sylvainpipon · 1 year
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popsunner · 1 year
The most unrealistic thing in Batman isn’t that he won’t kill the Joker or that the incompetent police department can’t, it’s that some batshit crazy Gotham citizen hasn’t decided to take one for the team and shoot Joker themself
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xsweetxpeachx · 1 year
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Here for the violence
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cambot77 · 2 months
When you mentioned Becky doesn’t know how to budget, I came up with this short caption.
Anya: So, how’s living like a “commoner”?
Becky: Oh, it’s been great actually. I’m shopping for my own food and getting stuff that I like and good for me. Don’t know why you make things so hard?
Cashier: That will be 200.
Becky: Okay, just put it on the blackbell account and bag it up please.
Cashier:…I have no idea what you’re taking about.
Becky: I-Oh! I forgot, you see my dad is making me live like a working class person as a punishment and usually when I buy something I told them to put it on the blackbell account. But I forgot about that.
cashier: That’s great, you still own 200 for all the food.
Becky: I don’t have that much money, can I pay the what I have and pay the rest when I’m done with my punishment?
Cashier: *Baffled* I’m sorry but we don’t give stuff away.
Becky: So what can I do to pay this bill?!
*Later* Anya:…That uniform matches your…socks.
Becky, in a cashier uniform: I feel remorse for you Anya.
Aaah, Anon! This is great! So sorry for the late response - I've been thinking about this for a long time, though.
Becky shut the locker door with a snap and took a moment to rest her head against the cold metal. The employee breakroom was deserted at this time of night as most of the other closers were either finishing their final tasks or had already gone home for the night, but Becky being new (and therefore slow at her job) still had to mop the aisles of the store and put the go-backs on the shelves. She had slipped into the breakroom to take a breather, and the pounding at her temples echoed the pounding of her feet where they pressed against the still-stiff pleather of her new work shoes.
To say the day had been hellish was an understatement. She had thought that this last day of her first week would be a bit easier than previous days, but she had been wrong. The milestone meant nothing, because even though seven days had passed, Becky was still struggling to master even the most basic tasks of this, her first job, ever. Which she shouldn't even need to have in the first place! How was she to know that Daddy had been serious about his threats to cut off her access to the Blackbell money if she moved in with Bill while they were still in college? It was ridiculous to still think like that these days, but he had actually meant it! She had been shocked when she had tried to make purchases at her usual stores and been denied, and a quick trip to the bank had just confirmed that Mr. Blackbell was playing hardball with his rebellious daughter. Well, two could play at that game. Becky had always prided herself on her resolve, and if her father thought he could bring her to heel and give up her independence and love using money, of all things, then he was sorely mistaken.
That still left the matter of how to afford things. Bill had his own savings but Becky had never saved because she had never needed to. That had been a very frank conversation between them, but Becky had been confident that she would be able to contribute. Getting a job had never been a goal of hers, but after all, people went to work and made money every day. How hard could it possibly be?
Apparently, very, if her aching back and oncoming headache were any indication, and that didn't even begin to touch on the positively awful way some of the customers had talked to her that day. Who knew people could be so terrible over trivial things? Was it her fault they had run out of sale items, or that all the cashiers had decided to go on break at once? No, and yet she had borne the brunt of their anger just because she had been close by at the time! She wasn't even a manager! It just wasn't fair!
But she'd persevere, because the alternative was just too awful to think about.
Her father would pry her housekey with Bill out of her cold, dead hands.
Filled with fresh resolve, Becky stood up straight again and slapped her cheeks to get some life back into her. Just half an hour to go, and then she could go home to the apartment she and Bill now lived in. It was modest (to her eyes, it was still larger than most family dwellings in the city) but nicely furnished, and Bill would be home, waiting for her, to kiss her and tell her she had done well that day and make everything worthwhile again.
She smiled to herself. Yes, it was all worthwhile just for that. For him. Because she knew that he would work jobs like this - or even worse ones - if it meant they could be together. How could she do any less in return?
