#bc I like this one better mainly bc you can see Nemesis a lot better lol
kmnoarts · 2 years
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Hades 2 ladies ✨
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munizfr · 1 year
Mainly a Ratchet Character Study but also: Parallel between the Ineffable Husbands and Transformers Dratchet (mostly IDW)
Obligatory Spoiler Warning: just don't read unless you've finished or heard about the last 15 mins of Good Omens S2E6 bc the spoilers (yes, the same moment you keep seeing everywhere) are there but honestly it's not descriptive enough imho.
Short ver. is at the bottom since this is pretty lengthy <3
Ratchet Character Study
The end of Good Omens S2E6 reminded me of Ratchet and Drift/Deadlock from Transformers for some reason. I think it's bc I've accepted the fanon idea (a lot of what's below is fanon/HCs, some canon to it though, but reader discretion and all that) of Deadlock likely offering Ratchet the chance to run away during the war (perhaps after realizing Megatron was starting to lose it and the Con cause was not the same one he initially fought for/corruption, conquering, domination, lunacy, etc.) with the promise of *them* and security with Ratchet no longer having to deal with the stresses that being the Autobot CMO carried and the damage that no doubt did to Ratchet's psyche and over-well being over the millennia. Esp. since Ratchet was so idealistic and bright before the war, and while still opinionated and fierce, was a youthful "party animal" with plenty of optimism, determined to do anything he could to see his hopes of a peaceful Cybertronian society through.
All Ratchet seems to want is the best for his planet, the best for other mecha, hence why I've always believed that Ratchet is a "people person" (further backed up by his past as the "party ambulance" ;D). He just has all his walls up 24/7 (sarcasm/sardonicism, gruffness, anger, etc.) to protect this soft, emotional part of himself, similar to how he keeps his walls up so that he can compartmentalize and perform his job efficiently as CMO even when surrounded by tragedy. He's a "people person" with a job that revolves around death. That shit definitely took a toll, but I don't believe it ever broke him necessarily. And Drift/Deadlock, so afraid of the war actually breaking Ratchet, wanted to do everything in his power to protect him from the war. The possibility of Deadlock presenting this offer, to me, sounds absolutely plausible.
When offered the chance to "run away", of course Ratchet declines, stating he knows his place and that is wherever he can decidedly do the most good and help the most mecha. Even though he'd love nothing more than to be free from the pressure and, most importantly, be with Drift/Deadlock instead of sneaking around throughout the war and having their relationship be so ethically complex. Ratchet understanding why Drift did what he did in becoming a 'Con and everything else, understanding that even though Deadlock went against Ratchet's code of morals, Deadlock was inevitable given Drift's beginnings in the Dead End. Hence why later in LL Ratchet seems to "blame himself" for how Drift became Deadlock, because Ratchet may believe that he should've "saved" or "fixed" Drift.
Then again, Ratchet knows the complexity of that, knows that it isn't "that simple" and that converting/ensuring Drift as an Autobot wasn't much better than having Drift become a Decepticon because, realistically, Autobots were doing things nearly just as bad. Of course, as the war went on it became clear that Megatron was going off the deep end and the Autobots truly did become the "Good Guys", if one could even call it that. Really, they were the lesser of two evils, or the arch-nemesis of the Decepticons that put a stop to their wrong-doings, but regardless, the Autobots themselves were far from innocent. Esp. from other civilizations/planets' perspectives.
When the Decepticons began, it was mainly in an effort to change Cybertronian society for the better, to gain equality for all Cybertronian mecha and get rid of the corrupt government and caste system, and I believe Ratchet (esp. seeing the corruption from the medical malpractice POV) low-key sided with them when this was their original goal. Drift/Deadlock is what makes Ratchet truly acknowledge this millennia after the war (either during the LL which it is hinted at or sometime before then during the war they may have had disagreements about this), but he'd known it deep down since the beginning.
Ratchet mostly went with the Autobots because of his own personal ties (friends like Orion Pax), his position in said hierarchy (he was the chief of medicine for descendants of the Prime and really, would Pit mecha really be accepting of the Senate's CMO in their ranks?), and as seen in the IDW comics, various other reasons.
In the end, Ratchet practically stumbled into becoming an Autobot. He really didn't want to be with any faction, but as an Autobot he believed he could do more good, esp. since he tended to end up helping both sides' soldiers anyways. Being an Autobot just meant he had access to better supplies/tech/etc.
I also personally believe Ratchet was too proud of a mech to admit this to Drift/Deadlock's face until the LL. Admitting that Ratchet was originally on the wrong side, helping the wrong side, this whole time would be a blow to his own mental, it would (and does) cripple him with guilt. Again, all of this is just my personal head cannons and fanon ideas that I've seen, but I like to imagine this is pretty generally accepted.
