#bc if he rly was the traitor. it would’ve been so stone cold to find that on him
padfootastic · 1 year
Out of universe: Lily’s letter is in Sirius’s room so that Harry can read it with no thought behind why it was in a room Sirius hadn’t set foot in since he was 16, way before Lily would’ve written the letter
In universe: Sirius kept that letter in Azkaban and brought it with him when he escaped and somehow never lost it, his personal belongings were sent to his family after his arrest and they never got rid of them even though they never thought they’d see Sirius again, his family or an Order member went and gathered up all of Sirius’s stuff from wherever the belongings of dangerous criminals are kept (and if it’s the Order that did it, they got it after he escaped Azkaban, so I guess the Ministry or whoever keeps convicted criminal’s stuff over a decade after they’re arrested), Sirius himself went and got the letter even though he was a wanted felon, and presumably some other reasons as well.
oooh i entirely forgot that harry found it much later 💀 it’s v likely sirius could’ve gotten that letter (and his other belongings) from somewhere and kept it in GP himself. i still like the thought of him carrying it w himself always tho hehe just bc it’s utterly heartbreaking.
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