#bbc sherlock miniseries
lilmoonbunny · 7 months
First Love; Mycroft Holmes x Singer!Reader [1]
Y/N and Mycroft's relationship was something that she would never forget.
Throughout her career, every single song that she wrote held memories of their past relationship. So when Sherlock finds out she is back in London, he can't resist the urge to meddle.
(Part of a mini-series)
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People often say that you will always remember your first love, and for Y/N, this fact was true.
Every song she ever wrote held a memory of the first man she had ever loved, a part of her that she never wanted to let go. Whilst she could act like the lyrics were based on other men – other partners – she always thought of him whenever she would sing, and even as she stood in front of her current partner, it never felt right; he wasn’t him.
James was… nice, some of the time, at least. Sure, he could be rude and toxic, but he loved her, right? He was a good guy, maybe? She wasn’t too sure, but she was scared to leave. Whilst it didn’t feel right being with him, part of her was terrified of his reaction to her leaving. So maybe he wasn’t exactly a nice guy; this was solidified when Y/N discovered evidence of him taunting someone she knew and cared for dearly.
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As she stood in front of the door to 221B Baker Street, mask covering her face so no potential fans would recognise her, Y/N glanced up at the window. It had been years since she had seen Sherlock. He was a child when they last saw each other, would he even still remember her?
“You must be John,” she nodded at the short man who came to the door.
His eyes widened, presumably shocked at her knowing his name, and he cleared his throat. “Uhm – yes, come on in.”
With a small thanks, the singer followed John up the stairs to the flat.
“There’s no need to wear a mask, you know. It’s not like you’re going to catch anything,” came Sherlock’s blunt voice, one that had Y/N smiling.
“Trust me, I know,” she responded, removing the covering.
Sherlock froze in place. “Y/N…?”
With a soft smile, Y/N nodded.
“Hold on,” John interrupted, clearly confused. “Y/N, as in the singer?”
She simply giggled and nodded.
“You know her!?” John turned to face Sherlock who simply brushed him off, turning to his former friend.
“Does Mycroft know that you’re here?”
Ah… Mycroft.
Y/N tensed for a moment at the name, and that was all Sherlock needed to see for his answer, even if he did have trouble deducing her in the past; he was young, after all.
“I have something you might find interesting,” Y/N smiled slightly, opening her bag to pass him some papers. “My… boyfriend. I think he’s stalking you.”
Sherlock raised an eyebrow, lifting himself from the chair and snatching the paper from her, something that earned a giggle from the woman.
“Moriarty… Never heard of him.” Sherlock mumbled as he read over the sheets of information that Y/N had gathered and stolen. There was no doubt that James would notice, but if she was going to potentially save Sherlock’s life, that was worth the risk.
“I really don’t have long, I have a song to record, but I’m hoping that can help,” Y/N nodded, shutting her bag before turning to the door. “Nice to see you again, Sherly. Bye, John.” As she left the flat, she heard Sherlock call to her.
“Tell Mycroft you’re here. I’m sure he’d be glad to see you.”
She simply ignored him.
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Having spent the day combing through each detail of the document’s that Y/N had given him, Sherlock was in no mood to deal with Mycroft asking him to take a case that he has no interest in.
“No, I won’t take your case.” Sherlock stated the moment Mycroft let himself into the flat.
“You don’t even know what it’s about!” Mycroft was glad John wasn’t around to hear him almost yell; it would ruin his uncaring façade.
“Don’t care,” he paused for a moment, before a smirk began forming on his lips. “I have something you might want to know. Something about a specific somebody.”
“Don’t care,” Mycroft mimicked his brother’s previous words.
“I think you will,”
“Well, I think you are wrong.”
“Suit yourself, Mycroft.”
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Receiving a call from an unknown number always had Y/N on edge, and her recent breakup with James was no help to the matter, yet she still answered it.
“Hello…?” She asked.
“Ah, Y/N, finally.” It was Sherlock. “Dinner, my parents place for Christmas, you should come. If you’re not too busy, that is.” In the background, the woman could hear Sherlock’s friend scolding him for how blunt he was being. Sensing her hesitation, Sherlock added. “My parents would be pleased to see you.”
A soft sigh left her lips. “All right, fine, but you’re paying for my fuel.”
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It was a long drive to the Holmes’ place, but it was a pleasant one, even if the drive did have her thinking of her first love.
Would he be there? She couldn’t help but wonder.
Nervousness filled her body as she wandered towards the front door, placing a gentle knock. Sure, she had performed in front of thousands of people, but knocking on this door was the scariest thing that she had ever done.
