#rather terrifying actually
padfootastic · 1 year
Out of universe: Lily’s letter is in Sirius’s room so that Harry can read it with no thought behind why it was in a room Sirius hadn’t set foot in since he was 16, way before Lily would’ve written the letter
In universe: Sirius kept that letter in Azkaban and brought it with him when he escaped and somehow never lost it, his personal belongings were sent to his family after his arrest and they never got rid of them even though they never thought they’d see Sirius again, his family or an Order member went and gathered up all of Sirius’s stuff from wherever the belongings of dangerous criminals are kept (and if it’s the Order that did it, they got it after he escaped Azkaban, so I guess the Ministry or whoever keeps convicted criminal’s stuff over a decade after they’re arrested), Sirius himself went and got the letter even though he was a wanted felon, and presumably some other reasons as well.
oooh i entirely forgot that harry found it much later 💀 it’s v likely sirius could’ve gotten that letter (and his other belongings) from somewhere and kept it in GP himself. i still like the thought of him carrying it w himself always tho hehe just bc it’s utterly heartbreaking.
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nighttimeebony · 7 months
Percy Jackson is way braver than I am. I'm a grown-ass woman, and if Lance Riddick looked at me like THAT while yelling "Boy!" in that deep, thundering voice, I would've thrown up on my own shoes.
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catwouthats · 2 months
I’m researching all the animals wolverine gets compared to so I can see which ones are most like him and to which degree they are like him.
Bro this shit is fueling headcanons…
His love language is definitely gift giving, but he wouldn’t usually say the gift is from him. It would just appear at the person’s place. Like randomly, his friends get random tiny things, and they have no fucking clue where they come from??? And things they thought they lost appear again?? They must just think they are lucky at first.
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trappedinafantasy37 · 1 month
You are backed into a corner, there is nowhere for you to go, except forward. Unfortunately, in front of you is a man who is intent on shoving his knife between your ribs and stealing everything from your corpse. What are you going to do? Are you going to stand there and ask yourself, "Would I be a bad person if I fought this man, maybe kill him?" or are you going to pull your own knife and fight back? Cause, I will tell you what is more than likely going to happen. Your fight-or-flight sense is going to try to override your asinine desire to have a philosophical debate with yourself, and try to get you out of the situation alive. You will instinctively and without thinking, either pull your knife and try to fight back, or you will try to run away from this man, hell, you might actually try to just hand over your wallet if it meant securing your life.
Does this scenario make sense? Does the outcome make sense? Is it reasonable, in this moment, to forego morality for your own survival? Because if it does, then try to expand this idea to understand the TWO HUNDRED YEARS of bullshit Minthara has lived through in Menzoberranzan. Every single day of her life was a nonstop survival scenario, her fight-or-flight sense was always active, and she always defaulted to fight because that was what she was good at. Her conversation about someone always trying to kill her isn't her having an over inflated sense of self-importance. She was important. Many people actually did want to kill her, and many people actually did try. For fuck's sake, she was almost assassinated when she was just a baby!
And she prevailed above it all because she didn't waste a single second of her time asking herself, "would I be a bad person for trying to survive?" No, she picked up her maces and did what she had to and guaranteed her survival and she didn't spend a single second stewing in regret. Because what good does that do her when there are still threats out there?
This is why you will never be able to make her less "evil" because she doesn't see "evil", nor does she see "good". She does not subscribe to the concept of morality. If anything, she's amoral. She sees things in terms of you either kill or you get killed. And Minthara would rather kill. A majority of the decisions that she makes is about her own survival and increasing her chances of survival. She does not waste a moment of her time thinking on the morality of her choices. This may be a little bit charged when I say this, but the consideration of morality in ones choices takes an incredible amount of privilege and safety. And, in spite the abundance of privilege Minthara had as a Baenre, concerns of morality was not one of them because she was never safe. And she has never felt safe.
