#sorry i can’t Words today i have thoughts but they’re not translating
padfootastic · 1 year
Out of universe: Lily’s letter is in Sirius’s room so that Harry can read it with no thought behind why it was in a room Sirius hadn’t set foot in since he was 16, way before Lily would’ve written the letter
In universe: Sirius kept that letter in Azkaban and brought it with him when he escaped and somehow never lost it, his personal belongings were sent to his family after his arrest and they never got rid of them even though they never thought they’d see Sirius again, his family or an Order member went and gathered up all of Sirius’s stuff from wherever the belongings of dangerous criminals are kept (and if it’s the Order that did it, they got it after he escaped Azkaban, so I guess the Ministry or whoever keeps convicted criminal’s stuff over a decade after they’re arrested), Sirius himself went and got the letter even though he was a wanted felon, and presumably some other reasons as well.
oooh i entirely forgot that harry found it much later 💀 it’s v likely sirius could’ve gotten that letter (and his other belongings) from somewhere and kept it in GP himself. i still like the thought of him carrying it w himself always tho hehe just bc it’s utterly heartbreaking.
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pancakeszs · 17 days
I’d rather be with you
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�� Megumi Fushiguro x fem!reader
♡ word count: 2.3k
♡ synopsis: reader’s date canceled so megumi steps up and takes her out to cheer her up instead
♡ warnings: all characters are aged up! (18+) FLUFF, confessions, making out, slightly ooc megumi
♡ authors note: this is my first jjk fic on here! i’m really nervous so i hope you all enjoy! i’m sorry if this is a bit fast paced i tried my best. <3
WRITTEN BY @pancakeszs (please do not repost or make any translations)
you were getting ready for your valentine’s day date, filled to the brim with excitement until you received a text. a text from the very man who was supposed to take you out.
date: hey i can’t make it today. my ex wants to go out w me so i’m gonna be with her instead. maybe another time 🤷‍♀️
you almost chucked your phone across the room, but realized that would just make things much worse. you felt your eyes begin to water but you blinked them back. this douche didn’t deserve your tears. taking a deep breath you dialed the number of the only person who could make you feel better.
after the second ring you heard his voice through the line.
“hey, what’s up?” megumi’s comforting voice hit your ear and it immediately made you feel better.
“my date just cancelled on me to go out with his ex.” you had to hold yourself back from screaming into the phone, megumi wasn’t the one who needed to be on the receiving end of your rage.
“that asshole, he doesn’t deserve you.” megumi meant it, he didn’t think anyone was ever good enough for you. mostly because he wanted you all to himself but he would never tell you that. he would never forgive himself if he ruined your friendship over his stupid feelings.
the line was silent for a moment before megumi spoke again “since you don’t have any plans, wanna come over? we can go to the bookstore to cheer you up if you want?”
you smiled at his offer, megumi was never really straight forward with his words but his actions let you know that he truly cared about you. “i’d like that. thank you, gumi.”
“mhm, i’ll be there in 10 is that okay?”
you suddenly felt much more nervous about hanging out with megumi than when you were going on your actual date. you turned around to examine yourself in the mirror. you wore a crimson red skirt, a white babydoll blouse, with crimson red mary jane’s with frilly socks to match your skirt. you decided to add a heart necklace that megumi had gotten for your birthday one year and the matching earrings that went with it.
after adding your finishing touches you looked at yourself again and decided that you looked good enough. even though megumi has seen you at your lowest you still wanted to look presentable, especially since it was valentine’s day.
you wondered to yourself if this was technically a date. deep inside of you, you wished that it was but you didn’t think megumi could ever see you as more than a best friend. you decided that it was just a hangout to make you feel better after being canceled on by your date.
you were startled out of your thoughts by a knock on the door. your heart began to beat faster as you walked towards the door. you opened the door to find your best friend. he was holding of bouquet of white roses, your favorite, and wore beige dress pants and a red sweater vest. the color scheme matched your outfit perfectly.
you smiled at him and megumi thought he was going to melt. you had stars in your eyes and megumi couldn’t think of a smile more perfect than yours.
“they’re beautiful megumi…” you said staring at the flowers, which meant you were too busy to notice the faint blush coating megumi’s cheeks.
he handed them out to you and you took them gently, not wanting to ruin their beauty. “come inside, i’ll put these in a vase before we head out.”
megumi followed you inside and still hadn’t said a word. he didn’t know what to say. you looked stunning in your outfit. he couldn’t help but notice the heart necklace and earrings you wore. the same ones he gifted to you on your birthday.
he decided to say something so he didn’t look like a total idiot. “you look..very pretty.” he was glad that you were searching for a vase while he said it.
you looked over your shoulder and smiled trying to sound calm but ending up stumbling over your words “thank you, you too- not pretty, but handsome. but i mean you are pretty too.” you cringed at yourself and quickly returned to searching for a vase.
megumi blushed at the compliment, seeing you as flustered as he was helped his nerves cool down.
finally you found a vase and filled it up with water. “so what do you want to do?” you asked looking at megumi.
he shook his head “no, what do you want to do?” he would’ve added that you were the one who’s date flaked out on you but decided it might’ve been best not to mention that detail.
you hummed to yourself as you thought. “well, you did mention the bookstore.” you say sheepishly as you cut the bottom tip of the stems off.
“i had a feeling you would say that. we can go there first.” he said. you picked up the vase and placed it in the middle of the dining room table, admiring its beauty.
you turn to look at megumi who was already looking at you “you ready to go?” you ask to which he nods in response.
the drive to the bookstore quiet, but not in an awkward way. it was never awkward with you and megumi. it felt natural to sit in the car, listening to your favorite artists and enjoy the ride. it was one of your favorite things that you both did together, you felt like you were bonding just by listening to your favorite songs and taking in the scenery.
megumi put the car into park and you both walked towards the bookstore. “any books you’re looking for in particular?” he asks you.
you think for a moment and then shake your head “not really, i’ll just look at whatever catches my eye.“
when you walk into the bookshop you feel like you’re transported into a different universe. the warm arm and the soft scent of vanilla made you feel at peace as you walked towards the fantasy section of the store.
megumi followed you, content to watch you skim through the books until you chose the perfect one. it wasn’t the first time you guys had visited a bookshop together, you did so quite frequently since you both loved reading.
he stood silently behind you as you read the different titles until you saw one that caught your eye. you gently pulled it out and read the back, immediately intrigued by the story.
you turn around to look at megumi, your face practically glowing with excitement. “i’m getting this one, it sounds really interesting. is there anything you want to look at?”
megumi shakes his head, he wasn’t here today for himself he was here for you. even though it wasn’t a date, he wanted to treat you to the best valentine’s day you’ve ever had. a day better than the one that douche would’ve given you.
you pout feeling bad that he isn’t getting anything but he insists that he has enough books at home. eventually you budge and you make your way to the register.
once it’s your turn in line you hand the cashier the book and reach into your wallet for your payment. right as you look up to hand the cashier your card megumi is already handing it to the lady. “megumi, i can pay.” you insist
“what kind of man would i be if i let you pay for a book on valentine’s day?” he asked raising an eyebrow at you.
“fine, but if we stop somewhere to eat i’m paying.” megumi makes a noise in the back of his throat that makes you think he’s agreeing when he’s really not.
once you guys exit the bookstore and walk back into the cool brisk february air you look up at him and thank him.
“it’s no problem.” he says shrugging it off, but he’s actually really happy that he got to buy you a book that you seemed excited to have.
“where to next?” he asks as you walk down the street with no particular destination in mind.
“how about the park?”
he nods as you both walk towards the direction of the park. that was another place you both enjoyed hanging out, you usually went there to read together. it was a little book club spot that you both had. except this time you were seeing it in new eyes, it seemed more romantic now. a secluded bench in an unoccupied part of the park. you wondered if people the who would pass by you thought that you were a couple. you blushed at the thought.
on your way to your bench you saw some food trucks and you both looked at each other and immediately knew that you both wanted something to eat.
“what do you want to eat?” you ask megumi but he shakes his head simply and says “no, what do you want to eat?”
“if i choose then i get to pay, deal?”
megumi rolls his eyes at you and mumbles “fine.”
you smile, content that he accepted your deal. you look around at the trucks and pick one that sells gyoza’s, something that both you and megumi enjoy. luckily there wasn’t much of a wait so you order pork dumplings for yourself, while megumi orders beef dumplings. you pull out your card and smile at megumi as you hand it to the man running the truck.
megumi rolls his eyes playfully and you both wait for a couple of minutes before receiving your food. once you get back to your bench you don’t immediately begin to eat. you’re thinking about your day. even though you both hadn’t been out long it was a very sweet hang out.
megumi turned to look at you, noticing that you haven’t started to eat, even though he hasn’t either. “what’s wrong? did they mess up your order?” he asks concerned
“no, i just wanted to say thank you megumi. for taking me out today. i appreciate you stepping up after that guy canceled our plans.”
you glance away after you speak, you think about the way he told you that you looked pretty, and the way that he was looking at you as you placed the flowers on the table. you could admit that you were delusional at times but today felt different. it didn’t feel like delusion it felt real. it felt like the air between you and megumi was charged with something more than friendship.
you decide to take the leap, it is valentine’s day after all. “i know this wasn’t technically a date…but today felt different. it felt romantic, almost.”
you look at him and he’s staring at you so intently, likes he’s trying to get you to elaborate so you continue speaking. “i’ve always loved you as a best friend, but i don’t know, i’ve been starting to feel something more. i think about you when you aren’t around, i see things and i think “hey gumi would like that.”, i wish that i was with you all of the time. and i’ve never really felt it romantically before, but i think that’ means i love you more than a best friend.”
megumi wanted to kiss you so badly in that moment. he thought he was in a dream, you were confessing your feeling for him. him of all people. he had thought of this moment so many times, but he never thought it would truly happen. he had gave into the thought that you would only love him romantically in his dreams.
he was silent for so long that you started to regret your words “megumi, if you don’t feel the same way-“
he immediately cut you off “i do! i really do. i was just thinking about how surreal this all is. i’ve loved you for so long but i never thought you’d feel the same way. especially about me.”
“what isn’t there to love about you?” you said softly and he felt the blood rush to his cheeks.
you were both silent for a moment and megumi looked down at your lips. they looked so soft, he always wondered what they would feel like on his. “can i kiss you?” he whispered.
“yes.” and slowly he leans in and places a hand on your cheek and his other on your waist. you place both of your hands on his shoulder and you close the gap between you.
the kiss was gentle, soft like you were both afraid to break the spell that had come over you both. but it was no spell, it was love so you took the initiative and started kissing him more passionately. his grip on your waist tightened as you parted your lips for him. he slowly slipped his tongue inside and you explored each others mouths.
he slowly brought his hand down to your shoulder and you wrapped your arms around his neck and you kissed him harder. you gasped into his mouth and there was a rumble in the back of his throat when you did so. you tugged on his shirt to pull him closer to you and he moved both of his hands to your waist.
you kissed for a while, a mess of gasps and lips and tongues. it felt euphoric, finally kissing him after waiting so long. when you finally pulled apart you rested your foreheads against each others and enjoyed the moment.
after a few seconds of silent you whispered “i’m glad that guy canceled, i’d rather be with you.”
he chuckled and whispered “me too.”
WRITTEN BY @pancakeszs (please do not repost or make any translations)
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flowercrowngods · 2 years
in which steve is having a bad day and sinks into a spiral that leaves him nonverbal and pulling back from the people he loves. lucky for him, eddie loves him too much to let him slip away completely. | 1.2k
Steve loves the kids. He does. He would go through it all again if it meant that they’d be safe. He’ll sit through Henderson’s endless rambles and Max’s unending sass until the rest of his days if he has to. If they’ll let him. 
He loves them. But some days he just can’t stand being the only dumb one, the only one who doesn’t get the jokes, the only one whose laugh will be strained because he wants to ask, but he doesn’t want their looks. 
The looks that so clearly say ‘You’re only here because you saved the world with us, you’re not actually important to the group and we only put up with you because we’ve shared trauma now.’ 
Maybe that’s a bit unfair to say, but that’s how he feels. 
In fact, he doesn’t know why they put up with him either, and most days he just wants to pull back. Leave them to their fun, let them enjoy their lives without having to explain their every word. Steve knows that’s exhausting. It’s also why he’s stopped asking for clarification. He’s already pulling back. 
Eddie, absolute sweetheart that he is, is the only one who will lean into Steve’s side and explain, or translate, or just show any sign of patience. 
And while Steve loves him for that, it makes him feel even more pathetic. Because Eddie – wonderful, pretty, kind, fucking metal Eddie – shouldn’t have to put up with all that either. All the gentle words, the quips, the easy way he manages to make everything seem to make sense, they’re wasted on Steve, because there’s nothing he can offer in return. 
Now that the Upside Down is gone, Steve is useless. Now that the kids don’t need protecting anymore and only a ride here or there, Steve is just… Steve. And on his darkest days, he finds himself wishing that the Upside Down were still there. Just so he could have a purpose. 
It’s fucking pathetic. It drives him insane with guilt, making his dark days even darker, because it will lead him down a spiral that will steal the air from his lungs until he forgets even the simplest of things like how to breathe or to hold back the tears. 
Today is one such day, and Steve can’t breathe as he’s holding the phone to his ear even though the thought of speaking makes his skin crawl and he doesn’t think he can do that. Which makes his eyes sting again as he pulls his hair, trying to pull out the thoughts that steal his words, his breath, his purpose. 
“What’s up, Steve?” comes Eddie’s voice from the other end of the line and it makes Steve’s heart skip, his lungs constrict, his vision blur. “Stevie? You there?” 
“Yeah,” he rasps and clears his throat. When he tries again, his voice is surprisingly stable, all things considered. “Yeah, sorry, I just wanted to let you know that I can’t make it to movie night.” 