“Oh my Gosh! I didn’t believe Sherlock could actually do it.” Mrs Holmes squealed, immediately pulling Y/N into a hug as she spoke.
“Hi, Mrs Holmes!”
Inside the house, Sherlock smirked as he glanced towards his older brother who seemed confused. He recognised that voice but couldn’t exactly place whose it was. As though he sensed Sherlock’s gaze, he looked towards him with a raised eyebrow, silently questioning, but Sherlock gave no response.
“Come in, come in! Sherlock’s already here, so is Mycroft!”
Ah, so he is here, Y/N thought to herself, taking a deep breath as she entered the house she had not seen in years.
Following Mrs Holmes into the living room where the others were seated, she was yet to be spotted by Mycroft, at least until Mr Holmes spoke her name.
“Ah, Y/N! Long time no see,” Mr Holmes grinned, smiling up at her from the sofa where he sat beside Mycroft.
Mycroft’s head shot up at the name, eyes shooting towards the door where she stood.
Sherlock… He thought to himself. Oh, how he wanted to kill him at that moment,
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“You knew she was here, and you didn’t tell me!?” Mycroft demanded to know as he stood opposite his brother in the kitchen after excusing himself.
“I did try, Brother Mine, but you said you didn’t care.” Sherlock’s reminder of their previous conversation left Mycroft speechless, and he froze as he heard a familiar voice.
“Are you two all right? You kind of seem angry,” Y/N smiled sweetly. “Sorry, your mum sent me to check that you two hadn’t killed each other.” She giggled.
Sherlock knew that his brother wouldn’t speak, too frozen in shock and anger, so he had to. “Not yet, Y/N, but Mycroft wasn’t aware you were coming. I did tell you to go see him.”
“You did.” Y/N swallowed. “I’m sorry I didn’t, Mycroft.”
“Well, I guess this is my cue to leave,” Sherlock said, smirking the moment his back was turned to the pair.
An awkward silence filled the air the moment the door clicked shut behind Sherlock and they both cursed him internally.
“I’m sorry,” Y/N repeated, “I can leave if it’s too weird for you.”
Mycroft cleared his throat. “No! It’s… fine.” He rushed out, pausing for a moment before finishing his sentence as to not seem too enthusiastic to be seeing her again. Sure, it had been years, but it didn’t mean that he didn’t miss her occasionally. Although, that was something that he would never admit. Another awkward silence. “I’ve heard you on the radio, you’ve done well for yourself. I’m proud of you.”
Y/N blushed. “Thank you, Mycroft…”
As they stood there, memories of their past relationship began flooding into both their minds.
“Well, I suppose we should be going back to bother Sherlock.” Y/N grinned, desperate to get out of the room, praying that she could last long enough without admitting how much she missed him.
“We should,” Mycroft nodded awkwardly, before moving past her, into the previous room, glaring at Sherlock who sat beside John with a smirk on his lips, before heading outside.
Sherlock’s smirk dropped the second Y/N grabbed hold of his ear, leaning down to whisper “I’m going to kill you, Sherlock,” before moving to sit beside John who seemed shocked at how close she seemed with the Holmes family; he still couldn’t get over the fact that Sherlock knew her.
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jolieblack · 4 months
👑 Queens* of May, Week 4! 👑
(*Queens, Kings, Monarchs, Royal Beings of all kinds!)
@khorazir has joined the fun with some wonderful art 👑
and yours truly has finally got around to participating as well 😊
and I officially give up on making a shortlist of seven personal favourites because no matter how I look at it, I can find no way to make this week’s list shorter than it is. So this week, May Prompt recs for the BBC Sherlock fandom by category!
Hiatus Angst:
Blanket/Weather by @thegildedbee and the sequel, Fire/Night, which will magically transport you to beautiful and terrifying Tibet
Diagnosis by @calaisreno, in which John sees a ghost
Post-Hiatus Angst:
Forgive me, forgive me by @gaylilsherlock , in which John accidentally discovers Sherlock's scars
Blanket - Intuition - Empty by @weeesi (also known as the miniseries that gets better every time it gets worse)
Season 4 Fix-its:
His Move by @calaisreno and
Empty by @totallysilvergirl
in which broken hearts are starting to heal
Johnlock Happiness:
Intuition by @calaisreno , which proves what a perfect match our boys are,
Focus on Secondary Characters:
Finish by @copperplatebeech, which will make you almost feel pity for the Napoleon of Crime
Carrot by @copperplatebeech , in which Greg takes the British government down a peg or two
Family/Parentlock/Growing Old Together:
Empty by @raina-at , in which Sherlock and Harry Watson get their shit together together
Apology by @weeesi , which, I very much hope, will become known as the first instalment in the series known as the Adventures of Rosie, Boppa and Sock
Night by @raina-at , which will make you cry in spite of the happy ending.
