#i dont know what makes him show up so. who knows
serejae · 2 days
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WHAT ! - zb1 with a crafty s/o
WHEN ! - (warnings) , petnames
WHO ! - (a/n) hi!! tysm for requesting this was so fun to make, and ahhh its so cool you like crocheting i wanna learn sometime c: but i hope this was up to standard and that you enjoy ml :-) keeep requesting guyssss <3
not proofreadddd
! - this man is so chill about it pls.
! - he knows when the house is too quiet that it only means youre on your new fixation
! - whatever it is, painting, drawing, pottery, or crocheting he’ll love accompanying you during it, he’ll come out and sit by you and you both will yap. or if youre more of a listener he’ll tell you stories or just say random things while admiring the focused look on your face when you do the things you enjoy.
!- loves it when you make stuff for him. if you make something for him. a drawing? he’ll frame it or if its tiny enough will put it in his phone case. jewelry? will wear it all the time. keychain? if he put it on one bag and wanted to use another one, hes switching out the keychain
! - this man loves when you have such creative hobbies that you can tell him all about
! - oh boy hes ready
! - whenever he finds out about your hobby automatically hes buying you supplies (he doesnt know what to buy he just searched up ‘needed materials for ______” ). and if you run out of storage, trust hes 5 steps ahead of you. he bought and figured out a organization plan so you wont have to dig through messy buckets for your materials
! - he just wants to see you happy and at peace, and your his ‘little creator’ or as what he calls you. you dont have to do nothing when your with him. just create, he’s got the rest (clean up crew)
! - when you make stuff for him, hes smiley on the outside, but crying on the inside. like his baby made THIS. for HIM?? he likes to gatekeep lowk…so he wont tell EVERYONE or be pushy about showing it off but itll be discreet. like to the point someone will have to ask, then he will talk about it. (he just likes the thought of keeping the things you made for him to himself >:)
! - such a supportive bf :’-)
! - okay i keep saying theyre supportive BUT TRUST
! - he likes to bother you while you do your projects, but he knows to keep some distance to keep you peace. so while your doing your craft in lalaland you hear “baby, babe, my love, honey, darling” in all sides of your ear, just for him to go “your so pretty” when you look at him…and you cant really be mad at that :-)
! - like jiwoong loves watching you from afar, but once he’s only focused on you thats when he shuts up (nicely) . he’s too busy admiring you and will definitely take some pictures of you for his wallpaper, homescreen, pfp, atp on his face
! - if you make something for him or his hamster collection (ddungjjungham or binni) he’s crying. “OH BABY FOR ME?” “for binni” “so for me😐”. we know he lost ddungjjungham (rip you baby) but somehow he didnt lose the hat and scarf you crocheted for ddungjjungham…
! - he loves you and wants to be as comforting to you as your hobby is
! - has no idea whats going on but his amazing partners good at it so he loves it !!!
! - a “go kylie go!” boyfriend for sure. when your doing your hobby he sits there wondering what your doing, why your doing that, why does it look like that? but your doing it so it must be the right and only way. will look up videos to silently watch to see how the video explains the steps your doing
! - after a while of observing he starts the talking. he helicopter you, start looking the project in all different directions while asking when its gonna be done, whyd you do this technique, why are you so perfect? but its all in love and after like 5 minutes he lets you have your peace and watches you
! - when you make stuff for him he will not shut up. someone needs to put tape over his mouth. (if your in a world where idols can date, he’ll talk about it on streams) but to his members “y/n made me this” “oh look what y/n made” “why can you guys be like y/n 🫤” . i know gunwook is TIREDDDDD
! - a very curious and proud bf ^_^
! - hes so infactuated
! - he’ll be eating and watching you do your hobby and talk. watches your movements and listens to your peaceful voice. the best of both worlds. he doesnt ask too many questions or bother you too much, he just stares blankly and thinks “thats my soulmate”
! - if hes feeling like a pintresty boyfriend he’ll learn a song on his guitar and sing as you work, so you both can learn and do something together. he’ll often catch himself looking away from his chords tutorial and staring at you. the way your face is when your focused. hes just in love :-/
! - when you make him stuff hes in shock, cause you thought of him when you were doing what makes you happy? if you made him a keychain he’ll hang it onto his guitar case cover if you make him anything he can hangup or wear, he has a whole wall of just your creations and loves when people ask so he can just talk about how you made it, how talented you are, how you two met, how much he loves you, just you.
! - please let his man sing and serenade you as you do your hobby
! - oh here comes mr perfect 😒 /j
! - if you guys didnt know ricky actually draws too and studied visual arts, so he’ll adore having a crafty s/o. he’ll first watch you do your hobby loving how at calm and zoned out you look. after a bit he creates lazy date nights where you both create your crafts and give them to each other. you’ll normally get a drawing or you or you and ricky from him and you give him your craft
! - please he’ll use the things you make him to the brim. a keychain? hanging it on all his bags. a painting or drawing? hes hanging it up on his bed side wall so when he sleeps he sees it. you make him a outfit peice (or outfit) will wear it every where he goes. cause everyone needs to see your outfit, and your outfit needs to see the world
! - loves it when he sees you put his work out and showing it off. he’s then reminded on why he enjoys art so much. you brought his soul out for him :’-)
! - just a crafty couple in their world
! - hes one thats adventurous enough to actually attempt your crafts.
! - its not like the other members were intimidated but they enjoy letting you have your own thing to enjoy, something you can run to at the end of your stressful day. but gyuvin? he wants to destress with you
! - anything you wanna do? you start on it and he’ll watch a youtube video on how to do it. if you help him he’ll look at you with the most lovesick smile because your sharing YOUR hobby with him. at first hes pretty messy at the beginning but with a bit of help from you, hes got it down. before you could even make him something, he made your something first. (show off >:\) and he giggles each time he sees you with it…like you thought it was that good to keepppp?
