#bc i need it for 201 and 202
3am-cheerios · 1 year
shoutout to my baby sib who saved me 100 bucks this semester and who knows how much in the future
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hsinnii · 6 months
here are the classes i registered for fall sem (might change september is far away)
- Ballet 1
- Hip-Hop
- Anthropology of Mass Violence
- Archaeological Myth & Mystery
this was a struggle to decide on. my summer study abroad program will make me take a placement test before i can register in courses and im slightly worried bc ive been behind on chinese this semester. ill be taking two levels on the program so i am not sure if ill be placed in 102-201 or 201-202. if its the latter id need to take 301 in fall BUTTT 301 is at the same time as hip-hop and if i dont get into 301 theres no chance there will be any places left in the dance class. hoping chinese doesnt fill up in the case i do get placed in the higher level, otherwise i cant take my last chinese class till next fall 😬
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shcmook · 1 year
The episode structure of season 2 seems to strongly mirror that of season 1.
101 introduce us to all the characters together in a single setting, with a slight emphasis on the rand’s POV. 201 reintroduces us to all the characters and how they’ve grown apart, emphasizing Rand’s absence from the others’ lives.
102 introduces new threats, The Whitecloaks and the darkness of Shadar Logoth, it ends with the heroes divided but the return of Nyneave. 202 introduces new faces that seem to be allies, Elayne and Selene, the villains are more united than before, as we see Ishamael with the Seanchan, and it ends with Nyneave leaving.
103 focuses on the heroes, separated, reeling from this loss, unsure who they can and can’t trust, and forced to make choices without moiraine’s guidance. It ends with each of them gaining new allies. 203 has nyneave and eggy separated, eggy reeling from the loss, nyneave unsure what’s even real. Mat doesn’t know where to go and falls back on Min. Rand seeks guidance from logain. Moiraine doesn’t appear at all. It ends with each of them failing to gain new allies. eggy makes enemies with Liandrin, logain refuses to teach rand, Perrin believes the wolves are of the Dark, and nyneave’s daughter doesn’t come through the final arch with her.
This parallel is the most tenuous but it makes sense to me idk
104 focuses on a powerful new threat (logain) that’s been caged while rand struggles to be a good friend and Perrin struggles to find peace with himself after his failures. It ends with the threat still caged and the reveal of nyneave’s insane power level. 204 highlights a threat that’s just been set free, (Lanfear), while moiraine struggles to be a good sister and lan struggles to find peace with himself after past failures. It ends with the reveal of who lanfear actually is, she’s momentarily beaten but she remains a threat.
Im gonna make predictions on the rest of the season now:
105 focused a lot on a newcomer to the cast who served lan’s arc, while having Rand connect with friends new and old, meanwhile egwene and Perrin are captured by whitecloaks and freed by wolves. 205 will feature Liandrin in the ways and loial under Seanchan control pretty heavily, which will set up for egwene in the next episode. Rand will attempt to burn his bridges with Moiraine, Siuan, Logain and any Cairhienin nobility bc he thinks he should run away some more and that’s the best thing for him. Oh and Selene/Lanfear, who’ll fight back. Perrin and the wolves will help the Aiel only to immediately need help from them back (mirroring Avi’s intro from the books but switching which Emonds fielder she meets first).
106 is a fully moiraine POV episode, culminating in the EF5 back together again, but mat leaves. 206 will be 70% egwene in falme. She helps nyneave and elayne escape, gets captured, becomes damane, it gets DARK AS HELL, which is why I don’t think that’ll be the whole episode… I think they’ll break it up with mat POV of him arriving in Cairhien and discovering mins betrayal and his insane luck stat. Lan’ll arrive with news from the tower that the WONDERGIRLS are missing and Perrin is captured, and mat and min will go with him to find moiraine and Rand.
107 and 108 each have flashbacks to the Aiel war and the age of legends respectively. We basically get the ways, calm in Fal Dara, Mo and Rand go off alone, they find the Eye, then final battles for all. 207 will open with a flashback to Mo and Siuan seeing the vision of when the dragon reborn’s birth. Present day we get rand Flickering the Cairhien group to Falme. It’s not as long of a timeskip as in the books because we’ve already had such big timeskips in the show already. Perrin reunites with Ingtar and drama ensues. avi joins nyn and elayne. Avi and elayne have love at first sight. 208 has another lews therin cold open, maybe the book one prologue maybe not idk. From there we get a big battle sequence that fuses elements of books 2 and 3’s climaxes with some twists along the way that make sense for how the show has changed things idk. But rand is in the sky and Mat blows the horn. by the end Ishy will be super dead, masema will be worshipping rand and avi will have told rand that he comes with the Dawn and needs to come to the Waste. Mo might even be channeling again, but her and her Dragon will not learn their lesson and will try to go to the waste alone. Mat and eggy manage to join but are super pissed at Rand for faking his death for like a year and trying to leave again. Perrin, upon realizing he’s been left, resolve to return to the two rivers. One of Alanna’s warders, idc which one, dies in the big battle and she’s pissed about it. She gotta take elayne back to the tower but she’s met rand by this point and has her eye on him as a replacement. Elayne has eyes on rand too but in a more wholesome “I wanna be part of this EF5 friendgroup and mayyyyyybe have a 3way with the Aiel lady and the dragon reborn” way. Nyneave and lan will get grouped together but idk if they’ll end up with Perrin in the two rivers or if being powerless against the Seanchan will convince nyneave that there’s good she can do in the Tower.
Post credit scene of lanfear still at large. The end.
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laylakeating · 2 years
i didn’t take it that way either i just either took his face as the yea he got her the chocolates or helped get them way or the him feeling regret for even making the chocolate jokes way. but honestly anon if he knew about her feelings there’s a lot more nuance there than just him knowing. i know if it ever gets revealed there’s going to be So much discourse about that and i’ll be on the defending him side 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ i hope if they ever reveal that or go in that direction they have ricky explain himself completely bc it’ll stop at least SOME of the discourse that will happen 😭😭
yeah this EXACTLY !! we didn’t get ANY of ricky’s perspective on everything that went down with gina in s2. nothing. zilch. nada. it’s very easy to be biased, or to put or the blame on him bc everything is skewed in gina’s point of view!! and that’s not me saying that she’s wrong for feeling the way she feels, but it’s easy to empathise with someone when you’re only seeing things through their point of view. 
the situation is ALWAYS going to be more nuanced than “ricky knew how gina felt” bc that’s never going to be all there is to it. by the time he knew for SURE (aka the 206 flashback scene) he’d already gotten back together with nini. what was he supposed to do? break up with his girlfriend? cheat on his girlfriend? no! we like ricky! we don’t want him to do that!
let’s do a mini deep dive into s2a:
in 201, we see gina clearly hurting. it won’t become crystal clear why until we see the flashback scene, but we know she’s not happy with ricky, and we know that ricky isn’t entirely sure why (this man does a TRIPLE take). things are awkward and they clearly don’t know where they stand. 
in 202 we get the same kind of thing, but this time ricky is clearly kind of stunned that gina is even talking to him...or that she even cares. so i present to you exhibit a:
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and exhibit b:
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ricky directs this towards gina. this links back to their conversations in 102 and 105. gina was the reason he stayed with the show! it’s the reason (both times!) they let each other in and have their guards down. 
moving on to 203. gina seeks out ricky this time, and this is pretty vital bc before that she’d been avoiding him. they talk abt their mothers, they reiterate that they get each other, and gina offers him some advice that ends up working for him (and that’s kind of key y’all). the chocolates theory can also slot in here but given that it’s not canon............(yet) i won’t go into detail abt it
in 204 we see rina as close to their s1 dynamic as we get in s2. they’re joking around, having fun, smiling and laughing. it feels lighthearted but we know that gina is still hurting. ricky does not, bc gina is acting as though everything is fine. once again, when ricky needs some advice, gina offers it. 
moving on to 205, we find gina at the end of her rope. she can’t deal with it anymore, but ricky clearly has the opposite feelings. he thinks he and gina are friends again, hence why he goes to her for advice. he thinks she’s over it!! gina expresses her need for space and some boundaries, and ricky is kind of stunned, bc in the past couple of eps gina seemed fine!! we as the audience know she wasn’t, but everything ricky saw suggested that she was.
in 206 we get the final nail in the coffin. we see ricky obviously still very open to being friends with gina, while gina is absolutely not having it and veryyyyy confused, see exhibits c and d:
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ricky again tries to reconnect with gina during one of the exercises, see exhibit e:
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this fails and then we do not see him initiate anything with her for the REST OF THE SEASON. 
everyone likes to act as though ricky is...stupid? oblivious? (and i am definitely guilty of that too sometimes) but he really isn’t. ricky liked gina!! 105 106 and 107 are GREAT examples of him liking her! he stopped pursuing nini when they became friends and the moment gina left?? that’s when his romance with nini picked back up again. but they were already back together when gina confessed, so i repeat: what exactly was ricky supposed to do?? 
unfortunately, the discourse is always going to be present bc most people do not want or need to over analyse a disney show like i do. and most people do not care to see any nuance or depth to rina’s relationship. the nuance and depth, i might add, that has always been there. 