"Becky!" someone called before they opened the breakroom door, and she looked up just as Dwayne, the manager on duty, came in.
"There you are," he said, and rifled through a stack of envelopes in his hands. "Thought you'd left already."
Becky shook her head. "I still have to do the mopping. What are those?" She gestured to the envelopes in his hand. Dwayne looked at her curiously.
"Our pay packets? Today is pay day, you know."
"Oh!" Becky exclaimed in surprise and delight. "We get paid in envelopes!"
"Uh... yeah." Dwayne handed over the envelope with a raised eyebrow. She had put a different last name on her hiring paperwork, so her lack of general commoner knowledge sometimes caused her co-workers to look at her strangely because they did not know one of the richest heiresses in Berlint was stacking cans amongst them. She knew they thought her an escapee from a boarding school or some such thing, but in that moment, she did not care. Becky ripped into the envelope eagerly. Finally, all of her hard work was paying off!
Then, her face fell.
"This... this is it?"
Dwayne was already going back out the door. "If you have an issue, call corporate payroll. And don't forget to leave out the wet floor signs when you mop this time."
Becky slumped against the lockers, not in defeat, but in something very much like it. How could a week of work only earn the sum in the envelope? She did the mental math, but each time, the numbers didn't lie.
She had spent more than this on a single meal in the past, and now looking back, she cursed herself for her wastefulness. Money wasn't just numbers in a bank account or an intangible, invisible thing to her anymore; it was hours of work, discomfort, and real, hard proof of her efforts. It meant food in the cupboard, lights in the apartment, heat, hot water, all of it. It wasn't a certainty anymore but it was still a necessity, and as she stood there and counted her pay one more time, she realized something equally important.
This was the moment her father had been counting on to break her. He had probably hoped that when she tallied up her pay and expenses and saw the imbalance, she would be swamped with hopelessness and come crawling back. Becky Blackbell, after all, was used to nothing but the finest, and there was simply no way that her meagre paycheck could sustain even a fraction of that lifestyle no matter how much Bill could supplement it with his own money.
And there was a moment (brief yet fierce) where her soul did quail, and a small voice whispered that a simple phone call would make it all go away. She could be back home in her huge, luxurious bed before midnight, snuggled up and safe with all the Blackbell fortune like an invisible wall behind her...
But she would be alone in that bed, and no fortune, however large, could replace the strength and security of Bill's arms.
Becky swallowed down the fear and uncertainty and firmed her resolve once more. She would just have to work harder, or even get a second job, whatever it took to make it work. She was sure that plenty of people had survived on less than this, and besides, once she was graduated and had her degree, why, she could earn even more! There was nothing saying she had to work at grocery stores for the rest of her life! And Bill's career in the Army was also pretty much guaranteed, so really, there was no reason to buckle now! They were just getting started!
And they would stay together. That was what really mattered to her.
Of course, they would have to tighten their purse strings a bit... maybe she could forego her morning coffee to save some money...
She mopped the store as quickly as she could, plans and budgets spinning in her mind while she worked, and by the time she stepped outside she was full of her usual cheerfulness again.
That cheerfulness only doubled - no, quadrupled - when she saw who was waiting for her.
"Darling!" she cried out happily as she took a running leap into Bill's arms. He caught her easily and she reveled in how tightly and happily he held her. How could she have thought, for even a moment, that she could survive without him?
"Hi, sweetheart," he smiled as he held her with her feet dangling off the ground. "How was work?"
"Horrible," she said with a smile, and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Have you come to take me home?"
"Of course, you know I don't like you wandering around by yourself at night." He looked stern and protective and Becky felt her heart melt just a little.
"You're so sweet," she sighed. She squirmed to be put down. "Let's go home."
Bill did not let her go, though. "Actually..."
"What is it?"
"Well... your dad called."
Becky stiffened. "Oh?" The last time she and her father had spoken had been the day of their blow out fight, and she didn't like to remember it if she could help it.
