#he loves that he ruined this man’s stupid lil plan
hairstevington · 1 year
Hi! I would love to see the 1st Valentine’s Day prompt(a bouquet of their favourite flowers) for steddie! Specifically Eddie bringing Steve flowers(idk why but I’m a firm believer that Steve secretly loves getting gifted flowers lol!). If you do do this thank you so much!! <3333
Ahhhhhh yes LET’S GOOOO!!! Thanks for the request! (Ao3 link here!)
Word Count: 1.3K
Warnings: Some reeeeal fluffy shit, Eddie secretly pining over his best friend Steve, gay scheming, romance
A/N: This ended up being a bit more than just flowers, but hopefully it suffices! If anyone else is interested here is the prompt post, I also took inspiration from this cute lil post by @grandwretch :)
Eddie always teased Steve about his romantic conquests. They frequently discussed best practices for him to woo women - including knowing their favorite color, their birthday, their favorite movie, etc. Eddie watched Steve date beautiful woman after beautiful woman, always putting in so much effort and getting so little back.
That's probably why Eddie started doing it.
"Should I get her the blue bracelet or the green one?" Steve would ask.
"I dunno man, what's her favorite color?"
"Blue. But her eyes are green."
"Get the blue. The two colors look good together anyway," Eddie answered as if he was somehow the person to ask about such things. He'd never really dated anyone, but he'd seen a lot of movies, and watched a lot of high school couples date each other.
"Thanks," Steve would say. He was always appreciative for the second opinion, even though the opinion was based on nothing.
"No problem," Eddie smiled. "Hey, what's your favorite color?"
Any time Steve asked for advice, Eddie would eventually turn it back on Steve. It was all part of his master plan, you see - he wanted to make Steve feel special on Valentine's Day. Not in a gay way, he told himself. Steve's my friend, it's not like that.
He tried to convince himself he was doing it platonically, or because it would be funny to see Steve all flustered, but deep down Eddie knew that it was far more than that.
But him and Steve were friends, and that's all they'd ever be, and he'd accepted that.
A week before Valentine's Day, there was a package on Steve's doorstep addressed to him. He wasn't expecting any mail, and the box was so haphazardly wrapped it was almost scary. Like, he was pretty sure he'd seen this exact set-up in a horror movie. Main character gets mysterious package that ends up ruining their life.
(It didn't end up ruining his life, but it sure as hell changed it)
Inside the box was a teddy bear - one of those real cutesie ones you find at a giftshop this time of year. Steve was confused, and wondered if it was even delivered to the right place - sure enough, there was a handwritten note that confirmed it. I call him Steve Bearington, it read. Steve smiled, but still had no idea who it was from. The girl that he'd gone on a few dates with could never have been responsible for the disastrous way the gift was wrapped. He shrugged. It must have been a secret admirer - he got those sometimes.
He told Eddie about it the next day, and Eddie pretended to act surprised. He didn't want to give his secret away, especially when he went so far as to ask some random person to write out the stupid note so that Steve wouldn't recognize his handwriting. He probably should have asked them to wrap it, too, but whatever. Steve was so happy about it, so Eddie continued with his plan.
Eddie learned that Steve liked sour candy over chocolate, so he got him some. Then he wrote him a poem - it wasn't, like, the greatest thing ever written, but Eddie did tend to have a way with words. He delivered the candy two days before Valentine's Day, and on the eve of the holiday he had one of his other friends discreetly stick the poem on Steve's front door and ding-dong-ditch while he and Eddie were hanging out, just to throw him off his game even more.
"Oh my god, they did it again," Steve said when he picked the poem from the door. "Who is this person?" Eddie appreciated that he said person, instead of woman.
"What does it say?" Eddie asked, biting his lip to keep from grinning. He watched as Steve read it to himself first, his brow furrowing.
"It's, uh," he said, folding it nicely and putting it in his pocket. "It's good."
Hell yeah it is, Eddie thought to himself.
Steve had a date on Valentine's Day - Eddie knew this, and it was to be expected anyway, since Steve almost always had a date on most days. He was leaving at 7, so Eddie showed up at 6.
Steve didn't have much more to do to get ready for the date - he was already having a good hair day, and he'd picked out an outfit that had done him well in the past. He just was still caught up on who wrote him that poem.
Nobody had written him a poem before, like ever. Steve hadn't ever attempted to write one for anyone else. He wasn't that good at analyzing them in English class, so he'd grown a bit tired of poetry as a whole.
But the one left on his front door sparked a new appreciation for it.
He was confused when the doorbell rang, because he wasn't expecting anybody. Then, he wondered if maybe, he'd find another poem out there.
Instead, he found Eddie. Well, actually, he found a person standing there with flowers covering their face, but the mane of curly brown hair surrounding the flowers gave him away.
They were daisies. Eddie was probably the only person in the world that knew Steve liked daisies, and it wasn't even something he'd explicitly said. He just knew he was drawn to them when he saw them, and he'd pointed them out a few times while he was with Eddie.
"Special Valentine's delivery for Harrington!" Eddie announced, letting himself in. Steve watched as he set them on the table, confident as always, a bright smile on his face. But Steve was mostly just confused.
"What...the hell?" Eddie's bravado faltered just a little bit.
"Hasn't anyone ever gotten you flowers before?" Eddie asked.
"No, but I've bought a lot of flowers before, and -"
"Tsk tsk tsk," Eddie interrupted. "My point exactly. You deserve flowers too, Steve."
"God, what's with all the gifts from people this week?" Steve whined, completely overwhelmed. "Between this and the secret admirer thing, I just -"
Steve's head was spinning, and he wasn't the most observant person, but he did have enough sense to notice the way Eddie winced at the mention of the secret admirer.
"Yeah, well," Eddie said, his tone softer than before. "Like I said, you deserve it."
There was a thick silence as Steve realized what was happening.
"Eddie..." he said, putting it all together. Eddie was the only one who would have known to get him any of that stuff. Steve openly told Eddie all kinds of things he never admitted to anyone else, because he didn't think Eddie was paying attention. He certainly didn't think Eddie had been filing it away to do this.
"I hope you have a good date tonight," Eddie said, suddenly feeling quite stupid about this whole thing. He turned to leave, but Steve stopped him.
"The poem - you wrote it?" Eddie nodded.
Steve thought about straight-up reciting it to Eddie in that moment, to prove to him just how much he liked it. He'd read it so many times it was burned into his brain, just as he wanted it to be.
He wasn't expecting this from his best friend, but he was shocked at how weird it didn't feel. Finding out Eddie had been his secret admirer just made sense.
"Doesn't have to be a big deal," Eddie mumbled. "I just - I don't want this to - Like, I'm sorry if -"
"I gotta go cancel my plans with Deb," Steve said.
"She'll live. Besides, it wouldn't be that cool of me to go out with someone when I'm thinking about someone else."
"What?" Eddie repeated. He really didn't expect to get this far. "What are you saying?"
Steve smiled - his brilliant, trademark smile that always made Eddie feel warm inside.
"Do you wanna be my Valentine, Munson?"
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silent-raven13 · 2 months
(AU: Ya'll ever read No, David? That lil fuckin' cholo silver teeth lookin ass brat? I just had a thought 😂)
Miguel shouting at the punker, who's wobbling to the edge of building, "NO, BROWN! I swear to GOD if you jump in that fucking pool of possessed Spider-people, I will kill you myself!" The last thing they needed was this ridiculous punker joining in on the chaos of all of this!
Hobie grinning widely under his mask being very tempted, and hated being told what to do. The gang were in a world where Dr. Oct created a dangerous serum that got Spider-people to do his bidding, and leaking out green salvia with their mouths morphed into Spider mouth. Seems like this Dr. Oct found a way to copy Shathra being similar to her Spider Wasp beings.
Luckily Lyla was working on a cure, while Miguel is trying to keep the gang from changing and stopping the mad-villain. However, Hobie saw the opportunity to fuck shit up as always! Why is it when Miguel always say no, there's always trouble from Spider-punk?
"Is that a threat?" Spider-Punk innocently asked with his goofy Spider-Punk mask beaming at Spider-man 2099.
Peni in her Sp//dr suit letting out a low groan, "Hobie, NO! Come on, this is serious!"
Miguel growling through his teeth. Pavtri had his hands out, "You know, Miguel doesn't mean it. Hobie, come on, my dude!"
"Brown, I am warning you!" The older Spider-man growls in anger.
"Mmm, I'm hearing a yes?" The Spider-Punk stick his long lanky leg out pretending to fall.
"NO, HOBIE! Bad! I'ma tell on Miles!" Peni shouted.
Spider-Punk quickly stood back hearing his Sunflower's name. Then, the massive urge to jump to the pile of infected people with Ace monstrous features got him pump. Those intrusive thoughts winning especially when Miguel commanded, "It's an order, Brown. Get over here, now!"
"Okay. Okay, no need to get your trousers in a mix." Hobie happily walks away at the edge hearing relief sighs, then he quickly turns back to jump down, "PSYCH! You thought!"
They all had their mouth dropped when their punker friend literally got infected all because his intrusive thoughts were in the way!
"HIJO DE SU PUTA MADRE!" Miguel cursing out loud enrage by his fellow Spider-Punk, ruining another mission just to fuck with him. The rest of the Spider-heroes saw their friend already turned into a freaky humanoid Spider causing ruckus.
"ALL FOR ANARCHY! I LOVE IT!" He shouted before he made odd growls.
"Ugh, and we needed him, too." Peni groans.
Pavtri rolled his eyes, "So what do we do now?"
"Hey guys, Miles was able to knock out Dr. Oct! How's your part of the plan going?" Gwen asked as she speaks through the intercom.
Miguel already raging at the side having to curse out in Spanish. Peni and Pavtri stood on top of the building with no luck of achieving their goal, "Yeah, about that..." Peni began.
Gwen let out a low groan, "Don't tell me... Hobie?"
"Yeah." The two sounded so bum about this outcome and exhausted.
"And Miguel?" She asked.
Pavtri answered, "He's uhhh..." Seeing his leader still ranting out loud in anger, "might need a drink later..."
"Oh god!" Gwen growls.
Then Miles' voice appeared, "What? What happened? Did the mission failed?" He had tied up the Dr. Oct variant up with metal bars. Then stood with his friend being confused.
"Guess." She sighs being exhausted.
"What did Hobie do this time?" Miles' voice already sounded drained knowing full well this was his boyfriend's doings. "Gawd, please tell he didn't jump in the infected?"
"He jumped in the infected." They all said with tiredness in their voice a bit annoyed at that.
"UGHHH! Let me go get him!" Miles groans, "Gwen, you have to go over there and help them. I'll be here and bring back Hobie since he's acting like a damn two year old!"
"Okay, be careful. Hobie might be a monster and hurt you." Gwen pointed out then chuckles, "Ha, that sounded stupid when I said that out loud."
"Then, I'll whack the shit out of him for being dumb!" Miles huffs already headed out to search for his man. Gwen went over to the other group to help them out with their goal in breaking in the building to let Lyla have control.
Meanwhile, Miles spotted his boyfriend causing a mess. "NO, HOBIE! PUT THAT DOWN!" He jump behind his boyfriend being a few inches away.
Possessed Hobie made sounds out of his mouth, this was Shathra all over again! Miles crosses his arms, "Hobie, you are in big trouble! Why did you turned into this?"
"Grr... hissssss, SsSSUNFLOWER!" His Spider-Punk happily rushes over to give him a hug knowing a familiar scent and face. His Sunflower being present had brought back his memories and focus on being his Spider-Punk self.
"Bae, you're infected! Stay put." Miles took a step back.
"NNNOOOO, Sunflower! Huuuggg meee!" He follows his boyfriend wanting affection.
Miles was able to lead his boyfriend away from the rest of the infected into the building where Dr. Oct was capture. His Spider-Punk fighting off any infected trying to get close to him, which was a good thing that infection isn't madding the punker.
Hobie snuggle his Sunflower when having the chance, "Sunflower!"
"Hobie, if you bite me, I will give you the Silent treatment." His Sunflower warned him as he types into the computer to have the building where his friends are opened up.
"Nooooooo!" He buries his face into his shoulder wanting cuddles. "Pay attention to me!"
"Okay, guys. I got it." He said through the intercom as his boyfriend became super needy.
"Alright, we're in!" Gwen answered.
After all that, the mission became a success. Lyla was able to make a cure, and had everyone turned back to normal. Miles grab his boyfriend's shirt giving him a full blown lecture, "Next time, you decided to let your intrusive thoughts get in your way, I will personally punish you, Hobie! No means No! I know, damn well you only did it to piss off Miguel."
Hobie stupidly stand with his legs a few inches apart to be on his boyfriend's level, his Spider-Punk mask being so bug eyed. "You're going to punish me, luv? Kinky."
"Oh shut up!" Miles keeping his serious attitude, "Next time, your not gonna be in a mission with me."
"Nooo, luv! Don't be so cruel!" His punker whines, seeing how much he upsetter his boyfriend. "Don't ignore me."
Miles gave him the silent treatment. Gwen slurp her slushie, "So... you think it was worth it?" She looks at Hobie.
Peni and Pavtri chuckles seeing the punker being dragged by holding on Miles' ankles. Good that what's he gets.
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ikeupedia · 1 year
pairings. classmate! Riki x fem reader
sypnosis. reader is about to confess to riki but someone did it first.
wc. 0.7k
genre. a tiny little bit of angst
warnings. cliffhanger, swear words
note. this is my first time writing 😭😭 so it might be a lil corny 🏃‍♀️ tell me if i did anything wrong?
italicized texts - thoughts
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MAY 24TH, the day you and riki met. usually both of you would celebrate it, but since exams are coming, you arent sure if you guys would be able to celebrate
You won't lie you do miss riki alot, it's been awhile since both of you hung out. stupid exams
"God I can't wait for the exams to end, I'm so drained from studying." you say as you pack your things from the library and leave. I wonder if riki and I will be able to celebrate? Lost in your own thoughts, you did not notice your surroundings and bumped into someone.
"ow-" you said. You were about to fall when a certain person catched you.
"be careful y/n" you look up to see... riki, such perfect timing you thought to yourself
"Thanks riki.. sorry for bumping into you" ill use this opportunity to ask if we could celebrate..
"It's no problem y/nie" riki says.
"i was thinking if we could celebrate? for you know.." I say as i look on his lips, fighting the urge to kiss him. if only i could confess but i'm scared of ruining of our friendship
"oh sur-" he was about to reply when someone called him.
"Riki!" his friend calls him. "What's up man? You still down for later?"
Riki stands there frozen, shit i forgot about my plans with jake.. i'll just celebrate with y/n tomorrow he thinks
"yeah jake, you don't have to tell me twice" he rolls his eyes.
the atmosphere gets awkward as you watch them interact with eachother, i guess he's busy today, we'll just celebrate another time.
Riki then turns to you, staring at you with those eyes you love most. If he keeps staring at me like that im gonna melt
"hey um.. i'm a bit busy today but we can celebrate tomorrow though? If you're cool with that" the boy says
"oh yeah totally! Im fine with it, I understand.." I am not fine, its been days since you guys hung out! Yet he chooses to be with jake rather than celebrating with you
Feeling dejected, you walk away and go home to call jungwon
jw: so, have you confessed yet?
y/n: no.. im too scared, what if i ruin our friendship?
jw: come on y/n.. you know it's not healthy to bottle your feelings up, it's best if you just confess already!
y/n: it's not that easy wonie.. I don't even think he likes me back
jw: it'll be fine y/nie..
jw: i have to go now ill see you tomorrow
y/n: alright.. bye won!
you sigh, jungwon always had your back and you were grateful for it. At some point you feel that you like jungwon a bit..
crushing on jungwon?!
why would i even like jungwon? Ive been curshing on riki for almost a year.. now that i see it, jungwon always had a way to make me smile.. his cat eyes..
"I shouldnt be thinking of this." I shake my head. what is wrong with me? Maybe jungwon is the one afterall
--- MAY 25, after exams
"okay this is it" i'm finally going to confess, he might reject but i don't care anymore. Im going to try my shot
I walk through the halls looking for riki "where the hell is that kid" i was having a hard time finding him since it's crowded..
"found him!" I quickly run to him but abruptly stopped due to what i saw..
Riki was kissing another girl!
I guess I was too late.. I immediately try to walk away but i guess he saw me
"Y/n!" well shit
i turn around and see riki waving at me with his hands around that girls shoulder. Every step i take towards them shatters my heart
"hey riki!" i say trying not to sound broken, tears are starting to form
"are you okay? you look like you're about to cry.." Goddamn he noticed
"oh it's just about the exams, i got a low score" great lie y/n
"just so you know grades dont define you okay?"
"yeah i know.." i cant stand it anymore.. i feel like im about to burst into tears
"also meet my girlfriend!" wow girlfriend huh.. i feel my heart drop, i guess i really am too late
"congrats riki! you better treat her right, anyways i have to go bye!" i say as i run away from the both of them
i arrive home balling my eyes out, i call the first person that comes into my mind..
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jemmo · 2 years
do you know what i love even more about the vegaspete scene in this ep? the fact that in this ep is when we see vegas unmasked. we’ve had all these rumblings about how awful vegas really is, how he’s evil and how he’s dangerous and how he’s gonna fuck over the main family, but we’ve never really seen it until now. and in that way, we’re like porsche and tawan, two men vegas has been playing with and two men he’s tried to ruin. porsche he played innocent with, sweet, flirted at first but when he realized that wasn’t getting through, that kinn was too protective and porsche wouldn’t fall for him like that, he still got in his mind with that whole “kill me nicely” speech last ep. and tawan, who he strung around with pretend romance and love and promises of marriage, all to manipulate him into doing his bidding, completing his plan. now porsche sees vegas as the man the rumors say he is, evil and scheming and dangerous, and tawan realizes that all he’s been told has been a lie, that the ring is just a ring, that he was just a playing piece to vegas and nothing else. and when unmasked, both porsche and tawan react how vegas wants them to, they’re horrified and broken and disgusted and angry. that’s what vegas wants, what he thrives of, getting that response out of people. he wants to be threatening and dangerous and feared. and he’s played the game with pete too, flashed small smiles, acted nice and calm, never done anything outright terrifying or threatening. so now, when pete is stripped and bound, and vegas is coming towards him with the ability and the promise to break him, when he’s unmasked, he wants that response. but he doesn’t get it. because pete smiles. he laughs, he looks the evil in its face and grins. and you see, it makes vegas mad. bc when pete is screaming and writhing in pain, vegas is smiling, his face is lit up with sadistic joy. but when pete smiles back, his face drops, gets stiff, there’s that angry tension behind that smile that says “you dare laugh at me”. it makes him angry, it makes him wanna give pete more, make him suffer more. and it plays in to pete’s hands. because pete can take it. bc more than any kind of joy or kick he gets from the pain, what will delight him more, is seeing the way he can get under vegas’ skin, and make him break just as much as he is breaking.
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metalbuckaroo · 3 years
Hey, lovely! For your sleepover. How about...
“I desperately want to take you out for dinner and slow dance with you until the sun comes up, but I also want to grip your hair as I watch you writhing underneath me.”
Please feel free to ignore if you received this. 💖
Checking In
Summary// A hotel getaway with Bucky's favorite receptionist
Warnings// Lil angsty, some fluff, some smut, cursing, tiny mention of drinking, 18 plus only, minors dni
Note// I kinda love this request. I didn't use the quote, but its based off of the quote, this also got LONG and took sooo long.
My new masterlist and taglist will hopefully be done tomorrow night.
Im really hoping it doesn't flop bc I'm lowkey proud of it and also spent a lot of time on it
Moodboard by @commonintrest
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This was the slowest Bucky had went with someone in a very long time. Three dates in and he hadn't even had the chance to see you naked. It was driving him crazy to say the least.
Anyone else wouldn't have gotten a call back, but for you; it made him want it even more. So, he came up with an idea to take that extra step.
Walking into the hotel you worked at, he gave a nod to the security guard and flashed you a charming smile; his hair much shorter than when you saw him last. "Like the haircut." You said, turning in the chair to look at him. "Feels more... professional."
"Checking in again?" You asked, leaning your chin on the base of your palm, reaching your other hand to card your fingers through the short hair.
Bucky shook his head and leaned his forearms on the desktop. "No. We are checking in somewhere else. Tonight, when you're off."
His eyes trailed down to the top of your blouse, looking at the few buttons that where open. "Buck, I'm not staying in a hotel with you." You smiled, shaking your head. "Come on, I'll sleep on the couch if you're too uncomfortable." He smirked.
You thought it over for a moment before sighing and nodding your head. "Yeah, ok." You agreed, letting him pull you in for a brief kiss by the back of your neck. "Fantastic. I'll be here at five to get you."
"I'll have to go get cl-" Bucky shook his head at you. "Won't need 'em." He said, turning to walk out. "Bucky, don't you dare."
"See ya tonight, pretty girl."
As promised, five o'clock hit and Bucky was pulling in front of the doors in his sleek black car; quickly getting out.
His usual suit was traded in for a more casual button up tee and dark jeans, the prosthetic that matched the shape of his right arm perfectly on display.
He rounded the desk and picked up your bag. "You can't be back here." You teased, making him roll his eyes. "Come along, babydoll. We have plans." He said, hand between your shoulder blades to guide you with him.
Bucky's plan would surely get that extra step at least jumpstarted. The heated make out sessions in his car when he dropped you off were starting to get to him.
He refused to call anyone else to handle the tightening of his jeans, the wait made him yearn for you even more.
So, he patiently waited as you changed into the lavender sundress he'd sent for, listened and talked over dinner on the patio of the motel, and just basked in your enjoyable presence.
"Dance with me." You said, hand laying on his bicep. He chuckled lightly and shook his head. "I don't dance, sugar."
You raised your eyebrows and cocked your head to the side, fingers tracing down the vein that ran the length of his arm and to his hand. "Well, you're going to, or you'll be sleeping in that room alone." You laced your fingers in his and he looked at you with an amused expression. "Oh, really now?"
"Mhm, c'mon. It's a slow one, so you won't embarass yourself." You teased, feeling his hands on your hips as soon as you turned your back to him. "I never said I couldn't dance. Just that I don't, babydoll." His gruff voice said in your ear, moving to stand in front of you once in the midst of the other couples enjoying their night.
"Couldn't say no to you if I tried anyways." He said softly as your hands rested on the back of his neck, his on the dip of your waist.
The Bucky who took you on dates was different than the Bucky who strolled in your lobby at least once every two weeks. He wasn't glowering when he looked at you; instead he had a smile that made the corner of his eyes crinkle and your heart flutter.
He hadn't smiled so hard and so much in years. He was addicted. To your voice, fiery attitude, and gleaming smile; and he couldn't even imagine how much more he'd crave once he finally got a taste of you.
"Gonna let me sleep in the bed, pretty girl?" He cooed, hands roaming over the swell of your ass. "Of course, Mr Barnes." You grinned, pecking a kiss to his dimpled chin. "Could dance with you all night if you wanted me to." He said, squeezing gently. "I wouldn't complain."
His lips slotted over yours, your eyes fluttering shut at the softness of them.
He suddenly lifted his head, bottom lip brushing the tip of your nose as you opened your eyes again.
Bucky's cold demeanor he usually had while walking through the lobby of the hotel returned, smile fading into a deep scowl as he looked at something behind you.
"Is something wrong?" You asked, worry lacing your voice as you cupped his stubbled jaw in your hands, feeling the muscle of it flex. "Just stay close." He murmured, pulling you closer to his front.
You furrowed your eyebrows at him, lips parting to say something, but the stern look in his eyes stopping you as they stayed glued on whatever was behind you.
"Barnes, didn't expect to see you here- like this." A voice that was slightly higher in pitch than Bucky's sounded from behind you.
Bucky tucked you into his side, hand on the small of your back as he stared at the shorter man. "Just enjoying my night. That a problem?"
You swallowed thickly and gripped onto the back of Bucky's shirt, crumbling the perfectly ironed fabric in your fist as your heart pounded. "Needa talk." The man said.
Bucky's eyes flicked to a group of men sitting at the corner of the patio before looking back to the man in from of him. "Go sit down. Order us some more drinks." Bucky said sternly. "Bucky-"
He finally looked down at you with an icy stare, making you shrink back slightly. "Now isn't the time to argue with me. Go sit down." The tone of his voice was one you hadn't heard before.
You nodded and turned to walk back to the table, picking at your nails as you took your seat again.
