#like. everything most important to sirius in his pocket. with him always.
padfootastic · 1 year
Out of universe: Lily’s letter is in Sirius’s room so that Harry can read it with no thought behind why it was in a room Sirius hadn’t set foot in since he was 16, way before Lily would’ve written the letter
In universe: Sirius kept that letter in Azkaban and brought it with him when he escaped and somehow never lost it, his personal belongings were sent to his family after his arrest and they never got rid of them even though they never thought they’d see Sirius again, his family or an Order member went and gathered up all of Sirius’s stuff from wherever the belongings of dangerous criminals are kept (and if it’s the Order that did it, they got it after he escaped Azkaban, so I guess the Ministry or whoever keeps convicted criminal’s stuff over a decade after they’re arrested), Sirius himself went and got the letter even though he was a wanted felon, and presumably some other reasons as well.
oooh i entirely forgot that harry found it much later 💀 it’s v likely sirius could’ve gotten that letter (and his other belongings) from somewhere and kept it in GP himself. i still like the thought of him carrying it w himself always tho hehe just bc it’s utterly heartbreaking.
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magicbeings · 2 months
I have spent the last two days working on this Very Stubborn Street Artist Sirius/Bookshop Owner Remus who just wants no graffiti in his shop's walls for god's sake, and I'm having so much fun I decided to share a little snippet of it
It's a short story, will probably finish and post everything by next week.
Anyway, if you want and a sneak peak, click and read!
Adrenaline spikes. He freezes, the spray can still in his hand, his gaze darting between the wall and the illuminated window and back to the wall again.
the inconveniences in our favour
It’s peaceful, working alone, and he gets lost in the music, the smell of paint, and the cool feel of the metal canister in his hand when, suddenly, it happens again – the same light in the flat above the bookshop turns on.
Shit, he forgot it again. The most important part. 
He throws the spray paint can into the bag and zips it up quickly. His fingers fumble for the black permanent marker in the outside pocket, and he drops to his knees, leaning close to the ground to scribble "Regulus & Sirius 1996" in that same old spot, then "2005" just beside it.
He's just finishing the "05" when he hears the door click open. His heart skips a beat as he scrambles to his feet, cursing under his breath, but before he can move, he's blinded by the harsh beam of a torch.
Oh, fuck. Caught red-handed.
“Back for another guilt trip?” a voice says, firm and collected. For a moment, Sirius can’t see who’s speaking against the glare of the torchlight, but then the light clicks off.
All the air leaves Sirius’s lungs at once as he takes in the vision before him. James’s description of the bookshop owner didn’t do the man any justice. Yes, he’s tall. Yes, he’s lanky. Maybe he dresses like a retired professor – Sirius wouldn’t know, given that he’s standing there in nothing but boxers and socks. But ‘oddball’? Not a chance. He’s utterly and completely gorgeous.
His hair is dark blonde, a bit curly and tousled as if he just got out of bed – which he probably did – and it looks so soft that for a moment, all Sirius can think about is how it would feel to run his hands through it. His skin has a warm tan, his eyes are kind and brown, and his limbs are long and lean. His nose is slightly long, but it fits his face in a way that’s almost unfairly perfect. Taller than Sirius – which isn’t common – he stands there, in his boxers, a faint smirk playing on his lips as he scans Sirius from head to toe. Undeniably sexy, everything Sirius has never known he wanted.
Sirius raises his hand to his face, double-checking that the cotton shirt is still covering him – thankfully, it is. A mischievous grin spreads across his face, though the man can’t see it.
“What can I say, Mr. Wolf? You always leave me wanting more,” he winks at the man, his voice muffled by the shirt, but still understandable.  With a swift motion, he slings the bag strap over his shoulder, hops onto his skateboard, and pushes off, riding away before the man can think of calling the police. 
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Night Changes
This isn't based on an ask, but I've had some early-Cap ideas brewing and think about the first time the team heard him laugh a lot. His and James' friendship is so sweet in SW--the beginning of it must have been such a shock to them both. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
So maybe James had bitten off more than he could chew. It wasn’t the first time, to be sure, but coaxing (read: drag kicking and screaming) his new teammate out of the carefully-constructed mosaic of scowls that made up his entire personality was proving to be a little more challenging than he previously expected. With most rookies, all it took was some elbow grease and overenthusiastic inclusion in group events to get them to open up—with his brand-new soon-to-be best friend, he had to handle things a little more delicately.
Sirius Black was a puzzle wrapped up in one of those freaky code-breaking machines from World War Two Lily liked to talk about. He was one of the best hockey players James had ever seen, but off the ice he seemed to shut down. The intense focus on his face smoothed out into almost perfect neutrality, and in the four months since he joined the Lions, he had never once smiled for real in front of the team. He sat in his stall and padded up in silence, then went out and kicked ass before following Pascal home like a living shadow.
Naturally, James took it as a personal mission to pry Sirius Black’s closed-off persona open like a stubborn oyster. He tried including Sirius in group events—the rookie went along with a quiet “yeah, sure”, but sat at the table and nursed a single drink for the entire night. He tried getting into friendly banter with him on the ice, but it was like Sirius had never joked with anyone in his life. Hell, he even tried finding him a girlfriend, which tanked harder than the goddamn Titanic.
“Rookie!” James shouted down the hallway.
Sirius jumped and turned around, obviously confused. “Me?”
“Yes, you,” James laughed, jogging over to toss an arm over his shoulders. “What’s up?”
“Not much.”
He waited for Sirius to continue, then rolled his eyes and gave him a friendly shake. “C’mon, man, how was your weekend? Has Dumo coerced you into being a stay-at-home babysitter yet?”
Sirius’ frown deepened. “What? I come with him to practice every day.”
Change tactics, change tactics— “Got any plans for Friday?”
James knew the answer, of course; it was always no or not yet or a simple shake of the head. If he was a less observant man, he would have assumed Sirius didn’t actually want to hang out with the team. But the longing looks toward their easy rhythm and the way he always tilted himself toward locker room conversations told a different story. “None yet,” Sirius said with a shrug.
James gave him a friendly slap on the back. “Good, ‘cause I’m having a party at my place and you’re not allowed to miss it.”
“Why not?”
“Because I want you to be there, duh.” The bewilderment didn’t fade from Sirius’ face, but beneath it—well, maybe James was just seeing things, but he looked almost hopeful. He ruffled Sirius’ hair and headed for the locker room. “Friday at five, rookie! I’ll be waiting!”
The week passed in a slog of practices and cold weather. Sirius clammed up more and more as the party drew closer, but James didn’t miss the way his eyes flickered between the rest of them like he was analyzing a play. He would make one hell of a captain someday, if he could just relax a little.
“Hey, rookie, want a ride?” he asked when the big day finally arrived.
“Don’t you want to go home and set up first?” Sirius’ brow furrowed. For an eighteen-year-old kid, he was awfully thoughtful. James couldn’t wait to see him let loose a little. “I wouldn’t want to get in your way.”
“It’s a yes or no question,” he teased, poking the bit of exposed shoulder through the widening hole in Sirius’ under armor.
“I…” He faltered, then the corner of his mouth twitched up. It was the closest thing James had seen to a smile from him yet. One point for Potter. “Sure, Pots. Thanks.”
“No problem. Meet me at my car in five or so, yeah?”
“Oho, fancy French,” James laughed, turning back to unlace his skates.
It wasn’t until thirty seconds after Sirius left the room that he remembered he never told the rookie what his car looked like. Horrible, terrible visions of the poor guy wandering around the parking lot—or, god forbid, thinking James had left without him—flashed through his mind. It would undo everything he had been working so hard to build.
“Shit,” he hissed under his breath as he shoved his gear into his duffel with reckless abandon and hurried out of the locker room. His legs would be stiff from trying to run so soon after a grueling drill practice, but it was worth it to save his friend. “Rookie? Hey, Sirius, you still here?”
There was no response. James cursed again and made a beeline for the door to the parking lot. Please, God, don’t let him get lost. I need him to trust me.
“Oh, thank fuck,” he panted as he burst out onto the half-frozen concrete.
Sirius looked up from his phone with a strange expression. “Are you okay?”
“Thought I lost you for a sec.”
“You said to meet at your car, yes?” He glanced between James and the car in sudden worry.
“Yeah, yes, absolutely, I just—” He made an aborted gesture and dug his keys out of his pocket. “I realized I forgot to tell you which one is mine.”
Sirius blinked at him. “I know what your car looks like.”
“Because you drive it here every single day and you gave me a ride three weeks ago.”
‘Dumbass’ went unsaid, but James could feel it hanging in the air. He coughed lightly. “Right. Anyway, you can toss your bag wherever and hop in the passenger seat. My place isn’t far from here.”
Sirius took his duffel as he unlocked the car and settled both in the trunk with more care than James’ poor, battered bag had ever seen in its life. That was another thing that confused him about Sirius Black—he was so careful. He walked quietly for someone so tall, and each movement seemed pre-planned.
Each movement, that is, until he tried to get in the car. “Uh, Pots?”
“That’s m—oh.” James covered his mouth to stifle his laughter as Sirius tried to fold himself into the passenger seat and failed miserably. “I’m sorry, my girlfriend was sitting there last. Uh, there’s a lever on your right—yeah, there, just give it a pull and—”
With a harsh ka-chunk, the seat slid all the way back. Both men froze. It took everything in James’ power not to burst out laughing at the deer-in-headlights shock on Sirius’ face.
“Yep, that one,” he managed. “Nice job.”
They drove in relative quiet—James chattered on about weekend plans and hummed to the radio while Sirius watched out the window with the occasional monosyllable response. It took James a bit by surprise how comfortable he was, even without a steady stream of banter. Sirius might have been stubborn and silent and determined to foil all James’ plans at getting him to socialize, but he was calming to be near, like an anchor on unsteady water. Despite his overall quiet air, he was obviously paying attention to every word that left James’ mouth.
“You’re a good guy, y’know that?” he said as they turned onto his street. Sirius glanced over in surprise. “Most people tune me out within, like, five minutes.”
“I’m a good listener.”
James opened his mouth to respond, then paused. “Was that—Sirius Black, was that a joke?”
Something akin to mischief—mischief!—crossed his face. “Maybe.”
“Were you roasting me?” James gaped at him. “Oh my god. The guys are never gonna believe this.”
“Probably not.”
“You sick bastard. They won’t believe me.”
“You can give it a shot,” Sirius said with a shrug as the engine turned off. Pieces began to connect in James’ head as he stared, incredulous, at the rookie he thought would never even crack a smile. Four months of work had not been wasted, as he had feared; every joke, every one-sided conversation, and every attempt to get Sirius involved had been seen and heard and taken to heart. When he thought about it, he wasn’t sure he had ever seen Sirius actively agree to something unless James asked personally.
“We’re friends,” he said aloud, too surprised and too happy to hold it in. Not friends in the way James was with the rest of their loud, over-the-top teammates, but friends all the same.
“Well, yeah,” Sirius said as if it was obvious.
James unbuckled his seatbelt and socked him lightly on the shoulder, barely suppressing a shriek of excitement. “Love you, man. Grab your shit, we’ve got a party to set up.”
As much as it pained James to say it, having someone around who was six-foot-three was a huge help. There was no blow to his pride as he dragged Lily’s stepstool out; no grudging acceptance that he simply couldn’t reach those last two inches on the wall. Instead, he could foist any and all responsibility on his brand-new best friend in the whole wide world and focus on the things that mattered, like putting anything breakable or important far away from the grubby hands of his inebriated teammates.
His success was still ringing in his ears when the guests finally arrived—throughout the evening, James rode the high of accomplishing his mission to pull Sirius Black into his tight-knit circle. Every minute of those four months was worth it.
Midnight came and went, and by one-thirty in the morning James’ cramped living room was packed with tipsy hockey players in a vague imitation of a circle. “Non, non, I’ve gotta good one,” Dumo said, hiccupping. The room fell quiet as he leaned forward. “What do you call a body of water with a chicken in it?”
“What?” Kasey whispered, starry-eyed like a kid at Christmas.
“A swimming pool.”
The room stayed quiet, and then someone started to laugh. Slowly, they all turned to the source of the noise, and James felt a ripple of shock roll through the team as Sirius snorted. “It’s a swimming pool,” he said around a smile, his accent thick from three drinks. He had a nice laugh; James could get used to hearing it. “Like—poule, like chicken?”
His whole face was alight with happiness. James wasn’t sure whether to cry or cheer. That’s what I’ve been waiting for, he thought. That look, right there. Sirius fit in among the group like a missing piece of their puzzle, snickering away as if he hadn’t been stoically silent a day in his life. His laugh was downright bubbly.
“I don’t think they get it,” Dumo said into the rim of his cup.
Sirius shook his head, trying to catch his breath. “D’accord, so—so ‘chicken’ in French is poule, yeah? So a chicken in a body of water is a swimming poule. Do you get it now?”
A few oh’s of understanding washed over them, but several people continued to stare. “Too drink for this,” Sergei grumbled, though James could see the smile pulling at his mouth as Sirius turned to him with bright eyes.
“But it’s funny!” Sirius protested, so earnest it made James’ heart hurt.
“I think it’s funny, rookie,” he assured him with a clumsy pat on the arm. “And it’s my house, so I say Dumo gets a point this round.”
Kasey hiccupped. “Hey, anyone who makes the rookie laugh gets points in my book. No offense, dude.”
“None taken,” Sirius said, though his cheeks were pink.
James nudged him with his shoulder as Talker started a knock-knock joke. “It’s okay,” he said under his breath.
Sirius picked at the label on his cup. “I know I haven’t been very social,” he muttered.
“It’s okay,” James insisted. “It always takes rookies a while to warm up, so we’re just glad you’re happy. I’m glad my best friend is having a good time at my party.”
A heavy silence fell between them as Sirius looked over, eyebrows raised. “Best friend?”
“What, like you didn’t see this coming?” James slung an arm over his shoulder. “Yes, you French-Canadian nerd, you’re my best friend. And that means I’m your best friend, and there’s no take-backsies.”
“What the hell is a take-backsie?” Sirius laughed. “Did you make that up?”
James grinned. He had the feeling this was the beginning of an excellent friendship.
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slytherinspired · 4 years
Firsts - A Sirius Black Imagine
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Pairings : Young Sirius Black x Reader
Warnings : smut, obviously, unprotected sex, swearing, smoking, alcohol and mild drug use.
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Hi love! I did it! Beware, it is quite long, I sort of took the liberty to provide some context, but I hope you'll like it! :)
Sirius is looking back at himself in the mirror, wincing at his reflection. He recognizes his traits sparingly; his dark curls falling to his shoulders, his mocking smirk, his overall nonchalant expression. He knows who he is, but the clothes on his back are completely robbing him of his own identity. He glances bitterly at his beloved leather coat sitting on the back of his desk chair and sighs. The ridiculous black suit he’s wearing barely fits him. He knows it probably used to belong to one of his distant cousins and that it has been quickly and grossly recut to fit him by the house-elf. His parents are downstairs in the drawing room, waiting for him to join them so they can leave for this stupid reception. 
He doesn’t even know what it is about, except that he’s going to this apparent important new Ministry guy’s house who threw a sort of lame introduction party, since he just arrived in London with his family. And what he knows is that he’s going to spend the whole night with the type of people he doesn’t want to be assimilated with. From what he heard, the host of the reception just arrived at the Ministry of Magic to help with the passing of some bill for Muggleborn regulations, as awful as it sounds. He’d like to avoid to go, but Walburga has the upper hand on him, and nothing in the world would convince his dear mother to leave her eldest son behind, knowing full well that if she does so, Sirius is going to get the fuck out of there and join these Muggles mingling Potters fools. 
‘You look dapper,’ says a soft voice behind him.
Standing in the doorway, Sirius’ youngest brother observes him, grinning.
‘Shut up,’ he replies, annoyed by the stupid smile on Regulus’ face. 
His brother crosses his arms and steps into his bedroom. He looks around like he just stepped into some kind of freak show. His gaze rests a little longer on a certain poster. Sirius glances at the Muggle woman dressed in a revealing red swimsuit standing straight in the middle of the picture. He smirks, and caught-red handed, Regulus turns away quickly. She always was his brother's favourite, after all. Whether he wants to admit it or not.
‘Are you going to behave this time?’ he asks, stepping in front of his eldest brother.
Sirius shrugs, trying to adjust the bowtie strangling him. For Merlin’s sake, he thinks, it feels like he’s suffocating already. 
‘I always behave, brother dear,’ he replies, trying to undo the knot around his neck. ‘I just don’t behave the way they’d like me to,' referring to their parents.
Regulus shakes his head and starts fiddling with his brother’s bowtie and adjust it perfectly in one fell swoop, as if it were child’s play. Once the knot is properly buckled, he taps Sirius’ chest in an encouraging gesture, and frowns when he feels something hard hidden in the inside pocket of his brother’s vest. 
‘Really?’ he asks. 
Sirius snorts.
‘Just a bit of courage,’ he admits.
‘And how much courage did you drink already?’ 
‘Not enough, apparently,’ Sirius replies, thinking about the full flask of warm whiskey tucked inside his suit. 
He’d honestly rather be stuck in detention with Snivellus for the rest of his existence then go to this lame-ass party. That alone justifies the whiskey amply.
After a few detours in the city, he finds himself in front of an imposing white manor situated in one of London’s richest Square. Oh, this is going to be a long night, he thinks. Not only it seems like the host is wizard-rich, but he’s also everything rich, period. He rolls his eyes, there’s no issue. Walburga is pressing her long and emaciated fingers into his son’s arm as they step into the great hall of the house. The interior is as posh as the exterior, with its grand marble staircase curving up to the upper floor and its giant diamond-like chandelier hanging over their heads. For God’s sake, is it a live classical assemble he hears playing in the back? As his mother pushes him further inside, the sound of light chatter reaches his ears. He sees his father, dressed in his horrible robes, already on his way to speak with some old acquaintances, quickly followed by Regulus. He scans the principal room for a quiet corner, but it’s filled with this bunch of pricks, and he’s fighting with all his might the panic that is taking over his mind. He finally spots a free corner next to a big window and he walks straight ahead in that direction, hoping no one will recognize him on the way. 
‘I heard his son has found some work as a doctor,’ he hears a shrill voice say. 
‘A Muggle doctor? How peculiar!’ says another voice.
This is exactly the kind of chatter Sirius doesn’t want to hear. In no way he thinks he’s superior because he was graced with magic powers at birth. It is so suffocating, and he feels so incredibly small and inadequate, drowning in this sea of close-minded guests. 
He studies them, recognizes some familiar faces from Hogwarts, but most of them are Slytherins and are not close at all to use them as an escape. A waiter walks in front of him, holding a tray where champagne flutes fill themselves up. He grabs one and drink it in one sip. He’s already quite tipsy, but he doesn’t care. He’d rather be intoxicated right now to bury this hatred deep within. God, he needs air. 
He sees Walburga looking for him in the room, and she’s walking next to a tall and handsome man. For Godric’s sake, why is she walking straight in his direction? The man next to her doesn’t look as old as his mother, but the grey strands in his black hair betrays his age. He looks posh, and haughty. 
‘This is my eldest son, Sirius,’ says his mother in a toneless voice. ‘Sirius, this his our host, Mr Santorini.’
‘Pleased to meet your, Mr Black,’ says the man while he extends his hand. 
Sirius gets up on his feet, subtly struggling to find his balance, under the duo’s concerned stare. He rapidly and weakly shakes the man’s hand and nods. Ashamed, Walburga shoots darts at her son and quickly turns away from him.
‘My youngest, Regulus, is doing quite well at Hogwarts, see, he’s - ...’ her voice fades away.  
Sirius closes his eyes; he needs to find some distraction. And what could be better than the little thing he has brought to the party that is currently hidden in his pocket behind the whiskey flask? He needs to feel something else than the dreadful thoughts he has right now. He struts to the giant marble staircase and finds his way on the upper level without attracting attention to him. That is one advantage when no one cares about you; not being seen. The voices downstairs are slowly fading away and he feels already so much better.
He runs a nervous hand in his dark locks, feeling quite hot, with this bowtie strangling him. There must be a door leading outside. He tries to open the first one on his right, but the handle doesn’t bulge; it’s locked. And Walburga has confiscated his wand at the beginning of the summer upon his return from Hogwarts, so there’s no use. He sighs and adventures further away in the hall.
He has more luck with the second door, and finds himself into a deserted bedroom. His eyes make out the giant bed over the central wall of the room, and spots some sealed boxes on the floor. The translucent curtains discreetly veil the large windows in front of him, and he opens one widely and lights himself a cigarette without a care, pacing into the room nervously. He sees some pictures resting on a vintage dresser on the opposite wall. There are rows of books in the built-in bookcases, and even some disperse vinyls taking up some of the space.  He’s clearly trespassing someone’s intimacy, but whose? Sirius walks to the dresser and opens up the first drawer. A tickling feeling in his stomach at the sight of the several underwear – even in the darkness – makes him wonder how long has it been since he’s been intimate with someone. The last time was before school ended, with Mallory, and it was just snogging. He never went all the way... He chuckles discreetly at the thought and taps the ashes of his cigarette on the floor. Fuck this house, fuck this bedroom, and fuck this posh Pureblood family. 
‘Mm, mm.’
Someone has cleared their throat behind him. He jumps, and tries to hide the cigarette away. 
‘Please, don’t stop for me,’ says a girl in the doorway. 
He can’t make up her traits in the darkness, but she sounds young. She steps right in front of him.
‘I don’t think you should be up here,’ she says.
He feels like a child, caught red-handed. He feels suddenly very trapped. 
‘I heard the owner of this house is quite severe,’ she adds, taking the cigarette away from him, inhaling the smoke into her lungs, and exhaling. ‘If he found us in his daughter’s room, I think he’d torture us without any remorse.’
‘His daughter’s room?’ he replies nervously.
She nods, giving him back his cigarette.
‘A real pest.’
There is an awkward silence. 
‘What were you doing here?’ she adds. 
‘Looking for a way out,’ he replies in all honesty. ‘What about you?’
‘Just about the same.’ She glances at the cigarette. ‘You might want to put it out now.’
‘I really don’t,’ he replies, taking one last whiff, ‘but when do I get what I want anyway?’
He throws it on the hard-wood floor indifferently and follows the stranger in the hallway. She turns around to take a good look at him.
‘I’m Y/N, by the way – ‘ 
He feels like his legs are going to flinch. He doesn’t know if it’s the sudden nicotine rush, or the champagne mixed with the whiskey, or the lights in the hallway shinning over Y/N’s green doe eyes staring at him, or her long black hair waving on her back, or her delicious pink lips, or the gentle freckles on her nose, but he’s suddenly feeling quite light-headed.
‘You okay there?’ she laughs. ‘What’s your name?’
He shakes his head, trying to regain his thoughts. 
‘I’m, er. I’m Si – ‘should he really tell her his real name? ‘I’m Sid.’
‘Sid,’ she repeats. ‘Well, Sid, you don’t look too good.’
‘I don’t feel too good,’ he admits. 
Her expression changes. She’s not amused anymore. She’s pitying him. 
‘Follow me,’ she says, grabbing his hand like she has known him forever, dragging him to the end of the wall where they cross a door and end up on a small balcony overlooking the deserted garden. 
‘How to you know this place?’ he asks, resting his arms on the guardrail, humming the fresh crisp air. 
‘Hung out with the pest earlier,’ she replies.
‘Not anymore?’
‘Told you, she’s a pest. I can’t leave, though. I’m sort of stuck here.’
‘So am I.’
She laughs lightly. The moonlight shines on her beautiful face, and her traits are so soft, and if he was much more like himself, he’d try to charm her the way he knows how. 
‘So, Sid. What are we avoiding?’ she asks away. 
‘My parents, I guess,’ he replies, taking out the flask of whiskey of his pocket.
He takes a big sip and hands it to her. She considers it for a moment and grabs it. The wind flies through her hair, and her perfume reaches his nostrils, a perfectly well-balanced mix of vanilla and gentle notes of citrus. The fragrance shoots up his nose and wafts around his brain. Fuck, she’s so beautiful.
‘What about them?’ she asks away, wincing when she swallows the liquor. 
He snorts. He doesn’t want to talk about his parents right now. Not when the prettiest girl he’s ever seen is standing right in front of him. He has something else on his mind now. 
‘Your accent,’ he says, switching subjects. ‘It’s not from here.’
Y/N nods. 
‘I grew up all over the place, but mostly America.’
‘You don’t sound American.’
She smiles, revealing a straight row of perfectly pearly white teeth. 
‘My family, we’re from Sicily.’
He nods.
‘It’s in Italy – ‘
‘I know where Sicily is, I’m not stupid,’ he replies harshly, a bit offended.  
But Y/N chuckles lightly, and her soft laugh brings his attitude down. He can’t help but stare at her. She’s a bit overdressed to his taste, but hey, so is he. He wonders what is hiding underneath that navy dress of hers, and if her skin is as soft as he imagines it is. He needs to calm down. 
‘First time in London, then?’
She nods. 
