#bc I do not own property
l3irdl3rain · 5 months
Thinking more and more seriously every day abt my future of hopefully becoming an actual nonprofit sanctuary. This also means coming up with a name which btw is the most difficult thing in the world.
I’ve considered naming it after one of my past pets. Most likely Chloe who started it all?? But also maybe Duncan who was the most special boy ever.
so either Duncan’s / Chloe’s followed by “Home for Hospice Cats”, “Home for Special Cats”, “Home for Senior Cats”. Or something else? I’m indecisive
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sovonight · 5 months
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hanzajesthanza · 2 months
i think it would be really funny if regis had a kind of fucked-up haircut
“he could save everyone except himself” but like with regard to the barbery, and not the surgery. kind of like when chefs don’t cook very well for themselves. or when fashion designers wear sweatpants all day.
but moreover. i think the aesthetic effects of a bad haircut would help to dampen his natural lugosian allure and good looks. to reduce any potential suspicions
#by fucked-up i mean asymmetrical and messy. maybe a little wiry#this is partially why i like to draw regis with some bangs over one eye#an angel of your rising sign darkens the evening with his one good eye…#it’s like he cannot be at his full potential#there’s like a code to it i made up#bangs over one eye = normal#bangs over both eyes (and head a little lowered) = drunk. in a despairing or disoriented state#bangs blown out of both eyes by invisible wind that somehow manifests to dramatically caress the hair of vampires = this is at castle stygg#at the same time. when he has long hair then it must be tied back for reasons of ~medicine and hygiene~. like the rolled-up sleeves :)#but the bang ideas can be used in tandem with long hair headcanons#one of my friends once said that geralt regis and angouleme all need hair over their forehead bc they're large forehead gang LOL agreed#the other reason for bangs over his eyes is that the visual design communicates that he doesn’t take things too serious...#like regis is chaotic good. cahir is lawful good#cahir keeps his hair out of his face. he has curly hair and that does not = messy hair. you can have neatly kept curly hair#i go back and forth on regis' hair texture but messy is a quality that sticks with me on the topic#like his hair is messy in the same way that his cottage was messy#in a way that communicates humility and introversion and being too deep in your own thoughts to#concern yourself with what other people may think if they saw you. and not expecting guests lol#the elbow-high diaries#c: regis#like he is wearing black robes (with no mentioned embellishments or adornments). girl what do you think his hair looks like#he's not starring in a l'oreal commercial anytime soon#however when they get to beauclair and attend the october banquet maybe it's a different story for one night#i love the idea of regis dressing in that velvet kaftan and cleaning up and geralt questioning like has he always been this fine?#cleaning up figuratively as in doing your hair and wearing nice clothes. bc in the literal sense regis is the cleanest of them all#the herbs have antibacterial antifungal antipest properties or whatever
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bacchuschucklefuck · 2 months
Ooh what's barbarian Figs subclass
m flipfloppin between giant and totem (def reskinned) for her rn! giant would be Really funny for junior year and there's some thematic stuff for the transformation element I think would be interesting, but just purely on a character basis I think fig would love totem esp. as a barbie girl in freshman year. if I land on totem I kinda imagine it like a wuxia animal style thing tbh, mostly just because the idea of someone coming into a fight expecting typical movie shaolin choreography and getting Teenager That Mauls You To Death is entertaining to me
#not art#fh class quangle#the main appeal of the path of giants for fig is that it puts her So Tantalizingly Close to porter's grasp#but fundamentally he will never be able to convince her bc she just does not respect him lmao#barbarian!fig's junior year is about building new. thinking about the after of destruction. rebuilding her own self perception after#letting go of the thing that's motivated her through the last two years#(which is the ownership of things that the world refuses her due to who she is. like a certain kind of femininity or companionship#some of which grow to become limiting and ill-fitting for her but she's gone through a Lot of destruction to keep them so#she's unwilling to let go of them. that's sophomore year babeyy)#barbarian!fig almost zealously upholds self-determination AND she's hyperaware of her friends' business#coupled with cleric!gorgug being a high control group victim and being So sus of the shit porter's on. ohhh fig would Hate him#meanwhile the path of the totem warriors I mostly just hesitate on bc the language is. bad. lol#like barbarian as a class is already fraught with modern fantasy ahistorical bullshit. totem warrior is especially egregious#and idk if I can be bothered to like reskin it for this one thing and every time I mention it add on a tag that explains my reskin#like at a certain point it feels like stepping out of the ''playing with specifically a d20 property like dolls'' box and entering the#''doing labour for wotc for free'' box. and at that point it stops being fun for me#well. I simply must sit on it for a bit. we'll see how it turns out!
