#bc i am just like. ok where is the 'seeing this situation from his pov thru his eyes' where is the empathy for his situation
angelsdean · 10 months
seeing dean takes i disagree with: no, no, no, no, no, no, no. oh, mamma mia, mamma mia, mamma mia, let me go (let me gooooooo)
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gauloiseblue · 17 days
Ok so, you don't have to do this if you're not accepting requests. But I am way too insane about IOFAB and idk why. It has been in my head since the beginning of May. I couldn't focus for weeks, that's how good it is (it didn't really help that the Kendrick v Drizzy beatdown happened).
Can we have more stuff in the IOFAB verse? Maybe something from König's POV (this guy has to be aware that he's just making her hate him even more)? Maybe life after the last escape/shooting incident can't believe the guy actually did multiple rounds with a bullet in his shoulder that's gotta hurt, pregnancy, or kids? Or maybe domestic horror fluff (if that's actually a thing)? Or something about how he managed to keep reader as his lawfully kidnapped wife (this guy definitely put trackers in her ring)? I just realized that I keep referring to reader/darling as his wife even though they ain't married yet Or maybe even an alternate timeline in which deals with what would happen if they did meet but those guys had to actually disclose that they found those survivors which would mean König would not be able to have her?
IOFAB König is so different from the other yandere Königs because he actually shows his hand right in the beginning. Like he's not just some oWo shy guy that is a yandere that goes “maybe I should keep you here with me so that you wouldn't leave me, schatz haha jk... unless 🙂”. He just straight up “You're with me now. Sooner you accept it, the better it will be for you”. He wouldn't hurt reader but he definitely wouldn't hesitate to drop kick a kitten or even his children if they would somehow aid her in her escape.
Something something he would put the world at her feet but wouldn't ever let her see her family ever again. Something something you could put the world through eternal winter and starvation but he won't ever let his goddess go, not even for 6 months. Something something he would hunt her down in their next life. Something something God never blessed him so he's taking one of His blessed angels for himself. Something something he's worshipping the ground her chained feet walk on. Ok now this is getting too long. In short, this guy warrants the “Why are you like this” microscope and “You're not a human nor a dog but a secret third thing” and you don't have to but if you want to, please please please please please can we have more IOFAB?
Zero, you're now officially the number one fans of IOFAB XD idk if I should be glad or concerned about it.
I mean, if you wanna theorize about their future and stuff, I'll gladly answer it. But for me, the story already ended here. I don't really plan to write a continuation of it. Maybe I'll write a lil bit of it in other people's POVs but that's it.
As for König's POV, I think we've covered a lot about his psychology. Like, of course he knew she hated him, but it wouldn't last. If he keeps on giving her what she needs (tolerance, space, care, etc), she'll eventually come to love him, or at least tolerate his presence. It's like a 'trust the process' situation.
I won't really write about pregnancy and kids, because it's more fun when I let the reader decide what's best for her. My actual HC is she'll only have 1 kid, and it's a boy. That's it.
There are 3 endings that I've thought about, it's either; (1) she manages to escape with the help of the maid (The Handmaiden storyline, wlw), (2) she's staying with him until the end (Göth's dream), (3) she's rescued by the third party, there's a possibility that he or the reader dies in this scenario (the realistic ending). But I won't make either of them canon, bc where's the fun in that?
As for the AUs, I haven't got the right idea for it. I think yours is good, but I honestly don't know where to start 😅
Personally, in my humblest opinion, I think shy yandere shouldn't exist in fiction. I fucking hate it, because it's very manipulative in the cheapest way. Like, they'd appear "harmless" like a weirdo, but would go 180° at any given chance. And what makes me hate them the most is that they'd go back to their shy shell when they're being cornered. They can't and won't take any responsibility for their actions. Oh, he kissed you without your consent? Well, that's your fault bc you seduced him (even if you didn't). Every time I read about a shy yandere man, I just wanna bash his head with a bat. Like, you're not fooling anyone with that attitude. Just take what you want and admit it, even if it means you have to be ruthless.
I must admit, IOFAB König does hold a "secret third thing" vibe, because I don't think he exists irl in terms of personality. He's like, if patience is taken too far, and if patience is the source of horror. He doesn't really worship her, but he views her as the rarest and the most exotic thing. If you ever read about the exotic animal keeper, or the curator of the rarest arts, then you'll understand why he behaves that way. They're very patient, and they're very possessive of their treasure. If the tiger that they keep bites their arm, they won't put it down. They'll find a way to tame it—they'll try to win its affection instead. If one particular art requires so much maintenance, and so much cost to keep it in good condition, the curator would pay for it. They won't abandon the art piece, because they know how much it's worth. That's how König views his wife.
I know it sounds like he's objectifying his wife, but sometimes humans love their things more than other humans. I'm just using that feeling as the base for IOFAB König.
Maybe I'll write about the domestic horror stuff, but I still don't know how, so no promise 🤔
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elekinetic · 1 year
user elekinetic do you have any tips to spare for outlining fics 😭 i feel like I word vomit any of the concept that I have in my head, and dialogue ,and build off that adding paragraphs as I go and I go so slow bc of it. But ive been trying hard lately to write a list of “scenes” and bullet point the story but yeah.
do you know anything that could help me have an idea of where to go start to finish instead of starting at the random spot I’ve come up with first? I waste so much writing time because I haven’t built a backstory for characters and things like that so i don’t always know how they start the story off, only the situation they’re in. Is that something that could help? Making a list for each character or something? Would love to hear your thoughts thank you! <3
hi! first of all i’m so flattered you asked! to be clear, i am a very slow writer too lmao and i’m relatively new to prose writing, and though in very confident in my understanding of what makes a good story (W screenwriting), i am still figuring out my outlining process. but hey! let’s learn together.
sorry in advance for how long this is. i love talking.
so i basically figure everything out in the outline and write after i feel very good about it. if you have a strong foundation, everything gets a hell of a lot easier. t kind of sounds like your process might be similar to mine, so i’m just gonna explain what i'm doing for my current project.
my key document is my “bible.” i split it up into a couple different sections using page breaks (page breaks my best friend ily page breaks):
pitch/word vomit summary
scene ideas
ok so wtf does that mean.
1. pitch/word vomit summary — explain your concept. bc i've got a film/tv background, im starting off with my logline. (e.g. "after robin learns will is gay, they have a heart to heart in an abandoned video store about insecurity and feeling alone. they learn they're not." sometimes i'll follow that up with a note to myself like, "this fic isn't robin finding out, this is what happens after. starts with her already knowing. will pov, focus on his perception of robin changing. subtly reference toward feelings about mike, dont come out (haha) and say it") then, i write as MUCH of the concept down as i can, like i'm explaining it to a friend. (sometimes i copy and paste rants from dms directly into the document). it can be totally out of order, non-sensical, contradictory. just get as many of your ideas down as possible. you want to be able to come back to this and be like, oh i totally forgot about that. vague chapter summaries, personal notes about themes, whatever you want. i have a list of beats that you find in romantic dramas for inspiration and a paragraph abt ways i want to parallel/subvert s3 of st. just. go ham. 2. scene ideas — this is pretty self explanatory. i take some of the stuff i have in the p/s and flesh it out, or put down new ideas. this is where i'm writing out dialogue in bullet points, or what i want them to be Really Saying. (e.g. "mike: [panics bc he feels seen, tries to flip it back on (redacted) and fails] ") this is for when i can see stuff more clearly or i get out of the shower with a whole exchange in my head. gonna be out of order, a little all over the place. 3. outline — so. this is where you start piecing it together. put the bullet points in order. figure out objective of each scene and what needs to happen to accomplish that goal. figure out pacing, what needs to happen when. this step is where im looking at dialogue and thinking "why does mike say that? why does he feel that way? what needs to happen to get him to this point emotionally?" or looking at scenes and thinking "these are two scenes with people arguing back to back. lets make sure they feel different and give the characters different tactics to get what they want (byler argument where mike is avoiding will vs max argument where max is avoiding lucas. i could use this to highlight similarities and differences in the relationships, but having two scenes with the same tactics back to back might feel repetitive. maybe i move the scenes farther apart or change circumstances. maybe mike and will are having a veiled argument while theyre with a group of friends in a public space and max and lucas' argument is outside max's house.) also asking if conflicts are resolved too quickly, if the miscommunications feel too convenient, if characters disappear or are only around as plot devices. write. troubleshoot. repeat. 4. random notes — everything else that doesnt fit. for me this is literally just taylor swift lyrics (writing the fic vaguely off of a Specific Song that SHOULD BE STREAMED MORE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE anyway) and links to posts i use as character reference to make sure im staying true to the characters. (remembering will said "i was being a total jerk to el, i deserved it," AND "you're ruining everything, and for what!"/"i wasn't moping!")
i want it to be clear im doing all of this at the same time. im jumping around and pulling new ideas and rearranging as stuff changes. i think the thing that's really hard is that i want to be able to sit down, write the outline, and then move on. but for us scatterbrained writers, you're gonna have to re-outline and readjust like. a thousand times. and that's okay. that's good! it feels tedious as hell but the story is so much better for it.
take your time. let yourself be slow. keep finding holes in your story and fill the world in as you fix them.
here are some more questions i ask myself to make the story better:
What are you trying to accomplish over the course of the story? What is it about? (for the will&robin fic, it was something about feeling seen for the first time.) When you get lost in your story or aren't sure why a scene feels stale, come back to this. is the scene furthering that goal?
What is changing internally for each of your main characters? (yes theyre dating by the end but like. what do they learn.)
Are the side characters people or props? (will pov scene of a party-wide picnic where everyone's talking but will is focused on mike's hands.... where is max's head at in the scene? you don't have to have a super long backstory and she doesn't have to be a big part of the plot, but if she's saying something, figure out why she's saying it. if will is having a heart to heart with el, understand why el is responding the way she is. the scene's goal may be to get will through a breakthrough, but el's circumstances will change in the scene too. figure out how this conversation lands with her. oh, and remember the adults are people too!)
Why is this character saying this/why are they responding this way? (this should answer your "where do i start?" question. start in that random spot and figure out A) why they are there and B) why they are reacting the way they do (see last bullet point).
side note: some of the best advice i ever got was "enter the scene late, exit early." skip the prologue. try starting from that random spot. if it feels like something's missing, figure out exactly what that something is, and go from there
Do the stakes feel high enough?
What do i need to set up to make sure this scene/beat is satisfying as possible? (are will and mike going to have a big argument? oh, so we have to show tension before.... BAM you have another scene to write and your outline is fuller)
i could go on a lot longer but. basically.
i edit while i write. i'm someone who needs a very fucking strong outline and a very fucking clear idea of the story before i can start writing it. i'm putting probably 70-80% of the leg work in at the start so i can focus on making the prose (or script, most of the time) the best it can be.