When she does something that guarantees her survival, only you see it as "evil" because you haven't been conditioned for 200+ years to view survival in the same way she does and you do subscribe to morality. She does not see it as an atrocity, nor as a bad thing and you won't be able to change her mind because the two of you lived in the end, and that is what is important to her. This is also why she will stand by you when you make what you perceive to be "good" choices. She doesn't see the action as "good", but more of "this action helps us survive." She does not care about being "good", she cares about being alive.
For example, Minthara does approve of you protecting Isobel and warning her of Marcus' intentions. She approves you making a seemingly "good" decision, but not because it is morally good. Isobel is providing you and the entire gang a safe place to eat and sleep in the Shadow Lands, as well as providing you with a blessing that allows you to walk around freely within it. Protecting Isobel is practical as it guarantees your survival. She does not care that it's morally good to help Isobel, she cares that protecting Isobel means you get to keep a safe place to sleep. Not to mention, it interrupts whatever plans the Absolute may have had for Isobel and Minthara certainly does want to fuck over the Absolute.
It's also the same exact reason as to why she doesn't give a shit if you kill Isobel while playing Durge. But it does depend on why you killed her. If you tell Minthara that you killed Isobel for the thrill of it, she will be quite peeved because not only did you lose a safe place to sleep, but you introduced threats to your lives that could have been avoided all for your entertainment. Your dumb actions jeopardized your survival for no reason, and that's a big no-no for her. But, if you tell her that Isobel would have seen you as a threat eventually, then Minthara would approve of it as she perceives killing Isobel in that moment as necessary for your survival. She's only mad because you didn't tell her before hand and she wasn't prepared.
And there are plenty of other situations in which she actually does approve of you doing "good" things, as well as disapproving of you doing "evil" things. In the end, she does not nor has ever cared about the morality of your decisions. She cares on whether or not you act with your survival in mind. But if you tell her that you did something because it was the "right thing to do" she will laugh in your face because doing the "right thing" often means going out of your way and endangering yourself, risking your survival and with nothing to gain in return.
This does not mean Minthara does not change, nor cannot change. She is not a stagnant person and she is constantly adjusting herself to the situation she finds herself in. But these adjustments have nothing to do with morality, but more reorganizing her priorities and desires. There is a reason why I keep circling back to the romance in the Karlach origin because it does demonstrate that Minthara is indeed capable of changing. In this particular ending, she demonstrates that she is capable of prioritizing the life of someone else over her own desire for power. She doesn't magically become "less evil" or "more good", her priorities have merely changed and you perceive that as a change in morality because you are trying to shove her into a box that she doesn't fit in.
She chooses to make changes within herself because she is inspired by you and your actions. But she will never change to appease you or make you feel better about her lack of morality. She changes because change is necessary for survival. If you do not like her, then that is your problem, one she will not fix for you. You either learn to like her, or you can leave her alone. But she will remain as herself and she will not compromise on who she is just because you want her to. She wants you to accept her as she is, because she accepts you as you are. She will never ask you to compromise yourself for her sake, and she expects the same in return.
Minthara is one of those characters that is meant to challenge your perception of what is and isn't evil. Would I say that you are wrong for seeing her actions as evil? No, I wouldn't because I do understand why some people see her as evil. But it is wrong to say that she is evil because she wants to be or that is just who she is. Minthara just wants to live and she will do whatever she has to do to live, and she is constantly readjusting herself to fit whatever environment she is in. If that means resorting to actions that you perceive as "evil" then so be it. But she is also capable of doing actions that you may perceive as "good" because sometimes, "good" actions can be beneficial to one's survival. Minthara heavily weighs the pros and cons and each decision made available to you and she tends to go with the choice with the highest chances of survival, which more often than not are "evil" choices. This is also why it seems like Minthara has a tendency to play both sides of things and that is because she can see the survival benefit of both "good" and "evil" choices simultaneously.
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ebonytails · 5 months
maybe im just dumb but what is the difference between kris p and kris t?
