#bc Eddie already had his at the graveyard
watchyourbuck · 3 months
Technically I could freak out about the possibility of Eddie calling Buck ‘brother’ in the hand to shoulder still of the new ep BUT im choosing to think that if it does happen, it could lead to Buck’s big big biggg ‘oh, that doesn’t- doesn’t feel right’ moment
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aviatrickss · 2 years
Thots on The Batman (2022)
Overall thoughts: Best Film???? Also shout-out to Faye who probably has bruises from how much I was excited-smacking her leg during the movie 😔
The opening scene… when they make you think that it’s Bruce and Thomas and Martha about to go see Zorro…. But then it’s NOT, it’s just time for PARALLELISM
The fucking music during the murder…. That shit slapped so hard. Seeing Riddler stand behind him for so long…. The fucking SCREAM he lets out…. It’s so fucking good I’m glad he gets to be spooky
Emo-ass Bruce my beloved… angsty boy… in the shadows…. Spooky dooky man…. He said fuck a clown…
Jim 💜
The kid finding the body….. the kid talking to the police… the fact that they chose to dress the kid in a fucking red hoodie and to give him the classic Robin haircut!!!!!!!
The police bullying Bruce and Bruce being autistic af
They really pulled out the Alfred and Bruce “you’re not my father” angst in the first scene huh
Gordon being so sad about his partner dying and Bruce being like “…he was a cop :/“
Aww but also Bruce being like “duh he’s not gonna kill you jim you’re a good person 🙄”
They really said bisexual Italian Selina 😏
Penguin is great and they made the Iceberg super original which was fun
Cufflinks 🥺
The car crashing into the funeraaaallll! BRUCE SAVING THE KID!!!!
Bruce walking Gill thru the fucking riddles lmaoo. Also him not fucking running from the bomb as it counts down to zero…. Peak Bruce behavior
Gordon is a real one and I care him so much
THE CAR CHASE!!!!!! The Batmobile waiting in the shadows and fucking roaring like a dinosaur in Jurassic Park… Selina stealing the duffel bag w that sick motorcycle move… them going down the WRONG SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY…. THE TRUCK CRASHING AND FORMING A PERFECT RAMP FOR THE BATMOBILE AHHHHHHHHHH
The Batman/Gordon interrogation duo… they’re platonic justice soulmates
And then they just leave Penguin there 😂
The orphanage was v spooky 10/10
GOD bruce rushing to try and get home to Alfred and calling him over and over and over and being so scared AHHHHHHHH
Bruce showing up to the Iceberg as sad emo boy…. Sir…
The fact that all of his suit sleeves hang too long so that he looks like that Ariana Grande Shy Girls post
Eddie the whole time he’s being arrested looking like :3
Riddler’s plan to flood the city and force the survivors into one place where his followers could mow them down was basically the initial plan that the Columbine shooters had and that plus his video journaling were super interesting from a criminological perspective.
Wow…. Riddler and Joker are friends… world peace….
“You’re already spoken for,” Selina says, looking towards Gotham half-wryly and half-ruefully, and utterly breaking my heart.
“Take care of yourself,” Bruce says, because no one ever taught him to say I love you and he knows that that’s not what this is, not really, but he’s letting himself have that closeness for just a second and utterly breaking my heart again.
I think them racing motorcycles through the graveyard was the hardest I cried during the entire movie
Bruce almost verbatim quoting Dick at the end of the movie w “people need hope too”
Him helping the lady on the stretcher and holding her hand until the helicopter takes off… you can see in his eyes how he doesn’t really know what he’s doing but he wants to help and he DOES…. Proud of him
Battinson’s got the perfect amount of vulnerability but also passive suicidiality… he doesn’t fight smart bc he doesn’t CARE. His suit and the Batmobile might be bulletproof, but he knows damn well that they won’t last, and it’s just a matter of when the break, not if.
The fact that his eyelashes stick out of the cowl really made me feel some kinda way
It was actually a mystery. It was a mystery and Bruce did detective work! Actual detective work! And Jim and Alfred helped!!! It was a mystery!!!!!
Pete was a huge douche and also obviously corrupt, but him getting called “comissioner” was the biggest fucking death flag I’ve seen in my life lmao
Just. The fact that Riddler is a crypto-bro who thinks that Bruce Wayne is the mask and blahblahblah, and Bruce REJECTING that and choosing to be hope rather than darkness…. What a fucking theme.
I love this emo bastard w my whole heart
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