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stuff-of-pi · 3 years
Fun lil update: I had my Chinese placement test yesterday! I was super nervous esp bc I was meeting with the DEPARTMENT HEAD. And even after not studying formally for a year and a half, I still did super well! My listening (which I didn't expect) and reading ability are at the 202 level and my speaking ability is at 201. My handwriting sucks ass though afshsj. The outcome is to take 201 :)
(I need you to understand that at my school, a 4 on the AP test only covers 1 semester of Chinese whereas at other schools it covers 2-3 years... so this is impressive, be proud of me >:( ❤️ )
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rizahawkais · 4 years
I LOVED season 1 and 2 of the crown but found season 3 quite dull and difficult to get through. I'm enjoying season 4 (still havent finished bc I watch with my family and we're rarely all together) but I think that the earlier seasons were a lot better in my opinion
hi! i completely agree w you!
I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY! I replied to this the day you sent it but my laptop crashed and I lost everything I wrote so I put off till now!
All in all, the writing for the first two seasons were WAY better. My ranking is s2 > s1 > s4 >>>>> s3. In my opinion, season three was kind of terrible.
hahaha this is so so long.
In the first two seasons each episode’s mini story for the day was actually INTERESTING. Like, I loved where one episode was about the Mountbatten name and then the next was about the Great Smog! But, there was always an overarching plot and it always added up in the end. S1, S2 and S4 all had an overarching plot that worked! S1 was balancing family and the crown. S2 was balancing prime ministers and her husband. S4 was the downfall of Margaret Thatcher and Charles/Diana. S3 LITERALLY HAD NO PLOT! It was just a bunch of stories put together. The finale for season 3 was about the end of Margaret’s marriage! And although, it is an important event in the family’s history the fact that it was the finale episode????
Anyways, Season 3 genuinely just sucks. Season 4 is REALLY good. Yet, it still doesn’t leave as much of an affect on me like the earlier seasons. AND LIKE I KNOW BECAUSE I’VE REWATCHED THE FIRST THREE SEASONS SO MANY TIMES. I’ve only seen the fourth once because I’m too busy and it’s also too early for me to rewatch it. So, maybe my opinion of season 4 will change!
Now, because I am extra 😈😈 and crazy I will talk about every single episode IN ORDER. hehehehehehe. feel free to hate me
101 Wolferton Splash - 10/10 this episodes just sets everything up! we see how happy the marriage is and how loving king george is and we also see the FORSHADOWING!! we see lilibet and phillip making their life thinking they had time when we know they don’t and it’s just :( AN AMAZING PILOT EPISODE WITH AMAZING QUOTES!
102 Hyde Park Corner - 1000/10 this episode needs no explanation. the suspense and DRAMA right before lilibet finds out about her dad ALWAYS gets me!!
103 Windsor - 10/10 I hated this episode the first time I watched it! I didn’t understand the importance of her uncle and I didn’t understand the complexity behind the episode. I was 14 when I saw this episode for the first time! So, mind you I was quite ignorant. but, david basically represents the audience in the show for those who hate the monarchy and call them out on their hypocrisy. BUT DAVID IS A TERRIBLE PERSON! FUCK DAVID! i understand hating the monarchy and for him i know it was personal but the way he talks about his family in the letters UGHUGHGUHGUHGUHGUH this man is evil! there’s also the other story in the episode about the mountbatten name which is so brilliant!
104 Act of God - 15/10 this episode was boring on first watch but I WAS FOURTEEN! this episode took a break from the monarchy and concentrated on a british national horrific event THAT WAS IMPORTANT and i liked how it connected throughout the episode and all that and the CINEMATOGRAPHY OMGGGGG! anyways, something that pisses me off about this episode is that the crown kind of has the same kind of audience as euphoria! they only care about a hot actor or iconic character or the aesthetics AND THAT MAKES ME ANGRY! bc those are the ppl who call this episode the boring fog episode and the latest episode of euphoria a waste of time! they don’t understand the importance of what their watching. an event that killed hundreds by something that could have been avoided bc of science and for euphoria an ongoing pandemic of an ugly world and its affect on ppl not wanting to go on! IM SORRY THIS TURNED INTO A RANT but this episode is important in reminding audiences that disasters can be avoided but also once they happen anything can happen THIS WAS A SAD EPISODE OKAY AND I LOVED VENETIA SCOTT!
105 Smoke and Mirrors - 100/10 THE CORONATION EPISODE! Phillip tries to bring it to the common public and all the fighting between them just makes the coronation even more impactful when we watch it!
106 Gelignite - 8/10 I DESPISED MARGARET IN THE FIRST SEASON i saw her as a spoiled brat who wanted to marry her dad’s assistant! AND ALSO HOW DID SHE NOT REALIZE THERE WAS DEFINITE GROOMING INVOLVED! this episode is generally very good but margaret just pisses me off a lot! however, her not being able to marry peter boresend shouldn’t have been because of his divorcee status but bc he simply was a predator in anyone’s clear eyes IM SORRY IF YOU DISAGREE BUT SHE MET HIM SO YOUNG NO WAY THERE WAS NO GROOMING good episode but pissed off at margaret’s lack of critical thinking besides but I WANT HIMMMMM LIKE I WANT EVERYTHING
107 Scientia Potentia Est - 11/10 hated this when i first watched it! but now one of my favorites! lilibet feels dumb and needs a tutor! prime minister and wannabe prime minister have health problems and keep it from her! lilibet finds out by accident and they all get yelled at! I LOVE WHEN SHE YELLS AT MEN!
108 Pride & Joy - 10/10 this episode is just adds on to the overarching plot of the season: balancing the crown and family. margaret says disrespectful things to ppl who don’t deserve it in place of lilibet while she’s on the commonwealth tour fighting with her husband! then lilibet scorns margaret and we see an ugly papa loved me more argument! absolutely brilliant!
109 Assassins - 1000/10 hated it the first time but now I LOVE THIS EPISODE! it’s the painting and porchey episode and churchill leaving episode. It’s so so so good! i honestly have no words to describe the brilliance of this episode besides the acting done by almost the entire main cast CLAIRE WOW! MATT WOW! STEPHEN (THE PAINTER) WOW! JOHN WOW! HARRIET WOW! when we see the painting getting burned coincided w the downing st dinner GETS ME EVERYTIME I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH!
110 Gloriana - 100/10 the climactic fight between the crown and family! which will lilibet choose?? and the foreshadowing to suez MWAH!
201 Misadventure - 100/10 LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS EPISODE the cutesy lilibet and phillip until it all goes down WOW! and the suez stuff i love it all
202 A Company of Men - 100/10 this is where i think mike’s wife starts snooping or it’s the next episode BUT THIS IS WHERE SOMETHING BEGINS FOR SURE first of all it foreshadows the episode later in the season about philip’s childhood AND MATT’S ACTING!! it’s too good for words!
203 Lisbon - 100/10 i like it when they fight lol that’s the only way i know how to describe why i love it LILIBET WAS EXCITED TO SEE HIM AND SO WAS HE but then mike ruined it by being a disgraceful and dishonest man RUINING EVERYTHING
204 Beryl - 10/10 i start to like margaret bc i feel bad for her! she’s suffering she’s sad that her lil predator boyfriend is no longer w her but look who it is MATTHEW GOODE! he not suspicious at all but the writers are like here take 20 minutes of perfect chemistry between the actors!
205 Marionettes - 100/10 I LOVE THIS EPISODE basically someone who loves the monarchy insults the monarchy and lilibet actually goes to listen to them! w resistance of course but she still took everything he said to fix the monarchy !
206 Vergangenheit - 1000/10 one of my favorites! i didn’t know about david’s nazi past so when i watched this episode for the first time i was completely baffled! another episode where she yells at a man!!!! i’m always annoyed in this episode tho by all the talk from the priest about forgiveness bc im like why would u want to forgive david for being a nazi?? but i think it was intentional by the writers to show the importance of understanding forgiveness and the grounds for it! THIS EPISODE IS JUST PERFECT IM ANNOYED BC I DON’T WANT TO FORGIVE HIM
207 Matrimonium - 9/10 this episode is amazing BEFORE you’ve seen season three bc you root for margaret and tony! but, also throughout the episode there’s all that tony and family and his gf and bf stuff that you think is going to lead somewhere but doesn’t??? like what was the point of introducing his mother and his relationships if it was going nowhere and not even mentioned in season 3??? LIKE WHAT WAS THE POINT WHAT WAS THE REASON? but, also there’s lilibet and phillip fluff in this episode I LOVE
208 Dear Mrs. Kennedy - 10/10 this episode is fun as an american bc i think jackie kennedy and jfk are so idolized here in america it was so interesting to see this other pov! BUT I ALSO REALLY LOVED LILIBET DANCING W NKRUMAH! I THOUGHT IT WAS SO CUTE AND THE MARTIN CHARTERIS STUFF LEADING UP TO IT WAS SO FUNNY!
209 Paterfamilias - 100000/10 no words. IT WAS SO SMART TO PARALLEL PHILIP AND CHARLES this has a lower rating than the previous episode which makes no sense but only goes to prove the idolization of jackie and jfk
every single episode of seasons two has a 9+ rating from me!