Bill's expression gave nothing away. "Yeah. He wanted to talk to me, actually."
Now Becky was really alarmed. She knew her father had nothing against Bill in particular, had even been happy when the two of them had started dating, but still. He had also been adamant that only a wedding ring would allow Becky to live with a man, and as she and Bill were still only "engaged to be engaged," she didn't think her father had called to chat with Bill about the weather.
A horrible idea came to her.
"How much did he offer you?" she snarled. Bill looked taken aback behind his glasses.
"To give me up. How much? One million dalc? Two million?"
"Becky, that's--"
"Don't tell me he offered less?" Now she was really outraged. "Oooh! Put me down! I'm going to march straight to his office and tell him just where he can put his bribe money!"
She fought her way back down to the pavement and Bill lowered her, but he kept his hands around her arms to keep her from storming off.
"Listen!" he insisted over her ranting, and she huffed into silence. "He didn't offer me anything."
"So he threatened you instead?!" If Becky had had fangs, they would have been out. How dare her father even think--
"No," Bill said pointedly. "He called because he wanted to talk about you and me -- not like that! Listen, sweetheart! -- he wanted to make sure my intentions are pure and honorable, basically. And he wanted to know how you're doing. He's really worried about you, Becky. When I told him you were working overtime at a grocery store, I think he just about fainted."
"Well, he probably thought I'd come home by now," she allowed as she crossed her arms. "But the only home I want is with you, so the sooner he realizes that, the better."
"I think... I think he realizes that now," Bill replied hesitantly. "I told him the truth: we are definitely getting married and I'm absolutely serious about our future together no matter what. And he knows you're serious, now, too. So, he wants to come over tomorrow to talk it over with us, and maybe he'll give us living together his blessing after all."
"I don't need his blessing," Becky retorted, then softened. "But it would be nice to have."
Bill gathered her close again. "I know how much it means to you to be on good terms with your father, sweetheart. And who knows? Maybe if he gives us his blessing he'll give you access to the family bank account again."
Becky pulled back to insist once again that she didn't care about the money, but she saw the twinkle in Bill's eyes and knew he was joking. She batted at his chest ineffectually.
"Even if he did I certainly wouldn't spend like I used to! Did you know, things cost actual money? Like real, tangible sums?" She looked up at Bill and saw him stifling back laughter. She pouted.
"I mean it! I worked my butt off all week, and the paycheck barely covers our food bill! I tell you, when we get home we are going to have to make some changes."
"Who are you, and what have you done with Becky Blackbell?" Bill laughed tenderly, and then tugged her close as they turned and walked towards home.
Well, this certainly spiraled out of control! I do like the idea of Becky working some crappy job and realizing, oh my gosh, this is how normal people have to live every day. How does anyone do it???
Of course, Bill's money is probably more than enough for them to get by, but it would still be finite and so horrible customer service job for Becky AU is born!
Lol, thanks for the idea, Anon! :D
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shylittlefr0g · 3 months
A fanfic where Billy saves Becky from death, or, where Becky finds out that she may have a small crush on Billy
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blueengland · 5 months
ur my weezer bestie now. you cant escape
i dropped my gun when i read this
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sister-cna-reader · 1 year
Watch out @cambot77 @thatgeeklover
It's hot out and I'm writing a little Becky/Bill oneshot.
I promise I haven't forgotten my ongoing works. I just wanted to write something short.
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kleinstar · 1 year
The commotion outside draws Eiden attention for a moment. From the side window he could witness a shooting competition. Though he can't see how the shots land on the plywood plank from the bar, he can read the bodylanguage and gestures as well as here the applause. The winning participant in particular makes the result rather obvious.
With how impressed the audience seems Eiden grows curious. As the crowd disperses and leaves the alleyway Eiden takes his chance and sneaks out to take a look.
As he's leaning in for a closer look, something looms over him. Having missed the approach it's the shadow that reveals the one behind him. Though he's hardly doing anything bad it gives him a scare, faltering on his feet as he bounces up.