Steve closes his eyes and clenches his fist until his nails are buried in his palms, the pain grounding against the fear that Eddie will hear something’s wrong, that he’ll want to know what’s up. Or worse, that he’ll cancel movie night and instead come over to make Steve talk. 
Somehow, he makes it through the phone call, through Eddie’s dramatics even though every word he speaks makes his skin tingle until he can’t quite feel his body anymore. It makes him dizzy, and he just wants to go to bed and leave the lights on forever. 
He doesn’t quite remember what he told Eddie or when the other boy hung up, but when he finds his way back to his body, there is the constant noise of the dial tone. It’s almost calming, grounding, and Steve stands there for a while, just listening to it, his forehead against the wall, the sensation cool against his skin.
Minutes, hours, maybe years pass as he listens, because it drowns out the thoughts, fills his mind with an emptiness that is more pleasant than the glaring void from earlier that swallowed him whole. 
Then the tone stops and there are arms wrapping around his middle. The familiar smell of cigarette smoke, leather and Eddie surrounds him and Steve just closes his eyes. The world shifts and he lets it, because if there is one thing he has learned, it’s that if you try to keep the world from shifting, it’ll leave you with cuts and bruises and broken hearts and nightmares. 
When the world is done doing its thing and dragging Steve along with no regard for how tired he is, he finds himself warm and horizontal, but maybe that’s just his mind playing tricks on him. 
And then there are words. They trickle through the fog of his mind like sparks of light in endless darkness. Steve tries to focus on them even though it makes his body tingle again, his hands shaking and his breath overwhelmed once more. 
I’ve got you, Stevie. You’re safe, okay? You’re safe. I’ve got you. I’ve got you, I promise.
Eddie. It sounds like Eddie. Smells like him, too, and it brings him back to the surface until he realises that he is lying in his bed on top of Eddie, his head resting under the metalhead’s chin and gentle vibrations go through him with every word Eddie speaks. They ground him as the world comes back to Steve. 
But when it comes back, it comes crashing. Eddie is here with him instead of with the kids, he’s calming him and telling him sweet things instead of having a good time. Eddie shouldn’t be here, shouldn’t have to see him like this, shouldn’t—
“Hey, no, don’t apologise, sweetheart. Don’t—”
Useless. So useless. Fucking pathetic, stupid, weak. Sorry. Sorry. So, so sorry. 
“Baby,” Eddie whispers, his hands in Steve’s hair, smoothing over the frayed edges of his mind that seem to fray even further with every word that comes out of his mind. “Shh, my love, my Stevie, you’re none of that, yeah? You perfect, perfect boy. You’re wonderful. You hear me? I don’t know what I’d do without you. I need you. I love you. I’ve got you. You can rest now, we’ll talk tomorrow. I promise I’ll still be here. I promise I’ll still have you. I promise I’ll still love you.” 
“Yeah, sugar. I promise. I promise.” 
And Steve falls asleep like that, with Eddie’s hands in his hair, his words in his ear, his warmth everywhere. He doesn’t believe it, not in that moment, but it’s enough. It’s enough. It’s a promise, after all. 
They’ll talk when Steve has his words back, because he knows even through the fog of his fucked up mind that Eddie won’t let this go. He cares too much for that. And although it’s new for Steve, although it’s heavy sometimes to carry the weight of someone’s love and trust and worry, he thinks they might make it work. Hopes that they do. Hopes that Eddie knows what he got himself into with that promise. 
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freisende · 6 months
Memories Selection: Checkmate Episode 5 - 孤独な玉座 (The Lonely Throne) English Translation - Ensemble Stars
Provided by Happy Elements, あんスタチャンネル on Youtube
Ensemble Stars Memories Selection: Checkmate 『チェックメイト』 Adapted from Ensemble Stars! Story: Checkmate Written by: 日日日 (Akira) English Translation: Freiya
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*All copyrights of the stories, scene pictures and writings, all belong to Happy Elements. I only translated the scenes into English to help overseas fans understand the dialogues. I do not own any copyrights other than the English Translation*
Izumi: You’re late, Leo-kun!
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Izumi: It's basic to be on time, right? Don’t you lack the sense of being the leader?
Leo: Ahaha~! Sorry, sorry. You know… in truth, just now I was negotiating a bit with the unit we’re supposed to be facing off.
Eichi: Negotiate…?
Izumi: *Izumi takes a walk forward* …Now that I think about it, not even one of them has shown up yet, have they? Well, they don’t even have the will to do their activities from the start. So I thought they don’t intend to participate in the rehearsal, and will just go straight directly in the real live, though?
Leo: Hm. They’re really like that, huh? Recently, I have finally understood. Everyone, all of them, I thought they’re my lovely friends. But I wonder what they think? I was thinking; do they also think of me as a precious being, like Sena do? I was very curious about this as of late. That’s why the other day, I had Mama[1] help me negotiate, and I directly faced the former member of Chess regarding this one-on-one. I’m also a boy, so I’m worthless if I am always just being protected by Sena, right? 
Izumi: *Izumi puts a confused expression while looking at Madara*
…What do you mean?
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Madara: Hmm… let’s hear it directly from Leo himself, okay?
Izumi: …
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*Everyone is silent and hear Leo’s explanation deeply*
Leo: …I went all around and asked everyone. I asked them, “What do you think of me? What am I to you?” They gave me various answers. But there is not much meaning in words. “A friend. A comrade, I love you”, you can say anything with your mouth, right? 
That’s why I narrowed it to choices. 
Izumi: …Choices?
Leo: Yup. Me, or the songs I composed. I made them choose. If they like me, regard me as a friend, and still want to be friends with me, I won’t let them use my songs anymore. But if they choose to be my enemies, I will let them use my songs just like always up to now. When I presented them with those choices, Sena, what do you think happened there? 
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Leo: Everyone, without any hint of hesitation, with smiling expression on their faces, they directly choose to be my enemies! Ahahahahahaha! Laughable, right, Sena? What they love isn’t me, but my songs! Well, that’s obvious though, because I’m a genius! The songs I made are great masterpieces! Ahahahaha, ahahaha! Hey, Sena, Tenshi, it was steeped in my mind that I was loved. I thought I had spent my youth well happily with these friendful comrades.
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Leo: But, it was just me being mistaken by myself! Ahahahahaha, ahahahahahaha, ahahahaha, ahaha! 
Izumi: Leo-kun, well…!
Leo: No, wait a moment, Sena! Hear me out! *Leo holds out his hand to Izumi* Starting this point is the climax masterpiece! I said just now that I was negotiating, right? I don’t want them to ruin and make a mess of the live that Sena and everyone else has been preparing well for, so I thought it would be best for them to just back off if they don’t want to do it!
–Flashback to the scene of Leo negotiating before–
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Chess’ former member A: Don’t stand on today’s checkmate stage?
Leo: Yup. You would still get the pay. Not a bad deal, right?
Chess’ former member B: Okay~! I’ll ride that big negotiation deal.
Leo: …I see…
Chess’ former member C: Yeah. Even if we face off, we can’t win against you guys.
Chess’ former member D: If we don’t need to stand on stage but still get paid, that way definitely would be better for us too.
Chess’ former members: Ahahahahahaha. 
Leo: …In truth, I was hoping that they would reject this negotiation. I wanted to explode, “Don’t be ridiculous!”, I wanted to beat and mess them up!
…Hey. what’s up with those guys? Are they really idols? For what purpose do they live? Isn’t it to do their best in things they like in their life?
Izumi: Leo-kun… *Izumi reaches out for Leo’s shoulders*
Leo: …Sena, this is your fault, you know!
Izumi: …Huh?
Leo: You’re the first person I met in this school. You’re the guy that I got close to and you always do your best. That’s why I thought everyone else was like that too…! Idols are amazing, and if it’s here I can definitely make friends. It made me believe that it would be like that, I was made to believe that things were like that. That’s why! Everything, all of it is your fault, Sena!
Izumi: …Why…*Izumi backs off* …Why is it my fault, Leo-kun…?
Madara: …. *Madara looks quietly at them*
–Madara calls Izumi out to the archery club’s practice field to talk–
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Izumi: …Mikejima, what is it that you need to talk about? It’s about time for the stage to start, I need to do my makeup, change my clothes… I’m busy, though.
Madara: Hm. I thought that you needed to know, see. So I thought of telling you quietly, you know?
Izumi: …Haa? 
Madara: On that day, I was passing by this archery club’s practice field. And I heard the voice of a cat crying inside, as if asking for help. I entered here, and I witnessed that appearance of Leo-san. 
*Little John meows*
Leo: Hm~♪ Hm~♪ Hm~♪ Hm~♪ *Leo sings a melody*
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Madara: …! *Madara was surprised and hurried to rush inside, but stop in the middle of the way, while gritting his teeth*
With the flowing blood from his broken right hand as a writing tool, Leo-san was writing music scores, and composing a song with his blood. While crying, he was saying this:
Leo: I’m happy…! This is the first time I’m feeling such pain! What a fortunate moment, ahahaha! Ah, it’s flowing, it’s flowing here…! Inspiration! Ahahahaha…!
Madara: I rushed to the infirmary to call for help, but when I came back, Leo-san was gone.
Izumi: I see. 
(So after that, he came to my place, in the practice room…)
Madara: I investigated, and finally I got it. This place has become a kind of hanging out place for delinquents and those bad guys with no ethic, you see?That day too, they played and did bad things to the cat that got lost here. It’s a very disgusting, bad story, though. They used lighters to burn it, used arrows to hurt it. That was how it came to Leo-san trying to stop them using his body. And the result of it, was like that. The delinquents got scared and they ran off, apparently. Then that’s how I found out. When I saw that appearance of Leo-san, I was too shocked. I thought, perhaps because of the unbearable pain, something has gone off in Leo-san’s head. But the truth, it was not like that.
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Madara: Leo-san was trying his best desperately in telling himself: “It’s no one’s fault. This is not a tragedy. If else, I’m feeling happy. Using this experience, I can write out a great masterpiece!” That’s what he must have thought in his head.
Izumi: …That guy… Leo-kun is… an idiot with a good heart of a person, so something like hating other people– he can’t truly hate anyone from the bottom of his heart. And that’s why in Chess, he’s being used delightly by other people. 
Madara: Hm. If you have comprehended that much, then I would like for you to watch for Leo-san carefully, closely by his side. That child is fragile. I am trying my best as his friend, but I can’t always remain by his side to watch him. But you, you’re his comrade and his equivalent, aren’t you? So I’m begging you. Please don’t make that good child unhappy.
Izumi: …Even if you told me that…! I am just a fellow unit member… not his family, or even a friend. I’m busy with myself already and have other things to fulfil. I can’t take care of each and every one of his problems.
–Back in the auditorium, audiences have begun to gather to watch the stage–
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Leo: Aah Sena~! Se~na, just where have you gone off to? The audiences have entered and gathered here, you know!
Arashi: Hey, hey, Izumi-chan. All the members of our opposing units have surrendered, right? Then, you don’t need extra helping members, right? *Arashi looks at Ritsu*
Ritsu: Um. *Ritsu nods his head at Arashi*
Izumi: *Izumi looks around*…Where are Tenshouin and Aoba?
Leo: They have gone back! I asked them to. I’m the leader, you see. I have that much of an authority, right?
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Ritsu: Well, us too…
Arashi: Can go back home, right?
Leo: No! You guys should go sing. From what I’ve seen you guys are pretty good. I’m also curious and want to see how your singing voice sounds!
Arashi: Oh my…
Ritsu: …Eehh?
Leo: It’s time to take off! Let’s go, Sena! *Leo stands up and approaches Izumi* What should I do?
Izumi: …even if you tell me what…?
Leo: I’m stupid, so I can’t figure it out by myself. You’re smart, so you should think it out, and tell me what I should do. I will make your dream come true. 
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Leo: As Knights, together with me.
Translator’s notes:
[1] Leo calls Madara with his unique abbreviated name, “Mama” from MikejiMA MAdara.
Note: This episode made me sob so much omg it hurts, Leo-kun!😭
!Warning! Please refrain from reposting the translation to other platforms; abide to link back to this post for reference. Thank you.
Memories Selection: Checkmate Directory Chapter Episode 4 - Rusting Heart Episode 6 - The Shine of the Crown
Translation Masterlist
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fieryanmitsu · 1 year
I’m sorry I can’t be normal about this event 😭😭😭. Just going to cry and word vomit some more over Same Age Group ajwbrkfkskakwkngnfkakaknks!!! LOOK AT THEEEEEM! 😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭
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I have so many feelings about these three and their friendship. Just look at how relaxed and buddy buddy they are with each other in this image! 😭 I know they’re all tipsy, but it’s still a fact that they’re great friends and their badge for this event is literally along the lines of “today, at the usual place”. It just makes me so warm and fuzzy that they regularly go out to eat and drink together. Like every time I see them talk about it in voicelines, etc. my heart just clenches and now we get a whole card, song and event about them?!?! I die.
And also the fact that the event teaser description is “The "now" that was unimaginable back then is here.” absolutely destroys me (in the best possible way—I’m being bombarded with all the good feels 😭😭😭). For Tasuku and Tsumugi, they’ve finally reconciled after their fallout and now are acting together when they thought it would never happen again. And, more significantly, the fact that Itaru is part of their group now… when, before Mankai, he never would have thought he’d have friends like this. 😭
And it hits even harder when we look at their gacha cards!!
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LIKE WTF?! I wasn’t ready for this?!?! What do you mean Itaru is in the background and implies that these three were so CLOSE to being in each other’s lives during their high school years?!?! I daydream constantly about the “what ifs” of Itaru meeting them earlier in life (like I think about it so much I wrote a whole damn AU series about it 😭) and here it is dangling in our faces 😭😭😭. I just love that the theme of their unbloomed cards is all of them in high school, but then when you get to their bloomed cards…
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It’s so obvious that they all have such a presence in each other’s lives! 😭 If we look at that event description teaser especially from Itaru’s POV, he never would have imagined he’d be regularly rubbing elbows with two buddies at an izakaya let alone being so comfortable with people that he would TIE HIS SILLY LITTLE HAIRTIE ON TASUKU’S HAIR and DRINK OUT OF A DUMBBELL BEER GLASS (which he is probably doing out of jokes to Tasuku or maybe just straight up got it as a gift from him).