THAT BEING SAID, this is just the way i do it and i have like. a fic and a half published. im taking my sweet time bc im creatively burned out and this is for fun first and foremost. like i said. i am a Very Slow Writer.
i highly, highly recommend hitting up the ask boxes of writers like @/strangeswift, @/wiseatom, @/astrobei, or @/andiwriteordie. no guarantees on responses bc they are busy ppl with busy lives but i really do think theyre some of the best writers out here right now, and im not just saying that bc they're my friends. abby (strangeswift) and i have been each other's sounding board through a lot of projects and she's almost done with one of her first Big Fics, so its worth asking her about that.
i hope this helps! ah!!
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chryblossomjjk · 1 year
bts fic recommendations | 01.10.23
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→ hi friends! this is a little segment i do every tuesday (reviewsday get it, aren't i funny, pls tell me how funny i am) where i read and review two-three fics. as a content creator, i know how big of a role other creators play in your growth, therefore, i want to do my part in making sure everyone gets the recognition they deserve! so with that being said, please check out the amazing fics listed below. make sure to like, reblog, and leave feedback! ♡ #reviewsday #kikirecs
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pina coladas (pt 1 + pt 2) - @han-nah-banana (jjk x reader | established relationship, smut, angst, fluff)
ok so um... the attention to detail is off the charts! like when the little things you mention about jungkook and oc, like them eating healthy foods, only having sex in the missionary position, etc. tells us so much about them and the status of their relationship. like you showed us that they were stuck in a boring, mundane relationship through little hints and i really love that. ALSO POV SHIFT IN PART ONE WAS SO GOOD! like the way their thoughts mirrored one another was such good storytelling ugh!!! also think you picked a great setting for this type of story, the 80s. it makes everything feel so real, like the sexual repression oof! so glad they got to bang it out in the sexiest way in pt 2! really really good for your first fanfic like WOW! loved it!
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i can do better - @here4btsfics (pjm x reader | fwb, smut)
summary: your boyfriend of two years just dumped you and you’re angry and sad. so get hammered with your coworker at his place and eat bad food and watch trash tv which leads to some interesting conversations.
bro all you did is enforce my delusions that irl men cannot compete bc they are not park jimin. men should apologize for not being park jimin at this point. even kim taehyung... anywho lmao. DUDE and then oc listing all the things perfect about jimin. she is just like me fr!!! also like this is kind of how i picture jimin in real life ngl. THAT MAN IS A COCKY CONFIDENT DOM I WILL ARGUE THIS SHIT UNTIL IM BLUE IN THE FACE GTFO! and miss oc... no strings attached girl??? A WHOLE BLUFF. honestly, this entire fic is one of my daydreams when im in a lecture and i fucking loved every second of it bby! so so good. so glad you decided to start writing again, extremely proud of you.
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darksided - @eoieopda (myg x reader | established relationship, smut)
summary: min yoongi adored you. he'd simply never hurt you.
i saw someone post about smut where the characters are so grossly in love is their fav genre. this is exactly that. this fic encompasses everything i love in fanfic. i felt like a fly on the wall, being dropped into the middle of the situation where i figure out who the characters are through their actions, words, etc. you do that so perfectly here. like the way i know everything i need to know about min yoongi through the FUCKING setting?? naur this is s tier writing right here. also there's just something you do with words thats v magical. can't put my finger on exactly what it is but here is an example:
"a quick survey of the landscape before you indicated that this was a criminal oversimplification."
LIKE IDK JUST SOMETHING ABOUT HOW YOU STRUCTURE SENTENCES IS GENIUS! like cannot even begin to describe how good this was. would die for this couple honestly. the smut had me clenching too OOF. so cool to see what you've accomplished on this platform in such a short period of time! it's so so deserved and i can't wait to see where you go from here. don't know how you can even get better than this like ur already at the moon um!!! but god it's only going to get better from here. like next thing u know u'll be a famous writer fr. wishing you nothing but the fucking best!!!!
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ladystoneboobs · 2 years
ok, my other stark family hot take is that i don’t think sansa was really much closer to robb than jon. we know robb/sansa also had a goodbye hug with the snowflakes in his hair, and that he led her, arya, and bran, into the crypts for his and jon’s cute ghost prank. but literally anything else between them is fanon, not canon. 
yeah, we know sansa thought of her big brothers very differently and would’ve wanted more interactions with robb and valued them more, but the question is what did he think/feel about her? without a pov, the best clue that we have (besides his refusal to trade jaime, which i do think he felt little choice about) is his reaction to sansa’s last letter to wf. where he blames her for the whole thing, not just arya’s exclusion, and needs luwin to point out these must have been cersei’s words that sansa was made to write. which is, um, a not great sign about the state of their relationship imho. my impression is more that sansa admired and idolized him from afar even when they still lived in the same castle. with the 4ishyr age difference and the highly gendered activity structures of their days i just don’t see much time for individual bonding. jon/arya’s first scene happens when arya runs away from her oh-so-important femimine lessons and jon is being excluded from male bonding, neither of which would apply to sansa or robb. sansa wasn’t interested in any “boyish” activities like arya was with all her brothers, and i see no evidence that robb would have interest in whatever more feminine playtimes sansa and her girly-girl cohort would get up to. 
lest anyone misunderstand and think I am perpetuating the myth of sansa an outsider within the stark household, never really one of them, i’ll just add that there is one starkling who appeared to have an equally warm relationship with both sisters and that’s bran. which makes sense since he was the one closest in age to the girls and is known for being a sweet kid who gets along well with most people, as evident from his first chapter. then there’s rickon too, who i’m sure sansa also had a good enough relationship with, but there’s really only so much closeness to be had between a tween and a toddler. (and lbr, rickon/any other starkling is mostly fanon too. all we know of him pre-abandonment is that he liked sweets, which is true of almost every little kid who can eat sweets. the “wildness” he’s primarily defined by was not an intrinsic distinguishing characteristic when the family still lived together, but a new trait developed only after they split as a response to the situation he was far too young to understand.) 
though as much as i’d like more bran and sansa fandom solidarity, it’s not like i’m saying everyone should focus on their relationship either, regardless of personal preference for other characters or fanon, bc that would be obnoxious. 
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Ok, thank you very much
Can I request like a headcanon or oneshot whatever you choose, of isaac sucking blood of his s/o or mc
It’s fine if you don’t want to answer this ask
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Hoooooookay! You guys really want this huh. Alright. I don't really write nsfw, because in my opinion...I suck at it, but this will have some. However it is mostly fluff maybe a little angsty bc I just love drama and putting characters in horrible situations. I have a problem. Anywho! I hope you enjoy!
⚠️Warnings⚠️: slight nsfw, vampire bite, mention on blood
Note: If you are not comfortable with the topic, please do not interact, I will put the the story under the cut, please take the warning seriously
Only you
~Isaac x reader (Oneshot)
Dating the famous Isaac Newton was not always easy. He was always hogging the books. And of coarse, being the good and understanding girlfriend that I am, I didn't bug him about it and just accepted it. But I'm not going to lie. Sometime it drove me crazy; and this night was not different.
Dating the famous Isaac Newton was not always easy. He was always hogging the books. And of coarse, being the good and understanding girlfriend that I am, I didn't bug him about it and just accepted it. But I'm not going to lie. Sometime it drove me crazy; and this night was not different.
You crept into the library late at night. You walked around the first big bookcase and headed for the window in the far left of the library. Your lovers favorite spot. And as you suspected, he had his telescope propped on the floor and he was looking through it. He hadn't noticed you yet, so you walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your head in the crook of his neck. " You've been sitting here all day." you said softly. He just grunted and continued his work. "You're avoiding me." your voice carried a hint of betrayal. But yet again all you got from him was a grunt.
Y/n's PoV~ What do I have to do to get a reaction out of him. I love him, but this is starting to get very annoying. Why does he have to avoid me like this. All kinds of thoughts swirled in my head. But none of them where more painful, then the thought of not being good enough for him. Did he lode interest in me? Is this just him telling me he doesn't want me? I shooed the dark thoughts away and took another loo at my dear Isaac. The longer I stared the more apparent his stiff position became. I actually did not notice it at first, but he was sitting bolt upright, clutching his pencil so hard I thought it would break. Then an idea popped into my head. I stepped behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck, slowly tracing my fingers over his chest. He stiffened up a little more and dropped the pen. I was content that I finally got some sort of reaction from him, until I heard a low growl escape his throat. The next moment I was pushed up against the book self. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Isaac looked down on you, and you couldn't help but squirm. His eyes where dark, pupils blown wide and was staring at you with a dangerous glint in his eyes. You like pray. Cornered, trapped, but there was also something exciting about it. Isaac dipped his head and licked a long streak along your shoulder and up your neck. You bit your lip stifling a moan, but it wasn't too successful. It only seemed to annoy the hungry vampire. Isaac grabbed your hands and pinned them above your head. " I'm really sorry about this, Y/n." he rasped, before he sunk his fangs into the side of your neck. The pain was quickly replaced with pleasure. Isaac let go of your hands and you grasped at his back. You moaned his name one more time as you felt your knees give out. Then suddenly, everything turned black.
You woke up in your bed with a very guilty-looking Isaac next to you. He was holding your hand gently, but was looking at the wall. You gently squeezed his hand and he looked at you. Just as you where about to say something, he cut you off. " Look Y/n, I'm very sorry about hat happened. I-I didn't mean it, I swear it's just you are so tempting. I wasn't trying to avoid you, I was just trying to control myself, but the troth is that nothing cuts it anymore. Only you can help quench my thirst, as bad as that sounds, and I know it does, but hear me out..." You smiled softly at your lovers frantic apology. You spoke his name and he immediately looked at you. You could see that the great scientist was panicking. " It's quite alright. You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm not mad. But "quench my thirst" does sound cringy" He looked at you, utterly confused. "It sound what?" "Oh sorry, it's a 21st century thing" "Of coarse it is" ~End Thanks so much for reading! I'm very, very sorry btw. To me it sounds so bad, but I hope you enjoyed it. And if you didn't well I shall apologize again. But anyways, I wish you a wonderful day or night, wherever you are and take care!