! - when you make him stuff hes not crying (#2), not shutting up (#2), and screaming. hes so honored. he has so many photos in his camera roll and he’ll show them off as much as he can. but will be a little salty when you make more stuff for eumppappa then him but i guess its fine😒
! - a “whatever you do i do” bf :p
! - another admirer
! - loves the energy and dedication you put into your work and it’s definitely worth it. when you leave him alone he looks through your finished work and guesses how long it took for each one to be finished. and when he finds out hes always shocked even if his guess was right , your dedication is another reason why he loves you so much
! - if you come home unmotivated or tired for any reason, gunwook already has you covered. you look for your crafting materials but find that its not its normal spot. you walk out to ask gunwook only to find him set up blankets, snacks, and a movie with your materials on deck. “i figured you’d need it”
! - if you ever make him anything his jaw is on the floor cause theres no way you put your love and energy into this. something made for your boyfriend and only your boyfriend. he knows how to brag about you without making it so obvious like matthew. he’ll sneak it in so people will talk about it but wont tell him to shut up
! - cupid pls get this man up
(platonic :-)
! - is in total awe
! - how can someone just craft something like that with their mind and hands? he loves watching the process from start to finish. this is his version of asmr, the way your face focuses when you get the the certain part, how you plan it out so precisely.
! - please please please. if you do sewing make this man a plushie, he will sleep with it every night and take it everywhere. even if he doesnt make his bed he makes sure his stuffy is sitting just right and comfortable. if not make this man something bunny related. he’ll giggle each time he sees it.
! - if you make him anything he can hang up, hes putting it by his desk and thats his motivation for studying or anything. if hes feeling down, he’ll lean in his chair and see the silly bunny staring at him and get right back to work :)
! - so excited that you can do something you enjoy and he gets the product
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billluver0124 · 2 days
"middle school shenanigans!"
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synopsis : tom goes through his 'first love' experience with y/n! WARNINGS: there is none, its a fluff story !!
authors note: once again, @rottinglilys helped me with the plot of the story ! i hope you guy enjoy my lovies<3
it all started back last year in grade 7, tom had a MASSIVE crush on y/n. he would always catch himself staring at her in classes because they had most classes together.
he always adored how she looked; her hair, her eyes, her bubbly personality, her willingness to be kind towards those who dont deserve it. but most of all...her smile. toms heart used to explode like fireworks whenever he was blessed to see her smiled.
then on the day before spring break started, tom slipped her a note in her locker.
"Hey, ich bin in dich verknallt. Magst du mich auch?
ja oder nein ?-t.k"
y/n was so confused when she got the note. she didn't know what 't.k' stood for, until the very last hour of school. when tom decided to man up and go up to her.
"y/n!" he yelled, jogging up to her to catch her attention. she turns around "oh hi tom!" she said, smiling. tom almost fell to his knees right then and there, but no! he needed to tell her how she felt! "did you get my note?" tom asked, his hand wrapped around the back of his neck. then it hit y/n straight in the face, t.k = tom kaulitz, how could i be so fucking stupid? she thought to herself. "o-oh uh yea!" she answered nervously. "c-can i see it?" tom asked, y/n nervously giving it back. he opens it to see that it wasnt answered "you didnt answer it, do you not like me back?" tom felt his heart sting a little but it was soon reassured. "n-no i do like you, i like you a-a lot!..." y/n blurted out "i just didnt know what 't.k' meant at first until now..." tom chuckled, "what did you think it meant?" "i-i dont know...t-turkey kabob?" she joked, causing them to both laugh. after a moment of silence, tom speaks "so, are you my girlfriend now?" tom asked, not knowing where to go from here. y/n nods, giving him a hug. tom feels his heart flutter at the feeling of y/n in his arms. "you wanna hangout this weekend? ill ask my mom if its okay" she asked, tom nods "yea for sure! ill see you then"
it was now grade 8, tom and y/n have been dating for a year! their families have grown fond of each other and they hangout at each others house after school most of the week and sometimes on weekends...
with the condition that the door must stay open of course...
today they were at toms house, tom was showing her a song he was playing some guitar for her and she just peacefully watched. y/n always admired toms talent on guitar, she knew he was gonna make it big one day.
after a little while, he puts the guitar away and pats a spot next to him "wanna cuddle liebe?" he asked, she smiles and lays next to him. he pulls her into his embrace, her pretty head rests upon his chest as he strokes her hair.
as tom stroked her hair, y/n found herself staring at a particular feature on his face, his lips. the pretty pink color, the way they curved into a smile whenever he was happy, and oh my god his lip piercing...y/ns never kissed anyone before, but she wanted to kiss him so bad. "is something wrong?" tom asked, slightly nervous. "nothing its just..." y/n took a breath before she finished her question "h-have you ever kissed anyone?" tom sighed "uhm, yeah..my babysitter when i was like..9" "oh.." "why? have you ever kissed anyone schatz?" tom asked, y/n looks down; embarassed "n-no, i havent.."
then almost immediately, tom got an idea in his little brain>.<
"do you want to have your first kiss?" "well, yeah every girl wants to have their first kiss" y/n joked "no schatzi..." tom chuckled "i mean do you want to have it...with me?" y/n hesitates for a moment, nervous of if shes a good kisser or not. shes really new to this! what if shes a bad kisser? what if she goes too far? but it couldnt be that bad right? its just a kiss for christs sake!
"yeah..is that okay tommy?" "its more than okay with me schatzi.." tom sat up, scooting closer to her "you ready?" he asked...
y/n nods, shakily moving her face closer to him. tom places a hand on her cheek then boom! their lips were sealed together! (aww so cute! >.<) y/n places a hand on his shoulder, deepening the kiss. then they let go because if they kissed any longer they would suffocate!
"woah.." y/n mumbled, tom chuckling at her reaction "did you like it?" "yeah i did" y/n said, softly smiling... "then we should kiss more often then hm?" tom said, smirking at his girlfriend.