SEASON THREE (worst season)
301 Olding - 5/10 weak starter but good for introducing olivia as lilibet and harold wilson and departing churchill BUT THAT’S IT! like the whole spy thing just went bleh LIKE IT HAD POTENTIAL but it needed early seasons writing not third season writing techniques TOBIAS DID A GREAT JOB THO IN THIS EPISODE HE WAS A GREAT RECAST FOR PHILIP
302 Margaretology - 6/10 okay. just okay. margaret kind of bratty but you actually feel bad for her then she gets bratty again and then you feel bad for her again and the scenarios in the episode just didn’t feel real like the whole lyndon b johnson was so jealous of jfk that he was rude to the queen so they sent margaret JUST DIDN’T MAKE SENSE like i know this show is fictional but the fiction tends to be believable until i research the episode afterwards BUT FOR THIS it just didn’t make sense
303 Aberfan - 1000/10 ONE OF THE GOOD EPISODES OF THE SEASON! those first fifteenish minutes??? TEARS! i never knew about aberfan until this episode and seeing this episode made me cry!
304 Bubbikins - 10000/10 THIS EPISODE IS TECHNICALLY NOT AS GOOD AS THE ABERFAN EPISODE BUT THIS IS A PERSONAL PREFERENCE we meet anne and alice in this episode AND I LOVE BOTH OF THEM (erinsdoherty is my current url!) this episode is so sad and sweet at the same time and loving bc i’m a sucker for philip’s back story!
305 Coup - 8/10 this had potential I FEEL LIKE IF THEY WROTE THIS EPISODE DIFFERENTLY LIKE HOW THEY WROTE ONE OF THE SUEZ EPISODE IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH BETTER the fact that it all went to nothing and nothing basically happened WHAT WAS THE POINT
306 Tywysog Cymru - 1000/10 this episode made me like charles! what a horrendous statement! but, like i thought his relationship w his tutor was so heartwarming and he actually seemed to care and all that and it just all in all MADE ME HAPPY like this episode isn’t sad it’s a happy episode until the last scene w lilibet BUT YEA they gave us this one good episode until we hate him which i appreciate makes the story telling better
308 Dangling Man - -1000/10 HATE THIS ONE TOO this episode convinced me that the writers for the first two seasons to this season has changed all of a sudden we forget that david was basically a nazi and the charles we met two episodes ago sees him as exactly like this uncle who he swore he would be nothing like to the people of wales??? LIKE WHO WROTE THIS THEY WERE DOING CRACK WHILE WRITING THIS EPISODE and i felt NOTHING during the lilibet and david goodbye WHACK EPISODE TERRIBLE JUST BAD TERRIBLE
309 Imbroglio - 5/10 episode started off good but then just went a lil too crazy by making it seem like a whole secret spy mission going behind lilibet’s back
once again i hate season three
401 Gold Stick- 8/10 written weirdly but had GOOD SCENES such as meeting thatcher and diana! BUT THE SCENE STEALER WAS OBVIOUSLY MOUNTBATTEN’S DEATH AND PHILIP TELLING CHARLES THAT HE BECAME DICKIE’S SON INSTEAD OF HIM SAD STUFF so like the death was sad and dramatic and I FELT BAD but like i shouldn’t bc im south asian and mountbatten did bad stuff to us BUT IT DOESN’T CHANGE THE RIPPLE WE FELT
402 The Balmoral Test - 9/10 funny episode but needed early seasons’ writing
403 Fairytale - 9/10 good episode but needed early seasons’ writing BUT ALSO THAT SCENE BETWEEN CAMILA AND DIANA MWAH CHEF’S KISS THEY BOTH DESERVE ALL THE AWARDS but needed early seasons’ writing
404 Favourites - 7/10 this episode is good but frustrating bc u finally realize how terrible of a mother lilibet is BUT THE ANDREW STUFF WAS GOOD I AM GLAD THEY PUT THAT IN! i liked seeing thatcher’s non-existent relationship w her daughter NEEDED EARLY SEASONS’ WRITING
406 Terra Nullius - 100/10 GOOD EPISODE CLOSEST TO EARLY SEASONS WRITING THAT’S WHAT MADE IT GOOD seeing them not get along and then get along and then not get along again through a series of montages made the episode brilliant!
407 The Hereditary Principle - 6/10 this episode. how do i explain? the material for this episode was absolutely perfect for the writers of the early seasons! POOR EXECUTION
408 48:1 - 100/10 i like the political episodes more than the family episodes SO THIS EPISODE IS SO BRILLIANT BC OF THE BACK AND FORTH AND I GOT TO SEE CLAIRE!!
409 Avalanche - 7/10 early season writers would have shown the arguing before the avalanche and diana’s reaction JUST SAYING
ALAS, what i would like to say is that i feel that season 4 shouldn’t have been so diana centric! it was diana from the beginning of the season to the end! not, that i don’t love the whole diana story but it was dragged and i think she should have been introduced around the third/fourth episode of this season the same way tony was in season two! camilla should have arrived at the beginning of season 4 so that the intensity between camilla, charles and diana was more believable! if we season three wasn’t so spread out they could have had more brilliant episode.
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theplaguebeast · 4 years
Watching Game of Thrones is a Form of Self Harm
101 + 102:  oh man i forgot dany gettin fkin raped is in the first ep man they really set the tone for this shitshow early
104:  Baelish: *literally tells Ned he’s untrustworthy* Ned: *trusts him anyways*
105:  Bobby just threatened to take away the job Ned didn’t even want like that was gonna make him not quit lol what a dumbass
106:  every time viserys speaks there’s a muppet superimposing on him in my mind going 'i aM tHe DrAgOn!’
107:  Joff after being king for .5 seconds: KILL THEM ALL
108:  Drogo: *promises to rape, kill, pillage, and plunder* Drogo: *does these things* Dany: *surprised pikachu meme*
109:  Robb ‘We’ve basically accomplished nothing’ Stark
110:  hey Dany doesn't even have dragons yet and she's burning someone alive as punishment so uhm people were surprised when this continued?
201:  Robb ‘I want to rescue my sisters but holy shit, politics’ Stark
202:  Theon ‘I think i’m much more important than i really am’ Greyjoy
203:  Renly desperately trying to consummate his marriage like ‘i’m too fucking gay for this fuuuuuuck’
204:  Littlefinger popping up in Cat’s life like ‘so your husband’s dead can we bone maybe?’ and gets surprised she pulls a knife on him
205:  Theon ‘I want dad’s approval so i’m gonna stab my brother in the back’ Greyjoy
206:  Jon ‘I can definitely kill a pretty girl, I swear it’ Snow
207:  you know nothing jon snow is first used in reference to fucking and SHE’S RIGHT
208:  Yara ‘you’re a fucking moron, brother’ Greyjoy
209:  i love that tyrion getting his nose chopped off with an axe turns into a delicate slice that knocks him out
210:  Robb ‘u let the kingslayer go u can’t tell me it’s dumb to marry a rando when i’m promised to another’ Stark
301:  Tyrion ‘oh my god there’s a thin line running across my face i’m a MONSTER’ Lannister
302:  Loras is fkin RUDE yo
303:  Podrick ‘the whores won’t take my money’ Payne
304:  Dany’s acquisition of the Unsullied proves she’s 100% willing to do a bad faith deal like
305:  Jaime full on sexually harassing Brienne here like an asshole
308:  Olenna poking fun at how fucked the tyrell-lannister family tree is bout to get with all these weddings what a boss
309:  awww how sweet jon’s learning to stand up to peer pressure
310:  Jon ‘u said u loved me you’ll never hurt me RIGHT?’ Snow;  Jon ‘shot full of arrows’ Snow
401:  Oberyn is #triggered by the lannister song
402:  w00t joff’s fukkin ded m8
403:  Stannis ‘blood magic is fine but I WON’T BUY AN ARMY’ Baratheon
404:  poor pious little tommen didn’t stand a chance against a tyrell on a mission (also, s’fuckin creepy aight she’s bein predatory af and no one ever seems to call it out bc she’s, yanno, female)
405:  HODOR
407:  Petyr ‘you could’ve been my child but i still kissed you full on the mouth’ Baelish
408:  Baelish acting like it’s some big secret he wants to fuck Sansa, talking to her like she’s too dumb to know the man who KISSED HER FULL ON THE MOUTH wants under her skirts, what a cocky shit
409:  hi Ghost (where, uhm, where tf has he been?)
410: grabby hands, popping outta the snow, LIKE DAISIES
501:  Danaerys ‘my dragons are my children but since they’re not listening to me i’m gonna lock em in a dungeon and then get surprised when they’re upset with me’ Targaryan
502:  man brienne just keeps getting character assassinated by everyone in fkin westeros poor gal
503:  Janos ‘I DIDN’T VOTE FOR YOU’ Slynt
504:  Sansa’s last Big Mistake: when LF says ‘do you believe me’ and she goes ‘yeah sure’
506:  OH NO. OH NO. OH NO.