Looking to where Bucky was sat at the table with the group, you chewed your bottom lip. You knew what you were getting into when accepting that first date, you just didn't think it'd follow you everywhere.
He tried to stay patient, he was in rival territory and knew it was a terrible idea; but this was one of the nice hotels and he wanted the weekend spent right. Keeping his cool was the only way he was going to be able to do that.
He was barely even listening to half of what the men were saying, glancing over at your nervous posture as you picked the nails he had just paid to get manicured; even though you protested against taking his money.
Until one statement had his head snapping back towards one of them. "The girl seems... sweet. Make you happy?" It wasn't meant in a way a friend would ask when checking up on another friend. Bucky felt it burn through him like a threat.
"Yeah, well, she's got a mouth on her and I'm losing my patience. So, you men have a good night, you owe my girl an apology for ruining her night." He stood, teeth gritting together.
You noticed Bucky's tense stance and straightened in your seat as he got closer. "Rude bastards." Bucky grumbled, taking your hand in his and tugging for you to stand. "What did they want?"
Bucky thought about lying, but he promised you he wouldn't. "Talk business. Can't believe they'd interrupt me over stupid bullshit." He sneered, pulling you along with him back into the hotel. "Where are we going? They're going to bill you for those drinks." You huffed, picking up your pace to walk next to him. "Don't care."
By the time the two of you reached the door to your room, Bucky had you pressed against it; fumbling to swipe the key card as his lips attacked yours.
Your hands fisted into the front of his shirt to keep your balance as shoes were kicked off, Bucky backing you towards the bed with his large hands holding the sides of your face.
You fell back onto the bed when the backs of your knees met the edge of the mattress, taking him with you; Bucky's body parting your legs.
The kiss was hungry and desperate, sharing breaths as his hands gripped at your outer thighs and pawed their way under the skirt of your dress.
You pulled away from the kiss, breathless as he dipped his head to latch his lips on the underside of your jaw. "Bucky, wait-" You panted, pressing his shoulders lightly. "What?" He breathed, stopping all movements as he looked at you; eyes dark and lips kiss swollen. "I-"
"You're a virgin. We can wait, if so." He cut you off, face dropping slightly. "No, no. It's not that. I just haven't had sex in awhile." You said, gnawing at your tongue. "Want me to go slower?"
"I just don't want to take things too fast." You whispered, tracing the collar of his shirt with your fingertips.
Bucky took a deep inhale, warm hand moving to hold your chin. "Babygirl, listen. I'm not going to kick you out of my bed when we're done. You got me attached with this damn chase you gave me. Wanna take care of you. Okay?"
You nodded and pulled him back down to you, his tongue slipping between your lips as his fingers worked at the buttons of his shirt.
Gently pushing them away, you replaced his hands with yours to pop the buttons open as his tongue glided across every inch of your mouth he could reach.
You lifted your back off of the mattress for his hand to feel for the zipper of your dress, grazing your fingers down the tensing muscles of his chest and abdomen; stopping at the button of his jeans.
"Don't get shy now, take 'em off." Bucky mumbled against your lips, sliding the straps of your dress off of your shoulders.
The wetness between your legs grew as your tugged at his belt, whimpering into his mouth when he pressed his hips against you to show how hard he was.
Pulling away, Bucky sat up to tug your dress down your torso and legs; eyes drinking in the beautiful sight in front of him as he shoved his jeans off and palmed himself through his boxers.
"Take the shirt off." You panted, backing up the bed. A smirk grew on his face, metal thumb sliding back and forth in the waistband of his boxers as he looked at your glistening folds. "Ask nicely and I just might." He taunted. "Please."
You watched the way his muscles flexed with each movement, the shirt sliding off of his arms and to the floor; revealing the mess of scars Bucky hoped you'd ignore and a large tattoo on his ribcage.
Next were his boxer briefs, pooling at his feet as his cock twitched in the air; swollen tip red and leaking precum. "You're staring, babydoll." He said, voice low as he moved his body back over yours.
"Can't help it." You swallowed, the weight of his cock against your thigh as you felt the firmness of his back. His hand slipped between your bodies to guide himself to your heat, spreading your slick with his tip.
"So wet, barely even touched you yet." You whined at his words and gripped his shoulders. "Buck, please. Stop the teasing."
The smirk on his face grew before he brushed his lips against yours. "Hm, I don't know. Kept me waitin' so long, might just tease you a little more." He hummed. You bucked your hips against him, his tip barely pressing into you. "Fuck..." Bucky said in a low groan, a shudder passing through his body.
He made sure you felt every ridge and vein, pulling breathy sounds from you when he pushed deeper. Your walls so tight and warm around him, he already had to hold off his release.
"Look at me, sweet girl." He breathed, nipping at your bottom lip and rolling his hips into yours.
When you opened your eyes, the adoring look in Bucky's made your breath hitch. Hands wedging under your back as he sat up, holding you to him so you were sitting on his thick thighs.
"So beautiful." He groaned as his hands glided over the curve of your back to your ass, metal and flesh fingers digging into the skin.
Guiding your hips in a faster pace, he could feel you clenching around him, swallowing the blissed out sounds you made with a breath taking kiss as his grip on you tightened.
The soft ow that passed your lips made Bucky loosen his grip and move you in a slower pace. "Need me to slow down?" He panted, pulling away from you slightly.
You frantically shook your head, hands clinging to his shoulders; needing to feel his skin against yours. "No-no. Don't stop, please, keep going." You whined, bucking your hips along with him.
In a swift movement, your back was pressed back into the mattress. Your fingers laced with Bucky's as he pinned your hands at the sides of your head, his hips meeting yours in a faster, rougher pace that knocked the breath from your lungs and made your head spin; his cock sliding against every sweet spot, some that you didn't even know existed.
Salacious sounds from both of you echoed around the room, your eyes fluttering shut again and body arching into him so your front was flush to his as the coil snapped.
"There you go, baby. Feel so good, so worth the wait." Bucky moaned out, chasing his own release with shorter thrusts.
A whimper of his name falling from your sweet lips sent him over the edge, his hips flush to yours as he spilled into you with a guttural moan.
He slowly rocked his hips into yours, riding the blissful feeling for all that it was as he looked over your blissed out face.
It was the moment your eyes peaked out, staring back into his lust darkened ones that Bucky knew. You were the one thing he needed to protect. To hold close and never let go.
A tender kiss was placed on your lips, a satisfied hum leaving Bucky as he slipped from between your legs to lay beside you.
You slowly moved off of the bed to grab a shirt and go to clean up, legs feeling wobbly with each step to and from the bathroom.
Bucky sat on the edge of the bed when you walked back into the adjoined room, legs still a little jelly feeling as you made you way back to him.
He laughed, an actual belly laugh that made your heart swell as he pulled you between his parted thighs. "I have some... unexpected business to take care of in the morning."
You nodded lightly and sat your hands on his shoulders. "I want you to stay in this room and keep the door locked. When I come back, we'll do something." He promised, gently massaging your sides. "Something, huh?"
A squeak escaped your throat when you were pinned back underneath Bucky, his hips pressing into you. "Oh, don't you get me started. I'll keep you up all night."
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s1ater · 3 years
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the older boy, part two. eli moskowitz x reader
summary 📣: in which reader’s friends warn her about the older boy with the red mohawk but she doesn’t listen
warning/s 🚫: swearing
slater’s note 🗯: omg slater finally uploaded 😮
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part one, part two
hawk: miss me princess?
you squinted your eyes from the bright glare surfacing from the screen of your phone. it had to be about close to midnight and it was almost something you expected, this text.
he always texted late, always catching you minutes before you decided to clock out for bed, and always drawing out your sleep schedule. so instead of going to bed at 11:30 like normal, you ended up wide awake well around two hours later.
y/n: you flatter yourself too much
hawk: is that so? thought you always looked forward to our nightly convos
y/n: other than them being nightly, sure
hawk: i’m a busy man
you rolled your eyes, “sure you are.”
y/n: that’s probably why i never see you outside of school then huh
you couldn’t careless on why you never saw hawk outside of school. it seemed to be rather a blessing from all the things you had been hearing about him lately. it was just fun to tease.
he liked being teased as weird as it sounded, it fired him up as he stared at the screen of his phone, smirking. hawk knew you knew why you never saw him and why he never saw you. you guys weren’t friends, barely acquaintances, only two oblivious lonely people who wanted someone to fill their hormonal needs. 
hawk: you never see me sweetheart because you never want to
y/n: that’s a lie
hawk: is it?
y/n: i’d love to see you
hawk: i’m sure you would, but face it princess, you’d chicken out halfway through before you’d even see my face
y/n: lies, you sure you’re not talking about yourself?
but was it really a lie? you wondered, thinking whether or not your wits and nervousness would overcome you before you actually saw the face of eli if you were to ever hang out with him.
you bit your lip thinking about earlier today when moon said to stay away from eli for rather obvious reasons. one being he was violent and angry a lot of the time and two... he was a teenage asshole who’d fuck you over the minute you showed vulnerability.
hawk: let me come over if you’re not a pussy
you bit your tongue at the sight of the message. great, you thought. now you had to come up with some excuse only to prove hawk right; that you were a pussy. the thing was, you didn’t actually think he’d want to see you.
it was like a silent agreement that your relationship was flirting only, nothing else. he was like a side hustle along with all the other boys who hit you up through your snapchat.
y/n: sorry babe, i only let boys who actually talk to me in real life come over
hawk: alright, fuck you lmfao
eli mindlessly smiled at his phone screen while shaking his head. he knew you’d be a challenge, and he knew you’d turn him down any minute or mention of hanging out.
he found taunting and teasing you amusing and sometimes the highlights of his days but sometimes it also got boring with how you didn’t put out as easily as the other girls.
y/n: sorry bud
hawk: alright, goodnight princess ;)
it was uneventfully windy as you stood outside waiting for moon’s red car to pull up and drop you home. you almost swore as you came into realization that she probably forgot about you, again.
you tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear as you checked your phone once again, absent of any notifications that would relate to moon.
you were beginning to feel sick, the kind of sick that resonated in your stomach from a sprout of loneliness. you shook your head, pushing yourself off the brick high school wall deciding you better start walking now if you wanted to get home before five.
your feet begun to burn five minutes into walking the shortest route you could think of as a way home, “fucking, moon.” you shook your head, taking out your phone again. she always had the strangest memory problems and seemed to always goes m.i.a. the moments you need her the most, such as.. when you were desperately in need a ride home. 
“need a ride?”
you almost jumped in surprised, not realizing a car had pulled up next to you as you were focused on your phone. you dipped your head down to the low window of the old red cadillac pulled up next to you, their windows rolled down, old rap music turned down low in order to speak to you. 
“nice car,” you quirked your brow with a slight impressed smile. he was one of the last people on earth you would expect to give you a ride despite your conversation the last night. 
“you want a ride or not, princess?” “oh, i wouldn’t want to ruin your special me time, hawk.”
“get in the fucking car, y/n,” he rolled his eyes, quickly done with your bullshit as he put the car in drive. you reluctantly got in the nice car, swinging your bag to the floor as you couldn’t help smile to yourself. 
“you know i’ve never been in a karate kid’s car before,” you mumbled lightly, examining the interior of the car better, your fingers running against the smooth dashboard, impressed by how well restored the old car was. 
“is that so?” he glanced at you, a slight smirk on his face. 
“who restored the car?” you mumbled, your eyes still looking around almost like a kid in a candy store, only more subtle, trying to hide the fact how impressed you were with the car. 
he glanced at you again, almost taken back by the question. it was never a question he had heard before, especially by a girl. he smirked, trying to hide his own surprisal, “you know larusso? guy helped me out with it.”
“nice,” you mumbled, leaning back into the seat, done with your examination. 
it was silent now, and you almost sat comfortably if it weren't for the voice in the back of your head yelling at you that the whole thing was a bad idea. you wanted to ignore it so badly, because you had never actually ever saw a red flag from eli other than the fact that it’s basic knowledge he’d a fuck boy. 
he seemed like a generally good guy. no not a good guy, a guy that was your type. eli wasn’t at all the good guy type but more or so the douche that was only nice to certain group of people, you being on of them. 
because he wanted to fuck you. 
“got something on your mind?” he glanced at you, almost nervously like you'd hop out the window with any wrong move he made. 
“no,” you said it fast making him smirk, almost as if he knew what you were thinking, almost as if he were familiar with the typical female anxiousness. familiar with the fast talking, redden cheeks, lip bites, fingers fiddling, all of it, it seemed as if he just knew. 
and eli was, it hadn't taken him long when going through girls to pick up on the similar body language they all seemed to have. because really, down to the bottle, they all did the same thing; always rubbed their lips together prompting for kisses, using a different fragrance than usual when finally alone, fingers tapping, lessening the clothing on their body than the usual outfit. all similar, and he could almost see it in you despite this being an unintentional meet up... and you weren't trying to pounce on. 
“actually.. yeah,” you lightly bit your bottom lip as you looked at your lap, trying to think of the best way to ask him the question that had been on your mind for awhile; “what do you expect from me, eli?” wow, what kind of question was that?
it was an honest and upfront one, something he wasn't used to, practically sending him into shock as he had to look at you fully to see if you were actually serious and not pulling his leg, seeming like something you'd do. 
but you really wondered. 
“uh- i, what?”
you awkwardly laughed, looking to him, “no, i mean i really don't give a shit, i’m just not about to lead you into something you think you’re going to get nudes in, because your really not.” 
wow, really? 
he almost swore aloud, biting his lip hard, now realizing you really weren't going to be easy, not as easy as the girls who put out the moment you called them pretty, or even the ones who you had to take on a date before they even sent. 
he laughed it off, shaking his head as if you were a fool for thinking that, “you really think that low of me?”
no worries, there’s always plan b; make you feel bad. 
you laughed in return, “yeah, i really do.”
but he forgot you weren’t that stupid to fall for feeling bad just for something you weren’t about. 
“you wouldn't be the first.”
“so, I've heard,” he gripped his neck, eyes now glued to the road before turning into a neighborhood off from the main road, his mind following the map basically glued in his mind from driving past your house to dmitri’s. 
he parked, now seeming to ignore you as his whole plan begun to fall apart right before him. 
“thanks, eli,” you nodded to him, jumping out of the car with your bookbag in hand before beginning to trek up your front yard. 
“anytime, princess.” 
join the taglist lil doggy
@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @nessa1107 @carpioassists @vhscherry @simplytpwk @sinicalh4wk @write-from-the-heart @hawkwhore @hawkandtory @lovelyyy-luna @itsnotsoni @w0nderr @deadbeatbarb @bebybailey @mrfeenyisswag @supernaturalcat7 @hawkshairdye @amongtheweepingwillows @mya-bleu @disgustedchild @ktz-bb @venussecrets
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matrixaffiliate · 2 years
New Story! FFN and AO3
"I've done something dumb." Lily groaned as she looked up at Marlene from the sofa. "If it's like every other dumb thing you've done, I'm going to my room." "No, this time I've done something well and truly stupid." Marlene eyed her from her lounge chair, skeptic to the last. "Out with it then." Lily took a deep breath. "I told Petunia I had a boyfriend."
A gift for lovely @petalstofish as part of the Potterverse Gift Exchange! Merry Christmas, love!
"I've done something dumb." Lily groaned as she looked up at Marlene from the sofa.
"If it's like every other dumb thing you've done, I'm going to my room."
"No, this time I've done something well and truly stupid."
Marlene eyed her from her lounge chair, skeptic to the last. "Out with it then."
Lily took a deep breath. "I told Petunia I had a boyfriend."
Marlene blinked. "Honestly, Lil, I thought you'd actually done something worth batting an eye at."
Lily groaned and tossed the card in her hand at Marlene. "Read that and tell me I haven't been an idiot."
Marlene shrugged and handed it back. "So Petunia gave you a plus one to her wedding for your non-existent boyfriend. Tell her that he can't make it because he can't get work off, or because he'll be with his family. Honestly, only your sister would get married on Boxing Day."
"Then she'll know I was lying!" Lily tossed the invitation on the sofa next to her. "The only reason she's even giving me the plus one is to call my bluff and then rub it in my face that I have no one and she has Vermin."
"I'd rather have no one than be saddled with that blob." Marlene came to sit next to her on the sofa. "Is it really that big of a deal? What if you brought me instead? My family doesn't have anything planned after Christmas."
"Yes and no." Lily leant against Marlene's shoulder. "I can't bring you because Petunia would kill me."
"Always happy to leave lasting impressions," Marlene chuckled. "Good to know that she hasn't forgotten it's not appropriate to infer a woman is a prostitute just because she enjoys leather pants."
Lily smiled at the memory, "Exactly. But I can't just show up alone because I'll never hear the end of how she sacrificed a seat at her wedding for my non-existent boyfriend and how awful and ungrateful a sister I am."
It was quiet between them for a moment and Lily tried to push away the dread building in her stomach by pulling her jumper tighter around her.
"Well, I guess you need a stand-in boyfriend."
Lily lifted her head from Marlene's shoulder. "A what?"
"Someone to play the part just for the day of the wedding."
"A fake boyfriend? Where on earth am I supposed to come up with a fake boyfriend in six weeks?"
"You could take Sirius," Marlene tapped her chin as she thought.
Lily shook her head. "No offense, but there's absolutely no way I'm pretending your friend with benefits is my boyfriend."
Marlene smirked but said nothing and Lily tried not to guess where her friend's mind was.
"Remus then?"
"He's with his family all that week. I'm not asking him to leave his mum just to be my date for one day. You know she's not doing well."
Marlene opened her mouth to say more but Lily cut her off.
"And before you say Peter, Petunia already knows he and Bridget got married last year."
"I wasn't going to say Peter," Marlene's smirk widened. "I happen to know that James is very much available the day after Christmas. According to Sirius, the Potters take Boxing Day as an excuse to not get out of their pajamas."
Lily felt her mouth go dry. "I can't ask James."
"Why not?"
"You know why not!" Lily fell back against the couch with a huff. "You do not ask the man you secretly fancy to be your fake boyfriend to your sister's wedding, and especially not when he'd rather be spending it with his family."
"Maybe this is a way for you to stop fancying him in secret."
"Or to ruin a perfectly good friendship."
"Can you think of anyone else?"
Lily groaned. "No. I guess this means Petunia wins this round."
Marlene stood, "Well, if you're willing to give up that easily, I'll leave you to it, but I still think you should ask James."
Lily felt Marlene's words like a bee sting.
She wasn't giving up, Lily reasoned as Marlene shut her door. She was admitting defeat.
But the longer she sat there listening to Marlene's speakers playing Fairytale of New York through her door, the more Lily didn't want this hanging over her head for the next seventy-five years. She didn't want this brought up at every family gathering. She didn't want Petunia to win.
And then, as if Fate was trying to give her a push, her phone buzzed with a text message from the man who might just be able to save her.
James: you busy?
Lily couldn't help the smile that streaked across her face as she read his text.
Lily: No. Just sitting on my couch.
James: i know its cold and very wet out, but would you maybe want to go for a hike with me? after last summer i promised mum i wouldn't go by myself anymore
Lily thought Mia was right to extract the promise from her son. He'd decided to try and save a young deer from some fishing line it had become tangled in, but the deer was obviously spooked and once free had kicked James in the chest, breaking four ribs in the process. He'd had to make his way almost a mile out to the trailhead while his ribs tried to puncture his lungs.
And while she would much prefer an early summer hike to a late autumn hike, Lily did have all the items to keep her dry and warm.
She could go, for Mia of course.
Lily: Sure, want me to meet you at the trailhead?
James: nah, ill be there to pick you up in 20
Lily responded with a thumbs-up emoji and then moved to get ready, wondering if Fate was trying to tell her that asking James to be her fake boyfriend for Petunia's wedding day was the right move.
"This is beautiful," Lily sighed and looked out over the lake. A light frost still clung to a few of the shrubs surrounding them.
James bumped her shoulder, "See you should come out with me more often."
Lily paused. Maybe James had just given her the perfect way for both of them to get what they wanted.
"I have an idea."
"I bet it's a good one."
"You need someone to hike with, especially now that it's cold, so you can go as often as you used to."
James raised his eyebrows at her. "Yeah."
Lily bit her lip. "I need a plus one for Petunia's wedding, on Boxing Day."
"Why did she give you a plus one? That doesn't sound in character for your sister at all." James furrowed his brow.
"It is when you consider why she gave it to me." Lily fiddled with her water bottle.
"And what's the reason?"
"I got into a fight with her, again."
"That sounds like a reason she'd uninvite you."
"Well," Lily suddenly didn't feel like the idea was so amazing. "She dug into her having someone and me being single and I was so angry that I blurted out that I had a boyfriend."
James let out a low whistle.
"And this is her calling your bluff, huh?"
"Right." Lily kept her eyes on the dirt below her hiking shoes.
"Lily," James' gloved hand wrapped around hers and Lily forced an even breath. "Are you asking me to play your fake boyfriend for Petunia's wedding?"
"I'm sorry," Lily shook her head. "I shouldn't have-"
"Lily." James cut her off as he squeezed her hand. "Of course, I'll help you. And don't feel like you need to hike with me to get it. I'm your friend, I don't need a reason to help you."
"I'll still hike with you," Lily looked up, excitement and panic pounding through her so fast she wanted to rip off her coat. "I know how much you love hiking, I'll make sure I can come out with you at least once a week."
James laughed, "You'll have legs of steel and be ready to live with Father Christmas and his reindeer if we're out here once a week."
"I could use a good bout of exercise, combat the holiday weight and all." Lily bumped his shoulder. "But you're sure?"
James wrapped his arm around her shoulders and Lily couldn't help but lean into him. "I'm sure, Lils. Let's make Petunia look the fool."
"Ready for your date?" Marlene teased as she checked her red lips in Lily's mirror.
"This isn't a date."
"Sure it isn't."
"If this is a date then you and Sirius are more than just friends with benefits." Lily retorted.
Something flashed in Marlene's eyes but it was gone in an instant and she laughed. "Well played. So are you ready for your fake date with your fake boyfriend?"
Lily rolled her eyes. "James just thought we should practice before Saturday."
"And hiking with him every Saturday for a month and a half hasn't been enough practice?" Marlene sat on Lily's bed. "Or the increase in text messages and phone calls?"
"We're friends." Lily tried to brush off Marlene's digging. "All of those interactions we've just been friends. But James pointed out that we haven't practiced being closer and it's bound to look fake if the first time we hold hands or slow dance is at the wedding."
"So this is your dress rehearsal?" Marlene handed Lily her clutch.
"Break a leg, I suppose. And may I add that you should practice kissing, just in case."
"Just in case what?" Lily felt heat rush to her cheeks. "What, why, why on earth would I need to kiss James at Petunia's wedding?"
Marlene hopped off Lily's bed with a smirk. "You never know."
Lily did know though, and there was absolutely no reason to give her stupid crush any more fuel than she already had. Seeing James so frequently and spending hours with him talking and laughing and just being together was giving her heart all sorts of fodder.
It really wasn't a good thing, but Lily wasn't about to stop it.
James was bailing her out of her lie, the least she could do was hike with him. And if hiking with him included hours of time spent close to him, and trips to the cafe afterward to warm up, well she'd just have to hope her heart didn't break when this all ended.
James knocked on the door as Lily checked her reflection once more, adjusting her dark green velvet top.
No, she was not dressing up for him...she was, she was trying to look festive, thank you very much. Christmas was just a week away. It was normal to dress up for Christmas.
"Wow," James blinked at her from the front step, his black coat undone to reveal his blue jumper.
"Oh," Lily felt panic starting to form in her chest, "Am I dressed up too much? I didn't even think to ask you what we were doing. I-"
"Lily," James chuckled, "It's just dinner and a little Christmas concert at a pub my parents suggested."
"Right, good, that'll be good, to practice I mean." She fiddled with the neckline of her blouse.
James looked down at his shoes a moment before smiling back at her.
"Shall we practice then?" He held out his hand.
Lily swallowed but forced a smile as she slipped on her coat and took his hand. Electricity tingled through her fingers and palm all the way up her arm and across her neck, leaving Lily gasping for breath.
"Yeah." Embarrassed by the lack of substance behind her voice, Lily cleared her throat and tried again. "This was a good idea."
James' hazel eyes had gone dark, his smile shifting as he looked down at her.
"I think so too."