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strawbs-screaming · 2 days
what i think your favorite PO boxer says about you
based on my biases and a year of experience (if you get mad over how i talked about your fave im going to turn you into a can of spam)
first time ive ever maxed out the tags
if i missed your fav tell me ‼️
doc louis - you have good taste and are starving for content about him, you really are a survivor
little mac - you either project onto him or just like calling him your son
glass joe - you have a thing for pathetic men (understandable tbh) and like calling him a wet cat since he fits that desc well
von kaiser - same thing as joe but add a hint of "oh no hes hot"
disco kid - you literally have no enemies i love you so much its not even funny (platonic)
king hippo - my god you are good at making up lore, how the fuck do you make a solid personality for a character that only roars and grunts
piston hondo - im 100% youre a saint, no hondo fan i met has ever been unpleasant to talk with
bear hugger - you either see him as a father figure or just think hes hot or (secret third option) you like making jokes about him being a disney princess, either way youre cool
great tiger - oh you have been here for a long time, literally every great tiger fan i know has been in the fandom since 7.000 BC or something, also youre prob really good at art
don flamenco - you use the word "cunty" on a daily basis or just like making fun of his stupid bald head, also yes he has eyeliner on 100%
aran ryan - you'd overthrow a goverment for this greasy rat, youre extremely extremely gay and/or neurodivergent and thats very good for you, you also like making him say lad and have had to go ankle deep in irish slang when making him speak in fanfics
soda popinski - ive never seen someone have soda as their fav, hes always 2nd place somehow so im just gonna go take a shot in the dark and say you like the color pink (mental gymnastics who??)
bald bull - you are a mixed bag, i gen cant put a finger on what kind of personality bull stans have but i can say you either find him hot or like making fun of him, maybe both
super macho man - least serious people ever with some traumatizing lore for the boxers & their own ocs, you prob make him say bogus 88268292 times in a sentence and i can respect that
mr sandman - ive only seen 2 (two ) ppl who have him as their fav and its kinda sad, youre starving for content of him and i wish you the best
birdie mac - hes your son (im not elaborating)
gabby jay - same thing as joe but you went over the top with liking dilfs
narcis prince - gay. gay gay homosexual gay. you went for the self obsessed blonde twink and you thought it wasnt obvious?? you fucking homosexual
heike kagero - youre 1000% queer, sorry to be a broken record about the gay thing but ur fav is literally a man with long hair & makeup that has to be some flavor of queer
hoy quarlow - you are/were another ancient punch out fan, you def shitpost a lot
bruiser bros - where are you??? ive gen never met a bruiser bros fan and its concerning like dude where did u go
texas mac - im sorry but you dont exist, ive never ever seen a texas mac fan, not even someone who mentions him
mad clown - you foul clownfucker. you have weird taste in characters you find hot and tbh im all here for it
masked muscle - same thing as texas mac but theres a slight chance you exist, if you do please show yourself
dragon chan - another punch out ancient fan, you probably were most active in 2013-2019 and kinda miss old shitposts and have either moved on or dont participate much anymore
spo aran - (this is mostly for Charlie but i have hope that theres some other spo aran fans out there) youre probably looking for other spo aran fans, goodpeed soldier, goodpeed
mask x - you arent getting away with this fuck you
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cowboypigz · 2 days
HIII OMG IM YOUR BIGGEST FAN!! headcanons for malleus x female reader who is alternative and likes DIYing and going to shows!
malleus w/ an alternative!female reader * . -
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OK RIGHT SO FIRST OF ALL i think malleus would be really interested in alternative fashion once he finds out you're into it.
the guy alr looks alternative so.
he'd accompany you to try on clothes to help you find your style and even offer you advice on what he thinks works and what doesn't
i can see you subjecting him to a makeshift fashion show at ramshackle where you model all your outfits and he kind of just stares and nods in approval.
like listen, he isn't especially good with words but i think he'd always try to support you no matter what.
"right, okay - so what about this one?' "you look lovely." malleus replied with a rare smile. he seriously meant it - you looked great. "malleus, you've said that about all the other ones i tried on." you folded your arms, spinning around for malleus to get a better look at the outfit. "those looked great too," he said, tapping his hand against his thigh as he kept that same smile on his face. "i liked them all, actually." "malleus.."
as for your diy hobby, i think he'd be supportive as well!!
though he'd probably question you on why you'd DIY something like that when you could just buy it yourself.
(rich kid problems..)
and when you explained the reason you did so - explaining you just like making your own clothes - he never asked again after that.
in fact, i think he'd gain a better understanding of your hobby and try his best to like bring you little trinkets that'll help spice up your already limited arsenal of sewing tools.
it'd start off small with new little pincushions that he thought you'd like till it gets to the point you wake up one day and there's a brand new sewing machine from malleus on your bedside table that lilia delivered overnight.
i also think he'd love to stand off to the side while you work and hold stuff for you so your space isn't too cluttered and overwhelm you.
"would you hold this for a second, mal?" you muttered, eyebrows knitted in concentration as you held out a random piece of fabric for the man to take. malleus hummed in agreement, taking the fabric from you and holding it in his already full hands. "what're you making this time..?" he asked, inching a bit closer as he leaned down to look over your shoulder. "just touchin' up my battle vest," you replied without breaking concentration. "...is it always this easy for you to do this?" he asked, peering to get a better look. "it gets easier over time," you murmured, turning to look at the tall man behind you. "why?" "i..wanted to learn a bit more about it."
in all honesty, i dont think malleus is a stranger to going to shows at all.
lilia has definitely dragged him out of the house to accompany him so he wouldn't spend all day bed rotting.
the experience was..well, he didn't hate it.
i think he was just a bit confused on what he was supposed to do and he didn't even know who was playing so that didn't help his experience.
i think you introduced him to a band you're really into and he warmed up to it, he'd be wayyy more inclined to go.
like i mean obv he'd still go even if he didn't know the band but still!!
it'd be more fun if you two were mutually bonding over something together.
The only downside of going to shows is the loud sounds - that'd likely turn him off.