TL;DR - They are Kris Dreemurr fictives and we needed a way to differentiate them
Oh you're not dumb, don't worry! It really is a little confusing because we haven't talked about who they or we are in a very long time. I'm going to talk a lot here so you have all the context you might need! If it''s too long,, the TL;DR above is the gist of it.
For context, we are a system! You can read about it a little in our FAQ
Kris T and Kris P are TWO Kris introjects/fictives of Kris Dreemurr from Deltarune in our system.
Originally we just had Kris T who split in Dec 2018, and then when Chapter 2 came out, Kris P came into our system after that. Of course at first, Kris T. was just "Kris", but since we had a double now, we had to figure out how to differentiate between the two. We knew another Kris fictive from a different system at this time who was nicknamed P. Kris by Susie in our system, and susie wanted to emphasize who she was talking about.
SO. As a small nod to that, everyone decided to nickname Kris P as Kris P, as an inverse of P. Kris.
A little convoluted, I know!
Besides being Kris introjects/fictives though, they also look different! I made some new drawings to try and showcase their differences if that helps :3?
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Their dark world forms also look different. Kris T's is simpler, with a shiny soft cape, while Kris P's is more complicated with a hooded cape, which is also described as "very comfortable"
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Here's a whole Toyhouse of images of how Kris T. looks like right now! There's also his reference ! vvv
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Sorry if you weren't interested in our "life story"! They're not just random characterizations (they are alters), so I wasn't sure how to answer w/o giving you some sort of explanation.
They have their own sideblogs, so if you have specific questions directed towards them, you can always ask here because we'll see it better, or you can send them an ask in their own blogs. Kris T's is @kristalpepsi, and Kris P's is @itswhattheycallyou
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cozymochi · 2 months
I started following you recently, I think Tia is very pretty and your drawings are beautiful, is she in a romantic relationship with some character?
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Well, no but technically yes. But also yes, but technically no 🫣 I’ll explain as best as I can because Tia and romance is complicated.
Tia isn’t actually in any romantic relationship at all. So, my first gut answer is just “no, she isn’t.” (Which is the most concrete definitive answer, I suppose.)
She was kind of built from the start to just be her own character to put in a version of the twst story I’d wanna see (As any usual MC does.) 😩 So, romance just wasn’t really on the table. Though, mind, Tia is also just … the way she is. She’s a “princess tiana” type. It’s not a priority for her, so naturally it’s rarely- if ever- brought up.
THAT SAID!! I’m just really casual about shipping Tia in general, so she’s just sort of shipped with almost everybody without any real commitment on my end. I just like dynamics being explored should they go in that direction. So, it’s not completely out of the question.
I do have some pairings I ended up leaning more towards than others, to the point even I was surprised by them (y’know how when characters may take on a life of their own in a way? It’s like that), but otherwise I try to stay “hands off” with this stuff. I don’t think I’ll ever truly have her “canonically” be in any romantic relationship. If only to stay open ended. But, others are free to think what they want. I wouldn’t want to stifle anybody.
BUT - listen - I do enjoy a good romance 😩 and i like the thought of setting her up like I’m a stuffy aristocratic mom showing off her daughter to the many bachelors at a debutante ball kgjfjdulgjfh I like the hypotheticals. If a twst menu voiceline or innocuous piece of dialog in a story sends me into brainrot, then of course im going internally crazy jfhdgfhdh
Besides, Tia isn’t gonna get ANY romance if he has anything to say about it——
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(she deserves love)
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Making an Edit for Every Team in the NHL: The Chicago Blackhawks (7/32)
Voting as Fire Extinguisher (suggested by @ghostgeno)
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tojigasm · 4 months
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forcedhesitation · 4 months
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why should it just be steve who has all the torturous purgatory realm fun?