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" Duuuuude, don't just sneak behind a guy like that!!! "
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stone-cold-groove · 2 years
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All I want for Christmas is… a Daisy air rifle.
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fashionguru327 · 2 years
Big Boys Toys @ Cash Connection ,Fish Hoek , Cape Town , South Africa. #BigBoysToys #CashConnection #blankguns #bbguns #pelletguns #bows #arrows #byrna #knives #sports #swords #ammo #samurai #katana #tanto #bootknife #kwc #barretta #holsters #tacticalholsters #shuriken #handcuffs🫢😁 #coldsteel #kershaw #badger #spyderco #kbar #gerber #smithandwesson [email protected] instagram.com/fashionguru327/ Italian et Americaine Haute Couture et Coiffure (at Fish Hoek, Western Cape, South Africa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeoroW9qkyX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reaper-airsoft · 7 months
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bignutspatrol · 1 year
ive been picking apart my brain for like an hour now and i came to the funniest fucking realization: ive been tempted lately to make bombs for the thrill of it (no actual reason to use them for the record. i am not going to make bombs. I am not going to use bombs. etc.) because. my mentally ill ass has been less mentally ill and I'm not used to my emotions not being super fucked up and everywhere constantly
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cambot77 · 2 months
Any headcanons for Bill and Becky? I haven’t heard some in a while
Hello there, and thank you for the ask!
Oh, man, you want Bill/Becky HCs? Just pull up a chair and get a snack because we'll be here awhile...
Bill may have interacted with Becky during that dodgeball game, but he first really noticed her during the bus hijacking where she came up with the idea to get a message to the outside, taped her ID to the note she wrote, and provided the tin to keep it safe. She worked with Anya on the execution of the plan, but Bill saw her courage and quick-thinking and thought, "Wow."
Consequently, he's liked her for years and years but always from afar because their different class schedules kept them from getting closer, plus he's a bit embarrassed to have such a hopeless crush.
Becky, meanwhile, just thought of Bill as a classmate/friend for the longest time until something happens to make her see him different. It could be something as simple as thwarting a purse snatcher or something as big as him saving her life in some way, it doesn't matter. Once she's fallen for him, she is ALL IN.
People look at them as a couple and assume that because Bill is so large and obviously manly that he is the one who calls the shots, but it is the other way around. Becky is the one who wears the pants (and Bill doesn't mind at all, in fact).
Bill is good at Math while Becky is good at Literature. They help each other with homework.
Bill was originally going to enlist in the army right after finishing Eden, but after he starts dating Becky be postpones that for a few years so they can go to University together (for awhile, at least).
Becky knows Bill needs to eat a LOT to keep up his strength, and she loves the idea of being the type of woman who cooks for her man, so she learns a few of his favorite recipes to cook for him (even though the first few attempts are, admittedly, less than stellar. Bill doesn't complain, though).
Bill's family is less wealthy than the Blackbells for all that they are influential thanks to their military service and rank, and he gets a little overwhelmed at how ostentatious the Blackbells are. He's definitely a simple guy and doesn't need a lot of fancy things.
Becky loves fancy things, and because she's never had to worry about money, she's kind of reckless with her spending. She had never even made a budget before she and Bill moved in together and she's terrible at keeping it up. True, she doesn't really need to make a budget in the first place, but Bill still thinks it's a good practice.
Bill is super athletic. Becky is not. He encourages her to exercise for her health, but the one time they worked out together he overestimated how much she could handle and now she refuses to go to the gym with him anymore.
I have so many more, but I must call it there or we will be here all day. I love these two so much!
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shylittlefr0g · 3 months
L is for Love Letter.
Where Becky decide to write a letter for Billy. And fails.
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c-53 · 2 days
Getting high at 9pm on a warm summer night, listening the flaming lips, and taking turns shooting soda cans with a bbgun on the back porch. A one of a kind of human experience.
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