I feel like younger Ratchet is torn between sides. Having started clinics for the "lower class" mecha in areas like the Dead End, providing care free of charge to those who couldn't afford it as long as they promised to change themselves for the better, conveys to me that Ratchet was empathetic to the struggles of lower class mecha, despite starting off as a forged medic and becoming the Chief Medical Officer for the Senate. Yes, Ratchet started off and lived a comparatively privileged life, but he has never turned a blind eye to any other mech's struggles and does his best to understand it regardless. Ratchet's "golden spark" so-to-speak is something I believe Drift sees and cherishes, and thus it's what Deadlock wishes to protect. The Prime's doctor willingly decided to save the life of a drug addict grifter in the Dead-End and continued to see value in and, most importantly, care for Drift's life, even after Drift became Deadlock and turned to a life of killing mecha that Ratchet may have considered friends/allies/etc. I full-heartedly believe that Ratchet still looked after/patched up Deadlock even though he was with the 'Cons, esp. since I believe Deadlock kept watch after Ratchet even though he was with the 'Bots. Regardless of their conflicting morals, these two never stopped looking after and caring for one another.
I can see their "argument" or discussion over this proposal going so many ways, but ultimately, as with a certain Angel and Demon, Drift/Deadlock wanted them to become their own "side" and Ratchet, for a multitude of reasons (pride/empathy/guilt/loyalty/desire to help or "savior complex" depending how you see it/arrogance/etc.) decided to stick with the life he hates. He despises the war, the life-loss, the pain, the pointless-ness of it all (aren't they all Cybertronian in the end?), but Ratchet is an emotional mech deep-down and because of his complex feelings and morality, he turns down Deadlock's offer.
The Parallel:
As with a certain Angel, Ratchet can't just sit on the sidelines and do nothing, he has to help. As CMO and a close friend of Optimus, Ratchet is shown to have a lot of push/pull on Autobot command and their decisions and not always but often in various comics/shows/media, we see Ratchet propose the more compassionate and ethical, while still cruelly (realistically) logical, decisions.
Like Aziraphale, Ratchet believes that by being in a position of power/control/leadership and by being a determined son of a bitch, he can "save [their race/people/planet/universe/the balance/etc.]" for a lack of better terms. They put aside their own happiness/freedom/peace/etc., no matter the repercussions for them or those in their personal lives, to make the decisions and take the actions that they believe will do the universe, as a whole, the most good. That's really all they want.
Short Ver.
Aziraphale still believes that there can be good and that Heaven can be "fixed", and additionally, having Crowley back with him on Heaven's side would make *them* and everything else so much easier. Easier to protect Crowley, easier for Crowley to be happy because Aziraphale himself would also be safer, everything would be better if Aziraphale could "fix" things and the balance. Make Heaven "good" again and Hell "bad" once more, un-blur the lines, despite Crowley knowing it was never like that to begin with ("I think I understand a lot more than you do"). Additionally, all the trauma and manipulation that Aziraphale has experienced in Heaven no doubt plays a role in all of this.
Aziraphale only wants to do the right thing, but his headspace and how he decides to go about it are just so seriously warped by both himself and from his experiences of being an Archangel of Heaven.
Ratchet just wants the war to end. For the fighting to stop and there to be some peace. He still believes, despite everything he's witnessed and been through, that the war can end. He continues to hope. Ratchet, despite how gruff and jagged his exterior may become, no matter how cynical and pessimistic he acts, still has a spark of gold deep down. He still wants to do good and he believes that there can be good again, even though Deadlock knows that there was never any good to begin with. Why save Cybertronian society and the way things used to be if they were never any good before? Moreso, why save Cybertronians when they were never any good before? Shit's always been fucked up and messy, where does this bleeding hearted CMO get off in trying to save all of them?
He gets off nowhere but he's still going to try regardless because it's worth it. Cybertron, Cybertronians, mecha, are still worth saving. If Ratchet is anything, it is stubborn and after everything he's been through, he'll be damned if he gave up now.
Side Note: I still believe there was a miracle in Aziraphale's coffee ;) but in case there's not take this comparison I randomly drew from the S2 finale <3
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excaive · 2 years
OC Lore... from their playlists?
WELP time to expose what’s going on up in my ocs’ heads.
The way I structure my playlists for my ocs is like.... making the top 3 songs the ones I feel says basically everything about them and then the rest just solidifies what the first couple of songs establish.
Of course like. 3 songs is pretty limiting and ALL the songs have some meaning, but I try to order the playlist in a way that either expresses their journey or somewhat categorized together based on the songs’ vibes - but it is pretty loose.