‘What do you think?’ he asks, locking eyes with her.
She licks her lower lip without realizing it.
‘Well, I don’t hate the accent,’ she teases. 
Praised be Godric. 
‘Tell me, Sid, you seem to be about my age, yet you’re drunk like an old man with a drinking problem, and you probably smoke like a city boy. I keep wondering if I really should be alone with you right now.’
‘Are you afraid?’ he asks.
She shakes her head.
‘To be honest, Y/N,’ he says, pronouncing every syllable of her name like he could actually taste it, ‘I was alone up there to find a quiet spot for this.’
He shows up the joint between his fingers. She squints for a short moment and smiles.
‘I see.’
Y/N’s eyes bored into him. He wonders if he has crossed a line. He barely knows her, after all.  
‘Let’s go somewhere more private, then,’ she suggests, grabbing his hand. He doesn’t even have the time to appreciate the softness of her skin when he feels himself disapparating, his body swirling in every direction, and a sudden urge of panic takes hold off him. When he reapparates in a loud pop, he shouts:
‘What the hell are you doing? Are you bloody insane?’
‘What, did you never apparate before?’
‘Yes, I did but -,’ he is freaking out, Walburga must think he’s left and is probably fulminating. ‘My mother, she’s going to hex me! Bring us back!’
‘Why?’ Eliana asks, intrigued. ‘How would she know?’
Sirius shakes his head nervously. 
‘She placed some sort of charm on me, I’m not allowed to leave her sight. If she knows I left the premises, she’ll find me and – ‘ 
He stops himself from saying too much. Perhaps it would be a bit intense to share with the girl what would Walburga do to him. At least, he wouldn’t have to explain the healing bruises on his ribcage.
‘Relax, Sid. We’re still on the premises.’
He looks around and spots the house in the distance through a small window. Are they in some sort of guest house? A garden shed? There is nothing around him, he’s just standing on a mat. Relieved, he sits down, running a hand in his hair. Y/N joins him and creates a small fire by flicking her wand, enough to dimly light the room they are in. 
‘You’re actually scared of your parents. Why?’
Sirius chuckles. He’s not scared, he’s terrified of them. She points out the little stick he forgot he was holding between his fingers. 
‘Shall we?’ she suggests.
‘Who says I want to share?’
She pouts adorably. He lights it up and he takes a good breath of the substance and exhales slowly, indulging the heavy smoke, his lungs burning, and a light sensation rushes to his head. Them Muggles can also do magic, he thinks to himself. Under her curious eyes, he passes the stick in her delicate hands, and observes her. Her delicious lips reach it, and she slowly breathes it in. She starts coughing, tears running to her eyes.
‘Wait,’ he laughs, ‘is this your first time?’ 
She presses her hand to her rounded chest, laughing uncontrollably. Sirius shakes his head, following her laugh, and explains to her how to actually get the smoke to her lungs. 
‘There, yes – keep it still a second, let it -, yes, good,’ it’s like teaching children how to mount a broom, ‘and exhale. Brilliant.’
He waits a second before taking another whiff. Y/N’s mouth curves into a smile and she closes her eyes slowly. 
‘Oh,’ she exhales, ‘this is – ‘
‘I know,’ replies Sirius, smiling. ‘I know.’
‘Oh,’ she repeats. 
He stares at her, admiring her delicate features. Her eyes are still closed and he sees her falling on her back, completely relaxed. If his mother saw him right now, smoking pot with a random girl he met at this rich guy’s party, she’d have a good reason to use the Cruciatus curse on him for once. Or she’d cut his head before he could say he’s sorry. He decides to join Y/N and rests his back on the floor. He lays his head just beside hers and fixes the ceiling. He feels better now, and it’s not just the drugs. 
‘I feel so heavy,’ she says, sliding her hands on her naked arms. 
She turns her head and looks at him. 
‘Do you feel heavy?’
‘Kind of,’ he laughs. 
He doesn’t particularly feel heavy. In fact, he feels relieved, and mostly, he feels horny. Good god.  
‘What is there to do in London at night?’ she asks.
‘Mm,’ he hesitates. ‘Pubs, clubs, walking around Southbank, I guess.’
‘Never went to a pub,’ she admits.
He wants to run his finger on her cheek. He wants to grab her face and press his lips on hers.
‘You’re kidding,’ he replies, still fixing that beautiful mouth of hers. 
She shakes her head lightly, and a stroke of her long hair falls in her eyes. Her little red stained eyes. He smiles at the view, and slowly leans closer, replacing the stroke of black hair behind her ear. 
‘I’ll bring you to a pub, one day,’ he mutters, daydreaming out loud. 
‘Wouldn’t you mother kill you if you did?’ she jokes. 
‘She would. It would be worth the risk, though.’
She turns on her stomach and rests her head on her hands. He keeps staring at her, detailing everything. 
‘What are you looking at?’ she chuckles.
‘Just admiring the view,’ he replies frankly.  
She would blush if she wasn’t all flustered already. There’s an odd adrenaline spluttering inside of him as he feels her close, and his pulse quickens and he’s feeling so hot right now, he’s melting into the rug. There’s a comfortable silence between them, and they both enjoy it for a couple of minutes. There is something about this girl, this nonchalant attitude, and her mesmerizing eyes, and her accent, and the way her body moves when she finally sits down again, pulling her dress over her thighs to sit comfortably, making him lose his fucking mind. If he weren’t so distracted by her presence, he’d be sweet talking to her, like he’s so used to do with other girls. But he’s simply incapable of doing so, like she’s robbed him of his means. 
‘We should go back, they’re going to be looking for us,’ she whispers, showing him her hand to help him sit back. 
But he doesn’t want to go back and mingle with the people he hates. He wants to be alone with her, if it is just to stay motionless on this rug in her company. He takes her hand and sits back up, and their eyes lock again, and they stare at each other, and he’s wondering if he’s hallucinating someone so perfect to help him cope with this emptiness he feels all the time. She absentmindedly licks her lips, taunting him, and he has to remind himself how to breathe, as his lips quirk hesitantly, sighing out loud to stop himself from pining her underneath him. 
‘Yeah,’ he stutters, like a fucking coward, and then he clears his throat and steadies his pulse and sternly instructs himself to get it together, dude. James would be laughing at him if he saw him right now. 
But they both stay there, motionless. He can feel the drugs running away from his bloodstream, he’s on another high now, another rush, and it has nothing to do with it. He can’t stop staring at her lips. Her expression washes over him in waves, and he pins a hesitant smile on his face, hoping it will distract her from the bulge growing down there.
‘Or we could just, you know, stay here for a while,’ she suggests.
For fuck’s sake. 
He’s only able to gulp and nod, his cock painfully growing thick through the fabric. He tries to hide the bump by placing his arm over his legs, but instead it catches her attention down there, and her eyes quickly spots it, but she innocently acts like she’s unaware of the effect she has on him. If he could only smack his lips on hers. 
Her emerald eyes are wide open, she leans in and presses her soft lips on his, and he’s never felt so relieved in his entire life, her mouth is warm and soft, and he can actually run his hands in her soft hair, and he can hear his heart hammering in his ears, and she actually lets out a discreet moan in his mouth, and fuck, there he is, gone, he knows there is no way back from there. 
He feels her hands slowly unbuckling his belt and removing those atrocious trousers, and he follows through, pulling up her dress to reveal her skin. He removes his shirt, he has dreamt all night to rip it off his body from the second he put it on, and now she’s pushing him on his back on the hard rug and places kisses in the crook of his neck, sliding her tongue all the way down, and he knows where she’s heading, but he can’t let her do that, or he’s going to cum already. He grabs her head softly, and while he’s busy sticking his tongue into her mouth, he’s unclasps her top, tosses it on the floor, and starts licking her round breasts, circling her hard nipples with his tongue. He realizes it is actually the first time he’s allowed to touch naked breasts, and Merlin, this is so much better when there’s no fabric covering them. 
He pins her small body under him, and he slowly moves down on her. He admires her ribcage moving up and down, and he can hears her heavy breathing, and he feels like he can’t hold it anymore. He runs his lips on her skin, down her stomach, to the birth of her underwear, pulling them down very gently. Sirius can’t believe he just met her a couple of hours ago; he feels like he has been desiring her for an eternity. There was a before her, and there’s now – and all the shit he’s been dealing with since school ended is now tucked away in the back of his mind. He caresses with his lips the soft bump between her legs, indulging the new sensation, and then just takes a mouthful of her sex. Her breathing stops, her ribcage is suspended for a second, and then she breathes out and grabs the back of his head while he tastes her. It’s sweet, and warm, and wet, and salty at the same time, and it’s so fucking good.
She’s squirming and writhing beneath him, her subtle moans amplifying. The gasps she makes sends sparks of unbearable pleasure through him, and he feels dizzy, like his heart is about to explode, ready to jump out of his chest at any moment. He slides one finger into her, and then another, and she spams around his fingers. He observes her perfect body tensing at his touch, cupping one breast with one hand while she orgasms into his mouth, her fluids mixing with his saliva. Her face is flushed and her pupils are dilated, and he could very well be on this high for the rest of his existence. But she places kisses on his lips, tasting herself on him, and his cock is so hard, he can’t help but groan when he feels her hand grabs his sex through the fabric of his underwear, slowly stroking him. It is pure torture.
He feels the small piece of clothing covering him sliding down his legs, and he kicks it on the floor. She stares at him in the eyes and licks her fingers, then moves her hand down there again, gently applying pressure on his hard-on. Sirius’ head tilt to the back, blood rushes through him. That is a different story when it’s someone’s else hand, isn’t? 
She lays down in front of him, and he follows her as she guides is cock at the entrance of her sex, and it’s so wet, how is he going to pull through? He’s shaking with apprehension but pure pleasure. She suddenly frowns.
‘Wait,’ she hesitates, ‘is this your first time?’
He nods. There’s so point in lying. 
‘Do you want to stop?’
Of course, he doesn’t want to stop. He shakes his head, and her face lits up. 
They kiss and he presses the tip of his cock into her, slowly, to get every sensation right, and he closes his eyes and, oh this feels so fucking good, and he can’t help but exhales of relief when he feels the warmth, and he hears her gasping underneath him. He’s sinking into her, and she pushes his length even farther by raising her hips. Why does it feel so good? He starts to pace inside her, like he has known what to do forever, increasing the tempo, and she moans under him. He moves swiftly now, trying with all his might to not just release himself off the pressure. She throws her head back into the rug, he feels sweat pearling at the birth of his forehead, his locks fall into his eyes, and he accelerates his pace and presses her legs on her stomach, and oh my god, this is even better. 
She presses her right hand on his chest, running her fingers over his hard stomach, avoiding the bruises, detailing each parcel of his body. She looks back up and pushes her lips on his, and their tongues meet, and he’s completely melting into her. She finally bucks her hips tightly and Sirius hisses, he can’t hold up anymore. Oh, he wants to hear her say his name – if only he had given his real one – but she lets a loud ‘fuck’ escape her mouth, and she’s damp with sweat, and he never seen something so beautiful, he slams into her harder and faster, he groans while his grip tightens around her delicate waist. He feels almost he’s in pain and something stronger than life itself is burning him; yes, he’s burning up down there, he can’t hold it anymore, his whole body is on fire, he glances at her one last time, and he lets out a guttural growl, while feeling his insides pushing his soul out, and for a short moment, he thinks he’s dying, spilling his warm seed into her, filling her up while’s he petrified, hanging between dream and reality, thinking his heart stopped beating. 
It is only half an hour later that he comes back to the manor, flustered and feeling out of his body, followed by Y/N. She’s even prettier under the warm lights, blushed cheeks, and he relives in his mind what just happened over and over again. That wasn’t bad for a first time, he thinks. 
‘Y/N! Papà has been looking for you forever, where were you?’, a young girl is staring at her. 
She shares similar traits with Y/N, but she looks younger, about Regulus’ age. Her arms are crossed, and she observes Sirius oddly, in a manner that makes him believe she can easily guess what Y/N was doing all the time they’ve been away. 
‘Where is he?’ asks Y/N. 
The young girl points at the host, the man he shook hands with earlier, speaking with Sirius’ father and a couple of older men in the corner of the room. 
‘Clara,’ mumbles Y/N with a threatening expression. ‘non dire niente a Papà.’
The young girl rolls her eyes and leaves them. Sirius frowns. Wait a minute, is this girl... 
‘Didn’t you tell me the host’s daughter was -’ he mumbles, feeling his hands becoming moist.
‘A pest,’ she smiles. ‘My sister.’ 
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wreckofawriter · 4 years
pairing: remus lupin x reader
word count: 3k
warnings: language, none fluffy
summary: you know you annoy remus but that doesn't stop you from trying to get close to him
a/n: i actually like this fic more than I thought I would... anyway I'm actually motivated again so posts should be more frequent. I plan on writing the next part for pulled apart next
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    Remus has always been very good at ignoring distractions. Considering who his best friends were that was really no surprise to anyone around him. He had ignored parties and screams and fights and pretty much everything else you can imagine. He could probably read through a tornado if one happened to strike the castle. But we all have that one thing. 
    The classroom was quiet. The scratch of quills on parchment and the occasional shuffle of feet filling Remus’s ears as he did everything in his power to focus on the test in front of him. Potions was a subject he excelled in, yet he had barely finished the first three questions and now sat practically fuming in his chair, his mind clouded with irritation. 
    A pop once again resonated through the room and no one else blinked, the quills continued their march. Remus gripped his own feather so tight he thought it might break in two. A few moments later  the sound greeted his ears again and he whipped around. His eyes fell on you, your hair bouncing lightly as you tapped your foot to some inaudible rhythm. Soft pink bubble gum lined your lips, the corpse of a bubble being tugged back into your mouth for rebirth. 
    “Would you cut it out?” Remus hissed drawing more than one pair of eyes. 
    You tilted your head in confusion, reminding the boy slightly of a puppy. You glanced behind yourself quickly and then pointed a finger at yourself in a silent question. 
    “Yes you.” Remus scorned, “Stop popping your bloody gum.” 
    Maybe it was because of how rude he had been or maybe it was the cute red tinge of anger on his cheeks, either effect led you to the same action. You gathered the treat in your mouth inflating one of the bigger bubbles you had made that day, popping it between your teeth.  The noise was loud like the snap of a whip. You smiled softly at the boy's stiff reaction, “No.” You hummed turning back to your work. 
    Remus was pretty sure you had verbally slapped him across the face. 
    The library was crowded with people, almost every chair was taken, faces shoved into books and fingers stained with ink.
The quiet atmosphere was broken by James’s loud groan, “Godric, that test Slughorn gave us was dreadful.” he complained, his head hitting the table in front of him. A chorus of hushing which he paid no mind to followed. 
“Tell me about it.” Remus mumbled his mood still sour from the period before. 
Sirius snapped to attention, “Since when do you have trouble in potions?” 
Remus sighed, rolling his eyes at his friend's amusement, “It wasn’t the test you idiot.” 
James turned his head, his cheek now squished against the wooden surface, eyebrows scrunched.
“There was this girl.” 
“A girl!?” Both boys shouted in unison, James’s head popping up from the table. They both were shushed aggressively. 
Remus scoffed, “Not like that-”
“Was she just so hot you couldn’t focus?” Sirius mused, the smirk on his lips mildly irritating.
“Did she have the top few buttons of her blouse undone? I damn near fainted last time Lily did that.” James chimed in.
Remus felt his cheeks go hot, “What? No-”
“So who's the lucky lady Moony?” 
“Yeah I can’t believe you didn't tell us.” James pouted. 
    “I don’t fancy her, you idiots!” Remus snapped, earning multiple glares.
    James and Sirius’s smiles dropped, disappointment finding their faces as all the excitement they had just been tempted with washed away.
    “I knew it was too good to be true.” Sirius mumbled halfeartly. 
    “So what was it then?” James asked, “If you don’t fancy this girl what’s the issue?”
    Remus huffed, “She was being bloody annoying that's the issue. She wouldn’t stop popping her gum, it is one of the most infuriating things I've ever experienced.”
    Sirius quirked a brow, “That's it?”
    “James was there.” Remus continued, “He gets it, it was absolutely dreadful.”
    James shrugged, “I don’t remember hearing any popping.” 
    Remus gauffed, “Seriously? It was so loud.” 
    “I probably just tuned it out,” He hummed, “Why didn't you just ask her to stop?”
    “That's the problem.” Remus groaned, “I did and she was totally rude and popped it right in my face.” 
    “Sounds kinda bitchy.” Sirius mumbled, “Any chance you know who she is?” 
    Remus racked his brain, “I think her name is y/l/n something, I'm not sure.”
    Sirius paused, “Y/n y/l/n?”
    “That sounds right.” 
    Sirius whistled, “She is wicked hot.”
    Remus scrunched his face in mild disgust, “Is that all you have to say on the matter?” 
    Sirius nodded returning to Transfiguration book,
    Remus sighed, “You guys are no help at all.”
If you had heard the conversation that had just taken place you would have been sorely disappointed. In fact you probably would have stormed up to your dorm and pouted fiercely. 
Remus Lupin was someone you knew well. Probably too well considering he had never even looked your way until the period before. It's not like you were a stalker or anything, he was just… really cute.
He had caught your attention in 4th year and never seemed to let go as he slowly reeled you in with hazel eyes and soft smiles. 
You would count his freckles in charms and imagine running your hands through his hair in potions, he never seemed to notice the pair of eyes boring into his curls. You were pretty positive that your crush was hopeless. I mean this was Remus Lupin you were talking about, sure he wasn’t as sought after as Black but he definitely had his fair share of admirers.
Your friends, the few you trusted with important information that is, were always pushing you to take some sort of action on your crush. You ignored them for the most part claiming it was useless and he would probably end up with someone else anyway. Yet year after year he was still single. It was a bit shocking in fact. Almost as shocking as the words you had spoken to him earlier that day.
You buried your head in your hands for the third time that minute, embarrassment and regret were eating you alive. What the hell is wrong with me? You thought. 
Adrianna, who was one of your closest friends and the one seated next to you for the horrific event was snickering behind her hand attempting to turn it into a cough as you glared at her. 
“I mean at least you talked to him.” She chidded and you threw your book at her. It was her turn to pout.
You groaned, your head hitting the table infront of you, “I’m a fucking idiot.” 
Adrianna shrugged, “Well yes.” 
“Why did I say no? Why couldn’t I just say yes and apologize like a normal person?” You complained.
She shrugged again, “Maybe it’s just in your blood to be a dick?” This time she caught a quill on her forehead. “Sorry, sorry,” a pause, “You know you could use this to your advantage,”
You raised an eyebrow, “How the hell would I manage that?”
“You could apologize, you know like a normal person.” she giggled.
You cringed at the thought, “Why would I do that?” 
Adrianna rolled her eyes, “Because you were an asshole. And most people apologize after being an asshole.”
You scrunched your nose, “Do you have any idea how awkward that would be?” 
“You’re helpless.” She mumbled returning to her work. 
You pouted, “Well you're not very helpful.” your mind began to turn as she continued her essay, one you had already finished the night before. Then suddenly an idea struck. 
You marched up to Remus with confidence you didn’t actually have. Your anxieties buried beneath a blanket of boldness. Your hands shook, stuffed deep in your pockets. 
“Yes?” He repeated reminding you that you had indeed called his name. 
You glanced around at his friends, their eyes locked on you with amused smiles. You put on an uncaring mask and rolled your eyes at Potter whose smile only grew, “Could we talk away from your goons?”
Remus grinned a bit as Sirius gave an over-exaggerated gasp, “Yeah sure.” 
You nodded quickly turning and starting towards the staircase. You didn’t catch Remus raising his eyebrows back at his friends and he didn’t see you release a shaky breath.  
Once you both stood in the narrow staircase leading to the deviations room you turned back to Remus who stood two stairs below you, the height advantage made you feel powerful. 
He didn’t seem particularly bothered by it, “You here to apologize?”
Your eyes widened, he seemed snarkier than he had been in potions, almost like he was challenging you, “I was, but now I don’t believe I will.” you clipped back.
Remus rolled his eyes, “Can I leave then?” 
Panic struck you, this was not going well, “Actually I need a favor.” 
Remus was surprised, that was definitely not what he had expected.
You huffed, praying to whatever god was up there that this would work. “Can you tutor me in potions? I’m actually not all that good at it and I know for a fact you are.” One of those statements was a blatant lie. Potions had been one of your better grades for a while now but he didn’t need to know that. 
“Why should I help you?” Remus asked, taking a step towards you, the height advantage lessening. 
You weren’t really sure how to answer that, “I suppose you shouldn’t.” You sighed and Remus smirked, “But you will.”
He raised his brows, “And why's that?”
You popped your gum enjoying his flinch, “Because you are just so sweet.” you said it with a slight coo like you were talking to a young child.
Remus didn’t respond as you brushed past him.
“Meet me at the library tomorrow after lunch and don’t be late.” You called over your shoulder.
Remus stood in the stairwell staring where you had just stood. He let out a heavy sigh , his heart beating louder than it should have been. 
Part of you thought he wouldn’t even show and that instead you would sit in the library like a fool as Remus laughed about you with his friends. So when you entered the library and found the boy already seated at a table, textbooks and notes placed neatly around him you were surprised. You fought a wide smile skipping beside him and reaching for the book in his hands. Before you could snatch it away Remus snapped it shut and moved it aside. 
“Take a seat y/n”  He spoke, smirking at you, clearly happy about his quick reflexes. 
You rolled your eyes sitting beside him and glancing at the papers in front of you. They were notes, neatly taken, no doodles in the margins. 
Remus leaned over your shoulder, “I think we should start with the basics and see how much you already know.”
It was only then that you realised you were going to have to pretend to be terrible at potions. You swallowed thickly, “Sounds good.”
You surprised yourself with how easily you lied. You slipped up only twice, brushing both off as lucky guesses and contuinuting with your stupid little curade. 
Remus ate it up, showing you simple questions and walking you through them as one did a child. It would have bothered you if he wasn’t leaning over your shoulder with his breath soft on your neck. He smelt like chocolate and fresh parchment, his curly hair so close you could reach out and run your fingers through it if you wanted to. 
You walked back to your common room in a slight haze, your stomach full of wings.
Remus peered after you curiously. Your actions confused him, he could’ve sworn you had already known the practice problems he gave you. Yet you had struggled, almost comically. He supposed you were just really good at pretending to be smart. 
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to pretend to be stupid?” You groaned.
Adrianna shook her head too focused on the note sheet in front of her to really care about what you were saying. 
Your rambles continued regardless, “Do you think I’m going to have to fail my next test so I can keep Remus as a tutor?”
She sighed fed up as she tried to study over your speaking, “You know you could just ask him out like if you weren’t such a pussy.” 
You glared at her lacking real malice, “I’m not a pussy, I’m just creative.”
“Pussy.” Adrianna coughed quietly and you rolled your eyes, she was only a little bit right. 
As your study sessions continued Remus found himself growing strangely fond of you. The banter you offered was entertaining, despite the fact you took every chance to annoy him. Your sarcastic comments made his lips twitch into a grin. Your response to his own remarks; a scrunch of your nose, making him chuckle. You still seemed a bit off and for the first week, Remus wasn’t sure what it was. It was clear that you were hiding something, faking something but he just couldn't place it. 
A pattern began to settle in front of him quickly. Your slip ups became a bit repetitive. And by slip ups he really meant your success. You were good at potions. In fact probably better than he was. Remus wasn’t sure why you were pretending to be terrible at a class you clearly were doing well in, but he was even more confused on why he didn’t call you out on it. 
For some reason he was dead set on keeping you at those study sessions. In fact he used a nearing test as an excuse to meet you daily. He debated his actions in his own mind most nights, why did he keep wasting his time to teach you things you already knew he wondered. He always came up empty, even more lost than he had been before. 
You had thought Remus to be smarter than he was. The fact that he hadn't picked up on your seemingly obvious act was astounding. You supposed it only helped you if he fell for it hook line and sinker, right? You started meeting him everyday in the library, he was very adamant about you passing the upcoming test and you weren’t going to complain, it gave you more time to count the freckles that dusted his nose anyway.  
You hummed quietly to yourself, fiddling with your quill. It was the night before the test and Remus had been insistent on you studying late into the night. So now you sat in the Gryffindor common room under the hazy light of candles with notes you had memorized ages ago. 
The crack of the fire was a pleasant background noise to your tune as your eyes locked onto Remus whose hair had fallen in front of his eyes yet again. You smiled softly watching him scribble final notes onto his Transfiguration assignment. Your gum was slowly losing its flavor on your tongue. 
Feeling your gaze he looked up, “You want me to quiz you on them?” He asked, gesturing to the notes under your arm. 
“Sure.” You reposed picking up the paper and passing it off to him. 
Remus watched you carefully, answers came easily most of the time but every once and  while you would struggle, himming and hawing as you pretended you didn’t know how to respond. He played along until you finished the note sheet.
You were confused when he put it down, “Aren't we going to go over the ones I got wrong?” 
Remus sighed, “Why would I do that when you already know them?”
You furrowed your brow, “I got them wrong.”