James apparently meant what he said about practicing being a real couple. He didn't stop touching Lily at all through the entire night, and it was a problem because that hold she was trying to keep on her heart stood no chance against James' constant touch.
His hand was on her back, then his fingers were intertwined with hers.
While they sat at dinner his foot found hers and slid from her ankle up her calf and back again.
His arm wrapped around her shoulders at the concert and when he spoke to her he leant in close enough that his warm breath teased her neck with its gentle kiss.
And Lily leant into all of it.
She couldn't help herself.
Every time she bothered to realize where her hands were she'd find they were wrapped around James, his hands, his arms, his waist, even gripping his jumper at one point. She was honestly surprised that she hadn't unknowingly put them in his hair.
This pretending was too easy. Lily was too attached to James to keep this fake, and she knew it.
But what could she do?
"Let's go to the back and dance," James' voice was low as his lips brushed against her ear. The band was playing their rendition of Silver Bells , perfect for a slow dance.
Lily looked to the back of the pub, ready to say that they shouldn't, only to find at least ten other couples already swaying slowly as they held each other close.
"Come on." James' took her hand. "It'll be good practice."
Right, practice.
Lily tried not to let her disappointment at the reason James was being this close to her show on her face.
"Good idea," She smiled up at him and let James lead her to where the other couples were dancing.
She assumed he'd take her hand and lead her through some dance that his posh upbringing would have taught him and she would attempt to stumble her way through it. She had even watched and practiced with a few YouTube tutorials, trying to not make both of them look like fools.
James, however, had other ideas.
He spun her around once, then caught her elbows and guided her arms up around his neck. His hands traced along her arms, lighting her up like a Christmas tree, then down her sides to rest on her hips, pulling her closer.
Every single touch left Lily buzzing. Gasping. Silently hoping for just a bit more.
"Has tonight been alright?" James' thumbs rubbed against her hips and Lily struggled to think straight.
"It's been a wonderful fake date," Lily braved a smile.
"Not too weird to pretend to be madly in love with a tosser like me?"
Lily shook her head, hoping he couldn't see in her eyes how much her silly crush was shifting to a whole new level.
A dangerous level.
"Not at all."
"And this is alright?" James leant his forehead into hers, pulling her just a little closer.
Lily couldn't breathe.
She barely managed an affirmative hum.
"Good," James' voice slid through her like a silk cord, wrapping around her heart and slipping it from the desperate grip she was trying to keep on it.
She should say something. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Lily knew she should say something and break the spell James had woven around her.
She should say something.
Then James pulled her closer, wrapping his arms completely around her waist, bringing their bodies flush against each other, and Lily lost the battle.
There were no two ways about it. In her attempt to thwart Petunia in calling her bluff, Lily had gone and given her heart to James. She'd spent a solid two years being ever so careful, keeping just enough distance between herself and him so that she wouldn't lose his friendship over a silly crush that surely would fade away given enough time. It was out the window now. Nothing she could do would ever put them back to where they'd been before. James could never be just a friend after this.
And to keep herself from the tears, she rested her head against James' shoulder and pretended that the way he held her like he'd given his heart too was real.
"Excited?" Marlene came walking into Lily's bedroom, handing over the red heels she was lending to Lily.
Lily put on a smile and nodded as she slipped into the shoes, completing the very Christmas-y ensemble when paired with her green and white dress and her hair swept up with a white poinsettia clip. Not being a bridesmaid stung, but had the fringe benefit of wearing exactly what she wanted.
"It'll be good to see Petunia's face when she realizes that I've actually brought a date."
"Not just a date," Marlene slid onto Lily's bed, "A boyfriend."
Lily tried not to let the sting she felt at Marlene's comment show on her face.
From Marlene's expression, she failed.
"What's wrong?"
Lily shook her head. "Nothing."
"No, not nothing, what's going on?"
"Really Mar, it's nothing."
"Did James hurt you? Because if he did I'm going to-"
"James didn't do anything," Lily quickly cut off her friend.
"Then what's going on?"
"I've done something dumb."
"Will you stop that?" Marlene demanded. "You don't do dumb things!"
Lily's returning laugh was humorless. "Falling for your fake boyfriend is pretty dumb, Marlene."
"Finally!" Marlene squealed, jumping up from the bed and wrapping Lily in a hug.
"This isn't a good thing!" Lily protested, pushing Marlene off of her. "James and I are friends!"
"The best relationships are based on friendship, Lils."
"But he doesn't feel that way about me!"
"BS," Marlene started typing on her phone.
"Don't you dare text him!" Lily lunged for Marlene's phone but she jumped out of the way.
"Chill! I'm texting Sirius! And you usually don't like when I share these texts but if you really want reassurance you're welcome to read the whole thread."
"Ew," Lily grimaced. "Fine, but please don't intervene. James doesn't feel the same way about me and I'm trying to figure out how to stop these feelings before he realizes that I'm overly attached and ends our friendship."
"And Sirius calls me dramatic." Marlene threw her curls over her shoulder. "Look, just talk to him about it, alright? Do it tonight."
Lily's phone rang and she swallowed at James' smiling face on her screen.
"James is probably here, I'll see you tonight."
Marlene winked at her. "Or tomorrow morning works too."
Lily glared at Marlene's back but tried to keep the annoyance out of her voice as she answered her phone.
"Hi, James."
"Hey, Lils, I'm just about to yours, but I wanted to know if you prefer almond poppy seed, blueberry, banana nut, or chocolate chunk muffins?"
"They're all good to me, James." She adjusted the neckline of her dress.
"Now, now, don't be like that. Which sounds amazing right now?"
Lily licked her lips. "Honestly, the chocolate chunk, but you really don't-"
"Perfect, I'll be there in ten minutes."
And he ended the call.
Lily stared at her phone, wondering if James really planned to bring muffins to her sister's wedding, before deciding that she'd wait by the window so she could meet him at his car when he arrived. The last thing she wanted was Marlene "accidentally" blurting out things she had no business telling people - mainly James.
True to his word, ten minutes later James rolled up. He jumped out of his car but stumbled when he saw Lily walking towards him.
"I know I keep saying this, but, wow."
Lily smiled, "You look good all bundled up in your coat too."
"Well thank you. Wait till you see this suit without the coat." James closed the distance between them and offered Lily his arm.
"I hope this dress can keep up with it." Lily laughed and took his arm.
"Shall we go and shock your sister?"
"Yes, let's go give Petunia a stomach ulcer."
James' laugh was a booming sound that filled Lily with a warmth that had her wanting to curl up in front of a cozy lit fireplace with him.
But she forced herself to pull away.
She had to stop leaning into him or she'd never salvage any piece of their friendship.
"Now." James slid into the driver's seat. "This box here has two chocolate chunk muffins in it." He handed her the small box. "And this is your tea. I figured we should have some sort of pick-me-up before going into this. And I've noticed many wedding planners forget that people need to eat at these things. So we're covered on all fronts."
Lily swallowed the sudden rush of emotion that hit her.
"Thank you,"
"This is where you tell me what an excellent fake-boyfriend I am," James smirked as he pulled out of the parking space.
Lily laughed, grateful for the humor that broke through her anxiety. Maybe, if he kept her laughing, she could make it through today.
"Lily! Who is this?!" Petunia's lips were pressed into the thinnest line Lily had ever seen and her words were sharp as daggers.
"Hi Tuney, this is James, my boyfriend." Lily stepped closer to James, not difficult to do in the small bride's dressing room of the venue Petunia had chosen.
"Your boyfriend?!" Her skin was as pale as the white satin of her wedding dress. "You don't have a boyfriend! You were lying to me! Mum told me you hadn't said anything about seeing someone!"
"Then why, might I ask." James wrapped a protective arm around Lily's waist, pulling her close against him. "Did you include an invite for me if you didn't believe I existed?"
Petunia's glare shifted to James. "I do not know who you are and I do not have to answer you."
Lily felt her temper flare. "I don't care that this is your wedding Petunia, you do actually have to be nice to James."
Heaven knew how much of Vernon Lily had endured.
Petunia opened her mouth to respond but was cut off.
"Lily!" Their mum came into the already crowded room. "I'm so glad you're here, and who is this?"
"James Potter, Mrs. Evans," James took her mum's hand and kissed it as he bent slightly at the hip. "I'm Lily's boyfriend."
Lily's mum smiled broadly, "Well, I'm very happy to meet you!" She turned to Petunia. "That was thoughtful of you to let Lily have her boyfriend here, dear."
"I, I, I-" Petunia stuttered.
"Lily, why don't you take James and get your seats up by mine and your father's." Her mum hugged her with a twinkle in her eye. "We'll be along in about twenty minutes and then we'll have pictures after the ceremony. It'll be another thirty or so minutes after that for dinner."
Lily put on a smile, "Sounds brilliant." She kissed her mum's cheek before taking James' proffered arm and leaving her sister gaping after them.
"That went well," James joked.
"I think Mum knows something is up." Lily swallowed as the unease settled in her stomach.
They walked into the main hall, devoid of any and all Christmas decor. As if getting married on Boxing Day somehow meant Petunia wasn't having her wedding at Christmas time.
"If she does, she took our side back there." James stepped to the side as Lily took her seat. "Besides, I'm so charming she probably forgot to suspect anything."
Lily shoved him but laughed. "Could your head get any bigger?"
"Not so long as I've got you and my mum around." He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into him. "Relax, Lils, we've got this."
"I hope so."
But as people started coming up to say hello, Lily realized she absolutely did not have this.
Family friends, people she'd known since she was a kid, were coming up and genuinely happy, excited even, to meet her boyfriend. Treating James like one of the family. Making it that much harder for Lily to put distance between her heart and James, between her and James.
Thankfully, and ironically, Petunia saved her from any more well-meaning family or friends by getting the show underway.
But that opened more opportunities for her heart to cling to the facade of a relationship she and James were portraying. The ceremony was beautifully given, and the officiant made Lily long for the kind of companionship they counseled the couple to cultivate and build together. James' arm around her shoulders through the whole thing only served to remind her she'd never have it with him.
And it broke her heart.
The crushing feeling in her chest.
The tightness in her throat that she couldn't swallow away.
The blur of moisture in her vision.
She needed space.
Before she did something stupid.
Like give in to every desire of her heart and kiss him.
After a quick congratulations to Petunia and Vernon, Lily told James she was stepping to the loo.
And bolted.
Staring herself down in the mirror over the sink, Lily fought for control.
She would not cry.
She absolutely would not cry.
She would be strong.
She would control her heart.
She would get over this.
Over James.
That thought made her stomach cramp.
Now she might cry and vomit.
Lily turned from gripping the sink to face her mum.
"Hi Mum," Lily forced a smile.
Her mum wrapped her in a long hug. "Darling, what's going on? And please tell me that lovely James is not a paid escort."
Lily couldn't help the laughter that nearly exploded out of her.
"He's a friend, Mum."
"But not your boyfriend?"
Lily looked down at her heels.
"Lily, I could tell two things when I walked into that room and the first one was that you and your sister were trying to outmaneuver each other again."
"She was just so infuriating!" Lily felt the anger seeping back in. "She kept going on and on how when I finally found a man who would look past all my freakishness I'd see her side of it. That I was somehow this poor deprived soul because I wasn't getting married right now!"
"You're not a freak, my Lily." Her mum pulled her back into a hug. "You're the opposite and if I'd known your sister was still calling you that I would have threatened her wedding favors for it."
Lily chuckled and tried to swallow down the threatening tears. "You shouldn't have to keep pushing her to be a decent human being. I'm getting better at handling her."
"Like telling her you had a boyfriend?"
"Yeah," Lily sighed in defeat and rested back against the sink. "But then she called my bluff."
"So you asked James to be your stand-in?"
"He's a good friend, and has put up with more than he deserves already."
"And he's quite taken with you."
Lily paused as her heart latched on to her mum's words. "James is a friend."
"I told you, I could tell two things when I walked in that dressing room, and the second was that the man standing next to you was head over heels for you."
Lily shook her head, but her mother continued.
"I've got a sense about these things, but even if I didn't, it's not hard to catch. Haven't any of your friends pointed it out to you?"
Marlene's insistence over the last two years echoed in her mind, along with the not so subtle hints Sirius had been giving and Lily had written off as teasing.
"You're not the first to mention it."
Her mum squeezed her arm. "So be the woman I raised you to be and make that boy out there yours."
Lily shook her head as a tear escaped down her cheek. "What if he doesn't feel that way about me? What if I lose our entire friendship?"
Her mum pulled her into a hug. "Then I'll be there to help you move forward. But my mother's sense tells me that isn't what's going to happen."
Lily buried her head in her mum's shoulder, breathing in the comforting warmth. "Promise?"
"Promise. I'll even smuggle you out of here if you need it." She nudged Lily to look up at her. "Now, let's get these pictures out of the way and you and James can go find a quiet spot to talk before dinner."
Lily took a deep breath and linked her arm with her mum's trying to give herself courage. "Right, I can do this."
"There's my girl."
Lily didn't know if it was her mum squeezing her arm or the smile James turned on her when she walked up to him, but for the first time since she got the plus one on her invite, Lily felt like maybe she did have this.
Pictures went quickly and James kept his smile on her from his spot near the door until she was assured that she was free till the dinner.
"Hey Lils." James pulled her under his arm. "Everything alright?"
"I think so," Lily smiled up at him. "Want to go find someplace where we can sit for a bit?"
"Definitely." And for the first time, Lily noticed that when James looked at her, his eyes dropped for the briefest moment to her lips.
Maybe her mum - and Marlene - were right.
They meandered through the venue till they found an out of the way bench looking out at the Christmas lights adorning the trees and light posts in the car park. They claimed it for themselves and spent the first few moments enjoying the beauty before them.
"James," Lily broke the silence as she rested her hands in her lap, her fingers running over the red and gold polish of her Christmas manicure. "I really appreciate all of this."
James' hand came to close over hers. "Anything for you, Lils."
Lily stared at their hands, focused on how right it felt to look down and see his fingers intertwined with hers, finding courage in it.
"Have, have you noticed that we're, well, we're kind of good at this?"
"At what, exactly?"
"Well, at being together, being more than what we started as."
His free hand came up to gently cup her chin, guiding her eyes to meet his, the hazel so dark it might have been black.
"What are you saying, Lily?"
Her breath was much harder to pull with his fingers caressing her face, but Lily gave it her best effort.
"I don't want to pretend anymore that I don't fancy you."
James' smile split his face nearly in half and he squeezed her hand. "I would really like to stop pretending I don't fancy you as well."
Lily didn't think she could pull a full breath if her life depended on it, and her voice squeaked as she asked, "Really?"
James nodded as he moved forward at a snail's pace, slowly closing the distance between them.
Then Lily heard her mother's advice echo in her mind; make that boy yours .
She lunged forward.
There was no other word for it.
Lily pushed forward, leveraging off of her knees, and closed what little distance between them James had yet to cover.
Her lips pressed to his in what could only be called bliss.
Finally, finally, every daydream, every hope her heart had secretly harbored, nothing compared to finally having her lips pressed to his.
Lily slowly let their lips part, only to have James move with lightning speed. His hands moved instantly from her chin and fingers to wrap around her waist, nearly pulling her into his lap. His lips were back to hers, this time his tongue tasting, savoring, teasing. And somewhere in that lightning second, Lily realized that her arms were wrapped around his neck, pulling James flush against her, her fingers tangling in his hair.
It was a member of the staff, ushering guests to where the dinner would be served, that managed to make the young couple surface for air.
"Really." James rested his forehead against hers, his hands sliding up and down her waist.
"So are we a real couple now?"
"If not, tell me what will make us a real couple and I'll make it happen."
Lily laughed, leaning in to kiss him again. "I think we need to make plans for a real first date."
"What are you doing on New Year's Eve?"
"Just the McKinnon's party."
"Will you go as my date?"
Lily felt her smile reach cartoon level in size and she couldn't help but laugh as she nodded.
"I'd love to."
James kissed her again. "Happy Christmas, Lily."
"Happy Christmas, James."
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goldentournesol · 4 years
Operation Make Believe
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(Spencer Reid x Reader)
The one where Spencer and Reader go undercover as a couple at a fancy restaurant to catch a prolific unsub.
Length: 5k 
A/N: enjoy this lil fic while i take a short break from my series :D
“Okay, so we’re looking for a guy who targets rich heterosexual couples.” Morgan stated from his seat at the round table. Looking at the photos almost made Y/N sick, she nervously twirled one of her rings around her pointer finger.
“He’s quite violent, too. Removing the men’s fingernails and chopping off the women's’ hair? That’s a pretty specific signature.” Emily spoke, glancing at the file.
“So let me get this straight, this man has killed 7 couples and we’re hearing about this just now?” Rossi questioned with indignance.
“Unfortunately, local PD has found it incredibly difficult to track this unsub down. That’s why we’re being called in.” Hotch replied, without even a twitch to his brow.
“So the guy’s good, how are we gonna get him?” JJ asked, leaning back in her chair.
“We know he frequents the local high-end restaurants because that’s where he picks his couples, he almost always picks victims who have just gone to dinner together, judging by the contents of their stomachs thanks to the autopsy reports. We should canvas the restaurants first and ask waiters if they find anyone suspicious. After that, we are sending in two undercover agents to try and lure him out.” Hotch explained and then a short silence ensued.
Y/N looked up from her file to find most of the team’s eyes on either her or Reid, “What?”
“You and Reid are the obvious candidates.” Hotch put it simply. Y/N glanced at Reid nervously, who happened to look just as nervous as she felt. He cleared his throat.
“Can I ask why us?” Spencer inquired.
“You two are the most compatible, considering your friendship and how close you are in age, and it would look the most realistic. We need to be as realistic as possible with this unsub, he is extremely picky. Make it believable. Wheels up in 30.” Hotch answered, straightening the files on the table and promptly leaving the conference room.
Spencer and Y/N both flushed and avoided each other’s gazes until they were on the jet.
“Hey, are you sure you’re okay with this? I’m sure Hotch would understand if you’re not.” Spencer leaned over to ask softly once the briefing had ended and everyone settled in for the flight. Y/N looked from the window to him.
“No, yeah, yeah, I’m totally fine with it. I was just a little nervous because I haven’t gone undercover before, but how hard can it be, right?” She sent him a small smile and a shrug, hoping it would hide the nerves.
It turned out to be very hard.
Standing in front of a gross bathroom mirror in a police precinct, she analyzed herself in her fancy dress and elaborate makeup and some part of her found herself wishing it was real. All of it. She wondered what it would be like to actually go on a romantic date with Spencer. If she was being honest, it wasn’t her first time wondering that. Not long after she’d joined the team, she found herself growing more and more attracted to a certain endearing genius. At first it started as a normal friendship, but then he got too sweet, too good to be true. She found herself living in daydreams with him too often. Those daydreams never quite disappeared, they just seemed to permeate other aspects of her life.
Love made you stupid, she was aware. There was not a single moment that passed by that she wasn’t thinking of Spencer. She couldn’t help it, she was like a moth drawn to a flame. Except the flame was Spencer, and she’d never wanted to be burned so badly before. But she’d learned to suppress her feelings. They were coworkers and close friends after all. A romantic involvement could ruin both those relationships if it ended badly.
But now her team was depending on her to act extremely in love with Spencer and she wasn’t sure she could do it without actually raising suspicion to the fact that it was real the entire time. So it’s safe to say she was panicking a little.
“Y/N? We’re ready, you feeling okay?” Emily stuck her head in through the door to ask.
“Huh? Oh yeah, totally ready. I’ll be right out.” Y/N checked her makeup, made sure her earpiece was well hidden, and adjusted her fancy dress to hide her firearm one last time before stepping out. Across the room, Derek immediately finished up his conversation with one of the local officers just to walk over and provide her with a whistle of approval.
“Damn, Y/L/N! Looking good!” Derek outwardly announced, making her cheeks redden immediately.
“Oh shut up, Morgan, I’m still armed.” Y/N snapped back, although he was unable to take her seriously with her flushed features. He sent her a signature dazzling smile and she found it hard to keep one off her own face. 
She turned a little to see Spencer staring at her with wonder. He was dressed in a black three-piece velvet suit with a bowtie. He looked simply exquisite. They both smiled wide as they neared each other, Spencer extending his hand to her in the most gentlemanly of ways. She let her hand slip into his, somewhat glad for the support he gave her because of her high heels while simultaneously getting butterflies at the slight touch of his hand.
“You look beautiful, Y/N.” Spencer smiled and spoke quietly to her, proud that he wasn’t a stuttering mess just yet.
“And you look...expensive.” She let her eyes roam over his outfit before letting out a harmonious laugh. Spencer couldn’t help but grin in response as he adjusted his waistcoat with his free hand. They’d decided that Y/N would be the one carrying a firearm instead of Reid because her dress hid it better than his suit could have.
“Alright, kids, settle down. Now, let’s go over the plan. You’re going to go into the restaurant, sit at a table where you can be sure our unsub, George Mendoza, has a perfect view of you. You’ll have to make it super believable, he has to believe you guys are head over heels for each other.” 
Shouldn’t be hard, they both thought, sharing a glance even though they didn’t mean to. 
Morgan was really selling this. Y/N wondered if he knew…
But then again, if Garcia knew, Morgan knew. She also may have been forgetting that she was on the A team of profilers and just maybe the heart eyes she often gave Spencer gave her away already.
“Now, we know he corners his victims in the parking lot. We have to make sure he follows you out. Prentiss and Morgan will be by the door to follow you two out and hopefully ambush Mendoza.” Hotch explained and the two of them nodded.
“Got it.” She said, already shifting her weight from one foot to the other, the heels making her feet ache. Spencer noticed and dropped her hand, only to wrap his arm around her waist in hopes of steadying her and giving her the extra support she needed. JJ and Emily shared a knowing glance as they watched the subtle interaction between the two lovebirds. Y/N smiled to herself but avoided looking at him in order to keep the redness of her face at a minimum. 
Spencer led her to the black SUV parked outside and they both hopped into the backseat, with Morgan and Emily in the front.
 “Ready?” She asked, looking over to see a nervous-looking Spencer beside her as the car came to a halt in front of the restaurant.
He took a deep breath and nodded, “Ready.” He got out of the car and jogged around it to open her car door. She mirrored his actions and took a deep breath as well before plastering a huge smile across her features as she stepped out of the car. Morgan and Emily drove off to keep from blowing their cover. She and Spencer walked towards the greeter behind the podium, her arm tightly wound around his.
“Reservation for Dr. Reid.” Spencer spoke confidently. Y/N had to keep from biting her lip at how much she loved the sound of that. 
The greeter smiled, “Right this way.” he led them to a table and Y/N was in Mendoza’s direct line of sight.
“I’ve got eyes on Mendoza. He’s sitting with a woman and two bodyguards are guarding his table.” She spoke with a smile to Spencer and also to the team through her earpiece.
“I’ve got him.” Morgan confirmed from wherever he was, apparently he could see inside the restaurant.
Spencer turned to look ever so discreetly and pretended to be looking for the waiter. He noticed Mendoza ogling Y/N and it made him feel sick to his stomach.
“Do you wanna switch seats with me?” Spencer asked, visibly uncomfortable.
“What, why? Are you okay?” She replied.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m...fine, I just thought you might be more,” he cleared his throat, “comfortable if he wasn’t looking at you.”
Y/N’s heart fluttered in her chest for a moment before glancing over to Mendoza, “Well, I’m fine, besides I think it’s better this way..that I’ve caught his eye.” She said with a slight roll of her eyes, making Spencer break into a grin.
“Don’t switch seats, that’ll look suspicious.” Emily spoke into their ears, “Now, don’t be so stiff. Relax, order some food or some drinks, whatever.”
“Alright, alright...relaxing.” She spoke mostly to herself and looked up at Spencer. Somehow looking at him made her feel at ease. His soft brown eyes brought her the reassurance she needed. Her gaze was intoxicating and Spencer could feel his hands starting to sweat as he wiped them on his pants. 
 “So this place is really, really fancy.” She said as she looked over the menu, which she could barely understand, “Wonder why he likes it.”
“He has an intense fixation on rich couples. Perhaps he sees his parents in the couples he chooses.” Spencer said, looking over the menu as well.
“Stop talking about the case!” Morgan’s voice boomed into their ears.
“Right, right! Sorry!” She whispered, “Okay, okay. Spence, tell me about these dishes, I have no idea what to order.”