"can you see now, (nickname)?" malleus asked, he was currently holding you up in his arms so you'd get a better glimpse of the concert stage. "i can see them - i think..!" you replied, heart swelling with excitement. malleus felt a smile creep onto his face as you gushed about the band and how much more you could see. he figured he'd be more comfortable if he was floating however, the feeling of having you in his arms proved to be a bit too much for him judging by his heart pounding in his ears. "malleus - hey, are you listening?" "hmm..?" he asked, meeting your eye reluctantly. "oh..sorry - my arms were going limp for a moment."
overall, he'd LOVE your freaking alternative fashion so much.
i think he'd even get hyper-fixated on the story behind the alternative/punk movements too.
like you'd be randomly talking and he'd drop a fact he learned about the movement a week ago out of nowhere.
great boyfriend, great attitude and much support!!
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Once again, im here to complain about the bridgerton subplots and changes
So spoiler for Season 3 ahead
I hated that they just cast Anthony and Kate aside. Do they really had to go RUNNING to India and couldnt wait for FRANCESCA'S WEDDING???? Hello??? Werent they the head of the family??
The intention with that is great and loving but is the showrunner allergic to having Jonathan Bailey and Simone Ashley in our screens for more than 3 minutes????
Like at that scene of the night before Polins wedding. Colin mentions that Kanthony has "come back"??? From where??? Did they run off again??
(Also i would really like to know who Edwina married and a bit of her love story)
The way in which the writers simply forgot about benedict's art/painting plot is atonishing. The build up of S1 to S2 was great, with the art school, but then in S3 is like that never happened?? Why didnt they explore more Benedict's lack of purpose or even his disappoinment with Anthony's actions?? Noooo, they just rather have him have sex with people all season long
(Before you come after me, im not critizing Benedicts sexuality, im just pissed that his character had barely nothing to do this season other than have sex, but i did enjoy a lot his scenes with eloise)
The Mondrichs plot was sooooo inconsequential and had nothing to do with any other one in the entire season. What was the point of keeping them?????
Somehow the writers in this show can make up irrelevant plots for lukewarm characters but cant come up with anything for the most beloved ones
And lastly about Michaela Stirling. So many people on twitter are fighting over this that is sickening. But lemme tell you this, all my life i had the pleasure (or better, the experience) to see many books i adore turn into movies/tv shows. Sometimes in adapting change is good, sometimes is necessary. But this change alters the whole story.
To be clear, i am NOT trying to be disrespectul, or homophobic or even mean about it. I dont mind the representation. In fact i think stories centered around LGBTQ+ leads, in this period of time, is a niche that could be much explored. Bridgerton could inspire people who belong in this community to write these stories, which is great.
However, the change of introducing Michaela completely transforms Francescas story. The second-love with the exploration of sexuality trope has great potential. But changing so greatly a story thats well known between the fans is risky to say at least.
Francescas book is not my favorite (by far actually) but it is for a lot of people, and a lot of readers have been enamoured with michael for the last 20 years, at least. So i understand if people get upset, because i would too if my favorite couple/story changed so much out of the blue
And honestly, i think this is one of the ways the show is trying to remain relevant. I AM NOT trying to say that TV should use LGBTQ+ love stories as clickbait. But be serious, the books were written as 8 straight love stories, in todays society people would be complaining if they followed if by the rule.
Anyway, Polin were wonderful. Nicola and Luke you are so so so loved, we couldnt have actors that loved their characters more
(And at this point i might be a Portia Featherington stan, she grew a lot on me)
If you read this far, i hope you have a great week and please dont come for my critics, they are not hate opinions, i just needed to rant <3
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froznwater · 21 hours
im so sorry this is incredibly random but if i dont write alenoah i WILL die but i cant think of anything to write. do u have any simple ideas. ignore if not
HI!!! tysm for your ask <3 i hope you can find something to write amongst all the ideas. These are a bunch of ideas have written down in my notes/google drive/tumblr posts and have not got gotten around to. I still might at some point in time but feel free to use them. I will still do my own take if I get the time/motivation. There's simply so many, why not share and inspire some fics :)
General ideas:
Noah knows/learns spanish. Bonus points if Alejandro isn't aware until the perfect moment.
Alejandro thinks he can get away with flirting with Noah in spanish. Noah starts shit talking in spanish. Noah learns so he can hear all the little comments Alejandro keeps making under his breath. etc. so many possibilities.
Now that the show is over and Noah's off to college, he realizes he’s missing something in his life. Maybe it’s his friends, maybe it’s a lack of ever-looming danger, OR maybe it’s Alejandro. Who fucking knows. He’s too busy trying not to be in love with Alejandro to figure it out. 
Their group project is failing, horribly. There’s one thing Noah knows for certain: Alejandro's to blame. At what point does slippery eel turn into a term of endearment?
They have never ever fallen asleep next to each other. Let alone in each other's arms. Never.
Time loop where Alejandro is stuck on the episode where Noah gets voted out and sticks himself to falling in love because he can’t let go of his pride long enough to simply let Noah stay in the game and move on.
Noah loses his contacts and starts wearing his glasses more often. Alejandro notices. Everyone notices Alejandro notices.
Alejandro and Noah team up to get their friends together (insert whatever ship you like) and end up together in the process/the other two were trying to do the same thing for them.
A commentary timeline on how Alejandro's charisma turn into exploitation, how Noah's patience turned into indifference, and how they parallel each other. (I've written a few hundred words for this one lol.)
Each thinks the other doesn't like them. Cut to third party POV that watches and witnesses them completely a mess for each other.
Noah, once voted out in I See London, learns about Alejandro's family. Who have been very vocal since the show started airing.
Exploration of how Alejandro tries really really hard. Yes, He's at the top of the class, but so is Noah. Noah who sleeps through classes and doesn't turn in homework and shows up late or simply not at all and is still right up there with him.
“I would kill to be like you. To just absorb all the information fed to me. If I were you I might actually- “(beat my brother) “Might actually what?” “I told you. I don’t want to talk about it, Noah.” - "Do you know how long I studied for that test? Hours. And you- You got a 96 with no effort at all." It was a 98. But this seems like a bad time to correct him.
Dialogue one-liners prompts i've written down:
"If we make it out of this alive, I'm going to kiss you."
“Why do I feel like I cant say no to you?”
"I know you don't actually care about me, but thank you for trying to pretend that you do." (Said by Noah is joking. Said by Alejandro is bitter.)