“You know them though don’t you?” He smirked, “You know all the stuff that I’ve been teaching you.”
You laughed but there was no humor to it, “I don’t know what you mean.”
He only smiled more, “Yes you do.” 
You just sat there, your mind was spinning, you hadn’t really planned for the end of it all. You had no clue how you were going to explain this. 
“I’m curious.” Remus said, “Why go through all this trouble?” 
You just started at him opening your mouth to answer only to close it again. 
“Come on y/n don’t leave me hanging.” He grinned and you felt like you were going to throw up. 
“How long have you known?” You asked quietly.
Remus shrugged, “About a week.” 
You hesitated, “Wait, why didn't you say anything sooner?”
He shrugged again, “No reason.” 
It was your turn to smile “No really Remus, why waste your time with me?” You questioned. 
He sighed, “It wasn’t really a waste of time.”
“It wasn’t?” 
Remus felt weirdly trapped, “You still haven't answered my question.” 
“Fine you really want to know?” You said chewing your gum anxiously. 
He nodded.
“I wanted to hang out with you, and I wasn't really sure how to ask.” You huffed picking at your nails. 
There was a beat of quiet, the fire popped behind you.
“Now you tell me why you didn’t say anything earlier.” You said trying to divert from your embarrassing confession. 
Remus pondered his answer for a moment, “Because I like you.” 
Your eyes widened, “I thought you found me annoying.” you laughed lightly.
“Oh no I do.” He grinned leaning closer to you as you scrunched your nose in annoyment. “You know you could have just asked me out instead of pretending not to know anything about potions.”
You ignored the heat in your cheeks as Remus leaned just inches from you, “Where’s the fun in that?”
He chuckled, “I supposed there isn't any.” his breath was warm on your skin and your eyes slipped shut as he closed the distance between you. 
Remus’s lips were smooth and soft against your own, his hand cupping your cheek lightly. You ran your fingers through his hair as he tilted your chin back, deepening the kiss. 
He hummed lightly, you tasted like bubblegum.
@evyiione @accio-rogers @roslea @k3nz-doodl3 @theseuscmander @sleepingalaska @chloe-geoghegan1 @obsessedwithrandomthings @coldlilheart @suseptiable-but-siriusexual @inglorious-imagines @the-natureofme @trickylittlewitch @layaa-layaaa
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onlydreamofmysoul · 3 years
Let Them Eat Cake: The Final
We made it! I want to thank you guys so so much for the fantastic support you've given this story, it means the world to me. Bake Off has a special place in my heart and so does this fic, so its been so great to share it with you all!
(Links to all previous chapters can be found pinned on my page under 'Let Them Eat Cake' or pop over to my AO3 - link in bio)
Without further ado, I give you... The Final!
This week on the final of The Great British Bake Off…
“It looks like you’re having a smashing time.”
“Tell us about your first kiss.”
“And the winner is…”
Remus Lupin was having a nice morning.
There had been nothing of interest to note, however he didn’t have an alarm blaring and he was warm and snuggly, so all in all, he took it as a win.
Until one Lily Evans took it upon herself to sneak into his room and throw herself on him like she was a kid on Christmas morning.
“Finals, finals, finals!” She exclaimed, managing to find a tone that was somehow both singing and chanting all at once.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” Remus groaned, covering his eyes with his forearms. “Can I go back in time and just never apply to this fucking competition?”
Lily rolled off him, her big green eyes staring at him concerned. “What's the matter? Do you not want to be here?”
Remus peeked out at her. “No, I don’t want you to be here.” He smirked as she rolled her eyes, flopping back on the pillows next to him.
“Asshat.” She grumbled, hitting his shoulder with a light ‘thwack’. “I was worried for a sec.”
Remus grinned at her and then stared up at the ceiling for a long moment, only the sounds of their breathing and his heartbeat in his ears to keep him company.
Finals, they had made it to the finals.
He still couldn’t quite believe it. “Welcome to the finals.” McGonagall had said to him just before he left the tent, the words playing over and over again in his head, as clear as if she had said them yesterday.
(Which in fact, she had. This was the first time Remus would go to the practice tent and Tonks wouldn’t be there, but there was still an undeniable elation blossoming in his chest).
Five days until filming resumed. Six until the winner was announced. It didn’t seem real.
(But if this were a fantasy, Remus never wanted to return to reality).
“So where’s Sirius on this fine morning?” Lily asked, breaking the silence. Remus turned his head to look at her, completely relaxed and sinking into the bed. It would seem his lazy morning mood had seeped into her instead of her vibrant energy going to him.
“We’re not together every night.” He said, looking at the freckles splashed across her nose. They were darker now than they had been when they arrived. “We’re taking things slow.”
Lily just stared at him sceptically.
“It’s true!” He defenced. “We are!”
“You’re such a bad liar.”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
Remus groaned and smacked her with a pillow. Victory.
“You never answered the question.” Lily said, muffled under the cushion. Or maybe victory had another champion in mind.
“Okay yes, he’s here most nights, but it doesn’t feel fast.” He defended, and it was true. Somehow it felt almost like they had known each other forever and yet still there was the thrill and excitement that came with everything being so new.
“It doesn’t seem fast either.” Lily reassured. “Maybe for others it would be, but I think it’s right for you two.”
Remus let out a little breath of relief. He hadn’t been worried exactly, but his thoughts had slipped in that direction a few times. More than anything, he just worried about scaring Sirius off, while still feeling secure in himself? Remus really didn’t know, the emotion centre of his body was really sending out mixed signals these days.
He had just decided to say fuck it to logic and stick to how he felt. And he felt good. Really good.
“Not that this little revelation wasn’t nice,” Lily said, “But you still haven’t answered the question I asked. Little tip? If this baking thing doesn’t work out, definitely don’t become a spy. If you were captured you’d accidentally reveal all the information without them even having to ask you.”
Remus groaned. “I hate you. He and James were hanging out last night.”
Lily grinned, satisfied and gave Remus another little shove. “Okay, come on I wanna go bake.”
“You’d think you’d have enough baking for a lifetime.” Remus grumbled but he got up all the same. In actuality, now that he was awake, Remus too was buzzing to get into the tent and get to work. “What’re you planning for this week?” He asked as he threw on a pair of jeans and a hoodie, having taken a shower the night before.
“I can’t give away my secrets!” Lily teased, holding open the door as Remus grabbed his key and they both swept out of the room and down the plush carpeted corridor.
“You are aware I’m gonna find out either way right? Cause if you still haven’t grasped that concept then I’m a little worried to be-”
“Oh hush,” Lily laughed, pressing her palm to Remus’ mouth. “I’m still not a hundred percent sure to be honest.”
They stepped outside, the cool crisp air falling over them, revitalizing them. Remus tucked his hands into his pockets and felt his shoulders hunch a little. His lungs liked the cold, the rest of his body - not so much.
“I’m not sure if I know what I’m doing either.” He admitted. “I have a few ideas, but none of them feel quite right, you know?”
Lily nodded as they reached the practice tent, pulling open the door. “Yeah I think that’s my issue too. There’s suddenly so much pressure and nothing I consider seems to be good enough.”
Remus sighed as he pulled two aprons off the hooks and tossed one to Lily. “I suppose we’ll have to figure it out.” He said, before taking out the recipe cards he had brought with him and began flicking through them for inspiration.
Five days. He could do this.
“Well, well, well, look who we have here.” Remus said with a grin as he trod through the grass, rounding the big oak tree to see Sirius waiting on their swing.
“I know,” Sirius drawled. “It’s almost like we planned it.”
Remus smiled, sitting by his side, holding the rope in one hand as he held out a Tupperware encased offering. “Want some cake?”
Sirius took the box gladly, his hair tied up but the wind had claimed a few loose strands, whipping them around his face like a dark halo. “Always. What kind?”
Remus tucked one foot into his chest, resting his cheek on his knee as he studied the other man. “Try it and find out.”
Sirius' lips quirked at Remus’ teasing tone, looking at the deep brown colour that really could only be one flavour. “Elderflower?” He joked.
Remus laughed and took a bite himself before holding out to Sirius. “Yes,” He said, completely deadpan. “That’s exactly what it is.”
Sirius smiled and kissed him, biting his lip as he pulled away. “You taste like chocolate.”
Remus flushed. “Don’t you mean elderflower?”
Sirius chuckled, rocking the swing a little more, tilting his head back to look at the twisting branches above them. “Look,” He murmured, pointing to a clump of twigs high in the tree. “A bird's nest.” Remus followed his line of sight and watched as a bird swooped overhead and landed in it gracefully.
“That was kinda cool.”
“Let’s hope it doesn’t shit on us.”
“Sirius!” Remus exclaimed, elbowing the other man as he laughed. “Let’s hope your hair can take the hit and shield us.”
“Oi! My hair is what should be protected at all costs, it’s a national treasure. You know, I think I should replace you with Tonks, she knows the importance of hair care.”
Remus smiled, resting his head on Sirius’ shoulder, the fabric of his jacket soft against his cheek. “Tell me something I don't know about you.”
The wind whipped through the branches, but Remus wasn’t cold pressed up against Sirius. The tree sheltered them from the worst of it and the weather was slowly getting a little warmer, daffodils springing up all around the tent. There were many things Remus had always wanted but never saw himself actually achieving. Coming to bake off was one. Making it to the final was another. And perhaps the most notable - finding someone who might love him as much as he loved them. And yet, here he was with all three.
“When I was a kid, I used to want to be a dog so bad, I was always getting in trouble for wearing holes in my pants because I would crawl instead of walking normally. I even refused to answer to ‘Sirius’.”
“Oh yeah?” Remus asked, amused. “What was your alter ego’s name then?”
He could hear Sirius’ smile even if he couldn’t see it. “Padfoot. He was this big black dog. I got the idea after I read about ‘The Grimm’ in one of my cousin’s books and I guess it kind of stuck.”
“Padfoot,” Remus repeated, unable to stop himself. “I like that.”
“Your turn,” Sirius urged, nudging Remus lightly. “Tell me something I don’t know about you.”
Remus’ heart fluttered, stomach rolling a little, he had news for Sirius, and had honestly engineered the entire conversation just to tell him, but now that the moment was here, he was getting nervous.
“I’ve been offered a job in London.”
Sirius froze under Remus’ cheek. “In London?”
“London, England?”
Remus chuckled as he sat up to look at Sirius’ stunned face, grey eyes wide, lips parted. “Yes, London, England.”
Sirius blinked. “But I live in London.”
Remus pursed his lips, trying not to smile too much. “I’m aware of this, yes.”
“You… we… we’d be living in the same country. In the same city.”
“That’s what I’m saying.”
“Remus motherfucking Lupin, that's the best thing I’ve heard all week.”
“Your flour is about to tip over.” Tonks commented, carelessly filing her nails over facetime as Remus ran around his station, trying to do several things at once.
“Oh my god Lupin, you’re a disaster, how did you even get into this competition?” Tonks teased as Remus caught the flour but promptly dropped it on the flour, a white cloud erupting, coating everything in a two meter radius in powder.
“Not very helpful.” Remus grumbled as he shook flour out of his hair and grabbed a cloth to wipe down the counter.
“I wasn’t trying to be helpful.” Tonks paused and looked at the recipe Remus had sent her. “You’re gonna need at least double the vanilla extract than what you have there.” Remus grabbed the recipe and looked it over, seeing she was right. “See?” Tonks said gleefully as Remus scratched out the original amount. “That was me being helpful.”
Remus rolled his eyes, but blew her a kiss, wiping the dusty screen of his phone which had not escaped the great flour disaster.
“Come on,” He said as he walked with his phone to the store room, as if Tonks had any other choice than to accompany him. “We’re gonna get some more flour.” He set his phone down on a shelf as he looked for the right flour, Tonks chatting away. If Remus closed his eyes he could almost pretend she was right there with him, the pair of them practising for whatever challenges they were soon to face.
“So where’s Lily on this fine evening?” Tonks questioned. “Don’t you two usually practice together around now?”
“Yeah,” Remus grunted as he picked up his phone, tucking it under his chin with his hands full. “But she was busy tonight.”
“No fucking way, she’s with James?”
“Well, I don’t know for sure.” Remus admitted, “But she sounded pretty suspicious.”
“Ooh.” Tonks gasped and Remus began carefully measuring flour and continuing where he left off. “All the Bake Off love this year.”
Remus laughed as he folded in his sugar, putting the batter in the oven before beginning to prepare the icing. “Oh hush you.”
Tonks just winked, sticking out her tongue. “You know you love me.”
“Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased as punch to welcome you to this year's Great British Bake off; the final!”
Sirius groaned, head tipping back at James’ enthusiastic introduction. “You did not just say ‘pleased as punch’.”
James feigned being hurt, placing a hand over his heart. “What would you prefer? Pleased as pudding? Pleased as pie?”
Sirius looked straight into the camera, his face blank but his amused eyes giving him away. “Someone please give me a new co-host, I can’t take this anymore.”
James laughed as he threw an arm over Sirius’ shoulder, the two of them easing the nerves of everyone in the tent tenfold. “Don’t worry Sirius darling, you haven’t got too long left with me because, like I said, we’ve reached the final!”
Remus smiled, hiding the hands he was wringing together under the table. It was the weirdest feeling - he was at once completely calm and so incredibly nervous. He couldn’t help but giggle at the antics of the infamous marauders and recalled that morning, lying in bed when Sirius had queried how much bullshit he’d be able to spout without any prior preparation. Remus had told him to go get ready but had promptly led them to activities that were in no way helpful to the rest of the day's events.
(It had been a good way to start the day though).
McGonagall and Dumbledore stood at the front of the tent, looking out at the eerily empty work stations, only three now filled. Remus and Lily were in the front two and Kingsley had come up to slot in behind Lily.
“We have a very exciting two days lined up,” Sirius said as he clasped his hands together, a natural in front of the cameras. Our bakers have no overall theme, so we’re going to get to see a little splash of everything!”
“For our signature challenge, our bakers have been asked to bake something that fits in with the theme of ‘final’’.” James said, taking his turn to speak again. “It can be anything from a cake inspired by the final book in a series or the last thing you had to eat, because tonight, there are no limits other than your imagination.”
Remus snorted and Sirius’ eyes found his as he elbowed James lightly. “Dramatic much.” He drawled before rubbing his hands together gleefully. “Are you ready?”
“On your marks,”
“Get set.”
Remus hadn’t realised how much he would miss Tonks in the tent. He had missed her all week, but it wasn’t as if they ever had much chance to chat while they were filming, so he had thought it would be a little easier. But the tent was unusually quiet without her clattering at her station, inevitably breaking at least one piece of crockery per challenge.
“It’s too quiet,” Lily murmured, echoing Remus’ thoughts. “I almost feel like we’re not allowed to talk.”
Remus chuckled, remembering exams in home economics when he had been in secondary school and the teacher who would happily dole out zero marks if she so much as saw your lips move.
He grinned, taking a bowl he didn’t need from his station and ‘accidentally’ dropping it on the ground, the ceramic splitting with a loud crack.
“Oops!” He said loudly, glad he hadn’t ever tried to go into the theatre business, he was truly a terrible actor, and ran to grab a broom, not without winking at Lily who blew him a kiss.
“Much better, thanks!” She yelled after him and he just chuckled, disposing of the broken bowl, but not without slipping a shard into his apron pockets to take home with him as a little reminder.
Sirius meandered over after a little while as Remus put a tin in the oven to cook the soon-to-be sponge fingers for his tiramisu.
“You seem to be having a smashing time.” Sirius teased, his eyes alight.
“James already made that joke a few weeks ago.” Remus said laughing as he poured double cream into a bowl. “It’s really not that funny.”
Sirius just stuck out his tongue and moved to the next station, but Remus knew that had it been just the two of them, it was far more likely that Sirius would have taken much offence to the attack on his sense of humour, and a good snog would have been needed to make up for it.
James arrived no sooner than Sirius had left, peering into the bowl of ingredients that Remus was whipping, looking very much like he was contemplating dipping his finger in for a taste.
Marlene arrived, camera on her shoulder, surveying Remus’ station, sceptically watching Remus grate his dark chocolate.
“So Remus,” She began, fiddling with the lens to zoom in on his hands. “What has tiramisu got to do with the ‘final’ theme?”
“Well,” He said, suddenly feeling shy, wishing he didn’t have to explain. “Tonks, Andromeda Tonks, that is, had been planning to make a tiramisu for this episode, but she unfortunately was eliminated last week, so instead I’m making it.”
Some of the crew members cooed softly and Remus rolled his eyes, even as he blushed. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m a big softie.” He glanced at Marlene once, smirking, then returned to his work, “Now fuck off and let me get on with it.”
“One of these days, Remus motherfucking Lupin,” Marlene grumbled as she walked away, not before snagging a square of chocolate to munch on, “One of these days I’m going to get you back.”
Remus’ dish was made pretty quickly, the most important part was leaving it in the fridge for as long as possible, so as soon as he had carefully layered the sponge and cream and chocolate of course, he set the fridge to the lowest temperature and put the big dish in. He had an idea of how he wanted to present it, but that all depended on whether or not it would be set properly.
He cleaned his station and set up everything he needed for when the dessert was set, but that only took ten minutes. Watching Lily and Kingsley rush around their stations while Remus had nothing left to do made him feel like he was back in school, the horrid panic of completing a test, thinking it was easy, then looking up to discover everyone else was still working intently. He put himself to work to avoid the fluttering in his chest, different to the loved up buzz he had been experiencing recently, no this tightness was more akin to the ‘oh no have I had ten shots of espresso’ variety. Remus wasn’t the biggest fan.
He made tea for the crew, including the judges and presenters, checked the progress of his dish, then made himself walk away from the fridge, lest he open it too often and slow down the cooling process. He chatted with Lily a bit while she worked and did an interview with James and Sirius, some more filler content now that there weren’t nearly as many bakers to keep up with, but the airing time of the show hadn’t changed.
“Need a hand?” He offered, turning to Lily who was crouched by her oven, gazing intently at her cake. “Nah I’m good.” She said, not looking up, “I don’t have anything to do until this little guy is cooked.”
“They never tell you how much waiting around there is.” Remus groaned, hopping up on his worktop. “I have been just sitting here for the best part of over an hour and I bet none of this is going to make the final cut.”
“You’d be right there!” Marlene chimed in, passing them on her way to video whatever complicated technique Kingsley was currently demonstrating. Remus raised an eyebrow at Lily, sighed and jumped off the counter. “I’m gonna check on my cakes now, thank you very much.”
Remus both loved and hated how there was no official ranking for the first challenge. He definitely loved it on days where he hadn’t done very well and didn’t want his failings it be broadcasted even more than they already had been, but today, with only three contestants left and the competition tangible, he wanted to know how much more impressive his next two bakes were going to have to be.
He supposed it didn’t really matter - he was going to do his very best no matter what.
Lily had made a cake shaped like a knitted hat, the piping terrifyingly realistic, in commemoration of the last hat her grandmother had made before she passed away. Kingsley had a coffee flavoured graduation cap to honour his girlfriend who was in her final year of college.
“We’re a bunch of sentimental saps.” Lily muttered to them both as they all walked out of the tent to go for lunch, the judges' praises ringing in their ears. They all seemed to be standing on equal footing for now.
“I know,” Remus groaned, throwing himself down on the grass under the sun. “I should have just done like, the final countdown or something.”
“Tonks is never gonna let you live this down.” Kinsley piped in.
“God, don’t remind me. I might just have to kill her before the episode airs, you know, save my reputation and all.”
“Oh, a spot of murder, how lovely.” James chirped as he and Sirius arrived, having been sent to retrieve all of their lunches, the three bakers claiming that they were too tired and as they always fed everyone else, it was time to switch it up.
James passed out sandwiches, pulling them from a bag, while Sirius handed Remus a salad.
Remus kissed Sirius on the cheek, “Thanks sweetheart.”
It took Remus a moment to realise what he had done, a moment more to remember that it was only Kingsley who hadn’t already known about their relationship. Kingsley who was looking very nonchalant and in no way surprised.
“Oh,” He said between bites, looking at Remus and Sirius’ panicked looks. “Was this meant to be a secret?”
Remus just burst out laughing, any tension that had appeared, vanishing in seconds. “I suppose we’re not very good at hiding it, huh?”
“Oi, speak for yourself.” Sirius jostled as he unwrapped his sandwich. “I’m an excellent secret keeper.”
“Alright everybody, welcome to the technical challenge of this year’s final!” James reintroduced them, everyone having returned to their stations, fresh aprons tied around their waist and judges standing at the top of the room watching over the proceedings.
“For our last technical challenge, the judges are asking you to make a classic sponge cake, but with a little twist.”
Remus eyed the mysterious pile of ingredients under the cloth on his table. He both loved and hated that blue and white gingham pattern, hated it because he wasn’t the biggest lover of surprises, and loved it because… well, because it was cute.
(Not every answer was super deep. The Pinterest boy in him was in love with the entire aesthetic of The Great British Bake Off).
“Our lovely judges have also requested that you make at least twelve meringue kisses to top your sponge cake.”
Remus raised his eyebrows in surprise - it wasn’t like the judges to add anything to something as classic as a sponge cake, but who was he to question? This was the final, anything was possible.
James and Sirius chattered on for a few more minutes, and then they were off, the three contestants whipping off their gingham cloths like a magician unveiling his assistant. Remus barely glanced at the vague recipe before setting off to make the meringues first. Their small size was deceptive and that’s why Remus thought the judges had included them - but they would take the most time to bake and cool.
He set about whipping egg whites and sugar as Marlene arrived by his side, taking a moment just to pan the camera over everything he was doing.
“Meringue kisses,” Marlene said, with a smug sounding tone. “Such a cute name. Go on Remus, tell us about your first kiss.”
Remus laughed, caught off guard, nearly spilling the extra sugar he was adding to the bowl. “Alright, which first kiss do you want to hear about? Cause technically I have a few.”
Marlene giggled with him and Remus felt like he was a schoolgirl, chatting about boys and kisses, like they were the beginning and end of everything. “The very first one.”
Remus could help but laugh again, shaking his head fondly at the memory. “It was awful.” he said, chuckling to himself. “I was thirteen and I kissed this girl called Mary on a dare.” He paused to look at the camera more directly. “Mary if you’re watching this, I’d apologise but we both know I’m right. That was a shit kiss.”
Remus grinned as he realised Marlene was going to let that explicative slide for the purpose of the story. Victorious at last.
“What about your other ‘first’ kisses.” Marlene prompted, overall looking thoroughly delighted by the stories. Remus paused for a moment to stop his mixer and run a spatula around the edge of the bowl to ensure everything was mixing well, before turning the mixer back on and stepping back.
“Well my first kiss with a boy was a year later and since my previous make-out experience consisted of the one kiss you already know about, I think it’s fair to say; that was pretty crap too.” He grinned at Marlene and started measuring the butter for his cake. “But it did solve the whole ‘sexuality crisis’ thing I had going on, so that was fun.”
He deemed his meringue mix whipped-enough so he carefully spooned batches into an icing bag and began piping tiny amounts onto a baking sheet.
“Then I suppose, there’s your first kiss with someone who really matters,” He said carefully, not looking up from his work. “With the person who’s so amazing that every kiss feels a little bit like the first one. Kinda makes you feel like every other kiss you’ve ever had was just practice for this exact moment.”
Remus was aware that his cheeks were a little pink, but then again, when were they not?
“And you’ve found that person?” Marlene asked softly, as Remus piped his last little swirl. He didn’t have to think about it, but he did suppose he should tell the person in question before quite literally broadcasting it to the nation. So instead he just winked.
“Sirius,” Remus said softly, later that night as they lay in bed, a movie playing in the background, Remus’ adrenaline still high from winning the technical challenge. “I know it’s early, so I'm not expecting anything back but since I might have just heavily implied it on national television I figured I should probably tell you that I’m in love with you.”
Sirius’ head didn’t move from Remus’ chest, instead he reached out and grabbed Remus’ free hand, pressing his knuckles to his soft lips. “I know.”
“You do?” Remus asked incredulously, trying (and failing) not to splutter.
Sirius chuckled, his voice deep. “Yeah, you said it in your sleep last night. Plus, I watched over the footage from today and I saw.”
Remus blushed. “Oh.”
Sirius twisted in his arms so Remus could finally see his eyes. They were sparkling and a playful smile twisted on Sirius’ lips.
“I love you too, you know.” Sirius said casually, as if commenting on the weather. Remus let his head drop back onto the pillow as a whoosh of relief escaped his mouth. Sure he hadn't expected to have Sirius say it back but this feeling was like nothing he had ever experienced before.
“Well no, I didn’t, actually.” Remus quipped, much to the ceiling’s amusement. “But it’s good to know.”
Suddenly Sirius was leaning over him, his hair falling around their faces like a dark curtain. “So are you gonna kiss me or what?”
Remus bit his lip, failing in his attempt not to smile. “Nah,” He said, a blatant lie as he raised himself onto his elbows and pressed their lips together. Sirius twisted so he could support himself on one arm, cupping Remus’ face with the other. “I loved what you said earlier,” He murmured against Remus’ lips. “About the first kiss thing. And I really, really love you.”