I know literally no one but me will ever get the core vibes for any given oc just from a couple of song bc I’m the only one who has the whole context for each character lol but lemme try and give you an idea by explaining a few playlists and songs and inevitably tell you more about my ocs than they’d share :3
Putting it under a cut but I’m gonna talk about Keith, Cass, Roger, NEMESIS and KILLJOYE’s playlists.
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Keith’s playlist mainly consists of electronic and synth tunes with no/little vocals, so I feel like they’re the hardest to get a distinct read on for anyone but me - THAT SAID even I have trouble understanding their vibes. This makes a lot of sense considering Keith is my attempt at putting a face on my own unintelligible stuffed down emotions lol Like c’mon Keith you’re supposed to help me understand, not clam up and put a lock on the door I tried to open :/ we’ll get there eventually tho lmao
the first 3 songs says basically what I’ve already shared about them here, the tunes and their titles go hand in hand.
The first one is, as you can see, called the same as their name. It is a coincidence, I did not name them Keith bc of this song lol but the vibes..... for me, it’s about Keith and Kqo’twec’s relationship with each other - and just the swirling emotions from being bonded and how that progresses throughout their journey. The sound is pretty consistent and steady starting out, but then increases in intensity, somewhat overwhelming -  and then it calms down again and feels like the swirling emotions have settled and more digestible and Keith and Kqo’twec are better in sync with each other.
The next two are basically just summing up the fact Kqo’twec chose to bond with Keith, saving them from bleeding to death by themself in a ditch lol
Resurrection does have some vocals, saying “wavering emotions | surpressed desires | live” which. Yeah.
I’m not gonna attempt to explain every top 3 songs in detail or else this will get REALLY long. But also it’s really hard to explain tunes that have no lyrics you can dissect. Those are just vibes u gotta feel in ur ears and judge for yourself.
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ough Cass.... 😳
Anyway, first song. That’s just about Getting Some.
This does not clear anything up, most of the songs on her playlist is about sex LMAO
Cass is a tall, beefy, hot and sexy lesbian who gets laid consistently so like. Yeah. She just loves herself a lot and also she loves women so might as well combine that :p
The second song tho. Oof. 180 turn on the vibes.
That is from the perspective of her Dragon Parasite. I can’t be too specific, but she got a modified Dragon Parasite, which essentially means the Parasite has been put in an artificial coma and Cass gets its attributes without having to deal with it bonding with it yeah?
And modified major parasites aren’t legal or available to the public because they’re way more likely to be resistant to modification and generally are pretty dangerous to the host because of the risk of an Unstable Bond occuring, but Cass wasn’t told about the actual high risks it might pose to get a modified major parasite (not to mention it being a Dragon Parasite those bitches are already complicated compared to other major parasites) + she didn’t really care because she was so self-absorbed to change her appearance she gambled on this parasite to be The Answer To Her Problems, yeah?
And the nature of a bond between a host and parasite essentially comes down to mutual respect, and understanding of each other to be able to cooperate and maintain a good bond especially with a major parasite that is your life buddy so you need to communicate and compromise so you both thrive, yeah?? You will need to get real intimate and personal with a major parasite to bond. Parasites become a part of you so you will have to let them inside for them to understand you and vice versa?
Do you see the problem here??? Anyway, pressing F for Cass, she had this coming. Actions have consequences but at least she’s hot now so. Worth?
THIRD SONG. This is in the same vein as the first song but more about... secretive desires. There’s no love involved here.
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Absolute ray of sunshine, he’s just so fun and energetic and able to befriend almost anyone :] #good vibes
However none of my oc playlists are about how they come off to other people and present themselves, I want to see all the messy, knotted and tangled up wires underneath >:)
FIRST SONG.... This also doubles as how I imagine Roger’s voice sounds, so that’s dope This is just mostly about doubts - about himself, the future and those around him. iidk what else to say tbh I just feel like you’ll have to listen for yourself lol
The second song... basically just kind of the vibes for how he deals with things whether that being about the past or present.
Third song. I enjoy the like... eerie vibe the melody gives. Do you have any idea of how often Roger is holding onto his will to live by hairstrand? well I mean, probably not, I hardly touch this aspect of him on my blog, y’all mostly get the same amount of Roger as he presents to most people.
Roger is such a hot mess emotionally I literally don’t even know how to summarize it. But the next playlist might give some insight!
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If you aren’t aware, NEMESIS is Roger from 3+ years from the present (Roger is 24) so Roger from his teens to early twenties.