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amazingphilza · 3 years
i dunno if ppl on here make dsmp!ocs for themselves outside art but here’s my long list of headcannons?? idk what to call this, but assume all names have c! before it ofc :]
,, this is kinda messy & probably has a lot of plot holes but i just needed a space to write out all my thoughts LOL
also cw / ment of manipulation & ib: dsmp wiki <3
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character origin :
previous life was the l’mantree :D
allegedly planted by schlatt, we will never know who’s my canonical parent(s)
reborn as a dryad after niki burns the l’mantree
i think being a dryad would fit especially since they’re typically nymphs of oak trees :]
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appearance :
my character’s mc skin has long light brown hair & is seen wearing a flower crown with petals that are around the color of a pale violet and navy blue
clothing would consist of black shoes & a long light grey sweater that falls down to the legs and covers most of the hands which adorned with 2 black stripes on the upper arms
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lore / history :
since my past life was the l’mantree, i would’ve known the ins and outs of the history when l’manburg was still standing, up until niki burned the tree
after witnessing everything, i’d hold a grudge on niki (+ allies?) and loyal to wilbur since he’s the whole person that made a meaning of the land of l’manburg
however i’d still be on edge w any side because i could sympathize with everyone to some extent after seeing some sort of distress from everyone at some point
i think seeing both sides of the spectrum when l’manburg/manburg still stood could change my perspective of some other characters
but at the same time, not everything was completely centered in l’manburg so i wouldn’t know the whole story of everyone’s character
i’m currently writing this just after tommy has left the prison & mostly everyone is treating him differently, so i’d try to befriend him by not showing that i dont care about his past & trauma but also not being fully faithful about our friendship ahaha,,,
he seems like the type that needs someone to see through his past history but tommy would definitely disapprove of my character visiting dream at the prison (i would do it anyway :))
vowing my current life to wilbur, i would help dream escape to revive wilbur & follow along with their plans of chaos
i don’t fully support dream but he is the only way to wilbur, making me comply with dream’s decisions
“growing up” in my past life and witnessing endless conflict, it is the only thing i know and understand; chaos
but i think during the process of helping dream & wilbur i’d keep my connection with them secret, being the person to obtain all the inside information they need
i could see myself as a type of equilibrium like ranboo but in a bad way, i don’t know how to explain it
but i would try befriending ranboo since he seems like he is involved in many things and would know a lot, despite his short term memory
unfortunately i’m not sure how much his character actually knows since i haven’t been able to watch his pov that much but i’m sure there’s a lot in his memory book...
to blend in as a normal person within the rest of the characters, i’d surround myself with connor a lot
not only because he needs more lore, connor is one of the “normal” citizens of the smp so i believe being with him doesn’t bring as much attention to myself, unlike people that’s related to the egg and their noticeable features after associating themselves with the egg
he is currently only on bad terms with techno which is rly good when comparing that to other characters and their relationships with other people
connor could probably sense my real intentions eventually & tell everyone else that i’m not who i say i am but if that’s my flaw & my downfall is caused by connor, so be it! sorry dream & wilbur
i feel like for being a young dryad, i’d still fool around with dream/wilbur & help give tommy an small “advantage” to defeating the two ?
like yes i’m supposed to be on your side but where’s the fun if tommy can’t do anything to begin with?
i honestly don’t know if wilbur was revived he’d actually be his vassal but let’s assume that happens, but either way i’m with wilbur on his decisions
but ya dream seems like the type to punish me for helping tommy and send me to the afterlife to learn & become smarter like wilbur had done or smth
in the end, i just want to give tommy bits and pieces that tease him from ending all the wars and problems he has been faced with
like here’s some info about dream and wilbur but it won’t be no where close to enough
but who knows, ghostbur said ‘villains are just heroes that aren’t convinced yet’ & maybe tommy could eventually grow on me & change my ways,,
maybe me fooling around & teasing tommy with answers he’s been searching for is a way to mask that i want to be a good person
ok but imagine after knowing so much about dream/wilbur, the revive book, & the afterlife & then i switch sides,,,
surely if tommy can’t put and end to them, dream would make sure i’m gone for good instead
but also if me & connor are in good terms & he’s canonically a necromancer & can bring ppl back to life,,,,
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personality :
to all besides dream & wilbur, i’d try to act passive and friendly on the outside to get on everyone’s good side
however under the mask i am more mischievous & strive to cause more problems for everyone on the server from the inside out
in a way, i’ve taken up some of dream’s manipulative personality but still very understanding
i’d like to think of my character as a good listener,, trying to do less talking than others so i do not open up about my true self and intentions
i’ve seen rumors about schlatt & mexican dream also being revived along with wilbur & i feel like i’d have some soft spot for schlatt & pick up a few things from his own character, not sure what though
schlatt planted l’mantree theory, dad!schlatt au part 2 !! /j
because of my character’s closed off and quiet personality, i feel like i’d be pretty analytical
i would know how to slip between the cracks with some characters & notice the smallest things to make them question themselves
maybe my character is good at holding their composure, and not that susceptible to being “emotional” in a way so it’s easier to face people
like i understand when a situation is sad, etc but i can’t show emotion towards how i feel about it (i don’t know if that makes sense but ya!)
i wanna try to elaborate more,, like imagine my character before tommy visits the prison, i would be unfazed from when i found out he died to the point he’s released and we find out he’s been revived
everything is a constant blur hehe
i just can’t fully process everything i guess? i dunno if that’s helpful but yeah!
in the end though, my moral compass has been very tainted; despite wanting to show my loyalty, it can be slightly easy to sway me, making me internally feel guilty to other people
but me trying to get on everyone’s good side to impress wilbur/dream to seem useful to them would ruin me before i would even realize that i’m another “pawn”
we know damn well dream is faking it till he “makes it” but yk,,
but i’d be stuck in this kind of dilemma of not knowing what thoughts are my own or just something trickled down from wilbur or dream
there’s like maybe something that clicks in my head like “maybe i wanna think for myself for once” or smth
like who am i really?
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powers , bonuses , etc :
since dryads can technically manipulate plants in some ways, theoretically i could control the blood vines to some extent ???
i’m pretty sure dryads can communicate with plants so i could understand what the blood vines are saying as well
maybe i could get a good sense of what the egg is all about and stuff
assuming that i understood anything that was happening with the egg in the first place but anyway—
i guess similar to ranboo like how he can’t really be around water without some type of amour or something, it would make sense for me to primarily reside in a type a forest or be near one ?? who knows
seems a bit morbid in a way because of the whole history but if i can somehow easily get rid of the blood vines without it affecting me (if there is still some there) i think it would be kinda pretty to build a tree base in the middle of the l’manburg crator (iskall tease)
like it can show a sign of some rebirth, not the same government repeated once again but a new era in general
you know how you see like destruction years after it the disaster or smth happened and it gets all overgrown with plants and stuff? ya that’s what i’m going for in my head (mumbo jumbo s7 tease)
i know it’s covered in glass already but i dunno, some broken glass and a giant tree emerging from the whole thing and all the rubble seems cool
i’m not a good builder but i have the vision LMAO
omg puffy is like a sheep human hybrid im pretty sure & like there’s a specific type of dryad that are a protector of sheep & other animals?? i’m not exactly sure but that seems like an interesting element to incorporate somehow
also glatt randomly planting a oak sapling in quackity’s lore stream yes pls feed my nonexistent dsmp character lore /j
i honestly dunno how to incorporate the fact dryads can turn shapeshift into trees when trying to escape something but i read something that if a dryad stays in a tree form for too long they’ll forget who they are and stay stuck as a tree?? which like woah that’s cool & some material but at the same time what—
since everyone’s backstory is kinda a mess, mr beast parent tease bc he planted a bunch of trees /hj
i have realized wilbur saying like “the whole reason i built this nation is gone” & blowing up everything or whatever is kinda a plot hole in like ‘why would i follow wilbur if/when he’s revived when he said this?’ but i’d like to think he was the one that made some meaning of the area lmanburg was on, which includes the lmantree
like he was the one that started everything and created that sentiment of that land, and however he views it now is how i would see it now
he gave meaning to my past life and now in my current life, i feel this obligation to repay him for it
not really lore bc i think it was cc!tommy talking to cc!ranboo about his height & age when he first joined but yk it would funny to make my dsmp character than his just to slightly spite him anyway
canonically 6’4 dryad yes . /hj
also i have no idea anything about hannah and her lore but we do be flower buddies :D
also omg like this isn’t at all important but the way ranboo can pick up grass blocks will just have me at awe, i dunno seems in theme with the forest/plant stuff
and i remember reading like there was something about dryads and apples but i can’t remember but i’d give tommy a bunch of apples /hj
apples am i right chat,,,,,
i’ll just have infinite apples in my inventory, like kill me in game, not like losing lives kinda deal but just in general and boom stacks of apples
“bee i get you’re half tree but do you just poop apples out like they’re nothing??” “girls don’t poop” /j
ok but like no matter how many streams i watch i cant grasp where everything is but omg but no if i was new to the server & stuff, canonically & not, i would feel my character to be the curious kind to explore everywhere
like besides a mini tour from some other person in the server, since my character only knows things in the bounds of lmanburg, i’d go off exploring different places like pogtopia, the sewers, showchester, etc
i feel like my character would be really into history, like they would have questions about what happened to lmanburg after the last war? what was life like before wilbur? what was the whole history about the antarctic empire? i dunno but reading a bunch of books from a library seems really interesting
oh but in theory, me and tubbo are loosely related if you wanna count schlatt as my “dad” because he supposedly planted the lmantree ???
i mean could make sense but it seems like a stretch
also if my character ever got close to schlatt, i’m not sure if this is canon, but i swear one time he mentioned how the whole dsmp sever is just a game/server in a game & he’s the only one that knows that ??? but like imagine if i found that out canonically,,,,,
big existential crisis pls
and i’m not 100% sure how dryad shifting works with like going from female to tree form and stuff but if i’m able to morph into different girls on the server & act as them,,,, the about of problems that can cause in the lore omg
lemme frame niki real quick and get inside information /j
oh ya and like hey bee do you support the government then? yes but no. whatever my “fav” person is canonically (assuming this is based in the beginning of this whole hc) whatever wilbur thinks, i think. head empty. but subject to change as the dsmp storyline progresses and stuff :]
ngl i wanna throw in some like random lore that doesn’t make sense to throw people off but i can’t think of anything
not actually really lore related but my choice of stream music like how ranboo has his undertale stuff that makes everyone cry, i will have in love with a ghost
yup i like in love with a ghost sm & i’m pretty sure their music is like not dmca too which yay but yk theoretically never gonna stream on the dsmp but still a fun aspect to think of bc i love listening to music & it’s very impactful to a story & associating something to it makes it more meaningful :D
like i could imagine the chill pop lofi piano stuff fits witha few lore streams of like exploring the whole smp before my character would really go out with being this lost villain in a way?
tubbo’s gangnam style who?