“Um, okay. Well, I think you’d really enjoy the gnocchi in roasted red pepper sauce, Rossi’d made the same sauce and you’d really enjoyed it then when it was paired with pasta. Also the flavor of gnocchi is pretty neutral so it pairs really well with pungent sauces. Did you know that gnocchi originated in Northern Italy because the climate was better suited for growing potatoes rather than grain?” he continued to speak about gnocchi and all the different sauces one could eat it with.
Morgan had every intention to interrupt Spencer’s ramble but then Emily noticed the heart eyes Y/N was giving him, “Wait, no stop. Look at her, she’s into it.” Morgan chuckled and shook his head at the couple.
“Sorry...you should have stopped me.” Spencer ended his spiel, shyly taking a sip from his glass of water.
“Stop you? Why would I ever do that, you know I love your little tangents. Being with you makes me feel smart, actually. Except when you go on about quantum physics, I cannot keep up with that no matter how hard I try, I’m sorry.” She laughed and Spencer felt his confidence returning, “I can’t believe you made gnocchi sound so good. Now, I have to try it!” She grinned at him and Spencer swore he saw her eyes twinkle.
“What will you get?” She smiled at him, playing with her earring, a nervous tick of hers. Was she really that nervous? Why did she look so good doing it?
“Spence?” She noticed him zoning out slightly but he zoned back in.
“Huh? Oh, sorry um, I was a little distracted.” He blushed a little.
“Oh, by what?” She glanced over her shoulder to see if there was anything distracting behind her.
“Nothing, you just look very pretty.” Spencer complimented and she could not control the intense rush of blood that raced to her face. 
Morgan and Emily both drew in breaths through their teeth, “Daaaaamn, pretty boy’s got moves.” Derek whispered to Emily, their mics off.
Y/N giggled bashfully and looked down at her menu, shaking her head. This is all an act, Y/N. Get it together! Spencer reveled in her flushed cheeks for a moment before glancing down at his menu again, “I’ll probably just get the steak.”
For the next hour, they both made small talk with more encouragement from Emily and Derek. When the food came, she leaned closer to him and he fed her a piece of his steak, completely overlooking the fact that he’d just shared his fork with someone else. The sight of the two of them acting so hopelessly lovesick nearly made Emily and Derek sick themselves. During dinner, Spencer had migrated closer to her and they could barely keep their hands off of each other without any prompting from their earpieces. Y/N now had one hand on Spencer’s thigh and the other was intertwined with his as he draped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer ever so slightly. 
Hey, he was probably never going to get to do this again, might as well enjoy it.
They giggled together over stories of their pasts, “I’m serious, my leg was on fire and Morgan had to put me out!”
“Oh come on, you expect me to believe that?” She laughed, her head leaning onto his shoulder.
“Yes!” He exclaimed, laughing. In the midst of her laughter, Spencer felt the overwhelming need to press a kiss to her wonderfully flushed cheek, so he did. He placed a soft kiss to the side of her cheek and made sure to linger enough to feel the warmth radiating off her skin. The feel of his lips on her cheeks almost sent her in a spiral but she refused to meet his eyes, knowing that her eyes would most definitely give her away. Give away the longing and yearning she felt. She almost didn’t want to catch Mendoza because she knew that meant she’d have to give this up.
“Okay, lovebirds, Mendoza is losing interest. You have to up the ante somehow.” Derek spoke into their earpieces. Y/N was a little confused as to what more they could do to get his attention back to them, but she could practically hear the gears turning in Spencer’s head. She suddenly felt him separate himself from her and get up to walk around their table to be on her other side.
“What is he doing!” Emily whispered to Derek and he shrugged.
“Spence, what are you doing?” Y/N asked as he stood before her, offering his hand just like earlier in the evening.
“Y/N, do you trust me?” Spencer whispered as she put her hand in his. She felt him tug on it for her to stand with him and she finally nodded.
“Of course I do.” She whispered back, glancing around at people’s gazes who were now stuck on them.
“Then just go with it.” He smiled mischievously as he knelt down onto one of his knees. Y/N immediately caught herself hoping that it wasn’t the knee he injured before she realized what was happening. Her hands flew to her mouth in genuine shock. He was proposing, well, not actually proposing, but still! In his hand, Spencer held the ring she usually wore on her pointer finger, he must have taken it off without her noticing.
“Y/N, I have never doubted for a second that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. From the moment I met you, you consumed every piece of my mind, body, and soul. And at first I was afraid at how willingly I’d give it to you, but then I realized that there is not another person on this planet that I’d rather have my soul. You are the light of my life, Y/N. When I wake up in the morning, you’re the first person I think of and when I fall asleep, my thoughts are only occupied by you. There are around 170,000 words in the English language, and no matter how hard I try, I will never be able to express to you just how much I love you. Y/N, will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive?” Spencer stared up at her, hoping the weight of his words would somehow reach her through the guise of the assignment.
Y/N stood there, tears gathering in her eyes from the sheer overwhelming-ness of it all. Never had she imagined (because she has imagined it, if we’re being honest) that the day Spencer Reid would propose to her, it would be fake. The tears slipped out, she felt like sobbing at the artificiality of it all. Luckily those tears were in her favor to sway external witnesses. She suddenly remembered that he’d asked her a question.
“Yes! Yes, a million times yes!” A heavy sob escaped her and Spencer quickly slipped the ring onto her finger. Spectators clapped wildly and cheered for them. That definitely caught Mendoza’s attention. 
She threw her arms around his neck while he hugged her waist to lift her off the ground slightly. Spencer momentarily allowed himself to believe that this was real. In a moment of giddiness, he set her down again on the floor and pulled her in for a celebratory kiss by her waist. It took her a moment to realize what was happening, but soon reciprocated the tender kiss. Although it was short, it was unlike any other kiss she’d had. They pulled away from each other when the clapping and commotion had died down. Spencer had smiled graciously at people who were congratulating them, while she was still completely dazed from the kiss. They both went back to their respective seats, Spencer now back across from her rather than beside her.
Emily had lowkey been hitting Derek’s arm as they kissed, a moment she and JJ were surely going to tease Y/N to the ends of the Earth about.
Y/N had just barely composed herself enough to wipe the remnants of tears from her cheeks which resulted in a low whisper coming from Spencer, “Are you alright?” She nodded and flashed him a smile, one that told him just how not fine she was, but Spencer decided to let it go for a moment. He hoped he hadn’t crossed the line with the kiss.
“Good job, kids. You are definitely back on Mendoza’s radar.” Morgan spoke into both their earpieces.
They waited another 10 minutes before making their exit, their meal already paid for. Spencer had his arm tight around her shoulders as they walked out of the restaurant and pretended to wait for the valet. Derek and Emily still had eyes on Mendoza inside, who waited exactly one minute before he and his bodyguards were on the move.
“Mendoza’s on the move. Y/L/N and Reid, get ready for the signal.” Emily spoke, still in their hiding position.
Y/N took her gun out of her thigh holster and kept it out of view. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand as Mendoza approached them from behind.
“Congratulations to the lovely young couple. Can I just say how well you two suit each other?” Mendoza’s slimy voice began and it made their skin crawl.
“Now!” Emily spoke and both she and Morgan emerged with their firearms raised at the three men.
Y/N swiveled around and aimed her gun at him, “FBI, hands up, now!” She yelled and Mendoza’s men came forward to attack the two of them when they all heard the clicks of Emily and Derek’s guns from behind them.
“Uh-uh, I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Derek taunted. Mendoza visibly deflated and Spencer was quick to cuff him and read him his rights.
“George Mendoza, you are under arrest for the murder of 14 people…” Spencer went on as Emily and Derek cuffed the other two men. Y/N took a deep breath as she watched her teammates stuff them into police cars. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Hotch.
“Nice work, Y/L/N.” He gave her an approving nod and led her back to one of the SUVs. She immediately relaxed back into the seat and took off her heels.
On the jet back to Quantico, Y/N was teased quietly by Emily and JJ but they could tell that something was off about her. She wasn’t as bright as she usually was. Her eyes didn’t shine with the triumph that came with solving another case. Instead she was reserved and proceeded to retreat into herself when the teasing had stopped.
Oh how she wished it was real. She found herself keeping the ring on her ring finger rather than returning it to its rightful place on her pointer finger. She wanted to live in the daydream for as long as she could. Spencer’s words swirled around in her head with no shame or trepidation. She didn’t have an eidetic memory, but she would remember those words forever. Hearing them over and over seemed to have cracked and broken her heart and she was frantically trying to piece it back together. On the far side of the jet, Spencer was in a pool of regret. He wouldn’t have kissed her if he knew it’d make her uncomfortable. She has barely spoken to him since they closed the case and it didn’t seem like she would be talking any time soon. 
Hotch had given them two days off to cool off from the case and get some much needed sleep. Y/N thought that spending time away from Spencer would somehow heal the cracks in her heart, but they only seemed to make it worse. She knows she shouldn’t have cried into that tub of ice cream, but she couldn’t help it. She thought back to her friend who’d just gotten engaged the previous month and while she was never the jealous type, she found that feelings of envy were inevitable. She wondered if Spencer had meant anything he’d said. What did it mean if he did? No, no, she wasn’t even going to entertain the thought that he might feel anything for her. That would only lead to false hope and possibly deeper heartbreak.
The way he’d looked at her when he said he loved her. That couldn’t be faked, right? She was a profiler for goodness’s sake, she should have been able to tell, but it was abundantly clear that her feelings for Spencer got in the way of her profiling skills.
Going back to work was relatively easy, except for the fact that she couldn’t look Spencer in the eye without hearing the words he’d said to her. It was ridiculous of her to even consider the fact that he might have not been just acting. She’d spoken barely two words to him and Spencer was itching all day to speak with her, but he just couldn’t. They were both avoiding each other for the wrong reasons. Unfortunately, their coworkers noticed the obvious shift in behavior. It was so unlike the two to be so awkward around each other. JJ had even caught Spencer doing a 180 and returning to his desk as soon as he saw Y/N at the coffee machine.
Something must be done.
They’d all decided to leave quietly 15 minutes early, minus Hotch and Rossi who were already cooped up in their offices. They hoped the empty bullpen could give them the privacy they needed to talk about whatever they needed to.
“Hey, Em, could you look at this for me? I think--” Y/N trailed off as she glanced up from her paperwork to see an almost completely empty bullpen, “Oh, where did everybody go?” she asked herself and technically Spencer, who also seemed to be totally engrossed in his work.
“Hm, I think everyone left already.” Spencer stood from his desk, bones cracking as he did so.
“That’s weird…” she shrugged and tried to get back to work.
“Um, so what did you need Emily for? I could take a look at it if you want.” Spencer offered, walking over to her desk and leaning on the side of it.
“Uh..y-yeah, sure.” She stammered as she looked for the file she just set down, having him in close proximity was making her mind go numb for a second, “Here, um...I think it was filed in the wrong folder. I’ll just--uh..give it to JJ tomorrow or something.” She swallowed, avoiding his eyes as she showed it to him. 
“Hold on a second, I think...this...goes in here with this case…” he trailed off as he grabbed a folder from his own desk.
“Huh, someone must have accidentally placed it on my desk instead of yours.” She nodded.
“It was probably Anderson.” They both said at the same time, making them both laugh.
 It felt right to laugh with him again. Spencer’s heart skipped a beat when she finally looked up and grinned at him. He felt like the air was somehow restored to his lungs. He watched as she shyly looked back down and tucked some hair behind her ear. He cleared his throat and fumbled with the file in his hand.
“Hey, I--uh...never got the chance to apologize...for uhm, how things went when we were, y’know undercover.” 
Wow, real smooth Spence. Great job.
He watched as her brows furrowed together, eyes lifting to meet his, “What do you mean?” 
“I...shouldn’t have...kissed you, I’m sorry. I just thought...I don’t know, it seemed like most couples usually kiss after proposals and I thought if we didn’t kiss it would have looked weird. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, Y/N.” He apologized and Y/N’s heart might have definitely exploded in her chest. Here was this sweet, sweet man who was apologizing because he felt like he made her uncomfortable, as if that’s the reason she’d been acting weird.
“No, it didn’t make me uncomfortable at all!” She laughed it off, shaking her head. My God, Spencer Reid, there really is no one else like you. 
He fought off a relieved smile, “Oh, it didn’t?” She shook her head, laughing wholeheartedly now.
“No, on the contrary, I quite liked it, Dr. Reid.” She rolled her eyes, still giggling.
“Why have you been avoiding me and acting all awkward then?” He laughed with her.
“God, Spencer, did you really think I was being awkward because you kissed me?” She spoke, her arms lifting up and coming back down in disbelief.
“Yes!” he nodded, crossing his arms and shifting as he leaned on her desk, “I thought I’d made you uncomfortable…”
“No...Spencer, that’s not it at all…” She smiled softly but it began to fade as she stared at him.
There are around 170,000 words in the English language, and no matter how hard I try, I will never be able to express to you just how much I love you.
“Then what is it, Y/N? What’s going on?” He pursed his lips, wanting to absorb any and all the pain she’d ever felt in her life.
She had to know.
“The things you said...while you were uhm...proposing. Did--did you mean any of them?” She looked up at him with the largest doe eyes he’d ever seen. Her eyes began to shine with tears as her shoulders tensed with anticipation.
He shifted again uncomfortably at the question and her unfaltering gaze, “I--uh, I did, actually.” The heat rushed to his face and ears, “I definitely did mean them, Y/N. Does--does that make you feel weird?”
“No, no, not in the slightest,” her face broke out into another grin, this one with hints of relief, as she stood up from her desk chair to be at eye-level with him, “actually, if I’m being honest, I wanted you to mean them.”
Spencer smiled as he uncrossed his arms, “Is that right?”
“Mhm.” She hummed, placing both her hands on the sides of his neck, his hands now resting comfortably on her waist. She watched as his gaze never left her lips.
“Can I kiss you?” His eyes briefly flickered upwards to hers for permission.
“Please do.” She smiled before he connected their lips.
It felt right this time. She knew it did because she could finally savor the feeling of her stomach doing somersaults. She knew because she could finally know the feeling of his large hands roaming the expanse of her back in efforts to pull her closer. She knew because she could finally feel the incredibly soft tufts of hair at the base of his neck as she weaved her fingers through them.
In the distance, Hotch and Rossi simultaneously checked the bullpen through the blinds of their offices at the suspicious silence. Both of them shook their heads and laughed at the blooming of young love.
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ceilingfan5 · 3 years
for the au thing i don’t know if it counts but i want more facts about the teacher au
1. taako never intended to be a teacher, he just sort of fell into it bc of a job he had in college, and then he started subbing and he was like. oh shit. oh. oh man. i could do this. and SWITCHED HIS DEGREE AT LIKE THE LAST MINUTE AND HAD TO DO A LOT MORE SCHOOL but he was SO MUCH FUCKING HAPPIER
2. part of the reason he got into it tho is that he was considered a “challenging kid” and he has So Many complaints about his teachers throughout the years. of which there were many bc he and lup got shifted around so fucking much, which didnt help with him being an absolute little shit who just needed someone to notice he needed support
3. he had a whole ass identity crisis when he student taught, and he was so scared, like. am i gonna fuck these kids up?? am i going to ruin their tiny little futures??? he actually started in middle school and went younger when he Had To Get Out of a job and he was like fuck it it’s only one year, i can find another school when this year is over if i have to BUT HE FUCKING LOVED IT!!!!! THESE TINY PEOPLE ADORE HIM!!! AAAH
4. he loves teaching them big words he loves teaching them weird shit to say to their parents he loves wearing weird shit to school he loves getting drawings he loves watching the lightbulbs come on he loves watching them learn to read he loves completely abandoning the lesson plan and doing a whole day on a weird question he loves saying batshit nonsense and backing it up he loves getting down with them and playing aaahh
5. also in this au kravitz works at a casino!!! ive done kravitz as a high school teacher in the past but i thought this would be fun also. he has a lot of fun with it and it’s both nice and hard that he works later in the day. like in the minific he could bring taako lunch!!! but then it’s hard that sometimes taako has to go to bed without him. it’s a tradeoff. he works in guest satisfaction and gets lots of gifts from his high rollers and fucking loves to treat taako and take him out to nice restaurants and stuff!!! idk how they met in this one but it was something stupid and theyve been head over heels ever since. everyone was like. oh my god thats not going to work. but it DID so THERE!!!! krav loves to listen to taako gush or complain about his kids and his day and hes so supportive and full of love fuck i love them so much guys
PLOT TWIST! YOU THOUGHT I WAS DONE BUT IM FUCKING NOT!!!!!!! @herbgerblin mentioned taako with tiny WIZARD STUDENTS can you IMAGINE!!!! FUCK!!!! SAME AU BUT MAGICER 1. they all have tiny wizard hats and lil safety star wands and taako complains every year that that shit is on the supply list but then they show up on day one all excited and vibrating and he has to try really hard not to cry about it
2. he still teaches fucking math and reading and science and art and shit FUCK a certain particular series. education rules. also i care so fuckin much about this listen i have an original story about a teacher in a super power universe and shes a villain but you probably didnt want to hear about that youre here for taz but if you want to press that button you’re fuckin in for it pal (ailem i know you personally love that particular thing and i love you) but THIS IS ABOUT TAZ
3. GOD that would be so stressful ALSO having to teach magic?? jesus when is there time for intervention?? FUCK! but LISTEN!!!!  teaching 25 little tiny kids cantrips and shit!!! oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! draw a picture of your handsome teacher with mage hand everybody!!! no! handsomer!!!!!!!! jamie you’re doing perfectly sweetie
4. this could have gone in the top half and would have made more sense but first draft only draft amirite BUT taako’s so fucking good with the “challenging students” bc he GETS them and especially in this au tweest he’s so good at calming a kid whos like. getting overwhelmed and having like a magic storm and like other teachers might be like god i cant believe i had to deal with another tantrum today and taakos meanwhile like sat on the floor with the kid and calmed them down and reminded them he’s there and made them laugh and cool down
sidenote listen maybe they arent all wizards. or dnd wizards. sit down. let’s talk about the class system. i have a lot of thoughts actually. what do you MEAN you want me to move on
okay im calm.
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mcyt-imagines · 3 years
hi! i’m like 80% sure requests are open but if they aren’t feel free to ignore this! i was wondering if i could get some fundy confessions? like a similar piece of writing to what you did with ranboo? which by the way was very good and your writing is super neat :]
I’m so glad you enjoyed the lil Ranboo confession hcs, I hope you enjoy these just as much! :)
Fundy Confession HCs 
Realising he likes you 
Fundy knows he’s crushing on you immediately. But he doesn’t understand how deeply he cares for you.
Fundy finds himself surprised when he doesn’t have to chase you, you actively pursue him as much as he pursues you.
Fundy usually doubts himself when he finds himself crushing on someone, unsure whether he should pursue them. But with you it’s different, your support makes him feel confident in his feelings.
Sometimes he feels as if he could never confess, scared he could ruin your friendship in case you don’t feel the same way. (Even though you very much do, he just thinks you deserve someone better too)
Fundy spends a lot of time contemplating his feelings for you, mostly in his head whilst the two of you are hanging out. He finds himself zoning out while you’re speaking, his eyes wandering between your vibrant eyes and your gesturing hands, landing somewhere in between, usually on your soft lips. However, if your back is turned to him, he will simply fixate on your hair, his hands desperately wishing to feel it. He knows that it's soft from the few times he’s fixed a stray lock of hair to a spot behind your ear. Basking in the pride he feels when your cheeks tint a soft pink, wondering whether it was real or just a cruel trick played by his imagination.
Fundy often finds himself thinking of you whilst streaming, he’s mentioned you a few times. Not enough to raise any questions about what your relationship with him is, just enough so his chat can try and appreciate you as much as he does when he allows his mind to wander mid-game.
Fundy finds himself slamming into an epiphany late one night when he realises that dating you isn’t about whether he thinks he deserves you but whether you do. And he hasn’t even given you the chance to answer, all this time he’s made the decision for you because he’s too scared of what your answer would be. He makes a promise to himself that night. That you deserve to make that decision yourself.
The Confession
Fundy knows that if he’s going to confess, he needs to make it extravagant and perfectly tailored to you.
This man plans out his confession to you for MONTHS, meticulously crafting props, making bookings, and trying his best to coordinate far away friends. Meanwhile, your friendship continues to strengthen with each night chatting until the both of you fall asleep in lone discord calls.
You know that Fundy has been busy with a project he refuses to tell you anything about, changing the subject with nervous stuttering whenever you bring it up.
You have let it keep you awake for a few nights before concluding that perhaps he finally managed to snag a partner and he was unsure how to tell you. So, the next time you meet up you make a note to drop some hints about knowing what his little project is. This freaks Fundy out instantly. How the hell did you figure it out? And you seem super okay with it? Was he wrong, do you actually feel the same way? Fundy’s head is spinning as you continue your casual conversation alone, “But don’t worry, I can wait. I only want you to tell me when you feel comfortable.” Your words snap Fundy out of his spiraling thoughts as your warm hand squeezes his knee and he forgets how to breathe.
Fundy spirals yet again that night after he gets home. You seemed okay with him liking you? But you didn’t confess either!? What does that even mean!? Fundy groans loudly before stuffing his pillow over his face, wishing that his love life could be easy.
He sets to work the next morning, finalizing all of his plans. When once again, he is struck by another epiphany. You wouldn’t want this. Some big extravagant show with the pressure of your mutual friends watching from the sidelines. You’d want something sweet and personal. That only you and he would understand, or even care about. He doesn’t bother cancelling the plans and bookings, instead of texting you to meet him at his place for dinner. If tonight works out the two of you can still experience the more extravagant side of his confession, but if this whole encounter goes sour it can go sour in private rather than public.
You arrive promptly, as you always do. Happy to spend time with him and perhaps seduce him you dress a little cuter than usual. Hoping he takes notice. He definitely does, and you can tell. The second he opens the door to reveal your frame he’s grinning, a light pink rests at the tips of his ears almost immediately. He is quick to greet you and lead you inside.
Fundy spent all afternoon regretting that he had sent that text to you. As he had to frantically run around the kitchen trying to come up with a meal to cook because there was absolutely no way, he was going to feed you takeout! Normally of course he wouldn’t have minded doing that, but not the day he plans to confess! That’d just be embarrassing. He spent a good thirty minutes deciding on the menu, thinking he’d do something Dutch to show off a little. And then he promptly realised that over half of the Dutch dishes he knew required no cooking but days of prep-work. Which took out a lot of what he knew how to cook.
So, by the time you arrived, he actually hadn’t finished cooking anything yet. And he was internally screaming as he heard your knock upon his door. So, to distract you he invited you into his room for some Minecraft. He repeatedly thanked his past self for furiously cleaning his room even though he originally had no plans for you to come in here.
As you play your eyes wander around Fundy’s room, allowing yourself to be distracted by his nerdy décor. “Creeper!” You scream as you’re brought back into reality as Fundy’s character jumps in between yours and the exploding mob. You gasp dramatically, “Fundy, my hero!” You pretend to swoon, grinning as he chuckles at your antics. “My shield is now practically broken.” He whines, “Take mine.” You drop it in front of him before moving your character back over to the iron ore you’d spotted in the cave earlier. He readjusts himself beside you, shimmying his shoulders as he mutters out a quick thanks. You lean against him softly, “No worries.”
It is at that inopportune moment that he remembers he had been cooking before you showed up. Thank god his oven had a safety feature to turn off after a certain amount of time. He ducks out for a few moments to quickly check on the mess of ingredients he’d chucked into a casserole to find it charred black. He repeatedly slams his head against his countertop as he began to enter both yours and his usual order of Chinese takeout into his phone. “You good with Chinese takeout?” He calls towards his room, wishing a hole in the ground would open and swallow him up pulling him straight down to the ninth circle of hell for his crimes against love. “Hell yeah, I am!” You respond with an enthusiasm that allows him to unclench his jaw and unfurrow his brows. God, you were definitely too good for him. Even as a friend.
Hours soar by with ease as the two of you play, trying your best to speedrun Minecraft and absolutely failing. Fundy does manage to make a nether portal pretty quickly using the lava pool strat. He allows himself to puff out his chest, pride swelling as you cheer him on with a grin. You don’t stop playing even when the takeout arrives continuing to communicate through mouthfuls of rice and complaints about trying to not get grease on your keyboards. Fundy cant remember that last time the two of you spent time like this just hanging out with no pressure from his stupid feelings and you absolutely glowing with joy beside him. He knows you need to do this more often.