Roger used they/them pronouns back then as NEMESIS and I’m gonna be switching between the pronouns depending on what I’m talking about lol
NEMESIS is the name Roger preferred, being his alias online for the music he made as well. NEMESIS’ playlist is both vibes for their feelings and the music they wanted to make. I say wanted to because they didn’t have the proper equipment to make more than melodies. But I mean, it’s the same thing, they wanted to vent out their feelings, but wasn’t able to - so it all just stayed on the inside.
So the 3 songs...
Well. I don’t really need to talk about them specifically, I can just say their whole playlist is just.
So angry.
Frustrated. Aggressive.
So fucking angry over things they couldn’t control and it just festered into deep self-hate because all of it just bottled up with no place to go.
Obviously, things did change a lot for the better into the present and we have Roger now :] You can bet that he is absolutely supressing all those feelings from the past tho. Never learned any other way to deal with it :( He just learned how to carry himself in a different way.
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KJ’s playlist is an absolute trainwreck of weird vibes. Just like them <3
FIRST SONG. This is from their early days when I first made them as a funny little slasher guy and I can’t get myself to remove it from the top. However, the vibes are still very relevant.
Obsessive and violent themes are prevalent through their playlist.
What goes on in their head is very fast paced, plagued with obsessive intrusive thoughts and compulsions. This is a big factor in their behavior, being loud and eccentric to both distract themself and anyone else from what’s going on. The last two should be obvious. KJ is a Freak. and they also wear Pink (like a freak)
Other vibes in their playlist are like about the weird shit they’re into. They’re a Certified Freak
Have fun if u check out any of the tunes, if not that’s literally chill I can’t force you to listen lol, but if anything I hope you enjoy getting a snippet into the heads of my ocs from what I’ve written <3
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rreader · 7 years
hello! can I️ request a harry x reader where reader is a Slytherin prefect who catches harry after hours during her rounds. at first she’s stern but realizes that she might be scaring him a bit too much so she starts joking with him and he gets a bit of a crush on her. he doesn’t really know who she is so he’s asking about her and looking for her the next morning and he realizes that she’s the Slytherin princess and Malfoys best friend and hp is like o shit and tries to distance himself but P1/2
cont.but the reader joins DA and hp is really awkward around her. after hp teaches one day reader stays after class because hp was extra awkward she confronts him, they reconcile and confess feelings and fluff, so they have a secret relationship bc they’re afraid of what their friends might think but one day during dinner hp and Draco’s fighting gets too much and she tries to stop it and Draco is like who’s side are you on and you can choose the ending p2/2
Title: Vincit veritasPairing: Harry Potter x Slytherin!Reader ; Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!Reader (mostly brotp)Fandom: Harry PotterWarnings: …sorry about the ending, I guess? (don’t worry, there’ll be a part 2!)
Summary: It was when he first saw you smile that he knew you were the one. But you were a Slytherin and Harry was a Gryffindor. It was like Romeo and Julia.. let’s just hope this story will have a happier ending.. or will it have the same?
A/N: ooooh, would you look at that. another harry request. I couldn’t help myself, this one was just such a cool request, I had to write it. I always loved the whole ‘reader is having to choose between draco and harry’ trope. (+ I’ve decided to give the stories that’ll be more than one part a title, just because I think it’ll be a bit nicer. for those who care, the title means: ‘Truth conquers’)
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Harrystared at the Marauder’s map in his hands, tracing Draco’s steps.
Heprobably shouldn’t be doing this every time the Slytherin left his room, butHarry couldn’t help it. He had this.. feeling. This feeling, thatsomething really bad was about to happen, mainly, because his scarhad been causing him pain for quite some time now and it didn’t seemlike it was about to stop any time soon.
Hiseyes glued to the map and focused on Draco, he did not see that therewas somebody else wandering these corridors so late at night.
Hewas just about to go the other way when you caught him.
“Well,well. What have we here?” 
Harry immediately jumped and pointed hiswand at you, “I’d lower your wand if I were you, otherwise I’mgoing to have to shove it up your nose until it hits your brain.”
Hiseyes widened and he quickly hid the map behind his back, doing whatyou said.
“Whoare you?” he asked a second later, but you only pointed towardsyour badge.
Notonly were you a prefect, but a Slytherin prefect at that.
“Now..Tell me,” you slowly walked over to him, until you were standingright in front of him, cocking your head to the side, then you walkedaround him like a cat stalking her prey, “Why are you wandering through thecorridors at this time?”
Harry’schest was heaving heavily and he could feel sweat starting to form onhis forehead. Somehow, this felt like an interrogation.
“I..I was.. uhm..-”
“Oh, nevermind, I don’t really care,” you confessed, when you stood in front ofhim again and smiled. “Bet you thought I was evil, because I’m a Slytherin, huh?” you started laughing.
