#bc hermes showed up way earlier than i expected....... possibly bc i died way more than the streamers i watched
helianthologies · 1 month
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killing myself tmrw btw
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
My current ideas on the Percy Jackson AU
Inspired by @the-pinstriped-hood and @solmints-messyocdiary’s posts on the matter
Abigail - Daughter of Hecate
Wasn’t born in a graveyard in this AU. Instead, was left at the doorstep of one of her aunts. Her Warlock father, Lucien, was found dead in a cemetery however. It seemed like he was trying to perform some kind of ritual…
Experienced similar isolation from her family members, and one early sign of her Half-blood status was the fact she ended up speaking to dead spirits and ghosts. She also showed a knowledge for things she rather shouldn’t know, such as on poisonous herbs and plants.
Many of her relatives were killed by monsters trying to get to her, but by eleven years old the family ‘curse’ was finally lifted as she was brought to camp Half-Blood.
The powers she inherited from her mother are the standard umbrakinesis and necromancy. Abigail has also taught herself magic by studying and researching various tomes. She is strongest at night and weakest in the day.
Hecate is a tough parent who expects nothing but the best from her. The only reason she had her at all was to rear a powerful sorceress - her love is conditional. Abigail only earns a claiming when she has proved herself with her magic. She did this by slaying the Medusa. She still keeps her head as trophy, and sometimes to scare people bc she’s a fucking menace.
Wields a Stygian Iron sickle which disguises itself as a lipstick or mascara tube.
The only universe in which dogs don’t hate her little guts, since they’re a symbol of her mother.
Max - Son of Hermes
Either the result of an affair or a rebounding of sorts after his father died, now earlier than in canon. He has his father’s blue eyes and his mother’s curly yellow hair.
Max already canonically has ADHD so adding dyslexia to that only makes it even harder for him in regular school. This doesn’t stop him from writing or enjoying tabletop games though. Hermes is the god of many things, including writing and language.
Hermes seems to have a problem with claiming his kids, at least before the events of the fifth book. The cabin is going to be packed anyway, so Max has a whole bunch of adoptive half-brothers and half-sisters since he’s a friendly guy.
He gets along really well with Hephaestus cabin too, might even suspect he’s his kid because he’s also great with cars and mechanics. Basically he has an eclectic range of skills and interests due to Hermes’ Jack of all Trades nature.
Also very much a gotta go fast boi. Max is naturally athletic and outpaces his brothers (at home) in races every time.
Speaking of which, he does actually go home after every Summer to see them, though he isn’t spared from usual half-blood shenanigans…
Doesn’t like fighting much, but he has a Celestial Bronze sword which appears to mortals as a can of hairspray (I mean have you seen his curls!)
(Zach, Jude, Adam, Ciarán and The Librarian under the cut)
Zach - Son of Ares
Being that Zach’s mother, Isabel, was an elite member of a fairly militant organisation, it makes sense why Ares took an interest in her. His mom was killed by a monster when he was pretty young so he found his way to camp Half-Blood pretty quick and is an all year rounder.
It’s for this reason that he absolutely hates monsters, and Zach dedicates himself to slaying as many of them as possible.
Is naturally talented with just about any weapon he can get his hands on. Spears, swords, even archery though it is more of Apollo’s area. His feats in battle led to him being claimed by Ares pretty quickly, kind of a favourite child tbh.
He and Jude relate on a lot of things and have a pretty long history of friendship. They often accompany each other on quests whenever they can and make a great fighting team.
Very competitive in Capture the Flag though, and Chariot Races of course (though it’s very hard to beat Ciarán…)
Zach has many scars which he publicly treats as trophies due to the belligerent nature of his cabin, but really he doesn’t like them that much. He kind of puts on a show for his half-siblings, since weakness is targeted and all. They tend to idolise him as well, especially the younger ones.
He’s a collector of physical spoils of monsters though. Proud owner of a minotaur horn, which hangs ominously over his bed.
This is allegedly how he lost his eye. It’s a false story, though. The truth of it involves a certain goddess named Hecate…
Wields a super-heated Celestial Bronze spear which disguises itself as a lighter to mortals.
Jude - Daughter of Apollo
The result of a fling that her mother, Mary Bell, had when she was fairly young. Jude only knew her stepfather as a dad, at least until a monster attack killed both of her parents and left her completely shellshocked. She was taken to camp by a Satyr and felt very lost the whole time.
It was perhaps for this reason that Jude has taken to fighting off monsters so well. She doesn’t like keeping any trophies though.
