work too long or too hard. Sometimes, we get no results, and it becomes hopeless and worthless, which is why I admire people like Jinyoung or others who still has a sense of hope in their dreams. Jinyoung opening Link8 is a part of new dream he has. And it’s ok to have new dreams and desires and leave your old ones when you realize it doesn’t work out. Unfortunately, B1A4 is probably the old dream he had but gave up on it.
About Jinyoung posting on Social Media
With Jinyoung and Link8 actively posting, Jinyoung releasing his own song, and creating a season greeting, these are just ways to promote himself and the company. I don’t think it has to do with competing with B1A4. This really reminds me when I first got into Kpop with H.O.T, and they disbanded shortly. Many people were saying that Kangta, Heejun, and SM tried to release albums in order to compete with JTL who became a big hit with their song “A Better Day.” Even then, I was young and naïve, and of course, even though I did support Kangta and Heejun, I was really biased and sided with JTL because I was really hurt of why the two members didn’t leave SM. On this note, I am not trying to say that you guys are young and naïve, but it’s easy to say that it’s competition because of the separation. When separation happens, we can’t help but have these ideas of competition and feud between the members (especially when CNU took it really hard). If Jinyoung release songs at the same time as B1A4 in the future, yes, in the world of the industry, they are competing, but I don’t think it is his or Link8’s intentions.
Also, many BANAs were upset of why Jinyoung decided to post a photo of him and Beullie on the day of CNU leaving. I think Jinyoung just wanted to simply update about his day, not to take away the attention from CNU. CNU already has his attention when he was trending the entire day (and I was so happy for him ;;_;;). What Jinyoung posted online will never take away the attention from CNU or any other B1A4 members. He is just living his life day to day and trying to update his fans who are still following him on his activities. Jinyoung is petty, but I don’t think he’s that wicked and capable to do that. It seems easy to believe that Jinyoung will take away that spotlight from CNU and B1A4 because he went on his own. I think Jinyoung still has respect for CNU regardless of the status of what has been going on. About Jinyoung not showing up to see CNU leave, like most BANAs and I assumed, why would Jinyoung bother to show up if there is a disconnection? It’s not easy to come and see him off because Jinyoung probably is sorry to create such pain and sadness among the members and to BANAs. Jinyoung might feels that it’s not his place to come nor he doesn’t have the face to come back after leaving WM. He is probably ashamed and truly feels responsible for everything. There is a lot of weight and pressure on Jinyoung’s shoulder that we all do not know of. What if CNU doesn’t want to see Jinyoung? What if Jinyoung is embarrassed to show up in front of A3? What if they know it’s not going to be the same anymore? These thoughts, assumptions, and questions we all have is between them.
I am not supporting everything Jinyoung does nor I am against him because I am a little disappointed when Jinyoung keeps saying that he doesn’t believe the 7 years jinx and say that B1A4 will continue. That—yes—I’m a little upset because it gives BANAs false hope, but again (I am playing devil’s advocate with myself), what can Jinyoung or the rest of the members say to make everything sound ok when they know it’s not. They don’t want to upset BANAs. Regardless if it’s a “we’ll continue” knowing that B1A4 is coming to an end or release an article by the time of their contract ending that Bayoung’s leaving WM, at the end, someone will get hurt. All of us are hurt. A3, Bayoung, and BANAs. B1A4 separating and going their own ways hit all of us at a different angle.
Is Jinyoung selfish? Yes and no. It’s an obvious “yes” if you’re thinking of him going on his own, opening a new company, and “giving up” on B1A4, but it is a “no” as well. Why? Eventually, when you are pursing or in the process of pursuing a dream (not just a wish of “wanting to go for your dreams” but to really do it with your entire soul), there will be a time when you really want to strive for your dreams. There will be precious things—like the people we love, our time and commitment—we have to sacrifice, and the most precious thing Jinyoung gave up was B1A4. Making this decision probably wasn’t easy for him. I am sure there were many things going on his mind. Just because Jinyoung doesn’t show his emotions, we think he is happy being his own boss and doing what he wants. But he’s probably dying inside, crying by himself, and constantly beating himself up. Opening a whole new company isn’t easy. Thinking about all your fans, will they still be there to cheer you on even after the decisions you made? Did he made the right decision? All the efforts he is trying to self-promote and work his way to be where he’s at or go even higher is something he has to do in order to succeed. These are probably in Jinyoung’ s mind every day. He has always been a person who is strong, never showed his weakness and emotions, and always stayed positive. Jinyoung being confident and promoting Link8 is just a persona he wants us to see. Jinyoung is really in pain, much like the other members and BANAs. Again, we do not know what’s going on with them in person. To be honest, without Jinyoung writing all these songs for B1A4, they wouldn’t be where they’re at. Same goes for Jinyoung, without the help of the members, Jinyoung wouldn’t grow into the artist he is now.
It’s ok to be angry and hurt by Jinyoung and his actions. If you need to unfollow him or not see him for a while, do it if it makes you feel better. If you need to hate him for just a bit, feel it but don’t act on it. Do what you can to help heal yourself. I am not here to advocate on hating Jinyoung or make you guys feel empathetic for him, but I am here to tell you that feeling what you feel is ok—but under one condition—do not send hate to him and wish him nothing but misery. Do not go to his SNS or official page and starts bashing and blaming him for all the troubles A3 went through. That is unacceptable. If you truly love Jinyoung and B1A4, at least wish him happiness regardless all the pain that had happened. Also, come to us—to other BANAs—and rant and pour your entire soul out. It’s better to share your emotions among us, but do not use your emotions as something to attack Jinyoung. If you choose to support him, stick with it. If you don’t know what to feel, let your emotions marinate in your mind and follow your heart. Again, most of us are hurt and don’t know what we’re feeling, and our emotions will change as time goes on.
To those who actually read this whole thing, thank you for reading my rant. I have so many things going on, and my ideas are all over which doesn’t make any logical sense. If you want to discuss anything, please send me an ask (and if you want it answered in private, please let me know). If you choose to not support Jinyoung, don’t.
At the end, am I wrong to not have ill-feelings towards Jinyoung?
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gyujin · 9 years
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a stroke of affection
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b1a4-fanfics · 9 years
title: b1a4 drabbles by happyviruses
pairing: Jinyoung centric, Jinyoung/Everyone
rating: NC-17
warning: rated for sex, sex, sex
summary: Tales of Jinyoung's various sexual encounters with his members.
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bayoungs · 9 years
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11-12/∞ bayoung gifs 
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shinwhoohoo · 3 years
Hi! curious anon here~~
I'm kinda understand why we have see no interaction between OT3 b1a4 with Jinyoung and Baro but why didn't we get any interaction between Baro and Jinyoung too? I'm very sad the way their friendship have become now 🥺
hi anon~!
I kinda talk about any potential of their relationship surviving post-split here.
And really, even though this ask is a year old, my opinions really haven't changed much. Given that they're in different companies, different career paths, and god knows how messy things actually were during the contract renewal period, if I had to guess, it just caused a rift and they likely don't have much, if any, contact with one another. But that being said, we just don't know.
All we can say is, if they are interacting with each other behind the scenes, they are very tightly keeping it under wraps and very much don't want anyone of the public and fans to know, for whatever reason. Though, I don't really see what that reason could be, unless they think it would cause more of a divide in the fandom, an 'us against them' mentality? but I just don't think this is likely regardless, honestly.
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