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tricoufamily · 10 months
the for rent creator network videos have been boring ngl but i kinda think the problem is that the creator network youtubers are just boring
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gooeykit · 7 months
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boyobjectifier · 1 month
i’m so grumpy recently ugh
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vraska-theunseen · 1 year
(gets into a hobby that's very complicated and has limited documented instruction for everything i want to learn the farther and more niche i get into it just bc of the nature of a lot of the more complicated things i find are uploaded by one person who didn't make a tutorial) what the fuck. why is this hard
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mychlapci · 4 months
have they said directly in transformers media whether or not conjuxing is fully symbolic and ritualistic or if it's like a full on contract that the government keeps track of much like earth marriage. 'cause i wonder.
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sirpeppersto · 4 months
went to the new dispo that opened this week and they gave me 3.5 grams for free?? okay thank you
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puffles · 1 year
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Limbus Company. The humour is extremely blatant, and without a solid grasp of classic literature most of the jokes will go over a typical gamer's head. There's also Vergilius's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Dante's Inferno, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Limbus Company truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Outis' existential catchphrase "The Odyssey had a purpose..." which itself is a cryptic reference to Homer's Greek epic The Odyssey. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Project Moon's genius wit unfolds itself on their phone screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Limbus Company tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎
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silverspleen · 1 year
My batshit fucking insane conservative nurse coworker who once used slavery as an argument that abortion access should be up to the state's discretion and not a universal right: You know you shouldn't be wearing your mask everywhere, it's going to hurt your immune system. >:(
Me, a girl who eats expired food off the apartment floor that she cleans exactly once a year, touches random bugs outside, and just randomly sticks her fingers and hands in her mouth without even thinking of washing them first: No, no I think I'll be ok.
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solstheimtxt · 1 year
anyways sorry i go looking at homes and apartments on the off chance i can get the hell out of here but i forgot where i live and get humbled every couple of months :D
the only thing in my area under $600k is a condemned, burned down home lmao
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stinkrascal · 2 years
Re: your last post... Cat supremacy!! 🙏 but you're so right why are dog people like.. That sometimes 💀
UGH I KNOW and like listen i LOVE animals, i totally get the urge to treat your dog like hes a special little guy and he is your special little guy! but like that doesnt extend to everyone in the world you know... when people bring their dogs to walmart im just like dude really?? or when dog owners let their dogs roam around without a leash like UMM theyre still animals and theyre still capable of harming other people dude... idk i just want people to be responsible dog owners you know?? i love dogs, thats why i want u guys to treat your dogs with the respect they deserve by training them responsibly and keeping them from causing harm to themselves and others yeah <3 SORRY that was such a long rant idk where this all came from apparently i have really strong views about this ok bye ily!
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hauntingblue · 1 year
Maybe this is my privileged self having mostly only lived on owned apartments but people actually renovating and doing construction in rented stuff is so weird to me?? You're spending money on a house that is not yours?? And I get that it's your house temporarily at least but???? Renovating bathrooms and making lofts into actual bedrooms sounds insane
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slutweed · 2 years
i have 2 and a half hours left of my shift today and I already want to call for tomorrow. not off until Tuesday I'm so checked out. i just want to lounge around like the mammal I am. Fuck production idccccc about selling clothes to people. we have a surplus, just pass them around.
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