Fave Limericks for this week:
@helloliriels - Wandering hell
@helloliriels - "Keep out"
@friday411 - Night
Don’t forget to check out everything else in the may prompts 2024 tag that isn’t listed here, too - There are literally no disappointments!
There will be one final coronation in early June for the remaining prompts in the challenge, and for any late contributions.
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see-arcane · 20 days
This isn't a Hollywood adaptation, but Steven Moffat wrote a miniseries for the BBC in 2007 called Jekyll. It's kind of a precursor to Sherlock, in that it's a (bad) modernized adaptation of classic literature, but in Jekyll's case, it's also sort of a sequel to the original novel? The novel exists in the series, but the protagonist finds out that it's not actually a work of fiction and that he's a descendant of Dr. Jekyll, which means the government wants to capture him for . . . reasons . . .
I will admit that there are a couple things I like about the series (which are major spoilers, so I won't state them here), but it's so painfully Moffat-y that I can't bring myself to ever re-watch it.
Moffat's curses upon Jekyll and Hyde and Dracula are all tallied. A pox upon them. My condolences for your suffering.
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denimbex1986 · 2 months
'Even for an actor as skilled as Andrew Scott, playing a character as infamous as Tom Ripley poses a serious creative challenge. Since the release of Patricia Highsmith’s now canonical 1955 novel The Talented Mr. Ripley, the elusive, murderous grifter has become a fixture in the cultural imagination. He’s headlined multiple novels and movie adaptations — meaning that almost everyone is acquainted with at least one incarnation of Tom Ripley.
Even so, in writer-director Steven Zaillian’s eight-episode miniseries Ripley, the Irish actor manages to deliver the definitive portrayal of the literary schemer — a sociopath who is an expert at self-preservation, a man seemingly driven by overwhelming desire, envy, and greed. As Scott developed his approach to the tight-lipped character, he says it was vital to forget about Tom’s formidable reputation and focus instead on how such a man might realistically move through the world.
“I think what’s gripping about the show is that we see the logic of what he has to do to survive, and each episode leads us in a very particular way,” Scott says. “We spend time with the character when he’s doing these things and [see] how much of an expert he isn’t. Sometimes what he’s really talented at is being able to think really, really quickly.”
Scott clearly knows a thing or two about talent: His was obvious from the moment he began his career on the Irish stage, though global audiences only learned of his gifts when he made his showstopping — and BAFTA Award-winning — television turn as Sherlock Holmes’s brilliant nemesis Moriarty in the BBC hit Sherlock. The actor’s subsequent portrayal of the sensitive (and yes, sexy) priest in the second season of acclaimed series Fleabag then launched him into a new stratosphere of stardom, earning him a Critics Choice Award and two Screen Actors Guild Award nominations. “Particularly in L.A., people just shout, ‘hot priest!’ at you all the time when you’re crossing the street,” Scott says. “It’s extraordinary.”
The Olivier Award-winning actor has further burnished his credentials with singular, riveting work on both stage and screen. Last year alone, he starred in Vanya, an impressive solo adaptation of Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya at London’s venerable Old Vic Theatre, and earned rapturous reviews for his role as a lonely screenwriter in the sensitive and stirring drama All of Us Strangers. Now, Scott’s unforgettable turn in Ripley has critics again raving over the actor, who gives his Tom an eerily placid demeanor that surely conceals an inner raging tumult.
That facade proves indispensable to the character when, in the series, he’s hired to travel to Italy to convince the errant Dickie Greenleaf (Johnny Flynn) to return to New York to helm his father’s company — under the mistaken pretense that Tom is Dickie’s close college friend. Upon arriving in Europe, however, the amoral Tom is staggered by the scion’s privileged, romantic way of life, and disguises his true aims to live for as long as possible in his new host’s shadow.
“One of the reasons that I love the character: He’s got this huge appreciation for art and Italy and food and culture and nature,” Scott says. “I think that’s something that the other characters take for granted. I was just seeing his appreciation for life and the arts. He’s never been exposed to that kind of beauty before.”
Krista Smith: Ripley is so gorgeous — it just washes over you. It’s my favorite kind of viewing experience, where I’m rooting for the sociopath at the same time I’m terrified of him.