Remus just grinned against Sirius’ lips and pulled him closer. “Love you too. Now shut up and kiss me.”
“What’re you looking all smug about?” Lily teased, bumping their hips together as they strolled down to the tent. Remus had so many reasons for the butterflies in his chest, he could hardly stop his hands from shaking, but the smile hadn’t left his face since he woke up.
“Oh you know,” He said, waving his hand in feigned nonchalance. “I’m just a boy in love.”
“Fuck off, you said ‘I love you’?” Lily asked, her voice going up an octave.
“Mhm,” Remus confirmed, nodding. “So now you need to woman-up and kiss James fucking Potter like we both know you’ve wanted to do since the first day.” Lily looked as if she might protest, but Remus cut her off. “We both know I’m right. Plus, it’s fairly obvious that the feeling’s mutual, so for the love of all things holy, put the rest of us out of our misery and just snog the poor bugger.”
Lily laughed, even as she blushed and tried to shrug Remus off. “You know,” She started, shooting him a glare that was in no way intimidating. “I’m really not sure I like ‘in love Remus’.”
Remus just winked and kissed the top of her head, smirking wickedly. “I think we both know that’s a lie.”
“It’s here, the final.”
“We’ve already completed half of the final James.”
“Yeah but this is like… the final part of the final.”
“Someone please tell me why I’m friends with this bloke.”
“Anyways!” Sirius interrupted. “I suppose James wasn’t fully wrong. We made it to the final stretch.”
“It’s time,” James took over, “For my personal favourite challenge. The showstopper.”
Sirius clasped his hands together in front of himself and Remus had to stop himself from staring at the movement. “For our final showstopper, our judges would like to see you recreate a memory.”
“It could be anything,” James continued, “From a chocolate Easter egg to a fondue waterfall, but it has to be your own memory and most importantly, it has to be edible.”
“Otherwise; we’d be the Great British Fake Off.” Sirius quipped and everyone in the tent collectively groaned, which only seemed to spur Sirius on even more.
“If our bakers are ready, I think we’ll begin. Ready Prongs?”
“Ready Pads.”
“On your marks,”
“Get set,”
And maybe for the first time starting a challenge, Remus’ hands didn’t shake.
“Wotcha-makin?” Sirius asked, leaning around one side of Remus as James curved around the other.
“Cake.” Remus replied, not looking at either of them as he carefully evened out the batter in his tin before popping it in the oven. He then turned to face the two presenters, giving them exactly thirty seconds of his time for a round of rapid fire questions before he had to rush straight back into his work.
“What are you making?”
“A swing in a tree.”
“What kind of cake are you working with?”
“Mostly chocolate, but I have a few other elements working in.”
“What’s the memory you chose?”
Remus smiled softly. “One of my first real kisses.”
Sirius and James thanked him and left again, allowing him to get back to work. Remus had already filled Sirius in on all the details of his cake, he had even checked that it would be okay to use that idea in the first place. Sirius had just kissed him in response, enthusiastically and at length. The bakers had given all their details to the presenters and the camera crew before, so they could insert a voice-over effect to inform the audience of what was happening as the contestants were even more busy and focused than usual and weren’t giving too many interviews.
Remus had chosen several circular cake pans, in a range of different sizes and was going to stack all the cakes they produced on top of one another to create the tree trunk. The top of the tree was going to be made of a mix of white chocolate melted over Rice Krispies (with a little dash of green food dye thrown in) and moulded to look like the leafy crown of a tree in the summer. The swing would be the hardest to add, made of carefully moulded chocolate, Remus would have to be careful not to make the seat too heavy so that the ‘ropes’ and the actual tree itself would support its weight.
After taking all of his cakes out of the oven and setting them out to cool, and creating the swing set, Remus made the chocolate buttercream icing that would decorate the tree trunk. He carefully layered his cakes, using a knife to cut off the rough edges and make the cake slope gently upwards before slathering on thick layers of icing. Taking out a small, delicate knife, Remus carefully cut lines and patterns into the icing, aiming for it to look like the bark of a tree. Finally satisfied, he began melting the white chocolate to make the tree top.
“Looking good Re!” Lily enthused from behind her, forearms splattered in icing as she decorated her own cake, a letter with a bright red seal. Kingsley was working away too, apparently recreating the cover of the CD he bought the day his daughter was born.
“Celine Dion,” He had told Remus yesterday, chuckling. “I had never listened to her before, I don’t even know why I bought it, I just left the hospital with a need to celebrate and the music shop was the first place I came across. But what do you know? It turns out that my little girl loves it.”
Remus grinned at the memory, sweet even to him and admired Lily’s cake out loud. “It’s the acceptance letter to my college,” She was explaining to the camera. “I got a full scholarship, so it’s pretty special.”
Remus turned his attention to his now-melted chocolate and added the green carefully, not wanting to make it too light or two dark. He had found that five drops got him the colour he was looking for - the pale chocolate requiring that little extra for the colour to darken. He then added the cereal and stirred it in together, folding it in with his spatula.
He gave his hands a thorough wash again as he waited for the mixture to cool just enough that he could mould it, but not so much that it set, and got back to work, spooning the green mix on top of his tree trunk until there was enough for him to start shaping it. He attached the chocolate swing very carefully as soon as he was satisfied and brought it straight to the fridge to set.
And then he was done.
He looked around the tent, thinking surely this couldn’t be it, he must have something more to do, but no, there was nothing left. His cake was made and decorated and now only time could tell what would happen next.
Feeling a tad useless, Remus set about cleaning his station and clicked the kettle, fulfilling his tradition in providing the crew with tea. He had just made his own one when James announced the official ten minute warning. They were nearly done.
Suddenly Remus’ heart was in his chest. He had been impeccably calm until this moment, a fact that had surprised him but he hadn’t questioned as it was much easier to bake when your hands weren’t shaking and your heart wasn’t thundering. But all the adrenaline rushed into him now as he realised that one way or another, he was finished with the Great British Bake Off.
At the ‘two minutes’ call, Remus took his cake out of the fridge and gave it a final look over. He tweaked the carving in the tree trunk and double checked that the swing would hold its place and then Sirius asked everyone to step away from their creations.
Dumbledore and McGonagall re-entered the room. Remus’ pulse matched every step they took.
“Kingsley,” They called, and the man in question carefully walked his cake to the table at the top of the tent. Remus watched as the judges 'oohed' and 'awed', admiring the level of detail, right down to the serial number Kingsley had apparently memorised.
Lily went next, her piping skills on display, demonstrating her lovely cursive handwriting that read her own name and an edited home address, signed and sealed by the headmaster. In their practice bakes, Remus had seen many versions of the cake on display but he had no doubt that this was her best work yet.
Finally it was Remus’ turn, and he walked up to the front carefully, trying to keep his breathing even. He had a mental image of himself falling and his cake going everywhere but he batted it out of his mind. His cake was the tallest by far and god, he could only hope, the best.
Sirius caught his eye as they cut the cake and winked. To anyone else, it would look like a presenter trying to calm the nerves of a contestant, but Remus heard the words that had been whispered to him that morning as the sun rose.
“You’re gonna win this.”
Remus had blushed and batted him away, but Sirius had looked at him earnestly. “No, Re, seriously. They base these things on who does best that week. And you’ve already won the technical. If you go and blow them away today, just like you always do, you’ve got this in the bag.”
Remus blushed and hit his face in a pillow but he linked their legs together.
“Besides,” Sirius teased, rolling on his back and tucking his arms under his head. Cocky. “You’ve already won the best prize.”
Remus had playfully kicked his ankle and Sirius’ resounding laugh still echoed in his ears.
“Ah, Mr Lupin,” Dumbledore began casually as he picked up a knife, perhaps unaware that he held Remus’ future in his hands. “This is rather impressive.”
Remus swallowed as the slices were cut and set onto plates. “Thank you.”
“You have no adventurous flavours for us I see,” McGonagall observed as she picked up her fork.
“No,” Remus confirmed. “Chocolate is my speciality, and well, I wanted to keep it simple.”
That seemed to be all the commentary they wanted as they both nodded with a small smile and took a bite.
“Excellent Mr Lupin.” McGonagall said. And that was it. They were done. The judges thanked them all and retreated to the back room to do whatever it is the judges do and make some decisions. The cast broke into a round of applause and Remus tugged Lily under his arm, Kingsley joining the little hug soon after.
“Can you believe that’s it?” Lily asked them and the two boys just shook their heads.
“No more non-stop baking.” Kingsley sighed. “I don’t know if I’m sad or relieved.”
“Both.” Remus laughed. “Definitely both.”
“Okay you lot,” James interrupted. “We have a little something for you outside.”
They all grinned. As loyal bake-off fans, they all knew what was coming. They walked outside the tent to picnic tables set up and laden with the cakes they made that day, along with all the eliminated contestants of that year and the families of the finalists.
Remus beamed at Tonks before sweeping his mother up into a hug.
“I’m so proud of you!” Hope said to him as she gripped him close. Remus chuckled as he bent to half his size, squeezing her just as tight. “Thanks Mam.”
“Now introduce me to this man of yours.” Hope teased, speaking low even though the microphones were elsewhere and they were surrounded by noise. Remus flushed, but he beckoned Sirius over with a tilt of his chin, so subtle no camera could have caught it. Remus had told his mom about everything and she had been begging for more information, only just stopping short of looking up celebrity gossip, although she did send Remus one or two pictures of Sirius on red carpets with the caption ‘your children would be beautiful’.
Sirius looked more nervous than Remus had ever seen him, holding his hand out to be shaken, but Hope just pulled him into a hug.
“It’s lovely to meet you Mrs Lupin,” Sirius said, looking a little surprised as Hope cupped his face in her hands and gave him a proper look. Remus hid his laugh in his elbow as Hope patted Sirius’ cheek fondly. “You’ve got good taste.” She said to him, tilting her head towards Remus, who blushed.
“The best.” Sirius agreed.
“Remus!” Tonks yelled, tired of being ignored and pulled Remus’ attention elsewhere. “Your cake was brilliant!”
Remus laughed running his fingers through his hair, the pink staining his cheeks permanent it would seem. “Thanks Tonks.”
The bright haired woman just grinned and wrapped an arm around Remus before cheerfully introducing herself to Hope. Sirius excused himself as he had to go with James to chat with the judges and Lily joined them with her parents, Kingsley standing with his family and talking to Fabian about knitting of all things. They sat in the garden, the sun shining bright, a few fluffy white clouds lazing their way across the sky. They chatted about everything and nothing as they munched on an endless amount of cake, Remus just sipping on tea as he hadn’t had the foresight to make anything gluten free. He was distracted, Lily and Kingsley were too and everyone around them knew it, not minding when they drifted in and out of the conversation. As nervous as he was, Remus knew this moment right here was his favourite, living his literal dream, surrounded by friends and family. That even gave him a sense of calm.
Until the presenters and judges emerged from the tent, all wearing welcoming smiles that revealed nothing. They stopped at the table draped in a pristine white cloth and topped with three beautiful flower bouquets and an engraved glass cake stand. There was no big cash prize in the bake-off, and Remus loved that. It made it all the more endearing to him, and it only allowed for the most passionate bakers to enter, the ones who baked for the love of it, not for money.
For once, James and Sirius were quiet, not needing to grab anyone's attention as the focus was already entirely on them. The three remaining bakers lined up before them as they had previously been instructed by the crew, and then the judges began speaking.
“This year, we had the most wonderful collection of bakers,” Dumbledore started, having to pause already as the applause had already commenced. “And our finalists even more so. I do believe this was the most difficult final we’ve had to judge in a long time, isn’t it Minerva?”
“It was,” McGonagall agreed, nodding. “We had a truly fine selection and the most beautiful array of cakes today. But in the end, there can only be one winner.”
Remus was certain everyone in attendance could hear his heartbeat. Lily’s hand was clammy in his own.
“It is with the greatest pleasure that I can announce that this year’s winner of The Great British Bake Off is…”
James and Sirius picked up a bouquet of flowers each, as did Dumbledore, McGonagall presenting the cake stand. Lily squeezed his hand, and Kingsley’s on the other side too he was sure.
“Remus Lupin.”
Remus blinked even as Lily threw herself on him in a bone-crushing hug, the judges approaching him to present him with his prize. Distantly he saw Sirius and James handing flowers to Kingsley and Lily, but he was in a daze. Dumbledore kissed him on the cheeks and McGonagall shook his hand with a knowing wink and suddenly Remus’ arms were heavy with flowers and expertly crafted glass.
Kingsley shook his hand, patting his shoulder in congratulations and James pulled him into a little side hug. Remus beamed at them, the crowd still cheering and clapping behind him as he reached forward and grabbed Sirius’ shirt, pulling him in for a kiss.
The crowd roared behind them and suddenly Remus realised where he was and what he was doing as he pulled away. “Shit, I’m sorry.” He said frantically. “I wasn’t thinking, I fucking shit- Christ- sorry!”
Sirius laughed and wrapped an arm around Remus’ waist. “I’m not. I love you, and I don’t care who knows. Now shut that filthy mouth of yours and kiss me, you absolute wanker.”
So Remus did.
The newspapers the next day had many headlines, but Remus’ personal favourite? ‘BRITISH BAKE OFF - STAR AND BAKER!’
The bakery was loud and busy and completely hectic and Remus loved every single second working there. Not a day went by that he wasn’t teased about his bake-off status and he was working on his degree here in London. Basically his life was everything he ever could have dreamed it would be.
“Remus, there’s someone here for you!” His co-worker, Katie, called from the front of the shop and Remus grinned, not even bothering to take off his apron as he wiped his hands against the fabric, opening the door with his shoulder, thanking Katie for the message even as his eyes scanned the shop floor.
Standing there in his leather jacket, his hands tucked into the pockets, motorcycle resting outside the door. “Hey,” He greeted, with a lazy smile. “You ready?”
“Yeah,” Remus nodded before freezing. “Wait no, I have to ice a few more pastries, they’re our best-seller.”
Sirius rolled his eyes laughing. “Oh,” He said, waving it off. “Let them eat cake.”
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weasleydream · 4 years
siblings are the angels who lift you up when your wings forget to fly
Another idea i’ve struggled to write, but i really love it! do you think i should make it a series? we would see different moments of the triplets life, it’s something i would love to write!
As usual, feel free to like, comment, reblog and enjoy!
(photo not mine) 
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“There’s no way you’re coming with us Y/N, that’s all.”
For absolutely everyone, my triplets, Fred and George, were funny guys never afraid of anything. But Merlin, when it came to me… 
The atmosphere at the 12, Grimmauld Place had been really tense since the beginning of the day, when some members of the Order and our family had gathered to talk about the most important mission of all: bringing Harry safe and sound to the Burrow. The first plan had been simple and only involved Mad-Eye, but since the Ministry of Magic had been infiltrated by Death Eaters, we had to think of something else. That’s how Mundungus had come up with the idea of using Polyjuice Potion, which could work only if six people volunteered to enter Harry's skin. We had been seven to agree taking the risk, and when Mad-Eye had grumbled one of us would stay with Mum and Ginny at the Burrow (which Ginny didn’t like at all even though she hadn’t her word to say), Fred had claimed I would. 
Now, he, George and I were arguing because I didn’t want to stay on the sidelines.
“You know you don’t have to decide for me, right?”
“We just want you safe and sound, Y/N.” intervened George. “We know you can do this, but we would be worried and -”
“And you think I won’t be?” I interrupted him. Fred and George exchanged a look I couldn’t read, which annoyed me a bit more. They had always been like this, with this deep connexion I didn’t share with anyone. Don’t get me wrong; I was extremely close to them and we understood each other perfectly, but there was something unique between these two. “Practically all our family will be in danger, and you two will be out there without me and- and if anything happens, I don’t know what-”
“That’s exactly why you’re going to stay at home.” Fred put his hand on my shoulder. “If you’re not out there, nothing will happen to you and if, by the greatest of misfortunes, we die tragically, you’ll be there to carry our legacy. What do you think?” he added with a wink. 
“I think you’re a git. You’re both gits.” I mumbled before storming out. 
At this point, I knew arguing was useless: the plan was ready, and all of this was bigger than just my worries. But I just couldn’t picture myself waiting patiently on the couch while they were outside, threatened to be killed at every second, fearing the moment they would come back injured, and dreading the moment someone would tell me they were dead. I would have given anything to be able to go with them, even though risking my life to not fear for my family was selfish. 
I was downing the stairs as quietly as possible - even Filch hadn’t ever uttered insults as demeaning as the ones Sirius’ mother loved to throw to us - when shouts came to me. They seemed to come from a little room at the end of the corridor and I recognized Remus’ voice. I slowly approached the door. I didn’t want to eavesdrop, just to know if I could help, but what I heard made me stop. 
“You can’t go! I forbid you, you just can’t put yourself in danger!”
“But that’s my job, Remus!” It was Tonks, and her voice was high-pitched. I was sure her hair was currently bright red. “And the plan is ready, we can’t change it.”
“We can ask Y/N to take your place and-”
“And let her put herself in danger like this?” interrupted Tonks. “She’s too young!”
I groaned and decided to make my big entrance. 
“What’s happening?” I asked with my most innocent voice while opening the door. 
I met Remus’ eyes and mentally scolded myself. I used to reserve that voice for the professors when Fred, George and I were caught after a prank and I had forgotten for a second that Remus had heard it more than once. Now, he knew for sure I had heard everything. 
“Nothing!” replied quickly Tonks. “Nothing! Tell me Y/N, can you go and ask Molly if-”
“She’s pregnant.”
A long silence followed, during which Tonks was glaring at Remus who was looking at me with a determined look. And me, between the two, looking at them in turn with my mouth wide open, I was understanding why she couldn’t possibly participate in the mission. 
“Y/N, I’m begging you, you have to exchange places with her!” said Remus. 
“Of course.” I immediately agreed. “I’ll do it, yes, you can’t put your life and your baby’s in danger.” Another silence and I exclaimed. “I’ve almost forgotten! Congratulations!” 
But the couple didn’t seem in the mood of rejoicing and they were still tense. 
“Do you think Molly will agree?” finally asked Tonks.
“She won’t really have the choice.” I shrugged. 
“And Fred and George?”
“Don’t worry, they’ll understand.”
_ _ _
“Are you crazy? We told you no!”
How could I think they would be okay with that? 
I had joined Mum, Dad, Ginny, Fred and George in the kitchen. They were talking about how Aunt Muriel would be happy to see two members of the Order bursting in her place when I had innocently dropped the news. Ginny was glaring at me, Mum and Dad sharing worried glances, George rolling his eyes and Fred infuriated. 
“You do remember you have no right to forbid me anything, right?” I asked sarcastically. 
“She’s right, boys.” intervened Dad, which caused him to deal with some murderous looks. “She’s as adult as you both are.”
“Yes, I’m even older than you, George. Respect your elders.”
“Shut up, there’s only twenty minutes of difference between us!” replicated George. 
“That’s twenty minutes of constructive experiences more than you have.”
“Stop this!” interrupted Mum. “Stop now, or else I swear none of you will go out there. Y/N, whose place will you take?”
“And why?” added Fred. 
“Tonks is pregnant.”
Mum seemed torn between her concern for us and the happiness brought by the news of a baby’s arrival. 
“I understand…” muttered Dad. “That means you will protect someone else. Are you sure you will be okay? Maybe you can trade place with Fleur, I’m sure she will-”
“No, it’s okay! Bill wants to stay with her, I can’t separate them.”
Plus, I had understood during the meeting that Tonks would have been paired with Ron, and I was relieved to be able to stay with him. I knew my little brother had a true gift when it came to finding the problems, even more than Fred, George and I. And even though I loved all my siblings unconditionally, I had always had a soft spot for Ron. I was feeling like I had to be the one staying with him for this mission. 
“What’s happening here? I bet all London can feel the tension.”
Ron had opened the door but was staying on the doorstep, eyeing us all suspiciously. 
“Yes Y/N, what’s happening here?” asked Fred in a cranky way that was getting on my nerves. 
“Hope you still know how to fly on a broom, I won’t wait for you.” I winked and Ron smiled before frowning when George groaned. 
_ _ _ 
“Come on guys, you’re not going to ignore me forever!” I whined as Fred left the kitchen unceremoniously.
Mum shot a glance at me and turned her attention back to the pie she was baking. We were back at the Burrow and the house, even though it wasn’t particularly emptier than usual, was more silent. Something like a heavy tension seemed to be stifling all the sounds, and it made it even more obvious that my brothers were mad at me. If George was just a bit more withdrawn when he was in the same room as me, it was a whole other story with Fred. It’s not like I didn’t know he would be the worst about it because let’s be honest, I knew he was the most impulsive. But not speaking to me in three days? It was childish and definitely hurtful. 
“You know he’s just worried, right?”
George’s voice made me jump and I looked up. His back was resting against the back door. He was just standing there, his hands deep in his pockets and his eyes soft. 
“All I know is that he’s being a prat.” I muttered. 
Of course I knew he was worried, not only about me but also about the rest of our family. I knew this little voice he had probably in his head, the one that said There’s no way everyone is going to come back alive.
“And you’re being a prat too, Georgie.”
“Shut up.”
“You, shut up.”
George rolled his eyes and smiled.
“Sometimes I wonder why I even tolerate you.” he said while patting my shoulder as he walked past me. 
“Because you love me?”
He stopped and looked back at me, his eyes a bit darker than usual. 
“I know,” he sighed heavily and grabbed a chair to sit next to me. 
For a minute or two, we watched silently as Mum was walking everywhere in the kitchen, grabbing things and putting them elsewhere, cleaning a corner of the table and placing an apple back on the basket. She eventually left the kitchen to go I didn’t know where, clearly disappointed as we hadn’t said anything else yet. 
“I’m as scared as you are, Y/N.” murmured George. “And so is Fred. You know how he is,” he added with a humourless chuckle. 
“Of course I know. George, we’ll be six out there, there’s no way-”
“Talking about our bright future without me? I’m hurt.”
Fred grabbed a third chair and pushed his way between George and I, the beginning of a smile on his lips. 
“Oh, so you suddenly remembered I’m your sister?”
“Yeah but unfortunately I haven’t forgotten how stubborn and annoying you can be.”
“That’s one of the nicest things you’ve told me these days. Oh wait- that’s the only thing you told me!”
George was watching out bickerings with a smirk. 
“Sometimes I wonder who is really the youngest,” he stated. 
The effect was immediate. Fred and I shared a glance before defending with an all renewed vigour our oldest-ness, and we kept screaming until George’s chuckles made us stop. 
“Here, I was beginning to think I would have to get Mum involved to get you two to talk again!”
“Same for me!”
Mum entered the kitchen again, a small smile on her lips. She made her way toward her, caressing my cheek and ruffling the boys’ hair before sitting in front of us. Any trace of joy had left her face; at this moment, the realization that she had never looked older hit me, hard. 
“I know we’ll all be worried to death tomorrow,” she began, and her lower lip trembled, making her stop a second. “I know it, but I also know how you three will be. I just wanted to remind you that no matter how hard it’ll be, you’ll need to focus on getting home safe and sound. Okay?”
“Come on Mum, you know we’re always focused!”
_ _ _ 
“Y/N, you need to focus!”
Ron’s voice arrived in my ears like a distant echo, but the urgency in his tone made me look away from the spot in the sky where the green light had just disappeared. I didn’t know who it was, but my mind couldn’t stop imagining the worse even though I didn’t even know what exactly the worse would be. Fred, George, Dad, Bill, my heart was aching at the very thought of one of them even slightly hurt. 
My instinct reacted for me, and my broom swerved violently to dodge the curse. Ron came closer to me and accelerated, making me understand I had to follow him. 
For a split second, I thought that he had been hit and was going to fall off his broom, but it was knowing very little about my little brother. Not only did he dodge and regain his balance, but also stupefied the Death Eater, the spell hitting him right between the eyes. I didn’t have enough time to say anything though, because an intense sensation of heat enveloped me. With horror, I realized my broom was burning, and the responsible was just behind us with four of his friends. 
“Ron, leave!”
I barely registered him shaking his head and extending an arm toward me. 
“Y/N, take my hand!”
I couldn’t though, because I was falling, fast. The sound of my scream was getting lost in the deafening noise of the wind in my ears. The floor was getting closer and closer, and my thoughts got confused, becoming nothing more than an ocean of regrets, the biggest of them being failing my brothers, my family. I wouldn’t get Ron home, I wouldn’t get to see Fred and George again, and Bill’s wedding, I wouldn’t be able to hug my parents and Ginny, to reconcile with Percy and to hear Charlie’s stories. 
The vague thought that I still had a few seconds to live crossed my mind, and then I closed my eyes. 
_ _ _ 
It wasn’t the soreness of my body that woke me up, or the flow of thoughts that was crossing my mind, but Ron’s rambling. 
“Bloody hell,” he said, “what’s wrong with this family? No one is able to stay safe, crazy that we’re even still alive. ‘Ron, leave’? Seriously, Y/N? Come on I’m not a coward and certainly not a quitter, I thought you knew me better than that. You’re getting heavy though, I would love it if you-”
“That was mean.” I murmured.