507:  Cersei’s like ‘my son loves his wife where did i go wrong?’
508:  ’killing and politics aren’t always the same thing’ THE FACT SOMEONE NEEDS TO TELL HER THAT
509:  Hizdahr zo Loraq is like ‘bitch do you know ANYthing about the culture you’re trying to destroy?’ (the answer is no)
510:  Stannis: *sacrifices his own daughter on a fire* The Men: *desert* Stannis: *shocked pikachu meme*
601:  Up to their chests in ice water mfers gonna get the hypothermia
603:  Tormond ‘your dick’s not big enough for you to be a god’ Giantsbane
604:  For someone so good at peeling people Ramsay can’t peel a fuckin apple for shit
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606:  *compulsively humming along with the theme song*
607:  HI SANDOR! I bet u had a VERY nice nap huh
608:  Stealing Lem’s boots after hanging him, what a power move
609:  Jon ‘I want to die’ Snow
610:  RIP Pycelle, Margaery, Loras, Mace, Kevan, Lancel, High Sparrow, a bunch of Faith Militant, and like 100 various members of the court (and random peasants outside, too); also Septa Unella (the bitch), and Precious Tommen; ALSO Walder Frey and uhm like 30-40 other Freys?
701:  Jon, derisively: And how should I be smarter? By listening to you?
702:  Everyone: DON’T GO SOUTH JON SNOW Jon: I’m gonna go south.
703:  Jon, with the ‘who even ARE you?’ is his most legit moment since he came back from the dead
704:  Dany: Wat do i do Jon: DO NOT BURN PEOPLE, ANYTHING BUT THAT
705:  ”I’m not beheading them” BECAUSE BURNING THEM IS BETTER??????
706:  Using your +1 Flaming Longsword to cauterize a wound
707:  Everyone: Jonathan, PLEASE LEARN TO FUCKING LIE
801:  Dany: Whatever they want. Me: OH SO MORE CHILDREN THEN??
804:  Murderuncle roadtrip 2.0
806:  genuinely surprised tyrion’s not already on fire
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realtalk-princeton · 2 years
Incoming frosh with 5s on AP Micro, Macro, Stats, & BC. A little bit of Lin Alg and multi var background from MIT OCW(I still have a lot of time to review those materials over the summer since high schools already over for us, if that’d be helpful at all). Is it challenging to take ECO300 and MAT175/201 concurrently (I saw on the registrar that MAT175 is now a pre-req for ECO300)? I’m a prospective Econ/SPIA/Politics(quantitative track) looking to get a finance certificate, so eco300 seems like a must-take for me. Also it’d be helpful if any readers could advise on whether I’ll need mat201 content&course credit at all cuz I’ve heard that this course is especially challenging?
Response from Chewy:
Based on your majors, you do not need MAT 201 to graduate. ECO 300 and MAT 175 is not too bad, but it is much better to take MAT 175 first because math is generally much more stressful to work with than Econ at Princeton. MAT 175 is the bare minimum for a lot of ECO courses, but if you want to go much more quant heavy on the economics and finance side, then you should take MAT 201 and 202.
0 notes
whispering-raine · 3 years
Tumblr media
I posted 1,040 times in 2021
799 posts created (77%)
241 posts reblogged (23%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.3 posts.
I added 875 tags in 2021
#sanders sides - 198 posts
#camp camp - 134 posts
#tw cursing - 110 posts
#tw caps - 79 posts
#virgil sanders - 74 posts
#logan sanders - 65 posts
#remus sanders - 61 posts
#patton sanders - 58 posts
#david camp camp - 54 posts
#gwen camp camp - 42 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#im literally writing a oneshot where he gets drunk at the same time as im writing one where he has a movie night with roman
My Top Posts in 2021
Gwen: How many kids do you have?
David: Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
201 notes • Posted 2021-08-08 01:56:29 GMT
*during any car ride ever*
Max: *plugging in his phone* "Hey Dad, I'mma play some music. That okay?"
David: "Oh, yeah! I don't mind."
*not even thirty seconds later*
Max: *ugly sobbing* "W H e N i W a s A yO u N g b O y-"
David: *concerned tree dad noises*
202 notes • Posted 2021-07-11 21:25:28 GMT
Luca: *having a full blown panic attack* "Silencio Bruno, silencio Bruno silencioBrUNO-"
Alberto: "Are you okay, what's wrong, do I need to call an ambulance??"
Giulia from the background: "Who the fuck is Bruno??"
203 notes • Posted 2021-06-27 23:16:02 GMT
Luca: *grabs Albertos hand in public bc aaaHHHHH CROWDS GOD HELP ME-*
Alberto: "Hah. Gay."
Luca: *deadpan* "Al, we've been dating for the last two years."
232 notes • Posted 2021-06-28 01:52:21 GMT
Tumblr media
When I say I have talent, this is what I mean.
276 notes • Posted 2021-06-04 19:26:11 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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365goalsfor365days · 6 years
2018 Bucket List - August Update (3/365) (Total: 24/365) (I did 0 in July. Oops)
1. Become a Homeowner
2. Get a new mattress
3. Become a First Aid Instructor
4. Become a CPR Instructor
5. Get a position in Labor and Delivery or Postpartum
6. Write a legal will and get it notarized
7. Complete Neonatal Resuscitation Program
8. Obtain a regular drivers license
9. Write a legal advance directive and get it notarized
10. Get a Passport
11. Complete ACLS certification
12. Increase student loans to $350 each/month
13. Get a new couch
14. Get a tattoo
15. Get a permanent position
16. Join the organ donor registry
17. Get a British Bulldog (Winston)
18. Make melted crayon guitar art (JK)
19. Sew a teddy bear
20. Sew a dress
21. Make a quilt
22. Start a scrapbook
23. Crochet a hat
24. Complete grad photobook
25. Complete wedding scrapbook
26. Crochet Christmas stockings
27. Make a Wonder Woman apron (JH)
28. Crochet a hooded owl blanket (MB)
29. Do a cross stitch*
30. Fold 1000 origami stars
31. Make matching Mr & Mrs Scarves*
32. Crochet a black cat blanket with hood (KS)
33. Fold 1000 origami butterflies
34. Make a mobile of 1000 origami cranes
35. Design my own deck of cards
36. Complete wedding photobook
37. Make homemade lip balm
38. Make house key print tree ornament
39. Make carved wood or burned wood personalized wine box (ME)
40. Swap customized keychains with Daniel
41. Sew matching aprons for me & Daniel
42. Make a Feminist cross stitch quilt (CB)
43. Make Lion King cross stitch (JK)
44. Make wine glass winter scene candle holders
45. Make a Little Mermaid Apron (JM)
46. Make carved or burned wood “It’s Always Tea Time” Mad Hatter Tea Box
47. Crochet a Spiderman blanket (LS)
48. Crochet a legend of Zelda blanket (CW)
49. Make jazz guitar print art (SS)
50. Adopt an otter
51. Answer 50 correct answers in a row on Freerice.com
52. Participate in a charity walk/run
53. Donate $50 to the Edmonton Humane Society
54. Run a Hogwarts Running Club race
55. Donate $50 to the Canadian Mental Health Association
56. Donate 5 Items to Ronald McDonald house
57. Donate 5 Items to the Terra Centre
58. Adopt a polar bear
59. Make “Curious Confection” Disney drink
60. Make “Sirens Song” Disney drink
61. Make “Glass Slipper” Disney drink
62. Make “Belle of the Ball” Disney drink
63. Make herb butter
64. Make homemade fried chicken
65. Make caramel apple jello shots
66. Make macarons
67. Make homemade California rolls
68. Make all recipes in Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook
69. Make candy apples
70. Bake a baked Alaska
71. Cook lobster
72. Make Tiramisu
73. Bake Boston cream pie
74. Make homemade basil pesto
75. Roast pumpkin seeds
76. Finish my red recipe book
77. Bake lemony blueberry cheesecake bars
78. Bake cream cheese, banana & coconut pain perdu
79. Make Sims Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich (in real life)
80. Make Mexican tostadas
81. Make 365 new recipes
82. Cook every single recipe in a cook book
83. Make all recipes from Swap & Drop Diet Cookbook
84. Do a chopped competition with Daniel
85. Make fruit sushi
86. Make “Sleep Cycle” Disney drink
87. Make “False King” Disney drink
88. Make “Ohana Colada” Disney drink
89. Make all recipes from Cooking Light Global Kitchen cookbook
90. Make Sims Porcini Risotto (in real life)
91. Make Crepes
92. Go to Dinner Theatre
93. Eat at Café Bicyclette
94. Have lunch at Ampersand 27
95. Eat at Café Linnea
96. Eat at Earnest’s at NAIT
97. Go on a gelato date
98. Have dessert from Italian Bakery Edmonton
99. Eat at the 3 Bananas Café
100. Eat at Dorinku
101. Try a Po’ Boy
102. Eat deep fried ice cream
103. Eat at Have Mercy
104. Have lunch at the Harvest Room at Hotel MacDonald
105. Have dinner on the Edmonton Queen Riverboat
106. Try La Poutine
107. Have breakfast at Under the High Wheel
108. Have dessert at Block 1912
109. Eat at Uccellino
110. Go out for hungover breakfast the morning after a party with friends
111. Have a meal at Bistro Praha
112. Read “Water for Elephants” by Sara Gruen and watch the movie
113. Read Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and watch the movie
114. Read “It” by Stephen King and watch the movie
115. Read “Labor Day” by Eleanor Henderson
116. Read “Three Day Road” by Joseph Boyden
117. Read “The Girl on the Train“ by Paula Hawkins & Watch the movie
118. Read “They Left Us Everything”
119. Read “The House Girl” by Tara Conklin
120. Read all 36 books from the Dear Canada series
121. Read “My Lovely Wife in the Psych Ward: A Memoir” by Mark Lukach
122. Read all 54 books from the fictional Magic Tree House series
123. Read “13 Reasons Why” by Jay Asher and watch the series
124. Read “Dolores Claiborne” by Stephen King
125. Read “We Need To Talk About Kevin” by Lionel Shriver
126. Read all 51 books from the Adventures of the Bailey School Kids series
127. Read “Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers” by Mary Roach
128. Read “The Shift: One Nurse, Twelve Hours, Four Patients Lives” by Theresa Brown
129. Read “Working Stiff: by Judy Melinek and TJ Mitchell
130. Read “Every Patient Tells a Story” by Lisa Sanders