I’m just so happy that Liber obviously found this friendship so important and significant that they gave us this content and I’m here for it 😭😭😭.
Also the song is SO GOOD?!?! It’s so chill but catchy!! I will cry if they ever perform it at a future Blooming Live concert!! I don’t understand the lyrics but the title of the song being “accord” also just hits me in the feels! 😭 It’s such a positive word to describe their relationship!
I really hope someone will translate the event story, event cards and the song lyrics one day!! If anyone sees the translations somewhere, please hit me up!! Or if any translators wants the raws for translation I can totally supply them!
As a side now, I swear SSR Tsumugi gacha cards are always so hard for me to obtain 🙃. It only took 1,595 gems (11 whole 10-pulls) for me to get one copy of him 🫠🫠🫠. I’ll stop talking now and go back to desperately grinding the rest of my unread content for more gems to try and bloom him 😭😭😭.
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merrodi · 2 years
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☆ Chocomimi Volume 6 English Translation / Chapter 1
Translated through phone scans and my limited knowledge of Japanese! I appreciate any and all corrections.
This series was a big part of my childhood but localization had stopped after volume five, so I’ve decided to translate as much as I can for fun. I hope someone out there enjoys!
link to purchase this book (japanese only)
Note: comments in italics are words spoken outside of the bubble. (comments in parenthesis are thought, not spoken) [comments in brackets are words contained inside a bracket]
This comic is traditionally read right to left, top to bottom.
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(skipping over the character pages for now because they’re a lot to translate)
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☆ Reading ☆
Choco: It’s autumn, the best season for reading! Choco: Guys, how about we all read books and write down our impressions of them?
Mumu: okay! Is a fashion magazine alright? Choco: Can you please choose something that has a story?
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Mimi: okay! Is a shoujo manga alright? Choco: Could you please choose something that doesn’t have pictures?
Mikachin: okay! Is a Japanese dictionary alright? Choco: As long as you’re using it to write down your impressions…
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☆ Recommended ☆ Mimi: Mikachin, I read the book you recommended~♡ (New universe theories)
Mikachin: Really? How was it? Mimi: (ehe) Difficult to get through, but interesting!
Mikachin: I see. Mimi, you’re very admirable. Mimi: (honestly, I didn’t understand any of it, but I’m glad I read it anyways)
Mumu: Woah, what’s with the difficulty in this? Mumu: I’m trying to read it, but it’s impossible.
Mikachin: Is that so?  Mikachin: Should I explain to you the parts you don’t understand? Mimi: gasp!
Mikachin: Come over to my house after school today. there’s cake, too. Mumu: huh——- okay, sure. Mimi: ((I made a mistake!!)) how nice…
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☆ The Next Day ☆
Mimi: Mumu-chan, did you go to Mikachin’s house yesterday? Mumu: hm? I did.
Mumu: The two of us read the book the whole time in Mikami-kun’s room. I got sleepy. Mimi: (just them alone in Mikachin’s room?!)
Mumu: Halfway through, I fell asleep. Mumu: Mikami-kun ended up giving me a piggyback ride to my house. He’s really kind, huh.  Mimi: (A PIGGYBACK RIDE FROM MIKACHIN?!!??) AAAHHH….
Mimi: I’d also like to be an idiotic and inconsiderate human being… I envy Mumu-chan... sigh… Andrew: You’re already idiotic and inconsiderate enough.
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☆ Girls ☆
Mikachin: Sometimes I just don’t get girls, y’know? Andrew: Huh? what happened?
Mikachin: on Snow White... Mikachin: If a stranger covered from head to toe in black offered you an apple… would you normally eat it? Witch: here, take this apple Snow White: oh dear
Andrew: I wouldn’t eat it. That’s way too suspicious. Mikachin: and Little Red Riding Hood, too… Mikachin: The wolf was pretending to be her grandmother in her house…
Mikachin: To not be able to tell the difference from a beast to a human… is that even possible? Red: Gramma, why are your ears so big? Andrew: That’s just how fairy tales are.
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☆ Tears ☆
Choco: Speaking of emotional stories… Choco: Once in a while, I’m hit with the desire to really want to read one.
Mumu: I know what you mean! The more you cry, the better it is. Choco: Exactly! I have to read those alone, because tears end up falling from my face.
Mumu: Exactly! And that’s when I snap a pic of my crying face!
Mumu: I like verifying that my crying face is the cutest thing ever~ it’s the photo after I was reading Choco: Sorry, can’t relate to that whatsoever.
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☆ Shoujo Manga ☆ 
Choco: Mimi, the manga you lent me is so interesting! I really relate to the main character. Mimi: The protagonist Shouko is really similar to you, Choco!
Choco: Isn’t the transfer student Shindou-kun also a bit like Ando? Choco: Her close friend Yumi is just like you, Mimi, and almost predictably, Matsuda-sensei is like Take-chan, too! (The manga she’s reading is called chocomint)
Mimi: [hehe… Choco doesn’t know this yet, but in volume five, Shouko and Shindou confess to each other and find out they have mutual feelings~] Shindou: please go out with me. Mimi: [and also, Yumi, the girl that Choco said looked like me]
Mimi: [confesses to her homeroom teacher, Matsuda-sensei] Matsuda-sensei: You moron! Matsuda-sensei: I’m going to use this triangle ruler’s 30-degree angle to stab you! Mimi: [that’s just horrible, honestly…] It seems so depressing...
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☆ Bible ☆
Choco: Mimi, what book are you reading? Mimi: The “How to Be a Good Woman Book”! If you read it, you’ll become a wonderful lady!
Mimi: Ah, it’s essential that a good woman has an attractive lover! Mimi: I guess I’ll have to study up on the “How to Find a Great Boyfriend Book”.
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Mimi: Ahhh… but there’s no doubt that a wonderful boyfriend would also be popular with the ladies… Mimi: I’ll have to research the "Affair Detection book”...
Mimi: sigh… and I’ll need to read the “Getting Back Up After a Broken Heart Book” after we split up from the cheating… I can’t get depressed now! Choco: ah... the only thing she’s learning is delusion…
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Fashion tips section!
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☆ Feelings ☆ 
Choco: Ando, have you read this too? It’s a book about understanding your pet’s feelings! I borrowed it from Mimi! Ando: nah, I don’t need it.
Choco: Ahh.. you already know whatever Picho’s thinking, huh. Ando: Not at all, but…
Ando: Even if we never reach understanding over an entire lifetime, it’s okay. Ando: If that’s how it is, then I’d be pleased just guessing as to how I can make her smile… thinking of my beloved companion day and night…
Ando: Isn’t that the key to continuing to love other people? Choco: What’s with your dialogue sounding like it’s coming from a master of love?
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☆ Returning a Favor ☆ (this is based off a japanese tale called tsuru no ongaeshi)
Bambi: Like a crane who comes to return a favor, Picho turns into a human before your eyes! Bambi: What would you do?
[One night, Picho had opened the door and returned in the appearance of a beautiful maiden...] Picho: Good evening... Ando: That wouldn’t be bad…
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Mikachin: Wait, Picho is a girl? I thought he was a guy this whole time. Bambi: Oh yeah, and Picho’s also a little kid. So instead…
Bambi: One night, Picho opened the door and had returned in the appearance of an elementary school boy with a shaved head! Ando: Absolutely not.
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☆ Heroine ☆
[A great man’s entire life will remain in history through books.] [His story will be read by all.]
Jin: Wouldn’t it be nice if there were books about ordinary people, not just the greats? Jin: A book written about an ordinary person’s life from their birth up to their death!
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Aoi: Would that be interesting to read about? Jin: There’s a chance it wouldn’t be interesting, and there’s a chance it wouldn’t have a happy ending…
Aoi: right? Aoi: (But, if it’s Jin-kun’s book, I might be interested in reading it...)
[If it’s Jin-kun’s book, then I think it’d definitely be happy.] Jin: look, that cloud is like taiyaki! [How many pages in it will I appear?]
Aoi: (No, it’s not how many pages… how many lines?…) Aoi: (Oh…I wonder if I’ll be able to make an appearance at all...) Jin: You know…
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Jin: It’s fine if I end up not reading about Aoi-chan’s life.
Aoi: (I-is it…because it’d be so insignificant?!) Jin: or should I say, I wouldn’t have to go to the trouble of reading it.
Jin: Whatever happens in Aoi-chan’s life, my eyes will have seen ALL of it, so that’s why I wouldn’t need a book. Jin: We’ll be together forever, yeah?
Aoi: ........ Aoi: Forever?
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Jin: Yep, forever. Aoi: Even when we become adults? Jin: Yup, foreverrrrr. Aoi: I see…
[Then, my book] Jin: look, that cloud is a heart-♥️ Aoi: You’re right. [Will surely have a happy ending.]
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catchyhuh · 10 months
just our special guy today because i’ve realized i have very complex thoughts about my main man’s polyglotism and the way i see it utilized in canon and in fan work from time to time. i will be rambling, i will be going off target, this is a promise SO LET'S GO!
so baseline, lupin was bilingual from almost birth, with the whole mixed upbringing and all. so we know that, from the start. french dad, japanese mom, you-- i mean it would be jarring to somehow not know a lick of either. I MEAN THEY GOTTA TALK TO THE BABY SOMEHOW
when he was about 4, the Horrors began. you can’t be much of an international thief only speaking two languages that are… really only primarily spoken in their countries of origin (canadian french is very different you know) so they started piling on more: spanish, italian, english, german, they tried cantonese too, but he had so much trouble with the tones that they dialed it down to mandarin, and he… still had trouble with the tones, because even as an adult that’s a LOT of voice control that he tends to lose when he’s overly happy or upset. so yeah it was hard for a FOUR year old to manage it
it’s kind of funny though; the first language he could really speak was japanese, and the language he usually defaults to, the language he THINKS in, is STILL japanese. all those language courses just for him to stick to ol’ reliable
however, certain words pop up in french first for him; usually numbers. by the time he was learning to count, his dad was more adamant about him speaking french more, so numbers (and colors) register as french in his head before he runs them through a little translator in his head and goes “TWENTY” at top volume. if somebody is describing a math problem to him in japanese, even though he’s most comfortable IN that language, he has to redo the whole thing in his head in french to really get his answer. yes, it’s miserable for him
the language he speaks SECOND most often is usually english, but more for a comedic beat than anything. ironically, lupin uses english the way some english speakers use french, in a way to be goofy and overdramatic about mundane shit. but also if you buy into the “jigen was born in america” thing then it just makes even MORE sense he’d be speaking it semi-often
the thing about his french is that while it’s still deeply ingrained into him, he… very rarely sees it come up in interactions. even when IN france, he sort of subconsciously removes his personal connection to it out of the picture. it’s like speaking portuguese in brazil, or speaking russian in, uh, russia. more of a needed skill than a part of HIM, really. in order to truly unlock his French Mode, he’d need to be around someone speaking french OUTSIDE of france, because, weird as it may sound, that’s just how he’s connected to it. and then he’d talk to them for a bit, start slipping into it naturally, and he might accidentally lock himself into it for an hour or so after they’re done talking. this is really the only kind of instance that gets him to slip up around any of the other four, because in his mind, why would he be speaking in french when he knows he can better communicate with the sorry bastard in front of him in another language?
i leave you with one final note to a question you could maybe be having idk: so, how many languages CAN lupin speak? and the answer to that is uh. i don’t know. many. whatever is plot relevant. are we like counting piglatin too or
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Hi there, how are you?
I had a request for the nanny series!
Only if your comfortable with writing something like this or if not please feel free to ignore me :)
It was an idea where just after Annie and Andy are married. Annie has to get her wisdom teeth removed! And Annie is not a fan of the dentist or needles (getting the IV) and is scared for the recovery. But Andy is there for her every step of the way! From getting the call of the appointment. To comforting her at the office and afterwards the car ride home. Annie being in a goofy mood as Andy helps her to the bedroom maybe helping her change into comfy clothes and Andy helps/comforts her to sleep… And at home helping her recover when her mouth is sore and teeth hurts 🥺🥺 and Jacob is also super cute and worried! Just something comforting and fluffy 🥺
I’m getting mine out and I’m nervous, and Andy is a comfort and I love this story! Just a thought I’m having as I can’t sleep from the pain in my gums 😭
Hi! I'm so sorry you are in pain! I hope what I wrote will make you feel better. Send you lots of hugs!
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: This is set way before Annie got pregnant. Lily doesn’t not exist here yet. This is based in the request above. Hope you feel better!
Warnings: mentions of blood, pain, tears, Andy being a loving caring husband.
A/N: English is not my first language, any mistakes are my own. Enjoy!
Word count: 1899
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
GIF not mine. You can find the credits under it :)  
Another day at the Barber’s household. It was a Saturday morning, the house was quiet except for the sound of the cutlery against the plates. Annie was eating extra careful today, she took some scrambled eggs with her fork and made sure she chew only on her left side.
“What’s the matter?” Andy asked and sipped his coffee.
“Why are you eating like this?”
“I’m eating normal.” But right at that moment she bit a piece of toast that went straight to the back of her mouth on the right side and she flinched.
“There! Does your tooth hurt?”
“It’s nothing.”
“Maybe you should go to the dentist, see what’s wrong.”
“No, no. I’m good! I’ll take a pill, I’m sure it’s nothing!” she nervously laughed.
Annie did take the pill, however the pain didn’t go away. In fact it was worse than before, and now she could see her face was a bit swollen.