like i feel like i made my character bad/evil so they could have potential to get better in the future
on one hand, i’ll end up w dream and/or wilbur for the rest of my life, which is okay but i could also switch to be with tommy or even disregard all of them and be with techno/phil or quackity & potentially schlatt even who knows
also i cant wait for more connor lore tho, like as much as i tried to make my character give him more content i wanna see how everything goes with him having connections to schlatt & stuff
anyway i would’ve made concept art for my character but i honestly don’t rly like my art currently but who knows LMAO
and lastly if u read all of this ily /p
i might update this later when there’s more lore but ya
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userrhaenyra · 3 years
Percy Jackson for the character asks! 💕
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life — i? adore percy honestly, he’s such an incredible character. i wouldn’t say he’s like… comfort character level, which is why he’s not got the top “mark” ig or whatever idk, but he’s incredible and i have a lot of love for him
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang — if you don’t agree w me ur either not attracted to men or ur a liar /j
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff — i don’t really get when people ?? say percy would be anything other than a hufflepuff. like yes he’s brave. yes he is a reckless mess. yes he’s ambitious and yes he’s so smart but. bby his fatal flaw is loyalty for a reason? he’s SO hardworking and although i don’t rlly see him as a patient person imo, he’s just ?? absolutely a hufflepuff i don’t care u can’t change my mind
best quality: loyalty — ok i feel like this might not make sense however. i project onto annabeth ok hfjdks and i feel like one of the reasons why her and percy work so well is bc? abandonment issues combined w unconditional loyalty is,,, a perfect combo. and i,, too have abandonment issues and would appreciate? a percy jackson who is so loyal to the point where,, it’s his downfall. pls
worst quality: temper — i know it’s mentioned pre-tartarus that he has a temper, it’s evident throughout the entire series, but i think esp w the events of heroes of olympus that must’ve gotten much worse, like i can imagine him losing his temper so so much and feeling,, awful and guilty over any situations where he did lose his temper?? idk if i’m explaining this right at all however. yes. that boy has a lil bit of a temper and i think that,,, in His opinion he’d probably think it’s his worst quality? like. he’d hate it. and also i’m kinda in love w him and cannot at this moment think of another single thing wrong w him ngl so. yes (also mildly scared of people w bad tempers despite being someone w a bad temper so. yes)
ship them with: annabeth — him and annabeth are. the only straight ship i think that i aggressively ship. i have so many thoughts abt them, they balance each other perfectly, anchor each other and they’re so mf perfect for each other it’s incredible. yes their relationship is probably,, not great in the fact that they depend on each other so badly but,, i’m choosing not to think abt that rn. it works for them and they’re cute. also they’re a perfect example imo of how,,, a slow burn ship can b evident from day one that? they’ll end up together however. they can still keep u on ur toes w a will they won’t they element. like. it’s not boring and a lot of people excuse “boring” relationships as,,, being like that bc they’ve never dated anyone else? but. percabeth idk just hits different you can’t change my mind i love them
brotp them with: grover — i cry once a day abt how much i adore percy and grover and honestly i think their relationship deserves sm more attention. grover is his BEST FRIEND, not anyone else. they’re the type of friends who,,, can not see each other for six months and pick up right where they left off. they literally have an empathy link. (wait did percy still have that in tartarus?? was grover ok?? bby???) like. grover is his ride or die
needs to stay away from: trouble — listen i am so glad that he and annabeth were a main part of heroes of olympus bc them and leo are honestly the only reason why i can get through that series, don’t get me wrong i love all of the other characters i just physically can’t read a book if i’m not Excited abt reading my comfort characters pov u know. anyway. i’m glad he was in hoo however,, i’m also v glad there wasn’t? a big role for him in trials of apollo or anything. he deserves a break and to like,, settle down in a flat w annabeth and get a cat or smth. chill out a bit. go to therapy and work through the trauma of,, two wars and falling into literal hell maybe. so yes. that
misc. thoughts: well written — i can list a lot of books where the protagonist isn’t my favourite character, or isn’t a character that i connect to a lot or particularly care abt, and percy definitely isn’t one of them. i feel like,,, he’s realistic and human in a way that makes him so special. his inner monologue is so funny and,, tbh i struggle a lot reading books in first person? but?? the first five pjo books r so so so easy to read bc he’s hilarious and. yes. my point is that rick did such a good job w him right up until he called him tragically straight bc percy jackson is bisexual and no one can argue w me abt that??? don’t bother?? he is ok
send me a character & I’ll answer the following about them!
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anna-kareninan · 3 years
Ok so to give some context, i've always been neutral on elucien, found elriel cute (but meh after Az's bonus chapter) and am now obsessed with gwynriel lol, these thoughts aren't even to prove that gwynriel will happen over elriel, i'm just trying see how all the povs can work with everything that still needs to happen.
So like many others speculated i feel like the next book will be a novella about nessian's mating ceremony. We'll have a few feysand (abt baby Nyx 🥰) and nessian (post-mating smut and everyone's reaction to them being mates pls) povs. We'll also have Mor's pov and as a subplot a romance between her and Emerie (i'm imagining smt super sweet and just soft all around 🥺), we'll also learn what happened between her and Eris which will further his redemption arc (if you can call it that?).
I also feel like a possible novella will be longer than ACOFAS was, maybe 400 pages, which isn't really a novella anymore haha, but acosf is also way longer than the original trilogy books.
And then finally we'll have both Azriel and Elain povs, and that's where their feelings for each other will be "explored", that's where the "will they or won't they" will happen (but will get resolved in "they won't" 🙏 lol). I also feel like through the Mor/Emerie romance (and Mor possible coming out), the Az/Mor situation wil get resolved. That will be the set up for Azriel's book and a gwynriel romance.
Bc i think it's fair to assume that both Azriel and Elain will have books, so if each book is about one couple that won't work? It's not like nessian imo: Nesta, Elain and Az have always had mc potential, unlike Cassian whose story was always linked to Nesta.
And there needs to be some angst lol, we cant pick up the next book and just from the povs know with whom Az ends up with (and having the book only start with Az's pov or have 3 (or 4 if you also count lucien?) povs just feels weird and too complicated with all the relationships and subplots that need to be explored, i also cant imagine a Lucien/band of exiles-book bc i feel like it will always be inner circle member+love interest but idk, thats just how i see it lol).
Az/Gwyn (which will also have as plot Az's relationship with the Illyrians and Gwyn's traumas but will also further the queens/Koschei story) and then Elain/Lucien pov (to resolve the queens/Koschei story and also touch on the band of exiles and then open up the door for possible more stories in Prythian's other courts either through Lucien being the Day Court-heir or through Tamlin/the Spring Court) seems the most logical to me.
Anyways i feel like a clown being so obsessed with this all even though we'll probably have to wait years to know... 😭🤡
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What are your top 10 and bottom 10 ACOTAR characters?
Hello sweet anon, I first wanted to thank you so much (you brightened my day with that😊) and before we start I just thought to tell you that this turned out rather long, so I summarized it at the top and put my whole reasons under the cut😄
1. Elain/ 2. Azriel/ 3. Nuala & Cerridwen/ 5. Lucien/ 6. Amren/ 7. Alis/ 8. Nesta/ 9. Cassian/ 10. Feyre
10. Morrigian/ 9. Graysen/ 8. Rhysand/ 7. Cauldron/ 6. Attor/ 5. Amarantha/ 4. Ianthe/ 3. Luciens Brothers/ 2. Beron Vanserra/ 1. -
+ 1. Elain
Ok, so I just love this female. I love how Elain is not portrayed as the type of woman who does need a weapon to get what she wants. It is true that one might take her outstanding beauty as a weapon (it sure is) but she can achieve a lot of good things by just using her words and charisma, letting peace remain, before one might do the wrong step and start a war.
Elain is in my opinion though not only charismatic, but also really … yeah silent and well behaved. She does not need to be the centre of the party or a conversation, we have learned she enjoys the company of silence too and her language or the way she is, just speaks on another level. One might say she has a stick shoved up her ass, but I don’t think that this is the case, simply bc we have seen Elain act on her own emotions as well, she just seems to prefer to hold up that mask of her human days around her family, she can use curses too and also have dirty thoughts (her reaction to Azriel on solstice (this was no shock, fear or whatever one might claim!)) god forbid!
Something I also love about her is her seer ability, I am most of the time really intrigued by the future, so seeing her look into the still foggy realms of what is to happen, is really interesting.
+ 2. Azriel
This boy just deserves all the love this world has to give! One of the reasons probably bc dark and broody males with a whole wall of mystery build around them are my typ. But no, seriously – I think Az is one of the most misunderstood characters, mostly by his family.
Bc even though he has known the greatest part of his family for 500+ years, no one seems to understand him, his feelings or his wishes (Thank you Rhysand!) as everyone just assumes Azriel is Azriel and is just ok with being where his family is( Obligated to be the fifth wheel for the rest of eternity!😭)
Something which I also think the IC mistakes is his silence. It might seem as if Azriel barely has anything to say, but I guess it is more the other way around, as we have figured out that if he talks it is always well thought with deep meanings, at times even poetic from the bottom of his heart and often used to motivate or encourage someone. I just think he picks his words so carefully bc he is afraid to give away too much of himself and that everything he might say, or every thought he harboured, could be used against him, so that he would be wounded (THANK YOU AGAIN FOR THAT RHYSAND!)
+ 3. Nuala & Cerridwen
I just love both of them, so I was not able to put one of them on a fourth place.
Anyway, Nuala and Cerridwen are two characters who are also majorly underestimated. Those two have a quiet side which makes most  of the people around them forget that they even exist, which is pretty noticeable from Feyres, Rhysands and even Nestas pov (though I am not gonna lean too wide out of the window with her since I haven’t read Acosf yet) Those two could literally plan to overthrow an High Lord and we would only know the moment it is too late,bc everyone seems to forget about their existence. Something I also love about them, is their whole character. We don’t know much about them now, but it already is noticeable that they accept people like they are, for they have no fear of Azriel, nor do they act around Elain as if she were made of glas.
+ 5. Lucien
Lucien is just an innocent bean who deserves all the love in all of Prythian! I might be an Elriel stan, but you might want to address the fact that not even one rooting for Elriel is oblivious to the shit show which took place in Luciens life. Undermined son, lover killed in front of his eyes, abused/used by his best friend and on top of that practically homeless. He knows that he can’t go back to the spring court yet, for things with Tamlin did not yet settle down, he also knows he isn’t also really home at the Night Court and god forbid if he ever thought of entering Autumn again! If it wouldn’t be for the Band of Exils (Thank god they exist) he’d be all lonely and without a roof over his head.
And this is something our sassy, witty fox does not deserve.
+ 6. Amren
Amren is just a character I identify with. She seems like as if she is only caring about her own stuff and only mind her business, while in truth she just doesn’t know how to express the love she feels for her family, as we know from her former past she did not even receive love, and just cares the most about her family.
Something I also love about her is her whole behaviour if one is to doubt her size. In my country I barely scratch the minimum of average height, so a friend of mine likes to make jokes about my size (much like Cassian about Amren), so seeing how she just shows him his place with a glare or some sharp words is just satisfaction to me.
+ 7. Alis
The kindness with which Alis treated Feyre in Acotar just sort of stuck to me and as I did not really find a character in Prythian, who was born there, who had the same kindness as her – she just stayed.