"You can't win against someone who has nothing to lose."(Alejandro OR Noah angst.)
Soulmate aus:
My big two: Telepathy/Mentally linked.(imagine this one as a wt rewrite omg) And Whatever you draw on yourself shows up on your soulmate. Matching tattoos.
First words on each other. (I've done this one already here. but feel free to do it as well!!)
Communicating through dreams. (If you know cardcaptor sakura; like that.)
General AUs:
Until dawn AU.
Gakuen Alice AU.
My Babysitters A Vampire AU. Zombie Apoc AU.
Harry Potter AU. Reality Dating Show AU.
Infinity Train AU!!!!!!
Veronica Mars AU!!!! (i wanna do this one ALOT noah is sooo veronica LMAO) OBLIGATORY IDEAS:
seven minutes in heaven.
wrong number.
trapped in a closet.
movie night. noah is sitting under alejandro and lol they are physically, platonically touching for awhile. (leads to finally getting together).
one gets injured, the other fixes them up in the nurses office :P.
short "prompt-ishs" i've started writing:
“What the hell is your problem, Alejandro?” And this time, the tone was so disgusted, so bitter, that something snapped, deep in Alejandro’s chest.
Fuck it.
“What’s my problem?” He asked, incredulous. “What’s my problem? You’ve got to be kidding me, Courtney. I almost died. I almost died, paralyzed and alone, and the only friend I thought I had didn’t give a single shit! The only person who cared was Noah, of all people. I quite literally come back to life and the only thing you can do is whine about your girlfriend problems.”
Courtney takes a step back.
“I was stuck in a robot for months, my legs barely work, my family moved on- actually, I don’t know if they ever actually even noticed,” He laughs, broken, “- and you have the audacity to ask me what my problem is?!”
Alejandro is over playing nice. He’s had enough.
this one is a rivals team up to get out courtney blurb
little idea about Alejandro getting into zodiacs.
moments where alejandro questions why Noah is so attractive
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themoonstarwarrior · 4 hours
Here's what's confusing me about the narrative direction the TSAMS shows have taken:
What could happen possibly led them to this decision?
Like, I dont think Davis or Reed or Kat are stupid. They SURELY have to know that the characters they're playing are acting WAY out of character, right? They HAVE to realize how much character/narrative assassination and shark jumping this whole arc has become, right?
Like what is the purpose? We HAD plotlines. The whole point of Moons grief and identity crisis versus Eclipses growth in getting Solar back was doing just fine. But instead, the WHOLE thing got absolutely sideswiped. This thing that Moon turned into DOESNT MAKE SENSE. Earth crossing the line from setting a boundary to hating a family member DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. The collective deciding that the solution is to bring Old Moon back DOESNT. MAKE. SENSE. So why did the narrative go like this?
And dont get me wrong, I have had issues with the shows narrative directions before. But even if I thought they weren't the best ways to go, I could at least see an understanding in how it worked with characters and plot direction. But nothing about this is satisfying or makes sense with what we've gotten from the show before.
It could be this was all a point to get Old Moon back by making the audience hate New Moon. But that doesnt make sense either. First of all, while I know there are people who DESPERATELY want the Old Moon back, a LOT of people (myself included) have been swayed by how much New Moon has grown and improved, and generally think this turned out better. Secondly, you arent going to get the audience to hate New Moon by forcing him into this abrupt personality shift that leads him in the EXACT OPPOSITE DIRECTION of his character. That's not good writing, that's not good plot. ESPECIALLY if you hafta force the characters to act differently than they should to move it in the direction you want.
I really believe that these show creators know this. Even with the (imho) shakier narrative choices, they've STILL managed to pull out some really good narratives and development. If the character of Miku is any indication, they DO know how awful that sort of writing is. And while apparently the Discord is on fire with fighting, I really see more of a collective arc negativity from the fandom, so I doubt they're unaware of how unhappy their audience is.
So what could they possibly be working towards that would have them make these decisions? What were they trying to do that either messed up so badly or was worth the risk of viewer dissatisfaction to achieve? What could possibly be the end goal of this arc that would make any of this REMOTELY satisfying?
They've asked us to "trust the process" before. At this point, the way this arc has gone, I dont know how they could resolve this arc that would make the fandom feel like it was WORTH trusting.
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vickyzangels · 19 hours
hii!! can you write smut about tom were you're sucking his dick for the first time? hes just looking down at your teary eyes and getting more and more turned on GAHHWD🤕🙏
% “always be my boy, i'll always be your girl.”
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# synopsis ; what the ask said‼️‼️
# pairing ; tom kaulitz x reader
# word count ; 490
# tags ; nsfw (mdni), oral (m receiving), degradation, should’ve pumped this bitch out in a day but i got stressed while procrastinating it and adhd made me deep clean my bathroom instead (who knew bleach could make a tub smell like a public chlorine pool) so who knows if its bad
a/n ; i’m hitting post and running away this was so bad I’M VOMITTINH
tom is a head pusher. you probably would have gathered that if you assumed based off what he’s said in his interviews before, but nothing could’ve prepared you to be kneeling in front of him for what was close to a consecutive hour. do you remember what led up to this point? no, if that doesn’t count giving each other hickeys almost aggressively after a big interview on a show.
regardless, you were practically being used. head rolled back, offering a view of tom’s jawline as he groaned up into the air about how you were on your knees letting him fuck into your mouth with your hands braced against his legs. you’d been doing nothing but letting him use you, gagging around his length as reward for cooperating so well.
spit from your mouth starts to spill down your chin, mirroring the tears and whatever smoky makeup you had put on before the show from your eyes actively running down your face. your gagging starts to get a little louder from his quickening pace, and in taking notice, he looks down to mock and smile at you.