“YES! FUNDY HIT HIM! AHH!” With one final blow, the dragon is slain and you finally beat Minecraft. You throw your arms around Fundy laughter bubbling from your lips, his arms grip you tightly pulling you close. His own laughter reverberates against his chest causing you to realise just how close he was holding you. You gulp down your rapidly growing nerves before looking up to meet his gaze, finding his face a lot closer to yours than you had expected. Fundy looks down at you as his cheeks burn a bright crimson and he tries to stutter out the words he’s been dying to tell you for the past six months.
And that’s when it hits you like a tonne of bricks. The bullshit he had been hiding this whole time wasn’t a partner, he wanted you to be his partner! Your mouth falls open in surprise for a few moments as Fundy continues to gape at you. “Holy shit Fundy.” That causes his gaze to snap to yours, eyebrows furrowed and lips in a firm line. “I thought you were hiding the fact you were with someone from me!” You laugh at your own absolute stupidity, hand coming to press high on Fundy’s chest. “Wait, what!?” The exasperated expression on his face only causes you to laugh harder, “Yeah, I thought that’s what you were being super cagey about. Sorry my bad, misjudged that one.”
Fundy finds himself chuckling too, his shoulders relaxing as he does so. “Yeah, a real good read love.” He laughs, your gaze rises at the pet name. “Real presumptuous of you Fundy, I haven’t even said if I feel the same yet.” Your teasing tone doesn’t even stop him as he pulls you even closer to him, pressing your body flush against his. “I think I can read you pretty well now. Not to mention you’ve been blushing this whole time.” He grins into your hair, squeezing you with an unbridled joy you find so contagious. Or perhaps you’re feeling that way because it turns out your crush isn’t actually dating someone else but instead likes you back? 
“B-but like, just checking you actually do really like me-“ Fundy begins, feeling his nerves inevitably creep up his spine. Before he can even finish you cup the back of his neck with your free hand, the other clenching his shirt as you kiss him with all the intensity you can muster. “That answer your q-.” You begin to respond against his lips only from him to silence you, which maybe you deserved. Fundy can’t help but smile into the kiss. Somehow things actually turned out alright. Squeezing your warm soft hips, he ponders who the hell is looking out for him upstairs. But as your hands tangle in his hair, he makes a silent promise to himself he’ll consider praying to them tomorrow.
~Requests are always open!~
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nctworststuff · 3 years
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I do not own this pretty header
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P-Johnny x gn!reader | G-Kinda angst a lil bit but still fluff (?), Mafia Au, enemies to lovers | W-Gun, mention of drug, mention to kill, swearing, cringe (?) | WC-0.6 k
Velvet say: just let me know if this CRINGE or not lol
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Stop it, you make me addicted with it
Im Addicted
You take your breath heavily and walking toward his mansion. Not forget to bring your gun to be ready and placed it around your waist. Yeah who knows if anything could happen. The night is ready to replace the sunset. This time, you have to manage your deal about business with your gang rival, or trustworthy enemy. Wait, isn't it the same? Or not? Yeah whatever who cares, you thought
Your feet have stepped into his place, quickly and carefully you go towards the man who is sitting on the chair.
Then the man stand up and slowly walking to you, still make sure to keep distance with you, its like he is afraid if you kill him. Yeah this is Johnny. His blonde hair and that red-black suit are really fit with his role. He smirk at you
Oh come on, just stop smirk
"What you do at here?" He place his hands in his pocket. He dared himself to make eye contact with you
This idiot are trying to trick? What now
You cleared your throat
"Please dont act like you dont know anything. You promised with me" you started to lost your patience. But, still trying to act cool
"Oh really? Its like you fall for my trick. Congrats" he chuckled with heartless voices. You cursed in your breath.He just kidding, you know it.
"Johnny, you bast-"
"Im kidding, honey. Before we continue, can you do my favor? And I promise to give a drug on the spot"
What? At this last minute? I just come here to do this thing quickly instead of wasting my time
You start to lost your patience and the anger dominated you. You dont know why you suddenly feel this angry. You come closer to him and grab his collar
"Johnny fucking Seo. Just go straight to the point. Just give me what are you promised with me before! Just give me that fuckin drug! Or I WILL KILL YOU" You yelled at him. You feel satisfied when you do that. But still you dont get what you want
"Calm down, lady. And I never heard the swear word in my name. How dare you?"
Oh stupid stupid stupid! Why is he like to being like this?
But he never let you finished your sentence
He shut you with his lips crash into yours. Yes. He are KISSING you. Your eyes widened and you dont know what to do with him. You push his chest and you can feel your breath are heavy
"WHAT WAS THAT" You said in disbelief. Your heart racing right now. Yes, you are getting angrier because of sudden kiss while you are being serious, but you kinda enjoyed it and loved it.
He stole your first kiss just shut you up. He is not mean it right? Its possible right to make your enemy turn into the lover? Its just an accident isn't it? You gulped. How can king and queen of mafia who was enemy are kissed just now?
He coming closer at you again and whisper something
"Listen, I was kidding about the drug, its mean, I tell you to come at here today not because of the drug thing. Its about my love towards you. I have deep feeling for you called love. I like you since... last? You are that real drug. Im addicted with you." Your heart beat fast as you hear that
Yes, you couldn't deny that you are loving over him for a year.
But you just acted pretty cool infront of him like you are never going to love him but those act is a pretty liar
Wow, king and queen in love. 2 years of being enemy now the king confessed it
"Stop. Not infront of my salad" Mark said disgustingly from from far and rolled his eyes. Mark start to going at others way
"Shut up, Mork. You ruining it" Johnny felt annoying
He turned back to look at you
"What about you?" he ask
"I- FUCK. YES! I love you" he smiling at you
"But please just give your damn drugs or all my plan ruined"
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Nightwing 83 Review
guess who isn't weeks late this time. my opinion of the series is going up a little bit. it's still not great, but i'm not actively put off by it anymore the way i was after 81. not going to tag as spoilers, but be warned that they are under the cut
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i’m sure you all are well aware of this but now, but dear god i love bruno redondo’s art. like, an unhealthy amount. the pink and blue is getting to be a theme with either him or just this run, but i am definitely enjoying it. the movement in this cover is clearly obvious, but well done. you recoznize right off the bat that the cover was drawn to drag your eyes down the page until you get to the bottom, but you enjoy the whole ride there. 
also, redondo’s way of drawing a character in stages of action so we can see just how much they’re doing in a split second of movement is quickly becoming something i like to see drawn with dick, and any other character that has that sort of ease of movement and body sense, like cass or sin or maybe a super. 
and he’s in action the entire time! there’s shot drawn just to show off a shirtless comic book character, the way nightwing is so often subjected to. he’s shirtless because he’s changing his clothes, and that’s all we see, no more and no less. very practical, very well done. i like it.
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he looks so cute right here oh my god. the little squint, the hair curls. it’s adorable.
but also like. unless melinda has specifically outfitted the door spyhole so that the person on the other side can’t see dick looking through it (and in all honesty she might have) then everyone on the other side can see dick looking through that door. 
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bringing your attention back to the “i can’t see melinda’s fbi file oh no!! it’s redacted!! whatever can we do!!” stupidity. redacted files are child’s play for oracle, and definitely doable for both dick and bruce. so that’s bullshit.
now, melinda apparently grew up with the maroni family, then took down part of the family from the inside. the maroni family is a large and notable presence in gotham, one that bruce pays a respectable amount of attention to. he definitely would have grown suspicious when two members of the maroni family were taken down, and with some investigation, he would have discovered melinda’s plan. and it should go without saying that the majority of things you see batman doing? dick can do it too.
it’s not so much that i don’t like how clever the villains/antiheroes are getting. i don’t like how dc heroes are increasingly written as less intelligent. they seem to be relying on pure fighting skills or luck, which may be the case for a couple heroes, but has never been the case for most of dc’s big name heroes, the bat family included. it’s irritating to me to see this sort of stuff pop up as a major plot point when i know that, if dick or bruce had been written with the amount of skill and power that they canonically possess, this entire mess would have been sorted out years ago.
unrelated but dick and melinda have the same hair
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this may just be me, but i was always under the impression that dick doesn’t really have a “double life???”
yes, he’s talented enough to create enough differences between robin/nightwing and dick grayson’s mannerisms, way of movement, voices, and speech patterns so that it’s very difficult to put the two together.
but nightwing has never been separate from dick grayson, not the way bruce and batman is. he’s always leaned more towards clark in that aspect: his hero persona is an exaggerated, stately, larger-than-life version of who he really is. there’s no second persona, no real “dick grayson identity” and “nightwing identity.” they’re the same person with the same goals, ideas, and skills. one just pretends to abide by the law, and one gives up pretense of that.
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oh good thank god. if he’d trusted her right off the bat (hehe. bat.) i would have slapped him upside the head. at least he’s still got instincts.
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gosh the colouring on this is cool. the red has enough purple and pink tones to it that it doesn’t abruptly ruin the tone of the artwork. but it’s definitely glaring enough to take the reader outside of this personal moment they had slipped into between dick and melinda, to put them back in the present where they’re reminded that oh yea there are people hunting dick down. 
the next panel keeps this up too, in a less severe way. melinda’s bodyguard shows up (i forgot her name sorry :[ ) and subtly places us in the middle of an action scene rather than a private, personal scene.
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laughing so fucking hard have our little vigilantes grown so accustomed to breaking into places that it doesn’t even register as a crime anymore??? tim coming in through the fire escape to pick bernard up for their date and being very much confused as to why bernard is freaking out.
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i really like melinda’s shirt and now despite all the work i have to do and the fucking conference i have to host on monday i want to spend hours scrolling through clothing shops online trying to find this shirt. the mock neck/neckline is so cool i want it
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so roland just assumes that a very dangerous vigilante who is highly talented in combat and a very dangerous bodyguard who is also highly talented in combat had a fight that ended with this very dangerous bodyguard being tied up and she looks completely fine? roland just assumes that her having no visible wounds or bruises means that they got into a fight and she lost that easily? uh. aight then
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dick what are you doing. legitimately what the fuck are you doing. why are you posing oh my god. you are injured and tired and in absolutely no position to go hand to hand with one of main enemies. jesus christ run away or head to lower ground or something. don’t just stand around letting the floodlights show exactly where you are.
i don’t understand what he’s trying to do here??? blockbuster fully bought the story that dick fought them both, won, tried to get info out of them and failed, then hightailed it out of there. he didn’t have to draw roland out for a fight.
but it does look cool. the way the light just highlights his silhouette and the blue parts of his costume does look badass. he does get style points in my book for this.
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w h a t  d i d  i  f u c k i n g  t e l l  y o u ,  d i c k ?
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very classic superhero line and it does sound like something dick would say in a fit of righteous rage but also it makes me laugh so hard because all vigilantes think they’re so powerful that the law doesn’t apply to them. dick vigilantism is illegal. you’re acting above the law and pretending it doesn’t apply to you. hypocritical much?
it happens so often in superhero movies, tv shows, comics, whatever and it makes me giggle every damn time.
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pretty decent comeback but before i start seeing people writing blockbuster as a thug i’m going to remind you that he made a deal with a demon for genius level intellect. if this turns into another bane situation i’m going to be a little miffed. he’s a smart man, which makes him a dangerous and infinitely more interesting enemy for nightwing.
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this is so horribly in character i want to scream. (or. at least. it lines up with one of the versions of nightwing i have in my head.) he’s running right towards the bullets, miraculously doesn’t get shot, while making a sort-of pun. i hate this so much. i love him.
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this is cool. this art is really really cool.
he leaped from a building right towards a helicopter that’s actively shooting at him, but none of the bullets are touching him. none of the corruption of the city can touch him no matter how hard it tries, because he’s too good to be corrupted. Comic Book Logic Can Be Good Sometimes Actually.
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batman’s belt what??? swiss army knife who?? sorry, i only know nightwing’s bright blue escrima.
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this is one of my favourite things about heroes with exceptional abilities, even more so if the hero is human. the things they can do are so far beyond the realm of normal human abilities that it’s equal parts terrifying and awe-inspiring every time they act.
he just used modified grappling wires to hook to the door of a moving helicopter, swung around the helicopter safely without hitting the blades, gained exactly the right momentum to swing upward again right through the opening of helicopter, then fought and tied up the men before they had any idea what was happening. that’s near impossible to do.
it’s stuff like this where i just sort of sigh in contentment. no matter how many times they leave out dick’s detective skills or conveniently forget that he’s actually a master planner and team leader and make him out to be this forgetful dude who makes everything up on the fly because of his “circus roots,” at least they won’t ever take away dick’s sheer physical ability honed to perfection. 
the art, too! in a few panels, dick’s drawn a little lightened or blurred. he’s moving so quickly and fighting so efficiently that he can barely be seen by the enemy. he’s got perfect form all the way through.
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and THIS!
there was a helicopter that had five men shooting at him with what looks like machine guns. most people would be dead. some would run away, and be nimble enough to survive without fatal hits. there are very few people, even in fucking comic books, who can look at that hopeless situation and turn it around so quickly and thoroughly that he benefits from it instead.
i just. love nightwing.
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it was funny the first time as a comic reader aware of the meme. it’s really not anymore. why the hell would you, in universe, be wearing a shirt that has a picture of your boyfriend being hit in the face by his father. 
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okay that was funny. 
look at lil bitewing, so concerned for her human!!! love her sm. 
also a question as to the timeline of things. is nightwing happening before or after urban legends? 
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i was so distracted by dick wearing a robe and briefs and nothing else that i didn’t register the second part until later. he slept for two days?? babs, baby, he recently had a very traumatic brain injury. why do you sound so nonchalant?
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ngl i totally forgot about that dude oops
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this comic is giving so many reaction pictures. you know how you always use the worst possible picture of your friend for your friend’s contact picture? i’m just getting so many of these.
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leslie!!! the titans!!! lucius!!! dick going to go see old friends!!!! the titans!!! this part made me so irrationally happy it really did. gar being the one to just. offer dick solutions with open arms. this was the best
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i wish i could just copy and paste this entire scene, but that would take up way too much space, so i’m just going to talk about it instead. 
you gave me my name, nightwing, and you gave me some of the best advice i’ve received in my life: beautiful little throwback to nightwing’s origin. you’d be surprised at the amount of people who don’t know where the name came from, or who don’t know how much clark means to dick. and the fact that dick still looks up to clark as a hero, recognizes that clark isn’t always perfect and yet continues to hold him in such high esteem, and still looks back on advice that clark gave him fondly just warmed my heart so much.
for a man who has fearlessly stood up to darkseid, bruce will do a lot to avoid a conversation: “grrr. i’m the BATMAN. i’m so DARK and MYSTERIOUS. nobody knows the true me. no one ever will. i will be LONELY for the rest of my CURSED LIFE. such is the price of a hero. ignore my farmer himbo husband in the background”
but i don’t think there’s anything heroic about being a billionaire: another nod to how much dick follows clark’s example rather than bruce. yes, this was a very poignant and important criticism, and i think it’s wonderful that this was published in a pretty popular comic book. but the thing is, there is a way to be a heroic billionaire, but only in fictional universes. the way bruce, ollie, t’challa only ever use their wealth to help people. they donate massive amounts of money to charities that they themselves create so they know exactly how the money is being used. they hire people who aren’t likely to get jobs anywhere else and pay them much more than what a base living wage is. they use their power to help push progressive laws and social change. they are helping. 
dick doesn’t fully see it that way. he spent more than half his childhood the son of a billionaire, but still believes that one could be more heroic when one doesn’t have obscene amounts of wealth. whose example do you think he followed to come to that conclusion?
superman looked up to alfred pennyworth?: i mean yea alfred may have been a wildly irresponsible guardian and one hell of an enabler but goddamn if he didn’t love his kid.
you don’t need my input. you’ve thought it all through: ooooooh this line made me grin. for so long, dick’s treated clark as a mentor and a guiding figure. he’s still seen as a kid, an up and coming, snot-nosed titan with dreams of a better world. clark still thinks of him as a kid, despite watching him grow up. but this little line was something i think dick needed sorely to hear. he doesn’t need anyone’s guiding hand on his shoulder, he doesn’t need to ask for permission. he doesn’t need clark to support him the way he did when he was a teenager. he’s all grown up now, and he doesn’t need clark’s help. i imagine it was a bit of a surprise for dick to hear that. 
honestly, i couldn’t think of a better role model: ohhh but it doesn’t stop there. clark just straight up turns the tables on dick. imagine you’re dick, and you’ve looked up to this one hero your entire life, and then one day he turns to you and says that he thinks you’re so kind and smart and worthy of a person that he wants you to mentor his son!? goes to show just how much clark trusts dick.
i swear to god dick probably cries every time he hears clark compliment him because bruce is so rare and sparing with his praise that clark giving him the slightest hint of approval is just a dopamine rush.
also, now deathstroke and superman have both asked nightwing to mentor their kids. the juxtaposition is fuckin hysterical. imagine either of their reactions when they realize what kind of company they’re with
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lets talk colours for a second, because i absolutely adore how classic colour tropes have been subverted in this comic, and in this general run really.
warm tones have usually (usually, not always) been associated with light and comfort and friendship and,,,,,well,,,warmth. whereas cool tones are usually used to unsettle, or make a scene seem colder and put the reader on edge. this varies if a comic only uses cool tones, or only uses warm tones, but if a comic uses both, this is generally well-used.
that isn’t the case in this run.
dark red, orange, and other warm tones have been used to symbolize danger, action, attacks. hot pink isn’t usually included in this colour group, but it’s definitely part of it in this case. in contrast, scenes that have cool colours give us the impression of slipping into a comfortable, calm scene with babs, tim, the titans, and other allies. even the beginning scene with superman has this blue, but then it transitions into something more golden coloured. dawn broke over dick, as his new idea came to light, and that was reflected in the art (and the sunrise setting.)
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have there ever been times when dick’s longed for the comfort of his mask because he didn’t feel confident as dick grayson? i can’t think of any. i may be wrong, but this struck me as pretty ooc.
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am i just??? gay and reading this all wrong??
cause i was under the impression that when someone says they are grateful for your friendship you don’t immediately kiss them. 
or is this like. normal straight mating rituals.
i mean he’s smiling afterward but still babs aren’t you supposed to at least make sure it’s okay first? you guys broke up a while back after you said something along the lines of “i want to be coworkers with you and nothing more because i don’t trust you or feel comfortable around you as a civilian anymore.” like lmao after you say something like that to someone i would assume that you don’t have the permission to just kiss them whenever you want.
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show of hands who else got real sad when they realized dick was talking about himself in this.
sure, he could be referencing the things he’s seen blockbuster pull, and the children on the streets. but “i’ve seen money used for enforcement,” sounds a little too close to dick’s entire life being destroyed by one man threatening the circus to pay protection money for me to completely ignore. and “i’ve seen the poorest and most vulnerable blamed and punished rather than assisted” becomes a lot worse when you remember dick was thrown in juvie for a couple months until bruce was able to obtain legal guardianship, and in there, not a authority figure believed him when he told them his parents were murdered.
he’s lived this before.
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a. mother. fucking. typo.
fucking why
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i mean i’ve stated my distaste for the batfamily groupchat before but like. this is reaching new levels of ridiculousness. jason sounds like he was written by a fanfic writer. tim sounds like he was written by a fanfic writer. steph sounds like she was written by someone who doesn’t know the first thing about steph and wanted to include her for “family points!!!!!” damian’s supposed to be completely off the grid, and everyone’s searching for him. i do love the way cass texts tho.
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well god fuck now i’m crying
dick got a phone call, a sorry, and a thank you out of bruce. i feel so much secondhand happiness for him, if that’s a thing. we’ll just ignore the way bruce looks ugly af and focus on the good parts okay?
and again with the colour symbolism here!
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i’m either going to love this or hate this. who knows, we’ll see.
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something something hearts something something pink is an evil colour something something. i need to know more about this guy but there’s definitely symbolism there. 
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is it just me or does this dude look like the backstabbing traitorous absolutely motherfucking piece of shit villain that killed tadashi hamada in big hero 6?
taggggg list: @woahjaybird @birdy-bat-writes @anothertimdrakestan  @subtleappreciation @screennamealreadyused @bikoncon @pricetagofficial @catxsnow @maplumebleue-blog-blog @sundownridge @thatsthewhump @xatanna-troy @red-hood-redemption​ @capricorn-stark​ @batshit-birds​ @comics-observer @buticaaba​ 
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stevesharrlngtons · 3 years
this one might be too much but 😩 mutual pining between reader & Roman and it’s a formal event and someone is pissing him off and then reader comes in all dressed up and cute like “you said you would be nice ro 🙄” because theyre the date! and then he goes soft idk JKDFNF and people are like 😳 because they’re so cute together 😔
hi! i love this idea, and i hope you don’t mind if i tweak it a lil (-: enjoy!
so here’s the thing
roman is always looking for an angle
he loves a grift and a scheme and a plan
he’s always looking for a way to work smarter, not harder
and luckily, he has you to go along with them
since junior high, you had been roman’s accomplice, sometimes willingly and sometimes reluctantly
he had this annoying knack for knowing each and every one of your buttons and just how to push them to get his way and rope you into a plan of his
and of course, just fucking of course, that’s what he did this time
because you were incredibly skeptical about being set up on a date with some slimy businessman roman was trying to shmooze
in hopes of you becoming the man’s earworm for the night and getting him to invest millions in a new vaccine that the white tower was developing
“you know actual models, roman. i don’t know why you are asking me for this”
“because you are the only person i trust with this, and anything for that matter”  
you were sat on his couch in his living room while roman stood above you, giving you his best pout which he knew you couldn’t resist
“you could ask letha”
“i don’t want letha, i want you” in more ways that one, he thought
“you could ask destiny, maybe she could cast a spell or read his palm to help you out,” you crossed your arms
you really didn’t want to do this, even for roman
was it because you didn’t want to go on a date with a notorious creep? yes, of course
was it also because you didn’t want to date anyone but the man who stood in front of you, who also happened to have friendzoned you at the age of fifteen? yeah, that too
but it was mostly the gross old man thing
“i don’t want models, i don’t want letha, i don’t want destiny or any little trick she can pull. i want you there, with your cunning little mind and pretty little face,” roman dropped to his knees and jutted out his bottom lip in mock sadness, “don’t make me beg, baby”
and fuck, there was that little nickname that made your stomach flip and your heart race and you can barely keep the blush from your cheeks as you reluctantly agree
and so, the plan was set
next week you were to meet with mr. daniel reynolds, a sixty something medical investor who knew more hookers than manners and wouldn’t take his hand off your ass since the moment he saw you
in which his first words were “damn! godfrey is really pulling out all the stops for me, huh?” as he gazed at you with a smarmy expression
while your skin crawled at the gesture and you had to fake giggle to cover the retch your stomach gave, you did know he was right
you looked fucking hot and it was all on roman’s dime
a contingency for you agreeing to this night was getting to take his credit card for the afternoon to buy whatever you needed for the date, price be damned
daniel picked you up in a brand new aston martin, his hand high on your thigh as he blathered on about... something, you didn’t know or care
and neither did he, truly
you were there for his to grope and stare at, he didn’t care about what you had to say
when you got to the event, all eyes were on you
you swore that people stopped their conversations to stare at you and daniel, but you didn’t know if that was just anxiety or if was true until he whispered in your ear gross
“no one can take their eyes off you, gorgeous. feels good to know you’re all mine”
and before you could reply with your now perfected canned girlish giggle, roman approached quickly
“daniel, i see you could make it.”
and immediately, just from hearing his voice, you knew this whole plan was a bust
because roman was pissed, and he was barley containing his anger
upon turning to see his face, your suspicion was proven
roman was standing to his full height, hackles raised, predatory eyes set on daniel in a straining stare, his lips pressed in a thin line as his jaw was clenched
“roman, great to see you,” daniel slaps roman on the should to which roman didn’t budge, “you already have a leg up on this investment after you sent me this peace offering,”
he patted your ass in recognition as he appreciated your body with his eyes once more
“i don’t know where you found her, but tell ‘em i don’t know if i wanna give her back!”
you just looked straight ahead at roman with a fixed smile and a look in your eyes that said i swear to god, you owe me big
“yeah, well,” roman’s voice is wound tight as he closes his eyes and takes a swift step closer to daniel, “the thing is, i’ve decided to rescind my offer. both business and personal. you don’t get to invest and you don’t get to keep her.”