+ 8. Nesta
Nesta is a character I absolutely love, in Acotar I do admit I did not pay that much attention to her or Elain, but I just love how strong minded she is. She had been fighting for her own goal the moment she got spit out of the cauldron and she did not particularly stray from that. I also adore her for her strength – she wouldn’t even have been in the need to learn combat in order to hurt someone, as Nesta just analyses the people around her so much, so that she’ll know exactly what would feel to them like a gut stab.
The fact that Nesta is a huge bookworm and a dreamer in her own way makes her even more awesome.
+ 9. Cassian
Now you can just love this guy! He might have his ups and downs, but in the end he always worked his way out of them. Cassian just has such a big heart, that much like Nesta, he would do anything in order to protect his family and loved ones.
And while he is great to cheer one up, he might not be the brightest candle on the cake, but he would still go to the end of the world if it meant he could fight and protect those he loves. Something I also liked was that he is practically the one who started this whole thing with the females training while Rhysand just let the Illyrians do like they please.
+ 10. Feyre
As the main character we had learned a lot about her and I am happy that she is alive, has her freedom, is in love with her mate, has a child, a loving family and a really high title (*cough* High Lady). But what I think she could have done different was the way of how she treated both, Elain and Nesta, during their traumas.
Even though Nesta might not have shown her trauma that clear in the beginning, she could have still looked over the plates rim once it was almost tearing through one’s ears in a painful scream of help that Nesta was not fine. And judging someone straight out mad or considering it while you yourself have not even a real clue of how this whole Prythian thing works is just a big no-no. Elain doubted herself already enough, Feyres fear that she might have gone mad was not helping the situation.
And well Nestas story is one I can’t particularly dive into yet, but from what I have read (Acofas) she dealt with it the wrong way. It might have been that she and Nesta did not have the best relationship and she might have even wondered if she was entitled to bound with her sister on such a topic, but when Nesta pushed each of them away Feyre should have not moved away from her.
Feyre already did a lot for her, true, but Feyre knew herself how it was to have a trauma and she herself had pushed help, in the first months, away, but however I am overall just happy she got her happy ending.
- 10. Morrigian
I have criticized Morrigian already a lot, but I will just say it again.
First of, I don’t hate her. Morrigian is a character who I think has a lot to tell, as we know she kept the biggest part of herself a secret until now, but I just don’t like how she claims to trust the IC while in truth she refuses to tell them of her sexuality (the thing she seems to be afraid? of the most.)
I know the Azriel pining after her for 500+ years, was a lot of pressure on her back, but she could have also just told him she wasn’t interested or loved females (if she wouldn’t have been fine with telling Rhys). However I think she is going to be one of the more important side characters as I think her situation and everything that follows, pretty much sums up how gays/lesbians and other LGBTQ members feel now a days. And I think her journey is sort of supposed to help to overcome those struggles.
I at least hope she gets her journey.
- 9. Graysen
Graysen was an ass for breaking the engagement of like a toddler, that’s it – end of the song. If he would have told Elain he couldn’t trust her bc she lied to him – ok.
But the tune makes the music! Keep that in mind,Nolan!
- 8. Rhysand
Now Rhysand is to me a character who tip toes on a two sided blade.
I normally do like him, he is kind and caring and no doubt would die for the people he loves, but he has a very, very hard time separating work from private life. The example I’ll go with is the big bad magical solstice. He might have claimed that the kiss between Elain and Az could have invoked a blood duel, if Lucien would have notice, possibly even provoking a war between Night and Autumn (work) but his ulterior motive were Feyre and Nyx, no one blames him for that, but it is a private reason and excuse he should not use while speaking as the High Lord.
And again, when Az starts doubting the Cauldron with choosing the wrong mate for Elain, Rhys assumes it is just lust speaking from Az and commands him as the High Lord to stay away from Elain (low blow of assumption, but not my point) while he then offers to pay for the pleasure halls Azriel could possibly seek out (according to him). With what money would he have paid it, his own (private) while he was speaking as the High Lord, or the exchequer (work)?
You see my point? Anyway Rhys is a loving character, but he is just a bit troubled ruling an entire court (this huge) and having a family to take care of. Perhaps he is having it settled in a few years, but until then we will just have to wait and see.
- 7. Cauldron
I don’t really know if you can call the Cauldron a character, but I just placed it here as I hated how it had humiliated Nesta and Elain.
The bloodshed it caused was also nothing I ever want to mention again.
- 6. Attor
Now just the Rainbow and the attack on Velaris, just this, nu-uh man.
- 5. Amarantha
I hated her for killing innocent fae, enslaving High Lords or in general and setting up ‘riddles’ (games) in which the life of helpless fae was depending on a human who could barely safe herself with a bargain. Something I also kind of take personal is how she treated Jurian, I mean ok – he deserved a punishment, but like setting him in chains and having him barely at the minimum of survival would have been also fine.
- 4. Ianthe
Just the Suriel! This was when I took things personal! (I’ll add an 11 to the list above – I loved the weaver!)
- 3. Luciens Borthers
Luckily, most of those little shits got what they deserve.
I don’t grow up in a family very high in statues, so I don’t know how it is, but no matter if poor or rich – siblings should fight together instead of against each other! And most definitely not kill the female their brother loved!
- 2. Beron Vanssera
I hate him for having hesitated saving Rhys, watching how his sons treated Lucien and how he could possibly let anything as terrifying, as what had happened to Mor, happen. Also – it’s just the way how he treats his wife!
Someone really hadn’t drunken his ‘respectful juice’, for the last fucking Millenia!
- 1. /
I don’t really despise a character entirely, as I know each and every one has a bright and dark side of the coin (Still trying to find the bright side of Luciens father and brothers though)
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Oliver! (1968) Live (re) watch!
i have already seen oliver!, but not in ages, so i decided to watch it again, enjoy
very long post warning
fuckin hell these opening credits are LONG
i love the fact instrumentals of songs in the movie are playing
i have chocolate popcorn, apple lucozade and oliver! on, life is good
yes i know mark lester is oliver ive seen this like 20 times can i watch the film now
god is love
i forgot how much of a banger food glorious food is
ads in middle of movie be like
its harry secombe!
oliver gets bullied the movie
look at this poor kid
oh yes oliver i love this song
poor kid
without any bannister yikes
the one who named him........O-L-IV-ERRR
oh were outside now
olivers just been kicked out oh shit
but on the plus side he has a cute ass hat on
look at oliver 🥺 he deserves better
theres a severe lack of thats your funeral and i shall scream
noah claypole more like noah clayprick
“perhaps... if i had a tall hat?” BABEY
oliver said dab on them haters from your old gaff youre a funeral advisor now and theyre still homeless
yes stuff the nine year old in a coffin and sit on it well done
"OLIVAH ??" "Yes im here: ((("
oliver deserves better man 
im gonna cry and were like 25 minutes in.
ik its not mark singing but whoever it is CAN SING WTF
i want to give him a hug
hes in the lettuce
yes oliver trains exist
whach you starin at aint ya ever seen a toff
the beak
look at lil jack wild
me more hintimate friends
cockney accent™️
the artful dodga
im sorry i love this song
look this scene is awesome, but it would be COMPLETE with charley oh wait he was demoted to extra and everything interesting abt him was given to dodger
he should have gotten the nobody tries to be ladeeda or uppity bit I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL
this cast is BIG
okay i am a Charger Enthusiast but do we all agree there is something oddly homosexual about oliver and dodger in this song
note how dodger is scared of the police FORESHADOWING
how many extras is this ???? yall better be gettin paid
its dodga comin up
this set is sraight out of the book i love it
“oh not again” does dodger just always show up with random workhouse kids 
ah yes fagin the character whos still a negative jewish stereotype
more and more big cast
THESE SAUSAGES ARE MOULDY! (am i going to freak out whenever charley does anything because i love him? yes)
stfu drink your gin
is this a laundry?? no fam 
sorry if i dont add to this until pick a pocket or two is done bc its a straight banger
this song is EVERYTHING 
hard at work lol ok
did he make those himself??? no
couple a wipes
petition for all oliver twist adaptations to refer to charley as master bates like the book and for him to have actual lines and not have his actor switched at least three times
i dont even now who charley is at this point because his actor is switched many a time im just gonna say purple blazer kid is charley
anyway charley bates supremacy
whos bill sikes??? NO
fuck bill all my homies hate bill
rum tum tum is a banger
go bed now
take your hat off in bed dodger
movie fagin has rights
fagin leaving where will he go
NANCY NANCY HES HERE !!!!!! bet deserves everything and more ily 💖
its a fine life more like its a banger
wheres all of bets lines gone
bet 🤝 charley (being demoted to extras)
its not funny anyore bet.. bet girl please sing youre the best fucking thing about this song
such a happy song about domestic abuse
bullsye rights!
i hate how this movie made fagin more symathetic but he’s still a “greedy jew” stereotype
at this moment fagin knew he fucked up
nancy you deserve better than bill
oh hi dodger forgot you existed
and the rest of you except oliver
ah yes charley “sausages” bates i missed you
im a regular gent i am. no dodger you arent
why is “permit me to assist you across the road” so fucking funny
pov dodgers back on his bullshit so you have to pretend to be a horse and cart for him
not “sir artful” 😭😭😭
anyfink for youu
i feel sorry for the child extras man theyve prob had to film this scene like ten times
 the boys dancing with eachother is too fucking wholesome i love this
again, movie fagin rights
weed riissk lifee and limmbb
you promised we could go see the angin!!!!!
ats on boys time were off
mate that aint single file did you not hear him
am i the only one who can hear london bridge is falling down in the back??
our pockets hold a watch of gold that chimes upon the hour!!! a wallet fat an old mans hat!!! the jewels from the tower!!!
dodger and charley (i am SURE charley is purple blazer kid even if havent seen this film in ages) are GETTING INTO THIS
oliver 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
movie fagin rights pt 27238227
DODGER OLIVER COME ON!!!!!!!!! alright dude chill
no dont were only an hour in
three kids on the back of the omnibus what will they do
dodger and charley said be gay do crimes
ah shit now look what youve gotten us into dodger
are dodger and charley straight up framing oliver for a crime they commited while also helping him escape
yes they are why are we surprised 
i hate to break it to you dodger but hiding oliver in a meat sack doesnt work
charley and dodger got oliver into this mess and they are not going to get him out
WHY DIDNT YOU LOOK AFTER HIM????? right calm down fagin
how could i help it :((((
no bill!
stan nancy
“two other boys stole it” no shit
run bitch run
right intermission time now
entr acte
who will buyyy
strawberry girl is carrying this
oliver owns my heart pt 278983728938728
this is a banger wtf
okay its done now right
have bill fagin nancy and the boys been stalking oliver???