Andrew Scott: Steven Zaillian has done a great job of replicating what Patricia Highsmith herself did, which is to make you root for somebody who’s doing these terrible things. The big challenge for me was to make the audience feel what it’s like to be Tom Ripley rather than to be a victim of Tom Ripley. That’s quite an unusual thing to surf because I’m required to love him, protect him in the way you do with all your characters. But it’s difficult with Tom because, even in beginning to talk about the character, I have to protect his secrets a little bit. You don’t want to overexplain him too much.
That’s especially difficult when the camera is trained on your face for eight full episodes, I would imagine.
AS: Yeah, that was challenging. I don’t feel like there could be a bigger part on television than Tom Ripley because he’s just there the whole time. He’s a loner character [so the question is]: How are you able to convey what he’s feeling without a lot of talking and not a lot of deep relationships? It’s quite rare for a limited series like this to focus so much on one character. And as an actor, it’s quite an unusual thing to do.
It was challenging to be with somebody who’s quite opaque as a character, to spend so much time with him. There was an awful lot of internal work, but it’s such a great privilege to get to play this character.
It’s fascinating to watch how Tom is viewed by both Dickie and his girlfriend Marge, played so marvelously by Dakota Fanning. So much tension and jealousy and suspicion develops among them. What was it like to work through all of that with Johnny Flynn and with Dakota?
AS: Johnny is an absolutely gorgeous, warm person and with Dickie [and Tom], there’s a sort of love between those two characters that we were reluctant to define too much — whether it’s romantic love or whether Tom wants to just occupy his space. To me, their [scenes together are] love scenes in a way because if you don’t have love at the heart of it, we don’t fully understand why Tom does what he does and why he’s so enamored by Dickie. Marge, she’s suspicious of Tom. We had really good chemistry, Dakota and I, and we enjoyed the scenes because we have to do so much without saying anything. We have to sort of say, “I cannot bear you,” but do it with a smile.
You shot in some of the most amazing locations. Italy itself is really a character here. How did physically being in those breathtaking environments fuel your performance?
AS: We shot in Venice during the pandemic — when I think about it, it lent a real feeling to me and to the character because I did feel isolated. I [remember] walking to the set through Piazza San Marco [in Venice at] six-thirty or seven in the morning. It was so extraordinary because this would usually be one of the [busiest] tourist spots in the world, and it was completely empty. It was unique, and sometimes quite sad in some ways. But you find your joy. We went to so many different places — Capri, Palermo, the Amalfi Coast. And we shot in a place called Atrani, which is the tiniest village. The experience of being in Italy, particularly on the coast, it’s sort of transfixing. You’re walking up these incredibly steep stairs . . . I love the [scenes with Tom climbing the stairs]. He’s experiencing life for the first time in a completely different way, and his confidence grows really, really quickly.
So, I want to take you back to the early days of your career. You were one of those kids who was shy and maybe did a drama class to see if that might work for you?
AS: Yes, exactly. I used to act a little bit as a kid, not much, just in commercials and little theater things. There’s a myth with actors, that they’re extroverted. I was a really shy boy, and the acting really helped me to sort of overcome that.
Then you go to college and immediately drop out. Why?
AS: When I was about 18, I went to the Abbey Theater in Dublin, which was an incredible learning ground. That’s why I dropped out of college, to go and actually do the thing rather than study the thing. I spent a few years at the National Theatre in Dublin as a really young person — it was extraordinary when I think about it, playing these amazing parts in the Abbey. I moved to London when I was 22, and I was auditioning a lot. It’s a big, big journey. My inspiration has always been good writing. I don’t believe you can make a great film or TV series or play if you don’t have a great script, so that’s where I’ve always gone. That means doing things that maybe don’t hike up your profile; I’m always happy to play supporting parts if the writing is good. So, it’s never been about trying to play leading roles necessarily, but in the past few years, that’s what’s happened.
Can you recall a film or a play that maybe informed who you are now, the kind of actor you became?
AS: When I was 17, I made my first film, which was a tiny Irish film called Korea, and there was an actor in it who was, to use that beautiful expression, a journeyman actor, called Donal Donnelly. He had a huge amount of theater credits and film and television credits but was not a particularly famous actor. What he was was a very kind actor. By looking at him, seeing what way he talks to the crew and what way he talks to the other actors, I learned how to behave on a set. That’s something that I’m always so grateful for.
I love hearing that. So, coming off of this very challenging, very intense production, what’s next? What are you excited to tackle?