Harrylet out a breath, his jaw dropping slightly, not really knowing whatto say.
Didhe thought you were as mean and probably evil as Malfoy? Absolutely.
“Whateveryou were doing though, you should probably go back to bed. I’m notthe only one who’s patrolling here tonight and the others won’t letyou off so easily.”
“Uhm..yeah, of course!” Harry cleared his throat and nodded, “Thankyou!”
“Don’tworry about it,” you smiled once more, then you walked past him andsoon, disappeared in the shadows of the corridor.
Harrywanted to call after you, ask for your name, but all he could do wasstare into the darkness, a blush sitting on his cheeks.
Someonemight be having a little crush..
                                                   thenext morning
“Hm?”Her nose was buried in a book as always, sitting comfortably in oneof the armchairs of the common room.
“Doyou know all of the prefects?”
Shelifted her head, her eyebrows drawn together in confusion.
“Ofcourse. Why?”
Harryfidgeted with his hands, a little unsure whether or not he shouldeven bring it up.
Buthe didn’t even know your name.. and he really, really wanted to know.
“Ijust wanted to know who replaced Pansy.. out of pure curiosity, ofcourse.”
Hermionestill eyed him suspiciously, but then she closed her book and crossedher legs.
“(Y/N)(Y/L/N). You might have heard people call her the ‘Slytherinprincess’. Ridiculous, if you ask me.”
“Wait..SHE’S the Slytherin princess? Draco’s best friend? The one who’sparents pretty much own Hogsmeade at this point?”
“That’sthe one. The prince and princess, that’s what they’re all callingthem,” she shuddered and opened her book once more, “Ridiculous,”she whispered once more, before returning her attention back to thebook.
Harryslumped back into the cushions of the couch and let out a deepbreath.
Thefirst girl he liked since Cho and then she’s a Slytherin. And notjust any Slytherin, but the best friend of his nemesis, the one he,just last night, followed around Hogwarts to see what he was up to.And now he had a crush on his best friend.
Probably because of that smile.. 
Hecouldn’t stop thinking about it..
..buthe had to. There was no way this - whatever this would be - could work.
                                                Threemonths later
Asecret organization founded to teach fellow students Defence Againstthe Dark Arts.
Andwhen you entered their ‘secret base’ with your girlfriends, you wereinitially surprised to see Harry Potter standing in front of you. Buton second thought.. not really. It just had to be him.
Yousmiled and approached him when no one seemed to care.
“You’rea lot more pale in this light, than the last time I saw you.”
Harrychuckled and fidgeted with his wand.
Hehadn’t talked to you since that night. He saw youfrom time to time and you always smiled at him when your eyes met,but neither of you ever said ‘Hello’ or something like that. Both ofyou kept your distance.
Butit would be awkward to just ignore each other here..
“You’redoing a good thing here. So.. thank you,” you placed your hand onhis upper arm, squeezed once, then joined your girlfriends again.
Harrywas standing there like a statue afterwards.
Howwould he be able to focus, now that you were here?
Theanswer to that: not at all.
Hetried his hardest, but was glad that Ron and Hermione were there withhim, otherwise these lessons would not be helpful at all.
Everytime you met for a class, you talked to him. It was just small talkand tiny details about your life. But you felt more comfortablearound him and really enjoyed spending time with him.
Dracohad only ever told you negative things about him.
Butnow that you were getting to know him for yourself, you realized thathe was a good guy.
Hewas kind and fair and he cared a lot about his friends and fellowstudents. Otherwise he wouldn’t be doing this and risking.. whateverit was that he was risking.
Buttoday was weird. He had been trying to teach you this one spell fordays and you finally managed it today. And when you did, you kissedhim on the cheek. Out of reflex. But now that he didn’t look youin the eye no more, you wondered if you had maybe crossed a boundary.
Sowhen the class was over and everyone had left, you walked over tohim.
“Harry?Can we.. talk?”
“Oh..yeah, sure!”
“Ireally hope I didn’t make you feel uncomfortable earlier. I wasn’ttrying to.. I was only really excited, you know?” you lowered yourhead and looked at the floor, “My parents never wanted me to learnthese kind of things. Said I didn’t need to, since I always hadprotection from various sources throughout my life. But it’s good tofinally be able to protect myself. And all thanks to you,” youraised your head again and smiled.
BeforeHarry had known your name, he had heard horrible things about the’Slytherin princess’. That she was a 'spoiled brat’, 'mean toeveryone who crossed her path’.. but the woman who stood in front ofhim was none of that. The more he got to know you, the more heunderstood that, even though you had grown up in a rich andwell-esteemed family, you did not take anything for granted. Allprejudices were wrong about you.