fuck bill
this scene is far more sadder when you think of how the boys have just seen the only woman they see as a mother figure been hit to the flo or, im not crying, you are
as long as he needs me :(
rose maylie is that you?!
look at lil oliver!!
i hate bill
“look at his togs! he’s got books too!” charley and dodger are my emotional support kids
anyway have i mentioned i hate bill, bc i hate bill.
even fagin aka the guy whos keeping these kids as pickpockets has more morals than bill
no bill i havent heard a dying chicken
act one was just childish antics now we have THIS
fuck bill
jack wild is a banging actor. he genuinely looks terrified 🥺 
this film.. 
a mans got a heart hasnt he?? yes you do!!!
a full song dedicated to movie fagin rights?? did i ghostwrite this?? probably
villains theives and nine year olds
MR BUMBLE?????!!!!!!!!!!
fuck bill pt72898376728909878199
bill youre traumatising him
cmon nance do something!!
also completely forgot abt this but uh does monks exist in this i forgot bc we have had no mentions of him yet
nancy tell him who bill is!!!
bullseye deserves better
uhm what is going on
bill sikes more like bill yikes
oliver what are you doing
omg oom pah pah????
leave oliver alone bill hes like nine
oh banger
just asking are nancy and bet lesbians bc they look it
god i love this song
its the same oom pah pah
“She was from the country but now shes up a gumtree she let a fella feed her then lead her a long” foreshadowiinnggg
nancy is so fucking smart
getting the whole pub singing and dancing to smuggle out oliver? clever
bill.. no.. bill.. bill????
nancy deserved a better death than to be killed by bill fuck bill
movie fagin rights + fuck bill combo?
youre telling me fagin had an ESCAPE ROUTE??? AT THE BOTTOM OF THE HOUSE THING??? THE WHOLE TIME???
fuck, well. #
ten quid says dodgers been caught
oh no all fagins shit is gone
never have i been so happy to see a character die
rest in shit bill
hi dodger thought you got caught n went to australia 
god, this film is so fucking good.
reviewing the situation 2.0 goes hard
once the villain you’re the villain to the end
i completely forgot abt this scene since i’ve been reading the oliver twist book and in that dodger gets arrested and fagin gets hanged but here they get away?
god this is bittersweet
thats where the film should have ended, i get olivers the main character but it ending on dodger and fagin walking out into the sunset is such a pleasing ending man
oliver gets his happy ending abt time
well.. that was a journey and half
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victimhood · 4 years
My TOG cast and crew movie reviews
Ok so watching TOG revived the part of me that LOVES indie-ish/European Arthouse films and I blitzed through a bunch with more to come! Idk who this review serves but I just had to explode in writing or...the feelings would go nowhere.
Love and Basketball
My movie rating: 4 / 5
Favourite parts: the conflict between a tomboy sports loving protagonist and a conventional homemaking mother. To sound cliched, this is the sort of thing only a woman filmmaker can bring out in her films. There’s so much nuance and tension expressed in all the individual women in the film and where that lies in the enforced dichotomy of woman/not a woman--thereby highlighting that IT SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN A DICHOTOMY all of these are in the broad spectrum of womanly behaviors bc they come from women!!! The ending where a husband supports his wife in HER basketball game? LOVE THAT. Music choices are also A++ in this film.
The film also provides some insight into respectability politics--here we have an NBA player who wants his son to do something more conventionally “respectable”. I am not American nor am I Black so someone with more insight would be able to speak to this better, but even so as an audience I could feel it!
TOG cast rating: none, bc it’s the director!! This is Gina Prince-Bythewood’s breakout film but you can palpably feel that she poured her heart and perhaps some of her life experiences in this film!
Martin Eden
My movie rating: 3.5 / 5
Don’t understand the movie, slightly put off by the Nietzschean individualist philosophy. Doubly so after I read that the author of the book (Jack London) is a socialist?? (FTR so am I so like...I’ve had enough of white male indivudalism!!) Stuff like that always reminds me of (500) Days of Summer which is anti-manic pixie dream girl and yet is beloved by aspiring MPDG-philes. Here is a quote from the author himself: London wrote, "One of my motifs, in this book, was an attack on individualism (in the person of the hero). I must have bungled it, for not a single reviewer has discovered it."
Though I have not read the book, I hope the movie is a little more pronounced, in the unraveling of the eponymous protagonist. Luca gives an impressive show of his Acting Range as the protagonist moves through life and goes through a whole bunch of political beliefs in reaction to the situation around him.
I love movies that show the impoverished side of Europe though. The movie does a good job of showing the class conflict within society--at the end of the day, the Martin Eden that has risen through the social ladder is a self-despising man. The bread mopping scene is great, and truly, there is no love for Luca Martinelli like the camera’s love for Luca Martinelli. I love Luca’s bad teeth in this too. Dental health is possibly one of the most obvious, yet most unremarked markers of social class. Nice detail.
TOG cast rating: 5/5 Luca really carries this film on his broaaaaad shoulders. Thank you Luca. Thank you Pietro, for making a movie that lingers so lovingly on Luca’s face, inspiring many a writer to pen horny paeans to the Roman nose and the Byzantine eyes. I even saw one about the lop of hair over the eyes. Yes….watching Luca is a very physiological experience.
They Call Me Jeeg (Lo Chiamavano Jeeg Robot)
My movie rating: 4 / 5
Ok this movie is quite male-gazey in the conventional action movie way. Moments where the damsel is in distress are filmed in a somewhat titillating manner. That aside, the damsel in distress does get a moment of glory, though it shortly precedes her death. The hero of the film I also found not too groundbreaking. He starts out as a thief but is given superpowers, and he’s mostly a sad loser who watches too much porn in his free time, though the damsel’s belief in him helps turn him around to the greater good. The story moves at a quick pace and with twists and turns at each corner which help the enjoyability rating.
Really, the standout of this movie is the villain. Fabio (Lo Zingaro) is fantastically deranged, in a style that surpasses the Joker. The only thing I truly have to say about this movie is that the moment where Lo Zingaro barges in on the hero and the camera POV switches from third person to first person and the hero is on the verge of fainting but all he sees is Lo Zingaro saying “Ciao”.........reader, I am speaking from the afterlife. Again, truly, there is no love for Luca Marinelli like the camera’s love for Luca Marinelli. My heart stopped when I saw Fabio’s face in such a tender, loving proximity...and yet...he is deranged...he wants to kill you….TAKE ME NOW FABIO I AM YOURS *lovelorn Victorian sigh*
Perhaps I might issue a CW that there is a trans character in the film. The character doesn’t appear for too long, and I think the portrayal is mostly neutral to borderline negative for playing to stereotypes. The damsel in distress’s story carries a huge TW for sexual abuse and incest.
TOG cast rating: 5/5 just for that 1st person POV scene alone--that was life changing. I did not expect to be greeted so intimately by a completely deranged motherfucker. I want it as my phone wallpaper.
A Bigger Splash
My movie rating: 4.5 / 5
I loooooooved Bigger Splash so much?? But this is because I love Tilda Swinton and I love Ralph Fiennes. While watching this, I don’t know why, but I just kept thinking, aaaaand this guy is also Voldemort (Fiennes). I love the implausibility and yet here we are.
Matthias is so boyfriend-shaped in this movie, I wanted to snuggle up against him and have him care for me. He’s a wonderful boyfriend, and Ralph Fiennes’s character truly, is the Most Annoying Mansplainer type ever, like, you’ve probably met that type, who thinks he’s slick and loves the sound of his own voice and I 100% related when Matthias’s character just...has had enough of Ralph Fiennes’s character. But oopsie, the rest is a spoiler.
THE SOUNDTRACK IS AWESOME also it’s got St Vincent covering the Rolling Stones and St Vincent is the lesbian guitar hero of your dreams, please give St Vincent more love.
TOG cast rating: 5 / 5 Matthias is butt naked in the opening scenes of the movie, and then he appears full frontal nude later on. But mostly he just looks so snuggly like a big boyfriend hoodie.
My movie rating: 4 / 5
Wow ok I LOVED THIS ONE A LOT. Idk what I was expecting, but it was a beautiful, beautiful ride. It’s a perfect expression of the “roadtrip story” form. It’s got the adventure, the hijinks, the conflict and the “transformative growth” that comes out of the conflict. It’s about the MENA immigrant experience in Europe, and though from a different community as someone who’s had the immigrant experience myself I loved the part where they talk about people back home thinking they’re rich for having moved abroad. Yet--in many white-dominated countries, non-white immigrants live under an incredibly bulletproof glass ceiling and moving “upward” in society is a pipe dream. I loved when the main character Nadir mentions his dad’s taxi being a reliable source of income for the past 15 years. I think it’s such a warm and human film played by very warm and human characters, and [mild spoiler] I CACKLED SO MUCH at how Nadir “resolves” the question of marriage--I can’t go into too much detail bc the movie builds up to this but I LAUGHED SO MUCH. It’s the blend of total inappropriateness delivered in the most sincere package played to perfection.
TOG cast rating: 3/5 criminally underused Marwan bc he is not the main character. Marwan is a womanizing, alcohol-loving Tunisian friend in this story who buys a...bootleg? Hugo Boss suit for 200 Euros and then rips it up to form shorts bc the weather is too hot. The story implies he has a more complex backstory re: his relationship to his father as well as having impregnated a girl and escaping paternal responsibility for that but doesn’t give us much more. At one point, one character remarks that he would do “horrible” things (implying sexual interest) to Marwan’s character and ALAS I MUST AGREE.
...AAAAAND we’ll have more to come!! I promised a friend to watch Beale Street together so it’s gonna take a while for that to happen thx covid.
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seijorhi · 4 years
asks :)
some of y’all have rlly big brains 🧠👀
What about Bokuto ignoring you when you suggest to go outside. He'll smile and hug you and changes the subject. When you try to bring it up again, he'll slowly increase his strength of his hug. A warning for you to behave 😬. I love you and your writing. 
Happy Birthday Daddy Owl.
First of all I’m sorry I was late for this bby!
Second of all YEEEEESSSS!
Bokuto is honestly so terrifying as a yandere! It’s not a punishment, it’s more like a natural response. He doesn’t want you slipping away from him, not to go outside, not to go to the kitchen, not to leave his side for a split second. And sometimes he forgets his own strength (does he though?). It’ll start to hurt, you’ll feel like you can’t breathe and your ribs are gonna crack with his muscled arms squeezing you tightly as he buries his face in the crook of your neck and coos about how much he loves you. But if you can’t breathe you can’t talk right? You can’t keep saying that you want to leave him. He won’t let you leave him. But maybe that’s better than the alternative. 
Keep pushing and you’re gonna get an emotional and upset Bo and neither of you want that.
the dynamic between akaashi/bo and reader??? you have me so interested ma’am I just love all your writing and concepts!!!