“..was für eine schmutzige hure.” what a dirty whore.
he groans, making sure to emphasize each word with a hard thrust down your relaxed throat, “take it, take it all like a good girl since you want it so bad.”
and you do. maybe it was the way the interviewer kept making sly advances towards your boyfriend the entire time, and yet he dodged every one of them so naturally but he even made sure to mention you in nearly every answer he could, maybe that was why you wanted his thick cock in your mouth so bad.
through your eyes rolling back and tom hitting the back of your throat over and over again, you gathered enough composure to start swirling and lapping your tongue around his length, keeping extra attention aside to keep your cheeks hollow.
his thrusts faltered a bit, his hips slowing down stuttering but nevertheless still rocking himself into your mouth. continuing his pace, both hands you braced on his legs slid up to paw at his length and pull your head back to the tip just to fall back to the hilt of his cock. tom’s guidance began to fall short, moving to just rest on your head while you started to control the moving.
the simple up-and-down motion evolved into a maneuvering to give special attention to his tip and make space for your hands that stroked and rubbed with the pace of your lapping, using spit that spilled from your mouth to make a messy lube.
if you told tom from however long ago that you weren’t sucking the soul out of his dick that you’d never gave a blowjob before and were later going to give him possibly the most earth-shattering orgasm of his life with little to no guidance, he might’ve laughed.
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a/n ; long time no seeeeee 😋😋 im not even gonna lie to you guys cause this is tumblr i dont have to live in fear >:( but i did suck dick to method write for this, love you guyssss
a/n 2 ; if yg on my taglist dont fw the tagging anymore lmk i’ll take you off‼️
© ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO VICKYZANGELS. do not steal, repost, plagiarize, or use my work for anything.
taglist ; @lixs-l4cefairy @imabitchh @arquiiva @verelace @iovemoonyy @bl1ngringz
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TMAGP 20 Live thoughts! spoilers ahead
this one is a day late simply because I'm on summer break now and I'm already forgetting what day of the week it is
-I already saw something in the description about ink5oul lets go I'm ready
-okay its our little trio hi guys
-Alice i swear to god fucking LISTEN TO HIM PLEASE
-Who killed it???
-Oh shoot is this going back to the ennacting the protocol thingy??
-the government conspiracies are fun though Alice :(
-ah yes the case that made Isaac Newton canon to the TMAGP lore
-no its definitely the same protocol
-oh god its another email from John isnt it
-gibberish email address???
-Okay so Alice does believe in the horrors then???
-I mean yeah Sam she is very right you chose to work for the government that is the most shady thing you can do
-oh so they were trying to end the world AGAIN
-Celia might just be right, its almost like she has PRIOR EXPERIENCE
-yessss keep celia in on this shit show please
-Oh! tattooing corpses!
-Gwen is not the type for tattoos ink5oul
-"you've got lovely skin" that was a very nikola orsinov line
-Yes the government
-No they want you as an "external"
-Yeah shes new sorry ink5oul
-So they dont even wanna mutilate people with tattoos???
-So somehow having fans made them into an avatar or smth??? im just guessing externals and avatars are basically one in the same
-is this our statement/case for today
-this podcast really makes you look at social media in a different way
-tattooed WHAT
-damn so this is where the fucked up ink comes from that mutilates people right?
-yeah as a tarot lover I can't tell if I'd be pissed off too or if I'd be happy with the tattoo artist giving me a detailed ass sun tattoo after lying and showing me the wrong design
-oh so this is how you become an avatar
-guys.. I think I know how to kickstart my youtube career
-I imagine Gwen just standing here rn while listening to this mf yap
-so the tattoos are the ultimate anti-aging skincare
-rather disturbing is probably putting it lightly
-were they chloroforming these clients
-mf you get a high on tattooing???
-okay so definitely an avatar, the whole talk of "wanting to make people afraid" and "needing" it is just a fear avatar needing their daily dose of people being horrified
-Oh so thats why they have corpses
-eloquent indeed!
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helianthologies · 26 days
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killing myself tmrw btw
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ef-1 · 8 months
Everyone moved on but I stayed there
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luck-of-the-drawings · 2 months
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"I think this is the most inhuman; and human, that I've ever felt.." MUCH CAN HAPPEN IN A YEAR. IN FIVE YEARS. A DECADE. imagine how much can happen in a century. just ONE (1). How will you grow? what phases do you find? even in 5 years, you will find patterns.
#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi suckening#jrwi suckening spoilers#jrwi the suckening#arthur bennett#HEY SO THE REALLY FUNNY THING THAT THE CHARACTER DID THAT SEEMED RLY SILLY N GOOFY IN THE MOMENT?#LIKE THE WHIPLASH BETWEEN SERIOUS N SILLY ALMOST PISSED YOU OFF? WHAT IF I FOUND A WAY TO MAKE YOU SAD ABOUT IT#this was meant to be a scribble that would be a bigger part of a bigger page.might leave it on that page.#but still. bc o that i nearly posted it onto my wacky side blog.BUT NAYY I SPENT TOO MUCH TIME N ENERGY N YOU GOTTA SEE IT#ARTHUR BENNETT DRIVES ME CRAZY. I FEEL LIKE ITS ODD FOR HIM TO BE SO TECHNOLOGICALLY OUT OF TOUCH#WHERE HAS HE BEEN. HAS HE BEEN IN WAR? IS THAT WHERE MAGNUS CAME FROM? WHERE WAS HE WHEN HE WAS WITH EDWARDS CREW?#ARTHURRR I HAVE QUESTIONS ARTTHUUURR!! HEY CAN I ALSO ASK; WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU BECOME#DO YOU THINK HE HAD ANY IDEA HE WOULD VEER CLOSER AND CLOSER TO THE MONSTER HE DESPISES. ALL BC HE DESERVES IT. OR WATEVER#HE FASCINATES ME SO MUCH. TO LOOK AT THE STONE COLD STOIC FOOL FROM THE START OF THE SHOW#AND TO FIND OUT THAT HE USED TO BE A BAD BOY.. A DELINQUENT... A LIL PRANKSTER.... MY GODDD THATS ADORABLE#I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW MORE.... BUT I DOUBT THE LAST EPISODE IS GONNA ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS..i love arthur bennett so much....#AS FOR THE ART!! i mostly used the fire alpaca watercolor brush. tbh im not a brush guy. anti aliased default pen tends to be my main game#but LATELY IM SQQQUIRMIN OUT OF AN ARTBLOCK so expirimenting like this is helping#DONT LOOK TOO HARD AT IT!! im still proud tho. colors are fun :3 im also very proud of the backgrounds#I LOVE THE CARTOON THING where the background looks all fancy n painted but the characters are solid colors#what else can i ramble abt. OH YEAH. i looked up the bikes to make sure they were time accurate tehehehe. 1913 to 2012.#almost a century apart!! isnt that neat? ALSO FUUUCK CAN I JUST MAKE A QUICK CONFESSION. DOWN HERE IN MY TAGS.#only the strongest can read my tags anwyay. SO I REALIZED WHY I LOVE ARTHUR SO MUCH. TIME IS A FLAT CIRCLE#while arthur is a Stoic and Cool vampire w a knack for being playful/silly; who alsos been alive fora century thus witnessing HORRORs#THERE HAPPENS TO BE A ROBOT FROM A BAND W A TITANIUM ALLOY SPINAL COLLUMN#WHOS A Stoic and Cool ROBOT w a knack for being playful/silly; who alsos been alive fora century thus witnessing HORRORS#the fuckkkiiinnngggnn The Spine from steam powered giraffe. WHATEVER. i cant escape from my heart. i guess.#i think The Spine and Arthur could be friends. Arthur saw the band perform back when they were the Steam Man Band#EDIT: WOOPS I DIDNT REALIZE THIS WOULD END UP IN THE SPG TAG. HI GUYS DIDNT KNOW U WERE STILL ALIVE SORREE 4 THE CROSS CONTAMINATION
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gunsatthaphan · 2 months
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: April 2024 ~ 
🌷 Happy May!!! ☀️
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post! 