Andhe was glad that he was able to get an idea of who you are as aperson himself.
“No,you didn’t make me feel uncomfortable, really. I just..”
Youpatiently waited for him to answer, but he never did. He only staredat your lips for so long, until you finally took that one steptowards him and kissed him like you hoped he wanted to.
Andwhen you could feel his hands on your hips, you knew that he did.
Theweeks that followed were both beautiful and horrible at the sametime.
Youand Harry had put a label on your relationship. You were nowboyfriend and girlfriend.
However,no one could know.
NotHarry’s friends, who would probably think him as some sort of 'traitor’ forbeing with a Slytherin and certainly not Draco, who’d probably killPotter for being with you.
Sowhile, yes, you were now Harry’s girlfriend and secretly exchangedkisses and spent more time with each other, it just.. wasn’t the same as running aroundholding hands and showing everyone that you were in love. This secrecy.. you hated it.
Butstill, you both knew it was for the better.
Soyou kept it quiet. Didn’t let anyone even consider a possibility of arelationship between you two.
Itwas only when Draco bullied Harry once again during lunch – when noteachers were around, because he’d never have the guts to do it infront of them – that you got up and stood in front of Draco whenHarry approached him.
“Couldyou two PLEASE just stop it already! I’m so sick of this, Draco.Don’t you have better things to do?”
Fora minute it was quiet all around you.
Neverhad you talked to Draco like that before.
Andhe seemed to be as surprised as everyone else.
“Whyare you on his side?”
“I’mnot..,” you turned around to face Harry who tried his hardest notto look hurt, so you quickly corrected yourself, “I mean..I..-ugh!”
Therewas Harry on the one side, the first guy you ever fell in love withand hoped to spend the next years with. Kind, intelligent, caring. 
Thenthere was Draco, your best friend since childhood. Misunderstood guy,who only tried to do what his parents expected of him.
Youloved them both..
..butwho will you choose?
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Rules: Tag 20 followers you want to know better Tagged by @amazing-rin, thank uuu! 
Name: Carina Nicknames: I usually don’t really get nicknames from others tbh, but my best friend calls me mom once in a while (’cause I call him son lol), some of my friends from school calls me “the photographer” and I used to have a friend who called me Cece. Also I’m pretty sure @yuri-lowell calls me viking  Gender: Female Star Sign: Leo Height: 149cm (tho last time I was measured it showed 148 but let’s just ignore that) Age: prob way too young lol Hogwarts House: I honestly don’t know Favorite Color: the rainbow  Time Right Now: 11:30pm  Average Hours Of Sleep: ..6? 7 maybe? Lucky Number: 4 (tho it hasn’t really brought me any luck.. l just really like the number for some reason) Last Thing I Googled: “can popcorn get permit to stay in canada”  Favorite Fictional Character: rip me trying to pick Blankets I Sleep With: one, l guess Favorite Bands/Artists: RIP ME TRYING TO PICK Dream Trip: My absolutely dream trip is just traveling around dk taking pictures, looking at old places etc (which might soon happen). However, after letting down the crap offer to go to Berlin for a study trip (crap offer ‘cause the whole thing was so unorganized and the hotel was basically taken out of an episode of Ramsay’s hotel nightmares), l’ve kinda felt like l really wanted to go there too? I know Berlin’s supposed to be really beautiful so well. There too, there too Dream Job: I really want to become an author, however l’m taking a GF2 major in photographing after summer so let’s see where that takes me What I’m Wearing Right Now: Batman pjs and a baseball-styled shirt When Did You Make This Blog: I really don’t know, I created it a veeery long time ago, like maybe 4-5 years, but I didn’t really use it until 1½-2 years ago. Follower Count: 428 Posts: 31.866 What Do I Post About: After creating several side blogs, this one’s turned back into being mainly anime and then all the other random stuff that comes within my sight Most Active Followers: @hamykia, @sevenpotters, @kurii-tsuu & @nenufair I LOVE U ALL When Did Your Blog Reach Its Peak: I don’t think it ever has Why Did You Get Tumblr: I originally created it just to be where all the fun was, but quickly stopped using it just ‘cause I couldn’t get a hold of it. However when I came back, it was bc I used to be on pinterest a lot (for inspiration and such), and eventually I joined in on the fandom part of the website, only to discover everything was reposted and most of it was from tumblr so I quited pinterest and joined this place again (for real this time tho), instead Do You Get Asked On A Daily Basis: no Why Did You Choose Your URL: ‘Cause sharkbait  Tagging: @yuri-lowell @shinylostcause @kookiehyungie @ariukoart @hamykia @matsuokaftt @free-starting-days @kurii-tsuu @nenufair @sevenpotters @captain-of-science @animewolf112 @tomakehimfree @cryopods @ereans @dokidoki-love @h-a-r-u-k-a @krunchy321 @queen-of-destruction-nemesis & @fabulouschicken122 
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leakedinlondon · 8 years
Hey Courtney I'm going on my first over seas flight in 5 days time (like 20 hours or something with a brief lay over???) and I'm in desperate need of book recs. 21 year old female I like Harry Potter, dystopian future stuff, gay stuff especially wlw and also really love shitty cheesey light hearted stuff like Janet Evanovich. Would love your opinion!