“what?” daniel said, at the same time that exact thought crossed your mind
“yep,” roman popped the word from his mouth, spit coming to splatter on reynolds skin, “i don’t need your money, i don’t need you. no one does, except maybe a nursing home or an erectile dysfunction seminar”
“you little prick! who the fuck do you think you are?”
“i’m roman fucking godfrey,” roman seethes through his teeth, “who the fuck are you?”
you stood in shock as you watched daniel do the same, before roman spoke again
“that’s what i thought. now, go stand with your nose to the wall and don’t fucking bother me again,”
and sure enough, daniel’s hand went limp and fell from your butt to his side and he turned robotically on his heel and walked at a simple pace to the nearest wall to place his nose against
roman watched with an intense anger the entire time to make sure he did what he was told
“hey -- what the fuck was that?” you whispered harshly under your breath
“i changed my mind,” he growled
“since when? you practically begged for me to do this plan with you just to ruin it the second he walked in?”
roman snapped his head to look at you with that same intense gaze as before
his body followed slowly, rotating beneath him like an owl
“i am allowed to change my mind whenever the fuck i want. and i decided i had changed my mind when i saw his filthy fucking arthritis fingers on you”
“that was the plan --”
“fuck the plan! fuck. it.”
you met his stare, doing your best to match his anger, but you couldn’t
because all you could think about was how roman had seen a man touching you and hated it
because all you could think about was how fucking sexy he looked when he was mad, when he was yelling at someone and coming out on top
all you could think about was how much you wanted to beg him to touch you and kiss you and wash away daniel’s touch with his own
and roman, for his own part was thinking similar thoughts
because he really thought that this plan could work, that he could use his jealousy to his advantage, that he could harness it and use it to be a better businessman
that he could use another man as your date as a motivator to do his best to impress you and to do anything in his power to seal the deal because nothing was more motivating to roman than getting a business deal out of the way so he could have you all to himself again
but the second you walked in, looking like that, in that fucking dress, but with that fucking man? touching you? everything left roman’s mind
all he could think about was how much he wanted you, how much he needed you, how much he was the only person allowed to touch you
and how much he wanted to maim daniel reynolds, investment be damned
“i would have loved a little heads up on this. would have been nice to know you were gonna bail on the plan so i could have just blown you off,” you bit
“well, here’s your heads up for now on,” roman stepped closer, his lips only a breath away, “no more plans where any other human being touches you. no more plans where someone touches you like that, that isn’t me. no more plans where anyone thinks that you are theirs and not mine. get it?”
his voice palpated for much passion and authority your head began to spin
and your eyes widened, and your heart raced and your palms started to sweat
for a moment you swore you might faint
for another, you swore you are just going to kiss him something roman would have no objected
but all you did do was say:
and roman gave you a swift nod
“good. now let’s dance, i don’t want to talk business anymore. everyone here is fucking stupid and old.”
so, with his hand around your waist, roman led you to the expansive dance floor
for the rest of the night, roman’s hands help erase the memories of their predecessor. big and warm and possessive all over your body
and anytime someone looks at you for more than a passing glance, roman pulls you in tighter
he kisses your forehead and rubs his cheeks and nose to the sides of your face, like a cat marking its territory  
showing everyone there what they all should fucking know
you. were. roman’s.
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Even opposite cakes attract
Summary: James and Lily assist to Petunia's wedding as their unofficial first date.
“You don’t have to scream, Prongs”
“SORRY!!” he screamed anyway.
Lily laughed. Her laughter was so delicious and delicate. James’ heart overloaded with joy. It was easy now, making her laugh. She didn’t get annoyed, or yelled at him, or called him names. James felt as if he was doing things better.
“Moony, get out of here” he said whispering now. He wanted some privacy.
“Are you sure you can handle the, what did you call it? Oh yeah, the tellyphone, alright?”
Lily heard Remus’ voice because she laughed on the other line. James could see Padfoot and Wormtail cracking up laughing outside the booth.
“Just-get-out-of-here!!” James grunted
“Alright” Remus rolled his eyes, then yelled to the phone “BYE LILY!”
James heard her reply “BYE REMUS!”
James shooed his friend outside. He closed the door of the booth but soon enough his three dumb friends were making faces, sending him kisses across the glass.
“Sorry about them, darling” James decided to ignored them, they even deserved a middle finger. “Those assholes”
“It’s okay” Lily giggled “I know perfectly how those assholes are”
James laughed.
The whole summer, James and Lily chatted over the muggle phone. Luckily there was an old booth a few miles away from his house. Even if it was once a week, James was happy to talk with Lily, hear her voice. Really this muggle invention was ten times better than owls. It was like having Lily next to him, if he closed his eyes.
“How have you been?” James asked “How’s your summer so far”
“Stressful” Lily sighed “Petunia is getting married this weekend and my house had been a chaos with preparation and people coming over…”
“Your sister?” James asked. He had heard Remus mentioned her several times when he retold Lily’s stories to him. It was the only way to get to know her. But now, Lily had been telling him things.
Friends. Only friends. James could do that. He wanted to respect Lily’s wishes. Lily knew exactly how he felt. They had kissed. But something seemed to stop them every time, actually someone. Snape. He kept manipulating her, even after what he called her. And Lily was too good to realize it. After their first kiss, they fought about it. Then, they were okay again. Lily suggested starting from the beginning. They had been on the wrong foot before, they wanted to make things better this time. Know each other for real, not the wrong perception of each other they had before. So, friends, for now.
“Yeah… That bitch”
“Lils! I think it’s the first time you insult someone besides me” James teased
Lily snorted “You’re an idiot”
“Exactly my point”
“I just don’t want to be there alone, with Tuney’s pretentious friends and Vernon’s pretentious sister and…. OH MY GOD!!”
James jumped and his ear hurt. And he regretted now having shouted on the tellyphone before.
“Are you okay, gorgeous?”
“Sorry… It’s a stupid idea. I just had a stupid idea” Lily said nervously
“Okay…” James smiled again. James had found out that Lily was adorable and sometimes talked to much, but James could hear her talk all day. Apparently, Lily was different than what he thought. James liked this Lily better.
“Well is actually a good idea” Lily snorted “Yeah it’s definitely good” And James imagined her biting her lip as she did when she was nervous. “But I don’t know if you’re going to like it. Maybe it is horrible idea for you. I don’t know why I thought about it…”
“Hey, Lils” James interrupted “Just tell me”
Lily was definitely adorable.
Lily took a deep breath “Would you like, I mean maybe if you can and you have time… would you like…maybe come to my sister’s wedding with me?”
James was too shocked to even speak. Lily was asking him out? To Petunia’s wedding? Petunia being her sister, meaning her family would probably would be there. Her Parents!
He was sure his cheeks were burning. The Marauders were going to laugh at him. But when James turned to look at them, he saw they had given up and were seated by the grass, smoking.
“James?” Lily asked after a while “Oh Lord, I knew this was a bad idea”
“Those were fives no’s, you definitely don’t want to come”
“NO! Shit! I mean YES!! Of course, I would like to come. I would definitely come. Just be sure I would be there, darling!”
Lily laughed relieved while James blushed profoundly.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, sure”
“It wouldn’t be… awkward?”
“Well… We are going slowly. And now you’re going to meet my family”
James swallowed nervously “Friends meet each other’s families, right?”
Even though I don’t want to be your friend Lily
“Right” Lily answered after a while
Then, they were in silence. It wasn’t an awkward silence. They were feeling each other’s breathing, planning on what to say. In James case, he wanted to tell Lily how much he loved her. How much he wanted to see her, kiss those lips again, how much he missed her. He wanted to say ‘Fuck being friends, please Lily be my forever and only’. But no. James was a new and improved man. He was so scared of fucking it up and going back to cero. James was going to respect her even if he had to wait forever.
“Okay then…” James began
“Okay then…” James could almost feel Lily’s smile on her voice.
“I’ll see you this weekend”
“It’s on Saturday, ten o´clock” Lily laughed “I forgot to tell you that”
“Yeah, that’s good to know” James snorted
“And I will send you the address so that you can apparate here”
“Oh, and can you wear a muggle tuxedo? Ask Remus” Lily continued “My family is very muggle, you see”
“Don’t worry babe, I’ll be as muggle as possible” James’ intention was to impress Lily’s family.
“Now that I think about it, you probably don’t own a muggle tuxedo” Lily hissed “I am so stupid…”
“Hey gorgeous” James interrupted with a smile “I’ll figure something out, don’t’ worry”
“Okay…” Lily said now more relaxed “I’ll see you on Saturday, then”
“I’ll see you on Saturday” James answered
Lily giggled “Hang up James”
“I don’t know how”
Lily laughed louder “Right, then I’ll hang up…Bye”
“Bye gorgeous” James smiled. And then he heard a bipping sound. But James just stayed there grinning like an idiot. He just put the phone back to it’s case.
James turned to look at his friends. Moony was fast asleep on Sirius’ lap. And Peter was laying besides them, chewing a lolly.
James knocked the door excitedly until his friends saw him. They jumped. But as a matter of fact, they turned to look. Even Moony was awake.
James grinned “I HAVE A DATE WITH LILY!!” he shouted.
It wasn’t technically a date. But he didn’t care.
His friends must’ve heard him, because they started cheering and clapping. James was so happy.
Lily had been very happy all morning. She felt like anything could stop her. She shouldn’t be feeling that way. But that was James Potter provoked on her. Lately she was bloody happy around him. Lily had been looking forward to see him again, perhaps kiss him again and run her fingers through his untidy hair…
But James and Lily were on good terms now. And Lily didn’t want to ruin it. She had realized James was an important person in her life. And Lily was afraid, because she had been hurt before. Turned out, the boys she’d met had been horrible to her, Luke, Severus, Jhonny. And she had thought James was on that list too. But actually, he had been acting differently. Remus had said he didn’t change, he was always like that. Only he was controlling his idiocy and his desire to show off. Lily didn’t know if she hadn’t known James at all, or if he had changed. The thing was that Lily liked this James. She liked him a lot.
And Lily was stressed and nervous about today. If Tuney wasn’t fucking hysterical, then maybe Lily wouldn’t be the same.
“Just untie the bun!” Petunia was shouting to her friend Margaret who had been working on a salon for a year and was assigned to comb Petunia´s hair for the event.
“But you wanted that bun” her friend replied nervously
Lily understood it would be stressful to get married. But honestly, wasn’t Petunia in love? She was marrying the love of her life today. She should be happy. Lily had suggested to fix her hair with magic, but Petunia’s hateful glare and her mother’s gasp shut her down. That word was forbidden in that house. Magic. Lily missed her dad. At least he was interested in magic, Hogwarts and Lily’s subjects.
Lily was helping her mother fold some napkins for the reception when they heard the door bell rang. Almost everyone in the room yelled and panicked. Most of them being Petunia’s friends, and Lily’s aunts.
“The car isn’t supposed to be here, yet!” Marge yelled furiously. Vernon’s sister had been drinking many glasses of wine so far. Lily was afraid she wouldn’t make it to the ceremony sober.
“Lily, darling, Open the door please” her mother said “It’s probably the cater or florist”
Lily sighed before walking to the door. But when she opened it, the wasn’t any cater or florist outside. It was James.
He was wearing a blue tuxedo and a red tie. Lily remembered telling Remus she once saw Robert Redford using one in one of his movies and how sexy he looked. Lily was glad that Remus helped James dress up. Wow. And he was caring a bouquet of blue lilies. Lily was momentarily out of breath.
His iconic grin disappeared when he saw Lily’s shocked expression. James was early. So early. Lily wasn’t even dressed. Her hair and makeup were fixed already but she was waiting to put on her dress, in case it was ruined. Or else, Petunia might actually kill her.
“You look beautiful” James said running his hand through his hair, which made him even hotter.
Lily tried not to blush.
“What are you…”
But James was openly staring at her outfit, which meant her body. Lily unconsciously wrapped herself tighter with her dressing gown.
“Perhaps I am wrongly dressed” he looked down to himself “Remus said this would be fine”
Lily couldn’t avoid laughing.
“No James, you’re perfectly fine and very handsome” she blushed “But you’re like” she checked the house’s entrance clock “An hour early” she smiled at him.
“Yeah” James said confused “Moony said that muggles arrive one hour early to every event, and I wanted to…”
Lily bit her lip to avoid laughing. Probably James noticed.
“And he totally lied to me….” James closed his eyes embarrassed “FUCK REMUS LUPIN! I am so sorry… I am an idiot”
James sighed profoundly. And he started pacing and rubbing his hair uncontrollably. Lily giggled as she watched him.
“I can leave and come back if you want to…” he continued “Or I can leave and not assist at all… Fuck…. Remus…. Arrg…”
Lily laughed louder. She was so happy now that he was here.
“James, it’s fine…”
He looked at her.
“It’s totally fine” she repeated “Actually it is good that you arrive early” she took him by the arm “We need more hands to help” she dragged him inside.
James looked around like a little kid in the zoo. Lily found him adorable. He was even adjusting his glasses. Lily’s house wasn’t a big thing. It was small and average. Remus had mentioned how big James’ house was.
“There are quite a number of people in the room” James pointed amused. Like a kid showing their parent something interesting. Lily smiled.
“All of them are muggles?” James asked
Lily nodded. Her mother had two sisters, each one with their husbands. And her father had an older brother who had a lot of children and younger single sister. Her aunt Katie was her favorite, maybe because she reminded her of her father. And then, there were all Petunia’s friends: Ruth, Genevie and Margaret. Marge had been added to the group of bridesmaids as well as Lily.
Lily nodded “You and me, the only freaks”
Lily meant that as a joke, but James didn’t laugh.
“Don’t worry. I have my wand buried in my pocket” he said as he patted his chest “Today I am as muggle as the rest”
Lily knew Severus would’ve hated being here. He would probably had said something mean about so many muggles, how they were different and superior than them. Probably he wouldn’t have wanted to come at all. Lily was happy she had invited James.
She smiled “Let’s go. I’ll introduce you to everyone”
James was polite with everyone. He smiled, accepted handshakes and kissed the girls in the cheek. Some of Petunia’s friends were even eyeing hungrily at James. And Lily tried not to be jealous.
Lily’s aunts even mentioned that her ‘boyfriend’ was adorable and easy going. Lily decided not to correct them. And she enjoyed the grin and red cheeks on James’ face.
“Boyfriend, ha?” James raised an eyebrow once they were out of sight
“Shut up” Lily laughed “You need to meet Petunia and mum”
James seemed more confident. But Lily was not. Petunia wasn’t the nicest person to be around.
They got to the kitchen. Lily’s mother was busy talking, or better yet yelling at someone on the phone. So, Lily decided to go to Petunia first.
Margaret had managed to keep Petunia’s blond hair loose. With tiny flowers on top and curls falling down to her shoulders. She looked beautiful. Although her expression didn’t seem cheerful. She was looking at her reflection and deciding what to do with it.
“Wow Maggie” Lily said as they approached “It looks nice”
“Thanks Lily” At least Maggie was nice to Lily, when Tuney and Ruth weren’t around.
“Tuney…” Lily swallowed “This is my… eh friend James Potter”
Petunia didn’t seem to be listening to her. Lily bit her lip trying not to be embarrassed.
“From school” Lily added.
And now Petunia seemed interested, she looked up finally at James.
“Hi Petunia” James offered her his hand “Lily had told me loads about you. I’m James”
As adorable as ever. But Petunia didn’t seem swiped by James’ charm.
“I thought you were going to invite Snape” Petunia simply said looking at Lily. James lowered his hand slowly.
Lily was just asking one thing from her sister. A little bit of kindness towards her friend, boyfriend… well James. Just like she had shown to her friends or Vernon and his irritable sister, none of who had been nice to Lily. And James was being kind to her. In fact, he had been acting like a proper gentleman.
“No… I told you we aren’t friends anymore” Lily side glanced at James. They had discussed about Severus in the past. And Lily didn’t want to cause trouble.
“Good” Petunia said “I reckon he is better than Snape” then she turned to James “Your hair is widely untamed”
“I’ve been told” James nodded
“Nice. Maybe Maggie could fix it”
Maggie laughed nervously “I don’t think I…”
“I am only joking” Petunia said
James tried to laugh “You’re funny”
“Lily…” Petunia made Lily lean for her to whisper in her ear “I know he is one of...your kind. If he doesn’t behave…”
But Lily pulled away furiously “Your hair looks nice, Tuney” she crossed her arms.
“Oh, Lily why aren’t you dressed yet?” Mrs. Evans appeared behind Lily
“Mum, does my hair look good?” Petunia asked
“You look wonderful, darling” Mrs. Evans smiled “Lily. We are about to leave and… Oh, who are you? I don’t know you” she stared at James.
James immediately offered his hand and a wide smile. Lily was grateful.
“Mrs. Evans, pleasure to meet you. I am James Potter. I go with your daughter to school”
“Oh, I see” Mrs. Evans shook his hand “Nice suit”
“Thank you”
“He speaks like royalty” Mrs. Evans offered. Lily giggled. James tended to speak like a fine English man when he was around adults. He did the same with teachers.
“Lily does know strange people” Tuney commented
“Oh, I believe Vernon speaks funny as well” Lily spatted. Her mother, James and Maggie laughed. Petunia just glared at her. She began everything. It wasn’t Lily’s fault.
“Lily!” Mrs. Evans chanted “The dress!”
“Oh, and James can help me fold the rest of the napkins”
“Oh, I would absolutely adore to do so” James smiled
Mrs. Evans smiled “Very polite”
“You’ll have to teach him, mum” Lily grinned “He hasn’t folded a napkin in his life”
“I can fold napkins!” James protested “With a bit of magic” he whispered on Lily’s ear.
“No” she whispered back.
James smiled and winked at her.
“See you in a bit” Lily kissed his cheek and ran upstairs before James or herself could react to that gesture.
“REMUS JOHN LUPIN!” James didn’t shout loudly in case anyone heard him “Sirius put me with Moony! I can’t hear him laughing in the back!”
“I tell you mate; Remus is a bloody genius” Sirius roared with laughter.
James was freaking out. Mrs. Evans had tried to make a proper conversation with him. But James started talking about how fascinating the microwave was. James didn’t know how to talk to muggles. Not because they weren’t cool. But because he was so afraid of dropping something suspicious and magical. So, James had excused himself and locked in the restroom. Luckily, he had brought the two-way mirror.
“HE IS AN IDIOT THAT’S WHAT HE IS” James spatted “Did you have any idea about this?”
James raised an eyebrow
“I swear! It was all Moony’s doing. I know as much about muggles as you”
“Arrive one hour later, talk a lot about microwaves… Bloody bastard!”
His two friends laughed hysterically.
“Put me with Remus Traitor Lupin…” James frowned “Oi! Are you in my pool?” James caught a glimpse of his familiar pool at home.
“Oh hi, James” Remus appeared in the mirror, grinning like an idiot.
“Sirius said this is his house as well so he is allowed to use the pool, which is not only yours” Remus said sipping lemonade “And Sirius invited me, so”
“Ha ha ha, you’re so funny. You fucking twat”
Remus giggled.
“Lily is very important to me, okay? Therefore, her family”
“At least I gave you a sweet tuxedo” Remus said
“It was well accepted” James said “What, are you hanging out without me? Where’s Peter?”
“I didn’t invite him” Sirius’ face appeared as well
“You didn’t invite him?” Remus asked “I thought you said he couldn’t come”
“I wanted to spend the day with you” Sirius shrugged
Remus looked embarrassed, and James saw him blushing. Or maybe was the sun.
“What the actual fuck?” James teased “The pretty good best friends, ha?”
Remus and Sirius smiled. James rubbed his hair.
“Okay, I need advice. And this time GOOD ADVICE JOHN LUPIN”
“Oh, I am going to call you John now” Sirius grinned
“Don’t you dare!”
“Lily has been flirting with me, okay?” James continued “I know it. I know it! And she kissed me on the cheek…”
“Wild” Remus commented
“Use protection!” Sirius gasped
“Idiots” James rolled his eyes “I just really want to push her against the wall and kiss her senseless. But at the same time, I want to be her everything and marry her and have her babies. And I won’t be able to do that if I push her like I did last time. Like I know we are just friends, but we keep flirting and I don’t think I will be able to stand her gorgeous face and body any longer. I mean I am sweating just thinking about her. I cannot sweat!”
“Relax, Prongs” Sirius whistled
“Just be yourself” Remus suggested “Actually don’t be yourself. Be more like me. Maybe you should behave”
“I bet you would be snogging her by the end of the night” Sirius said grabbing his glass of lemonade.
“Did Effie prepare lemonade without me?” James pouted
But Sirius didn’t listen “Or if you’re lucky, you can sh…”
Remus knocked over the drink over Sirius.
“Stop talking shit, Sirius”
They started discussing, as they always did. James was used to them discussing and liking each other as nothing happened. But he was more preoccupied on the possibility of doing something with Lily. He was sweating. And then he heard footsteps outside the door.
“I gotta go, they think I am pooping”
And James hung up pocketing the mirror and exiting the bathroom.
James smiled at some people on the hall, before walking to the kitchen again.
“Napkins look good, Mrs. Evans” James announced.
Mrs. Evans laughed. She had already changed to a discreet dress and was fixing her hair.
“You look nice as well, Mrs. Evans”
“Thank you, James” Mrs. Evans blushed “You are really a wonderful young man. You remind me of my husband when he was young”
James knew Lily’s father had died a year ago. James had tried to apologize for the Snape incident. And Lily had yelled at him horrible things. But he didn’t know she had lost her father until Marlene mentioned it later that day. The good thing was that James and Lily were on good terms now. Excellent terms.
“I wish I had been able to meet him” James said “Lily speaks highly about him”
Mrs. Evans smiled as she put on some earring.
“He would’ve liked you” she said sighing.
“Who doesn’t like the incredible James”
James turned around to see Lily. She looked so beautiful, so gorgeous. She was wearing a violet dress, with a pink ribbon on her waist. The dress revealed a bit of Lily’s breasts. She was wearing a heart shaped necklace. The one she always wore. Her hair was loose with red curls going down to her waist. She was wearing makeup and red lipstick which made her lips more desirable. She was so beautiful; James felt his legs trembled a little. His heart raced.
I want her, I love her. James thought.
But even if she was a few meters away, she seemed unreachable. Forget about Quidditch. Lily was the best thing in the world.
“Wow” James sighed “You look… am…” he moved his hands from his pockets to his hair “There are no words to describe how dashing you look, darling. I mean literally wow. A piece of art”
Lily’s face adopted the same red color as her hair. She bit her lip and looked down but she was smiling.
“You are wow yourself, Potter”
James grinned. James had forgotten that Mrs. Evans was there until she laughed.
“I think Tuney is not the only one in love this evening” she said. James and Lily blushed. “Do you want to come in the car or you prefer to walk?”
“We’ll walk” Lily said smiling at James
“Be there on time, Lily”
Mrs. Evans smiled at James and followed Petunia’s moans and complains somewhere in the house. But James too concentrated in Lily’s green eyes, staring back at him.
“We are going to walk there?” James decided to break the ice
Lily smiled “Church is only a few blocks away” she explained “But Tuney wanted to arrive elegantly in a car. I bet Vernon and the rest are already there”
“Okay…” James showed her his arms for her to take it “Let’s go milady”
“I bet that in an hour I will take these horrible heels off” Lily said “Try to use heels one day”
“The next wedding, we assist, I’ll promise I wear a good pair of heels”
Lily laughed.
They walked talking about many things. From their families, to the war, to their plans for the future, to silly things like food or music preference. It was so easy talking to each other. There were a lot of things they actually didn’t know about each other, even if they’ve been class mates for six years. James made Lily laugh a lot. And James laughed a lot. It just felt that the two of them where the only ones in that street, in that town, in that world.
“If there was a fire in your house, what’s the first thing would save?” Lily asked
“Oh, we are going with the deep shit questions, aren’t we?”
Lily giggled.
“Amm…” James thought about the question “It depends which one is my home and who I am living with”
“I thought you were going to say your broomstick or something” Lily smiled
“I am not that shallow!” James protested
Lily laughed
“I guess if I cannot rescue my parents or anyone alive…”
Lily shook her head.
“I would save our book, me and my folks’ book”
“What book?”