Ok ok :)
So basically the you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place here. There’s Bokuto, who drugged you at a party and delivered you neatly gift wrapped (hehe) to your completely enamoured and insane captor. He’s friendly, excitable and equally as fucked up as Kuroo (he was the one to kidnap you after all) and sees absolutely nothing wrong with the situation.
And then you have Akaashi. Akaashi who’s in some of your classes, who’s a sort of friend. Akaashi who should be more than a little concerned that his best friend has kidnapped you while his other friend is keeping you like a little housewife.
Bokuto’s all exuberance and wide sunny smiles, he treats you like you’re one of them, like you want to be there. Doesn’t question why you’re afraid of him - if anything, he seems to be more concerned with getting you to like him by forcing you into friendly cuddles and dragging you out into the longer room to come hang with him when Kuroo’s not around. He won’t listen to a word about how uncomfortable (how scared) you are. You’re perfect for Kuroo - he’s never been happier and Bokuto has no interest in upsetting this new balance.
And then there’s Akaashi. Unlike the other two you know he sees how wrong this is, how much you don’t want to be there in Kuroo’s bed every night - or there in the apartment with them at all. He knows you - knows that this is wrong, but-
But he won’t lift a finger to stop it. He’s nice to you, sweet. You think maybe he pities you, or maybe it’s his own guilt for letting this happen, but he’s the one you find yourself crawling too when you’re scared or overwhelmed (not when Kuroo can see - never when there’s that chance) but he’s also the one to watch you in the classes Kuroo doesn’t share with you. He’s a friend - was a friend - but now you don’t know how to act around him. Maybe if you push him subtly enough, he’ll feel guilty enough to help you - but be careful, because Kuroo loves his friends, but he didn’t sign up to sharing you, and he certainly doesn’t appreciate the odd occasional glance Akaashi sends your way when he thinks you aren’t watching 👀
Just read Gift Wrapped pt 3 and first: It was very good just like all your fics are and second: It made me realize just how weak i am for soft, delusional yanderes! Like a yandere that has no idea that you’re really scared of them and is also generally attempting to make you feel good 👌👌👌👌
Delusional yandere’s are so fun to write!! It’s soft but... make it creepy y’know? 👀thank you bby!
I just wanted to say
1. Outrunning fate is too good
2. I kinda freaked/flipped out knowing you’ll maybe write another part to it
3. I’m getting too distracted from doing actually college work because I’m rereading your fics
Out of all the fics I listed, this is probably the one I’m most torn about. I don’t mean to bait you guys and there’s still a possibility that I won’t write more for it, but fuck I just love the concept and dynamics between Toshi and Tendou and their poor darling soulmate. We’ll see, okay? Also that’s very valid sometimes i get distracted re-reading my own stuff instead of writing new stuff so, I getcha haha
Your content is nothing but superb and sinfully filling♨️♨️💓💓💓. I-is it okay to ask for more ushijima content? I love that brick wall so much and even had a delulu dream where i was his childhood friend who is always salty with him and when we met up as adults he caught on to my jabs and ended up getting railed by him eye-EJFJWJFA MY THIRST FOR THIS BLOCKHEAD IS DRIVING ME INSANE PLS I NEED HELP- SJXJSJCJ i love you rhi. Thnx for all your content👏👏👏
I’m writing an Ushijima breeding kink fic for a friend so there’s that to look forward to :) 
i too wish i could dream about getting railed by mr jima 😌
Gift wrapped was soooooo good! I can’t get enough of possessive and delusional Kuroo 😍. I love how you write from the pov of an unreliable narrater. You do it so well!
And now I’m also really curious about the dynamic between reader and Bokuto + Akaashi. Especially how Akaashi’s going to react to all of this 🙊 - @closetdegen
Thank you!!! I love from the yandere’s pov especially when they’re the delusional sort. It was fun trying to show the reader’s terror and fear while also having that fit within Kuroo’s perfect little idealised perception. It’s soft and romantic and fucking terrifying imo. Anyway, thank you!!!
the fics you mentioned writing extra parts to bitch askxjfhslg ALL of those are my favorites !!!! no pressure to continue any of them bc i totally understand where you’re coming from, but i need you to know that if you so choose to write another part for any of them i will literally rejoice and be so fuckin thankful 😭 anyways, love you & you’re amazing
Ahh thank you sm sweetheart!! 😭😭😭
Okay I know I'm asking a little bit too much but have you considered continuing on with the GW series? Maybe not fully fledged fics but more of drabbles or maybe short headcannons? You are a phenomenal writer that always leaves me craving for more 😭 There's just so much more I want to see from this world, like how Akaashi would react to seeing her since Kuroo seems like he would force her to move in, how their life would be now, etc. I hope you don't take this the wrong way! I don't want you to write something you don't want to. I'm just genuinely curious 🥺
Will I write another full length fic for it? Probably not. If somebody asks will I answer a bunch of questions and maybe do some drabbles/headcanons? Yeah, and that goes for pretty much any fic I’ve written. I love it when you guys react well to a fic and wanna know more. And thank you, bby!
Gift wrapped 🎁 part 3 was so insanely good that it made me want to finish acing my quizzes faster so I could reread it again 💖💖💖💖👀
asdfghjkl ily bby!!
YOO THAT KUROO WRAPPED THO- o m g I want smt where maybe this isn’t part of the fic but like a separate one where it’s a jealous Yan Kuroo 👁👄👁 u don’t have to do it it’s just a thought
Dw bby, I have some lovely jealous Kuroo fics in the works for you!! Also idk if you’ve read it already but Mr Perfect is there if you wanna see some feral Kuroo 👀
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yslore · 4 years
Writing Asks
thank u to sarah @soldouthaz, lily @theisolatedlily and late @tomlinvelvetfics for tagging me !!
1. describe how you first started writing and when you first posted
started in eighth grade after moving which fucked me up (i’m still to recover lmao) n i needed a distraction, reading had always helped but writing is what let me see what the root of my agony was. (im not trying to be pretentious i swear) i first started on wattpad (love hate relationship to this day) and beginning of lockdown this year gravitated to ao3 which has been my saving grace !!!
2. which of your characters do you typically resonate most closely with? do you base any characters off of yourself?
so far i’ve mostly written in louis’ pov. i’ve had to ask this question in the early stages — i resonate the closest to harry. most of my wips are harry centric for that reason. i mean, yes and no — i tend to take some part of me and fit it into the character but at the same time i don’t like seeing me on a page so yes and no.
3. where do you often find inspiration?
EVERYWHERE. mostly others’ stories be it in the way of songs, music, writing, art. usually it’s me coming across a vaguely aesthetic picture and my brain spitting out one or two random scenes and me trying to make that a story.
4. has quarantine helped or hindered your writing process?
both !!! i have new wips but also i lost a lot of motivation to do anything for a bit. school is sucking the soul out of me — it’s both easier and harder with it being online, the worst part is i can never truly feel like i’m getting a break from it. recently it’s been easier for me bc of the friends i made (ily all) it’s hindered a little bit bc i can’t go out and watch people and streetlights and the blur of cars and try to pour out that feeling into words and create something. at the same time it’s helped me gain more perspective on people and relationships which has been a massive help to writing in general.
5. do you listen to music/noise while you write or do you prefer silence?
depending on the number of classes i have/attend, my mental stability, the story and my sensitivity. i often can’t stand loud noises so there’s that but there is always some noise or the other so it’s never truly silent. i like it that way. sometimes i just play intense studying playlist on spotify and write, Lucida by Odin Sørlie and Haunted Heart by Dawn, Dawn, Dawn are my favourites.
6. what is your biggest writing pet peeve in your writing or in general?
excessive usage of the same word in mine. in general, i’m not a fan of stereotypical characters or romanticising harmful themes.
7. describe your ideal writing setup
2 am, in bed, music still ringing in my ears, three texts from my best friend about a story or about their day. under the blanket, the room smelling of chocolate or something sweet.
8. favorite time of day to write?
anytime but afternoon. those hours are for naps.
9. favorite genre to write + one you’d like to try writing in the future?
fiction? i’d love to write a fantasy au 👀
10. do you struggle with writer’s block? how do you typically overcome it?
yep yep. i just edit an old story or read my old works or other writers’ fics. i gave up trying to force myself into writing — i hated the end product and felt bad so.
11. what is the easiest part of your writing process and the most difficult?
probably the emotions? dialogue without a doubt — i dread writing it. it doesn’t come to me naturally. i can write lengths without dialogue tbh. also smut — it’s an eh eh aspect.
12. how do you come up with original characters? (if applicable)
my wonderful friends. they do dumb shit and i want to tell the world about their dumb shit so i make characters out of them.
13. what is your favorite and least favorite word?
as of now it is fucker — delightful word that one. least favourite is probably squelch — just no.
14. what is one thing about your writing that you’re really proud of and one thing you hope to continue working at?
the dreamy feeling i manage to write without a doubt !!!! dialogue and pacing. i don’t have the best dialogue or the pacing or the length for fics but i’m working on all of those !!
15. what work of yours has your favorite ‘verse/world building? how did you come up with it?
still a wip so i can’t tell you much except that it’s a proper treat. will write this once i’ve posted that fic !!
16. what font and size do you write in? single spaced or double?
*nervous laughter* the font changes from fic to fic — crush is comic sans, size 11. October was Lora, 11. Twisted in bedsheets is courier new, 11. stargazing is spectral, 11. so yeah — whatever the fic demands. single spaced !!!! except when i’m overwhelmed i do double spaces.
17. what is a typo(s) you find yourself making consistently?
I Cannot Type. if you think i can — congratulations you were fooled. autocorrect is the loml.
18. (if applicable) do you separate fic writing from fandom?
of course !!!! i basically do not exist out of my writing.
19. what emotion is your favorite to write? which is the most difficult?
pain, pining, longing. lust.
20. what is one thing you hope readers always take away from your works?
we’re all fucked up but we’re trying and trying sometimes is enough. you shouldn’t spend your life carved out around one person. it’s okay to ask for help and need a shoulder to lean on. i hope these come across in my future fics !!!!
21. what is the best and worst writing advice you’ve ever received?
bold of you to assume i’ve ever received advice.
22. which one of your works would you most want to see turned into a film/television show?
a new fic. will update the answer once that fic is out !!!!!
23. do you write scenes chronologically or out of order?
chronologically. i can’t do out of order. i do have a page full of scribbles but they are to tell me the order sjakmd.
24. how do you handle criticism?
if it’s constructive then well. no thick skin tbh. makes me feel as if i need validation from someone else on my art which isn’t necessary but my brain is wired to seek it and it’s a hassle.
25. what is the advice you would give to someone who is looking to start writing?
write everything you would want to read. write it bad, don’t worry about the quality. don’t worry about the audience. end of the day, it should be something you can turn to for comfort not something that makes you feel bad.