“Alright!” Andy walked into the bathroom, “Get dress, you’re going to the dentist.”
“You need to go! Look at your cheek!”
“Andy I’m fine! It doesn’t hurt anymore.”
“Really?” His hand reach her face and his fingers barely grace her cheek.
“OW! Stop that!”
“We are going now, I don’t care if you are scare of the dentist.”
“I’m not scare of the dentist.” Andy lifted his brow and tilted his head, “Alright! I am scare of the dentist! I wore braces and they were awful! And I hate the noise the machine does when they’re cleaning your teeth!”
“Honey, they need to check your tooth, your face is swollen, it’s not normal and it’s not nothing.”
“Argh! Fine! But if it hurts while they’re checking I’m gonna kick you.”
“Deal! You have 10 minutes.”
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“Ok,” The dentist walked into the office, “We have to remove both your wisdom teeth from the bottom.”
“hehehehehe no, no, no, no.”
“You have an abscess on the right side, which is why your face is a bit swollen. So I will work on the abscess today, give you some pain medication and I will remove your teeth next Friday, that way you will rest during the following weekend.”
 “What? Why?”
“Well,” The doctor took out an x-ray, “You have impacted teeth, in your case you teeth grew out in an angular form,” he pointed the x-ray show how her teeth was leaned towards the other. “And with time this will cause you problems in the rest of your teeth.”
“What kind for problem?”
“They can move the rest of your teeth and you will have to use braces.”
“Not again!” The doctor giggled once she looked the face of Annie.
“I had my wisdom teeth removed while I was studying. It’s not a big deal.” Andy said.
“Shut up! What do you know?”
“Don’t worry, it’s a standard procedure, I promise you will be fine and we will take care of you.” The dentist smiled fondly to her, “Ready for that abscess?”
“No.” she sighed.
“People always say that.”
30 minutes later, Annie walked out of the office to the reception are where Andy was waiting for her. Her face was red as tears were streaming down her cheeks.
“Oh my poor baby.” Andy tried to reach for her hand but Annie slapped him.
“I hate you!” Andy just giggled.
“See you next Friday, Annie.” The doctor said and Annie just whimpered against Andy’s arm.
----------(     )----------
Friday came faster than Annie would’ve liked. She woke up early and put the comfiest sweatpants and hoodie she own. Both she and Andy asked for permission in their respective jobs, and when it was 9:30 Andy drove them to the dentist office.
“I will be here when you’re done.”
“Can you like go in with me?”
“He can’t ma’am.” A young girl at the front desk said, “I’m sorry.”
“You’ll be fine.” Andy gave her a kiss on the lips, “I’ll sit there.” Annie nodded and she walked towards the door the girl previously indicated.
“I was actually thinking you were not going to show up.” The doctor said once Annie was already in the chair.
“Andy make me.”
“He is a smart man.” The doctor grabbed a weird looking mask, “Ready for the good stuff?” He wiggled his brows. Annie just nodded. “Ok.” He put the mask on her nose, “You are going to breathe, you will start to feel sleepy, and when you wake up your teeth will be gone.” It wasn’t long after that last sentences when her eyes closed.
“Hey.” It was a soft deep voice, “There you are.” Annie blinked a couple of times trying to focus on the voice. The man smiling to her was so handsome.
“Cute.” She mumbled.
“She will be off for a couple of hours. Between the anesthesia and the pain meds.” Another man spoke. “Just wait 10 more minutes and you can take her home.”
“Thank you, doctor.” Andy turned to look at her wife who was looking at her fingers as she moved them, “how you doing, honey?”
“You’re so handsome.” She slurred.
“No, you are, gorgeous. And you were so brave” He kissed her forehead, “Ready to go home?” Annie nodded sleepily.
A couple of girls helped Andy to wheel Annie to their car.
“Alright, baby. Slow and steady.”
“Yes, baby?”
“You are so cute.” She said the best she could with her still numbed mouth.
“Thank you, we will be home soon and then you can rest.”
Andy helped her climb on the car, closed the passenger door, and ran to the driver’s side. But when he climbed in, he found her already sniffling.
“What’s wrong?”
“You don’t think I’m cute.”
“Of course I think you are cute!”
“You didn’t say it back! You don’t love me?”
“Of course I love you. With all my heart, honey, I swear.” Big fat tears fell down her eyes, “Don’t cry, baby.” He took her hand and kiss it, “Let’s get you home.”
15 minutes later, they were walking in the house. Andy’s hand was placed on small of her back.
“Wanna be on the couch or the bed?”
But she didn’t answer and walked straight to the living room. Annie sat on the couch and look around.
“What are you looking for?
“Oh,” Andy reached for her phone in the pocket of his pants, “Here. Why don’t you lay down; while I’ll get you a glass of water.”
Andy wasn’t in the kitchen yet when he heard her scream, so he came back running.
“There’s blood in my mouth.” She tried to take out the cotton and gauze, but Andy stopped her.
“No, you have to leave them on.”
“There’s blood.”
“Of course, they took out your wisdom teeth.”
“What? Where are they?”
“Ammm I assumed in the doctor’s office.”
“But they’re mine!” Andy was trying hard not to laugh, but she looked so adorably confused right now.
“I’ll call them and ask them to send the teeth over.”
“Yes, cuz I don’t want witchcraft with my teeth.”
“Witchcraft?” Andy said with humor.
“The doc said he was from Salem. They have witches.”
“I’m pretty sure the doctor is not a witch.”
“How you know?”
“Well, there was no Hogwarts diploma anywhere.” Annie looked surprised and nodded, “On the meantime, how about if you rest? Let me get your pillow.”
“I want my shorts, I don’t like the pants.” She began kicking her legs.
“Alright, be right back.”
When Andy came back she was still right where he left her.
“Ok, honey.” He put his hands on her waist to help her laid down.
“Don’t touch me.”
“Ok, I’m sorry.”
“You’re mad at me.”
“I’m not mad, baby. It’s ok, you are just on some medicine right now.”
Annie laid down and Andy helped her arrange her pillow and cushions behind her back for her to be comfortable.
“Please don’t be upset with me.” She was starting to get emotional again.
“I’m not upset.”
“I’m not being so nice, huh?” she said sobbing a little. “I don’t’ wanna be this way. I wanna be nice! Cuz I’m a nice person.”
“I know, babygirl.”
“But you hate me right now.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“I look like a chipmunk.” Andy laughed this time. “Don’t laugh.”
“You are the cutest chipmunk.” He kissed her cheek carefully, “Let’s get you out of these pants, lift your hips.” She did as she was told and Andy was met by Annie’s bare pussy. “Honey, where’s your underwear?” Annie looked down and make a small shriek which make Andy laughed, “you naughty girl,” he slid her legs in the shorts, “hips up again.” The elastic hit the skin on her hips, “There, better?” she nodded sleepily. “I’ll go get your water. Wanna watch TV?”
“Yes, please.”
“What you wanna watch?”
Half an hour later, the doorbell rang. Sophie was at the front door holding Jake’s hand when Andy opened the door.
“Hi! Thank you so much for bringing him.”
“It’s ok, how is Annie?”
“Still off. She just told me what she would ask if she had a genie to grant her 3 wishes. I didn’t expect for her to say she wanted to be a pony.” Sophie laughed.
“If you guys need anything, don’t hesitate to call.” Andy smile to her, “Bye, Jake.”
Andy closed the door and found Jake sitting on the floor, reaching for something inside his backpack.
“Is mommy ok?”
“Yes, she is a bit tired and sleepy. And she sound funny when she talks, but she is fine.”
“I make these for her.” Jake showed Andy a card and a flower made of paper, “My teacher help with the flower.”
“I’m sure she’s gonna love them. Go with her, she is on the couch.
Jake ran the short distance to the living room and found Annie drifting off.
“Huh?” Annie opened her eyes and looked at Jake. “Baby!” she said overly excited.
“Hi, mommy.” He jumped on the couch and kissed her, “I make you these.” He passed the flower and the card to her. Annie opened the card and read: “To the best mommy in the world. Get well soon. Love you, Jake.” Under these lines there was a drawing of the three holding hands.
“Aw! Oh, god!” her eyes began to water. “Am I the best mom?” Jake nodded with a big smile on his face. When Andy walked in, Annie was crying again.
“Buddy, what did you say to her?”
“I’m the best mom!” She said through sobs.
“I like your chubby cheeks.” Jake said giggling and climbed on top of her to hug her, “I love you, mommy.” As Jake hugged her she began to relax again and soon after she fell asleep.
“You’re so good with her Jake.” Andy said waiting for the boy to move away from her, but to his surprise, Jake was also sleeping.
Andy just shook his head, took the throw blanket from the back of the couch and cover them both with it.
“You’re such a momma’s boy.” Andy said softly and smiled. Walking out of the living room he was determine to surprise them with lunch when they woke up. “Who am I kidding, I’ll just door dash.” He said to himself as he took the phone and headed to the kitchen to let them rest.
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ladydorian05 · 10 months
A Home for Broken Hearts ~ Chapter 5
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Co-written with the amazing @made-ofmemories
I'm so sorry for not updating last weekend, I honestly forgot 😅
But here's chapter 5… and if I remember correctly quite few things happen in this one.
Anyways, enjoy!
Chapter 5: Like Icarus, Steve is Falling
“EDDIE MUNSON!” Chrissy shrieks it’s followed by a cackle of manic laughter from Eddie.
Eddie is in an exceptionally good mood today, helped in part by the fact he’s gotten a rare weekend off from his job, his actual job that is. Unfortunately for Chrissy his good mood has somehow translated into him making it his personal mission to get on every last one of her nerves. They’ve only been at Hellfire for an hour, but Eddie has been all but bouncing off the walls the entire time. Steve doesn’t know how Chrissy has even lasted that long without threatening to throttle him. 
Steve can’t see what’s going on. He has his back turned to them, putting down large sheets of wood atop the foundations of the stage with some help from Robin who has also given up her weekend to help out. He and Eddie had finished the foundations a while ago, but after that it had become sidelined in favor of other projects.
“I think Eddie has a death wish,” Robin is facing the opposite direction to Steve and has watched the whole scene unfold with a smirk, she gestures to them with a nod and Steve looks over his shoulder.
There’s a paintbrush in Eddie’s hand and a streak of yellow across Chrissy’s cheek. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what happened there. Chrissy’s face is glowing bright red beneath the paint, Steve half expects smoke to start pouring from her ears. 
Ten more minutes pass before Chrissy has finally had enough and Eddie makes his way over to Steve with a slip of paper in hand. 
“Chrissy has banished me from my own bar, can you believe it?” He’s all bright smiles and mirth.
“Yeah.” Steve chuckles, “I really can.”
Eddie feigns a shocked expression, “I’m going to ignore that,” His features turn back into something mischievous, “What do you say to joining Eddie the banished on his quest for-” Eddie pauses to look down at the list in his hand, “second hand furniture and lunch.” 
Steve can’t hide his smile at the ridiculous voice Eddie puts on when making his request. He wants to. He really does, he’ll take any excuse to spend more time with Eddie, but they’re nowhere near done with the stage and he can’t just abandon Robin. He looks at her, but she knows what he’s going to say before he even opens his mouth.
“Go, I got this,” She assures him.
He mouths a thank you to her as they leave, she shakes her head a fond smile on her lips in response. He owes her one, he makes a mental note to himself promising he’ll make it up to her another time. 
They take Eddie’s van to go run errands. As much as Steve hates to admit it, it’s the most practical choice. However, if he thought Eddie’s driving was hair-raising on the quiet roads in the early hours of the morning, it was nothing compared to driving during the busy weekend traffic that comes with driving into the heart of the city. 
Steve swears under his breath when the van swerves, narrowly avoiding a collision. They’re definitely going over the speed limit and Steve’s nerves are not cut out for this. Eddie seems unphased.
“You good there, Harrington?” Eddie asks, taking his eyes off the road for much longer than Steve feels comfortable with, “You’re looking a little peaky.” 
“Yup, I’m good. Can you just-” His voice comes out strained and tense, he is very much not good. He waves towards the road ahead when the words get stuck in his throat, “watch the road.”
“Relax, no one has ever died as a result of my driving,” Eddie informs him. A shit eating grin appears on his face when he adds, “yet.”
“Good to know.” 
Steve’s pretty sure he’s going to be the first. Either Eddie is finally going to drive them into a ditch or he’s going to have a heart attack before that happens.
The store Eddie leads them to isn’t one Steve has visited before, he’s walked past it a few times and never paid it much mind. Aquiles’ antiques and oddities. It doesn’t look much from the outside, exposed brick and a sun bleached sign that hangs above the storefront.
The smell is what hits him first as soon as they open the door, it’s not completely unpleasant, a slightly musty smell that reminds him of some of the old books Robin has. Visually it’s much more impressive. It’s like a treasure trove, every wall, shelf, and surface stacked with something different. There’s stuff everywhere and Steve isn’t sure where to look first. He tags along with Robin sometimes when she goes thrifting, but mostly they’re just looking for clothes and it’s never anything like this. 
“Wouldn’t this job be better suited to Chrissy?” Truthfully he has no idea what he’s doing here, he doesn’t know what he’s meant to be looking for. The only reason he’d agreed to the whole thing was because Eddie asked him to come. 
He picks up a small bronze statue from one of the shelves to inspect closer. It’s a winged man, torso bare and lower half wrapped in a sculpted cloth. The figure sits atop a plinth labeled with the name ‘Icarus’. Steve is vaguely familiar with the myth, he taught a lesson on Greek mythology once when covering for a 5th grade history class. 
“She trusts my judgment,” Eddie whisks past him and deeper into the store leaving Steve scrambling to place the ornament back on the shelf and catch up before he can lose sight of him, “Plus I’m pretty sure she only sent me out here so I’d leave her alone.”
“You think?” Steve teases and Eddie looks over his shoulder with a cocky smile. He totally knows he’s been a little shit all morning and he loves it, “So, what’re we looking for?” 