AS: I want to do something funny, and I want to be in a musical. I’d love to be in a really well-written rom-com. I’m putting that out there and sort of hoping that manifests in some way. I had to sing onstage for the first time in Vanya, in a very small way, but I really loved it. It’s extraordinary to sing, isn’t it? It’s about confidence and it’s about really listening.'
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shesnake · 1 year
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@1995lahaine tagged me to post 8 shows to get to know me 🤔 I'm only going to do shows that have ended which I think are worth revisiting. tagging @akajustmerry @anthonysperkins @summoneryuna @sonyarebecchi @toraks @a24thegreenknight @holly-mckenzie
Utopia (2013-2014) created by dennis kelly. beauty is terror we quiver before it etc etc oh this show is so violent and beautiful and so deeply human I explode every time I think about it. you know cristobal tapia de veer from the white lotus soundtrack but that is Nothing compared to the work he did on this.
Bojack Horseman (2014-2020). as someone who loves movies this show is truly the best meta fiction out there about Hollywood that isn't afraid to throw punches. hilarious and brutal. the animation format and animal absurdity allows them to tell real unrestrained narratives that I don't think live action could ever achieve. Raphael bob-waksberg will never get his foot off my neck
The Bisexual (2018) despite the title I genuinely think desiree akhavan made the greatest lesbian story of all time with this. short, sweet, and soul crushing precarious fleabag type miniseries. also she's sooooo hot oh my GOD
Mr. Robot (2015-2019) it's a shame people forgot about this show towards the end and stopped watching because it is truly theeee speculative epic of all time speaking to issues of capitalism and identity and rebellion. between this and the lazarus project it's like a spiritual sequel to Utopia in the way it explores how much of yourself you have to sacrifice to escape from All This. probably got my favourite needle drops of all time.
The Hour (2011-2012) can you believe the bbc cancelled a show about a bbc show trying to be cancelled? between this and the newsreader yeah I'm obsessed with dramas about people who don't get to tell the truth
Les Revenants (2012-2015) are you sure. are you sure you're not a ghost?
Cowboy Bebop (1998) of course.
Westworld (2016-2022) I hate this show so fucking much there's so many things wrong with it that get my blood boiling but it's also one of the greatest shows I've ever seen. the only thing that makes me feel human is the way I'm treated. I choose to see the beauty. motion picture soundtrack. ramin djawadi is everything to me.
these are my mains but I also highly recommend (other than the obvious succ/yj/iwtv/etc) :
Mythic Quest
Black Sails
The Third Day
The Lazarus Project
The Newsreader
The Great
Glitch 2015
Better Call Saul
Rutherford Falls
Ghosts BBC
The Thick of It
Brave New World 2020
Moriarty the Patriot
Miss Sherlock
Tuca & Bertie
Some Girls 2012
Mad Men
True Blood
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late-to-the-fandom · 2 years
which obscure Media would u recommend to another empty fandom collector such as yourself?
You ask an intriguing question! I mean, there is so just so much to choose from and I have no idea where your interests lie to guide you better. So here are all the tiny fandoms I am proud to have been too late to join or remain the only member of (in a variety of media):
-The Engineer Trilogy is a book series by KJ Parker that has, as far I know, no fandom at all. It’s just me and a thousand fic ideas I will never really finish because no one will ever read them. Which is a shame because the series really lends itself to fanfiction (literally every single character is a poor little meow meow). But despite having no fandom, these books are probably objectively some of the best, most ambitious books ever written and the reason I maintain that the best books are never appreciated in their time.
-Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke is the other best book of all time that I can’t get anyone to read because they’re just not ready. It at least has a small fandom because they made a BBC miniseries of it a few years ago that was actually quite decent and had the added benefit of casting some very attractive actors. Definitely worth a watch and if you like it, 100% worth the read (this book is my Bible)
-Laurie R. King, the Patron Saint of fanfiction, whose Sherlock Holmes and Mary Russell series survived the great Mary Sue hate of the late 90s early 00s, and who is actually a wonderful author in her own right. She used to have her own very small fandom site where people posted fanfiction and art but not nearly enough and it’s not active (at least that I can tell; I came in - you guessed it - late)
-Deadwood, that will always be one million times better than Game of Thrones to me, never had the fandom Ian McShane it deserved. Again, late so idk if there was a lot going on for it at the time but it certainly didn’t leave behind much fanfic for us stragglers
-Labyrinth, which I hesitate to include here because its not obscure and truly does have an insane amount of fanfiction but its fandom is mostly old (like me) and inactive (tell me I’m wrong and point me in the right direction!). Probably because the movie isn’t very popular anymore. However, it’s a great example of a tiny half-dead fandom with more fanfiction than it knows what to do with (even I haven’t read through it all).