#dbd#myart#wip#quick clarification for those only familiar with the american version of ringu: sadako is 19.#anyway. I love that dbd lets me explore steve and nancy's characters outside the bullshit that the show is.#because the whole steve and nancy dynamic is Interesting. but the dustbags are plagued by cerebral hetrot so that story never GOES anywhere#it's just the “Waaaah love triangle OMG!!! will they? won't they?” crap. idk man. idc. why're these dumbasses breathing in Upside down air?#some people here have seen lucy before-- he is the ghostface pictured. and he's an OC. different person entirely from danny.#I won't explain his full lore here but-- he was a drag queen before the fog who started out by only killing those who he felt deserved it.#his entire persona satirises catholicism and he calls himself “the holy ghost” rather than ghostface. the entity made him an actual devil.#he's obsessed with steve because he LIVES his own role so he sees steve as his heroic opposite or some fucked up gay shit like that.#he's clutching kate's heart because if he were a real character in the game-- he'd have two moris.#one standard... and one for if a steve is present in the lobby. the second would involve him carving out the heart of a survivor as a gift.#he never harms steve though-- so it makes steve's penchant for self-sacrifice pointless.#steve instead has to do what he can to open the gates as fast as possible-- or watch everyone else die! :)#as for the toxic yuri-- it occurred to me that sadako's backstory bears some striking similarities to barb's story.#as soon as I realised this-- it was like I had suddenly gained the ability to see a new colour I could not see before.#sadako wanting to torment nancy as sick revenge for what happened to her but using barb's death as justification for this...#...nancy being unable to escape the ghost of barb... even in this hell dimension full of terrifying monsters--#it is still the memory of the girl she feels she “let” die in steve's pool that scares and hurts her the most.#not to mention that sadako's powers are reminiscent of how the upside down related fuckery appears...#the screwy technology. the telekinesis.#I just REALLY love seeing characters be forced to confront difficult parts of themselves even if that shit REALLY hurts.#dbd makes it so easy to do that to any given character. of course this goes both ways too-- it'd force lucy & sadako to change too.#which opens the door for torment on their end too because killers who disobey the entity are tortured into obeying.#a rock and a hard place on both ends. and that is Exactly how I like it. intense. complicated-- a puzzle to be solved.
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constantvariations · 23 days
Considering aura is a thing, it'd probably be a lot harder to catch a batterer since the victim's wounds would heal and leave no evidence
#rwde#watching kennie jds review of worst ex ever and getting abso fucking lutely heated#even w overwhelming amts of evidence and testimony cops will forever punish the victim rather than the abuser#how hard in remnant would it be to actually figure out someone you love was being abused wo the bruises or hospital visits?#(depending on how much aura can actually heal wo needing a boost.#(bruises might only happen after aura saves the victim from deaths front door which is a terrifying thought)#how much harder would it be to get actual justice for the victim wo the most obvious unambiguous evidence?#i doubt theres any justice in remnant#every authority we see is either corrupt. a clown. or a corrupt clown#and given how demonized negative emotions are in rwby the victims would feel compelled to hide their true feelings#even more than they are irl bc of the grimm#so any emotional or behavioral indicators would be so small and subtle theres v little chance of anyone picking them up#or even if they are noticed theyll probs be excused as 'oh its a bad day' or 'they didnt sleep well'#bc those things are plausible and far more common than domestic violence#rwby really couldve dived into this abuse angle and explored what it means to be trapped in that situation by so many circumstances#but noooooooo just lean on the incel dialogue and let the rabids swallow and regurgitate the plot#not even the minimum effort but still getting your dick sucked by people who worship mediocrity: the rooster teeth method
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frogspawned · 3 months
pet peeve is when a story tells us something is aberrant, but it seems to matter more about who does the behavior than the behavior itself. rorschach in snyder's watchmen isn't going too far; we watch nite owl and silk spectre ii snap necks and arms with gleeful, loving abandon, in slow motion no less, while they lecture the audience about rorschach's violence. heroes frequently torture the plot contrivance out of a villain and then moralize to the camera when the villains do the same. indominus rex's killing spree doesn't shock or appall me; all the jurassic world dinosaurs act like mindless killing machines, and the camera lingers, rapturous, on their cruelty. it's not an outlier. there's nothing interesting about it beyond as a set piece.