All absorbed by his thoughts, Ron realized two seconds later I had spoken up and almost dropped me. 
“Y/N! Glad to hear your voice! You scared me to death earlier, I barely caught you before it was too late but I broke my broom. That’s why,” he stopped before letting go of me and wrapping an arm around my waist as I faltered, “we’re walking to Muriel’s. I think we’re almost there- here, isn’t it this awful tea room she loves?”
“You mean the one George almost set on fire when we were four? You’re right, it’s just here.”
_ _ _
Saying that Muriel wasn’t pleased with us being late would be a massive understatement. The portkey disappeared just before our eyes, meaning that we would have to take another broom, and it obviously wasn’t going to happen without us receiving “the lecture Molly and Arthur should have given to all of you when still in the crib”. If usually it was hard to listen to Muriel rambling about our lack of education, at the moment it was definitely the most infuriating thing I had ever experienced. It was getting more and more on my nerves, and I would have exploded if Ron hadn’t decided he had had enough. 
“Listen Aunt Muriel, we’ll finish this great conversation at the wedding okay? We have to go back home. Bye!” he added with a loud voice to cover Muriel’s protests. 
We got out and snuck into one of the neighbour’s garden to grab a broom. It was old and not very well maintained - which made Ron groan, how could someone with a Firebolt leave it in the garden all night long? - and eventually flew back home. 
I heard Ron mumbling something but the wind didn’t bring his voice to my ears, only vague sounds. I was behind him, tightening his waist as hard as I could as I didn’t trust my arms. They were shaking, as were my legs and pretty much all the rest of my body. I was trying to convince myself that it was because of my fall, but vicious images of Fred or George or anyone in my family being hurt kept creeping in my mind. It was a huge relief that the Burrow appeared in my sight, and as soon as our feet hit the ground, Ron let go of the broom to join Harry and Hermione, who were waiting in the garden, and I rushed to the door, oblivious to the voices calling for me. 
I had never actually felt my heart stopping beating. Sometimes, it was very close calls, like the day McGonagall had told us Ginny had disappeared in the Chamber of Secrets, but the second I registered the dried blood and the hole…
My voice was high pitched, my sight blurry and my legs trembling, and I didn’t even hear what was said after my entrance. In a breath, I had crossed the living-room and I was now hugging George as tight as I could. My arms didn’t stop moving, trying to get a better hold on his body to make sure he wouldn’t leave and get himself in danger more than he had already. 
“George… Georgie you- you-”
“I’m okay Y/N, don’t worry. Don’t worry.” he added softly. 
I looked up, not even realizing I was crying. Once I was sure George wouldn’t magically disappear in the next seconds, I let go of him to engulf Fred in an equally tight hug. His arms wrapped strongly around me, and after a few seconds I grabbed George’s sleeve and pulled him toward us. 
I didn’t know if the living room had become silent or if I just wasn’t paying attention to anything that wasn’t Fred and George's breath. I could have stayed like that for years, making sure they were alive, they were okay and here with me, but they obviously decided otherwise. Fred pushed me gently backwards, and my eyes fell on him after having watched worriedly George’s weak movement to lie back on the couch. 
“Where the hell were you? What happened to Ron and you? Y/N, do you even have an idea on how worried we were?” 
“I- we were followed and- Ron, he saved my life. I was falling and-”
Fred’s horrified look only left his face when Ron finally entered the living-room, followed by Harry, Hermione and Bill and Fleur, who had just arrived. I jumped on my feet and rushed to Bill and Ron, hugging them both tightly before being pulled out of the embrace by Mum, and then it became a blur because of all the hugs that succeeded one another. 
Such sentimentalism was rare in our family, and it was in time like these that I regretted it the most. 
_ _ _ 
Everyone had gone to bed for a while. Fred and I were sitting on the floor next to the couch, keeping an eye on George who was sleeping soundly. His pain had only seemed to fade away when he had closed his eyes, and he had gotten two hours of sleep so far.
“You should sleep,” I murmured when Fred yawned extensively. 
“If you don’t sleep, I don’t sleep either.” 
“And I’m the stubborn one?”
Fred chuckled. 
“Guess that’s something we share.”
A moment of silence followed, the both of us watching George stirring weakly. 
“I couldn’t believe my eyes…” whispered Fred. “When I saw him I just- I didn’t even freak out, it was so much more than that. So much worse.”
“It felt like I just died on the spot.” I added on the same tone, my voice so low George probably wouldn’t have heard it if he had been awake. “I’ve never felt that before and I- I would give everything to never feel it again.”
“I’ve never seen Dad like that before. It scared me, Y/N. I thought ‘If Dad loses his calm like that- it’s not good, right?’”
Fred wiped a tear from his cheeks and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. 
“And then you weren’t coming back. For a second, I thought the both of you had left me and-”
“It’ll never happen Fred.” I interrupted him, my voice not really steadier than his. “Never. It’s the three of us, there’s no other way. Believe it or not, but you’re quite good to be around.”
“I’m flattered, Y/N.” Here it was, this smirk I liked to see, the one he, George and I used to have almost daily. “I could say the same for you, actually.”
“You know what? I think I’ll sleep. You should too, Freddie.”
“I will. Good night, insufferable little sister.”
“Barely little sister.” I mumbled before closing my eyes, comfortably snuggled against Fred, just next to George, in the warmth of our childhood home. 
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prongsy · 3 years
“ Did you just…. propose to me?”
I saw this prompt and I just had to write something even though it’s two am right now. Hope you guys like it. Please be gentle. :)
Remus was having a strange day.
When he woke up in the morning the weather was fine.His breakfast was fine. Everything was fine and so quiet. Peaceful even.
He was immediately on edge.
Don’t get him wrong, he liked the peace, but it was completely out of the ordinary. His friends and boyfriend were loud and spontaneous and……. absolutely nowhere to be found.
He woke up that morning and they were all already out of bed so assumed that he would be seeing them in the Great Hall for breakfast.
He really started to get worried when none of them showed up to their morning classes. The most surprising thing was that none of the professors took notice. Not even McGonagall. When he asked Lily between classes if she knew where the boys were, she just smiled at him with a twinkle in her eye and walked away.
Now he was panicking. When the students were sent out to lunch he didn't follow. He started to go towards the dorms, intent on grabbing the map and finding those three idiot boys and giving them a dressing down they would never forget, when he felt a hand on his arm.
“What?” He says as he turns to look at Lily, whose hand drops from his arm at the movement.
She’s silent as she grabs his hand and walks him to the Great Hall. He tries to stop her and continue on his search for his boys, but she won’t budge. She shoulders on as she continues to walk him toward the Great Hall. He eventually relents and lets her lead him, all while he questions her weird behavior.
“Why are you so determined to take me to the Great Hall? Sirius, James and Peter have been missing all day and I honestly doubt I’ll even be able to eat anything until I find out what exactly they’ve been up to all morning.” He says, a small furrow forming in between his eyebrow as his face scrunches in confusion.
“I just think that this is a lunch you aren’t gonna want to miss.” She insists with a coy smirk across her lips. She’s been spending too much time with James. And Sirius. And himself if he’s being honest.
He looks at her for a moment, feeling an odd mixture of pride and trepidation, before looking away and pouting slightly. Everyone seems to know what is going on except for him and he is not having it. Not one bit.
They finally make it to the Great Hall with Remus still pouting and Lily still smirking. The Hall is quiet, which is strange for a large group of 7th years, and everyone at the professors table seems to be watching him a little too closely. Remus sort of shuffles his way to the Gryffindor table, acutely aware of the empty seats surrounding him and the weird tension of the rest of the members of the table.
He’s about to start filling his plate with food when hears someone clear their throat at the front of the room. He turned to see that Dumbledor had stood up at the center of the Great Hall’s stage and seemed to be prepping for a speech. Remus turned to pay attention, as did every other student.
“I would like to apologize for interrupting your lunch, but as a lot of us know someone has something very important to ask someone here and has asked to be able to make this announcement right now.” Dumbledor says, smiling in the vague direction of the Gryffindor and causing Lily to squeal excitedly whilst clapping her hands.
“Come on boys, the floor is yours,” he says as he sits back down at his chair, looking to the left.
Remus follows his line of sight to see James and Peter walking out in muggle tuxes. Peter has on a black tux with a white dress shirt and a black tie, his hair slicked back nicely, and in his hand he is holding a white rose. James is dressed similarly, except his hair is an absolute mess as always. He is also holding a white rose.
Both of them walk towards the Gryffindor table and so right in front of him. Remus has never been so confused in his life. They both smile at him, faces brimming with happiness, and drop the roses into his hand. He looks at them in utter confusion, but they both just smile widely at him and step back to form the beginning of a horizontal line across from Remus.
Remus opens his mouth to ask what the bloody hell was happening when he heard more footsteps. He looks over to find the entirety of the Gryffindor Quidditch team walking towards him, all dressed just as sharply as Peter and James, and all holding a single white rose.
Just like James and Peter did, they all drop the rose into his arms and step back into the line. Remus is absolutely flabbergasted and the entire Great Hall is vibrating it seems.
“What the he-“ Remus cuts himself off as he feels his breath hitch and his heart start beating a harsh tattoo in his chest.
Merlin, he thinks, this cannot be real. Walking towards him is Sirius Black, his boyfriend of three years and his best friend of seven, dressed in a beautiful dark marine blue suit that makes his eyes look absolutely stunning. His long, dark hair is pulled back into a french braid with pieces framing his face. His finger nails are elegantly painted in a marine blue shade that matches his tuxedo.
He’s beautiful, so heart wrenchingly beautiful and Remus can’t breathe. Remus can’t breathe because Sirius is beautiful and he’s smiling that Sirius Black grin and making his way towards him with a single red rose in his hand and Merlin, Remus can’t breathe.
Sirius finally reaches Remus and stops right in front of him, just like the other did. Except Sirius doesn’t step back. He stands there nervously, red rose in his hand, before reaching for Remus’ hand and pulling him up. Remus lays the roses on the table and stands instantly, still staring at Sirius, always staring at Sirius.
He watches as Sirius shifts a bit before he feels him place the red rose in Remus’ now free hands. He sees Sirius take a deep breath before he hears him speak.
“Remus, I love you,” he starts and Remus can feel his throat closing up.
“ You have been my best friend since I was eleven and I will never be able to thank you enough for that. You have given me things that I didn’t even know I needed and have made me feel things I didn’t even know a person could feel. You have shown me what it feels like to fall in love, what it feels like to trust and be trusted in return. You have been there during my worst moment and you have let me be there for yours. You are the first thing I see when I wake up and the last touch I feel before I fall asleep. You are truly one of the only things I’m sure of and there is nothing I want more than to see you in every part of my life, no matter where I turn. I love you,” he chokes out as tears start to fill his eyes. Remus is surprised by the tears that have already escaped his eyes and made their way down his cheek.
Sirius sniffles a bit before he continues.
“James and the Potters might have shown me what a family feels like, but you Remus Lupin have never felt like anything other than home. Would you please, please do me the honor of spending the rest of your life with me?” He starts to get on his knees and reaches into his back pocket to pull out a small burgundy box.
“Remus Lupin, will you marry me?” He looks up at Remus with the most hopeful eyes whilst he opens up the small box to reveal the ring, and Remus can’t breathe.
Remus can’t hear anything other than his heartbeat thumping in his ear as he looks down at the love of his life. The love of his life that just asked him to marry him and has gone suspiciously silent and is looking a little bit worried,
Oh right, he thinks, I need to answer.
He tries to speak. Tries to open his mouth and say yes yes yes! What comes out instead is:
“Did you just…. propose to me?”
Remus wants to hit himself. Over the head. With a dictionary. Hard.
“Um...yes?” Sirius looks two words away from fainting as he says this.
“Oh, then yes” Remus breathes out, feeling stupid, but oh so very happy.
“Yes?” Sirius asks even as the grin starts to make its way across his face again.
“ Yes. Yes!” Remus can’t help but laugh a little.
Sirius scrambles up to his feet and sweeps Remus up into his arms. He spins the both of them around a bit while the rest of the student body explodes into applause.
Sirius puts him down before reaching for his face and pulling him down. Remus meets him halfway as he wraps his arms around his waist and kisses him deeply. They can hear James wolf whistling in the background, but neither of them care, too wrapped up in the moment to focus on anything other than in each other.
They pull back, grinning at each other happily. Remus lifts up his hand and wiggles his fingers at Sirius to remind him to put a ring on it. Sirius reaches down to pick up the box he dropped in his excitement, blushing all the while. They both giggle as Sirius takes his hand and slides the ring on his finger before planting a kiss on it.
Remus finally looks at the ring and he can feel tears fill his eyes once more. It’s a simple gold band with a beautiful engraving of a wolf and a dog laying with each other under the full moon. Remus looks into Sirius’ soft grey eyes and feels tears make their way back down Remus’ face.
Sirius brings his hands up to wipe Remus’ face before pressing their foreheads together.
“So this is what you were planning all morning, huh?” He whispers into the space between them.
“Of course, only the best for my fiancé.” Sirius whispers back with a lovesick smile on his face.
Fiancé, wow.
Scratch that, Remus Lupin was having the best day.
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corinnesamuels · 3 years
Guarding the Gates
Chapter 15: Phillips and Fletcher
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Back in business...again! 😂 In this chapter, Lily and James rush to the hospital to get news about Marlene’s condition, but they don’t get to put off their mysterious mission in France. Lily and James roll with the punches, but they have some hard questions for Dumbledore and Mad-Eye Moody.
The St. Mungo’s waiting room is chaotic on a given day, often crowded with people showing various signs of spell damage and experiments gone wrong. 
James has always been intimately acquainted with chaos. He used to bask in it. Sirius and Peter always liked the show of a good prank, and Remus enjoyed the planning, but for James, the highlight of a prank was the chaos of the aftermath. He lived for the competing sounds of mild panic and raucous laughter as people ran to see the damage done, while he stood back, calm and collected, comforted by the storm.
But now, as he looks around the St. Mungo’s waiting room as an adult, he feels neither calm nor comforted. Witches and wizards sit miserably in packed rows of chairs sporting angry boils and animal parts in place of one of their limbs. The Healers walk down each row in their lime green robes to triage patients, taking information from those who can write or speak and doing their best to dodge the streams of smoke certain patients emit from their ears and nostrils. 
It feels like sensory overload.
The old wooden chairs they sit in don’t seem sturdy enough for the anxious fidgeting Sirius and Lily are doing next to him. Lily looks up every time a Healer walks past and bites back a deflated sob when they don’t have updates on Marlene’s condition. Sirius alternates between pacing and throwing himself back down into his seat, cursing under his breath at everything and nothing all and periodically patting the inside pocket of his leather jacket, where James knows a few cigarettes are stashed. They stopped smoking after James’ first year with Puddlemere, when James felt it was affecting his stamina. Since James quit, Sirius did too, doing things together as they always had. But Sirius always kept a few cigarettes on him ‘just in case’ because ‘you never know when you may need one.’
Waiting for news of Marlene’s condition makes James feel as if maybe this is the ‘just in case’ they’ve been speaking of so abstractly.
James left the manor for St. Mungo’s as soon as Sirius had called him on his mirror. He'd been nearly out of his mind with panic when he heard that Voldemort had appeared along with several other Death Eaters as Sirius was relieving Marlene from her patrol shift for the Order. The shift was only supposed to be for surveillance, not a raid or surprise attack. James knows this because he was meant to be the one taking over for Marlene. Dumbledore only changed the schedule to give James more time to prepare for France.
He’d sprinted through the waiting area, to the disdain of one of the witches working the reception desk, and pulled Sirius into a tight embrace. They stood there for a while, holding onto each other for dear life but not speaking––their breathing communicated the most important things:
Thank Merlin, you’re okay.
I’m safe, but I’m terrified when I think of what could have happened.
What would I do if I had lost you?
I’m still here. How am I still here?
Thank fuck you’re okay.
What if we lose Marlene?
Sirius brushed off all concern about his safety when he carried Marlene into the hospital and had refused to let a Healer see to his injuries until they had information on her condition. James, however, would not be cowed by the demand and began healing the cuts and scrapes he could see on Sirius’ face, neck, and hands, ignoring Sirius’ complaints. He’d just reset a finger that had been sitting at an odd angle when Lily barreled into the hospital, frantically asking about Marlene at the reception desk. When Lily was directed to the waiting room, she ran to them with wide eyes, asking for the few updates they had. 
Now she sits, bouncing her knee and looking at her watch, refusing to say much of anything at all as they wait. James wants to comfort her, wrap an arm around her and hold her tightly as she rants or raves or cries or screams. But things are so different between them now that he isn’t sure Lily will accept or appreciate any of those things. Reluctantly, he settles for knowledge of her sitting safely nestled between him and Sirius.
Dorcas is less composed when she arrives, pulling Lily into a sweeping hug and weeping into her shoulder. Remus and Peter appear next, and James is glad to see his friend pull Dorcas close to him, if not a little jealous. Remus wipes Dorcas’ tears with the pads of his thumbs and, when they sit, allows her to rest her head on his shoulder.
He knows his jealousy is misplaced. Dorcas and Remus have still not made their way to becoming a couple due to Remus’ insecurities. There were no doubts from or about Dorcas. He had attempted to reason with his friend, tried to get him to see that he could be happy with someone. But Sirius had, somehow, been the voice of reason. 
“Mate, we can believe that for him, and Dorcas can believe that for them. But until Remus starts believing that he can have that happiness, it’s no use.” Sirius had said.
James doesn’t think that he’ll ever be comfortable in limbo, the space in between two certainties where all you can do is suffer through the reality of experiencing neither option. Not in whatever he has going on with Lily, not in whatever Remus has going on with Dorcas, and definitely not in waiting for news on Marlene’s condition.
The thought makes something constrict in his chest, and he feels the urgent need to move around.
“I’m going by the tearoom, does anyone want anything?”
Sirius, Lily, and Peter briefly look over to him and shake their heads, and Remus, though he looks like he could desperately use a pick me up, does the same. 
“Could I bother you for a tea?” Dorcas asks with a slight wince as if it were a dreadful inconvenience.
“It’s not a bother at all.” James assures her with a quiet smile.
“I’ll go with you, James.” Peter volunteers, quickly getting to his feet. James puts an arm over his shoulder, and together, the two make their way up to the fifth floor.
“I figured you were going to buy everyone something regardless of what they said. You'll probably need a hand.” Peter says once they are out of earshot. 
James chuckles lightly. It's precisely what he plans to do. “You typically do have a good read on us, Wormtail.” Peter looks a bit bashful at the praise.
They get to the teashop, and James orders a tea for everyone and a hot chocolate for Remus. As the woman behind the counter makes the drinks, Peter reaches into his pocket and pulls out a few coins to cover his, which James casually waives off.
“James, you…you don’t have to—”
“I’m not doing it because I feel like I have to, Peter.” James says as he passes the woman a few Galleons and drops the resulting change into her tip jar. A blush rises to the woman’s cheek as James gives her a polite nod and begins to pass Peter a few of the drinks before grabbing the rest.
“We miss you on the pitch, Mr. Potter.” The woman sounds near breathless as she fidgets with her hands behind the counter. “Puddlemere isn’t the same without you.”
James grins. “Who knows? When the war is over, I may be back one day.” The woman lets out a small squeak and promptly turns red as James gives her one last smile and heads back down to the reception area. 
“Do you really think you’ll go back, James?” Peter asks, carefully balancing the drinks in his hand with the milk and sugar packets he’d grabbed.
James shrugs a shoulder at this. “I’m not sure. I don’t know what else I would do if we make it to the other side of this thing.” He nearly trips when he realizes what he's said. It’s the first time he’s uttered that thought out loud. 
If they make it. 
Peter’s eyes dart over to James. “You don’t normally say things like that.”
“Hmm?” James asks, even though he knows what Peter is referring to.
“‘If’ we make it. You don’t normally sound so unsure.”
“We’ve already lost Benjy. And Marlene…It was my shift that she was covering. It was supposed to have been me in that hospital bed.” James sighs. But he instantly regrets it when he sees the discomfort on Peter's face. He’d spoken without thinking. He would have never said such a thing otherwise, knowing how panicked Peter gets in moments like these. 
“Why did you switch?” Peter asks.
“Dumbledore needed me on something else.” James shrugs. He's followed Dumbledore and Moody's directive and kept the mission in France a secret, even from Sirius. James knows he can't tell Peter, even if he thought his friend would respond well.
“You can’t blame yourself, Prongs.” Peter squeaks out. “Besides, Sirius managed to get her out. She’s probably fine.
“Hopefully we’ll know for sure soon.”
James and Peter return to the reception area and pass out the drinks to Dorcas and their reluctant friends. “If you don’t want it now, save it for later.” He says as Sirius attempts to growl out a reminder that he didn’t request a tea. James turns to Remus and pretends to not see Sirius take a reluctant sip.
“Hot chocolate for now, tea for later—take your hands out of your pockets.” With a labored sigh, Remus had been reaching into his pockets to pay James back, but James will have none of it. 
As he returns to his seat, he takes milk and sugar from Peter, combining them into a precise ratio that he would never make for himself, and passes it to Lily. She sighs almost reluctantly, if not gratefully, and gives him a small smile.
“Thank you.” Lily whispers as she brings the cup to her face and allows the steam to warm her face before taking a sip.
James smiles, though it doesn’t meet his eyes. “Don’t mention it.”
“Mr. Black?” a Healer approaches the group, her eyes widening as she registers the increased number of people among them.
Read the Rest at ao3!
Start from the beginning!
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writingsofspn · 4 years
Innocent - Remus Lupin x Reader
Remus and Y/N are old friends and old lovers, turned astray. They meet again, both teaching at Hogwarts - and are reunited with an old friend.
Y/N = Your Name
This fic is gender neutral:)
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You knocked on Remus’s door lightly, expecting his voice to grant you access to his office so you could talk to him about what had been playing on your mind all week - all year, in fact.
There was no reply. You knocked a bit harder again and waited a few seconds before you slowly opened the door.
Chaos. As per usual.
A smile graced your lips looking at his messy, disorderly office. Everything had a place though, you knew that. You looked at his desk and saw a very familiar piece of parchment laying there. You audibly gasped. The parchement unlocked a memory you forgot you had. You moved forward and lightly brushed your hands across the worn face of the paper, your memory doing dances in your head. You took your wand from your pocket and said the all-too familiar words and the parchment lit up. Your eyes scanned the expanse of paper until you found the name you were looking for, and what you saw absolutely floored you.
Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. Together.
Your mouth opened and you rushed from the office, making your way to the willow as quickly as you could. You touched the knot and crawled through the tunnels you knew too well until you reached the shack, and listened out for voices. You could hear murmers from the closest bedroom and you snuck up to the door, careful not to any make noise. You peaked through the crack in the door and saw three of your students, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley - you rolled your eyes, always the three of them. There were two voices that distinctly belonged to two men who were once very important to you, one in particular.
You listened as Remus told the story of his time at Hogwarts, and about what headmaster Dumbledore had done for him during his time there. You thought about Hogwarts and the time you had there, along with Remus, Sirius, Peter and...James. You lowered your head, deciding to open the door and show yourself. The door creaked and all five heads turned your way. Sirius raised his wand quickly but lowered it as soon as he saw your face, a glimpse of a smile shadowing his face.
‘Y/N.’ He said so simply, yet so emotionally.
A surge of emotions you didn’t expect hit you with a full force, and you moved forward to embrace Sirius in a long-awaited hug. You caught Remus’s eye over Sirius’s shoulder and he gave you a kurt nod, his gentle eyes telling you everything you needed to know - Sirius was innocent.
‘He’s innocent, Remus. I know it.’ You shouted, your hands throwing themselves around in exasperation.
‘Y/N please don’t take sides. I don’t want to believe it either, and I never thought anything like this would happen but it has and I can’t see any other explanation. We’re going to have to believe it, because how else would...he have found Lily and James?’ Remus replied, clearly upset. He was confused, even more so than you. Sirius was his closest friend, aside from James, and he didn’t know what to think.
‘What about Harry? What is he going to do now? We can’t leave him with Lily’s sister, she’s bloody awful. We need to take him in, Remus. We can’t leave him.’ You changed the subject, trying to take your mind off Remus’s incredible narrow-mindedness at Sirius.
‘Y/N, you know he’ll be better off with that family. They legally have rights to him, and we don’t. The only other person with legal rights to Harry is...Sirius.’ Remus reasoned, and this only infuriated you further.
‘For Merlin’s sake, Remus. How can you be so bloody narrow-minded? You KNOW it wasn’t Sirius who did this, I know you do. How could it be? Lily, James and Harry meant more to him than life itself. Could you just open yourself to the possibility it wasn’t him?’ You shouted, on the verge of crying. You got upset when you were angry, it was natural.
‘Y/N. It was Sirius. How could it be anyone else?’
He stunned you silent for moment. How could he believe your best friend, Sirius Black, would ever do such a thing as to betray you and your friends like this?