131. Read “The Night Shift” by Dr Brian Goldman
132. Read “Wenjack” by Joseph Boyden
133. Read “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat” by Oliver Sacks
134. Read “Weird Edmonton” by Mark Kozub
135. Read “11/22/63” by Stephen King
136. Re-read Lemony Snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events series
137. Read all 20 Royal Diaries books
138. Read all the books from the Dear America series
139. Read “End of Watch” by Stephen King
140. Read “I, Ripper” by Stephen Hunter
141. Read “Happyface” by Stephen Edmond
142. Read “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” by Sherman Alexie
143. Read “The Mighty Miss Malone” by Curtis
144. Read “In The Unlikely Event” by Judy Blume
145. Read “Church of Marvels” by Leslie Parry
146. Read “My Secret Sister” by Helen Edwards
147. Read “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society” by Annie Barrows
148. Read “The Book of Negroes” by Lawrence Hill & watch the movie
149. Read “The Real Doctor Will See You Shortly” by Matt McCarthy
150. Read “Nerd Do Well” by Simon Pegg
151. Read “Wild” by Cheryl Strayd and watch the movie
152. Read “I Am Malala” by Malala Yousafzai
153. Read “The Book Thief’ by Markus Zusak and watch the movie
154. Read “Welcome to Nightvale” by Joseph Fink and listen to all podcasts
155. Read “1984” by George Orwell
156. Read “Nightmares!” by Jason Segal and Kirsten Miller
157. Read “The Bazaar of Bad Dreams” by Stephen King
158. Read “Finders Keepers” by Stephen King
159. Read the Little Old Lady Series
160. Read “Mr Mercedes” by Stephen King
161. Read “Left Neglected” by Lisa Genova
162. Read “Doctor Sleep” by Stephen King
163. Read “Bringing Adam Home” by Les Standiford
164. Read “Carry On” by Rainbow Rowell
165. Read “Being Mortal” by Atul Gawande
166. Read “A Spy Amongst Friends” by Ben Macintyre
167. Read “Still Alice” by Lisa Genova and watch the movie
168. Read “Five Days at Memorial” by Sheri Fink
169. Read “Canada” by Mike Myers
170. Read “Behind the Beautiful Forevers” by Katherine Boo
171. Read “Quiet: The Power of Introverts” by Susan Cain
172. Read “The Haunting of Sunshine Girl” by Paige Mckenzie
173. Read “Dirty Jobs” and “Second Hand Souls” by Christopher Moore
174. Read “My Sister’s Keeper” and watch the movie
175. Read “Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea” by April Genevive Tucholke
176. Read “Four Past Midnight” by Stephen King
177. Read “Hope: A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland” by Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus
178. Read “Anya’s Ghost” by Vera Brosgol
179. Read “Trauma”
180. Read “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” by JK Rowling and watch the movie
181. Read “This is That Travel Guide to Canada”
182. Read “The Trouble with Goats and Sheep” by Joanne Cannor
183. Read “Tough Shit” by Kevin Smith
184. Read “Tales of Beedle the Bard” by JK Rowling
185. Read “The Trouble with Alice” by Olivia Glazebrook
186. Read “The 100 Mile Diet: A Year of Local Eating” by Alisa Smith & JB MacKinnon
187. Read “At Home in Old Strathcona” by Gwen McGregor Molnar
188. Read “The Tumbling Turner Sisters” by J. Fay
189. Read “The Dangerous Animals Club” by S. Tobolowsky
190. Read “The Book of Speculation” by E. Swyler
191. Read “The Nurses” by Alexandra Robbins
192. Read “Shine Shine Shine” by Lydia Netzer
193. Read “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel and watch the movie
194. Read the EC Wells series
195. Read “Scrappy Little Nobody” by Anna Kendrick
196. Read “The First Phone Call From Heaven” by Mitch Albom
197. Read “Hope’s Boy” by Andrew Bridge
198. Read “The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August” by Claire North
199. Read “The House At the End of Hope Street” by Menna Van Praag
200. Read “Home” by Harlan Coben
201. Read “The Devil in the White City“ by Erik Lawson
202. Tour the Chicago Connection tunnel in Moose Jaw
203. Tour the Passage to Fortune tunnel in Moose Jaw
204. Visit the Dead Sea of Saskatchewan (Little Manitou)
205. Tour the Royal Canadian Mint
206. Visit the Eskimo Museum in Churchill
207. Visit Prime Berth Fishing Museum in Twillingate
208. Go to the Barbie Expo in Montreal
209. Visit the Acadian Historical Village in Caraquet
210. Visit the Tokyo National Museum
211. Visit the Owl Café in Akhabara
212. Go to the Tokyo Studio Ghibli Museum
213. Visit the Manitoba Museum in Winnipeg
214. Tour the Royal Saskatchewan Museum in Regina
215. See a Sunset Retreat Ceremony at the RCMP Heritage Center in Regina
216. Visit the Canadian Museum of History in Quebec
217. See Head-Smash-In Buffalo Jump in Fort McLeod
218. Visit the Royal BC Museum in Victoria
219. See Niagra Falls
220. Visit the Gopher Hole Museum in Torrington
221. Visit Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada in Toronto
222. Visit the Royal Ontario Museum
223. Do the Underground Tour at Bell Island’s Mine Museum
224. Visit the Western Development Museum in Saskatoon
225. Visit Leo Mol Sculpture Garden in Winnipeg
226. Visit Squamish Lil’Wat Cultural Centre in Whistler
227. Visit the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 in Halifax
228. Visit the Canadian Museum for Human Rights
229. Visit the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa
230. Visit the Fort George National Historic Site of Canada at Niagara-on-the-Lake
231. Go to Science North in Sudbury
232. Take a photo with the Hachiko statue in Tokyo
233. Do a “Disney Love” photoshoot with Daniel
234. Grow a carrot plant
235. Go to new Royal Alberta Museum
236. Catch all First Gen Pokemon Go Pokemon
237. Catch all Second Gen Pokemon Go Pokemon
238. Catch all Third Gen Pokemon Go Pokemon
239. Successfully do winged eyeliner
240. Have a yard sale
241. Build a Bear at Build a Bear
242. Go scuba diving
243. Go rock climbing
244. Go through the Edmonton Corn Maze
245. Attend a Superstore cooking class
246. Bowl a 100+ game
247. Catch a fish
248. Dye my hair blonde
249. Go ice fishing
250. Tour Candy Cane Lane
251. Find 5 Geocaches
252. Go paintballing
253. See the stars at an observatory
254. Go on a double date
255. Can something with mom
256. Play through Fran Bow
257. Visit Dr Woods House Museum
258. Grow parsley
259. Go on a bike ride around Telford Lake
260. Solve a Rubik’s cube
261. Grow oregano
262. Pick berries from a berry farm
263. Host a holiday dinner for family
264. Win something
265. Skip rocks with Daniel
266. Do yoga outside at sunrise
267. Go horseback riding
268. Walk across a suspension bridge
269. Learn how to edit photographs
270. Get a hot stone massage
271. Pose for a nude painting
272. Visit Grandmas grave
273. Be in a boudoir photoshoot
274. Get ears pierced again
275. Learn Under the Sea on xylophone
276. Learn calligraphy
277. Go roller blading
278. See a moose in the wild
279. Learn Over the Rainbow on ukulele
280. Pick a pumpkin at Upick
281. Build a fire
282. Complete Wreck this Journal
283. Build a sandcastle
284. Build a snowman
285. Complete a 1000 Piece Puzzle
286. Get all Pokemon Go medals
287. Try a sensory deprivation chamber
288. Sew all badges on my camp blanket
289. Sign a petition
290. Camp at Elk Island Provincial Park
291. Go to Sea Life Caverns at WEM
292. Go apple picking
293. Go hostelling in Nordegg
294. Photograph a robin
295. Photograph a blue jay
296. Go to the ballet
297. Go to a hot spring in winter
298. Plant a Fairy Garden
299. Fully decorate apartment for Halloween
300. Go to another TWOS Dark Matters Night
301. Go to the Muttart Conservatory
302. Play through Beyond Two Souls
303. Try an alcohol shot
304. Go to the John Walters museum
305. Body paint with Daniel
306. Take a class at the Greenland Garden Center
307. Go Canoeing
308. Play a game of chess
309. Play laser tag
310. Have a girls night
311. Go to a drop in class at the Art Gallery of Alberta
312. Send out Christmas cards
313. Reach level 40 of Pokemon Go
314. Visit the Reynolds-Alberta Museum
315. Go on a Canmore Cave Tour
316. Get a couples massage
317. Have a game night at Table Top Café
318. See a live show at the Roxy
319. Shoot a Gun
320. Juggle 3 balls
321. Pick a door lock
322. See a Rapidfire Theater show
323. Dance on my balcony with Daniel as it gently rains
324. Go to a driving range
325. Write a love letter
326. Go to a U of A varsity game
327. Complete Pocket Posh Logic book
328. Go to a hockey game
329. Go to a football game
330. See the Nutcracker Ballet
331. Play at Breakout Edmonton
332. Complete a coloring book
333. Go peddle boating
334. Visit the Alberta Aviation Museum
335. Visit the Jurassic Forest
336. Play slots at a casino
337. Go skating
338. Try to escape The Cabin at Escape City
339. Complete my Sims challenge
340. Get a BBQ and have a BBQ with friends
341. Tube down the Pembina river
342. Get a facial
343. Take a class at Purdy’s Chocolates
344. Hold Crow Pose (Yoga)
345. Complete 12 months to a healthier you challenge
346. Fit size 6 pants
347. Do 100 consecutive push ups
348. Hold Kala Bhairavasana (yoga)
349. Hold Sirsasana (Yoga)
350. Do 100 Consecutive Sit Ups
351. Reach goal weight of 120 lb
352. Walk 20 000 steps for 3 consecutive days
353. Attend a drop in spin class
354. Attend a drop in yoga class
355. Try Hot Yoga
356. See a movie and have dinner at the VIP Theatre
357. Watch the top 100 movies of 2017
358. See a movie at Princess Theatre
359. Go to the Edmonton Film Fest
360. Watch an outdoor movie
361. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Musical & Art Movies
362. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Movies of 2016
363. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Horror Movies
364. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Documentary films
365. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Comedy Movies
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mintgreenglasses · 7 years
Writing prompts 3
178) A "Do you have a concussion?"