“We have this family book full of photographs and paper clips, and letters we saved through the years” James explained “I remember we started it when I was six. My parents were my best friends back then, they still are. But now I have The Marauders, and you and the girls. But they are everything to me. So, if everything burns, I would like to save that”
James didn’t say this to impress Lily or anything. It was actually true. He wasn’t ashamed of having a good relationship with his parents. Because he had the best parents in the world.
But Lily was looking at him in a very different and intense way. James decided to clear his throat.
“What about you?”
Lily smiled “No. I think I cannot beat your answer, I’m afraid”
“Now I’m curious”
“I was going to say my collection of records”
“I don’t believe you” James laughed “Come on, you don’t want to tell me!”
Lily laughed too “Really that was going to be my answer, because I thought you were going to say your broomstick… Now, I look like an idiot”
“Okay, okay” James laughed “I change my answer, I would save my broomstick. Happy?”
“In that case I would save my dad’s favorite books, the ones he used to read me when I was little” Lily said “Now my answer is better than yours” she grinned
“And I am the superficial asshole again”
“Exactly” Lily giggled
“You are worse than Moony”
Lily laughed “We arrived” she announced.
James even forgot that they were heading to a wedding. Petunia’s wedding. The church was a very large building with black windows. The guests were entering the place and taking their seats. Some were chatting on the entrance. James swallowed, more people to meet and impress.
Lily stopped before stepping inside.
“I might cry I lot in there” she said “Promise to hold my hand and don’t laugh?”
James dared to take her hand right now. And he kissed her cheek.
“Promise, love” he whispered. And they stepped in.
They sat on the front rows, still holding hands. James was so happy. He felt a sort of feeling of protectiveness towards Lily. Like Lily belonged with him. Like they were meant for each other.
And suddenly he didn’t need to snog or do other things with Lily. Like he wanted to do so of course but this was ten times better than any physical pleasure. Just sitting with Lily in silence. Holding hands.
Many people asked Lily if James was her boyfriend. She simply nodded, smiled or blushed. James didn’t know what to do about it. But she wasn’t saying no. Lily whispered on James’ ear who these people were, how they were related to her, and a quick funny anecdote about them.
“That’s my father’s cousin Maurice. Legend says he hides pot in his wig”
James and Lily giggled and some people shushed them up. That made them giggle even more.
Vernon was a short, chubby lad with the largest moustache James had ever seen. He looked nervous but pleased with himself.
“We don’t particularly like each other, me and Vernon” Lily whispered “I think Tuney deserved better”
“Love is blind, they say” James answered “Although I don’t see how can I be more blind than I already am”
Lily giggled with this. She was trying so hard to contain her laughter. She looked adorable. James dared to kiss her hand. Which he was still holding.
“Lily please” Mrs. Evans warned
“Sorry, Mrs. Evans. Lily is nervous” James whispered
James found Mrs. Evans was really fond of him and she smiled at him a lot.
Music started and everyone raised to receive the bride. Petunia walked in accompanied by someone who Lily said was her uncle and Petunia’s godfather since their parent couldn’t be there.
“Every child has a godfather? Because I don’t have one” James whispered as Petunia entered
“Not magical children, no”
“Maybe they should”
Lily smiled and then squeezed his hand hard. James grunted in pain.
“Sorry. She looks so beautiful and she is getting married” Lily’s eyes watered.
The ceremony was beautiful. James had assisted wizard weddings when he was a kid. He remembered more rituals, spells, magical shows and performances. But this was nothing like those. This seemed more intimate, simpler. James wanted his wedding to be like this. And then, he started fantasying about his wedding. Could it be with Lily? They could get there. And start a live together. James stared at Lily. How beautiful she was. How much she cared about her sister. James wanted to live that with Lily. Maybe in the future he hoped. For now, he was holding Lily’s hand, and he wanted to kiss her. Only once.
Even if Lily hated Vernon, the way they had looked at each other in the ceremony. Him and Petunia were truly in love. Even if Lily couldn’t understand how Petunia could love someone like that. Lily had read about that one true love in books and watch it in movies. And Lily aspired to that. Finding her one true love. It didn’t happen with any of the boys she had met.
But James was different. It wasn’t exactly love…yet. But Lily knew she had a special connection with him. She’d never laughed so hard with someone, or be so relaxed and safe with someone. She’d never wanted to snog someone so badly. She’d never fantasized about it. She’d never felt so intensely happy with someone.
The reception was held on The Evans residence. It wasn’t that big so everyone was squeezed between the living room, the dinning room, the kitchen and the backyard.
Lily went upstairs to change to flat shoes before her feet broke. So, she was ready to dance after lunch. Dance with James. Lily had been considering all afternoon if she should kiss him. Would it change things? Lily was scared of staring a relationship with him and somehow fuck it up or James being someone else. James had tried to get with Lily for three years. What if Lily accepted, the spell would break and James wouldn’t like her anymore, what if he moved on to flirt with another girl? It was easy being that way. Just friends, like being in a very comfortable bubble. But oh boy, Lily wanted to kiss him and break it so bad, but she was scared.
They chatted over food with Lily’s mother, and the new wedded.
“Congratulations Vernon, is it? I think you two look very happy together and make a lovely couple” James tried casually, but Lily could tell he was nervous because he moved his leg a lot under the table.
Vernon and Petunia were caught of guard by James' intervention. They stared at him with displeasure. Petunia whispered something in his ear and Vernon’s eyes widened. Lily squeezed her napkin under the table.
It had been in New Year’s when Vernon found out about Lily’s “condition”. She had wanted to tell him because he had proposed over Christmas and Lily wanted him to know Petunia’s family. Where he was getting into. Petunia avoided the subject, and simply replied with a ‘I’ll tell him eventually’. Lily had cornered Vernon at New Year’s party and told him everything. She even made magic without her wand, which wasn’t registered at the Ministry. Vernon ran away, started his vehicle and left for the night. He didn’t speak with Petunia for days. She was devastated. And Lily felt guilty. She tried to contact him without response. She apologized with her sister and he was furious. Eventually, the couple worked things out, otherwise they weren’t here at their wedding. But Vernon flinched every time Lily was around. Vernon was scared of her. Probably Petunia mentioned James was the same.
“Thank you, sir” Vernon simply answered. And continued chatting with his sister.
Lily felt sick. Vernon was now her family, and he was always going to look at her with disgust.
But James looked pleased “He called me, sir” he whispered smiling.
James was so pure, so amiable, so wonderful. Lily was not going to permit that either Vernon or Petunia treat him badly, even if it was their wedding.
Later that evening, many people were dancing. Others drinking and smoking now that the party had officially initiated. James and Lily were on their desserts while Vernon went on and on about the cars, he was planning on buying for him and Petunia.
“Why did you order chocolate?” Lily asked ignoring Vernon. There were two types of cake. Thanks to the various bakers on the family. One chocolate cake, one lemon cake.
“Chocolate is the best!” James protested “Moony would’ve adored this one”
“True” Lily said “But too much of a chocolate is not good”
“It ends up getting too sweet to enjoy. And then you hated it, and you avoid chocolate for days after that”
“That’s better than ordering lemon”
“It’s actually pretty good”
“Yeah?” James raised an eyebrow “Can I try it?”
“Can I try the chocolate one?”
James nodded grinning. Lily took a large bite of the chocolate cake, while James took a large bite of the lemon one.
“Yeah it’s not bad” James said
Lily moaned when she tasted chocolate “So good” she licked the spoon.
James looked at her amused with his cheeks slightly red. Lily decided to ignore that.
“What about the nonsense of chocolate is bad?” James asked
“I told you. Only in little amounts, otherwise is awful”
“Remus would disagree with you”
“I know” Lily smiled “What if we mix them?”
“What if we mix them indeed?” James raised an eyebrow
They both giggled as they took a bit of one flavor and a bit of the other. And put them in their mouths at the same time.
It was actually pretty good. Lily laughed. James and her hit palms happy for their discovery.
“Opposites attract” Lily said
“Even opposites cakes attract” James added
Lily thought it was true. That was them. Chocolate and Lemon cakes falling in love and making a better mixture. Lily thought they couldn’t be more different, but they complemented each other in such way, it was beautiful.
“Maybe we can make this a tradition” James said “Order different flavors and mix them up”
Tradition. James saw her in his future. Lily giggled. And Lily had never wanted him so badly. She was leaning in, ready to kiss him, snog him senseless. Even if everything changed after that. James noticed this and his expression changed, he was leaning as well…
“What car do you own, Mr. eh….”
Vernon had ignored James all evening and now he tried to chat with him, just now…
“Potter” James answered quickly, clearing his throat and rubbing his hair, kind of blushing for what they were about to do “And I don’t own cars, I own a broomstick”
Vernon jumped at the sound of that word as it was obscene. He looked around, luckily no one was there. Just the three of them. Petunia was chatting with different relatives as well as her mother. Marge was gulping more wine. Vernon’s parents were dancing.
“We don’t ride cars” James said “We…” he looked around and leaned over whispering “wizards”
Vernon jumped again and blinked hard.
“I see…” Vernon said, he looked around trying to find an escape, regretting his decision of chatting with James in the first place “Then your kind… doesn’t have very much money, I assume? For having…eh… tricks?”
Lily almost laughed. She had tried to explain what her world was like, but they never payed her attention.
“Oh no” James laughed “We have money just like you, in fact my family owns a big portion of money. Not to brag or anything. And I just buy the best broom on the market just like you own the best muggle transport…”
“James…” Lily hissed
Vernon looked disgusted and scared.
“And we have a bank and everything to store our money, Gringotts. Guarded by goblins” James nodded and took a sip of his wine “The most secure place in the world they say”
“It must be some sort of joke” Vernon grunted “Did I hear correctly? Go-goblins? Guarding your money?”
“Yeah. They are very serious when it comes to money” James nodded
Lily sighed. Vernon looked purple now.
“Are you mocking me? Are you truly laughing in my face?” Vernon snaped “Lily…”
It was the first time he said her name in a long time
“You bring a fool to my wedding so that he can mock me?”
“I am telling the truth!” James protested, but Lily grabbed his arm
“Nonsense!” Vernon raised up “I don’t like your behavior mister. I very well hope you had too much wine to justify your loose tongue. Excuse me” And with that he stormed out of the table towards his new wife.
“Very rude! I was telling the truth… I was very well telling the truth. You know that” James protested “Fuck, sorry, darling. Maybe I should go there and apologize…”
“No, it’s fine”
“Lils, I don’t want to be on bad terms with your family. They are very important to me because you are”
Lily’s heart started racing.
“Let me just…”
But before James could move, Lily kissed him. Lily, never in her life, had done something so reckless without thinking about it before. But there she was. She wanted to avoid more chaos, but the main reason was that she had been wanting to do that since the end of their first kiss, back in June.
James was shocked at first. But then, he responded to the kiss. And he moved in a way that sent shivers down her spine. After they were done, Lily smiled embarrassed. Her face was hot and red.
She snorted “Do you know how to dance?”
“What?” James was still in shock which was adorable.
“You don’t?” Lily said “Don’t worry. I will show you”
She took James’ hand and she dragged him to the dance floor.
“You have to put your hands on my waist” she instructed avoiding the urge to kiss him again and the embarrassment she felt. James obeyed.
“I’ve heard dancing involves a lot of kissing as well” James said
Lily laughed and everything was back to normal. Lily decided that was a green flag to kiss him again.
“Now focus” Lily laughed and wrapped her arms around James’ shoulders. He smelled so good. “Now we have to sway to the music”
Lily closed her eyes feeling her heart beats mixing with James’. She placed her head on James’ chest, confirming how much his heart raced. If this wasn’t love, it must be something very similar.
“Am I doing it correctly?” James whispered
“Perfectly fine”
“The dancing or the kissing?”
Lily laughed “Both”
“You’re good at both as well, gorgeous”
Lily loved when he called her gorgeous.
The rest of the evening was wonderful. They decided not to worry about anything and had a good time. They drank, ate more, danced a lot, sang a lot. And kiss a lot.
Petunia and Vernon left for their honeymoon at some point before sunset. The party continued. And Lily didn’t realize there were actually many people leaving, but the party was still on.
“I’m tired!” Lily announced after a while collapsing on her chair. She had to be fair, she was slightly drunk. Maybe more than slightly. “Do you want to take me to my room?”
When Lily saw that James went red as a tomato, she laughed. “Just to tug me in bed and then leave, you little perv” she was definitely drunk.
James seemed drunk as well. But many years of experience of after match parties, made him resist alcohol a bit more. James smiled widely. Then kissed her.
“You’re so gorgeous” he said
“So, do you” Lily said and they kissed again.
They climbed upstairs making sure they weren’t seen by the rest of the guests, specially Mrs. Evans. But she seemed too busy being host.
As soon as they got there, Lily collapsed on the bed. Her bed. James seemed unsure to be there. He was such a gentleman.
“I don’t bite” Lily grinned “Com’ere”
James lied beside Lily. Within the silence of the room, Lily could clearly hear his heart beats and his heavy breathing. James was nervous. Which made Lily want him more.
“I want your jacket so I can have your smell when you leave” Lily concluded that alcohol in her system was like Varitaserum.
James laughed “At this rhythm you’re going to strip me down”
Lily blushed at this, and her body felt warmer at the thought of a naked James.
Lily sat down and let James place the jacket around her. And she was happy she asked for it, it smelled really nice, just like James. She lied down again next to James. But James was already kissing her. And she kissed him back. James was being so nice. He respected when she wanted to stop, they giggled for a while and continued. James tried not to touch her where she didn’t want to or felt too uncomfortable. He didn’t even try to take off her clothes.
They stopped kissing after a while but facing the ceiling. Then Lily dared to hold his hand. They stared at each other only through the moonlight.
“I had a wonderful time” James whispered “Thank you for inviting me, beautiful”
“I am going to miss you for the rest of the summer” she whispered back, now closing her eyes. She was getting sleepy.
“Me too, Lils”
Lily knew he wanted to ask the question. What were they? Were they a couple now?
I love you. I love you. I love you. But I am scared of you getting tired of me. I am scared of this feeling being over.
“Would you stay with me until I fall asleep?” that’s what she said instead.
“Of course” James whispered before kissing her forehead.
Lily slowly drifted to sleep.
The next day, Lily woke surrounded by James’ scent. She smiled. She was still wearing James’ jacket. Lily hugged it, like it was James himself. She giggled. In the pocket, she found a strange pocket mirror. And a note that said:
With this, we will be able to talk and see each other until the end of summer. So, the longing would not be eternal.
45 notes · View notes
everafterkeiji · 3 years
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Summary: When your first Christmas with Suga turns into a bit of a sweet mess.
Pairing: Koshi Sugawara x gn!reader
Word count: 3.4k
Genre: fluff
A/N: god help me i wrote this on INSTINCT, dropped EVERYTHING for this baby. Also happy holidays my lil melodies!!
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"Asahi please stop freaking out."
Sugawara says through the phone as he hears complains and whines from Asahi, panicking where he misplaced Suga's gift for Y/N. He strictly ordered Asahi to hide his present for you knowing it's all you've been talking about for months. Next thing he knows, Asahi calls him completely frantic acting like he's completely destroyed their friendship.
Suga laughs as he hears random sounds from objects assuming Asahi was carelessly running through his house finding the beautifully wrapped gift. Meanwhile he was preparing all the ingredients needed for these extremely adorable Christmas inspired cupcakes that he and Y/N found. He was looking at the list of the things needed before setting everything on the kitchen counter.
"Asahi you're the tidiest person I know."
"Asahi! Please. It's too early and when you find it please just come over and bring it to me. Y/Ns got work from that cafe so we have time. I'll call you back okay? I'll just bake." He says before hanging up the phone, leaving a very stressed Asahi, feeling like there was a baring weight on his shoulders as he finds the gift.
Meanwhile Koshi has his tongue poking out as he figures out what the woman on the video just said. As he mixes the ingredients together, he can't help but smile when he realizes how important it was for the two of you.
As mentioned, it was your first Christmas together and this man was not going to pass up on the opportunity to show you how much you mean to him. You've got this lovesick fool wrapped around your finger, completely struck by your beauty and characteristics. You felt the exact same, feeling as if the gods gave you one of their prized possessions. How could you even deny the butterflies that surround you when he holds your hand, or even when he takes your bag on the way home.
Everything about him was already a gift from the heavens.
So here he was, completely forgetting what a budget meant, buying you the object you've been endlessly fangirling about it, even if you joked that you accepted him with a little bow wrapped around his head. Though he was willing to do it just to hear your laugh, he'd rather choose spoiling you instead. You can possibly imagine the way he looked, so confident swinging the little paper bag in his hands as he walked as if he won a lottery. He also bought you another gift that you didn't even request for. He just wanted to see the way your eyes would shine when you receive it.
As for you, you also forgot about your initial plan of spending less than what you expected. You didn't really settle on one thing, you had the cute idea of putting all the things he loved in a box along with all your photos together and with some heart warming letter you knew he would love. He loved the way you would stick notes on his favorite snacks and giving it to him when he was off to practice, or even the way he changed his alarm to you continuously telling him if he doesn't wake up he gets less hugs.
You figured that he adored your little acts of love instead of buying him a shirt or a sweater so you figured it benefitted your time preparation for his present. Also maybe buying everything that reminded him of you wasn't a brilliant idea.
It took you several days of torturing yourself from spilling the secret. You can never hide anything from your boyfriend- I mean how can you? One glance from his soft eyes was enough for you to surrender any information you've got so Daichi had to physically clasp his hand over your mouth just because he didn't trust that you have the ability to keep the secret to yourself. You thanked him knowing it was difficult to do especially when all you wanna do is ramble on how you found this plushie that you got him.
So when the universe put you two together, its absolutely the same for him.
He had to physically beg for Asahi to hide it from you knowing he was to be the least suspected one to just blurt out a secret. The con is Asahi was at the top for being anxious and being too caring. Though he deeply wished he picked Daichi, he figured he was practically a bridge for you two so he disregarded the idea. Seeing Asahi all worked up about the gift was quite humorous to Suga.
"Suga- honey do you know what that means?"
"Yes what is it darling?"
"We'll have our first Christmas together!" You exclaim, clapping your hands with a smile on your face as he chuckles draping an arm on your shoulder. He kisses the side of your head as you automatically lean into his touch.
"And I'm excited for everything, hun." He says with his heart jumping in glee at the idea of being under theChristmas lights with you, imagining you two snuggled up talking for hours just embracing the warmth of each other.
"Even New Years!"
Sugawara smiles as he reminisces the precious memories you two have made in the short amount of time. It amazes him how a person was able to consume his thoughts on a daily, how every second with you felt like he wanted it to last for a lifetime. You overwhelm his heart with so much adoration and he can't help but feel as if he was given a slice of heaven whenever he's around you.
"You do know Y/N likes you right?" Daichi asks as he sets the vice captains heart on fire with what he just said. Suga let's out a nervous giggle before waving his hand back and forth as an act of denial. Daichi laughs at his gestures, examining the pink tinted cheeks of his fellow teammate.
"C'mon, Suga."
"I-it's not like Y/N likes me back the way I do!" Daichi lets out another laugh as he runs a hand through his locks. Sugawara wipes the sweat from his forehead, finding it challenging to think about them having mutual feelings for each other. His mind can't focus on the probability of you two dating since he figured he'd feel as if he was on cloud nine if that were to happen. Another heat wave rushes to his cheeks as he shakes his head no.
"Koshi!" A voice shouts, making him yelp..his confession.
".. oh no."
He remembers how he wanted to faint that day, definitely disappointed he confessed to her opposite to what he had in mind. He wanted it to be in a calm place, only them with possibly a scenery in front of them but instead he got a funny confession, yelping like a girl before declaring his love in hopes what surprised him was Daichi but was faced with Y/N instead. In the eyes if the universe, it seemed too funny yet wholesome while Sugawara thinks it's too clumsy and could've been way better.
So with the disaster of a confession, he made it up to you by bringing you along on fantastic dates. Sugawara developing a habit of picking random things that you had on that date whether it'd be a tissue that you drew on a smiley face with, or the receipt of what you ordered that day. It was such a cute habit seeing him pick them up and just shoving it in his bag, he'll pretend he hid nothing but later on you saw a little box under his bed filled with the objects with dates on each of them.
"Koshi what's this?" You ask shaking the box in your hands as his eyes widen running to you and softly taking it away from your hands. He chuckles nervously, arms waving around you as if he was protecting it with his life. You laugh at his actions before attacking him from behind hugging him, trying to stop him from moving any farther. Suga let's out a war cry, desperate to not give into your embrace.
He trips as he walks, making you follow behind him, falling the same way he did. You fall to the floor laughing at the stupidity of you two. You were facing him as you take in the way his laughter was the best thing you've ever heard. He had his eyes closed with his smile brighter than the sun as his chuckle echoes through the room. You let your hand rest on his cheek before leaning in and kissing his temple. This quickly had the young man turn his head to you with flustered cheeks and sleepish smile.
"Seems like you're incredibly in love with me."
"What's so wrong with that?"
Before he could land a peck on your forehead, you grab the box from his hand earning a gasp of betrayal from your boyfriend as you quickly jog to a corner opening the box, and what was in this so called treasure chest was filled with random objects. As you take in the tissue in your hands, you see his handwriting on it with the date of your recent date. You smile as he comes behind you wrapping arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder.
"You know you're too cute for me, Suga. You're gonna make me have a heart attack with this."
"At least I can you were drop dead in love with me."
"Okay now- that wasn't cute."
This automatically carries a smile on your lips as you give the last customer their drink. Seems like everyone was affected by the chilly holiday feels since there were no customers that pissed you off like usual. Everyone was rushing to spend time with their families at home. Your family along with Suga's were spending the holiday together, happily welcoming the boy into your family. Although you found it funny when Suga acted so nervous when he was invited to spend it with them.
So as promised, your boss insisted everyone to go home early making you take your time in cleaning up.
"Asahi! You made it happy holidays!" Suga softly pats the ace's shoulder giving him a smile. Asahi does the same, setting down your gift on the table. Asahi takes a seat on the couch admiring the way the room was filled with decorations, with polaroids clipped with fairy lights, even a tiny Christmas tree in the corner borrowed from your parents.
"Seriously thank you for bringing it over, where did you find it?" Asahi chuckles as he removes his scarf.
"It was in my drawer all along. I thought I hid it in my cabinet so that's why I panicked." Suga shakes his head in amusement.
"I'd like to stay but my moms making me buy something from the store." Asahi says standing up. He hands Sugawara a box that was wrapped neatly with a gold ribbon at the middle. Suga's eyebrows were raised in confusion as he sees the little tag that said "To: Suga, From: Daichi and Asahi", he then smiles before handing a present to him as well. They both bid a thank you to each other before Asahi leaves.
As Suga leaves your present on the counter so he can continue cleaning up the mess he made from baking.
That's when he heard a knock to the door as he takes a peak in the little hole seeing his lovely lover standing in the doorway. Then he realizes that his present for you was just laying around and the kitchen was still pretty much a disaster. So he dashes as fast as he could.
You were replying to messages from Kiyoko and Yachi and he simply thanks the world that it was sparing him time.
And with such speed, comes with great responsibility. He accidentally knocks down the flour on the counter, where the tiny box was placed making it covered in flour making him puff in annoyance. With the dust making its way to his nostrils, this unfortunate makes him sneeze making the whip of air carry the flour residue land on his face, giving his face a powder like finish, along with his hair. This absolutely had him at complete shock as he hears the door open.
"Suga honey! Oh- what the hell happened." You say with a slight giggle as you snap a picture of your beloved boyfriend covered in flour. Looking back at the photo, you laugh even more, him swiftly hiding the flour covered box in his hands shoving it in his pockets.
"Y/N! Ah- I'm so sorry." He says before you set down your bag and remove your shoes as you set the cookies from the cafe on the counter. You take in how he looks with a frown on his plump lips as you smile softly before going over to him, your finger landing on the flour as your fingers swipe across your face joining him in the little flour art on either of your faces. He chuckles as his flour covered hands land on your cheek.
"How do you make it look so cute, sugar?" He asks as he gives a slight squish to your cheeks. You roll your eyes at his words as he places a delicate peck on your forehead.
"Are you sure it's really okay? I could clean this up all by myself you go ahead and take a shower!" He says but even if you insisted on helping him he disagrees.
"Nope nope, I did this, it's my responsibility. Now shoo!" He says pushing your back to go on ahead and shower, the habit he's been doing to Kageyama and Nishinoya. You giggle at his actions before finally giving in to his demands.