‘I know you don’t mean that, Rem. You’re just emotional. You can’t mean that.’ You shook your head.
He folded his arms and stared at his shoes.
‘I...I can’t be here if you’re going to think like that.’ You said, taking a few steps back from him. You took a deep breath in to try and stop your tears falling. Remus looked angry, and he looked down and brushed a hand down his face.
‘Then go.’
Those three words hit you like a truck. You swayed on the spot, dumbfounded. You stared at each other for a few moments, but it felt like hours. Flashes of the morning sun spread across your entwined hands, laughs as you twirled round the common room to cheesy music he’d found at the second-hand shop and kisses stolen behind closed doors and when no one was looking crossed your mind. You felt as if the wind had been knocked from your chest, and a seething rage filled it instead. He moved towards you, seemingly sympathetic.
You moved away from him sharply and marched upstairs, throwing as many of your belongings you could find into a bag. Remus didn’t attempt to stop you, but simply waited at the top of the stairs until you were satisfied you had everything you needed. You pushed past him in a blurry, enraged manor. You heard him follow you down the stairs, and stop when he saw your hand hovering over the doorknob.
‘Y/N, we can fix...’
‘Come back to me when you realise the truth.’ You flung the door open and slammed it behind you. He made no attempt to follow you, and you cried as you made your way further down the street, hearing no noise behind you.
That was the last time you saw him, until he turned up at Hogwarts at the beginning of the year, well over a decade later.
‘Sirius. I never believed it was you. Please. I tried. I really tried to prove it wasn’t you. Please believe me.’ You muttered into his shoulder, holding your old friend tight.
‘It’s okay Y/N, Remus has told me what you have done. It’s okay.’ He said softly, moving away and running a finger across your cheek.
‘You’re in on this too?’ Harry croaked, turning to look at Ron and Hermione; a look of shock across all three of their faces.
‘Harry, let us explain. Please.’
You told him everything that had happened. About your time at Hogwarts with his mother and father, and about the consequences of that fateful night at Godric’s Hollow. Sirius interjected at points with his thoughts, as did Remus. Finally, you moved to Peter.
‘But what’s my rat got to do with anything?’ Ron said rather agitatedly, said rat squealing and writhing in his hands.
‘Because Ron, your rat is not a rat. He is a human, and a wizard. And he goes by the name Peter Pettigrew.’ Remus said gently, pointing to the rat.
After some heavy convincing, Ron gave the rat over and you performed a spell to return Peter to his snivelling human form and get what he deserved.
You sat inside the castle, watching the night sky move along from your office with the old window wide open as you let the smell of the summer night drift through. You cast an eye to the moon, a familiar movement that had become habit over the years. You watched the tiny sliver of the moon cast it’s bright light over the grounds of the school, and your mind became encompassed with the events of the previous night. Harry and Hermione had told Remus and yourself what they had done, about the timeturner and letting Sirius go. To say you were relieved was an understatement, but anger and guilt still hung over you as you thought about Peter Pettigrew still walking free while Sirius was forced into hiding.
‘It’s a fine night, is it not?’
Remus spoke behind you. You jumped slightly, not having heard him enter. You looked in his direction, taking in the man you’d missed so dearly. He looked tired and worn down, much older since the last time you’d seen him. His clothes were worn, and you noticed new scars littered across his face and neck. Your heart ached still, even after what had happened. You remained silent and stared at the floor, not really sure what to say.
‘Are you alright?’ You decided to ask. You’d been apart for many years, but your concern for the man you still loved remained ever-present.
‘I’m just glad no one was hurt.’ He replied sullenly. You watched as he shuffled his feet, crossing his arms and looking everywhere but where you sat. A few moments passed, the silence engulfing the both of you to the point it became unbearable.
‘Did you want anything, Rem?’ You winced at the nickname that hadn’t left your mouth in years. You felt guilt after you said that, feeling as though you came across cold. You didn’t want that, in fact you wanted anything but that. You got up and moved to the front of your desk, perching on the top and crossing your ankles and keeping your eyes firmly trained on the floor. You’d faltered, not knowing whether to excuse yourself or remain silent. However, he decided for you.
‘I wanted to say that I’m sorry.’
You froze, not expecting those words to hit your ears. You remained staring at the floor, not really knowing where to start. You saw his feet move closer and you lifted your head to look at him.
‘Don’t be sorry, you didn’t have any control over what happened last night-’ You started, but was soon interrupted.
‘I didn’t mean last night, Y/N. I meant I’m sorry for what happened since the moment you walked out of our door 14 years ago.’ He put a hand on your desk, fingers inches away from touching yours.
‘What happened 14 years ago was perhaps the moment I’ve regretted most in my life. I let what we had go because I couldn’t see past my own mind at the possibilities. You have no idea how many times I’ve written letters to you and summoned an owl, only to throw it away; especially when I heard you had started teaching at the school.’ He recoiled his hand, putting both into his pockets as he spoke, doing that thing he’s always done when he’s nervous.
You watched him for a few seconds, biting the skin on your bottom lip, unsure of what to say. In that moment, it all became so clear. You’d lost 14 years with the man you’d loved most because you’d both been so stubborn minded and stupid.
‘I’m sorry I left, Remus. I’m sorry I never wrote to you, or came to find you. I’m sorry I left.’ You blurted, your tongue seemingly taking over for you. Your cheeks went red, and you sat up a bit straighter in anticipation of his reaction. However, he remained still and silent. You carefully studied his face, looking for a hint of how he was feeling. He lifted his eyes and a warm smile spread across his worn face. You moved forward and put your arms around his shoulders and hands behind his head, fingers weaving into the greying hair at his neck. His arms encircled your waist and you felt him inhale deeply. You shut eyes momentarily, taking in a feeling you hadn’t felt for a long time - love. True, innocent, desperate love.
You pulled away first, looking at his face and tracing your finger gently across the new scars you’d never seen before. He stopped your hand, taking it in his and pressing a small kiss to your palm. You made eye contact and in that moment, you knew you had him back - and this time, you weren’t letting him go.
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dirt-cup-draco · 4 years
James x Reader- Impossibility (2/2)
Part 1---> Here!
“James,” your voice cracked and your eyes turned misty. “I know you don’t understand but I can’t tell you… It will be so much worse if I do. Just please hug me and give me some time. Maybe we can try to be like we were once but I need time before that and you need to live your life like always- without fretting over what I’m doing,”
The words cut deep even if that wasn’t your intention. Had James truly made you feel so forgotten that you insisted the end of your friendship was the best and only option?
A hug was the least he could do.
When his arms found their way around you he felt the tremors going through your frame. Shoulders shaking with the sobs you were trying to conceal and knees quivering with a frailty he knew had more to do with your emotional distress than any actual weakness.
“I’ll see you around Potter,”
You pulled away first and James wasn’t sure how to keep his hold on you anymore. It seemed it’d been gone for longer than he thought.
If you thought the few months before graduation had been tough without James had been torture you surely hadn’t been thinking. Now it had been three years and the day you’d said goodbye to the most important person in your life replayed in your mind despite you doing everything you could to block it out. 
There were days you woke up feeling like you could breathe. Like you could power through the day without more than a few fond thoughts of James, because even now there was still never a day where he didn’t run around your mind and make your heart jerk around uncomfortably. 
Now his name brought you a level of anxiety that filled your veins with guilt. You adored James then and when you drank too many glasses of wine after a hard week of nonstop work at St. Mungos you could admit that you still adored the boy who was becoming a wonderful man. Or at least, that’s what Remus told you in his letters. 
You still had yet to see James, and for that you were both grateful and saddened. The day he showed up in need of your services you’d be ready to give him an earful for being an irresponsible git and falling off a broom after trying to show off- you stopped yourself. James was still the boy he had been at Hogwarts but you had to realize he had grown in the years you’d been apart even if you found your own growth stunted. 
Yes, it seemed nowadays it would be more likely for James to be taken to St. Mungos because of his work in The Order and not because of a quidditch accident. The other three men you had maintained friendships with did their best to distract you when you found your heart aching and offered you updates when you felt detached from the love of your life. 
Three years and the ache within your chest had still not vanished. It was a heavy and oppressive weight that had become a comfort in it’s own way. Constant and all encompassing, it was your new normal. It kept you shielded from going too deep into your unresolved feelings but kept them close enough to the surface that every smile felt a little forced, every laugh sounded a little too loud. 
Tonight was one of the nights where the weight of your feelings became more suffocating than comfortable. The tears burned your eyes but had stopped falling long ago. You couldn’t handle the shame of crying over a taken man- one you had pushed away. Would things have been different if you’d told him despite the consequences? Surely it could be no worse than this. 
“Meredith,” you croaked, sitting up from your fetal position on the couch. Your owl cocked her head to the side as you slid your feet into your slippers, tossing your blanket from around your shoulders to lay on the back of the couch. The cushions had become a bit sunken as you collapsed there after work and stayed most days when you didn’t have to stay at the hospital. 
Times were bleak and that made the feelings inside you even more tumultuous. A dark and foreboding power loomed over all over wizard kind and here you were, shuffling across the wooden floors and crooning to your aging owl. You couldn’t say life was all bad, your fingers skating over the smooth and silky feathers of your longest friend. From the age eleven you had found peace in your owl’s quiet company. 
Your fingers stalled and she bumped her head against fingers after gently nipping at the closest one. It was enough to pull you from the memories playing too quickly in your mind for you to feel any nostalgia. It was a dizzying sensation that left your stomach in knots. 
“Get ready to send a letter to Peter?” You asked her, stroking her head as she cooed in response. 
It pulled a smile from you and you bound over to your wooden desk, the cooled surface causing goosebumps to rise on your arms. It further helped to clear your mind long enough to write to your longtime friend who had become like a sibling since he had pulled you aside in the hall. 
Happy with yourself for reaching out when the thoughts became overwhelming, you returned to your spot back on the couch. That familiar weight wrapped itself so tight around you that you forgot that you needed a blanket.
James was drifting in and out on the couch he had called home for the past month and a half. He could hear Peter snoring down the hall, his door cracked slightly as Peter claimed it got too hot otherwise. James had suggested opening a window instead, but no, that would be too cold. 
The springs were pressed uncomfortably against his side as he rolled over, the threadbare blanket and deflated cushions of Peter’s couch not doing much to help ease him into an easy and comforting sleep. However, James doubted that he’d be doing much sleeping anyways; even if he were to be in his- Lily’s- apartment. 
He couldn’t complain too much. Peter was kind enough to let him crash when he’d showed up with bloodshot eyes and clenched fists and promised it’d just be for a night. Peter was kind enough to pretend that it didn’t bother him when James took up the space he so carefully created for himself alone. Peter was kind enough to not kick James out.
And James? James was in a limbo. Two voices screamed in his head and neither seemed to be doing anything other than getting louder. He could leave, he had the money from his parents, but one voice said that Lily would take him back. The other voice said he should stay just another couple days, really think on why she’d ended things and think of what his own actions had meant. 
To anyone else, James Potter must be a cheating bastard who let a secret slip while he slept peacefully and with no guilty conscience. Yet Lily knew him and James knew she understood. However, that didn’t help patch the hole in his heart and the confusion that grew every second. 
Loving Lily Evans was an honor, and an honor he’d held close to his heart for the past four years. She was bright and caring and the flame that kept him warm on his coldest days. Her work with The Order was brilliant and admirable and he knew he could trust her with his life. There had never been, and never would be, anything wrong with the woman. 
It had started with a furrowed brow on his face as he sat pensive and quiet in his arm chair. Lily had asked, “everything alright there, love?” and James had pasted on a smile and said “of course, always,” while holding out his arms to her. She had made herself comfortable on his lap and he’d let the melancholy made from ghosts of the past dissolve. 
A day later he’d been lost in thought again, pouring the coffee until it flowed over the rim of the mug and he’d spent the last few minutes before Lily went to her part time job cleaning up spilled coffee instead of kissing her goodbye. She’d forgotten the incident but he was still trapped in the memories that had distracted him in the first place. 
“I can’t read your mind, you know,” His heart, his dear, his Lily, had teased as they lay in bed together, her head heavy on his bare chest and her hair ticklish. 
“Don’t think you’d want to see Sirius pulling down Peter’s trousers in third year potions anyways,” 
He should have known better. Lily knew him like the back of her own hand and a simple joke would not put her off from joking. It had made him crack a smile as he thought of Y/N, the girl who had known him in his most infuriating years. His heart had skipped painfully in his chest and Lily looked to him with a concerned look.
“James, please,” she had begged with soft eyes that had him telling her his snowballing thoughts. 
Once he had finished, his chest tight and his cheeks tight from spilled and dried tears, Lily had stroked his cheek with a gentleness that shocked him even then. “You’ve got unfinished business with her love, of course she’s still on your mind. Why would I ever be mad at you for missing a friend?” 
Because I’ve never been sure she was just a friend. 
To James, it had been a whisper in the back of his mind that had never been meant to meet the light of day. To Lily, it had been a slap across the face. 
“D-did you mean to say that?” It had been a tentative question, nearly as quiet as the whispered words that James hadn’t realized had been shared. 
As his voice cracked over, “Say what, Lils?” she had had her answer. 
There was no screaming match, no deep betrayal. Only a lost truth found by eyes that had not been invited to see. The tears were shed when Lily was finally left in a silent apartment that felt as if it was missing something immediately. The frustrated screams came when James had stumbled through the streets numbly, still in his pajamas and his jacket hanging loose from his hand that was shoved deep in his pocket. 
The first week at Peter’s he hadn’t had much to say, even when Remus and Sirius came. They didn’t know why it happened, just knew that the infamous Lily and James had met their end. The second week James had gotten up to make Peter breakfast and the weight was still there but he was growing used to it and the conflicting thoughts that were always on his mind. The third week he’d stopped writing Lily letters that he’d never send. The fourth week he’d started writing you letters instead. 
Unsent were all the things that had been bouncing around James’ head that added to the dull throb that helped count the days away. I miss you. I’m furious. Why did you say goodbye. What could you not tell me. I hate you for doing this to me and Lily. I love you and realized too late.
Those very letters were bound tightly and kept shoved in Jame’s suitcase that was balanced against the far wall. Realizing it would be a night of questioning rather than sleeping he rolled off the couch with a low groan and a stretch of his back. The floor was cold against the soles of his feet and a chill traveled down his spine. Sometimes the only thing that could lull him to sleep was seeing his thoughts organized on paper. 
Getting a quill ready, he was startled by the sudden and rhythmic tap of an owl’s beak agains the window that was set just above where Jame’s suit case was resting against the white walls of Peter’s apartment. What was even more startling was James wasn’t certain he wasn’t hallucinating until he opened the window with shaking fingers and Meredith flew in, circling with her natural grace before settling on a perch Peter kept beside his own owl’s. 
A crisp envelope was in her beak and if he hadn’t recognized the grayish dusting of Meredith’s feathers and the golden eyes of his best friend’s owl he would have recognized the curls and loops of your handwriting. For reasons unknown, a smile found it’s home on his lips as he realized you hadn’t stopped drawing small circles above your i’s. 
He approached the owl that had been to his childhood home more times than he could count and tried to take the envelope from her but was met with an indignant twist of her neck. 
“Still requiring payment little miss Merry?” He asked, a giddy stirring in his stomach at the familiarity of the situation he was in as he shuffled around Peter’s kitchen for something she would like to nibble on while she rested. Finding something suitable, he returned and she happily dropped the sturdy letter into his hand. 
Peter’s name and address was neatly written even if towards the end of each line the words began to slope downwards. It was something you had hated about your writing but had seemed to grow used to as you hadn’t tried to overcorrect and curve the ends up too high.
Now James Potter was a good and honest man but he had only gotten small bits of information about you from Sirius and from looking over Peter’s shoulder when he read your letters. Peter had caught on though and now took to reading in his bedroom. Remus was tightlipped as ever, claiming if James wanted to know he could send you a letter himself. 
He was starved to know something, anything. So yes it was wrong, but nothing had seemed to be going right lately. What was more thing? It was a poor excuse to open Peter’s mail yet here he was, peeling off the seal with the greatest care.
Pete, Your letter began and James ran his thumb over the ink fondly. 
I know you’re probably sleeping, as you should be. You know what I’m going to ask and I know it’s not doing me any favors but I need to know how he is. I’ve been good and trying to stay focused on work but I have the whole weekend to recover from my double shifts and I need something to anchor me. Otherwise I’ll write or I’ll show up where I’m not welcome and I think that would be far worse. I should’ve never said goodbye.
James’ blood rushed through his veins in anticipation, praying for a name to appear in the paper- his name. He needed something concrete yet the gears were turning and he was nearly completely convinced that you were referring to the day he had started believing that you forgiving him was an impossibility, even if he’d never truly known what he’d done to push you so far away. 
Meredith chittered impatiently, wanting to be back in her familiar apartment after a fulfilling flight. “Alright, don’t get your feathers in a twist,” James hushed her and listened for Peter’s steady snoring before returning his eyes back to the letter.
 If you're awake feel free to come for some cocoa and a chat. 
                                                                                Love, Y/N
It was all James needed to jump to his feet, slipping on his shoes before falling to his knees in front of the fireplace. He knew she was expecting Peter but it had felt like she was reaching out to him and he had so longed to be back in her arms. Hope hadn’t been something on Peter’s mind for nearly two months and even now he was hesitant to feel it but maybe you’d at least let him back into your life as a friend. 
“Head home, Merry,” James commanded of the owl, giving her an approving nod as she hopped to the window before taking off silently. Then, his concentration was on poking and prodding Peter’s bricks. One was loose and kept a bag of floo powder hidden, except James couldn’t remember which one. Fifth one up and third to the right? Or was it left? His trembling hands grew impatient and he let out a long and loud grumble. 
“Going to Y/N’s?” Peter coughed his greeting and James froze. 
“Pete- the letter I-” 
James’ apology fell into silence as his longtime friend shook his head. 
“Fourth up and sixth to the right,” 
James rushed to his friend with the floo powder now secure in his hand and tugged him into a quick embrace. 
“Just be sure to pull her closer if she tries pushing you away,” Peter mentioned as he took a deep breath, focusing on you and thinking of the return address he’d seen on every letter. 
“Thank you wormtail,” 
The flames ignited the powder, growing blindingly bright. Peter blinked and the fireplace was empty. 
Your fingers had grown cold even as you intertwined them together. Meredith hadn’t come back yet and the stars were beginning to vanish as the sky grew lighter even when the sun was still tucked away for another half an hour or so. You knew Peter must be sleeping and you ought to try the same but two mugs were sat on your counter in preparation just in case. 
A few more stars winked at you before vanishing in the paled blue expanse of sky and your eyelids grew heavy but snapped open when a loud snap and a plume of smoke could be heard and seen in your left peripheral. You darted into a seated position and coughed after inhaling the soot.
“Pettigrew you will not be splinched for Merlin’s sake just apparate next time!” 
“I’ll pass on the message,” 
You gasped, another forceful set of coughs erupting as you took in more of the inky smoke that was steadily clearing out. The owner of the voice you never thought you’d hear again set everything straight and then you saw the man you never thought you’d see again. 
“Sorry, by the way,” James said, his voice oddly timid as he shuffled in front of the fireplace. “forgot you hated the floo. Just thought I’d take you up on your offer off cocoa and a chat,” 
Your eyes were bloodshot and burning from the smoke but now as you took James in you were certain that the tears you’d been holding back for years would fall and it would have nothing to do with the most asinine form of travel a wizard could have invented. 
“That was for-” 
“I know, I’ve been staying with him,” 
The answer was surprising but more so was the way James’ eyes tracked your features, drinking you in as you did him. He had a medium length scruff that decorated his jawline nicely and his curls were as disheveled and dark as always. His crows feet were more defined and it added a level of maturity you seemed to find very attractive as butterflies took flight in your stomach. 
“Why?” You sniffled, eyes breaking away from his first as he took a step towards you. He noticed when you curled up tighter on the couch, away from him. Nothing in the past month seemed to hurt more than that. 
“Can’t I catch up with my partner in c-crime?” James asked but stumbling over his words, voice getting caught in his throat and a tear slipping free and rolling down his cheek. Suddenly, he was sinking to his knees and crawling to you, hands finding your knees and gripping tight. 
Half of you wanted to apparate away and forget how it felt to be held tight by James Potter. The other half of you was crumbling into the hands of your best friend. 
“Why’d you say goodbye?” He asked and you shook your head, lip caught between unforgiving teeth as you chewed harshly nearly drawing blood. “Y/N, darling, plea-”
“Dont,” You begged, arms wrapping tight around yourself as if you were trying to remember that your own embrace could be just as comforting and you didn’t need to seek comfort from James. But you wished to oh so badly. 
“Don’t ask? Don’t leave? Don’t what?” Came a watery scoff. “I’m fully prepared to beg you for forgiveness but I never knew why and I think you at least owe me that,” 
“What if you don’t like what I have to say?” 
The question hung heavy in the air but James didn’t mind so much when your eyes finally found his and stayed put. You looked into him and he looked into you. You were scared and so was he. He was tired and so were you. You were both suffering. It could be ended if only you spoke the words you’d always kept hidden. 
“I may not like what you have to say but that could never stop me from caring,” He reassured and it was the push that led you to taking the baby step you had never been able to overcome. 
“Fear was the main reason,” You began, your hands searching for James’. He easily interlocked his fingers with yours and you felt a moment of panic, like you couldn’t escape the truth. However James looked into your eyes with the warmth he’d used to have and your fears were already melting. It was as if he was lending you his bravery. 
“I was terrified that I didn’t mean to you what you meant to me when we were kids. I thought that the playing field had to be balanced and then convinced myself it never could be before I even tried to see it from your point of view.” 
“Y/N?” James prodded as you struggled to find the right words. 
“I’m trying to say- Well I- Fuck.” You growled, leaning the few inches forward before capturing Jame’s lips with your own. Despite your frustrated tone the kiss was gentle and slow. You couldn’t tell him so you needed to show him. Needed him to realize you had wanted to have petty fights with him, grow old with him, cook breakfast with him, kiss him, since you were a silly teenager and that those feelings hadn’t faded in the slightest despite the prolonged distance. 
Kissing James was everything you’d wanted it to be and nothing like you’d dreamt. Never had you thought you’d get the chance nor did you think you’d be crying your eyes out. His lips were soft and you could taste the mint lip balm his mom got him for Christmas every year. James tilted his head in perfect time with yours and his hands squeezed yours affectionately however it was what brought you back to reality. 
You were the first to pull away, shame filling up the cracks in your hear that had only grown wider with the kiss. “I know you have Lily- I just...  You should know how I feel. And now that you know and now that I realize I truly can’t do anything about it I’ll let you go,” 
James felt as if he was plunged underwater and wasn’t hearing you right. The boys hadn’t told you? You had spent all this time thinking him taken while he had been dreaming of you for months, writing you unsent letters for weeks. 
“Are you daft?” He asked, hands falling away from yours and you couldn’t help the choked sob that came with another apology. “Oh, Y/N, darling, sweet girl, I-” 
“No it’s okay!” You tried to say over heavy sobs. It was an odd sensation. You thought you’d finally be set free by James’ clear rejection but your chest only constricted more and with the rapidly falling tears you found you couldn’t breathe very well. “I-I know I shouldn’t have sprung this on you. I felt neglected and bitter when you found Lily and it wasn’t fair of me to push you away because of it. I want you to be happy and if it’s with her-” 
“We broke up two months ago,” With the truth out there, James
“-then I want you to be-” You stopped in your tracks. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Short story is that I’ve missed you Y/N. Couldn’t get you out of my head and she knew and then I told her something I didn’t even know was true until I was saying it, but now I know it’s right. You’re not just a friend to me and I was too daft to see it. I-I love Lily and she has a special place in my life but somewhere along the way my heart chose you,” 
You felt as if his words would never truly sink in. “James-” You paused, unsure of what to say, eyes now drawn to the rising sun. 
“Just tell me you still want what you used to,” He interjected in the space of your silence. “Peter told me to hold you closer if you push me away and I intend to do that Y/N, I just have to know how you want me. Friend or m-more?”
The sun broke over the tips of the mountains, golden light streaming into your apartment and you turned your gaze back to James. His wide and dark eyes tugged at your heart and you found your hands back in his. You were unsuccessful in hiding your smile and James let out a breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding in wait for your answer. 
“How about we start with some cocoa and a chat?” You asked and your lips were once more pressed against James’ as he grew eager, the weight falling off of both of your shoulders leaving you lighter than you had been in years. 
As you kissed James back in the comfort of the morning daylight you felt as if anything was possible.
To those who may be interested: @struggling-bee @starofthedawn @labyrinthlibrarian @wilddxchildd @nerdbirdsworld
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all-about-remadora · 4 years
So here’s a list of One shots for celebrate✨
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Everyone Deserves A Someone by LoquaciousLupin
With nothing better to do during the holidays at Grimmauld Place, Hermione and Ginny wonder whether their former Professor has a special someone - with no other ideas, they do the only thing they can and ask him. With a little help from Tonks, Remus answers their questions as honestly... as he can. Remus and Tonks fluff.