B "Not to my knowledge."
A "Then why are your pupils so dilated?"
179) "That sounds like stupid with a side of bad idea to me." (See also #63)
180) A "What are you doing?"
B "There was hair in my mouth."
A "Doesn't taste as nice as it smells, does it?"
B "You think my hair smells nice?"
A "I never said that."
B "You implied it."
A "Shut up."
181) Just two complete non-lovers totally innocently walking through the forest together. Totally.
182) Intrusive thoughts (You could—right now)
183) If a picture's worth a thousand words, a few white lies couldn't hurt. -Rhett and Link "Photoshop song"
184) Escapeology
185) A "I'm trying to be serious here."
B "I thought you were trying to be serious back there."
186) Band-aids over bullet wounds
187) They hung up, a sign that it was time to get to work.
187) *after A being unconscious*
B "Rise and shine sleeping beauty."
188) A "I am flawless!"
B "More like thoughtless." -Ying Yang P4G ost
189) I'm feeling f*cking peachy.
190) ad nauseam (refers to something that has been done or repeated so often that it has become annoying or tiresome)
191) How are we still alive?
192) "Wait, let me get a step ladder first."
193) Hot vs. cold rage
194) A "What's this?"
B "A list of ways to beat me."
A "But there's nothing here…"
B "Exactly!"
195) A "Worthy of licking the bowl."
B "Please don't."
196) Felicitous: very well suited or expressed, apt; a felicitous remark; handled the delicate matter in a most felicitous manner OR pleasant, delightful; felicitous weather; The ride through the countryside is a felicitous journey for city people
197) "I wonder how [so and so] would react to waking up completely covered in glitter."
198) Stairs hurt like hell man -Prplzorua
199) Xe giggled behind one hand, not at all surprised because of course xe would [write a book about it].
200) A "You don't suck."
B "Thanks."
201) A "Geez, how many [pillows] do you need?"
202) Thank every freaking deity. -Prplzorua
203) "Xe.exe has ceased to function."
204) "I'm fine," xe muttered, before gulping the water down anyway and ignoring the plasticy taste. Xe wiped xir mouth with the back of xir hand.
205) Why did xe kiss xir? A slap was much more deserved and would probably have yielded the same results.
206) Staying up for the sunrise
207) Choreographed chaos
208) I hate you, and I hate this hotel, and usually I wouldn't ask this, but my room is freezing and at least you're a toaster oven.
209) The one that thinks the best of others thinks the worst of xirself.
210) A and B are sharing a bed. A kisses B without realizing B is awake, who kisses back. A gets out of bed and goes to the restroom. While B is feeling dejected A comes back into bed. "So… are you going to brush your teeth too? Because I don't enjoy morning breath."
211) Wish AU: Everyone gets one wish when they are born until they use it or die. It can only be used for good or neutral ends, no pain can be caused directly by the wish. (Who uses it to get into college? Who is immune to the effects of the wishes)
212) "I'm just waiting for it all to make sense again."
213) "If I start running, follow me."
214) C "I vote that we rename B spontaneity."
A "Maybe you should just shorten it to Spon. Y'know, Spawn of Satan?"
B :P
A :P
215) Death looked at xir and said, "We need to talk."
216) There's no need to fix something that isn't broken.
217) You know, you'd enjoy this more if you weren't on such high alert.
218) Take it in steps.
219) Holy sh*t, are you okay?
220) "You trust me, right?"
"Yeah. I just don't like it." -Ghost in the Shell
221) Disgust and fear are two very different emotions
222) A "I get the impression that you dislike me."
B "I haven't decided yet."
223) "You better have some damn good pants on if you're going w/o a shirt."
224) The game is more than its players.
225) How do you expect people to trust you if you don't put your trust in them?
226) A "Can you imagine?"
B "My brain doesn't have the capacity to handle that level of stupid."
227) A "Don't hold the knife like that." B "Like what?"
A "Like you're about to stab someone with it."
228) A "I can fit in there."
B "Seriously?"
A "You got a better idea?"
229) I love the shape of your mouth when you smile.
230) Xe was approaching the age where xe began to understand that what people say and what they do can be two completely different things.
231) Gotta fix that tie
232) It was strange how xir near-constant smile could express so many more emotions than happiness
233) Xe flinched back, expecting a slap in the face. *Hug instead*
234) Xe smiled slowly, first one corner, then the other, revealing a lopsided grin.
235) Soulmate AU where character A dies and the effects of meeting soulmate disappear for B
236) (Mute?) I've never been able to offer more than a hug and silence.
237) Xe giggled, took a moment to breathe, began giggling again, and then dissolved into a coughing fit.
238) Soulmate AU where A has never met B and B dies and A decides to find B's family bc "It's the right thing to do."
239) Don't check under my bed check inside my head.
240) ^CAKE
241) Kitora tomb: A black tortoise guards the north of the ancient tumulus, which has been standing since the seventh or eighth century. A red phoenix stands at the south, a white tiger at the west, and a blue dragon at the east.
242) Nightmare of the soul
243) The Daily Dare (a group of high school students create a website and pick one Dare from the suggestions for students to record and post.)
244) Until the sun goes dead -Mark Fischbach
245) The one with the gun
246) You just had to add another layer to the cake of despicableness.
247) Old, tattered, cleanish rag doll (it was a wonder he was even on the shelves) seen in the toy shelter and little girl wants him
248) If you could grant me a fraction of your time, I can give you peace of mind. -Eliza
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thatsmygvn · 8 years
darus 👀 (or malec)
i answered desus [here] but i can do malec :”))))
when I started shipping it if I did: i got into the show after 201 aired but before 202. i shipped malec as soon as i saw gifs of the balcony scene and “don’t push me away” was all we had of s2 malec
my thoughts: let my mlm sons be happy ????????? also just thinking about them clears my skin and feeds my crops i have not been this smitten w a ship since desus ok i love malec s  o mcu h
What makes me happy about them: they love each other!!! so much!!!!!!! and they’re open, and they communicate, and they recognise how important family is to the other and they don’t guilt the other into doing anything they aren’t comfortable with or prioritizing their relationship over other obligations!!!!!!!
What makes me sad about them: magnus hasn’t gotten near the amount of respect he should have gotten in 2a but also just like. their relationship hasn’t gotten the amount of respect it should have gotten in 2a
things done in fanfic that annoys me: when writers completely erase magnus’s characterization to make their fics “work” :^) when writers play up alec’s innocence and act like his lack of sexual or romantic history means he’s this total absolute novice with no inkling of an idea of what’s going on :^)))
things I look for in fanfic: competent magnus!!! happy alec!!!!!! the two of them being equals physically, intellectually, and sexually!!!!!!