26. what kind of feedback on your work always makes your day?
people telling me they like my writing and it could take them out of this world for a few minutes !!!!!
27. which fic ‘verse of your own would you most like to exist in? which fic’s characters would you most like to befriend?
probably crush verse !!!! harry — his is probably the one character where i dump most of me in.
28. what do you always enjoy getting asks about/wish people would ask about more?
rant to me about anything. i enjoy talking. ask me about wips so i can take the little guilt and write more.
29. what has writing added to your life? how has it changed you?
it’s nice to let go and express things and create characters with a better situation than mine.
30. why do you write?
keep myself busy.
boost yourself + tags
1a. share the last sentence you wrote
No kissing. No flashbacks.
2a. describe the wip you’re most excited about
a little something i’m writing inspired by @brickredtoe’s art !!!!
3a. share the piece of dialogue from one of your works you’re most proud of
ok. well. from 5436 miles
“Or we could always add a trail of stars to one of those moons,” he replies, words dragged out, rolling around in his mouth.
He can see the glint in his eyes even behind his closed lids. Everything about Louis is inked and etched into every fiber of his being.
He would’ve kissed him, words pouring from his mouth into Harry’s, only half his.
He snorts. “And make it seem like the moon has a buttplug? No, thanks.”
4a. share the best first and last lines from your work(s)
both my published fics have circular endings.
5436 miles — Louis always had more stars in his eyes.
these tornadoes are for you — His heart beats in peace.
5a. link to the last fic you read.
sugary sweet by the immensely talented @soldouthaz
6a. link the last work you published
7a. link to your ao3 (if applicable)
8a. someone that inspires you
taylor. she’s so so wonderful.
9a. a comfort fic/work that you’ve been grateful for this year
all of riv, sarah, ris and late’s fics. they’ve been so so comforting. Event Horizon by @mercurial-madhouse
10a. other writers that you’d like to tag!
@mercurial-madhouse @harryanthus are the only ones coming to mind atm. i’ve been up for too long apologies.
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deanisbisexual · 3 years
Ok so I stumbled upon ‘ with understanding’ a few weeks ago and at at first I was like ooooh??👀 Bc I loveee criminal minds, but then I saw the tags and the word count and I was like N O P E 🏃🏻‍♀️ but now I’m intrigued ??????? So like pls tell me, apart from the fucked up plot is the writing good ? Or I’d this one of those all together cringe fics that are so bad that you cannot stop? I wanna give it a try but also im scared bc cas is my angel babY and idk if i could stand reading about him getting hurt over and over and possibly not even getting a happy ending (again🙃) the first and last dark fic Ive read was the 1d/larry cancer fic (and im still triggered after 6 years ) so im nervous but the curiosity is killing me help
my initial reaction was also N O P E 🏃🏻‍♀️
as a SA survivor any stories heavily involving rape/dub-con is a big no-no for me**. but i was really curious to see how the conversation in the description was gonna go so i was like “i’m just gonna read that part and then stop” (12 hours later) “just one more chapter”
i do think the writing is good, but like any AU dean and cas can both be ooc. dean especially, but i think that’s pretty evident lol, he is very driven to please cas, so much so that it makes up almost all of his personality but it makes sense since in his eyes cas is his soulmate and he wants cas to be happy so that cas won’t leave him. cas is literally the only thing keeping dean from killing himself. i think it’s important to note that i am NOT shipping dean and cas in this fic. i think their dynamic is very interesting, but i am completely rooting for cas to escape and try to get some semblance of a normal life again. dean....ugh...i very small part of me feels for him because he’s canon dean who’s been pushed too far by everyone dying, so i would like for him to get psychiatric help, but ultimately i wouldn’t be upset if he died either.
i’m still not finished with the fic so i really can’t say if cas will have a happy ending, i’m sorry!! so far, this is NOT a happy story, there are “happy moments” but i say that with air quotes given the situation. there’s a really interesting part in the story where dean and cas talk about actual happiness vs synthetic happiness and it comes to a point where cas (spoiler alert) gives up trying to escape which causes him to fall into a deep depression, but in order to survive and not kill himself, he chooses to let himself be happy (synthetic happiness) in those moments with dean. but it’s not really a choice y’know? it’s something he has to do to survive because this is the position that dean is putting him in. anyway i could write an essay on this fic it’s truly something.
ultimately, this story is very fucked up and you should only read it if you are in the right headspace for it. i think it’s very well written and really makes you think and question morality and what you would do in that situation. but it is definitely NOT for everyone and people should be very careful when they read this fic. i am a little concerned for where this story is heading, but i’ll keep yall updated.
P.S. speaking of larry did you ever read “like a bastard on the burning sea” because that fic made 15 year old me actually hate harry styles for like a week, like i couldn’t look at the boy without getting nauseous. i’m lowkey scared this fic is gonna do that to dean for me, but so far i’m okay.
** i feel like i should clarify something here about the fic and the rape/dub-con tag. this is only as of chapter 12, i’m not sure what remains in the next couple chapters. the rape tag in this fic, at least in my opinion/interpretation, comes from the fact that cas is NOT in a position to give consent due to the fact that dean is his captor and holding him against his will and i do consider this rape. however, none of their sexual interactions*** are inherently violent (although dean is very possessive in some chapters and this is especially touched upon in chapter 12 when you get his pov) their first couple of interactions were super uncomfortable for me because cas plays a very passive role, but dean does ask for permission (i think there was a kiss and a few touches that he did not ask permission for but stopped when asked) and tells him it’s okay if he doesn’t want to (however it’s important to remember the power dynamic here guys and i do feel like there were moments were dean pushed cas) eventually cas does come to play a more active role and initiates sex. as of chapter 12, cas does not consider himself a rape victim
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but as a reader (at least i did), there are moments when it’s said that cas is scared or that he only wants to have sex to feel something (i.e. the synthetic happiness i mentioned above) ultimately i feel like at no point in the first twelve chapters cas was in any position (physically, emotionally, mentally) to give consent.
UPDATE: as of chapter 14, seems like the writer will dive more into this
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UPDATE #2: As of chapter 15
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*** there are violent interactions in where dean hurts cas to stop him from escaping, but so far none have been sexual.
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foxtsumus · 3 years
Sorry to ignore explicit instruction, but I very much am going to ask you to elaborate on ur aeneid post b/c i am sensing some sexy thoughts, like people think God can.
ok. ok ok ok so this is wildly underdeveloped and i wasn’t specific enough in the original post, i’m rereading books ii and xii for a paper rn so i can talk about animal sacrifices vs human sacrifices and how they’re both used as a vehicle for and justification for the actions of an empire, but the latter’s usage in the mythical origins of rome underscores just how fucking costly rome really was. w/e man i’m not super interested in what i’m arguing in that paper but hey i’ll do my best on it. anyway The Post
yeah i’m specifically thinking about book ii vs book xii here bc reading them back to back drove me nuts. the dichotomy between the perspective of the two is enough to give me whiplash, i swear. anyway, in the light of my life, book ii, aeneas is the one telling us all of the events of book ii, and therefore the perspective for the fall of troy is from one of the many humans involved in it. the triangle is pointing up, sure, but the base is on the ground. the story is told by humans on the earth with an eye on the g-ds in the heavens. this results in something that kills me every time i read book ii- this story cannot be told from above bc there are no g-ds present to tell it.
sinon’s lie, the thing that succeeded where ten long years and thousands of ships failed, lays claim to the will of the g-ds, but it’s still a lie. the g-ds are in the minds of the listeners, but the listeners are still ultimately people on the earth, who are metaphorically looking up at them. of course, the g-ds aren’t actually present bc it was all a lie.
this book also contains the end of the proud city of troy, but according to aeneas, the g-ds aren’t there either. plenty of mention is made of their icons and their servants, from dream!hector telling aeneas he needs to save the relics and rites of their ancestral g-ds, to panthus and cassandra not being helped by apollo, to priam dying on an altar, but aeneas outright says that “when g-ds are contrary, they stand by no one”. (aeneas’ focus on the g-ds in his retelling of these events is his gaze still being turned towards them!!! the triangle is still pointing up!!!!) multiple ppl aeneas interacts with during the fall of troy have an eye on the g-ds, but they’re still stuck on the ground floor of a city that is falling.
aeneas says that venus was there, but arguably only to ensure that ascanius gets out alive and can go on to found alba longa and the julian line. the fall of troy is by this point guaranteed, but the foundation of rome is not. the g-ds now act in service of the latter, not the former. therefore, confirmed attendee venus can’t be the POV for the destruction of troy, because while she may have been present for it, she wasn’t there specifically for that.
book xii, meanwhile, sees the direct and indirect interference of multiple divinities, including turnus’ nymph sister juturna, who fakes an omen for the augur tolumnis early on. (it’s an EXTREMELY sexy reference to/inversion of what happened to laocoon earlier; we know exactly who caused this one and why instead of having to work with the trojan assumption that laocoon’s death was a punishment.) later, venus heals aeneas so he can go back out and fight turnus, and eventually jupiter himself tells juno to lay off and scares away juturna so that aeneas can fulfill his destiny. book xii’s main events are caused by the g-ds doing whatever they feel they need to in this situation, and as they gaze down on the ever-narrowing space between aeneas and turnus, you can almost feel fate closing in like a vise grip. the base of the triangle is now in the heavens as the attending g-ds react to fate in their own ways. book xii, very much returning to the familiar storytelling style of the g-dly parts of the iliad, is about the will of the g-ds, not of men--even when they tried to avoid a large-scale battle, juturna (and juno, implicitly) intervened--and it is certainly not about the will of aeneas. aeneas has been living in a divine fishbowl ever since the flames appeared above iulus’ head, but never more so than the moments before his final confrontation with turnus, when g-ds outnumber men and all of the g-ds with skin in the game are watching. the real action is up above, they’re just looking down.
(which makes it even more affecting when the g-ds fall away and it’s just the two of them and aeneas makes the choice to kill turnus. no g-d pulled his eye to pallas’ belt. no g-d whispered rage into his ear. in this moment of reckoning, aeneas, the primogenitor of rome, chose to do this. and then you go back and you read the latin and it says “ferrum adverso sub pectore condit fervidus”, 12.950, and “conderet urbem”, 1.5, and you wonder whether aeneas the character ever really had a choice at all. what is a story if not a divine fishbowl. this poem makes me insane.)
tl;dr: book ii (△) is humanity looking up to the heavens and thinking they’re looking at the g-ds, but they’re actually just looking at destiny, which is past the point of no return. the g-ds are not there. book xii (▽) is the g-ds looking down at two humans but thinking they’re looking at destiny, which is at the point of no return. then, in only 15 lines, that point is passed with violence and fury and it was not by destiny, it was by one human. 
you, the reader, are still looking at destiny.
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