A Beautiful Tune by SweetDeamon
I'm...not coming." he said, reaching to shove his hands deep into his pockets. "On the mission. With you." Tonks stared at him in confusion. "Why not?" she asked, grip upon the cloak in her hand going limp. Remus struggled to come up with a convincing lie. "Because I...I..." Because I'm dying. Because you've struck me dead in the heart.
The Unspeakable Girl by SweetDeamon
"She makes me feel so on top of this world that I wish I'd never been born into it in the first place! So I can't stand to talk about her, Dad! I simply can't!" In which Remus Lupin visits his father and confesses something quite extraordinary. Based on information from POTTERMORE. Consider yourselves warned. RLNT.
The Future's Not Ours To See by Gilpin
Remus Lupin has a lot on his mind; his current undertaking for the Order of the Phoenix, and how to obtain questionable potions from an unhelpful Apothecary owner. Can he bring both to a satisfactory conclusion?
Rhapsody in Blue by copperbadg
Remus has decided it's time to cure Tonks of her awkwardness, the only way he knows how.
Kissing It Better by Lady Bracknell
On her first date with Remus, Tonks discovers that spilt beer on wooden floors is the enemy of the less than surefooted everywhere. Will she die of embarrassment, or will Remus find a way to make it all better?
Kiss and tell by Lady Bracknell
For all his supposed genius, Sirius Black had always had rather a blind spot for the patently obvious.
What To Make Of Him by Lady Bracknell
Neither Ted nor Andromeda know quite what to make of their daughter's boyfriend. Can he win them round over Sunday lunch?
On First Impressions by  cafei-au-lei
"'You know,' Sirius said, 'it's kind of funny. For someone who thinks Remus is so annoying, you sure can't seem to stop talking about him.'" A series of moments in Remus and Tonks' developing relationship as they get to know each other and learn that maybe first impressions aren't necessarily everything. OOTP. Fluffy oneshot.
The Order's Most Eligible Bachelors by cafei-au-lei
The Order's Most Eligible Bachelors, or: the ladies indulge in some firewhiskey and gossip. Sirius and Remus stumble upon a game they're not sure they want to be privy to (okay, maybe Sirius does.) The results lead to some necessary conversation and introspection for a few of the parties involved. Oneshot.
The Talk, Or: The (Lighthearted) Trauma of Teddy R Lupin by cafei-au-lei
Teddy knew when Dad brought out the firewhiskey that something was suspicious. Then again, maybe he wasn't giving Dad enough credit for being the cool parent. AU. Remus and Tonks survive to raise their son and give him The Dreaded Talk. Oneshot.
Movement by MrsTater
Things appear to have changed. One shot, RLNT
Retrograde by MrsTater
Sequel to Movement: Tonks strongly suspected, though she hadn't much experience, that it wasn't normal for adults who fancied other adults to do what she was doing now.
Kernels by MrsTater
A Transfigured Hearts outtake: a cosy night in with Remus takes an unexpected turn when popcorn finds its way into odd places and leads Tonks to make an important discovery.
Party till the wolf comes by MrsTater
Fatherhood doesn't send Remus on a pub crawl, but announcing the birth of his son to his closest friends turns out to be the next best thing.
Overheard by MrsTater
Sirius tries to play matchmaker for an ambivalent Remus and Tonks, but when everyone keeps overhearing everyone else's conversations, things get a little complicated as shapeshifters prove to be anything but predictable... Updated Sept 3, 2007
The Honeymooners by MrsTater
Two years after their wedding, Remus and Tonks finally make it on their honeymoon. But now they've got something they didn't when they first married, will they be able to stop thinking about it long enough to enjoy themselves? AU
A Conversation That’s Not About Veela by starfishstar
Harry and Professor Lupin talk about women, and other things. During Christmas of HBP. (A gen story, but with very strong hints of Remus/Tonks and Harry/Ginny.)
Sleeping by starfishstar
Tonks sleeps; Remus muses
Precisely What I Mean by starfishstar
Remus with Teddy was easily the sweetest thing Tonks had ever seen. It seemed Remus couldn't ever hold Teddy without gazing down at his son with a huge, helpless, delighted grin. "Don't your cheeks ever get tired?" Tonks couldn't help teasing him once, and he'd glanced up, bewildered by the question – he didn't even realise he was doing it.
A Slow and Stopping Curve by aegle
Concerning Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks. Set during Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince.
St. Margaret's by aegle
Remus, Tonks, a Muggle automobile, and a slightly disappointing beach adventure
On Bethlehem Down by aegle
Remus Lupin finds himself at Nymphadora Tonks' flat on Christmas Eve, 1996
The poem which i do not write by aegle
So, it has come to London with them, whatever it is.
The Watch by Sirussly
He'd grown so used to her endless chatter and relentless questions, a burning ball of energy with a laugh like her mother's. Some nights Tonks would listen to him instead, to stories of war and the price one pays for being a soldier in the middle of it. Occasionally neither of them would speak, but once her hand found his and stayed there until the sunrise coloured the sky.
Flame by Eat a Taco
It's strange what the soft light of a candle can do to someone.RLNT, sometime during HBP
Cover Me by Maggiemaye
Remus and Tonks embark on a mission that tests their well-established partnership to its limits. Even while surrounded by Death Eaters hidden in plain sight, they find that their greatest threats may come from within.
Expecto Patronum by Shimotsuki
Remus and Tonks have dinner at the Potters' after seeing Teddy off on the Hogwarts Express. James and Al are full of questions, including one that not even Harry knows the answer to.
Meet the Reindeer by SweetDeamon 
Nothing untoward had happened since Teddy had arrived home from Hogwarts for the holidays this year. So far there had been no manically jingling elves, no traumatised Santa Claus, no mass snowball fights, no exploding cans of fake snow and as of yet nothing had come hurtling down the chimney or splattered anything or anybody with ammunition of the culinary kind. So far. RLNT AU.
Meet the Teacher by SweetDeamon 
In which Remus and Dora receive word from Hogwarts that their son's homework has been completed in a far from satisfactory manner. The subject? Defence Against the Dark Arts. The topic? Werewolves. They've been expecting trouble since the beginning of term...but who feels less prepared? Teddy's parents or Teddy's teacher? Neville has a hunch... AU. RLNT. Rated for mild language.
A Study In Pink by SweetDeamon 
"He isn't entirely sure how it is that a certain pink haired witch came to be lying snugly in the bed beside him yet again, or indeed why such a thing had ever occurred the first time around..." RLNT.
A Piece of Cake by SweetDeamon 
"How long does it take to make a bloody sponge cake!" "You can't rush art, Sirius." Tonks attempts to bake Remus a birthday cake. "Attempts to" being the key phrase here... RLNT. Happy Birthday Gelly Bean!
The Christmas Waltz by Lady Bracknell 
As Christmas approaches, Remus and Tonks dance around the idea of togetherness, wondering if either of them is leading, or know where they're going at all.
Mistletoe and Wine by Lady Bracknell 
Remus falls foul of the mistletoe. Twice. RL/LP, RL/NT, LP/JP, rated for language.
Afraid of the Dark by Lady Bracknell 
Remus had always been ill at ease in the forest, but when a mission for Dumbledore sends him into the heart of the place with Tonks by his side, he finds his apprehension harder than usual to shake off.
The Luck of the Draw by Lady Bracknell 
She sits on the carpet, shuffles the cards, then deals them out. She came here with the hope of forcing the issue, because she just knows they shouldn't be about can't and won't.
Chione by: cafei-au-lei
Remus has confirmation that Tonks may return his feelings - now all that's left is to decide what to do with this rather exciting and terrifying information. And although it's been a strange year, this year's Christmas could shape up to be one of the best Remus has ever had. Takes place after "The Order's Most Eligible Bachelors." RLNT OotP holiday fluff.
The First Night by: cafei-au-lei 
Most major events in Remus' life have done nothing but reinforce the crushing inevitability of his condition and the life that it has condemned him to. But maybe there is hope to be had, after all.
amare by: cafei-au-lei 
At first, the idea that Tonks and Professor Lupin could be together was equal parts baffling and absurd. But then, maybe it did make a tiny bit of sense, Ginny thought, as she watched the way Professor Lupin looked at Tonks over the breakfast table. But she still couldn't help but think that this love and relationships thing was far too complicated. RLNT.
War Baby by MrsTater 
It's time for Teddy's first outing, and for Tonks to make peace with a noble great idiot. Set during Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Perchance To Dream by: MrsTater
A dream leads to an argument and an unexpected quest to seek out the meaning. Will Remus and Tonks kiss and make up? More importantly, who will come out on top? RLNT, Deathly Hallows, Mature.
Like a Cat in the Sun by starfishstar 
Remus is in a house full of women.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Hi! I wanted to request something, but no pressure, you can totally ignore it. Maybe a fic where Reg is at NYU, and maybe he's stressed about something, or something went wrong (anything you want really) and maybe he calls Sirius for help? And Sirius talks him through it? Thank you, have a good day :)
More sibling hurt/ comfort and fluff! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove <3
Sirius was almost done with his lasagna when the phone rang. “Come on,” he groaned aloud, glaring at the ceiling. His dinner had been interrupted no less than three times by different members of the team asking about pre-season details that were already in their goddamn emails. “Can it wait thirty more seconds?”
The phone continued to ring. Sirius cast his pasta one more longing look and grabbed the phone without checking the caller.
“Hello?” he answered, well aware of how grumpy he sounded.
A few moments of panicked breathing followed on the other line. “I fucked up.”
Sirius dropped his fork. “Reg?”
“I fucked up,” Regulus repeated shakily. Something was whirring in the background; Sirius heard no other voices. “I think—shit, I definitely did.”
“Okay, deep breaths,” Sirius instructed as he stood, already patting his pockets for his car keys. “Do you need help?”
Regulus sniffled. “Yeah.”
Shit, shit, shit, what did you do? “Tell me where you are.”
“The laundry room.”
“The—what?” Sirius paused halfway to the front door. His heartbeat was pounding pretty loud in his ears, but it sounded like Regulus said…
“The laundry room.” Another sniffle. “In my dorm. I fucked up.”
Sirius was quiet for another moment before he blinked and shook his head. “Back up. What is happening right now that you need help with?”
There was a rustling noise on the other end of the line. “So—so I know you’re supposed to separate dark and light clothes, and I always put all of mine on ‘normal’ at your house, but there are so many settings here and none of them say ‘normal’ so I don’t know what to do and I’m definitely going to fuck up all my clothes—”
“Okay, okay, stop,” Sirius interrupted as Regulus began talking faster with each word. For the time being, he was going to ignore the fact that Regulus had been washing everything he owned on the same cycle for nine months. “Just hold on a second, ouais? What are the settings on the washing machine?”
“Uh, there’s delicate, cold, warm, hot, and towels.”
“Thank you.” Sirius sat down at the table again and pushed his pasta out of the way so he could prop his elbows up. “I don’t think you have to worry about the delicate cycle—”
“Why not?” The edge of panic returned to Regulus’ voice. “How do you know?”
“Do you wear bras, Reg?”
A beat of shocked silence passed. “No.”
“Then you don’t have to worry about it. Have you already separated the dark and light clothes?”
“Good job, that’s important.” Sirius listened to his breathing slowly even out and gave himself a mental high-five. “Now, most clothes have a tag on the inside that will tell you how to wash and dry them. A lot of the dark clothes will ask for cold water, which makes it easier. Read through those and make piles, okay? Towels and sheets have instructions, too.”
“Will you—” Regulus trailed off, then lowered his voice. “Will you stay on the phone?”
“Of course.” Sirius leaned back in his chair as the sound of shifting fabric and humming machines filled the air; a few different sets of footsteps came and went in the time it took Regulus to methodically make his way through. “How’s your second week going?”
“C’est bien.”
“Made any friends yet?”
“Sort of.” Regulus paused for a moment and Sirius heard the sound of a zipper. “I’m supposed to zip pants and things, right?”
“Oui. Otherwise they’ll rip your other clothes.”
“Cool. Um, yeah, I’ve made a couple friends. It’s kind of difficult during orientation, though.” Sirius waited patiently for Regulus to continue—he recognized the hesitation in his voice. “How’s Leo?”
“Misses you.”
“I miss him, too. Give him a hug for me, ouais?”
Sirius smiled to himself. “I’ll be sure to pass it along. How’s the laundry coming?”
“I just got the warm water ones in. How much detergent should I use?”
“Are there marks on the cap?” He wracked his brain for any memory of which brand they had sent Regulus off with; they didn’t often use the liquid kind at home, so it was no surprise he was confused. “Does it have numbers below the lines?”
Sirius let out a breath of relief. “Fantastic. The numbers mean how many loads you’re putting in. Right now, you’re going to fill the cap to the ‘one’ line and then pour it wherever it needs to go.”
There was a creak. “Do I need softener or bleach?” Regulus asked skeptically. “Because there are little wells for both.”
“Not right now, no.”
A few seconds passed—Sirius heard a familiar jingle play, then a rumbling as the washer started up. “I think I got it,” Regulus said, clearly astonished.
“Congratulations,” Sirius said with a grin. “I never had to use one of those things, so you’re finally better than me at something.”
“I’m better than you at a lot of things,” Regulus teased, though his pride was audible. “Thank you, Sirius.”
“Any time.”
“Sorry for interrupting your night.”
Sirius shook his head. “Don’t be sorry. You can call any time and I’ll pick up.”
Regulus shuffled his feet a bit on the other end. “It was kind of a stupid thing, though. I could have looked it up.”
“It’s not stupid,” Sirius said gently. “And I’m glad you asked me instead of getting a bunch of different advice from the internet. You can call for anything.”
The phone was quiet for a few seconds. “Love you.”
“Love you, too. If you need more help with the dryer, I’ll be here.”
“Miss you.”
Sirius closed his eyes as his heart gave a tug. “Miss you too, Reg. We’ll be up for parent weekend, d’accord? Two months.”
“Two months,” Regulus repeated; Sirius could practically hear his smile.
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loopsforlupin · 4 years
A Yes That Changed the World
      Sirius was sixteen when he decided he could take no more. Walburga and Orion were going to kill him. They were. Sirius was sure of it. His mother’s gaze was even colder then usual, and his father, well he had always just ignored his sons, but now Sirius could swear he had seen his father reach for his dagger that he always kept on him, only to stop right before he touched it. They were furious with him. No longer was he the silent lamb they could lead around by the rope, and force their opinions down his throat. No he was a Gryffindor, he was loud, he was opinionated. He spoke out against the dark lord, flaunted his friendships with muggle-borns and half-bloods, he proudly stated what he thought of the supposed “Dark Lord”. For every rebellion, he was beat. He was crucio’d. He was threatened with everything from disownment, to being lead before Voldemort himself for his impudence. Nothing broke Sirius’s will, made him submit to his mother’s cruel desires. Sirius’s body was in a constant state of pain, his cuts and bruises stinging and bleeding randomly throughout the day. Sirius hid how bad he was feeling. He’d give them nothing, couldn’t let them see his flinches, or how badly he was feeling with every step. There was only one thing that kept Sirius from leaving. 
      Regulus. How could he leave his baby brother with them? The tiny baby, who had been thought to weak to live, who had grown up to be a fragile toddler, who his mother had told him to protect. His baby. A tiny toddler with long black curls, who clutched Sirius’s robes and whose first word was “Siri”. Sirius had raised the boy. Had shown him how to walk quietly in the shadows, to avoid their parent’s wrath. Had taught him table manners by the age of two, so that their mother couldn’t sting his hands when he reached for the wrong fork. Sirius’s baby, who learned French and Russian, at the same time he learned English, because their mother had many French friends, and their father had Russian business partners, and it was only proper to be able to speak to their guests in a language they understood. Sirius’s baby brother who could recite the proper pure-blood etiquette word for word, and was the “proper son”, the “ proper Pure-blood”. Sirius had done everything he could to ensure his brother would never gain the wrath of his parents. Surely, now that his brother was nearly of age, surely Sirius could be selfish. Right?  
      It was late at night, long after his mother and father had went to bed, that Sirius finally recovered enough to leave. His mother had punished him severely for his “lack of respect”, because Sirius had commended his cousin Andromeda for running off. Because he had the gall to celebrate her marriage to a “no good, waste of magic mudblood”. Sirius’s cousins, Bellatrix and Narcissa and their parents had been over for a “Family gathering”. Bellatrix had mentioned her sister’s “plight into insanity” and lamented that a once proud member had fallen so far from grace. Sirius had snorted, and looking his insane cousin in the eyes, had stated that Bella should be well familiar with insanity. That hadn’t won him any laughs, and instead resulted in his current situation. His ribs were broken, and if he had to judge, based on the sharp excruciating pain emitting from his left arm, so was his forearm. Regulus had been sent to his room, and Kreacher had been instructed to ensure that the room was sound proofed. The demented elf was all to eager to follow his mother’s order, Regulus had looked scared, and almost like he was going to argue. Sirius shook his head slowly, Regulus didn’t look entirely convinced so Sirius mouthed: “Go, go!” The following couple of hours were mostly lost in the haze of pain. He thinks he remembers his mother’s cold laugh as he cried. His father’s harsh voice yelling hexes and curses so quickly that even Sirius’s naturally beater instincts were unable to dodge the colored spells coming his way. The punishment went on for hours, well into the night. 
      Now his body was yelling at Sirius. No more, it seemed to beg. He knew then, if he stayed, the next time they punished him, it would be his death. His own parents would kill him, and in his mother’s case at least, would laugh as he died an agonizing death. With every ounce of will he had left, Sirius forced himself up, and into his room. A flick of his wand had everything he wanted packed flying into his trunk which he shrunk and placed in his back pocket. He looked around one last time at his childhood room. The posters he had stuck to his walls in an effort to piss of his parents. It pleased him greatly that even when he left, his mother and father would not be able to entirely erase him from their home. Two pictures caught his attention, one of his friends at Hogwarts, their faces laughing and smiling at him from the wall. The other one a picture of his brother and him, when Regulus was younger, and Sirius was in his Hogwarts robes. His brother was clutching Sirius’s robes, his knuckles white and tensed at least to Sirius’s trained eyes. This was the last photo his mother had willingly included him in, and it was bittersweet, because Regulus was losing his brother for the year, and Sirius was about to puke from the anxiety of how he was going to be sorted. It was their eyes that Sirius noticed, both of their eyes were filled with fear. Sirius couldn’t help but remember how after they had hugged one last time, that Sirius had whispered in his baby brother’s ears to remember everything he had taught him, to behave to not make waves, to survive until Sirius was home again to protect him. Regulus had been scared but told Sirius he would try. Then Sirius had been a Gryffindor, had made friends for the first time in his life, had learned to have his own opinion, to think for himself. And from then on, Sirius was the enemy. Sirius wanted the picture, it may be the last reminder he every had of his brother. So with careful hands, he cut the wall behind the picture and stuck that in his pocket. 
      Sirius shut his bedroom door, and made his way to the door he knew almost as well as his own. He didn’t open the door, he stopped in front of it and debated. Should he wake his brother to say goodbye? Would Regulus try to rat him out? Would Regulus miss him as much as Sirius would miss him? Sirius was torn, he wanted to say goodbye, but he didn’t want to have the last memory of his brother being an argument. He had just decided to move on when the door in front of him cracked open. Sleepy slate grey eyes, peered up at him from the fragile face of his baby brother. Sirius didn’t dare to breathe. Regulus looked up at him, his eyes narrowing as he took in his brother’s attire. Sirius was wearing his favored leather jacket, jeans and his black boots. In all, it was his normal bike riding outfit. 
      “You’re leaving.” Regulus stated, his eyes slowly losing what little warmth had resided in the grey orbs. Sirius didn’t think he could physically respond, so he nodded; his head bobbing slowly just once. Regulus pulled the door open wider. 
     “Where will you go?” Sirius paused. He hadn’t actually thought it out to much, just ran on the instinct to leave as quickly as he could. 
    “Probably the Potter’s. James will let me crash for a day or two I’m sure. Then I guess I have to find a flat somewhere.” Regulus looked into Sirius’s eyes, trying to find something. Sirius was unsure what exactly his brother hoped to find, but he kept his expression sincere, he would not lie to his brother.  Regulus soon looked resigned, his face falling. 
    “I guess this is goodbye then. I wish you well Sirius.” Sirius couldn’t breathe. Here was his baby brother, who he had raised, and loved and taught how to survive their unloving and cruel parents, formerly wishing him well, like they were schoolmates who barely knew each other. And Regulus was shutting the door, his baby brother was going to close the door, and that was the last time Sirius would see Regulus. 
    “Come with me!” Sirius blurted out, his voice barely above a whisper, but his tone urgent and panicked. “Come with me Reg!” 
     Regulus stopped his action and looked at his brother. His protector. His sanity in a house full of shadows, abuse, and anger. The lion born from a pit of snakes, who roared his opinion, even when everyone around him demanded silence. His brother who took the brunt of his parent’s anger and hatred, and protected him, was standing in front of him now, telling Regulus that he was leaving, and asking him to go with him. Regulus was fourteen years old and he knew this was a defining moment of his life. If he said no, Sirius was leaving, and he would be alone in this hateful house. Regulus would have no brave lion to shield him from his mother’s anger, or to curb his father’s wrath. Regulus would most likely be pushed into becoming a follower of Voldemort. He would stand on the opposite side of his brother. Or Regulus could say yes. But what would happen to them?  No house? No family title? They would be starting from the very bottom, but Regulus would have his brother. Sirius would protect him, of this Regulus was certain. He was so sure of this in fact that Regulus found he had no good reason to stay. His entire family was in front of him right now offering to take him away from all the horrors in this house. 
      It stunned both boys when Regulus nodded his head slowly once. Then speed up as if he believed Sirius would change his mind and leave him there alone. Sirius’s heart pounded in his chest, and his lungs sucked in a greedy gulp of air. His brother said yes. HIS BROTHER SAID YES! Sirius wasn’t losing his whole family, he was keeping the most important part with him. Sirius grinned at his brother and pushed open the door to the room. Whispering for Regulus to grab his wand, and to stand back Sirius entered the room. He whispered a command to get dressed, and to keep one jacket out. Sirius began to prepare his brother to leave. A flick of his wand, had the entire contents of his brother’s closest getting packed into the trunk. Any lose books, quills, or papers also flew into the trunk as well as When everything was packed away, Sirius took one of Regulus’s formal jackets, and transfigured it into a leather styled jacket like his own. Seeing Regulus’s confused expression, Sirius grinned, the kind of grin that James and Remus would have realized meant terrible trouble. 
     “Trust me Reg, gets a bit cold traveling my way.” Another flick of his wand shrunk his brother’s trunk, which he carefully tucked into his brother’s pocket. Together to the two brothers snuck their way down and out of their childhood home for the last time. Neither of them looked back, the only thing they would have regretted leaving was beside them. Once they were quite a ways away from their old home, Sirius stopped Regulus, looked around to ensure no body was near, before he pulled a chain around his neck out from underneath his shirt revealing a motorcycle charm. With a tap of his wand, the charm grew and grew and grew until an oversized motorcycle sat in front of the brothers. A black helmet with gold embellishments, hung on the handlebars. Regulus gulped. His brother had to be kidding. They couldn’t ride this thing to the Potter’s! Sirius grinned knowing his brother’s thoughts based on his face. 
     “Come on Reg! Time to get going. Hop on after me okay. Make sure your trunk is tight in your pocket. Alright?”  Regulus nodded his head still shocked. Sirius went to pull on his helmet before he stopped. He leaned down and looked at the rocks nearby before grabbing one the size of his palm. Another tap of his wand, and he held a dark green helmet with silver details sat in his hand. 
    “Safety first Reg. Gotta have a helmet to ride Gryff.” Regulus put the helmet on, waited until his brother was seated before climbing on himself. He wrapped his arms tight around his brother’s waist. Sirius double checked that Reg was secure before he started the engine. It growled to life, before settling into a deep purr. Soon enough, Sirius and Regulus were roaring down the road the wind whipping their jackets and chilling them through to their cores. When Sirius thought they were well into the country, and therefore far enough away from prying eyes, he turned his head just enough to catch Regulus’s attention. 
     “ Hold on tight, now’s the fun part!” With no other warning, Sirius pushed a button on his handlebars, and suddenly the brothers were soaring into the sky. Regulus clutched him self tighter to his brother. Sirius let out a laugh, and took them higher, and higher until they were covered by a thin layer of clouds, for any muggle out and about at this time of night. They stayed in the cover of the clouds mostly, only dropping down for a second or two to ensure they were heading in the right direction. Sirius’s wand was occasionally pulled out and a “Point-Me” charm was used. They flew for a while, close to an hour, before Sirius yelled back to his brother again. 