tragically, i hav not read a lot of wlw books bc i’m a picky bitch about genres and a lot of the ones i know about are realistic fiction which i ain’t big on but i do recommend checking out Malinda Lo i rly like Adaptation which features a bi love triangle and aliens and has a part where some dude is talking about aliens and just starts humming the x files theme and that dude is me also i have heard v good things about Ash and Huntress but my bookstore doesn’t sell them and i’m like???? why
ok SO i hav a v v long dystopian masterpost if ur down to go through it but i’ll give u my faves from it here!!!!
Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness
Prentisstown isn't like other towns. Everyone can hear everyone else's thoughts in an overwhelming, never-ending stream of Noise. Just a month away from the birthday that will make him a man, Todd and his dog, Manchee -- whose thoughts Todd can hear too, whether he wants to or not -- stumble upon an area of complete silence. They find that in a town where privacy is impossible, something terrible has been hidden -- a secret so awful that Todd and Manchee must run for their lives.
these books!!!! are everything!!!!! if you haven’t read them u 100% should i swear they’re so fkn good
Unwind by Neal Shusterman
The Second Civil War was fought over reproductive rights. The chilling resolution: Life is inviolable from the moment of conception until age thirteen. Between the ages of thirteen and eighteen, however, parents can have their child "unwound," whereby all of the child's organs are transplanted into different donors, so life doesn't technically end. Connor is too difficult for his parents to control. Risa, a ward of the state, is not enough to be kept alive. And Lev is a tithe, a child conceived and raised to be unwound. Together, they may have a chance to escape and to survive.
i would die for Lev literally die for him at any given second this is also a very good series
The Passage by Justin Cronin
An epic and gripping tale of catastrophe and survival, The Passage is the story of Amy—abandoned by her mother at the age of six, pursued and then imprisoned by the shadowy figures behind a government experiment of apocalyptic proportions. But Special Agent Brad Wolgast, the lawman sent to track her down, is disarmed by the curiously quiet girl and risks everything to save her. As the experiment goes nightmarishly wrong, Wolgast secures her escape—but he can’t stop society’s collapse. And as Amy walks alone, across miles and decades, into a future dark with violence and despair, she is filled with the mysterious and terrifying knowledge that only she has the power to save the ruined world.
haven’t gotten around to reading the last book in this series yet but they are seriously epic like i swear this series is something else entirely
Maggot Moon by Sally Gardner
What if the football hadn’t gone over the wall. On the other side of the wall there is a dark secret. And the devil. And the Moon Man. And the Motherland doesn’t want anyone to know. But Standish Treadwell — who has different-colored eyes, who can’t read, can’t write, Standish Treadwell isn’t bright — sees things differently than the rest of the "train-track thinkers." So when Standish and his only friend and neighbor, Hector, make their way to the other side of the wall, they see what the Motherland has been hiding. And it’s big...One hundred very short chapters, told in an utterly original first-person voice, propel readers through a narrative that is by turns gripping and darkly humorous, bleak and chilling, tender and transporting.
this book broke my damn heart and ruined my life but oh my god it’s so good also a lil gay but like i said sad but it’s more 2 do with the setting like.... it doens’t have a happy ending but it felt right like that?????
More Than This by Patrick Ness
A boy drowns, desperate and alone in his final moments. He dies.Then he wakes, naked and bruised and thirsty, but alive.How can this be? And what is this strange deserted place?As he struggles to understand what is happening, the boy dares to hope. Might this not be the end? Might there be more to this life, or perhaps this afterlife?
this is my favorite book!!!!!! i would die for it!!!! i want to buy enough copies to fill an entire room of my house so i can just sit in it and cry!!!! this book is literally everything!!!! also gay!!!! she’s also sad but like...... i cannot express in words how much u need to read this damn book 
Bird Box by Josh Malerman
Something is out there, something terrifying that must not be seen. One glimpse of it, and a person is driven to deadly violence. No one knows what it is or where it came from.Five years after it began, a handful of scattered survivors remains, including Malorie and her two young children. Living in an abandoned house near the river, she has dreamed of fleeing to a place where they might be safe. Now that the boy and girl are four, it's time to go, but the journey ahead will be terrifying: twenty miles downriver in a rowboat--blindfolded--with nothing to rely on but her wits and the children’s trained ears. One wrong choice and they will die. Something is following them all the while, but is it man, animal, or monster?