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: malec is endgame so i refuse to contemplate otherwise
My happily ever after for them: the two of them growing old together with their warlock daughter madzie just being happy and domestic and soft
who is the big spoon/little spoon: they trade off but alec is the little spoon most nights
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: i honestly love the idea of them just like. cooking together. like maybe magnus portals halfway around the world and stops in 29 different countries bc he needs the best ingredients and in between every stop he comes back to the loft to give alec what he’s grabbed so far and he stops to shower alec with kisses before going back out and it’s just this regular thing that they do like they’re so domestic i’m jsut fuck ing
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six-of-ravens · 7 years
weird panic dreams I had last night:
1) my apartment was in this really ratty old office building and somehow there was a LITERAL YMCA with a pool upstairs and everyone hated them because their pool leaked water through the floors and walls. The fact that I supposedly lived on the top floor of this building and yet the YMCA was above me nearly pushed me into lucidity, it was so ridiculous. I worked in a building adjacent, but a bunch of clients’ offices were also in my building? Nearly every client I’ve been working on this week appeared at some point, also a weird bank/sauna combo that was relaxing and stressful at the same time. I woke up so stressed about the water issues that I had to stare at the ceiling for like 5 whole minutes and remember where I actually lived.
2) I was trying to get home but there was some issue with the trains, and for some reason the 201/202 train replacement buses were in use for something else, so I thought the 71 and 72 were replacements, but they were definitely not, so I got on the 72 and off and back on the train, and realized that I could take the train at least as far as Chinook station, and I was like, oh yay I can walk from there!! FYI, no, walking home from Chinook would take ages. I was super stressed bc my alarm started going off and I was like “no!!! I need to get to my train station!!!”
Anyway yeah. Last night was.......an adventure
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swamp-spirit · 8 years
Red’s talked about it on Twitter, but holy shit guys, let me tell you about our New Years. First, let me attempt to create an image of our apartment complex building.
201 > 202 > 203
101 > 102  > 103
201  - Is supposed to be a woman and her kid, but ???? people come and go at all hours. Are tons of people sharing it? Are there drugs being dealt (popular neighborhood theory)? Do they just have tons of friends who work day shifts?
Anyway, on this New Years, they are moving out.
202 - This is us! Your local anxious queers. Red, Emma, and I are all attempting to move out. You may note, by the fact we are doing this at midnight on New Years, that we have some time management problems and are desperately cleaning our disaster of an apartment, though we should have just declared it a superfund site.
203 - Dude lives here. Grows tomatoes on the deck.
101 - Trump van man. Suburban family, lots of sports gear, large van with trump stickers always takes up like three parking spots.
102 and 103 are irrelevant to this tale, but they are ‘security man’ and ‘dog!’ if you were wondering.
The other thing you need to know is 101 and 201 HAAATE each other. Apparently 201′s weird hours have repeatedly woken Trump Van and his son, which is unpleasant, but something I would have been more sympathetic to if I had not found out a couple of months ago via yelling out something along the lines of “YOU FUCKING DRUGGIES NEED TO GET OUT” and also that, despite weirdness, 201 has pretty much never woken or disturbed us, while Trump Van claims they have barely slept in months.
So back to New Years night. We’ve been moving for hours, we’re in pain, we’re hungry, we just want to eat some diner food and crash on our piles of boxes. Fireworks are going off, so I am having my biannual freak out, because I Cannot Handle Fireworks, my roommates are trying to calm me, and a firework goes off right out our window. I scream and go for the closet, Emma follows me into closet to try and calm me down, and Red goes to investigate.
201 has decided to celebrate the new year by setting off loud, explosive fireworks directly in front of our complex (and the one across the driveway). This is the final straw for 101. They start screaming about how this really is a new year to celebrate, the druggies are finally moving out, ect ect. 203, who I previously assumed was a quiet man bc of the tomatoes, starts informing them what he’ll do if the fireworks hit his house with the vigor of a person who has been collecting hunting knives for years and has been waiting for a chance to use them. At some point, a fucking truck just swerves and either barely avoids or nearly succeeds killing someone.
There’s some yelling by all parties about calling the cops, 201 saying 101 are the actual drug users, ect ect. Eventually things calm down to 201 aggressively stomping around the make a point, and Emma and I decide to brave actually going back outside and get back to moving our shit.
It is at this moment 201 decides they cave for no one and starts setting off more fireworks about ten feet from me.
203 is yelling again, 101 is yelling again, and I temporarily distract everyone by screaming and dropping into the ground in a full blown panic attack. Emma is trying to hold me up and calm me down, but the various screaming people decide this is their chance to get the moral high ground. Tomato man is yelling “Look what you did! This poor girl is crying!” and then continuing to yell, 201 people are asking if I slipped on the ice, and collected neighbors are gathering around.
As we go up the stairs, Trump Van Man is aggressively filming Fireworks Lady on his phone, trying to keep the camera in her face, for ‘evidence’, she is filming him back, and they are both yelling about how hard they are filming each other.
Emma finally gets me back in the closet to freak out in peace just in time for things to really pick up.
Trump Van Man wants to fight Fireworks Man, Fireworks Man informs the man that he could kick his ass, and offers to do so, I shit you not, behind the Subway. There’s one moment, and Trump Van charges at him, Fireworks man bolts, and this suburban dad with a pompom on his hat goes out to have a fistfight behind Subway.
The cops finally arrive start taking statements. Murderous truck driver, who appears to be a friend of 201, is the only statement we could hear, but paints a picture of a mild disagreement. He also reports his name is Richard Johnson, which I only thought was fake because he was lying about Subway fistfight already, until Red, master of dick jokes, pointed out the name was only slight more likely than Dick Allcock from Man Island. He refused to give the new address because he felt Trump Van’s Wife could be listening. Trump Van’s Wife was standing below in the doorway listening.
Anyway, we got a couple more boxes to the car between the multiple officers and interviews and went to get 2 in the morning pancakes. And tomato man just stood on his deck, dead silent, staring.
Anyway, that’s how I started 2017.
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ISSAB (SCP-682 put through Google Translate 15 times)
Caption: Aspy Strong Acid 682 is ready
Article: ISSAB
Phone Product: ISO-682
Hit the template: Campaign
The trial can save money for savings savings for 682 deaths. But we can not afford SCP 682 supporters and injuries to the body. Aisasipi 682: 5 × 25 × 5 cm, 5 m, because the center goes without detecting a major hydrochloride in 1000 Axis-682. All the changes in the process with the language and SCP 682 are usually completed and completed.
Staff SCP 682 can do this. Individuals were released to manage 682 relations, and were withdrawn.
SCP 682 is a bad, wrong, and an issue [to improve the state of the disability] as they try and achieve high levels at the root. Do not use human resources for 50 kilometers of land, and plan for their development.
Note: The equation, 682, is unknown, and is also good in mind. Check out their heart and do not participate in their short open connection between Adventures 7 and 9, and they all like Adventures-682, giving rise to the medial (682-B law).
Generally, the highest level of speed and strength is the standard-682. The proper transfer of Axicotic body is provided below or below. The appearance of uniqueness or variation, ASUS Agus wants to enter 682. Many NASA Flaters ACEPP-682 helped. This type of material will be removed immediately, over time and will destroy the system to destroy 87% -682-Iacus products.
682 Assop - - In the language, locality and community of computer users, seven or more people are translating the links. These groups need to be smaller. Today (17, █Microsoft) has been filed 17 years ago for the time of sin (note 682-500).
Aidamaintamaid682-B: a copy of the form
   First place, 00 hours 21 meter 52 S->
   You: Why do you blow your people?
   Scp, 682 (offline)
   If not, doctors will not be tested
   682 Isssebi Bologna
   Doctor if you are patient? (Small computer)
   682 Isssebi Bologna
   Advisor: Thank you. (The charge of the microphone will be up to 500-85).
   Yogesabe: ... it's hard to know
   Dr. █ Les utilisateurs d'un personnel non qualifié (500 -085 Ming Unqualified Employee) Avez-vous un microphone?
   -085 500 friends waiting for the neck! We talk about the smell (wood and sound)
   SCP, 682 (die 500-85) ... with sections
   Doctor of this country
   <No comments
682 o -500, -682 Aysasipi;
1 DEBUTO, -12 █ Electronics, Agent de l'agent (Kea) 500-129), par exemple, (77500 a) 173 Go o BC (keee), D. 200 (aee), 500-193 Ka).
2 Doctors, Doctors, Workers will load the 500 Doctor 500 to 500124137 D. 202, D. 203 (Key)
3: █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █: ث ث ث ث ث ث ث ث ث (ث), d 18 (Keaie), D 211 (taee), 500 -216 personnes.
4: 4, GNU Show Privacy (Taranki) and ■ 201 ■ -02-2011.