-Watchmen (the graphic novel, NOT the new series). This did get a nice little surge of fans with the movie that came out and was probably the only time in my life I was there waiting for it. Ah the glory days of soaking up Rorschach/Night Owl fanfics on the ground as they came out… but it’s dead now, the book very close to cancelled and the fans mostly in hiding. There’s still a good bit of great fic out there if you love angsty slash pairings
-and last but not least, if you’re interested in random fandom-light video games, I can recommend several World of Warcraft fanfics that are absolutely lovely (and only some of them are mine 😅). I write for one minor-ish character in a now out-of-date expansion, as do @shipping-through-eternity and @mousterian-writes and @mysdrym to name a few. But all of it is lovely in their own different styles and genres, so if you have need of a dying video game fandom in your life I highly recommend!
Let me know if any of that helps, or if you have any recommendations of your own!
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squish--squash · 9 months
Thanks for answering my ask......If you don't mind me asking (again), what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
lol hello again, ty for asking me this! I promise I'll give you more than 7 answers this time lol
Tian Guan Ci Fu/tgcf (book series, donghua) - I stumbled upon this randomly back in 2021 through its brand new donghua and I've loved it ever since. I adore the characters and the plot is both extremely complex and absolutely wild. it's roughly 750,000 words but I was able to read it in a week despite having school because I was so invested in it!
Moriarty the Patriot/mtp (manga, anime)- I think this is funny bc I tried watching bbc sherlock once and did NOT like it, so I just thought I wasn't into the sherlock holmes stuff. WRONG! I just had to discover this. I call this the "best sherlock holmes adaptation" for a reason (check my current pinned post, you'll find many reasons why I love mtp; I don't want to sound like a broken record so I don't plan to repeat them). I can't wait for when (or if) the manga comes out of its break/hiatus
Good Omens (book, show) - both the book and the miniseries/show are so near and dear to my heart. I always have a soft spot for watching supernatural entities fall in love (with each other and) the world around them. also, it's funny as hell
Promare (movie) - goooood I love Promare it's so neat; love the colors and the shapes and the plot is fun despite its simplicity. I could rewatch this movie every day for a month straight and not get tired of it
Arc of a Scythe trilogy (book series) - this is not something I've talked about a love, but this is one of my favorite book series! found it back around the same time I did tgcf; it's fucking insane I loooove the worldbuilding and the main cast, and by the second book every other page was like a plot twist gutting me in the best way possible; it's made me ponder about life and death on more than one occasion too
Matched trilogy (book series) - I started reading this in either 5th/6th grade but didn't really get it so I kinda forgot about it until around 2021-2022 (what? I actually had time to READ that year!) and managed to reread it and it was like a third eye opened. I really enjoyed the mystery unfolding in the trilogy! it's pretty cool imo, even tho I think (?) it was meant for teenagers to read
Not So Shoujo Love Story (webcomic) - this webcomic is so fucking funny AND it's wlw! I've been a fan for years it's so good
Bee and Puppycat/Bee and Puppycat: Lazy in Space (show) - a comfort show of mine (one of many); I'm in love with the atmosphere of the show and how awkwardly real the dialogue tends to be (plus I've been slowly rewatching it with my gf with is always a plus <3); I love both the og and its "reboot" equally, and would recommend people watch both
Snow White with the Red Hair (anime) - I haven't read the manga for this one, but I've seen the anime and it's another comfort show of mine. It's so sweet and cozy and the entire cast is lovable; even the "bad guy" in the first season is someone you grow to root for by the end of the second season. it's great!
Supernatural (show) - even tho I haven't finished the show and idk when/if I ever will, I still consider it a favorite media of mine. not bc I think it's great (it's good in most places, lacking in other), but bc I pretty much grew up with it. I have a core memory of watching the first handful of episodes when I was younger with my dad on the couch with the first time and being hooked on this strange show about supernatural creatures (I was that kid that enjoyed the supernatural! I read ghost story books, I binged every Goosebumps book I could get my hands on in fourth grade, I had a creepypasta phase, etc); even now in 2024 I've been sitting down with my dad to rewatch it with him before I go back to my college dorm and start back up classes. it's less so one of my favorite medias because I think it's good but because I associate it with my family <3
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odett3 · 1 year
muttering about future multi below.