During your well spent shower you hear a scream from the outside. You immediately grab your towel, wiping away the water in your eyes and wrapping it around your figure, frantically opening the door.
"Y/N wait no I'm fine!"
You look up to see smoke coming from the oven with your boyfriend in his adorable apron with matching mittens fanning his hands as he quickly brings out the tray of burnt cookies as you both lock eyes now both widening at the same time at the sight of you.
"Oh! Wait! Look away!"
Suga covers his eyes as he tries to stumble around the room trying to move around the counter. Thankfully, he screamed when you were finished showering so you grabbed the clothes you had from the room to help the poor boy, changing while he had his eyes covered. You still had your hair dripping wet but you immediately remove the hands from his face, revealing a very red Suga.
"Koshi, love. What happened?"
"I'm sorry! I can't believe I just messed up everything for our..first Christmas." Sugawara slides down on the floor feeling like he's lost all the time to make up for everything. Y/N sits beside him taking his had and leaning it your shoulder while your hands rummage through his hair, comforting him.
"Love, you didn't ruin it. I promise you that. If its any consolation, I think you look absolutely cute in your outfit." Sugawara lifts his head off your shoulder with a pout to his lips. You giggle at the sight of him before gently placing a peck on his pretty lips.
"And a frown doesn't suit it." You say before he chuckles bringing you into his arms, a move to hide his face. You laugh as he practically hugs you even tighter.
"Should we even bother to taste the cookies?"
"Oh please no I don't wanna go to the hospital on Christmas."
"Okay now gift giving time!"
Suga tugs on your hand underneath the table as you look at him, as he turns his head to the side signalling for the two of you to leave the table for a while. You excused yourselves. Suga leads you into the empty room as he excitedly sits down on the bed, and you followed his actions.
"So what are you up to, mysterious man?" You ask as Sugawara pulls out a tiny box from his pockets. Your eyebrows were raised, confused at the tiny little thing. He then goes behind you pushing back your hair as you feel a cold material hit your neck. Your fingers grazes over the thin material as you feel an circle charm on it that felt like there was distinct design from the texture. You close your eyes with a smile, already loving how he was so delicate. Once he locks it, you immediately hop off the bed rushing to the nearest mirror as your eyes set upon the dainty piece.
It was a gold necklace with a small disc charm in the middle with a letter S along with engravings of your favorite flower at the bottom. You gasp at how it was able to emit such beautiful details of the flowers. He wraps his arms behind you, resting his head on yours as light bounces off the mirror from where his finger was. Curious, you turned to him as you take a hold of each hand, then finding him wearing a ring with your initial with the same flower esque design on your necklace. It was placed in his ring finger and you covered your face, speechless at everything.
Suga takes this a sign that you were absolutely bewildered by his gift and he smiles as he pulls you into his arms.
"You're absolutely god-sent, it's unfair at this point." You say as he chuckles, he pulls away to see you pouting as he tucks a piece of hair behind your ear, letting his hand rest on your cheek like usual making you rest your cheeks weight on his hand.
"I know this isn't our only Christmas, we've got so many to go through. I just wanted us to start off strong with this. At least, even without a holiday or special occasion, we'll always feel like the other is around. Especially, it kinda looks like I'm married to you so what else can I complain about?"
You slap his chest jokingly feeling like the waterworks were coming to meet you. He pats your hair as he lets his eyes linger on you, setting your heart on fire with the way his eyes made you feel so safe and loved.
You wipe your eyes as you make your way to the cabinet, grabbing the present and handing it to him shyly. He remains silent as he opens the box to be greeted by his favorite snacks, an adorable plushie sprayed with your perfume, along with scattered letters and photographs of you two. He takes in one of the notes that his eyes landed on.
"My little ray of sunshine! Out of all the things I could say, you've left me speechless everytime. It's just pure luck that I managed to pull an angel like you. I genuinely hope you like this and not scold me for spending too much but how can I when I'm too in love with you? Merry Christmas, my love - Y/N."
He shouts in glee taking you by surprise as he basically tackles you on the bed, hugging you for the hundredth time today as he repeatedly kept saying thank you. You laugh, finally feeling relieved that he loved your gift. He sits up like a little kid reading every note that touched his hand and his eyes sparkle everytime. It surely was a sight that could make it feel like Christmas everyday. He hugs the plushie with all his love as you snap a photo of them, admiring the way his cheeks looked squished against the softness of the toy.
"Merry Christmas, honey." You say, curled up in his chest.
"Merry Christmas too, love."
He looks at you and he hums in happiness at the sight of the both of you, welcome in each others arms and nothing but endless smiles and laughter.
"I'm so in love with you."
"Good, believe it or not but I love you more."
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unprofessional-bard · 3 years
Chapter 10 - The Good News
Losing My Religion Series Masterlist
Unprofessional Bard's Masterlist
Previous Chapter • Next Chapter
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female!Reader/OC
Warnings: Nothing much, just fluff
Summary: The reader and Joel, well, seal the deal.
Word Count: 4.405
Author's Note: Okay so my dumbass mixed the dates in the previous chapter and although I fixed it on the other post, I just wanna clarify that this is December 2035! I almost screwed up the story line a lil bit but, no worries, it should be fine now 😅 Apologies again for late updates, I promised you all I'd see to the end of this series and I will, trust me!
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You weren't expecting him to propose.
Oh no ma'am that was the last thing you were expecting.
But that didn't stop you from whispering a soft 'yes', of course. It took you a moment to process because you were caught off guard, but without hesitation, you placed a tender kiss to his lips after your answer.
He knew the idea of getting married in the middle of an apocalypse was a silly idea and the whole labeling yourselves thing even more so, but he was more than relieved when you said yes. The circumstances you were living in (being lucky enought to live an almost normal life in Jackson) made it a bit more available for a an in-front-of-god's-eyes kinda ceremony; you were even fine with calling him husband and him calling you wife - you didn't even have to get married for that if you were honest. Your feelings towards each other were deep and true, you just had to label it without official papers.
You could tell Joel was scared, though. He confessed that he'd been only thinking about proposing to you, but after everything that happened, he knew he might not get another chance at doing so. You understood better just how scared to death he was all that time you were captured by Axel, then in the infirmary where he thought you may not survive it.
There was also the tiny, insignificant issue of his ex-wife, of course. It had been more than 25 years since her and you weren't worried about it at all, obviously. Tommy let you have an insight to their relationship from time to time (brief but still eye opening) and you knew everything you had to know - it wasn't pretty, and you couldn't help but think Joel's mind often wandered to his old memories, which perhaps made him feel insecure. You didn't say a thing about it, of course. If he wanted to talk to you, you'd be more than willing to listen.
In the end, he chose not to, even until the wedding day, so all you could do was assure him over and over again just what a perfect husband he was going to be, without touching the other subject. He was the ultimate family man, according to the younger Miller and you could see that too. You loved him for who he was, dearly, and that's really all that mattered.
Breaking the news to the close circle- to Tommy, Maria and Ellie, was delightful. Ellie was a little bewildered, but still happy. Tommy was surprisingly too enthusiastic, insisted you made a ceremony, despite your and Joel's protests.
"We don't want no fuss, Tommy, we already talked about it and decided not to," Joel gently traced your fingers with his thumb as he held your hand in his.
"Aw c'mon, this is big- for the both of you!" Tommy chuckled. "You're the town's sweethearts, not many people have beef wih either of you and, plus, it'll give folk some break and a reason to celebrate."
You reasoned with it and decided to do it, but without the usual formalities. Naturally, it was impossible to get all dolled up for a wedding with the traditional dress and suit in the post-outbreak world. Plus, the weather was going to be very cold by the time you had healed completely, or enough to stand on your feet without any help.
...The remaining 2% who helped you around was either Ellie, or Jesse, who was absolutely thrilled to see you out of the infirmary and when he heard about the big news. As soon as Ellie brought him over to visit you at Joel and your (now officially) shared house, he bombarded you with questions like when you were going to heal completely and join patrols again, or when the wedding was, which made you really happy and appreciate him. Dina was, well, very happy too but kept telling Jesse to Shut up! Let her rest, she just got out! Sweethearts they both were, probably your favourite kids in Jackson after Ellie.
Speaking of Ellie...
You got to spend more time with her again once you moved back in. You sometimes had your meals together while Joel was away on patrol, but whenever the three of you were together, Ellie got quiet. She sometimes wouldn't say a single word from the beginning to the end unless you made her talk, but you stopped pushing it after a while, as you realised how tense she'd get and how she'd start to play with her fingers. You wanted to ask her about it, but you also didn't want to push her; she always came to you when something bothered her, so you decided to be quiet about it and let her come to you.
By December, you were capable of standing on your own feet for the most part. Although not mentally, you had healed a lot and what was left of the attack were a couple of bruises. Your nightmares, well, they were reoccurring and continuing, but with Joel by your side, it was easier to handle than it was when you were in the infirmary and alone. It took you a long, long time, but you felt like you were finally ready to move on.
What was done, was done. Axel had killed your family, you thought he died and focused on your grieving; he turned out to be alive years later, almost killed you and your husband, so you dealt with the only option you had left: Killing him. Was it... necessary precautions? Or was it just revenge? He was clearly looking for you, he somehow managed to track you to the outskirts of Jackson, so really it was either him or you - a group of murderers or a town filled with innocent people.
You came to the conclusion that, by torturing him to death, you were taking advantage of 'getting rid of him for the sake of the town'. Everywhere he went, he brought destruction, he surely would've attacked the town if you hadn't killed him. While sparing Jackson from a dangerous threat, you also put an end to a vendetta you didn't know existed until then.
You didn't feel good, much as you were relieved that he wasn't going to be a trouble for the town and you anymore, it didn't feel good at all. Like you'd said before, he had ruined you.
Even though you were going to get married, the weight of that day still pulled you down from time to time. Days grew shorter and nights turned longer, but without being able to help around town to busy yourself, you thought too much about it. Joel noticed this of course and did everything you asked of him: From asking him to stay in occasionally, to giving you some space.
You knew Joel was scared when you pushed him away, which was on very rare occasions. He was scared that you wouldn't want to marry him, or worse, do something stupid. But, you needed him more than ever. It never crossed your mind once, to cancel the wedding and move back to your house. You loved him and nothing changed that: That's what you had told him too, with a genuine smile.
"I hate it when I don't have you around," You'd admitted two weeks before the wedding day, cupping his cheek. "I hate it so much when I push you away and- and seeing you upset because of it- but I wouldn't do it if I didn't need it."
"I know Dolly," He kissed the inside of your hand which was cupping his cheek.
"I love you, Joel," You grinned as he peppered kisses across your knuckles. "And I'm not planning on not marrying you. It's gonna take something real awful for me to not marry you."
You hadn't seen him smile this big ever since you replied yes to his proposal, he then chuckled: "Lord, you even started to talk like me."
Nothing that scared Joel happened. On the same day you shared your first kiss, you got married; Tommy was right too, the winter was taking it's toll on the townsfolk and they needed something that would take their minds off of things. Despite a few figures you weren't exactly fond of but had no actual beef with, it all went accordingly.
They got the both of you as pretty as you could get in the middle of an apocalypse. In Jackson, there were a variety of resources of pretty much everything - wedding dresses weren't one of them. You were dressed more like you were going to a cocktail and you felt a little embarrassed, Joel's situation was no different.
"This is ridiculous," He complained. "Last I checked, I didn't gotta shave for a wedding- it's not a rule or anythin'."
"Well..." Maria insisted as she fixed up your hair.
"Darlin', you want me to shave?" Joel abruptly turned to you, a brilliant smirk creeping up his face.
"No honey," You smiled sweetly, a little exaggerated to tease Maria. You agreed that this whole dress up was ridiculous as well. "I love your beard- don't ever shave it in fact."
"Ugh, you two are infuriating," Maria sighed, defeated.
"Perfect match," Tommy agreed as he snickered from the doorway.
"It's December, snowing outside- cold as fuck and you want me to wear a dress." You groaned.
"Don't you make the sweetest bride, Dolly..."
"Shut up Tommy."
Most of the town was there, except for the people in the infirmary and the people who were assigned for patrols. You and Joel were placed on a table away from most people, creating enough distance to make space for a not-as-big-as-Maria-liked kind of dance floor. The speakers were set, lights were up and the cozy atmosphere mostly eased your stress. You kept getting the feeling that something bad was going to happen, because surely this was too good to be true: You couldn't afford to have good things for too long, something terrible ought to happen-
"Hey," You suddenly felt Joel's hand envelop yours in his. "Will you relax?" Your forced smile, which was mostly you pursing your lips, didn't convince him; he leaned in a little and whispered softly: "If this gets too boring and you promise to at least act like you're having a good time, maybe I'll help you relax..."
His tone sent a shiver down your spine. You loved it when he suggested a quickie or talked dirty to you in public, soft promises of how he wanted to bite the insides of your thighs before diving his tongue into your depths - a teaser of what you were going to get as soon as you were alone.
Just before you could say anything, a familiar redhead with a brunette by his side appeared by your table, making the both of you tense up: "Hey, you two..."
"Hey Bruce," You forced an awkward smile. "Walt..."
Bruce was a small figure, comparing to the other patrol leaders- especially next to Walt. He had jet black hair, big eyes matching the colour of his hair and an oval face. He was always clean-shaven, which made him look a whole lot younger than he was. Him and Walt were really good friends, that's why you assumed he didn't like you too much, given your history of ups and downs with the redhead... Too loyal of a friend, if you said so yourself, but you didn't care.
"Don't you look handsome," You heard Bruce comment, looking at Joel, making you look between him, your husband and Walt. For a moment you thought he was joking, but the suggestive tone in his voice made you raise a brow.
"Uhm... thanks?" Joel replied awkwardly, a little confused because he looked exactly the same, the only difference was he was wearing something that resembled a suit. "It's nothing new though..."
Walt was giving Bruce a look too, which the man in question noticed and immediately spoke: "I mean, it's hard to see you two in anything other than pants and a t-shirt... You both look different, I mean-"
"Yeah, it's nice for a change," Walt immediately interrupted. "We just wanted to say congratulations."
"Thanks," You offered a soft smile and a long blink in acknowledgement. Just then, someone called for Robert and he left with a sincere smile. "Is he okay? He looked nervous."
"Yeah, he's a lil' on edge, dunno why," Walt scratched the back of his neck, although his face indicated that he knew exactly why. "Anyways," He cleared his throat and turned to your husband. "I wanted to say that, I know we got off on the wrong foot Joel and, I also know that we haven't been on very good terms," He looked between the both of you. "But I just want to you both to know that I'm very happy for y'all... I- I hope-"
"Joel!" Ellie suddenly appeared, to the left where he sat. "You need to come with me, don't ask why."
"Uh-?" Before he could even process, Ellie was tugging him by the arm and off the chair. He gave a look to Walt: "'scuse me."
You both gave Joel a quizzical look as Ellie dragged him away. Walt chuckled lightly, scratched the back of his neck once more and politely asked: "You mind if I sit here?" There was a chair by your side where Maria was supposed to sit when she announced you as married. You nodded and turned to the right as he sat towards the edge: "Look, (Y/N), I know we couldn't talk properly after what happened to you... I came to visit but, well, Joel has a way of putting me on spot."
You chuckled and nodded: "Yeah, I heard. It's okay though, I appreciate it."
"He said you would..." He grinned shyly. "You really love him, huh? 'Cause you sure as hell have him wrapped around your finger."
Your smile grew wider and you nodded: "Yeah, I do. I- I'd tell you more but I don't really wanna cry on my wedding day," Your voice cracked a little. "As best as I can, anyway. I'm too overwhelmed with- everything, y'know?"
"I can guess," He laughed, a bit more comfortable now that he was sure you weren't hostile towards him. "You know I'm... I'm really glad you're- I- ah, I'm very happy for you. Sincerely. You two are just... perfect for each other."
"Oh shush," You looked up and blinked several times. "I'm glad makeup doesn't exist anymore!" He laughed a little more, his dimples showing themselves under his red beard. "Hey... thank you, though. Let's uh- let the past stay in the past, yeah?"
Walt looked at you in surprise for a moment, then finally processed what you said: "Oh, s-sure, definitely. Those awkward chats were killing me..."
"Yeah," You smiled apologetically. You had to talk sooner or later, you sometimes got paired up for patrol and you had to interact to make everything work. Slowly, it turned into casual 'how are you's, but stayed that way until the wedding day.
You smiled at each other for a moment, then he finally nodded and got up: "Congrats, again. You two make a good couple. A power couple, in fact."
"Okay okay," You giggled and shooed him away with your hand. You watched him walk back to his table: The fact that he seemed to have gotten over you was a delight. Just then, Joel appeared and sat by your side, taking a seat beside you.
"You two good, then?" He asked with a netural expression.
"Yeah, you two, too," You smiled at him. He looked unimpressed, so you gently placed a hand on his thigh: "He was genuinely happy for us, Joel, relax..." Then, at your own words, you smirked devilishly, giving his thigh a squeeze. "If you act like you're happy about it, maybe I'll help you relax~"
He gasped when your fingertips brushed against his crotch lightly, the both of you gazing at each other's lips then simultaneously making eye contact: "I need to relax," Joel growls. "Now."
Your eyes widened at his tone of his voice, giving him a big, excited smile; only to be interrupted by none other than Tommy, who probably knew what you two were planning. He was holding a microphone in his hand, he walked up and into the space between where you and your husband sat: "Right... Today's a good day, folks." Almost everyone directed their attention to where the three of you were: "It's been around two and a half years since my big brother showed up at our door with Ellie and a lovely lady- none other than our (Y/N)... I say it was about goddamn time they got married." Tommy snickered and made the people laugh. "No really, I remember the day I met her," He turned to you: "She had a knife against Eugene's throat and we were only a second away from killing each other-"
"I forgive you!" Eugene suddenly called out to you across the room and you hid your face with both of your hands as the people continued laughing.
"Something fierce, she was- still is!" Tommy continued. "Don't make no mistake about that... She'll tear the whole country down to do what's right." He smiled at you sincerely: "I've spent most of my life with Joel and I've only known her for around two years but, I can confidently say that these two were made for each other."
You and Joel shared a look: No one in town had seen you smile this big- ever, you thought. Even Joel, who had seen your smiles countless times, was looking at you as if he'd seen you smile for the first time and he was falling in love with you again. Tommy's words meant the world to you: You had no family left and Joel only had his younger brother, and you had his only family's blessing. He'd seen the best and worst in both of you, knew what Joel had gone through all those years ago and he still claimed you as the perfect match for Joel. The realisation hit like a tidal wave and your eyes filled with tears. Chuckling, you spoke: "Okay, enough."
That earned another round of aww's and laughter. You looked at Ellie for a moment and saw the content spread across her face - despite the growing awkwardness between her and Joel, she still cared about him deeply. The look on her face even gave you some sort of hope that, whatever was going on between them was going to get solved soon. Everything felt so perfect and normal for a moment.
"Yup, now, y'all gotta dance," Tommy smirked.
Joel didn't look too pleased, being the centre of attention while doing such a simple yet special thing with you. You Have Been Loved started playing suddenly and your eyes shone brightly, then he led you to the makeshift dance floor. You pressed your chest against his lightly and your hands met behind his neck, while he repeated the motion around your waist. You slowly started to sway to the rhythm and he watched you fondly.
"I love this song," You muttered and looked into his eyes, beaming up at him.
"I know," He grinned.
A minute or two passed, then Tommy appeared with a video camera in his hands: "Here are the lovebirds..." You both smiled at the camera with such genuineness that even Tommy felt your shared happiness, even more so when he captured the moment with a camera. "Don't tire her out too much, big brother. It's my turn after you."
You giggled at his comment and Joel raised a brow at him: "Why is everyone so appreciative of my wife all of a sudden? At our wedding?"
"It's the dress," You bit your lip and smirked.
"Tsk," Joel looked elsewhere with a chuckle and it gave you an opportunity to kiss his cheek, then place your chin on his shoulder. He welcomed your body gently into his embrace and wrapped his arms even more around your waist, while you connected yours around his shoulders.
"Shoo, Tommy, let us dance in peace," You waved your hand in a go away motion and he did as you asked.
Now it was just you and Joel.
If I was weak, forgive me
But I was terrified
You brushed my eyes with angels wings, full of love
The kind that makes devils cry
So these days
My life has changed
And I'll be fine
But she just sits and counts the hours
Searching for her crime
Many songs played and other couples took you and your husband's place on the dance floor not so long after. Tommy kept his word and danced with you to a short song, where he expressed how grateful he was for you. He deeply cared for Joel, definitely more than he led on and that's when he told you once more that you were good for the older Miller- that you completed him. A picture of you two was taken right after he had said: "Welcome to the family- officially."
A few more songs later, it was Jesse who asked for a dance, much to everyone's amusement.
"If you're trying to make me go easier on you on training days, it's not gonna work Jesse," You smiled at him.
"No ma'am," He spoke seriously, then gave you a silly grin. "Not even a little?"
"Don't push your luck, rookie."
"Are you trying to make a move on my wife, son?" Joel growled, messing with him. Jesse however didn't understand that Joel was just joking, so you both laughed at the poor boy's tense expression.
"C'mon then," You got up from your seat, actually feeling a little tired already, then patted a red-faced Jesse on the shoulder. He'd grown quite tall over the years: He reached and maybe became a little taller than Joel.
You were Jesse's mentor ever since you started taking up patrol duty and training. He had moved to Jackson with his parents only a few months before you had. Being trained in the army and serving for almost 20 years, you were in charge of training new comers and teens who wanted to sign up - Jesse and Dina were assigned to you at first, until Dina switched to Eugene some months ago.
Jesse was enthusiastic about training and he was still very young, which helped him progress better. On a side note, his parents were lovely. Dina would occasionally tease that he had a crush on you, like a silly little teacher crush, then she'd joke about how she was jealous of you because he never admired her like he did you. You'd just smile, feeling like your age and tell Joel about it later.
You loved both of them as if they were your own, while being reminded of the kids in the prepatory school back in the Boston QZ. Guilt occasionally gnawed at your insides whenever the thought lingered too long on your mind. You really wished you could break them out and bring them here, give them the life and childhood they deserved. You kept telling yourself, like Joel, that there was nothing you could do about them, but still...
That was how fate worked, you supposed. If you hadn't been ambushed and Alpha One had survived, you may have never met Joel and Ellie, arrive in Jackson and, most importantly, you wouldn't be sitting across Joel when he took you as his wife.
Perhaps, there was no way- no alternative scenario about bringing your family to this safe haven. To have them sit there amongst the crowd and cheer you as you kissed your husband after his sister-in-law announced you married. Oh, how badly you wanted them by your side that day: Kurt sending death threats to Joel if he ever broke your heart (jokingly, of course), Maxim and Amanda encouraging you, Robin and Cole trying to tell embarrassing stories of your younger years...
Felicity and you having a talk.
She'd be the one to style your hair (maybe Robin too), fit you in your dress and of course, the first person to hear about the good news. She'd take your hands in hers, smile at you, then hug you.
You'd give anything to hear her voice again, to have her talk to you- even just for five minutes.
Nevertheless, you were still grateful for the new life that was given to you by the man who held your hand and smiled as you spoke to the microphone: Alright folks, thank you for coming... Training starts early tomorrow, so get some sleep! A new chance, given to you by the man made love to you in the following hours and who now slept next to you peacefully. The man, who introduced you to a new family and gave you hope that, in these times you lived in, there was still love and humanity left.
You studied Joel's relaxed features as the sun slowly crawled up the horizon. He was sleeping facedown, muscular arms partly under his pillow and face turned to you as he breathed through his nose slowly; his naked body disappeared under the thick blanket, meeting yours.
The alarm on your side of the bed went off minutes later, waking him as it did. He met your half lidded gaze with his own and mumbled something that resembled a good morning. You smiled and whispered it back, then watched his eyes close again. Your smile grew wider instinctively, then you tapped his right arm (the arm on your side) gently. He immediately turned his body towards you in the bed and opened his arms for you: "Ten minutes at most."
He nodded sleepily as you pushed yourself into his warm, naked embrace, placing yourself against his body, head right below his chin. Your arms found themselves on his waist and you sighed contentedly, placing a kiss on his collarbone.
Perfect. That's how everything was when he was involved.
As you stayed in his embrace, your eyelids automatically pushed themselves down. Inhaling his scent and listening to his heartbeat, you thought to yourself before dozing off:
Huh. Maybe it really was meant to be.
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