5: Monitoring Hands 500 :: 500-221, MD (Kea) ((Ka) █ ((he)), load for 82 (Keia), header 111, H 111 (www adhesion ngpoi ngota), d 281 (Ki), 209 (box)
6.6, download 6 ,,,, 500-291 (aeand) me حميل (keee) 279 d (keee) 278 extensions (d keee), TV 279 (KEAE)
The 682-S newsletter has been published in the United States:
Seeds 18-682 Asusus Aspir-702 -409 Asusipi. Art and Health Law
    Check 400 Aisisipi-682 Trucks on the ground. Aisasipi-682 has been mentioned many times, and most of the time.
    800: Of course, the wind will not break
    1200: -682 later after scourging him
    1300: The purpose of this model is 62%. Sally - Sacredida-682 may be injured
    1400: SFP members 682 have received affiliated businesses despite member loss. 682. Ibibihi began drinking and allegedly persecuted 682, E18, and destroyed them.
You can see the removal of SCP 682 from SC-682 SC, or not. It can be used to record P-409 of the SCP, and the SCH is 682 degrees.
The doctor's work on the plan (see Form 27, B-6), D. DR-689 and Izipus, with the consent, D-Wife ICEEEP has tried to take the house - now 682.
182, ASCEP SCH-182 ACEPIP has led ISIShip-682 leader.
Afterword: Now I know why people don’t make Gradually Watermelon-esque Google Translate parodies of SCPS:
Like, I swear, something must have happened, and now half the article is in a foreign language (hence the random strings of Arabic)
If you want need context, here’s the source:
0 notes
survivorelara · 6 years
Episode #3: “This tribe can literally suck my left nut.” - Toby
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Well after goofing my confessional days (sorry hosts who have to figure that one out.) I got an alliance chat together so that we can communicate without goofing up the challenge the only downside is that we haven't started yet due to nobody being on. (The sucky thing of people having different timezones.)
I'm hoping we can pull another win out of this challenge, I'm trying to just keep things casual overall, I can't exactly start making big moves or anything out of the gate. (Making this 4-man alliance is as big as it's gonna get for now.)
Just gotta stay low, do my part in challenges, and work social magic on people... ew did I really try to tell myself that I have social magic?
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I feel like a loser. Even though I was saved. I can be stubborn sometimes and it makes me look bad. I hate that.
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ok I started writing this yesterday.... and then forgot to send it... anyways hi this games going pretty good still? we havent gone to tribal and i really think I have some good allies on my tribe. also legacy woo!!!! I’m a bit overwhelmed with work irl but as always I’m going to ignore it
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RoxyToday at 3:54 PM 201 202 203 304 RoxyToday at 3:54 PM 201 202 203 304 RoxyToday at 3:54 PM 201 202 203 304 RoxyToday at 3:54 PM 201 202 203 304 RoxyToday at 3:54 PM 201 202 203 304 RoxyToday at 3:54 PM 201 202 203 304
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oh? you want to hear about my master strategy? the one where i vote for odd instead of logan? well, it's actually a really complicated plan that involves: 1. voting early because i was about to go into a really long class that i cant use my phone in 2. that's it.   this is only the FIRST step that leads to me skillfully placing myself in the FTC where i win by a vote of 8-0-0.
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Me? Sabotaging a challenge?? For a joint tribal council???
It's more likely than you think.
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hi.......... so immunity challenge isn't going too well... half of our 24 hours is up and we're on 67. i mean that's mainly because no one was awake when i was so i really expect everyone to be popping off when im sleeping.... i don't want to go to tribal at all (even less than if it were to just be our tribe going to tribal, despite us having the numbers) because i can see this flipping on us somehow... or an idol being played or some shiz. hopefully,,,,,,,,, the other losing tribe if we go really aren't close and don't have our ~incredible~ group morale so the chance of an idol being played is minimised.... i can't really do anything rn except be optimistic and help with immunity but no one is on! ughhhhh if i dont get to play my legacy myself im gonna be s0000000 sad. i think if i go i'll give it to andrea bc i mean i knew louise beforehand but it isn't that fair to give it her because of pre-existing relationships... and andrea's a queen so.
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Well we got into the challenge a little late unfortunately. I'm also worried I might be acting more... leaderly than I wanted to coming in, but hopefully I'm garnering more respect and appreciation rather than Oh, he's bossy, or Oh, he's good at this he's a threat, etc etc.
Ideally we wanna avoid that double tribal, but if we go then we'll just hopefully stay 6 strong, because I mean if we don't that means our tribe has a snake, which would suck.
I'm hoping to keep my, overall casually gameplay up, though my social game is lacking a bit, if I talk a bit more with people I think I'll be able to get people on board the Kori train.
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We are currently at 420 as a score and I kinda hope it stays that way lawllll I doubt we are going to win but I honestly wouldn't mind some excitement as far as a tribal council will go. If we lose we will have 6 going against whatever other tribe we are againsts 5. So I wouldn't by any means say this is being thrown because we have all been trying however nobody has really been panicking today which is fun. I have really enjoyed talking with Big Z as we have been getting these numbers in together the last few hours, and am hoping if we swap together we will have a good connection going forward. I want to make everyone feel good and comfortable working with me
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A combined tribal council... I really don't know how to feel. I'm already set for tribal council tonight, but I just want to know who will be attending alongside us. Like, its just something that is so defeatist and shit, but like if you fuck up on 203 out of all numbers and its just you and one other person... that's concerning.
Like that is my mood when I woke up. We lost at the number 203. Probably the other tribes are in the high 1000s and idk. I'm just begging for the worst at this point.
I take it back. No one cleared 500. That's just pathetic. Truly, it is.
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Wow we were trash and now we have to vote someone out if it’s me I’m gonna 🔫🔫🔫🔫 everyone before I leave they’re all getting super soaked
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FUCK BITCH! We're going to tribal with the other damn tribe. FUCK! No idea what's going to take place lol. Maybe if I keep a low profile I might be safe. IDK if being under the radar is such a good thing. I haven't played like this in a while. But if something happens I might snap.
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Although tbh I'm getting kind of bored with all of the nothing happening in our tribe so hopefully something interesting or exciting happens soon
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No idea what's gonna happen, and based on the vague implications, I think we might be seeing a swap of some kind perhaps of 2 tribes of 7 plus one person exiled.
ALTERNATIVELY It's a live challenge next... both have me mildly stressed but I'm ready to embrace either with open arms.
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My patience grows thin with each passing hour that these Zosma's dont answer my one about this vote. At this point, Im gon a throw out a name to my Auva's and call it a day. But then again, Dylan and Odd are too awol to be trusted- thus aggravating me a little more. So if this is my final confessional of the season, better give me that OTTN5 edit.
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Hello I hope we don’t swap I wish we went to tribal my tribe sucks and loris is definitely a snake and John is meh and Emma is inactive and kori is scary and I wanna work with zosma or like literally anyone else and I think I forhot someone OH big z he’s iconic but doesn’t talk to me smh
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im so lucky lmaoo the rest of the cast can suck my dick also loris is kwl
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I think we are probably going to rocks me and drew discussed the idea of getting both sides to vote for each other so when rocks are drawn we’d both be safe but he got worried about the idea of someone flipping and him dying which I understand but idk I’m ready to go balls to the wall
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heuse1acToday at 4:05 PM Oh Sam calls me "dude" that might be my vote we're gonna have to see
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DANI LIKES TO SING, KWEEN. Toby r e a l l y loves talking about himself. Sam is definitely straight. Unfortunate.
Y e e t h a w 🤠 Toby flopped in the counting challenge that I was ready to go the distance for & I’m not exactly sitting pretty for this joint tribal. I have a feeling that I could be targeted by Auva just because from an outsider’s perspective, I’ve done well in the past few challenges. There’s a lot of speculation that we’re gonna swap after this round, so I want Auva to know that I personally want to work with them in the future. Then together we can lower Revati’s numbers since they’re a bit too stronk right now. Drew T. tells me that himself, Drew H. & Roxy have been more on the “livelier” side as opposed to Odd & Dylan, whom I presume are on the bottom. Apparently Odd argued with the hosts as he was in the middle of a timed challenge & has rubbed some people the wrong way. So...why don’t we just vote out Odd for that reason? All I need to do is convince one person from Auva to flip & we avoid going to rocks, but I’m not shying away from rocks either. Dani said she’d go to rocks if Louise or I were in jeopardy, Roxy doesn’t want to kill me, Drew H. wants to play this game with me, & Drew T. let me know I wasn’t receiving votes. Maybe it isn’t the end of the world?
Toby finally found out that the idol was hidden under 39 & someone had already found it. I decided to stick to my guns by not claiming I have it because that only gives people incentive to vote you out. I have been leading Zosma’s votes which isn’t the position I’d ideally like to be in, but no one else is stepping up to the plate. I make my Odd pitch & say that we should tell the rest of Auva that they should vote out someone disposable to them instead of going to rocks for that person. Zosma & Auva are stubbornly solidifying themselves against the other for this vote, but I believe I could get Drew T. to flip. If not then I guess I’ll be drawing for rocks. :o
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I want to make a longer one when I get home but for now im ready to did to rocks and join my boy jack in the robbed premerge with 0 votes club YEEEEEEEEET
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Joint tribal is interesting. I think it will just be a tie. We will see.
Odd is voted out 5-3-2.
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