Steve nearly walks right into Eddie’s back, too busy looking up at the artworks hanging on the walls to realize Eddie has stopped walking.
“Picture frames,” Eddie explains, flipping through the box of them he’s found atop a table. 
Steve joins him, their shoulders pressed together as he huddles over the box to look. No two are the same. Some are just regular old plain wood, but others are more ornate with delicate carvings and colors ranging everything from olive green paint that’s chipping on the edges, to flawless shimmering gold. Eddie sets a few aside then moves on to looking at the larger ones leaning against one of the walls that are too big to fit in the box. 
The frames they pick out are a little worse for wear, the ones with the chipped paint and dented wood. Eddie says it gives them character. They’re browsing the rest of the store, admiring the trinkets scattered on each of the shelves. Eddie is behind him, looking through a stack of old records when Steve’s eyes finally land on it. A mid-sized chesterfield couch in a classic chestnut brown leather.
“Eddie!” Steve says a little too enthusiastically, Eddie flinches at his too-loud voice, “Look at this.”
“You in the market for a new couch, Harrington?” He saunters over to inspect it. He doesn’t look as impressed with it as Steve had been. 
“No, for Hellfire,” He explains, “It already matches the furniture you have, it’s perfect.”
“I don’t know.” Eddie sounds skeptical.He turns over the price tag attached to the side of it and his expression remains neutral, Steve takes that as a good sign, “It’s a bit…” He makes a vague gesture towards it with one hand, the other is holding the photo frames he has tucked under his arm, “well-worn.”
It’s definitely well used, Steve will admit. The leather is worn down and discolored in places and there’s a small hole starting to form in one of the seats, but it’s not past the point of being salvageable and it has a certain charm about it that Steve thinks would fit right in at Hellfire.
“It just gives it character,” Steve says, parroting Eddie’s description of the picture frames back at him with a grin.
Eddie contemplates it for a moment, drags a hand down one side of his face and sighs, “Chrissy is going to kill us, you know that right?”
“She kind of scares me.” He’s sure most people would laugh if he ever told them what he just told Eddie, but there’s more to her than her kind and sweet personality hiding beneath the surface. He’s sure of it and he isn’t in a hurry to push her enough and find out what that is.
“She should.”
As it turns out, convincing Eddie to buy the couch was the easy part. The difficult part comes when they’re trying to manhandle the thing into the back of Eddie’s van. It’s heavier than it looks, something they soon discover when they have to carry it all the way across the parking lot together after Eddie refuses the help offered by the shop owner.
“Nah, it’s ok man. We got it, don’t we big boy?” Eddie says, throwing a wink Steve’s way. 
There was that damn nickname again, the one that had caused his brain to short-circuit the first time. It has a similar effect now. Steve thought he would get over it, his attraction to Eddie, that they could just be friends and Steve would be cool with that. So far, every smile and every friendly touch, only served to emphasize the fact that he was very much not getting over it. He thinks back to the statue he had picked up earlier, a warning not to fly too close to the sun, but maybe it’s too late and he’s already falling.
Because he has seemingly lost all sense of self control and common sense, he spends the rest of the walk from the store to the van staring at Eddie’s arms, all pale skin and tattoos, glistening with a thin sheen of sweat and straining under the weight of the couch. Eddie definitely catches him looking more than once. 
Eddie is in the back of the van, both hands hooked under the bottom of the sofa as he shuffles backwards, dragging it with him as Steve stands at the other side and pushes. Eddie sets it down with a grunt once it’s finally in place, clambers out of the van and lights up a cigarette. He shouldn’t find it as hot as he does, he shouldn’t… but he does and it does not help his current situation of trying to ignore his attraction.
“You smoke?” Eddie tips the pack in Steve’s direction, his voice is distorted by the cigarette between his lips.
“Nah.” Not anymore. He doesn’t mention that part, not wanting to make Eddie feel guilty for smoking around him. It had been a long time ago back in junior year smoking behind the bleachers because he thought it made him look cool, “Thanks though.”
Steve volunteers to go back to the store to grab the frames they bought before he can get caught staring again. He needs a minute to get himself under control. He doesn't know how he used to do this, back in his king Steve days, the shameless flirting with any girl who would so much as look his way. It has crossed his mind that perhaps he was never quite as smooth as he always believed himself to be, back then no one would have had the guts to tell him otherwise. No one until Robin came along that is, but king Steve was already long gone by that point. Now he's reduced to a bumbling mess and all Eddie has to do is stand there looking pretty and use a mildly suggestive nickname.
Maybe he just needs to go out and find someone to get it out of his system with, he abandons that idea almost as quickly as it pops into his head. He’s never had the best track record with random hookups. He’s never had the best record with relationships either and he doesn’t think he’d ever forgive himself if he messed things up with Eddie. Maybe this is what he’s destined to, thirsting over unobtainable men. 
Eddie is leaning against the side of the van when Steve returns, his head tipped back as he blows out a plume of smoke. He moves to help when he hears Steve approaching, balancing what’s left of his cigarette between his lips to free his hands so he can take some of the frames from him.
“Alright,” Eddie snuffs out his cigarette, those long legs of his striding away before Steve can register what’s happening, “Lets go, next task.”
“Which is?” Steve questions, jogging a few steps to catch up as they head down the main street.
“Lunch. You hungry?”
“Sure, I could eat.” Steve shrugs.
“Awesome, there’s a food truck that usually parks right around this corner that sells the best Cuban sub sandwiches. Trust me on this one, you’ll thank me later.” Eddie rambles, his face lighting up the way it always does when he’s talking about something he’s passionate about, today that is apparently Cuban sub sandwiches.
“The best?” Steve says, doing his best to sound skeptical even though he would absolutely believe anything Eddie told him right now, “I don’t know, Munson, you better hope it lives up to the hype or I’m gonna be disappointed. My trust in you shall forever be lost.”
“Oh it will, sweetheart.” Eddie assures him, a cocky grin on his face, ”come on, the girls must be hungry too.” He wraps an arm around Steve’s shoulders to pull him in closer whilst they walk then lets him go just as quickly. As if ‘big boy’ wasn’t bad enough for his heart, he just had to introduce another nickname.
Sure enough they round the corner and the food truck is right there in all of its bright red glory. The smell alone is good enough to make his mouth water. There’s a few people at the truck, but the queue is small. Eddie is like a man on a mission, eye’s locked onto his target as he marches towards the truck. Steve wonders briefly if Eddie has forgotten to eat again, it wouldn’t be the first or even the second or third time it’s happened in the short period they’ve known each other. Steve intends to follow him until something in the corner of his eye catches his attention. 
There’s a bookstore with a selection of second hand books laid out on a table out front with a sign reading ‘charity book sale’. Steve’s not much of a recreational reader, never has been. He's pretty sure he’s never opened a book that wasn’t part of a curriculum list, be it when he was studying or while teaching as a substitute.
Robin on the other hand can always be seen with a book in hand and he’s looking right at a slightly worn, but overall decent condition copy of ‘Le Petit Prince’. He owes her for covering for him earlier and given her fascination with languages it would be perfect, she knows some French but it’s not her strongest language and she always complains about wanting to improve it. 
“What’re you doing?” Eddie asks. He’s damn near pouting, it looks ridiculous and adorable all at the same time, “Food trucks over here,” He adds, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he waits for Steve to follow.
“I know, I- you go ahead I’ll catch up,” Steve says and Eddie doesn’t need to be told twice. 
Steve grabs the book and takes his time browsing the table out of curiosity. He doesn’t recognize most of the titles and any he does he recognizes from school or ones he’s seen Robin reading around the apartment. Eddie is almost at the front of the short line at the food truck when he heads inside to the cash register. 
“Steven?!”A wave of tension passes through Steve’s body, he can feel a headache setting in already, “Is that you?”
He thanks the cashier and takes the paper bag containing the book for Robin. There’s nothing blocking the door, maybe he could just make a run for it. No, that would only make things worse.
“Heidi?” He says, as if he hadn’t recognized her voice the second she had opened her mouth, “What are the chances of seeing you here?”
“I know right?” She replies, all fake cheer and false smiles. She’s as pretty as ever, makeup flawless and her blonde hair perfectly curled and cascading over her shoulders, “You’re not following me and my date are you?” She tries to frame it as a joke, but it falls flat. 
That’s when Steve notices the figure standing next to her, the ex she left him for no doubt. He’s taller than Steve and broader too with a muscle definition Steve could only dream of achieving. He can see why she left him, it still hurts, but he never had any hope of competing with Mr. Mcdreamy here. 
“No, just-” He shakes the bag in his hand and gives a tight lipped smile, “picking up a book.” 
“I didn’t know you read.” There’s an insult buried somewhere beneath that sickly sweet tone and Steve is left wondering how he never saw this before, the thinly veiled insults, the petty jabs, the sarcastic comments passed off as a joke when they really hadn’t been. Maybe she did him a favor when she broke up with him.
“Gotta read plenty, it’s part of being a teacher.” He inches his way towards the door rethinking his earlier plan of bolting out of there as fast as his legs can carry him.
“So you’ve finally found a school desperate enough to take you on?” She scoffs, the facade finally starting to fall. 
“There you are, babe!” Eddie’s arm is wrapped around Steve’s waist. He pulls him in close with the hand that comes to rest on his hip. Steve barely has a chance to process what’s happening, or when the hell Eddie even showed up, but his hand instinctively moves to rest on the small of Eddie’s back, “I wondered where you had wandered off to.”
It takes Steve’s brain a moment to kick into gear, it doesn’t help that he has Eddie pressed against his side clouding all of his senses. He feels the heat radiating off of Eddie, the sound of his voice calling him babe still rings in his ears and there’s the lingering smell of the smoke from his last cigarette mixed with the scent of his shampoo. He tries to commit it all to memory, Eddie is usually affectionate but this is on another level and he doesn’t know if or when he’ll get to experience it again.
“I didn’t go far,” He smiles and steals a glance at Eddie to find he’s already looking right back at him. If Steve didn’t know better he’d almost believe that soft, love-struck look in his eyes was real. He decides it’s best not to think about how much he wishes it was. Eddie was good at this, whatever this was, Steve hadn’t quite figured that out yet, “This is Heidi.”
“Oh, sorry I didn’t see you there,” Eddie apologizes, turning to Heidi and her date as if it’s the first time he’s noticing them. Steve is pretty sure it’s physically impossible for Eddie to not have seen the two figures standing directly in front of them, if the tight lipped smile on Heidi’s face is anything to go off she’s well aware of it too, “We were just on our way to grab lunch.” 
“Oh, well don’t let us stop you,” The fake sweetness returns to her voice.
“It was nice meeting you, Hailey.” 
It’s the wrong name. Eddie knows it’s the wrong name and Heidi knows he knows it’s the wrong name. There’s a tense moment of eye contact between the two of them, a challenge, but Heidi doesn’t rise to it. Eddie smirks, triumphant and looking oh so proud of himself as he lets go of Steve’s waist to link his freed hand with Steve’s and leads them out of the store.
“I don’t know what just happened back there, but thank you. I think?” Steve is dumbfounded and still trying to figure out what he just witnessed. 
“She seems like a total bitch,” Eddie is still holding his hand despite the fact they’re way out of Heidi’s view by now, “She’s the one who broke up with you the night we met, right?”
“Yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking. I didn’t really see it at the time, but thinking back on it now… she was pretty fucking mean.”
Eddie huffs a laugh, more of an amused snort than anything else, “You really know how to pick ‘em.”
“How did you know?” Eddie just looks at him, brow furrowed with confusion, “To y’know, act like that,” He squeezes Eddie’s hand for emphasis and hopes it doesn’t prompt him to let go.
He doesn’t know how much of the interaction with Heidi Eddie had heard, or what led to his decision to drape himself over Steve and pretend they were dating. He wasn’t complaining about it, but it was an interesting choice.
“I didn’t really. You looked uncomfortable then I overheard her asking if you’d gotten a job in that passive aggressive, well, aggressive as fuck tone and figured, I don’t know, maybe she’d leave you alone if she realised you had a super hot boyfriend,” He’s wearing a cheshire cat grin when he says the last part, leaning in much closer than necessary, so close that Steve can smell his shampoo again.
“Oh Robin was right, with an ego like that you and Dustin are going to get along great, maybe it’s not such a good idea to let you two meet after all.”
“Dustin? Wait? I get to meet your kids?”
“Just Dustin and Max. The one who always wears the cap and-”
“And little red, yeah I remember,” Eddie says with barely contained excitement. Eddie had listened to plenty of stories about them all ever since finding that photo in Steve’s room. At this point Steve thinks he might know them almost as well as he does. 
“They’re flying in for a few days next weekend,” Steve explains. “I was hoping to bring them by Hellfire, if you’re ok with it?”
“I’d be offended if you didn’t.”
They’re back at the van which means Steve has to finally let go of Eddie’s hand as they part ways and head to their respective sides of the vehicle. Eddie hands him the bag of food and Steve steals a peek inside, there isn’t much to see just 4 foil wrapped bundles, they smell delicious though and Steve is for once happy about Eddie’s erratic driving meaning they’ll get to their destination quicker. He could probably eat in the van, Eddie doesn’t strike him as the type to care. There’s fast food wrappers littering the footwell and the thing is literally never clean, still it feels rude not to wait until they’re at least back with Chrissy and Robin so he rolls up the top of the paper bag and places it by his feet with the book for Robin.
Steve reaches for the radio controls whilst they’re at a red light and he can feel Eddie’s glare on him the entire time until the light turns green and one of the cars in the queue of traffic behind them honks their horn at them. Eddie doesn’t actually do anything to stop him beyond the glaring so he continues twisting the dial trying to find a good station.
“Nope. Please no.” Eddie groans when Steve settles on some cheesy 80’s pop station playing the last few notes of a song before the radio hosts take over, “Turn that off.”