      “Going to land! Hold on tight and lean when I do!” Regulus shouted back an okay, and the bike began to descend. Riding the motorcycle was different from a broom, definitely different from a broom. The descent took a little longer than their liftoff, but soon enough the brothers were lading in a secluded area outside of a beautiful manor house. It was gorgeous. Sirius pulled up to the gates, tapped them with his wand, and passed through them with ease. The pathway leading to the house lit up with their approach, little orbs of light lit up the cobble stone pathway. Eventually they reached the circle drive in front of the manor, where Sirius parked the bike. Regulus got off first, his legs feeling kind of unstable as he stood up for the first time in about an hour. Sirius also got off and stood up, stretching his muscles. With a grin, Sirius wrapped his arm around his baby brother and pulled him up to the steps to the grand door. 
    Unabashed, Sirius banged on the door. His face was bruised, his lips were split, but Sirius was smiling like a loon. His brother was beside him, and his other brother was behind the wooden doors, along with parents who loved and shared instead of shaming and hating. With a quiet creak the big doors were open, to reveal a tiny little creature with floppy ears. Sirius’s grin grew even bigger. He kneeled down and looked at the small creature. 
     “Master Siri? Master Siri hurt?!” “Wotcher Bindy! Think you can get James for me?” The elf nodded and popped away with barely a snap. Sirius turned to his brother, still standing awkwardly and sort of shivering, and flashed him a bright grin. Regulus couldn’t help but send a small grin back, they were together, and that was all that really mattered now. A minute passed before another small popping sound was heard and a shirtless, sleepy looking James was standing at the door, his wand pointed at them. His eyes were still sleepy looking but alert enough to be suspicious. Sirius situated himself in front of his brother, who was a little shocked to see the Gryffindor chaser shirtless and holding a wand on him. 
      “ What prank did I play on Lily Evans in second year?” Sirius grinned doggishly and stood up straight his posture relaxed and sure. 
    “You put a skin-color changing potion in her pumpkin juice, you made her a brilliant scarlet color but changed her hair to gold. Then you called her the Gryffindor Lioness for the next month. She hexed you twelve times.” James relaxed, and rubbed his eyes tiredly. 
      “Dammit Pads. What you doing on my doorstep at four in the bloody morning?” James looked at Sirius more closely, and seemed to finally realize that Regulus was there. Interestingly enough, he seemed to become self-conscious, reaching up and crossing his arms over his chest before acknowledging Regulus. “Uhh, hey Regulus.” An awkward little wave followed. Regulus grinned. Potter was an awkward dork. Regulus grinned and waved back over Sirius’s shoulder. 
     “Hey yourself Potter.” Regulus grinned like a shark, his teeth flashing white in the dim light. Sirius grew tired of being ignored as the other two dark haired boys looked at each other.        “Prongs, you gonna leave us standing in the cold?” That snapped James out of his stupor, and he sheepishly gestured them into his home. Both Black brothers sighed in relief, the feeling of warmth seeping into their bones a welcome sensation after the cold wind whipping at them on their journey. 
      James led them into the kitchen the whole way fussing over Sirius. He had finally realized that his friend was injured, and had began to act like a mother hen which he normally is. Sirius took all the fussing in stride, barely baiting an eye as James forced him into a chair. James called for Bindy, asking her to gather bandages, potions, and to wake his mother. Sirius did start to fuss at that last part.
     “Prongs! Don’t wake your mother for this. I can wait ‘til morning! Seriously Bindy don’t wake Mrs. Potter, I’m fine.” His voice was actually distressed at the idea of waking Mrs. Potter, causing Regulus to tense. Would Mrs. Potter treat them the same way their own mother did? Would she punish Sirius for coming to her home so late? 
    “Pads don’t be daft! You’ve got a broken arm!! I can’t fix that by myself. We need her. Bindy go wake my mother please.” Bindy popped away quickly, her own face worried as she looked at the Black heir. Sirius didn’t seem convinced, but he stopped protesting. His shoulders were still tense though, and his eyes shifted around to look at all the possible exits. Regulus tensed even more. Sirius had driven them here? With a broken arm? He had known his brother was strong, but this was next level of strength.  James having done all he could for Sirius turned his attention to Regulus. His eyes seemed nervous, but he stepped closer to him. 
     “Regulus, do you have any injuries?” James’s eyes seemed to stare through Regulus’s clothes, as if he was mentally undressing him, and imagining all the worst bruises he had seen on Sirius on Regulus’s slender frame. 
      “I’m perfectly fine Heir Potter. Sirius taught me to avoid their wrath from a young age.” James flinched at the formal title his eyes dulling even as a small smile flitted on his lips. 
      “Good, I’m glad you were safe. I’m also glad that Sirius brought you here. No body deserves to be left alone with those... those.... those MONSTERS.” James’s face made it clear that the word monster was inadequate to describe what he thought of the Black parents. Regulus just smiled, tilting his head to the side. James Potter was a strange person. He defended Sirius because they were friends, but why was he so concerned about Regulus? James seemed a little in awe from Regulus’s smile, meeting it with a wry grin of his own.
      The sound of the kitchen door opening broke the little spell Regulus was under. Mrs. Potter was a slightly older woman, but she moved quick as a whip. She was next to Sirius in the time it took Regulus to blink. Her wand was out and she was casting diagnostic spells. Her voice was slightly lower than his mother’s, but it was infused with a sense of warmth. She was muttering spells as she moved, and also fussing over his brother at the same time. Sirius’s face was an interesting color of red, as the matronly woman fussed over him. 
      “Oh you dear boy! What did that horrible woman do to you! You’re black and blue! And that arm! How in Merlin’s name did you travel here with a broken arm! You stubborn boy! You’re lucky you didn’t hurt yourself worse! Wait until I get Fleamont up, flying across the sky on that bike of yours no less! With a broken arm! I ought to to tie you to your bed for your own health! Between you boys I’m not sure who’s going to make me grey!” 
     James was laughing, as his mother was fussing. Sirius was a brilliant red color now, his eyes wide as he watched the matronly woman. He lifted limbs, and moved as she instructed. He barely flinched when she healed his arm, was practically motionless as she then strapped it into a sling to help. He did nothing until she was finished, and she planted a kiss to his forehead, when she moved he looked desperately at James, who was to busy laughing to notice his friend’s distress. 
      Mrs. Potter then turned her attention towards the only other boy in her kitchen. He was a slender thing. His hair not quite long, but definitely shaggy. His eyes were so similar to his brother’s only instead of lighting up with mirth, those grey eyes tracked her movements. She stopped about two steps away from him, her wand clearly in his sight. She noticed that while his face was unreadable, his shoulders had tensed and his eyes shifted to find his brother. He was scared. Unbeknownst to her, Sirius had caught Reg’s eyes and had nodded. She was to be trusted. 
     “Hello dear. My name is Euphemia Potter, but you can call me Effie. Do you need any healing as well? I can’t imagine our Sirius-” here she looked over at the still red faced boy with a motherly smile, “-Let anyone raise a wand to you. But you never know dear.” She turned her attention back to him. Her eyes were hazel like her sons, but where James’s were usually warm and full of laughter, her eyes were full of motherly affection. It was a sight he was unfamiliar with but his heart welcomed immensely. 
     “No ma’am. I’m fine. Like you said, Sirius never let me get injured.” Regulus gave his brother a shy smile, which his brother returned eagerly. Effie looked at Regulus with a mock stern expression. 
    “None of this Ma’am business. Effie I insist. Or if you really feel the need to be formal, Euphemia. Ma’am makes me feel old, and while I’m no spring chick, I refuse to the old hen.”  
      Sirius and James both chuckled, while Regulus grinned. 
      “Euphemia then. Thank you for letting my brother and I into your home. We appreciate your hospitality.” Regulus took her hand and kissed the back of it. 
      Euphemia chuckled, as she curtsied in response. 
      “My aren’t you a little charmer. Sirius! You could learn a thing or two from this young man.” Sirius grinned, his face finally returning to it’s normal pale color. 
      “Nah Effie, who do you think you taught him how to charm the ladies!” Sirius then glanced at James and muttered something under his breath. If Regulus had been closer he would have heard the muttered “And some blokes apparently.” But Regulus was too far to hear the comment that made James turn into a beet root red, but he was close enough to appreciate the way James looked when he was embarrassed. 
    Effie’s laugh tinkled in the room, making all three boys smile. She then called for Bindy to make some tea and some snacks for “her three boys”. Regulus and Sirius both perked up at being included, making James’s heart ache for how starved for family both young boys were. After a quick cuppa and a snack of fairy cakes, the three boys were lead up to their bedrooms. Sirius was placed in the bedroom he utilized when he stayed with the Potter’s for breaks, and Regulus was placed in the room across from his. James told Sirius he would raid his closet for a set of pajamas for the pair of brothers. 
       James returned from his closet with two pairs of pajamas. One set included a white, long sleeve shirt made out of a soft material, and a pair of sleep pants with little gold snitches on them. The other set wasn’t actually sleep wear, but instead was an old black hoodie paired with some grey sweatpants. To Sirius he threw the sweatshirt and sweatpants. He shyly held out his other offering.
        “Here. I don’t know if they’ll fit too well, but since you play quidditch I thought you’d like these. The other pairs.... are a little more Gryffindor colored. I didn’t think you’d appreciate wearing red and gold.” Regulus took the bundle of clothes, noticing that the clothes smelled like James. An interesting mix of spicy and cool, a pleasant mix of cinnamon or cloves, mixed with something citrusy, as well as something that Regulus couldn’t help but describe as warm.  
     “Thanks Potter. These will do great. Loads better than sleeping in a button down and jeans.” James smiled at him again, making a peculiar sensation take hold of Regulus’s stomach, and lower regions. Something to think about later he thought wryly. 
     The boys split up, with the Black brother’s changing into their borrowed clothes. They met up again in James’s room. Sirius, while smaller than James, filled out the clothes quite nicely, with only certain areas being baggy. Regulus however was basically swimming in James’s clothes. The drawstring on the pants, the only thing keeping them up on his slender waist. James upon seeing Regulus swimming in his clothes, had his eyes wide, and kept nervously biting and licking his lips. He also kept crossing his arms and uncrossing them as the boys chatted before bed.
    Regulus wished his brother goodnight, and turned to James. Looking up from under his lashes, he bid the Potter heir a goodnight, before thanking him again. James stuttered out a welcome and attempted to say goodnight as Regulus walked over to his own room. Right before Regulus closed the door, he swore he heard his brother say something along the lines of:
     “Merlin James, that was more awkward then you trying to flirt with Evans!” 
 To which he swore he heard James respond: 
     “ Shove of Pads! You’re no better when you try to flirt with Moony!” 
      As Regulus prepared for bed, he heard the other boys descend into a small argument, which consisted of various insults about the other’s inability to flirt, or their general lack of intelligence. It wasn’t until Euphemia shouted for them to settle down and go to sleep did they finally fall quiet. 
     For the first time in the twelve years that he could consciously remember, Regulus Black fell asleep knowing that when he woke up his brother would be safe, and they wouldn’t have to see their parent’s over the breakfast table. Sleep pulled heavily on Regulus’s eyes, until he fell into a deep slumber, where Regulus dreamed of hazel eyes laughing, a cheeky grin against tanned skin, and his brother’s infectious laughter surrounding him. It was the beginning of a whole chapter in their lives. 
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chibamari · 3 years
If I could love you
Fandom: Ikemen Revolution Pairing(s): Dalim Tweedle x Laura [OC], Sirius Oswald x Kisa Ryujin [OC] Word Count: ca. 1900 Warnings: fluff to spice (minors DNI!), betrayal and angst Author’s Notes: To my dearest friend @iluvsexyvoltageguys as a celebration of Dalim’s route being announced! I know you’ve been waiting for him since day one girl, enjoy 💋
0:45am… What an evening, I thought as I waved goodbye to Sirius, a sleepy Kisa on his back. Ever calm and collected, he couldn’t hide his irritation when he saw Kisa chatting away with her ex-fiancé Jonah earlier. Little did he know that all she did was ask for advice. There were still some secrets uncovered, who knows what’s going to happen between those two. Tired, I closed the door of my pub. I should be happy with how well business has been ever since a certain little princess started working here, however, the copious amounts of attention that she received made the whole ordeal less amusing. Not that I could blame any of them, she was a rare beauty, this one, not only look-wise, though she certainly had her charms in that department as well, but more so her aura. The ladies that belonged to my usual clientele were show ponies - pretty, flaunting what they got, well-mannered, and so shallow it was almost sad. Sad, but enough for a little fun here and there.
Laura was a wild horse. Independent, beautiful and rough around the edges. Absolutely indomitable. Which made my mission all the more alluring - seduce the princess and make her come to the Magic tower. Make her fall for you so deeply and irrevocably that she’ll do anything to ‘save you’. I’m afraid that it was too late for that, having given up my morals and anything important to me a long time ago so I could serve the greater good. I had my own plans and was willing to use any means to achieve them, even if it meant giving up on myself and any chance at happiness.
Some days I regretted this choice, this burden I had laid upon myself. Days like this, breezy summer nights, enjoying a drink after my evening shift with a lovely lady by my side. How wonderful it would be to court you and fall in love with you without the deadly shadow that was looming over my existence alone. Would you believe me if I told you that deceiving you like this was what I would regret the most?
“Dalim, are you okay?” I felt a gentle warmth on my shoulder and I turned to be met with hazel eyes, gazing at me worriedly.
“Are you worried about me? I assure you, there’s no need.”
“I’m not sure I believe you, but it’s fine if you don’t want to talk about it.”
You are far too good for me, princess.
Turning I positioned myself in front of Laura until her back hit the counter, placing my hands on either side of her, trapping her. She wasn’t afraid. You shouldn’t trust me, princess. You should run, Laura Kingsley.
“Are you sure? You might find out a thing or two that’ll make you want to run far, far away from me.” I lifted my hand and gently put a strand of her hair behind her ear. She wasn’t a shy one, but I wasn’t blind to the effect I had on her. My plan was working.
“... I’d never run from you, Dalim. And I’m not scared of you either.”
Her genuine words made my heart ache and my facade crumbled for a moment. Your eyes, princess, they tell me everything I need to know.
I carefully laid my hand upon her cheek, letting my thumb caress it gently.
“You’re so warm, princess.”
I didn’t know what overcame me when I put my arms around her small frame, nuzzling my face into the crook of her neck, letting her scent engulf me. She felt so right in my arms and just for now, I wanted to pretend that this was real. I felt her arms circle around me and pull me in closer, a warm, peaceful sensation spreading throughout my entire body, giving me goosebumps.
“You too…”, she sighed contently. 
I didn’t want this moment to end and yet it did, when something happened that surprised even me, as Laura cradled my face with her soft hands and pressed her lips on mine. 
… What?
I wanted to cry, whether out of happiness or regret, I couldn’t tell. Her lips were softer than I imagined, something I’d done a hundred times or more. 
Oh Laura, you shouldn’t-
Feeling her fingers rake through my hair made me forget everything else. I gently bit her lower lip, eliciting a tiny gasp from her. I let my tongue taste her lips that she opened willingly, continuing to cautiously explore hers.
Was I still putting on a facade?
Her hands were now roaming over my body, moving from my biceps, down my sides, to my hips and-
I couldn’t stop the moan when her nimble fingers undid my belt. Slowly disengaging from the kiss, I breathed heavily, as I let my forehead rest on hers.
“Princess, you don’t-”
“I know, but… I want you. Do you not..?”
Oh, if you only knew.
Should I be happy that my plan succeeded? That she wanted me like this? That soon enough I could take her to Lord Amon?
No… I wasn’t happy. Not even one bit. How could I be when I had to betray the person who has come to mean the most to me?
“Of course I do.”, I hissed, as her hand sneaked her way into my trousers, grazing my growing hardness.
“Mhhmm, I can feel that.”, she smirked and grabbed me, pumped me a few times before she pulled down the layers of clothes, her body moving downwards along with them.
Oh no.
My breath caught in my throat when she pressed a kiss on the tip, a few milky drops now adorning her rosy lips. The duality of this gesture stole all reason from my mind. Her gaze met mine, and without breaking eye contact she took my pulsing hardness into her mouth all the way.
I whimpered and it spurned her own and my knees threatened to give out beneath me. My entire body shivered when her nails gently scratched down my thighs, one hand reaching up to fondle my other private parts. 
Fuck, my princess really knows what she’s doing.
A sting of jealousy interrupted my enjoyment - Has she done this with many guys? Imagining her with anyone else at all was not a pleasant thought. Who am I to judge though… I was not a saint myself, and she knew that. 
In order to have some sort of stability I gently grabbed a fistful of her hair, observing if she gave any sort of response, but she just continued, and I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer. Laying my hand on her cheek, I pushed her back, forcing her to look back up at me.
“You’re gonna be the end of me, princess…”, guiding her to stand back up, I grabbed her hips and lifted her on top of the counter. Perfect.
I positioned myself between her legs, pushing them apart, giving me a great view of what was underneath that skirt… Red lace. My naughty princess. My body completely controlled by lust hoisted up her skirt, swiftly removing her damp panties.
“A little souvenir for myself if you’ll allow it.”, I brought them up to my face and took one deep breath. Delicious. Her panties found a new home in my breast pocket before my hands returned their attention to her naked legs, stroking up and down, each time a bit further upwards until I could feel the heat that her core emanated. As if pulled by an invisible force, my hand disappeared completely below her skirt, touching the velvet wetness in between.
I shivered. She wants me that much, huh? I was no stranger to female desire, but I can’t say it has ever given me the kind of confidence that it did right in this moment. God, she feels so inviting. I laid my chin on her shoulder, so she wouldn’t notice the blush that was surely spreading on my face, slowly starting to rub her, closely observing her every reaction. She gasped when I stroked over the sensitive pearl, desperately holding onto me when I increased my speed. I felt my hardness twitch at her reactions. How much I want her…
Let’s see what she does when-
“Fuck, Dalim-!”
My princess cursed when two of my fingers found their way into her. She clenched around me, sucking my fingers in and I nuzzled my face into her hair, as my other hand held the back of her head. 
I love it when you say my name, like I’m the only one who can make you feel like this.
Her tiny hands grabbed my bum and it took me everything to keep it together. But my efforts were to no avail when she pulled me closer, only to grab my wrist and take my fingers into her mouth. Her cashmere tongue swirled around my fingers and I was hypnotised by the sight.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?”
The question was more rhetorical than anything, because she’d never understand the extent to which she has shaken up my cursed life. My chest felt tight when I looked into her eyes, so vulnerable, so completely open with her desire… If I could only-
“Show me then.”
Without another word I grabbed her thighs, aligning myself in front of her entrance. Could I really do this? Sex never meant anything to me other than to relieve myself, maybe seduce one or another aristocratic lady into telling me the newest rumors in Cradle… But what about now? Is reaching my goal still the only reason? Then why is my heart beating so fast and why… Why do I want this to mean more for her too? I laid my lips upon hers as I slowly pushed myself inside of her. 
This is not sex, this is more. So, so much more. She moaned my name when I started to move, clinging tightly to me and I kept kissing her. Whatever happens, princess, I hope this will make you understand. Please, please understand that nothing about this is a facade. This I could never fake with you. 
Right now you are completely mine and I am yours. And I wished you always were.
Her nails dug into my back, waves of pleasure shooting through every fibre of my being and I moaned into her mouth, unable to hold back any longer. My thrusts became harder, out of rhythm and we melted into one another. Wanting her to finish before me, my fingers found my way to her clit again, rubbing her as if my life depended on it. Please, please enjoy this as much as I do.
“Please cum for me, princess-!”
Laura tightened around me and I slammed my hand on the counter, one, two final thrusts and I came undone inside of her, shaking as I held her against me, leaning on the counter.
We basked in the afterglow of our lovemaking. Yes, lovemaking, I didn’t know any other word for it. I kissed her gently, still holding her close so I could enjoy the feeling of being inside her warmth as long as possible.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.”
Oh, princess.
If I could love you… I’d be the happiest man on earth.
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sweeethinny · 4 years
Because it's the godfather's job
In case you haven't noticed yet, I love James Sirius, and, unfortunately, there are few things about him (usually, he is the son of the devil, he is so terrible...) so, I write the scenes that I would love to read here's another one, because I always imagined this scene
'’Can I talk to you?'’ James asked, entering the Weasleys' kitchen, intercepting Ron and the task of roasting the pig
‘‘Sure, what do you need?’’ Ron looked at his godson, almost his size, much older than he used to be when he sat on the counter and watched Ron cutting meat. ‘’Why do I think I’m going to have to lie to your parents?’’ The boy laughed, leaning next to him and stuffing his hands in his pockets, seeming to think better of how to say what he wanted
‘’Have you… you ..’’ His confidence seemed to reach zero, his whole face turning red like the peppers Ron had cut earlier ‘’Have you had any problems?’’
‘’What kind of problems are we talking about? I got into a hundred of them’’ He pondered, remembering his teenage years with Harry ‘’Did you punch someone in the face? Or did you drive your dad's car?’’ James denied, touching his hair and looking at his feet.
‘’Problems .. intimate’’ The boy got even redder
''Intimate? Where the hell did you go ... Oh, I know where you went'' Ron dropped the knife, looking almost alarmed by his godson
‘’What a bad pun’’ James pointed out
''But I believe this is what this conversation is about?'' He waited, imagining the silence was a yes ''Wait a minute, let's not talk about this here'' Ron finished setting up dinner, putting it on fire and cleaning the sink before walking out of the kitchen, being obediently followed by James to the house library, putting silencing spells on the door before sitting in one of the armchairs and watching him lie on the couch in front of him ''What happened?''
''Me.. A friend of mine'' Ron wanted to laugh, but he remained serious ''He did everything right, well, he thinks he did.. But in the end, he found out that ... nothing had happened to her'' James looked to his godfather, alarmed as if he had killed someone ''Like, she said it was good, but if it had really been good, something would have happened. Right? It's science!’’
‘’Did your father ever have this conversation with you? Because I still have a few free years before Hugo needs it, and I’m very happy with it’’ Ron said
‘’Yes’’ James muttered, a little irritated ‘’But I can’t come and tell him this, it’s embarrassing’’
‘’And for me, isn’t it?’’ James looked at Ron, shrugging
‘’It’s not so terrible .. Dad wasn't going to keep it a secret, and then Mom will knocked on my door to talk about the female body, and I definitely don’t need it. Last week they forgot about the silencing charm, and it was traumatic enough’’ Not holding on any longer, Ron laughed, feeling sorry for the poor godson who looked tormented remembering the scene.
‘’Ok boy, I know how it is’’
‘’Listening to them or the problem? I don’t know which is worse, honestly’’ James said
''Both. But about the problem .. I went through this a few times, and I know, it is bloody frustrating, but the female body works differently from ours, not only because we are almost a horny animal at this age, but because they need to more attention than us'' Ron started, remembering everything Bill had said to him a good few years ago
‘’Teddy told me something about it, he said he would talk to me about it, but he had to travel and now, I was embarrassed’’ James sighed ‘‘But it mustn’t be so bad .. Aunt Hermione is still married to you’’
‘’OI! Do you want me to tell your mom about your problem?’’ James laughed with Ron ‘’It was at the beginning, and it’s normal, you’re still getting to know each other’’
''But what I do? I just… wait?’’
‘’No, you do other things. Before, during ... after. Merlin presented you with fingers and mouth boy, just because you reached that level, it doesn’t mean they don’t exist anymore’’ James frowned, staring at Ron
‘’Mouth?’’ Oh Harry, he thought, did you really leave this job for me to explain?
''Yes. Okay, here'' Ron got up, walking around the library looking for a specific book that he hid among others, thinking that possibly he would have to get Hugo a copy when he reached that age ''It is not just in a place where you have to concentrate'' he said, pulling the chair closer to his godson and opening the book on the decorated page. A drawing of a female anatomy appeared on the sheet, not sexualized and indecent as in a pornographic magazine, but still quite explicit
''Let's pretend this is an anatomy class, so it's less embarrassing'' Ron asked, picking up the quill from his desk and circling the middle of the drawing's legs ''A woman will hardly come with ... with just one stick inside her'' He felt his ears burn, but he continued, without even looking at his godson ''She has'' Ron circled where are demarcated ''A clitoris, and you need to move it, even during sex''
‘’Even during?’’ James asked. Ron nodded
‘’Yes .. I’m going to assume you’re already familiar with it, thinking you’ve been dating for… two years?’’ He asked, finally looking at the boy
''One and a half year''
''Great. So, before the ... act, or after it, if she didn't get there, you can do other things ... '' Ron continued his explanation, enumerating the most important parts and sharing tips, not thinking too much about the fact that he was helping his godson to have sex right (he would do it with or without help, it was preferable that he did it the right way).
‘’Where have you been?’’ Ginny asked as they entered the living room, laughing and discussing Puddlemore’s results in relation to the other teams, barely seeming to have talked about sex less than five minutes ago.
‘’Speaking of important things’’ James shrugged, sitting next to Lily who was talking to Hugo ‘’Quidditch and those things’’
''Yeah, it was to be expected that Harry would teach the boy to pick the right snitch, but as he didn't ...It's a godfather's job to help'' Ron smiled, winking at his godson and ignoring the raised eyebrow and the suspicious look the man gave to he "So .. shall we have dinner?"
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