vague muse list is follows - if you've followed me for much time you've probably seen a lot of them on their own blogs in the past: dragon age esyllt trevelyan - inquisitor. greer cousland - companion cousland sibling calpernia - (former?) venatori leader star wars bodhi rook - rogue one rey - canon divergent/heavily headcanon based you forty quinn - s2 guinevere beck - s1, emphasis on canon divergent survivor au sherlock holmes irene adler - heavily headcanon inspired, no bbc affiliation dear god
the hunger games katniss everdeen lord of the rings eowyn little women jo march - book & pbs 2017 miniseries insp d&d ocs meredith connar - light cleric, savior of elturel, kind of a heretic rn don't worry about it prince rin adveliss reaegis of the celestial kingdom of praezar - babiest child of a fucked up astral elf monarchy, archfey patron warlock
doctor who the captain - timelord oc, connected to nan's oc the mechanic
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slicedblackolives · 3 years
i hope benedict cumberbatch and moftiss and that bitch who played john watson are right now watching every piece of media tumblr was obsessed with in 2010-2013 having a renaissance banking on nostalgia and cashing in on the queerbait because of the cultural shift re queerness in media and they're sitting on their ageing irrelevant asses realising this could've been them if they hadn't repeatedly and homophobically shat on us for as long as that travesty aired
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stan-of-many · 4 years
Unpopular opinion: John Watson is the main character of Sherlock.
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bleachersgirl · 5 years
trying to decide if rewatching that tv show i loved years ago will be good or just make me sad
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denimbex1986 · 1 month
'Andrew Scott is Emmy nominated this year for playing the titular antihero on the Netflix miniseries Ripley. But this isn’t the Irish actor’s first rodeo playing a murderous trickster. In 2010, he debuted on the BBC/Masterpiece Theatre’s Sherlock as Jim Moriarty, the archnemesis and unhinged counterpart to the world’s most famous detective (played by Benedict Cumberbatch).
Moriarty toyed with Sherlock, sending him on a life-or-death crime-solving scavenger hunt across London before nearly blowing up him and John Watson at a pool, then entangling the sleuth in an attempted theft of the Crown Jewels. All the while, Scott’s performance veered unpredictably from calm and composed to uncontrolled screams — in keeping with his character’s madness. And the roller-coaster storyline wasn’t over with 2012’s climactic season-two finale “The Reichenbach Fall,” where Moriarty shot himself in the head as part of a scheme to blackmail Sherlock into jumping to his death to save his friends.
THR‘s review of season three noted that fans awaited the cliffhanger’s resolution with a “kids-on-Christmas-like anticipation” and added: “It does not disappoint.” That season’s finale equally shocked audiences when Moriarty — who was presumed dead — popped up on screens across England taunting, “Did you miss me?”
After Sherlock, which won nine Emmys in limited series or movie categories, Scott’s roles have moved beyond the villainy that first made him famous. The actor said on a recent THR Roundtable that’s how he wanted it, noting, “It always seemed what’s of value is to be able to play as many different notes as you could.” So for every fan whose Andrew Scott touchstone is Moriarty, there’s another who knows him as Fleabag‘s “hot priest,” or perhaps as the rideshare driver grieving the death of his wife in Black Mirror‘s “Smithereens” episode (for which he earned his first Emmy nom), or as the lead in the 2023 feature All of Us Strangers, or as Tom Ripley. It’s good that he’s kept busy — otherwise we might have missed him.'
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This week’s cover art by reapersun. 
You can now find this season’s shows in the 2018 Miniseries March collection on ao3.
Please be sure to check out our sponsors, @threepatchpodcast! if you’re interested in advertising your fandom project in the TV Guide (for the low, low cost of absolutely $0) drop an ask to the broadcasters.
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crippledinafunway · 2 years
Where’s that post that’s commenting on how Bram Stoker and Arthur Conan Doyle would have reacted to their work being popular in the modern age? With Dracula Daily becoming a Thing I’ve been thinking about it a lot.
For some reason, it keeps coming back to me. Ignoring the whole “shit in the future is unrecognizable” aspect- you know what I’m talking about. “You went to the moon? The moon in the fucking sky??” Type stuff. It’s always fascinated me how people would react to seeing their work so well-preserved.
How would Stoker react to Nosferatu? We know how well his wife took the news, since it’s arguably her anger at the use of his novel without permission and subsequent her attempts at its destruction that made the film so popular.
What about the Keanu Reeves version? The BBC miniseries? Twilight? Castlevania??
I think about stuff like that more often than I probably should. Look at Emily Dickinson. She died nearly anonymous. She had no clue what was going to happen.
Shakespeare didn’t know his plays about murder and dick jokes would be taught to children, let alone be portrayed as the epitome of high-brow literature.