“You don’t like 80’s music?” Steve gasps, only mildly offended.
“Sure I do, Mötley Crüe, Metallica, Dio, not that.” He sends an accusatory jab in the direction of the radio. Steve really shouldn’t be shocked.
The hosts introduce the next song and Steve cranks up the volume despite Eddie’s protests, “Oh come on, this is a good one!”
Eddie grumbles a little more as the intro to ‘Total eclipse of the heart’ begins to play, but Steve has already decided to ignore him and bursts into song at the first verse. He’s a little uncertain at first, voice unsteady and wavering slightly until he gains confidence. Steve knows he can sing, he and Robin have performed dramatic renditions of this exact song in their kitchen more times than he can count, but that’s different, that’s Robin. Eddie has never heard him sing before and they’ve already established he is not a fan of this genre.
By the time the chorus rolls around he’s belting out the lyrics alongside Bonnie Tyler’s voice. Eddie glances over occasionally, never taking his eyes off the road for long and Steve can’t quite read his expression but he sees the smile tugging at his lips.
“Sing with me,” Steve insists during an instrumental part.
“I don’t know the lyrics.”
“Bullshit,” Steve smirks, leaning over the center console to get closer as he resumes singing, effectively cutting off any more of Eddie’s protests. 
He wishes he’d had the hindsight to take out his phone and start recording when to his utter surprise Eddie actually starts singing along. It’s barely more than a mumble at first, but with a little encouragement he’s belting out the lyrics alongside Steve.
Eddie’s voice is different to Steves, deeper and with a certain amount of roughness to it. Steve’s curious to know what he sounds like when he sings the music he’s more familiar with, when he’s on stage roaring out lyrics with his band. His little daydream is cut short when the song comes to an end and they both burst into a peel of delighted laughter.
“I knew you knew the lyrics!” Steve yells, voice way too loud for the small space of the van, but they’re both hyped up and the volume on the radio is still turned all the way up.
Eddie reaches over for the volume dial on the radio then gives Steve a shrug, “Sometimes I let Chrissy pick the radio station when we’re at Hellfire.”
“Damn,” Steve flops back into his seat, calming himself before he continues,“That’s good music. Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong decade. Don’t get me wrong, I like some of the newer stuff that’s out there too, and wouldn’t change the access to a Wifi signal for anything, but oldies are just something else.”
“I still don’t know if I’d call that ‘good music’, but I get what you mean,” Eddie agrees, he sounds a little breathless, “Sometimes I worry I won’t get to see my favorite bands live before they either stop touring or kick the bucket.”
“Jesus, Eddie, went a little dark there,” Steve comments with a dry chuckle, “You’re right though.”
They keep talking about music the rest of the way back to the bar, still engrossed in a discussion about all the Pop subgenres, that mainly involved Steve speaking and Eddie listening intently to his every word, when they reach their destination. So much so that Eddie fails to notice Robin’s form standing near the entrance when they walk inside Hellfire, startling Eddie when she welcomes them back.
“Jesus, Buckley! I almost dropped our food.”
“Heh, just what could have taken your whole attention to not see me?” Robin teases him. Steve notices a faint blush appear on Eddie’s cheeks before he covers his face with a piece of his hair. He finds himself feeling a bit disappointed that it wasn’t him that caught him off guard like that.
“Oh shush you, don’t mess with the person carrying your nutritious sustenance.”
“I don’t think you can call greasy subs and soda nutritious, Eddie.” Steve laughs, “Did something happen Rob? Why are you here on your own? Where’s Chrissy?”
“Crissy is in the back checking the storage room. I saw off a gallery patron and then I remembered I brought a donation too.” She tells them, placing her arms around her middle hugging herself. “I just, I don’t know if I- Steve? Help me find a place for it?”
“Of course, but Robin, you don’t have to donate it if you don’t want to or if you’re not ready, you know that right?”
“Yeah, yeah I know.” She says, her voice breaking a bit at the end. She clears her throat with a cough before continuing, “But it’s time, I’m ready to let go.”
“Okay, let’s find a good place for it.” Sensing her need for support, Steve pulls his best friend into a hug. “Did you leave it in the car?”
“No, it’s in my bag.” Robin answers, stepping out of Steve’s embrace.
“I’m going to leave our food and drinks on the bar and get some tools in case you require them Sir. Robin.” Eddie says, squeezing Steve’s shoulder as he passes by them. He’s been calling her Sir. Robin from time to time ever since she kept him from falling from the wobbly ladder he had been using by holding it steady.
“Thanks, Eddie.” she smiles at him.
“No problem.” He calls back.
“Come on, I have a feeling I know what your donation is so let’s find a good place on the wall for it.”
“What are you guys doing?” A couple of minutes later, Chrissy finds them in front of what they’ve been calling the gallery’s wall that holds the two items that started the gallery plus Chrissy’s and other people’s donations. Eddie is hammering a nail close to Steve’s scrunchie.
“Hey, Chris! I’m preparing the space for Robin’s donation.” Eddie chimes in.
“It’s a dream catcher, Vicky and I got one for each other and exchanged them.” Robin tells them, “She was my very first, very real relationship. We ended things on good terms and sometimes that hurts more because I can't hate her or blame her for anything. We just accepted that we didn’t work out anymore. We couldn’t even keep in touch.”
“No one's fault, Robs.” Steve says from a nearby table where he’s taking the food containers out of the plastic bag.
“Yeah, I know. Life tends to get in the way.”
“Can I see it?” Chrissy asks.
“Sure,” Robin places the dream catcher on Chrissy’s waiting hands.
“It’s beautiful, you picked a good place for it.”
“I wanted it to be close to Steve’s first donation.”
“Well, you can hang it now Robin. And thanks for sharing your story with us.”
“Aww come on, Eddie. We’re all friends now!” She hangs the dream catcher and grabs the marker Chrissy offers to her.
We just couldn’t
go on, hope she’s
okay and happy.
4 years, Hawkins.’
“Hey guys, do you mind if I don’t take a picture? I don’t want her to stumble upon it.”
“Not at all Robs, that’s one of the reasons why we ask for people's permission.”
“That’s great.” she sighs in relief. “Oh, I almost forgot! The tip.” She pulls a five dollar bill from her pocket and walks to the stool where they placed the now decorated jar of jam. “There, now come on, let’s eat, I’m starving.”
They wait until after they’ve eaten lunch to break the news to Chrissy of the couch waiting to be unloaded in the back of the van, hoping some good food will help soften the blow. Eddie left the interior designing to her. She had sent them out to search for wall decor, they didn’t need more furniture and certainly not a huge couch that she’d have the task of dealing with. She’d probably have to do some restorations to it and make sure it fits in with the other furniture and find somewhere for it where it doesn’t look out of place.
They needn’t have worried, much to Steve’s delight she approves. 
<Chapter 4 ~ Master post ~ Chapter 6>
7 notes · View notes
twilightmalachite · 11 months
PORTRAIT - Ah, still delay—thou art so ■■■ 3
Author: Akira
Characters: Akiomi, Makoto
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Yes. My name is Yuuki Makoto. I’ll do my very best."
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Downtown
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That night…
Akiomi: (Sigh… I’m so exhausted today.)
(I bet there’s plenty of other people who can do the job out there, but the industry more or less concentrates all their work on their fan favorites.)
(So all the work went to just me—Well, although that’s something that’d make anyone shriek in delight.)
(All sorts of people would invite me out to dinner or something, trying to gain momentum appealing with the youths. And, well, it’s a great way to save money on food, but…)
(It’s not like those I work with are friends or family, so…)
(I have to keep busy thinking how to keep them entertained, so I don’t let my guard down and so I can get the job. It’s really tough.)
(I’m completely worn out… And I couldn’t concentrate because I was worried about those strange, little kids.)
(I dunno, I feel I’m kind of a scattered mess today.)
(Sena-kun, Yuuki-kun, Narukami-kun…)
(We come from different generations, so I don’t typically do much with them…)
(So because of that, I don’t really know all the details, but…)
(According to Narukami-kun, Sena-kun and Yuuki-kun seem to be having a problem.)
(I don’t really know the specifics of the situation, but… It seems that Sena’s parents are monster parents[1], or rather, they’re pretty troublesome people—)
(Even today, they stormed in angrily and forced their son—Sena-kun, to go home with them.)
(Apparently he didn’t have any work to do today, and just came in just to see Yuuki-kun.)
(It seems they threw a strange fuss over it, and I think Sena-kun’s parents had even got the police to look for him.)
(Things were a little odd with Yuuki-kun, too. A child at that age should typically have a parent or guardian accompanying them…)
(But in the end, nothing like a parent or anything had shown up for Yuuki-kun until the end of the day.)
(It’s like Sena-kun was like a substitute for his parents, sticking close to him and taking care of him and the like.)
(But, Sena-kun is just a child. I feel like something’s not right here.)
(Well, this is someone else’s family, so as Narukami-kun advised—I guess it’d be best to not get involved.)
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Makoto: ……♪
Akiomi: …? Hmm?
Huh? Wha, Yuuki-kun…?
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Makoto: Good eve…ning?
Akiomi: Ah, yes, good evening… Hey, what are you doing in a place like this so late at night?
I had wondered about this during the day too—Are your parents not with you?
Makoto: Mom isn’t feeling well.
Dad’s fine, but… Maybe his heads’s not well?[2] Possibly?
Akiomi: Huh… So your parents aren’t feeling well, huh. That’s why they weren’t with you today.
Still, I can’t believe they’d leave such a small child unattended, whatever the reason—
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Makoto: ? ? ?
Akiomi: Ahh, I’m sorry. I used a difficult word there, umm, Yuuki-kun… Yuuki Makoto-kun?
Makoto: Yes. My name is Yuuki Makoto.
I’ll do my very best.
Akiomi: (What the? Hmm, it’s like he was taught to say things like that when meeting adults, so he’s just doing what he was told without any thought to it… it seems?)
Umm, Yuuki-kun, do you have any business with me? I mean, umm, did you want to talk to me, or is there something you wanted?
(Agh! Now even I’m getting influenced by these kids, my Japanese came out all broken! It’s so hard dealing with kids!)
Makoto: I came to see Onii-chan!
Akiomi: Onii-chan?
Makoto: Yes. Sena Izumi-oniichan.
Akiomi: Oh, that kid. You must be close, given you call him Onii-chan.
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Makoto: He’s nice. So he’s Onii-chan. Hehehe.
Akiomi: (Ah, so he can laugh, too… He looks like an ordinary child for his age when he does.)
So anyways, what do you mean you’re coming to see Sena-kun? The only thing at the end of this alley is my modeling agency, you know…
Makoto: Mhm. This is where Onii-chan will be working from now on.
Akiomi: Huh? Did the agency ask him to do some work at our agency? Or do you mean, he’s switching agencies…?
Makoto: I dunno. But he gave me this map and told me to come see him if I needed anything.
I don’t really need anything, but, I came to see him. Hehehe.
Akiomi: (Hmm… I still don’t get it, even with Yuuki-kun telling me. I wish I had someone, like an adult who knows what’s going on or something, to explain things to me…)
(But first and foremost, I can’t just let a child walk around at night like this, can I?)
Yuuki-kun, if you need something with agency, let me go with you. Here, it’ll be really bad if you tripped, so Onii-san will hold your hand, okay?
(Wait, didn’t that sound a little creepy? Ugh~, I don’t know how I’m supposed to treat children!)
Makoto: Thank you very much. I’m always indebted to you.
Akiomi: I’m not usually helping you out, though…?
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Akiomi: (I dunno about all this… I was getting tired of my day-to-day monotonous life of going to middle school and working as a model, but…)
(Who would want to get caught up in an incomprehensible mess like this?)
[ ☆ ]
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A term to describe a type of irrational parenting that’s typically a mix of strict authoritarianism with over-protectiveness. A bit similar to tiger parents, but tiger parents are more fixated on the success of their child, and have less of the “overprotective” aspect that monster parents have. It’s similar to if a helicopter parent was mixed with harsh authoritarianism.
“体が悪い” (karada ga warui) means “to not feel well”. Makoto remarks his father may “心が悪い” (kokoro ga warui)—An unwell or bad heart/mind. It’s possible that Makoto didn’t know exactly these words meant.
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jewwyfeesh · 10 months
Recollections and Heartfelt Wishes 1
Writer: Mitsuki
Character(s): Oogami Koga, Kiryu Kuro, Nito Nazuna
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
CN/EN Proof by: stcrfeesh
Koga: (……Huh. I didn’t know that the expression I made back then was such a happy one.)
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Time: End June Season: Summer Location: Yumenosaki Academy Library
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Koga: …………
(Even though I’m not used to the overly silent atmosphere of the library, there’s really been too many annoyin’ things goin’ on lately… some peace and quiet ain’t so bad after all.)
(I heard from Adonis that this exam’s pretty important. I don’t wanna have to retake the exam or anythin’, so I better buckle up and review a li’l.)
(Sigh, turns out sittin’ here studyin’ alone in earnest is actually quite boring~ if there were someone to tutor me or whatever, it would make things a li’l better.)
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(It’s such a pity that those guys got their own things to do, so there’s nothin’ I can do but to trudge on on my own. Anyways, when it comes to things like exams… all I need to do is pass, right?)
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(Yaaa~wn… All of these densely packed words in the textbook… I can’t help but feel drowsy the more I look at ‘em…)
[An unknown amount of time later]
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—Aah… achoo!
……? I… I fell asleep? Anzu, were ya the one who woke me up?
Oh, yer lookin’ for some inspiration for some projects, eh? That’s why yer in the library to look for materials from all the previous years’ ‘RepayFes’.
But ‘cause no one’s browsed these yearbooks in a long time, it’s already hella dusty, so ya took a hankerchief to wipe ‘em… no wonder I felt my nose gettin’ kinda itchy and wanted to sneeze.