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff! -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 Love is Like a Cat - April 1st (South Korea / Thailand) 
🌟 We Are - April 3rd (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Memory in the Letter - April 6th (Thailand) 
🌟 Living With Him - April 11th (Japan) 
🌟 Gray Shelter - April 11th (South Korea) 
🌟 Beating Again - April 13th (Thailand)
🌟 Blue Boys - April 15th (South Korea)
🌟 At 25:00 in Alasaka - April 18th (Japan)
🌟 GMMTV2024 Part 2 (lineup event) - April 23rd (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Boys Be Brave - April 25th (South Korea) 
🌟 CHANGE2561 2024 lineup event - April 25th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 My Stand-In - April 26th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 City Boy Log Vol. 3 - April 30th (South Korea)
New series & movie announcements
🎥 The Fridge - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Flavor of Us (starring Benjamin B., Dome W. & others) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Children's Day - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 Blue Time - Date TBA (China, possibly censored)
🎥 Bad Guy My Boss - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Oriental Magician In The Ent. Circle - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 Under the Oak Tree - Date TBA (Vietnam)
🎥 Invitation - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 The Love Matter - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 I Saw You in My Dream - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 I Wish You the Best - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Impression of Youth - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 Meet You at the Blossom - Date TBA (Taiwan)
Other news from the BL world
❗️ The production company Studio WabiSabi announced that their actors Boun N., Prem W., Santa P., Sammy C., Yacht P. and Stamp P. have terminated their contracts and will no longer be artists under the company on April 15th. Shortly after, GMMTV announced the 6 of them as newly signed artists, along with the disclosure that BounPrem's upcoming BL Vampire Project is now being produced under GMMTV, who now also own all broadcasting rights; WabiSabi will function as a co-producer. New S. stated on Twitter that the decisions had been long in the making, as well as the fact that WabiSabi no longer functions as a management agency for actors and is now a mere production company. He also denied the rumors that the company is shutting down. Shortly after the transfer of the Wabi Sabi actors, actor Fluke Jeeratch (formerly Pongsakorn) joined GMMTV as well.
❗️ The Filipino BL Gameboys is getting a third season. An air date has not been confirmed.
❗️ P Ekkapop and Pan Jirachot, the lead actors from Kiseki Chapter 2, have announced a new project together. Details are unknown.
❗️ Actor Barcode Tinnasit has announced his departure from his agency Be On Cloud.
❗️ After some confusion, the Korean production company Studio X+U announced that their upcoming series Fragile - which was initially advertized as a Korean SKAM remake - is in fact not connected to the Norwegian web series and is instead a standalone series, which focuses on the life of a group of teenagers. According to ZUM News, there was supposed to be a Korean SKAM remake based on the Norwegian original, which was however cancelled due to unknown reasons. Fragile was created as a substitution.
❗️ GMMTV held their 2024 part 2 event on April 23rd. The following BL projects were announced:
The Heart Killers (starring FirstKhao & JoongDunk)
Perfect10 Liners (starring ForceBook, PerthChimon, JuniorMark)
Heart That Skips a Beat (starring EstWilliam)
Revamp (starring BounPrem, formerly known as Vampire Project)
Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist (starring MarkOhm)
The Ex-Morning (starring KristSingto)
❗️ The production company CHANGE2561 held their 2024 lineup event on April 25th. The following BL projects were announced:
This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans (starring SailubPon)
Goddess Bless You From Death (starring PavelPooh)
I’m The Most Beautiful Count (starring PingSupanut)
Pit Babe Season 2
Upcoming series & movies for May
👉🏻 You Made My Day (starring Tar A. and Bom T. from I Will Knock You) - May 3rd (Thailand)
👉🏻 Inverse Identity / Upside Down - Mary 3rd (China)
👉🏻 Wandee Goodday - May 4th (Thailand)
👉🏻 A Balloon's Landing - May 10th (Taiwan)
👉🏻 City of Stars: Special Episode - May 10th (Thailand, cinema release)
👉🏻 The Time of Fever (Unintentional Love Story spinoff) - May 15th (South Korea)
👉🏻 Blossom Campus - May 16th (South Korea)
👉🏻 OMG! Vampire - May 19th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Manji Reverse - May 24th (Japan)
👉🏻 My Biker 2 - May 28th (Thailand)
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bacchuschucklefuck · 1 month
this whole thing being abt rage is also really interesting. I feel like it comes up so much in fiction as a motive because it's the one emotion that's unifyingly restless while everything else can be petrifying, and just personally nothing hits like impotent rage for me, esp. with teen characters, esp. with characters whose rage is stoked by Someone Else to further that Someone Else's cause. like you'll have done all that in a bout of passion and when you're done you look around you and nothing has changed. those sentiments don't get quelled by being satisfied. righteousness withdrawal is a horrible thing to intentionally drag someone into, least of all just some kids.