Off the battlefield, she has a talent for healing inherited from her father, and spends a lot of time treating other demigods’ wounds.
She is always strongest during the day when the sun is highest, and hates Winter because there isn’t much daylight for her.
Despite being the daughter of the god of archery, she is an absolute garbage shot. She couldn’t believe it when she was claimed because of this, she almost thought it was a mistake lol. Probably thinks her dad is embarrassing as fuck too.
Also enjoys gardening so she’s friends with a lot of Demeter’s children. Except for Adam, who she gets real weird vibes from… Also, due to a feud she had with Hecate on a quest once, she and Abby don’t speak to eachother anymore. It seems she can’t forgive her.
Her weapon is a dagger made of Celestial Bronze that appears to mortals as a gold cross necklace.
Because her father is also the god of prophecy, Jude’s half-blood nightmares are especially vivid and foreboding.
Adam/Bill - Son of Demeter
It may seem pretty strange that Demeter would even take an interest in Bill’s dad, seeing as he was an asshole, a gambler, and lived in the desert… But sometimes weird things happen. Like Bill and Charlie.
As it was the arid desert, maybe Bill should’ve known something was up with him when he tracked grass and flowers everywhere. He loved to keep cacti, and had even more of a pronounced green thumb than his brother.
Being twins, obviously they were very close. Weird shit (like math teachers trying to kill them) always happened, but they didn’t think much of it until they were recovered by their Satyr. Actually, they were both pretty happy to get away from their shitty dad.
Of course, all good things come to an end. During a quest, Charlie died in a fight with a monster. Charlie, who was always the better warrior, the extroverted twin, the ace. Bill had to finish the Nemean Lion off himself.
Half-blood casualties happen all the time, but he was so well liked there were many mourners when burning his shroud.
The pelt also did come into his possession afterwards, but he didn’t want it, so it’s been left to rot away in the oracle’s attic.
After his brother’s death, Bill was never really the same. His other half-siblings tried to comfort him, but were discouraged by his change in personality. He started to experiment with plants in ways that most find a little sickening.
Like Max, he doesn’t like fighting. He isn’t great at it either, so he only really owns a greatshield that appears as a guitar case.
Ciarán - Son of Hades
Hades once fell for an Undertaker in Ireland, and the result of this union was Ciarán. That’s about the most you’ll get out of him though.
He doesn’t speak much, let alone about himself.
Ciarán is a very mysterious guy. He’s one of the oldest in camp, though he didn’t arrive until he was well in his late teens it seems. Nobody knows how old he is except possibly Chiron/the Camp Director. He also constantly wears a mask. No other half-blood has ever seen his face.
The visible appearance he does have is also a bit odd. He looks young, but has white hair, and he’s so pale and sickly that his skin is almost grey.
Maybe it’s this, or maybe it’s the fact he’s apparently the son of a god typically ostracised from the rest of the Olympians, but most people avoid him and think he’s intimidating or creepy. Even his own half-siblings aren’t immune tbh.
There are rumours that he’s not a half-blood at all, but actually a minor god of some kind… There’s no concrete proof to this though.
Often hangs around the Demeter cabin, (much to their dismay) and some of them could swear they’ve seen him admiring their flowerpots.
Carries a sword made of Stygian Iron that disguises itself as a horse-head whistle.
Max and Ciarán are often neck-and-neck in Chariot Riding activities. Neither of them are a bad sport about it though, it’s pretty easygoing.
Besties with a black Pegasus named Gormlaith.
The Librarian - Son of Athena
I know you don’t know this guy but bear with me
Being Athena’s brainchild, he was probably going to end up as a smart aleck. His rich father’s influence, however, led him to being even more of a pretentious know-it-all whose only downfall was the usual ADHD and Dyslexia, something that wasn’t understood during the time he was born (almost a century before modern times)
Even if his father survived, it didn’t matter. He had to be sent to camp half-blood for his own safety, and he was eager to learn more, but…
Just like Nico and Bianca, he spent time in the Lotus Hotel and Casino completely by accident. His Satyr had told him to wait around the area and his curiosity led to him wandering in. By the time another demigod’s quest brought them to him, decades had passed in the outside world.
So his arrival at the camp was difficult to say the least. He buried his sorrows in learning, as he always did. But misfortune followed him everywhere, even into the infamous labyrinth.
As for what happened to him, it’s difficult to say. That place isn’t exactly known for letting people out alive, though…
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