in a better script, the indominus rex would have had pathos; a chimera made for entertainment, for profit, stitched together with no regard for itself and placed in a lonely box. a freak among freaks. of course it would be mad. but the film wasn't interested in it as an animal, or a character, only as a moving piece of scenery for people to scream at or breathe tensely while it can clearly smell and reach them but doesn't, because it isn't a character and doesn't have motivations.
it's just sort of boring, i suppose. it tries like all other empty drab things do to cover it with bombast and roaring and soaring brassy scores but it's just sort of dull. a sprawl of nothing.
conversely peele's nope is a transcendent monster movie, imo, because it thinks about the the whys and hows, how jean jacket perceives the world, how the world perceives her, and lets that shape the narrative as much as jupe or emerald or gordy. they consulted biologists and behaviorists, digging into the meat of it. the creature as a camera as an animal as a device. nope has layers. it takes its own insane premise seriously, and has something to say, and is a goddamn good movie. i forgot where i was going with this.
#always rattling that quote from peele about the difference between horror and comedy being a matter of timing#creature horror is my favorite horror and most of it is Bad but i love it. sometimes you strike genuine gold and other times. well.#drives me crazy when monsters behave only in ways meant to be scary rather than how a real living thing would act. you can do both.#i remember hearing about a woman attacked by a moose in her own back yard. it gored and stomped her then left back into the woods#a few minutes later as she tried to crawl away it came back and attacked her again. terrifying! for no purpose!#a prey animal attack is often more frightening and vicious than a predator's imo#because to be eaten -- that carries its own logic. a prey animal though holds fear and rage and desperation in the core of it. it Knows.#a lion is a simple creature compared to a beef bull who just managed to corner the farmer against the fence#unlike say movie monsters continuing to chase and kill and attack while a volcano goes off around them and literally burns them to death#don't get me started on the icy swimming feathered raptor#also the goddamn dimetrodon in the caves like. i have never seen a beast less suited for a goddamn cave. why is it acting like that.#the book jurassic park goes into the behaviors and dynamics and such of the dinosaurs and what it means that we made them and why#using the cutting edge of science to craft both story and its monsters#but the franchise is dreadfully incurious#as many franchises end up being in the end#frog croaks#i guess i wanted to complain about the jurassic world franchise specifically actually#i haven't read crichton since high school. maybe i should revisit and see if my opinion holds lol
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callixton · 4 months
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 months
I love your blog so much 🤗. I love all your stories and snippets you write, all the clexa crack posts, and how you interact with fans. Whenever ADC posts, I go straight here to read your tags cause they are hilarious and always relateable, lol. So thank you for existing and I hope you have a lovely day 💗
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
i feel with lesbians, and im allowed to say this because im a lesbian, but honestly the punishment of individual lesbians is almost incidental compared to the fact its literally about making an example out of us. its like theres a potential lesbian in every woman and thats really who is being punished. straight women’s fear of acquiring that status VASTLY outweighs my actual lived discomfort as a lesbian. so much of the homophobia i experience stems from the perceived impossibility of my existence and the need to present me as repulsive, not directly to punish ME but to make other women afraid of being like me. so arguing like who would specifically be perceived as a lesbian in what situation feels so shallow when literally every woman is on some level perceived as like. a threat of hypothetical lesbian possibility
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lobotomy-lady · 3 months
my cousin has a strong fear of being attacked by a sharks & he was talking about how he's never gonna swim in the ocean ever again & I was like "that's silly, there's 1 fatal shark attack every other year in the US & only around 15 per year in the entire world. unless you're an australian surfer your chances are basically zero" & he was like "hm. fascinating. now tell me about the plane crash stats" -_-
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hananono · 4 months
every time somebody reduces the serirei dynamic to "silly one x serious one" an angel loses its wings
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