Since ya hadn’t done it on purpose, there ain’t a need for ya to say sorry or anythin’. Seriously, I really didn’t think I’d waste the whole afternoon fallin’ asleep like this.
Hm? Ya’ve been starin’ at those photos fer quite a long time, is there somethin’ wrong with ‘em? Lemme see—
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Hold on, aren’t these the photos of the unit Sakuma-senpai, Shitty Glasses and I had formed?
I thought all those rottin’ old stuff would’ve been thrown out eons ago. Hadn’t expected that they’d be kept here…
Yer askin’ if that Unit’s called ‘DEADMANS’? How did’ya know?
Oh, I remember now. In the previous ‘RepayFes’, Sakuma-senpai n’ the rest of ‘em used the ‘DEADMANS’ name to kick up a big fuss. Didn’tcha run over to produce for them too?
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Hmph, so that’s what happened. Whoever’s cleanin’ it up probably saw those two outfits and thought the styles were pretty similar or whatever, then mistakenly grouped ‘em together with those from ‘RepayFes’.
Whatever. ‘m in no mood to continue studyin’ now, so I’ll help ya sort these out.
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(……Huh. I didn’t know that the expression I made back then was such a happy one.)
(After the events of ‘RepayFes’, I had thought we UNDEAD had finally managed to communicate our feelings and intentions, and, from that day on, would continue on forever……)
(But after the seniors graduated, the distance between us seemed to only get bigger and bigger; our movements are always clumsy, and we’re unable to cooperate well.)
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(Ugh! I don’t even know where the hell did the problem even come from!)
……Hey, Anzu. Could’ya lend me these photos for me ta go develop ‘em? After developin’ I’ll return them to ya.
It’s just that I thought these photos made me look real handsome, and wanted to keep ‘em as a souvenir. Don’tcha think too much ‘bout it, kay?
[The next day, in the Seishou Hall Common Rooms]
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Nazuna: Kuro-chin~! You’ve been sitting there in front of the TV with such seriousness, is there a show you wanna watch being broadcasted soon?
Kuro: Oh, it’s you, Nito. I heard from the agency that they’re intendin’ to give us some work relatin’ to variety shows. Since ‘m kinda free today, thought it would be good to watch some relevant programmes to get an idea ‘bout it.
After all, Akatsuki has no experience in workin’ these types of jobs. In order to adapt to the increasingly diverse idol industry, it’s necessary to try and venture into other fields outside of concert and performance.
Especially after joining RhyLink, we Akatsuki have yet to receive any sort of job. That’s why I had thought it would be a good idea for me to use this time to prep.
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Nazuna: Haha, with the ever-reliable Kuro-chin around, I’m super sure y’all will be fine!
Ah, right! Speaking of variety shows, I remember Rei-chin and Kaoru-chin recently participated in one, right? We could watch that!
Kuro: Oh, that’s a pretty good suggestion. As idols from the same agency, the variety shows they’ve attended would be better suited fer reference material.
Nazuna: Hm… I didn’t think that both of them would adopt this kinda style for a variety show. It’s completely different from my impression of UNDEAD – being too immoral and all.
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Kuro: It’s somethin’ I’ve heard Hasumi bring up before. UNDEAD’s been tryna change their image since Spring; probably ‘cause they’re hopin’ to expand the fanbase and be more flexible when it comes to jobs they take on.
Nazuna: Everyone’s working hard to move forward in the world of idols~ To be honest, Ra*bits is also facing a similar issue… we’re looking to explore other charm points that aren’t just putting up a cutesy act or acting cute.
Hm, back to the topic… Even though this show pokes fun at the guests, because the program is well written and the jokes are appropriately paced, it doesn’t feel like the guests are being made into laughing-stocks at all, which is really good!
Kuro: Yeah. I do feel a li’l more relieved. Seems like veteran agencies have more resources an’ experience when it comes to these things, and have a more developed system for matchin’ idols.
I think RhyLink has dealt with the issue of mismatch between an idol’s style compared to variety shows many times before, so it can match each “unit” to the right job rather easily now.
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Though, the most pressin’ problem Akatsuki currently faces is the lack of suitable jobs – which, if yer look at it from another viewpoint, could also be due to the hostility veteran agencies have for newcomers.
Resources were already divided by those that came before, so when it’s finally the newbies’ turn, they’re left with scraps – unpleasant jobs that no one wants. Variety shows like these aren’t something that’ll drop in the palm of yer hands just cause yer wanted them.
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Nazuna: Even though that’s true, I still think that Kuro-chin’s pretty suitable for a variety show.
On stage, it’s especially hard to showcase the contrast between Kuro-chin’s appearance and your kind and caring personality, but it’ll definitely be much easier on a recorded program! The more I think about it, the more expectant I become ♪
Kuro: Haha, if ya praise me all of a sudden, I’ll get embarrassed… Come on, let’s go back to watchin’ the variety show. The upcomin’ segment seems to be particularly interestin’.
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Nazuna: Pfft… I really hadn’t expected Rei-chin to be so hilarious, I’m ‘bout to cry from laughing so hard~
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Koga: (Eh? Did I just hear Sakuma-senpai and Hakaze-senpai’s voices…? I thought they’re outside for a job today, how could they have returned to Seishou Hall so fast?)
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…Oh. Huh. Turns out it came from the television.
Nazuna: Koga-chin? Wanna join us? We’re watching some variety shows featuring Rei-chin and Kaoru-chin ♪
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Koga: Variety show…?
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Hmph, those borin’ shows? What’s so good about them?! What a disappointment. I’m headin’ back to my dorm first.
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Nazuna & Kuro: ……?
ES x LC Masterlist | Chapter 2 →
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elleplaysotome · 1 year
Ikemen Villains- William Rex Route Part 2 Summary
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‼️I am using a screen translator app to play, so absolutely no guarantees that this is actually what happened. Also I'm doing this for fun and for myself to look back on when I inevitably forget things, so it isn't very fancy‼️
This summary is about 1.1k words!
⚠️Trigger Warnings: violence (stabbing) mention + discussion, description of surgical procedure side effects⚠️
Ikevil Summary Masterlist
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Part 1 Summary
William comments on how horrible it must be for Kate to have him, the person she is most wary of, as her observation target. She tries to deny it, but he simply tells her not to and that he isn’t offended by it. She asks where they’ll be going today and wonders about the terrors she might witness. He hasn’t decided yet, and that he’s sorry to not live up to her expectations, but he isn’t going around killing people night and day. He also asks Kate to drop the honorifics and just call him William, which he has asked her to do a couple times now.
He tells her he’s thinking about going into the city to gather information but he gets cut off when Liam suddenly bids them an enthusiastic good morning. Kate bids Liam a good morning in return but is confused, as she sees only Roger standing there, and asks Roger if he is a good mimic. Roger scolds Liam for his prank reflecting on him and Liam suddenly appears out of thin air. He reveals that his ability is invisibility. 
William notices that Liam is in a good mood and asks if he’s been doing ‘fun experiments’ with Roger. He explains to Kate that Roger is cursed by the ‘Traitor Hunter’ and has been conducting research. Roger asks her if she would like to cooperate in his experiments as well, and the thought scares her, but she says she will do it if it is within her duties as Fairytale Master. Roger bursts into laughter at her nervousness, and reveals that he was joking. 
Liam ends up explaining Crown’s curses to Kate, which she takes notes on, as they and William walk through the castle. “El-sama” (Elbert) is cursed by the ‘Queen of Greed’, and he is looking for the most beautiful thing in the world, which explains the pile of things built up in the castle hall, waiting to be transported to his room. He explains that the Queen from Snow White seems to be inspired by this curse, and “Al” (Alphonse) has the ‘Magic Mirror’ curse.
Jude and Ellis run into them as they exit the castle, Jude complaining about the things in the hall, and Ellis just saying good morning. Liam explains that their curses inspired parts of Sleeping Beauty, Jude’s curse being ‘13th Wizard’ (otherwise known as the 13th fairy, or Maleficent) and Ellis’s being the ‘Thorn’.
Liam also explains a bit about William’s curse, ‘The Self-Righteous King’, which, according to Roger’s research, the Queen of Hearts from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was based off of. He also explains that it is because of “Will’s incident,” that Crown was formed. William is pleased that he remembers that. Of course, the mentioning of an incident surrounding William sparks Kate’s curiosity.
Liam talks about his rehearsal that afternoon at William’s questioning, and Kate thinks about how since she won’t be able to receive this month’s salary, she definitely won’t be able to see a play. She’s sad that she can’t go like she always does. William then announces that he’s decided where they’re going today, and that is to see a play.
While they go to the theater, Kate mentions to William that since they’re just showing up on the day of the performance there won’t be any tickets left. He tells her they’ll be fine, and they are, because when they get there the workers recognize him and the manager comes to speak to him. He gets them tickets in the front, and explains to Kate that as one of the supporters of the theater, he has some flexibility. 
As soon as they enter the theater itself to go to their seats, Kate notices the stares and whispers of those around them. She’s already gathered that William is a regular there and wonders if the stares are because he isn’t headed toward his usual seat, or perhaps because he’s with a woman? He notices her thoughts and tells her he’s used to the stares, and that he’s tried returning them before to see what happens. Most look away or smile, but a few have raised the middle finger at him, mainly men. Kate laughs at this and feels for the first time that her and William are living in the same world. He is glad that she has finally shown him a smile.
After the play the two are walking in the streets, and Kate talks about the part of the play where a character was stabbed, and the actor was so good that she almost thought he really had been. William says that maybe he had been stabbed before as a way of studying for the role. Since anesthesia and suturing techniques are advanced now, it’s possible; and he was dragging his left leg a bit, which could be because of numbness due to nerve compression from the retractor, a common after effect of suture surgery. Kate takes this suggestion very seriously, thinking that actor must have true dedication to his work. William laughs at her expression and says not to take his speculation too seriously, which she seems to do too often because he is someone she is wary of.
He’s noticed that she tries to suppress her own feelings out of habit of taking others’ feelings into account. He recalls various feelings she’s had and not voiced that he has seen from her: It scares her to work with William, she doesn’t like human experiments, she wanted to see a play, she wanted to sit in the front row, she doesn’t like being teased. It’s what she’s really feeling, how can she hide it? He says that he wants her to say what she really thinks, and doesn’t mind if she says bad things about him. She responds that she doesn’t know him well enough to do so, and he asks if she would like to know more. She thinks that even if she doesn’t want to know, she needs to in order to return to her normal life. So yes, for the sake of her mission.
She thanks William for taking her to the play instead of whatever he had originally planned and he tells her not to worry about it, he was going to go to town anyways. But where shall they go next, he asks? Kate thinks that the play was enough, it’s late, and a look at Big Ben confirms that it is 9pm. William tells her that for the next month she’s not going to have the same relaxed life she’s used to. Oh, he’s thought of a place to take her! It’s a fun place, he’s sure she’ll like it. 
Kate is apprehensive about going to a place an assassin would call fun, but today he had seen her feelings and what she wanted and gave it to her. She doesn’t know whether it was his intention to win over her acceptance of this invitation, or it was his true kindness; she feels like the answer would help her to understand who he is a bit more.
Part 3 Summary Summary Masterlist
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mynamesaplant · 1 year
Lost in Transit and Translation (part 5)
I have an infection in my kidneys and school just started up again. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee! Tumblr won't let me post all the words I want and I don't have the energy to figure out AO3 today.
Plot synopsis: Subway Boss Ingo finds some lone Pokéballs and decides to hold on to them until the owner can be found. The Pokémon, however, aren’t too keen to stick around some stranger who they can’t understand, and decide to find their trainer on their own.
Characters: Subway Boss Ingo (Pokémon), Subway Boss Emmet (Pokémon), Olivia Kame (OC)
Just for clarification, my OC's Pokémon speech is italicized, Ingo's Pokémon speech is in bold, and Emmet's Pokémon speech will be in bold and italicized. I tried to make it clear who was speaking without signifiers, but just in case!
“Arceus, not again.”
Ingo said as they vanished into thin air, this time not reappearing at all, but Ingo knew to look at his Pokémon. Chandelure had abruptly stopped screeching at Archeops, who sheepishly shuffled in place as he was scolded, and she twisted on the spot. He knew she could see them, perhaps by virtue of being a Ghost type herself, and she was tilted back, looking up toward the street.
“They’re really sending us on a wild Swanna chase now, aren’t they?”
Emmet sighed, following Ingo’s gaze before his twin broke out into a trot, headed toward the stairs that would take them to the street level.
“I feel terrible. I have completely mismanaged this whole situation.” He replied, clutching his hat as he made his way up the stairs, Emmet keeping pace beside him. “I didn’t realize how frightened they were until it was too late.”
“It’s okay, Ingo. We’ll find them and return them safely to their destination. A minor derailment.”
“I know.” He said, Emmet could tell he was stressed out by the tone of his voice. “I know, but I made them my responsibility and I have failed to ensure their safety.”
They were on the street now and it wasn’t hard to spot the Golurk hustling down the street, people hurriedly parting for them.
“It’s not your fault. They’re confused, Ingo. They’re lashing out because they’re confused. Our Pokémon are just trying to keep us safe.” Emmet tried to reassure him. “Their trainer will understand that what we did was for their Pokémon’s better interests. If not… well, maybe they should keep better track of their Pokémon.”
This did ease some of Ingo’s guilt as their Pokémon raced ahead of them, trying to interact with the runaways but the Infernape had clambered up onto the Golurk’s shoulders, perched in wait as if daring them to come closer. Chandelure at least knew better to keep out of lunging distance as she tried to get them to stop and listen.
Please listen, I apologize for what Archeops did-
I’m not sorry! They’re being real jerks!
You are not helping.
Chandelure hissed back at him before returning her attention to Infernape, his mouth was set in a grimace of pain, but his eyes were narrowed in concentration. He felt a little better being out of the enclosed space, he did not like how he ended up there, but Golurk had done what they thought was best.