another one of my all time faves!!!!!! i don’t even know what to say this is a masterpiece
ok so here we move on to the more fantasy and gay stuff these are less sad 
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price—and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can't pull it off alone...A convict with a thirst for revengeA sharpshooter who can't walk away from a wagerA runaway with a privileged pastA spy known as the WraithA Heartrender using her magic to survive the slumsA thief with a gift for unlikely escapes Kaz's crew are the only ones who might stand between the world and destruction—if they don't kill each other first.
this is.... so good.... also a little gay... hav heard the second book in the series is gayer but i haven’t read her yet
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
That's what his roommate, Baz, says. And Baz might be evil and a vampire and a complete git, but he's probably right. Half the time Simon can't even make his wand work, and the other half, he sets something on fire. His mentor's avoiding him, his girlfriend broke up with him, and there's a magic-eating monster running around wearing Simon's face. Baz would be having a field day with all this, if he were here - it's their last year at Watford School of Magicks, and Simon's infuriating nemesis didn't even bother to show up. Carry On is a love letter to love stories and the power of words - to every 'chosen one' who ever had more on their mind than saving the world...
this book is literally just harry potter but gay and i’m still laughing i love it
A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
The monster showed up after midnight. As they do.But it isn’t the monster Conor’s been expecting. He’s been expecting the one from his nightmare, the one he’s had nearly every night since his mother started her treatments, the one with the darkness and the wind and the screaming…This monster is something different, though. Something ancient, something wild. And it wants the most dangerous thing of all from Conor.It wants the truth.
can u tell i’m a fan of patrick ness i’m going to fucking fist fight him for this piece of shit like.... this book.... is about a little kid..... whose mother has cancer....... like u know it’s gonna be a fucking bad time but u read it anyway and u cry like a fucking baby but u enjoy the whole damn thing because u hate urself.... it’s a beautiful read but it hurts (((also yes there is a Literal Monster hanging around))
The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
Every year, Blue Sargent stands next to her clairvoyant mother as the soon-to-be dead walk past. Blue herself never sees them—not until this year, when a boy emerges from the dark and speaks directly to her. His name is Gansey, and Blue soon discovers that he is a rich student at Aglionby, the local private school. Blue has a policy of staying away from Aglionby boys. Known as Raven Boys, they can only mean trouble.But Gansey is different. He has it all—family money, good looks, devoted friends—but he’s looking for much more. He is on a quest that has encompassed three other Raven Boys: Adam, the scholarship student who resents all the privilege around him; Ronan, the fierce soul who ranges from anger to despair; and Noah, the taciturn watcher of the four, who notices many things but says very little.For as long as she can remember, Blue has been told by her psychic family that she will kill her true love. She never thought this would be a problem. But now, as her life becomes caught up in the strange and sinister world of the Raven Boys, she’s not so sure anymore.
the description of this book doesn’t do it justice and i hate it i love these books i love my stupid raven kids i mainly love adam parrish who i would die for in a second ((also gay)) ((please read them if u haven’t i love adam so much he’s worth it)) ((the other characters are also amazing and i lov them too))
The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black
Children can have a cruel, absolute sense of justice. Children can kill a monster and feel quite proud of themselves. A girl can look at her brother and believe they’re destined to be a knight and a bard who battle evil. She can believe she’s found the thing she’s been made for.Hazel lives with her brother, Ben, in the strange town of Fairfold where humans and fae exist side by side. The faeries’ seemingly harmless magic attracts tourists, but Hazel knows how dangerous they can be, and she knows how to stop them. Or she did, once.At the center of it all, there is a glass coffin in the woods. It rests right on the ground and in it sleeps a boy with horns on his head and ears as pointed as knives. Hazel and Ben were both in love with him as children. The boy has slept there for generations, never waking.Until one day, he does…As the world turns upside down, Hazel tries to remember her years pretending to be a knight. But swept up in new love, shifting loyalties, and the fresh sting of betrayal, will it be enough?
Hazel is literally me okay there is a scene in this book where she’s at a fairy party and u kno how ur not meant to eat or drink anything fairies give u or ur fucked???? hazel ingests fucking fairy wine bc it was in the mouth of some fairy girl she was making out with and if that isn’t me i don’t know what is (((also that’s the only scene that she shows any interest in girls i am very sorry i don’t want to get ur hopes up))) ((ben on the other hand he is very gay and is also me they are both me i love these two idiots this book just makes me really happy)) 
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