#I think Ive brought my personal experience into this whole thing lol but yeah just.#the ratgrinders read so much like radicalization to me. or you know just. high control group recruitment#and I've seen that one time brennan brought up uhhh conservatism? and where people come from with that#that quote of his thats like. before youre a fascist youre a bully. like extreme sentiments take root on specific soils#and that's like a higher level than what we're talking abt here lmao it's fake fantasy high school role playing#but yeah just like. the simultaneous understanding of the grift working on these kids bc they already think a certain way#and also the other part that is no matter what the way that they think is not. conducive to them being happy#like yeah a nasty person is nasty to be around! but that also means they're often isolated#which makes them even easier prey for people who want to use them#fhjy coming out in The Current Climate makes that connection so apparent too lol like#me hearing abt the rage god: oh so like twitter#for the record of course I Dont Know if this is a read that's intended by the show#but it maps well onto my experience with radicalization/decentralized cult#Ive just. been thinking abt the rat grinders in those terms ever since I made the connection#like. you're accomplished and high level and such. is this sustainable? have you done anything For Yourself#or has everything you've done so far been coerced out of you by someone else's sweettalking#anyways if I can run porter cliffbreaker over with a car I would. and I'd reverse on him too#truly thats the highschool trauma as well as the grown man with niblings talking lmao#nothing gets me more mad than a shitty teacher#not art
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themoonstarwarrior · 2 days
Why in Sam Hill would you assume that they are trying to quit when literally NOTHING has been resolved? Like at all?
Cuz of the fandom.
This show has EXPLODED. They are so popular that the fandom has reached the toxicity threshold. See the death threats when Solar died, or the entire character of Miku.
I've noticed a number of episodes, especially on the Monty and Foxy Show, where Davis breaks the fourth wall talking about how insane things has gotten. And maybe it's just him being in character, since more often than not he's playing Monty, but to me it always sounds exasperated and done. Reed has apparently had to deal with impersonation or identity theft or whatever it was. Multiple characters asking "why does this always happen" or "when will things get better" which I sometimes wonder if its actually the performers asking that. It's made me wonder for a while now if Davis and Reed still LIKE doing the show, or if it's gotten so popular and has such a rabid fanbase that they feel stuck and burdened by it.
So then this arc. More specifically the post-"what if Solar lived" part where things REALLY started going downhill. There have been people who were unhappy since the beginning of this (like me cough), but everything from the situation to the characters has gotten WORSE. I think it's safe to say that as of like three lore episodes ago (or whenever the "no longer brothers" one was), EVERYONE WHO WATCHES THIS SHOW IS UNHAPPY.
There are probably quite a few fans who quit from this arc. Me and some of the fans I know on here have definitely stopped watching until things "get better". But the way the story is going, we dont know if it CAN get better. They have written themselves in a wall where there is NO WAYS of saving the MAIN CHARACTERS OR THEIR FAMILY DYNAMIC without a retcon or ass-pull.
This is ENTIRELY speculation, I do not know these people and I could be ENTIRELY off the mark, but it would make sense to me if you tried to make your super famous show hated or unpopular enough to get the pressure off so you could quit the show and do something you ACTUALLY WANTED TO DO. You wouldn't NEED to resolve anything cuz everyone's unsatisfied. Could means less backlash if they move on to other things.
Again, I dont have any grounds besides my own brain processes. Maybe they love doing the show and are just making dumb/unwanted narrative choices. But with how much EVERYONE is disappointed and fed up with the show, it makes me wonder if more of a cry for help or escape plan for the creators.
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feline-evil · 2 months
Dick or no dick confirmation Pickles was always going to be trans to me anyways; if he's swingin' somethin that's phallo babes, if he's not then his t-dick fat. What's not to get.
#metalocalypse#jay talkin#I'm sorry they wrote that awful gross little man far too likeable and relatable to on a trans level#for me not to hoot and holler and cheer for the trans pickles agenda#changes nothing about his character arc or any of the show anyone is capable of being the kind of person he is#don't make the mistake of thinking thats exclusive to cis men#his transness wouldnt change that#only adds on an extra layer to him that i think works fantastically.#Listen that dude was rejected by his family driven to drink and drugs young to escape that ran away to be in a band#is called fucking Pickles of all things and refuses to tell anyone his real last name;#over the span of four seasons and two movies he slowly starts to learn to be for others what he never had#he becomes more caring more supportive#it's not a stretch to say he undoes some of the toxic masculinity he's been keeping himself shielded behind#and learns how to be a kinder man.#all of which have no contradictions with him being trans!#In fact it doesn't take much extra thought to find ways a lot of this can line up with some trans masculine experiences#i mean. Did no one else have a younger phase where they swung as far as they could into crass rude and uncaring ways#to try and assert their masculinity only to grow and realise that you can be a man and be more caring.#Did no one else have father issues. 1 800 come on now i know those are both shared experiences a lot of us have had LOL.#at the end of the day this show aired nearly 20 years ago and is finished. we're not getting more of it#so nothing is altered nor changed if pickles is canonically trans or not ok. its fine#i mean hell i dont even need canon confirmation hes trans to me and thats all i care abt#but i think if yr getting suuuuuper weird abt needing him not to be canonically trans you have some issues#and bio essentialist ideals of gender if you think only a cis man can act like he does#again. anyone can be like that. its not exclusive. him being trans would not change him in any way shape or form lol#AND ALSO GODDDUUUGH for once i love getting to see a guy pushing 50 whos depicted as trans#do you have any idea how dire and barren it is out here. we never get to see a trans guy older than 30 and whos not a pristine model#I WANT MORE OLD SHLUBBY SHITHEAD TRANS GUYS IN MEDIA
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