Doyle hated writing Sherlock so much he killed him off! And to find out there have been like 3 different interpretations of Holmes in the last 20 years? That there’s an organization whose sole purpose is to make sure the Sherlock Holmes novels that are still being published would be up to “his standard”? He’d be apoplectic!
Literature is nice, is what I’m getting at.
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fabiobuccolini · 5 years
“Dracula”: la miniserie Netflix che convince ma…delude
“Dracula”: la miniserie Netflix che convince ma…delude
Gli autori di “Sherlock” tornano alla ribalta con un nuovo progetto, riscrivere la storia del succhiasangue più famoso della storia della letteratura.
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Portare sul piccolo schermo una storia come quella di Dracula non è un progetto facile. Il racconto del conte è complesso, particolare e soprattutto chi ci avrebbe provato, deve fare i conti con il “Dracula di Bram Stoker” di Francois Ford Coppola…
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witchofdunwich · 3 years
Murder Rooms: The Dark Beginnings of Sherlock Holmes
What is it?
- It’s a 2001 BBC miniseries about young Arthur Conan Doyle and the real historical prototype of Sherlock Holmes, Dr Joseph Bell, solving (largely fictional) crimes together!
It’s my special interest! It’s incredibly Victorian and Gothic and beautiful and otherwise the best. It stars Charles Edwards (Dr McDonald in The Terror and Michael Gregson in Downton Abbey) and Ian Richardson (Francis Urquhart in the UK House of Cards).
What is its appeal to Sherlockians?
- It includes a lot of references to the Canon but at the same time doesn’t feel like an uninspired derivative of the original stories. I think it plays with and subverts the Canon rather cleverly. While it is fictionalized, it does include some little known real historical facts (i.e. the fact that the Lambeth Poisoner studied at the University of Edinburgh at the same time as ACD, and the fact that Dr Joseph Bell actually did forensic investigations for the Crown).
For fans of the Holmes-Watson relationship, the premise of the series is basically that the Canon is a wish fulfilment narrative Doyle wrote to cope with what happened to him and to express his affection and undying admiration for Bell.
It has a lot of good historical research and compelling emotional exploration of the Victorian era and its social issues.
What are some other good things about it?
- Basically if you’re a fan of quasi-familial relationships and of mentor&mentee dynamics, you’re in luck. The central relationship is excellent in this sense. They love each other so much UGH. They need to just hug already!!
The series also has great acting, some brilliant costuming, and a fantastic Gothic horror aesthetic.
The angst and hurt/comfort potential is absolutely off the charts.
Where can I get it?
- I would normally not encourage people to pirate something I love, but this show has precious few physical copies and most of them are bad. Additionally, the creators no longer receive money from the sales. So pirate the hell out of it. It is out there on the websites you’d expect it to be on, and additionally I have also uploaded it here in order to make things easier for people:
https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ah2F9EdG1T8mgWHx7ovOrP8Je-z9?e=KIRDCK - episodes themselves, including the pilot
https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ah2F9EdG1T8mgWzjPfNhvOp29uCF?e=B09ahX - subtitles, not including the pilot (no subtitles exist for it at present; I may create them later on)
Everything should be in order here, but hit me up in case of any problems. The video files have two audio tracks, one of them the original English.
- All the episodes have subtitles except for the pilot. The pilot is skippable, plot-wise. The audio mixing in the series is kind of shitty, with the background music being too loud and the dialogue too quiet. You may experience some issues watching it without subtitles if you (like me) have APD or hearing issues.
- The Photographer’s Chair episode contains flashing lights in random places, since it’s about old-timey photography.
Content warnings
- There’s a fridging (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StuffedIntoTheFridge) in the pilot episode. The series, especially the first two episodes (the pilot and The Patient’s Eyes), tries to be actively feminist and succeeds in some respects but not in others. There are some issues with its treatment of female characters.
- The White Knight Stratagem shows a Victorian insane asylum with some pretty painful details. It’s not disrespectful while doing so, but the content is potentially upsetting.
- Gore. There’s a bunch of that.
- Suicide in multiple episodes.
Misc notes
- The pilot has a different actor playing Doyle than the rest of the series. I think they’re both really good and the transition isn’t jarring, but YMMV.
- Episode 4, The Kingdom of Bones, is really quite bizarre. Someone once described it as “a Victorian B-movie”. It’s a lot of fun and the dynamic between Bell and Doyle is superb, but don’t mind the plot, it’s bonkers.
- There are also books! The books are great too! It’s a novel trilogy by David Pirie, one of the screenwriters. Check it out if you like the show.
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