We don’t want any apologizes. Just leave us alone.
He called back, holding tighter to Golurk as they swerved at the corner, briefly hesitating because they did not know where to go now. Their goal had been to get out of the tunnels, but now there were so many sounds and sights that is started to overwhelm them.
Where can we go? Raichu is injured, you are injured, and those two humans are still in pursuit. This is not an ideal situation.
Please, stop! They are trying to help you. If you would just allow me to explain-
You are very bad at listening.
Golurk said as Chandelure flitted in front of them, trying to make them slow down even a little bit. Brushing her aside like she was nothing as they continued their way down the street.
Leave us alone. We are not interested in anything you have to say.
You are being incredibly rude.
Golurk replied curtly as they felt Infernape leap off their shoulder, grabbing hold of Chandelure’s arms and dragging her to the ground ferociously. He planted his feet and twisted his body, gathering momentum like he was attempting to throw her like a discus. She was shrieking in alarm, the Ghost Pokémon had never been manhandled like this before, especially by a Fighting type. Suddenly, she was hurtling through the air, smashing directly into Archeops at top speed. Both toppled out of the air.
Ingo huffed, returning Chandelure before she hit the ground, Emmet doing the same for Archeops.
“Ingo, this is getting more perilous. We need to knock them out. I understand it’s not ideal, but it’s the safest means of recapturing them if they’re going to keep attacking our Pokémon.” Emmet said, pulling another Pokéball of his belt and his Galvantula reappeared, he pointed in the direction of the three Pokémon, and she scuttled after them with surprising agility. “We also need to get these people out of here. Commuters and Pokémon battles do not mix well.”
“You’re right. I know you’re right.”
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Say You Want Me | Bang Chan
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Fem!Reader  
Request: from @3rachababygirl from my now deactivated blog.
Summary: Chan admits his feelings for reader in the form of a song. Using the prompt - "Say you want me, and I’ll be yours.” 
Warnings: Fluffy. I have extended this one. I thought it deserved to be a little longer. This is a repost from my deactivated account.
Word Count: 501
Stray Kids Masterlist | Tag List Sign-Up | Requesting Guidelines
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“Good morning, baby girl,” Chan warmly greets Y/N as she steps into the recording studio, he’s set himself up in for the day. 
It wasn’t him calling her baby girl that surprised her, he called her that often. Rather, it was his cheerful demeanor that caught her off guard. She's known him for a long time, and mornings, especially early ones, were never his favorite after working late nights. 
“Have you finally lost the last little bit of sanity you had left?” She questions him, looking at him as if he had lost it and hands him the bag he asked her to bring. Little did she know it was an excuse to get her to the studio.  
“Can’t I be happy to see my best friend?” he asks.  
“You see me every day and aren’t this happy about it,” she teases, settling herself comfortably on the couch behind him. From the looks of it, whoever he’s meant to be working with today hasn’t arrived yet. “Are you working alone today?”  
“The others are coming in later,” he informs her, conveniently leaving out that he asked them to come in later. 
She watches him mess around on his laptop, before pulling up a song she’s never heard before. He starts playing it. It starts off slow and then picks up around the chorus before slowing down again. It went like that for the next few minutes.  
As the words cut deeply into her soul, she’s beginning to feel seen. The song expressed exactly the thoughts and feelings she is experiencing when it comes to Chan. For the longest time she’s hidden the fact that she’s completely fallen in love with her best friend.   
She hears him say something as the song ends but is too caught up in the lyrics and the emotion of the song as well as feeling Chan’s eyes burning into her. Unable to look at him, she tries to distract herself with something else. “Sorry, what was that?”  
Instead of repeating the question he asked, he replies with the lyrics that are now stuck in her head. "Say you want me, and I’ll be yours.” 
Her heart skips a beat as his words sink in, causing her eyes to widen at the possibility that he could feel the same. She musters up the courage to meet his gaze, searching for any hint that would confirm that what she is thinking is right.  
Chan's hopeful yet vulnerable gaze silently pleads for her response. 
"I want you," she whispers, her voice barely above a breath as she moves closer to him, letting him know she does feel the same.  
A smile breaks out on Chan's handsome bare face, his eyes shining with happiness. He reaches his hand out, cupping her face as he brings it closer. They’re barely an inch apart. “Can I kiss you?” 
The slight nod of her head is all the encouragement that he needed to close the gap between them, pressing his lips against hers. 
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Likes, Comments & Reblogs are welcomed and appreciated. 
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TAGGED: @staytiny2000 - @dancelikebutterflywings - @kpopmenace143 - @treehouse-mouse - @alexxavicry - @jedi-dreea - @rainydayteacups - @tinyelfperson 
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lenteur · 1 year
random thoughts about run on, episode eleven
(please do note that this post contains spoilers so read at your own risk.)
let me start this post by saying ki seon gyeom makes one “strict coach” (woo sik’ words) but a great one still
seeing seon gyeom prepare woo sik’s training was heartwarming because you can see how serious he is about it
totally unrelated but we all need a roommate like seon gyeom. applications are open btw
as usual, we have yeong hwa being the cutie that he is. i don’t think i’ll ever get tired of him
funniest scene in today’s episode was the uni students running after tae woong lol yeong hwa stole the show by trying to catch up with them. i mean, i don’t think anyone could be funnier than him. he’s on another level
it’s interesting how mi joo offered seon gyeom a “practice loving myself” book (i don’t remember the title sorry) it goes to show he still has a hard time taking care of and loving himself
the tension between dan ah and yeong hwa is palpable. i’m so invested in their relationship. i want to know everything i can (that does sound a little weird but it’s just that their story is more interesting to me than the main couple)
the show continues to plant the seed that seon gyeom is synonymous with motivation. this time it’s woo sik that says seon gyeom motivates him
talking about woo sik, it’s so refreshing to see him let loose and be a little more carefree. using less and less honorifics around seon gyeom and the people around him :) i like that
also, did we get to see seon gyeom being jealous for 5 seconds? or am i just seeing things? it was so cute how he put himself between mi joo and woo sik when they were watching the footage of woo sik running
and then we get to the most interesting scene of today’s episode: the discussion between dan ah and mi joo. the one thing i took away from that section of the show is they’re a lot more similar than we think
dan ah pointing out that mi joo “doesn’t seem tough despite her rough childhood. you (mi joo) refuse to kneel despite not having any backup” 
“i was aware of what i did or didn’t need. if i never had it, i wasn’t greedy. if i still wanted it, i got something similar even if it was fake” i didn’t think i could relate to mi joo more yet here i am. it’s important we get to know more about mi joo’s upbringing because we got to see every main character’s background except mi joo’s. 
i really like how dan ah seems more and more vulnerable and sincere in these last few episodes. we get to see little glimpses of what lies behind that cold exterior. “things i already had were always taken away from me.” “in my world, i’m the weakest” “i never know when things will be taken away from me, so i put up walls” it’s true that the double standards in dan ah’s family are unfair. her brother gets all the credit even though she’s the one who did everything.
when mi joo tackled the topic of ai replacing translations, it made me think. of course, i’ve already thought about it before but with the growing “success” of ai in recent months, i think it’s even more interesting to talk about it. translators are in fact competing against ai for their jobs. during my time as a translator, i saw a lot of clients using engines like google translate, reverso or linguee for their translations. i mean they’re great to some capacity but it’s hard for them to understand nuances. and that’s even more the case for movie translations. a movie, as any form of art, has the goal of eliciting emotions in the viewers and ai is not really capable of translating the feeling/message. they are capable of literal translations (meaning translating word for word) but sometimes, you can’t translate something word for word because it’s an expression that doesn’t exist in the language you’re translating to. or, it might mean something in the original version, but the subtitles won’t work for the translated version because the culture is completely different.
oh and there has been a controversy in recent years when entire movies were translated and dubbed by ai. the end result was catastrophic to say the least. it was hard to understand things when watching said movies (i’ve watched excerpts and it was something...) so i think translators still have a few more years of peace. i mean, you never know how ai will evolve but it will take time until they’re able to perfect the art of sharing emotions with the public. in that sense, movie and book translators still have some hope. for other more “technical” fields though... i’m not so sure
sorry if you didn’t understand a word i wrote. it’s difficult for me with this heat
when mi joo said the movie was like seon gyeom (aka complex) i understood her. it’s difficult for her to understand him but she’s trying
we’re finishing this episode with dan ah kissing yeong hwa. their relationship development is surely interesting. it’s like dan ah is disappointed when yeong hwa acts like she wanted in the beginning: obedient and not feeling anything. but now it seems she wants him to be the yeong hwa from before. 
it hurt to see yeong hwa be so cold and sad because it doesn’t seem like him. she definitely messed up with his heart. poor yeong hwa, you don’t deserve that.
additional note (before i end up sweating all the water in my body): yeong hwa’s outfit in the ending scene is gorgeous. he looks amazing in it
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sir-phillip-crane · 2 years
Headcanons of how would Scanlan, Percy, and Vax react if they went out with their crush to buy something to be mistaken as a couple?
sorry it took so long! i started school and homeworks got me swamped... im takin a little to adjust but I hope to be back to writing regularly soon!! requests can be sent in, but answers will be slow.
Scan the man
“I am simply saying, you would think, with how fuckin’ invent-y Percy is, he could figure out how to fix my lute! It’s bullshit that he’s ‘unable to’! I think that just translates to ‘I am a lazy fancy boi who doesn’t want to help my friends’!”
You laughed at his comment as you opened the door for him into a music based shop, the very specific smell of cork grease and reeds hitting you as you entered. “Usually I give him the benefit of the doubt, but I think you’re right in this case.”
You both wandered around for a few minutes, Scanlan especially fascinated by all of the musical instruments, even though he had seen them a million times.
Finally, a busy employee noticed you looking through the music books and greeted you. “Oh, hello! My deepest apologies, as you can see, we’re rather busy today!”
She was right, the store bustled around you. Despite it, Scanlan still heard and made his way to your side.
“What can I help you and your husband with?”
Scanlan blinked, at a loss for words for a moment. It wasn’t often you were mistaken for a couple, since the group tended to go to shops together, and it was more often you were mistaken for a polycule or more specific, more… odd couples. (Keyleth and Grog happened often, mostly because she would always gently explain things to him if she could).
Finally, he figured out what to say. “Ah, trust me, I wish I had the honor of callin’ this hot little piece mine, but they’re a bit too sophisticated for my taste.”
You responded by laughing and gently shoving him, then explaining that he needed his lute fixed.
She promised it would be finished by the end of the week, and either of you could drop by to grab it.
As you left, Scanlan started to laugh, reaching to take your hand. “I can’t believe that she thought we were married!”
“Please, you’d be lucky to land me, Shorthalt.”
“Well then,” he winked, “let me try my hand at it. Dinner tonight?”
Percy von Keysmash
“I swear to gods, it is becoming more and more difficult to find black powder.”
“How about that crazy guy who gave you a literal pig’s head full of it? I’m sure his shop is still open,” you laughed.
“Ugh, please, do not remind me of that interaction. That pig’s head haunted my dreams almost as much as the Briarwoods. Ah! Here we go! …Not nearly as much as I need, though…”
“If you and your partner are trying to find black powder, there’s a medicinal shop which sells it in bulk.” A lady browsing the shop commented, looking up at Percy. “Would you like the address?”
“Oh, um, yes, please. That would be lovely. Thank you.” Percy stammered, offering the lady a tiny notebook where she jotted down the address.
Percy gently took your hand and tugged you towards the door, seeming to want to leave the shop as soon as he could.
The two of you walked in silence for a long while, you unable to figure out what to say after that. Should you make a joke? Ignore it? Just face it head on?
It ended up being… awkward silence. Which Percy met with the same.
You two likely would have completely ignored it, if you hadn’t stepped into the shop and immediately been greeted by “what can I do for you lovebirds?”
Percy heaved a sigh, shaking his head before simply saying “black powder.”
You lingered awkwardly by the door until he finished up the transaction, then walking alongside him as you left.
“Well, that was… Something.” You mumbled, crossing your arms, gazing at the cobblestone as you walked.
“My apologies for how I handled that. I- I…” He trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished.
You didn’t prompt him again, simply allowing him to drop it and stay in awkward silence the rest of the walk.
When it came to shopping, Vax enjoyed it, but often wasn’t ‘allowed’ unless Vex was there to negotiate the price. And if that price wasn’t low enough, and the twins deemed the shopkeep an ass, they would simply steal it.
But a library, looking into whatever monster of the week you were fighting, meant Vex avoided it as she often insisted she found reading gross and posh, and nerds like you and Vax and Percy and, really, all of the group but her, Grog, and Scanlan, could get it done.
You sat at a table besides Keyleth, looking up as Vax carted back an armful of books and dumped them on the table. “We are going to be here all night, I swear to gods.”
“Do you want me to go get some food, then?” Keyleth hummed, smiling up at you and Vax.
“I don’t think the library allows food…” You started, then looked up, realizing it seemed to only be VM and a single employee, then added “can you bring us back some cookies?”
She nodded, compiling a small list of snacks before leaving to find some.
“Excuse me, you and your husband’s friend is not allowed to bring food in here.”
Vax completely overlooked the relationship comment, simply responding with “excuse me, my friends and I are the only reason all the residents of Emon were not dragon kibble. We will eat in the library if we damn well please.”
The employee shut up, realizing quickly they wouldn’t win this conversation – especially not as Vax flashed one of his daggers.
He sat besdes you, opening one of the leatherbound tombs and commenting “this is gonna take a year.”
“Did you… hear what they said?”
“Hm? Kiki shouldn’t be bringing food in here.”
“No, uh… Nevermind, it’s dumb.”
Vax will ask Percy about it while youre out of earshot, and respond by subtly giving you a little kiss on the cheek.
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